tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN November 3, 2016 4:00pm-9:16pm EDT
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about everything. let us let everything, by god to gones bems -- by bygones. then, it is better for all i think many of these people that they are talking about having an increase in iowa, actually will pay more like $75 a month. i think that it is still affordable for many people. , does it need work? yes, it needs work. i go back to those bipartisan efforts in the 60's, let us do it again. us stop repealing something, roll up our sleeves, and work together. so the problem for the american people. there is an idea. [laughter] moderator: i would like to remind the audience to please withhold applause. candidates who are receiving
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applause, there will be a penalty of time for them, so please respect the rules of this debate. . topic of education. the federal education law, no child of, has gone away and replace with every student succeeds ask. no child left behind was criticized widely on both sides of the aisle and every student act was supported bipartisanly. it shined a light on subgroups that often underperform their peers, children from certain minority groups. shined,that light being what do you propose every student succeed that or every other law to make sure students who can easily get lost in the data do not still get left behind. mrs. vernon?g? --
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mrs. vernon: i think education is the single greatest investment making making our people. getting a child ready for the world, there is nothing like this. we know that we would have fewer prisons, we would not have problems that we have today is every child had a great beginning, and that is why i support early childhood education, i support our strong k-12 system and i want to make it stronger. i support accessible, affordable, post secondary, whether it is training programs, two-year, four college degrees. we have three daughters and they had great preschool experiences. them,what that did for and i became convinced that every child, if they had a jumpstart from that preschool,
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could be much more successful in whatever they wanted to be. i think that is where you start to catch kids that have a range of abilities and disabilities. i think it is so important to work with our teachers and get more of our resources to our teachers in the classroom. explanationbest that was ever given to me on what should happen in the classroom -- moderator: please hold. time is up. mr. blum? mr. blum: don't applaud. i do not want to get penalized. laughter does not cap, does it? moderator: nope, you are good. , i think, iscation a local and state issue and i think the federal government should not be involved in k-12 education at all.
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is one-size-fits-all and seller the coming from washington, d.c., i have been there for two years, and the bureaucrats, the career professional bureaucrats think they know how to educate a child in iowa better than cedar rapids iowa school board does. i could not disagree more. that being said, with this most recent education bill, it replaces no child left behind. the main reason is because it .oes return more control i would like to see it all returned to the states, keep our tax dollars here. it returns more control to the state and local level and when i read the local newspapers, i see that. i see in interviews with the school superintendent how they are meeting to define what is a failing school, meaning to define what types of curriculum they should have as opposed to coming from washington, d.c.. we send a dollar to the washington, d.c. in taxes i get $.60 back or $.40 back or education along with a laundry list, a mile-long, here are the
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rules and regulations to meet. i say, let us keep the dollar here in iowa. absolutely. moderator: response? mrs. vernon: i would not do that. [laughter] again, that's education. education is one of the single greatest things we can do for any of our people and investing in education. an overly on in our marriage, we decided that lots of other things could go by the wayside, but we're going to make sure that our kids were educated and have those opportunities, and we started looking at opportunities that other kids needed to have as well. i think it is so key. when i think about federal government in education, i think pell grants.-- of
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one of the measures my opponent voted for did not fully fund pell grants. i think it is important have accessible and affordable post secondary, after 12 grade, education in this country. we need to make sure that that is affordable. right now, we are charging enormous interest rates for those dollars, and our institutions have become very expensive. i think we have got to find a way to be more accessible, more affordable, for all. we are losing ground on the world stage. if you think about after world war ii, with the massive g.i. bill, people learned to do things -- moderator: your time is over. mr. blum: in recent -- recent years, we have seen several iowa communities start raising the minimum wage. is it time to raise the
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minimum wage or should we leave it to the states to set whatever wage they want? mr. blum: first of all, there she goes again, talking about a ell grants.uce progr this is politics as usual. your question again? i'm sorry. moderator: is it time to raise the federal minimum wage? mr. blum: yes. i do think minimum wage should be a state issue. the minimum wage in iowa is different than in san francisco, california for example. i read recently that governor branstad would entertain raising the minimum wage in iowa. it should not be county by county, because that gets crazy because we would have 99 different minimum wages, but it should be different states. i think it is time minimum wage gets raised a reasonable amount.
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when we raise it, but is pegged it to inflation so we don't have to have this session every year. we also need to be mindful that the congressional budget office did a study and said young people will lose their jobs if we raise the minimum wage to far. --too far. the majority of people were to minimum wage our youth and not live in poverty households. if we want to make sure we get the dollars to the households and people in poverty, the itc is a much more effective w ay of doing it. mrs. vernon: we have got to get an economy that works for everyone and i think we get averages that come out of our nations capital about where we from theg back recession we had in 2008-2009. i think a lot of times they belie what is happening here. i do think we need to raise the minimum wage here, but i would,
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as a small business owner, i know how important it is to be able to plan for those increases. our raised my own minimum wage in my business to $10 an hour over 10 years ago. it was for our interns. i did not want their parents having to pay for apartments and everything else they were doing that summer for them on my back. i was getting a lot of work out of them. i think it is important that we do that. money also goes right into our economy. i think that that is really important. you know, it is important that we expand our economy here in iowa. we have got to find every kind of way we can do that. that i think is one of them. investingother one is in infrastructure. investing in education, as we talked about. i think we ought to
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invest in research and innovation. when you invest in those things, they create jobs or your at home and pump right back into the economy. i think we got to get creative about that. moderator: your time is up. mrs. vernon, you are running as the democrat nominee. congressman blum, you are running as the republican nominee. when i see your respective ads, i do not see you claim partisanship, although your offices and news releases point out the partisanship of your opponent, so my question to you mrs. vernon and then congressman blom, what does it mean to be a democrat? mrs. vernon: to be a democrat for me is to want all people here in the united they have opportunities to succeed. to include everyone. that people have equal opportunity and they are civil, that there are civil and human rights and we invest in
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education and we invest in our communities. that we do need to balance our budget and we do need to take care of that deficit but i do not think we are going to cut our way to that deficit. i think it is a booming economy that erases the deficits and i think you can go back to history and see that. i think we have got to make investments. i think that is where i am. you can, i think tell a lot by the presidential candidate that my opponent has continued to support. this is a guy who would disparage nearly every ethnic group, has been a sexual predator towards women, and this matters to me as a mother of three daughters, and also for a person who has sons. betteret those it out than before. this is a man who thinks he knows more about isis and the generals. a man who thinks more nations
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should have nuclear power. i do not. you know, the list goes on. we do not have enough time tonight. those are just some of the things. sometimes, i am not sure -- moderator: your time is up. moderator: for those who were laying odds on this, it took 62 miniature mr. trump's name to first be mentioned in the debate. it took 62non: minutes for mr. trump's name to first be mentioned in the debate. moderator: why are you are republican? mrs. vernon: to sum it up, i was i wouldats -- mr. blum: say democrats believe in the power of government. republicans should believe in the power of the individual. [applause] mr. blum: we just got docked. platform,k at the gop it is the same types of things that i believe in and i have lived. i believe in personal responsibility. cannot have liberty in this
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country if it is not underpinned by personal responsibility. you take care of yourself, your family, and the children you produce. take care of them yourself. i believe in constitutionally limited government, as the republican party does. we need to get back to the constitution, and we certainly do not have limited government. the gop believes in fiscal sanity. that would be nice if we follow that. we need to balance our budget in this country and get serious about it. every program proposed by a democrat sounds good and they are all good, only we cannot afford a lot of them. how are we going to pay for these things? another thing to republicans believe in is free markets. we talked about my upon them being against tpp, one out of five jobs in this state. the republican party believes in the sanctity of life and i think the founders had it correct when they said life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, in that order. without life, you cannot have
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liberty. without liberty, you cannot pursue happiness. moderator: mrs. vernon, when i had the opportunity to introduce secretary clinton this year, i asked how she differed from president obama. one of our listeners wants to know how you differ from hillary clinton. mrs. vernon: i think about hillary clinton and i think about a woman who came out of, grew up in a neighboring state, was a bright young woman who came out of a very fancy law school, but did not go to wall street, went to work for women and children and families, and someone who has had a background of the first lady of a state and of the nation, someone who works across the aisle in the u.s. senate, and who worked tirelessly as our secretary of state.
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i look at the work she has done for women and children around the world, women's rights are human rights and human rights are women's rights. every kind of iteration of that, you can think of. you know, i am younger, -- [laughter] mrs. vernon: and i think sometimes, i think more in terms far longerplomacy than perhaps she does. i know that when we look at the world arena, we have got to be smart and we have got to be tough, and i am one of these people that absolutely, where isis is concerned, i am going to go and root out every stronghold and be done with them, but i also know i would spend extra time on diplomacy every moment i could. therator: congressman blum, leader of your ticket, mr. trump, how do you differ from
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him on substantive issues? mr. blum: yes, first of all, i do not agree with some of the things he has said in his style. i think we can all agree he's crude. he is a crude new york city guy. some of the things he said about women and females is reprehensible and there is no place for that type of liquid in the united, much less when you are ready for the highest office. as an aside, i will say most americans agree that hillary clinton is a criminal, pathological liar, though most would agree they have personality flaws. when donald trump talks about a religious test, if you are muslim, you are not going to be allowed to come into our country at least in the short run, i do not agree with that. i do not think it should be a religious test ever, however we should rely on vetting of their backgrounds. tf you cannot properly ve -- i think we should not support
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everyone here illegally and upward a lot of people and their families that are contributing to the community. i would agree with that. i would disagreed with that. i also disagree with his sentiment of s carpet bomb the middle east and go over there and just take care of this and -- i do not know if that was him or some other republican, but i agree with drain the swamp in washington, d.c. people are sick and tired of career politicians and career bureaucrats, and it is time for a change. moderator: business regulation. both of you started your own business is an understand the impact the state and federal level has on your bottom line. you can appreciate some regulations are there to protect people, intellectual property, health, ideas.
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what specific business regulations do you think should be eradicated, and at the same time are there one that should be introduced to make it a more levels, and even playing field? mr. blum: i have started my own business and it is not easy. part of the reason it is not easy is because of government. government is in our back pocket with excessive taxes and fees and fines. regulations is one of the things holding back farmers. waters of the u.s. act, we tried to repeal it, and pass it in the house. in past the senate and president obama veto that bill. the bill had good intentions a lot of things in washington, d.c. it was supposed to relate only to navigable waterways, going back to the water quality issue, the mississippi river, the missouri river. they have expanded the definition now that when it from, i had a guy washington, d.c. tell me because
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i am a real estate developer that when it rains, the water and downhill. i thought, thank you very much. you are making six figures and you know water runs downhill. it collects in this valley that goes into this dry creek bed that goes in the catfish creek, which goes in the mississippi river. this farmland is now under the jurisdiction of the epa. according to the governor, under this new definition, 96% of iowa land would be under the jurisdiction of the federal government. that is overreach. they are hyperactive and out of control. the new fiduciary rule put the by the department of labor on people giving financial advice is overreach as well and not going to work. so many rules and regulations and up hurting the people they are supposed to help. moderator: mrs. vernon? thatvernon: i also found if all business. i agree there is red tape and some of this is just, comes from our government not using new technology, so you have to keep filling out things and they make
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it more difficult for small business owners. i have done research on why is it that we rank so low in the nation in entrepreneurs here. it might be because there is some red tape, but i think a whole lot more that is because we have stopped as a nation investing in research, investing in innovation. as a government, but also our private institutions, our companies out there. our publicly traded companies have stopped putting as much money into research, and i think this is a change in our whole financial system. you think about it, we are builders here. , wecially in this district are makers. we innovate, we create stuff here. i am sure there is a guy two blocks away, you know, welding something that is an invention or a woman, you know, one mile that way, but unless you can get
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your federal banking system changed around, so that we are investing in our people again, investing in small business, so that the incentives are there in our system to do that and not just to jack up stock prices and get into this short-term -- moderator: your time is up, mrs. vernon. moderator: mrs. vernon, you under allies have been attacking representative blum for layoffs in his business. today we see a news report that your firm laid off nearly half of your employees. is this hypocritical on your part to be attacking him for the same thing your business did? mrs. vernon: you know, i think there was a report that came out, and i do not think the timeline was what you are talking about exactly. it is true that i had a smaller firm, but here is what happened to me. i a small business owner, and am sure there is many in here, we experience the downturn of
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the economy in the 2008-2009 i had a toughnd decision to make, and so, what i did, was i gathered my people around the table, around our, if you knew me very well, our focus group on first avenue, and i said, you know what guys, we do not have the research, we don't have the jobs, and i want to keep everyone of you, but i do not know if i can pay you full price going forward. would you be willing to take a cut in pay so that we can keep this thing going? and i won't take any pay. i have to go, back. i believe you're catching me, 75 or 80% is what they took. god bless them. some of them could not do that. others due to attrition left.
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not all met time period. what ended up happening is that we came back because of them. and so what i was able to do is pay them every penny that i owed them from the six months, i think it was, or they only had -- they -- moderator: you and your allies are running ads attacking mrs. vernon for , doiran nuclear agreement you stand by those ads that accuse her of supporting terrorism? mr. blum: she forced the nuclear agreement and i do not support the iran nuclear agreement. i read it word for word and it is a head scratch or. i thought the purpose was to prevent iran from getting a nuclear bomb and after reading that they will get one. we will postpone it a little bit. it is probably the worst agreement i have seen in my two years in washington, d.c. and i hope our trade agreements are better than the iran agreement.
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there are a lot of reasons. they have to get 25 days of advanced notice before an inspection and no on demand surprise inspections. americans cannot be part of the inspection team, we did nothing to continue to not allow them to develop listed missiles and now a are delivering -- perfecting and testing ballistic missiles to deliver a warhead. we had an arms embargo against iran that we have negotiated for years with russia, tough to get and we got russia to agree finally but that goes away with the new agreement and we see unmarked planes, jets delivering foreign-currency, $150 billion in tradean airport money for hostages and there were side agreements we could not read in congress because they were secret. i guess we cannot be trusted knowing those things. a no vote, have been
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i would have been a hell no vote. moderator: the congressman has put an executive order that changes overtime rules come i what has loudly lawsuit to stop it, iowa has put a lawsuit in their to stop it. what would you as a member of congress do it it does go into effect december 1 if you are a post -- opposed? mr. blum: i have heard from hundreds of businesses that talk about how this may put them out of business and even -- that is bad because you are talking about people's lives. i have heard from a tenant in this district of nonprofits who people who work there, not so much for the paid because they have above of their fellow man, it is a mission -- a love of their fellow man, it is a mission. it will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and they do not know where they will get the money. or current pay is $21,000
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$22,000 to under qualify for overtime, can it be sure, should probably, like the minimum wage, we do not index things for inflation so we pass it at 10 years and 20 years go by and the number in purchasing power is way less than it was. totake it from $21,000 $47,000, $46,000, i called drastic, 125% increase in a very difficult thing for companies to deal with that and nonprofits to deal with that. should it be raised, yes. raised, i do130% not believe so. moderator: what would you do as a member of congress, introduced legislation to repeal, reverse the order? mr. blum: assuming it goes through in december, yes but with a democrat president come it will not go anywhere and have a profoundly negative impact on small businesses and nonprofits. moderator: that question came to
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us through the website and they would like to know, is that too much or do you agree with the president on the new salary threshold that ties to overtime? mrs. vernon: i could not hear you, you were facing that way, it is the overtime? moderator: it is. mrs. vernon: it has been a long time since that has been raised and i would be willing to take a look at that. i also wanted to answer on the iran agreement. you just went right to him. it is true that i support that. it is also true that we knew that iran was very close to a nuclear weapon. having been in business myself for a long, long time and having worked in the community at eight years coming back from the floods here as a cedar rapids city councilwoman, i know how hard it is to get agreements, to
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get anybody to the table to solve problems and get things done. i do not think the iran agreement is perfect but the number one thing that you were charged with when you go to congress is the safety and security of american lives. , when iily, our allies look at this agreement, it is not perfect, but it has gotten inspectors in there. to the core ofte the reactor and there has been more communication back and forth, it has slowed down things and i think the litmus test is after over one year, have we been safer? i think we have been. you do not want to stop your feet and walk away if the agreement is not perfect. sometimes things are not perfect but they help us out and i would have voted yes. polls show that most americans over one support gun control measures that include
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expanding background checks for gun purchases prohibiting convicted felons or people with mental health problems from buying guns and banning people on the terror watchlist or on the no-fly list from buying guns. yet congress has not taken action on this divisive topic. what would be your positions, mrs. vernon? mrs. vernon: it goes to the safety and security number one, keeping people safe and secure. theng said that, i support second amendment, we come from a state where we have many people who are out hunting. probably deer hunting season starts soon although i do not keep close track of that. i have many friends who are hunters and who are great safe users of guns. when you live in a community like this, everyone deserves that safety and security as well. i think there are commonsense measures that we should do as a nation.
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i think that the universal background check is something that can be passed. i also think that the no-fly nu which means if you are a terrorist, we should not let you buy a gun. both of those make sense and i would work to see those be changed. i think there was a group that did a sit in trying to make a point that these are very common sense measures that are agreed upon by most people in our country. we gun owners i know have told me that is a not -- not a problem at all and those should be passed. i did not see the congressman in the group at the sit in. moderator: your time is up. what is your position, mr. blum? mr. blum: taking guns away from
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law abiding citizens will not make us safer. the things you mentioned are already law, a convicted felon cannot purchase a firearm, a mentally incapacitated person cannot purchase a firearm. somebody that is here illegally cannot purchase a firearm. if you buy a firearm from a licensed dealer and most all sales, not all, but most are three license dealers, your name is submitted to a system which is a background check system and you have to be approved. the no-fly list, it is popular no-fly a no-fly, no buy, is not a constitutional right to fly in an aircraft. the right to bear arms is an a constitutional right. it is chilling for the government to say we will take away your constitutional right if you are on a list. where does that list come from? it comes from many agencies and senator ted kennedy was on the no-fly list for example.
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people -- some people have been trying to get off the no-fly list for years and they are still on it because they have to go to the federal bureaucracy. it is chilling to say we will await your-- constitutional right up front until you can prove to us that you should have it. what if we did that with free speech and other constitutional rights. there is a huge difference between no buy a no-fly. moderator: both of you have touched briefly on infrastructure and answering other questions. hillary clinton is suggesting spending 270 $5 billion on infrastructure and donald trump proposing about twice that. as members of congress, what sort of infrastructure built would you support and specifically what would you like to see happen to northeast iowa infrastructure. that goes to you, mrs. vernon? mrs. vernon: i am a believer in infrastructure and the investment of that.
