tv Election Night 2016 CSPAN November 8, 2016 9:59pm-12:00am EST
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it.if we can just hap that's what east ahead of us. by some account this is could be a really good night for america. this could be a good night for us. fingers crossed. i'm eager to watch. i want to watch ron johnson's race and many others. there are races we want to watch. i'm eager to watch the rest of the evening. i'm eager to ebb joy this evening with you. so -- i'm eager to enjoy this evening with you. so thank you. god bless you. thank you, everybody. thank you, guys. thank you, guys. thank you, guys. >> speaker of the house, paul ryan in his hometown of jamesville, wisconsin which he returns to most weekends. you remember that he was the vice presidential candidate the
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last time around and winning re-election to his seat in the u.s. house of representatives. it is just before 10:00 and the number of states are now closing their polls. let me tell you about those. they are four states including iowa, mon tana, nevada where we're watching the senate race to succeed in harry reid's seat and utah. what do you have for us? steve: just some historical comparison, the last time you had a candidate that lost the popular vote and won the electoral college was ruther b. hayes. benjamin harrison and george w. bush winning the electoral college vote. let's talk about the results. in those battleground states beginning with florida. and as you can see with the results of about 94% reporting, donald trump holding on to a lead, 49% of the vote compared to just under 48% for hillary clinton in new hampshire, four electoral votes.
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donald trump was there last night. 46.8% 7.9% compared to for hillary clinton. in pennsylvania this is a must-win state for hillary clinton. she was there last night with the p and the first lady and her husband, she has over 56%. compared to 40.3% for donald trump. in michigan, a state that donald trump is hoping to flip with 18% of the vote reporting, donald trump at 50% of the vote compared to just over 44.5% for hillary clinton. and in virginia, this has been going back and forth all night. look how close it is between hillary clinton and donald trump. 47.5%. that's 1.55 votes for hillary clinton compared to 1,155,000 for donald trump and 5% needs to be reported in virginia. mali bald is reporting this for
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the "national journal" publication. she is in new york at trump headquarters on a night that already a couple of surprises. what are you seeing and hearing, molly? molly: the mood has take an happy turn here at the trump victory "party." we'll see if it's actually a party. you know a lot of attendant dees telling me they came in feeling really nervous but now they're pretty excited. none of the swing states have been called but just the fact that he seems to be overperforming a lot of people's expectations. they've got the big screens in the ballroom. tune to fox news all the pundits are saying things are starting to look a lot better than a lot of people have imagined and that's got a lot of people here very, very excited. steve: let's talk about michigan and virginia. donald trump needed to flip michigan to increase his electoral vote and in virginia the race is surprisingly close. what do you attribute this to? molly: well, from what i can tell, the constant in all these
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states michigan and virginia alike seems to be that white voters in rural areas are turning out in droves. they are turning out in numbers. they did not turn out for mitt romney in. and so you are seeing trump run up the score in a lot of these rural and small town types of areas where we always know his supporters were concentrated. but there really wasn't enough credence given to the idea that a lot of people who were not previously interested in voting in a presidential contest might be galvanized by the trump candidacy. meanwhile hillary clinton in some of these places appears to be underperforming either the share of the vote that she needed or the dem -- demographics particularly the young people that she needs to rebuild that obama coalition. steve: so what does this tell you about the polling that we've been seeing in the last couple of days? >> well, you know, polls can never tell who is going to vote.
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pollsters come with all kinds of clever ways to predict the future. they have to ask people. but they have to compensate about the fact that people lie about that or don't make it to the polls when they wanted to. it's always difficult for pollsters to tell what the shape of the final electorate will be. i think that's become more of a problem for pollsters because they're able to reach fewer and fewer people. but second of all other electorate has gotten so polarized along demographic lines that you have races and genders and ages of people voting differently. who you are seems to determine how you vote. so it's much more than just figuring out which groups of people who are going to vote than it is to figure out the sentiments of the electorate. steve: donald trump holding on to a lead. 270 needed. he has 137 electoral votes
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compared to 104 for hillary clinton. based on your reporting, molly ball what's happening inside the war room until the clinton and the trump campaigns right now? molly: all of my democratic sources are absolutely panicked. and the -- you know, i have a source in the trump campaign who earlier this evening was really pessimistic based on the early data that they were seeing now saying they think for the first time that they can actually win this thing. it's important to caveat that and say that even if trump overperforms expectations he still has a very difficult path even if he wins florida. he still has to run the table of all the other swing states. so it's still hard for him to get there. but just based on what we're seeing so far, there's reason for optimism in the trump camp. steve: molly ball who is joining us from the trump headquarters. he is covering this for "the
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"national journal"." and susan back to you. susan: let's take a look at the mood inside trump headquarters where the public is where they are going to be holding their event later today. lots of people there. and the stage set with all sources of american flags and people are watching the results carefully. we also learned that the dow futures has dropped 500 points as this race seems a little more uncertain than the stock market had predicted. an interesting night here on c-span. and we're going to continue watching results and taking your reaction to them. let's go to a call next. karen is in houston, texas. and a democrat. karen, what's on your mind tonight? host: hi, good evening. thank you -- caller: hi, good evening. thank you so much for taking my call. i just want to point out a few ings for new york's democrat senator schumer. he made a lot of good points
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here. he also liked average people work from bottom up and know what it's like to be a normal american. and i voted for hillary clinton not because she's a female. i voted for her for her years of experience in political office and because she knows the law. she is an attorney. she knows the law. she just didn't work on the platform and say hey, i want to be president. she worked her way up. she knows what it's like to work hard for what she wants. to me, donald trump, if you look at his background he is gets loans and files bankruptcy. he never seems to finish anything, a lot of things that she starts. is this the kind of person we want to run this nation? a president is going to take an oath to protect america to protect the united states and do for the best interest of people. i mean, he has been divorced how
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many times? he can't even commit to his own marriage vows and you want somebody like this for president? that is just my opinion. i just don't think that he is qualified to be president and make decisions on my behalf. host: thank you, karen, from houston, texas. next up is a call from kerry who north hing us from carolina. she is an independent. how did you vote today? caller: i did not. i was torn between stuff. but if i -- i'm probably going to regret it but i hope mr. trump gets it. host: and why did you decide not to vote? caller: i just didn't. i was torn. family and friends and stuff. i hope mr. trump gets it. bottom line, i enjoyed the calls from the people from west virginia, the two gentlemen that called. i agree with that. there's a lot of stuff. i think the illegal aliens need
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to go out of here. mr. trump will make it happen. they can due process and come back. but hillary, there's a lot of young voters. she can't control her husband. how is she going to control the country? host: next up, from camp hill, pennsylvania is a caller by the name of teresa, republican, you are on. caller: yes, hi. thanks for taking my call. i've been wanting to get in here and make my comment and i voted for donald trump. i'm a first-time voter. for the first time and i'm 50 years old. the years before i didn't vote because i thought the politicians were all liars. they all say one thing and do another thing. they never keep to their word. and i feel like now that donald stepped up to take this country and hopefully turn it around and i'm believing that he will do
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something different than what all the politicians have done in the past, it's just -- i'm just tired of hearing all this rhetoric about everything and everybody saying this and that. it's like hillary has not done anything as they say she did. been in politics for how many years? 30 years? and what? nothing really to show what she did. to me, she made it worse than better. and with all the scandals and everything between her and her husband and the past, i just don't belief that she's going to make a -- believe that she's going to make a difference and i'm just tired of everything being pushed under the rug for her to just make her look good and everything was made wrong for donald. that was my opinion. host: all right. thank you, teresa, from camp hill, pennsylvania. steve scully? steve: let's look at the numbers from the pennsylvania race.
