tv Washington Journal CSPAN November 8, 2016 7:00am-10:01am EST
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this morning's washington journal, because an update on the presidential election. you can join the conversation by phone, facebook or twitter. ♪ host: it is election day and polls are open in some states and results are in from tiny areas of the united states. and you can see the results on c-span tonight as the election coverage begins at 8:00. we will show you results, take your calls, hear from candidates. get senate of dates. you can tune into c-span tonight for all of that. watch on c-span. visit us at and listen on the c-span radio mobile at. no guests today.
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we will hear from you for the next three hours. in the first hour want to hear from three categories of people. those of you who voted early, those of you who voted for the first time and those of you not voting. (202) 748-8000 -- early voters. -- first time voters. (202) 748-8002 -- for those of you who will not vote. post on our social media pages. you can do so on twitter or facebook. on twitter already. a photo takenws of hillary clinton tim kaine voting in virginia. the polls opened at 6:00. he is second in line. that was tim kaine voting. other candidates are expected to
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vote as the morning goes through. from new hampshire towns, three of them typically 10 to get their results in right off the bat. the usa today -- as the world waits with bated rest, eyes turn briefly to sleepy hamlets in new hampshire. their residence, fewer than 100 total, the kin be first to cast their ballots. dixville notch, hillary clinton beat donald trump. mitt romney received a surprise right invalid. johnson got three votes. bernie sanders and john kasich each got one. and in mill fields, donald trump won decisively. out of the three towns with midnight voting, donald trump ahead, 32-25.
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usa adding that these towns do tend to vote republican and they were present a small majority of the total ahead votes. primarily from the three categories of voters. , first-time voters and those of you who will not vote. the numbers will be on the screen. (202) 748-8000 -- early voters. (202) 748-8001 -- first-time voters. (202) 748-8002 -- if you do not plan to vote. both hillary clinton and donald trump gave final speeches of the campaign last night. hillary clinton, amongst other people. making her final argument. and here is part of her speech from last night. hillary clinton: i want you to spread the word. i do want to be president for all americans. not just some.
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support the people who me. i want to be president for everyone because we all have a role to play. [applause] [cheers] clinton: if you haven't voted yet, go to still volunteer, right? one of our offices. we will help you make sure everybody gets out to vote tomorrow. [applause] none ofclinton: because us want to wake up wednesday morning and wish we had done more. right? [applause] clinton: years from
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today, when your kids and grandkids ask what you did in 2016, when everything was on the line, you will be able to say you voted for a stronger, fairer, better america. [applause] clinton: an america where we build bridges, not walls. [applause] clinton: and where we yes,, conclusively, that love trumps hate. [applause] was hillary clinton in north carolina as part of her final argument last night. both candidates will vote later on today. as when as many of you out there
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in the audience. we want to hear from three categories. if you voted early, (202) 748-8000. first-time voters, (202) 748-8001. if you do not plan to vote, (202) 748-8002. my nearly -- 21-year-old votes for her first presidential candidate today. let's hear first from amelia in california, and early voter. why did you decide to vote early? caller: because i didn't want to stand in huge lines. i help to take care of my mom who has parkinson's. it is easier for us to do a mail in ballots. we voted about two weeks ago. our household are bernie sanders supporters but we did vote for hillary clinton because we feel that bernie sanders has a
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fighting chance to get a progressive agenda going with hillary clinton versus trump. president,f trump's bernie sanders would have no chance. no chance of a progressive agenda. so our family voted for hillary clinton. we are hoping and praying that she gets the ticket. because there is nothing positive about donald trump. we are mexican-americans. we feel the tension. we see and have felt the racism going on. and that needs to end. and i think it will end with hillary clinton being in office. host: do you believe that if hillary clinton wins the presidency that bernie sanders will continue to be an influence on her and her policymaking? caller: i do. , and thens millennium's voted for her in set of trump, she is indebted to
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him. because he went on the campaign trail and was a man of his word. he didn't get to run for the democratic party, so be is -- so he is supporting hillary clinton. he is a man of his word and i think she will be a woman of her word. and create the most progressive agenda that the democratic party has ever had, in history. in newteve is up next jersey. a first-time voter. tell us about your experience. have you voted yet? caller: yes, i did just vote. i voted for trump because i feel that trump actually reflects wisdom. i think he is saying real words. he is not just talking. i think hillary clinton is just talking. i don't feel there is anything
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behind her words. also, another issue that people are leery to address but it is reverse discrimination in this country. so many times in the job place, no one wants to address that. a definite issue and i think the media has a big impact on that. we have a politically correct sock stuffed down our throat. host: as far as you are first-time experience in new walter, an early voter. hello. for taking myyou call. it is an exciting time in my country. with a60-year-old guy wife and daughter and we live by the declaration and independence. i went and i couldn't wait to mostbecause this is the prolific and important election in my lifetime.
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it comes down to one person running for office who has been under fbi investigations and who stands on the stage -- you show the clip earlier about how she said "i will bring people together." it is a slamdunk. who will slash corporate taxes to generate business and who the country? this is very exciting and i did my only duty. and being asked military, a who did what she did concerning benghazi and our soldiers, and when they turn around and say that hillary clinton is for the minorities, i --ieve that the demographic, the democratic party is the biggest hindrance to the african-americans and mexicans. the early voting?
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did you have to stand in line? caller: it was fabulous. it took me five minutes to walk in. sweet ladies. showed my id. five minutes. in and out and beautiful and wonderful. we didn't see any black panthers standing there with batons to intimidate us. a reporter looked and showed us a photo on twitter about voting in arlington, virginia. polls opened at 6:00 this morning. a line is already outside but they are not specifically telling us where. we are hearing from early voters, first-time voters and those who do not plan to vote. eric, in jacksonville, florida, tell us about your experience. caller: i voted early last week
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and i was actually going to see and sit out the election. but i got jacked into the election because they keep mentioning african-americans. so i took that as a personal insult. as far as when you voted, was there a line when you went? was no line. i did get a pamphlet with someone telling me who to vote for. did you vote for hillary clinton? caller: i did. and i voted against marco rubio. we went for murphy. host: what is it about hillary clinton that you support? policies or overall? caller: well i can say that on the democratic side, there are
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plans to help people with student loans. i am a college graduate and i am a veteran. nobody is perfect. i'm giving democrats a chance to keep on doing what they are doing. what do you think he'll are clinton will do about that? caller: i think she will continue with what is going on as far as president obama's legacy. i think she will back veterans. let's hear from rick in idaho, and early voter. good morning. caller: good morning. it's been a while since i have seen you on c-span. how are you doing america? get out of your recliners and vote. today, bring
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yourself a lunch and a blankets or you will be comfortable because it was a 3.5 hour wait before we got in there. but other than that, we are good to go. host: when did you vote? 6.ler: we voted on november me at the wife got off work. 6:48 andt there at they stayed open a little later because the computers were down. so they had to do it by hand. and we did have to show our id -- our drivers license -- which is good because there is no vose followed -- there is no false voters. once something we all do every four years and it is our voice and it is not congress his voice. other than that, we will keep on rocking. we will get donald trump in the white house. any: have you ever seen type of result before in early voting or when you voted, those
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types of lines before? the last time i would voting i went on the regular day to vote and i learned the hard way. this time, we brought ourselves a lounge chair. you into your way across, one inch at a time. if you are out there, you may as well be comfortable. posts: that was rick in idaho. who do not plan to vote to call in and tell us why. this is tony from maryland. why are you not voting? caller: well, because i don't think voting has substance. was person you had my vote a woman. she was the last person who heard my vote. when bush --w that
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when we installed the first -- president of the united states, i watched everybody turn their head to pretend like it didn't happen. correctid anything to the voting system. when they use electronic voting machines, there is a paper trail on them. but there is no paper trail because nsa will give it to the president they want to have. is this about the voting process or the people involved that cause you not to vote? caller: the president is not elected. they are selected. they are using mind control technology on tv. that was tony talking about his experience.
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we continue on. we showed you hillary clinton giving her final argument and donald trump did the same at an event in michigan. the evening, in midnight, hand talking to his supporters at a rally in michigan. here is more from donald trump yesterday. donald trump: i am asking you to dream big. he goes with your vote, we are just hours away from the change you have been waiting for your entire life. so to every parent who dreams for their child, and to every child who dreams for their future, i say these words to you tonight. i am with you. i will fight for you. and i will win for you, i promise. [applause] donald trump: to all americans tonight, in all of our cities and towns, i pledge to you, one
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more time. america, we will make wealthy again. strong make america again. we will make america safe again. and we will make america great again. theseif you want to see speeches, go to our website at , the fulle them speeches, that were given yesterday. many events took place yesterday and we can't show them all here but you can go to our website to find out more. election night coverage begins at 8:00 this evening. tune in to our website for more information. tomorrow, a special edition of the program. 6:00 in the morning. 11:00 in thetil morning looking at results and information coming out and
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taking your calls. look for that tomorrow. daniel, and from early voter from staten island. go ahead. caller: hi. i voted early this morning. this is the worst i have felt about a presidential election in my entire lifetime. i am 70 years old and i have seen a lot. unfortunately, i voted for clinton. i know eventually someone will try to impeach her. her,he guy who ran against the buffoon who ran against her, is nothing more than a liar who calls everyone else a liar. and he likes to incite riots.
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i really don't feel that this is the leadership that is required in this country right now. we need someone smart. raise. and the democrats and the republicans did the worst job i have ever seen in putting up candidates. neither one of these people deserve to be president. said,d for clinton, as i because i will push for impeachment if they find more information in her e-mail. host: who did you want to see? bernie sanders? about schumer, the senator from new york? how about all the people who truly work for the people and not for themselves? butld trump is nothing someone who works for himself. his tax papers, by the
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way? what happened? let's hear from gladys in maryland. a first-time voter. caller: good morning. you: is this the first time voted in an election? my first times voting and i am so excited to vote. host: have you voted yet or will you vote today? caller: i am actually on my way to vote. and i wanted to make this call before i headed to vote. host: tell us about why you are voting. caller: i'm going because i would like to make a statement. a strong statement that clinton is the most qualified to lead america. host: what convinced you that she is the most qualified? caller: she is the most qualified because i have followed all the rallies and the events. i've heard her speak.
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i see the intelligence in her. she is composed. she has the experience. is, above all, very brilliant. i support her. and she is a woman. i am a woman. she has withstood all the challenges and insults from trump. i believe that if she is still standing now then she is a strong candidate. i really think that also, whatever i can do to stop trump, i will do that. because trump is not an option. he has no substance. he has no temperament. he does not know anything about government. i'm afraid there might be a world war if trump gets into the office.
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and that is why i am sticking my head out. i am passionately pursuing, making my chance to make sure that clinton gets into the white house. michigan,ext from jesse says he will not vote. good morning. go ahead. caller: no. i will not be casting a vote. because i have been a long time democrat ever since i started voting. i have voted in every election. i voted for obama the first time. and then let i saw him ,egotiating with republicans that was enough for me.