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i think that we have seen it firsthand here in cedar rapids after the flood when you fix , blastedat were broken open from a terrible and devastating flood. and you fix the streets on top of them, private enterprise comes because they want to be in a place that you have paid attention to. what i would look at with infrastructure -- also, infrastructure puts people to work right away in building it. andlso spruces up a place it sets the table for private enterprise. i was the chair of the chamber and spent nine years on the chamber board recruiting businesses and looking at what it takes for businesses to be successful. one of the things they look at, one of the top things they look area add on or come to an is the infrastructure. i will look at roads and bridges, i would look at flood protection systems in cedar rapids and many other
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communities up and down these rivers. a bridge over -- that connect illinois0 from iowa to has the needed for a long time and i would get right on that. i know that there are a number of projects up in waterloo and waverly. we have a lot of broadband for everywhere. it is easy to live in our charming little towns in iowa. moderator: your time is up. being a businessman, i understand and appreciate the difference between investment and expenses. infrastructure spending by our government our investments. expenses occurred one time and the benefits are short-term. when we invest in a road or bridge, i would expect a useful life to the 20 years to 50 years, that is an investment. i see it as an economic development issue and if we do
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not have great roads and bridges , and i live on the mississippi , were locks and dams built for a 50 your life and now in year 80 and we have a lock fail on the mississippi river, there is an amazing amount of commerce that goes up and down the river and a lot of it is grain and egg related and with the market oil reserves taking of our train cars, it is critical that we keep the dam system going. the thing i like about infrastructure, not only an investment that pays back, they are great paying jobs. i know a lot of people who built bridges and roads and they have great benefits and good paying jobs for their employees. those are jobs that cannot be exported to mexico or china. thates without saying infrastructure is important and that is why i voted for the service transportation act which is infrastructure bill that just passed in congress and signed into law long-term bill to give more predict ability for our
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state and county officials in building bridges and building roads. it had an increase in funding. moderator: our final question, what would you say to young college and high school students who are told during this hot election time, a question from our audience, that their future is pretty much looking like the worst. how would you inspire them? mr. blum: that the future is looking like the worst? moderator: a question from the audience. be concerned,uld when i went to college, we had multiple job offers when we were graduating because the economy was good. i think the biggest -- there is college debt which is an issue and specifically, we did not talk about it, the number one issue people want to talk about and that is the economy. this economy is limping along at 1% growth this year. the economy over the last eight years has averaged 1.6 21.7% growth per year. growth to 1.7 percent
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per year. young people, we need to get the economy reignited and it is not rocket science how we do it. cut the highest corporate tax rate in the world and eliminate corporate welfare and crony capitalism. reduce regulations and reduce uncertainty and reduce our deficit and balance our budget. we need to fully exploit american energy resources and we need tort reform lawsuit abuse reform. if we do that the economy would grow by 4% to 6% at 12 million more americans working and the average family of four would have another $500 a month in their paychecks. the reason you are going to college is because you want a job in your field you are studying. you did not go to college to be working at a gas station, not that there is anything wrong with that. we get the economy going again, your jobs will be there. moderator: your time is up, mrs. vernon. [applause]
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mrs. vernon: what i would say is i believe in you. i believe in your generation. i think anything is possible. this is the best country on the base of the earth, we have wonderful people and i hope you will stay in northeast iowa with the rest of us. we have problems no problem we cannot solve it i would tell them that the way to deal with that is to get out and vote. get involved. you can determine your future. a smart man once said people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. you would be successful as you make up your mind to be. we have a great country and take advantage of all that is there. most of all, about. -- most of all, vote. get to know the candidates and learn who will be accessible to you. find out who you trust your find
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out who will answer the phone and who will be there in their offices, who will be there for you. do not vote for someone who will talk about reform as my opponent has done repeatedly talked about reform. reform in congress, reforming this and that. yet, he made a promise to get paycheck andhis broke the promise upon election. when you break promises, you destroy trust. i think it is important to say that. moderator: thank you so much for joining us for this debate. we are out of time. vote on november 8 and follow all of us on our website. [applause] >> gop leaders are campaigning on behalf of congressman blum, paul ryan was in the iowa first
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district just today and majority whip steve scalise tweeted about joining congressman blum touring the cedar rapids flood project, saying it will save lives and deserves to be a funding priority. againhe debate from iowa tonight on prime time on c-span2. kicking off prime town on our companion network, live coverage of a debate in new york's 22nd district between republican claudia tenney a democrat ken myers at eight eastern here and i :00 in texas will heard -- hurd faces the man he beat and 2014, pete gallego in a debate for the 23rd district. 8:00, be iowa from the first district. -- the iowa debate from the first district on c-span2. >> all week on c-span2, live simulcast of political radio talk shows. friday, from 9:00 a.m. until noon, a conservative political perspective from my gallagher live from new york city.
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-- mike gallagher live from new york city on c-span2. + the having to post -- >> having to post reporting bernie sanders campaigned in the new york 19th district race, calling it the most important congressional race in the country as a battle between a super pac billionaires and the working class. senator sanders will also be campaigning with hillary clinton tonight in raleigh, north carolina and we will take you there live at 7:45 eastern on c-span. >> election night on c-span, watch the results and be part of a national conversation about the outcome. the on location at the hillary clinton and donald trump election night headquarters and watch victory and concession speeches in key senate house and governors races starting live at 8:00 p.m. eastern and throughout the following 24 hours.
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demandive on c-span, on at or listen to our live coverage using the free c-span radio at -- radio app. >> more coverage from one of the state races now, a debate between candidates in new hampshire as governors chris sununu -- race, debated colin van ostern, and ran about 15 minutes. -- 50 minutes. debategeneral election for governor, chris sununu and colin van ostern battling to succeed maggie hassan. i think we need to make it permanent. colin van ostern it implies i am against extended medicaid is a lie. >> to their high-profile executive council votes.
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>> big issues that our next governor will have to tackle and we have had different points of view on those. >> even the resumes. the candidates do not see i to i. >> to my desk to compare my background to his is comical. -- to compare my background to his is comical. debate night in new hampshire, let's welcome the candidates and thank them from coming. -- thank them for coming. the ground rules, the candidates will be given a question and they will have one minute to respond. then the candidates and uv viewers will hear an audio cue. a 32nd rebuttal allowed. at the finish -- a 30 secon rebuttal allowed and then at the end, closing statements. we are partnering with the open debate coalition, a group set to make debates better
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representative of the people. tonight's debate will feature the top questions posed and rated by more than 100 and 20 -- 120,000 voters in new hampshire and around the nation. let's start with charges we have seen in this contentious campaign in recent days. , in a newnu advertisement running now, you state that you created hundreds of jobs but today the state democratic party and your opponent citing a recent published report that said the resort has lost a job since you and your family took over theytions six years ago, called your advertisement misleading and urged you to take it down. i would like you to respond. mr. sununu: thank you for hosting. the fact that we have created jobs and our success at waterville valley is undeniable, we bought the country from a
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california driven company and moved the administrative jobs back to the state. andeveloped restaurants sold a lot of the aspects off and developing a workforce housing project that tomorrow will be closing on to provide closing just quality workforce housing for our employees. we relocated our adaptive program which helps those with disabilities partake and recreation activities on the mountain, used to be run by a vermont group now we have written localized. when it comes to grading jobs, i have created hundreds and our success is undeniable, the only resort on the east coast expanded. newvested $2 million in trails and hiring people to create new trails and put in the list come all new hampshire contractors and workers. the democrats like to play games and talk about anything they can to avoid real issues of what will be important. moving your hand report but our css isn't about -- but our success is undeniable and i am proud of my team. moderator: how would you like to
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respond? mr. van ostern: this race is about moving our state forward. there are elements of his management at waterville that i think would the detrimental to us in new hampshire. when chris and his family purchased waterville about five years ago, since then they have lost market share and cut jobs, not created them. whethere 62 less jobs, new hampshire business review our public radio, you can google sununu waterville bally and find out yourself. my concern is it is one thing to have someone who runs a resort oppose a minimum wage but when you have a governor opposes state minimum wage, that is bad for the people of new hampshire. when a resort owner wants to hold people's hours back in order to not give them health care, we see that but when you have a candidate for governor that is voted to cut off funding for drug control and cancer screenings and annual exams with
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thousands of women, that does harm to the people of the state and we need to focus on what we need to do to move our state forward together. mr. sununu: our success is undeniable, we are the only resort, not just in new hampshire, but on the east coast investing and growing and creating jobs and moving the ball forward and creating a whole new experience from our employees. he likes to reference the internet and data points, he does not understand, that is something to look at, clearly he does not understand how business works and entrepreneurship and how to truly grow jobs. politicians like to talk about creating jobs. they do thetour -- they do the tour of the factory, i grow jobs , that is who we need in the corner office. ,oderator: colin van ostern counselors and new has brought your years as a political operative but it is something you do not talk about on the campaign trail, why is that? mr. van ostern: i focused what
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matters to voters. and what we can do to move our state and state economy forward. i am proud of my background, like governor jeanne shaheen, early in my career i worked in politics, governor lynch did as well and senator kelly ayotte advise the governor before she ran. background, most of my professional experience since i moved to new hampshire has been in the private sector. when we talk about creating jobs, i think about helping starting southern enhancer university college of new hampshire, a dozen employees at the time and now almost 400. i do not define success for how many jobs i create, i define it by what i help others succeed, thousands of students getting an accredited college degree without debt because of the program we built. that is something to be proud of and i am proud of that work just like my work at stonyfield. it isn't stark contrast to holding back people from getting health care and the mismanagement we have seen at waterville. mr. sununu: he has avoided the
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question once again. in the short 15 year career, 10 years was spent as a paid political operative, as a professional trained in being partisan and divisive than crafting those messages that we see on television every time, the negativity, that is the kind of politics we do not need. when he worked for jeanne shaheen come i was cleaning up landfills and downtown nashua, when he was working for the democrat party, i was developing for a resort for families with disabilities. -- question i want to ask is when he was working for john edwards, how do you explain to the people of new hampshire and to the women of new hampshire being the spokesperson of the likes of someone like john edwards? these are the things that need to be discussed in an open and honest transparent way? moderator: what you like to respond? mr. van ostern: voters care about their lives and what we will do for them. what i say to the women of new hampshire is that i am only candidate who has 100% of the
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time supported planned parenthood and did not go successfully to shut off birth control and cancer screening and annual exam funding and who over thepast year was not making wait list at the health center extend after funding was shut off. this is not about politics, it is about people's lives. i was raised by a single mom and know what it is like without health insurance and this is not about politics, it really matters. moderator: you sit next to each other on the five member executive council and i was there early last month when it was a unanimous vote in favor of a $36 million state contract to staff new hampshire hospitals. thatlater, we learned there could be largely also the end of this year. since then, you have called for an investigation and for a rebid. colin van ostern -- counselor
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sununu, you brought up the fact receivedn van ostern $50,000 in campaign donations from employees that work there and you seem to question whether those contributions may have influenced his original vote and also his stance since then. what matters to me is doing right by the patient's. the contract we both support and i assume chris supported it for the same reason is become it does because it means more doctors and nurses and does available to our most vulnerable population. folks at the new hampshire hospital, 7000 enrolled in three years most there because of a mental illness that makes them a gander -- danger to themselves or others, that is not a statistic to me. one of the stove or linings to the drug crisis is that we are breaking down the stigma and bringing addiction out of the shadows and we need to do that with mental health. i have seen it with my family, my stepfather struggled with
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mental health for years and hit in his final months, he was found to be a danger to himself and others. when i was a sophomore in high school he took his own life. carents and health professionals and loved ones and doctors and nurses, that is reality they face every day. they need a governor who will put what is right for patients ahead of political attacks. mr. sununu: he has avoided the question. i have been calling for this contract to be read it four months -- rebid four months. we have had employee resignations, when we were left with little choice, we did move forward, only the next day to find out there were potentially 450 layoffs coming. follow the resignations and red flags. i learned this morning we have 40 plus thousand dollars of contributions directly from that organization, directly to colin van ostern. i have wondered why is it that the governor and he are so
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hesitant to do anything, they sat on their hands while the rest of us that stood up and demanded accountability. this is mismanagement at its worst in the mental health are sensitive constituents that need our utmost count ability and need the checks and balances and need to make sure we are providing a system that is working for them. the governor and colin, the commissioner have completely failed on this issue. you can try to sidestep it but eventually the truth has to catch-up and we do need answers. we need accountability. we do need more investigation that i have called for an we need to look into these issues because it is not about us, it is about the sensitivity and quality of service for a mental health patients. mr. van ostern: for the first six months of this year we had a new psychiatric care wing that set unused. despite the fact that we had dozens of people with serious psychiatric conditions waiting in emergency rims and waiting lists across the state everyday.
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30 to2 50 a day -- from 50 a day. we have hired more doctors and nurses since the contract and beds are full of. what counselor sununu is proposing, remember, one month ago he voted like i did and all the counselors to move forward with this contract because it means better care. what he is suggesting that would mean less doctors and listeners is. we would struggle to have that wing open and i will not let political attacks stand in the way of what is right. mr. sununu: we had one person dead because the commissioner and the governor and yourself would do nothing to provide more choices -- one person bid because the commissioner and the governor and yourself would do nothing to provide more choices. we need that in every contract and the fact you have taken $40,000 brings into the question of ethics, morality, and checks about dozens. will we have a governor that always put politics first and the dollars in his campaign first?
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i say apple is not, we need to do it the new hampshire way, not what we see in washington with the big ugly political attacks and the big money going into people's pockets. we need campaign finance reform and count ability. -- and accountability. mr. van ostern: favorite political attacks in the middle of that. he has taken tens of thousands of dollars from the biggest utility company in the state while we have sat together on the council against every solar energy project, he said wants come see did not want to penalize the electric utility. this brother has run a lobbying and public affairs program and he votes in favor of their clients. happy to cite chapter and verse of when i sat there. mr. sununu: another lie. my brothers are not lobbyists and if you will compare my brother -- the power lines to the mental health stability in our state and taking $40,000 it is deplorable. moderator: thank you.
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we have a lot of issues we want to get to but i would remiss if i did not ask one more political question, a presidential election like we have never seen. donald trump making some big news a few weeks ago with at audio recording of him from 11 years ago. with lewd comments directed for women. counselor sununu, we have talked about this, you call the comments repugnant and disgusting. you continue to support donald trump. how do you separate the comments from the man? mr. sununu: the comments are discussing, repulsive, no place for them or an attitude like that in the public discourse. i said that for many other comments he made. i will support the nominee i always said and i will. looking at the options, this election on the presidential site is not about one person, it is about the fabric of our country, where we'll be go over
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the next four years, eight years, about public trust. hillary clinton -- public trust is one of the most important aspects of public service and hillary clinton has not. we have to look at what we will do over the next four years, eight years, where our country is going when you look at the potential on the supreme court, the potential to finish horrible programs like obamacare that have failed. finish the big washington government and big washington spending that has pushed its way into new hampshire, invaded our state, you wrote it our local control, those are the things that matter and will affect people's lives in the state. as individuals. policy affects people, it affects their lives and that is why we need to stand up strong in new hampshire. moderator: your answer? hasvan ostern: chris sununu failed a leadership test every single day that he supports donald trump. while donald trump in stock -- insult mothers and religions and nationalities, women, pows because they got captured and
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lately ever democracy itself. chris says what is more important to him that all of that is his political party. what is more important to him that doing right for the people of our country and the people of our state is sticking with his own political career. sometimes leadership takes backbone to say -- by the way, of the 31 republican governors across the country, one of three said they will not support donald trump. it takes being independent-minded. it back he will not put what is right for the people of the country ahead of what is right for his own politics speaks poorly to the kind of governor he will be. mr. sununu: this is about our country not about the party, donald trump does not define a republican. hillary clinton is the epitome of the revoked -- democrat party. questions, answered what she has done with her e-mails, benghazi, the list goes on. she has violated the public trust and she truly defined the democrat party. to say that donald trump defines
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our party, we know that that is a foolish statement. we need to make sure we create the best government possible, not just in washington but here in new hampshire. i believe we need to push back on washington. i do not trust a lot that goes on and we need a government that needs to stand true to our values. mr. van ostern: the reason he defines the republican party because politicians like chris sununu stick with an even after everything he said. that simple. moderator: time to talk about the drug crisis, governor hassan and the executive council which you serve on approved $600,000 in contracts to provide substance misuse for us recovery services. -- recovery services but more people expected to die this year than last in new hampshire, can we spent out -- our way out of this problem and do you predict next year, if elected, fewer people will die? mr. van ostern: we have to overcome this crisis. our way ornly spend
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arrest our way out, we have to be honest with the back of five years ago we did not have a fair when crisis but the second highest level of prescription drug abuse in the country and the second lowest treatment per capita. i suggested we need to put forward a plan that comes with both resources and also more investment in prevention, treatment, and recovery services. i support the successful bipartisan expansion of medicaid up which i voted for and chris voted against. the nonprofit nonpartisan group that is dedicated the leading crisis, newkle this futures, has a five point plan which i endorse and chris is not. one of the key points this making medicaid expansion from that because thousands of our citizens are getting addiction treatment services. we need better prevention treatment in our schools, the age-appropriate and evident as, we need to make sure that folks with private insurance do not have barriers between them and getting the treatment they need and to make sure our law enforcement has the tools because they have been stretched thin on the front lines to the crisis. mr. sununu: it is a crisis of epic proportions.
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it is the most significant health crisis the state has faced in decades. my program lets a very aggressive prevention in schools, i have a fifth grader and a six letter, i know that my kids will likely be offered these pills, these drugs in the next apple of years starting in the fifth grade, we need to get aggressive and my plan is unique and that it brings the parents and so they know the tools and resources available to them. i believe we need to rely more beds, especially for women and children in the state. we are drastically though, i was at an event for hope on haven hill, a wonderful new center on the seacoast that provides services for pregnant women dealing with substance abuse. these are the facilities we need more of, we need to champion them. we need to get tough on those that would deal death to her children. that is what they're doing, drug dealers have to be taken to task. when they are facing seven years to 15 years for dealing drugs, these little pills that can kill a child in one shot, we need to make sure they're getting the seven years to 15 years, not the two years to four years, we need
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to get tougher and armor is to get tougher because that is how we keep our kids safe and two-person they -- and keep our state moving forward. moderator: this comes from bridget, she lives in portsmouth and wants to know, is the state doing enough to help people in recovery who have criminal records because of drug addiction get back into the workforce? ?ow solar -- counselor sununu mr. sununu: we are. -- we are not doing enough, we do not have depth, i sat with a new woman named lisa, it 25 result, had twin boys, three years old, her mother had been watching them, on day 20 of a 28 day program and she told me that her only focus, she was starting to feel good and understand and starting to get it. her only focus was making sure she had a car to live in when she got out of her 28 day program. she had abandoned her friends and stolen, a criminal record, she figured she would never get a job. my program looks at providing
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business tax credits for companies who will invest in job training for those coming out of recovery. we need to provide the gateway for those in recovery back into society. they want to get back to work and want to be back to a normal life. they will never lead a completely normal life always dealing with the affliction of substance abuse so we can make sure we provide the services and that support system for the all the way through the process over the years. moderator: counselor colin van ostern? mr. van ostern: we have to attack the problem and not the people with the problem. one of the most inspiring moment i have had in dealing with this was talking with a waitress in treasury county, she spent her weekends at the jail counseling other women what life without heroin is like. she was 10 months sober at the time we met in a little restaurant in manchester and she said someone today sabre -- over can help someone one day sober because they know it differs that is like better than anyone tells honor. -- anyone else on earth.
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we all have family members, friends, coworkers who have fallen to addiction and what of the waste that we can overcome this -- ways we can overcome this is by tapping into the resources of those in recovery and the experience they have that can help others get through this is extorted and we need to make sure we are using that as part of our toolset for tackling the crisis. moderator: thank you both. moderator: a lot more to come in this debate from paid, family and medical leave to health care prices to college affordability to kindergarten, stay with us, we return in a moment. ♪ ♪ we are back to our gubernatorial debate tonight. moderator: we were talking about the heroin opioid epidemic and i want to turn the chapter a little bit to decriminalizing marijuana.
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the critics of this said that marijuana is a gateway drug and we are in the middle of a crisis. knowom merrimack wants to if you support decriminalizing marijuana? is now the appropriate time to do that? mr. van ostern: i believe that new hampshire should join every other state in new england and decriminalize marijuana. having someone derail their entire life or career or getting kicked out of college or losing their student loan does not make sense for a small possession for personal use. we should not be spending the money it takes to incarcerate people when that could go into addiction treatment services. we have a statewide drug court system that is getting up and off the ground in some areas and that is the direction i would like to see for minor offenses like personal possession of marijuana. mr. sununu: this is one area where we agree. i support decriminalizing marijuana, a commonsense measure to get our penalties in line with more of the severity of the crime.
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question is followed up with, do we support the full legalization of recreational marijuana? i do not believe we are ready to take that step in the state. we are entering the initial phases of using medical marijuana, the growers we have, make sure we are running that process safely and with accountability and with checks and balances. other states are looking at looking at full legalization in massachusetts may take that route pretty soon and so will may maybe. we are not ready to take that step but decriminalization is a common sense that. moderator: let's talk health care. the obama administration confirmed obamacare premiums in some parts of the country will go up an average of 22% in 2017. in new hampshire, a family of four will be smaller, average 2% but still an increase. susie has a question about health care expenses, she wants to know would you support laws requiring health care providers to publish their prices?
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counselor sununu? mr. sununu: transparency is one of the most important facets in providing competition with health care. let's understand obamacare, a failure, the promises have driven rates through the roof in the state. not just in the obamacare side but on the private sector because obamacare was not a one-page document, a multi-thousand page document that not read before it was passed. congress did not understand the negative implications that a program like that would have on our state and businesses. as someone with 800 employees, it has been pricey, we have had to manage hours, we have never let go of anybody because of health care but we are constantly managing hours and constantly having to manage because of the dynamics of our business, a seasonable business. we have to hire to people sometimes to do the job of one. the same thing for thousands of businesses across the state and even in new hampshire we have had to manage over 2000 employees down to 29 hours or less.
