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tv   Election Night 2016  CSPAN  November 9, 2016 1:59am-4:00am EST

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country who change to donald trump over hillary clinton. good morning. i'm super happy that trump won the election. it's just awesome to see everyone's comments and see all the democrats cry over this because we've been dealing with a bunch of junk that they have been giving this country. he can't legally not pay taxes. taxes.s people to do his steve: from the ap, these are the results from the battleground states that are trending toward donald trump
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based on the associated press numbers. reporting, he has 49% of the vote compared to 46% for hillary clinton. he was in grand rapids last night. 92% of the vote in michigan reported. in pennsylvania, he has nearly 49% of the vote. to house defeated thehe -- republican candidate. and it remains in the second district, he said about the debatege, we covered the
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in the house, senate, he and governors races. we are expecting to hear from john podesta from the clinton campaign headquarters. eight we had some folks asking about the marijuana initiative. there were eight states. either recreational or medical marijuana and i want to see if i can go through the results. arizona not in yet. california recreational marijuana, a strong win for yes 56-44. massachusetts recreational marijuana, yes 53%. no, 47%. nevada recreational marijuana 54% yes. 71%cal marijuana florida,
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yes. 29% no. , 64% yes.ta 36% no. a big night for marijuana in the states considering it. let's go back to a call from eric in olympia, washington. a democrat. go ahead please. eric, are you there? we're going to move on to james in california. iam a big fan of donald trump. i want to give a shout to those who helped get him in office. host: we have to leave, john podesta is at the podium. : folks, i know you
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have been here a long time. it has been a long night and a long campaign. but i can say, we can wait a little longer, can't we? they are still counting votes and every vote should count. several states are too close to call so we will not have anything more to say tonight. so listen, listen to me. everybody should head home. get some sleep. have more to say tomorrow. want you to know, i want to every person in this hall and every person across the country who supported hillary to know that your enthusiasm means so and to her and tim and all of us. we're so proud of you. [cheers and applause]
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of of proud she has done an amazing job and she is not done yet. being with her. she has always been with you. i have to say this tonight. good night, we will be back with to say. will get those votes counted and bring this home. thank you so much. you are in all of our hearts. thank you. "hillary"] ing
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>> coverage continues. across town at the hilton, the trump party and here is what that room looks like right now. no word on when mr. trump might come out to speak to supporters. we will take calls throughout the morning. a ryan in from wilmington, north carolina on the democrats line. you are on the air. we are listening. caller: first of all, i am not going to bash anybody.
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i know how the political system is supposed to work. people need to be concerned with the house of representatives and the senate. now. crowd controls that i still think she could win because they are not through counting votes. supporters, when i listen to trump and see what he gets he makes fun of people. instigates. this is a kind of temperament this man has. words. speak louder than host: did you vote today? caller: it yes. host: for hillary clinton? caller: yes, i did. host: was it crowded at the polls? caller: it was not as crowded as i thought it would be. i voted at the university and i
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was surprised it was not as crowded. a lot of people took advantage of her early voting. host: were you voting for somebody or against somebody? caller: i was voting more against because you know, i followed the campaign and anybody that said anything said if this man gets in office, what happens to a bully? when you believe the wrong person, they get beat up. of trump gets into office and thinks he can do whatever he wants it and riles the wrong country it will hurt this country. host: ryan, right now it looks continues.end the republicans will have the white house, senate, and house of representatives. those are things the
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democratic party really need in order to get things done. like to see done? what action would you like to see the federal government take? caller: what i would like to see basically in order to elevate the economy, i want to see the middle class thrive again. a good strong infrastructure from the ground up. anybody who is ever built a house, you do not start from the top, you start from the ground up. steve scully with more results. college, 270ctoral the number you need. donald trump now at 266 electoral votes. hillary clinton at 218.
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giving with michigan, where donald trump is currently ahead toward it .4% compared to 46.5% for hillary clinton. in new hampshire, secretary clinton has a narrow lead of a few thousand votes. under 4000 votes in michigan -- sayew hampshire i should four electoral votes. and pennsylvania, the associated press has declared donald trump the winner in that state with electoral votes. he has about 49% of the votes compared to order 7.5% or hillary clinton. wisconsin, donald trump is ahead or 48.9% compared to just hillary clinton. in two states declared earlier in case you missed them, when hundred percent reporting in florida, donald trump 49% compared to 47.49 -- 40 some of .7% for hillary clinton.
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just over 50% of the votes in north carolina for donald trump. a margin of 2.3 million votes for donald trump compared to 2.1% -- 2.1 million for hillary clinton. padma cory is behind by about 4000 votes to roy cooper who is the democrat. from a democrat for hillary clinton. caller: i would like to say i am a trump supporter. i voted for donald trump. i could not vote for hillary clinton in the pocketbooks of plant parenthood. and other communist factions in my line of business that is
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another reason i voted for trump, in my line of business, i am an auto mechanic and i am tired of seeing american cars -- supposedly american cars -- all made in korea. all the main parts are made in mainland china. the other ones are made in mexico or canada and the reason being because manufacturers are not here in the united states. i want to get back to making good, american products for americans. i am tired of buying stuff from overseas and that is why i supported donald trump. host: did you support mr. trump in the primary? caller: yes. host: jacksonville, north carolina independent line. which we did you vote? caller: i went with hillary.
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i am way too much against trump from everything i have seen. common did you want to make tonight? nonaffiliated. all of the different options for president should of been in all the debates. i voted for bernie originally, he should of been the one going against donald trump. today i voted for hillary now i don't like her very much. it would've been nice to have a female president and if she wins that will be awesome but trump is not even an option for me. i man that talks about the size behis junk, thinks we should punished for abortions, makes "p" and says he
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wants to use nuclear bombs on our allies, that is not someone i will look at as my president. he does win, i am going to try my best to move to mexico. it is even going to get harder, i am below the poverty level here and disabled and in mexico actually it will probably be better. i am shocked and said. trina in coldis water, michigan. republican. i would just like to say supporter andump i would like to use a couple metaphors i know that trump has a egg mouth. i know he cusses a lot.