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i don't believe nothing will change. i will soon be turning 85 years old. you know, and knowledge doesn't come from books. knowledge comes from god. i have a great mind. i have six kids. four daughters and two sons and they all went to college. i started working at 16 years old. i retired at 47 years old. and i just don't trust the system no more. i am frustrated. they don't do what they say they will do. our system is a mess and obama has done nothing for us. clinton doesn't deserve my vote.
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i would have voted for bernie sanders. and you know, a lot of black it is the obama but same president who called our young black men thugs. give us something to vote for. host: more tweets are coming in to show voting places across the united states. reporter locally and washington, d.c., talking about polls in the district of columbia. it is a polling place but not specifically mentioned where. at showing us that it is voting location. fromhen also angela bloomberg news is also talking about some of the lines that
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have collected outside. perhaps you are in a line yourself or headed there if you give us a picture and see if we can use it. voters,or you early (202) 748-8000. first-time voters, (202) 748-8001. vote, you plan to not (202) 748-8002. john, andda, this is early voter. tell us about your experience voting early? caller: i went in yesterday afternoon and i got right in with no problem at all. and i timed it just right. and i used clinton to be a republican but i will never vote for another republican as long as i live. after bush lied about the war, i said that was it. is,i think the problem
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people think that donald trump will make them rich but they have another thing coming. if they want him and they want to pay more, they can have him. we do have to get rid of congress and senate. foryone is blaming obama things that have happened but it is the republicans who are not doing nothing. , do-nothing congress do-nothing senate. that is why we are in the shape we are today. everyone is arguing over everything because congress is not passing nothing. host: in the senate contest for florida, who did you vote for? -- i think -- oh my
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memory went blank. left for sure. host: no problem. that was john in florida. we have seen some pictures of lines starting to form. here is a breakdown, courtesy of wall street journal of what to expect when polls closed starting at 7:00. results from florida and new hampshire will start to roll in. it will likely be several hours before a winner is determined. the margins were less than 14,000 out of 2.3 million votes cast. that was georgia. at 8:00, 18 states and washington, d.c. begin reporting results. among this large group, only 21 electoral votes. expected to be close
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contests. then this goes to 9:00 for wisconsin and pennsylvania. we will see how that turns out there. and then moving to 10:00. if momentum swings shows clinton's way, it could put arizona in her column. and then moving to 10:00. terms chances of keeping utah has been confiscated with a strong showing from the independent republican candidate in the case. evan mcmullen. let's go to john next in district heights, maryland two says he will not vote this election day. tell us why. caller: the last two callers said virtually everything that i was going to say. except the difference is that in been inntry -- i have law enforcement for 50 years and i am 72 years old. for a long time, i really have faith in the political system. i truly did.
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until i came to start studying and reading. i don't watch football or basketball or sports. i keep up with what politicians are doing. and donald trump will not make a difference and hillary clinton will not make a difference. the wall street moguls and bankers and corporations, they will continue to run the system the way they happen running at the whole time. and that is not going to change. the older gentleman who is 85 years old, he said what many people have said the same thing. it is a shame that american people, educated as we are have brought it down to these two people. the people of the world are laughing at this nation. donald trump, they are going to know about him. but i would say the poor whites and poor blacks in the country got the exact same energy. a game is being played to divide them from each other.
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too much money is in politics. money runs and controls the political system. and poor people talk about african-americans but we don't have anything. we are the bottom of the totem pole. the way the game is played is to make us look like we are the problem. host: letter was john, who is not voting. we are hearing from early voters, first-time voters and people who will not vote. (202) 748-8000, early voters. (202) 748-8001, first-time voters. (202) 748-8002, if you do not plan to vote today. during the morning we will be joined by people who will talk about different aspects of the election. we are happy to be joined by pedro cortes. could you tell me how pennsylvania prepared the polling places? especially when it comes to election security?
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this has been a big topic this campaign. guest: pennsylvania has been a history of running real elections. this is my third presidential cycle. pennsylvania, our county election officials and poll workers are professionals who care deeply about doing a good job. systems,of the voting our machines are not connected to the internet or one another. there are very strict chain of custody procedures. -- again,f our nothing on the internet. our cyber security is strong and we took advantage of an invitation from secretary jeh johnson from homeland security to look at our servers and systems and everything checked out well. a general day at the elections, we have 8.7 million registered voters. i hope we see them come out today. and we are working with many
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partners at the state and federal levels to ensure that every voter has a meaningful opportunity to cast his or her vote. and we are working hard to ensure that it stays fair, secure and smooth as has been the case in years past. host: how much of the state has uniform voting machines? or is it different in different parts of the state? guest: the machines and pennsylvania are different in different parts of the state. the department of state examines the systems but we leave it up to the county to provide the system that they believe works best for them. so we have some counties using electronic recording machines. touchscreens. the reality is that one size does not fit all. we have large counties and cities like philadelphia and allegheny county. but we also have small towns that are much more rural. that use voting systems are different. however, they all have been
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certified and they comply with the requirements of the help america vote act. votingnfident that the systems will perform well again as they have. shocked about the imitation that you took from the department of homeland security. what led you to that? could you describe what personnel did as far as looking at your systems? guest: will they were not necessarily looking at the machines, the machines and voting agreement go through another voting rigorous process. there is logic and accuracy testing. in terms of the homeland security, we didn't have any concerns that pennsylvania had issues in terms of cyber hygiene or security. pennsylvania is acknowledged as one of the foremost states in terms of security for our system. however, we did want to make sure that another set of eyes looked at the servers. our connections.
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we wanted to make sure that we took advantage of that, the and of therocedures, department of homeland security is a credible source of that. we accepted the invitation to have the validation from a third-party who has the tools and knowledge. everything checked out well. you talk about a .7 million registered voters. what does history tell you about the commonwealth as far as voter participation rates? do you expect that to change this time? 1980: if you go back to and you go up through 2012, every presidential election 83% ofwe have as many as our registered voters come out to vote. that is in the 1992 presidential election. wasthe lowest participation in 2000, the bush versus gore
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election. as 63% seen it as low and as high as 83%. plus and that is my hope for this year. i would love to see 100%. however, i will be happy if we get at least 80%. so we encourage all of our voters to let their voices be heard. host: how has early voting been? guest: we don't have early voting as such. so everyone gets to vote today between 7:00 in the morning and 8:00 at night. we do have absentee voting and the numbers have been consistent with years past. so we technically don't have early voting. we have in person voting today from 7:00 in the morning until 8:00 p.m. host: are there systems in place if you need to keep a polling place open because of turnout or
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volume? guest: yes, there is a remedy for the county board of elections, it could be a party candidate to go and petition the court, the first instance where the judge is prepared to make the determination. generally, the reason to keep a polling place open would be that for some reason the polling place did not open on time, it could be because -- well, there could be a multitude of reasons. rob someone for about a key. it doesn't often happen but usually there has to be a good reason in terms of the polling place having disruptions. not opening on time. but what is important to note is that if you are in line at the polling place by 8:00, it much like the cash register at the supermarket. someone from the polling place will go to the end of the line. and if you are in line by 8:00 you do have an opportunity to vote.
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cases there in some were concerns about intimidation. does the commonwealth have something built in as far as keeping a tab on that? guest: absolutely. , it is paramount that voters are able to vote unimpeded. that they are able to cast a ballot without any type of distraction. and pennsylvania and federal law prohibitedr intimidation or discrimination. with partiesd that and candidates and the county commissioners and the press and others to make sure that they understand that this conduct that is prohibited -- if someone is waiting to come into a polling place and they see conduct that is not adequate, we election from the polling places.
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if there are any concerns, we ask that that particular voter -- there is a responsibility of seeing the order of the polling place. is someone can also recommend county board of elections the districtll as attorney's office. they could also contact the department of state and we are working with multiple partners to make sure it is a good election. and we know that the u.s. department of justice and others will have observers to make sure that laws of the country from the voting rights act and others are respected. pedro cortes, the secretary of state for pennsylvania. thank you for being on c-span. back to your calls. this is dan, an early voter from virginia beach. good morning. why the early vote? i was scheduled to
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have surgery yesterday and i knew i wouldn't be able to but the surgery was canceled. and i am 72 years old. because id early don't -- i vote. missed one since i was able to vote. since i could vote, i could vote. and shame on those people who will not vote. i was raised in mississippi. born in mississippi. and i can remember what was happening when people couldn't vote down there. , remember when my grandfather a schoolteacher andy preacher, had to go down and try to vote and they would turn them down and tell him that he had to count jellybeans and all of that kind of stuff. i remember this. and these people who say they won't vote, shame on them. and now i live in virginia beach
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and i have been living here approximately 19 years. here, peoplemoved were courteous and kind and we speak to each other. we didn't go to each other's houses all the time but we would see each other. we treated each other with respect. since donald trump has been in the race, in my community, i can see a change. i can see people now are angry. we are about 80% white, 10% african-american and 5% latina -- i can see the change in people with donald trump because he is preaching hate. it is a shame. and shame on the people who say they will not vote. you said you early voted, was there a line? i walked right in and voted and i was in there for five minutes. i am handicapped so i went in
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and i think there were five or 10 people there when i voted. and they handed us the ballots and that was downtown. a first-time voter, go ahead. caller: yes, good morning. first of all i would like to say i have been trying to get through for two weeks so please, bear with me. first of all, how can anyone who says they are christian vote for because she is because for abortion. she says she is for the children but how can she say she is for our children if she supports abortion? bible and abortion don't go together. that trump will stand for the christians. i believe that. all, back to the con
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family. they are not the only people who have lost people in the war. i lost an uncle who i never got to see in world war ii. the con family is no better than my family. or muslim people in the army. i don't understand why they have publicized the family. i don't understand it. i may be wrong but one family is not any more important than anyone else. from penny andr pennsylvania. an early voter. good morning. you are on. caller: thank you for having me. can you hear me? yes, it is a matter of voting early, just to make sure nothing happens. but the key thing is, i have been trying to get in for such a long time -- host: what do you mean by
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nothing happening? theer: you know, availability of voting early means that anything that can happen that can go wrong means it will go wrong so get in early. it is the advantage. you take advantage of it so i got in early. host: do you have general faith in the voting system in pennsylvania? caller: absolutely. i do. in america and pennsylvania. and all the tools that america uses to make it fair. host: when you went to vote, was it just you or were there other people involved? the interest there as far as early voting? was there a crowd? caller: no crowd at all. i believe the crowds are happening more now. as we get closer to the date. then it was on the date when i
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went. so it wasn't an issue. but what i really wanted to call in for was to talk about something i wanted to talk about two weeks ago. and that is -- i am concerned legitimacy of what is happening. something happened in terms of immigration. president obama was speaking with the young lady the other day. and she asked a question about being concerned that her parents who weren't here legally, concerned about voting. that would the fbi be able to trace them back after they had voted? because they are not a citizen? and he acknowledged that they wouldn't have to worry about that. and that concerns me. because already, people are upset about the fact that they
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are not listening to the message donald trump is telling when he comes in and he is the messenger. so they can't take him. and i can't take him either. i have always respected the press. but now i am realizing they are cutting and pasting. now i host: have to be skeptical about what they say. kenny in pennsylvania. a few more tweaks to show you. this shows a picture of a polling place in pennsylvania. showing a republican turmoil candidate -- waiting in line to be a part of that process. also, this is sarah out of missouri. showing a little bit of the location. also showing that there is a sign in front of the door that says no guns allowed in a polling place.