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senator pat too manyy in a tough challenge against katie mcginty and right now with about 38% reporting. with c vote 1% for senator toomey. senator ayotte has 146,000 votes compared to 140,000 for maggie hassan. 38% voting from the granite state. in missouri senator leading with lunt 52%. -- kander anneder at at 43%. todd young, a surprise winner, a strong win over evan bayh who is
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trying to capture his old seat. the results now in that state showing that donald trump at 48.2% compared to 46.6%. about 40% of the vote now reported in new hampshire. in virginia, this is a state that polls had hillary at five, six, seven points ahead. she is holding on to 47.7% with 93% reporting compared to 47.2%. you can see the actual raw numbers and just a few thousand votes differentiate between hillary clinton and donald trump in virginia. the governor of virginia a strong supporter of hillary clinton. he needs to flip one of these democratic states and right now ith 1/4 of the vote reporting, .onald trump at 49.7%
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compared to hillary at 45.2%. the clinton campaign saw the numbers and concern over the weekend about what the results might mean. we should point out that the numbers are on susan: we have salley, a democrat. caller: hi, susan, thank you for taking my call. i did vote for the candidate who is the lesser of the two evils which is hillary clinton. i'm also very enthusiastic about the progressives democratic platform which the party developed and which i believe in large part we owe to the efforts nd ideaser spoused by bernie sanders. and it's my house that the obstructionism of congress seizes and it starts doing its job. i find trump to be ma sodge
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nistic, racist, and dangerous. and i hope i don't have to live in trumpland. host: what do you see as the future for bernie sanders on capitol hill after hised by this year -- bid this year? how do you think he will use his influence with his coalition with senators? caller: i think that's going to be somewhat dependent on how well they will do -- the democrats will do in the senate. i think he'll continue to work for all the progressive ideas that he has formulated and that he put forward as a candidate. host: thank you for your call. from atlantic beach, florida and still awaiting florida's results. we are asking for you to send us a tweet as well. you do go to c-span and the
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#electionnight. here's one from laura who is a regular c-span participant. she says are we really going to wake up to a reality show, america? next one is savanna calling us from san diego. an independent. savanna, are you there? all right. we're going to have to move on. apologies. tyler in mount vernon, ohio. republican, you're on the air. caller: hi, how are you doing? host: hi, tyler. how did you vote tote? caller: i'm a trump supporters. i'm stationed overseas with the united states navy. i just like to express that i feel like we've been lied to time and time again by hillary and it's funny how trump has been around for years and years and years and years and all of a sudden he decides to run for president and we hear that he's a racist and he's a sexist and
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he does all these wrong things but i'm a trump supporter because i feel like he's going to take this military and he's going to start treating us right the way we should be. and i think it's going to be good for america. and i hope hell pulls it out. host: let me ask you a question since you're an active doughty military member. what would you expect from him with foreign policy and the use of american troops? caller: well, that's a good question because we've had troops in iraq for, you know, god knows how long. they've been there for a while. you know, i'm not really sure how he's going to do that. there's a multitude of things that he could do. but the good news is that he's going to have a group of people around him to help make those decisions. i think that with the senate and the house around him that we'll be able to make the right decision. host: ok. thank you for calling in
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tonight. ha, in is ashea, ais charlotte, north carolina, a democrat. caller: [indiscernible] host: we have a bad connection. caller: how are you doing today? host: doing well. what's your comment. caller: i'm voting for hillary clinton. i have voted for her. i believe she knows exactly what she's doing. and that she will be a great president for the united states. and i believe that she can get everything in order. i disagree with donald trump because everything that he has said is -- i totally disagree because i feel like he's going to -- if he's president, i feel like he's going to change verything and make everybody
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lose what they have accomplished. and i don't feel like he should be the president. i feel like hillary should be the president because she has so much on her that she will make the world better -- a better income than it is now. but if trump becomes president, then he's going to make everyone lose everything. when i saw that he said he was going to take away section 8 and everything, my thing is he wants people to look miserable and he's saying these things because i don't believe he likes black people. he's already saying he don't like the black people. he don't want us to live like we're supposed to. but i truly believe that hillary clinton can do her thing because i believe that she has everything -- i believe that she will do a very good job in the chair. she and i believe -- and i think that obama has done his good
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time. and i believe that he will be a good supporter to be the president. and we don't need donald trump. host: all right, thank you from charlotte, north carolina. back to steve scully. steve: kellyanne conway, he had to win florida if he's going to get to 270 votes. let's look at the results. donald trump holding on to a lead with nearly 99% of the votes reporting. 49.2 compared to 47.7% for hillary clinton in indiana, we thought we would take a look at it because governor mike pence the running mate and donald trump gets 58% of the vote compared to 48.2%. evan bayh losing in the indiana senate race so that will maintain a republican hold in indiana. iowa let's look at the national results with only 3% reporting
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of he was ahead in the polls. hillary clinton at 62.3 compared to 32.7. a lot of the rural vote still to come in from iowa. in michigan, a state that donald trump wants to flip with about 27% reporting. . donald trump at 49.5% compared for 45% for hillary clinton. in new hampshire, a state that donald trump needs. donald trump at 48.7%. hillary clinton at 46.1%. let's take one more look at virginia because this is a state that has been very close and with 94% reporting, hillary clinton increasing her lead very slightly 1.6% million votes compared to 1.57 million votes for donald trump. susan: thank you, steve. we are waiting a number of candidates in the senate races to make their way to the podium.
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we will bring you coverage of their victory or concession speeches. next up is a call from austin in richardson, texas, an independent. austin, you're on the air. caller: i voted for gary johnson because i don't think either of the other two candidates are honestly fit to be president. host: and why do you think of the future of the libertarian arty is after this year? caller: i think they did really well. and gary johnson did a good job of breaking the party in 2020. host: thank you for your call. next is matt from tennessee. matt, go ahead. caller: hey, how you doing? host: who did you vote for? caller: i just want to say i'm a trump voter. i believe very much in this immigration thing because i'm an immigrant myself. i was born in sweden.
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i moved here 22 years ago. you're seeing what's going on right now especially in my area. tennessee, you've got this -- you know, immigrants come here illegally, undercut the prices, the labor prices so the american workers, you know, it's not going to work out, you know? host: thank you, matt. next up, mary. mary is in austin, texas, a democrat. caller: hi. i'm just calling to just -- to say my opinion on some things. we sit back and watch eight years of the party of no do nothing. we have a failing infrastructure and the party of no never brought it up for a vote. we have many things that need to be done in our country and the party of no never brought anything to the floor.
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so now we have 40 or almost 50 times the party of no voted against the affordable care act. so they wasted my tax money that 40 times voting no on the same thing. which means that they didn't really have to do any work just stand up there and vote -- and have somebody vote for them. 's you take a look at what going on with our social security, women and children. and any man that's going to stand up in this country and say they're not going to take care -- help support women and children and pay for grandma's social security so her check keeps coming, i don't think they're much of a man. host: thank you, mary from
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austin, texas. next up david from oakton, virginia. an independent. who did you vote for today? caller: i voted for trump. and the reason i voted for him s due the fact that, you know, our government seems to be so corrupt anymore. and you know, it just -- it's just a shame as -- i'm self-employed. and you know, i work hard and i try to get ahead. but you, when i started my company, i couldn't get no help. i had to borrow from my house to start my business. and then you've got all these other immigrants -- i have no problem with it if they're coming here legally. and they can get stuff that i can't get. and my -- i've got to worry
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about my kids, my grandkids. you know, it just -- it just don't seem fair. and i work hard and donald seems to give me the hope that we need. you know, he's a self-made -- i think he can bring us out of the -- the deficit that we're in. he could bring us up out of it. he just -- he just seems so much more -- hillary to me is just crooked. i mean, she was financially all right. excuse she's fucking -- me, has more money she knows what to do with. if they took the ads and did less and took that money and give it to the people, the poor, you know, it do a lot more. host: thank you, david from oakton, virginia.
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steve, more results for us? steve: let's look at ohio. that race has been declared for ohio with just over 53% of the vote compared for 42% for hillary clinton. the path to 270 includes ohio. no republican has won the presidency without winning ohio. let's look at some of the house races in new york's first congressional district. that is republican hold lee zeldon. he is the winner over the democratic candidate, new york's first congressional district. in virginia's 10th district which is one of the suburbs barbara is the winner with 54.5% of the vote compared to luann bennett. and in florida, a couple of toss-ups, ave been mast is the winner getting about 53% of the vote.
