tv Louisiana Senate Debate CSPAN November 2, 2016 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT
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live coverage of new orleans starts in a moment. in new hampshire, kelly ayotte debates maggie hassan. donald trump also a rally in orlando, florida. in just a moment we will take you to louisiana live for the senate debate. >> senate debate 2016. now, here is your moderator. thanksor: good evening, for joining us. we are joined by six candidates running in next tuesday's election for the u.s. senate who, according to the standard 5%always use, hold at least to be on the states this evening. they are in alphabetical order, charles boustany, foster campbell, david duke, caroline , and johnjohn fleming kennedy.
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much ground too cover and so many candidates, our format is this tonight. the questions we will allow one minute responses. at the moderators discretion, there will be some give-and-take, but we will try to move it along. the order of the candidate answers and the order of the closing statements at the end were each decided by separate locks of the draw. ,'m joined by greg meriwether cynthia arsenault, and the first question by luck of the draw goes to mr. fleming. >> just days ago the white house announced skyrocketing premiums foremost families on affordable health care. andou support obama care, of course all will address this eventually, how would you propose saving it?
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if you oppose it, would you be in favor of keeping popular provisions like pre-existing conditions and insuring children until the age of 26, and how would you pay for that? mr. fleming: as a physician, a conservative, and someone who provides health care through my business, i contend you always there for the entire obamacare debate. it is an abysmal failure. it has driven up the cost of care. away fromen people their doctors and away from their insurance companies. i believe in the american dream, where americans can choose their own insurance. wary have a free marketplace, not only of ideas but things they can achieve. i want to take conservative, louisiana ideas to washington. dad i was growing up, my died while i was still in high school. i had to become the breadwinner all of a sudden. i joined military. i opened up my own medical
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rectus and created 500 louisiana jobs. i came through adversity and i enjoyed the american dream. i want to go to washington and fight for the families of louisiana and let them enjoy their american dream as well. let me just answer that question briefly because there's something else i need to mention tonight before we get started in tonight's debate. needs to bee tweaked. to cap skyrocketing premiums and we can do that by increasing small business subsidies and allowing more people to get into the pool by having an individual mandate. i spent this morning with a bunch of schoolchildren and they want to know was there a bad guy that i was running against? i said yes, there is one. his name is david duke, and unfortunately he is on the stage tonight.
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this snake has slithered out of the swamp because the career politicians on the stage have not done their job well enough. on november 8, the voters of louisiana will join with me and cut the head off of his hatred once and for all. the next responses from mr. kennedy. mr. kennedy: let me be very clear. obamacare is an unmitigated disaster. when congress and the president passed it, they told us it would make our lives better. they told us health insurance would be cheaper and more accessible. it has made our lives worse. we need to rip it out by the roots and start over. we need a patient centered health care delivery system that looks like somebody designed the thing on purpose. we need more choice. we need more competition. we need more transparency. people need to know how much health care costs. we need less fraud.
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repeal the mccann ferguson act of the 1940's that prohibits people from buying health insurance across state lines. we need more health savings accounts. we need more high risk fools that are affordable. we need to block grant medicaid to the state so they can experiment and try what works. we need more federally qualified health centers. we need a health care delivery system that looks like somebody designed it on purpose. moderator: mr. campbell, you are next. mr. campbell: thank you, this is a good question. there was a surgeon in shreveport named peter amble. he told me, there is more good than bad in obamacare or the affordable care act. there are lots of good things about it. need to do more to fix it now. we need to add more young people in the mix so rates can go down.
