Public Affairs Events CSPAN November 7, 2016 6:20pm-6:58pm EST
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no doubt i love this land ♪ god bless -- ♪ ♪ mr. trump: thank you, thank you everybody. day, one day we are going to win the great state of pennsylvania, and we are going to take back the white house. election will decide whether we are ruled by a corrupt political class or whether we are ruled by yourselves, the people. to reject a failed political elite that has led this country drive.
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to the people of pennsylvania, i say we are going to put the miners in the factory workers and the steel workers back to work. we are bringing our companies back. the trade policies of bill and hillary clinton have destroyed manufacturing in your state and throughout the country. this moment to share a message with all of the democratic voters in our country who are thirsting for change like everybody else. everybody is thursday -- thursday -- everybody is thirsting, thirsting for change. you are tired of a government that works only for wall street. you are tired of the reckless foreign policy. the crazy wars that are never one. hillary clinton is the last stand for the wall street and
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special interest donors and the special interests themselves, and hillary is the face of failure. she is the face of failure. she is the face of failed foreign policy. begins.nge she is indeed the face of failure. look at what she's done with e-mails. look at the mess. look at the mess. look at the corruption. immediatelybegins with the repealing and replacing all of known as obamacare. [cheering] this is a great room. we have great actors in this room, by the way.
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inwe have great pictures this room, by the way. and i went to school in pennsylvania. my kids went to school in pennsylvania. so, i guess we assume it's a good place to learn. look, have you been seeing the polls, by the way? [cheering] mr. trump: oh, boy. oh, boy. see the dishonest people back there, the media -- the totally dishonest -- [booing] mr. trump: they are so dishonest. [indistinct chanting] mr. trump: they are so dishonest, folks. read articles in certain papers anymore. "new york times" is a total lie.
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you can't -- it's so false. nothing to do with me. i'm just telling you, such lies. such lies. such fabrication. such made up stories. now "the times" is going out of business briefing. that's the good news. such made up stories. such vicious made up stories. we are leading in ohio. we are leading in iowa. we are leading in new hampshire, where i'm going to be in a little while. we are doing fantastically well in north carolina. i think we are leaving. leading ine are florida. and now hillary just announced she is going to additional stops. she is going to michigan. traditionally, not really a republican state.
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but, you know, i've been talking -- i was men of the year in michigan a number of years ago, andi started telling talking about your car businesses being stolen from you. i've been saying it for years and years and years. and you know what? michigan now agrees. we are leading in michigan. we are leading. and when i heard that crooked hillary is going there tonight, she had to. nobody thought in terms of michigan. when i heard -- i figured, you know what? i have nothing to do tonight. i will go there tonight and give it a last world, ok -- a last whirl, ok? after this, i'm going to new hampshire and i'm going to michigan. oh, where going to have a great victory tomorrow, folks. cheering]
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they have no idea. the dishonest media has no idea. actually, they do have an idea. they are saying, what is going on? i look at these people and look at this enthusiasm. there's nothing like it. and by the way -- i just have to say -- this is considered -- in the history of this country, this is actually, and you have been hearing it -- this is considered the greatest movement. nobody has ever seen anything like this. i was thinking today, it's a movement -- if you really think about it, it's a movement of common sense. it's a movement of competence. it is not a movement where we give it around 100 -- $400
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million in cash and that turns out to be $1.7 billion in cash to iran. for hostages. for hostages, which our president lied about. and another thing -- why is he campaigning all the time question mark he ought to be working on jobs, on getting rid of vices, on our borders, on our health care, which is going so badly. and she can't get anybody to go o she getslies, s jay-z. he uses the worst language i have ever heard. and by the time is finished, what happens? what happens? he and beyoncé -- i that time most of the people at left. she thinks she is getting people, by the time she speaks, they are all gone anyway.