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charlie crist, congressman elect, former governor and former republican senate turned democrat. so this is a democratic flip from a republican seat in florida's 13th congressional district. we talkinged about this in florida's seventh congressional district, another democratic pickup. stephanie murphy depeeting john mica. -- defeating john mica. susan: don't forget you can send us a tweet #electionnight. there's a viewer in norway saying whichever candidate wins, hopefully the international atrocities fueled by the war industry and that's from norway. next is ivy who is in saint charles, missouri. what do you have to say to us tonight? caller: oh, god, where do i start? first of all, i just want to thank c-span. i really -- thoroughly enjoy
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your coverage. i could comment on some of the previous comments by several people but i'll just say, i agree with mary. i can't remember what state she commented on. all i can say is i know for a fact -- i went and knocked on doors today on behalf of the several and i shared very intense moments with my -- you know, my buddy who we were going together to knock on doors nd both of us still very regretful about how president obama's legacy is going to be like just a fraction of what it could be. the republican obstructionists just desolved anything kind of progress we could have made. and our only hope is hillary
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clinton in my opinion. and to, you know, to believe that this cook on the other side believe that he can just bomb the hell out of isis and that's going to solve the problems because he's so big and tough and strong. you know, this is somebody who's an extreme narcissist egomaniac who is extremely dangerous and i really hope that hillary clinton with all of her years of experience and her husband's years in office together they can help us through the future which is going to be a challenge for everyone. but she is really the one to lead. and i -- i thank god for her every day that she decided to go into this race and god bless her. i hope she wins and i hope -- host: thank you, ivy.
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we'll let you go with that point. a tweet from chris in bel air, california to citizens of ohio. writing thank you, ohio, trump will make you proud. next is a call from marcy. marcy is in austin, texas, an independent. caller: yes, hi. how ok, well most people know that my great-grandfather and grandma and stuff like that were among those that were helping to build the twin towers, the idea of building it, ok that's partly why some of the extreme communist veterans and stuff like that trump is heeding. aliensnde illegal
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[indiscernible] for years and years. it's like he israel dependent. it's like dr. wendell, ok? which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] time to go -- host: time to go to steve scully for results. at 100 electoral votes. let's begin arkansas, she served as first lady of arkansas. donald trump easily winning that state. clinton's birth state of illinois. this is a blue state. senator kirk losing to duckworth. it all comes down to some key battleground states. florida.
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99% of the vote now reporting. you can see 200,000 votes separate, with donald trump holding onto a very near our lead in florida. in michigan come also donald trump, who continues to hold onto a lead in michigan, 50% compared to 45% for hillary clinton. this will be a significant pickup if these trends hold dear in only 30% of the vote now reporting for michigan. where governor mike pence was yesterday, hoping to flip that state with the team percent of the vote now reporting. hillary clinton holding onto a lead. senator burr is in winston-salem north carolina. this is a republican hold in north carolina. let's watch. ♪
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[cheering] ; thank you. saying, this is better than all the rest. i want to start by saying thank you to my partner, thom tillis are, or as i call him, skippy. beennd susan tillis have available every time we've asked. they've done everything we've asked. staterom one end of the to the other. i'm grateful for the partnership that we have in the united states senate, for the work that we do in north carolina. i can honestly tell you there are no two senators from any state that were closer than tom and i do and i'm grateful for that. [applause] tonight, i am truly humbled by
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the support i have received from people across this state. it's an honor to be granted a third term in the united states senate. this is a victory for all those who have believed in me and who have continued to have that myce in the fact values match your values. for that, i am grateful. [applause] i've got to give a special thanks, first and foremost, to my family. their support and understanding as to why i put them through , campaigns and being around -- being away so much, is unbelievable. i could not have accomplished what i have done without the strength that i get everyday from my wife brooke. [applause]
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it goes without saying that my children have grown up in it. one was 8, 1 was nine when i went to congress for the first time. for many, the outcome was not that good. for me, i'm able to look at two adults who have grown up to be great contributors to the community i live in. [applause] it's not easy putting up with my schedule and with demands on my time. but brooke does it without complaint. she keeps me grounded in reality. she sends me to cosco or walmart when i get home. [laughter] and as you've seen on tv, she was my secret weapon on the campaign.
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i know i will never be able to thank her enough. two sons, ay, with daughter-in-law and a looked overr, broke at me on sunday and said, well, i just want you to know, i've been blamed about being in paris for christmas. by god, you're taking me. [laughter] [applause] it's going to cost me, i think. [laughter] we don't know what we might face in the nation ahead. but we know this. for over 200 40 years, americans have always risen to the challenges whichever way they came. we will not retreat in our commitment to the cause of freedom, to be one nation, where liberty and justice is available to all. as americans, we literally
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breathe the air of freedom every day. nations,me any other it courses through our veins and thousands of americans have shared -- have shed their blood to keep their liberty. our hearts swell with pride knowing that we live in the greatest land ever known to mankind. [applause] campaigns are about the differences between the candidates. we are solving the real problems that we face as a nation. those of us who serve as elected officials must do so in a way that positively affects all of our citizens. that's our obligation and it's our responsibility. we should be prepared to be -- to make tough decisions.
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like so many who are remembered for the contributions that our founders have made. we all love america. and i am proud to serve in some way, to make our future better for all that live and to keep america safe from the threats of terrorists and to provide everyone a chance to achieve their hearts desire. tonight leaves me with some bittersweet feelings, not just because it will be my last yay -- -- [laughter] announced it before this campaign, i would have announced a tonight. [laughter] but because of something more personal. you see, 12 years ago, as we celebrated my first senate election, i stood on the stage ,ith my father and my mother who provided incredible encouragement in everything i've ever done. then six a year -- six years
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ago, as we celebrated my second election to the united states senate, only my dad was here to be with me on stage. but i think everybody there knew that my mother was still cheering me on. tonight, the bittersweet is that neither are with us. in person. but i think they join us in spirit as they've always enjoyed the great celebration. but life is and always will be a circle. people are born. they live their lives, hopefully making a difference. and then their lives come to an end and they are replaced by a new generation. about tonight is, even though my parents are gone, our first grandchild arrived earlier this year. and we celebrate tonight with hope for her future and the future of your grandchildren. that's why i ran again this year
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, to make sure she and dollars your grandchildren have the unlimited opportunities and a safer world in which to live. the wheel of life continues to .urn one generation leaves the stage and another enters. i pledge to you my public sooner service- my public during all i can the next and ration feels all the effects of what we accomplished. quoteo share with you a from" my father. i was watching a beachhead in the pacific. war with japan was near a great climax. on that afternoon, i was with a group that stared down upon one of those magnificent strands of golden pacific beach. bathers to of attract the eye, there were dead bodies. boats,tead of pleasure there were broken and splintered
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barges. all was quiet except for the surf that crashed over the white sand. each wave moved to the bodies in and out, as if trying to say it up, get up. the battles over. they've all gone. but there was only silence. it was the silence of death. though i knew those bodies washed in upon the shore would never walk again in this life, god was speaking to those who lived." those words were part of a sermon my father delivered on april 5, 1967. is." ed "where the action the point he went on to make was there is always work to be done by living. and it's our responsibility to get in on the action. he taught me to do my part. i intend to carry out my duties through this next senate term. and as i to -- tried to do the
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best of my ability for the past 22 years, i'm also reminded that, with this special privilege tonight, only two being elected, not appointed, in north carolina's history, will have served longer than i will. and that's jesse helms and [indiscernible] [applause] but at the end of this six years, it will be time to let another generation get in on the action by serving in the united states senate. so tonight, to each of you, i thank you from the bottom of my heart for this victory. it will be the capstone of my public service. this victory is as much yours as it is mine.
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thank each and every one of you. bless this country. god bless each and everyone of you. [cheers and applause] which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] north -- host: north carolina's richard burr explaining that it will be his last elected office. we are listening to calls. victory andwatching concession speeches and watching the results of the presidential race as they come in around the country. as senator burr was speaking out toarizona, senator mccain the podium. he is still speaking. we don't want to join item progress. finishesait until he in a few minutes and then turn right around so you can see it from the beginning.
