tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN October 31, 2016 6:00pm-8:01pm EDT
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many more democrats, versus just eight republicans. that's an opportunity to get the majority back, and having a four-time consiglio ringleader like senator mcconnell would be an asset. ms. ferrechio: say donald trump does not win on november 9. say republicans are in the minority, or even the majority. it doesn't matter, there is talk of maybe anger or backlash against leaders, either for not endorsing him or not supporting him enough, not getting behind him, not helping prop up the top of the ticket. what do you foresee in terms of potential backlash post donald trump at the gop establishment, who he has along the way, has had a lot of criticism in terms of how they did or did not support him? mr. law: some of that is kind of hard to predict. one of the things we spend a lot
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of time trying to figure out is whether this particular election and this particular nominee was part of a new direction of the party or sort of an anomaly. was it someone who was able to win the nomination because he cobbled together a small but secure part of the republican base, that while the other candidates were contending against him, had to divide up the rest of the pie, or does he represent some sort of future more populist representation of the party? the party has been pretty consistent in nominating a mainstream conservative candidate. this is a completely different direction. i think how this resolves will essentially be the answer to that question. is the party itself changing direction, or was this an anomaly driven in part by the circumstances of this contest? ms. ferrechio: how do you think it resolves? that is the big question.
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mr. law: i think probably two thirds are still a mainstream conservative party. that is where we are and where we end up. you have, obviously, some will depend on what what trump does. does he go away, does he build another building, does he make the wrecking ball to the republican party? you also have the freedom caucus part of the party, people who are locked in very safe districts, who think we ought to be taking on battles that end up in box canyon defeats, but at least we stood for something. i think all that will have to get sorted out. but i think in the end, the party as a whole is a mainstream conservative party. incidentally, i think the democrats have their own challenge. i think the reality is the center of gravity of the democratic party is a progressive, far left, liberal party. you look at how far bernie sanders got, even though it was
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mano a mano against to a -- hillary clinton, two people from the beginning, he came fairly close to knocking her of f her perch. i think the center of gravity for the democrats is more far left than the center of gravity for the republican party is far right. the challenge for the republican party is donald trump did speak to and energize and activate, a segment of the electorate that is not strongly republican, but is available to the republican party, but i think the republican party has largely ignored them for years. i think the republican party has pitched itself more to kind of main street business constituents, which i think is good, but there are also a lot of blue-collar soft conservatives, typically in rust belt states, who don't like the democratic party. it is too liberal, but they have not heard anything in the republican party that appeals to them. that is the question going forward, whether the party can find a way to appeal to them
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without necessarily engaging in a kind of rhetorical excess we have seen from donald trump. ms. swain: we have five minutes left. ms. werner: you mentioned 2018 and the red state democrats that are going to be up for reelection. thinking about how the republican party tries to put itself together, does that argue for mitch mcconnell, who makes deals with hillary clinton, potentially in the white house, and chuck schumer as the democratic leader, or one who tries to oppose them at any turn? mr. law: that's a great question. i like the phrase putting itself together, because we don't do that successfully. i think that success lies in the direction of finding things to get done that don't compromise our principles and our base. in addition to that, assuming we hold the house, which i assume we will, i don't think the house would allow for a shift in any
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kind of leftward direction anyway. i actually think whether or not we hold the senate, if we are close or hold the house, i think close or hold the house, i think it is equally interesting how hillary clinton relates to that if she is president. my assumption is there will be a desire to get things done, to show forward progress, but it could end up being that the white house wants to stay pretty far left, and the house and majority of republicans in the senate are not going to want to go in that direction, so you could end up with potentially two years as a stalemate. ms. werner: on trump and the rhetoric from him on the rigged election and so forth, is there a concern on your part that that depresses the gop vote and that hurts down ballot candidates? is there any evidence that that would take place? mr. law: that's an interesting question about whether that kind of rhetoric can make people
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think it is all for naught. so don't even try. bowling, voter interest and intensity are relatively comparable on the republican and democratic side. hillary clinton has her own mobilization problems as well. both sides seem to be pretty motivated to vote, based on polling. i think the main concern i have is whether the machinery is there, as it typically is, to make sure that people who are more episodic voters are still encouraged to go out and vote. that part, i don't know about it . we have been watching some early voting, and it doesn't suggest democrats have an overwhelming advantage compared to past years, but there are signs we are concerned about that the machinery is not delivering the vote the way it needs to in some places. in a close race, the change of a couple percentage points could determine the outcomes of the
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senate election. ms. swain: two minutes, final question. ms. ferrechio: it's interesting talking about the future of the party and how the white house and congress would interact, one big topic is immigration reform and that there could be a strong push for immigration reform in a democratic white house in the early days. what is your sense? that is an enormous and divisive issue for the republican party. how do you think that would be handled by the senate, where there's a lot of division, and there would be also a lot of pressure to try to get something done, as it has been lingering around congress for many cycles? where do you see that going? mr. law: i think the republican party is going to continue on border security as a key deliverable. democrats are very uncomfortable with that.
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this issue is going to be different now than it was three or four years ago, when the gang of eight was working on it, in part because there's a lot of evidence that illegal border crossing and attempts are at record levels. in addition, you have an overlay of a national security concern. in the past, we never used to think or worry about people coming into the country who might really want to do us harm . they may be here illegally, but they are looking for their own financial benefit. i think this issue has become more complicated. i think there's a risk for democrats thinking that the immigration issue is the same immigration issue it was four years ago. i think republicans have a few more arrows in the quiver than they had before. that's not to say it is an issue live -- blithe i think it's important for republicans to find a way to deal with immigration, so we are
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not hurting ourselves badly with immigrant communities, be they hispanic, or increasingly large groups of immigrants in the asian-american community. i think it is important we deal with that. but democrats are not at risk in -- without risk in this. they have their own division. organized labor is very ambivalent about reform. both parties will have to figure out if there's a way for them to not just seek partisan advantage, but to get enough done so they can hold interest in common. ms. swain: if hillary clinton wins the white house, do you see the majority leader pushing merrick garland as the supreme court nomination? mr. law: that's not in my crystal ball. i have no idea. it might be moved to get it done, i don't know how the democrats would take it. at this point, above my pay grade. until after the election. ms. swain: thank you very much for being with "newsmakers." mr. law: thank you for having me. i appreciate it. ms. swain: "newsmakers," is back after our conversation with steven law, who heads the senate leadership fund, dedicated to keeping the republican majority.