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i know there's a lot of people out there, christians who don't like that. and i don'ttian like that. but you know what? he is pro-life. babies.wants to kill is murder. to me that is murder. i of children and i cannot believe anyone would want to do that. host: here is another republican from michigan in jackson. are you surprised donald trump is winning in your state? caller: i was very surprised. happy to know this is a christian nation with christian values. reverse roe v wade.
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through asush it fast as the democrats did obamacare. plow right over the democrats and get things done. host: were you enthusiastic about mr. trump? caller: when i heard he was going to do supreme court justices with constitutional enforcement and pro-life i was very enthused. host: thank you or calling. still a full house at the trump party headquarters. >> we know hillary clinton will not speak tonight. john podesta making that announcement. a different situation with the drop headquarters with the hilton headquarters in midtown
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manhattan. we have been checking in throughout the evening. atlanticm the magazine. do we expect donald trump will come to the podium? >> it is not clear at this point. i have not gotten a clear indication. there's still time to make up their mind when he is going to do and how he is going to deal with the turn of events. the supporters in the ballroom are booing and jeering at the screen as john podesta announced hillary clinton would not be conceding tonight. chanting also been news it" at the fox screens. so there is frustration later over the happy move. the firewall clinton had in pennsylvania that was a must-when state and michigan and wisconsin where donald trump is
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ahead. michigan and wisconsin have not been called, pennsylvania has. as you indicated, the broadcast and cable networks not just yet calling the race. what are they looking for? molly: they are looking for enough votes to come in that they failed confident. especially when you look at a call that has the potential to put the election of the top you want to be sure so you don't have to take anything back. a lot of the things donald trump was ridiculed for putting so much effort into late and the raise, a last-minute rally in minnesota, that he never gave up fact thatvania, the he kept campaigning in maine, a lot of those are starting to then dumber. he has, as you said, he has really taken that firewall in smashed it.
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differentis it so from when romney put efforts into pennsylvania, michigan, what changed over the last four years or was it the message donald trump what north? looking at the numbers at 2:20 a.m. in the morning november 9? molly: it will take a lot more analysis before we can answer that. the simple fact is donald trump got more votes. votersously appealed to that mitt romney was not able to access and the conventional wisdom at this point is that it has a lot to do with those lower income white working-class white people without college degrees. timee need to spend more with data before we jump to conclusions. a lot of finger-pointing is going on among democrats about hillary clinton's flaws as a candidate and whether they were to quick to overlook the extreme
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distaste and dislike people felt about her and the way in which thecandidacy was taken by establishment in the democratic party said the will be a lot of examination on both sides. are filled with anti-trap republicans and disbelief that this outcome as well as the angst of the democrats who are really in shock. what about fbi director james comey and the impact and coming back sunday and saying no further charges would be looked into? by the case basically cooked the time he came back with his statement on sunday afternoon? molly: that is something we may never be able to know. the object of a lot of anger among democrats. a lot of democrats feeling like that was the development that change the calculus late in the
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race. they were a great when at happened and they are much angrier now as they look at and see that as potentially the deciding factor. something we saw how it changed the polls. it has started to open up for hillary clinton, seemed to push a lot of republicans back into donald trump's column. the way he has been able to win a lot of the states as he got the traditional republican voters and then he put a lot of nontraditional republican voters on top of that. host: molly, did you see this coming tonight? molly: i have a firm policy of not making predictions and the reason i do not like to make predictions is the cousin it is easy to get blinded by your belief and a certain outcome and to view every development through that prism once you have decided you have an expectation of how things will turn out. i do not think there is a
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political person in america who of therised just because polls and history. a lot of judgments based on how things go in the past. reasoning is some indication of what the future might hold. really an outcome that jarred us out of the old historical context so it is absolutely surprising but i do not think i am on the record of having predicted anything because i try not to do that. host: we know democrats will not recapture control of the u.s. senate and so both sides of capitol hill, the house and the senate will be controlled by republicans. we let you figure out what this town will look like in january. molly: that is anybody's it guess. made such deep divisions in the republican party there will be a lot of self-examination and finger-pointing among the republican establishment trying
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to figure out what it is their voters really wanted because it was not the traditional paul ryan republican of old that donald trump offered. it was different and the party has to grapple with that. senator jeff sessions sees the potential for agreement with democrats. there could be agreements on things like trade. foreign policy. less inump has been line with the old republican consensus. host: we have got word that donald trump is in the building at the new york hilton. writing,ers a staff politics for the atlantic. let's go to the senate races. if donald trump comes to the podium will go to that immediately. senator john mccain coming back for six term easily defeating ann kirkpatrick. molly harris, democratic state
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.eneral in arizona and california. senator marco rubio in florida easily winning over congressman patrick murphy, the democratic candidate. in illinois, tammy duckworth defeating republican senator mark kirk. and congressman todd that young winning by a 10 percent margin in the hoosier state. with justunt winning 45%. and catherine cortez meso now declared the winner in the race for the democratic hold. the seat held by fungus men harry reid, a race not been called. look out close this raises right
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now. governor maggie hassan with 317,000 votes over senator kelly ayotte. and in pennsylvania, a republican hold, senator pat toomey reelected and defeating democraticty the candidate by a narrow margin. the associated press giving that to senator pat toomey. peter back to you. peter: the trump headquarters is full. donald trump is in the building and should be speaking shortly. we will bring that to you. we want to show you this early new york times. here is their front page on the website. verge.s on the the new york times had opined strongly against trump's
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candidacy. they said republicans would control the senate after writing donald trump's code strings. as we wait for it the trump to come out and speak, we will continue to take your calls. line. washington democrat your senator and your governor got reelected, didn't he? i did not pay much attention. i was doing other things. hillary losingt and trump winning and i am pro-life and i would like to see the day when democrats will be pro-life like they used to be. mom and dad and grandma and grandpa and my whole family was democrat. i have never been rich.
