tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN November 3, 2016 1:49am-6:01am EDT
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so, she has been a high level aide, but has only once been a candidate in a gubernatorial primary where she finished fourth out of four. not really, almost any experience campaigning and -- campaigning in public as the face of a campaign. democrats saw this as a race that was winnable given the demographics of pennsylvania, given a presidential election tends to bring out a lot of their voters. so, they really thought they could win pennsylvania but they needed a candidate to do it. the person who stepped forward, joe sestak, a former congressman had rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. his supporters will say that is because he is a strong independent voice. his critics will say that is because he would not take advice. and they wanted an alternative because they know they were going to be spending a lot of money from the dncc, and they
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wanted someone who was going to cooperate with them if they were going to make that investment. that is where katie mcginty came in. she managed to overtake him with the help of a lot of money from washington. and is now on the verge of potentially winning a senate seat. >> you know pennsylvania well. two major media markets, philadelphia and pittsburgh, and a number of midsize markets, harrisburg, scranton, erie. give us a sense of the political demographics for the democrats and republicans. jonathan: it is such a large state and there are such a very varied political views across the state. to the point where they can seem like two different states at times. you have philadelphia and pittsburgh, which are deep blue, very democratic cities, where democrats really try to run up major margins. and then you have got the suburbs around philadelphia, which tends to really be critical in deciding how a statewide race goes, because
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you've got, in the 2012 election, close to one out of four votes in the state were cast from the four suburban counties outside of philadelphia. they tend to be more moderate areas, where voters, you tend to find a lot of swing voters. when it comes to the overall picture, the difference between the democratic win and a public and win is often how big the democrats when the suburbs. if they run up a huge margin or do the republicans managed to keep it close, win swing voters. then you've got the rest of the state -- the northeast, southwest, the central part of the state that tends to be very republican. that is where republican score -- republicans score big wins. philadelphia and pittsburgh are big for democrats. the central part of the state will be big for republicans. how those suburbs turnout tends to decide which side prevails in a statewide race. >> senator pat toomey has been reluctant to talk about his support for donald trump. he has not campaigned with him, even though donald trump has been in the state.
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how is that impacted this race, if at all? jonathan: it's created some awkward moments for the senator because he had not endorsed donald trump, and he has not ruled out endorsing donald trump. we're a week away from election day and he still will not say who he is voting for other than that he won't vote for hillary clinton. it is definitely giving democrats fodder to attack him and say that he is making political calculations and lacks backbone. but a lot of folks privately will tell you that it may actually work, that he has stuck between two bad choices, where if he embraces donald trump he might lose those moderate voters but if he embraces donald -- he rejects donald trump you might lose the conservative voters. and so, as awkward as it has been, it may be politically the best solution he is able to come
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up with. so, we will see if it costs him enthusiasm or if people, conservatives still come out for him, even if he will not embrace trump. >> jonathan tamari, covering the pennsylvania senate race. thank you for being with us. jonathan: thank you for having me. >> jimmy, joey, eileen and colleen, all 10 of us raised on a policeman salary and their mom working in a restaurant. imagine trying to do that today with washington looking out for the favored few. i will bring a different point of view to the u.s. senate. a working-class roots with an mother of three. i am katie mcginty and i approve this message. this is your turn to get ahead. >> this is the house i grew up in. it is not on wall street. my dad was a union guy.
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mom still lives here and she depends on social security. i will always protect social security. >> i know you will. >> thanks mom. and i approveomey this message because you should know i will always fight like people -- fight for people like my parents. >> i remember my dad coming home from walking the beat. i would run and hug him. a great dad and a good man. i know pat toomey is having fun attacking my integrity. wall street banks should not be allowed to pray on working families. your taxes should not pay to ship more jobs to china. pat toomey will not change that. i grew up a working-class kid. i am katie mcginty and i approve this message. >> campaigns can be tough but in the end, it is not about who
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yells and screams the loudest. pat toomey a calls man of a decent -- of these -- tim kaine praised pat toomey's intellect. >> it is about keeping guns away from criminals, strengthening our economy so everyone can earn a good living. i am pat toomey and this is my message. -- [applause] >> i want her in washington with me.
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let's make sure she gets there. try to show a little enthusiasm per it's an honor to be here. i want to reckon as a couple of people i see in the audience that we work with every day that are champions of working people. i see senator wayne fontana. good to see you. representative paul costa. [applause] and the next state rep, anita, good to see you. it's really good to be here with my buddy sherrod brown. we served in the house together and we also played on the congressional baseball team. he is a better legislator than a baseball player. [laughter] and he is a cleveland got, so be -- cleveland guide, so be nice to him. [laughter] let's cut through all this. all this white noise on the television, this is pretty basic stuff. i'm a blue-collar kid from swiss
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ville. my dad worked in braddock at agra thompson steel mill my grandfather worked in furnace. and when i came to congress, i knew who i was going to represent. i was going to represent the people i grew up with the working class families here in pittsburgh. i don't have to think about that. so let's break down this election in pittsburgh style. you have got trump and toomey and you got clinton and katie mcginty. just look at the roots. donald trump born with a silver spoon in his mouth. his whole life, he's been a millionaire developer thanks to loans from his father and he deals internationally in finance which is history. everything he's built and this is a guy that went through four bankruptcies by the way. everything he's built and if he didn't have to build it union, he didn't build it union.
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he says whatever he needs to say. read "the art of the deal." "the art of the deal" is to do whatever you got to do. say whatever you got to say to get the deal. that's how this guy operates. that's how he's operated his whole life. that's what makes him come into pittsburgh and say i'm going to bring steel mills back and i'm going to bring joe paterno back. does anybody really believe he can do that? he goes into west virginia and says i'm going to bring the coal mines back. i mean to me that's like the worst kind of people. you go into an area where people are down on their luck. and then you try to give them some false hope just to get their votes knowing damn well there's no way in the world he's going to do what he says he's going to do. he talks about wanting to reinvigorate american steel, but his last two big projects he built with chinese steel. he talks about creating jobs in our country, but all the jobs he created are in other countries.
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this guy is a con artist from day one. bloomberg said it best, "we know a con when we see one." well, guess what? here in western pennsylvania, we didn't grow up in a turnip patch. we know a con when we see one and donald trump has no business getting anywhere near the white house and we do make sure that he doesn't. [applause] >> now let's look at pat toomey. this is another guy who's whole career has been in the banking and finance industries. he has been a partner in a bank. he's worked in wall street. he has worked internationally in finance. what makes you think this guy has any connection with the middle class or the working class in this country? his focus in washington, d.c. has been on that, banking and international finance. let's look at katie mcginty. katie grew up in a family of ten. and any of you that come from
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big families know what that's like. her dad was a cop. her mother was a waitress. she grew up in a working class family outside of philadelphia. she understands what it is to sacrifice and to share when you are in a family that large. she gets us. she gets us. she is one of us. what is her focus going to be in washington? it's going to be on jobs. it's going to be on education. it's going to make sure that our parents and our grandparents are protected, that the social safety net is there for everyone. it's going to be our kids and our grandkids that they have a future here in western pennsylvania. she gets all that. that's going to be her focus and it's the same with hillary. hillary wants to focus on children, on education, on infrastructure. that's good for us in the trades, too. we want to see people working. this is such an easy election and such an easy choice when you cut away all the clutter and all this negativity you're seeing on your television set. when you look at the democratic
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team, you see people that are dedicated and focused on working class families, on the middle class families, and on revitalizing areas like pittsburgh and west virginia and all through this rust belt. that's going to be the focus of our candidates. when you look at the other side, the focus is overseas and over on wall street. these people are not us. they don't understand us. they have never been for us and they can't come into our homes and our communities and try to tell us they're going to do something when we all know damn well they don't mean it at all. we need to get our friends and neighbors out to vote. we need to educate people that the people running for president, for the united states senate, and across this congressional ballot that really care about western pennsylvania are sitting on the democratic ticket and on november 8, let's all get out there and make sure we put them all in office. [applause]
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>> ok, now the preliminaries are over. it's time to bring the big guys up. i'll tell you what. i've had the pleasure of knowing katie mcginty for quite some time now. she is just a tremendous person. all her life really has been devoted in public service. she gets it. i know she's from outside philly, but she's like a pittsburgh person. she really is. she gets what we are and she is one of us and she's focused on what we do. and that's why from very very early in this campaign where all of us in western pennsylvania, the elected officials, we all got together and endorsed her early because we knew that she got us and that she would fight for us and she'd be one of our champions down in washington, d.c. rich is right. i have not seen pat toomey in pittsburgh in six years. you know his predecessor, arlen
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specter, at least he would call you on the phone to let you know he was in town and it invites you to what he was doing. i have never, ever heard from pat toomey in the six years he's been in the united states senate and we need a u.s. senator that knows where we live, is going to come visit our community, and is going to work on issues with our spirit we have one great senator bob casey. he is desperate for a partner he can work with. we know we're going to have a democratic administration after november 8. let's give that administration to us senators that can work with her. it is my great pleasure and privilege to introduce the next u.s. senator, katie mcginty. [applause] katie mcginty: all right, how are we doing? [applause] katie mcginty: you know, you
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might have a couple sports championships, but this year is that city of champions. how about it? [applause] katie mcginty: we welcome you, but it's going to be a tough competition here. everybody out there ready to fight and work and when november 8? we have got a great team and many others have been recognize this morning, but i want to recognize to others. natalia is here. good to see you. wagner is here. [applause] katie mcginty: these guys are telling you it's 11 days till the election. not that i'm focused on it, but it's 10 and i have. here's the truth. we need every minute of every one of those days because we have got to get every single person out and their voices heard. not those doors and ring the
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phones. why? this isn't just any election. this is the election where literally the soul and spirit of this great country is what's on the ballot. what's on the ballot is whether or not we maintain and stand up for that basic beautiful bargain that has been what this country is about. and that is it is not about your pedigree. it's not about whether you're blue blood although we democrats know that blue blood is the way to go. [applause] it's about whether or not you work hard. it's about your own perseverance, your own grid. that's where we all come from. nobody gave us anything. we worked for it every day, every day. but that here's what i know about working people. they're the first to step up and give back. it's pride to give back to your community, and by the way, donald, it is not pride, it is
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not smart. it is a shame and it is disgraceful to try to get out of paying your do, your taxes for 20 years. we know who has been living off the taxpayers -- donald trump. [applause] katie mcginty: the choices in this election are start and they are clear. everything is at stake. everything is on the ballot. and in this u.s. senate race, it is clear. i do come from a hard-working family with those 10 kids, and yes, mike, that meant we didn't learn to get together and cooperate and you also learn to fight for your right with those six brothers around the table. i knew that bowl of mashed potatoes was not coming around twice. [laughter] katie mcginty: but what a great joy and pride it is to stand for hard-working people. and a five dollar of serving as your united states senator, that's what i'm going to do. but the difference with pat toomey couldn't be more clear.
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he comes from wall street. except for while he's been in washington, he's really never left wall street. he has not been working for us. he goes to bat for the banks and the special interests. he has been working for himself, not for us. here's what i know. i know that this is, donald, a great country, and it is a great country because we have been faithful to that basic bargain that when somebody gives it their all in this country you get to get ahead. you get to look at your kids with pride and dignity and say, if you have got a dream, i've got you. i've got you. we will get there. you put in your 40 hours come you don't live in poverty. that's what the basic deal of this country is. [applause] katie mcginty: i know like all of you we are skin in the game
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kind of people. we're not looking for any handout. we're going to earn it. that's how i was raised and i do want to honor my mom and dad. every day seeing my dad going off to walk the beat. wearing that batch for 35 years. a lot of these guys talk a great game about our heroes. it was every day we would kiss our dad goodbye not knowing if dad was coming home for dinner tonight. what gets me is these guys are all about the hallmark card. kelly knows this too. you know whether it's our firefighters, whether it's our law enforcement, they are all about the bouquets, but when it comes to really stand out and making sure that tension is there that you aren't, making sure that we are investing to make sure we have the resources and the equipment and we have the resources on the ground, but then all of a sudden they want to balance the budget on the backs of those who give the ultimate sacrifice. and i will tell you what in our 10 kids, number five of 10 is my
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brother, jimmy. my brother, jimmy, serve this country with honor and distinction. my brother, jimmy, is one of those guys when the one time i made the mistake and i introduced him as an ex-marine. once a marine always a marine. semper fi. he was one of those guys who fell on a little bit of a hard time. when he went to the v.a. and said i need a hand here, the v.a. said you are a great guy and you have been volunteering here and you serve your country very well. you come back in a year and a half and we might have a bed for you. pat toomey is one of those guys who is all about the hallmark card, but not once seven times he voted against our vets. we stand for something different than that. we stand for our vets. we stand for those who make the ultimate sacrifice absolutely. [applause]
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katie mcginty: here's the deal. as i see it out there traveling every part of this wonderful commonwealth, the first part of that basic bargain, you work hard, you get ahead. the first part is alive and well. the second part's the part's that looking a little peaked. the first part, people working with pride, working strong, giving it all they got. it's good people like this wonderful grandmother i met not long ago. she came to a rally with the major message, we were rallying, hey, pat toomey, keep your hands off our social security, you will not privatize our social security. [applause] katie mcginty: but when it was done, she shared a little bit of her story. she said it's a special week for me. she said i am 20 years at the
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plant that i work at. i love this company and they love me. it's been a week of celebration. they had a luncheon for me. they've been honoring my service and they gave me a raise. she's making $8.25 an hour. 20 years in. 20 years in. she's living on the brink of poverty. it's not right. it's not right. or the young woman i met not long ago, as well, she said i am the pride and joy of my family. i said tell the story. she's the first in her family to graduate from college. and the whole family's been celebrating. except for the dream is kind of becoming a nightmare because she's living under $130,000 of college debt. it's not right. it's not right. we stand with her. we stand with her. that family needs a break. and you know, not long ago, too, i had the chance to visit with a woman who told me that she works
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as a certified nurse assistant. and i'll tell you, one, i know that that is absolutely back breaking, hard, hard work. and i know it for sure firsthand because my own dear parents in the last two years of their life were in assisted living and then nursing home care and i saw the nurse assistants there absolutely fall in love with the patients, absolutely physically tough, tough work. now, in my parents' case, alma mcginty was the light of the world so i could see where those nurses fell in love with her. john patrick mcginty sr., on the other hand, a little salty. and they loved him, as well. so this woman, she's working at night, as well. and during her breaks at night, she's calling her kids, drilling the spelling words. she's all in, all in. but when she's done telling me
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that, she says, but i'm ashamed. and i said, how could you be ashamed? you're everything this country's about. she said, i'm ashamed because even with the two jobs, on saturdays, i still have to take my kids to the food bank, and she looked at me real at rain and she said, you get elected, i want something. what's that? she said, i want a paycheck, i do not want a welfare check. we stand with her. we stand with her! [applause] katie mcginty: that's the spirit. and i'll tell you this, with the voice that labor gives to working people, we've got it upside down in this country. that that we love and cherish the most are kids and our elderly parents, we put in the hands of those in this country we pay the least.
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that's wrong. it's upside down. fighting for the fight for 15, it has to change and we will make it change. honor people with decent work, decent pay. if i have the honor and privilege of serving, every day it will be a joy to go to work for good people, like those people, their stories that i just shared but, man, senator toomey, he has a different agenda. it's guys like toomey and trump that have made it so much worse for good, honest people. you know, some of this stuff you can't hardly even make it up. 80,000 of the senator's own constituents were ripped off by wells fargo bank, did the senator stand up for his constituents and the victims? he didn't. he went to bat for the banks and said he was going to go to
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washington and make sure he defunded the consumer financial protection bureau. the consumer cop that blew the whistle. anybody have a bank account at wells fargo? you better check. you might have 10. college affordability, interest rates have never been lower. it's a free market thing. let people refinance college debt. pat toomey votes no. that works for the banks. doesn't work for us. what about social security? yeah, he's out there trying to privatize it, trying to hand it over to wall street. that works for the banks. it doesn't work for us. and i'll tell you what, any guy who joins up with donald trump and thinking, as he said, the problem in this country is that people make too much, is not living in our world. i guess that's what happens when you fly around in your own private plane, as pat toomey does, and you own your own bank. you kind of lose touch. i'll tell you, it's time for us
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to get back in touch with the soul and spirit of this country and the hard work of good people in every part of this commonwealth and i know with your help and working together, we stand for something very, very different. and i can't wait to get to work with all of you so that, number one, every child, every child in this commonwealth and this country deserves a decent education. we'll fight for it. and your zip code is not your future and is not your destiny. and we'll get to work. we need all of our skills, all in. working with the steam fitters and the trades. my own brothers, heavy equipment operators, coal miners, master printer. that marine, x-ray certified welder. not just any welder, you know. but you know, a great country doesn't just buy and consume stuff. a great country builds and makes stuff.