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andtwo reporters of the ap washington examiner. on c-span on friday morning, we had the head of the democratic party in ohio who made a comment that this election cycle is showing why citizens united should be repealed, that it is showing that the koch brothers can buy senate seats. we heard a lot of money going into the senate elections. is it clear what the impact of all this money is at this point? ms. werner: i think we should make the point this is going on on both sides. at the end of the day, when you take everything into account, that is the republican and democratic groups, there will not be a huge amount of difference on how much each side has spent. as we heard mr. law saying, the senate leadership fund has been remarkably successful, particularly in october, raising some $43 million in the course
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of the month to date. from a lot of big donors, writing big checks. certainly, there are those who want to get that money out of politics, mitch mcconnell is not one of those people. i don't think we will see that change anytime soon. ms. ferrechio: i would agree. both parties are big spenders. these elections have become increasingly expensive. the campaign finance laws, when you look at public polling, you see it at the bottom of what citizens are concerned about. part of the reason they don't understand the flow of money between big donors, the pac's, the candidates, and lawmakers, it is all confusing, even to people following it daily. i think that's one of the reasons why it never moved up on the level of importance for voters. it is talked about every election cycle, but it takes a lot to get movement on campaign
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finance reform. it is really difficult. the last time congress did anything about it was years ago. i don't see it happening anytime soon, especially if you have the divided government that we are predicting in the fall, and in 2017, where you will have republicans likely holding the house. any effort to move campaign finance there would be practically impossible. ms. swain: that was a good portion of the conversation, not just on mechanics and money, and senate races, but what washington looks like after election day. the prediction is that republicans will keep the house, even if the democrats win the senate, two years of stalemate. both of you cover this town. you agree with him that stalemate will be the order of the day after the election? ms. werner: yes is the short answer. it is funny because once you get used to covering congress, it is like you are so used to stalemate, it becomes a matter of degrees. i'm sitting here thinking, well, they might get an infrastructure
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bill done with international tax reform. in our world, that would be a big deal, but i think to regular people, that is like, what is congress doing? the possibility to do something that is really landmark legislation in any area is small. susan asked about immigration. it is hard to see a republican-led house signing onto a major immigration reform bill, maybe something around the edges. stalemate would be the name of the game. [laughter] ms. ferrechio: it will be very hyper political. democrats are actually divided. you are going to have the bernie sanders and elizabeth warren side of the party, and all the people who backed bernie sanders putting pressure upon hillary clinton to fulfill the promises she made to win over those sanders voters. that is going to push her further to the left. nothing gets harder than i white house to the left, and a house center-right.
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or right. it is a gap too wide, philosophically, to come together. paul ryan has a strong desire to do tax reform. so does charles schumer, and potentially the incoming democratic leader. that leads to maybe a sliver of compromise potentially on international tax reform, and perhaps in infrastructure bank or money. big ideas, you almost need unified government, either all democrat or all republican, in order to get past the partisan fighting. ms. swain: mr. law was not willing to tackle the supreme court question, but would both of you give us a sense of what the supreme court nominations might look like with a slim democratic majority, or even the republicans retaining majority and hillary clinton in the white house? ms. werner: that is hard to predict at this point. there has been rhetoric from a couple of republican senators recently, john mccain and ted cruz, suggesting they will take a very obstructionist approach
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in any nominee from hillary clinton. that could lead to a change in the filibuster rules that the democrats would push, allowing a nominee to be approved with just 50 votes. ms. ferrechio: will she choose merrick garland? you hear from chuck schumer that he will not endorse merrick he will not endorse merrick garland, he says i will talk privately with president clinton, if she wins. there are other possible nominees. the democrats may want someone more liberal as a nominee. the first question we need to ask, who will the nominee be at this point? it's not 100% certain. ms. swain: the story continues, as washington always does. lots more ahead after the election. you will both be very busy. thank you for being with us this week. thank you. >> c-span's road to the white house coverage like this evening
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from waterfront park in cincinnati for a hillary clinton rally. the race is about to hit the one-week stretch. hillary clinton in ohio focusing on ohio and florida and attempting to turn out the early vote. herecoverage of this rally on c-span this evening. we will follow donald trump. we covered a rally earlier today with donald trump. on the stage comes former arizona congresswoman gabby giffords. let's stay here live on c-span. ♪
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["roar" by katy perry playing] >> wow. what a crowd. thank you everyone. thank you. thank you so much. have one gabbie and i question for all of you. that is, who is ready to make some history in eight days? [cheers and applause] >> that is the answer i wanted to hear. have one incredible opportunity before you.
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that is to help make hillary clinton our next president. [cheers and applause] >> i know i am ready. are you ready? [cheers and applause] >> there are a lot of reasons why we need to do all that we can to make sure that hillary wins. one reason i'm going to tell you. i will tell you a few reasons. one reason is that hillary clinton is the only candidate in this race who has the courage to stand up to the washington gun lobby -- [cheers and applause] it, and a to prove plan to create an america for our kids and grandkids that is safer from gun violence. [cheers and applause] >> i think a lot of you may have seen our boss over there. -- bus over there.