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john mccain seeking reelection this year. he was the republican nominee to president and returned the senate, continues to be very active in legislation and ran a competitive campaign this year in which he succeeded. let's go to calls. next up is decarlo in martinsville virginia. you're on the air. welcome. caller: number one, everybody is beth -- bad mouthing hillary. she is the most qualified for the job. number two, they never said anything negative about donald trump. he ran au go back, negative campaign the whole time. was very sad that the people of new jersey voted for him because look at what he did to atlantic city. he took the miss america pageant out. the ratings dropped for that
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.how have many casinos did he close up because of bankruptcy and left atlantic city in turmoil? all the money he spent on his campaign, he needs to take it and do something to help atlantic city. that's all i have to say. thank you and have a good evening. host: eric in eastern maryland, a republican. caller: first of all, i word like to have you destined thank you for having a nice alternative to the networks -- i would like to thank you for having a nice alternative to the networks. i am actually an independent. trumpd this time for acres of his business background. that he willact work on the economy. i think -- healthy economy in this country and take carry a
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lot of the problems that we have. it could help a lot of people that have issues that need help. he spent toat what get to where he is, which most of which he spent out of his own pocket. his opponent hillary, who ran money,erybody else's straing the swamp and out how politics are conducted in washington, think some of the lifelong politicians are way out of touch of what it's really like. i think that some of the things he has done in the past, you know, his whole idea of taking projects,, ahead of schedule and under budget, think that is a great philosophy. he did the skating rink in new york. he had his office and tower and watched new york city flounder on the project of building the skating rate in times for five
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years. he got it done ahead of time and under budget. i think that will apply to many of our programs in the government. i voted for democrats, on ait ticket myself couple of the candidates, but i think a lot of the democrats like their ideals, but they throw money at problems and that's the way they try to solve them to i think the way the republican sometimes want to take care of actually getting it to bes something that looked at as a. but anyway, that's all i have to say. thanks very much. host: thanks, eric. thank you for watching tonight on c-span. be a very longto night. let's look at the results first from north carolina, one of the key states for they trump and clinton campaigns. right now with 87% of the vote 50.8%, donald trump with
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of the vote compared to 46.5% for hillary clinton. in new hampshire, both campaigns putting a lot of effort in that state. donald trump is ahead with 48 current five -- 40.5% for donald trump. she is at 46%. four electoral votes. in virginia, the networks have declared hillary clinton in the -- hillary clinton the winner in the commonwealth of virginia. kaine,se, senator tim running mate to hillary clinton. in florida, again, a very close race. donald trump has maintained his lead. 49.2% for donald trump. 29 electoral votes in florida. 37 .7% for hillary clinton. on to ohio where donald trump has been declared the winner. 53% of the vote in ohio. in michigan, the state that
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donald trump has been hoping to flip, he was there yesterday. with about 40% of the vote reporting, donald trump at 48.9% -- 46.1% for hillary clinton. in one of the senate rematches, we talked about -- losing. senator johnson at nearly 52% of the vote with just over 45% for senator feingold. host: we will again be bringing you senator john mccain's remarks on his victory in a couple of minutes. back to phone calls. sean is in dallas, a democrat. go ahead, please. caller: i'm sorry. thank you for taking my call . host: absolutely . want to say i'm really fascinated by the amount of support donald trump has received.
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i'm really troubled because we have moved away from facts. we have moved away from substance. if we just take a look at everything he said and everything he is supposed to stand for, it is a live here and it's a contradiction. he is supposed to be a man of his word. he backtracked in every statement. i can't understand it. tonight is still early. but the amount of support he has received a struggling. i think the question is what do we need to do to break this divide? donald trump is not the answer. hillary clinton is a flawed candidate. i understand that. but i just can't wrap my mind around what has taken place. the hypocrisy that has taken place within the trump campaign. hillary clinton is a liar, she's a criminal. but if you take a look at donald trump's record, he far exceeds
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everything that you can accuse her of. just take a look at this. i just don't understand it. it's still early in the night, but i'm really fascinated. i'm not coming with anger. i want to build a bridge, but, if you look at the other side, a.c.l. this anger -- you see all this anger. i'm at a loss of words. it is still early in the night, but wow. thank you again for taking my call. host: glad to have you with us. harmony is in san diego, california, and independent. >> yes, hello? yes. host: go ahead, harmony. what do you have to say? caller: i have to say this election has been very interesting. runng these two candidates this election for president
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proves that anyone can be what they want to be and dreams do come true. >> and this is savannah. i would like to say that, no matter what the outcome of this election is, i hope that our constitution is well defended. and everything in this crazy past year is all worth it so that we can finally i'll get back to sanity. harmony, canh and you tell me how you happen to be watching the selection together? it sounds at you have a little group there. we've been watching the selection for pretty much the past year. bothld say that we are pretty interested in it for sure. host: are you old enough to vote? guest: no. host: can you tell me your age? caller: 12 and 11.
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and we wanted to do this so we could make our voices heard them even though we can't vote. host: thank you very much and it's nice to hear your voice us tonight. it sounds like your voice -- your parents are with you. watching us in san diego, california, 11 and 12-year-old callers. next is michael. you will have to pronounce the name of your town in tennessee for me. yes, i appreciate you taking my call. i am a donald trump fan. trump says what he means and he means what he says. i think people have forgot about it. donald trump was always calling hillary liar and all. i don't know if people forgot about it or what, but when bill
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clinton and hillary clinton, when they left office, they stole stuff out of the white house. and you know, i was surprised didn't come out about that. because she stole stuff out of the white house. and the people did the inventory of it. [indiscernible] they investigated it. hillary and bill took it out. host: thank you. got lots of folks waiting. next up is brandon in wayne, nebraska. caller: hay, how's it going, susan? host: what's on your mind tonight?
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caller: first of all, i want to congratulate richard burr. is as his time in office long-winded as that speech he gave. the good old in state of nebraska, i did not agree with a lot of the things that hillary clinton stood for so i went donald trump. and also, go -- move on toe going to centreville, virginia, independent purely -- independent. you are on the air. up is bessie in minnesota. republican. hi, jesse. caller: hello. want to say, you know what, as a middle-class american, we are ready for a change. and getting put back down with
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the whole medical deal and everything else. we are just sick of it. so we want to see a change. host: you voted for donald trump today? caller: yes, i did. host: what would you like him to's -- to fix specifically? caller: specifically? i don't know, get rid of obama care. so health care in this country is your number one issue? caller: yes. host: thank you. appreciate your call. in florida, the state that is critical for donald trump, he has been to clear the winner in that state, and code -- according to the network exit polls. runerms of the actual numbers, 4.5 million votes for donald trump here in 4.4 million votes for hillary clinton. that translates to about 49.2% to 40 point -- free 7.7% for hillary clinton. in pennsylvania, a much closer
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race, but hillary clinton maintaining her lead at just under 50% compared to 46.8 percent for donald trump. you can see the results for gary johnson in pennsylvania at 2.3%. and just i'm below 1%. in ohio, a state where donald trump has been declared a winner, his lead has increased and 53% of the vote compared to just over 42% for hillary clinton. and again in ohio, with 74% of the vote reporting. finally colorado, hillary clinton has been to clear the winner in that state, with her -- with 40.5% of the vote compared to 43% for donald trump. host: just a few minutes before the next set of poll closings. there's california so that will be changing the race. >> it will be an increase of electoral votes. but we are seeing a much was a race in michigan. we see donald trump winning him florida and ohio, a close race in new hampshire.
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the race has always been very narrow for trump to get the electoral votes. but he is doing what he needs to do. we will get the votes at west which will increase the electoral vote. it's going to be a long night. buckle up. [laughter] host: i'm buckled up, i promise. next is a call from book -- from brooke in san diego. go ahead. caller: hello. i feel that each of the candidates have their ups and downs. like hillary clinton, some of her -- like, she had some pretty good policies. but then there's the whole e-mail scandal thing and hiding things that she wasn't supposed to. and with drunk, he has a lot of good policies, too, but he also has a lot of bad ones, as we all know, like i really don't want anyone to be president and i've been keeping an eye on the whole election.
