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tv   Election Night 2016  CSPAN  November 8, 2016 7:59pm-10:00pm EST

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to try to block this nomination, i would be stunned. it's not impossible but i haven't heard anything notable from mitch mcconnell's team that makes me think he gets a vote in the lame duck. >> i agree with that. cat: the senate republicans have always said the next president should have the pick. on that note, i want to thank the panelists for their time and insights. we've had a very good discussion this morning and i hope you find it valuable as you listen to your next panel. i'd like to thank the c-span all of a sudden and also the sponsors of this program, the university of maryland, philip merrill college school of journalism as well as my colleagues, c. -- at c.q. roll call and the national press foundation. thank you. [applause]
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[captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2016] >> c-span, where history unfold daily in 19 9 c-span was created as a public service by america's cable television companies and is brought to you today by our cable or satellite provider. >> good evening and welcome to c-span's coverage of election night 2016. polls in 25 states and the district of columbia are now closed and several races have already been called. support. ers of hillary clinton and donald trump are gathering at locations at midtown manhattan to await the outcome. clinton headquarters is the quonings center at 1179 avenue and 34th street in new york city with its symbolic glass ceiling and about 20 blocks away, the trump campaign is holding an vitation only event near the
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trump tower. we'll take you across the country for candidate and speeches. 34 senate seats are up for election and the republican majority is defending 24 of those today. in the house, republicans are hoping they can hold on to their majority stat us and 12 states are holding governor election. democrats are defending eight of those 12. throughout the night as the results come in, we'll be watching them and we'll learn more about the contours of our new national government and our phone lines will be open for your reaction. that's what we co--- do hear on c-span so we think -- we can hear what you're thinking about. we bring in scully. >> some early projection states just declared for don trump, also mississippi. maryland, rhode island, and delaware, these states all now
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going for hillary clinton. in the last hour the polls closed in kentucky. that was an early pickup for donald trump and etc. electoral vote. also in indiana, where governor mike pence, a winner with just over 60% of the vote. one of the earlier states called for hillary clinton, three electoral votes in vermont, the home state of senator bernie sanders. west virginia, another state going for donald trump. called within the last hour and in georgia -- this is one of the states that really both parties have been keeping a close eye on. with just about 1% reporting, donald trump is ahead but a lot of folks wondering if that's going to be the next north carolina. two other states, must-win states for donald trump, florida and north carolina. hillary clinton and donald trump neck and neck with about 25% of the vote now reporting in florida.
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49.4% for hillary clinton. 47.7% for donald trump and in north carolina a very slight lead for hillary clinton. only 2% reporting. nearly 46% for donald trump. the makeup of the u.s. senate been the -- will it be next question we'll focus on. and right now senator marco rubio who was only going do serve one term, got back into the race in june. now appears to be in the lead. in indiana, senator evan bayh who was coaxed to run for another term. with about 40% voting, congress todd young. in kentucky, another republican candidate for the .compresidential nomination, senator rabid paul has been declared the winner in that state with 55% of the vote reporting and in georgia, where
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senator johnny isaacson speaking another term challenged by jim barks dame. only 1% reporting. all of these results available on our website >> we'd like to hear from you throughout the night as we listen to result and listen to candidates' victory speeches. mocrats can call is, 202-747-8920. epublicans, 202-747-7 it will 921. and independents. you can also send us a message on twitter. use our c-span handle but also use the hashtag election night. amy is joining us from clinton headquarters at the javis convention center in new york
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city. she is a biographer of hillary clinton and is the chief white house correspondent for the hill newspaper and has been on the campaign trail. amy, let's start with the sense from the clinton campaign going into today. what was anywhere level of optimism about the day? amy: i think coming out of the knockout. that the f.b.i. wasn't going to find anything else on secretary clinton, they started feeling much more optimistic. i was talking to allies for the next few days. they came into tonight feeling really good. they felt their ground game overall was solid. that they were doing as well as they could do in certain state, that they could do better in certain states and they were kind of plugging the dam on those states but i think they feel really good. one ade said we're knot counting our chickens before they hatch but i think when you talk to people behind the scenes they
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feel good about tonight. >> we saw a video of the secretary voting today in her hometown of chappaqua, new york. how did she spend the rest of her gay day? >> she is right now in midtown manhattan watching the results come in. she usually likes to spend the evening with her husband and a very few ades. you'll recall in iowa, for stance, they were with their very inner circle in their room watching. i think that is something she'll do tonight until she comes here in the middle of this glass structure with this glass -- i think this is the sim si blip they wanted to express tonight and she'll be ready for it. >> we should tell our audience that the crowd behind issue watching the results on the big screen so from time to time you'll hear from them with
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reaction. one of the really interesting aspects of this race has been the rhythm between hillary it ton and the obamas and kind of cull my nailt last night with that rally in philadelphia with both of the obamas sustaineding. a huge crowd. some well known musical stars performing. we know from your reporting and others it has been a relationship with a lot of tensions early on and all of that seems to have evaporated in these find weeks, particularly as the first lady out on the campaign trail as a surrogate for hillary clinton. what can you tell us about how that relationship has developed? >> they've come a lock way, for sure. they started at bitter rivals. they came together after president-elect obama asked her to be in thinks cabinet. he waned that team of rivals aspect going on there. they bonded and really got to
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know each other i'd say when she did serve on his cabinet and they had a few interactions where secretary clinton really vouched for him, was his chief cheerleader on certain issues on health care. came together in one cabinet meeting and said this is our time to do this and urged people to get behind the president and do this there were other moments abroad too where they crafted secret meetings together in copenhagen and found out the chinese were holding with some other countries. i think that was the moment that ades credit them coming -- aveds credit them coming together and respecting one another. >> it has become a race that is a referendum on president obama's presidency. he wants to see his party succeed him. can you talk about that? amy: of course, that is a big part of this story. everyone knows he wants her to win. he thinks she's the most
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qualified but he also has a lot -- lot riding on this. his legacy is on the line. you heard trump say he wanted to take out everything president obama has done over the last eight years. that would hurt the president. he has a lot at steak -- stake here. that's why you saw him campaign so hard. the reason why the first lady has been out there so much for secretary clinton and also for their legacy. >> will you compare the way that hillary clinton approached her obvious historic mantle as the first female major party candidate this time around compared to her attempt in 2008? amy: i think she's done a few things -- i was curious to see what she would do, particularly coming out of 2008 but she really embraced the historic nature of her candidacy this time. we didn't see that that much
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last time. up until the very last minute of her campaign, she was kind of questioning whether she would talk about the historic nature back then and she decided to after some prodding from aides. this time around you saw her in the primary talk about it when she accepted the nomination talked about it again. this is something that's been central to her campaign and i think that's exactly why stay chose this venue here tonight. she's doing a full 1 0 now. there will be a mention and aed no to that, i'm sewer, as well. >> steve scully has more results. steve: mentioned earlier that senator schumer of new york had asked evan bayh to run in indiana. lso rubio was asked to reconsider and run. he has been declared a winner in
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florida. four key presidential battleground states. these four states will determine who is eleked the next president. let's go to the results as we have them right now, beginning in florida. with about 30% of the vote, hillary clinton with 3.5 million votes. donald trump closely behind at 3.4 million. a difference of less than one percentage point in the sunshine state. north carolina, both candidates wrapping up their campaign visits yesterday in raleigh, north carolina. again, a very close race. hillary clinton holding on to a slight lead. with only 6% reporting she has about 52% of the vote compared to just over 45% for donald trump. ohio. no republican has won the presidency without winning ohio. right now with 1% reporting, hillary clinton is ahead with about 800,000 votes compared to 669,000 for donald trump.