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we have been traveling on that bus through ohio and across the country in what we call our local majority tour, which is urging americans to vote to stop gun violence. to vote to stop the violence and to vote for champions for the local majority will stand up to the gun lobby. , and take itgabbie for me. hillary clinton is the champion we need. [cheers and applause] and donald trump -- [boos] champion.that not even close. donald trump talks a lot. he talks a lot about a lot of different things.
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about how the washington gun lobby supports in. you know what you never hear, you never hear donald trump talk about -- he does not talk about the responsibilities that come with the right to own a gun. it is not talk about the responsibility of keeping guns out of the wrong hands. in a country like ours with 33,000 americans being shot and killed each year and where felons and domestic abusers can buy guns without a background check, that is really important. it is something hillary has been talking about for her entire career as an elected official. [cheers and applause] look folks, i am a gun owner. gabbie is a gun owner. take it from us, we don't want
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anyone to appeal the second amendment. we support the second amendment. [applause] we don't want the government to take our guns. that is not what this is about. we just want a president and congress who will do more to make sure that felons, domestic abusers, and even terrorists do not have easy access to guns. [cheers and applause] reason among many others that gabbie and i are with hillary. [cheers and applause] >> you know, i love ohio. a lot of really cool astronauts come from ohio. glenn, andong, john you know my former colleague at this john glenn served great state incredibly well as a
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united states senator. he is one of my heroes. now we also have an opportunity to make sure that ted strickland has that same opportunity to be your senator. [cheers and applause] >> you know why? because ted strickland has the courage to do something that rob portman never has. that is to stand up to the washington gun lobby. [applause] you know, i had the opportunity of serving our country in the united states navy as a pilot and as an astronaut at nasa. [cheers and applause] career, i had the really cool opportunity to launch on the space shuttle from planet
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earth although into space and more portly all the way back. [laughter] i think about this campaign, i think about it a lot like a space shuttle mission. by akes a lot of hard work lot of people to accomplish big, tog really bad, -- meet an important and tough goal. it takes people to prepare for a long time, and then one day it is time to like that rocket. let me tell you something, we are getting ready for launch day. [cheers and applause] together.ork all of you -- you need to make sure that ohio is the launchpad that puts hillary clinton and tim kaine on the trajectory to
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the white house with all the energy and speed that they need to lead our country. [applause] >> they need your energy. they really do. if we do this, we can be stronger together. [cheers and applause] i want to introduce you to somebody who was working incredibly hard to do just that. somebody who is using her second chance at service to make our community safer. somebody who teaches me each and every sunday to deny the acceptance of failure, my wife, congresswoman gabby giffords. [cheers and applause]
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>> thank you very much. "gabby"] giffords: thank you. hello, cincinnati. it is great to be here today. i am here to talk to you about hillary clinton. she has courageous. she will fight to make our families safer. [cheers and applause] congresswoman giffords: and the white house, she will stand up to the gun lobby. that is why i am voting for hillary.
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speaking is difficult for me, but, january i want to say these , madam president. [cheers and applause] thank you very much. thank you. >> now we hope you'll join us in welcoming the next president of the united states, hillary clinton. [cheers and applause] willand i will rise up, i rise like the day ♪
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eight days left in what is the most important election of our lifetime. [cheers and applause] are you ready to work hard in the selection and win it? are you ready to send ted strickland to the united states senate? [cheers and applause] a long time.ted he is a champion for workers and families. he knows that ohio needs more good jobs with rising wages. person whoind of will actually work to get things done on a breaking through the gridlock in washington. this is important. unlike his opponent, ted strickland has never been afraid to stand up to donald trump. thank mayor john family and state representative alicia read, and all of the other elected officials,
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including my friend the secretary of state from across the river in kentucky. we are so fortunate to have two other champions for american families with us today. i am by the courage and conviction that both mark and .abby bring to their work [cheers and applause] as gabby says every day as she goes out, fights, fight, fight. and she does. she fights to make sure we to endlives and we do it violencemic of gun
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that threatens our children and her fellow men and women in our country. gabby and mark knows something very important. there is a big majority of americans, including a majority of gun owners to stand behind and and achieve common sense gun safety measures. i am looking forward to working with them as their partner. you go through life, the cap haynes there are ups and downs. my mother, who had a difficult life, she told me something that has stayed with me. everybody gets knocked down. what matters is whether you get back up.
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applause i have stayed focused on one thing. you and your lives and your families and the problems that keep you up at night. that is what this election is all about. it is not about the noise and distractions. it is about what kind of our country we want for our kids what kind of presence and help to get us there. i have so much that i want to do with you on behalf of since the natty and ohio, and america. whether or not i get the chance to serve you depends upon what happens in this election. applause] today, i was up at kent state, a you -- a great university. i told them about some of the reasons i think it is important
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to get everybody out to vote in this election. there is this new e-mail story about why in the world the fbi would decide to jump into an election without evidence of any wrong doing with just days to go. that i haveo know said repeatedly, i made a miss day. any if they want to look at more e-mails, go ahead. look at them. samew they will reach the conclusion they reach when they look at my e-mails this year. it wasn't even a close call. i think most people have moved on and people are focused on who is going to be the next president and commander in chief?
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any of you see the debate? [chanting hillary] chance,little bit of a i proved conclusively that i have the stamina to do the job. occasionally get a chance to ask people to take a look at my 30 years of public service, my land for the country and then way that against my opponent, what he has done and said. i am against someone who said he doesn't understand why we cannot use your weapons. he said then why are we making them?