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and it's getting on people's nerves. yeah, i have been keeping an on the selection and i really don't know who i think should run. host: how old are you, brooke? caller: i'm 12. host: is this the first time you ever? followed an election caller: yes, it is. host: what got you interested in following this year? caller: i mean, like, i'm recently old enough to understand what is really going on and i'm interested to see what kind of country i'm inheriting. host: but you ended up without having a candidate. really don't know who i would want to be president. well, it's a good thing you are in california where it is three hours behind these codes because it may be a long night. thanks for calling in. nice to hear from you. next up is jacob in seattle. you next up was jacob from seattle, democrat. caller: so many people close to
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me in this urban city are voting blue, and so many people are voting in a way i cannot relate with. i think about their reasons and about what their grievances are. that says theuote greatest thing is the ultimate treason, do do the right thing for the wrong reasons. i am a little bit objective with the way that i vote, but i really hear about building an america that cares for it self, builds bridges between different units of society, and spreads prosperity for everybody. but one of the get these surprising lead for donald trump, i am a little shocked. part of this is because i live in a place where i am not connected to the rest of america. how theirnot know economic futures are going to be secured, and they don't know if the democrats can be trusted because so many of the economic gains over the past several
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years have gone to the small sector of society. i already have my opinion about how tonight will go, and i am a little bit disappointed to see this. but i hope that americans can continue to educate themselves and seek knowledge as a method for building a stronger future. host: thanks for your call, jacob, watching from seattle, washington. it is just after 10:00, and i want to go through the list of the other states that have closed now. we will put those on the screen and then return to steve scully talking to bob of the health. >> california closed with 55 electoral votes. hawaii closed, 59 electoral votes for hillary clinton. idaho closed, and that is a state that donald trump has been declared the winner. if passed patterns hold true, in oregon and washington street --
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state, those should be two democratic states. let's look is some senate states. senator john mccain has a seat previously held by barry goldwater. he is now on his way for a sixth term, winning easily, confirming with the polls of said all along, a 10-point lead in the arizona senate race. in florida, marco rubio going back to a second term after his failed presidential bid. he announced in this building that he was going to seek a second term. in missouri, jason kander putting up a tough fight, but looking at results in missouri, senator roy blunt, looks like he is heading to another term with about 64% of the vote. in nevada, this is a state where republicans hope to pick up, the seat of senator harry reid, the democratic leader who is stepping down. congressman joe heck with 66% of the vote. o with a 28.7%.
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in new hampshire, 67% of the vote for kelly ayotte. .aggie hassan at 46% in pennsylvania, katie mcginty is holding onto a never a narrow lead with about 77% of the vote. reporting in the keystone state, katie mckenzie is just over 49%. is the manager and editor in chief for the hell newspaper -- for the hill newspaper. boy, what a night. legs very surprising that. what we are seeing is not what was expected, what we had seen from the polls. in the so-called experts who thought that, you know, maybe donald trump had -- could pull it off but would have to win a lot of close states and pull an upset here or there -- well, it
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looks like right now he could be doing this. if you look at the map, steve, i mean, i think she has got to win michigan and wisconsin, and if she loses one of them, you're looking probably at a president trump if you go west and he holds arizona, which still remains to be seen. very fortunate if you are a hillary clinton fan that she won virginia, because that was supposed to be a six-point win for her, and she eeked it out. >> of the dow futures now down 700 points. supporters are saying, how could this be happening, a donald trump supporters are saying, how can this be happening? >> the mood has changed. earlier in the night, some trump up supporters were thinking, well, they just were not very bullish. they thought he was going to lose. and then, number one, there is
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this, clearly, there is a trump bump where some people do not tell pollsters they were going to vote for trump, and a so-called silent majority of trump supporters is showing up very strongly. maybe the democratic party was not very enthused about clinton. it is difficult to win presidential elections in a row. certainly, hillary clinton can still win this, but if she does, it will be by the narrowest of margins. and trump has a shot, if he were to win michigan and/or wisconsin, he could run up the score. >> let's look at the result in michigan right now. donald trump is holding on to the lead, also i have right now and wisconsin. in michigan, half the vote reporting income, 1.1 million votes for donald trump, just over one million votes for hillary clinton. you can see less than two percentage points between the two of them. final event in his
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in grand rapids, michigan, last night, and the president and teacher at yesterday, giving -- in detroit yesterday, showing that they are worried about this state. thinking that hillary clinton and president obama would be in michigan on election eve, i would say, wow, trump up must be favored to win, that going into today, he was not favored to win. florida is very important to donald trump, but he is winning there, and new hampshire have not been called. pennsylvania is now looking like a must-win for hillary clinton. without a doubt, it is early in the night, relatively speaking, but this, so far i'm is going great for donald trump. >> let's look at the results and wisconsin again, these are the two states of the trump kevin said they needed a flip. 60% of the vote reported in wisconsin, donald trump at 40
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part -- 49%. hillary clinton at almost 46% in that state. >> yeah, i mean, she is got to make a comeback. depending on the outstanding counties, she is going to have to -- i really cannot see her winning the presidency without winning wisconsin and michigan. i do not think she can win one of these states. she needs to win both. both,s supposed to win and right now she is trickling. they have not called it, so a long way to go. this is really one of the most, so far, unexpected nights and politics that we have ever seen. host: bob, i want to follow about that. this is, without a doubt, the seenold electorate we have , those of us who have been in the business for a while. on top of the polling that was, we have these super statisticians doing probability modeling and telling us what the likely outcome is based on all
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of the micro data they have. and here we end up with a night that is surprising people. what happens to this industry and all the pundits who have relied on this for the past couple of months after tonight is over? guest: well, you know, donald trump, when he was losing two to three weeks out, was saying he disputed the polls, and certainly captured momentum nd of the race, helped by the fbi announcement on e-mails. in 2012, all the polls were basically on, certainly the averages. it was a very predictable race. barack obama was favored to win and did buy a little bit larger percentage than most, including myself, expected -- and he did win by a little bit larger percentage than most, including myself, expected. in kentucky, met devon was
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supposed to be in a very close race, governor's race, and ended up winning big. and there were others where you were like, wow, the polls were off, i wonder why. i think that will be a huge storyline. no matter who wins tonight, so many polls have been dead wrong. somebody earlier tonight said that is one of the big stories of tonight. if you look at virginia, the real clear politics average was clinton plus five, and when they do not call that early, i thought, wow, this could be an interesting night. thanks. >> we're going to talk about the brexit votes and what happened with that. we're going to see were things stand. 270 needed to win. donald trump at 201. hillary clinton at 190. north carolina has the call for donald trump.
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51.1% for donald trump. 46.1% for hillary clinton. no state has received more attention from both campaigns than the tar heel state. >> going into tonight, you knew trump up had to win florida and north carolina. and he was going to have to pull some top of upset, whether that is pennsylvania, michigan, or wisconsin. and he has won it. looks like florida he is winning. thean, he is piling up electoral votes. you mentioned that trump has 201 now. total, so2012 had 206 trump is having a very good night. right now, i have had some democrats e-mail me, and they think that, based upon the data, it is farmer likely that there will be a president trump van a president clinton at this time.
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you say, we will have to check in with you. susan, back to you. host: time now for us to show you john mccain's victory speech in phoenix, arizona. applause]d ♪ >> oh, thank you, arizona. thank you so much. [cheers and applause] >> i stand before you tonight with our families at our site here and so many elected
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officials that have been so helpful. i am so humbled and so honored, and quite friendly, i am a little teary tonight for your belief in my husband and your strength and your honor in him. yourhonor of giving him vote in believing in what he does for this state, i cannot thank you enough. i cannot thank you enough. [cheers and applause] >> [crowd chanting] >> you guys are great. you have given us the greatest honor of all. you have decided to give my husband your vote. you decided to give him your vote in send him back to the united states senate. thank you. [cheers and applause] >> in john, you have a true
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hero, a warrior, someone who has the experience, the leadership, and the dignity to serve the way he serves. and most importantly, he is a cut above everyone. -- heieves and what he lives by the code of conduct, duty, honor, country. by allowing me to stand here with him and giving me the humble honor of being a very, very microscopic part of arizona history, i cannot thank you enough. this beautiful state of mind has meant so much to me, and in giving my husband the opportunity to join me in the state 36 years ago, we have loved and lives here with all of our hearts. so please welcome your maverick,
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your friend, and the next u.s. senator, john mccain. [cheers and applause] senator mccain: thank you, thank you, thank you for that introduction. and here we are together on an other election night, my friends , and i am humbled again by the privilege extended me and so grateful. i have so many people to thank, --many debts to a knowledge. debts to acknowledge. let me think those who voted for me and those who voted for my opponent. i have never been more honored by anything then the privilege of representing you in the united states senate. i have never taken it for granted, and i never well. i am is grateful for you tonight as i was when he first elected me.