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host: who did you vote for janet? caller: i won't say it. i won't say it. i can't say. i mean, i was -- i am a seecrat and i would like to hillary get it because i trust her. i trust her with my whole life. no surgery. i had my neck operated on. i have to wearing brace. my social security. she will make our climate livable. i am afraid that donald trump will not do that. tacoma,net and washington, thank you for calling in and participating this evening. will in oregon. go ahead.
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color: know, i just want to say i am happy that trump is winning right now. i want to shout out to my mom and my late grandmother and we are all rohan be. my whole family voted for trump and it looks like it turned out the right way. host: is the race close in oregon? theer: no, but the rest of country speaking for me and it looks like donald will win. nicole in springfield, ohio. republican line. big night for the republicans and ohio, nicole. caller: yes. i want to do call and say that, you know, i am a big fan of trump and, you know, i think of, you-- a big part know, his, you know, well, i
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don't when to call it now, of course, but i think part of the problem with hillary is that, you know, a lot of people aren't trusting her. there has been a lot of lies she has been called in, you know, and you know, the late-term abortion, you know, that people you know just aren't happy with and you know just the holy e-mail thing you know, there was a lot of dishonesty, you know, and it is really hard to trust somebody, you know, to run, you know, with my children's future, you know, my future possible grandchildren's future, i don't have them yet, you know, but you know i don't think you can trust that, you know, i think we need somebody who we know is for the american people and when you are stuff on therty side and background, you know, where nobody can see then things come to light. host: all right. here is a tweet that mike hands
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sent out. watching out for returns with the real donald trump. next call is in michigan on the democrat line. good evening. caller: hello. my name is a shonn tape. am really shocked. i never thought in a million years that trump of all people would be running first of all. sads just a very sad, moment and i do not think a lot of people are taking this into serious thought. for us to vote to and i feel like a lot of people did not go out and vote this year. and for my state, michigan, for soto go to trump i am
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disappointed. i have never been so disappointed in my country. joke.s a big the other countries are laughing. that is an embarrassing. i am embarrassed to be in this country. for hillary. bad i still have a little hope left and i hope that she gets it. host: what do you do in marquette? caller: i live here. host: i know. do work, do go to school? caller: yes. i work and i go to school. host: hello andrew. caller: i am fantastic. host: go ahead and make your comment. caller: i voted for trump because i like his ideas. opinions and i
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did research and thought for themselves they could come up for their own answers. >> up next is timothy. he is a republican. on c-span, what is your comment. >> i would like to say i am glad to see donald trump in the lead and hillary clinton is not nothing that needs to be worried about. you know, no clinton back then he signed over into law that all the major companies could leave this country and go to another country and make more money and .ay less on taxes and labor i am just glad donald trump made it. host: what to think he will be able to accomplish in the next four years if he is elected?
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caller: if every republican stands the hind him and every american stance behind him, he will make the country great again. he knows how to use money. he knows how to make money. host: it looks like the republicans will have the white house, the senate, and the house of representatives. i never voted in 16 years because there was nobody worth voting for in 16 years. they were all democrat. when i seen donald trump he was my man. timothy froms georgia. here's what the washington post is reporting. trump closes in on historic upset. the headline air. robert calling from houston,
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texas. hello you are on c-span. caller: hello. i just wanted to say i did not vote at all. them,cerns with both of she is sending classified e-mail documents to foreign countries. trump, he said he any other country that got in our way. amnesty without background checks, donald trump once the opposite. he wants to deport everybody. the currently listed in military. marine sergeant, gunnery sergeant and it concerns me either way. having him as commanding officer. host: that was robert, member of the armed services in houston,
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texas. >> we're keeping track of the numbers from the associated press. we are going to show you the map from the associated press as key states come in including pennsylvania and michigan. you can see right now according to the ap, hillary clinton has 218 electoral votes, donald trump 276 that put some officially over the top according to the associated press. let's look at the two states that have been so critical to the lenten and trump campaign. wisconsin, donald trump at 48.7% compared to 46.1 percent for hillary clinton and in pennsylvania, a state the ap declared for donald trump, the firewall state for hillary lenten. 20 electoral votes. they need to pennsylvania to maintain the lead over donald trump. leading pennsylvania, that was the defining moment for the clinton campaign.
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we saw john podesta come out saying we will not hear from hillary clinton. presumably she is heading back to her home in new york. we expect to hear from donald trump within the next half hour or so. we know that you indicated, peter, donald trump is at the hilton and we expect to hear from him. >> in the popular vote right millionald trump has 66 votes. 55 million.ton, gary johnson at 3%. jill stein at 1%. for historical reference, and 2012 barack obama received 66 million votes. votes.mney 61 million janice, tennessee, democrat line. you are on c-span election night 2016. caller: how are you? host: how are you?
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caller: disappointed, sad. i've been crying. i am disgusted. how could any american feel that ?bout voting for donald trump he is for the rich. he could care less about the disabled. he does not even care about those of us on social security. basically, if he wins and i am praying to god that hillary takes it, i really do. i do not see it happening at this moment but i know and pray that will happen, that she can take all this. it will be a very sad day if elected.ump gets host: are you disappointed mrs. clinton did not come out and speak to her supporters at the javits center in new york?
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or less awas more little disappointed but i was in shock because i really expected her to say something. host: thank you. it is a little after 2:30 a.m. on the east coast and we are showing you the trap party headquarters at the hilton in midtown manhattan and he is in need building and we are waiting for him to come out and speak. want to hearme, we your voices, hear your reaction to what is going on. if you can't get on through the phone line -- we will put the numbers up but you can also tweak them. tweet them to hashtag cspan.