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still a lot of numbers to come in from the buckeye state. and in new hampshire, it's four electoral votes, hillary clinton on a number of the radio talk shows today. she has 54% of the vote compared to just over 40% for donald trump. % reporting right now in the grant state. sues season susan: we're talking with amy, a hillary clinton biographer and she is on location at clinton headquarters. we want too hear from the voters how they cast their vote today and how they're feeling about it. let's talk with rachel, who is in seattle, a democrat. hi, rachel, you're on. caller: hi. i'm very excited. i think this is an historical and hysterical time. i have a bottle of champagne to celebrate in the refrigerator right now and i'm drinking chamomile tea to just sort of take the edge off the anxiety
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that i have. susan: i'm presuming you voted for hillary clinton as a democrat. susan: yes, i did. i originally campaigned and caucused for bernie and then followed his advice and went on board with hillary. sues be: thank you for coming in tonight. let me ask you about hillary clinton's ability to convert those bernie sanders voters. what do we know at this point? amy: i think it came together very slowly. it took a while for bernie sanders' top aides and hillary clinton's top aides to sit down together and come up with a plan of how to do that. i think they feel good that they have done, that particularly with millennials and other people who supported bernie sanders. of course not all of them -- i know quite a few bernie sanders
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supporters who are holdouts and didn't feel the need to or want to support hillary clinton. she didn't bring everyone over but i think they feel they did get enough. susan: and there was a female voter in seattle who cast her vote for hillary clinton, has the champagne ready. we were talk before our break with steve about her appeal to women voters this time around. one of the interesting henomenon nonhave been on face book. the paint -- pant suit club with fans signing up to support hillary clinton. what are we seeing about the mobilization of particularly white women college educated in this election? >> this is her base and i think more than any other demographic almost, she counted on college-educated women. this is why i think, as i said earlier, she really tried to bring home the fact of this historic candidacy and tried to
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make this more of a mission that they could all kind of do together and i think that was important for her to do and that's something she debated with with her advisors last time. they didn't want her to talk about that as much. they didn't think it was necessary. this time she's given a huged no to these college-educated women and this is something that i think will help catapult her tonight if she does win. susan: woody from beverton, oregon is on the phone. he's an independent. did you vote today, woody? caller: i sure did and i voted for jill stein. interesting from the previous caller. she supported personaly. i was a huge bernie supporter. i actually had a bernie facebook page and i am still maintaining it with 33,000 followers. and they -- most of my followers
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are very much against -- we dumb exited and we are big independents mostly for the green party and that was actually the reason for my call. i was so tired of mainstream media blocking out bernie from the news reports and the primaries that i switched to c-span and i thought i'd get very unbiased reporting here but once again what am i seeing? i see republican and democrat. i see me third-party candidates being reported on. i am very disappointed in c-span not reporting the percentages for third-party candidates right now. all i see is republican and and vath -- oren and democrat. haven't seen a single report on third-party candidates and why is that? susan: thanks, woody.
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let's return to steve scully and throughout the night we'll be keeping up to date with the independent and third-party candidates? steve: we will be. on the bottom of the screen, you'll see the ticker with the results for the top four candidates. right now the numbers are early and the issue is who's going to get to 2 0 electoral votes. clearly that is a battle between hillary clinton and donald rumsfeld but the third-party candidates -- donald trump but the third-party candidates which we also covered. let's go through some of the senate races that will determine who controls the senate next year in new hampshire, incumbent democratic governor maggie hassan. she has now 55% of the vote compared to senator kelly ayotte with just over 40% of the vote
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but a very small percentage reporting, only about 7%. this is a state the democrats think they might be able to pick up. deborah ross over republican richard burr. in ohio, the other declaration where senator rob portman has been declared the winner over former ohio governor and democratic candidate ted strikeland and in indiana, again a state the democrats hope to pick up with but right now with about 35% of the vote reporting, it appears as if congressman todd young is increasing his lead over former senator evan bayh who stepped down six years ago. susan: thank you, steph. -- steve. let's return to amy at clintons headquarters and talking about hillary clinton's campaign tonight, if she is successful in her quest, how important sit to be a decisive victory for her in
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her governance here amy: i think it is important particularly since donald trump is going to claim that this whole system was rigged. they feel like they need to basically up the score. whether or not that helps them or not i don't know because it's curious to see what happens in the senate races, if the senate turns democratic that could help her. if it doesn't then that's a problem for her. i don't know how successful she'll be in pushing legislation. she is one, to when she was in the senate, work across the aisle. she likes to work with republicans so i think she'll fare a little better there than president obama did. she has quite a wig roll in -- and i think that's something she will do better on if she does win. usan: mary in blooming dale,
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and who did you vote for today? >> i voted for gary johnson. susan: and how cow feel about how the day is progressing? caller: before the election i asked several different americans like when i was in town, a lot of people thought there were only two candidates running. i really feel that the media coverage for the other candidates was not sufficient and i am very disgusted with this because i think the american people need to stand up and tell the two parties that if they aren't going to put somebody out there who is respectful and who is willing to control their temper and who doesn't need to sling mud -- if somebody's slinging mud, step back, take a breath and say when you're done and we can move on, let's go on but don't participate in the mud slinging.
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you're respecting our country. i'm a republican. i've been a registered republican for most of my life and i can't do it anymore. i can't stand up for a party who can't be respectful for our nation. it's embarrassing. susan: thanks for your call. coming out of this election, when there was a clear signal from a good portion of the electorate on both sides of the aisle of their dissatisfaction with washington, how do you think the people in this town, the elected officials, will absord that lesson going forward? amy: that's a really good question. i don't know how -- what the outcome of this will be. i think that secretary clintons needs to send a few signals early on probably with the supreme court nomination about what she might do. there are a few signals she can send to republicans to kind of telegraph that she wants to work with them and i think that might
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help these matters a little bit, particularly if she appoints a couple of republicans to her cabinet, as i'm told she might do. i think that will actually -- it might help mend fences but i think that's one of the big obstacles ahead of her, that it's this big unknown and so much tension and division in the nation and so much division around this particular election and so many people have fatigue, in particular. a lot of people i talked to in the last couple of weeks didn't want to hear from these two candidates anymore. she definitely has work to do in terms of that. susan: if she is elected president, what can she expect from a ryan-led house? amy: also a very good question. we saw paul ryan try and reach out to president obama a little bit towards the end. i think she might try to make inroads and invite republicans over to the white house very
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early on to try to see what they can do together. she worked with tom delay and tom republicans when she was in the senate. i would expect her to do something similar here. i think she knows the obstacles in front of her and she's going to make this transition as smooth as possible. susan: return to phone calls. next is andrew in delaware, a draft andrew, you're on. caller: hi. i wanted to talk about how this election has been kind of crazy and we've been seeing more people going toward third-party people such as johnson and stein because americans are mostly tired of the two-party system. i'd like to thank c-span for i hink covering a bit --
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susan: as a democrat, who did you end up casting your vote for today? caller: well, i didn't -- [indiscernible] susan: ok, thanks very much. a -- another call, amy, about the electorate and their frustration with the two-party system. amy: yeah, we saw that bubble up in 2009. it was a result i think of the first louisiana tech, the bitterness in 2008, some bitterness coming out of that. i think it only gets worse. that's one of the things i've talked about, of course, the obstacles. the republicans are already threatening to try to make this more difficult for secretary clinton and so i think she's very well aware of this and will try to tackle this.
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susan: let's return to steve for more results. steve: some are asking about the third-party candidates. you can see just the difference between hillary clinton and donald trump and gary and jill. you can see donald trump is currently ahead in the popular vote. shall this is 6% of the national vote. he has just under 50%. gary johnson with about 2.7% of the national vote and dr. jill stein, the green party candidate at just over 100,000 votes. all of these numbers, including the third-party candidate on our website and on the lower thirds ticker. the electoral college, you need 2 0 states to win. many states still too close to call. donald trump with the lead right now. 51 electoral vote and hillary clinton has 44. let's look at florida and how close this race is. both hillary clinton and donald
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trump are at about 48.5% each. these are the florida numbers. 48.5 for donald trump and 48.5% for hillary clinton. reminiscent for those here in 2000. it all came down to florida, florida, florida. sues: thank you, steve and we have about five more minutes ith amy who is in an increasingly noisy venue in new york city. we must talk before our next call about the f.b.i. investigation, not only the impact of the two comey letters on the campaign in those final days but it is not the only f.b.i. investigation. another one continues into the clinton foundation so what can we expect as this proceeds? amy: i think it definitely will follow her if she wins tonight, will follow her into the white house and that's one of the big things she'll have to deal with.
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there's been a cloud that has loomed over her campaign. questions on the foundation, questions on her emails. the f.b.i. spent nine days with a dark cloud hanging over the campaign with this comey letter. they felt that they were genuinely hurt by this, by this letter and that it came at a really costly time for them. so i think they know that this it follow her in there but has -- and that's one of the biggest things you heard from people this case. -- race. how can i vote for someone i don't trust? and she's going to have, to more than anything, i think, try to earn some trust back among some of the voters. even though they held their nose and voted for her, they don't completely trust her and i think that's going to definitely follow her into her presidency if she wins tonight.