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i'm a small business person. i will do everything i can to cut the rates. 1965 when me of everybody wanted to get rid of medicare. now everybody is covered by medicare. i would not throw the baby out with the bathwater. i will do some fixing on it. i am surprised that mrs. fayard said she was talking with kids today. you should have told those kids that you lied about my relationship with david duke. when you talk to those kids again, tell them you don't mind lying sometimes. mr. duke: i would like a short rebuttal to what she said. -- you saidd we get we could have a rebuttal. i have a minute and then i can come back with my obamacare question. moderator: you have one minute total, sir. mr. duke:
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i thought i would have a chance to rebut what she said. let me explain to the panel, were going to try to cover a lot of territory. it would be enormous disservice it turns into a referendum. first offi object because you said we have a chance to rebut if someone made a direct attack against you and taking away for my obamacare time, this is improper. i will make the point. first, yes, i am the bad guy because i defend the people of this country that made this country great, gave us a constitution and our freedom. we are losing our rights in america. i say respect for all people, but also you must respect the people who built this great nation and we should not faced mass discrimination. that is not a bad guy. as far as obamacare is concerned, obamacare, as every
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program of the government, it's always the hard-working middle-class who gets the shaft. republicans talk about socialized medicine. we already have it, but we have socialized medicine only for the welfare recipients and the illegal alien. the first way to protect the come the first way to stop this is to stop the illegal aliens. moderator: i gave you a little extra time there. i want to thank the university for hosting this under very regrettable circumstances. as a heart surgeon with years of experience, we enhance quality and lower cost and brought both hospitals to top 100 status. i know how to do this. we -- ife in congress, you want to fix health care, put
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the focus on the doctor-patient relationship, because that's how you get the highest quality. short of that, we will get something like obamacare where everybody is upset, cost is skyrocketing, and quality is suffering. secondly you have to have information, you have to have a wide range of choices and you need to put the family back in control. bureaucratss -- not and not insurance agents and others, but family should be in control of health care. moderator: a quick follow up, would you keep in pre-existing condition coverage and how would you pay for it? mr. boustany: we offered a better way to do this. we believe we can take the cost out of this if you focus on quality. in way the democrats did it obamacare is one of the most expensive ways to do this, and now the cost is skyrocketing. we need to take care of all
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individuals with pre-existing conditions, but do it in a high-quality way. moderator: is it possible to do that, mr. fleming? all, heing: first of believes it can be fixed, obamacare. i didn't get to my final part of this. by aould be replaced market based, patient centered system. we can do it, but we have to use a market based system. we have to give options and choices to patients. we can do it by grouping small businesses together. we can achieve that. moderator: mr. kennedy, you were the other one who left off part of the question. you howedy: let me tell you can pay for it. i read the federal budget like i read the state budget. let me take you some of the
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things the u.s. congress has appropriated money for. $6.5 million -- moderator: the question is, how are you going to pay to ensure pre-existing conditions? i'm answering that. $6.5 million to study the effect massage on bunny rabbits. $700,000 to build a soccer field for one time of a terrorist. congress spent 750 $3 million to remodel a single building for congress. for ass spent $300,000 cheese heritage fund. is $125ly, there billion worth of overpayments in the federal budget. can i give you one more example? peoplere 6.5 million
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with active social security numbers who supposedly are 112 years old or older. americaion people in that are 112 and older getting social security? i'm getting that from the inspector general of the united states. moderator: let me move on to the next area. let's go to a tax question. fayard and the other candidates, one of the deepest divides in the presidential race is the question of taxes, with hillary clinton bowing to raise taxes on the wealthiest americans and donald trump rowling to cut corporate and individual taxes and the estate tax. what is your view on this, and how do you make taxes fair and create jobs but at the same time not wreak havoc on the budget? ms. fayard: that's a great
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question. trickle-down economics do not work. it has been proven over and over again. we have to make sure the tax code is fair and reasonable for all hard-working americans. that means that those at the very top have to pay their fair share. we will do that with a couple of simple tax reforms. tax.n reform the state something we can do to make sure our working families are taken care of. for someone who is out manufacturing or making things. recognize that small businesses have challenges. 97% of businesses in louisiana are small businesses. we will allow them to quadruple and allowof deduction them to pay a living wage, which will help our economy keep going. mr. kennedy: here's the problem
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with the tax code and the economy. have too many undeserving people at the top getting bailouts and we have too many undeserving people at the bottom getting handouts. the rest of us in the middle get stuck with the bill. and we can't pay it anymore. because thanks to obamacare, health insurance has gone up. our kids tuition has gone up. our taxes have gone up. what has not gone up is our income. meeting household income is less than it was in 2002. here's what we need to do for the tax code and the economy. we need to help the middle class. i support reducing taxes across the board, but the problem with most tax cut plans is it only helps the very rich and it adds to the deficit. i want a tax plan that helps everybody, but especially the middle class. people making $100,000 or less. it can be done, and i can tell