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havents more countries to nuclear weapons. he mentioned japan, even saudi arabia. if you are hope the that he might surround himself with good people who would stop his crazy ideas, remember this. when he was asked who he would consult with on foreign policy, donald trump said he did not need to consult because he had a very good brain. isisid he knows more about in our general's do. -- then our general's do. .ote, donald, you don't and of course the people that donald trump has around him include two men whose act duties are also reportedly being investigated because of their ties to russia, vladimir putin and their allies. in these last days, let's not get distracted from the real
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choice. donald trump has proven itself to be temperamentally unfit and unqualified to be president and commander-in-chief. i have to tell you, it does not give me any pleasure saying that. and now a lot of the people who have run for president, those republicans and democrats. , onve had my disagreements policies and principles, but i never doubted their fitness to serve in this office. donald trump is different. is so much atere stake in this election. he has a dark and divisive vision for america that can tear our country apart. abraham lincoln understood a house divided against itself cannot stand.
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that was over the greatest by slavery.osed and we fought a civil war. but we also have to take stock of how divided we are today, the kinds of divisions that need to be healed. justt to bring not democrats, but republicans and independents, people who vote for me and people who will vote against me together. because i have a very different vision of america. in stead of dark and divisive it they departed and not small minded. about lifting people up, now eating them -- not putting them down. we are stronger together.
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america is great because america is good. yes, we are only human. but what we have done over the course of our history to keep widening the circle of opportunity and equality and freedom is unlike any other place in the history of the world. we want an america where women are respected. where our veterans are honored. where parents and families are some boarded and workers are a fairly. america wherean
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gay marriage is a right and discrimination is wrong. leads in thehat world and lives up to the values, where everyone counts and everybody has up lays and the american dream is big enough for everybody. the choice could not be clearer, and the stakes could not be higher. when i was at camp state talking about the threats that down trump poses for national crowd,y, it was a very a primarily students. whatlly want to talk about this means to national security. i was introduced by a gentleman by the name of bruce blair, a former air force officer in charge of the new year codes and keys. a launch officer. along with for me
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more than 30 launch officers and cannote they said, we promote donald trump. he should never be around the nuclear codes. a nuclearrospect of war doesn't seem to bother him. enjoy yourselves, folks, is what a potentialy about nuclear conflict in asia. i wonder if he knows that a single nuclear warhead can kill millions of people. that is why dozens of retired theear launch officers to -- took the unprecedented step of saying that donald trump should not have his finger on the button. when it comes to handling a crisis, we have seen in this
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campaign that donald trump loses his cool at the slightest provocation. when he has a tough question run a reporter or challenge in a , when he is confronted by his own words. imagine him in the oval office facing a real crisis. imagine him pledging us into a war because somebody got under his very thin skin. i hope you will think about that when you cast your vote in this election. leadabout what it takes to in a complicated world and in whose hands you want to put the safety of our children and grandchildren. think about the difference between electing a president who will do nothing and a president who will tackle the epidemic of gun violence in america.
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[applause] as gabby knows, 33,000 americans a year are killed by guns. thousands more are injured. it is an average of 90 a day dying. here in ohio more people are killed by guns then die in car crashes. we have seen moviegoers done down in theaters, little children killed in their massacres, club goers or an orlando, nine people murdered at bible study in charleston, south carolina. we have seen far too many african-american men and women killed by gun violence, which is now the leading cause of death for young lack men.
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that, wehink about think of jordan davis or trayvon martin and others. i have had the honor of getting to know their mothers who have turned their grief into action and their mourning into a movement. if anything else in our country were killing as many of, people of good faith, people who believe like we do in the second amendment, people who go hunting and people who are collect theirs. we would say wait a minute. this cannot go on. we need comprehensive act ground checks to close the gun show loophole, close the online loop ohio,and we know here in a majority of gun owners support these common sense steps to
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event gun violence because you know that we can respect the second amendment and keeps our communities safe at the same time. we need to keep guns out of the hands of since active terrorists. are too dangerous to fly you are too dangerous to buy a gun. there is a very clear difference , donald trump will not stand up for the gun lobby. he sold out to them. the gun lobby is spending more on and to get donald trump elected than any other group. more than $7 million in ohio alone. in return, he has promised to repeal president obama's actions to strengthen criminal background checks. donald trumps says guns should
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be allowed in my clubs that serve alcohol. he said on his first day in office he would require every allow guns.erica how people think guns would be safer for school. i stood up to the gun lobby for years. i will stand up to them as president. i will work with gabby and mark and americans with -- to pass commonsense reform. we have to keep guns out of the wrong hands and help save lives. i will also get up every day in the white house, working my heart out for you. whatever i can do to not down barriers to empower people get
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the economy working for everybody, that's how i was raised. i was raised to believe that if you work hard, and i believe in hard work, you should be able to get ahead and stay ahead in america. [applause] on you.ever ever quit when i tell you i am going to try to do some ring that will make a positive difference in your life, i don't care what the find a waye, we will under, over or through until we get it done. [applause] i have been fighting for families and underdogs my entire life and i am not stopping now. remember when our opponents
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go low, we go high. we are not going to be distracted. we know how much this election adders -- mentors. can do between now and the time the polls close will count. the donald trump campaign strategy is simple. they have announced it. home,get women to stay get young people to stay home and get people of color to use day home. -- to stay home. it is part of a scorched earth campaign but it at up to half of the population. it goes against everything we stand for. as upset as i am by the campaign that he has run and the things he has said, insulting not just women but
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latinos, prisoners of war, muslims, veterans, the military. of the list goes on and on. the best way to stop him is by showing up with the biggest turn out in history. [applause] we need more americans to vote and i think we have a chance to get americans from all walks of life to file because we are ready are seeing turnouts, 23 million people have already voted in this election and more than one million people are here in ohio. doubt if we vote we
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went. if you have not voted early please do so area get everybody you know to vote. take people to file with you. try to help those who might have a problem getting there. make sure that everybody you know understands early voting has begun and you can go to to find your early voting place. whatever issue you have care bash you care about it is on the ballot. now maybe my name and my opponents name and where we stand on the issues, what we have done in the past, what we have said we want to do in the future, that is all on the ballot. the future of our economy is at
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stake. of our education system is at changefighting climate and clean renewable energy jobs are at stake. equality is at stake. stake.ay for women is at end, the american dream itself is at stake. you to think about how you will feel on november 9. happy. i think that is the right answer. applause]and l is a twofolde to
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or maybe not on doors or calls, i want you to imagine so you get up early on the morning of the log onto the news or you turn on the tv or the -- i want youhear to understand what that means .or you and for all of us because i prefer for us to be motivated by what we are for and not what we are again. i also think it is prudent to imagine what could happen if we and in ther part future if somebody asks you, what did you do when everything was on the line, i want you to be able to say, i voted for a stronger and better america.