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susan: congressman which was which was chafts and the house of representatives has already said he has a list of things he wants to continue problemming about her. amy: it's definitely something that they're going to have to try to -- like i said, earn the trust back. this is something that has affected her in the primary. a lot of people flocked to bernie sanders salt as a result of it. a lot of people now were considering donald trump as a result of it so it's definitely something -- it's the elephant in the room, so to speak and i think tonight you might hear some of that, that she will try to -- [indiscernible] a little bit more. but it's something she's going to have to work on if she wins tonight. susan: bruce is in huntsville,
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alabama. republican caller. you're on c-span, welcome. caller: hi, lady, how are y'all this evening? susan: we're doing well, sir. how did you vote today? caller: my heart, my conscious. i've been voting for 40 years and this is the first time i've ever gone to an election where i did not vote for a candidate i wanted to see in. i voted instead against the one i absolutely did not want in. as far as i'm concerned both candidates were a terrible pick for this country but i couldn't just not vote like i'd intended to do so i voted against the man that i thought would do the most damage to this country. susan: and that was? caller: trump. susan: and how will alabama go? caller: alabama is probably going to wind up clinton. susan: thank you for your call. when we saw some of the exit
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polling coming out, his sentiment is not unique in this election. there is a visible percentage of the electorate today who are not happy about the votes they cast. amy: oh, yeah, i talked to lots of republicans in the last couple of months who felt they had no choice. a lot of them were going to hold out and not vote. there were some people in the last few days who told me they had to vote. they felt an obligation and these are people who never voted for republicans in their life. people who are conservatives who voted for george w. bush and his father. that i never imagined that they'd be casting a vote for secretary clinton but they felt they had an obligation and like this caller bruce said, that donald trump could do too much damage to this country and that there was too much at stake. i think there are a lot of people like him out there.
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susan: we have not heard what role she might selective she is successful. are you hearing anything? amie: things have gotten very quiet. -- he used her when he was president for a very unsuccessful health care more on. expect that she will use him to go to capitol hill and meet with republicans. i think he would be very good in that kind of role. he would not play a traditional spouse role. i have heard that maybe her daughter chelsea will step in and handle that role. it is going to be interesting to see the family dynamic in
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particular. susan: as we close, we have learned that you are working on a sequel to your biography. when is it coming out? amie: in the spring of 2017. we are working very hard, talking and her innermost circle about how she was able to run this campaign, and if she wins, how she will be able to do that. susan: thank you for being with us. seeing you asd to the next couple of months unfold. polls haveow, the closed in the clintons' home state of arkansas. that state is teed up close to call, but both south carolina and alabama have been called for donald trump. a surprise in indiana, because democrats thought evan bayh would be able to recapture his old seat. that race has been called.
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this is a republican hold with the retirement of senator dan coats, who had the seat when heg dan quayle became vice president in 1988. congressman todd young will hold on to that seat. new hampshire, one of the closest and most extensive senate races, and right now with governor maggie hassan, the democratic candidate holding onto a lead, a person reporting. -- 8% reporting. kelly ayotte campaigning for a second term. she has 42% of the vote. in north carolina, the possibility of a democratic take-up in that state. a very ross holding onto narrow lead over senator richard burr, the republican candidate. in florida, senator marco rubio was on his way to a second term. that race has been called for the republican senator, defeating congressman patrick murphy. the democratic senate campaign committee pulling out of that state.
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in ohio, senator rob portman. this will be one of those showcase states. rob portman maintaining a lead and winning handily over former ohio governor ted strickland. all these results and those third-party results that many have been asking about on our website at, and on the lower thirds of the taker. it will be with us into the morning. susan: a reminder, our phone lines will be open. also, you can send us a tweet using the hashtag #electionnight. we have poll results on our website. i'm sure are watching with your laptops, following more detailed information from the various states around the country. i also want to welcome our international viewers. here is a tweet from canada, i'm c-span'san watching simulcast election coverage and thinking of you constantly on election night. on c-span2, we are bringing in
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the cbc feed, and we are welcoming international viewers watching or programming in various countries, and we are glad to have you aboard as this nation makes it historic decision. let's introduce you to the next guest. he is joining us from the washington post newsroom, political investigative reporter. he is also the co-author of trump revealed. nice to see you this evening. >> nice to be here. susan: lots of coffee is going to be still -- going to be spilled on the selection, because it has been a year. at this point, looking at the trump candidacy, how are you putting together the pieces about what he was able to do in securing the nomination, and how he has run this campaign? it has broken a lot of walls. jeffrey>> it sure has. lot of thingske a and became the republican nominee in a way that surprised a lot of people. when he came down that escalator
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in the atrium and announced that illegal immigrants had to leave, and he called mexicans rapists and criminals, people were writing him off on the first day , and yet he was able to defeat 16 other challengers and become the nominee. it is different to become the general election winner. you've got to win over a lot of neople -- you have am election where both clinton and trump have high on favorability ratings and a number of republicans could have more easily defeated hillary clinton. , if you look at what he has done throughout his career, it is a series of very controversial statements, but the reality is he is appealing to a lot of people who are hurting. divided.ry is they feel washington is dysfunctional, and they are looking for an outsider. he appealed to that and has gotten to this point tonight. susan: i found one thing on the internet tonight by someone else who was a presidential aspirant
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also critical of this town and how it works, and that's pat buchanan. we have heard mr. trump say recently, if i don't win, it will be the greatest waste of time, money, and energy in my lifetime. , whateveran says happens tuesday, trump has made history and forever changed american politics, so a novice in politics can capture the party of lincoln with the largest turnout of primary voters ever and has inflicted wounds on the nation's ruling class which may not soon recover from. what's your reaction to that? >> it's interesting. cap buchanan ran for president himself. he was not successful. but a lot of people cited his a template for what trump has been doing. what's interesting is pat won the reform party nomination in 2000. he was also looking into
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thousand to be the reform party nominee. in that campaign, trump revealed -- trump was very critical of pat buchanan, talked about how he was speaking ill of immigrants and all sorts of things. if you look at what donald trump said about pat buchanan, it's almost as if donald trump is talking about the way donald trump is running today's campaign. it's quite remarkable, and that's the hallmark of donald trump as a politician. he was a republican, democrat, independent, and then a republican again as he sought the nomination in this campaign. he does not really have an ideological mooring. that has helped him in her tame. it has certainly put him at odds with the party. -- helped him and hurt in. it has certainly put him at odds with the party. for a lot of folks, that is appealing. we have a history of -- reform , iny candidate, ross perot
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1992 won 19% of the vote. you have the tea party. you have an effort, especially on the republican side, with a party splitting apart again and again. you see a particularly in the selection. -- it particularly in this election. before a was at "the washington post," i was at "the boston globe ." i wrote about the country and worked on that because a really like to understand what is going on in the country as we head into a presidential campaign. what i learned is, number one, washington is broken. it does not work the way it used to. for example, in the early 1990's when you had george h.w. bush working with a democratic congress, they got a lot of things accomplished. you may not like them, but they got a lot of things done. with georgeked mitchell. but the city is broken for a number of reasons. the country is very divided, and
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that is because of economics. in this campaign, it is focusing a lot on race, ethnicity, things like that, but the root cause of that division is economic malaise. a lot of folks, especially the working class, there wages have not gone up in a meaningful way. they feel like they are being left behind. donald trump came in and basically said it is the fault of the illegal immigrants, the fault of trade deals and so forth. strategy ofivisive identity politics, but it was very successful for him in the primaries. much talk,ot been as frankly, in the campaign about some of the other economic things that have changed over the years. for example, the way companies are run, the way they invest in their own business, the way wall street affects the way business is done. bernie sanders, on the left side , tapped into that, and that's why he was pretty successful. susan: how much access have you had to mr. trump during this
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campaign year? had a chance to talk to him? >> we did. i am the co-author of "trump revealed," a "washington post" biography written with about 20 other colleagues. all told, we had more than 20 hours of interviews. i was able to visit him along with my colleague mark fisher at trump tower two times and talks to them on the telephone in addition to that. other reporters talked to him at length. that does not include the many hours of access he provided to other reporters. clinton, for the most part, declined to do interviews. she did a couple. they worked very long. no comparison. donald trump has had a strategy of being more acceptable to the media. i have not talked to him since the day before the book came out. he tweeted, "don't buy the book ," which profited a lot of
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people to wonder about the book and buy it. during the process, he made himself very accessible, which we thought made for a deeper and fairer book. is it fair to say that those two approaches to dealing with you are historically the kinds of approaches that these two men candidates have taken -- these two candidates have taken? donald trump has built a career on access to the media. benefited,rump has gotten a lot of free media. in this case, we are asking for tough, important questions. we want that access. the post did an unusual thing for the book. a lot of the documentation is online, and you can read the transcripts of many interviews that you did -- that we did with the candidates. you see the questions, you see the answers. you get a chance to really see the full interview. susan: with apologies, we are
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going to do this throughout the night, but marco rubio is about to make his victory speech in his florida race, and we are going to listen for a bit. ♪ sen. rubio: thank you, guys. "marco!"]nting rubio: thank you very much. let me start by saying this is a lot better than the last time i did one of these. [cheers and applause] sen. rubio: a few moments ago, i got off the phone with congressman murphy and congratulated him. youngssman murphy is a man with a bright future, and i thank him for his willingness to step forward in public service. running for office is hard. ballot your name on the
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is hard. i congratulated him and his family, and i look forward to seeing the ways he will serve our country in the future. i want to begin by acknowledging as i always do -- absolutely, patrick ran a great race. [applause] all the glory and praise belongs to god for my personal fave, my lord and savior jesus christ. [applause] he has carried us in every moment of our life, and there has been a number of twists and turns this year. i've always acknowledged god. i thank god because the greatest blessing he has given me is an extraordinary woman to share my life with, my wife, jeanette, and my four children. [cheers and applause] we have a great
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campaign team, and i wish i could mention all their names, but i do want to acknowledge someone who came here and helped us run this campaign and did a phenomenal job. inre was -- there is no one the country better at running these things than the one who ran mine, and that was clinton read, and i want to thank him. [cheers and applause] sen. rubio: i want to thank the office. my senate i can't tell you how many people came to me who said, i'm not a republican, but i want to vote for you because you guys helped me. you helped me with a security claim. you helped me with an issue in he v.a. that's what we are honored to do. we have the greatest staff in america, and i am grateful for them. [cheers and applause] and, of course, i want to thank the people of this extraordinary state for giving me another opportunity to continue to serve them in the united states senate. this is an extraordinary place.