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every life has its ups and downs, and i have had a view of my own. but no setback has ever mattered anywhere near as much in the balance of my life as the public trust that you have granted me. so thank you, arizona, again from the bottom of my heart. [cheers and applause] senator mccain: i want to thank congresswoman ann kirkpatrick for running as spirited and honorable campaign. she gave me a good fight. i commend her and wish her well. [applause] i commendcain: and her supporters for investing their hope and labor in her campaign. i have been on the losing side of elections before, and it is no fun, but you gave yourselves to a cause greater than yourselves, and that brings and
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more thanon that is temporary disappointment. i want to assure you that while we may not agree on all the issues, you have my respect and my service. you are my bosses, too, and your interest are my responsibility to represent. to my supporters, those who have stood with me in all my campaigns and those who did so for the first time in this campaign, all arizonans who gave me in the encouragement, the trust, the efforts, and their most powerful civic possession, their vote, so that i would have another opportunity to be the best senator i can be for you -- thank you, thank you, thank you. [cheers and applause] senator mccain: i will get up every day determined to work
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harder for you than the day before to deserve your trust. this has been a difficult national election, not always an uplifting one, but americans have done their duty as citizens and chosen a new president. , washington has schemed and fought and maneuvered to gain political advantage at the cost of delivering for the american people. any,ve made too little, if progress meeting the great challenges of our time, which are many and difficult. the one message they came through loud and clear in this election is that americans want progress now. they want progress now to secure their families and america's interests from the dangerous threats we face overseas. they want progress now on solving national problems that threaten their ability to prosper, make a better life for their families. they want progress now on growing the economy and increasing their opportunities to live purposeful snf
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satisfying -- and satisfying lives. they want progress in on making everye do what previous american generation has done, and that is to ensure america's future is even better than our story past. i promise you, i will work as hard as i ever have, use all my knowledge and experience and relationships and extend an open hand to our new president and my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to solve our problems together as fellow americans who have more in common than we have differences here at most of all, we have our citizenship in common, and that is a blessing we should honor by treating each other with respect. to thank my amazing campaign team who have done such a fantastic job. [applause] mccain: and even taught
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an old dog like me a few new campaign tricks. [laughter] senator mccain: all of our incredible interns, our interns who are here. [cheers and applause] senator mccain: all of our interns and volunteers who sacrificed so much and made some and he calls. there are so many people here i would like to thank, but there is also a very, very special iraniannd that is our american friends who are here. [applause] --ator mccain: you happen to if you happen to have seen a horse on carriage around the valley, that is our guys over here. thank you. and a special shout out to our
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via domains -- to our vietnamese-american friends who are here. thank you, kevin. thank you. these are the people or the children of the people who came war-tornountry from a land that had been taken over by the communists with very little besides the shirt on their backs and made the shirts on their backs and it is a greater nation for the presence, so i thank you for your support, and god bless. [cheers and applause] senator mccain: all of them did so much to her to your belief in me and your labor honors me, and i thank you for it. thank you to all my longtime trusted friends and advisers and my senate staff in washington and arizona. there they are. , i would not have
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gotten anywhere in this business without your trusted counsel and generous support and your friendship. thank you to everyone who committed any amount of money to this campaign, from the smallest to the largest donation, it fueled our campaign, and i thank you. i want to recognize two people who have been incredibly helpful. governor doug ducey and my good friend and colleague, senator jeff flake. [cheers and applause] senator mccain: there are a couple people i would like to recognize tonight at harry truman said to my if you want a friend in washington, go out and buy a dog. well, i have many, many special friends who are here tonight, but two i would like to point out. it was about 10 years ago, we were in kabul, afghanistan, and general david petraeus named us,
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give us the name of the three amigos, because we always travel together and spent time together in iraq and afghanistan with the men and women serving our nation in uniform. the most uplifting and honorable experiences of my life was the ability to be in the company of heroes, and that is my dear friend senator joe lieberman and [indiscernible] [cheers and applause] senator mccain: i would also like to think a fellow who has been with me since we were together in the coolidge administration. [laughter] senator mccain: my idea or friend rick davis, who has done so much with our team -- my dear friend rick davis who has done so much with our team. you know a great experiences, we
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go to prescott, arizona, the night before the election, as barry goldwater started the and iton back in 1952, has always been one of the great and wonderful experiences that i had in my political life. i mentioned last night i never had a hometown growing up. the navy was my home and my parents' home, until i got married and i got arizona. this magnificent place i love so much as a home. children, the greatest gift i ever received. campaigns are harder on the campaigns' family than the candidate, and i have put my family through quite a few. i think this might be the last. thank you for your love and support. thank you for everything. and that, my friends, with a full heart and ready to get back to work for you, i will say good night. thank you one last time for making me the luckiest guy i know. god bless.
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[cheers and applause] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2016] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] host: senator john mccain with his spouse in phoenix, arizona. you are watching election night coverage. thank you for being with us. our job is to listen to you, take your phone calls and read your tweets, to show victory and concession speeches in key senate races, and keeping an eye on the presidency. we know you're watching other networks. we will be here throughout the night. we will be going all the way through until tomorrow afternoon with live programming and your phone calls and reactions to what is happening around the country.
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what do have for us, steve scully? who needs sleep? this is a historic and interesting that it surprises. pulling not indicating the surge donald trump has had, now at 216 electoral votes, hillary clinton at 197. 270 needed to win. these are the states getting the most attention, so we will keep going back to them. in michigan, the cow close to this is what -- look how close this is to donald trump and nearly 48%. hillary clinton just over 47%. in new hampshire, estate donald trump says he needs to win, is currently ahead with 62% of the vote recorded. donald trump at 48.3%. hillary clinton and warty 6.3%. a difference of about 10,000 ates -- hillary clinton 46.3%. a difference of about 10,000 votes. gary johnson and jill stein in
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low single digits. winnsylvania, a must- stay for hillary clinton. she is losing in central and western pennsylvania but doing wrong in pittsburgh, allowing her to maintain her narrow lead, 49.4% to 47.1% for donald trump. a lot of attention in utah and the third-party candidate. donald trump is maintaining a significant lead with 24% reporting. he has 52% compared to percent.s 21.3 hillary clinton at 21.9%. wisconsin is another state republicans hope to flip. 67% of the vote now reported. donald trump at 49%. hillary clinton at 46%. host: utah numbers are interesting. all ofn would have taken his votes from donald trump, more or less.
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host: it looks like donald trump will put that in the red column, a win for republicans in the electoral college vote. host: thank you. we continue to take telephone calls. jackie in north carolina, a democrat. you are on the air. caller: hello. democrat,a registered have been for years, but i had to vote republican this year. i heardt -- sad to say, so much negativity from both sides that it made it a hard decision. i was a former public school teacher and a current nurse and hospital here in north carolina, seen the effect of the current administration has had on schools and education and the effect that this obamacare has had on the american citizens that it was supposed to help. it is atrocious what i see happening to these people when
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they come in thinking that they have obamacare, finally have coverage, and they are paying good money but not getting anything. they are not covered for the things that they need to be covered for. hear really hard, and i people say that he does not have experience and that he went bankrupt in his companies. but the one thing i have seen donald trump do is he has taken something that, yeah, maybe he had a business go under, but he has always had that phoenix rise from the ashes. let's face it, the current administration has this country in trillions and trillions of dollars in debt, so there is no place to go but up. so it is time to give donald a chance and see what he can make from it. he cannot get us into anymore trouble because hillary already has a proven track record of the terrible things she has done, the lying and stealing, and the people are already in her
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pocket. let's see what donald can do for us. host: that is jackie from north carolina. a call from minnesota, republican. , we voted for trump. our family is republican. we have been democrats since i was young, but i truly believe that what trump stands for, ande from all the bashing picking on him because of being a president, we are hispanic and i really believe on what trump i like that he is for unborn babies. we like the fact -- just a lot of things that he's done for. we're totally behind him. and we're happy looking at tv right now making, you know, just the updates and where he's really close in winning. but yeah.
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everybody has their own opinion. and i really do stand for what he is talking about. and we need something new. we already know what hillary stands for. what she did. and i believe trump is going to do something different. so i know that by me voting for trump, i know it's going to make a big change for my kids and my grandkids. host: thank you, tina. appreciate the phone call. seeing pictures from both trump and clinton headquarters. and you can see a lot of watch and wait attitude coming out of the clinton headquarters in new york city. and a little more raucous there at the trump headquarters as the results continue to unfold. we're going to show you next come -- congresswoman ann kilpatrick who tried to unseat john mccain from his long-held senate seat and wasn't successful in doing that. here's what she had to say to er supporters.