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that is not our fault, that is obama's fault and he has thrown this burdensome legislation upon our state and the country. even bill clinton said it was a bill program. i think he called a crazy. we have to make a change and re-localize our priorities for new hampshire. us van ostern: when one of is elected governor and begins in january, barack obama will not be president. we will need to have some who will work with the other party to find solutions to bring down health care costs and expand coverage. three ideas we can use to do that. we do need more pricing transparency. and they have a number of procedures where you can check out quality ratings and costs across health care providers and can be expanded significantly. secondly, we need to make sure the successful bipartisan expansion of medicaid copy new hampshire health protection plan continues. i supported this, chris repeatedly opposed this by the
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fact it had bipartisan support. we found that in states that expanded medicaid, less people showing up uninsured in their emergency room and less cost to pass down to the rest of us, not only did we expand coverage to 50,000 people without raising state taxes, but middle classes private health care premiums have actually risen at a much lower rate and the states that have expanded medicaid like new hampshire. mr. sununu: let's be clear, my opponent wants to make obamacare permanent. when you make washington programs permanent, you lose control, you cannot create programs for yourself and control the cost. obamacare has failed in that 70,000 people in the state are still uninsured. that promise did not come to an prices are through the roof. look at what your health care prices and deductibles are today versus five years ago, sixers go, that is because of obamacare. -- six years ago, that is because of obamacare which is affecting the quality of health care and how we do business is in the state, it must be repealed and we must have a
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governor to push back and make better choices. moderator: when it comes to medicate expansion, colin van ostern you talk about making a permanent, counselor sununu, if you were governor, would you look for different options? mr. sununu: in terms of expanded medicaid, i have always said, can't very -- contrary to what he says, he is a great political wordsmith, i have said that if we need to take steps that keeps medicaid expanded then we should do that, their good qualities for the program such as helping those with substance abuse issues but to make it permanent means we lose all control. there are different dynamics in our state, a lot of people with substance abuse issues and a more aged state, an elderly population. those dynamics are different than other states, some giant homogenize program out of washington we have no control over is not in our interest. the best parts of the program and take the money out of washington and get with death rid of the waste and bureaucracy and designing programs to fit our needs and
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move ourselves toward a more sustainable system for ourselves. my opponent wants to make it permanent and defer to washington to let them make the decisions. this is the live free or die state, local control matters. mr. van ostern: we have sat next to each other on executive council for the next -- last four years and when republicans and democrats were working together to find a bipartisan solution to expand medicaid and bring health care coverage to 50,000 people without raising state taxes, including thousands for addiction treatment services , he did everything to stop that and those are not my words, he just said recently he did everything he could to prevent it from coming forward, voting it is bringing legislation back into session and against federal waivers and contracts and even in this campaign says he wants to repeal it, that is wrong for the people of new hampshire. mr. sununu: i did vote against a single $292 million contract that looked like part of the medicaid waiver but that is
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because we were given the contract a mere couple of hours before the meeting. a couple hundred pages and i wanted to read it. i will not go forward with anything if we do not get to read it at if the people do not read it, that is part of our system, the contracts go online and people cannot input. in of the largest contract state history, none of us read it, it was excepted at the table because we had been handed it. it is about reading the contract, we should have gone forward but i will never sign a piece of legislation or approve the contract unless we get to read it first. that is the washington way in his way of doing it but i think we need accountability and checks and balances in the system. mr. van ostern: the washington ways having an out of both sides of her mouth, his friends are running hundreds of thousand dollars of attack ads based on one vote i voted for and he voted against to extend medicare health care coverage in our state. if he committed one other committed counselor, 50,000 people fewer would have health care. mr. sununu: that is not true. mr. van ostern: not only that
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vote alone, he has repeatedly voted against a four to one vote on the executive council, he was the only council to oppose asking the legislature to go back to session to deal with this and voted it -- against it repeatedly and said he wants to repeal it again. there is no reason the legislature could not have taken that up and their traditional way, that was a political gimmick pushed forward by the governor. of the for three amendments, there were four amendments and i voted for three of them, the fourth one i simply wanted to read. he was a rubberstamp for washington special interest. a rubberstamp and said i do not care if i do not read it, we need to make forward -- move forward because the governor wants to, never the right way to do things and we need the governor to challenge their own party and push back and make tough political votes. moderator: we need to move forward because we could debate on this for all night but we have other things to get to hear we got a lot of questions about pay family and medical leave.
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--istina asks specifically would you support it for all granite stators in the corner office this year? mr. sununu: yes, absolutely. when you look at paid damning medical leave, there is even a broader issue, we have a lot of folks in our state that do not have the flexibility and the time to get to their families during some of the most critical times in the last. we need to find a way to support them whether making sure folks can have kindergarten in their schools moving forward or those on the lower income scale have the ability to have child care so they can go out and work or find a job. we have not done enough in our state to support those families that really need our help so they can make better choices in their lives and open doors of opportunity. whatever we can do in this state to open doors for young mothers, for families, even for children to make sure they have better opportunities, that is what we need to push for their i am a believer in equal
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opportunity education, making sure everyone has choices, we have lost a lot of choices and a lot of our families do not have the ability to make the best choice in terms of where their child might go to school or the best path forward. we have a governor who sued a tell because they were allowing parents to make the best choice for their families. families first, local control. mr. van ostern: i do believe that every worker should have the opportunity to earn paid sick and family leave and that we have a state -- we need a state minimum wage, ours is the lowest in the nation. we are never going to compete with texas on having the cheapest labor in the country so we need to compete on having well-educated workers and high quality of life and low taxes. chris does not think we need a state minimum wage at all, that is devastating for new hampshire families. we need a minimum wage and we need to raise it and do more to help ensure that every family has the opportunity to succeed and parts but in our economy. in our state, we
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have some of the highest for cap of the income in the country, a positive thing, we defer to the federal minimum wage in times when it is economical morally suitable, that will go up over time. i have 800 employees, a very small percentages are on minimum wage, those who have just entered for the first me months to increasing the minimum wage one dollar what effect 67% of my employees as similar for other businesses. my opponent does not want to raise it one dollar or two dollars, $12, hillary clinton talking about $15, only one result of that, a loss of jobs and i will not be the governor that puts forward a program where we lose jobs. no gray area about that, just the fact. mr. van ostern: i have said i need -- i think we need to rates -- raise the minimum wage between summer it is now but and $12, that means more money in pockets. having the lowest minimum wage in the country is wrong for new hampshire. mr. sununu: what you support hillary clinton's $15 minimum
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wage? moderator: we have many more topics to cover tonight, stay with us, we will be right back after a short break. ♪ ♪ here the: welcome back gubernatorial debate. moderator: we continue about the question on the cost of education in new hampshire. new hampshire has the highest average student loan debt in the country at $36,000 and that is up 8% from the year before. governor hassan has frozen in-state tuition but a viewer want to know what is your plan for making a degree at unh more affordable? mr. van ostern: a great
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question, one of the central reasons i am running, we need to do more to keep young people and young families and new businesses and startups year and part of that is bringing down the cost of college. three years ago i left a great job at stonyfield to help a launch -- to help launch a nonprofit college called college for america and this year we enrolled 4600 students, as many as unh and dartmouth combined, 71% are the first in their family to go to college and most are getting a degree completely without that. -- completely without debt. most of those are working adults and they -- and we have much more options. we need to make sure that as we fund our university system and we should do it at the levels we had back before the recession, now it is the lowest in the nation but we need for the first time to have real accountability measures. so we know additional funding will be lower student debt and more people graduating into jobs that have high workforce growth. moderator: counselor sununu?
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mr. sununu: four years ago my wife and i paid off our student debt. easy, $270 and three cents every month for 15 years and i understand the burden of carrying that debt. it is getting worse, my program looks at a couple of ways to address this, my program says if you goes to one of our universities and stay in the venture and work in a high demand jobbers where we lack workforce such as nursing, psychiatry, teachers, we will help pay down the debt. i do not believe in free college, you will erode the quality of unh. if we are going to invest more money in the university system, my plan says the first $5 million into the system provides $1000 tuition reduction to 5000 students, no administrative cost, just direct savings for the student and we need a governor that attends the trustee meetings.
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our governor has attended one meeting in four years. management is about being involved in getting your hands dirty and understanding the budget we can make the best decisions together. moderator: what you like to respond -- would you like to respond? mr. van ostern: i do not know how we ended up criticizing maggie hess on but we need solutions to drive down costs and increase workforce and strengthen our work first. i have done this successfully. when you're hiring someone which is what this is, a big job interview and you are the hiring manager come you need to hear what ideas are but see what they have done to make you feel confident they can get it done and i have helped build a development college of southern new hampshire university, and i think that is good experience for bringing costs down across the state. moderator: another question about education, smarter balance testing, is it working and do you support keeping it? mr. sununu: i have a fifth
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grader and six greater and my wife was a special education teacher, i in my children's classrooms and common core, while well intended has eroded local control and limited teacher's ability to provide more quality individualized education, differentiation in education as it is known. the children that might need it can be more challenged and those that may need more help can have more help. when my son came home last year, over 20 straight days, 25 days i think and he said we have practiced again for the smarter balance test and we practiced again for the smarter balance test come nothing educational about practicing for a test. we are just assessing to practice the most, i do not mind standardized test, we need good standards but make sure it is designed by new hampshire teachers based on new hampshire curriculum for new hampshire kids, doing it our way, common core has failed across the country, the homogenized board of decay -- education in washington does not have our interest in mind. we need to empower students and
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teachers to make the best choices in classrooms. moderator: we need to decrease our reliance -- mr. van ostern: we need to decrease our reliance on standardized testing and new hampshire is the first state in the country to do this were a handful of school district's across new hampshire have successfully replaced half the standardized test with project-based learning. instead years,nstead of every half those tests are replaced curriculum work designed by local teachers. that is a good step in the right direction. back now, we are holding other school districts from taking that sort of step forward. i think we should allow more doool districts to project-based learning. we also are replacing that final standardized test with s.a.t.'s. that helps more kids get on to the college track, helps our workforce and it's a better assessment tool for folks in the later years in high school. >> thank you. >> two more questions when it comes to public education. to get through these
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quicker than we've been going. it impacts know -- the three of us, because the three of us all have young children. this state does not have full-day kindergarten. it's up to the individual districts. governor, would you support it, and more importantly, how would you report it? councilor van ostern? >> good question. let me be very clear on this. if you elect me as your thatnor, i will make sure we finally fully fund full-day public kindergarten in every state.ty in the i think it is vital. it is the right thing to do for and for working adults. my son just finished kindergarten. and we are 49th in the country earlyms of access to childhood education. either our kids are raised by a single parent or being raised by two parents who work. ableed their parents to be to participate in the economy and kids to get the best education they can. very strong supporter
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of making sure we have full-day kindergarten for districts that want it. has to be able to put up their fair share. in terms of how to pay for us, common core cost the state hundreds of millions just to keep up with this federalized program. have the ability to design our own system, to create ownown system, to make our choices for ourselves. what we need is a governor who is a parent, who has kids, whether it's in middle school or grade school, who understands the pushes andd pulls. >> on this case -- >> i just want to get some clarification. i honestly didn't understand. the reason half the towns in our state don't offer full-day kindergarten is the state only pays half the cost of kindergarten. suggesting that we fully fund that in our budget. i wasn't clear from chris's if me will or -- >> absolutely. absolutely. >> sex education in elementary school. too young or where is the age-appropriate place to start sex education? up toon't think it's
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politicians to make that decision. i think it's up to parents and professional and educators. i have a three-year-old, six-year-old. too young for them. >> i think we agree on this. it's up to the parents and having that local control is vital. it's not up to politicians to make those types of personal decisions for families. >> and now, a question about guns tonight. gun violence survivor submitted a question. do you support laws that make it toegal for domestic abusers access guns? councilor van ostern, we'll begin with you. believe that common sense gun violence prevention roles need to be consistent with the second amendment that i personally support and exercise as a gun owner myself. areasseen a number of where there's more that we can do. universalwe need background checks, for example. folks have tried to erode our laws. safety one of the things councilor sununu has suggested is we should end the practice where need a permit to have a
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concealed weapon. right now we include local law permitting in that process. i think it's important for public safety. >> people know i'm a very strong supporter of the second amendment. i do also support universal background checks where theopriate, to the point of question. it's a very important question. when you're dealing with domestic violence issues, we must be standing up, both at the local level and the state level, those who would be held at risk. that's one of the first and ofemost responsibilities government, health and safety of individuals, standing up for them, providing support, making we willy know that support them at every turn. whether it's limiting guns and sure that those who would commit violence in homes, that were providing those correct background checks, that we're providing checks and balances, it'ss important, because important to families. it's important to the victims. >> thank you both. that's beenquestion one of the most popular questions on the open debate
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forum. alzheimer's disease is a leading cause of death in the state. brenda says she's a caregiver to a husband and mother who suffer from it. tot should the state do support families affected by the alzheimer's crisis in new hampshire? and councilor sununu, we'll begin with you. >> it's a very important question. know, the average age in the sate is increasing. becoming silvering. i don't like to say graying. over time, alzheimer's becomes a issue, not just for the state but for individual families who have to deal with that terrible affliction. big believer in providing solid home care services, whether it's making sure we have the nurses available, family members, making sure they can be burred at a viable -- reimbursed at a viable rate. was like 5% over 10 years. we are drastically underserving those who want to be able to stay home, take care of family .embers p.
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we all know the best quality of life that we can provide is when are in our homes, with our families, all the way through these terrible afflictions. >> councilor van ostern? >> it's a great question. i have to thank a woman named carroll, who came to a house party that we had for my campaign. nashua, at a home formerby dr. squires, a republican state center who led the endowment for health for years. the woman had some specific ideas about what we can do more as a state. that does start with allowing people to age in their homes wherever possible. higher quality health outcomes. it actually saves money when are able to age in their homes. we need to strengthen our workforce. seriousw we have a shortage. one of the reasons i think it's so important to bring down the particularlyge and incentivize our university system, in areas like health workforceecause the
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needs we're going to face moving forward as a state. in theknow that, attorney general's office, we started doing a better job of cracking down on senior scrams. that's one of the areas we need look out for. >> shifting gears, we are in the middle of a drought. very serious drought. we've gotten rain lately but not nearly enough. this week the state started asking people to take shorter showers. my question to both of you, if youwere governor, would favor stricter rules, maybe statewide fines on people who use too much water? >> i think voluntary reductions voluntary restrictions are the right way to go. i don't think we're at a point of having fines yet. prioritize safe drinking water for human beings first. that theeed to realize drought has had a very serious impact on our farmers, particularly dairy farmers. i've heard from folks at stony
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field yogurt. it's an emergency. i believe that we're still at a where those voluntary reductions made on a our-by-town basis, parts of state have more severe and less implications. i think those are the right steps for right now. i think we need to continue to well.r the situation as >> thank you. councilor sununu? ski areaeone in the business, i can tell you that water is vital, not just to our businesses but to many around whether you're talking about farmers or those in recreation. drastically low levels, especially in the north country, and in the southeast part of the state. that affects everybody. i do believe that local control is important, when making those decisions. i don't necessarily belie belien fines. programs to make sure people are reducing their smart.tion, being i was an environmental engineer. was onyears, i
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construction sites, cleaning up contaminated groundwater across this down. an important issue. we have issues where we have groundwater, in where we have put people at risk with this. we need a governor that has real in making experience sure we're providing the best-quality water coming out of movingaps for our kids, forward. >> and about 30 seconds before closing comments. no if you can. energy costs, very expensive. in then pass has been news a lot. as is, would you support the is, councilor sununu? megawatts of clean, renewable energy, costing $80 million a year for the state of new hampshire, that's a quality project that i help goes forward.'s a >> there were seven of us who ran for governor on both sides of the aisle. six of us had at least some of concern about this. only one candidate wants to write a blank check to the biggest utility company in the
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state, after tens of thousands of dollars. i don't think the current version is good enough. both.nk you >> time now for closing statements. councilor sununu? >> thanks to nh1-tv, thanks for everyone for being us with tonight. is a great state but we can and we must do better, for our communities, our people, for our businesses that power our economy. i have traveled the state, listened to the needs of the constituents. to bring my experience as an environmental engineer, my experience as a real business sure we're make providing the best solutions for the people of new hampshire. i'm very passionate about education. about it a lot. myrrh wife was a -- my wife was a special ed teacher. my kids are in school. i'm in their classrooms. we have to make sure we're restoring local control and making sure parents have the ultimate say in the best choices for their kids. we have a heroin crisis that needs to be tackled. at aggressiveks prevention in schools, providing accountability in treatment and roadblocks that
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exists in the recovery area. we have a very clear choice this election. we can keep going down the path of big washington programs, permanent, losing control or we can elect a governor that believes when do itmpshire people new hampshire's way, we do it better than anyone else. i hope together we're ready to change.t >> thank you. councilor van ostern? >> well, thank you. and thanks for being with us evening. i'm running for governor to help our state take its next step youngd and bring and keep people and young families and new businesses and start-ups in our state. for me, this is about focusing on what's best for people and getting past the old, outdated political interests. when we talk about funding planned parenthood, it's not just that we need a governor who will support that funding 100% of the time, as i will, it's out for thatoking young man who needs access to a cancer screening. when we talk about the to make in we need solar energy projects, which in part it'sposed,
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about looking out for that entrepreneur who has built a solar financing company and is looking to bring a solar roof to the portsmouth high school. about thelk importance of expansion of medicaid, it's not just a policy and chrisported opposed, it's also a young woman i met who is in addiction re koafer today because -- recovery today because of the successful medicaid, always looking out for me. ourell, that is it for nh1-tv gubernatorial debate. if you want to watch it again, website or our facebook page. >> remember, the action continues tomorrow night in our u.s. senate showdown. kelly ayotte and democratic challenger maggie hassan debate the topics. go to our website and give us your suggestions for questions. night.morrow >> that's right. we hope to see you then. have a good night! >> we'll have more state race debates tonight.
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you can find them over on c-span 2 in prime time. kicking off at 8:00 eastern, with live coverage of the debate district, at 22nd 8:00 eastern. in texas, the incumbent beatlican faces the man he in 2014 in a debate for the 23rd district. 10:00, the candidates in iowa's first house district debate. week on c-span 2, we're showing live simulcasts of radio talk friday, from 9 a.m. until noon, a conservative political the mikeve with gallagher show, live from new york city, friday at 9 a.m. c-span 2. c-span. night on watch the results and be part of a national conversation about the outcome. be on location at the hillary clinton and donald trump election night headquarters and
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watch victory and concession speeches in key senate house and livenor's races, starting at 8 p.m. eastern and throughout the following 24 hours. on demand on c-span, at or listen to our live coverage using the free app.n radio days until election day. bernie sanders is joining hillary clinton on the campaign trail. be in raleigh, north carolina, scheduled to get under at 7:45 eastern right here on c-span. here's a look at some of the ads ahead of election day. >> 27 million. number. a it's all latino, sisters and brothers, eligible to vote, thanks to their fathers and mothers, who through struggle and strife sacrificed to give them a better life. strong, all ready to vote, for freedom, equality and
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reason, traits that seem to have gone out of season. a vote to make a difference, to silencedifference, to the ignorance, because when you're 27 million strong, no one you don'tou that belong or expect you to just move along. a million already to put up fight and not be intimidated by spite.and that's why on tuesday, the 8th of november, latinos will go to than ever, noter to elect a president of united to elect her, the next president of the united states. >> i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. >> there's a movement building in america. everyday people stand united, ready to replace decades of with a newtics leader who is not a part of the system. donald trump. his plan? taxes. families get child care tax credit, law and order balanced with justice and fairness. and america is respected in the world again.