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we will show you some photos as we go through the morning. early voters, (202) 748-8000. first-time voters, (202) 748-8001. for those of you who will not .ote, (202) 748-8002 the washington post offers you an education as far as right in candidates for those of you and maybe interested in writing in a candidate. showing where you can and can't do that. write in any one in 10 states including the district of columbia. that includes new hampshire and pennsylvania. other states like new jersey and wyoming and others. you could write in anyone. states, there has to be a prior filing required to be an official candidate. again, some states include
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florida, georgia and others. and in eight states, there is no option whatsoever to write in a candidate. some of you may choose to do that through the morning, right in your own candidate. those are some of the places you can do that. george from texas, and early voter. what drove you to a vote early? caller: because they have lines at when it starts to be voting. and i don't like to stand in line. i am 100% disabled. id that is the reason why vote early. host: when you went, was it an easy process for you? caller: yes, sir. host: who are you interested in voting for and why? caller: who am i voting for? for trump. host: why is that? caller: because he will do
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everything he can for the poor people. clinton, she will not do nothing. she is for herself. says that sheshe is a grandma. hillary clinton, there are grandma's all over the world. host: as far as being convinced that donald trump will do something for poor people, what do you think he will be able to do and how do you think he will be able to accomplish that? in let's hear from keith wisconsin who will not vote. tell us why. caller: well, the election is a sham and i will not participate in it. what you are doing when you vote , you are placing a stamp of approval on a system that is wrong. and i won't vote for one or the other of these representatives of the capitalist class.
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that would be voting against my own interests. likely to -- i agree with the caller from virginia who said that it is the banks who control this. the military-industrial complexes. host: what gives you evidence of that? whoer: the decisions about will be running and you have a chance of winning the election, it has made long before the voters get a chance to weigh in on it. they are made behind closed doors in a corporate board rooms. the american people have no say in who gets the airtime. that is made by the corporate executives. participating in the sham election and shame on anybody who does. host: have you ever voted? caller: in the past. but i have realized it is just a sham.
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and people shouldn't get swept up in the propaganda and the hype. it is a joke. host: we hear from rosie in texas. an early voter? caller: this man who you just finished talking to, he doesn't know what he's talking to. you need to go vote. you live in a world where there are liars everywhere. you don't worry about who is lying. you worry about yourself telling the truth and doing what you are supposed to do, that is all that is expected of you. but donald trump is a crook. he isn't telling you what he's going to do. if he gets in there. -- i feel sorry for the other people who are voting for donald trump. because they don't know and they are going to be so disappointed. nothing they will be able to do about it.
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and it will probably make them paranoid and they won't vote after this. so they do need to vote. but vote for somebody who really wants to do something. if you ever listen to donald trump, he is not saying anything specific that he's going to do. host: there is a trend in the united states called the manikin challenge in which people pose as mannequins and try to stay still. the clinton campaign got involved in the process. hillary clinton and her staff participated and a video was posted early tuesday. bill clinton, the nominee, huma abedin and others can be seen on the campaign plane. towards the end of that, someone says we are good and she laughs. you can see a video there. again, this is courtesy of the video page. the clinton campaign aboard the
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plane in the challenge. let's go to huntsville, indiana. you describe yourself as a first-time voter, good morning. go ahead. caller: yes. i just can't vote for ms. clinton. i think trump is going to do more for us. trump is a businessman. many of us had losses in the 1990's. he cannoteciate why release them until they get through auditing them. i wouldn't release mine either. if i was under an audit. clinton, they pleaded the fifth. and that showed how crooked she was.
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she is crooked. host: you described yourself as a first-time voter. yes, the first time in voting for a national election. i have voted locally but not national. host: what kept you from voting for national elections before? caller: i just never got out and voted. danny from georgia says he will not vote. tell us why? caller: i just think the whole like the lady talking the alabama right now, and , listen to the difference in the way they talk. howary clinton talks about she is so experienced.
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but can i ask you this? how do you explain to the young people when they read the history books how she has lied? how do you explain that to christians? you know, i am a christian. and i don't understand how she can get in front of millions of people and in two weeks time, change her mind probably four or five times. that, you set up like had a corporation and it was run like that, it would fall apart just like this country will fall apart. host: so this time around you will not vote? caller: i just can't. she is sickening. she has had around for 30 years. and she has done what she has had to do to get to where she is that.
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and i watch obama. him battled it out eight years ago and it made me sick. and now he's hugging her on tv like they are best friends. i will tell you what i think about politicians. it is a bad business. they took over the country eight years ago. and we collapsed. and what happened? they just lie. they just lied to us. and why do i want to be a part of anything like that? host: so you probably heard people say that if you don't vote, you don't get the right to complain for the next four years. what do you think about that? caller: i will tell you, i will go-ahead and do what i always have done. work as hard as i can, like i was taught. you work hard, hard, hard.
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and i will. i will take my money and do what i think is best for my family and i will tell all these people who think they know everything, i will just try to keep them out of my mind and out of my sight. int: let's hear from larry indiana, and early voter. good morning. caller: how are you? what i wanted to make a comment on, you have had a few people, like the people who talked in earlier, that saintly lady talking but i have news for both of those people. i believe in jesus christ. and i did vote and i voted for hillary. and i think i am just as good a christian as they are. host: you voted early, did you not? caller: yes sir, i did. i'm notearly because
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able to get around real good. i didn't want to have to stand in a line like many people are today. it was easier for me to get in and get voted. but what i would like to also add, sir, is that these people who talk about history being made and hillary is this and that, well, we have all made mistakes. and my bible says we forgive people. but evidently, other people have other bibles that don't read like mine. and sir, i thank you for your attention. int: a first-time voter maryland. this is james. go ahead. caller: thank you for taking my call. know, these folks are theybly on food stamps and
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ask like black folks don't want to work. but guess what, most of these are voting for trump. gus went to liberty university and spoke. seeing these students. christians don't even know who to believe anymore. let you go, you describe yourself as a first-time voter. tell us about your experience being a first-time voter? who will you vote for? caller: irony voted for clinton. i early voted.
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we finally found somebody who i would have voted for ted cruz or rubio. not: first hour is done with guest, we are just hearing from you and talking to other people as we go throughout the next two hours. in this second hour, a change of question, away from the candidates and looking more at the electoral system. we want to hear what you would change about the electoral change. what changes would you recommend to the prompt -- the process, how we elect people in the united states, and this is where you will tell us how you would make those changes. there is a you can call us. (202)-748-8000 for democrats. for)-748-8001 republicans. for independents, (202)-748-8002.
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you can also post on our facebook page and twitter. for this hour, what changes would you make to the u.s. electoral system. pick the line that best represents you and give us a call. we will show you some headlines or the front pages of newspapers across the united states from battleground states. this is from pennsylvania. pa is key. candidates seek a crucial battleground victory. going to the las vegas review journal. final flurry, the headline with the pictures of the candidates. the stories they feature, watch for wary eyes, keep a voting vigil and clinton asked for votes for hope and trump says time to stop corruption.
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north carolina, one last push highlighting visits by both candidates to that state. don't trumpton and both being featured on the front page, and if you go to cleveland, ohio, now it is up to you, is how they pick it. candidates make their final appeals, hoping to make history. is also a story out of the washington post that talks about election officials bracing for a chaotic day of voting. experts and advocates say they are preparing for confusion as voters cast their ballots. early voters have faced hours long lines. democrats have filed a number of lawsuits alleging voter intimidation by donald trump voters. process and of the for this next hour, we want to hear from u.s. far as you would make changes to the u.s. electoral system.
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democrats, (202)-748-8000. republicans, (202)-748-8001. independents, (202)-748-8002. as part of the wrapup of this campaign, both campaign -- both candidates put out ads making closing arguments as to why voters should support their cause. we will hear from donald trump and then later on, hillary clinton. >> our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the american people. the establishment has trillions of dollars at stake in this election. for those who control the levers of power in washington, and for the global special interest, they fought to elect these people that do not have your good in mind.
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the political establishment that is trying to stop us is the same group responsible for our disastrous trade deals, massive illegal immigration and economic and foreign policies that have bled our country dry. the political establishment has brought about the destruction of jobs, asries, and our they flee to mexico, china and other countries all around the world. it is a global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth and put that money into the pockets of a handful of large corporations and political entities. the only thing that can stop this corrupt machine is you. only force strong enough to save our country is us. the only people brave and not --
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brave enough to vote out this corrupt establishment is you, the american people. i am doing this for the people and for the movement, and we will take back this country for you, i'm be will make america great again. -- and we will make america great again. i am donald trump and i approve this message. how would you change the u.s. political system or the u.s. electoral system? that is our topic for this hour. we first hear from greg, from alabama, republican. caller: i would do away with it. we would go straight with a popular vote. it seems that when the majority of the people in the country can vote for one candidate and goreer candidate in the situation and the electoral
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votes overruled, we begin to lose faith in the system. just to let you know, hillary clinton is now in the process of becoming part of the voting process in self. she is at her polling place in new york to cast a vote. you can see her amongst a mass of people. this happened moments ago. the former secretary of state along with her husband, getting ready to cast their votes as we look a little bit at this video. we will talk about the electrical system and what changes you would make. dan from oklahoma, independent. caller: good morning. wrong, thatf i am the electoral college was set up for other states to have more of a voice. if it was a compromise, at that
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time, maybe it is similar to the same compromise that obama made for the health-care system, these days, it is just out of date and was not meant to last, but my answer to that is to do away with the electoral college and have everyone have an individual vote. a lot ofdo away with the overhead of paying these representatives that do not have our best interests in mind. we could do a lot of the process ourselves through the internet if we could get our security right. host: even in this election, we have heard so much about security of owning systems and you would trust that to the internet? caller: we would have to set it up properly, but the system is based on each person having an individual vote. if there is a will, there is a way. from new york,
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democrats line. caller: hello. thing i would do is what clinton is proposing, to thethe big money out of political system. make the time shorter so you don't start running for office two years before so that you have more time to do your job, rather than going out and getting money to get reelected. things, andof the then i would shorten the terms of the house of representatives to let them serve for eight years, four times in a row, and then get out so they do not become entrenched.
