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tv   Public Affairs Events  CSPAN  November 9, 2016 11:00am-1:01pm EST

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host: you've always been a republican? caller: i was a democrat over 30 years ago and that's looking independently at the person who runs for office, do they have similar philosophy these and views that i do, because i vote my conscious, and i think most people do that -- my conscience, and i think most people do that. if you don't vote, i don't want to hear anything you have to say, because you did not .xercise your right in america, and we are not careful, we could lose that right. my philosophy is to vote. we will go to john before hearing from hillary clinton. caller: now down to about 540
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votes in new hampshire with 99% reporting. senator kelly ayotte with 352,000, governor maggie hassan with 353,000. one race that has been called is nebraska's second district, the republicans will hold on or replace timers and brad ashford in nebraska's second district. democrats have now gained nine seats in the house but lost three for a net change of plus six in the house of representatives. we will keep looking for updates on the few house races that remain and that senate race we are watching in new hampshire. a couple more tweets we want to show our viewers from former republican presidential nominee mitt romney, best wishes for our duly elected president.
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sarah palin, the former vice presidential candidate, congratulations america, now the hard work begins to get government off your back and back on your side. dr. ben carson, one of the republicans who ran against donald trump in the primary, possibly considered for a cabinet position. congratulations, we the people have spoken. one of the other men who ran against donald trump, governor mike huckabee, about a third of government workers claimed they would quit if donald trump won, so voting for him is already working. host: it looks like they are preparing for hillary clinton to come out, any minute.
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>> -- in my lifetime. this is something you have heard me say time and again. seven out of 10 americans do not like the direction our country is going. many of our citizens feel alienated and have lost faith in our core institutions. represented by those in office. trump heard a voice out of this country that nobody else heard. he connected in ways with people nobody else did. he turned politics on its head
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and now, donald trump will lead a unified republican government. we will work hand-in-hand on a positive solution to our challenges. man, ance is a good principled conservative who will make a great vice president. you need to know how proud we are. what he has done to rebuild our party is remarkable. i want to congratulate mitch mcconnell and our republican colleagues in the senate. i want to congratulate ron johnson in his victory. ron, scott walker and i spent four days crisscrossing the state. it was worth it to get him back. of the campaign that our house of representatives campaign -- candidates ran.
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i want to congratulate the entire house leadership team. our house majority is greater than expected. more's -- more seats than ever expected and that is thanks to donald trump. he got a lot of people over the finish line's the we can maintain our strong house and senate majorities. now we have important work to do. months ago, republicans in the house netted around a specific agenda for this country and a better way forward for america. we will hit the ground running as we work with donald trump to do this. we will honor the timeless principles of our countries such as liberty, freedom, consensus of the -- consent of the governed and we will apply those principles to the problems of the day. this is the kind of unified republican government that we set out to deliver. i will close with this.
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there is no doubt our democracy can be messy. we remain a sharply divided country. years, we do every four we have to work to heal the divisions of a long campaign. i think president-elect donald trump set the perfect town last night for doing just this. obama andsident secretary clinton are committed to bringing the country together. this needs to be a time of redemption. we all need to rededicate ourselves to making america great and making it a more perfect union. with that, i will take your questions. >> is your relationship with the president-elect and the conservatives in the house -- >> i think our relationship is
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fine. i've spoken with donald trump twice in the past 18 hours. i spoke to mike pence twice as well. we will hit the ground running. we are talking about getting our transition working together. say seven out of 10 americans the likely direction the country is going, they just voted. what donald trump pulled off is an enormous political feet. he heard those voices that were out there, that other people were not hearing. we have a unified republican government. whether it was crisscrossing america or wisconsin, we were making an appeal to our fellow citizens and all republicans to come home and unify, and we did just that. did the president-elect assure you -- >> we had great conversations about how we will work together to make this transition work. we are getting our schedules lined up to flesh out how we
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build our transition and go forward. i will say to wisconsinites what i said before the election. look at these issues, look at the potential, at the direction we have been going in the direction we need to go and look at what a unified republican government can get you. i am proud of the fact that the the first time since 1984, wisconsin's votes went to republicans. you saw the marquette poll. we did not think it could happen. donald trump turned it on its head. he deliver the 10 electoral votes and he helped elect a strong majority in the senate and house.