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it is the collection of all the things that make us the greatest nation on earth, and people who have lived here for decades of the descendents of slaves, of the children of immigrants. florida is america, and it is such an honor to be able to represent this extraordinary state. i want to say a few words in spanish, because i know a few people get their news in spanish. a lot of people who voted for me speak spanish. [speaking spanish] [cheers and applause] sen. rubio: [speaking spanish] [cheers and applause] [speaking spanish] [cheers and applause]
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sen. rubio: we have been through an interesting year as a nation, raise the results of tonight's election, but here's what i know. there is still no nation on earth where i would rather be. despite all of our challenges, there is no country were people on this planet that i would trade places with. glad i am an american in the 21st century. america is going to be ok. we will turn this country around. i know god is not done with america yet. he has great plans for our country. [cheers and applause] in the days and weeks to come, i hope that we as a people will set the example in this great state, that while we can disagree on issues, we can't share a country where people hate each other because of their political affiliation.
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we can't move forward as a nation if we can't have enlightened debates about tough issues. you can disagree with someone without hating them, and you can disagree with someone without delegitimizing the point of view. that does not mean diversity will not continue to divide us on critical issues. it does mean there is no way for this nation to move forward if we leave no one behind. i hope that i and my colleagues can set a better example of how political discourse should exist in this country. betrayed, people feel and you have a right to. every major institution has failed us, the media, the government, big business, wall street, academia. they have all failed us. and so people are so frustrated and angry. but we must channel that anger and frustration into something positive. energy toe forward as confront and solve our
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challenges and problems. america has never had an easy era. florida has never had an easy era. our state has always confronted great challenges, and so too has our people. americans. forward to confront their challenges in embrace their opportunity, and now the time has come for us to do the same. i believe if we do what needs to be done in the years to calm, that my children and yours will be the freest and most prosperous americans that have ever lived. but we must start now. while we still have time to get this right, we do not have forever. i will close by saying that while i do have the believe that the decisions we make in government are important, i know that in the end, america will not be saved by politicians. i hope that we as a nation will return to our roots. respecting our diversity, but understanding that ultimately what unites us as a people is a common dream and common hope of a better life, and that we can only achieve that if we all achieve that.
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i hope that god gives me the opportunity and choice to move forward. this. close with i hope this nation tonight, irrespective of the outcome of president, that we will all say a prayer for our great country, because as the agent words of scripture tell us, unless the lord told the house, the labor in fame is built. unless the lord guards the city in vain, does the guard keep watch. let us work together. god bless this great nation. god bless all of us, and god bless florida! [cheers and applause] sen. rubio: thank you, thank you very much. rubio with his supporters in florida, the victor in the u.s. senate race. michael, let's talk about this politician and his career. what a year. he hopes to be standing at a different podium tonight and then decided he was out of and here he is running
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for reelection. where does this all play out? it seems inevitable that that will be described as the first campaign speech of the 2020 campaign. justs a good candidate, not experienced enough. he did not do terribly well in some of the debates, particularly in new hampshire, so he could not match donald trump in the way that he was able to attract crowds and have that fiery rhetoric. but i am sure he learned a lot in the campaign. florida, i don't know if florida will go for trump or not, but if he wins florida handily and trump will lose it, peoples look at that and see that is quite significant. marco rubio has a lot of appeal to the hispanic vote, which trump has had a hard time attracting. the party has had a number of successful senate candidates win tonight, so they are looking ahead. whatever happens with donald trump, they feel that if they can retain the senate, that would be extraordinarily important for them. we don't know that as we sit
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here at this moment, but that is open -- that is something they are hoping for. i get when you sent the first speech of the 2020 campaign, there were rooms all over the room in the united states. it has been a long year. >> it is remarkable. you have donald trump give his announcement for the presidency in june 2015. campaigns go way too long. but planning begins early. it is.the way i think a lot of people will look at marco rubio and some people who were good, but not successful, and maybe some others and start looking at the crop. it's just the way it works. starting to wear mourning, it will be a parlor game. a lot of folks in washington will say enough already, but that groundwork is laid early. to bring this conversation back to donald trump. we know one thing, he has built quite a database, and you have written about that. what did you learn about the data he has gathered on american
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voters, and how do you anticipate he will lose it, win or lose? >> he is a businessperson, and if you are building a business, you want to build a database of potential customers. he's got a database of miller -- of many millions of voters, people who are supporters, contributors. that database is valuable. the way it works these days is you get a file for the parties and add to it. a lot of the things that they do in consumer business is actually available either free to people, or they can buy it. there are companies that collect the night's subscribe to, the types of goods you purchase at certain stores. i talked to a company that donald trump had hired called cambridge analytica, and they combined that data with hundreds of psychological surveys and claimed that they can predict the way adult americans will vote. theymake this claim that
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can predict how every adult american will vote. it seems remarkable, perhaps over the top. i quote people in the story saying this is not possible, but it is something a lot of people claim. there is a lot of data out there . that data file might have as many as 5000 pieces of information about them, the names of books they have purchased, the names of magazines they have subscribed to, whether they belong to the nra or gun clubs, other clubs they belong to. if you put all that together, the campaigns can make a reasonable guess as to where you vote. is, dot important thing you belong to a party and have you voted regularly? that information gets united percent of the way there, according to experts -- gets you 90% of the way there, according to experts, but you need to get data on swing voters and others you are counting on. it tells you what kind of voters you are looking for. you might use data that says, i in athis type of voter
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certain county in iowa. you look at that database, and it will say, we have these voters that are gun owners and likely to vote for us. you go and target them. but itind of intrusive, is a lot of the way that politicians target voters these days. to knowt is too early about his presidential ambitions for this cycle. win or lose, are you anticipating he will be around in the political scene for a while? donald trump, if he loses, it seems hard to believe he would come back and run again. and the storys, we are writing tonight, a lot of reporters and other folks have to write two versions of a story. a election this many night. you want to be prepared for what happens right on deadline. there is a question, will he try to help the gop rebuild itself and it smelled? will he try to help a third party be like him? what will his supporters do?