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the most important thing is getting the big money out, and shortening the election process. you: why do you think if took money out, it would change the system or improve it? caller: they would not have to go begging to get the money to get reelected. that is the most important thing. look at how many times they are getat dinners, just to donations. they did not have to be doing that, they could be more in contact with the people, and tell the people what they want to do and how they want to do it. host: there is a story in usa today. the headline, how donald trump
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drove down presidential spending. the production is that the final price tag of 2016 white house campaign is it about $2.65 billion, a dip from the money that flowed into the 2012 contest. hasdcast tv advertising tumbled from four years ago, a byproduct of donald trump's decision to rely more on free media coverage, digital outreach and his own prolific tweeting. munro from clinton, maryland,
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independent. caller: good morning. host: how would you make changes to the electoral system? caller: we can get rid of the electoral college and people need to remember that it was set up so that the states with smaller populations were able to compete with the states with the bigger population. the thing is, we have the technology to do it. show andll watch a tv viewers will call them by the millions and vote for their favorite contestant. we can do it, too. where the person with the highest number wins. we have a total of 24 counties in our state and in the 2012 election, we had 18 to the 24 counties vote republican, but because of the count, of the six remaining counties, we still get tagged as a democrat state even though the majority voted republican.
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we need to get read of the -- get rid of the electoral college. host: fred from new york is next, republican. caller: i agree very much with that last caller. there is no reason to have the electoral college. it should be popular vote. it is not fair that the bigger states get all their votes from that state. it is ridiculous. a couple of times, people have won the popular vote but lost in the electoral college. we have ways to do it, and that is the way it should be, by the individual vote. host: next up, lee from candidate. -- from connecticut, independent. seeer: what i would like to
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is a national id card of citizenship, not just licenses. we should have a citizenship card as the citizens are the only ones who should be voting. a photo id like you license does not satisfy for you? caller: it does not. host: do you think something like a national citizenship card can even pass as far as getting -- caller: i know people who are -- zens who do not have host: we want to get to showing video of the democratic candidate, presidential -- hillary clinton walking with her husband. he saw previously, she was casting her vote in new york. she will be heading back to wait out the day and into the night
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as results come in. if you want to follow along as far as results, tonight, tune in c-span at 8:00 for full coverage of today's election, you will hear from candidates, it a chance to get your input in, we will take a look and follow senate races going on, very close ones in the country, considering it will take four senate races that go to democratic hands to switch the congress over if hillary clinton does when the election, but all of that at 8:00, tonight. tune into our website for more information on tonight's coverage. you can see candidate speeches from yesterday and other events as well. he's been done on -- is for more information. our next caller, from new jersey, democrats. caller: i seem to be in agreement with the previous few callers. continue withto
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the electoral college at this point. it is a system that needs to be abolished. i am not sure as a citizen, how we would really get that idea moving forward with some traction to actually do something to get rid of it. host: it should be a straight popular vote in your opinion? caller: i believe so. you are watching video of hillary clinton and bill clinton. some recent polling, taking a look at states, real clear politics gives track of what goes on at the statewide level. when it takes into account the four candidates of clinton, trump, johnson and stein, it has trumped up by two in the general
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election and if you take out the other candidates, clinton is up by one. taking a look at other areas, bloomberg poll as well as cbs, fox and reuters all have clinton up by a significant lead of three to four points. a frequent guest on this program took a look at his final crystal ball calls, saying that when it comes to the electoral college, keeper next that element clinton will gain 322 votes versus donald trump at 216. currently atnate 50 republicans, 50 democrats.
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that means if hillary clinton wins, vice presidential nominee tim kaine would be the tiebreaker. the house would remain in republican hands. that is the kind of breakdown from the crystal ball. you can go to the center for politics at the university of virginia to find out more. how would you change the u.s. electoral system? what suggestions would you make? let's hear from pat, from tennessee, republican. caller: good morning. the first thing i would do is have a voter id for everyone, and that would fix the cheating part of the election. if you can see who is coming in to vote and it matches in their vote -- you -- and it matches there is no call with that. the next thing i would say is to get rid of the electoral college
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because that is where obama and the democrats have put all of these illegals which is giving them the advantage. the other change i would do would be immediate coverage, the media cannot force their opinion on the public, they should be -- they should have to do the news coverage and only the news whorage and you can tell msnbc and cnn and the other ones -- you can tell who they are poor because of the way they put their news out there, and i think that should be against the law. host: here is hillary clinton after her vote. >> thank you. i've had 50 years of practice. [laughter] the presidential candidate, hillary clinton and her husband as they cast their vote and talk to supporters
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outside. other candidates like donald trump are expected to vote, as well. we are asking you about what changes to the electoral systems you would make. you can pick the line that best represents you. democrats, (202)-748-8000. republicans, (202)-748-8001. independents, (202)-748-8002. usa today is looking at the electoral college. they write that the reason the constitution calls for this extra layer run an just inviting for the direct election is that most of the nation's founders were afraid of democracy. james madison was worried about factions which he defined as groups of citizens with a common interest that would either violate the rights of other citizens or harm the nation as a whole. which was dubbed the tyranny of the majority was that action could grow to encompass more than 50% of the
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population and at which point could sacrifice to its ruling passion or interest both the public good and the rights of other citizens. madison had a solution for the tyranny of the majority, a republic by which he meant a government in which this came representation takes place, opens a different prospect and promises the cure for which we are seeking. that is in usa today with a series of questions dealing with why the u.s. has the electoral college system. we wanted to share that with you. let's hear from washington, d.c., independent line. caller: thank you. campaign timing should change. the from canada and campaign running for the prime minister was almost three months
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and that was the maximum amount that they were running their campaigns. we had almost two years, it is too long. the second comment i want to make is, donald trump, the media -- when it comes to the general, they tore him down, so these are people complaining that the media makes the president. i agree with so many callers that the populace, not the electoral needs to be counted. is our viewer in washington, d.c. commenting on the changes he would make to the process of voting or the president. we welcome your calls. we will take those calls in just a moment. talk aboutant to
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other aspects of today, not only in votes for the president, but also for ballot measures across the united states. joining us to give us a sense of the ballot measures is josh all tick of the website ballotpedia. thank you for joining us. what is atalk about ballot measure and how they generally work? guest: they can be divided into two sorts. every ballot measure is a policy decision that is directly in the hands of the voters. it is direct democracy. are measures that can be put on the ballot through signature petitions. people collect signatures from registered voters in the various states, and 26 states have a process for you can put something on the ballot if you have enough signatures. the rest of the measures come from the legislature.
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they will vote to put a measure on the ballot and there is a constitutional amendment because every state but delaware has to put constitutional amendments before the voters. they cannot pass them without ratification from the voters. there are also some outliers like automatic referrals that have to go on the ballot, but most of the measures you see are put forward by the legislature or by the people. host: when it comes to the ballot measures considered today, do they deal with issues of social, issues or do they deal with democracy, how would you break those down? guest: we have broken it down into 15 different topics. 154 statewide ballot measures 434 different states on tuesday. -- that -- ballot measures for 34 different states on tuesday. lots of measures about taxes,
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finance, the topics that are really getting people going and making them look at the measures are citizen initiatives and may concern things like marijuana, minimum wage, uncontrolled, tobacco tax increases and health care. -- gun control, tobacco tax increases and health care. states have marijuana questions and every single question would in some way liberalize the policy on marijuana. 82 million residents live in states that could see looser restrictions on marijuana. five of those states are voting on recreational legalization, including california. nevada, california, arizona, maine and -- that is a huge step forward for that agenda that has been
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building pressure for quite some time. the four states that have legalized marijuana have all done so through citizen initiatives. the legislature has not wanted to touch this issue. the fact that you have five states voting on it in california especially with its huge population. value. large economic you are looking at a state that could change the state for policy around marijuana. you could see some pressure this year really building on the federal side of things to take it away from the schedule one drug or move it away. it is a big year for the policy and everyone is looking to see what happens with those ballot measures and how it impacts the future of marijuana legalization. 123: you website says
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million residents across the united states will be affected by ballot measures concerning taxes. can you give us a sense of what is going on? guest: a lot of those measures come from the legislature. vary, widely. there is an interesting one in california that is to continue the tax for education. you have things like locksmith -- lockbox measures to dedicate revenue to a specific purpose. you see that in illinois with transportation revenue, so revenue specifically dedicated to transportation. fees toicating hospital medi-cal in california. a lot of measures about tax exemptions, surpassing cassocks
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-- tax exemptions for widows of first responders, or increasing tax exemptions for solar energy, things like that. that is definitely a topic that rages across the spectrum of increasing taxes, increasing exemptions and what do you do with that tax revenue and voters are getting to decide that in a lot of different states. host: for those ballot measures that don't come from legislatures, is there money to interest behind these efforts? guest: they are called citizen initiatives because of who has to sign the petition, not necessarily who has to propose them more back than through funding. we did a study of who is spending money to get these on the ballot, and overall, there are 71 initiatives on the ballot for referendums.
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cost $1 million on average to get these on the ballot. in california, the average is more like $2.9 billion. only seven volunteer driven and only volunteer driven successful initiative efforts and those were in south dakota and north dakota with very small signature requirements. effort,s a grassroots these things need some money behind them, whether you have a national organization like something that has money and is pushing an agenda across the country or you have one rich individual backing the measure, it depends a which one of those you have, but you need something like that to succeed. that said, you need the money, but you also need support from a large percentage of voters.
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you need a significant number of signatures from registered voters to get these on the ballot as well. host: before we let you go, are there were any -- are there any out of the ordinary measures? guest: there are some first of its kind measures, for sure. one of them is the measure that is getting the most campaign money spent on it, this year and possibly a record. it is in california, called proposition 61, and it is backed by the aids health care foundation and it would tie the drug prices the california state government agencies have to pay to the rate that the veteran affairs department pays. supporters say it will lower drug prices and opponents say will damage the economy and not work out well. it away, big pharma is spending over $109 million to defeat that measure. it is something they do not want to see going to affect.
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adding pressure to that race is the fact that the health care foundation has already certified a measure for the 2017 ballot that is nearly identical in ohio. the fact that they are willing to push this particular policy in other areas, other states is putting pressure on big pharma to try and beat this measure right off the bat. that is something that bernie sanders has endorsed and is getting a lot of attention. no one is really sure exactly what the effect of the measure will be, but it is a first of its kind measure. host: if you go to the website itself, they have a listing of these ballot measures across the united states. projectot measures director giving us a snapshot of some of these things going on, thank you. back to your calls on how you would change the electoral system. hildegard in south carolina, public and. -- republican. caller: good morning.
