Washington This Week CSPAN October 22, 2016 7:10pm-8:11pm EDT
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dangerous criminals kept out. the border secure, our families safe. change that makes america safe again. donald trump for president. >> i'm donald trump and i approve this message. we expectent now donald trump and governor mike pence to show up at this rally in cleveland, ohio. rudy giuliani has been speaking. coming out mr. pence on stage. this was one of three campaign stops. this afternoon he was indebted, pennsylvania. this is live coverage on c-span -- he was in gettysburg, pennsylvania this afternoon. ♪ all right baby, it's all right now ♪ >> ohio! i'm mike pence.
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along with my wife karen pence. a little more than three months ago in this great city of cleveland i accepted my party's nomination to run and serve as the next vice president of the united states. and i could not be more honored with youhumbled to be today. how about america's mayor rudy giuliani? isn't he amazing, everybody? rudy knows me well. we have been friends for a long time. appreciated that kind introduction but he knows the introduction i prefer is a little bit shorter. i'm a christian and conservative and a republican in that order. days away just 17 acrossgreat victory all
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the state of ohio and all across the united states of america. i'd join hisl you, campaign in a hard day because you have nominated a man for president who never quits. who never backs down tohe is a fighter. he is a winner. ago, it seemedng like he was out there fighting on his own but now this movement is coming together. i ohio is coming together. america's coming together. we are going to make donald trump the next president of the united states of america. donald trump literally embodies the spirit of america -- strong, freedom loving, independent and willing to fight every day for what he believes in and for the american people. fight thisw that
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last wednesday night in vegas when he beat hillary clinton in that debate hands down. know, we had a little bit of a debate in the vice presidential contest a couple weeks ago, too. some people think i won that deb ate. i -- i'm very humbled by that. from where i was sitting, donald trump won that debate. donald trump's vision for debate, andthat donald trump's agenda to make america great again is going to win all the way to the white house. because the reality is this election is not just a choice between two people. it is really a choice between two futures.
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so, let me tell you where i stand. i choose a stronger america. i choose a more prosperous america. i choose an america that respects and uphold our highest constitutional ideals, so i choose to stand with donald trump and every american who believes he can make this country great again. -- we can make this country great event. today, in gettysburg, pennsylvania, donald trump outlined a plan. a contract with the american people that will make america strong again and make america safe again. it has really been a battle. since i join his ticket, it has been really amazing. i get up every morning, i have to turn on the television with a stick. you know what i'm talking about.
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theon one every day with national media doing most of hillary clinton's work for her. booing] gov. pence: the amazing thing is donald trump's is still winning hearts and minds every day and he is going to win all the way to the white house. that is because donald trump has got a plan. plan torump has got a get america moving again, to make america safe again. the truth of the matter is 7.5 years of barack obama and hillary clinton's brand of weakenedp has america's place in the world and stifled america's economy. the truth, the reality is that this election really is about security. it is about prosperity. and it is about ensuring that we have the highest standards of integrity in the highest office in the land. single one of those
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issues, the clear choice is donald trump. despite traveling billions of miles with our secretary state, the world is more dangerous they -- millions of miles, world is more dangerous today than the day that barack obama and hillary clinton took over. the truth is history teaches that weakness arouses evil. the weak foreign policy of barack obama and hillary clinton, leading from behind, moving red lines, paying ransom to terrorist sponsoring states are all evidence of this failed policy. we cannot have four more years apologizing to our enemies and abandoning our friends. for america to be safe, for the world to be safe, america needs to be strong, and donald trump will lead on the world stage
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with american strength. when donald trump becomes president of the united states, we will rebuild our military, we will restore the arsenal of democracy. our soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines and our veterans and we will hunt down and destroy isis added source-- at its source! these challenging times for men and women who serve on the thin blue line, in our cities and our communities, when donald trump becomes the chief law enforcement officer of the united states, a president donald trump will support our law enforcement community with the resources and the training they need to protect our e savees and -- come hom to there. and we will restore law and
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order to every city and every community in the land. it is not just about security a t home and abroad. it is also about prosperity. we are in the midst of the weakest economic recovery since the great depression. the truth is that today nearly evenn four americans isn't working. millions of americans, 45 million americans, are on food stamps. 47 million living in poverty. hillary clinton's plan more of t ofsame, more taxes, more obama care is stifling american jobs. this economy is the best we can do. ohio, you know better. it is not the best we can do. it is just the best they can do. when donald trump becomes president of the united states we are going to get this economy withg gain with -- again