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you how we will pay for. moderator: mr. campbell. mr. campbell: i'm the only one up to let you see how much i make and how much taxes i pay. no one else appear will do that. i pay about 30% taxes. no one else wants to talk about it. offshore, big corporations have about $2.1 trillion overseas or wherever they keep it that has no taxes paid on it. we are out of balance about $500 billion a year. if we would make these large corporations pay taxes instead of moving them offshore, we could go a long way to balancing the budget and squaring up our tax situation in the louisiana and the united states of america. i can show you how to give tax relief to the middle if you will make some of the giant corporations that pay no taxes
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-- i don't know anyone out there who has an offshore account. does, butbody up here i pay my taxes, and i will prove it. i will show them to you. >> mr. kennedy, i'm not sure if your name is john or teddy. with buddy roemer, you supported the destruction of our homestead exemption by constitutional amendment. state and id the helped stop that amendment which saves everyone of you watching this program right now thousands and thousands of dollars that you would have lost if the homestead exemption that you fought for with buddy roemer would have passed. we have to protect the middle class person, the productive person in this country. it's the same message i gave years ago, and i was right. the lady guys here and are all beholden to the special
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interests and big money. that's who controls american politics, and that's what has to end. i'm going to give mr. kennedy a chance to respond but i will continue to go in order at the moment and we will circle back. mr. boustany: i chair the tax subcommittee in congress and we worked hard over the years talking to families across this country you understand that the tax code is unfair. it is grossly complicated. it is filled with special interest carveouts and average families are getting hurt really bad. tax reform, something that has not been done since ronald reagan was president, 30 years ago. lower the rates, simplify the code, build a much latter rate structure, eliminate a lot of the special interest carveouts and eliminate the alternative minimum tax, which hits a lot of families unfairly. we need to lower the corporate tax rate which is forcing jobs
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overseas and trapping capital overseas. we have a better way to do it. it's been a product of my subcommittee working with speaker ryan and it is a really good plan. we are going to pass tax reform once and for all, because it is long overdue. mr. fleming: as a small-business owner, i know the devastating effect of taxes. i've seen how it kills jobs. i was talking with my chief financial officer about the damaging effects of taxes and so forth. this to kennedy, if you are my chief financial officer, you would be fired a long time ago. ont does swedish massages bunny rabbits have to do with financing a health care plan? what about the $400,000 of rent per year paid for the plush
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office downtown in baton rouge when you could be paying zero rent in the capital? $300,000 worth of fine art that you criticize bobby jindal for buying in the first place. again, i don't think you are quite right for prime time when it comes to serving in the u.s. senate. you need to go back and learn a little bit more about finance. john,nnedy: i really like but john is the ultimate washington insider. and washington insiders quite often don't tell the american people the truth. everything john just said is a lie. let me remark of what mr. duke said. mr. duke is a convicted liar. mr. duke is a convicted felon. my ballot number is 13. his federal prison number is28213034.
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he spent time in prison for lying to his supporters. he swindled them out of their money and took that money and used it for his gambling addiction. everything mr. duke said is an unmitigated lie. more to the point, it must be terrible to wake up in the morning but that much hate in your heart. , i'm going tod on go down this path, against my better judgment and let mr. duke respond. this as something other than a referendum on any one candidate, but i will let him respond as well. right,e: mr. fleming was too. i was targeted by the government, yes. even the republican standing up or have admitted in congress that the government of this yet.ry -- i'm not finished
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would you not interrupt me and give me my time? you are not one of the director -- not one of the debaters. you are the moderator. let me rebut. moderator. a you are a typical media hack. are you going to silence me? you're going to prevent me from answering this question? i have a right to a response. because you did like my response, you interrupt me? with this problem country. the media is deciding who are candidates are. let me answer the question. you are not even letting me answer. moderator: here's the question i want you to answer. nevermind. esther fleming --
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mr. duke: i'm going to answer the question if you give me a chance. moderator: no sir, mr. fleming has the floor. mr. duke: you didn't even give me a chance to make my statement. here is the answer. yes, the federal government targeted me and they target anybody in this country who stands up and says these things. these conservatives have been targeted. how much do you think the federal government hates me? i have the tax form that was sent to me. they audited me and determined that i overpaid my taxes by $6,000. the people don't know that in this state. listen, here is the issue. the truth is that anybody who stands up for this country and tells the truth of what is happening to our country, anybody who does that will be a target of the media, just like donald trump. moderator: let's go to mr.