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this is our country. directions.e and we can make america great again. >> i'm donald trump and i this message. >> the clintons, from dead broke millions.undreds of so how did hillary end up filthy rich? politics. staggering amounts of cash poured into the clinton foundation from criminals. dictators. countries that hate america. hillary cut deals for donors. the f.b.i. has launched a new investigation, after decades and scandal, her corruption is closing in. >> i'm donald trump and i this message. >> this afternoon, donald trump about his wife's speech as she campaigned on his behalf. beautifulatching my wife, melania, speak about her love of country and family, we you all very she spoke to a crowd in the berwynlphia suburb of for about 20 minutes. we'll hear the g.o.p. vice
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first, indiana governor mike pence. ♪ all right now now ♪ it's all right ♪ all right now baby it's all right now ♪ [cheering] pennsylvania!oon, [cheering] >> woo! what an honor it is to be with you here today. karen pence. [cheering] >> thank you. and my husband, mike pence, is president. vice [cheering] our next ticket with president of the united states, donald trump! [cheering]
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>> i flew in this morning from iowa, where mike is campaigning right now, as we speak. yesterday, we were arizona,ng in new mexico and colorado. he will be in michigan. up inen we will meet back pittsburgh tonight. ha ha! [cheering] >> it has been the greatest our lives for mike preparing to and serve as the next vice president, with president donald trump. [cheering] >> so for those of you who don't schoolch about me, i'm a teacher. an artist. an entrepreneur. and a mother of three wonderful
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children. including our daughter, who is here with me today. know, it's been wonderful to four indiana these last years as the first lady of indiana. but mike and i are looking serving the entire country in the next four years, melania trump. but you know, on the campaign trail, one of the greatest thisings for us in campaign has been getting to trumponald and melania and their family. and seeing their heart for this country and their passion to make it better. are tireless, believe me. every day, ready to take their message to the
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american people. and now, with just five days to we canre election day, see their efforts and hard work really paying off. and looking at all of you, i can tell that pennsylvania is ready to make history by helping to elect donald trump as the 45th president of the united states! [cheering] >> and when you do, melania will be our new first lady. [cheering] >> she is amazing! bitme tell you a little about her. melania is, first and foremost, dedicated wife and mother. wasfirst time i met melania when she and donald were deciding who to choose for the president. and we joined them for a weekend
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at their resort. were having dinner. and melania looked at me and three children. well, i told her with a wink raised three independent-thinking children don't always agree with their father on every issue. we have a lot of great discussions around our dinner table, believe me. but you know what? warmooked at me with her smile and she said, i like that! you're teaching them to think for themselves. i like that. i knew right then that i was really going to like melania. i have so enjoyed getting to know melania during these last months. you know, as the spouse of the candidate, it isn't always easy husband out on the
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campaign trail with a very or to face thele barrage of attacks. but i can tell you one thing melania trump. she is strong. [cheering] >> she also -- she is so strong. also is very accomplished, working her way up through the modeling industry and emigrating to america from her native slovenia. her love for america is herdless, just like husband's. she is going to be america's first lady. [cheering] >> and i know that america will fall in love with her, just as as she loves the american people. myies and gentlemen, it is great privilege to introduce to you the next first lady of the america,ates of melania trump!
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since my husband, donald trump, announced he would run for president of the united states. [cheering] remember that day, in june by ourividly, surrounded family and speaking to an millions, donald promised to campaign on behalf isthose who feel the system broken and does not work for them. want a fairst shake, an opportunity for a atter education, better-paying job, a better future. [cheering] >> he pledged to restore washington and respect for america abroad. is not an ordinary campaign. it is a movement. [cheering]
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which people in feel included, inspired and involved. i have seen it firsthand. we are deeply grateful to the millions of americans who believe in my husband, because in you.w he believes he believes in america. will make a fantastic president of this united states. [cheering] talkcome here today to about my husband, donald, and his deep love and respect for this country and all of its people. talk about here to this man i have known for 18 years. and i have come here today to partnership, our family, and what i know for sure heart about this man, who will make america great again.
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[cheering] thatknow exactly what means. inrew up in a small town slovenia, near a beautiful river and forest. small country, but back then, it was under communist rule. beautiful childhood. my parents were wonderful. always knew about the incredible place called america. word for freedom and opportunity. meant, if you could dream it, you could become it. [cheering] >> when i was 10 years old, we named ronalda man reagan was elected president of united states of america. we heard what he was saying and doing. president reagan's morning in
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was not just something in the united states. it began to feel like mourning around the world, even in my small country. inspiration to me. andr, i lived in milan paris, working hard as a fashion model. people from all over the world. fashion is a business of glamour but it is also hard work. high are ups and downs, rejectionridicule and too. i loved my work. and as a young entrepreneur, i my dreams to aw place where freedom and in so, of course, i came here. in americaworking was a true blessing, but i wanted something more. i wanted to be an american.
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process, which included many visas and a green card, in 2006 i studied for the a u.s. citizen. [cheering] >> which is the greatest privilege -- it is the greatist in the i'm an immigrant. you, no one values the freedom and opportunity of me, both as anan independent woman and as someone to america.d [cheering] >> love for this country is shared,g we immediately when i met donald. he loves this country and he knows how to get things done, just talk. to shakenly knows how things up, doesn't he?
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[cheering] >> he knows how to make real change, make america great again is not just some slogan. is what has been in his heart since the day i met him. over the years of our marriage, i have watched my husband grow more and more concerned as he sees american workers suffer. i have watched him get frustrated as he sees parents to care for children while working outside the home. i have watched him as he sees over and over again policies that make our country less strong, less secure and less safe. every time my husband learned of closing, in ohio or north carolina or here in saw him get very upset.
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was he saw the problems. and he always talked about how he could fix them. blessed. is truly the most important thing we have and lovemily is health and loyalty. donald has built... [cheering] >> donald has built a very successful company. to go to work each day to do a job that he loves, alongside of his adult children. any is a great blessing for parent. he had a great and fulfilling life. sitdonald knew he could not back anymore and watch what was happening in our country. this campaign,n this movement, began. [cheering] crowd: [chanting trump]
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mrs. trump: as donald travels the country, he has asked some simple but very important questions. what kind of country do we want? do we want a country that is safe with secure borders? yes. do we want a country where every american gets a fair shot? yes. do we want a country that honors our constitution? do we want a country that honors life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? do we want a country that respects women and provides them with equal opportunity? yes. do we want a country where every child has access to a good
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education? do we want children to be safe and secure and dream big dreams? yes. do we want president who is beholden to no one but you, the american people? [cheers and applause] mrs. trump: yes. do we want a president who will never give up? yes. then we want donald trump to be our president. crowd: yes. [chanting trump] mrs. trump: people have asked me, if donald is the president, what kind of first lady will you be? it will be my honor and privilege to serve this country. [cheers and applause] mrs. trump: i will be an
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advocate for women and for children. let me tell you a little bit more about what that means to me. i am a full-time mother to our son, an incredible boy. as his father travels around the country running for president, i am with our son. we talk a little bit about politics and a lot about life, homework, and sports. he has many privileges and advantages. we know how fortunate we are. still, i have the same conversations with my son that many of you have with your sons and daughters and nieces and nephews, grandchildren and godchildren. i want my little boy to know that he is blessed to have been born in this country that values individual freedom and
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constitutional democracy. i want our children in this country and all of around the world to live a a beautiful life, to be safe and secure, to dream freely of love and a family of their own someday. we need to teach our youth american values, kindness, honesty, respect, compassion, charity, understanding, cooperation. i do worry about all of our children. as we know, no social media is a centerpiece of our lives. it can do useful tool for -- can be a useful tool for connection and communication. it can ease isolation so many people feel in the modern world. technology has changed our universe. but like anything that is powerful, it can have a bad
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side. we have seen this already. as adults, many of us are able to handle mean words, even lies. children and teenagers can be fragile. they are hurt when they are made fun of or made to feel less in looks and intelligence. this makes their life hard and can force them to hide and retreat. our culture has gotten too mean and too rough, especially to children and teenagers. it is never ok when a 12-year-old girl or boy is mocked, bullied, or attacked. it is terrible on the playground, and it is completely unacceptable when it is done by someone with no name hiding on the internet.
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we have to find a better way to talk to each other, to disagree with each other, to respect each other. we must find better ways to honor and support the basic goodness of our children, especially in social media. it will be one of the main focuses of my work if i am privileged enough to become your first lady. [cheers and applause] mrs. trump: i will also work hard to include everyday life for women, the women in america that are incredible, strong, intelligent, generous, determined. with opportunities, women will advance and achieve. but some women have been left behind. i see that. we cannot call ourselves a fully
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developed or advanced nation when 50% of our women live in poverty, when 60 million are without health insurance, when too many are choosing between basic needs like rent, food, and health care. this cannot be. we cannot afford to have more of the same. we must break with the failures of the past and embrace a feature that is worthy of this great nation and her beautiful people. [cheers and applause] mrs. trump: we must win on november 8, and we must come together as americans. we must meet each other with respect and kindness, even when we disagree. i will be there to support my husband's efforts to help all of -- all americans when he is
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president. donald trump will make america fair. he will make america safe. he will make america prosperous. he will make america proud. and yes, this man i know so well, donald trump, with your help and god's grace, will make america great again. thank you. god bless you. and god bless this beautiful country. [cheers and applause] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2016] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] ♪ ♪
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>> election night on c-span. watch the results and be part of a national conversation about the outcome. hillaryion at clinton and donald trump headquarters, and watch acceptance and concession speeches in key races. watch live on c-span, on demand at, or listen to our live coverage using the free c-span radio app. c-span, where history unfolds daily.
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in 1979, c-span was created as a public service by america's cable television companies and is brought to you today by your cable or satellite provider. just five days before election day, and bernie sanders is joining hillary clinton on the campaign trail. he will be in raleigh, north carolina, underlay at 7:45 eastern time here on c-span. here's a look at some of the ads running ahead of election day. >> i am hillary clinton, and i approve this message. >> i would look her right in that fat, ugly face of hers. >> he's a war hero because he was captured? i like people who were not captured, ok? >> you got to see this guy. i don't know what i said. i don't remember. >> a person who is flat-chested is very hard to be a 10. >> our military is a disaster. >> when mexico sends it people -- it's people, they are bringing drugs, rapists.
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>> i would like to punch him in the face. get him out of here! >> putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing. >> wouldn't you rather have japan have nuclear weapons? >> saudi arabia? absolutely. >> maybe using nuclear weapons. nobody wants to hear that. >> why -- i would bomb the[beep] out of them. i love war, in a certain way. this election is about a choice. we have a chance to put our futures back into our own hands, to give us the right to educate our children in the schools we choose. to create investments where we need them most, build better communities with jobs we create together, and where justice is our right. this is our choice. this is our opportunity. we are asking for your vote. vote republican. >> the republican national committee is responsible for the
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content of this advertising. >> the last eight years have been hard, but republicans can change that. we believe in lowering taxes, so you can take him more of your money. >> lower taxes help small businesses create more jobs. >> kids will have a brighter future with school choice. >> protecting life and religious freedom matters. >> national security is important. >> let's make government work for us. thought republican november 8th. >> the republican national committee is responsible for the content of this advertising. >> this week on c-span 2, we are featuring political radio programs, with national talkshow hosts. life today from noon to 3:00, author and progressive radio ast thom hartmann, and conservative perspective from the mike kelly to show, live from new york -- mike gallagher show, live from new york city, all this week on c-span 2.
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c-span's covering races all around the united states. you can watch them at here's a look at the debate between candidates in new york's third congressional district. republican jack martins and democrat tom suozzi. this is about half an hour. >> this is a news 12 long island 2016 election debate. >> hello, everyone, and welcome to this island vote 2016 election special. for the next half hour, we will be talking with the two candidates running for the third congressional district, covering the north shore of long island, stretching across both counties. including the townships of huntington, oyster bay, north hempstead, glencoe, and a small portion, -- glenn cove, and a small portion of queens. let's move to candidates. is suozzi of glen cove
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running of the democratic line. he served as nasa can executive saum 2002 two -- inasa county executive from 2002 to 2009. jack martins is running on the republican conservative and reform line, currently serving a third term in the state senate. he was mayor of mineola from 2003 to 2010. before we begin, here are the rules and the format for this debate. each candidate will have one minute for an opening statement. and each will have up to one minute and a half to answer each question, and then 30 seconds for a rebuttal unwarranted. at the end of the debate, both candidates will have one minute for closing statements. we start with opening statements. speaking order was decided by lot prior to the show. we begin with senator jack martins. mr. martins: thank you, and thank you to news 12 for hosting this debate. i am jack martins, a state senator, a business owner, a husband and a father of
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daughters. like so many of you, i know our country is heading in the wrong direction. the economy is stagnant, terrorism is on the rise, washington is gridlocked. people are frustrated and angry, and so am i. changing that starts with electing leaders who are willing and able to work together to solve our problems. i can do that, because i have done it before. as a senator i led on issues important to us here on long island. cutting taxes, rebuilding infrastructure, protecting our environment, and helping small businesses grow and succeed. i will do the same in washington. my opponent will not. by focusing on what unites us instead of what divides us, we can work together to find a better way forward for america, and let no one stand in our way. that's why i'm running for congress. i hope i have earned your vote. thank you. ?> tom suozzi -- mr. suozzi: mr. suozzi: our country faces very serious challenges. throughout this campaign, people have said, i don't like either
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candidate for president. my friends, my family members, people have said things like, why do you want to run for congress? you can't get anything done anyway. i don't believe that. i still believe in our system of government and politics, and we can get good things done if we can get people of goodwill, democrats and republicans, to work together and try and solve the problems that we face. but the reality is, in order to change the status quo, you have to be willing to stand up to very powerful forces that want to keep the status quo the way it is now. i have done that throughout my entire career. when i started the fix albany campaign, i went after the democrats as well as republicans in the state legislature, because the system was broken and we needed to cap the growth of medicaid. i fought for the property tax cap and got a lot of lumps for it, but we succeeded in getting it done. i think that's why i have been endorsed by newsday, the league of conservation voters, the sierra club, and so much more. i have proven i will fight to change the status quo and serve the people i represent. >> thank you.
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let's get right to the questions now. nassau county was rocked by federal corruption charges against the county executive and oyster bay supervisor. this comes less than a year after senate majority leader dean skellos and sheldon silver were convicted on corruption charges. if elected to congress, mr. suozzi, what would you do to crackdown on corruption and restore the trust so many people seem to not become purple with right now with elected officials? mr. suozzi: this is a very sad thing going on in our country. when i started back in 2003, i pointed out at that time that more people were indicted in the state legislature than lost their jobs at the polling booth. we have to hold people accountable. politics, like democracy, like capitalism, doesn't work without competition. you have to hold people accountable for their positions.
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if they get too comfortable, they start to feel like they can do whatever they want to do a nobody will watch them and they will get elected anyway. how is it that the united states congress has a 14% approval rate but a 95% reelection rate? the same things going on in the state senate and state assembly. we need to have competition, holding people accountable in a very robust political system. we also need to have regulation in place. we need to hold people accountable. for example, if you're convicted of a crime as elected official you should forfeit your pension. -- but it is up to the public to pay attention to these races. so few people vote in primaries. democratic primary you have to go way to the left, to win a republican primary you need to go way to the right, and we end up with no way to get work done. the only way to hold public officials accountable is to put them in a competitive race with a have to defend their positions and do a good job. >> same question for senator
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martins. mr. martins: it starts with having zero tolerance when it comes to corruption in public office. i called on the county executive to resign. i called on the town supervisor to resign. we have to hold accountability, first and foremost. i have had the privilege, in serving in the new york state senate, to vote for a number of initiatives. one is to be able to recall politicians who have been convicted of crimes before they are allowed to finish their term, because we have to maintain the integrity of the system first and foremost. makeed consistently to sure those who are convicted of crimes while in elected office to not get their pension. there is no way a person who has been convicted of a crime while in elected office, who has violated the public trust, should have the ability to collect a pension, having forfeited that right when they committed that crime. we have to look at money in politics. we have to remove the influence
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of money in politics. frankly, we have to make it much more transparent. there are rules, and some rules get circumvented as a result of dark money that exists. you see these advertisements in campaigns, were people influence elections, and frankly there's no place for it in our democratic society. we have to cut to the chase, and first and foremost, we have to restore integrity to the process, which means holding everyone accountable. it also means everyone, when they are convicted, frankly, when they have put themselves in a position of passing taint on their office, they have to resign. >> ok. let's move on to the next topic now. that is taxes. long islanders have been barraged with negative ads, some criticizing your tenure as county executive, mr. suozzi. same for you, senator martins, when you are serving as mayor of mineola. the question is, senator martins, why should voters believe that if they send you to washington you will be a tax cutter?
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mr. martins: when i was elected mayor of mineola, the village was bankrupt, literally bankrupt. it had a half-million dollar shortfall and no reserves. $30 million in debt, and 20 million of that was in short-term debt, and we had to go to moody's and convince them to allow us to convert $20 million of short-term debt into long-term debt. very difficult times for the village. we restructured the village's finances, and when i was elected to the senate seven or eight years later, we had paid down the debt from $33 million to $20 million, a third. we had the village heading in the right direction. we had reassessed every property in the village, so everyone understood what they were paying or were not paying. we redid the village's master plan and put it on a firm footing, encouraging redevelopment downtown, and you see that redevelopment happening right now. there's the difference. we took a very bad situation, and with the trust of the public that we were asked to represent, i was elected in 2003, reelected
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in 2005, reelected in 2007, and reelected in 2009, by the very same voters who trusted us to make a difference. and we get. so it's about restructuring. it's about getting things done. and frankly, it's about showing that, as a result of the eight years that i served in mineola, we left things better off when we left then when we got there, and i'm not sure tonton say the same thing. martinsuozzi, while mr. was serving as mayor of mineola, you were county executive of nassau county. why should voters believe you will be a tax cutter? mr. suozzi: i am not going to criticize jack for having raised taxes, and the fact he raised his salary by 61%. he attacked me for raising property taxes as county executive of nassau county. his whole campaign was based upon the fact i raise property
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taxes. so it is really the height of hypocrisy, that he was criticizing me for the exact same thing he did. he talked about being reelected as mayor. well, i raise property taxes in 2002 as county executive of nassau county, then did not raise them for six years in a row, and i was reelected in 2005. i know that property taxes are killing people on long island. that's why i fought for the property tax cap. iran for governor of new york state. didn't turn out very well for me, or the other guy, eliot spitzer, either, but i saw property taxes crushing people on long island, and i thought -- spitzer was against the property tax cap, but even after i lost that race, he appointed me as chairman of the commission on property tax relief, and i wrote the report about why property taxes were so high on long island, and what we had to do to address the problem. a big part was the property tax cap, of which i'm very proud, and i'm happy jack voted for it
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as member of the legislature, but i had to fight powerful interests to get a property tax cap here in new york state. >> 32nd rebuttal? >> i appreciate that. tom suozzi taking credit for the tax cap is like al gore taking credit for the internet. it was there beforehand, and the fact we were able to pull consensus together, working across the aisle with the governor, frankly, is a testament to our hard work in albany. but, you know what? taxes, thereax, were gimmicks, and there was a interim finance authority put in place in 2001 that tom suozzi was tasked with getting rid of. it's here to this day. it was there when he was voted out of office in 2009. mr. martins: mr. suozzi? mr. suozzi: i'm very proud of my record as nassau county executive. we had more bond upgrades than any other municipality in america. outside bond agency said we turn to the county around. in 2008, we face the worst
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recession in our country's history since the great depression, and of course people were angry and upset. you know what? the energy tax was a bad idea. should have never done it. and i paid for it. i lost the race in 2009, but i learned my lesson. the people of nassau county would be happy to have tom suozzi instead of the problems we're facing today in nassau county. >> we are going to hear from folks on social media. one news long island facebook follower, becky, had this to say, "end obamacare. premiums up 20%, doctors will not accept it, and coverage is worse.: i guess we know where she stands the white house did say that premiums could go up as much as 25% on mid-level plans and there will be less options as well. mr. suozzi, if you are elected to the congress, how will you address the future of the afford will care act? mr. suozzi: there's no question, there are serious problems with obamacare. more people are covered than ever before.
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children are covered until they are 26 years old, under the parent's plan. you can't deny people coverage because of a pre-existing condition. while republicans in the united states congress want to repeal it, voting on it 20 times, i want to amend it, don't end it. in the private sector, i work for a firm that worked in compliance, making sure people comply with the obamacare provisions, and it is a rotten, terrible bureaucracy. throughout my career, i have been willing to demonstrate that i will fight powerful forces, even my own party, when necessary, to try to make changes on behalf of the people i serve. there's good things about obamacare, but we need to amend it, don't end it, to make it more affordable. we need to consult with the doctors and hospitals and patients, quite frankly. when you want to change the status quo, you have to take on powerful forces. those powerful forces right now are the health insurance companies and the pharmaceutical drug companies.
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they don't want it to change, and they are very powerful. they have had too much influence in drafting the affordable care act in the first place, and i'm willing to fight them, as i have throughout my career, and that's why i have been endorsed by newsday and so many others, because i have proven unwilling to stand up and fight powerful forces on behalf of the people i serve. >> we have heard many republicans, including the presidential nominee, say obamacare should be repealed. is there something to salvage, or do you agree? mr. martins: i think it needs to be repealed but replaced with something else. you know, obamacare has been, the affordable care act has been an unmitigated disaster. i often wondered why tom suozzi has been an apologist for it and supported it, until i realized that he actually made money consulting with people on how to comply with it. so small businesses are getting raked over the goals, paying more and more in premiums, and certain people are making more money as consultants, consulting with businesses on how to comply with it. the complexity of the law, the promises that were made, frankly, were a lie.