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time honored to conservative principles and put america back to work. donald trump has got a plan. fore going to cut taxes working families, small businesses, lower business taxes in america and we are going to repeal every single unconstitutional executive order signed by barack obama. we're going to have trade deals that put the american worker first. the war on co end oal and develop in all of the above energy strategy. when donald trump and i take to the white house, we are going to repeal obamacare lock stock and barrel. it is about security, it is about prosperity, but the man you are about to hear from knows it is also about, it is also
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about the highest court in the land. men and women of ohio remember this -- we're going to elect a president to serve for the next 8 years -- but whoever is president in the will set thers course of the supreme court of united states for the next 40 years. you'd better think long and hard about that. let me say to all of you, when you elect hillary clinton union -- had to be used to judges taking unconstitutional actions. you heard in that debate, that longer list of to do's she want s the supreme court to do for her. i want to say for the sake of the role of law -- rule of law, for the sake life, of the second amendment of the constitution of the united for the sake of all the
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god-given liberties that are enshrined in our constitution, we must decide here and now that the next president to make appointments to this or print court of the united states will be president donald trump supreme court of the united states will be president donald trump. trump]nting ♪ ladies and gentlemen, the next president of the united states -- ♪ proud to be an american. where i least i know i'm free i won't forget the men who died and gave that right to me i'll gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today but there ain't no doubt i love this land god belless the u.s.a.
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♪ and i'm proud to be an american where at least i know i'm free and won't forget the men who died who gave that right it to me i'll gladly stand up next you and defend her still today 'cause there ain't no doubt i love this land god bless the u.s.a. ♪ i'm proud to be an american where at least i know i'm free and i want forget the men who died who gave that right to me i'll gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today but their ain't no doubt
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i love this land god bless the u.s.a. ♪ ♪ mr. trump: thank you to the people of cleveland for hosting our great convention. thank you very much. this is such a great honor to be back. we had an awfully good time the last time. you remember, right? the thing called the republican national convention. and it was great. and i want to thank patrick park and ray park. they own this building. they do such a great job. it is incredible. they kept moving the walls out. could we make it bigger, bigger?
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we have some great crowds. i want to thank everybody special. ohio is a special place and cleveland is a special place and always will be to me. our futureto thank vice president mike pence and karen. what a job they have done. it is a great team. it is really a team. but they have been spectacular, and it is an honor to be working with them. i have to tell you, i love those pink, let me see that -- women for trump. those are my favorites. those are my voters. oh, we're. going to do so well with women, it is crazy numbers comese ou. t. in 17 days, we are going to win
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the great state of hio, and we are goingohio and we to win the white house. early voting is underway. makes you get that ballot out. otherwise, this whole movement, honestly, we will have pretty much wasted a lot of time and energy. it would've been time, energy and i guess by the time i'm finished, over $100 million. that is a lot of money. but we have something that is so thinkl that i don't there is a chance they can take it away from us. we are going to win. we are going to win november 8. together we are going to deliver real change that once again puts america first. an example, this used to be a
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great plant. thousands and thousands of people worked here. they left. so many people are leaving, so many people are closing their businesses. they're moving to mexico and other countries. not going to happen anymore. we are going to tell you why it's not going to happen anymore. earlier today, i outlined my contract with the american voter, detailed list of solutions to makea your life richer and better. one of the issues i addressed at length is the issue of government corruption. i talked about the inside dealing, the powerful protecting the powerful, and about special interests and donors who've rig ged the system. the system is rigged. you know it, i know it. the politicians know it. the media people know it. they all know it.
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[crowd boos] mr. trump: i have talked about the corrupt career lifetime politicians like hillary clinton, selling her office for personal enrichment. you have seen how that is going. i have got news for all of the people taking advantage of our rigged system. in 17 days, everything is going to change. in 17 days, we are going to drain the swamp of corruption in washington, d.c. ourre going to renegotiate terrible trade deals. and illegal immigration.
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illegal immigration. stop the massive inflow of refugees coming from the middle east. cut taxes and regulation. unleash american energy, oil, naturalle, gas and beautiful clean coal. we're going to put those miners back to work. we will rebuild our military and take care of our great veterans. for means new aircraft, wright-patterson air force base right here in ohio. we will also repeal and replace the total disaster known as obamacare. health insurance premiums are going to the roof.