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who did you vote for? .aller: trump of course host: what you think of the reaction? we want to go to a tweet. kelly o'donnell of nbc tweeting out that sources tell her clinton has conceded on the phone with trump. that is from kelly o'donnell so we wanted to show you that. ellis why he voted for donald trump and what you think. caller: i am definitely a supporter of second amendment rights and i know we cannot hit -- hillary could not stand on that. i am pro-life and we know where she stands on that. those are my major issues. that billaying clinton is bad. he did some good things. i am not saying hillary clinton would be bad but where i stand on the second amendment and
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pro-life it makes more sense for donald trump to be the president. host: it the panama city area, is that a republican area? caller: yes. host: what to do there? caller: computer programming. host: thank you. jeremy from michigan. monroe, michigan, democrat. what is your reaction to election night 2016? caller: i have actually thought of it and i voted for trump. host: why? hillarynothing about made me want to vote for her. host: who did you vote for four years ago? .aller: i voted them a chronic host: thank you for calling. we're keeping track of what other news organizations are doing and calling the race are not calling the race. indicating o'donnell
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hillary clinton has conceded to donald trump. donald trump is now at 276 electoral votes, six more needed, necessary to win the 270. hillary clinton that 218. the wall street journal has also declared donald trump the winner. >> hearing from merging on the independent line. you're on c-span. good morning. margie: good morning. host: what is sure reaction? margie: i was a lifelong democrat and i voted green party for jill stein for president and on the down ballot i did vote for democrats. if anyone wanted to ask me, the democratic party needs to clean house. they made a big mistake by alienating the biggest part of their party.
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the base of their party. when they cheated bernie sanders. bernie sanders had the momentum. he had the fire behind him. he could have beat donald trump. but because they had to have hillary clinton as a candidate this is the outcome. int: that is margie indianapolis. next up is mike in grosse pointe, michigan, on our republican line. change people wanted a in america so they elected all the republicans this election. host: how did you vote? caller: republican. host: did you do it because you are voting for something or against something? caller: they had a lot of other proposals on the ballot, you know, but i've been a republican all my life and i just figured it is time for change and i think this is the year for it.
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host: what do you think about michigan? donald trump is leading. when was the last time michigan went republican? caller: i ammark not sure but i have always voted republican so and he was hearing grand rapids and he gave a speech and i think the voters here in michigan decided, hey, it is time for a change and they went to the polls today and voiced that out. host: that is mike and gross point. one more question, what you think donald trump can accomplish for the state of michigan? caller: he wants to change the tax code and put more money into the working people's pockets and now that it is all republican i think it will be changed.
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it has not been changed since ronald reagan with the tax reform act of 1986. host: that is mike in grosse pointe. michael is in vacaville, california, independent line. but before that, let's show you the front page of the a late times. closer to you can see the crowd at the trump headquarters. the trump party. reacting to the numbers. mike and brockville, independent. hello. caller: i expected trump to win. honestly, i think the democrats did a terrible job at unifying the bernie supporters. the hillary supporters. i am a 23-year-old college student. you know, i almost did not vote.
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i am kind of concerned you know, about my student loans. i am concerned about my quality of life moving forward. i am concerned about the deconstruction of obamacare. i personally know several people who were helped by it. know, but being optimistic, hopefully, you know, after the trap presidency america will be in a different state and maybe we will have a different format. host: we are going to the hilton. this is the trump party. [cheers and applause]
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mike pence: this is a historic night. the american people have spoken and the american people have elected their new champion.
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a newa has elected president and it is almost hard for me to express the honor that i and my family feel that we will have the privilege to serve as your vice president of the united states of america. [crowd chanting "usa"] mike pence: i come to this moment deeply humbled. grateful to god for his amazing grace. grateful to my family. my wonderful wife karen. and his fiancee sarah. our daughter, audrey.
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and our daughter charlotte. i could not eat here without them. bem deeply -- i could not here without them. i am deeply grateful to the people of america for giving us this opportunity to serve. mostly grateful to our president-elect whose leadership and vision will make america great again. so let me say it is my high honor and distinct privilege to introduce to you the president-elect of the united states of america donald trump. ♪
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[cheers and applause] ♪
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[crowd chanting "usa"] donald trump: thank you. thank you very much everybody. waiting.keep you complicated business. complicated business. thank you very much. i have just received a call from secretary clinton. she congratulated us. our victory and i congratulated her and her family on a very, very hard fought campaign. i mean, she -- she fought very hard. very long andrked
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od ofhard over a long peri time and we owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country. i mean that very sincerely. to it is time for america bind the wounds of division. to get together. to all republicans, democrats, independents across this nation, i say it is time for us to come together as one united people. it is time. pledge to every citizen of our land that i will be president for all americans and this is so important to me. chosen not tohave
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support me in the past, of war were such which there a few people, i am reaching out to you for your guidance and your help so we can work together and unify our great country. as i have said from the beginning, ours was not a campaign but rather an movemente and great made up of millions of hard-working men and women who love their country and want a better, brighter future for themselves and their family. movement comprised of americans from all races, religions, backgrounds, and believes to want and expect our government to serve the people and serve the people it will. together, we will begin
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the urgent task of rebuilding our nation and renewing the american dream. i have spent my entire life in business looking at the untapped attentional in projects and people all over the world. that is now what i want to do for our country. tremendous potential. i have gotten to know our country so well. tremendous attention. it is going to be a beautiful thing. every single american will have the opportunity to realize his or her fullest potential. the forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer. we are going to fix our inner cities and rebuild our highways,
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bridges, tunnels, airports, schools, hospitals. we are to rebuild our infrastructure. ,hich will become, by the way second to none. in we will put millions of our people to work as we rebuild it. finally take care of our great veterans. so -- who have been so loyal and i have gotten to know so many over this eight-month journey. the time i spent with them during this campaign has been among my greatest honors. our veterans are incredible people. we will embark upon renewal. i will harness the greatest talents of our people and we will call upon the best and brightest to leverage their tremendous talent for the
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betterment of all. it is going to happen. we have a great economic plan. we will double our growth and have the strongest economy anywhere in the world. at the same time, we will get along with all other nations willing to get along with us. we will have great relationships. we expect a great, great relationships. no dream is too big. no challenges to great. nothing we want for our future is belong -- beyond our reach. america will no longer settle for anything less they in the best. -- less than the best. -- we must reclaim our country's destiny and dream big and bold and daring. we have to do that. of thingsng to dream for our country, and beautiful things, and successful things once again.