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we're going to put people back to work. and when you put in your hard day's work, we're going to make sure you get a decent day's pay and let's say it once and for all, we're going to fight for equal pay for equal work and it's a family issue, not just a woman's issue. [applause] katie mcginty: i think we know in our heart and soul, when we stick together, when we stand together, when we have strength in numbers, nobody out-beats or out-competes the workers of the united states of america. and we're ready to do it. we're ready to show our stuff again. you know, countdown is on. 10 1/2 days. 10.25 days. not yet. but i need your help. i need to be out there on fire, making it so that everybody
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knows and believes that our best days are ahead, why? because we believe in this country, we believe in the good people of this country and when we stand together, we fight together, we will win. [applause] katie mcginty: here's one person who's been out there fighting and winning for hard-working families his whole career. it's just a shame he's a pennsylvania wanna-be but we welcome him here as our own, please welcome senator sherrod brown! [applause] senator brown: katie, thank you. erin, katie, and doyle. it's a thrill to be here, a
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thrill always to be in a labor hall with firefighters and iron workers and uscw and steel workers and sciu. thank you for all of that. this is my real voice. i'm not sick. i don't smoke. i just talk this way. my wife, who many of you know through facebook -- several of you have said that -- my wife and i were at an event one time and we were crowded together. as i took the microphone and started to speak, this guy, turned to my wife, he said i hate that guy's voice. she said, really? he said, yeah, that guy speaks, it's like fingernails on a blackboard, i can't stand listening to him. she said i like his voice. you know when i really like him? i really like him when he wakes
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me up in the middle of the night and says "i love you, baby." true story. [applause] senator brown: before we talk about katie, i want to talk about why it's so important, all of you do in the labor movement. i was in cincinnati at a labor dinner a few years ago and 300 or 400 people, seated at a table down front, a round table, were six or seven middle-aged women, some african american, some latino, some white. all middle-aged. they were sciu, and they had just signed their first union contract with the downtown cincinnati business owners. they were representing custodial workers, janitors. i wanted to talk to them so i went down. they signed the agreement earlier that morning. this was the bargaining team. 1200 in the bargaining unit. i sat down at the table and said what's it mean now that you have a union? and a woman said to me, she said
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i'm 51 years old, this is the first time in my life i'm going to have a one-week paid vacation. you think about that. because firefighters and iron workers and ufcw -- because you carry union cards, you won that fight a long time ago on that one week of paid vacation but i know natalia's working to make sure we do family leave and vacation time and sick leave and all the things that every worker should have. everybody should join a union but you shouldn't have to join a union to be able to have family leave and sick days and to be able to take care of your family, period. that's what-all fight for so well. now, the last time i was in pennsylvania, i was in -- i said to doyle, we were talking after doyle. doyle doesn't strike me as an alleghany county guy. he strikes me as a bucks county guy, doesn't he? [laughter] senator brown: anyway, last time
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i was in pennsylvania was in guy, doesn't he? july at the democratic convention and i got to speak about an hour before chelsea came on stage and one of the things i said, i was thinking a couple of days in advance, what do you talk about at something like this when everything's been said? and i thought back to grade school. i went to brinkerhov elementary school in mansfield, ohio. my junior high was johnny appleseed. i remember as a second or third grader looking on the wall and a lot of elementary schools had a picture of all of our presidents and you look at them and except for mustaches and wigs, they all look like me, a middle-aged white guy. but now i have five grandchildren and when they start school, they're going to now see an african american face, and pretty soon, my two granddaughters, they're 1 and 2 now, when they go to school, they'll see themselves in hillary clinton and how great that is. [applause]
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senator brown: and these same girls in pennsylvania that haven't seen this before, they'll see themselves in the face of their united states senator and how great is that? [applause] senator brown: and if they're smart enough not to live in doyle's district, they'll see the first female congressman. [applause] senator brown: so this is our chance, all over this country, but especially in pennsylvania this is our chance to make history. if i could be excused for a moment to say something about making history in ohio for a moment. and pittsburgh and cleveland have a lot in common. one has a good football team, one doesn't. but we have a lot in common. but we're about to make history in ohio. we have not had -- cleveland's
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not won the world series since 1948 until -- until this year, cleveland had not had, for 52 years, since jim brown, when the browns were better than the steelers back then, cleveland had not had a championship in anything. believe it or not, cleveland in cleveland had not had, for 52 early 2016 -- i appreciate your cavaliers' t-shirt, by the way. thank you, thank you for that. early in 2016, cleveland made a deal with the devil and cleveland said, i want a championship and the devil said, all right, you can have your championship. this was in early 2016 before the championship and lebron. you can have your championship but you got to have the republican championship. and they said they're going to nominate trump and cleveland said all right, you got to give us two championships. stupid joke. that's not bad. this race right here in the senate is going to make a difference in who's the majority next year. it's going to make a difference
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on how we -- whether -- considering how cruz and mccain are talking, we may never get a supreme court justice confirmed, as outrageous as that is. there's never been a supreme court vacancy as long as this one since the civil war because we're in the middle of a civil war but that doesn't bother them, apparently. so whether it's toomey or portman or republican senators all over the country, this will make such a difference to win this race here, not just to win, to have a democrat in the senate, but to have somebody as good as bob casey, somebody that understands labor, that fights for labor, that fights for working class, fights for workers, that fights for civil rights and fights for all the things that we care about in this country. everybody in this union -- everybody that's almost ever walked in the steam fitter's hall understands and cares about that. that's the importance of this race. this suit i'm wearing was made by union workers 11 miles from my home in cleveland. [applause]
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senator brown: donald trump, as you know, buys his suits and ties from mexico and china. donald trump buys his glassware -- he could have got it in toledo, ohio, america's city. he bought it in europe. he could have bought his furniture in norwalk or archibald, ohio, but bought his furniture in turkey. and on two of his last three construction projects, he's used steel from china -- steel that could have come from cleveland or youngstown. he's used aluminum from china. aluminum that could have come from alcoa or from an ohio or pennsylvania smelting site. he could have done that. of course he didn't do that. the only thing -- when i think about -- mike and i were talking about when toomey came to congress in 1999. and we faced a big vote then and mike and i were very involved, fighting against permanent normal trade relations with china. when i think of pat toomey now saying he's against trade
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trans-pacific partnership, and i think about trump saying he wants to make america great, he'll tear up trade agreements. i came to congress in 1993, i led my freshman class in opposition to nafta and we got really close. we didn't win but not good enough, obviously. but you think about this, during the fights that doyle and i have made against pntr, against cafta, against tpp, against these terrible trade agreements, i never saw pat toomey on the right side and i never saw donald trump join a rally, speak out, write a letter to the editor, write an op-ed, give money. i never saw him do anything. the only thing that donald trump did was run his mouth and pad his pockets when it comes to trade and don't believe him for a second when he says he's against these trade agreements. he didn't have to buy steel from
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china. he didn't have to buy his aluminum for his job site from china. he didn't have to buy his clothes from mexico. he obviously could have bought it here. he made those choices and that's who he really is. so this race, i want to tell you one other reason why i think that this race matters and why what you do as labor activists matters so much. i wear this pin, it's a depiction of a canary in a bird cage, given to me in the mid 1990's by a steel worker. it's a depiction of a canary in a bird cage and you know particularly because you're close to coal country and you know labor movement history. mine workers used to take the canary down in the mine. if the canary died from lack of oxygen or toxic gas, the mine worker got out of the mines because he was on his own. in those days he had no umw or union to protect him and no
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government that cared enough to protect him. you think where we are as a country, 1900, when they took the canaries down in the mines, the average life expectancy in this country was 46 years. you know in alleghany county and you know in le monde valley, you know in this region how many workers died from illness, died from work place injury. you know all that. and the reason we live 30 years i longer today, 46, 45 years old, 100 years ago, the reason we live 30 years longer today. it's a little bit high-tech medicine, chemotherapy, different things. but by and large it's because of what the labor movement has done, what civil rights has done, what advocates for women and children have done. you think about that. you think about congress and state legislatures passed
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legislation on minimum wage, on clean drinking water, on medicaid, on social security, protections for children to ban child labor, on osha, on all the things that the labor movement fought for, always against the most powerful interest groups in the country. nobody -- steel companies and the oil companies don't give this stuff away. it was because we fought in harrisburg and columbus and we fought in washington and we fought in our county courthouses. mr. fitzgerald. we fought all across the country to make this progress. and that's what's always at stake in this election. ralph waldo emerson said that the fight is always between the innovators and conservators. the innovators are us, progressives that want to move the country forward. the conservators are donald trump and pat toomey and people that want to preserve their privilege and preserve their power and preserve their money and want to hold it close and
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don't ever want to give it up. again, that's why katie mcginty's election is so important because it's not just pennsylvania, it's not just she has a d. after her name. she knows how workers live. she knows what to fight for. she will always be on the side with bob casey and me to fight for a more progressive government in a more progressive country that will move this country forward. that's why i came over here because that is so important. [applause] senator brown: i ask you one other thing. it's too bad you don't have early voting. i hope the legislature can do that one of these days here because it really does matter. for hillary. but in addition to what you do with planned parenthood or your union or the central body fed or however you're doing it, the calls make, the doors you knock on, give as much time as you can
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in the next couple of weeks. i want each of you to think about five friends you have. they could be a family member, somebody at your church, somebody in the union, a next door neighbor. think of five people who are maybe leaning for trump or toomey or just are undecided and you can convince them or maybe there's a 22-year-old that was a bernie pro and doesn't think they're going to vote. make it your mission, find five people, and make it your mission to educate them and take them to the polls. i read in 2012, 106 million americans didn't vote. imagine that. 106 million americans in this country didn't vote. and 125 million did but 106 million didn't. we all know people that probably won't vote unless you personally make an appeal to them. tell them how great katie is and
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tell them about erin and talk to them about hillary and coach them and teach them and mentor them and make sure you personally can take off work and take them to the polls. it will make the difference. in a race that looks as close as her race is, i know you will win for hillary here. and that is tough to. particularly in that part of the state. but put your personal -- make that list in your mind and think about who those five people are to make a big difference to get them to vote demographic -- vote democratic. so thank you. [applause] >> in closing, i would have to
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put a great thanks. jo little, thank you for being our host today. [applause] thank you senator sherrod brown for making the trip as always, thank you for being such a catalyst. thanks to our elected officials that graced us today and your friendship is something that is never forgotten. thank you. thank you. my final statement is to my brothers and sisters in organized labor today. a billionaire has questioned your democracy. has felt that he thinks that he has the right to say whether he will accept or not accept. what we have died for. think about that. you have a chance to make a statement that our democracy is
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great and pure. [applause] people of question to the power of organized labor for far too long. and as you can see, it just keeps coming. as one later moves, and other one steps up and we fight harder and harder. as i look at the camera and i speak to all of you right now, people question our labor movement and our power. my question to you is careful what you wish for. thank you, brothers and sisters. it out and vote. [applause]
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court diner. [applause] >> hi. how are you? good to see. great to see you. sen. toomey: good to see you. thank you for coming out. how are you? >> it is a pleasure to meet you. you're younger than i thought. [laughter] sen. toomey: that is the best thing i've heard all week. how are you? >> hello senator. sen. toomey: how are you?
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great to see you. welcome to beautiful downtown media in the center of delaware county. we are pleased to have two great voices for delaware county. they are voices in washington, d.c. first we're going to call someone in delaware county who is not only our district attorney, but then served as u.s. district attorney who does a great job. first i'm going to call up our congressman. pat? [applause] pat: good morning. i want to thank you not only for the enthusiastic response we have for pat toomey but for all the work so many of you have been doing in these last few weeks and frankly months, laboring hard in the neighborhoods to help us push
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toward the end of this vitally important election. i guess you have heard there is a senate race going on. i am reminded every three minutes and i do not watch as much television as most. let me tell you why this is so incredibly important and how i think frankly you are really where you want to be and we need you to be. first off, i've had the pleasure now for really our six years together to be serving with pat toomey in the congress. we are on different sides of the capitol, but we fight together for pennsylvania's interests. they are broad. we work together fighting for open space. we saved a piece of the brandywine because of the work we have done together. we worked together for a young woman who was fighting the bureaucracy and saw her life saved by virtue of the efforts that had been able to be done. we have been together on issues
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that relate to families from veterans to opioid abuse. these are the things impacting our community and i cannot tell you how important it is to have a partner that understands the people behind the problems and how we can work together to make a difference. i also need to tell you a little bit about washington. you may see from time to time that the system is a little bit broken and one of the reasons it is broken is there is a great big roadblock right in the middle. and no matter what we did for four straight years in the house of representatives, passing bills, and you made agree or disagree with some of that, but the fact of the matter is oftentimes by strong majorities we passed legislation on a broad variety of issues out of the house of representatives and it went and just died in the
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senate. we used to say, it piled up like cordwood at the seat of harry reid. it was not until that majority came back in, and senator pat toomey began to have a voice on the legislation that we were finally able to move bills and did many things on transportation, education policy, and the budget. those kinds of things that make a real difference as well. we passed real bills on important issues like terrorism and others out there today. it is work that needs to continue. it cannot happen if we have that roadblock. we will have that roadblock unless we continue to maintain the majority in the united states senate. let me say this race may well determine whether or not that majority is in the senate and you know how important it is and that brings me to my closing point about you here in this room. because in life, there are times
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in which you say, i would really like what i do to matter. i would like the things i am waking up to fight for to really have a chance to make a difference. and when you look around the country today, 4/5ths of the voters going to the polls are frankly observers. they are going to cast their vote, but it's going to be for one party or the other that already is entrenched in their district. it is going to be in a state hillary clinton has not even flown over in the last six months. but there are battleground states and there are battleground counties and there are battleground neighborhoods and this is one of them. right here in your backyard may well determine not just the future of the united states senate and therefore the ability of us to work together to resolve problems for nation, but
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would suggest you the real future of the nation as well. we have a great deal at stake and you can make a difference. what you are going to do. you don't have to do remarkable things. you have to do what you know how to do well. you know who that student is. today is the last day. did they get their absentee ballot in? the senior that you can get to the polls. the person who comes home from work and they say, this election, i don't care to vote. you know who they are. they are your neighbors. you have the chance to make the difference. to make sure we bring pat toomey back to the united states senate. i know you will. i thank you for the chance to be fighting with you for this important issue so it is a great honor of mine to welcome to our backyard here united states senator pat toomey. pat. [applause]
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sen. toomey: thank you very much. thank you very much for that very kind introduction. thanks to all of you for sending this guy to congress. he is a terrific congressman and terrific representative for delaware county, for southeastern pennsylvania, for pennsylvania. i will tell you the pennsylvania congressional delegation is a delegation that punches above its weight and a big part of that is because the 13 republican congressman work together and get along. whenever they can, they are helping each other out across this big diverse commonwealth of ours, and when the leadership in the house wants to know if they can get legislation pat, they go to pat and his colleagues in the delegation. they have a disproportionate influence on your behalf because they're smart and work hard and pat is one of the leaders in this congressional delegation.
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so pat, thank you for all that you do. i really appreciate it. [applause] sen. toomey: good to see you as always. thank you for your help. has anybody seen any tv ads lately? it is unbelievable, isn't it? i never saw anything like it. i never imagined we would have these wall-to-wall tv ads. they have been running with such frequency that when i'm walking down the street i get recognized because people see the ads. when you combine that with the fact that congress has 11% or 12% approval grading, it can lead to some awkward conversations. case in point, the other day i'm in home depot with my son. we're working down the aisle and there is a guy coming our way down the same aisle in my direction and he was looking at me, looking at me, and says -- hey, wait a minute. did anyone ever tell you you look a lot like pat toomey? i said, well, as a matter fact,
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yes, i have heard that. he said, must be infuriating. so, welcome to my campaign world. there is only eight days left. with your help, we're going to win this race. we are on track to win this race and we are going to get this done. the differences between myself and my opponent, katie mcginty, cannot be any more stark. i want to touch on a few of them. one is the whole different way we look at our economy or lack thereof of opportunity for too many pennsylvanians. if you ask me, for the last eight years, our economy has left way too many people behind. if you are a wealthy millionaire ex lobbyist like katie mcginty with a lot of financial assets, you have probably done fine. that is a tiny sliver of pennsylvanians. the vast majority of pennsylvanians and working-class families like the one i grew up in, who are struggling, living
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paycheck to paycheck, they have not been getting ahead in this economy, so it makes sense to ask why and if you ask me it is no great mystery. let's look at what this federal government has been doing the last eight years. massive overspending. unprecedented deficits. we have doubled our nations debt. repeated tax increases. launched an avalanche of new regulations. for the first time in history of the country, we have more businesses closing than new businesses being launched. it is because people cannot figure out how to make it work with all of the headwind coming out of washington. i want to end that. i want to restore the vibrancy and freedom and success awaiting us. my opponent, katie mcginty, she wants to double down on every sales policy we have. she is in favor of all of it. she is in favor of all of the wasteful spending, big deficits. the tax increases may be the clearest and most stark
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difference. i spent all my time in washington fighting for lower taxes because i do not feel we can tax our way to prosperity. katie mcginty has spent her entire career working to raise taxes, especially on the middle class. when she was working in the clinton administration, she was a big advocate for higher energy taxes. carbon tax, which would've cost all of us considerably more money with all of our consumption of energy. when she was secretary of the dep, she pushed through the legislation that forces electric companies to buy more expensive and less efficient forms of energy so we'll pay for that with higher electric bills. when she was the chief of staff for governor tom wolfe, what is the first thing they did? the first thing they did was they proposed the biggest tax increase pennsylvania has seen since the creation of the income tax. a 20% increase in income tax. 10% increase in sales tax in
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addition to that and expanding the universe of products and services to which that tales -- sales tax would apply. if you're a multimillionaire like katie mcginty, it is no big deal. it doesn't matter. but if you're a working-class family, this would've cost the average working-class pennsylvania family $1500 a year in extra taxes. that's to harrisburg alone. how can that be good for a sen. toomey: she is just wrong about all of the tax increases she has advocated including the federal tax increase she is pushing for. our differences on security issues are just as start. this iran nuclear deal is a disaster. it is absolutely a disaster for our country. it undermines our security. $150 billion to the
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world. that is the obama administrations description of these guys. as we gather this morning the , iranian parliament has still not ratified that agreement. signedian official has that agreement. they have openly declared that they do not consider themselves legally bound by that agreement which might explain why they are in serial violation of that agreement. this is unbelievable. we gave them $150 billion, and we were told that van they would , like us. how did that work out for the 12 sailors taken at gunpoint? how about the fact that their sunniates, the rebels are firing on american naval vessels. katie mcginty think this is a great deal. someone has to explain to me if , the iranians have decided to abandon the pursuit of nuclear weapons, why are they spending millions of dollars launching precision guided ballistic missiles designed to carry and deliver nuclear weapons?