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i am still hanging on that electoral voting. so many dead people are voting that are not alive anymore. the best thing we can do is to go back and count the votes again without computerized systems. host: you mean hand count them? caller: yes. it is a shame. i heard not too long ago that dead people are voting. and how then we you,, you have an id with and you can't be dead, and all that goes away from the votes for eithern vote trump or clinton, because the whole system is rigid and it is bad. host: let's hear next from bill
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in columbia -- in columbus, independent. caller: my comment is to the larger issue of term limits. i see the fundamental problem being that we have career politicians who are acting in the -- in their own best interest rather than the best interest of their constituents. the real solution is to amend the constitution so that there is only one term per office, per lifetime. what this would do is it would create a system where nobody was running for reelection. i believe it would open it up for regular citizens to get into office, people who are really wanting to give back to the country that gave so much to them. you serve for one term and then go back to the private sector. host: stephanie in new jersey on
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our republican line. i would like to start off by saying i voted democrat all of my life, but in this election as a christian, i have to vote republican because i don't see how any christian could support the democratic party platform. the change that needs to be made is something that donald trump ended up withit me having the utmost respect for him and that is doing away with the johnson amendment. it is a disgrace that pastors do not have freedom of speech, that they cannot speak openly about the elections without losing their 501(c)(3) status. that is something that needs to change. host: how do you think that would change the process if that rule was lifted? there are people who
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look to their pastors for guidance. i think it would open the door for there to be open discussion about the issues that are the inconsiderate. in this election, there are a lot of people who won't be voting republican, but will not say it publicly. i think it could make a big difference. host: we hear from bruce in georgia, on our line or democrats. -- for democrats. caller: thank you for taking my call. be to takeon would term limits on the house and the senate, just like the president, two terms. would stop the lobbyists, because the lobbyists is what
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causes most of the problems in the united states. , and thethe laws made american people have no say. thank you and have a nice day. host: taking a look at pocketbook issues, how the vote affect your wallet, part of coverage breaking it down by a couple of categories. wage,t comes to minimum under hillary clinton, the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an wouldunchanged since 2007 rise to $12 per hour over the next several years, which would have it next effect on low-wage and part-time workers with sounds -- with some enjoying better wages while others might find themselves riced out. under donald trump, the minimum wage might rise to $10 an hour or it could be left to the
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states. when it comes to general taxes under clinton, millionaires would pay more in taxes and the rest would pay about the same or less. a 4% tax onld levy those with adjusted gross income above $5 million and set up a 30% minimum tax with those with agis topping one million. the so-called buffett rule. under president trump, marginal tax rates would be reduced, increase standard deduction amounts and cap itemized deductions according to an analysis. usa today also taking a look at the stoxx -- stock market. affected by either a trunk or clinton presidency, they say that when it comes to donald trump, if he wins, you can expect rallies in stocks around the biotech, pharma
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stocks, gold, bank stocks and energy shares. if clinton wins, you will see a rise happen in the s&p 500, foreign stocks, stocks related to obamacare and the u.s. dollar. erin from pennsylvania, independent. caller: i wanted to say a mandate -- to the guy that wants to get rid of lobbyists because that are the actions that medicine was talking about. question, the electoral college has to go. there has to be adjustment on term limits, but my issue is the rnc and the dnc answer to nobody. as far as i know. if you know any different, please tell me. host: james from illinois,
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democrats. republican.sorry, host: sorry about that, go ahead. caller: i have a comment. i cannot believe that you just showed someone on tv which was hillary clinton and she was able to vote. i can't believe that. after she had four people killed, used taxpayer money to cover up for her mistakes, and she goes and votes. what is going on with this world? i cannot believe this. she talks about building bridges. host: before you get too far, as far as the process of elections are concerned, what would you change about them? changes, how about
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since we have an agreement between people, and we are all entitled to this belief, how about if we just have two presidents? one of the democrats and one for the republicans, so that we can get on with our lives. how about if we split america in two? host: buffalo, new york, en up next on our line for democrats -- ian up next on our line for democrats. caller: what i would do to change the system is i would get rid of deadlines to file absentee ballots or deadlines to register to vote. i personally cannot vote today because i did not get my absentee ballot in on time in new york which i believe the deadline was october 14. i don't think it makes sense to have that a month out from the
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election. you should be able to register to vote or file an absentee ballot before the election. i was registered to vote in the primaries and i did vote in the new york primary back in april. any deadlinenot be for registering to vote, because it makes no sense. we should want as many people to vote as possible, so there should not be a deadline. host: this hour, we are asking you to say what you would change about the electoral system. the numbers will be on your screen. is election day and around washington, d.c., preparations are being made for inauguration day, whoever the president might be. erectedlink fence was outside the white house, one of the first signs the construction is beginning on the reviewing stand of the inaugural parade, a
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ritual that goes back to america's early days. it does not look like much, but we are making good progress. longer of theon capital where the new president will be sworn in. the next president will take office on january 20. video of that construction as preparations for inauguration day. will comeght, results in, and we invite you to tune into c-span for your election coverage, to get a wrapup of results and a chance to get your calls in and take a look at other issues affecting the election day. coverage begins and we invite you to tune in. a special extended edition begins at 6:00, tomorrow morning and we look at the results and other stories and your chance to comment on what happens today.
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that program tomorrow, a five-hour program tomorrow morning. tonya from north carolina, good morning. caller: good morning. i am excited about today, i waited until the last day because i do not consider myself a democrat or republican. i consider myself an american who once the best person in every election. i take my time and i study and i wait. as far as electoral votes, i have been trying to get someone to explain to me how it is possible to be a good system in this day and age. i want to know that my vote is just as important as anyone else's vote, and then i just moved from south carolina to north carolina, it is a great feeling to feel like my vote counts, because when i lived in south carolina, it really did not matter. i knew it was going to be a
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republican. sometimes i was voting for them and sometimes i was not. i felt like i did not matter. i think a lot more people would vote and it makes sense for one vote to count -- it makes no sense for one vote to count more than another. as far as parties, i think that is also a problem, because no two people agree exactly on every point that we are voting on, so it causes people to put themselves in a system where all of a sudden they say they believe in things that they don't. i wish we could just vote on a person on -- and on who they are and what they believe. host: jack in kentucky, good morning. caller: yes. i think that term limits should be limited to six years, no recourse. i also think that the electoral
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vote should be thrown out and forgotten. when it was a two day ride to the poll and back, maybe, but today you can go to california and come back this evening and vote. votes.t need electoral i don't think that our president , i don't care who they is, should be using taxpayer money to fly all over the world -- all for anyone.ntry i don't think that is right. he should not be allowed to use our taxpayer money. host: this is jack from danville, kentucky. caller: hello. it short and sweet, i am a republican, and i feel
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like they should do away with the electoral college, but i also feel like to make it fair, votingould do away with a month early in the general election, because a lot of times, you have fraudulent things can go on and that is basically what i have to say, thank you. host: if you are just joining us, for the next 15 minutes, we want to get your comments to changes you would make to the electoral process, and what you would recommend. democrats --0 four for democrats. (202)-748-8001 for republicans, and (202)-748-8002 for independents.
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next up is been from new york. then? let's go to steve from massachusetts. is any my comment candidate who does not release his or her taxes receives zero electoral votes, short and sweet. . thank you -- thank you. host: a couple more tweets to show you. this is the governor of virginia. bright and early, find your polling location here, courtesy of twitter. people have been twitter -- tweeting. as we seek candidates and other officials get involved in the process, we will show them to you. also mentioned is courtesy of scott cuyler, a tweet from mr. keillor's website that the --
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talking about the vote, we will show you the tweet as you see it, but there it is and you can catch that off of mr. keillor's twitter page. tom in fairfax station, democrats. caller: my suggestion for election reform, i would like to suggest that all teenagers when they turn 18 register with the selective service. at that time, they receive a voter id card that they can use with their entire lives. card,once they get their do you think they should get education on how the process works? caller: as a mandatory requirement? no.
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i think all citizens who vote today have the opportunity whether or not they have been educated, i think our system should empathize -- emphasize civics, but i don't think it should be a requirement. host: we will continue with calls, taking a look at changes you would recommend to the process of elections on this election day. not only are we concerned about the residential race, but taking a close look at the senate. defending a what happens, it could change the balance of power and joining us to talk about it is amber phillips, with washington post. she writes for a blog that covers the senate race. tell us what is at stake when it comes to the senate. guest: nothing less than the majority, at this point. republicans have a very slight majority in the senate. it is one of those chambers that tends to be pretty tight, i'll
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election after election and this is no exception. today, democrats need to pick up four seats to have the majority. or, and this is the least likely scenario, if donald trump wins, mike pence becomes president of the senate and democrats would need five seats. it is easy to see in today's divided politics that if the democrat wins presidency, it is more likely the democrats are kind of favored down the ballot, including in the senate. number,t is the magic and they have a decent shot at making that happen. host: the seats that are up for play, which is the one that is the most at this point? guest: it is hard to say, because there are about four or five seats that are incredibly competitive. i will start with new hampshire and pennsylvania.
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those are two states that have been competitive, where republicans are defending their seats against strong challengers. states werew the going to be tossups, come november 8. operatives on both sides will be biting their nails to the last minute, and i think that still stands. from there, republicans have needed to play picomole with a bunch of other see. in ohio, senator rob portman was able to put away his race, and that is not really a competitive race for democrats. it looks like republicans will keep ohio. all of a sudden, democrats -- republicans are battling in states like missouri and north carolina and indiana where they are trying to defend republican seats because democratic challengers have sprung up and made it competitive. five are about four to
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razor thin races that could go either way, and those are the races that will decide control of the senate. host: one more into the mix, in florida, marco rubio versus patrick murphy. guest: most prognosticators have that leaning toward marco rubio. he has the name recognition and the money. he got into that race really late. he was not going to run for senate. he said he was looking forward to being a private center -- citizen in january. he got in, but it is still a surprisingly type rate -- tight race. polls have been close to his challenger, patrick murphy. once marco rubio's name recognition -- cubans in the area tend to be ticket
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splitters. edge toim with a slight win, but that will be a surprisingly tight race, given marco rubio's star power. host: let me visit new hampshire for a minute. how is kelly ayotte doing, and is she still getting results from the comments she made during that debate, when she said favorable things about donald trump? guest: donald trump has been kelly ayotte's achilles' heel for this entire election. holdas been able to surprisingly well despite of that. polls go back and forth in the state. what i found in our analysis is that senator kelly ayotte has been able to upper warm donald trump interstate by as much as eight points, which is unheard
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of for a republican or any lawmaker in the senate to outperform their nominee. of new hampshire voters are willing to split the ticket. it suggests that kelly ayotte thattaying power, in a way may be a lesser-known or less popular candidate would not have. most political observers think if hillary clinton wins new hampshire by five points, no matter how good of a campaign ayotte has done, she will be done and that comes down to donald trump being her achille'' heel. phillips white -- writes for the washington post. you can see her riding on a regular basis, here to talk about senate races that are important. thank you for your time. back to your calls on changes you would make to the election process. charles from michigan, republican. caller: hey, how are you?