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if he loses, there are many folks who believe this trump-ian philosophy, and what happens to those millions of voters, and where did they take their support? susan: michael's book on donald trump is available. we thank you for being with us tonight. we appreciate your information, and we know we will be talking to you in the future. export your time. back -- thanks for your time. acta steve scully for results. steve: senator tom cotton will be in iowa later this month. we know iowa is the first in the nation caucus with an eye on 2020. we will be covering him if anything happens tonight. to give you a sense of when concession speeches took place in various election cycles, let's go to 2012, when mitt romney conceded the race at about 1:00 in the morning, followed by president obama at 1:36 in the morning. it was a much earlier
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meeting, where senator john mccain conceded that just after 11:00 eastern time, and it was at chicago grant park when president obama declared victory in 2008. in 2004, it was the following day, john kerry conceding the race at 4:50 in the afternoon the day after the election, and that was preceded by president bush, who gave credit to karl rove in the 2004 campaign. decemberit took until then vice president gore and then governor bush took victory. it was one of the most closest and contentious races in history. dole conceding at 11:23 in the evening, followed by president clinton, reelected in 1992 -- reelected. in 1992, president bush at 11:15 in the evening. back in 1988, michael dukakis
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conceding the race at 11:20 in the evening, and vice president bush declaring victory at 11:52. let's look at the results tonight. in some of the key house races, if you live in the d.c. area, you are getting a lot of ads. right now, barber comes stacked is ahead. she has 56% of the vote compared bennett.r luann in florida, charlie crist, a former republican turned independent in that seat has been declared the winner over incumbent david jolly. seats separate the democrats and republicans for control of the house of representatives. and the republican pickup in the seat that was held by patrick murphy who lost to senator marco rubio, brian mast, the republican candidate, with just over 50% of the vote -- 53% of
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the vote. let's keep an eye on two a key senate races. in new hampshire, maggie hassan, the democratic candidate, with 30 percent of the vote report -- 13% of the vote reporting, 52.6% to 43%. in utah -- in north carolina, richard burr is leading deborah ross. all of the resorts on our website at thank you, steve. the hourseconds before of 9:00 on the east coast, and a number of states are about to close their polls. 150 six electoral votes represented in those 14 states, which include arizona, colorado, kansas, louisiana, michigan, minnesota, nebraska, new mexico, delegate-rich new york, the home state of both candidates, north dakota, south dakota, the
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throwt electoral college with 38 in the state of texas, wisconsin, and wyoming. we will watch as some of those states report their results and projections are made about the victors in the presidential races in the states. let's go back to telephone calls. we are listening to you about who you voted for today and what you think about the result of this race. angela is up. louisiana has quite an interesting senate race going on. caller: yes, good evening. i'm excited to see about how the senate race pulls out, though it is definitely stressful, because to me it really feels like a primary race more than it does the deciding election. should tell people watching that the way it works is that you have multiple candidates, and if no one achieves more than 50%, the top two will go to a runoff that happens pretty soon. caller: yes, ma'am.
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that decision is definitely a nailbiter. as is the presidential election, although we are well aware in , a usually red state, where we stand, but as a college-educated woman living in the south, my main concern is for my vote, both in the senate and for the presidential election, fall under protecting my personal rights as a woman ally for the an black lives matter movement and the supreme court. i'm sure you have heard how important the supreme court is in deciding this election. in my lifetime, possibly yours, we have not had a liberal majority in our supreme court. it is exciting to think that history could be made in that regard. susan: angie from new orleans,
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louisiana. florida voter from pennsylvania, republican line. caller: i like the idea of trump. i like some of his ideas, especially putting our veterans before the illegal immigrants. i just think we need to take care of our own before we start taking care of everyone else's. right or wrong, that's the way i think. ideas ofke trump's bringing jobs back to the country, and i also like the idea of a voter -- of a voter -- of a border, to keep drugs out. my father came into this country legally. why can't everyone else to it on a legal basis? i went to england and germany. i'm sorry, i don't want our country looking like that. we need some control over who comes into this country. i did not even like the idea of riding the train there. i don't want to experience that
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here, but it's probably going to be if hillary gets in office, because we are going to be having uncontrolled immigrants in our country. this, andpressed trump has expressed moderation. in other words, looking at the person coming in, making sure they love our country. i don't think that is on hillary's agenda. that scares me. right or wrong, that is the way i feel. to 20d not invite 15 people in my house and invite another 15 more, and invite another 20 more. after a while, you can't take care of your own household. that's the way i feel my country is doing. we are not taking care of our vets. i live on social security. how long will social security last? we are spread too thin. that's why i voted for trump. he has more of my ideas. next, livings up
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in chicago. he is an independent. who did you vote for? caller: good evening. to answer your question, i'm an independent, and i hate to say it, but i am stained from voting today. i have a hard time believing -- tained fromd -- abs voting tonight. i have a hard time believing that donald trump and hillary clinton are three blocks from one another in new york city. trump is a man up for the people, hillary for the people, but tonight they are literally three blocks away from the power and money center in the country. they are both very much new york elites. for all the bloggers and anrnalists hoping to see hashtag #threeblockscandal.
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i want to remind everyone we are cut from the same cloth. thank you. susan: before we go, did you have a candidate earlier in the year? caller: i did. hillary clinton was a candidate earlier in the year. i think donald trump is not a good temperament, has issues with the amount of complexity that a leader would need. but at the end of the day, i had a hard time voting for hillary as well. you for calling in. let me give you the phone numbers. probably a weight in queue, but please do that and we will get your voices in as the night perceives. 202-748-8920, 02-748-8921. 2 a dozen governors races that we are also keeping an eye
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on, in north carolina, a lot of attention on that transgender bathroom issue. in north carolina, the democratic candidate is currently ahead over republican pat mccrory. you can see the results, 26% reporting. roy cooper at just over 50%, 47.2% for governor mccrory. in new hampshire, maggie hassan is currently ahead in that race. 52% ofan alter is now at the vote, compared to chris .ununu from the sununu family in indiana, lieutenant governor eric holcomb at 52.3%. 44%.gregg at just over this is the seat where governor mike pence is running with donald trump, so it is an open seat. in delaware, john carney, the democrat holding on a substantial lead over colin onini, the republican
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candidate. both candidates are in new york tonight, hillary clinton and donald trump. the last time that happened was in 1944, with roosevelt and eoing both in new york -- d wey both in new york. susan: thank you for that. steve, we are waiting for the illinois senate candidates to come out. this is also a bit of a historical race, the fact that both of the candidates were candidates with disabilities this year. steve: we covered two of the debates, one with the chicago tribune and one that took place between senator kirk and tammy duckworth. the democratic senate campaign has put a lot of effort into this race, illinois being a blue state, president obama's home state. the polls seem to have opened up for tammy duckworth. she has been to declared the winner -- been declared the winner. susan: we are told senator koeppel be coming out soon for a
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concession speech, and we will be hearing from tammy duckworth on her bid to succeed him in the united states. until that happens, let's listen to more of your phone calls. joan is in new jersey, a democrat. what do you have to say? herer: well, i am sitting frozen. i am a feminist from the time i was born, and i am now 85. i have been on every march to washington for women's choice. at the hillary centennial. i am so excited that there is a possibility that i will have a woman president in my lifetime. i feel that if she wins, she .ill run circles around the men for a woman to have succeeded to the point where she is with all the misogyny in this country, except the five mostly by trump, it's amazing -- exemplified
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mostly by trump, it's amazing where she has gotten. misogynistery country. it all stems from the bible, i'm afraid. night i watched the program about the education of both of the candidates, their whole history. , i knewally shocked that trump was a misogynist and knowagogue, but i did not he had hired joe mccarthy's lawyer, and the lawyer for the mob, to teach and how to win. -- i don't know if he would before or after, but he's definitely a social path. .e does -- a sociopath
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he does not know right from wrong or treat from action. i am waiting and hopeful. joan, are you watching the results by yourself? nick: yes -- caller: yes. there is no one around my age. susan: i'm sure you have friends and neighbors watching, and you will be on the phone once the results are in. -- on tv on the phone once the results are in. next, clyde from eureka, a democrat. caller: on social security, all that got to do is raise the cap. what, $180,000? raise the cap to $250,000, and that will take care of any fictitious going out of money. parts not supposed to be
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of the government money anyways. susan: yeah, they have always called it the lockbox for social security contributions. are you a hillary clinton voter? caller: yes, i am. , whenast lady you had on she was saying that trump hired the mob to teach them how to run the mom him how to run, taught him wrong. you can't walk up to any lady and just grabbed her and say she likes it. susan: was hillary clinton your candidate from the beginning? pretty much. we've been democrats for a long friends of ours say
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trump will turn things around for the better. that upot that long ago you could walk down the street and get a job. i don't do too much. i pushed a bring in the middle, and that was like $13, and that the 1990's, just to area youoom of sawdust get paid almost $40 -- sawdust. you would get paid almost $40 from simpson. but those times are gone because the mills are gone. susan: clyde, thank you so much for talking to us. we turn to steve scully for more results. steve: in four key battleground arees, the analytics
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forcing the candidates to collectively spend more time in florida and north carolina than any other state. reason why yesterday donald trump and hillary clinton returned to north carolina. first, florida, with about 77% of the vote reporting, donald trump holding onto a very narrow 47.6%t 49.2%, compared to for hillary clinton. it has been said that if donald trump wins florida, he is in the game. also in north carolina, he needs to win that state as well, holding onto a narrow lead. to chicago, where senator mark kirk conceding the illinois senate race. -- kirk: susan: wait, i want them to see your e-mail. we are going to go back to telephone calls. , who is injasmine reading, pennsylvania. caller: hello.