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folks, this is a disaster. this is a really bad agreement. one of the things that has come recently that is a very disturbing development is the many ethical lapses of my opponent. hillary clinton's latest chapter in her ongoing e-mail scandal saga is just a reminder of how much corruption there is in washington and how disturbing this is. the last thing we need is a senator is going to be part of this. katie mcginty has a history of real problems with this. her devotion to hillary clinton is so complete that she decided she has to have her own e-mail scandal. it's unbelievable. for 15 months, katie mcginty and the governor have been stonewalling a completely legitimate legal request that
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katie mcginty turn over the 15,000 e-mails that she sent and received when she was the chief of staff. she was on your payroll using pennsylvania taxpayers' e-mail system, and our law is very clear. for 15 months, she has stonewalled and refused. now, there is a commonwealth court order requiring her and they still refuse to comply. they are trying to drag this out until after the election. you have to ask yourself what is , she hiding? what is it that she has to hide from thepennsylvania voters that she can't comply with the law even when there is a court order requiring it? there could be all kinds of things. npr did an analysis in pennsylvania and they said the
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number one elected official, the number one government official in abusing the revolving door between government and the businesses they were regulating was none other than katie mcginty. she took pennsylvania tax dollars and funneled it to a company her husband was being paid by. the state ethics commission ruled that is a violation of pennsylvania ethics law. when she was secretary of the dep she took millions of , pennsylvania dollars and funneled it to a foreign company to set up shop in pennsylvania , and they did. they promptly rewarded her with a very lucrative board seat. but then, they went out of business in pennsylvania. the pennsylvania taxpayers lost our money. the only one who won from this is katie mcginty. so i don't know what she's hiding here. there's a lot of evidence to suggest that there has been -- that she has been engaged in
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really dubious ethical behavior. others have determined that and i think it is long past due that she disclose these e-mails and stop this stonewalling and this refusal to comply with the law. so, folks there is a lot at , stake here. whether we are going to have security here at home. katie mcginty is perfectly ok with sanctuary cities. i think sanctuary cities this is , crazy. the fact that we have, in philadelphia, we have a little policy that forbids our police from even cooperating, sharing information with federal immigration officials, we confer special legal status, a special legal privilege on violent criminals if they came here illegally. it's unbelievable. that is what we have today. ,his has got to end, and so too end the policies holding back on economic recovery. katie mcginty would be a complete rubber stamp for the liberal wing of the democratic party. that is why elizabeth warren and
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bernie sanders were the first two senators to come and campaign for her. this is not what pennsylvania wants. pat is exactly -- exactly right. delaware county probably determines the outcome of this election. this is a county where the vote can swing a great deal and i need to do well here. and so i need to ask for your support. we have got eight days to go. we are definitely in the home stretch now and i can assure you , i will be campaigning as hard as i can every day. my first stop in the morning at about 9:00 with outside. it is definitely warmer here. [laughter] sen. toomey: we had a great enthusiastic crowd. we'll continue this case right until 8:00 at night until tuesday, november 8 so we can win this race. i can't do it without your help and i have to ask you, that we
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have a circle of family, friends, coworkers, people that know you and trust you, please reach out to those folks and make sure that they are voting on election day. your personal message will be more powerful than any number of ads that i can run between now and election day. that is how we win this race. we do it together. thank you for your support. let's get this done. [applause] [indistinct conversation] >> how are you? >> hey, dave. [indistinct conversation]
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thank you. >> can i get a picture? sen. toomey: sure. sure. >> your cousin, i am going to see her later today. >> we are going to, actually, our next stop. >> really? [indistinct conversation] a little chilly, but a great turnout. thank you for coming out. >> how are you doing? sen. toomey: i am great. thank you for coming out. good to see you again. >> can i make a suggestion?
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sen. toomey: sure. why don't you mention in addition to the industries moving out, there are additional jobs in the city, in this municipality that are lost. they close. sen. toomey: the knock on effect. >> agency that in flint and chester. -- you can see that in flint and chester. sen. toomey: that is why you have fewer people working. the unemployment rate looks low. that is because people stop looking. >> right. sen. toomey: thank you. thanks for coming out. i appreciated. >> question. on the opioid stuff? we have been cutting back for years, but a lot of it came back .
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yep.toomey: [indistinct conversation] sen. toomey: we got the administration to change the linkage of the answer to the questionnaire to medicare , i dorsements, so that not know if you saw that. the patient satisfaction -- >> [indiscernible] sen. toomey: it used to be a hospitals result on those surveys determined in part their reimbursement level. we are creating an incentive for hospitals to provide too much beer its. opioids,too much right? they will continue to do the survey but no long will the medicare reimbursement levels be a faction of the outcome of the
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>> katie mcginty started her campaign with a lie about being the first in her family to go to college. it has been one lie after another about pat toomey. >> to clear away the mud and people have a choice in this election. if you want a partisan rubberstamp, then katie mcginty is for you, but if you're looking for someone who stands up for taxpayers and public safety, then join our campaign. i am pat toomey, and this is my message. >> she gained a massive amount of weight and it was a real problem. mr. trump: i would look for right and the fat, ugly face of hers. [laughter] mr. trump: when you are a star, they let you do it. you can do anything. >> would you be prepared to vote for donald trump? sen. toomey: i have every intention of supporting the republican nominee.
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i am not in the never trump category and i am certainly not in the never trump category. >> this man, and illegal immigrant is arrested for aggravated assault. federal authorities attempted to detain him, but he is put back on the streets and then the unthinkable happens. >> sickening development. accused of raping a 13-year-old child. tokatie mcginty refuses fight against being designated a century city. >> imagine the bank forces you out. no warning, no hearing. sois a lending practice outrageous most states ban it. toomey, iton by pat was business as usual, forcing business owners out of their homes. he is using his power in the senate help himself, voting to gut rules that protect us and crackdown on big banks. pat toomey, out for himself, not
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us. andepublican claudia tenney democrat tim myers are running for the 22nd congressional district seat. they debate tonight, live on c-span two. >> on election day november 8, the nation decides our next president and which party controls the house and senate. stay with c-span for coverage of the presidential race, including campaign stops with hillary clinton, donald trump, and their surrogates. followed you house and senate races with our coverage of their candidate debate and speeches. c-span, where history unfolds daily. kentucky incumbent senator rand paul is being challenged by lexington mayor jim gray to read they debated earlier this week. topics included the opioid epidemic, minimum wage, and student debt.
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♪ >> welcome to "kentucky tonight." good evening. i am bill goodman. mr. goodman: our guests are jim gray of the democratic party and u.s. senator rand paul of the republican party. we invite your questions tonight. ask questions on twitter at -- at the web form please include your first and last name, town, and county. thank you for being here on this kcet "kentucky tonight" candidate for him. senator paul, give me the number one issue facing voters of kentucky and what you would do on the issue in the united
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states senate. mr. paul: i tell people number one, number two, number three, is the debt. with a $20 trillion debt, we borrowed a million dollars $1 million in income and it threatens our economy. it is like an anvil slowing us down. for every percentage growth that is lost, it is about a million jobs. we are 2 million jobs short right now because of this burden of debt. it threatens to undermine the country, even the foundation of the country. were interest rates to rise to 5%, 6%, and i remember buying my first house at 11%, that would become unmanageable. i do not think it is good to borrow for your daily activities. it is sort of like if you are giving advice your kids, would you say it is a good idea to borrow for monthly rent or pay
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for your food? you would try to pay that out of your income. we are paying for our daily existence as a government. it is not just a $20 trillion debt, we also have a $7 trillion shortfall in social security. that threatens social security as well. we have a $35 to $40 trillion debt with medicare. some people are saying that is debt big deal, and deficits do not matter, but to be a sound country, you have to have a balanced budget. i think republicans and democrats have let us down with spending. in fact, a compromise in washington is usually to raise a spending for both. i think we should try to get it for ourselves and mandate a constitutional amendment as well. mr. goodman: i will ask you to comment first on the debt being senator paul's number one issue.
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senator paul is speaking scare tactics. -- mr. gray: senator paul is speaking scare tactics. he wants us to believe that his wildest theories and philosophies are the remedy for everything, and they are not. i know, i have been there. they will not build the first bridge, they will not build the first highway, they will not build the first factory they , will not create a job. i know because i have been there, and it is like dizzy dean said, what he said was if you have done it, then you are not bragging. i have done it. mr. goodman: the debt is what concern to you? do you think the debt is important to move america forward? you have been quoted as saying it is not a major issue. mr. gray: no, what i said is that debt tied with equity is what makes business run and what also makes a country run.
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today, investors are making investments in our country through our treasury, through bonds, and they are being sold at some of the lowest rate ever in a decade. that tells you there's confidence in the u.s. economy. there's a lot of confidence in the u.s. economy. that is why the interest rates are so low. the deficit is 50% of what it was when ronald reagan was president. of course we have to work on this but my formula is to make , investments in our country. we have always made investments in our country, from world war ii, the interstate highway system, and after that, the space program which lead to innovation in our country ever sense. -- ever since. mr. goodman: senator paul, your response? mr. paul: we can build things in our country. adding to the debt is not a great way to do it. we ought to look at and make difficult decisions, and one of the things in washington we need to is we are going to spend it on bridges and roads, which i am for, what should we take away from instead of just adding to
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the debt? we spent about $100 billion on infrastructure in afghanistan. i would take a significant amount of money and build roads and bridges here at home, so instead of building bridges in afghanistan, i would build them at home. i would also look at foreign aid. we have about $30 billion in foreign aid. they say about 70% of that is stolen right off the top. remember the mubarak family in egypt, they are now worth $10 billion-$15 billion that they have simply stolen from the tax. instead of giving money for to foreign countries, let's spend that at home. the third thing i have offered for infrastructure is encouragement to american companies to bring their profit back home. here's about $2 trillion in unreal preachy it'd -- unrepatriated profits overseas. president obama voted for it. we brought a huge amount of
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money back, about $300 billion. there is $2 trillion out of there and i have a bipartisan bill with barbara boxer and we , would take that money that comes home and put it into the highway fund. i think this is a great example of how we could work together. i called president obama on this and he was on air force one, but he took my phone call and said i used to before it, but i am no longer for it. that is a disappointing thing. if we can find democrats who will work with us to say let's encourage that profit to come home and put it in the highway fund that is a perfect solution , for trying to fix the shortfall. mr. goodman: mayor gray, you've talked about infrastructure, crumbling roads and bridges. how would you pay for it? mr. gray: bill, we are $1 trillion short short in infrastructure by 2020. infrastructuret is number one on the priority list, and also advanced manufacturing, building advanced manufacturing, infrastructure, and building the middle class. this is the only way we grow.
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i have always said when you are , and when yourow are ripe, you rot. mr. goodman: how would you pay for the infrastructure in the nation? mr. gray: let's start with making investment that is going to be federal investment. i disagree with senator paul because i believe the federal government can make these investments. we can also get tax credits for what is called public-private partnerships. so we engage the private sector , and we engage the public sector, but let's think that in -- back in history. after world war ii, after the great depression, we always worked ourselves out of adversity. we built ourselves out of adversity. the country was not afraid to make these investments. mr. goodman: mayor gray, what is your first and most important issues in for voters of kentucky? if elected as united states senator, how would you handle that issue? mr. gray: jobs, jobs, and jobs. we are not growing the economy the way it should. just this month it was announced
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, it grew at a 2.9% growth rate. so, that is better, but we are not where we ought to be, where we can be for the middle class to get a laid up in life. up in life. the middle class is the backbone of america. you struggle across the state. there are struggles in coal country. i know a lot about this because i spent a lifetime, a career in the private sector and growing a business that today employs thousands, has employed thousands over time that has , grown in the factories we have built. more than 20,000 people a day go through the doors of plants built by gray construction. i know about recruiting companies. that is exactly what i would do in eastern kentucky and western kentucky. we have got to diversify the economy. mr. goodman: if you were asked to serve on a u.s. senate create jobs committee targeted , for and about kentucky jobs, just give me one recommendation that you would make to put people to work in eastern and western kentucky. mr. gray: i would work to put
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another toyota plant in eastern and one in western kentucky. i was there before toyota came to kentucky. i was there in japan. i quick counting when i have been to japan more than 45 times. there are plenty of opportunities. we need to focus on kentucky rather than running for president. the senator is focused on running for president for the last five years and not focused on kentucky, and the challenges right have we have in kentucky. mr. goodman: senator paul, comment on that as well as the jobs program. it you were on the u.s., and targeted for kentucky, what would you do? mr. paul: the biggest impediment we have to growing as an economy, we have the debt burden and regulatory burden and a tax burden so when you travel in eastern kentucky, they understand they have lost their jobs because it is because barack obama and the accident. obama said he would bankrupt coal. he is for these regulations that
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have been killing their jobs. you have to repeal the regulatory war on coal and on the family farm. we have talked about farm regulations. he is for the new farm regulations, waters for the u.s.. we cannot keep federalizing everything. there is also a tax burden. have the highest corporate income tax the world. 35%. if we want to thrive and keep our companies from taking those jobs overseas, i would lower that. i have a plan to lower it low below 15%, but i would vote for any kind of bipartisan movement to lower the corporate income tax. and so, to compete, you have to compete on things that are a cost of doing business. taxes are a big cost, regulations are a big cost and , the debt is a big cost. mr. goodman: mayor gray? mr. gray: i want to comment about bipartisan, because he
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said that the number of times. but the lugar center recently named him the sixth most partisan senator in the last 20 years. the sixth most partisan senator. it is hard get people to focus on what is essential, which is creating jobs. i have done it all my life. i've demonstrated it. performance and experience is what counts. host: senator? mr. paul: i would like to correct the record on that. if you look at my record, you will find some extraordinary partnerships i have had with people across the aisle. i have worked with ron wyden extensively on privacy issues. we're working on a letter to the president right now. i worked with cory booker on criminal justice reform. i worked with barbara boxer on trying to repatriate profit here. i just finished working with ed markey, a progressive democrat from massachusetts, on trying to help the drug problem, trying to allow doctors to see more people, step them down and get
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them off of heroine. i have worked with harry reid on voter restoration. will seeou really that when i believe in something, i will not let parties stand in the way of it at all. i have a strong record of working with people on the other side. mr. goodman: senator paul, mayor gray claims your efforts to dismantle the nation's intelligence is dangerous. his word. the commercial he is running against you on national security and defense quote donald trump saying "rand paul is a disaster of military and events." he quotes john mccain saying you simply "do not have the understanding of the threats of the united state's national security." and even governor chris christie said "what rand paul has done to make this country weaker is a terrible thing." adw do you respond to the ha and these accusations? mr. paul: one of the most important rights our founding fathers put into the bill of rights was the fourth amendment,
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and it is the right to be left alone. justice brandeis said in a case in 1928, "the most cherished right among civilized women and men is to be left alone." one of the checks and balances they said is police cannot come to your house. they have to call an independent person who is supposed to be dispassionate removed from the , scene. this is the same looking at your phone records. let us say the example of the , boston bombers. we should have done more to look at their records. the fbi was tipped off. they did an inadequate job, did not go deep enough to look at their records, but at the same time i do not want to look at , everybody in boston's records. you have a right to privacy in your records unless there is probable cause, unless we individualize the search warrant, and the great thing about search warrants and separating that police power is it prevents police who might be bigoted in any way on race, color, creed, gender, you name it, it prevents some of that bigotry from happening if you have checks and balances.
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but, if you simply say, "my goodness we must do anything, , i'm willing to trade my liberty for security," that is a real problem. franklin recognized this at the beginning and said if you trade your liberty for security, you may wind up with neither. you can have security and continue to defend the constitution. i took an oath, and i took a very seriously. i took an oath to defend the constitution. i treat that as a very serious promise. mr. goodman: mayor, you said in one of your commercials you will do what it takes to defeat terrorists. what is it that you will do? mr. gray: one thing you do not do is what senator paul did in his first budget proposal which was to cut defense spending. by $150 million, or 30%. notice he did not respond to , the question about what these other colleagues of his within his own party have said about his own record. he did not respond because he knows they are accurate. he recommended reducing the military budget by $150 million.