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she should just take a small room and talk. just talk. take a small room and talk. it has just been announced that the residents of pennsylvania are going to experience a massive double-digit premium hike. so high, i will not tell you what it is. it's very high. all the counties in pennsylvania -- most of which i won in the ?rimaries, right that will put you in a bad position. that it doesn't matter. we are going to repeal and replace it. it doesn't matter. premiums are surging. companies are leaving. insurers are leaving. doctors are quitting. and deductibles are going through the roof. yet crooked hillary clinton was
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to double down on obamacare, make it even more expensive than it is right now. vote so wefor your can repeal and replace on obamacare and save health care for every family in pennsylvania -- [cheering] by the way, every family in this country. real change also means restoring honesty to our government. clinton is the most corrupt person ever to seek the office of the presidency of the united states. has threatened national security. she sold her office to the highest bidder. and then to cover her tracks, she deleted 33,000 e-mails after receiving a congressional
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subpoena. she should not be allowed to run for president. she's being protected by a rigged system. and part of the rigged system is the dishonest media, believe me. they're rigging the system. it's true. it's true. don't worry, they never show the crowds, folks. never -- they show my face. boom, boom, never show the crowds. it took over a year for the 50,000 emails,w then just eight days they 650,000 emails?
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so now it's up to the american thele to deliver justice at ballot box tomorrow. you got to get out and vote. whomp them. whomp them., let's you got to get out. our country has never, ever done anything like they're doing right now when it comes to justice. cartwright, four-star admittedtwo weeks ago, to one mistake. and he did it on the basis -- it on the basis of national security, he said. and i can understand that. he may go to jail for up to five years. general patraeus' life has been doing 1/100th of
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what hillary clinton did. so sad. so sad. honestly, it's a disgrace. and now she's allowed to run for general cartwright will end up being in jail. contract with the american voter begins with a plan to end corruption and take back our country from the special interests and the donors. i want the entire corrupt washington establishment to hear the words from all of us. win tomorrow, we are d.c. to washington, drain the swamp! [cheering] [crowd chanting "u.s.a."]
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mr. trump: they say we're tied in pennsylvania. i don't think so. so.n't think i think we're going to blow them in a lot of different ways. blow them out. no way. this is not the sound of a second-place finisher. that i can tell you. don't forget, we were 12 points down three weeks ago and then debates, all of a sudden we started going up. we started going up and it was great. they have us even but i actually think we're much better than that in pennsylvania. i do. so do you. get out there and vote. mythe core of my contract is jobs.o bring back our
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pennsylvania has lost almost 40% its manufacturing jobs since nafta, a deal signed by bill and supported by his lovely wife, hillary clinton. lovely lady. has lost 70,000 china enterede the world trade organization. and hillary-backed disaster. we are living through the greatest jobs theft in the history of the world. a trump administration will stop the jobs from leaving america -- we will stop the stop the jobs finally from pennsylvania. simply, folks, very simply -- and you haven't heard ais -- very simply, if
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company wants to fire their workers, leave pennsylvania and another country like mexico, and then ship their the unitedck into states, we will make them pay a tax on those products. and you know what's going to happen? they're not going to leave. and if they do, that's ok, the country will make a lot of money they're not going to leave. they're not going to leave. now, your politicians could have thought of that. of them, some of them can, other problems. we will renegotiate nast acone of-- nafta, one of the worst deals -- the single worst trade deal ever made in the history of the world. true. we'll stand up to china and stop the job killing trans-pacific
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partnership which hillary clinton wants. she called it the gold standard and then she lied during the debate and she said, i never said that, i said yes you did, you called it the gold standard. lying.out she was turned out, of course, you could look at it differently. standard for the other side, not are the united r the united states. for the other side, it's good. how about this? getting the questions for the debate? they fed her, illegally, they fed her the questions for the brazile -- they fed her the questions for the debate. she never came and -- chanting] mr. trump: they fed her the
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the debate and she didn't say, i can't do this, i'm so unethical. can you imagine if i was given the questions to the debate, happen?ld the biggest story all over the -- you don't even read this. you read a little bit about donna brazile but you don't read this. they gave her the questions to debates, numerous debates, against bernie sanders. and bernie sanders, he is really upset. i would bet you he would wish give her that little nod, because he made a the devil. you know it. he ruined the legacy. he really had a very important legacy going, folks. he ruined his legacy when he did that and he's got to be very embarrassed. he's got to be very, very embarrassed. as part of our plan to bring jobs, we are going to lower taxes on american business from 35% to 15%.