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led by obamacare. and companies are being driven out of business, they're leaving our country over the cost of health care. it is a total disaster. many companies are being forced to flee. to anotherody, go country. we are going to stop a day one. and hillary clinton wants to double down and make obamacare bigger and even worse. month, the democratic governor of minnesota admitted the reality is the affordable care act, he said, is no longer affordable. he said that. you probably saw last week bill clinton called obamacare the craziest thing in the world. he said that small businesses and middle-class americans are getting killed. he then went home and he got kil
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led. tried taking it back the next day. he did not have the same enthusiasm. he he had a rough evening hearing it whether you are a hillary anybody else, obamacare care is a disaster. 70,iums are going up 60, 80, 90%. next year will be worse. it is lousy health care. it is terrible. the deductibles are so high, you don't want to use it anyway. if you need it you will never get to use it because the deductibles have gotten so high. it is our horror show. we are to repeal it and replace it. and, this is our chance to get rid of this law.
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getre going to approve and something that is so much less expensive and so good. system, aalth care system that you deserve. that is what we are going to be doing. as one of many things. we have so many things. we could stand here for two days and just talk. we are going to go over a lot of them. among our other reforms -- ]crowd chanting "trump" [cheers] mr. trump: is he one of the people paid for by the democrats
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and the clinton campaign? get out of here. get out. get out. did you read that the other day? $1500.e paying they are violent. they want to have violence. everybody blames in on me. and they say trump was actually innocent. unbelievable. unbelievable. among the reforms will be to cut the red tape and the fda, and speed the approval of life-saving drugs. back under al come trump administration. your incomes will go up under a trump administration. taxes will go way down under a trumpet ministration. she is going to raise your taxes.
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-- a trump administration. she is going to raise your taxes. believe me they will not be going to another country when they are offered a little bit better deal. you will be proud of your leaders once again. wikileaks shows us that john podesta said hillary clinton has bad instincts. she has badrs said judgment. what are we doing? what are we doing? one of her close allies said she doesn't seem to know what planet we are all living in. this is her allies saying this. the e-mails also show her staff no core.e has she just does whatever her donors and special interests
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want her to do. [chanting "usa"] we are not too happy with her i will tell you. look, it is a rigged system. that is how she got to run. the whole entire premise of her campaign is to keep our system rigged and to stop change happening at any cost. we need change. we are about change. the waybout keeping it it is. we don't want to have four more years of obama, that we can tell you. take a look at her record. yearss been there for 30
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and hasn't fixed anything. she has unleashed death, destruction and failure and every country she touched in the middle east. iran.libya, syria, hillary's catastrophic failures unleashed isis, the great vacuum that she and obama created which is now on a campaign of genocide against christians all over the world. countries when they started. during her tenure as secretary of state. when they started, they started as a little group. obama calls them the jv. now they are in 32 countries. hillary clinton says on point. isis. why didn't she stopped in the first place?
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-- why didn't she stop in the first place? when will she take responsibility? for all the death and suffering she caused around the world. look at what she has done. when will she apologize for all of the people, her decisions have gotten killed. at home she fails on the economy. she failed in upstate new york. she said she's going to bring jobs. the place emptied out. are firing their workers and moving to mexico. ford is moving all of its small car production to mexico. who knows better than cleveland what is going on? who knows better than cleveland? and next-door you are losing another big monster to mexico. we are going to stop it.
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we are going to stop it dead in its tracts. -- tracks. president, if companies want to fire their workers and leave for mexico or some other place than we will charge them a 35% tax when they want to ship their products back into the united states. when they hear that they are not moving. they may move to another state. that is different. .ou have to fight for your own they are not moving to these other countries and firing all of their people. you have to see the numbers. 77,000 factories. we lost 77,000 factories. hillary clinton has raised money
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tom donors who want to ship these other countries. the system is rigged and the best evidence is that hillary clinton is even allowed to run for the office of president in the first place. she lied to congress under oath. she lied to the a ei. she lied to the fbi. she made 13 phones disappear by whthem with a hammer -- by acking them with a hammer. here is a guy up in. sir, what business are you win? -- are you in? e-mails and33,000
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two crucial boxes of e-mail evidence is now mysteriously missing. two weeks ago. her actions with her illegal server have put every single american family at risk. she is the most corrupt person ever to seek the presidency of the united states. career embodies what the american people low about -- corruptout politicians. we really going to turn it around. that is not just words. campaign even mocks catholics and evangelicals. who is catholic in this room?