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susan: hello, jasmine. hi, how are you? susan: we are doing well. did you vote for donald trump nick:? -- donald trump? caller: yes, i did. to seewhat do you hope from donald trump if he succeeds? caller: first off, i would love for him to clean up america, because everyone else has given us false hope and said they will do what they are supposed to, and they have not. renee, inr name is morgantown, pennsylvania. my mom strongly believes that trump will help us. obama -- hat muslim i will be so thankful that the great deceiver is out of the
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usa. and i believe that trump will help us, and he can send all the immigrants who are not supposed to be here -- if you consider all the immigrants who are not supposed to be here, america would be greater. own children on tv, they are starving, they have no family, they have no money. what about our people? i believe that donald trump will be there for our people. susan: thank you, jasmine. on twitter, ted cruz since his congratulations to the newly -- newly elected senator marco rubio. you can see that on your screen. northp is tracy and carolina, independent. who did you vote for? caller: my wife and i voted for hillary clinton. susan: it looks like north carolina has been quite a contest. what has been the mood among people you have talked to me your home state?
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it is torn. today was a very somber day because we are so torn. we live on the outskirts of charlotte, so it is trumpland in our neighborhood. we are independent voters. we looked at character is going around and issues they were getting behind -- this go around and issues they were getting behind. we made our decision about a month ago. hillary clinton seemed like a candidate that was more experienced, that had more experience in terms of governance. it came to someone like trump, his character did not speak to us, in terms of his misogyny, his racism, his characterization of many communities of color. it bothered us to vote for someone who is so xena phobic and has turned -- xena phobic -- phobic and has turned to
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divisiveness. susan: thank you. we want to go to senator mark kirk and see what he has to say to his voters. sen. kirk: i have just called the senator elect tammy duckworth to congratulate her. i told tammy that i would do everything possible to make sure that illinois has the strongest possible representation in the united states senate. the tradition i started in 2010. i invited her to join me at the billy goat tavern area -- billy goat tavern. [cheers and applause] stopkirk: this coming bill -- beer summit will show that the people of illinois can bury the hatchet after a tough election, and what unites us is much stronger than what divides us. [cheers and applause] sen. kirk: i ran for congress to make a difference.
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after my stroke, i thought for a long time, what is the gift that illinois has given to the country based on the lincoln presidency and the 1964 vote for the civil rights act? i decided that the unique illinois gift to the country has been in individual dignity and personal freedom. gift from the working public of illinois, the practical midwestern egos that we represent. that weis -- ethos represent. illinois is a state with a very strong work ethic and his home to the best baseball team on the planet. go cubs! [cheers and applause] sen. rubio: -- sen. kirk: i want to thank everyone who has made those television calls and knocked on -- telephone calls and knocked on doors and made a contribution. and to my friends and family and mean the whole world
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to me. let's celebrate living in the best country in the world. thanks, everybody. [applause] susan: senator mark kirk in a pretty good mood tonight, despite his bruising loss in his bid for reelection. talking about the stroke which he suffered. if you've and following politics, you might remember his triumphant return to work at the capital greeted people from both sides of the aisle as he made his way back up the steps of the capital building to return to work. tonight was a loss for him, but stride,king it in good offering his opponent hamburgers at the famous billy goat tavern in chicago. steve, what else do you have for us? steve: that is a democratic pickup for the senate, as chuck schumer tries to keep an eye on
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the majority. 24 republican seats are on the ballot this year. let's look at the key battleground states in the race, beginning with florida. you can see just how close this is, with 89% of the vote reporting, donald trump holding onto a narrow lead, 4.4 million votes, compared to 4.3 million for hillary clinton. trumpth carolina, donald maintaining a very narrow lead at 49.1% of the vote compared to just over 40% for hillary clinton. -- 48% for hillary clinton. 36% reporting. hillary clinton trying to capture those four electoral votes in new hampshire. to is at the 8.4%, compared -- she is at 56,000 votes compared to 54,000 for donald trump. ohio, where donald trump is ahead, 1.3 million for
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trump, 1.1 for clinton. with 98% of the vote reporting, democrats picking up the florida seventh district, and they are also picking up that seat where charlie crist is the winner. susan: thank you, steve. you heard a caller earlier talk about the symbolism for him .iving outside of new york city both candidates were from there and shows that city has their place for tonight's event. a really beautiful set up with the image of the united states. it's the hillary clinton headquarters in the jacob javits convention center on midtown manhattan. it's where the conference begins. it's very large, going over several blocks. just 20 blocks away, the trump headquarters is at the hilton
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hotel in midtown. you can see what it looks like there. red, white, and blue theme for supporters. it is an invitation-only event, and they are watching the results carefully as they come in from around the country, as we are, and talking with you about your reactions. back to telephone calls, next up is richard in west virginia, an independent. who did you vote for? caller: i voted for donald trump. susan: and why did you make that choice? caller: i see it as a really clear choice. this to me is a basic battle between good and evil, god and satan, you could even say. we have never seen such a corrupt woman asked mrs. clinton, and even for the 20 plus years and all the e-mail scandal and the deceit. it goes back years and years. all the pay for play and the
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clinton foundation. advocatingasically as an outsider for reducing regulations and cleaning things up. i think it is a really clear comparison. if mr. trump's successful tonight, what do you want to see from him? caller: cleaning up corruption. he has not talked much about reducing government, but he has talked about reducing government in the sense of clearing up all the obama executive orders, all these decrees made, rolling that excessiveing back regulations. i have a small business, so many regulations. and really making it easier for people to make a living and live their lives. also, he has spoken out for religious freedom. i think those are very good things. susan: thank you for your call.
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next up is mohammed in south bend, indiana, a democrat. what did you think about evan bayh's unsuccessful bid for the senate? caller: i don't know. it's a pretty red state. what can you expect? democrats. many it's a very white state. susan: why are you a democrat? what do you want from the party? this is very simple. they don't understand why the hell that donald trump -- i would say because they are unwise thinking that this is the messiah for them, because he cannot save them. this is not right. -- if you see how many times he lies, every 19 seconds. people are still believing it.
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he is the most crooked person on the face of earth. he never pays his own employees anything. what do you expect, is he going to do anything? nothing. he's by himself. i don't understand why they -- there werend -- the other thing i don't understand is that america is going to be darker, more brown, and it will change the whole scenario. there are no jobs coming back to america. if there are manufacturing jobs gone, they are not coming back. you have to find another trade. susan: thank you. chuck schumer is speaking at the javits center. schumer: they gave me everything. my father was an exterminator, my mother a housewife.
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i remember my father pacing the floor at 2:00 a.m. because he was worried sick about how he was going to pay the bills, but he worked hard, me and my mom, so my brother, sister, and i could have a better life. i know that there are millions of families out there like my own, whether they are dominican or puerto rican -- [cheers] amir: whether they came from -- senator schumer: as new yorkers, we are proud to come from every corner of the globe. and we all work and live together so well, and every one of these families is trying to a what my parents did, make better life for their children. me ins what motivates politics.
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that is my bacon. i wake up every day thinking about how i can make things a little easier for families like forwn, to make it easier those struggling to make it into the middle class, for those in the middle class to stay there. i have worked hard to do that as your senator, and i am proud of the tens of thousands of good paying jobs we have created because of the work we have done together. i am proud of the fact that whether there is trouble in new there.andy, or 9/11, i'm tonight, i am humbled by the trust that my fellow new yorkers have continued to put in me to do that job, to represent them in the united states senate. i promise this. to be work every day deserving of your trust. i will never forget what it means that you gave me the honor of working for you. tonight there is another thing that could happen.