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now when he started running for , president, he changed. three years later, he changed, and then he decided to add to the military budget. terrorism is a threat, and it takes money and funds to fight these threats at home and abroad. when we pulled from foreign aid, which he has suggested, from our allies, that compromises our defense. a compromises our ability to defend our country abroad, and then at home. we will not have economic security and opportunity if we do not have a safe america. mr. goodman: so to defeat terrorism, you would? mr. gray: i would encourage our intelligence community, our investment in defense. that means smart intelligent investments. i have learned from toyota. the toyota production system teaches you continuous improvement. this is what we should apply to every spending in government. mr. goodman: under what
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circumstances should the u.s. sent troops into the middle east conflicts, and there are many of them today? there are hotbeds and tinderbox is everywhere, bill. we got to be careful. but sending advisers, committing ourselves to advisers like we have in iraq, going into mosul today, that is a prudent and wise investment that america must make in order for us to be safe at home. mr. paul: the biggest thing that separates us on national security is it that he has endorsed hillary clinton and her foreign policy and national security ideas. i think she is a danger to the country. i think hillary clinton's lack of defense in benghazi is an inexcusable, shows terrible judgment. it was a bad mistake because she , for six months kept pulling , the security out even though colonel wood and the security team said they want to stay.
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the ambassador was pleading for help. i asked this of her directly, in the committee why did you do , this? did you read the cables begging for help? she acted put off that she did not have time to read the cables from the ambassador. with regards to cut in the military, i think once again there is a misrepresentation of , the record. i put together three different budget since i have been in office because i ran for office , i said, what makes me mad about republicans and democrats is they talk about balancing the budget, but no one ever puts a pencil to paper and says this is how you balance a budget. so, i did, and the interesting thing i found is you do not have to cut military spending. if you look at each of my budget, over a five-year period military spending grows. , what happens to people caught up in the liberal hillary clinton world is they say , well, hillary clinton wanted to add $1 trillion and you are only going to add $500 billion, billion, when500 in reality, they are talking about cuts and proposed
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increases thomas o's you look at my projects, you will find i give priority to the military. in the budgets after the sequester, i actually added more military spending than the sequester allowed, and tried giving them the freedom to move the money around. to my mind, there is no more important expenditure than national security. it is one of the few things under the constitution we must do. the difference is we should not file on that. mr. goodman: you claim you cut defense spending by 30% is false? mr. paul: false. if you look at my numbers over a five-year period, military spending grew in all of the budgets i proposed. mr. gray: he said he was against it before he was for it. even his colleagues in the senate have said that he would do more to destroy and compromise america's
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intelligence network than anyone. now there's something else that , should be noted. it is important to do it now. senator paul has mentioned hillary clinton three times. that tells you he is still obsessed about the presidential campaign. he is still thinking about the presidential campaign. he is not thinking about kentucky. kentuckians needs and challenges and problems that is what i , committed to, serving kentucky. he has not even agreed he will serve a full term. i made a pledge i will serve the full term. i will ask you now senator, will , you serve a full term in the u.s. senate if you are elected? mr. paul: the funny thing about hypocrisy is people come up with these things and is like, are you going to serve as a full term for mayor? you're the one running for two offices. in fact, if anybody up here is distracted about running for two offices, it is you. there is an enormous hole in the city of lexington, and you are talking about something that does not exist. here you are, running for two offices.
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why don't you do your pledge to do your job as mayor? i mean, you have got a lot of of stuff to do. you could keep busy for a number of years. mr. gray: you did run for president and senate. you made a law, created a law -- mr. paul: a hypocrite would be somebody who criticizes someone while doing the exact same thing -- mr. paul: -- mr. gray: quite different. i actually i have performed at my job. you talk about budgets, i met a -- i made a budget. i had a pension reform, $300 million. i have health insurance, $40 million, and we were budgeting $20 million. we were losing i fixed it. $20 million. you have had 134 bills and none of them have passed. mr. paul: actually, i have had 490 bills. i am proud of that. i have introduced more legislation than any other senator. i am an active senator. i have had 40 votes on the floor, more than any senator
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from my class of 2010, and we have been very active. i can tell you in the last six , months, three things we got passed. we got the expanded doctors' role in treating the heroin epidemic past. passed.mic we were able to stop a million dollar on all the cities around lake cumberland. we also got the census bureau to count our soldiers overseas in the census count for hopkinsville and other cities. also made 90% of my votes. many people ran for president and missed half of their votes. i made 96% of my votes. i think some have said i the am hardest working senator up there, and it is probably true. mr. goodman: you're watching "kentucky tonight." this tweet from joe farley in callaway county. what are your stances on the growing student debt crisis? how do you plan to fix it? mr. gray: i think it is a terrible shame and we ought to work on it.
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there are more than 40 million people in our country today who have student debts. an average of $30,000 per person. that is a shame. at minimum, those with these loans should be able to refinance them at a minimum. you know, an education is the framework for the rest of your life. it provides a framework. now i have run into people people across the , state. one woman in louisville a month ago said she had gotten a master's degree, still has not gotten a job and she has a , six-figure debt. younger people in other locations across the state -- mr. goodman: is there a role for the federal government in the debt crisis that faces so many students? mr. gray: this is the thing we need to get our arms around, and we have got to recognize that we have got to work on problems like this and get through this
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, gridlock, and get through the dysfunction that has represented so much in washington, that despite what senator paul has just described as the reaching out across the aisle, that is not his history. it is my history. i have worked with republicans and democrats to get problem s solved in lexington. mr. goodman: senator paul, on the debt crisis is there a role? , what could or should the federal government do to get involved usually in a state program like tuition to go to a state university or private school? mr. paul: one thing we did was come up with a bill to allow students to deduct not only the principal, but the interest. sometimes, we allow students to deduct the interest, but many people are excluded because of s' income they can , only do it over a certain time. we expanded the eligibility of those who can deduct the principal and interest on their student loans. i look at a student loan as being a work expense, and you ought to be able to deduct it during your whole work for, but for your entire career.
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the problem is if you have a $50,000 student debt but you , make $35,000 a year, you often do not have the income to deduct the $50,000 in a year or two. you may need 10 or 20 years to deduct it. my bill would do that. the other side of the equation, everybody talks about trying to help students pay for it. we also have to look at the price. prices come down with competition. president obama, who my opponent has endorsed, he has had a war on private colleges. we have many private colleges in kentucky, and they tell me that president obama's war on them is difficult. they are suing them every day, putting new roadblocks. they put roadblocks in the way a private schools that they do not put in the way of public schools. we're closing them straight down. here is the kicker. in president obama's administration retired and bought one of the universities
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after they drove the price down to almost nothing, so they are making money off their war on private colleges. no, we have a lot of good private colleges in kentucky. that is part of the answer, having more colleges to drive the prices down. mr. goodman: this question from steve everett in todd county. he asks, we had a response from you on both of those on student debt, mayor gray and senator paul. steve, for the incumbent, what haven't you accomplished in the past six years that you would like to a composition you were elected, and for you, mayor ?ray, what could you accomplish mr. paul: the oath of office we take is to defend the constitution, country, protect and defend the constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. debt is an enemy and we need to keep working on that. faults withpartisan republicans and democrats
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willing to spend too much money. only go to war when there is declaration of war by congress. hillary clinton, whom my opponent has endorsed, she took us to war in libya. i call it hillary's more on -- war in libya. she did it alone. she advocated toppling assad, which i think my opponent does also. they want to do it willy-nilly with unilateral presidential authority, that is not a good way to go to war, and it leads to things that have untoward consequences. for example, in wanting to eliminate gaddafi, we now have isis controlling 1/3 of the territory. ssad, isis back a was able to expand in that vacuum. hillary clinton spent $250 million training 60 fighters, $4 million a fighter or more. they sent 10 of them to work him r, and i have tragically said the people what kind of
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, president send people to war that were captured in 15 minutes? we have done that. after 9/11, we were unified. after pearl harbor, we were unified as a country. but i think that one thing we need to do better, and i will continue to force votes on is whether we should continue sending arms the countries that are allowing the arms to good to isis. clinton was aware according to the e-mails that arms were going , from saudi arabia to isis and she did nothing about it. that is one more thing why we should never let her get within 10 miles of the white house. mr. goodman: mayor, what could you accomplish in your first term that the incumbent failed to accomplish in his first term? mr. gray: senator paul talks a lot about balancing the budget, and he never got it done. he never came close to it, even though it is at a 50% level of when ronald reagan was president. i have actually balanced a budget, had to for six years, and created five years of surpluses. i would work on doing it and
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getting it done. i would, at the very beginning sponsor national legislation for , infrastructure. it is essential that we put our infrastructure at the top of the list. we are, by 2020, we will be $1 trillion behind. the national society of civil engineers has given us a d-plus ranking. so that has got to be done. , what it will do is it will stimulate economy. -- stimulate the economy in every dimension. that has been proven over and over. mr. goodman: a couple follow-ups, on that one first. and then, we'll go back to the declaration of war. again infrastructure crumbling. , how would you pay for it? is there a plan you would use? mr. gray: i have said that we would work with the private sector, public-private partnerships, and we would provide tax credits when appropriate to private companies who are investing in
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infrastructure. but the federal government must also make an investment. this notion that you must shrink yourself to greatness does not work. mr. goodman: when it comes to taxation? mr. gray: that would be the last thing you would look at, but it is essential we get our arms around this problem and work together to find the solutions , and that is not happening. senator paul has been part of that problem. mr. goodman: and on the declaration of war that he is asking in many of the areas -- mr. gray: i would agree with senator paul that congress has that authority and it is appropriate that the congress engaged that authority. mr. goodman: all right let me , move on to another issue that you are all too familiar with. unfortunately the scourge of the , opioid epidemic that has spread across the nation and is so well entrenched and kentucky. -- in kentucky. it is a common issue with many facets. the costly measures of surviving
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opioid use that unfortunately is available to only a few. gentlemen give me one specific , program you have seen that has worked in the state of kentucky, and gives me one that you think we would need to do that might require more funding in fighting the opioid disease, one program you have seen that has worked, and one that you would like to institute that would more than likely require more funding. senator paul? mr. paul: we visited a lot of places trying to help people overcome addiction. at teen challenge, one of the things i liked was that they combined abstinence with work and also with faith. and i think that you have got to , fix the whole person. people are addicted to drugs because they have a broken spirit. i think a religious element, a faith-based element to the care -- to the cure is imperative. i think also work is important.
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many people have never worked, they are idle and at home. part of the cure is as we get them off drugs, show them what it is like to work and learn how to get up in the morning, show up for work, stay all day, and do a good job. i think both of those are good. one of the things that got included in the opioid bill that i felt strongly about was the federal government was limiting how many patients could get the replacement treatment that comes with detoxification. as you try to get some of the off some can stop cold turkey, , but others have to do it step-wise to get off heroin. and it is devastating. i mean we have more people dying , from heroine than car accidents in kentucky, so it is a devastating problem. i was pleased i was able to work with democrat ed markey in massachusetts and get that included in the bill. president obama agreed with me, and i don't often agree with president obama. when i do, i am happy to say so. but in that case, we had a coalition that passed this. republicans and democrats and
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, the president ended up signing the bill. mr. goodman: two programs, one that you have seen networks and one you would like to institute that might wear more funding. mr. gray: i have seen this firsthand as mayor. in kentucky, 1200 deaths from heroine opioid abuse overdoses just last year. i created a heroin task force to work and to bring all of our agencies together to try to address, and to work to address this issue in a meaningful way. our first responders were given the narcan and naloxone, and that has been helpful. but what we need is more support from the federal government. the care actely, the comprehensive addiction and , recovery act was passed by congress, and senator paul voted for it, but he voted against funding, which would help us in cities across the country and states across the country.
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now i would like for him to , explain why he voted against it, why he voted for the bill and against the funding. we need these funds. this is a scourge. this is an epidemic. as he said more are dying from , heroine opioid overdoses than are being lost in traffic deaths across the country. so he should explain that. ,mr. paul: you know i voted for , cara, the opioid bill, and i'm happy to vote for the appropriation for it. what happened is what has been happening in government for the last 19 years. all of the funding was stuck together in one enormous bill, 2000 pages. no one read the bill and had any idea what is in it, and there were no reforms made. the bill was passed, 2000 pages, continues to borrow a million dollars a minute. it is a rotten, no good way to run the government. it is why the deficit is so bad. what we need to do is pass individual appropriation bills,
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and then cara would have been an individual appropriation bill, which i would have supported. but i cannot support more of the same, because i ran for office telling people the debt is a big problem. i disagree fundamentally, i think the debt is a problem and we have to do something about it. it is going to take people with courage to stand up against demagoguery, people who will say you are opposed to something you are actually for because we , have to fix a spending problem. we cannot just continue to vote for bills that allow us -- we , are approaching $20 trillion. if you come into my office, we are very up front about this. we have a debt clock spinning literally out of control. when people say deficits don't matter, we don't need people like that in office. deficits do matter. they really are a big problem. they are this and go that is -- this anvil that is slowing the economy down. mr. gray: he goes on with these philosophies and theories, and
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he is continuing on it. the debt as a percentage of the gdp is at one of its lowest levels today. $209 billion, yeah those are big , numbers, it is a big economy. it is clear he has never run a business, because if he had run a business, i moved from a small family business into a business making more than $1 billion a year in revenue. you don't do that by being casual. you do not do that by not understanding debt and equity and return on investment. we are talking about return on investment for our country and making investments that will give us the opportunity and the next generation the opportunity to actually have a better life and a leg up in life. that is what he does not get. mr. goodman: do you you accept his explanation on why he did not vote for the -- ? mr. gray: no i do not accept it , because it is obtuse, arcane nonsense. , he says he is for it, then he goes against it because he says there are 2000 pages. mr. goodman: gentlemen there are , two questions here, one question for each of you on the presidential candidates. george in frankfurt asks senator paul, are you supporting donald
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trump for president? and james in louisville asks, does mr. gray still support hillary clinton after the latest news about her emails? mr. mayor gray? mr. gray: i have been a democrat life and the reason i am a democrat is because democrats are for the working man and woman. that does not mean i'm going to support and endorse every idea of a democrat. i have said that every democratic idea is not a good one, every republican idea is not a bad one. i support the nominee of our party. mr. goodman: what is a good republican idea? mr. gray: i support the nominee for our party. i am the democratic nominee for the senate, and i support the nominee of our party. mr. goodman: can you give me one good republican idea? you have used this over the course of the campaign several times. mr. gray: the bourbon bill created a couple of years ago. and i believe senator paul voted against it. mr. goodman: senator paul, supporting donald trump for president? mr. paul: yes, and the reason is is that i think he would be better for kentucky. when you compare them, hillary clinton was quite explicit in
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saying that her policies -- and i presume the mayor will continue to support these policies -- the power plan t regulations, stream guidance rules, state pollution roles -- all these regulations that have come to us from hillary clinton supports have killed our jobs. we lost 15,000 jobs in eastern kentucky. when you travel there, some of the counties, one third of the people are not working. they're not collecting unemployment, but they are not working. it is sad, and it is because of this regulatory war on coal. donald trump said he would repeal the war on coal. they want to increase
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taxes. donald trump says he wants to lower taxes. if you look at the wars that have been fought overseas, donald trump says we should not declare war. he does not agree with the iraq war. i think you will find that on every front, the rural farmers, the regulatory war, where they want to federalize all land-use and every farm in kentucky would be controlled by the federal government, trump is against it. hillary clinton is for it. if you endorse hillary clinton, you disqualify yourself. i don't know how you can represent kentucky, because everything she stands for is against what we need in kentucky. all of the jobs -- how can you e for jobs when she is for job destroying regulations? they don't seem to make sense, how you can endorse hillary clinton and still pretend to be in favor of kentucky jobs. mr. gray: i am with donald trump on this, give somebody else a chance. he has had six years to fix this and has done nothing. he has also created a war on
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coal miners. he is against the coal miners protection act, which would give coal miners and fulfill the promise made to them in 1947 -- retired coal miners -- it would give them their pension benefits and their health benefits. i know a man named frankie clayton from western county. he is 70 years old, retired coal miner, and just last week, he got a notice in the mail that he was going to lose his health insurance at the end of december. there is a bill in congress today that cannot get out of the finance committee of the senate, and senator paul has said he is against it because it is not perfect. he is always letting perfect get in the way of good. this is a big problem. it is a problem for our country when you have this kind of spirit that perfect is going to get in the way of good. mr. goodman: why are you against that bill, senator paul? mr. paul: i'm for the concept -- when there is excess money in the regulation, i'm for using that to help with the coal miners' pension. however, you have to look at, why is the pension failing, and will that fix the ultimate problem, or will we be back here a year later? the pensions are bankrupt because hillary clinton and barack obama's war on coal that my opponent supports. the thing is, if you are not going to end the regulatory war on coal, how will you shore up the pensions?