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after a tough campaign where people believe that they were pitching so high for one side of the other, it is to heal and unify. this health care law is not popular. it is collapsing under its own weight and to your specific question about repealing and replacing obamacare, this congress and the senate majority has already demonstrated we are able to pass legislation and put it on the president's desk. the problem is, president obama vetoed it. now we have president trump, who is asking us to do this. we can fix these problems. it is not just the health care law we can replace because we have shown the willingness and ability to do it. there are so many more things i am excited about. think about the laid-off coworkers who see relief coming. think about the farmers who were being harassed by the epa.
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think about the ranchers in the west getting harassed by the interior department or the laid off timber workers. there is relief coming. this is good for our country. this means that we can lift of the oppressive weight of the regulatory state. we can restore the constitution. think about the conservative constitution respecting judges that can be nominated. this is very exciting. [inaudible]
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>> i think the mistakes is that we did not do the right thing at the right time. mistakes we made in the past is we did not seize the opportunity. it is now here, and the opportunity is to go big, bold, and get things done. there are various different kinds of conservatives and republicans. we all come from different corners of our party. the key is to unify these approaches and also invite everyone else in the country to get us focused on solutions. what i see is great potential. what i see is a unified government and not having more this divided government that has been plaguing us. what i see with a unified government is the opportunity to get back to work for the american people. donald trump pulled off an amazing political feet and he deserves tremendous credit. it helps us keep our majorities and it also showed the country
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that people don't like the direction we were going. what i am excited about is we in congress along with our nominee who is now the president-elect offer a very specific and coherent agenda on which direction we should take the country, and that is now the direction we are going to go. i am excited about working with our president-elect and vice president elect to make sure we hit the ground running. you say you want to unify the country and bring people together. there is a pervasive sense of fear with people worried about civil liberties being violated. what do you say about that? >> people should not be worried about that because take a look at the judges donald trump said he would choose from. these are people that respect the bill of rights and the constitution. one of the biggest victories of this race is the constitution itself. for those people who are
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concerned and who clearly did not want the republicans to win. we have a very clear agenda. we believe in the principles that built this country, we believe in the constitution. we have an agenda to get people back to work. we want to bring accountability to the federal government. we want the federal government to respect the states. . this is exciting for those people who are concerned, this is a time to unify and heal. our president-elect set the right tone last night with his speech, which was to be magnanimous, presidential, and bring people together. [inaudible] about thoseorry issues. we had fantastic conversations in the last 18 hours.
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mike pence and i had a great conversation about the transition. how to make sure that when his hand comes off the bible, we are hitting the ground running, and we are excited about working with him to make sure that is the case. [inaudible] >> i won't get into the reconciliation issues. that has yet to be determined. i want to sit down with the president-elect and his team and see what work they would like to pick up when they come into office. this is something we will have to plan on this transition, but having been involved in these lame ducks before, it is exciting to be going into a lame-duck where we have a republican president following right afterwards. thank you, everybody.
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house speaker paul ryan who won his own reelection for the second district in wisconsin, talking about the victory of president-elect donald trump coming the 45th president of the united states in a historic win over hillary clinton with a tally showing donald trump with 276 electoral votes and 228 for hillary clinton. on the left is the view at the new yorker hotel in manhattan. we will take you there live. hillary clinton is expected to speak to supporters and offer her concession speech. without trump spoke in the middle of the night, last night as the results were finalized. we will also open up our phone lines to hear your thoughts and comments on election day 2016. how you voted and what you hope for with the president-elect and the congress coming in. we will talk about some of the details.