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i know you are not voting for her. who is evangelical in this room? she is in trouble. i know you are not voting for her. and she smears police officers as racist, she smears all of you as deplorable and irredeemable. she eagerly takes millions of dollars from countries that murder and oppress women, gays, and people of different faiths and refuses to give all of that money back. i brought that up in the debate. how badly did we beat her in the debate? that was not a close one. we will defend religious liberty and we will defend the rights of all people.
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, then, then there is the issue. playing gamesle with us? it doesn't take place. these are the people that negotiate our trade deals, the people who don't know what is going on. these of people that are just playing games with you. there is the issue of voter fraud. -- isn't itng amazing how they say there is fraud?er it's a rigged system and a rigged election, believe me. according to the highly respected pew there are 24 million registrations in the united states that are either invalid or significantly inaccurate.
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there are 1.8 million dead people register right now to vote. fox, folks, some of them vote. i wonder how that happens. they woke up from the dead and they went and voted. peoplere 2.8 million that are registered in more than morse -- more than one state. they will vote for trial. maybe i shouldn't be saying that. i may be hurting myself. you are right. maybe they are going to vote for trump. all right. let's forget that. it's ok for them. 14% of noncitizens are registered to vote. the system is rigged by the media.
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-- wikileaksws shows the media conspiring directly with the clinton campaign. e-mail show the clintons boasting gleefully about very friendly reporters who shower the clintons with praise. i know the people they are talking about. they are very dishonest. those cameras will never show these crowds. they will never show these crowds. it is all rigged. on november 8 we're point show them and we are going to beat the system. [cheers] end the corruption
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in washington. we will make america great again. you watch. [cheers] alsorump: we are going to and economic stagnation in our end economic stagnation in our country we are one to fix our terrible, terrible trade deals. $80 billion trade deficit with the world. we deal with the world. we have a deficit of $800 million. in the audience i have a lot of friends from this area. i could put any one of them in charge and we could do well. the people we have negotiating the biggest deals in the world are political hacks. the iran deal, how bad was the
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iran deal? boos] mr. trump: how about when we gave them $400 million in cash? $450 million in cash. 1.7 million in cash. that would fill up the side of this room. is -- thisber this is the worst so-called recovery that we have had in this country since the great depression. ohio. look at this building. look at the buildings around it. ohio has lost 1-3 of its manufacturing jobs since nafta, a deal signed by bill clinton
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and supported by crooked hillary clinton. [crowd boos] ohio,ump: hillary visits pennsylvania and michigan and talks about jobs. but she is the one who killed the jobs in the first place. why didn't she do something? i want to do this, i want to do this. why didn't you? the been there for 30 years. it is just talk. it is political talk. it is all talk and no action. it is like a bank robber visiting the scene of a crime. we have lost 70,000 factories since china's entry into the world trade organization. honestly i thought it was a typo. 70,000? think of what 70,000 is.
70,000 throughout our country. we have lost 70,000 factories. another bill and hillary backed disaster. we are living through the the historys -- in of the world. no other country has been rated like our country has been rated of jobs and its wealth. we owe $20 trillion. it doubled in just eight years. of it. a trumpet administration is going to renegotiate nafta, stand up to foreign cheating and stop the jobs from leaving our country. we are going to stop the currency manipulation, the
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there is no safety. shot inple have been the city of chicago since the beginning of the year. 3500 people. than these war zones. homicides are up in washington dc. 60% involve -- to the african-american community and to the hispanic whatnity and voters i say do you have to lose? vote for donald trump. i will fix it. [cheers] mr. trump: true. true. so true. we will be a rich nation again.
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a woman came up to me recently trump, i love listening to use the but i hate it when you say we will be rich again as a nation. i say i'm sorry but we are not going to be rich again, we are going to lose those things. your socialave security. hillary is going to cut it to pieces. we are leaving it the way it is. that is the contract you made. so many things. i said i know it doesn't sound politically correct or nice but we are going to be a rich nation again. we have to be. to do what we want to do. we have to build up our military. we have to do so many things. we must also be a safe nation. national security begins at the border. speaking in secret, hillary clinton said she is for open
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they are great people. they have leadership that is smarter, sharper than our leaders. but we have a massive trade deficit with mexico. i am not talking but the drugs pouring in poisoning our youth in new hampshire and pennsylvania and virginia and every place. we're going to build a wall. we are going to stop the poison from pouring in. we are going to do things that will make you so proud. we are going to be proud of our country again. who supports open borders can never be and should never be allowed to be the president of the united states. [crowd cheers] gov. pence: with that -- mr. trump: with that radical pledge she betrayed every citizens of the united states as she has been doing for many years, and as she did with her e-mails and her servers and all
of the illegal things. to has opened the door unlimited drugs pouring into your community which ohio does not want. you have a big problem. you have a big problem. general, highly respected, top-of-the-line, highly respected man, two days criticized andy will probably have to serve five years in prison for lying to the fbi. he said he did it for national security reasons. i understand that. he lied one time to the fbi. so manyclinton lied times, nobody can count that high.