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>> thank you, everyone. thank you. you worked your hearts out. every single one of you. we did more and bigger and better than ever before. and we can only be proud of the effort of the organization we put together, of the work that we did, of the people we contacted. the phone calls we made. the progress we made. and i am so proud of diego for running for county attorney. you know, we're making progress, right? we are going to turn arizona blue. we didn't get the result we wanted tonight in my race. but we made progress. and we made some wins tonight. it looks like we won the minimum wage proposition 206.
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so yeah. working families are going to do better in arizona because of your effort. looks like we might have a new sheriff in town. how great is that? so i want to think -- i want to thank all of you for volunteering. you know how to do it. i want to thank my team, team kilpatrick, the best team i've ever had. i couldn't be prouder of -- could not be prouder of the campaign we ran. we want to thank senator john mccain for a debate. we kept it civil. we weren't seeing that at the presidential level. and because of your efforts, yeah, in the booth. arizona's changing. and we know we have to keep working. we can't give up. i want to thank my family. it is always hard on the
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families and so they were there for me through the thick and thin. and, you know, i love arizona. i really believe in arizona. this is not the end. this is just the beginning. all right. let's do it. thank you. host: ann kilpatrick in her losing senate bid in arizona. and the wisconsin senate race has been very closely watched. and hotly contested. ron johnson is the victor. the incumbent. it was a rematch with russ feingold. let's listen to him. senator johnson: you all know what a servant leader tony blando is. he has gained so much respect in washington, d.c., the respect he deserves. but tony, you know i did not have done this without you. so god bless you, tony blando.
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i want to thank the official staff of the senate. the folks here in wisconsin who are just dedicated to excellent customer service, i'm not going to name everybody because i'll forget some of you and you know who you are. you have done so much to be so responsive to the good folks of wisconsin and trust me. we are dedicated customer service and you can expect six additional years of great ustomer service as well. the old washington d.c., they gave me all the information i need so thank all of you guys. and you've come here and helped he campaign. i got to think the state-based campaign staff as well. etsy, where's betsy?
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betsy never gave up. let's face it. we have some pretty disappointing days every now and again. some frustrating poll results. nobody, nobody was more upbeat and more positive. kept us on message and kept us on point and remained positive and becky is a fabulous campaign manager and however ires her next. you know, i've had the privilege over the last -- really six years serving with phenomenal people. and over the last couple of days, traveling through the state, i really don't think wisconsin fully appreciates how lucky we are to have the men
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and women of integrity in our state legislature, in the governorship, serving in congress. i mean, governor walker, where did governor walker go? man of integrity. a man of integrity. a man of ideas. a man of political courage. and those three attributes will be attached to everybody else i mention. ieutenant governor clayfish. all the men and women of the state assembly and state senate, paul ryan. i'm a big paul ryan fan. and america is going to lean on paul ryan, his agenda to save his country.
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but other members of congress, jim sensenbrenner, reid -- is retiring. they call it the race for mike. mike gallagher is a fabulous, -- glen groveman and sean duffy. these are fabulous members of ongress. you know, the governor, members of the legislature put wisconsin on the right path. paul ryan and the other members. legislature, we're going to put america on the right path. o god bless all those folks. you know, about 6 1/2 years ago, a door was toped me. gave me this opportunity to serve the folks of wisconsin and america's united states
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senator. about 18 months ago, another door is opened up to me. through my senate staff, and i met a wonderful man, pastor jerome smith. pastor, where are you? astor smith. working together, we've created something called the joseph project. and it is through the leadership of a wonderful man named pastor jerome smith. and we are helping transform people's lives. and we are using that as an example of how when you demonstrate and implement your compassion in your community, that's actually what works. and so pastor smith certainly my guarantee to you is we're going to continue to grow and expand the joseph project and use that wonderful example. so god bless you, paffletor smith. -- pastor smith.
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i did speak with senator feingold. he called me and a very gracious call and congratulated me and wished me well. i wish him well in his next chapter of his life. i've also talked to paul ryan. i've talked to leader mcconnell and talked to our vice president -- the presidential ominee and talked to arenas -- rience priebus. i believe america has given us a chance, an opportunity to put this nation on the right path. that's exactly what i intend to do. as tony said, six years ago i promised i'll always tell you the truth. i'll never vote. i'll never act with my re-election mind. that's obvious. this is my final term. so i prove the next six years with the seriousness of
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purpose. we've got a shot. we've got a chance. we've got to put america on the right path and the way we're going to do it, the way we're going to do it is be concentrating on the areas of agreement. and here's -- here's the number one area of agreement that we start with. as americans, as wisconsinites, we really do share the same goal. we all want a safe, prosperous, ecure wisconsin and america. and we are concerned about each other. there's no one political party that has a monopoly on compassion. we all want all of our fellow citizens to succeed, to have the opportunity to build a good life themselves and their family. i'm chairman of the senate on homeland security and affairs and i can ruin your night laying out the problems, the challenges, the threats we
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face. i'm not going to do that. his is a night of celebration. thank you. thank you. but this is a night of opportunity. we've been given a chance. we're going to seize that chance and together, working together, because one group of people i haven't thanked yet is all of you. as i said, what gives me hope, what gives me hope and understand the number one thing people tell me as i travel around -- in our prayers and we're praying for you. it's all of you that have made this possible and working together as wisconsinites, as america, we're going to save this country. so god bless all of you. god bless wisconsin.
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god bless america. thank you. host: incumbent senator ron johnson declaring his victory and he also announcing this will be his last campaign for the united states senate. and with the quality of that feed, we're bringing that in by our crews using cell phone technology. and as you can imagine, there's lots of competition for that in these election headquarters tonight. so -- we thought it's more important to get the information to you as the night progresses. an update for us as more results are coming in. what do you have? >> when you said earlier one of the great storylines the polling regardless of what happens tonight, how the polling was so off from what we're seeing in the results tonight. still a number of key states to come in. but let's look at michigan and some of the midwest states donald trump is hoping to pick off from the democrats. right now with about 64% of the vote in michigan, 48% for
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donald trump. 47% for hillary clinton. and you can see just how close it is in that state. wisconsin, another state where donald trump is hoping to flip from a democratic to a republican column and with 74% of the vote in wisconsin, donald trump continues to increase his lead in the badger state. 49% compared to just about 46% for hillary clinton. in new hampshire, both candidates spending a lot of time in the granite state. donald trump is holding on to his lead in that state with its four electoral votes. 48.5%. to 46.1% for hillary clinton. and finally, in pennsylvania, an absolute must win state for hillary clinton, if she loses pennsylvania, it's the end of the ballgame for her and cannot get to 207 electoral votes and holding ton a narrow lead at 49% compared to 47.5% for donald trump. tracy morialo joins us on the phone and following this for
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"the pittsburgh post-gazette" including the senate race where katie mcginty is hoping to unseat senator pat toomey. what cuts -- can you tell us about what's happening in the keystone state? >> thanks. it's a pretty mixed bag here. pennsylvania voters are independent folks. and there was a lot of ticket splitting in the state tonight. we've got pat toomey up by just a hair right now in the senate race. still waiting on the results there. to be a little bit more definitive. and hillary clinton, looks like she's going to take pennsylvania. but that's still remains to be seen. there's something like 20% of the precincts that haven't yet reported their votes yet. so i'm here with pat toomey supporters at his election night party just outside of allentown. and it's been pretty mixed. because been up and down. a little earlier it looked like katie america ginty was going to -- katie mcginny was going to win and now anybody's race again. and excited about what's
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happening with donald trump and a nail biter with pat toomey. >> you look at the margin of victory for hillary clinton in the key philadelphia and pittsburgh areas, strong democratic areas for hillary clinton. and yet the rest of the state is looking very red for donald trump. >> right. well, pennsylvania is a very mixed state. it is very, very conservative in the middle part of the state. and then we've got of course this very blue pittsburgh-allegheny county and philadelphia and its suburbs. so it's really quite a mixed bag in pennsylvania all the time. and it's been a pretty tough race, the senate race for pat toomey. if you think about it, six years ago, he only won then by just a hair. and that was a very, very good year for republicans. so he's really had an uphill battle here from the beginning. and things are right now looking a little bit more positive for him. just in the last half-hour or so. as these last precincts have
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reported. >> so bottom line, looking ahead at those results, still not in, what are you keeping an eye on at this moment? >> well, there's just precincts actually all over the state. that haven't yet reported. so it really could go either way. and i think that's what folks here are looking at. i think pat toomey's reluctance to either endorse or renounce donald trump, a bit of a factor in this race. he only announced his votes at about 6:45 which is just a little over an hour before the polls in pennsylvania closed. and he did vote for donald trump. but up until a few hours ago, he was saying that he was concerned about some of the things that donald trump had been saying. but not yet persuaded either way. it was a real political calculation for him. because he couldn't afford to lose the very strong trump supporters that are in this
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state, at the same time he couldn't alienate the folks that were the never trump camp people. so he had a real political calculus there. and we'll know in another hour or so probably whether he made the right call on that. -- racie mauri lefment lo mauriello following it for us at the pittsburgh post gazette and a race that could determine whether chuck schumer is in the minority or the majority. katie mcginty holding on to a statewide lead. very narrow. 2.3 million to 2.3 million for pat toomey and a difference of only about 58,000 votes between katie mcginty the democratic candidate and pat toomey the republican candidate with nearly 80% reporting in pennsylvania. susan? >> in a moment we will be showing our viewers russ feingold's concession speech and i'll have you tell -- talk about this race and a rematch between the two men. russ feingold trying to reclaim
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his senate seat and the democrats really saw this as a pickup and put a lot of money in in the last few weeks. >> for two key reasons. the clinton campaign with russ feingold on the ticket really expecting that that would help turnout. especially among the bernie sanders supporters who might have been inclined to stay home. but decided to support hillary clinton and quite frankly a surprise the democratic senate campaign committee, the cook political report, all looking at that race thinking it was going to be a relatively easy pickup for the democrats. and clearly that was not the case. host: let's listen to former senator feingold, the defeated candidate tonight, as he talks to his supporters in his home state. mr. feingold: ah, my friends.