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[cheers and applause] let's do everything we can to make it clear we are going after the kind of future that includes everybody. we will build this economy, new jobs, rising wages, making college affordable, we are going to do what will give you the best chance for your own lives and the lives of our kids and our grandkids. if we build that future together we will be able to say we were a part of making sure that america's best days are still ahead of us. we will prove once and for all that love trumps hate. thank you all. and applause]
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c-span where history unfolds daily. sisterly -- c-span where history of both daily. created bypan was america's tape -- table companies. it is brought to you today by your cable or satellite provider. our campaign 2016 coverage continuing with a pair of senate debates at 8:00 eastern. rand paul facing lexington's mayor jim gray. we will follow that with a debate in the missouri senate race incumbent roy blunt and his opponent jason --. that is coming up at 9:00. >> this week on c-span2 we are featuring political radio programs with national talkshow
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host, tuesday morning from 6:00 to 9:00. live from washington dc and on wednesday also from washington conservative radio talk show 6-9 a.m. hewitt from eastern. thursday from 23 progressive 23 progressive radio host tom hartman and friday from 9 a.m. until noon a conservative perspective on the might delegate shall live from new york city. all this week live on c-span2. by the time the election season is over paul ryan will have campaigned for 75 house and senate members. over the weekend he was campaigning for crescent party in north las vegas. i would like to make a few
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points. thank you. thank you for being here. thank you for helping and supporting crescent party. this man has a big heart and broaden shoulders. -- he has beent coming ever since. here is what we are trying to achieve. this is why he has a great voice. we have an agenda that we are running on an talking about. you may not have heard about it because there is a lot of things going on. we call it a better way. number one, fight operating. tell us the root causes of poverty. here is the way we see things. great ideas are not out there in washington dc.
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we are not listening to the technocrats in washington. we will get more of the same. we are in year 51 of this big war on poverty. poverty is winning this war. we are taking a new approach. , come to ouris tees and find out what is working. how do we get behind them and then measure success in this battle for for mobility. this will replace poverty with opportunity. too much what government does is it sees success as effort. how many programs are we creating? success is more of that. success ismeasure are we getting people out of poverty.
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but so at the root causes. this is why i am so excited to hear with present party. he said i don't have the answers but i will find out where they are. this, too winning replacing harvey and opportunity is i to buy and soul to soul, community by community. let me point to john connor. we a attention to. someone that we learn from. his hoped-for prisoners row graham is a beautiful manifestation of the idea we are talking about. he is working with law enforcement and the faith community to get people's lives rebuilt.
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we need to respect that and not replace it. what we are trying to do is get everybody to come together. this is a what works thing. how do we take sure that we respect these front-line poverty fighters, how do we respect local communities and take his great ideas that work and make sure they are spread around the country. a moment where we reclaim the american idea. worth doeson of your not determine the outcome of your life. you can make it in this country. the problem we have today is there are a lot of people who don't see that. a lot of people who do not believe it. it is passing them by. if it is not true for everybody than it is in true after all, is it? agenda number one in our
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. how do we restore the american idea for everybody. whatsten, by going with works, by supporting becker -- great poverty fighters. i want to thank you all. we have an election in 10 days. he is fighting for you. he has a big heart. he is working hard. he sees the struggle that is happening in nevada's fourth district. , want to thank you and ask you go fight for crescent party because he will keep fighting for you. thank you very much and god bless you. [applause]
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going to be, what he is trying to do is convince voters that they need a republican majority in the house. you see him holding up his pamphlet for his utter way agenda that he developed earlier this year with house leaders. what helking about wants house republicans to be able to pass if they maintain the majority. talkingt taught -- about the top of the ticket unless he is criticizing hillary clinton. to go back with the house majority. he has done campaigning telling them they need congressional majorities to be able to pass his agenda. >> has he faced political head campaign the clinton
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or are republicans coming home? that he and other republicans in the house face headwinds from donald trump. democrats -- there are signs that donald trump's poll numbers are bottoming out. there is also the question of whether certain republicans who have walked away from donald trump or been issue washy on whether they have supported him will face some back last. -- act last. trumpe seen donald tweeting and in some interviews saying negative things and going after paul ryan. back.yan has not pushed there are definite head winds from republicans in terms of whether they can convince moderates who are turned off by
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them and bring trump supporters home to candidates who have not supported trump. >> the one october surprise came last friday. todayal polls right now indicate it may not have a significant impact on her race. on househave an impact races some argue. >> most of the people i have talked to from both parties agree with that assessment. in terms of how voters think cake hillary clinton that is baked. you either have a real problem with it or you don't think it is a big deal. you will not be swayed one way or another coming from the f ei on friday. -- fbi on friday. you talk to some democrats and it could energize some of the
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supporters who might have thought this race was a done deal. maybe they are not totally motivated to go to the polls but now they see the race tightening a little bit or it could just re-energize their feelings that hillary clinton has been treated unfairly. they think it is spin from democrats and republicans think this could help them in the sense that some republican voters who are turned off by trump don't support him as the like clintondo not in her. they could be re-energized to go to the polls. they want a check and a balance on the election. they are hopeful that if the conversation is about hillary clinton, about her e-mails and
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the fbi potentially investigating some of the e-mails, some voters who may not have wanted to go to the polls will have changed their mind. that is the argument they are making. it comes down to we doubt know which way it will fall, but it will come down to one side or the other sees an increase in turnout or increase in energy based on this. before the november a election what will it take for democrats to recapture control of the house. what are you looking at? i think the outs for democrats taking over are pretty low. i don't think think -- it happens. democratic --he they need turnout in my numbers.