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fleming, quickly. mr. kennedy calls me a liar rather than answering the claim. what about the superdome bond fiasco? provided overhat $700,000 a contributions to your state campaign which probably somehow made its way into this senate campaign, you said it could have been more. i think that is disgraceful. if you are my chief financer officer, you would have been fired long ago. moderator: we have to move on. beginning with mr. kennedy. >> you refer to yourself as a conservative. in 2004, obviously you supported a classic liberal democrat, john kerry, for president terry i'm curious, which of his philosophies did you admire?
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i'm a member of the nra. i'm pro-life. i believe in stronger government. it was impossible for me to remain a democrat. whent the democratic party it was no longer possible to be a conservative democrat. we will go ahead and let everybody have one minute on the floor. i'm trying to answer, just give me a second. i'm not the only democrat who became a republican. ronald reagan got fed up. did.nor mike foster bill cassidy, our current center, used to be a democrat. trump, the donald list goes on and on. i just could no longer in good conscience remain a democrat. moderator: since we had some
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confusion a moment ago, let me clear this up. this may be my fault. just so everybody is on the same page or, the format is that we direct question to you, the candidate has one minute. then there is an open discussion and a give and take. you no longer control the floor if i believe you are not directing the question, i may interrupt you. we will try to let everybody have a fair shot at answering the question. want to know what is it about the democratic party that attracted you in the first place. i have always been fiscally conservative. i have always been a supporter of the second amendment. i've always believed in more freedom, not more free stuff. it was possible years ago, hard for some people to realize this, to be a conservative democrat. those days are no more.
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i'm not putting democrats down. this is america, you can be anything you want to be. but i'm just telling you i can no longer be a democrat. ronald reagan went through the same thought process as did two governors in louisiana. moderator: we need to move on. question for mr. campbell. >> over the years, louisiana has turned more and more conservative. tuesday night, if the senate swings to the democratic side, you will be voting for people are considered liberal leaders, who may not reflect a lot of the views of the people of louisiana. state,from a red philosophically, what is it about the democratic party that is appealing to you? mr. foster: -- mr. campbell: mr.
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kennedy told me just for the record, i am a democrat and i had never change, and i'm not changing. i'm a conservative dem rep. i believe in saving money. i don't have any cap dancing shoes on. i'm a democrat and proud of it. i am the one who has created alien dollar trust funds. i did not vote for all the taxes that come through the legislature. i'm not ashamed of being a democrat. democrats represent the working men and women, and i am for working men and women. beenis what i am, i've able to get reelected in north louisiana time and time again. people know i take up for the little guy and i'm very proud of it. i'm for the little guy that doesn't have a big voice. moderator: since you brought up the media, i will add lip something here. media criticism is fair.
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there was a lot of media criticism from donald trump supporters who believe there was way too much coverage of the open microphone and the comments byt were made about women mr. duke to billy bush. tromp, i'm sorry. i've been accused of a lot of things. question to you is, when your website covered that, if you will, there was a repeated reference in article and criticism of the reporters that were referred to repeatedly as jews.nn a repeated reference. i'm curious what in the world that had to do, the fact that they were jewish, with a story about donald trump and an open microphone. that gets to the heart of what so many people have a problem with you. mr. duke: we have to start
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talking openly about any subject and we have to have freedom of speech in this country. america a problem in with a strong, powerful, tribal group that dominates our media and international banking. mrs. clinton has seven international media and banking supporters. these are all people who support the tribalist bankers. if we don't understand that and face up to that, we can't deal with the problems. i'm not opposed to all jews. let me tell you something, i'm against jews or anybody else puts the interest of another place or country over our own country that is controlling and dominating the media, which is inspiring lack people to hate white people and inciting them
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to violence. that is my issue. moderator: your time is expired. what did the fact that they were jewish have to do with the fact that they were referred to as cnn jew mr. duke: i it has everything to do with it. we had a cabal that controls our foreign policy. i have been there, unlike other these other candidates. i have been in the elections in universities. this is a country -- syria is a country of 3 million christians, non jihadist. it was admitted by clinton that our government has been supporting saudi arabia, who has been supporting isis. she should be getting the electric chair, charged with treason. she says we are known that syria is supporting isis. let me finish, that syria is supporting isis. she told us secretly to goldman sachs and e-mail, it did not go
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public. moderator: we have got to move on. you.stion for >> americans should not have to live in fear losing everything just because they get sick. with the high cost of prescription drugs, congressman, why did you vote against the medicare prescription price negotiation act which would've allowed negotiation lower drug prices for part d? >> very simple. by doing it that way, you would basically force the restriction. we see that in the va system. the formula is restricted as to what our veterans can get. but that is wrong. it is a terrible way to treat our veterans. why would we want to replicate that for seniors? we know the system enacted on a regular basis has actually driven some of those costs down.