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there is a chance that i could become the majority leader of the united states senate. [cheers and applause] but i promise you, if i get that on or i will be working for new york as hard as , because i love new york and it is in my bones. so thank you, thank you, thank you to the voters of new york. thank you to my senate staff and my campaign. i would not be who i am without you in your hard work. and thank you most of all to my family, my wife, iris, my daughters, jessica and allison. you are my rocks and i love you. i am a lucky man this year. reelection, i win got to watch my oldest daughter jessica get married to the man of her dreams. [cheers]
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sen. schumer: my son-in-law, michael shapiro. it has been a great year. so i have no complaints. but we have a lot of work to do. the voters of new york have blessed me with the honor of serving six more years. i hope the voters of america will bless us tonight with a democratic majority in the senate. [cheers and applause] sen. schumer: so we can do the work the american people are calling out for, raise the minimum wage! [cheers and applause] sen. schumer: make college more affordable. [cheers and applause] sen. schumer: create millions of good paying infrastructure jobs. tackle climate change and safeguard our planet. secure.rica pas copperheads of immigration reform. -- past comprehensive
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immigration reform. get criminal justice reform. and get a functioning supreme court with nine justices. [cheers and applause] sen. schumer: a supreme court that will protect women's rights, voting rights, and undo the evil decision citizens united. [cheers and applause] and my fellow new yorkers we can do this and more with hillary clinton as the next president of the united states. [cheers and applause] i know because i've seen her work up close. s you know u.s. senators someone to like to have the
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spotlight but luckily she got me. but you know, hillary, all the attention and scrutiny never stopped her, never slowed her down. she rolled up her sleeves and got to work right on day one. i'm known for visiting every corner of the state, visiting 62 counties. each metropolitan area once a month and when hillary was senator she worked just as hard all over new york. she created a bipartisan force in the senate to boot. she is a progressive who likes to get things done and boy, does she know how. [cheers and applause] so my friends, nobody is more poised, more ready, more qualified to be president than hillary clinton, not just because she's better than the other guy, although she sure is. nobody, nobody is more ready or qualified to be president.
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and so my colleagues, my friends, as millions of americans cast their ballots across this great country, i elieve our friend, our neighbor, our warrior for children and families will break through that final barrier, braced by the trail blazers who proceeded her from bet si ross to elizabeth katie stanton, to susan b. anthony, to harriet bman to eleanor roosevelt to sewn -- sonia sotomayor. fueled by the energy and the hopes and dreams of a majority of americans. hillary clinton will shatter the highest, hardest glass ceiling as the next president of the united states.
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[cheers and applause] i guess what i'm saying is this, i believe that she will win. what do you say, new york? [cheers and applause] are you ready to do this one with me? let's go! believe thate -- i she -- i believe that she will win! i believe that she will win! i believe that she will win! i believe that she will win! i believe that she will win! i believe that she will win! i believe that she will win! go, hillary, on to victory! thank you. god bless you. god bless new york. and god bless these great united states of america. thank you. [applause] >> senator, chuck schumer of new york first elected to the senate
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in 1998 and poised to become the democratic leader with the requirement of harry reid in the united states. he's hoping that will be a majority leader's role if the majority changes hands. and as he talked about he served as new york senator alongside hillary clinton for six years. if she is elected to the white house, they're expected to have a very close working relationship between the white house and capitol hill. we're keeping an eye on other victory an concession speeches here on c-span. we're now going to take you to illinois where the victor in that senate race now congressman senator or elect duckworth is at the podium. >> thank you, everybody. [applause] tonight, we showed a campaign that respects the voters and is focused on practical solutions rather than shot one slogans can actually be successful. we showed that a relentless
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focus on rebuilding illinois's middle-class and respecting hard work rather than wealth can be successful too. and while it's still early and the big race is still yet to be called, we are filled with hope that history will be made tonight. [applause] a win for secretary clinton is also a win for inclusiveness and for the american values that we hold so dear. more importantly, it's a repudiation of the vial politics of fear and zeno phobia that have sought to marginalize people of women, people of color and immigrants. [applause] our lgbtq brothers and sisters, our hope is that tonight's results serves as the hope of
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freedom and the price of freedom is eternal vigilance. while this campaign has drawn to an end, the real work of securing the blessings of liberty for ourselves and for all of our children and grandchildren continues. that's why i'm so proud of this campaign and so excited to get to work. thank you to all of our great volunteers and supporters, the people who knocked on doors and made phone calls and sent in contributions, five and delsh $5 and $10 at a time. this was a truly grassroots effort and it would not have been possible without each and every one of you. absolutely. [applause] thank you to my campaign staff who kept the ship on course and ran the best darn senate race in the country. whoo-hoo! [applause]
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thank you to my family, my husband brian, my brother tom and my mom and of course, my precious abigail who came into our lives just two short years ago. whoo! [laughter] and she changed us completely. she's our angel. and of course, thank you, senator durbin for that warm introduction and for so much more. there is simply quite no way that i could stay and be up here tonight without your wisdom and encouragement and don't have the words to explain simply what you mean to me. you are the most decent public servant i know and the people of illinois are lucky to have you. [applause] i'm here because of the miracles that occurred 12 years ago this
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saturday above and in a dusty field in iraq. someone can explain like the bravery of my crew and some i can't. like the shrapnel from the explosion passing through my helicopter's spinning row tor blades and didn't destroy it and allowing us to land. i started that day flying high, doing what i loved more than anything in the world and i ended it knocked down, bleeding, laid low, surviving only because my buddies refused to leave me and -- stop sh even as they struggled to carry me, dropping me, falling. getting back up, getting up again, their hearts bursting from the exertion. one of those heros is in the room right now, matt backes, thank you. i can only be here because of you. [applause]
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i -- i live every day trying to honor you. 11 days later, i woke up at walter reid so week i couldn't move, i couldn't feed or clean up after myself. but i was alive. live with a debt that i could never repay. and i wake up every morning now trying to be worthy of my crew, trying to be worthy of their struggle, to be worthy of this miraculous second chance. and as we celebrate this amazing and hard-earned victory, let's keep in our sights and our hearts those who aren't celebrating tonight because they've been knocked down by life's unpredictability. there are steelworkers who got laid off the day before thanksgiving and were laid off
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two days after last christmas. there are people in every city and small town across the state who keep hearing about an economic recovery but simply haven't felt it in their lives. let's be clear, the economy didn't fail them all of a sudden in 2008. in too many cases it's been decades of decline and frustration brought on by unfair trade deals and economic trends that favor the wealthy at the expense of everyone else. there's a brave young woman who's parents brought her to this country in serge of opportunity but who faces the opportunity of being undocumented. not only that, the rhetoric come out of the political season makes her wonder if she's still welcomed in the only country she knows. there's a young man in chicago who told me he could and would leave his gang life behind if he could find a steady job that paid $350 a week. he wasn't looking for six figures. he was looking for the stability and dignity of a job.