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they need republican turn out to be depressed in some of these swing districts, not to show up at the polls at all. they need donald trump's whole numbers to really -- the bottom to fall out. right now you look at the generic ballot in terms of 3.7ressional races, percentage point they don't think that is big enough for democrats to take back the house. seats could be a high mark of them. it would be a good night for democrats, but leave them 10 seats short to take back the house. we could look at large democratic gains. unless a lot of things fall into night we aretion
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looking at democrats falling short. >> as speaker ryan been effective on a camp ain't trail for his fellow house republicans? >> he has. names got near universal recognition. cut paths witho him. he is popular among republicans and he brings a lot of money to the table. he is a huge fundraiser, given tens of millions. he has been an effective surrogate for republicans across the board. reportingling and available at real clear
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thank you for being with us. >> thanks for having me on. >> more congressional debate coverage tonight 8:00 eastern live coverage of the kentucky senate race between rand paul and democrat jim gray, the mayor of lexington. at 9:00 on c-span a closer look at the senate race between roy blunt and challenger jason kander. we catch up with senator lott in blunt.i and -- senator >> this weekend c-span2 we are featuring political radio programs with national talk show host, tuesday morning from 6-9 eastern politics with a left-leaning respected -- perspective. wednesday from washington
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conservative radio talkshow host hugh hewitt is live from 6-9 eastern. three,ursday noon to author and progressive radio host tom hartman and friday from 9 a.m. until noon a conservative perspective on the mike gallagher show live from new york city and all this week live on c-span2. c-span's washington journal live every day with news and policy issues that impact you. tuesday morning former justice department prosecutor paul butler talks about the hillary linton e-mail investigation, and the recent actions by james comey and other investigators looking into the case. then patrick merit from the university of oklahoma joins us to talk about the history of political advertising and where it is today. jason roberts, associate professor at the university of
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north airline at chapel hill talking about north carolina's role as a key battleground state. watch washington journal live beginning at 7 a.m. eastern tuesday morning. join the discussion. briefings white house josh earnest was asked about james comey and the hillary clinton e-mail investigation. >> what i have observed in the he is a man of integrity and principle at a man who is well regarded by senior officials in both parties. he served in a senior position in the bush administration and somebody who has strong bipartisan's of work when his nomination was considered by the u.s. senate. all those things are true. they speak to his good character and the present assessment of his character has not changed.
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the president does not believe that the director is trying to influence the outcome of an election or secretly strategizing to benefit one candidate or one political party. he is in a tough spot. the -- beone who will in a position to defend his actions in the face of significant criticism from of writing of legal experts, including individuals who served and senior department of justice positions and administration of both parties. going to of -- i'm not be in a position to defend or criticize about the decisions about -- with regard to communicate in public. that is separate from the kind
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of rusty tutorial and investigative decisions that are made by the f ei and department of justice. -- the fbi and department of justice. it is their responsibility. >> is a concerning to the white house that you have the justice department and the fbi at each with -- they obviously have to work closely together to keep the country safe. is there an issue there that needs to be resolved? the justice department accusing the f ei of not following proper procedures? the president has a lot of confidence in the attorney general, loretta lynch to run
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the department. she is somebody who spent decades as a career prosecutor. she is not new to any of this. a lot of them work was done when she was the head of the eastern district of new york. theses a position where kinds of decisions are media and the the largest city of our country. she is used to this pressure. the public -- the president has complete confidence to handle the situation responsibility -- responsibly. roundtable discussion with south carolina's fourth congressional district and u.s. senate candidates after they debated there on a. posted by furman university.
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mr. fedalei: when i was thinking about this, you cannot just put the blame on the factions, on the parties, because these parties are made up of individuals, and individuals can exercise their prerogative as a leader, as an official, to say i will vote to have a hearing for justice garland even though my party does not want it or i am ok with passing comprehensive immigration reform if my party does not want it because it is in the interest of the public good. that is what we can change, but we need new leaders to do it. >> let me get their response. mr. scott: i was intrigued. that is all. >> go ahead. one persons faction
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is another person's majority. factions.ed to in a couple weeks there is going to be a vote, and either you will win or i will win. it will be north of 50%. every vote you cast will this point about half the people you purport to represent. when here the word faction, that is usually a phrase people use when they do not like what is going on. but if you are the representative and you are consistently voting in a way antithetical to what a majority of the people in your district want, you will not be representative very long. u.s. what it means to represent. voting is a very small percentage of what members of congress do. you must be historically
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ineffective. we have a task force on criminalization where we are finding laws were passed in the past that should have in passe d. that is an ineffective barometer of success. many people in my party disagree with me. do has what our staffs nothing to do with politics. if you are someone trying to interface with your government on social security war veterans administration, or you have a passport issue, no one in my office will ever ask you what your political ideation is. no one in my office or tim's office has anything to do with politics. they are there to represent your see. you better vote the way your district wants you to vote. if you believe your district may
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not have all the information that they are entitled to, that your job as a representative is to come back and say you may want to consider this, you may want to consider that, but, chris, my decision not to vote for comprehensive immigration form was not a mistake. it was not a mistake. he will find out in two weeks, that i do not think it was a mistake to say we need to go incrementally. we will find out. we have to face the voters every two years, and if our positions are not condition with the irs, they can send us home. >> i found it funny that you talked about who you work for, but that you did not vote as if you were representing people. that is not how it came out.