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thank you. thank you. well, i didn't expect this outcome to be honest with you. i'm sorry we didn't get the josh done. -- job done. and i want to thank my wife, hristine, ferdinand. she just retired after 40 years as a university librarian. came here on october 1, registered to vote and went and voted with me and said she may have voted for me. and her greatest wish in life was to have her first month of retirement be thrown into the united states senate campaign. no, it wasn't. but thank you for your support. we gave it everything we had. i cannot tell you how i feel about the support that i received from everybody, every
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day, all over this state. my wonderful family. incredible campaign staff. i mean, i just had such a good time with all you guys in the campaign. you taught me a lot more than i taught you. and i really wanted to get this done. but obviously it's something is happening in this country tonight. i don't understand it completely. i don't think anybody does. but we as americans have to do the best we can to heal the pain in this crinlt and get people to come together -- this country and get people to come together. i urge you to be as restrained as you can be, at-bats the next steps occur. i don't know exactly what they're going to be. but this could be one of the most challenging times in the history of our country. and it's going to be up to you, particularly these wonderful young people, that worked on this campaign.
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going to have to heal the wounds and bring us together. we'll get through that and i look forward to helping you in any way i can but it is now up to you. hanks so much. host: russ feingold after a bitter loss in his bid to return to the senate in wisconsin. and another concession speech. this is from north carolina. and the democrat there, deborah ross, was a former north carolina house majority whip. and her speech after losing her bid to unseat richard burr omes up next here on c-span.
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we have video, wrong video at this moment. but we'll get that for you. apologies there and go back to taking some telephone calls and show you that in just a little bit. next up is michael in los angeles. a republican. michael, you're on the air. caller: hey, how are you doing? host: doing fine. thank you, michael. what do you think of what you're seeing tonight? caller: actually not the least bit surprised. i've been anticipating because of the fragmentations of the media information, that they give us regarding the potential presidents. and the information that it gives them, most representing information and how tremendously they overwhelmed and coming from donald trump and at the same time donald trump is actually leading in most of the states as most people thought he wasn't. and one of the interesting things is that people need to make -- make a possible discernment between media information, the fragmentation that we see over the televisions that misguide us and information. biblically it says you study to
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show yourselves approved and that's important. this is a learning process for the united states of america. it's -- to really make their own observations and determinations instead of being led by false representation. and then given the opportunity to liston someone that will be as bold as donald trump to make statements such as he supposedly made and clearly has made. and at the same time, he is still being elected president of the united states and i believe he will be successful. and i hope that he do. host: all right, sir. thank you so much. sam schwartz. and anticipating success for donald trump. he writes, biggest winner tonight, c-span. the cabinet confirmation hearings in the senate. just became must watch tv. back to phone calls next up is kevin in fairfield, california. a democrat. caller: hey, thanks for having me on the line. i'm actually a lifelong democrat that's actually voting for trump this time around. host: and why did you make that decision, kevin? caller: you know, there's a lot
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of things that went into this. i think this is for the first time in our -- in our nation's history at least in the most recent history, this is actually kind of a vote for our nation's soul. and with that in mind, you know, i thought it was very important that i voted for the right person. it actually behooves me that a lot of people will say online that they're voting for the lesser of two evils. to me, i think that you shouldn't vote for the lesser of two evils and think both candidates are evil you should vote for someone you feel meets everything that you want in a candidate. when it comes to -- when it comes to trump, i see everything that we need in a leader. i see someone who's strong. i see someone who has been successful as a businessman. who's been successful in the realm in which he's lived. i see someone who knows how it is to be defeated and to rise from the ashes. someone like a phoenix. i think at the end of the day, when i look at both of their legacies i see 30 years of trump, and i see that dotted in the skyline in new york city. and around the globe.
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in the trump towers. i see a legacy for hillary clinton, and i see a lot of ashes. a lot of burned buildings. a lot of people that are dead in the form of a lot of the failed policies in the middle east. so definitely a democrat but voting for trump this thiem and glad the media had it all -- all wrong. host: deborah ross, the concession speech from north carolina. chris is in harper woods, michigan. and chris, you are on c-span and who did you vote for today? caller: i voted for gary johnson actually. i thought he was a better candidate. and funny to listen to all the callers who are democrats voting republican because i'm a republican who voted independent this year. i don't know for some reason i really like trump in the beginning but in the end i just couldn't go for him. and the main reason i wanted to call in as i -- really thank
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you for allowing us to do this. i've been saying this for many days now. and especially weeks in this election. you know, we focus too much on the democrats and republicans. and the media, the league of women voters, and the debates, that's all it was. was democrats and republicans. we have other candidates running for the presidency in this country. and they really need to have a voice. they need to be invited to the debates. they need to be able to speak out and be interviewed. they need to have their voices out there. and i think it's time that we change this back in this country. everybody has a chance, whoever is running for presidency, should have a chance to have their voice heard and to stand in front of the people with all of the candidates. democrats, republicans, libertarian. and that's why i voted libertarian. i think maybe deep down i really am a libertarian. but i am a conservative. and i like what they had to say. and i usually go republican. but this year i like what gary had to say and had to learn
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that on my own. the media didn't tell me that. and i wish they would. i wish they would report all of the news from all of the candidates and allow us to make our decisions not based on any bias. because we're limiting only democrats and republicans and i think the voice of everyone needs to get out there. and to really thank you for allowing me to make that point. host: thank you so much. don't need any pundits or analysts to tell you the story tonight. you just have to look at the faces in the crowds. while we have that shot on the screen tonight from the clinton headquarters and the trump headquarters. to see what the mood is like in those two rooms tonight. next up, deborah ross. north carolina. and she's going to talk to her supporters and tell them what happened with her campaign [applause]
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you are a hard-working, good-looking crowd. [applause] >> i love you, too. i love the people of north carolina. it is not the outcome that we wanted, but i have zero regrets. [applause] >> it has been a huge honor to run to be your united states senator. [applause] you for all thank the time and effort that you have put into the selection -- this election. it has been the election of a lifetime. syria's shoes have been put out there and you have worked very hard. i want to thank my husband, who
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stood by me. [applause] he has been my best friend, he has been a trusted advisor and he has always stood by me when i reached for my dream. my parents are here with me tonight. you heard about them on the trail. [applause] always pushed me to do better and my mother who was always there for me no matter what. every sunday,em usually on the way to church, and they have in the best errands anyone could ask for -- best parents anyone could ask for. i also want to thank my staff. many of you have met them, they are the best of north carolina. some of them, it is their first job. [applause]
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