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world to tell the community that while we will always put america's interest first, we will deal fairly with everyone. with everyone. otherople and all nations. we will seek common ground not hostility. partnership not conflict. but now i would like to take this moment to thank some of the people who really helped me with this what they are calling tonight very, very historic victory. to thank my parents, who i know are looking down on me right now. great people. i have learned so much from them. they were wonderful in every regard. truly great parents. i also want to think my sisters, marianne andy elizabeth who are here with us tonight. and, where are they?
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they are here somewhere. there are very shy, actually. great brother robert, my friend. where is robert? where's robert? my brother robert. and they should all be on this stage but that's ok. they are great. brother my great late fred. fantastic guy. fantastic family, i was very lucky. great brothers, sisters. great unbelievable parents. gaia yvonne --ivanka and eric and tiffany and barron. andve you and i think you especially for putting up with all of those hours.
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this was tough. this was tough. this political stuff is nasty and it is tough. so i want to thank my family very much. inc. you all. take you all. unbelievable. the nasa, thank you. thank you very much. thank you very much. what an incredible group. we have a large group of people. they consent, we have a small stuff. not so small. look at all of these people. and kelly and and chris and rudy and steve and david. we have got, we have got tremendously talented people up here and i want to tell you it has been very, very special. i want to give a very special thanks to our former mayor rudy
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giuliani who is unbelievable. unbelievable. he traveled with us and he went and rudy nevers changes. where is rudy? where is he? rudy. governor chris christie, folks, was unbelievable. thank you, chris. , the first center, the first major major politician. let me tell you, he is highly respected in washington because he is as respected as it gets, senator jeff sessions. where is he? great man. another great man, very tough competitor. he was not easy. he was not easy.
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who is that? is that the mayor that showed up question mark rudy? rudy got up. another great man who has been a friend to me. i have got to tell you, i got to know him as a competitor because he was one of the folks negotiating to go against those democrats, dr. ben carson. where is ben? [cheers] way, myrump: and by the hereoul mike huckabee is someplace. general mike, where is mike? [laughter] -- [applause] donald trump: in general kellogg. we have over 200 generals and
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admirals who have endorsed our campaign. we have 22 congressional medal of honor recipients, just tremendous people. and therecial person, were reports i was not getting along with him. i never had a bad second with him. he is an unbelievable star. that is right. how did you possibly guess? know it. look at all those people over there. he is a superstar. they can't call you a superstar unless we win. because like secretariat, if secretariat came in second, he would not have that take big, beautiful, bronze bust. is i will tell you, reince truly a star and the hardest working guy.
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come up here. where is reince? get appear. boy, oh, boy. it is about time you did this, reince. my god. come on. say something. >> ladies and gentlemen, the next president of the united states, donald trump. thank you, it has been an honor. god bless. donald trump: amazing guy. the rnc waship with so important to the success with what we have done. i also have to say. i have gotten to know some incredible people, the secret service people. [applause] donald trump: they are tough and they are smart and they are sharp. and i don't want to mess around with them, i can tell you.
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and when i want to go to waive to a big group of people and they rip me back down, but they are fantastic people. so, i want to thank the secret service. [applause] donald trump: and the law enforcement of new york city are here tonight. these are spectacular people. sometimes underappreciated, unfortunately, but we appreciate them. we know what they go through. so, it has been what they call a historic event, but to be really historic, we have to do a great job. and i promise you that i will not let you down. we will do a great job. i look very much forward to being your president. and hopefully, at the end of two
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years or three years or four years, or even eight years, you somethinghat that was were really proud to do. and thank you verymuch. that can say, that while campaign is over, our work on this movement is really just beginning. we are going to get to work immediately for the american people. and we are going to be doing a job that hopefully, you will be so proud of your president. you will be so proud. again, that is my honor. it has been an amazing two year period. and i love this country. thank you. thank you very much. [applause] thank you to mike pence.
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thank you, everybody. [applause] [crowd chants "usa"] ♪
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[simultaneous conversation]
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watchingve been president-elect trump work the room after his acceptance speech. we will be here all morning and then "washington journal" begins at 6:00 a.m. eastern time. ) is the area code for all of our numbers.
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if you want to tweet in as well, you can tweet to @cspan. lively conversation online, we have been here since 8:00 p.m. this evening with results. >> this is one for the record books, peter, one for the history books. one of the stories they will be talking about, and you had these numbers earlier. as you look at the overall popular vote numbers for hillary clinton and donald trump. of course, donald trump is the winner. with 38% of the vote compared to 47.3% of the book for hillary clinton, but 10 million fewer votes in 2016 versus 2010. to push the vote among the african-american community, that was not enough and that will be one of the key factors in her stunning defeat,
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pollsing that the did not predict. but winning tonight to become our 45th president. let's look at the numbers in the key states. let's look at new hampshire and that state has not yet been called, but right now, hillary clinton is holding onto a very narrow lead, just over 1000 votes. pennsylvania, this is a state that turned the tide for donald trump with 48.8% compared to 47.7% for hillary clinton. virginia, surprisingly close. hillary clinton was able to edge out a very narrow victory by just a couple hundred thousand votes. of course, her running mate is senator tim kaine. in north carolina, the democrats thought they had a good chance, but donald trump won by five percentage points.