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will massively cut taxes for the middle class, the forgotten people, the forgotten women of this country who built our country. massively lower taxes. it's in our plan. and i'll tell you, hillary -- see her plan -- she is going to raise taxes folks.tially, with the highest taxed nation in the world, she's going to raise taxes. figure that one out. we will lift the restrictions on american energy, including shale, oil, natural gas and clean coal. [cheers and applause] hillary has openly stated she shut down the mines and ban shale production. [booing] mr. trump: you folks can't be too happy about that, i guess. anare going to unleash
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energy revolution right here in pennsylvania. we will cancel billions of dollars in global warming payments to the united nations. billions and .illions and use that money to rebuild the infrastructure of the united states. put our minersl back to work and put our steel workers back to work. they're going back to work. we will rebuild our inner cities. the african american community, community living in the inner city have been treated very unfairly. that is so bad -- it's sad. walk to asometimes store. you get shot. jobs.le education and no
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no jobs. for 100 years, democrats have ruled the inner cities, unabated, unbroken. are going to fix our inner cities. back jobs. to bring we're going to bring back safety. we're going to bring education the inner cities. and i say because there's such potential in terms of people within our inner cities and i say, honestly, have to lose? you it's so bad now. lose?o you have to i will fix it. spend and we are going to bring those jobs back. we are going to fix our inner cities. have to lose to the african american community and community?anic
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and by the way, take a look at what's happening in florida and places. the african american community likes donald trump and they're not liking voting for hillary much.n very they're not showing up. her.don't want to vote for the hispanic community, the numbers have becoming great. cubans, they gave me award, theof pigs award last week, entire cuban community of miami, bay of pigs association. no, but a lot of trends are very disturbing to the media. look atl you, you what's going on. [booing] mr. trump: and my numbers with american community are -- i knew that was going to happen. i knew it. but we're going to fix the inner cities. rich nationme a again. but to be a rich nation, we must
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safe nation. wants a 550%on refugeesin syrian flowing into our country. will import generations of terrorism, extremism and radicalism into your schools and throughout your communities. president, weed will suspend the syrian refugee we will keep radical terrorists the hell out of our country! [cheering] mr. trump: i've no choice. we have no choice. alsomp administration will secure and defend the borders of the united states. and yes, we will build a great
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wall. [cheering] [crowd chanting] mr. trump: are you ready? [cheering] mr. trump: and who is going to for that wall? 100% correct, they will. unbelievable how they've done with our country. the president of mexico three months ago. terrific. it was a terrific meeting. but, you know, when you have highways going into a country, two-way to be like a
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highway. right now they get all the jobs. they get all the factories and plants. they get all the income. they get all the money, the taxes. unemployment and we get drugs. we get nothing. we get nothing. that will all change, folks. it will change very, very fast. and it will be -- it will be a two-lane highway, maybe one lane for a little while, one lane coming here, but just for a little while. we have to catch up. a lot of years we have been by people that don't know what they're doing. a lot of years we have been by stupid politicians, politicians. supports totally open borders, there goes your country. gives your social security and medicare benefits -- you know she wants illegalthem to immigrants. we're going to take care of our veterans, folks.
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oure going to take care of veterans. [cheering] mr. trump: hillary also strongly supports sanctuary cities like in san francisco where kate steinle was murdered by an illegal immigrant deported at least five times. couldn't keep him out. out. going to keep them they come back five years, they come back again, 10 years. me, nobody's coming back. ok? all federalel funding to sanctuary cities. we will stop illegal criminalon, deport all aliens and dismantle every last cartell gang and threatening our citizens. have to do it. have to do it. repeal theo obama-clinton defense sequester rebuild our badly depleted military. this will be a national effort forit means a new future
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philadelphia's navy shipyard, right? i know it well. i went to school in philadelphia. i know it well. be activated again, really activated. i'm honored to have the of more than 200 top admirals and generals and 22 medal of honor recipients and the list is growing. growing rapidly. and they told me on mosul the bragg.ight i was at fort we had 27,000 people in a field. unbelievable. and some of the generals and admirals came up to me. we had a lot of them there. they said mr. trump, you're so right on mosul. you know i have been saying the element of surprise. say, ourhs ago, we leaders, we are going to attack months. four
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a month later, we say we are going to attack mosul in three going in, because we are going to get the leaders of isis who are in mosul. they've to understand, already left when you said the four months, right? they're gone. then two months, then one month, week, a few weeks ago, we will be going into mosul in one week. stupid.ople are so the element of surprise. great general douglas spinning, right, spinning in his grave. the great general george patton. imagine -- let's assume they could actually see what's happening. maybe they are. you imagine what they must be thinking? these were great warriors, great generals. as we tell the enemy exactly what we're going to do, when wheregoing to be there, we're going to enter. oh, boy, folks, we're going to have such a different country.