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if you had 10,000 workers paying pensions and 10,000 retirees, you might be able to take care of them. so what if you go from 10,000 workers to 1000 or zero? why did that happen? because of the war on oal. i am for the bill, but i want to attach to it regulatory relief. that is what being a legislator is about -- trying to make a bill that will actually fix the problem and not be windowdressing. i want to fix the problem, and that is coal companies have to be able to make more money. they have to succeed, and there have to be more workers employed paying into the pension for it to succeed. the only way to do that is end the regulatory war on oal. we have to convince democrats on this, because we have one democrat that will vote with us on this. there are no other democrats
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in washington that will vote for regulatory reform. that's really our problem. mr. gray: senator paul has declared coal dead. i believe coal is part of our future, and i believe we should support the miners in this act. he has said he is against it. he is coding it in different ways -- it is not sufficient for everybody. but he is not going to support it for those the promises have been made to. everybody in coal should know this and recognize it. >> you are watching the debate tonight. this question from carolyn in lancaster to senator paul -- will you allow the supreme court nominee to proceed under a hillary clinton residency?
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that would be garrett merrick, who has been nominated and not acted on. mr. paul: there is a profound constitutional debate in our country over whether or not the president can act unilaterally to write law. a philosopher that our founding fathers looked to said that when the executive begins to legislate, tyranny ill ensue. that is what is happening now. you have president who thinks he is king and can write the law. anddid this in immigration changed the law without the authority or assent of congress. the court finally said recently that he went too far. on the powerplant or utility regulations killing the coal industry, he also wrote that without our permission. we never voted in congress. the arbiter of whether he is acting constitutionally will be the supreme court, so it is going to be very difficult for me to vote for a candidate coming forward saying they want to abuse the constitution
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-- abuse the people to allow power to gravitate toward the presidency that is unconstitutional. so i can't imagine voting for clinton nominee, unless she were to appoint somebody who were someone who believed in the separation of powers, as the founders wrote into the constitution. mr. gray: i'm very practical about things. senator paul quotes french philosophers instead of answering the question. the question was real clear. would he vote for the nominee? would he take up the omination? the constitution is pretty clear on this. the president makes a nomination, in the senate then takes up the nomination through an advice and consent process. real clear on it. i think the senate should have done its job, and i don't know why it did not do its job. i think the people in america do not understand, except it is an illustration of the gridlock and the dysfunction in our system. it looks very practical to most people, and it does to
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me. mr. goodman: senator paul, if hillary clinton is successful next tuesday, would you support any nominee during her term in office that she would bring before the senate? mr. paul: i will support any nominee that pledges to uphold the separation of powers doctrine of the onstitution. that's question i will have. i will interview them, but they have to believe in the constitution. my oath is to defend the constitution. if she appoints somebody who believes in the separation of powers, that the president does not get to write the laws, i will consider them. that is really the problem. we have this fundamental, philosophical difference in our country between one party, who believes in excess power gravitating to the presidency and the president can do everything, and those of us who believe in constitutional restraints that allow for checks and balances. gridlock -- that is checks and balances trying to get unanimity to move things forward.
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instead of president obama just saying, if congress will not do it, i will. i have my pen, i will do what want. those are the words of an autocrat, not somebody we should be conspiring to return -- aspiring to return to office. mr. goodman: the murder rate in kentucky's two largest cities has increased. what measures do you support that would make it more difficult for dangerous people to get guns in kentucky? mr. gray: i have said i would support the terrorism loophole legislation that senator paul opposed. that would provide that terrorists, criminals, and the mentally ill would not have access to guns. i think that is a minimum what should be done. i see this issue up close. i talked to mothers and fathers who have lost their children.
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as a mayor, you don't ever escape it. i would support that legislation. i would support universal background checks. i grew up in a culture, like ost of us in kentucky, a hunting culture, where guns and hunting was part of everyday life. i respect and i endorse the second amendment. and i believe that we should put our arms around this challenge in this problem, because it is way more than something we should ignore. that is what has been done in congress for far too long. mr. paul: i don't think we should ignore the immigration law. there are certain cities and rumors of certain cities that basically ignore the immigration law. i am for kate's law, which says any city that chooses not to enforce immigration law should be removed from federal funding. i think that is a pretty important thing, and i don't think we have gotten much support across the aisle on this.
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i was pretty sad about what happened to kate, because she was a beautiful young woman in san francisco killed by an illegal immigrant that had been deported five times. we have to do a better job. once again, that was president obama looking at the immigration law and saying, we don't really care who comes, we are going to open the doors. that was coming from president obama without any congressional input. when we tried to pass kate's law to say that cities like san francisco, you can't ignore the law and you have to transfer people to custody, you cannot just release hardened criminals -- that would go a long way toward making our city safer. mr. goodman: mayor gray mentioned closing the gun show loophole. your comments on that? mr. paul: we have background checks, and i support background checks. if you look at where the crime is coming from, the vast majority is coming from guns bought illegally. we have to look into that. we have to police our cities.
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we have to look at whether criminal should be being released so easily. one of the things i favor with nonviolent crimes, trying to get them out of prison so we have more space for the violent criminals to stay longer. when they do this in california, they found that releasing some of the nonviolent people, they had much more room for violent criminals. before they're getting early release, but they were able to keep them in prison longer. i think we have to look at what we are doing with violent criminals and keeping them separate from the public. mr. goodman: this is a question from alan steinberg in louisville. how does each question feel about raising the minimum wage? mr. gray: i am for it. in lexington, we passed an increase in the minimum wage. i think it represents the backbone of our economy in so many respects. it represents more than 80 years of history, and regrettably, this is another example where the congress
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rough gridlock and its dysfunction has failed to act. a city like lexington and louisville had to act and had to do its job -- had to do the job that congress should have been doing. my understanding is senator paul is not only against an ncrease in the minimum wage, senator paul is against the minimum wage himself. i think that is wrong. i think it is a denial of so much of the history of our country. a progressive movement more than 100 years ago that recognized the minimum wage was essential in a functioning capitalist environment and society. mr. goodman: senator? mr. paul: the congressional budget office, which is nonpartisan, looks at these issues and tries to figure out what would be the consequences of things. if you raise the wage above the market wage -- whatever the market would set -- the greater the differential between the market wage and the government wage, the
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greater the unemployment. they predicted if the minimum wage were raised to $10 an hour, 500,000 people would lose their job. there were 98 studies i saw a year ago, and every one of them showing that it leads to unemployment. it is particularly bad in the sense that unemployment among people with the least skills or least chances have more obstacles. actually, black teenagers have suffered more from raising the minimum wage than almost any other category. what i would like is to see wages way above the minimum wage. i have traveled kentucky. this is one of the things that has impressed me. in the last six months, i have done 130 town halls. i've been to industry after industry an you know the main thing they are telling me, it is not that they are paying six dollars an hour, they are paying $12 an hour. they said they are having trouble getting people to work for that. the main problem, they say,
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are they need people with work ethics and people who are drug-free. they are complicated problems that we have in the country, but if you raise the wage above the market wage, the people trying to get started in life are hurt by this. i have three boys that all work minimum wage, and they have all learned what it is like to deliver pizzas and work as a host in a restaurant or in a call center, and frankly, that is how i grew up. mr. gray: i think it is good for the country to have a work ethic at a young age. i'm a businessman, and i worked through the minimum wage myself. nobody in our company today makes the minimum wage, but a lot of people do. he is dead wrong on this. just like he is dead wrong on pay equity for women. most of the people who earn minimum wage today are women. that is who is struggling, and that is who is suffering. either he is missing it, or he
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denying it. > senator, a response? mr. paul: all of the economists disagree. they all say raising the wage above the market wage leads to unemployment. congressional budget offices, 500,000 jobs will be lost. a good way to look at it is, let's say minimum wage is $7.25 and you make it $15. if you double it, mcdonald's has 20 employees, what happens? you think they hire more people are less? like we saw with obamacare, they said it was going to help poor people. the rates are going through the roof, but also, they said if you work 30 hours, you have to get obamacare, which is the cost of doing business. if you work 32 hours, a lot of people got moved back to 28 hours. the congressional budget said obamacare, they love obamacare they want the government involved and everything. it said 2.2 million people have lost jobs because of this.
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mr. gray: he is going to take health care away from 20 million americans and 400,000 kentuckians. mr. goodman: let's move onto another issue as we wrap up. according to the most recent kids count report, for the first time ever, more than one in four kids in kentucky live in poverty. will you give me one recommendation on the way you would tackle that if you're either returned or go to the u.s. senate, and how that program would work? mr. gray: i think we have to start with education and the investment we make an education. this is why jobs are so critical and so important. growing our economy at the level where everyone has a chance allows us to grow out of poverty conditions that are plaguing us. we have got to have jobs. this is why i have said it is umber one. jobs -- and some will say that the senate is not a place -- a senator does not have anything to do with jobs. that is dead wrong.
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it is like saying a senator does not have anything to do with education or poverty. we have to examine all of these issues carefully and thoughtfully every day, get our arms around them. mr. paul: and is under president obama, who my opponent supported, it is under hillary clinton -- 30 years of hillary clinton that these policies have been enacted leading to this anemic growth. how do we grow faster? we are growing at about 1% right now. historically we have grown at least 3%. onald reagan lowered taxes dramatically and we had one year of 7% growth, so we can grow much more rapidly, but we have to have a debate. that is what this is about. it is about what policies are better -- raising taxes, raising regulations, debt doesn't matter. or that maybe we should run our government the way you run your family. do have to balance your budget, can't have too much debt, taxes should be low, and
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the regulatory burden needs to be lowered, because what is happening is the policies are killing our economy. mr. goodman: 30 seconds on this final question from tyler of davis county. what has been your biggest regret during your political career? mr. paul: the time i have had to spend away for my family. we try very hard to stay together into as much, but i spent a lot of hours in airports traveling. time away probably is the most difficult thing, but i have been married for 26 years, and we have a family life that we tried to keep our kids involved in church and sports and athletics. mr. gray: we have a lot of ambitious goals, and in my time as mayor, we have had a lot of aspirational goals, and we have achieved a lot. that is because we focused on getting our financial house in order and getting things done.
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i'm very proud of that, but sometimes i'm called a perfectionist, and i want to get it all done. mr. goodman: thank you very much for being here on kentucky tonight. tune in friday night for comment on kentucky with bill o'brien. next monday for kentucky night where we will discuss the election. i am bill goodman. good evening. teny andican claudey kim myers are running for new york's 22nd house district seat. up next on c-span, a look at media coverage in the 2016 campaign. and then a look at the race between ayotteand hassan.
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that's live at 7:00 eastern. >> this week on c-span 2, we're featuring political radio programs with national alk show hosts live today, thom heart amanda on friday hartman. a.m. -- -- all this week live on c-span 2. >> couple of political events to tell you about today. melania trump campaigns for r husband in berwyn, pennsylvania. in the evening hillary clinton holds a campaign rally in north carolina. the road to white house coverage begins at 7:45 astern here on c-span.
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a conversation on media coverage. we'll hear from chris wallace and charlie cook of the cook political report. the economic club of washington hosted the event. >> hello? can i have your attention for a moment? thank you. everybody, please quiet. thank you. >> the ambassador from ireland is here. thank you. the state senator from maryland is here. jamie is here. nd the postmaster general, megaan brennan is here now. thank you. thank you all for coming. we're going to have a great discussion of who the next
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president is going to be. who is going to control the senate and who is going to control the house. right? we'll get the answers at the end of this. to my immediate left is chris wallace, the host of fox news sunday. they see winner of three emmy awards and did a spectacular job as the moderator of the third debate. >> thank you. [applause] and we have now gloria bourger. she has previously been at cnbc, cbs and u.s. news. you probably have seen her cnn.hours a day now on right? and charlie cook, the founder and editor to have cook political report which started in 1984. it is considered the bible of political reporting and he can
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tell us who is going to win every district and senate race. [applause] and mike allen who is the chief political correspondent for politico and also has up until july was the editor of playbook and he is widely recognized for his knowledge of politics and government and he also has political socks on hat you might show here. can you explain these? [laughter] [applause] are you selling those as well if anybody wants to buy those? ok. all right, let's deal with the easy part. if there had been no -- if there had been no action by fbi director comey last friday
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would you say this election was over? before the events of last friday would you have said the election was over for president? chris: no, because that's not hat i do for a living. i certainly think there was a narrative and i think that was conventional wisdom pre-friday was that hillary clinton had a solid, steady lead in the polls and especially in the electoral college and while i certainly would not have said it was over, i thought she had a distinct advantage in terms of the paths she had to getting 270 electoral votes. i think i would have said she was a clear favorite. >> would you have said that? gloria: i would not have said it was over because it ain't over till it's over. i would have said that she had a glide past and the narrative before last friday was that
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hillary clinton probably had her 270 and was just trying to rack up the numbers to have an impressive win and help the candidates down ballot and make sure she got a democratic senate along with her. the shape of the race was completely different. david: was it over before last riday? charlie: how about over-ish. it looked like the bottom was starting to fall out for a lot of house and senate republican candidates and then i think it kind of confirmed backup and friday through everything back -- threw everything up in the air, so now i think -- it is possible for donald trump to win, but i think it is still pretty hard. i think things have changed a lot less in the last week than the conventional wisdom is. david: before the events of last friday would you say the
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election was over? mike: the biggest change is that it gave new wind to republican senate candidates. until then the first question any republican senate candidate was asked was about donald trump, now it is not and that is a tremendous advantage for them. david: today would you say it is not impossible and it might be realistic to think donald trump could win the election? chris: absolutely. i still think you have to say she has an easier path to 270 than he does and maybe we can get into the numbers later, but it is changed and you look at the polls where he was behind by 8-10 points and is now behind by 3-4. and you have the abc tracking poll which yesterday showed a one-point lead and today shows it at a flat-footed tie.
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at 46-46. i will say from my experience covering politics there is nothing that can move faster than a political campaign where the tide is hanging. david: do you think donald trump has a chance of winning this? gloria: i do. this race, if nothing else has been volatile and swings and there are a fewer number of persuadable voters left. some people say 6%, 7%, i say the number is probably smaller than that. i do believe that donald trump right now is doing something we have not seen before which is staying on message and he has a simple message about hillary clinton and has given his republican candidates something they can cheerfully talk about, which is running against hillary clinton. for the first time in the campaign, they are singing from the same songbook and that will help him.