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here we are, several years later. premiums are going up double digits again this year. they went up double digits last year. we have incredible deductibles. we have co-pays going through the roof. the panels are getting smaller. the choices people have with regards to their doctors are evaporating. people are angry, and they should be angry. we do have an alternative. the alternative is expanding the footprint, allowing people to buy health insurance across state lines, giving tax credits so individuals can make decisions for themselves and buy insurance that suits them. right now, if i wanted to buy insurance in your state or anybody wants to buy insurance, they have to buy off of a menu that is restrictive. i would have to buy for coverage i would never need, including postnatal care. let's understand, let's simplify it, give tax credits, and put the emphasis where it needs to be, on the individual to make decisions for themselves and for their families. >> mr. suozzi, 30-second
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rebuttal? mr. suozzi: i don't know where you keep coming up with this stuff, but i have never been an apologist for obamacare. i said the same thing in a public forum so many times, that the system has serious problems that need to be fixed, like so many other things in our country, and we need to work together to try to solve these problems and try to make people's lives better, not play these petty little games and attack people to say, i will pause this because i made money off of it. the reality is, i did work at a firm that helped businesses comply with the affordable care act. there's no question about that. >> senator? mr. martins: i will not take 30 seconds. only a few seconds. we have been in several forms together, tom and i, where we have discussed this issue. he has spoken time and again, we have them on tape somewhere, where he has said time and again what a success it has been, how it needs to be tweet, how it has been a success -- tweaked, how
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it has been a success. that to me is being an apologist. i will not retract my statement, and tom, you know very well you made money on this, and you made money on the complexity of obamacare. just own up to it. >> let's move on to foreign policy. talking to senator martins, what is the most significant threat the u.s. faces to national security right now, and how would you address it? mr. martins: it is islamic terrorism, radical islamic terrorism continues to be the great threat of our times. we see it manifested, whether it is in isis in the middle east, and also in the conflict in the middle east between iraq and iran, yemen, saudi arabia, syria. you see proxy wars taking place between iran and saudi arabia in syria, and you see them in yemen, and you see the migration between middle east into europe, and again into the united states, and testing attacks on our own land. people are concerned, because
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there is such volatility out --re to volatility is out and the volatility is out there because this administration has taken a backseat. they have left the world stage and allowed others to fill the vacuum. we the atrocities around the world. we see attacks happening on our own soil, frankly, that is the challenge of our times, to restore stability in the middle east through economic pressure, through working with others, protecting our ally in the middle east, israel, first and foremost so we can continue to provide stability there, it also here at home. education and transparency and it comes to identifying those we need to go after. also, we are talking about refugees coming into the country, making sure we have a stringent vetting system, because we still are a country that receives immigrants. we have to make sure the vetting process is correct, appropriate
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and that we keep our families and communities safe. moderator: mr. suozzi, the most significant threat to u.s. national security right now? mr. suozzi: as a result of terrorism and wars going on through many different regions in the world, there are 60 million refugees throughout the entire world right now because of civil wars, because of wars we have been involved in, because of climate change. people are displaced from their homelands and that is causing serious problems. what i cannot understand is why in this race people are not talking about the history of what happened in this region. the united states supported osama bin laden to fight the russians in afghanistan. the united states supported saddam hussein. we supported the syrians. we still support the saudi's, even though they are promoting a philosophy to kill the jewish people and to kill americans.
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why have we done this? because we are dependent on foreign oil in that part of the world. we have to figure out how to move to a green economy so we can reset that relationship and start to build relationships with members of the muslim community that are moderates that are against the extremists who are trying to kill us. we also need to continue everything this administration is doing as far as containing the problems, trying to support our allies in the area. and we certainly need to make sure we protect the state of israel and do everything we can to make sure it is clear to the world that they are our closest and best friend in that region. moderator: let's move on now to long island's heroin epidemic, which has been much documented. the question is, what can be done, mr. suozzi, on a federal level to stop those drugs flowing in, especially to long island? mr. suozzi: first, we need to
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understand what happened. at the same time in america that we saw the prescription of oxycontin and other types of addictive drugs, opioids similar to heroin, the same time that that was happening, a second thing was happening, the production of heroin grew by leaps and bounds throughout latin america, andrew america, and afghanistan. we see poppy fields being one of the cash crops. people were getting addicted to opioids at the same time this production was increasing dramatically. it was cheaper than ever before and more accessible. we need to continue with our enforcement efforts, but we need to recognize that drugs, alcohol, and mental health issues are related and many of the problems we face in society are based upon these problems. 75% of the people in jail have a drug, alcohol, or mental health problem. most family dysfunctions related to drugs, alcohol, or mental health. some of my closest friends have had children's of theirs die
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because of drug overdoses. this is an epidemic killing us in long island. we need to start educating kids at very young ages, especially when we see mental health, drug, and alcohol problems emerge in our schools to make sure they recognize the dangers of this very destructive and addictive drug. as the federal government, we need to promote programs that encourage prevention at young ages and collaboration among different government agencies. moderator: senator martin, what can be done on the federal level to stop the drugs from flowing into our communities in long island? sen. martins: thank you. the heroin epidemic is by far the greatest challenge we have domestically in our community. there is not a single community that has not been impacted. we have tackled this issue in albany. we have passed legislation for a number of years and i have carried legislation that requires that schools teach
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about heroin and drug abuse at an early age because it starts with the stigmatization of the issue and we have to make sure realize it is as much about enforcement as it is about treating the condition. that on a federal level, it has to be about enforcement. we have to make sure that we have the care necessary so that those who do succumb to addiction have a pathway out of that addiction. you knwow, i have often had the opportunity, unfortunately, to meet with families who have lost loved ones, but also those dealing with this crisis. one thing they all lamented was that we do not have enough facilities, long-term care facilities for addiction on long island. beds asave over 150 recently as 2003. unfortunately, the county executive decided to close the facilities when they knew, and
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he was told, that there were all kinds of reports that there was an heroin addiction epidemic on the horizon. we no longer have those beds and we have the ability now to refocus, but it will cost a ton of money. they were here, but they were thrown away. frankly, that is a fact and we can discuss details, dates, and the like. tom knows i am right and people out there know as well. moderator: mr. suozzi, your response. mr. suozzi: one thing i am most proud of is to create the program that helped physically challenged, veterans, senior citizens, and merge them together in one building so when people showed up for assistance they could access the assistance of all those agencies. it was specifically cited in my endorsement the work i did calling of the problem of drug addiction and the relation to mental health early on when this
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for started here on long island. moderator: gentlemen, we will leave there and move on now to closing statements and we will start with senator martins. thanks again to news 12 for hosting this debate. this election is about leadership. it is about the opportunity to understand, as we all do, that this country is heading in the wrong direction. our children's futures are bleaker. the country is being pulled apart and frankly, things are continuing to get worse. we need people who will continue to show leadership. i have shown leadership these last six years in the senate, yor before that,beforma whether it is tackling our water, helping our small businesses succeed, that is where i have led from the front, not from the back, not talking about it, but actually showing real results. so, people have a choice this year.
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they have a choice to decide whether or not we will take this country in the right direction by changing course, or whether we will double down and support policies that put us in this position to begin with. i will take us in a different direction and i am asking for your vote on november 8. moderator: mr. suozzi, you are closing statement. mr. suozzi: he defended him and called for him to stay as the majority leader. i still believe in the united states of america and a still believe in this country and i believe we can get good things done. if we can get people of good will, democrats and republicans, to work together and solve problems. but to do that, you will have to take on powerful interests. they will try to fight back and keep the status quo the same it is because they are benefiting from how it is now. i have proven throughout my career that i'm willing to take on democrats and republicans to fight for the things i think are necessary to serve the people i represent, whether it was the medicaid tax, the property tax
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cap, and so many things were i waon big battles. this country can have bright days ahead, but it will require people to work together across party lines, not link playingames -- not political games, but working together. moderator: just a reminder, election day is tuesday, november 8. be sure to get out there and vote. this debate is available to view online. plus, you can watch the complete debate on channel 612. thank you for watching this special on long island. race debatestate tonight. you will find them over on c-span 2 and prime time, ticking off at 8:00 eastern with live coverage of new york's 22nd district.
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republican claudia tenney. hardhen republican will faces the man he beat in 2013. and at 10:00, the candidates in iowa's first district debate. election night on c-span. watch the results and be part of a national conversation about the outcome. the on location of the -- be on location of the hillary clinton and donald trump election quarters. starting life at 8:00 p.m. eastern and throughout the following 24 hours. watch live on c-span, on demand at, or listen to the coverage using the free c-span radio app. and a look at some tweets before hillary clinton's campaign rally.
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her brother is supporting hilly a hillary at the north carolina rally today. seeother is excited to bernie sanders. and hannah with cbs tweets about the musician pharrell meeting hillary clinton at the airport tonight. c-span's live coverage of the rally, scheduled to get underway at 7:45 p.m. eastern time. >> a leak on c-span 2, we are showing live political talk shows. and friday, a conservative political perspective with the mike gallagher show, live from new york city, friday and on :00 a.m. eastern on c-span -- friday at 9:00 a.m. eastern on c-span 2. >> this weekend, c-span's city 's tour will explore the literary life and history of
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tucson, arizona. on book tv on c-span 2, hear about the important role mexican americans played in the history of arizona from thomas sheridan. >> long before arizona became part of the united states, it was a part of the first spanish, and later mexican history. tucson was really the northernmost, the northernmost community in the province, and later the state of senora. >> then, on american history tv, we will visit the titan missile museum. this is now open to the public. the titan 2 was an intercontinental ballistic missile used by the united states during the cold war. >> the titan 2's mission was peace through deterrence. our job was to project a credible threat. to be here every day, demonstrating to the soviet
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union that even if they launched a surprise first strike against us, we would be able to ride that out and retaliate quickly and with enough force that we would devastate the soviet union, even if they had launched their missiles first. >> then, we will take you to the national park in tucson. it is named after the cactus, native to its desert environment. hear about the history of the park, and some of the challenges the park faces today. the c-span city's tour of tucson, arizona. 2:00,nday afternoon at and american history tv on c-span 3, working with our cable affiliates and visiting cities across the country. >> candidates in new hampshire's u.s. senate race. incumbent republican kelly ayotte and current democratic
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governor maggie hassan participated in their final debate before election day. this is just under one hour. >> now, a commitment 2016 special, presented by the new hampshire union leader. the granite state debates. the political lives of the nation are focused on new hampshire. >> this is going to be a very close race. >> with the balance of power in the u.s. senate at play, the stakes could not be higher. >> i wake up every day with a sense of purpose to make a difference in washington. >> i will put washington first. >> each candidate is laying claim to the title of outsider. >> in washington we see a system rigged. >> i see her as being a rubberstamp for those democrats in washington. >> it is the most expensive race in state history and both candidates are looking for an edge. working tong to be
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make sure people understand the choice in this election. >> i want to continue to serve the people in new hampshire. there is so much more work that needs to be done. >> tonight, the candidates for u.s. senate. >> good evening, everyone and welcome to our live wmur new hampshire state debate. i am josh mcelveen and tonight we will be discussing with kelly ayotte and democratic challenger maggie hassan. first, let's have a look at the format. questions will come from the moderator. each candidate will have one minute to respond and each candidate will have some time at the end of this for a closing statement. the for re-get started, let's get to know our panelists. john is a political reporter at wmur. and allie morris is the reporter at the concord monitor.
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let's get started and we will begin with the threat emerging at a rapid pace, cyber terrorism. just about 10 days ago, a new hampshire company was the victim of attacks and they crippled activity along the coast, including several big-name companies. it was an attack that the experts say could easily happen again. some people worry that attacks like these could disrupt the financial markets or knockout the power grid. let's start with senator ayotte. have you recommended any action that should be taken to stop this kind of threat? ayotte: it is great to be with all of you. my priority has been to keep new hampshire and the country safe, chairing the homeland security committee. this issue of cyber terrorism is a grave threat. i have work to make sure there
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are stronger agreements in place, including supporting legislation to allow the sharing of information between companies and the government when things like that happen to make sure we can take the steps we need to be clear and take affirmative steps to helping private companies protect personal information. we have to take this seriously, from threats from nationstates like iran and russia. we also cannot diminish our military. i was the only member of our military to vote against automatic cuts to our military because cyber command, which i support, establishing a separate command for cyber command within our armed services needs the support and resources if we are going to stay safe in a dangerous world. moderator: senator, thank you. , you establish the cyber security integration center. i want to ask you what exactly this center does and what you
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think we should be doing at the federal level to counteract cyber terrorism. josh foran: thank you, moderating tonight and thank you to the panelists, and to all the viewers tuning in tonight. my first job as governor is keeping our state secure and our community safe. in the senate by first priority will always be keeping our country safe. among the things i have worked on as governor, in addition to adding troopers to our roadways, making sure we have active shooter training for our law enforcement and enhancing school safety plans, is cyber security. making sure that all of our state employees have cyber security training, establishing standards for cyber security, getting rid of outdated hardware and software that made us more vulnerable. and the integration center you were talking about is the next up in that process, making sure that all the stakeholders and
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private security at the state level are working together to share information. that is something we need to do with the private sector as well. moderator: let's go to the panel now for the next question on a related topic. this is coming from john to governor maggie hassan. >> governor, over the last several months, security experts have pointed to russia as the culprit in several high-profile hacking cases. last month they pointed to china as most likely involved in a theft of data at the office of personnel management. in cases where cyber security officials have evidence of a cyber attack, should we counter attack, that is, trying to steal information, or shut down their systems? should we counter with conventional warfare? or should the u.s. do something else to respond? gov. hassan: thank you for the question tonight, john. everything is on the table when it comes to keeping our country safe.
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what we have seen from russia in particular recently is truly outrageous. various acts of aggression, but including aggressive cyber attacks. we have also obviously, taken action towards china in response to some of their aggression in the cyber security arena. but we have to continue to confront and hold accountable foreign nations for those kinds of attacks. among the things we should consider doing is increasing sanctions against russia. we know some of the sanctions we put in place have in fact, really caused putin's close business allies grave concern and weakened them. but everything is on the table and i think it is very important we continue to combat cyber aggressions and attacks as aggressively as we can. >> senator, good to see you
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tonight as well. some question. would you like me to repeat it? sen. ayotte: no, i think very clearly, whether it is russia or china or frankly, the country of iran and other countries who are using cyber attacks, we have to address what they do. that means having the staff ing capability within our armed services, making sure they have the technological background to do it. if somebody takes a step, we have to address it. but also we need to understand that unfortunately, when it comes to russia, this administration has not held russia accountable. that reset policy has been a failure and that was something secretary clinton pushed and we have not held them accountable for the invasion of ukraine, or looking at what they have done violating the inf treaty, whether it is cyber attacks, or what they are doing in syria right now. but when we do not respond, or
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we do not back up what we say in return, they will continue to act badly. >> i have a follow-up, senator. it is pretty much accepted that russia has been trying to influence the impact of our election. do you think they have been successful in doing that? sen. ayotte: i believe our top defense and intelligence officials will pursue and investigate anything russia is doing and hold them accountable for it and make sure that they do not have an impact on our election, or any other matter. again, this means being tough on actors like russia when they are violating international treaties, when they are circumventing international law, in terms of cybercrime, and when they are undermining our interests. i have been a strong critic of the lack of action against russia on the armed services committee, going back probably four years. >> governor? gov. hassan: certainly, we have
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to hold russia accountable. we talked about that just a little bit ago. thingsk, one of the we know we have to do is build our alliances with our nato allies to make sure we have the resources and partnerships to hold russia accountable. i am very proud of the fact that here in new hampshire we continue to have paper ballots and our voting machines are not hooked up to the internet. that provides some sense of security here for granite state voters. i do know our national security experts are working as hard as they can to make sure we are protecting our electoral system, but it is concerning to me that the republican nominee in the presidential race has showered praise on vladimir putin, has in somehim, and n som ways, invited him to make an attack on our electoral system. that is one of the reasons i am so concern that senator
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ayotte spends so much time to support the nominee. >> would you like to respond? sen. ayotte: when you talk about cyber security, hillary clinton has followed on so many issues. and really, failed to call out on this issue. she set up a private server, transferring classified information and that but national security at risk. so, if you want to talk about cyber crime, that was putting information that could jeopardize our national security at risk. if she is not when to break with hillary clinton on this, when is she ever going to break with hillary clinton when it comes to issues where we need to stand up and make sure we are standing up for new hampshire, and standing up for the people of this country? this was very egregious. >> 30 seconds, governor? gov. hassan: i will always stand up to serve and protect the people of new hampshire.
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i disagree with secretary clinton on her support for president obama's proposal to" o close guantanamo bay, for example. i disagree with her on the sales tax and the vetting of syrian refugees. and by the way, i have said repeatedly that her use of e-mails was a mistake. she has said so as well. she has apologized and i think that is appropriate, but what is really on the line in this race is whether we will continue to have a senator who fails to stand up to corporate special interests, which is what senator ayotte has failed to do. moderator: speaking of the top of the ticket, you have both been asked to be doing about it and we will do it again. >> governor hassan, first to you. james comey's position to investigate new e-mails related to hillary clinton's private server has thrown a cloud of uncertainty over the presidential contest. you officially endorsed her in
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september of last year. setting aside comparison with donald trump, are you prepared to say tonight that you still believe that hillary clinton is a leader hillar that americans can trust. gov. hassan: first of all, i think we need more information from director comey and the fbi. this is an issue that has been investigated exhaustively. secretary clinton said she has made a mistake and has appropriately apologized for that. this election, this race for the senate, is how we are going to come together and continue the kind of work we have made here in new hampshire, building a stronger and more innovative state. we have an unemployment rate of 2.9%. cnbc has named as the most business friendly state in the country. more people are working today in new hampshire than any other time in our state's history. if we bring the new hampshire approach to washington and work across party lines, we can
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build a brighter future for all of our people. that is the vision that i have and i have worked towards, and i support secretary clinton because she shares that vision and has a record of delivering on it. >> senator ayotte, you said you wanted your 12-year-old daughter to some they know that rejecting his vulgar comments about women was more important to you then winning any election. but recently, when his vulgar cs about he called mexicans criminals and rapists, and when he mocked a disabled reporter, you did not reject him. why were those statements by enough for you to pull your support? sen. ayotte: i call donald trump out on numerous occasions, including the examples you gave. in fact, i stood up to my own party even on issues like the government shutdown. and i will stand up to both sides on behalf of the people of this state. but governor hassan, again to call what hillary clinton did a
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mistake, it has been exhaustively investigated. i mean, she has not stood up to hillary clinton and sure, she will give you her talking points on where she differs with president obama or hillary clinton, but what about issues like the $1 trillion tax increase hillary clinton wants. that?he stand up on she wants to expand that. or the flawed iran agreement that she followed hillary clinton on that is dangerous for the country in terms of iran, the largest a sponsor of terrorism in the world, having access to nuclear weapon infrastructure. i will stand up to either side, no matter what. i have done it and i will continue to do that to put the people of the hampshire. moderator: governor? gov. hassan: the fact is, senator ayotte is still supporting donald trump. she has sent out mailers, saying that she is needed in the senate to conform his nominees.
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that is because she supports donald trump's agenda when it comes to overturning roe v. wade. she can try to distance herself on multiple occasions, like when she was asked whether she supported donald trump, but in fact, she said on 35 different occasions that she supported him. she called him a role model for our children and then when the political winds seemed to change, that is when she changed her decision. she has stood with her party, voting five times with ted cruz to shut the government down and on the supreme court blockade. moderator: you have 30 seconds to respond. sen. ayotte: these are the talking points from governor hassan, but my actions speak for themselves. she has not stepped away from hillary clinton on one thing. i have actually taken the action of saying that i am not going to be voting for our nominee because i am concerned about the actions that he has talked about. that speaks for itself. i have done that time and time again in the senate.