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within your communities and near your families. most people don't even know where they are going including governors and senators. nobody knows. this is going to be the great trojan horse. you have to say i have been very good at predicting things. let me state this as clearly as i can. if i'm elected president, i am going to keep radical islamic of our country. [crowd chants "usa"]
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they tell you in two minutes what is happening. i said how important is the wall. verysaid mr. trump it is important for the stoppage of drug flow coming into our country. it's very important. as secretary of state hillary clinton allowed thousands of criminal aliens to beale released -- to be released because their home countries would not take them back. these are gang members, these are killers, these are drug dealers. we bring them back to their home country and their country said very intelligently we don't want them. we want accept them. i promise you as president there will not be one such instant. those people will be gladly accepted by their home countries. it was just reported a man deported from our country 10 times in six years has been
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with a victory in november everything will change. in closing, here are some of the amazing things we are going to do for our country, starting in 2017. we are going to stop the drugs and illegal immigration from pouring into our country. to give authorized -- the biggest tax cut's since ronald reagan. that, major simple vocation. we are going to eliminate every unnecessary job killing regulation, which are killing
our businesses. that is what they are really killing. libertydefend religious in our country and elsewhere. we will provide school choice to every disadvantaged child in america and we are going to and once and for all common core, and bring our education home. we will support the great men and women of law enforcement. [cheers] mr. trump: we are going to save our second amendment, which is under siege. justices to the united states supreme court who will uphold and defend the constitution of the united states.
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if i win i may never get to see them again. but i built some of the great real estate assets in the world, and honestly it is so unimportant compared to what we are talking about which is saving the united states of america. it, i haveve to do been on the other side. i know the other side. who knows the other side better than me? i said the country is in very serious trouble. we are going to do it. insiderame the ultimate in one day when i said on june 16 coming down the escalator, in one day i went from the ultimate theder to man have i become ultimate outsider, right?
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right? [cheers? -- cheers] our campaign is powered by our love for this country and our love for one another. is there ever a better place to be than a trump rally? [cheers] place, even when they hire people for $1500 to go and beat up our people. you know what they found? of police.a lot he saw the blood pouring down. they should be criminally prosecuted. you know what, that people that hired them, including the person that visited the white house 344
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times should be criminally prosecuted. if that were us, forget it. do you believe anything is going to happen to those people? isn't that sad? our country has never been in a position like this. this whener been like somebody can lie and lie and lie. other people greater than her, lives are being destroyed. they can lie and lie and everything goes like nothing. other people are destroyed. i'm going to fight for every citizen of every background from every stretch of this nation. i'm going to fight for every child living in poverty. i'm going to fight for every mom and every dead who lost her or
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his child to illegal immigration and drugs, and gang violence, which is all over this country. i am going to fight for every se jobs inwho factories have been shipped to other countries like mexico and many, many more. i'm going to fight for every person in this country who believes government should serve the people, not the donor is, and not the special interests. fight to bring us all together as americans. we're divided country. we will not be a divided country for long. imagine what our country could accomplish if we started working together as one people, under one god, saluting one american
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flag. [cheers] mr. trump: in 10 years, in 20 years, in 30 years, maybe for in 50 years you will look back at this rally for the rest of your life. you are going to remember this day. this is a movement like no one in this country has ever seen before. [cheers] mr. trump: we have a big crowd today. we have big crowds everywhere. many of the pundits have said it is the single greatest political phenomena they have ever seen in their lifetime. bill o'reilly said that. we're going to look back at this election and say this is by far the most important vote you have ever cast for anyone at any time
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, november 8. we are 17 days away from achieving this change we have been waiting for our entire lives. it is going to happen. so proud ofg to be your country again. hopefully you are going to be so proud of your president. we are going to start winning again. we are going to start winning again. we are going to make america wealthy again. we are going to make america strong again. we will make america safe again. america greatake again. thank you everybody. god bless you. thank you ohio. ohio. [cheers] ♪
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