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will it be enough? does hillary clinton have some built-in advantages in this electoral college? yes, she does. he has to find blue states to flip and he is looking for them and he is looking in tates like wisconsin, states like michigan, and at this oint overnight as howard baker used to say, overnight is a lifetime in politics. and i believe in this race more than any other is true. david: he is doing something else very smart in his messaging, not just about clinton and the fbi emails, you saw him making a big pitch in terms of obamacare and in terms of trade and undoing nafta and those are the kind of issues particularly with yesterday as the open enrollment starting for obamacare with these huge
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increases in premiums and deductibles. david: can donald trump win this election? charlie: i think because they both have such enormous negatives that each one has in low a high floor and ceiling. but i think there is a better chance of hillary clinton hitting 300 and donald trump hitting 270. mike: there is no doubt republicans have a new spring in their step. republicans at the top would still tell you it would be very difficult based on the infrastructure of the ground game, the get out the vote they have in the states and early voting which makes such a difference. we were chatting backstage about how roughly 25% of the people you expect to vote have voted 40% of people brooklyn expects will vote, voted
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before election day. just a tiny step that reminds you of the importance of that in what a science there is now. john mccain in his primary john mccain in his primary lost in votes cast on election day, he had banked his win before -- that is what brooklyn is counting on doing now. >> i did not realize this until last night, when i saw it on someone's show. gloria: cnn. david: cnn. was focus on? i was watching both of them at the same time. anyway. you can change your vote after you voted early. can you change your vote for three or four years ago? [laughter] suppose i want to change my vote. gloria: buyer's remorse does not go back three or four years. david: does a concierge go in and take your ballot and you can change it? gloria: for you it might be concierge. [laughter] [applause] david: how do you go back and change it? gloria: the state of
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pennsylvania does not have early voting, but it has absentee voting. if you decide you cast the wrong way, my understanding is you can go into a polling place on election day and say, so you do not vote twice, and say i cast an absentee ballot but can you void it, and i would like to cast another ballot. and donald trump, as you saw, has been talking about in states where people have voted early you can change your vote. like in colorado. >> they really have the ability to go and find your ballot? >> it is only four states. david: that is new. you prepared for the debate obviously very well. when you were preparing did you , tell anybody the questions in advanced? [laughter] only a colleague from cnn, but i knew it would be safe with her. seriously. when you prepare the questions,
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do you actually have to show them to somebody else? you are doing your research. do you have people helping you? once you've block in the questions, do you hold them in your chest pocket? chris: it is funny you are asking these questions and you did not tell me you are going to ask them. it is a funny story. i get a call from janet brown, this is in early the executive september, director of the commission on presidential debates, and she says, you are going to do the last debate and i knew i was going to come up with the questions and she set about a week ahead of time you have to tell us and we will tell the campaigns what the topics will be. the way it was arranged it would , be six subject areas, 15 minutes each, and i said, well who comes up with those and she says, you do, and i am like, holy. i did not know how it was run. it was totally me and my
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researcher on fox news on sunday . we came up with all the topics and the questions ourselves. we ended up -- it was almost like a scene out of "oceans 11," uite, and i had swee set up computers with my staff and as we were going and completely reworking the questions every day -- i would take the questions and we would rip them up and like, now what do we do with them because we did not have a shredder. this is how paranoid we got. we literally stuck them in a laundry bag in the back of the closet thinking nobody would look at that and any time i left i had this book with my topics , and you know the wall safe, i would stick it in the wall safe and lock it up so it was never available. david: what is the key to keeping them from talking over you in these debates? [laughter] chris: i will to you one quick story. i have prepared to a tremendous degree the questions for each of the topics, and i even had a cheat sheet on each of them with
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the sort of data points for each thing so that, no i did not say that, that number is wrong, i would be able to cite a number. so i was really, really well prepared. but the day before, the commission said why don't we take you to the venue and you can work out on the stage, which is very interesting because anybody who has been there in person knows it is infinitely smaller than it looks on tv. the podiums from corner to corner are a half feet apart, so -- are 8.5 feet apart, so they are really in each other's faces and you are close to them and they have -- they got to students and we did a practice debate and the subject was what is your favorite movie? i said, "two minutes, secretary clinton," and the woman doing that did the two most persuasive minutes i have ever heard about why "shawshank redemption" was the greatest movie ever made. i mean, seriously. she talked about cinematography and the script, and she even quoted it -- and she did not
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know i was going to ask the question. and i went to donald trump, and in a trump-like way, he said, "django unchained." i am like, what the? they had been taught to interrupt me, to interrupt each other. i came away from it realizing that for all of my preparation decisionshe hardest was going to be decisions about when to interrupt, when to throw to the other person, and that was going to make or break the debate. gloria: can i say something about the importance of these debates? i was speaking with some republicans who are very involved in running the republican senate campaign committee, and people who are doing analytics for republicans. and what they said to me was after the first debate -- i said, "what were the turning point in the election?" and i presumed they would say the "access hollywood" video tape, or the gold star
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controversy after the democratic convention. i assumed that would be it. both of these folks, unprompted, said to me the first debate. ,the first debate -- i don't know if you saw that and what you are looking at, but they said the first -- before the first debate, someone said to me, we gave donald trump a 55% chance of winning, and after the first debate it was cut in half. i do not know if you saw that in the stuff you look at. >> the well just got poisoned among the slice of people between the 245 yard line. david: i think there were 13 republican debates in the primaries, something like that. in hindsight, what to the other candidates have done to beat donald trump and why were they unable to bring out his negatives? they were brought out in the general election campaign. >> to me, jeb bush, marco rubio, and even chris christie, there was no reason to do this, because they were fishing in a different pond of voters.
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-- different pond of voters than donald trump was. the question in my mind is, why didn't ted cruz, who was fishing in the same pond for the same group of voters -- why weren't they dishing all this stuff out? not do it personally, but dishing it out to the news media when he would've been the beneficiary of donald trump collapsing. those people were not going to go to jeb bush or marco rubio or john kasich or chris christie. david: don't you think the common problem is they all failed to take donald trump seriously enough early enough, and they thought they could get away and he would collapse on his own? gloria: they did not want to alienate the donald trump supporters. charlie: by march, april -- for me, the turning point was just before the primary, when ted cruz still had a real chance of beating him. and why they did not drop the hammer -- i do not think they would have found all of these women, but they could have found enough stuff that i think would
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have -- david: kneecap him. mike: there was a failure of imagination. so many people in this room, or maybe on this stage, did not think they had to kill him. this is the idea that you need to drop an anvil on their neck. they could not give him oxygen. but the second thing is, and chris alluded to this, they were just afraid. none of them wanted him to go after them. i did an interview with newt gingrich. "politico" has a series, and i did a video interview. newt said that in a debate, donald trump is like the bear in "the revenant." [laughter] he will get you. i am like, so marco rubio is leonardo dicaprio? and he said yes, exactly -- and they just did not want to go up against the bear. >> you could send an unmarked
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envelope to "the new york times." or to any of these papers. you do not have to have your fingerprints on it. gloria: they were too busy attacking each other. there were some debates, you recall, where the incoming was flying over donald trump's head, because they were too busy attacking each other. david: why is he always in the center? gloria: he was leading in the polls. that is how you do it. that person is always in the center, and the person left is just the person who is last is at the end. person who is last is at the end. as i recall, the debate where chris christie finished off marco rubio -- >> suicide bomber. gloria: that was a sacrifice fly, i was going to say. suicide bomber. well he did it, and nobody else , had to. and i think they were all just waiting. >> there is a great story that rubio said to chris christie before the debate, "i hear you're coming after me," and that allegedly christie said,
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"you have no idea." gloria: nobody did. david: why did ted cruz not endorse donald trump and then later did endorse him? what was the thinking behind not endorsing and then later endorsing him? anybody can explain that? >> just the "i told you so." basically assuming donald trump , was going to lose and collapse, and say "i told you so." and then when it started getting closer and closer, and he is thinking about 2020, he decided to do it. and i bet he wished he waited another week or so until after the first debate, and that he would have not done that. david: for the presidential campaign today, what states do you think will be most surprising to us on election night? which state would you say would be the biggest surprises? chris: it is going to be a surprise, so we do not know. i would say people looking early, florida will be a big indicator. if donald trump loses florida,
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and we will know that either 8:00 or 9:00 when the polls close in the western half of the state and in the panhandle. if he loses florida, it is over. there is no way he will get to 270. those are the electoral votes in florida. if he wins florida, we could be headed for a significant night, -- significant night. david: and the butterfly ballots are gone. gloria: the chance. -- the chads. they are gone. david: what you think will be a big surprise? gloria: i am not sure. i am going to look at wisconsin. you have seen donald trump say he believes it is in play. the republicans believe -- and this is interesting, because there is such a diversity of opinion between republicans and democrats. democrats say colorado is not in play. no way, they have got it. republicans say they have it at a point or two. i have no idea. david and democrats just went up : with ads there.
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so how secure are they? gloria: exactly. they are looking at these states differently. we have new polling out today -- >> breaking news. gloria: which shows donald trump in nevada and up in arizona, clinton up in pennsylvania only by four points. she has been up in pennsylvania by double digits. and florida, as chris was saying, is almost a dead heat, as florida almost always is. david: let me ask you about bernie sanders for a moment. he said it famously in the first debate -- "i do not give a damn about your emails." or something to that effect. was that a mistake? had he said, i really care about them, would he possibly have won the democratic primary? chris: i think it was a mistake and he could've made it more -- i just wonder in the end if -- whether a 74-year-old independent socialist from vermont was ever going to beat hillary clinton. david: that is a good point. [laughter] david: look how close he came
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with all of those disadvantages. chris: he did not come all of that close, because of the superdelegates. they were never going to go for him. gloria: that was where rigged election first started. david: normally, if you have somebody who is not in a major party and he does so well, why did he not choose to run a third-party candidacy? he was not loyal to the democratic party. gloria: i do not think he wanted to hand the election to donald trump, and i think that is what he thought it would do. obviously, the third party candidate now does not feel this way, even though his running mate, i believe, went on msnbc -- bill weld said, "let me make the case for hillary clinton." charlie: the guy who should have been the top of the libertarian ticket. david: maybe you have some insight on this. chris christie is saying he was offered the vice presidency in the last minute, and donald trump got talked out of it. is there any proof? >> i don't know.
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there is a great story. he was leaning in the direction of chris christie, and then paul manafort manufactured -- if you remember, donald trump was in indiana, and paul manafort made up the fact the plane was broken so donald trump would have to stay in indianapolis for one more day, which gave mike pence another chance to make the pitch. david: and was there any -- who came in second to tim kaine for vice president? or was he always the first choice? there was never a second choice? mike he was. : tim kaine was so perfect, and it was because he was a governing choice. he happened to bring virginia with him, but secretary clinton, who has seen the vice presidency up close so many times -- she knew she would be married to this person and it was a governing pick, and someone who would be effective. charlie: she was not at long yardage. this was a very safe, solid pick. chris: can i give you a data
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point? it is my favorite statistic. it tells you why we are all talking about hillary having so much of an advantage built in structurally in the electoral now. -- map. if you go back and look, there are 18 states and the district of columbia which have voted six elections in a row for the democrat, all the way back from 1992 through clinton's two elections and bush's two elections and obama's two elections. six times in a row, voted democrat. they have 242 electoral votes, which means if she holds onto what has voted democrat every time since 1992, she only needs 28 more electoral votes to win. flip it to republicans. 13 states have voted republican six elections in a row, 102 electoral votes. so she starts off with this enormous advantage that does not include states like florida or ohio or north carolina or virginia, or a variety of states that have voted, but she starts with a huge structural advantage. gloria: you were talking earlier about the impact of the comey
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news last friday. one thing i am looking at is this question of enthusiasm among clinton supporters. because we had seen before comey that the enthusiasm -- donald trump's voters have always been more enthusiastic about voting or him than hillary clinton's were about voting for her. that number was starting to equal out towards last week, and then came director comey and what you saw in some of the tracking polling. i try not to look too much at daily tracking polling, because it gives me anxiety for these things to shift 10 points in a day. which they do very often. they are not very dependable. but you do see over a period of time now, which is days, that her enthusiasm numbers tend to be shifting down. the question that i then ask is, will that mean that some voters will stay home who say, "a pox
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on both of your houses"? so will that suppress her turnout, and will they make his turnout be more enthusiastic? i mean we do not know the answer , to that, but i think we ought to be looking. david: mike? mike: i was meeting before lunch , and it's sort of a glass half full for clinton voters, as now they are nervous and will not have the complacency they did. turnout can flip both ways. one reason -- i know, charlie, you spoke to a bunch of republican pollsters. you probably heard something similar. one thing that makes them nervous with this discussion about emails -- a voter that stays home is a suburban, educated,ore higher-income voter.
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that would be hillary clinton and roy blunt. that would be a ticket splitter. it would be hillary clinton and kelly ayotte in new hampshire. there is some worry about that, and even though there is the blue wall chris was talking about, there is so much more nervousness in brooklyn and among clinton voters. for 500 days, top hillary clinton voters, a number of them in this room, have been calling me and my colleagues and saying, things are not fine. they would be calling us and telling us, "tell us things are fine." david: when you do a national poll, you need how many people to make it statistically significant? 1500 or so? chris -- charlie: when you get it down to likely voters 700-800, start with a base. , david: do they call people who have stationary telephones, land lines, or people with cell phones? and how do you get people who did not really have telephones? charlie: the better pollsters and the national namebrand pollsters are calling a mix.
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that could be as much as half cell phones. the problem is color i.d., it's response rate. a generation ago, somebody calls you out and asks your opinion about politics, and you felt empowered and flattered. today it is, who is interrupting my dinner? the thing is, the way i would look at it is, a live person calling is always better than an online or robo call, and a standalone poll is always better than a tracking poll, because they can do the 3-4 callbacks over a couple of days to get the primary person. the problem with this -- it is a good thing to look at averages, but the problem with averages is it turns polls into a commodity and treats them alike. all of these polls are not alike. some of these are junk. some of them, i have to look up and see who the hell is this pollster. you go to their website. gloria: you average the good
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polls. david: on the day of the election, the news media often gets exit polls, and when you go on tv you are supposed to pretend you do not know the outcome. so you kind of fake it for a while. gloria: we do not. we look at the exit polls, and they give an indication on how certain questions are being answere. -- answered. but we do not really know the outcome. i remember when john kerry ran and the exit polls were wrong. charlie: exit polls are not that accurate. after the election, they are used for speech material, to make the points you want to make. the thing is, a race that you do not know from "time magazine" the week before who is going to win, an exit poll will not tell you. david: the election is over tomorrow, and let's suppose for the purpose of this hillary clinton wins. what would you say would be the turning point for her, as you look back over the last year, for her to have won this election? gloria: i would say the first debate. david: what would you say would be the turning point for her?
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mike i would say the nomination : of donald trump. [laughter] [applause] david: what would you say? same thing? >> i cannot top that. david: suppose donald trump were to win. what would you say was the turning point for him? chris i could be a smartass and : say the election of hillary clinton and certainly the comey announcement. gloria: i would say that, yes. david: the senate needs to pick up four seats to control the senate. if the white house is controlled by the democrats, right, pick up four seats, and they control the senate. what do you think that is the likelihood? schumer,ority leader who has been preparing for that since he was four, until a week ago, it seemed very likely than -- it seemed very likely. we were told that someone had even told them republicans could lose every close race.
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charlie: a week ago monday. mike: now, that is not the case. it is completely on the cusp. david: it could go either way. mike: no, there are three ways, because it is very possible there could be a 50-50 senate, where the tie is broken to vice president kaine or vice president pence. david: who will win the new hampshire senate seat? charlie flip it up in the air. : it is that close. david: pennsylvania. charlie: mcginty -- chris toomey : is a better candidate, but pennsylvania is not illinois or wisconsin. it is a tough state. david: illinois is over, would you say? wisconsin, over. what about florida? charlie: marco rubio by four points. five points. david: nevada. charlie: a week and a half then -- and a half ago, i would say
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joe hand, the republican. now, maybe not. david: north carolina? gloria: hard. charlie: that is the one republicans are frustrated with because remember the old record player that would get 78 rpm and then 45 and then 17.5 and that is richard burr. [laughter] [applause] charlie: he is slow to organize , slow to raise money, slow to define his -- he is doing it the way he has always done it and if republic -- republicans want to pull their hair out. david: what about missouri? gloria: that is a tough one. charlie: that is a tough one. trump was running against evan bayh in indiana and blunt in missouri. the whole anti-washington. david: what about indiana? charlie: i think it will be close.
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david: let us talk about the house for a moment. mike: one theme in charlie's answers is, we see absent the top of the ticket, republicans would easily have a return of the majority. gloria: one other thing to add on that and it applies to house races, i have never seen a presidential race where you do not have on a stage all of the candidates that are running when the presidential nominee comes to town, and they are all holding their hands up together and saying, let's vote for this ticket with our presidential nominee at the top, and let's support kelly ayotte and they are doing that with mike pence to a degree, but you do not have that picture in this race >>. -- in this race. david good point, hillary : clinton has so many surrogates out there -- gloria: 500. david: who is her most effective surrogate? >> michelle. gloria: michelle obama. david: and he was donald trump's most effective surrogate? gloria: mike pence.
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and a day or so ago, they were together somewhere, i think. david: in the house republicans , have a 38 seat leadership -- chris: they need 30 seats. david: what you think is the likely outcome of the house? charlie: republicans lose 13, 14, 15 seats. mike: but over the last few weeks it was 5-10, 10-15, think people were worried about losing 20. they have dial back from that. either way you will have a weakened paul ryan because the republicans that lose our -- are ryan-ish republicans. david: in the house or senate what you think would be the biggest surprise? >> we are seeing so much polling that these out of the blue senate races do not happen so much. but one thing worth noting is watcher hasr
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noticed when you get down to the , left-hand full of races, they never split down the middle, they overwhelmingly go one way or the other, whatever the last gust of wind pushed the ones on the knife edge one way or the other. david: let's suppose donald trump loses, will he secede? -- will he concede on the night of the election? chris: well, i asked him that question. [laughter] chris: i think it depends. gloria: that is what he said. [laughter] [applause] chris: if it is 2000, 5500 or -- -- if it is 5500 votes in florida, maybe not. if it is millions of votes and dozens of electoral votes i think he will. do you think he will concede? gloria: i think it depends what they see out there. states have automatic recount rules. the state of florida, if the margin is less than .5%, you go to automatic recount. that is what happens. now say that were to occur in , the state of florida, but
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donald trump had lost so many electoral votes that florida were to become irrelevant, then he probably would not do it. i think that -- chris: you think he would concede? gloria: i think he would recount florida, but i think if there were no shot of him winning the presidency and everything were -- everything seemed fair everywhere else, why should he? i think donald trump put everyone on notice, particularly in answering your question, that he is not going to say that right now. and i think it's -- chris: i do not think we are going to hear anything that any of us would consider to be a normal concession. [laughter] charlie the thing is, nowadays : nobody ever loses. you win or you were cheated and i think it is an extension of every kid getting a trophy. and so i don't think he is going to. gloria: you mean an effort grade?
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mike: i guarantee that whatever the result is, he will say it is a precise indication of whatever he has been saying. david the best single speech in : the campaign delivered by whom when? gloria: i think it was michelle obama's speech. david: at the convention? gloria: no it was her speech , which was aimed at women voters and younger women in particular after the access hollywood tape came out. david: and who gave the most disappointing speech you thought really fell flat on its face? anybody? chris ted cruz's speech at the : convention. being booed out of the hall is not a good thing. david: let's suppose hillary clinton wins. who would be the presumptive lead candidate for the republicans in 2020? when somebody be delayed -- be the lead? would it be pence or cruz?