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toflorida, he needed florida win the presidency come in he did so with just over 49%, compared to 47% for secretary clinton. michigan and wisconsin, these turned the rtide. donald trump has not been declared the winner in michigan, but he is currently ahead over secretary clinton, and also in wisconsin, a state where he campaigned heavily and the associated press, giving that state to him with 48.6%, compared to 46.1% with hillary clinton. hillary clinton won nevada with about 74% reporting and in arizona. donald trump is the winner in arizona with about 87% reporting. let's talk about some of the senate races as well. new hampshire, senator kelly ayotte and governor maggie in a very close race.
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right now, you can sate senator ayotte is ahead earlier and governor hassad was ahead earlier. pat toomey has 99% of the vote in that state, defeating katie mcginty. in north carolina, another race that has been going back and forth, but senator richard burr is the winner with just over 51% over democrat deborah ross. evening, thee winner in florida, marco rubio easily defeating patrick murphy in the florida senate race. and in indiana, he lost by 10 presented finds over congressman todd young, the republican candidate. in missouri, senator blanch is goinount was facing a cap challenge, but he won whicit. and finally in nevada, this is
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one democratic hold. catherine cortez won in a very nasty race, defeating joe heck. what about the balance of power, and where do things stand? let's begin with the senate. "the hill" says the republicans will remain a very narrow lead with two races yet to be decided. the republicans now with 51 in the new congress. and in the house, speaker paul ryan will maintain his leadership position as he is reelected by his republican colleagues. with 235 republican seats in the house, 184 democrat seats, and 16 races still to be decided and 218 needed for the majority and the republicans will maintain that majority. the results are available on the website at caller.
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elect mike president pence has been working the room after donald trump left. we can see him there on the edge of the crowd, still working the room. steven, you mentioned the historic nature of the night. donald trump said in order to be really historic, we have to do a great job. here's the updated new york times website. upset. triumph shocking we want to hear your voices throughout the morning. james, republican. what do you think about this? caller: i am a republican. i am kind of happy that he won. obviously, we needed to have something different. all we are used to is just
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senators and nobody else being elected. maybe now something might actually change. >> what specifically would you like to see change. >> we do have too much , so maybe if we can get rid of some of the corruption, change things up it might do us some good. >> that was james of in wisconsin, where ron johnson was reelected in a surprise. tammy in cordoba, tennessee, independent line. good morning, tammy. caller: good morning to you. the as has been a very interesting election for me because as an independent, i have been fact checking both sides and trump gave a very beautiful speech. i wish i could have seen that trump during the entire campaign. but i have to say i did vote for
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hillary clinton because i just do not have amnesia. i kind of have to look at thanks and i look at the fact of what we inherited when obama came into office and all the factors as to why and with the progress we have made, but then i look on the republican side and i hear all the rhetoric from rush limbaugh in my republican friends, the country is terrible, it is going backwards, it is a bad place. and then i go, and independently pull up the department of labor statistics and independently, i don't use news. it is not true. so, you know, listening to campaigns built on fear and t hings that are not true, and i listen to people, even callers, talking about the second amendment. if america understood how that works, and guns cannot
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be taken unless 2/3 of the state vote, it is all media. it is all hype, it is all spin. so, i hope the trump we saw tonight will prevail, or we will see him for the next four years. i was pleased to hear the tenor of his speech. i do not know if he was on prompter, or not. i hope we can start living that reality, and not so much pundit spin. we need to start reading for ourselves, looking at the actual facts, and holding the congressman and legislators to what they say would happen. looking at the republicans and democrats, republicans have a better public relations vehicle, that is the bottom line. the gridlock that was caused in
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washington these last eight years is inexcusable. and, if you actually read what they proposed, read what the president proposed, and then wait for the side to rebut, you do not hear any rebuttal. host: tammy, you talked about the gridlock. do you think president obama has been a successful president? what do you think his legacy is? caller: i think, just factually, just looking at all of the indicators and numbers on paper, there is absolutely no doubt he has been a successful president. not listening to a pond an, are undit, are only getting my news from watching fox. going to the actual departments of labor, going to you know, reading, i guess nonpartisan sources, you find out he has been a very successful president. in addition, i am in the health care field. to i can see the bad points
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affordable care. i can see premiums rising in my own house. i see the issues patients face with co-pays. that caused me, as an independent thinker, to start understanding from the insurance company perspective, why are the premiums going up? i hear what they say, but when i find out that the heads of all the health care companies are getting $15 million bonuses, $30 million bonuses, and all kinds are looking at the profits they have been making, and then i start looking at how each state a miniatures affordable care, -- each state administers affordable care, it is not obama that is the problem, it is how people have set out from the beginning to block it. hillary clinton: president of -- host: president obama has not said anything about tonight'
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elections. hello, christina. caller: hello, peter. host: how are you? caller: i am actually really excited and i just voted for trump earlier today. seeing that he won withour our finals coming in really got me excited. i was a democrat and i got swayed during this election. i come from a split family. 50% are republicans and 50% are democrats. this entire election was just too much. i really hope for the future elections we do not have this muck going back and forth, the name-calling, the pulling up of pasts and throwing them in their faces. a lot of our people want to see facts. we actually had to sort through the smut and see what was real.
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christina, what was it as a democrat that change your mind and had you go for donald trump? caller: goodness, i honestly was rooting for bernie. i really like his business sale on the schooling. we have a lot of young people and at 1.i was in college and i paid out-of-pocket. -- we had a lot of young people and at one point, i was in college and i paid out-of-pocket. i had to work three jobs from 17 years old to 21. i got married and had twins at 22. i am doing very well and my husband is doing very well. thewhat got me, after incident with hillary and bernie, hillary won, of course. everything cap coming out, and of course, it was smut. host: we heard from several callers who were bernie
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sanders supporters and now they are donald trump supporters. caller: she was going along with his plan, but i think it was just to get hshis vote. i have never seen a president go around and do a campaign for an electee before in my life. i would rather see your last couple months in office using your time and effort to tie up and getose ends everything ready for the next president. host: now, jennifer is calling from dallas, texas. are you a democrat, republican, or independent? caller: i am a republican from new york. i am 23 years old and i am so proud of donald trump. i have always been rooting for him. he has become, he has molded into a way beetter version.