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that is why i have one of the most bipartisan records. er talkinge hur talking points all she wants, but the people of this state know i will stand up for them no matter what and she certainly will not stand up to hillary clinton. if you cannot call her out on this private e-mail server, when is she ever going to call her out? moderator: let's go to the next question now. you touched on the supreme court and that is the topic. first, going to governor hassan. >> it is great to be with both of you. one of the reasons the stakes are so high in this senate race is so important. one party could shape the landscape of the supreme court for decades to come, as many as three justices. governor hassan, how much latitude would you give president donald trump if he is elected by the american people when you consider the nominations of the supreme court and other federal judgeships that could come before the senate? gov. hassan: i am proud of the
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system we have in new hampshire where governors nominate people for the court and the executive council, as your viewers probably know. we have a nonpartisan judicial selection commission that recommends candidates to the governor. i have committed and have always taken any nominee from that list of recommendations and i am very proud of the fact that over the last year or so i have made 12 nominations to the court of new hampshire and 11 of those have been confirmed by a republican majority executive council. so, i noticed possible to work across party lines. which is why i am so concerned about senator ayotte's continuing to stand with her party to block the supreme court nomination. i always look for character. obviously, high qualifications and experience as a lawyer, the right kind of temperament, and somebody who will always protect the civil rights of every american. >> senator ayotte, you were against holding a hearing for
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merrick garland.america didn't the american people 2012 when they elected barack obama? sen. ayotte: we have a divided court right now. this is an important decision, in terms of constitutional rights and what happens. also, we have a divided government. letting the people weigh in i thought was important, but i also have a very bipartisan record where i have voted to confirm any of the president's nominees. in fact, close to 100. and i worked to fill members of his cabinet. i have been able to work across party lines and i will continue to do that, but i want to make sure that whoever is nominated by the next president that they were qualified, they understand
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what the constitutional philosophy is, and what their demeanor is, in terms of serving on the highest court of this land. >> unlike any other branch of government, do you think it is a appropriate to have lifetime appointments? sen. ayotte: i do. our founders set those up because they want to make sure there are three equal branches of government and that branch would not be subject to political influence. this is in portent and is obviously an issue i will carefully review -- this is important and is obviously an issue i will carefully review to make your the person who serves as qualified. >> same question for you, governor. gov. hassan: i certainly do support lifetime appointments. but i am very concerned about senator ayotte's support for the supreme court blockade. what she and her party decided to do was bring gridlock to the third branch of government. we do have a divided government
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and often, unfortunately, the executive branch and legislative branch have been at odds. the supreme court has served as a tiebreaker and senator ayotte and her party have decided to bring gridlock to the court. just as she brought gridlock to that, she voted with ted cruz five times to shut the government down, only deciding after it was shut down and feeling the political heat of that in new hampshire, she decided she would be part of a solution. similarly, she has voted to defund planned parenthood six times, standing right with her party. she has been highly partisan. and she has stood with her party and its backers at very critical times where she could have broken and really help the people in small businesses. >> senator, you have the option to respond. sen. ayotte: you want to talk gridlock. etoing and that
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both parties overriding your veto. that is gridlock. that is bringing washington style to what happened here in new hampshire. she gives talking about the government shutdown, but the papers in this state described the work that i did with women senators to open up the government. she knows what she is saying is not true. i stood up to ted cruz. in my own caucus on the government shutdown and you can go look at what people said at the time because i led the effort to reopen the government. >> governor, you can take 30 seconds. gov. hassan: i am proud to have senator shahim's endorsement in this race. senator ayotte had a few facts wrong, but budget, and the new brought people together and made a compromise. i encourage everybody to make a vote for the cover must budget
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that had important safeguards to protect physical responsibility. -- to protect fiscal responsibility. >> often prayers are with the family and friends of two police officers in iowa who were murdered today while in their patrol cars. we do not know all the circumstances, but it hasn't reported the alleged shooter had a violent past with guns and instances like this continue to fire up the discussion about our gun laws. areenator ayotte, you widely known to have opposed universal background checks at gun shows and the internet. how can checking to see if somebody's potentially dangerous be a bad thing? sen. ayotte: first of all, my thoughts and prayers go to the families of those officers. i prosecuted the case when we had michael briggs, a
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decorated hero killed in the line of duty. and to me, standing up for the police is standin so important. and having been a prosecutor and having served as attorney general, i appreciate so much how important it is that we keep guns away from criminals and terrorists. i also believe it is important that we stand up for the second amendment rights of our citizens. in the senate i support background checks. i have worked to get records that need to be in that system that are not in there now. and actually, mental health records that new hampshire has not gotten in. i have supported more prosecutions of the law, of violations of the background check system and right now, new hampshire needs more resources to do that for our troopers. right now, that system is not working the way it should. i am very proud to have the endorsement of the troopers in the manchester patrolmen.
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they know i will work to keep us safe. >> governor hassan, you have vetoed. given the millions of dollars spent by groups, why would you support the second amendment if you are elected to the u.s. senate? gov. hassan: my thoughts and prayers go out to the families and friends of the two officers. fully support the second amendment. i believe responsible gun owners have a right to defend themselves, to recreate, and to hunt, but it also think that right has to be balanced with public safety. as governor, i thought it was appropriate to keep the gun laws that have been in existence in new hampshire for about 100 years. they were described as the former republican governor
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has pretty good stem laws. but at the end of the day, one of the big concerns i have is as a national security and public safety issue, we should be closing the loopholes in our background check systems so terrorists cannot purchase guns online and at gun shows. even after the tragedy in orlando, senator ayotte had the opportunity to vote to close those loopholes and she did not do that. >> 30 seconds. sen. ayotte: i brought a group together after the orlando shouting to address if you are too dangerous to get on a commercial flight, while also setting up a system for those who think they are wrongfully on the list to go into a court and make sure they are off the list. and by the way, as i look at our current background check system here in new hampshire, unfortunately, the state police need more resources a cousin or having gaps in enforcing current law.
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it is one of the reasons why i have supported more prosecutorial resources at the federal level. >> i do not mean to be the bad guy when it comes to the time and rebuttal, but your campaigns will certainly let me know if one goes longer than the other. new hampshire is dealing with the crisis of addiction. the next question is coming from kevin, i believe going to senator ayotte. >> that addiction, whether it is om heroin or ayotte, yourator campaign aired a television ad. "we will save lives and enable families to get the help they need." but as you know, so far only $7 million from the care bill has been appropriated and only for 10 weeks. is your ad an honest
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representation of the bill's ability to fight this epidemic? have so manyyou families here and new hampshire who have lost somebody that they love. this bill, we worked three years in the senate to get it passed. it focuses on the best federal response and prevention, treatment and recovery and i have been fighting for more resources, along with senator shahim through emergency funding. more funding has been put in to andst states with heroin fentanyl. that bill is going to make a difference. we will be fighting for more funding when the bill expires in december. that is only the beginning of it. this will be a bill that makes a difference. but most of all, this issue also is about all of us working together to save lives and
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finally, we need to deal with addiction at the southern border and i have done that at the armed services committee, getting more resources for the heroin beingnyl and trafficked hair by mexican drug cartels. -- being trafficked here by mexican drug cartels. >> your critics have said at times that you have been slow to respond. veto last year delayed for millions drug abuse prevention. how does this reflect on your leadership? gov. hassan: well, i have been all over the state, as you know, talking with people every day about the impact of this devastating epidemic on our families, our businesses, and our way of life. whether it is talking with a
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colleague about her sister who is in recovery, but is trying to regain the trust of her children, or mourning the loss of one of my sons'classmates. office, iirst days in have been fighting to get the resources we need to new hampshire, fighting for funding for our drug task force teams, fighting for medicaid expansion to first pass it and then reauthorize it. that is what treatment providers told us was the single most important thing. ssince january, we got $25 million at the door to places like harbor homes and other places to make sure friendship sure we aremake doing everything we can to really put a dent from every angle. we need to continue to work together to do that. moderator: let's move into the lightning round, that you on record for a couple things, condense those answers. let's start with relationships.
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senator, we will start with you. who is your most trusted advisor who is not a member of your own party? sen. ayotte: who is my most trusted advisor who is not a member of my own party? members of my family. my husband and my mother. i turn to them first. also the people here in new hampshire they give me such great advice you know, such as the heroin epidemic. people such as dough and pam griffin, who lost their daughter. those are the best advisors that i have. moderator: do you have a conduit to communication though, when we are talking about the democrats in washington? sen. ayotte: i have worked across the aisle with claire mccaskill, making sure we protect victims from sexual assault. i have worked across the aisle with senator shahim on so many issues.
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i am always looking for ways that we can find common ground and get things done. >> governor, who do you reach out to? gov. hassan: first of all, the people of new hampshire are great resources and there are so many times what i am talking to people in this state and nobody identifies by party, which is the point. we worked together in new hampshire to get things done and if elected leaders follow the example of people of new hampshire who just al solve problems without regard to partisanship, we could do pretty well. i have many friends and family who happened to be republican and i have a very close friend in new england who is a republican and we talk a lot about various issues. moderator: i kind of blew it on the lighting portion of that. ew research, 50% of americans are in favor of legalizing recreational marijuana. governor, do you agree? gov. hassan: no, i do not.
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i was proud as governor to sign in to law the bill that allows us to have medical marijuana. i think that is the appropriate thing to do. i also think any person should not have their life ruined by a simple possession charge. i was proud to enact a bill that allows our court system more flexibility in terms of penalties, but i do not think legalizing marijuana is appropriate, especially given the epidemic we are dealing with. moderator: same question for you, senator. sen. ayotte: do not support legalizing marijuana. i have heard directly from those on the front lines, first responders, and also addiction experts, the concerns they have about legalizing marijuana and how it could be connected in terms of really dealing with issues like our heroin epidemic. i would not support this and going back to being attorney general of this state, working with law enforcement, i could not supported. moderator: next question. are you in favor of federal term limits. senator.
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sen. ayotte: yes i am and i have cosponsored legislation on term limits. i capped it at two in the senate. gov. hassan: the best term limit is the ballot box. i think we have a very engaged citizenry. moderator: next question. the federal minimum wage, governor, is $7.45. what do you think it should be? sen. ayotte: i think nobody working full-time should be in poverty. which is in fact, what happens right now and people aren't the minimum wage. it means families do not have the kind of disposable income to spend on consumer goods that drive our economy, right? so, i would support raising it, phasing it in to $12 an hour, that we have to do it over time. moderator: senator. sen. ayotte: i believe the focus should be on better paying jobs. our stay andaround
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look at the jobs opening in manufacturing and technology will be on minimum wage because families can't live on minimum wage. i think better education and career technical education, a tax code that keeps jobs in this country. so, when there have been efforts in washington, one of the things i am worried about is i have not been able to support them because we lose between 500000 and one million jobs. we do not want to lose jobs. those are often entry-level jobs. my first job was as a bus girl at a restaurant in new hampshire. moderator: we built end the lightning round -- we builwill d the lightning round. indians?ubs or sen. ayotte: i like to root for the underdog. the cubs came from behind. i have two tell you, it is a bummer -- i have to tell you it would have been amazing to see big papi go out with a world
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series win. gov. hassan: we could agree wishing the red sox were in the world series, but i him for that cubs.r the moderator: governor hassan, first. >> we are actually going to go to college debt. this is for both of you. studyis a new nonpartisan out there that shows more new hampshirre graduates school with loans than in any other state. the average student debt was $36,000. yotte you voted against a bill that would restore $90 million in cuts. why? sen. ayotte: john, that is not true. that budget resolution did not cut cal grants. budget sure there was
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advisory. i have actually worked to expand pell grants. i worked with the vice presidential nominee for the democratic party tim kaine to expand career technical education. perkins grants, they were trying to end those in washington. 5000 students in washington would have been impacted. you can go see my speech on the senate floor september 29, 2015 where i've fought to keep the availability of that for people in new hampshire. i have student loans myself, pay them off, and then transferred that money into childcare. i know how important this issue is. by the way, when it comes to education, i would like to talk about that more because what governor hassan did by vetoing a bill that would have allowed them, they do not have a middle school. these middle school
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students -- she vetoed a bill that would have allowed them to do it. i want parents to decide these issues and i think there is a big difference in terms of how we view education. moderator: governor. gov. hassan: first of all, i know how important to both our families and our businesses, making sure that higher education is affordable and is something i have made a priority as governor. we want to make sure everybody who works hard has a chance to stay ahead. that starts with access to affordable higher education, which is why i worked as governor to freeze the state tuition for the first time in 25 years and over it at our community colleges. that is why in washington i would continue to bring the cost of higher education down. but my economic plan also speaks to expanding pell grants because it is such a critical issue for our young people and our
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businesses. moderator: governor, we will keep with this topic. >> back to you governor, you support pell grants, by new hampshire is one of two states that does not offer need-baise sed aid to students. gov. hassan: i will continue my answer to say that people should check for themselves. on march 27, 2015, she voted for a budget that had $90 billion in cuts to programs. the day before she voted against an amendment that would have restored the $90 billion. the budget directors said that bill contained $90 billion of cuts. that is why senator shaheen voted against it. we should be doing more on scholarships and new hampshire. i was glad that we were able to restore scholarships that had been cut in previous budgets. you can go read it
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yourself, senate concurrent resolution 11. you did not cut pell grants. but i think this issue about education and the fact that governor hassan here in new hampshire does not want to allow parents and local school boards to decide where it is best for their kids to go to school, and i think that is perhaps because federal education unions have pumped millions of dollars in this race, who are supporting her campaign. i will stand for the kids first, not unions, and make sure they can go where their parents think is best. gov. hassan: what i would like senator ayotte to do is stand for the new hampshire constitution. the new hampshire constitution says that state dollars cannot be used to fund private schools. we have a court ruling that says we can't spend the money that way and so, we can't spend the money that way. we will work with people to make sure their children have access to a good quality education,
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something we work to do throughout the state. moderator: moving forward now to foreign policy and i apologize for my mistake earlier. >> this is first to use senator ayotte. as iraqi forces continue to push into mosul, there are reports of just how complicated it will be to defeat them, considering how entrenched they are. if this is truly a great stronghold, should the u.s. be sending in a significant ground force to back up the iraqis and debilitate isis? sen. ayotte: this issue is so important. serving on the armed services committee, keeping our country safe, we do have to destroy isis. we have to destroy radical islamic terrorists who want to destroy our way of life and what our men in women in uniform are doing right now, you have to understand, we have 4500 troops
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that are there. and we have members of our own guard who have been there in the middle east, supporting those efforts. we need to make sure they have the rules of engagement that they need to go after the enemy, and to keep us safe, making sure that we engage our allies, both our arab allies and also nato, to take greater action against isis. but we do not need a traditional ground force right now to take out isis, but we do need stronger american leadership and engaging nato in a more aggressive way, our arab allies in a more aggressive way, and we have to push back against russia and iran at this point. because if we do not do that, even taking mosul, the post there, will continue to be a challenge. that we have to defeat isis. moderator: governor, what is your take on this? gov. hassan: first of all, the campaign to take back mosul is absolutely critical to our overall strategy to destroy isis
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wherever it is. so, i am fully supportive of the campaign to do it. i think we are doing it in the right way with the united states doing the airstrikes and providing support. i am particularly proud of the new hampshire national guard for its support and training activities in the middle east and i hope everyone viewing tonight keeps the men and women of the guard in tei thoughts anheir thoughts and prayers. i have laid out a clear plan. it includes increasing airstrikes, making sure our special operations forces are going after command and control of isis, as well as doing the support and training they are doing. working with our international allies to make sure we are arming moderate forces, and it is long past time for the united states congress to take up and pass a revised authorization of force so the
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american people are clear on what it will take. moderator: a follow-up. >> would you support sending a significant ground force? gov. hassan: i think it is appropriate the level of support and training that our special operations are doing, but i do not support ongoing continuous ground troops. >> as a result of the fighting in and around mosul. the u. several months later, you said the federal government had improved the communications about who was coming in. how did the communications improve specifically and how many more syrian, if any, should the u.s. allow in going forward? gov. hassan: as governor, the security of my state is the first priority i have. and so, after the attack in paris, i thought when the fbi and cia directors expressed
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concern about whether our refugee vetting system was working as it was supposed to, i thought it was appropriate for the administration to take a temporary pause and do the kind of audit that addressed the concerns raised by the cia dand fbi. they did improve communications in terms of giving us much more regular updates about refugees coming in, but at the end of the day, we should be focusing on making sure that our vetting system is better. we need to make sure that all of our entryways are better, monitoring social media, and working with our european allies on their information and vetting processes as well. moderator: do you believe a ban still needs to be in place? gov. hassan: i think a temporary pause makes a lot of sense so we can address the concerns the cbi fbi and cia have raised.
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>> senator. sen. ayotte: certainly serving on the armed services committee, this issue, unless we can guarantee somebody coming here from that region has no connection to isis, they should not come here. and unfortunately, we have added in the senate, we had votes on strengthening that vetting system, including requiring our national security advisers and making sure the armed services had to certify that nobody coming here was a threat. senatet locked by the democrats and this issue has not been addressed and president obama keeps pushing to have more of these refugees who have come here. and in terms of more communication, i have not heard what that is. but my concerns are the same. we know isis is purposely trying to infiltrate the refugee population. we have heard that in the armed services committee from our commanders in europe.
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we have her that from our top intelligence officials. you know, hillary clinton wants to bring more refugees in here. we have not heard how that is going to work when we still do not have the information to know that some of these refugees, whether or not they are connected to isis. moderator: moving forward to the affordable care act. >> governor, under obamacare, the employer health plan premiums have gone up $5,000 and the obama administration announced last week individual premiums would go up 25% nationally, though the rates are lower in new hampshire, some plans as high as 15%. how can you tell mom and pop businesses that this is a good deal for them? gov. hassan: first of all, my husband tom and i have two children, the oldest of whom who has a lot of medical conditions and disabilities. hadarious times, ben has
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as many as nine or 10 doctors and many medications. we are well aware of the strengths and flaws of our medical system. the affordable care act certainly needs very important improvements, but we cannot go back to a time before the aca where people with pre-existing conditions could not get coverage. we cannot go back to a time where students, or young people could not stay on their parent's health insurance. we know for small businesses there are real challenges with the aca, but one of the things the aca allowed us to do was put together the bipartisan medicaid expansion program, which is providing health care to over 50,000 granite staters. my opponent has voted to appeal medicaid expansion now five times. we know we have to continue to improve the aca, but we should not completely repeal it. moderator: kevin. >> senator, this is another issue voters are skeptical the
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anything of going to change. the republican congress has 40 times past the repeal of obamacare and all have fallen flat. tonight, what can you say can honestly be accomplished next year in congress, so people continue to have health insurance, but it is not outrageously expensive? sen. ayotte: this is such an important issue because i am hearing from so many people in new hampshire, higher deductibles, higher co-pays, and higher premiums. the affordable care act is not so affordable for new hampshire families and especially small businesses. my husband has a small business. but others who have very significant increases they are getting, especially for those small business owners. heyou elect governor hassan, will be in a position where we will not make changes to address more composition, more transparency, and really, making sure we drive down health care costs. she talks about my votes.
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i did vote five times to see if we could repeal and replace the affordable care act, but i have also voted, when it came to a vote on medicaid expansion, to expand that for two years, so we could have more flexibility for states. i do not want to go backwards on pre-existing conditions, but if we do not make significant changes to this law and have, and set of one-size-fits-all from washington, which by the way, hillary clinton wants to expand it, not address the rising costs that so many are struggling with. >> take 30 seconds. give us an example of improvement. gov. hassan: our medicaid expansion program, bipartisan in new hampshire, is a state specific solution that senator ayotte has voted to repeal. think about what the improvements are. you need to, among other things, lower the cost of prescription drugs. one of the things senator ayotte has failed to do is stand up and allow medicare to negotiate for
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prescription drug prices, something i support. she has voted against allowing us to import restriction drugs from canada, which would add competition. she has stood with big pharma, as they have been a major donor to a campaign. -- to her campaign. we could lower health care costs with that. moderator: thank you very much. talk about donors, and this is going to be the most expensive race ins tate history. $100 million has been spent, much of it on negative attacks against both of you. basically, you are able to tonight ownership because -- basically, you are able to deny ownership. but tonight, i want to ask you, what is the most unfair negative ad. this is for you first, senator ayotte. what is the most unfair negative ad in this race that aired about your opponent? sen. ayotte: as i look at the ads that have aired, i think in
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the beginning, i called for some of the ads that came down to attack the governor hassan on the heroin epidemic. i think there are issues you can raise on how she has handled this, but it really want to work on solving this problem. she has not called out any of the ads that have run against me. we could have kept this money out of the race. i offered governor hassan the people's pledge, a pledge in place between elizabeth foreign and scott brown. -- elizabeth warren and scott brown. unfortunately, she did not want to accept that. i think because you see all the ads on your tv. she wanted this special interest money to come in this race. this is unfortunate because they should be about hamster. moderator: do you think there is anything unfair about senator ayotte? gov. hassan: first of all, i
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signed and strengthened the people's pledge and sent it to senator ayotte. i support overturning citizens united, which is the decision that says in fact, that corporations are people. i don't think corporations are people. i don't think they should be able to bring in all this dark money into our state. and you know, senator ayotte's voting record tells us she thinks corporations are people too. end of the day, they are running all these ads against me because they want her to return to washington so they will have a reliable vote for their agenda. >> take 30 seconds to respond. sen. ayotte: i offered her the people's pledge, the same language that was in place to keep the money on. she wants the money in because you have seen it on your tv. mike bloomberg, the former mayor
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of new york city, over $7 million. the union, millions of dollars. hillary clinton sabeuper pac, millions of dollars. all of those false, misleading attacks that come forward. that is because she wanted his money in this race. she could have kept it out. moderator: we have to get going and get to the final question. first, about veterans new hampshire is the only state in the lower 48 that does not have a full-service v.a. hospital. you are also aware of the v.a. choice option that senator ayotte and senator sheahan have been working on. gov. hassan: i am the daughter of a world war ii veteran. one of the things i focus on as governor is how we can make sure that veterans have the benefits that they deserve, and have access to employment, to housing. i am proud of the work we have done in new hampshire to expand the veteran's home, add more
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beds to it, and create a new dementia unit. i think we need a full-service veterans hospital. one, because our veterans deserve it and they shouldn't have to travel long distances to get the care that they need. i also think it is very critical moreas we hvaave more and people, veterans, who have specific injuries because of the new and evolving kind of threats that our enemies and adversaries have, they have different and new kinds of injuries. we need to bring the expertise of the veterans medical community. moderator: one point senator, you are in favor of a full-service hospital. sen. ayotte: i am one -- one of the first bills i introduced to the senate was to have new hampshire have a full-service hospital. i am the wife of a combat veteran.