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host: what changes would you make? caller: i would get rid of the electoral college vote and go to a popular vote. host: why the popular vote system over the electoral college system? caller: because the electoral andege system is rigged puts people in power that should be there. is popular vote, winner takes all. , jacksonville, florida, republican line. caller: i have a comment on canvassing boards, the people that certify the vote. we have a lot of problems with very strange things happening. from stalin, it does not
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matter who votes, it matters who counts the votes. i would suggest that the state -- that we set up a law that says you have to have equal numbers of people from the top two parties and a tiebreaker voted in by the top number of democrats and republicans. host: jason is up next from massachusetts, democrats line. caller: the one thing i would change is, i would go towards a ranked voting system. it prevents strategic voting and gives people more of a voice. host: you may have to explain what that is. caller: a ranked voting system is you list your candidates one through three or one through five or whatever. you choose your most favorite to your least favorite. the person with the most favorite numbers of votes is the winner. why do you think this
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system is best? caller: right now, a lot of people are voting strategically. they are saying i have to vote for this person because i don't want this other person to win. if you have a rank system, everyone gets ranked, and the people are more apt to vote for the person they really want. if their second favorite candidate gets in, and that is still ok because they still put their second favorite on the ballot. host: let's go to dave in louisiana. independent line. what would you suggest? caller: i believe that the major that the founding fathers tried to keep out of the government when they wrote the constitution, so i would go to the supreme court with that and try to get them to get rid of the political parties. host: what benefit would that
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produce if you got rid of the political parties? caller: you get rid of the dmv are on the ballots so people would actually have to go with what the candidate is and what they stand for. they would not just blindly vote for a democrat or republican on faith. the, to get rid of bipartisan politics. it is just american politics. host: spring valley, new york, jackie. caller: good morning. i really feel that the electoral college should have the same rules across the board. all of the states should abide by the same rules, not new york having one set, california having another set. i feel that in order to have every state carry the same importance, all states should have the same number of
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electoral votes. should there be a time in the electoral votes at the end, then the popular vote would be the tiebreaker. vote, therego to should be a voter id number, so that people who have dual state citizenship cannot go from new york, vote there, fly down to florida and vote again. this way, you are eliminating voter fraud. i think that would have a tremendous bearing on the fairness and doing away with a lot of fraud. that would be my suggestion. host: teresa from maryland, democrats line. caller: i think that it should partyaw to make the produce their income
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tax returns, and also, because all the other presidents -- a candidate on one side has proven that they don't like to follow senseles, and common analogies of our tradition. i think that should be changed, and also, if people want to vote, they should be allowed to vote. citizens should be allowed to vote and i think people worry too much about voter fraud as far as people coming in. we are human and americans, and we want our one-vote. and i think vote, that people should stop trying to hinder people from voting. what you need to worry about is
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taking the vote from americans. allow people to vote and don't worry about it. if you notice on the democrat side, leaders say they want people to get out and vote, they don't say who to vote for. on the republican side, they always say, stop them from voting, stop the early voting, don't do this, don't do that, and what they are doing is they are hindering and disenfranchising people from their rights to vote, and i feel that it is not right.
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of early voting that was done. we start our early voting 120 for military and missionary folks who are in istant locations, normal early voting 40 days out. we have 600,000 early votes and polls opened at 7:00 this morning and don't 9:00 tonight. host: one question this election is about voter fraud. prevent that from happen something guest: well, we like to believe e have some pretty reliable checks and balances in place. we have online voter lot,tration, which helps a because those folks who utilize that give us every opportunity are legitimate electors. believe we can have participation and integrity, not mutually exclusive. challenge is to use technology so that we can do it in a fashion we don't disenfranchise people, but have safeguard to make sure
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cast a te voters get to ballot. host: when it comes to machines themselves, what type of generally are used in iowa and how are they made day?re for this guest: our equipment is certified by our office, i can tell you, we're a little we vote by paper ballot, use technology for the also have a f, we mechanism to do a hand count should we question if the job nes are doing their properly. on the internet or e-mail, it is just good old paper ballot. checks and balances, everything is bipartisan, as republican and emocrat poll worker working side by side. ost: the stories today about concerns about some locations about voter intimidation, how do thedeal with that as far as process plays out today? guest: we have a pretty good the only ones , that are allowed to be hanging
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the t a polling site is professional poll workers and the official poll watchers that both political parties. to leave, that, asked we have election prohibition, people to a distance here is nothing wrong with it being a fun experience, too, peep kel show support for the rocess and doing in such a fashion nobody will hinder them or try to unduly influence. ost: secretarypate, how many registered voters are there in will nd what do you think be participation this psyche snel guest: we're looking at breaking voters.n active we have others over 2 million, but unfortunately, the federal do not allow us to purge the lists. probably looking at 2 million voters.ive we think we will see around 70% voters stered participating and again, the
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weather is great, people have information.of polling sites are open and most political parties are hitting nonparty folks are hitting it hard. we will see some people out today. host: how much participation have you had from early voting? 600,000 down voting from four years ago, the by 2000 ns are up compared to four years ago. about ocrats are down 20,000 and no party are down slower here has been start getting out of the gate, i think, frankly this, has been an presidential cycle. most americans will attest to that. secretary of e, state, republican secretary of state for the state of iowa, talk about their preparation on this election day. ecretary, thank you for your time. guest: very good, be a voter. host: again, in the final hour, do if your candidate does not win? that is the question we have for
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you. again, we've given you lines to choose. go ahead and pick the best line that represents you. calls in just a moment. earlier this program, you saw final campaign ad from donald trump. now we show you the final campaign ad from hillary clinton. think we can all agree, it's been a long campaign. pick ourrow you get to next president. so here are a few things that i about.ou will think first, it's not just my name and y opponent's name on the ballot, it is the kind of country we want for our children and grandchildren. america dark and divisive or hopeful and inclusive. being testedes are in this election. everywhere i go, people refuse fear and ned by division. look, we all know, we've come hrough hard economic times and we've seen some pretty big changes. but i believe in our people. love this country and i'm convinced our best days are
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we reach d of us, if for them together. i want to be a president for all those who not just support me in this election, for everyone. all have a role to play in building a stronger, fairer america. second thing i want you to know is this. as ll work my heart out president to make life better for and you your family. right, always get it but you can count on this, i've never quit and i never will. i'll get up everyday determined to keep america safe and strong for ake our economy work everyone, not just those at the top. for inally, working children and families has been the cause of my life, it has never been more important than is right now. this has to be our mission kids and to give our every american the chance to live up to their god-given potential. so tonight, i'm asking for your ote and tomorrow, let's make
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history together. i'm hillary clinton and one last time, i approve this message. host: what do you do if your candidate does not win? where do gufrom here? teresa, first. good morning. want to let us know, if you want -- about your candidate of choice and what do if that person does not win. 202-748-8000 if you support clinton. 202-748-8001, if you support donald trump. parties, hird 202-748-8002. when it comes to poll monitoring, the information from department, which in previous years has sent observers across the united monitor action there, the "new york times" reports the the r for people from justice department monitoring is down saying that monday that
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would deploy 500 people in 28 states on tuesday to monor practices and guard against intimidation and disruption. the number is sharp decrease 2012 presidential election when the justice 780 personnel in place on election day. officials blamed for shrinking 2013 supremence on court ruleing that limited their ability under the voting rights to observe jurisdictions mainly in the south with history of voting discrimination. "new york times." from the rom decision supreme court, this is josh gerstein writing. the supreme court unanimously rejected plea from democrats to restore injunction barring campaign and allies from election day actions that voters looking to cast in the battleground state, specifically ohio. says following page, it the appeals court judges did not offer detailed explanation of
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granted the stay, but ohio democrats failed to meet the injunction they received. the plaintiff did not demonstrate before the district was on the mersxit that requisite factors weighing in granting the stay. appeal.s sixth circuit that did not play out at the supreme court. that story is in politico this morning. adding that on the statewide level, federal judges in north carolina and turned down have request for orders barring republican counter parts from voters and rulings on onday, both judge said insufficient evidence on the injunction brought against state gop officials. donald trump campaign stop the -- we ask you to tell us fist your candidate does not win. texas,from stephenville, supporter of donald trump, you are up first. good morning, go ahead. good morning. host: go ahead. caller: if my candidate does not
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win, i will get up and go to the god the samed give glory that drew me to make that with.ion to begin thank you. host: so you have peace as far s if he doesn't win, that is what you will do if donald trump doesn't win tonight? win, i if he does not will still give god the same that that drew me to make decision to begin with. host: got you. arvey from ohio, supporter of donald trump. good morning, go ahead. caller: yes. i think if my candidate does not win, an investigation should be order. ularity begin at the poll this morning. t started when i got application for absentee ballot later within a couple weeks i received a letter from the
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state saying i i n't registered it vote, so went to the dmv, and and this morning i howed up being registered to vote twice. now -- was your experience this morning? had to scratch out the second registration and they i can only so, wonder if some democrat might to predetermine poll worker who will cast a vote. you.: got let's hear from jeff in port st. lucie , florida. supporter of hillary clinton. jeff, how do you go on if she tonight?in caller: well, if she don't win have to move st on, but i want to let you know,
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going to win from a landslide because anyone that in miami that has problems would not mark donald trump for president. because when i was in high stabings and were there were shootings in my school. be, if trump gets in as president, i hate to be a the phone call from the school. people like donald trump. twitter people are responding to this question, as well. clerk who ing file responds, my candidate can't win because they're not on the ballot. national presidential candidate speaks for me. this is carol olds, who says, i the feet the same i would take victory. said, treat the two imposters just the same. ost on twitter and call on the lines. how will you respond, what happens to you if your candidate
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does not win? rich from ohio. go ahead, rich, you are on. yes.r: i just voted. found it interesting, surprised to the voting place here was a bag unattended, i'm not sure why that was the case. poll watcher ly a for the democrats. the republicans, i think in ohio, are not around to go around and poll watch f. we do the -- the election, i hink number one should be a budget and not another $9 trillion. is important so that we prioritize what we want to get done. to your up and listen answer. host: rich, what happens, who is our candidate of choice, first and foremost? caller: someone for the united states. are you voting for this election? caller: that is private.