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his speech was so humble tonight. host: were you excited about his candidacy throughout the primary season? caller: i was and i was always rooting for him and i watched other people slowly turned to the trump train. it was very exciting to watch tonight and he was so humble. i have great hopes he will do great things for our country. he loves our country and he wants the best for our country. host: that is jennifer in dallas. michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin, and florida, those are four states that president obama won twice and donald trump flipped them to the republican side in this election. amber is calling in from south dakota, republican line. how are you? caller: i am doing great and i am celebrating a big win for
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the republican party. i am so excited about donald trump being the winner. i think he will do great things for the hard-working american people. we have been waiting for a change like this in washington and we hope he will do great for every citizen. host: what was an issue that concerned you? caller: for me personally, i am originally from california, so being in los angeles, i directly saw the impact of illegal immigration. i would really like to see him put a control on that. so, when people come into this country, they are working for it and they are part of our society and it is not costing us like it does in california. and just really getting people working again. all of these projects that have been put to almost a standstill, waiting for the election. i think he will put a lot of people back to work and it will be great for hard-working american people. host: next up is benjamin out on
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the west coast, portland, oregon, independent. benjamin? caller: hi, good morning. all anyone needed in this election was a single criteria, to vote for the legitimate candidate. the way the democratic party treated bernie sanders, they ousted him. they shoved him out from the top down. if the democratic party would have supported bernie, he would have beat trump. but i voted for trump, and i am glad i did. host: and gloria, democrat here in the suburbs of washington. how are you? caller: well, i am a democrat and i have always voted democrat. this was the first time in history that i did vote for a republican president. my reasons were that i just
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didn't trust hillary. she just had too much baggage. she lied about so much. and i just, i couldn't bring myself to vote for her. host: were you a bernie sanders supporter at some point? caller: i did not know anything about him until he was out of the race. and i saw been that i had made a mistake. i am a shoulder, i am retie ired. we did not know a lot about bernie. for after he dropped out, i began to see and read things on him. he would have been the best candidate. hillary came in with too much baggage, too many lies. and i think that really upset me. the people that worked for her took the fifth amendment, government employees. no. that is just, no. , like i said,t
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people did not like trump, but two things. immigration, they have not done anything with it. the next thing is bringing those jobs back to this country and employing our people. host: gloria, is immigration an issue down in woodbridge, virginia? caller: i came back from overseas and i thought that i was still in another country. it is that bad. host: gloria, calling in from woodbridge. thanks for staying up late with us tonight. here is the "los angeles times" headline. "trump wins presidency." another call comes from another east coaster up late. hi, j.d. what is your reaction to election 2016? caller: i am supporting trump, i
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have from the get go. of the victims and families benghazi finally got justice tonight. en anry clinton has just be absolute mess for this country the last 18 months. and donald trump really loves and cares about the american people. i am a working class american citizen, middle-class, and he has been there for us, you know, and i'm just so grateful and so happy for that. -- i just had a daughter five months ago. at hillary was for aborting
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32 weeks, and that goes against every christian value that i believe in. host: so, is that your number one issue? caller: um, well that, and the second amendment right. know, iwas just, you watched all the presidential debates and i did not agree with anything hillary had to say. i have always voted republican. and it's going to be the next four to eight years, it is going to be great for america. host: and the senate, the house of representatives, and the presidency have all gone republican. the house and senate have stayed republican and the presidency is now in republican hands as well. cynthia, you are on c-span.
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caller: thank you. i just wanted to comment that i personally believe most of this is a backlash against obama. that the country, that folks who just were frightened by having such a liberal and great president who was black managed to focus so many issues that were important to people with brown skin, and who were muslim, and who were women who wanted to be able to have safe abortions. they were so offended and frightened that they needed to shut it down at the first possible opportunity. and voting for trump was the way to do that. across the board, it just obliterates eight years of progressive advance in the united states.
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and i am deeply disappointed who wasr anyone left-leaning, or bernie sanders supporting who abstained, or who voted for trump. they just threw all of their advances under the bus. was: and as steve scully showing us the earlier this evening, about 10 million less people voted in this election than voted four years ago. andrew, calling on our independent line. which way did you go today? caller: i actually voted for gary johnson. theated that trump won presidency. hillary clinton would have spent so much money buying people's support, making it look one way when it was really not. you know, this is the moment we have been waiting for.
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a lot of millennials with edward snowden, it is their moment. they have really demonstrated what is going on with the elite. now we are seeing it in full swing. maybe this will be the spark that will switch is over from the fake democratic system to the westminster model. maybe we will get a house of lords for ourselves the time. host: gary johnson carried about 3% of the national vote. donald trump, 48% and hillary clinton, 47%, bill stein about 1%. barbara in arizona. let me get the right number here. par but you are on the -- barbara you are on the independent line. caller: i have never been into politics. this is the first year i paid attention. i did not much watch what they showed on tv. i do believe that this country is going to be in, i don't know,
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jeopardy. either way. hillary just happened to have some baggage. maybe somebody needs to look at donald trump's baggage. maybe they might make a comparison somewhere there. i do feel that michelle obama needs to help donald trump's wife assume a wardrobe for her presidency. ,nd i need to let people know they need to watch that array of when he went down the line, congratulating his entourage, watch how he presents himself to the other ladies there and how he presents himself to the one black lady that was there. that told me something about him. i don't know what the country thinks of it.