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my stepfather served in vietnam and my grandfather served in world war ii. we are a family of service and as i think of all the issues that are out there, we have to get this right for our veterans and their families. i have been working with senator shaheen to get the v.a. choice right. our veterans should be able to get the best care without waiting in line and there should be more accountability in the v.a. i have introduced legislation to have more accountability. so, there is no more important issue to me than making sure our veterans get the care they have earned defending this great nation. i have been proud to work with senator shaheen on this and we will continue to fight to make sure the toychoice program is right. moderator: we have carved out some time for you to deliver closing statements. he will start with you, senator. sen. ayotte: first of all, thank
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you josh and thank you, governor hassan. most of all, i want to thank you at home for listening because this election is not about the negative, misleading ads you see on your television. this election is about you and your family and who is going to stand up to be that independent voice for new hampshire with a positive vision for our country. i have one of the most bipartisan records in the senate because i know one of the only ways we will get things done is by working together. like the libert on to address our heroin epidemic, or the solutions to help our small businesses, or to make college and health care more affordable. i have been proud to fight for those who keep us safe in a dangerous world as the wife of a combat veteran. but i know the only way be will get things done is to stand up to both sides when they are taking us inthe wrong direction, and to find common ground. that is what i have done in the senate. that is why i am running again.
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vote so we can continue the work we have started together for this great state. thank you so much. moderator: governor, your closing statement. gov. hassan: thank you, senator panelists,h, our and all the viewers. my dad who fought in world war ii would sometimes look at us on the breakfast table and asked, "what are you doing for freedom today?" my dad was serious because my father, along with his generation, saved the world and then build this country into the greatest military and economic power the world had ever seen. that is the spirit i have tried to bring to my work as governor and it is the spirit that should inform our work in washington d c. unfortunately, we see the nations capital captured by special interests.
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will we continue to have a senator who votes with those special interests? they already have enough senators in washington. or will he have a senator who has a record as i do, of always putting the people first. that is my commitment to all of you. i will always put you first and i respectfully ask for your vote. moderator: candidates, thank you for participating tonight and best of luck to both of you in the final days of this campaign. thank you fo to the audience and the panelists for participating. have a great night. >> c-span live tonight at walnut creek, where hillary clinton will be campaigning with bernie sanders tonight. also here to perform, the musician pharell just five days before the election. we will take a look at some of the ads running before voting day while the week for the
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nominee of the democratic party. , it is noton just a number. it is all latino sisters and brothers eligible to vote thanks to their fathers and mothers who through struggle and strive sacrificed to give them a better life. 27 million strong, already to vote for freedom, equality and reason, traits that seem to have gone out of season. a vote to make a difference, to silence the ignorance because when you are 27 million strong, nobody can tell you that you don't belong, or expect you to just move along. 27 million ready to put up a fight and not be intimidated by hatred and spite. that is why on tuesday, november 8, latinos will go to the polls, greater than ever, not to elect a president of the united hate, but to elect her, the next president of the united states.
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>> i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. >> there is a movement building in america. everyday people stand united, ready to replace decades of broken politics with a new leader who is not part of the system. donald trump. his plan, lower taxes. families get childcare tax credits. by an order balanced with justice and fairness in america is respected in the world again. this is our country. we can change directions and make america great again. >> i'm donald trump and i approve this message. >> the clintons, from dead broke to worth hundreds of millions. how did hillary end up filthy rich? pay to play politics. staggering amounts of cash given to the clintons. hillary cut deals for donors. now the fbi has launched a new investigation after decades of lies and scandal.
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her corruption is closing in. >> i'm donald trump and i approve this message. >> and a look at some tweets tonight. the washington post jenna johnson tweeting, clinton and donald trump arrived in raleigh around the same time, their planes parked near each other on the tarmac and motorcades crossing paths. reporter tweeted a picture of hillary clinton and the musician pharrell on the tarmac. and cnn correspondent spotted the pharrell-ish hat at clinton's raleigh rally. the crowd erupted when bernie sanders was spotted at the side of the stage. again, waiting for hillary clinton and bernie sanders, campaigning five days ahead of election day.
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raleigh,here in north carolina. we have more state race debates tonight. you can find them over on c-span 2. kicking off in 15 minutes with live coverage of new york's 22nd district. and then at 1:00, a raise from texas. will heard will debate the man he beat in 2014 in a debate for the texas 23rd district. and it 10:00 tonight, the candidates in iowa's first
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>> live coverage here in raleigh , north carolina. we are waiting for hillary clinton. she is campaigning tonight with bernie sanders. earlier today, melania trump campaign on behalf of her husband donald trump. we will be showing her remarks again later tonight, right after this hillary clinton campaign
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event. ♪ >> as we wait here for hillary clinton, bernie sanders is rally ing in raleigh, not calendar. tomorrow at 5:15 on c-span, hillary clinton will be in detroit and at 7:00 eastern time tomorrow, donald trump live in hershey, pennsylvania. while the way for secretary clinton to speak in north carolina, we will take a look at african-american voter turnout. >> we are back with the
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political science professor. during us this morning to talk about african-american voter turnout. let me show you the headline in the "financial times." president obama rallying black voters. president obama, out on the trail yesterday, talking to african-american voters, saying they need to get out and vote. the headline below the one i read says there are fears of low voter turnout. >> the fear is not that donald trump is making gains among african-american voters, though he says he is, but the concern that they will not be the buffer amongst trump voters who think he has a shot of winning at this point. democrats need to get as many votes as possible out. and given the fact that african 90%ican vote at a rate of
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or higher, they need as many african americans to get out and vote, presumably because they will vote democratic. >> would you agree with this headline, blacks can't muster further for hillary clinton? is it that they are not enthusiastic about the head of the democratic ticket? >> there are a number of reasons that we have observed so far. i think it is important to put into context. it is not so much that it is low voter turnout as it is lower voter turnout then we had in 2012. to put this into perspective, right now, about 31% of ballots that have been cast in georgia have been cast by african-americans. that is one percentage point behind what the overall african-american population in georgia is. but it is important to keep in mind that 30% of voters in georgia are african-american.
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so, they are slightly ahead of proportionality in terms of turnout. people are concerned that at this point four years ago, 36% of the ballots cast had been cast by african-american voters. >> the joint center for political and economic studies did a study on black voters in 2016 and enthusiasm. so, what are some of the issues? ahead.illespie: go sorry. one of the issues is looking at the turnout of millennial voters, typically age 18 to 29. they are far less likely to say they plan on voting and the express much more uncertainty. either that they may vote, or they will not vote. democrats, if they want to win, need to target that particular demographic. one of the other differences we thought is that there are differences in terms of how younger voters and older voters
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perceive of their vote for clinton. older voters viewed their vote as a positive vote for hillary clinton and younger voters were voting against donald trump. the question we would ask from there is whether or not voting against donald trump is a strong enough motivation. there are many issues that have come up in this campaign. part of the reason my hillary clinton is doing relatively poorly among african-american voters in terms of their enthusiasm is that she had some issues in the 1990's with supporting policies that young black people today, particularly those connected with the black lives matter movement, are connected to the rise in the nine states today. sh-- in the united states today. she might not have done enough to convince those young voters that she will be a champion of theirs today. >> what does that sentiment have to do with.
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is a reflection of president obama's tenure? andra gillespie: there were high hopes for the obama presidency. perhaps the sentiments were too strong, thinking president obama could do more than he actually was able to do. now people have seen the limits of what presidential power can do and they are turned off to it and are somewhat disappointed. if they thought president could completely change everything, we have seen that they cannot. what we have seen younger people do is they are focusing more on protests, realizing that they can help dominate the news cycle and generate action on behalf of policymakers. some are focusing on local races, realizing that the issue is really important to african-american issues are decided at the local level before there is federal intervention. and then there is just the iteral notion that
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does not matter which party is in office because you get the same policy outcome. immigrants really need to work -- democrats really need to provide a stark contrast. not just that the other candidate is racist, but they have to provide affirmative visions of what they plan to do and how they seek to engage african-american communities after all the votes have been counted. >> we want to show the viewers some of the outreach that has happened. we have some calls on the lines. we have a republican from washington. good morning to you. go ahead. >> i was watching the program and the problem i see with a lot of the black youth is they are pulling away from what is going on in politics, especially with younger voters all over. the religion, people who are pushing religion nowadays, especially in the black churches
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in the south, i am surprised we do not have more support bot ren support than we have. voters do not seem to have much use for trump or hillary. i am 65 years old and i took a look and took me a week to vote for the president. it sat on my table for a week. at 65, i could not make up my mind for a week because in my heart i am a republican because i believe in it, but the democrat running this year is not my favorite either. i had to vote for the worst candidate i have ever voted for in my life at 65. i think part of our problem in the youth today is we are not --cating them on the process all of our political stuff in school.
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we no longer have civics, where they learn what the legislative branch does, what the executive branch does. i think that the black lives matter movement somewhat helps, but then again, when you start burning things, it does not help. >> there is a lot therefore andra gillespie to respond to. we will talk about millennials first. andra gillespie: one thing to keep in mind with millennials is younger people, just as a matter of lifecycles, tend to vote at lower rates. it is not just a function of education or book knowledge of how government works. there is also the lack of experience. even if somebody has not had the benefit of education, the older they get, the more they are able to navigate the system and able to understand how politics directly affects them. it is not surprising that young people, regardless of their background, would have a more
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jaundiced view of politics because they have not experienced it as much. so, for many people who are sitting out of the process who are younger, thinking they can leverage non vote as in the system, that has the potential to backfire on them. those are the kind of messages that we can get out to people. canvases and phone bankers can try to convince people > can use to try to convince people of the importance of voting even if you don't have you.ideal candidates before host: jay in austin, texas, a democrat. hi, jay. caller: hi. how are you. host: good morning. caller: great. first of all as an
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er raleig h, north carolina. love you guys back. i'm excited to be here today. to help get out to vote for the next inton, president of the united states. [cheering and applause] now, to be honest with you guys, thisl a little odd because is a political rally. doing my first time something like this.
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[cheering and applause] nervous.little but i'm a musician. and politics, it's not my field of expertise. i'm a human. family,man being with a a human being that shares this other human beings. this election is just so important. i couldn't sit on the sidelines be quiet. to me, the old definition of is, look at me, i'm a leader. but the new definition should no, actually, look at you, i'm listening. and ring and applause] hillary at we have in clinton. and to be honest with you, i'm here to defend hillary. she's a big girl. herself.o that all by
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[cheering and applause] pharrell: i'm here because i foreve she's going to fight us. don't you? [cheering and applause] she'll work hard for america to a promise of a country and all men women -- [cheering and applause] women -- [cheering and applause] -- women [cheering and applause] -- were created equal. this country hasn't always been especially people, my culture. not always been fair to us, but i think that hillary is these wrongs.fix [cheering and applause] in fact, she and i spoke earlier today,
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and she's made some commitments. she made some commitments. whether it's pay equality for women. cheering and applause] if public college tuition your family earns less than $125,000. very important to me, ddressing the mass ncarceration in 1994 by eliminating minimum prison sentences. me.s made a commitment to three strikes, all of those things. we're going to deal with all of those things. that right? angry when people say hillary can't be our -- you know, she can't lead our country a woman.he's [crowd booing] how dare anyone question a
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woman's ability? cheering and applause] was person on this planet brought into this world by a woman. [cheering and applause] carry so much every day, including us for nine months. [cheering and applause] women are the reason why our that we ven exists, call the planet "mother earth." a world where in a woman's ability is respected not ever questioned. me just, let let me dream. for once, when it comes to the see itttons, i'd like to commanded by a woman who knows what it's like to physically world. life into this [cheering and applause] and who will think about the wholistically before she
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decides to take millions of them out. [cheering and applause] see a woman break the residential glass ceiling on november 8, guys and girls. to see that glass shatter on the floor, and i want us all to stomp on it together. know why? because my mother is able. your grandmother is able. your aunts are able. nieces are able. your daughters are able. i've seen amazing things happen when women lead. personally benefitted when i've worked with a team of all ethnicities, colors, religions, and sexual orientations who come a common cause. so i'm excited to see the halo on young women, seeing a female in the highest position of power in the history of
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mankind. [cheering and applause] then be ls will unstoppable. so i'm calling on all of the women in this nation -- i don't democratic, re republican, libertarian, i don't are what -- if you are a female, think about what you can do on november 8. part of a very big number that changes things and show everybody your power when come together and galvani galvanize. [cheering and applause] but not least from my culture, my culture, i know they but imes call us minority, you still are influenced everywhere. we're not minority. majority. [cheering and applause] that's my culture. we're black, beautiful. [cheering and applause]
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so if you've ever been called a minority ever in your saying this for s too, if ng rock you've ever been called a and ity, go out and vote show everybody that you're actually really the majority. [cheering and applause] that's all i have to say. nd right now, i want to bring up somebody who is closely "fire",ted with the word senator bernie sanders. cheering and applause] "bernie"] sen. sanders: thank you. thank you very much.
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pharrell, thank you very much. pharrell began his remarks by making a very important point. not a politician, he's a musician. but he understands that in this in american history, it s imperative that all of us be politicians, all of us be involved. in the political process. thank you, pharrell. thank all of you for coming out. hat a fantastic turnout tonight. thank you so much. [cheering and applause] and i want to begin with a startling revelation. startling dy for a revelation? >> yeah! all right.s: i knew you would be. may tell s what media
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you: this campaign is not about hillary clinton. about donald trump. it is not about bill clinton. not about melania trump. the not about their children. is about you and millions of other americans. cheering and applause] not a s campaign is personality contest. we're not voting for high school president. voting for the most powerful leader in the entire world. [cheering and applause] nd what this campaign must be about is which candidate has the and the vision to work with the middle class and the working class and the of our country.
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and in my view, without a shadow that candidate is hillary clinton, our next president. [cheering and applause] now, let me also do something after giving you the startling revelation, let me give you something else also very radical, and that is i think a ampaign should be based on issues. a , i know that's, again, very radical idea. magine talking about the real issues impacting the american people. what a crazy idea that is. but just for the heck of it, let's do it. why not?
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what are we going to lose? when i think about the most speak nt issue -- and i for myself now -- i worry very that this country is olig archic form handful of here a billionaires control our life.ic and political as we speak this very moment, the country around are pouring tens and tens of into ns of dollars campaigns, house campaigns, and campaigns of all kinds. are saying tonight is we billionaires to
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buy the united states government. [cheering and applause] one of the major differences of many between secretary mr. trump is that secretary clinton has made it she will do everything she can in every way overturn this disastrous supreme court decision on united.s [cheering and applause] brave people here in north carolina and vermont and put ver this country have their lives on the line to defend american democracy. going to fight for that democracy. going to become an
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oligarchy. [cheering and applause] when ere's another issue we talk about democracy -- which, after all, country is about -- we have cowardly governors all over this country trying to suppress the votes. hillary clinton and i believe more ur job is to get people to participate in the fewer al process, not people. and i say, look, in a democracy, honest people can have different of view. secretary clinton has conservative friends. i have conservative friends. that's democracy. but what is not democracy is cowardly governors go out
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f their way to make it difficult for people to vote. [cheering and applause] those governors, if ou don't have the guts to participate in a free, open and fair election, get out of job.ics and get another [cheering and applause] chanting "bernie"] sen. sanders: thank you. so issue number 1. clinton, pharrell and i, and all of you understand need a vibrant democracy participate, where
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people vote. second point. too hard onot to be my republican colleagues, them suffer from serious illness called amnesia. mr. trump, we do not ake fun of people with disabilities. [cheering] and what their illness is about forgotten em to have where this country was eight ago tonight. [cheering] somehow, it just skipped their minds. i don't know. they forgot that eight years ago lose iing 800,000 horrific number
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unprecedented since the great depression. they've forgotten. they're very concerned about deficits -- which is an important issue. forgotten under bush's ast year, we were running up the largest deficit in the history of this country, $1.4 trillion. just forgot about it. by the way, ot, just mention that the world's inancial system was on the verge of collapse. long way in eight economy.improving the thank you, president obama. [cheering and applause] but let us also acknowled us also ge -- let
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cknowledge that while unemployment has gone way lower today than it was when president obama came into office, we have got to acknowledge that the economy is nowhere where we want to be, and that millions of our brothers and sisters in this country are hurting financially. fact.s a and let us acknowledge and not afraid to put it out on the table and to say that over the years what we have seen s a middle class in this country which is shrinking, where people in north carolina all over this country are today work iing not but two or three years to cobble together the income and the healthcare that they need. let us be honest and acknowledge here are millions of working
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families desperately looking for decent quality affordable child care. let us be honest and acknowledge workers ions of older retirement, but they have absolutely no savings nd they are very scared about their future. that is the reality, and we it.'t hide so it is important for us to which hard look at candidate is going to address which candidate understands that the grotesque of income and wealth and quality in america today is unacceptable. [cheering] and which candidate has the with working nd
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amilies and tell the billionaire class they cannot have it all. this country, our government, to all of [cheering] all over arolina and this country, we have people longer hours for lower wages. knows that nobody $7.25 an hour federal minimum wage. a 7.25 us be very clear, minimum wage is a starvation wage. be clear. 7.25 and make it on you can't make it on 10 bucks an hour. here is one candidate running
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to president who has pledged raise the minimum wage to a living wage and that is hillary clinton. [cheering and applause] america, we have got to think one of thosel, and ways that we have got to think nd understand, nobody in america who works 40 hours a week should be living in poverty. we are going to raise that minimum wage to a living wage. [cheering and applause] issue i'm almost embarrassed to mention it. that is in the year 2016, still making 79 cents men.e dollar compared to
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and i know that every man here will stand with secretary me and all the people of this country in women, g pay equity for equal pay for equal work. [cheering and applause] when we think big and not small, take a hard look. we say, well, what's going on around the rest of the world, learn something. we learn that all over the world world, working people are uaranteed paid family and medical leave. country, in fact, most poor countries guarantee family and medical leave.
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but right now here in north carolina today, some working to a woman has given birth beautiful baby. but she is going to have to go work, she is going to have to separate herself from that beautiful baby in a week or two because she doesn't have the money to stay home with that baby. wrong. and that is why secretary and i will fight to paid family weeks leave.dical [cheering and applause] donald trump has a brilliant dea, and as you know, donald's ideas are always brilliant, defying e's a self genius by definition. and in the midst of the healthcare problems that we have a nation, mr. trump's
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20 liant idea is to throw million americans off of health insurance. [crowd booing] ow, in fairness to mr. trump, we have to say that he really did not originate this idea. his republican colleagues feel the same way, and i'm a member of the budget when the budget passed language to that effect, i asked the chairman -- and i said, mr. you throw 20 million americans off of health insurance, how many of them are going to die? how many of them are going to than they sicker should have become? the republicans did not have an answer answer. not something they are worried about.