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it has driven the cost of the program down overall to the taxpayer. the reason that drug prices are going up because of the new restrictions that have come about because of the affordable care act. you have empowered pharmacy benefit managers using rebate structures, and they are running up the cost. generics have been restricted because of regulations. ingredients of generics are restricted. it's not the medicare prescription drug plan, which has a high satisfaction rate among seniors. a different reason for the cost: up. -- cost going up. moderator: we have to move on. a question for mr. fleming from don't warmer. -- doug warner. >> you cited the sandy relief package was full of good projects. your critics could call that hypocritical in louisiana. can you be as specific as
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possible -- can you name two projects in the superstorm sandy bill that stopped you from voting or it? -- voting for it? >> as a conservative we should have direct relief for anyone that needs it. in new jersey, there was the case of $17 billion relief. i voted it in the house. however, when it came out of the senate there was added three $3 billion that has nothing to do with new jersey, new york, or hurricane sandy. my colleagues are supporting our flood relief. i did the right thing. i did this fiscally responsible thing. i want to address one more thing about mr. kennedy. the plane answer to his question, his switched parties when this stage became a republican state. he endorsed john kerry for president, one of the biggest liberals there is. he opposed the bush tax cuts and supported a gun ban.
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i don't know which mr. kennedy we are talking to tonight. will he switch back? moderator: very brief response. mr. kennedy: the brain is an amazing organ. it starts working in the mother's womb, and it doesn't stop until you get elected to congress. i think i have answered john's question. i like john, what john is the ultimate washington insider. he has been there for four terms. key has changed nothing. it's time to move on. moderator: let him quickly respond. >> he has been in politics 30 years and has not changed anything. moderator: you have made your point gentleman. >> you and donald trump have something in common in this campaign. you both lost endorsements for something that you have said or
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stood by. people on both sides have said one of your main ads purposely pulls a foster example out of context when he was referring to david duke. speaking specifically to your ad, what did campbell side with duke on? >> i am glad to address this question. let me say that nothing in that ad is untrue. foster may not like it, but he cannot explain it. and neither can i. there is no context where it's ever accessible to have a public or private conversation with a white supremacist, and have a handshake that solidifies that. this is happened on the campaign trail. i find it laughable that fosters sincere and talks about what a great democrat he has. the trucks of that at is that you cannot -- the cruz of that ad is that he cannot say hillary clinton's name. they don't like flopping, cap
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tencent. foster will say he isn't nobody's pockets but the people's. he gets money from the company's that he regulates, like the water company that spews groundwater on a daily basis. foster continues to take money from the president of the company and does nothing about it. there is nothing in the ad that is untrue. there is no context in which is it acceptable to have a conversation, whether public or private, with someone like david duke. moderator: hold on, this is directed to mr. campbell more than anyone else. >> i'd like to answer that if i could. moderator: quickly. >> first of all, it is a damn lie. i have nothing in common with david duke, other than probably breathing. let me tell you what other people think about it. governor john bel edwards
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released a deal saying he supported me, and that she should have never said that. senator wesley bishop said it was ridiculous. a civilamed felicia, rights leader in new orleans, said it was ridiculous. she can't win, she's losing that she'll do anything-- mr. duke: i am called a supremacist, i have a right to respond. that is a typical attack against by the media. i believe in equal rights for all. the problem i have with me is that i believe white people also should have human rights. they shouldn't face this commission in - face discrimination. we have a media that puts out heat propaganda -- out hate propaganda against white people and police officers. moderator: question on social security. >> if something doesn't change by 2030, the social security
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trust fund will be in big trouble. social security benefits could be cut by 25%. how would you deal with this, by raising the retirement age, or would you consider eliminating the payroll tax cap, so that the wealthy will pay more into the system? moderator: we will go with mr. campbell. >> mr. campbell? moderator: you are up here first sir. mr. campbell: would you repeat the question? >> we know social security is in a crisis situation. if we don't do something about it right now, but figure 2030, the social security trust fund could be in big trouble with benefits cut as much as 25%. how would you deal with this? would you raise the retirement age, or consider eliminating the tax roll cap so that the wealthy pay more into the system? mr. campbell: social security