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um -- caller: very important. e can't shoot another $10 trillion, $1 trillion all presidents up to reagan. host: got you. donna from wisconsin, who is now hung up. gain, your thoughts on what would you do if your candidate does not win. screen.bers are on the 202-748-8000, if you support hillary clinton. 02-748-8001, if you support donald trump. if you are third party person, 202-748-8002. the blog 538 takes a look at day, significant digits is what they are calling for on this election day. 5 to 20 feet. 435 u.s. house of representative re-election for today, democrats need 30-state swing to gain majority. unlikely.ery political report considers 37 seats competitive. hands, 30 emocratic gop seats, given uncertainty in
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cycle, estimate 5 to 20. polls thats of the 19 come conducted at the beginning when the ctober 28th, f.b.i. director james comey said he was reviewing e-mails, seven clinton up four points and four had her up three points. possible for y polls to cone verge. there are some hurting at this cycle, since no pollster wants to get burned. the number, 13%, probability man without college degree live nothing alabama will support a democrat compared to chance that nonwhite woman live nothing d.c., and doesn't will. college degree the number 21, heads up, illegal ballot in 21 states, plus the -- it is illegal in 16. rules for your state and campaign signs or shirts are banned. people who are armed explicitly llegal to take a gun into a
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polling place in six states. shanovia. to supporter of hillary clinton. good morning. caller: good morning. morning. to answer your question this morning, what i would do is watch, along with the rest of us americans. i will watch the peaceful of power. this has taken place since the time.ning of we're going to be sad, some of discussions ave until the new year, but we will allogether and we become americans and we'll lock arms and that is what we do, for a what we've done long time. my grandfather was a brick mason worked iana, and he was and bricked so many places down in new orleans, louisiana. take me to the polls when i was a little girl and so, e taught me the importance of voting and i sat there with my family and we watched how there
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peaceful exchange of power. 'm a -- baby, i want to be there when hillary clinton wins on january 20. what cited and that is we'll do. host: from the lines who support parties, jeff, in sunderland, maryland. good morning. caller: good morning. how are you? yourself?, how about caller: doing okay. never fully understood questions this, because -- this is no ifferent than hoping for your best football team, you know, i a question sadly, america hat keeps divided. host: so as far as -- your from y to walk away whatever happens today and go on, that is okay with you, it is
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easy recovery for you? candidatese of these represent me or america, to me. day, one way or another, another -- from ashburn, virginia. ison rter of donald trump, is next. hello, good morning, go ahead. caller: good morning. i told my candidate he should lied about -- in being about everything. host: you are supporting donald you not?e caller: i would have supported him. might vote, but i'm disappointed he told everybody he will release his tax -- should have done that. okay, to robert in forth worth, texas, on third party,
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hi. caller: good morning. good question. your candidate doesn't win? you know, i'm hoping, i mean, will i do? i'll go on like it is just another day. my candidate doesn't win, my candidate doesn't win. mean, there is that whole attitude, you got to vote for the winner. the person who you think is best for the job. hoping that people ehave themselves, if their candidate doesn't win. like you see some basketball kids, their team didn't win and they are vand liesing cars and turns cars over burning things. come on, guys, if your candidate doesn't win, that's just the way, that is the way the system is. there is a winner and loser, it high-stakes game, roll of the dice, my friend. host: do you think it will be a
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that plays out no matter who wins? caller: i hope it does. you know, i, the gentleman and i -- i wanted him o be a contender, he is not there. i used to be a substitute teacher, i was like, behave yourself. i just hope and i think that is a hing will -- this hole different venue than a sporting event. host: as far as candidates are concerned and discussions you've members or ily friends about this thing,
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especially those in disagreement a period of e mending after this process plays out? daughters and i, i have two daughters, and -- we've spoken about politics. i have a feeling attitude toward is what it was molded by me and influenced by me. -- i brought them to the came to n barack obama for fort worth at the center, i onvention wanted them to see a snippit of is and in tic system progress. and we've -- they have developed attitudes toward politics. mentioneddaughter has
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she likes the libertarian platform and my youngest daughter, she's a hard-core rogressive, you know, she doesn't mince words. girls who s, for two are just very well versed in amazed and m just i'm proud of how they have developed. host: got you. analytical skills, as a result. host: on twitter, this is poring file clerk fmy candidate doesn't win, i will go post my frustration on facebook and what i have e care to say. comments tou post your on this. go to c-span wj, and on invite you to tune in tonight at coverage.election you can see a lot of information come in on top of that nformation, you will get a chance to participate in the process by calling in, by post
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paying l media and attention to what happens as results come in. do that.f ways you can go to the website at, for more information. during the ion results. you can watch tonight at 8:00, c-span radio he app. 6:00 ow we start at tomorrow, looking at results. we will go all the way to 11:00 morning. virginia beach, virginia, supporter of hillary clinton. this is david. ahead and tell us if secretary clinton does not win do?ght, what do you caller: well, i'll do the same thing i've always done in virginia, and that is probably up and try again. many, many for candidates and voted quite a bit. had the st, always wrong theme. at least the one i thought collected and n in virginia, you suck it up, try
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you can. do the best as far as canada or australia, i tell you that. far as your previous -- will this be harder this time if you lose? had a stringid you of people you didn't pick well, this time is it harder than time?ous caller: nah, the same old stuff. you know, if you're in the wrong the wrong state and you believe something, you have to up. it grin and bear it. these people go around talking about it.s sometim sometimes i listen, most of the are one-track people. host: do you think people will ave an easy time accepting the results and moving on? caller: i think some people are ot heads and will do some nuisance, we probably should have some of that stuff out so realize that they ought to do thinking rather than doing their control under control, you know.
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virginia is david in beach, virginia. polls open at 6:00 this morning. opening across the united states as we go on this election day. we're asking you about what you think, your reaction might be if your candidate doesn't win. in north carolina, supporter of donald trump. good morning. you are on. i voted for donald trump two weeks ago and most of the private t live on my road here voted for trump, with one exception. have a small manufacturing items, if promotional trump does not get the election and we do not have the tax,tment in the corporate i just like i say, have a small llc and the eta regulations, i employees, han 10 i'll close the business down. i'm 73 years old, i farm part ime and i have this small
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business, i started it up when i .oved to north carolina in 2001 i have nine wonderful employees, three part-time employees. them i pay them average of between $9 hour on friday. i shut down at 2:00 and i bring pizza in. them christmas bonuses, but what i'm going to do, tonight what happens or tomorrow, i'm going to shut the business down the end of if trump does not get elected, i will give them two pay, call my nce customers that i get regular orders from and tell them that going to be out of the business. got finedhree years i rom epa, $500 because a something that was supposed to be on the bulletin board had covered up, accidentally.
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yeah, i know, i guess i should bulletin board four or five times a day, instead of workingng customers and orders up. i'm totally disgusted with the federal government and the way treats businesses, i've had it. i'm going to shut the business jose, the last three years, my pay has been probably of what my employees make, i've started taking money account to ement keep it going. that's it. host: what is the reaction from your employees? they are crying. they consider me one of the them worked for the lee jeans plant that because nafta went to mexico. a lot of these folks worked for lee jeans plant up in andrews, north carolina, and i'm north okee county, carolina. you want -- with the exception
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f the casino, which recently opened, employs about 900 our e, thank god for cherokee nd of indians. but for small manufacturing's i tell you what, the state of north carolina is not much better. have all kinds of little fees and regulations that they year, that ith every is notice to anybody that wants to open a small manufacturing in north r business carolina. i'm going to shut it down and give them two months severance pay, give them their christmas bonus and then fishing. host: walter in north carolina. what happen fist your candidate win? not you heard his response. you are welcome to respond in the ime we have left in final half-hour of the program. john in maryland, a third party
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supporter. hello. caller: hello. y candidate doesn't win, going to start a third political party, party of common sense, dr. phil as -- make him the first president of the united states. host: indiana and indiana is where jeff is. rochester, indiana. how are you? caller: very good, good morning. for taking my call. socialism in this country. those are the things that do not acorn, thesefta, are policies and followings of
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solowinski. obama and clinton followed this man. i will give you the followings alinsky believed. the first is health care. if you control health care, you control of the people. and if you have the poverty level as high as possible, you will be able to control the people. they will not be able to fight back. then, you increase the debt to an unsustainable level. that way, you are able to increase taxes, and this will increase more poverty pay the next step is gun control. remove the ability to defend themselves from the government. that way, you're able to create a police state. the fifth level is welfare. take control of every aspect of their lives -- food, housing,
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income. the fifth one is education. take control of what people read and listen to. take control of what children learn in school. -- host: got you. them all, cannot list but thank you for the call. again, what happens if your candidate does not win. we will take those calls and continue on with them through 10:00. part of today's election day includes monitoring, not only by officials from the justice department, not only by state and local officials, but international observers as well. this year, one of the bodies that will be monitoring it is the organization of american states. they will be part of the process. we hope to talk to someone from that about how that plays out in the next hour or so. we will continue with your calls, taking a look at what happens if your candidate does not win. let's hear from randall in maryland, supporter of hillary clinton. hi.