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well, secretary clinton is worried about it and i am don't thinkt it, we it's good to move 20 million americans off of health insurance. we think guaranteed healthcare right. people is a [cheering and applause] talk about healthcare, go up to the average american today and you say, well, what is the issue about bothers you the most? more often than not, what they tell you is they are sick and tired of paying the highest rices in the world for prescription drugs. seeing the ed of cost of prescription drugs soar when last year the ive major drug companies made $50 billion in profit. booing]
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nd the top 10 pharmaceutical executives made over $300 million in compensation. we are saying to the drug stop ripping ght, people. american [cheering and applause] and if you do not do it on your own, we are going to do it for you. prices are going down. [cheering and applause] secretary clinton understands -- and i think we all do -- that while the economy than it was ay eight years ago, there's a lot and that has to be done, that is why we understand that millions of good-paying jobs rebuilding our rumbling infrastructure, our
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oads, our bridges, our water systems. clinton and i have been to flint, michigan, and we have talked to parents have been ren poisoned by lead in the water. but it is not just flint, michigan. communities all over this country. this is america. we should have cutting-edge infrastructure. we can create millions of jobs rebuilding that infrastructure. it.'s do [cheering] at the end of the primary process, secretary clinton and i chatted for a while to see in what ways we could work together effectively. and one area that we both feel strongly about is that in a competitive global
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economy, this nation must have best-educated workforce in the world. [cheering and applause] totally insane and unfair counter-productive to the future of this country when we of hundreds of thousands bright, young people who have done well in high school who ant to go to college but can't get a higher education for one the n, their families lack income. od only knows how many scientists and engineers and are not nd teach eers we developing because of that. [cheering] so secretary clinton and i came with a pretty simple proposal, and it says that we re going to make public
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colleges and universities family free for every under $125,000. [cheering and applause] pretty t is, in fact, a revolutionary idea, and i'll tell you why. obviously, it is going to make life easier for people who are in college or will soon college. but it does something else even more profound. i grew up in a family where my out of high school at the age of 16 and my mother and there to college, are millions of families like that in this country where kids knowing anybody who ever went to college who believe that there is no way in the they're poor working class, they're ever going to make it to college. that en the word goes out if those children do their schoolwork seriously and pay
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attention, regardless of their are going to hey be able to go to college. that's revolutionary. [cheering and applause] how many people here tonight are dealing with student debt, raise hands. well, welcome to the club. you are part of many, many millions of americans who leave out hownd got to figure they're going to pay 30, 50, $100,000 in debt. in lked to a young woman iowa iowa. she went to dental school. dentists.tely need and she graduated dental school $400,000 in debt. insane.t's it is insane and unfair to ask the right thing,
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they went out and got the education they were supposed to, they're saddled with student debt sometimes for decades. clinton and i think to that situation has got change. [cheering] now, right now, my guess is that here in raleigh, you can go out a new car and pay an nterest on that loan for that car of 1%, 2%, am i right? home at 3finance your or 4%. then why in god's name are millions of people paying 6, 8 10% interest rates on their student debt? [cheering] is that if elieve you have student debt, you should be able to refinance that lowest interest
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rates you can find. cheering and applause] ow, there are many, many differences between secretary but thered mr. trump, is one that is very, very profound. are you ready for a very radical now? t right i don't want anyone to faint, nd i think we have some paramedics here, but i do want to make this announcement. are you ready for it? >> yeah! en. sanders: ms. madam secretary, correct me if i'm wrong here. secretary clinton believes in science. [cheering and applause] [chanting "hillary"] sen. sanders: now, i know, i i put her in a difficult
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position. 2016, to believe in science, a little bit dangerous, but what the heck. now, i'm a member of the u.s. senate committee on the environment, and i have talked talked to ts, i have scientists all over this country and all over the world, and let me be very clear. the debate is over. real.te change is [cheering and applause] is caused by human activity. climate change is already today causing devastating problems in this country and around the world. clinton has some very pecific ideas about how we transform our energy system, how we invest in energy efficiency sustainable energy and that
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is exactly what we have to do. ow, donald trump has a different idea. after years and years of from a the issue scientific perspective -- i'm joking.i'm -- he has concluded that is a hoax nge emanating from china. [laughter] now, why he chose china and not muslim country, i don't know. but that's the way it is. laugh at this. but in truth, this is not a issue. i've got seven grandchildren. secretary clinton has grandchildren. of this s custodians planet is to make sure that we
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grandchildrens and a planet that is healthy and habitable. [cheering and applause] that means that we have to ave the guts to take on the fossil-fuel industry and tell hem their short-term profits are not more important than the future of our planet. [cheering and applause] ecretary clinton understands that we have a broken criminal ustice system that needs major reform. [cheering and applause] it is not acceptable to her, to suspect anyone here
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that we as a nation have more jail than any other country on earth. and secretary clinton understands, as i think most of a heck of ait makes lot more sense to invest in jobs for our young people rather than jails and incarceration. [cheering and applause] secretary clinton also understands that with 11 million country who are undocumented today, vast ajority working hard to take care of their families, we need immigration reform and a path towards citizenship. [cheering and applause] conclude by saying this:
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all of you know that our country from its earliest days have with issues of racism and sexism and discrimination. and we should be very proud that a long, long way in vercoming a lot of those issues. if we were here i tell you 15 years ago and somebody said, you going to ink we're have an african-american as president in the year 2008, very people would have believed that. if somebody here said 10 years would be ay marriage in l in 50 states 2015 -- [cheering and applause] -- and let us not forget that as i stand next to our next -- ident
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[cheering] -- 100 years ago -- not a long an historical perspective, women were not running for president, they have the right to vote. they couldn't get an education. couldn't get the jobs they wanted. we have come a long way. disagree with donald trump on virtually all of his policy positions. me the mo ets it's - what upsets me, beyond disagreement, is we have struggled for so many years to overcome discrimination, and he is running his campaign, the cornerstone of which is bigotry. now, as americans, we can on many issues. far, too ve come too many people have gone to jail, and too many have died in the for equal rights.
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we are not going back to a society. [cheering and applause] and furthermore, what we understand -- you know, my dad poland, and if we went around this room, you'll find more countries all over the world. what we understand is our uniqueness is our diversity. it.hould be proud of [cheering] we should be proud of it, and we re not going to allow trump or anyone else to divide us up. asve got a lot of work to do
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americans. in the next five days, we've got we can to thing that elect secretary clinton. after the day election, we're going to go back make this country what we know it can become. thank you all. [cheering and applause] and now, it is my very great privilege to introduce you to the next president of the united states, hillary clinton. [cheering and applause]
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with all of you and there are a in the audience that i just want to acknowledge because i'm delighted they're there. u.s. congressman david price i saw right there., [cheering and applause] blue, jr., i dan know, right there. thank you, dan. [cheering] not sure she's still here, but deborah ross, who i hope is your next senator. there she is! [cheering and applause] because everything pharrell and is not only aid about the presidential election stake, it is about who's going to represent you as governor, as your senator, as members of congress and the legislature, and you have some excellent candidates, and we are that you will vote
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they em and vote for what represent. i really want to thank my for d, bernie sanders, .verything that he has done [cheering and applause] i got to serve with bernie. we were colleagues in the senate. commitment hand his to the people of vermont and to the values that have guided his life. and when we face each other in the primary, here's what i was about.d we ran a campaign on the issues american r to the people. [cheering and applause] nd i think because of that campaign, we were able to raise a lot of the issues that you talking about to the level that they are part of this presidential campaign, and will be part of our agenda
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bernie.anuary 20th, [cheering and applause] and i'm going to say, too, this election has been a lot more fun we're on the same side. to thank bernie for everything he's done. cris-crossing our country, energizing people, getting folks off the sidelines and engaged in politics, and there's no that his efforts are paying off. and what he said at the remarks is his absolutely true. my name may be on the ballot, but it is not about me. it's not about my opponent. it's not about bernie. or deborah.ut david it is about you and your lives nd what we're going to do together. now, bernie and i have already we've worked on the
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plan that he told you about to make college tuition-free for class, for working families, for poor kids, and debt-free for everyone. [cheering and applause] because as bernie said earlier care ear, when people who about progressive causes stand we win., and then we can get to work on those causes into realities for the lives of our people. so i am proud to be here with excited about o the election, about everything going to do together, and i'm especially pleased to here.pharrell [cheering and applause] whichvery time i see him,
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is not often enough, we always have a good conversation like we event.ore this he always gets you to think. world-class e a talent, but he is a ompassionate advocate for issues that are too often overlooked and ignored. e wants to -- and i'm going to do everything i can help giving kids iver who are at risk access to programs l and arts that they deserve to have just child.h as any other [cheering and applause] so tell me this, tell me this, tell me, north carolina, are you really, really happy that we're here tonight? [cheering and applause] well, we sure are.
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because you need a governor who actually cares about the education of the children of carolina. [cheering and applause] now are you ready to elect united ross to the states senate? [cheering and applause] i'll tell you, deborah and her of people know she will be an voice for north carolina families. represent you with integrity and excellence and unlike her opponent, she's never to afraid to stand up donald trump. [cheering and applause] re you ready now to choose our next president and commander in chief? [cheering and applause]
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excited. did any of you see the debates? well, you know, there's several otable aspects of those debates. i mean, one is the very fact the stage for 4.5 hours with my opponent i have once and for all the stamina to be president and commander in chief. cheering and applause] but you know, he also kept oh, well you know, hat have you done for the last 30 years? and you know, occasionally i i ld interject and say what had done. and today, in greenville, we had compares.
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comparison. i started my career fighting the general defense fund when i got school in the 1970s. [cheering] to south carolina to gather evidence to stop the government in south carolina putting young men, in jails with adults. i went to alabama under cover to gather information about segregated academies to deprive status, whichempt they did not deserve. went door to door in new bedford, massachusetts, information to make the case that every child in america, including children with disabilities, should have the public school education. [cheering and applause] and as we heard this morning , om just a wonderful
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distinguished older woman by the may wiggins who came all the way down to tell her new -- she was a nurse in 1970s, y back in the excited about being a young nurse, getting her nursing degree. and getting her career off to a start. to was looking for a place live, wanted it close to work. apply for an apartment. it was a brand new building. it wasn't even totally finished yet. went into the little office and asked for an application and they said, oh, well, we don't apartments. she said, but i saw the advertisement. well, we have no apartments left. well, she thought that was pretty peculiar. do a she decided to little investigation and she found out that all of her hadcan-american friends who
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gone to that apartment run by his father, and fred, had been told there were no apartments. [booing] so she had the gumption to go led ake a complaint, which to the justice department suing them for discrimination. the suit, but then they had to come back a year again becausethem they were still discriminating. when you hear, as bernie so powerfully said at the end of that we are standing against the possibility of returning and normalizing iscrimination, take it seriously, my friends, because at ruly is -- it truly is stake in this election. and i was also very, very
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grateful. i had a role in helping create the children's health insurance let am as first lady, and me tell you -- [cheering] one of of the great -- the great honors as i travel meeting e country is young people who are the beneficiaries or meeting their .amilies i met a woman here in north carolina who told her story and recorded it because all of us were so moved by what her baby wasy when born. her daughter, she was deaf. all said she'll never, she'll never communicate. cannot learn to speak, so you need to teach her sign language. and the mom did all this concluded that there were some treatments that might help her daughter, but she that kind of money. they didn't have that kind of insurance. telling her doctor
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she didn't know what to do, and doctor just serendipitously said, you know, there's this new program, it's called the health insurance program. it's for people who are not poor, but they don't make enough money to afford that kind of insurance, and they don't work for an employer who provides it. should look into it. and she did. of that began the process her getting the treatment that .er daughter needed and when i met the mother, i also met the daughter, right here. with her. she told me how proud she was because she had just graduated college, george washington university. [cheering and applause] know, i do sweat the details and i do have a lot of plans. tim kaine put a whole book out called "stronger together" telling you exactly what we're to do it we're
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fortunate enough to be president and vice president, because i actually think it's important you to know what we're going to do together. and as a senator, i helped to new york city after new ngland -- 9/11 and provided healthcare to our brave first responders. as your secretary of state, i countries, 112 negotiated cease fires, reduced the threat of nuclear weapons, up for human rights and women's rights and lgbt right world.und the [cheering and applause] and, you know, everything i've to started by listening people. listening to hear your stories, about.u're worried and then working to bring people find common ground, even with people who disagreed with me on lots of issues. know, when i was first lady,
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i had a great commitment to kids in foster care, and i wanted to foster care and adoption laws, and i was looking republican to work with me, and i found one because i did my research and found out partisan f the most , congressman tom a heart forexas had foster care. he and his wife had fostered called him up. and i said congressman, would you work with me to change the laws on foster care and adoption. there was a silence, and he said what do you want me to do? i said come to the white house. meeting. we'll sit down and figure out what we can do. and i did. met those kids. i met those families. kids who were taken out of and given the chance to have a loving permanent time.y for the first
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[cheering and applause] telling you this because i really believe that's the only way we're going to get things done. elect me next tuesday, that is the kind of president i will be. [cheering and applause] "hillary"] ms. clinton: so let me just mention a few of the ideas that e've been putting forward to help you and your families get i ad and stay ahead, because truly believe you need a not date you can vote for, just someone to vote against. [cheering and applause] but as you're making this we need to be clear about what the choice is, january 20, america
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will have a new president. my ill either be me or opponent. now, i think it's fair to say, things are going to change. life. is part of that much is certain. the question is what kind of change are we going to see? are we going to build a stronger, fairer, better america? are we going to fear each other and fear our future? you just to imagine, magine the different kinds of utures that are available depending upon who's elected on january 20th. because by imagining it, i want to think about every issue you care about. that is dear to you, everything that you heard from bernie. and from it's hard for me to imagine that e would have a president who
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has demeaned women, mocked the disabled, insulted african-americans and latinos, against each other instead of bringing them together. has is unfortunately what gone on in this campaign. i know a lot of people are upset. people come and talk to me. i have had people say that they can't sleep, that their stomachs are bothering them, that they have headaches, and i think that is an important signal, because this is a big decision. and as michelle obama has said, the presidency does not change who you are, it reveals who you are. [applause] and i think it's opponent hashat my already revealed to me is --
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revealed who he is. muslim ino ban every the world from coming to the united states. our country is founded on religious freedom. it is one of the most important building blocks of our democracy. [cheers and applause] has said that he peoplethe lives of black are all crime and poverty and despair. he has no idea about the strength of the black church, the vibrancy of lack-owned businesses, the excellence of historically black colleges and universities. [cheers and applause] ms. clinton: he seems not to recognize the rise of a new generation of black activists for social justice and the success of black leaders in every field.
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again in the way he treated the central park five. black and latino kids, some as young as 14, who were wrongly convicted of a terrible crime in new york city back in 1990. donald trump took out full-page ads in four newspapers calling for the death penalty of these kids. , they three decades later were exonerated by dna evidence. [cheers and applause] addition,n: and in someone else confessed to the crime, so they were finally released from prison. but not only did trump refused to apologize for what he had said about them, and even
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calling for their executions, he actually said they should still be in prison. evidence did not matter. [boos] ms. clinton: the law did not matter. to him, those kids would always be guilty. think about it. if he wants to keep exonerated people in jail, how can we trust him to fight for the world of rule of-- justice and criminal reform in america? [applause] ms. clinton: do we want him appointing our judges? do we want him controlling the justice department? yelling "no!"] ms. clinton: he has shown who he is. now it's up to us to decide who we are. now people in the country are
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coming together to do just that. they are rejecting the dark and divisive vision for one that is more hopeful and inclusive. we know that america is bighearted, not small minded. we want to lift people up, not tear each other down. [cheers] and that's why i do believe we are stronger together, so let me paint you a different picture. here's what we are going to do together. we are going to take on systemic racism with a full commitment and real follow-through. [cheers and applause] we refusen: because to accept as normal some of what we are seeing across america. what happened at that church in mississippi yesterday should not have happened, and it should never be accepted. people painted the words "vote trump" on the side and then set it on fire. who would do that?
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who would do that to a place of worship where people seek solace? that can never be normal. it can never be acceptable. what happened in flint, michigan , as bernie said, can never be normal, can never be acceptable. [cheers and applause] ms. clinton: little children drinking and bathing in poisoned water that will affect their health for years to come, and then we know, don't we. many african are dying and police incidents, or because of gun violence. [applause] ms. clinton: we know their names. trayvon martin and eric garner and sandra bland and keep scott and so many others. -- keith scott and so many others.
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we've got to face this, and we are going to get to work to do just that. [cheers and applause] we are going to dismantle the so-called school-to-prison pipeline. [cheers and applause] and we are going to replace it with a cradle-to-college pipeline. [cheers and applause] ms. clinton: and we are going to start with our youngest kids and their families to get them the , and wethat they need are going to take a hard look at what we need to do to make sure every child has the chance to attend good schools with good teachers, no matter what their zip code is. [cheers and applause] ms. clinton: and we will reform
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our criminal justice system from end to end. it is wrong that black men are far more likely to be stopped by police, charged, and sentenced to longer prison terms than white men for the same offenses. [cheers and applause] ms. clinton: when i lost this thisign -- launched campaign back in april of 2015, the very first speech i gave was on the topic of criminal justice reform. i said that, and i have repeated throughout this campaign, we must end the era of mass incarceration. [cheers and applause] too many families have been broken up. communities have been so badly affected. we have to reform these mandatory minimums.
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box so people the who have served their time can get a real chance at a job. [cheers and applause] ms. clinton: and we have to restore trust between police and communities. when everyoneer has respect for the law and everyone is expected -- is respected by the law. [cheers and applause] ms. clinton: this is important to families and communities, but it is important to all of us. this is about who we are as a country, about whether we really are a nation that believes in freedom and justice for all. too often, despite the progress we have made, we fall short of that goal, and we have to be honest about it. i am determined to make this one
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of the most important projects of my presidency, and i hope all of you will join me in doing that. [cheers and applause] ms. clinton: and i have to say -- [crowd chanting "hillary"] ms. clinton: i have to say that's only part of what must be done, because the leading cause of death for young african-american men, more than the causes combined -- more than the causes combined, is gun violence. we have more than 30,000 people a year dying for guns. i cannot tolerate this any longer. i have met the families of those who have lost loved ones, who lost the first graders at sandy hook, the bible study thechgoers in charleston,
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clubgoers in orlando, the ,oviegoers in aurora, colorado people going about their lives being cut senselessly short. we have to take steps to reduce gun violence, and i know we can do that because -- [cheers and applause] ms. clinton: the vast majority of americans agree that something must be done, and a very big majority of gun owners agree as well. [applause] ms. clinton: and we've got to make investments in those communities that are struggling, especially communities of color. when i was in eastern north carolina today, i was talking to people there who had been
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devastated by hurricane matthew. people who did not have very much to start with, who lost everything. acress with 100, 200 growing sweet potatoes, wiped out. we have to help everybody get ahead. i believe the economy must work for everyone, not just those at the top, and i think hard-working americans deserve a raise, and women deserve equal pay. [cheers and applause] so, how are we going to do this? well, we are going to go where the money is. said,ie said, -- bernie we are going to make the wealthy pay their fair share, and make sure wall street does not threaten main street again. and i can't wait to work with bernie to make public colleges
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like nc state tuition free. [cheers and applause] i know that this is another issue for ralph -- pharr feels passionate about as well. if you are struggling with student debt, we will help you get under it. [cheers and applause] and in my plan is a $25 billion fund specifically aimed at supporting historically universities. and [cheers and applause] ms. clinton: schools like shaw in saint augustine. [cheers and applause] knowlinton: because you they produce some of the finest leaders in our country, and i want to make sure they keep doing that vital work. we could go on all night. bernie and i can keep you here
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until breakfast. [laughter] ms. clinton: because we get excited about what we can do. but of course, we can't do anything if you don't get out and vote and get everybody you know to vote. [cheers and applause] [chanting "hillary"] ms. clinton: this is going to be one of the most consequential elections in this country's history, because we are at a crossroads. it's not just to my opponent is. is rallies right -- pharrell right. it's not just about him, although there are some special features that certainly raise the concerns. [laughter] we clinton: it's about who are, what we want, what we are going to do to make our mark on our country at this time in our
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history. [cheers and applause] ms. clinton: i believe america's best days are still ahead of us if we do what we are supposed to do. [cheers and applause] ms. clinton: every social movement, every economic advance because come about people were willing to work and sacrifice and keep pushing forward in the face of adversity. .t's not easy it wasn't easy to get the vote for women. to have the final that theade to ensure civil rights act was enforced.
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it wasn't easy, because there are powerful interests still trying to push us back and push us down. , because now, you know in the state a lot of effort was put into trying to suppress the vote, right? [cheers and applause] and some people got discouraged about that. i met some people who say, i don't even know what they want, what kind of identification. it gets a little discouraging. you cannot discouraged. do not grow weary while doing good. [cheers and applause] ms. clinton: it is now our turn to people like your goverr
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