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was one in 19 45 by franklin roosevelt. many said it was terrible. i think it is good. many have paid in. i want to make sure they get their benefits from it. i want to remove the people tax cap -- moving it up where wealthy people pay more -- today they don't pay as much proportionally as the average working folks. i would look at that. but for sure, on the security side, i will do everything to keep it. there is nothing in the world that i want to see something done with social security. two things democrats passed and republicans opposed. moderator: let us go to mr. duke next. social security, sir. off, thiswell, first is a good example of the screwed up major of this controlled economy, this controlled
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government in this country. anybody who pays into a program deserves to get back what they paid in. social security has been robbed by politicians in terms of the welfare system. including a lot of people on the welfare system who are not there because they are needy, but because they don't want to work. there are a lot of people that don't take responsibility for their lives. those that need help, i am all for that. we have to protect the security. absolutely this has to come first. second we have millions of illegal immigrants but never pay taxes getting huge amounts of social security. a majority end up on the welfare rolls. but we can't pay our people what they deserve for paying taxes? a crisis with property in louisiana, with a lot of people losing their house for good, but this government is building houses all over the world in other houses -- in other countries for people.
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it should be the americans that work hard. moderator: thank you mr. duke. >> social security is an important trust for seniors to stay out of poverty. we have to do everything we can to save it. joe is the problem -- the way it is structured, current workers pay payroll tax that covered beneficiaries. when the program was put in place we had many more workers under beneficiaries. today we only have two workers for each person taking social security. that is the actuarial problem we have. the only way we can fix this is to get more people working. get economy growing. alien more payroll tax -- paying more payroll tax to cover today's beneficiaries. that means getting people off welfare. i rewrote the 1996 welfare act. that is why i am running for the u.s. senate. we have to get more people working.
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anybody who is able-bodied should be working, paying into social security. if we get that ratio up, we can fix it. any tinkering with the retirement age should dump -- butld not be near retirees, those younger that can make plans accordingly. >> as a true fiscal conservative, i understand that social security is in difficulty right now. it is in fiscal difficulty. i understand and recognize that we made a promise to the american people. as long as i am in congress, i will save and protect social security. anybody who is on it or in the future, we need to guarantee it is therefore the. -- there for them. there is a lot of fiscal mismanagement in washington. for the example, mr. kennedy is from the hillary clinton school of economics who believes in taking money from bondholders
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and leaving our superdome in a situation where taxpayers lose $180 million. we can't allow this sort of the scope irresponsibility. -- this fiscal irresponsibility. if you were my chief financial officer, i would have fired you a long time ago. >> my generation has more at stake when it comes to entitlement reform. as your next senator, i can promise i will work hard to stabilize social security so we make good model promise -- good on the promise for seniors, but the government we made with the people of this country. we will make sure medicare is stabilized through commonsense reform. a big thing that was mentioned was the race to the payroll cap. certainly very wealthy people, including warren buffett and others, have agreed with this approach. we also have to remain growth focused. one way we can do that is stop subsidizing corporations. we raise the minimum wage, make
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it a livable wage. get money in the pockets to spend on our economy. i am going to work hard and congress to make sure that this happens. moderator: finally, mr. kennedy. mr. kennedy: when you are getting kicked in the rear, it usually means your front. -- you are in front. let me answer the question clearly. if i represent you in the u.s. senate, i will protect your social security. look, there is no debate about this -- people deserve to get the social security they pay for. you know why social security is in trouble? because president barack obama and secretary hillary clinton, when she was in the senate, and ritz-carlton democrats and big government republicans took money from social security and spent it on somewhere else.