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then there's a combat veteran who answered this nation's call but when he came home after years of war struggled to find a steady job. he's attended too many fune ralls of his buddies who struggle to readjust and who wonder if they will ever go away. there are people living out these stories and across every community across illinois with the circus that has been the 2016 coming to an end, these challenges will still remain but so will the opportunities. and it is up to us to meet them. it starts with a basic understanding that no matter who you voted for today, we are all in this together. president kennedy told us that our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet, we all breathe the same air. we all cherish our children's futures and we all are immortal. if the president of the united
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states can summon that kind of understanding at the height of the cold war, surely we can find it in ourselves to give our fellow americans the same benefit. [cheers and applause] and that's the separate that i will bring to work in the senate every single day. while there may be disagreements with my friends on the other side of the aisle which is healthy, i pledge to start with the presumption that my colleagues regardless of party love this country as much as i do and that all we want is hat's best for our children. [applause] moments ago -- moments ago, i spoke with senator kirk and he offered his support as we make this transition. it's been a tough campaign. no question about it. make no mistake, however. senator kirk has served this country for over two decades and
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we are grateful for his service. [applause] he is also an inspiration for people overcoming adversity and living with a disability. thank you, senator kirk. [applause] so where do we go from here? well, just as i try every day to live up to the sacrifices my buddies made to carry me off that battle field, i will go to work in the senate looking to honor the sacrifice and quiet dignity of the ill-ian who are facing challenges of their own. nses, after all, this country didn't give up on me. i believe in a america who hasn't given up on themselves. that's why i will work to make college affordable for every american -- [applause] whether -- whether it is an
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honor student searching if the right school but scared of taking on $30,000, $50,000 of debt before she's even begun her career or a worker by enrolling in a certificate program at a community college. i will work to make illinois a leader in renewable energy also. [applause] you know, our neighbors in iowa get more than a third of their energy needs from wind while we only get 5% here in illinois. not only should we be producing more energy from wind and other renewable sources, we should leverage or considerable advantages of workforce, advanced work sectors and geology to be a global leaders in building the renewable infrastructure. [applause] and i will work every day to make sure our veterans are getting the best care and
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receiving the benefits we promised them. they did not hesitate to answer the call when america asked them to serve. and we should not make them wait now. [applause] now, this city's vibrancy was on display when five million cubs fans -- go cubs! and even a few reluctant sox and cardinals fans maybe in disguise came out to celebrate. we love this city. and we know how great and beautiful it is. but that doesn't mean that we don't acknowledge its problems. chief among them are communities and neighbors where hope and opportunity are so far removed from that sun splash grant park scene that they might as well be in a different city. too many of our neighbors have to travel to other parts of the city for amenities that we take
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for granted. groceries, clothing. thousands of hard working illinoisans have fled leading to a spiral of neglect that devastates the neighbors and opportunities for our young people. to address this, we need economic justice. we need jobs and we need investment in all of our communities. [applause] opportunity shouldn't be something that require as commute in the senate i will work for increased infrastructure investment hether it's maintaining roads, improving public transportation and insuring that our drinking ater is safe by replaying lead pipes throughout all of our communities. that will help to create good jobs and level the playing field. economic justice also means an educational system that prepares
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our children for a fast changing economy and one that serves adults as well like those in granite city who's lives were upended last year. we shouldn't be closing opportunities if any american whether they're just starting out or whether they're looking to change careers. well, my dad -- well, my daddy because i called him daddy for my entire life. he lost his jobs in his 50's. and our middle-class existence was turned on its head. i am here today because of public schools, food stamps, pell grants and safety nets designed to help people who have been knocked down. and i'm proud of it. >> tammy duckworth the senator elect in the state of illinois. the one seat that the u.s. senate has picked up. >> you're watching c-span's live coverage of election night 2016. we have been watching the results. what else do you have for us? >> we want to thank wgn in
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chicago. and we are partnering with news stations and giving you victory and con sex speeches. the democratic nominee tammy duckworth. donald trump with 49.2% of the vote. this is about with 30%. hillary clinton at 46.8%. gary johnson at just below 3%. and jill stein at .7%. -- the electoral college, 2 270 needed to win. donald trump 137. hillary clinton, 104. donald trump is currently ahead in the state of florida. 49% compared to 47.8% for hillary clinton. virginia? could turn time-out be the surprise of the night. the home state of the senator tim kaine. right now donald trump, you can
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see how close it is with 90% reporting in the common wealth of virginia at 47.6%. that's 1.5 million votes. and .3% differences between donald trump and hillary clinton. donald trump at 47.7%. hillary clinton at 47.1%. this is with 28% reporting. so three key battleground states. let's look at some of the senate races. in pennsylvania. this could be a democratic pickup. mcginty with 47%. compared to 38.7 for republican pat too manyy. kelly ayotte has moved ahead with 27% of the vote in. she has 48.1% compared to 47.4% for governor manage yeah hassan. reporting. only 3% kander with 49.1.
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and 46.9% for senator blunt. richard th carolina, burr has 50.5%. and ross, 46.1%. analyst. joined by it appears that senator burr has been holding on to a lead. what do the numbers tell you? >> he's currently got about a 6.5 percentage lead. we've got 3/4 of the precincts. i do think the margin is going to shrink a little bit. we're waiting for the greensboro and a few in durham. those are heavily democratic areas. things may swing in debra ross's favor. it seems like an uphill battle for her. >> a contentious state in north
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carolina. so many issues with the transgender issue involving bathrooms and the nba pulling out of charlotte. how did all of that play out in both the senate and the governor's race? >> hb2 is a pretty key aspect of the governor's race. as i look at those numbers that is locked in tight. what that tells you there are some voter who are picking richard burr for senate and voting for donald trump. hb2 may have hurt him. it doesn't seem to affect the senate race. there have been a wide variety of other issues dominating the ads and the rhetoric in that race and hb2 is not a federal issue hasn't factored into that quite as much as it has in the governor's race. >> collin campbell, let's look at donald trump and hillary clinton as we look at the results. donald trump holding on to a lead at about 50% of the vote compared to 47.5% of the vote for hillary clinton.
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no state has been getting so much attention in this race than north carolina for both republicans and democrats. what's changed in terms of the political geography of your state? >> north carolina i think a lot of it has come from the population influx, the urban areas have really blossomed over the last few years in the last decade or so. and that's made this a swing state whereas 10 years or so we would have been more solidly a red state. we had an obama victory in 2008. romney in 2012. most of the polls show a pretty tight margin for the presidential race. we'll see if trump holds on to that lead or some of these urban counties report more if clinton doesn't make more of that ground. >> a very close race between hill cri clinton and donald trump. what do you attribute that to? >> the polling in virginia seems to suggest that it was a safer bet for hillary clinton than
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north carolina. so far we're looking kind of red on the map. we're seeing if that situation shifts at all. if more of the presinkets report that way. >> thanks very much for being with us. susan back to you. susan: we're going to go back to your telephone call to get your reaction for the night. still have some key battlegrounds yet to play out. and lots of people on edge who are wondering how their candidate is going to do. we're going to listen to chris next in leon, west virginia. republican and first actually joshua from fayette, alabama. joshua, you are on c-span. welcome. caller: hello. host: turn down your tv volume pretty quickly. what do scru to say to us? caller: i would like to say that
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i'm a complete republican. i have no understanding for the people of the democratic side especially for hillary. she has done nothing that i would see throughout her term -- i mean, anything that she's done further more her husband has done and you're going to put her back in office? i can't understand this. when the american people pick up the phones to dial someone, we have to push one for english. we are in america. we should be able to pick our phones up and dial straight through. and if you're hispanic or straight through, you should have to dial something different. what is america coming to? we're taking the pledge of allegiance out of the schools. we are taking christ out of the schools. i love jesus christ. that's my lord and savior. he is around the corner peeking in at all of us. and it's coming. this whole world is coming to its light end.
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and i believe that the immigrants that are coming in, there's going to do back stop -- a complete stop. donald trump and this is what it's going to take, a man with his integrity, a man with his animosity towards this situation to bring it to an end. host: all right, joshua from fayette, alabama. and chris is from west virginia. you're on, chris. republican. caller: yes, ma'am. host: yes, sir, we're listening. caller: chris. host: what's your comment. caller: i voted for donald trump. i believe what he's doing. i believe that he'll turn this country around. and put christ back in schools and fix the pledge of allegiance where we have to stand for the pledge of allegiance. it needs to be put back in schools where it was before. i'm from west virginia, the coal country. i hope that he does bring the jobs and helps creates jobs back
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where it needs to be. host: are you currently working, chris? caller: yes, ma'am. host: are you in the coal industry? caller: nom. i've worked around the coal industry for years. i know a lot of familys that work in the coal industry. and i know a lot of familys that have left this state to find jobs. host: how's the economy doing where you live? caller: the economy struggles especially in -- you know, especially with the coal people. they've lost hundreds and hundreds of jobs. and people are on welfare. they don't need to be on welfare. they need to have their jobs back where they belong. host: thank you. that's chris in leon, west virginia. paul ryan, the speaker of the house is in his hometown of jamesville, wisconsin. aul ryan: i can't even express my gratitude to your generosity and good will. i just want to say for everybody
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that i've been working with for all these years, thank you. thank you from the bottom of my heart. all i can tell you is i will do everything -- i work my hardest to deserve this. now, there's only one thing that can make this even more special. and that is the fact that i get to celebrate this evening with the people here in this room. [applause] you know, i'll kick my coverage and my better half jana. [cheers and applause] our kids, my daughter liza. our boys, charlie and sam. [applause] my sister janet, my brother-in-law, bill. my nephew, max. and ther tobin
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sister-in-law oakley are here with us tonight. we have a number of office holders here as well. we have members of the state assembly and the state senate. congratulations on your races we look forward to hearing from you tonight. well deserved races all of you. congratulations. [applause] you've heard me say before. i'm a fifth generation of this town. i've lived here almost my entire life. i've known most of you for years if not decades. we've grown up together. we share this community together. t's a great place. in a wonderful state in the best country god ever created. [applause] and i'm -- i'm so eager to get back to work for you, to get on with fixing our country's problems. we have so much potential in this country, so much potential.
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it.if we can just hap that's what east ahead of us. by some account this is could be a really good night for america. this could be a good night for us. fingers crossed. i'm eager to watch. i want to watch ron johnson's race and many others. there are races we want to watch. i'm eager to watch the rest of the evening. i'm eager to ebb joy this evening with you. so -- i'm eager to enjoy this evening with you. so thank you. god bless you. thank you, everybody. thank you, guys. thank you, guys. thank you, guys. >> speaker of the house, paul ryan in his hometown of jamesville, wisconsin which he returns to most weekends. you remember that he was the vice presidential candidate the


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