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traveling the state and interacting with people, if i pick and choose who i'm interacting with, then i am going to get the answer i am looking for. if i exclude certain people from my polling, my personal conversations, then i will only get the responses i am looking and that are going to feed into where were -- wherever i am going to. but we have a very fast array of ideas, thoughts, suggestions, much based on ethnicity, personal backgrounds, upbringing, that if we do not bring all of those ideas into the storehouse, we will not come up with an idea and thought that are representative of the people . i think when we get into this party issue, especially -- and i
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will not save -- i guess i will say it -- especially with republican party -- i will say it -- >> as long as you do it respectively. mr. dixon: i had to set away from it, but i will come back to it. the partisan voting consistently consistent, when we look at things like planned parenthood, voting against the best interests of our women, yes and this is pastor dixon talking, looking at the fact in hour is just barely enough for people to live decently off of, voting against the best interests of our teens, veterans, voting against all the people that a going to make our nation better. i do not know who you are talking to, but the people i talk to -- because i come from a social justice advocacy background, and it only started since i came out of the prison o,stem, ok, been there, to
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so i understand what it means that cover has a prison reform because i've been there. you want to know how to fix prisons? that's do it the same way we go into the doctors. the doctors has what is wrong with you, you tell him. we need to ask those who have been in the prison system how we fix prisons, not go for some super intellectual standpoint. having bootsnces, on the ground for years, coming chicago, -- in interacting with those who are violent, actually, drug dealers, drug users. i have been shot at. understand how close you can be to getting killed in the street. when we sit as representatives of the people, then we need to understand we represent all the people, and we need to do what we came to hear from all of those people.
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i admire your from working -- is obvious when comes to the voting records to getting to know the people needs to be a just -- orrity than one day or whatever, and i understand you -- [indiscernible] that is well and good. let me put it out there. until you get to know ray-ray pookie and them, you do not know what is going on. mr. scott: ray-ray is my cousin. [applause] mr. scott: i have this conversation because to assume trey are notr talking to people is politically
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correct hogwash. you're looking for a classic example of a criminal justice system heading in the right direction, stay home. we closed six prisons in south carolina. we have 20,000 incarcerated. in 2010, legislation passed for criminal justice reform. according to our friend on tv1, the states that are leaving on reform our southern publican states -- our southern republican states. southern republican states. one of the reasons i visited two state prisons and sat there and listened to them because i could understand what people are going through right now, how do we deal with folks right now. andof the reasons why trey myself are going around south carolina meeting in our current demographic makeup of our police
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and community relations, i think white, andlack, 1/4 probably half the cops are black around the state. it is because trey gowdy believes the issue of debt is diffusing the issue. not only is it important to greenville and in his congressional district, but as united states congressman he believes it is important enough to meet people across the state and of around the country, because we do not present a certain party or race. we represent everybody. the reason i visited the state prisons, the reason why i had a conversation to make folks safer, reason what we sat down with these folks, with the and
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with them anyway. not that you is have to vote for my way. i do not mind folks who say they are dead wrong. i will meet with them anyway. that is the point of not succumbing to your fashion, to engage with people who are not like you worked as philosophically opposed to you position, that you sit down and have a conversation even if they give you an f. i will meet with them anyway. i am not interested in the and a voice -- naacp. i am interested in the people they represent. mr. dixon: i'm sorry that the statement has gone over the stability area. let me get back to where i asked started -- where i started. you visited the prisons, ok, that while you were visiting the presence, did you figure out and
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initiate legislation in the nenate that will ba inhibiting people from coming out and getting work? did you get anything there that said that over time here is how we are going to eliminate the thought of that death being paid, but it is never paid where people who went to prison in 1965 still cannot get a job? did you learn about while were no --re in their that while you were in there, that nobody who goes in there once to go back, but everybody who goes in there because of the revolving door, because of the lack of opportunities when they to support not there them, and ultimately are making our communities unsafe because we are not really rehabilitating people. if you get that while you were
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there? while you were there, did you talk with the young mother that might have been working at -- and mcdonald's and taco bell for animal wage who the reality is minimum the -- for the wage that gives them enough money just to put feet on the tables, and when the mothers do not show up at pta meetings, when they are all trying to do is survive. $7.25 an hour -- did you get that all, and if you did, why haven't you done your job? >> let me interrupt. i will give you a chance to respond, then i will give you two one final word because we are about out of time. it goes fast. here are the facts that i discovered with the prison folks.
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they made a tragic mistake and their lives were altered forever. we should never look down on other people because but for the grace of god, there you might be. the person incarcerated state has three things in common. they are functionally illiterate, they come from single-parent households, and they are mired in poverty. and looking for ways out. folks.own with amazing kansas state prison has opened the door for a company to come in and start training these prisoners on how to be productive and have a profitable life when they leave. they actually have started hiring the people, so, yes, i have now a classic example of what to do. 90% of these people are
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incarcerated on the state and federal level. these programs allow these young women women -- young men and women to make minimum wage, eight bucks an hour, and when they leave prison, they leave theirs much as $10,000 in savings account that they have been able to pay restitution, been able to catch up on child support them and they get employed. nowf these folks are employed. it just started three years ago. secondly, here is what we know about the minimum wage. we know that when you go from hour dollars $2 -- 725 an to $15 an hour, this is a good example, as having been raised
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by single mother who worked 16 hours a day. it is this, that the average person stuck at a 17% to wage job, about 21% of those folks will lose trillion ofcause $2 payroll is automated. when you raise the minimum wage artificially with no production, what you end up with are more all of gardens with -- more subways with a touchscreen. you eliminate the first rung of the economic ladder, and that manifests that the average person we're talking about has an unemployment rate of around guy or the gelb finishes their education while they are in prison -- more than now -- or the gal that finishes
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their education while they are in prison, they make more. by done? i have cleared the opportunity of agenda. focusesrtunity agenda on the most important foundations that the federal government can help build because the two things that are the difference between the haves have-nots, parents and family for nation -- foundation. ship there are apprentice programs. then there is the investment opportunities act. the answer is, we are working on it, and hopefully with a more receptive culture, we will see some of this legislation become law. [applause]
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>> [indiscernible] we are officially out of time. mr. gowdy: while you were talking, and he will get upset with me for bringing this up, but i have listened to him be uncle and local -- an tom, i have listened to him be attacked because he has a different political orthodoxy -- mr. dixon: where are you going with this? mr. gowdy: i started the night by complimenting someone who has never voted for me. i will couple that somebody else who is the former head of the greenville democrat party. he will not vote morphy.