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you know what you find fund -- find in the fund? you find a big i.o.u. number one, we spent $157 billion of tax money on the federal level on consultants. get rid of 20% of them, with a $30 billion per year. 2.7 million federal employees. moderator: your time has expired. mr. kennedy: i am about to make a great point. moderator: i am sure you were. we have a question about the supreme court. boustany first. mr. boustany: do you have to share a belief system on a certain system issues to approve a supreme court nominee? and what is the issue specific question you would like to ask? mr. boustany: first of all, do they respect the constitution and separation of powers? i want judges that basically
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adjudicate on the law as it exists. secondly, under the second amendment, and thirdly, pro-life. mr. campbell: i think the senate ought to do their job. anybody nominated, whether democratic or republican president, deserves a vote. i would make sure that this nominee, or this future justice-- moderator: we have to move on. mr. duke: i will be donald trump's most loyal advocate to make sure his nominees go to the supreme court. and if by chance he is not elected -- i think he will will win -- i will oppose any of these nominees of hillary that are trying to destroy our constitution. >> presented needs to do its job -- the senate needs to do its job and provide hearings so we can learn more about the nominees. my number one criteria is following the constitution. >> i will only confirm strict
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constructionists liek scalia that are 100% pro-life, pro-gun, and conservative. kennedy: the question i will ask a nominee is whether she or he agrees with the views of justice scalia. if the answer is no, i'm not going to vote for the nominate. -- for the nominee. moderator: we have 45 seconds. in the interest of time, everyone has 45 seconds for a closing comment. this was by luck of the draw that we choose the order. first to mr. campbell with your closing remarks. mr. campbell: i want to thank dillard university for putting on this event, and for my family for supporting me. i am a former teacher, business owner, and former. i want a dessert louisiana -- a better louisiana for all of our people.
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the governor endorsed be because he knows i have the to play for people. after eight years of bobby jindal i want to raise the minimum wage and finally passed equal pay for women. i am asking for your vote because i want to be a voice of the people, not the powerful. god bless you, god bless louisiana, and god bless the united states of america. thank you very much and thanks for listening. mr. fleming: thank you for having us here tonight. i am the one true conservative among all these candidates. i want to go to washington and take louisiana values to washington. my dad died suddenly while i was in high school. i overnight became the breadwinner for the family. i joined the military. i became a doctor, and decorated 500 louisiana jobs. -- i created 500 louisiana jobs. i came through diversity to promote my american dream.
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and now i want to go to the u.s. senate to fight for louisiana families and your american dream. >> for those of you still watching, you have to ask yourself one question -- are any of them in on this stage going to change washington dc? we have two current congressman that are part of the cultural corruption in d.c. right now. we have a state treasurer who seems more like a publicity hound, and has never met a check he won't sign with your money. we have mr. campbell who spent four decades as a chameleon not knowing which way his choose are going to take him. and we have a snake as david duke. you have a lot of choices the selection. if you are focused on the future, it is me, caroline fayard. i am not a good old boy or held to any special interests. let me work for you in the u.s. senate. i will fight for your families on equal pay for equal work, minimum wage, and get is working
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again. thank you so much. election is this not about me or any of my fellow candidates. this election is about change. you either like the direction that the washington insiders have taken america, or you don't. i don't. fix it.our chance to with respect, you can't fix itpid, but you can vote out. endometrial the senate to fight for you. -- send me to the senate to fight for your. my name is john kennedy, and my pallet number is 13. god bless you. moderator: mr. duke? mr. duke: you know, because way to tell who is an insider and the big boys, the powerful bankers and those controlling this country, look at their
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campaign bank accounts. i am the only candidate in this state and stage that has not taken a penny in tax money, a penny in special interest. i am going to represent you. notice, there was a demonstration against me by the "black lives matter" radicals. why is that? they don't even know the names of these other guys, and lady, woman. but why? i stand up for you. movement" calls for the death of police officers . i defend you. i defend our country from these radicals who are destroying america. it is time we stand up now. this is the tipping point. we are getting outnumbered in our own nation unless we stand up now. our children will have. mr. boustany: my name is charles boustany. as a heart surgeon, i had the trust of my patients.
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serving the third congressional district, i'm a conservative who has gotten results. go to, and you can see what i have gotten done on a range of issues for our state and country. november 8 is coming, and you will have to ask yourself, who do you trust to represent us in the u.s. senate? i ask for your support and your trust. i will fight hard on the big issues. our national security is at risk. our economy is stalled, our values in question. who do you trust? charles bo ustany. i am number two on the ballot. moderator: candidates, forgive me -- this is only because we have 4 networks trying to join amid the time and effort. we have only five seconds for answers. -- 45 seconds for answers. if your candidate does not win, would you see your role as compromising, or standing around and preventing their agenda?