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host: barbara, what do think about your senator, john mccain getting reelected? caller: that is kind of iffy there. here in arizona, i am a senior citizen and watching different things in my state, i hope he improves some of his things he did here for our arizona country. i do believe that as a senior citizen, i do hope that our new president can pay attention to us senior citizens, our medical, our special security. because we are low income. we are not millionaires. i worked all my life from the age of 16, until i had to retire four years ago on disability. i believe that needs to be addressed and from what i did watch of the political rallies and whatever, there was not much
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on us senior citizens. point is that going to be addressed? host-- when is that going to be addressed?' host: i want to show you what the hilton ballroom looks like. there are quite a few people still milling about. this is the scene, a live picture from the hilton. ., mike at about 2:45 a.m pence and donald trump came out to speak to their supporters. >> usa! >> ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the vice president elect of the united states, mike pence.
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[cheers and applause] mike pence: this is a historic night.
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people have spoken and the american people have elected their new champion. america has elected a new president and it's almost hard for me to express the honor that i and my family feel that we will have the privilege to serve as your vice president of the united states of america. [cheers and applause] >> usa! pence: i come to this moment, i come to this moment deeply humbled. grateful to god for his amazing grace. myteful to my family,
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wonderful wife. fiancee.ichael and his our daughter audrey, far away, and our daughter charlotte. i could not be here without them. and i'm deeply grateful to the american people for placing their confidence in this team and giving us this opportunity to serve. and i'm mostly grateful to our president elect, whose leadership and vision will make america great again. [cheers and applause] mike pence: so, let me say. it is my high honor and distinct privilege to introduce to you,
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the president elect of the united states of america, donald trump. [cheers and applause]
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[crowd chanting "usa"] donald trump: thank you very much, everybody. sorry to keep you waiting, complicated business. complicated. thank you very much. i have just received a call from secretary clinton. she congratulated us. ours about us, on
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victory and i congratulated her veryer family on a very, hard-fought campaign. i mean, she fought very hard. andary hsas worked very long very hard over a long period of time and we owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country. i mean that very sincerely. now it is time for america to fix the wounds of the vision. to all republicans and democrats and independents across the nation, i say it is time for us to come together as one, united people. it is time. to every citizen of our
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land that i will be president for all americans. and this is so important to me. for those who have chosen not to support me in the past, of which there were a few people, i am reaching out to you, for your guidance in your help, so we can work together and unify our great country. as i have said from the beginning, hours was not a campaign, but rather an incredible in great movement made up of millions of women whong mena n and love their country and want a better, brighter future for themselves, and their family. it is a movement comprised of americans from all races,
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religions, backgrounds, and believes who want and expect our government to serve the people, and serve the people it will. together we will begin the urgent task of rebuilding our nation and renewing the american dream. i have spent my entire life and business looking at the untapped potential in projects and people all over the world. that is now what i want to do for our country. tremendous potential. i have gotten to know our country so well, tremendous potential. it is going to be a beautiful thing. every single american will have the opportunity to realize his or her fullest potential. the forgotten men and women of
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our country will be forgotten no longer. we are going to fix our inner cities and rebuild our highways, bridges, tunnels, airports, schools, hospitals. we are going to rebuild our infrastructure. which will become, by the way, second to none. we will put millions of our people to work as we rebuild it. finally, take care of our great veterans. loyal, and i so have gotten to know so many over this 18 month journey. the time i have spent with him during -- with them during this campaign has been will one of my
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greatest honors. we will embark upon a project of national growth and renewal. i will harness the creative talent of our people and we will call upon the best and brightest to leverage the tremendous talent for the benefit of all. it is going to happen. we have a great economic plan. we will double our growth and have the strongest economy anywhere in the world. at the same time, we will get a long with all other nations willing to get along with us. we will have great relationships. we expect to have great, great relationships. no dream is too big and now challenges too great. nothing we want for our future is beyond our reach. america will no longer settle for anything less than the best. country'sclaim our destiny and dream big and bold a
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nd daring. we have to do that. we are going to dream of things for our country and beautiful things and successful things once again. i want to tell the world community, that while we always put america's interest first, we will deal fairly with everyone, with everyone. all people and all other nations. we will seek common ground, not hostility, partnership, not conflict. and now, i would like to take this moment to thank some of the people who really helped me with this, what they are calling tonight, very, very historic victory. first, i want to thank my parents, who i know are looking down on me right now. great people. i have learned so much from them.
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they were wonderful in every regard. i had a truly great parents. i also want to thank my sisters, who are here with us tonight. and, where are they? they are here someplace. they are very shy, actually. and my brother robert, my great friend. where is robert? my brother robert. they should all be on this stage, but that is ok. and also, my late brother fred. great guy. fantastic family. i was very lucky. great brothers, sisters, great parents. god.lania and and ivanka. and eric.
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and tiffany. and baron. love you and i thank you and especially, for putting up with all those hours. this was tough. this political stuff is nasty and it's tough. i want to thank my family very much. thank you all. and lara, unbelievable job. vanessa, thank you. what a great group. you have all given me such incredible support. and i will tell you we have a large group of people. they kept saying we have a small staff, not so small. look at all these people. anne, and chris, and rudy, and steve and david.
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we have got tremendously talented people up here. i will tell you, it has been very special. i want to give a very special thanks to our former mayor, rudy giuliani. unbelievable. unbelievable. he traveled with us, and he went through meetings. rudy never changed. where is rudy? rudy. governor chris christie, folks, was unbelievable. you, chris. the first man, the first senator, first major, major politician. let me tell you, he is highly respected in washington. senator jeff sessions. great guy.
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great man. another great man, very tough competitor. he was not easy. easy. not who is that? is that the mayor? is that rudy? rudy got up here. another great man who has been really a friend to me, but i will tell you, i got to know him as a competitor because he was one of the folks negotiating to go against those democrats, dr. ben carson. where is ben/ -- where is ben? huckabee isay, mike here someplace and he is fantastic. mike and family,


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