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he should not vote for me. we do not agree on the issues. you can have civility in the way you discuss things, and you can look for those areas where you want to be united. i listened to you discuss education. i do not hear that much difference. you think it was the closest thing to magic that we have in our culture in the single best way to transform a life. i would say this -- when you were talking i felt myself, paul they stonede while him to death. they all three went on to do great things. people can change their lives. second is a god of chances. i will commit myself to spend more time understanding the needs of those who need to integrate into society, and the only thing i ask of you is you spend time talking to crime victims who have had their lives totally unraveled by the acts of some of the people that you
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referenced in prison. i will do it if you do it. mr. dixon: clearly, the comment is not know me, because anybody who knows me knows i have dedicated my life to exactly what you are saying. and i have not seen you in any of those circles yet. but it is ok. i'm sorry, but you misjudged me. i'm not judging you. that's my point. people from judging you. you need to be the first person who do not call him names. mr. dixon: how do you know i do not? let me say this. just mental for you to say that you just told me what i tell people about senator scott. me, tim scotttold
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discovering black is the first time he has for to that. let me go back to that answer. the statement was made in the aftermath of your three day speeches on the senate floor that basically tied you into the african-american community in a way that you have never been tied in before. now, sarcastically speaking, i said, yeah, senator scott discovered he is black. i am glad that this filtered back to you. i did not call you an uncle tom. mr. scott: i just discovered i was black. i have been black for a long time.
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can you tell? mr. dixon: it's quiet obvious that blackness is not just the color of skin. mr. scott: in 1997 when i was stopped seven times and then held a meeting at the council 18 years ago and driving while black, that might have been an indication that i was concerned with the issue. it was not an election year. it is really unfortunate -- unfortunately you have done nothing to stem overaggressive policing. gentlemen, your grades are going down. your enthusiasm,
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and i hope this is not the last conversation that everyone in here has, but i have made a promise get certain people out of here at an hour, and we are well past that hour. mr. scott: i thought you said 11:00. >> i did not. mr. scott: sorry. mr. scott: sorry. sorry. >> i want to give mr. fedalie. you have to wrap this up. mr. fedalie: i would be happy too. there seems to be one point of agreement and that's the education is a platform to the opportunity in the country because education is at the top of my platform and something that i care so deeply about. i have been meeting with school superintendent in this district. and one moment really impacted me from those meetings. i was meeting with a superintendent of a rural school district, and he told me if you get elected, please promise me
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that you will not cut money for free or reduced school lunches, because over 60% of my kids depend on those is right. when they go home, they do not have anywhere to go. cornernnot walk to the store. they do not have a ride to anywhere. they need these lunches to survive, and if they are hungry, they are not learning. and if they are not learning, they are not getting ahead. they do not have the platform. if we do not work on these issues, that we have an impact on people's lives, we will continue to see the same result. do not be surprised that people in poorer errors are not good if they are not eating. we need to get back to who we are as a country? are we the country that allows our children to live in a poverty that they cannot use the time in school to learn? as long as we have congressman en that vote to cut
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the money for pell grants and lunch money so people cannot go to college, if we have congress that vote against the violent against the violent woman's act, then we have ourself a very broken some the representation. >> i will give you one last word, but keep it very quick. watchwdy: i heard you to the floor speech. i will never be lectured to you against my commitment to violence against women. my chief of staff was the head of my violence against woman task force. i'm the first person in south carolina that started one. i will not -- i voted for both the house versions. because of the politics, the democrats had to put something in there that the republicans in the house could not take. if you want an indictment, it's on politics. do not ever question me to protecting women in this country. don't do it.
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mr. fedalei: at the end of the day actions speak louder than words. >> you can sit down. i'm not done. i want one last word with everyone. i promised them and evaluation. i hope that you recognize that we were actually able this substantiveave discussions. it is clear they do not all agree with each other on a lot of things. but it was also clear that there are some areas of common ground that could be discussed. we do not do it if we have parties walling themselves off. i commend these candidates for being willing to show up this evening and had a conversation with each other even when parts of it were a little uncomfortable for them. i thank you folks for your participation and for keeping it simple. i was courteous as to whether i
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was going to call anybody down. you applauded appropriately. you laughed when appropriate. you make faces at them. and i'm happy to say i have spent the entire evening and i have not had to glare at anyone. so the participation grade all around are quite good. thank you all, and thank you, candidates. c-span, where history unfolds daily. in 1979, c-span was created as a public service by america's cable television companies and is brought to you by your cable or satellite provider. after withdrawing from the 20 16th race earlier this year, rand paul focused on winning reelection. the first-term senator faces democratic challenger jim gray, them mayor of lexington, and tonight they debate.
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from kentucky educational television, the light of the light debate is next to run c-span. -- is next here on c-span. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2016] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] to "kentucky tonight." our guests are jim gray of the democratic party and u.s. senator rand paul of the republican party. we invite your questions tonight. mr. goodman: make
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