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>> i have 45 seconds? claim supporting donald trump. if he does not win, i suspect our president of the united states will be hillary clinton. i mean no disrespect in setting this, but god help us. i can work with anybody. i have a legislative record to prove it. but i have principles, and i am not going to sacrifice those principles. the first thing i am going to do when i get to the senate is ask everyone of my colleagues, let's go to lunch, let's go to dinner. i want to bring bread together. it is a louisiana thing. i want to understand what their motivations and interests are. mr. fleming: as the one true conservative here tonight, the american people are overly angry with what is going on in washington. washington is rigged. we know this.
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we see what is happening with hillary clinton and others. as head of the house freedom caucus, who stood up to my party leadership and democrats, i will fight for the joint, for our principles, conservative louisiana principles, no matter who is president. s fayard: i will not be trading on partisan political ego and will work hard for anyone that wants to make the american dream remain bright and beautiful for all. mr. duke: fleming is right, it's rigged, and he is part of it. all of the republicans and democrats are part of this rigged system. if you want another 40 or 50 years of all of our american values, our principles, our freedoms, our prosperity, then vote for one of these people. if you want some real change, not somebody that will work with mrs. clinton if elected, but
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will fight her every step of the weight stand up for you, for your heritage and your freedom and your prosperity in this country -- you want real change, you know who to vote for, and it's me, david duke for u.s. senate. moderator: question -- if your candidate for president were not elected, would you see your role as being a compromiser, or would you obstruct that person's agenda? >> what he said is what is wrong with louisiana. we have enough david dukes who thought everything. -- fought everything. we are a poor state. of course i will work with the president. we need somebody to help this state. we are a poor state. when they are right, you fight them. i will fight for the people of louisiana to make sure we get out of poverty, better schools,
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better roads. i am on the people's side. yes, i will use good common sense in doing the right thing louisiana. mr. boustany: i support donald trump first off. i hope he wins. judge me by my record. i am a conservative who gets results. i have gotten legislation p assed. i have worked with the opposite party as long as it didn't violate my principles. when john boehner opposed to meet getting two -- opposed me getting two veterans clinics, i won. we have solved problems such as revamping our customs laws, to take care of a seafood industry being hammered by foreign seafood users, like china and other places. we solved that problem in january. i've been a conservative that gets results. that is what the people of louisiana are looking for. let's get this country back on
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the right track. that is why i'm asking to be your next u.s. senator. i am charles boustany. moderator: we have about one minute left. let's go down the line. mr. kennedy: i am voting for donald trump. that's it. i'm voting for donald trump. >> donald trump. >> secretary hillary clinton. mr. duke: i'm voting for donald trump because the only guy fighting against this rigged system. i will be the only guy fighting alongside him. >> democratic nominee hillary clinton. >> i have already voted for donald trump because i'm concerned about who names the next bunch of supreme court justices. that is why i support donald trump. moderator: candidate, thank you for indulging me at the end as we try to get this to work for
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four different tv networks across the state. it is difficult to time it out. you can just rep. nolan: -- can't just rewrap it all up. thanks to my colleagues. we would like to thank dillard university for hosting us this evening. a reminder -- election day is next tuesday, next saturday. -- not next saturday. i expect we will see two of these folks here in a month or so. look for the results on your local media station. thank you so much for watching, and good night. [applause] >> i would shake your hand, but i'm getting a cold. >> that makes two of us.
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♪ >> thank you for watching senate debate 2016. >> we saw the scene inside the auditorium at dillard university. you may have noticed no audience inside. the scene outside -- protests taking place over the presence of former kkk grand wizard david duke, who you saw on stage, and his presence on campus triggering these protests. here is what this one says from the new orleans advocate, some stunning images from protests outside the u.s. senate debate at dillard university. they offer their twitter handle for live updates. students and others protesting the presence of water kkk grand wizard david duke. >> on election
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announcer: on election day, november 8, the nation decides our next president and which party controls the house and senate. stay with c-span for full coverage of the presidential race, and follow key house and senate races. c-span, where history unfolds daily. political events to tell you about tomorrow. melania trump, wife of donaldntial candidate trump, campaigns for her husband in pennsylvania. in the evening, hillary clinton holds a campaign rally in raleigh, north carolina. watch live road to the white c-span.verage on coming up, new hampshire senator kelly ayotte
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