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caller: thank you for taking my call. host: go ahead. caller: how are you? i want to thank you for taking my call. first thing i will do is suck it up. ons is a country built following. we follow our down ballot. hopefully our congress can hold the line, to make sure the president, whoever the president, does not go too far out of the realm of what the people need. the president is only one person. we keep talking about the president like they are a dictator. however, the congress is the one voting or not voting about what is happening in the country. so we have a senate and a house of representatives. we need to put the right people in there to keep the president in check. that is how it is supposed to work. i have lost my business, my in the obamased
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administration. however, i had to reinvent myself and get a job. keep moving. i cannot blame him. host: got you paid we have to leave it there. again, part of the process of election day isn't observers. icaza, us is gerardo de organization of american states. kenny tells about what this is? is a hemisphere, regional, international organization, where all of the country in the hemisphere is represented, including the u.s. 34 active member states. electionsen observing for over 50 years. this is the 27th country of the
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have observede elections. it is the first time we are here in the u.s. we are thrilled about it. host: how did you get the invitation to observe this election? guest: it was sent to us by the state department. inare not allowed to observe countries where we are not invited by the government. so we were, in june of this year, invited to observe. host: were you invited directly by secretary kerry? guest: it was through the ambassador to the oas, which is the usual conduct of invitations. what is your interest in observing this election? electoralcotral -- observation has evolved, and not democracies.ling
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it is seen as a cooperation mechanism. every democracy has challenges and can improve the way that the electoral system works. that is what we are here to do. to learn from the good experiences that there are many of them in the u.s. but we are also here to make recommendations for areas of improvement. host: i am sure you have heard that people have commented, this is a u.s. election, why do we need outside bodies coming to observe what we do? guest: we have felt very welcome. , by pollhe press workers. we have 41 observers from 18 different nationalities in 12 states. we actually have not felt that rejection at all. statespecifically, what
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will you be in and around and what role will you serve? will you be inside polling places, outside? tell us what your day will look like, or the day an observer's? inl look like guest: we are california, colorado, d.c., iowa, kansas, minnesota, new york, rhode island, wisconsin, and some others. if you want me to go through how we chose those states, we can do that as well. the day today of and his armor -- the day today of an observer, they have been deployed for over a week, being at campaign rallies, being in voting centers for early voting. today, we will be checking out all of or most of the voting places in the cities they are deployed, looking at, from
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different voting mechanisms to see how the lines are going. basically, observing the process in general. host: if you see concerns about the process, then what? this ishat we do -- and the main difference between observers and monitors -- monitors can intervene in the process. observers do not pay we talk to voters, we talked to the people working in the polls. but we do not intervene at all in the process. complaints, we take notes. then we present a preliminary report tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. in the main building of the oas. then we will present a final report to the permanent council of the oas, probably in mid-january. some we have heard concerns from the donald trump campaign and others about the
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security and integrity of this election. since you have been out for a couple of weeks, has there been anything you and other observers have seen that would give you pause about what goes on today? guest: no. that is based on checks and balances, based on transparency, based on confidence and trust of the voters. areas of not see any concern for something that will affect the election in a major way. part of the process this year, does that mean in future elections, this will be an automatic part of your organization, to be an observer of u.s. elections? guest: if we get invited, we will be back and will be delighted to do so. icaza hernandez
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, we appreciate your time this morning. guest: thank you so much. calls on whatyour happens if your candidate does not win. corkie in michigan, supporter of donald trump. caller: good morning. if donald trump does not win, then i will expect to be forced to pay with my tax money abortions through all nine months, which mrs. clinton supports heartily. i will expect to be more vigilant of my religious freedom, which is being eroded through different laws, when we cannot vocally support marriage between one man and woman. to have more people in other countries being forced to use abortion as a of population control,
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which mrs. clinton supports as secretary of state, as a means to receive health care from the united states. this is more than taxes. this is about life. people need to realize that mrs. clinton supports euthanasia and everything like that. donald trump is not the best, but he has people that support him around him, giving him advice that do support life. that is what i am afraid of. host: what happens if your candidate does not win? greensboro -- greensboro, north carolina, supportive hillary clinton. guest: that must be mistake. ims supporter of donald trump. i am calling to say something about the way people are voting and looking at how to vote. i am concerned that we have been diluted togician,
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things that will not change the conditions of this country to the better. the point is if the family's economic state deteriorates, usually divorce comes afterwards. same with any state, any town, anyt any nation. if we do not get manufacturing jobs back into this country, we will remain as consumers. we will not produce any money for ourselves. we are only consumed by money given to us -- host: with that said, we're asking what happens if your candidate does not win. what would be your response? is my candidate does not win on his point that he will bring back manufacturing jobs, i think the nation will continue the downhill spiral until the economy will deteriorate or default. the morning mix in the
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washington post takes a look at susan b anthony. "susan b anthony died without the right to vote -- now people are covering her tombstone in "i voted" stickers" it says in the days leading up and following an election, the coat marker sports a fresh of "i voted" stickers. rochester mayor -- rochester's mayor told the associated press on her gravekers has become a rite of passage for many citizens. he says that mount hope cemetery will remain open until 9:00 on election day to reflect the historic inclusion of democrat hillary clinton as the first woman atop the presidential ticket of a major u.s. party. it also says that lights will be installed, but visitors after discard buys to bring flashlights. supporter of donald trump, your
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next. caller: if hillary becomes president, she listens to the other people. we need a wall. we do not want to take and refugees from the middle east. obamacare will kill us. if she could do that, that is the best i could see. as far as what i will do, i will stand behind a president no matter who it is, because that is our president here but i hope she listens to everyone else. we need our jobs back. it is ridiculous. construction workers cannot get work. i live about 60 miles from the bronx. here is more heroin up than there was in the south bronx in the 1970's. it has to stop. i hope hillary is listening. and whoever wins, god bless them. i wish them the best. for: dominic in new york pa the final 15 minutes of the program, we are asking what you will do if your candidate does not win. the lines will be on your screen.
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you want to talk about what is going on on "american history tv" on c-span 3. they have been airing archival presidential election coverage. and found a piece done many years ago. it takes a look at voting machine technology from a time way back when. you can see that in full on "american history tv," but to give you a flavor, here is a look at voting machines. [video clip] right at the is voters eye level, easily read. all offices and candidates are at the same eye level. no candidate suffers by being placed in an unfavorable position. the conditioner reminds the county of voters disenfranchised
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from paper ballot polls by making mistakes. busy people often, by habit, make checkmarks on the ballot in states where "x"s are required stayed may have well has home. that vote is a no vote. does not count. legal. other voters find other last minute, they voted accidentally for the wrong man. or they changed their mind. uh-oh. it doesn't count . you know election pencils. good try, sir. but this ballot will be thrown out. or, in the multiple choice frequent.rrors are he is entitled to choose five
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state representatives, but she has marked six. "no" vote. ofple mistakes, yes, but out every thousand people, some hurried, some nervous, some uninformed, how many do you think do it perfectly? the commissioner figured there is some excuse for being disenfranchised by tyranny or war or fear. oh, yes, it can happen here. but not for well intentioned mistakes, not in this age of the voting machine. which cannot make a check mark instead of an "x." change her mind by sibley pushing the pointer back up. which has no pencil to break or paper to tear. which will not let you vote for more than you are allowed.
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and, when you are satisfied with your votes, a new privilege awaits you. register and count your own vote by returning this handle. walk away knowing your vote cannot be disqualified, thrown out, nor miscounted. it is already counted the moment you leave. as a commissioner likes to say, "we have really become one of the freedom curtain counties." has: american history tv programs slated for you to watch this evening. taking a look at election politics from the lens of history. if you want more information, go visit ourorg, american history tv page to find out more. let's hear from irving, texas. this is joey. good morning. what do you do if your candidate
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does not win? mine toi do not expect win as i voted third party, but i appreciated what her previous caller said about taking a look at the senate and house. as a social worker, i will pay close attention to any legislation that affects health care and social services. safe in, trying to stay a very conservative state, where people do open carry and make consistent threats if their candidate is not win. host: when he's a pretty consistent threats, deeming directly towards you? caller: no, but there are a lot kkk growing ind the dallas-fort worth area that speak of inciting violence. i worry. it is a diverse place. we resettle in a lot of refugees. host: i think you are breaking up, so we will go on to louise in massachusetts.
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good morning. caller: good morning. i am on the third-party voter thing, but my thought is that the really important question is how will whichever candidate the almost half of the population that did not vote for him or her. is that -- that president is going to need to step up, , andct all americans position himself or herself as the president of all of us. i really think mr. obama failed to do that. and it was a huge blunder for the country. host: how do you think the presidential candidates are geared to stepping up and doing that very thing, whomever wins? i answerhe same way just about any question. one is a total wild card. i have no idea. the other and -- i have watched
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a lot of the benghazi and irs hearings on c-span. the other one i think is totally corrupt. so i do not know how either will do and if they will do what sincerely. a chance to had advise, speaking as a person who watches these candidates, what advice would you offer? caller: we are one country, and as aed to be addressed people, not a group of warring factions. we are one people on one ship, because that is what we are. even though we have different opinions. is that so hard? host: massachusetts, that is releases. a, hear next from ron in helen montana, supporter of donald trump. go ahead. yes.r:
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i am calling from helena. i want you to know that i think donald trump should still continue to run after this and that both of the candidates should be able to sit down and talk about what is going on and get it together for the united states of america. because our lives are under fire. so if donald trump loses, he should have some type of role in commenting about politics, is that what you're mentioning? if not, why not clarify your thoughts? what i amat is saying. he should still be able to sit there and as i what is going on. right now, i think both candidates do not know what is going on with our world. host: why do you say that? caller: i have been sitting back and watching this debate between donald trump and hillary -- all three of them. ic the thing about it is
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jokes running back and forth and games they are playing between each other. that is the united states of america, to me. america is supposed to be free and say what we are supposed to say. so far, none of us have really got a chance to say what we want to say or hear what we want to hear. "miami herald" had a story that looked at the early votes cast in the state of florida. according to the headline, 6.4 million early votes cast already. this before today's election day. saying democrats cast nearly two point 6 million in early ballots. republicans cast nearly 2.5. there is a democratic advantage of about idiot thousand ballots, about roughly half of the democrats pre-election advantage in 2012. some of the biggest crowds were miami-dade and broward.
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that was only part of the turnout store in florida. so far, 30 6% of hispanics who have voted did not vote in the 2012 election, according to a review of data by university of florida political scientist daniel smith. going to the "rally news -- news observer," they look at the african-american votes. the headline from the store yesterday that the early vote is down in north carolina, adding that it is a rarity in the southeast. the report is saying the turnout for early voting in tuesday's election dropped 9% amongst african-americans compared to four years ago, making north carolina unusual among southeastern states. the state republican party highlighted the decline in black voters monday while trumpeting the increase in republicans who cast early ballots.
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come "political scientists, politicians, and public interest groups were left to wonder about the reasons behind the early drop in black early voter turnout in a year when overall participation in early voting hit an all-time high. going into election day, more than 3.1 million people have already voted." we hear next from michael in alexandria, kentucky, supporter of hillary clinton. i feel like social security will be under attack if republicans get into office, trump and them, so i have to support hillary. host: what if she does not win? caller: i am just going to pray that they will do the right thing for the social security system. host: from paragon, indiana, supporter of donald trump. good morning. caller: good morning.
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first, i would like to say thank you to c-span for being equal and fair with their election coverage. my main concern is if mr. trump does not win, what is going to happen with all of these scandals and blowups with the emails and everything concerning hillary clinton. if she does get indicted and does have to step down from office, then who are we left with except her vice president? not feel he could do the country justice as well as donald trump or even mike pence. host: so do you believe an indictment is coming after new statements from the fbi director? caller: it will just have to play out. in my own opinion, anybody who needs to go through the emails and bleach them and destroy them and get rid of them is obviously there is something to be hidden. a really concerns me with the amount of honesty she has given
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to the american people. not to mention the american people -- not to mention the people who work for her who pleaded the fifth, even though it was their right, why do they feel the need to do so if there is no reason to hide? for just in prayer that whoever wins. host: supporter for hillary clinton, this is mark in north carolina. good morning. caller: good morning. thank you for taking my call and thank you for c-span, hearing the voice of the american people. of course i would be disappointed if mrs. clinton's not win. we have to stop hatred, especially among honest men and our republicans as far as the senate. like lyndon johnson did, have
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people across the aisle to have our voices heard. times are they going to revisit the affordable health care act and fix it? do not try to repeal it, fix it. that is my opinion. host: do you think that opposition should calm, should the senate changed into the democratic camp? changedi hope if it into democratic hands, they will finally be able to work together towards what the american public wants. that is laws that create jobs. address education. judges, asngs like far as the supreme court. let's go to one more call. supporter ofiana, a third party. tell us what you're thinking on this election day. caller: well, i decided i will
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vote for hillary clinton today. if she does not get elected, i will do whatever i have done. i would just like to mention a little over five years ago, i was at a summer camp in anderson, indiana. and i see mike pence out there with no police around or anything. just him and his wife. i walked up and asked him when congress was going to do something to help the middle class. and mike pence started talking very quietly so nobody could hear. and he started poking his finger in my chest about seven or eight times. is a bully, mike pence is a bully. if you read in you book about -- he is a bully. i am against bullying. i have been bullied all my life.
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