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be so proud of your country again. going to be so proud. wouldn't it be nice if nothing politicians and by obama. wouldn't be it nice if they did newsob and then had a conference a week later and said, total victory. they're having a very hard time right now. the leaders and the people have gone. the other fighters are entrenched and it's much more difficult than they thought, because of that. but the generals said you're so right on that, mr. trump, you're right. hillary and our failed establishment have dragged us that have maders us less safe and never end. they never end. jobs -- borders wide open at home. that will all change when we win presidential election.
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[cheering] mr. trump: because from now on, going to be america first, america first. [crowd chanting "u.s.a."] mr. trump: is everybody going to tomorrow? [cheering] mr. trump: get your family. get your friends. no matter what you do, you've to get out and vote. the whole world is laughing at us. they're laughing at what's going on in our country. when you look at trade, we don't -- trade, trade. world, trade. almost, billion
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dollars in the hole with the trade deficit with the world. china, almost 500 billion dollar trade deficit. who negotiates these deals? you know who negotiates them? hacks, political hacks. the toughest,t smartest people that have been trained to do it. they've been trained to do but this. they laugh at the stupidity of our country. but you know what, we have the greatest negotiators in the world. we have the greatest business people in the world. greatgoing to use these business people, carl icahn endorsed me, so many others. we're going to use our great leaders, our great business people. it's time, it's time. it, almost 800 billion work, all thisis everything, and we have a deficit. $800 billion. to all americans, i say it's time forchange, it's
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leadership. [cheering] justd trump in summing up, think about what we can accomplish in the first 100 days of a trump administration. to have the biggest reagan.since ronald hillary's going to raise your taxes. she's going to raise your taxes. we are going to protect your security and medicare and you know what hillary's going to do. you know what hillary's going to do. do with what she'll social security. we will eliminate every unnecessary job killing regulation. a disaster. cancel every illegal obama protect your religious liberty!
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[cheering] will rebuild our badly depleted -- and you know what's going on with the military. you see it all the time. we will rebuild our badly military, and we are going to finally take care of our great veterans. provide school choice and put an end to common core. we're bringing education local. will support the men and women -- these are great people -- of law enforcement. we'll support them. save our second siege.nt, which is under hillary clinton is going to do yourbig, bad numbers on second amendment, folks.
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appoint justices to the united states supreme court who will uphold and defend the constitution of the united states. i can't believe i'm saying this. june 16 last year, june 16. it's a long time. it's a long time. too, you, i love you, darling. thank you. i can't believe i'm saying this. until thene day election and now it's less than that. been a long journey. entered and we had 17 governors and senators and you know, the old story. and one by one, all together, by one, and wene ended up getting, by the way, some incredible endorsements. carson, mike huckabee. so many others. so many others.
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almost all of them, not quite, but almost all of them. they signed a pledge and they the pledge. but almost all of them and it's great. we have one flawed candidate to beat. who will not be able to do the job for you folks. job.not be able to do the you have one day to make every dreamed for ever your country and your family come true. one magnificent chance to beat this corrupt system and deliver jet justice for every man, every forgotten woman and every forgotten child nation. [cheering] mr. trump: it will never happen again. never happen again, folks. in four years, not gonna happen. not gonna happen. it's never going to happen again. do not let this opportunity slip
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away. we are fighting for every citizen who believes that serve the should people. not the donors and not the interests. and we are fighting to bring us altogether as americans. we're a divided nation. we're a badly divided nation. we're going to be brought together. just imagine what our country could accomplish if we started working together as one people god saluting one american flag. wouldn't it be nice? i'm asking to you dream big. we are just one day away from the change you've been waiting your entire life. you got to go out and vote, get
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vote.ody to it will be the greatest vote you lifetime in your makese together we will america wealthy again. we will make america strong again. we will make america safe again we will make america great again. thank you, everybody. thank you. god bless you, everybody. god bless you. get out and vote! thank you, pennsylvania. thank you. ♪
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