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mike: 10 i was in? in?ike: can i buzz it will be somebody not involved in this mess. i think the people involved are so badly splattered, i would it rather be senator top scott -- senator tom cotton of arkansas, nikki haley, i would rather be somebody not a metal of this. -- not in the middle of this. charlie: i would want to be somebody who was in it, but off the block i would say mike pence. this is a big question for republicans. i think you have the speaker of the house who eventually endorsed the candidate, but cannot say his name. he talks about donald trump as the nominee, and he is a very difficult time -- >> lord voldemort. [laughter] >> right. david: let's suppose donald trump wins, who was the leader of the democratic party going forward?
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chris: that is a good question and one of the reasons you did not have much of a primary race on democratic is there is not a very deep bench. he could say andrew cuomo or something like that, but not a bunch of names that spring to mind. >> i would say schumer is going to come out of this as the presumptive leader of the party. david: presidential? chris: i think we have to wait and see, but i think paul ryan has to make a decision if he wants to be a part of governing or run for the republican nomination and i think he will decide to govern and house republicans -- i think the senate will be more functional with a mitch mcconnell, chuck schumer relationship as opposed to with harry reid. on the republican side, house republicans have to decide do they want a legislator or
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investigate come i think half of them will want to investigate and ryan would rather legislate. david: would the supreme court nominee that president obama's proposed the approved a lame-duck and would tpp be a lame duck? chris: i think you have a lot of republicans saying they will stand firm. with hillary clinton as the president elect, merrick garland looks pretty moderate. gloria: i think merrick garland, i never thought i would say this, but i think he has a better shot of getting confirmed in that scenario. tpp i don't think -- david: had he think the press and media will cover the next election differently than they covered this one? do you think they learned anything they can improve upon or do you think they did a great job and do not need to make changes? [laughter] gloria: i will let you take
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that. chris: i think we will make mistakes, but make different ones. i think the media cannot do a worse job than this year. i really believe that. [applause] charlie: i think early on basically cable news handed over their airwaves the donald trump and then begrudgingly added bernie sanders and hillary, so they gave him a free ride for a long time and maybe were not as aggressive in hoping to feed to the fire during the primaries and debates as they should have. in the last month or so it is like watching a badly refereed basketball game where we see makeup calls and particularly print -- i am not a donald trump defending at all, but going after donald trump in ways i think violate every candidate
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ethics for news reporting and i completely agree with that. >> just look at the additives in the news stories in "the new york times was quote or "the washington post." one today talked about donald trump "lurching." that is a verb, they use additives and verbs in a very -- gloria: i think we all need time to get through this election and then take a look back, which i think would be very useful. the one thing i will say about donald trump which i think is a lesson to a lot of people running for office, which is if you make yourself available to the press, the press will interview you and i recall during the primaries with jeb bush talked to us frequently, the answer is "no" because he was behaving like the front runners who did not have to speak to the media.
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the thing that donald trump did would served to his advantage and this is not to say the press did not do things that were wrong, but he put himself in -- out there and talk to people. but now, donald trump has not had a press conference since i believe in july and there was a guy who would talk to the press anytime all the time. things shift and now hillary clinton is talking to the press more. >> i would respectfully disagree. i think you could have been every other candidate in fusions of sodium kenesaw and -- and many of them would not have gotten coverage. i think this was about ratings and allowing him to do phone in. you could not phone in these shows before. >> we did not allow him to phone in. gloria: then hillary clinton started to phone in. charlie: they were allowing her
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because they were allowing him. david: if hillary clinton is elected what role will bill clinton have? >> the first gentleman. >> probably not up front, but he will be an emissary. she talked about wanting him to be an emissary to blue-collar america and actually he would be very effective. >> east wing or west wing office? chris: probably both. >> i would say if elected president, hillary clinton should try to get him a job as a lecturer on a cruise ship that had no telecommunication whatsoever. [laughter] david: if donald trump is elected president -- do you think you will be disappointed by the quality of camp david, air force one, and the white
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house? do you think he will be ok, up to his standards? if hillary clinton is elected who do you think will be chief of staff? >> it will not be sheryl mills. i would think a lot of the people who you normally thought of are so tainted by the emails and all of that that i do not think -- i mean, you hear names and we are all speculating, you hear names like ron mclean, -- >> tom vilsack. david: who would be chief of staff for donald trump? >> donald trump. [laughter] david: ok, and what time on election night do you think we can go to sleep? >> it depends. if florida goes for clinton, it
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over early. if it doesn't and you start to begin ohio going for donald trump and florida going for trump, it could be a longer evening. gloria: i do not know about you, we are on the air until 3:00 a.m. >> i think we will know by midnight. >> we knew about obama at 9:00 p.m. gloria: the senate could be a very interesting story. >> nevada is a late state, but if democrats are at four going with nevada still at -- five with nevada still out. david: any november surprises? anything that can happen between now and election day that could change the election? >> are you kidding asking this question? david: do you expect the fbi director to come up with a more definitive answer? chris: my gut says no.
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gloria: i do not know, they are reviewing email. they must have a program to allow them to see whether there are duplicate emails. i think maybe and maybe it is not on that front. this campaign has been a surprise a minute, how many days do we have left? 6 days, anything. >> you are the only lawyer up here. are we likely to hear any good news for clinton out of the fbi this week? it seems to me there is a greater downside risk than upside risk because if they find classified stuff in there we would probably hear it sooner and if they have not found it yet some of they are probably still looking, maybe. >> whoever is elected, do you think they can effectively govern given this campaign and
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the division with congress? do you think it will be difficult to get anything done? chris: there could not have been a more contested election than 2000 with george w. bush literally being decided by the supreme court and coming down to 500 votes in florida, yet i know the reaction afterwards was if you win, you govern like you have a mandate whether you do or not and he actually had a very successful first year. >> i think hillary clinton should pray for a republican senate because it would help her constrained her own instincts. even more for that it would be -- for elizabeth warren, sanders, she would say i have to deal. david: which individual not running for president the think enhanced his or her potential the most in the last year? gloria: elizabeth warren certainly did with the progressives on the democratic party. she became a star on the campaign trail for democrats aside from bernie --
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>> to mike's points come i think if elected hillary clinton will have as many problems on her left does on her right. i would say that two things that make me less pessimistic would be, number one i think it is always better to have a president who will meet with members of congress and pick up the phone and talk to them without having his arm broken and secondly, i think the schumer-mcconnell relationship will be a functional one. those are two things that might make things -- david: who is the biggest flop in this campaign versus their -- in terms of their reputation going so low? is there anyone you really think came out a loser? >> i think the people who
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waffled on donald trump will eventually pay a price. where you were on this one will matter, people will remember. >> if you have another presidential campaign, will you still cover a campaign or years from now? chris: god willing. >> i think i have to. i hope there is not a second one. chris: do you know who my father was? i will be here another 20 years. [laughter] [applause] david: i want to thank you all. chris: very nice. gloria: thank you.
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david: little tokens of our appreciation. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2016] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] >> a couple of political events to tell you about tomorrow. day. campaigns for her husband in berwyn, pennsylvania, outside of philadelphia. live coverage starting at 2:00 p.m. eastern here on c-span. in the evening, hillary clinton holds a campaign rally in raleigh, north carolina. watch coverage at 7:45 p.m. eastern on c-span. >> tuesday nights results into the senate race could be an indicator as to who controls in 2017. james pinto is falling the story. kelly ayotteween
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and maggie hassan, when they enter the race it was almost dead even. and it seems to have been the same. >> yes. there's been a lot of twists and turns, but there's been one constant which is the race remains tied. it was tied when the race began. there's been a couple of outlier polls that have shown various times of the year that one candidate was up by a little bit outside the margin of error or the other one was. but for the most part, every single poll over the course of the last year has shown the race remains to be tied, no matter what happens. host: what are the issues driving voters in new hampshire? what are they talking about? what are the candidates talking about? james: there are basically three different ideas in the campaign, which has made it hard for voters to discern who they should vote for. first is the presidential race.
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you saw it wednesday, the topics of donald trump and hillary clinton and their own popularity is something that is brought up again and again and again. again, these candidates, it has been hard to walk that line. maggie hassan, the democratic governor, has messed up on national tv on answering the question if hillary clinton is trustworthy. and kelly ayotte has been a national storyline in terms of how she is trying to thread the needle, with before she was going to support donald trump but not endorse him, which means she would vote for him because she's not clinton. and then a few weeks ago after the access hollywood tape, she said she is not going to vote for donald trump but write in mike pence. the other thing is some people, playing close attention to the national politics have seen that new hampshire is in the midst of
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a very big drug crisis, an opioid epidemic. both of them have talked about the issue incessantly, showing they're knowledgeable about it, they're deeply engaged in it. for voters, i am not sure it's an indication of what they are supposed to do about it. there's not disagreement on philosophically how they're going to address the problem. it's just about how they talk about it confidently. the third part has been this idea of who is more bipartisan. new hampshire is a state where independent voters outnumber those who are republican or democrat. both are making their final closing argument they can be a work-across-the-lines or a check against the president, if it's hillary clinton or donald trump. host: kelly ayotte has become a case study in how you can distance yourself from an unpopular candidate in some circles and try to maintain the trump voter in her base. how has she been doing? james: in some cases, there are good weeks and bad case studies is her bad weeks.
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it's rocky. it's difficult. there's no doubt about it. what we thought was going to be the most significant moment in the campaign was the moment when she officially divorced donald trump. you would say, ok, is this the moment where there will be backlash? is this a moment where she can grab opportunity among some independent voters who aren't with donald trump? the polling gave us a clear answer, it did not make a difference whatsoever. she maintained the exact same position where she was among republicans, including among republican men, which was the best sort of demographic for donald trump in the state. she didn't really gain much among independents for it, either. nothing has seem to move the needle. at the end of the day, this may simply be a matter of who's got the best ground game. host: when the results are coming in tuesday night, what part of the state will you be looking at? what area will determine who's
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going to win the senate race? james: i think a lot of people will be looking at partisan turnout. if you are kelly ayotte, you need to drive a big republican turnout in the southern portion of the state along the massachusetts border. those are the biggest republican areas. if you're maggie hassan, you need to drive turnout along the seacoast, portsmouth, maine, and the college town of durham. you need to do really well in those two areas to drive out the base. it may come down to kelly ayotte's hometown of nashua. it's the second largest city in the state. and it is the swingingest city in the state. a lot of independent voters there. kind of a black hole politically on who votes from one year to the next. that really could be the city that is decisive. host: have newspaper endorsements made a difference? james: newspaper endorsements,
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of course, are waning in influence here like they are everywhere else. but it's been sort of a mixed bag. kelly ayotte has been getting some of the liberal papers endorsing her, saying she is a moderate voice. democrats would contest that. but other papers have been endorsing maggie hassan. it's been basically an even split. host: we will look for your reporting at james pindell is a political reporter. thanks for being with us. >> ben hassan is my older from manchester, new hampshire, this is 35 minutes. >> so, my name is george bruno. i am a member of the brotherhood, which is sponsoring this morning's event. the temple has many rituals and so this candidate forum is just one of them. and i would like to thank all of you for coming this morning to
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hear our candidates. i'd like especially to thank saul roqenmacher for putting this event together. he literally worked four months on this, rounding up all of the candidates, speaking with them almost on a daily basis, and making sure we had a good exchange between the community and our candidates this election season. so a round of applause for saul. [applause] for the great job he has done. the brotherhood is active throughout the year. this is not the only function that we sponsor. we also sponsor scholarship programs, hanukkah parties, lectures, a dinner for seniors, and of course our famous deli
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night which is coming up on january 28. the christmas mitzvah program supports the new horizon soup kitchen and working together with our muslim and christian friends delivering meals on wheels and staffing elliott hospital and the catholic medical center hospitality desk and running the veterans administration hospital bingo program. so with that said, there is a list of the candidate appearances this morning. these are going to be 15 minute intervals. so i will not be giving long, flowery introductions for each of the candidates.
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it will be very brief, to give them the maximum amount of speaking time possible. and i just want to underscore what rabbi davidson said, that we value diversity of opinion and respect for our democratic process. if you like what a candidate says, it is ok to applaud and cheer. if you don't, silence is the best response. [laughter] so thank you for that. we have nine candidates appearing before us this morning. the event is being covered by major news media, including the union leader, channel 9, c-span and some other news outlets. so i know that what the candidates say this morning will not only be for this audience, but for a much broader audience throughout our state and the nation. so with that said, let me introduce our first candidate,
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she is a republican, she is the incumbent united states senator. she resides in nashua, she is the former attorney general of our state, and a warm welcome to senator kelly ayotte. [applause] sen. ayotte: good morning. i am so glad to be here today. i wanted to thank ambassador bruno for hosting this and i want to thank rabbi davison and i want to thank saul for inviting me to be part of this important forum. it is a privilege to serve you in the senate where i have focused on finding common ground. i have one of the most bipartisan records in the senate and that has enabled me to work together on efforts like getting legislation passed this summer to help us address our heroin
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epidemic. that legislation called the comprehensive addiction recovery act is focused on how we can work with the state and local efforts on prevention, treatment and recovery. i also serve on the small business committee. my husband has a small business so i understand how decisions in washington can impact our small businesses' ability to thrive and succeed. i have been focusing on a more sensible tax and regulatory environment and education and training to make sure we can have good paying jobs here. i serve on the armed services committee. my husband is a combat veteran who served in iraq and security for all of us is very important. i chaired the readiness subcommittee with that and i have been a very strong supporter of our friendship which is so important with the jewish state of israel. i have been glad to support security cooperation between our countries, the iron dome system, the aero system, the david sling systems, which are very
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important to security in israel but also very important to our own security in terms of our missile defense systems. i have been a strong opponent of the iran agreement because i believe it will allow iran to keep the infrastructure legitimately for nuclear weapons capability. i have also been a leader in introducing sanctions to address iran's ballistic missile program which is of deep concern. they have tested ballistic missiles, some of them saying they want to wipe israel off the face of the earth. so it is very important to focus on this iranian threat and in addition to that, i've supported strongly foreign aid to israel. i've had the privilege of traveling to the beautiful country of israel on several occasions. and one of the greatest honors i've had in the senate is to introduce the congressional gold medal for the late statesman, shimon peres, and to be present
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in the capitol when he received that gold medal. i will never forget that. what an amazing person for humanity. so i am honored to be here with all of you today. i look forward to answering your questions about domestic and national security issues. this is a very important forum and i really appreciate all that you do for the manchester community and for our state. thank you very much. applause. >> so, senator ayotte, i have your first question. do you support legislation that would close the gun show loophole and require background checks? sen. ayotte: i am a former attorney general, as you know, and former murder prosecutor. i think that first of all we need to make sure that we ensure
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that criminals and terrorists cannot have access to firearms. but at the same time, we have to protect the second commandment rights of law-abiding citizens. so what i have focused on, i am open to addressing gaps in our system. but we need to address some of the immediate gaps. that is that mental health records that are supposed to be in the system are not in there for those who are adjudicated a danger to themselves and others and i have supported legislation to get those records. in addition, more prosecution. right now there is an abysmal record of even prosecuting any violation of our background check system. and i can assure you having been a former attorney general, if we do not prosecute those who are attempting to violate the system, that is not going to send the right message to criminals. i also happen to have the endorsement of the troopers association and the manchester patrolmen's association. they know that security and keeping us safe is our priority. so i will work to address these issues on a bipartisan basis and
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also make sure that your constitutional rights are protected. having had the experience of being a prosecutor, i look at this legislation very carefully when it comes up to make sure that it's actually going to work and be effective. >> thank you. do you support legislation that would allow the government to negotiate pharmaceutical companies' prices for drugs for the medicare program? sen. ayotte: i would support the ability of the government to negotiate. but we have to go well beyond that if we want to deal with the rising prices of prescription drugs. for example, i'm also sponsoring legislation called the fair drug pricing act. you have seen some of the instances with epipen. it would actually require notification in advance if any company is going to increase the price 10% so that we can, instead of hearing about it afterwards, can actually inquire in advance if there's something that needs to be investigated or is handled improperly. we also need to get generics to
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market sooner and that involves not only competition with the pharmaceutical companies, but the fda. if you look at the epipen situation, making sure that you can get generics to market sooner is very important in terms of addressing drug prices. let me just say, we need to make some changes to the health care law. so many people here in new hampshire are coming to me about higher deductibles, higher co-pays, higher premiums. i want to see more competition and transparency, less one-size-fits-all from washington so that people in new hampshire can have different choices and hopefully we can really be focused on the costs that are rising for many of our families. >> there have been many reports about contamination of groundwater in new hampshire. what should the federal government do to safeguard drinking water? sen. ayotte: first of all,
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enforcing the clean water act and our laws and our state and new hampshire d.e.s. and what they do with that. a lot of these instances, for example, on the seacoast, have involved a chemical called pfoa. one of them involve the air force, it was in the fire foam used in that area. so i have worked strongly with senator shaheen in making sure the epa is stepping up and the department of defense is stepping up to ensure the well water is clean, proper systems are in place and that people who think they've been exposed can get tested, so we understand if there are any long-term health impacts and they can get the help they need. this is an area on some examples in new hampshire where i have been working with senator shaheen to address them. >> thank you. what would you do about tackling the current deficit and debt?
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sen. ayotte: as the mother of two children, 9-year-old and 12-year-old, and i see many parents in this room, this is a very big issue for us. we are $19 trillion in debt. if you look at the federal spending pie, we have to take two big steps. it would be, for me, us coming it would be coming together on a bipartisan basis to come to a grand deal where we are working at the big picture. and that means tax reform because we have a tax code right now that is actually not doing a service to the united states of america. we are not competitive in the global economy to keep jobs here and investment here. we've got trillions of dollars overseas. let's have a simple, competitive rate, fairer for all businesses so that needs to be done. , on the spending side, we need to look at some of the programs that need to be preserved and
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strengthened, social security goes into a deficit in 2034 if we don't act. 2028 for medicare. and so that is two thirds of the , spending, medicaid and medicare and social security. this is one that cries out for bipartisanship so we can work together to strengthen and make sure we are in a stronger fiscal position. let me just say, every committee i serve on, i look for ways to save dollars. on the armed services committee, a eliminating the missile to know where. working on a bipartisan basis, i have a bill that i worked with to make sure that all of the audits that are done of duplication, waste, and fraud, we actually act upon them. so i am looking for ways to do , things differently because this is about all of us. if we don't work together on the strength and the fiscal issues and the debt behalf we will be , passing this burden onto our
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children and they deserve us to act on this now on their behalf. [applause] >> relations between the united states and israel seem to be strained at the moment. what would you recommend to improve relations between our countries? ms. ayotte what i would recommend first of all is i would have to president to make quite clear that as he is going out of office that he will not , or any action in the u.n. support any action that would , or its rightel to determine its own future in negotiations. there's been a lot of concern about it recently. this week, you saw unesco took a number of actions that are of concern in terms of actions that concerned the temple mount. the administration has to be clear we do not support those
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measures and that we stand with israel. the two parties are going to have to determine this. otherwise you won't have a , peaceful determination. i also believe we need to reauthorize the iran sanctions act and i hope we do that before , the next administration comes into office. we want those measures in place to ensure that the legal authority is there to address any of the violations that iran may have. i also believe that in terms of the memorandum of understanding, i have introduced legislation to make sure there is strong support for israel, security cooperation and foreign aid, and i think we can be strong on these issues. one final point -- i think we should be clear on the bdf movement as well. that we do not support it. that is something i've supported legislation on. the administration could be quite clear about our relationship with israel and they have given mixed signals. i would like them to be clear on
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this. [applause] >> the next question pertains to donald trump. could you please explain your position with respect to supporting, endorsing, and voting for donald trump? ms. ayotte: yes. certainly, as a republican i , wanted to be able to support our republican nominee because i would like us to go in a different direction. unfortunately, i am a former prosecutor, and the information that came out in those tapes, for me, that crossed the line into criminality. and that was a dealbreaker for me. i'm not going to be voting for him. nor am i voting for hillary clinton. i will be writing in mike pence. for me this is bigger than an , election. i am the mother of a daughter. in terms of where i sit on this
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issue this was important for me. , i know as she gets older, to understand where i stood. this room everyone in to know, whoever is elected into the oval office from either side, i will stand up for new hampshire. if i think they are going in the wrong direction, i have done this in the senate already, even when my own party was going in the wrong direction on things like the government shutdown, i will stand up for what i think is right for our state and the country. but i also have one of the most bipartisan records and i will , look for common ground. if we don't work together to solve our problems, we are not going to move forward on issues like the debt, a stronger economy, making sure our country is secure. [applause] follow-up one final question someone asked -- do you believe our elections are rigged
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and will you accept on behalf of your party the results of the elections? ms. ayotte: no, i do not. i am a former attorney general. if there is an allegation of election fraud, we should investigate it and handle it under our laws. but i have respect for our process and i will accept the , will of the people of new hampshire. [applause] i thank you so much for being here this morning and listening. it is a privilege to serve you. again, i will stand up on behalf of the people of new hampshire to either party, if they are going in the wrong direction. but also, we need to work together to find common ground. that is, again why i do have a , bipartisan record and i look for common ground to make sure that we can be in a stronger position for our small businesses that are creating good jobs.
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we've got some big problems that need to be addressed. regulatory issues, health care costs, in terms of the debt, we have to address those issues. and finally without security, we , can't have prosperity or freedom. this is an area i've worked on in the armed services committee. i want to assure you i will always strongly stand up to make sure our men and women in uniform are supported and also that our strength of our relationship with israel remains strong. we have such an important security cooperation and the security of israel is tied to our security and that is very , important that relationship on a security basis and on an economic basis, that our friendship remains strong. so, i think you for allowing me to be here today. and i ask for your vote on november 8, and i will work my hardest to fight for you and this great state. so, thank you. [applause]
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>> our next candidate is running for the united states senate. she is a democrat. she is our governor. she resides in exeter. she is a former state senator and has been governor for two terms and is running for the united states senate. please welcome maggie hassan. [applause] governor hassan: good morning. thank you, george, for moderating today and to the community for hosting today's event. i know i speak for all of the candidates about how much we appreciate this opportunity. here in new hampshire, by working across party lines, we have been making progress in building a more innovative and stronger state. we passed balanced budgets two without an increase in sales tax.
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we came together and started an effort to help new businesses launch and grow. we passed a bipartisan and reauthorized a medicaid expansion program. over 50,000 hard-working granite skaters have access to quality health insurance, including substance abuse and behavioral health treatment. we are coming together and mounting a strong hands-on response to our heroine, opioid, and fentanyl crisis. we made the most significant in-state investment in transportation and infrastructure in 22 years. we are fixing our roads, bridges, and highways. we also came together and in a bipartisan effort froze in-state tuition at public universities for the first time in 25 years and lowered it at community , colleges. and we are feeling the impact of these measures across our state. our unemployment rate at 2.9% is the lowest in the country. we were named the most business
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-friendly state in the country by cnbc. today inle are working new hampshire that any time in our state's history. and we did this the neutral way with public and the democrats coming together, and having our arguments. we did this the new hampshire way. coming together, having our disagreements to be sure. we would not be human if we did not. finding a way forward by focusing on the challenges that our small businesses and our families face in getting things done for them. i think it is past time for washington to take the same approach. in the united states senate, i want to focus, first and foremost on getting emergency , funding for our opioid crisis back to the state. i have an economic plan available on my website talking about how we can foster innovation and support job creation and expand opportunities for hard-working families. and my first priority as
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governor has always been the security at our state and the safety of our communities. in the united states senate, my first priority will be the security of our country. that means we have to maintain our military superiority to be sure. but the united states of america always have to be the greatest economic force in the world and the greatest force for good in the world. that means working with our international allies and using , military might as a last resort. when it comes to our relationship with israel, it is an unshakable relationship. and we have to do everything we can to maintain it, and hoping israel -- and helping israel in strengthening its security. our alliance with israel is a not just on mutual security concerns, but on shared values. and we have to do everything we can to maintain israel's security so that it can maintain its jewish and democratic character. so i look forward to this
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, morning's discussion with all of you. i am very grateful again for you hosting this very important forum. thank you. [applause] >> governor, this is a long question, but here goes. please address the epidemic of violence in america caused by the lack of gun safety, domestic violence, innocent victims of mass murder and crimes, street gang violence. how can we prevent it and teach children that violence is not a solution? governor hassan: what a super question. new hampshire has maintained its status as one of the safest states in the country. we are all challenged by andything from the era when opioid epidemic to the increased
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occurrence of mass shootings for example. safety is my first priority as governor. i have worked to ensure that we are enhancing school safety plans, that we put more troopers on the road, and we have also taken steps to support and improve active shooter training for law enforcement across the state. and we have made cyber security a priority. we put into place cyber security standards. we are doing trainings and we are getting rid of outdated hardware and software that makes us more vulnerable to cyber attacks. when it comes to gun safety, this is not only a safety issue for our communities, which it obviously is, it is also a national security issue. i fully support the second amendment. i believe responsible gun owners have the right to hunt and defend themselves in their homes. but i also think that
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responsible gun owners want us to make sure that people who shouldn't have access to guns can't get guns. i support expanding background checks so that for instance terrorists could not get guns online and at gun shows. there has been some activity in washington to say that it you are on the no-fly list, you cannot buy guns. you would be subjected to the background check system. but that still leaves these loopholes because those same terrorists could still buy guns online and at gun shows. i don't think that is right. we should expand background checks to close those loopholes. thank you. [applause] >> you were the only democratic governor to oppose exacting syrian refugees to our state. what is your position on this issue now? ms. hassan: thank you. my first job as governor is the security of our state. after the paris attacks, when
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the fbi and cia expressed concerns about how well our vetting system was working, they both expressed concerns that it wasn't working the way it is supposed to the way it is laid out on paper. i thought it was appropriate to take a temporary pause in receiving syrian refugees so that we could audit that system and understand what we need to , do to address the concerns of the fbi and cia. we are also a welcoming state and a welcoming country. we can never allow terrorists to undermine our basic values and our spirits as americans. that being said, we also have to make sure that the entryways into our country are working the way they should and are as safe as possible. i still think the administration should take a temporary pause and do this audit and address the concerns of the fbi and the cei -- fbi and cia have raised.
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they have not done that. my focus is on how you strengthen all entryways into the country, not just or refugees, but how we monitor social media and make sure we are doing everything we can to prevent terrorists from using social media to recruit terrorists here. we also know we have to do a -- andtter job in our our international allies have to do a better job of information sharing. we have expanded our information analysis enter in new hampshire to make your local counties, state, and local officials are sharing critical information in real-time. we need to be able to do that with european allies as well. one of the things that concerns me is that it is almost one year after the paris attacks, and we still have not addressed how to improve our vetting and entryways because everybody has taken partisan positions about this instead of sitting down and doing what we always have in the past, putting the safety and security of our country before
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politics. [applause] >> it is no secret that israeli and u.s. relations are strained at present. what steps do you think we should take to encourage a closer and more amicable relationship, and what will you do to discourage the bds movement around the world? ms. hassan: thank you. i do oppose the bds movement. i think it is a misguided movement. secondly, getting back to the fact that israel and the unit ed states share critical values, we believe in my busy. believe in democracy. i will always fight to strengthen our relationship and strengthen israel's security so that it can maintain its jewish and democratic character.
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moving forward, i encouraged i am the recent mou that provides more a two israel than any agreement in our country's history. we know we have to do more to make sure that israel maintains edge,alitative, military and we certainly have to do everything we can to confront acts of aggression from iran. that requires from working with israel and the international community. and it is absolutely critical that we continue to support bilateral negotiations for a two state solution. that is something the united states as an important role to -- an important role to facilitate and mediate. it has to be between the two parties. >> do you support legislation or the government to negotiate with pharmaceutical companies for the
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price of drugs in medicare? governor hassan: my husband and i are lucky to be parents of two children. they are pretty terrific, if i do say so myself. it one lives at home with us and has severe medical disabilities. we are well aware of the flaws in our health care system, including the impact of the high cost of prescription drugs. has hadous times, ben as many as nine or 10 doctors and over one dozen locations are insurance company is out of the blue said he cannot take that medication anymore, it is too expensive. we are switching into this. when your loved one is doing well on the particular prescription, and all of a sudden you are told to switch it, it creates great concern and is very troubling. i support allowing medicare to negotiate prescription drug prices that would help bring in competition and lower the prices
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because of the volume medicare can negotiate for. i also support the importation of drugs from canada. again, that would bring competition. canary drugso get to market more quickly, and i would support legislation to do that. i'm disappointed that in washington there have been votes that do not allow medicare to negotiate. that do not allow generic drugs to come to market more quickly, and do not allow us to import drugs from canada. [applause] you without attributing which party is responsible for our current deficit and debt sake or plans for bringing the body deficit under control? -- budget deficit under control? governor hassan: that is an important question. you have to start with physical responsibility.
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right? so, i am glad we have passed to responsible budgets in new hampshire without increasing sales tax. i have a plan which calls for basically five different areas of focus. one is i support senator shaheen's call for a two-year or -- for a two-year federal budget like we have in new hampshire. that would allow us to do appropriations in the first year, and the second year to evaluate what is working and what is not and plan for the next appropriation process. secondly we know we have to do , more to eliminate waste, fraud, and abuse in government spending. among the things i would eliminate would be the subsidy we currently have for tobacco companies. that makes no sense to me at all. we also own a lot of empty federal buildings at this point. it costs us a lot to even keep those in their empty state and take care of their grounds.
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we should get rid of those empty federal buildings. we also know that the federal government does not make database decisions very often about the programs if funds. -- programs it funds. we should apply data to that. we also have to deal with our budget, we have to strengthen social security and medicare. this is a basic difference between me and the current majority in washington. i would not do that on the backs of our seniors. if you pay into social security and medicare you have paid into , it and earned benefits. we could strengthen medicare by allowing negotiations for prescription drug prices. we could strengthen social security by asking millionaires and billionaires to pay a little bit more into the system. lastly, we have to keep our economy growing. that is why critical investments that help us develop a 21st century workforce, a clean
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energy economy, a transportation infrastructure, and incentivize and lower taxes will help us do that. the best way to deal with this is to make sure we are continuing to grow and lead economically. [applause] >> thank you for that. we have about one minute left. would you like to make a closing statement? ms. hassan: certainly. just quickly. thank you all for having me this morning. thank you for engaging in this election cycle and being so thoughtful about your decision-making. i grew up the daughter of a world war ii veteran. my dad fought in the battle of the bulge. and it was not unusual for him to look at us across the breakfast table in the morning and say what are you doing for , freedom today? which is a fairly daunting question to get when you are about 10 years old, right? [laughter] but my dad was serious. he was part of the generation,
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what we have come to call the "greatest generation." by believing in a cause greater themselves, save the world and build this country into an , economic and military power, the likes of which the world had never known. that is the spirit i have tried to bring with me as governor of new hampshire. that is the spirit that should be informing our work in washington d.c. our country has an enormous challenges to be sure. they are challenges we are completely capable of addressing. i am blessed as governor to be able to witness the strength and resilience of the people of new hampshire. we believe and hold onto our individualism more strongly than anybody else. but we also believe in community because we know the two go hand-in-hand. that is the example i have tried to follow as governor. it is the example i will follow if i am honored on november 8 to
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be the next united states senator. i greatly appreciate all of your attentiveness this morning and i greatly appreciate everything you all do your community and our state. we are a strong state because of the people here, and if we remember what we are capable of as americans, that every generation just needs to work harder to bring more people in from the margins and include them so that we unleash count and energy and grow economically, that is what will make us strong and ultimately, that is the spirit that makes us safe as well. thank you so much. [applause] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2016] >> my older brother is so funny and so smart in my best friend.
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all families have challenges, and my mom instills an us of the challenges, and working very hard with your community to get things done. she made it possible for us to have a family just like any other family. that is the reason why she got involved in public service. >> i'm maggie hassan and i approve this message. >> it goes by so fast. growing up, i watched my mom worked so hard to challenges and struggles, she made our lives better. she is my information in the senate, whether strengthening medicare, protecting our environment, or making college more affordable, she taught me with hard work, you can do anything. >> my mom taught me that, too. >> i'm kelly i yield, and i approve this message. >> month of the grading women ayotte supported trump
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and all of that. now she opposes all of that to reelect herself. what else has she done to get be elected? she has voted with the koch brothers and corporate interests? ayotte, doing what is right for herself is wrong for new hampshire. >> i maggie hassan, and i approve this message. >> the investigation of hillary clinton is back on >. >> do you think she is honest and trustworthy? >> i support hillary clinton for the presidency. >> it is a real bombshell. investigationn that was closed >. >> do you think she is trustworthy? i'm maggie hassan, and new hampshire has a very clear
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choice. do we keep going with a center who repeatedly votes for the special interests, or a new senator that five with the people of new hampshire? my focus has always been a creating opportunity for working families, making college and training more affordable, loring drug costs and protecting a woman's writes make her own health care decisions. i respectfully ask for your vote. maggie hassan supports laws that are hurting families. >> we are paying more out-of-pocket than ever. >> it has left me uninsured. >> maggie hassan cannot stand up to her party and supports the broken health law that even bill clinton called -- >> the craziest thing in the world. >> i trust kelly to put new hampshire first. yotte and ii
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approve this message. the debate tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern live on c-span two. >> 8,on election day, november the nation decides our next president, and which house -- which party controls the house and senate. stay with c-span for coverage of the presidential race, including children clinton and donald trump, and follow key house and senate races with coverage of their senate debates and speeches. c-span, where history unfolds daily. >> new hampshire republican senator kelly ayotte and governor maggie hassan debated in manchester. the race is rated a tossup. this debate comes courtesy of wn you are -- of wmur.
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>> with the balance of power in the u.s. senate in play, the stakes could not be higher. >> i wake up every day with a sense of purpose, i will put new hampshire first and that is what this campaign will be about. >> is candidate is making the claim of being an outsider. >> we see a system rigged by corporate special interests. >> i see her being more of a rubberstamp for those democrats in washington. >> both candidates are seeking in a as this one appears to be going down to the wire will stop. -- down to the wire. >> i want to continue to serve the people of new hampshire. >> tonight, the caat
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