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920 four democrats. we will also look for your tweets. you can send them at c-span. it's going to be a busy day of briefings. we are waiting for hillary clinton shortly. we also expect to hear from the republican national committee chair reince priebus. president obama is at the white house. he will be making a statement in about 45 minutes at 12:15 eastern. our goal on c-span is to bring you coverage of that as well. a look at some of the supporters gathered waiting for hillary clinton. let's hear from you as we wait. donald is a republican in detroit. go ahead. caller: thank you for taking my call.
11:31 am right the first i am actually a democrat but i voted republican. the first time i voted republican. part of the barack obama coalition voted for him in 2008 and 2012. campaigned for him. worked very hard for him. i just could not get behind hillary clinton. i am one of those people that took my vote seriously but it was a bit of a protest vote against the mainstream media, some of the big networks. i don't have to name any. occurs,the opining that telling me what i should think, what's important to me. the crimesonally, bill of 1994 along with the super predator comment are things i just could not get over. i was listening earlier. c-span does a great job of letting people's voices be heard. a woman talked about the fact that if bernie sanders had been the nominee, hillary clinton
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would have gotten -- the vice presidential nominee, hillary clinton would have gotten a lot more votes. >> why would you have considered if bernie sanders had been on the ticket? caller: i voted for him in the primary. i think the forgiveness of college dead, some of his -- ,ebt, some of his reforms campaign finance reform is very important to me. they cannot be dismissed. something i wanted to get to -- there has been a lot of talk about the vote being down among african-americans, specifically in detroit. i have to tell you, a lot of these subjects are uncomfortable. i stood in line yesterday for two and a half hours and there was a lot of older black women. very conservative. very good people. they could not wrap their mind around the fact of having a
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woman at the head of what they called god's church. these are points that i think are very important and if the democrats are able to do an autopsy like the republicans did -- thank you. >> donald in detroit voted for donald trump. looking for your comments as well. we heard from speaker ryan a moment ago. has issued a statement saying, after an election in which donald trump won the electoral college and hillary clinton won the popular vote, we have a responsibility to come together and find common only by recognizing and respecting the important contributions but all americans make to our country's success can we build an inclusive and stronger future. coming in as part of that -- i may be wrong. in memphis,julie
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tennessee on the democrat line. go ahead. caller: yes. i just want to make a quick comment. always spoke of things that hillary was doing wrong and i can understand all of that does anybody out there understand that some parts of the constitution -- and i'm not saying it's right or wrong -- some parts of the constitution where they say all men are created equal -- >> julie, we are going to let you go. we see senator tim kaine on stage with his wife waiting for hillary clinton. live coverage here on c-span. [applause] >> we are so proud of hillary
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clinton. [applause] tim kaine: i'm proud of hillary clinton because she has been a history maker in everything she has done. civil rights lawyer, first lady of arkansas, first lady of this country, secretary of state. she has made history in a nation that has been so many things that has made it uniquely difficult to be elected to federal office. she became the first major party nominee as a woman to be president and last night won the popular vote of america. [applause]
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tim kaine: that is an amazing accomplishment. it is an amazing accomplishment. i am proud of hillary clinton because she has held fast to the dream. ,he was inspired at a young age and epiphany that if families and children do well, society does well. in everything she does she is focused on that. we know she would have made history as a president in one sense but we have never had a president who has made their whole career about the empowerment of families and children. i was as excited about that in the oval office as i was excited to have my friend hillary there and make history as the first woman president. she has built such a wonderful team. [applause] there is a beautiful
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and comical parable in the new testament about a vineyard owner who hires people to work and says, i'm going to pay you this for a full day. he hires people at noon saying i'm going to pay the same for the half-day. he hires people for one hour and says i'm going to pay you the same. the people who started earlier said, we don't like this. you are treating them the same as you are treating us. the team hillary has assembled over the years of people that are so deeply loyal to her because she is so deeply loyal to them is inspiring. i have seen that same degree of loyalty and compassion and sensitivity extended to the most recent folks who have joined the team. the folks who came to the vineyard with just one hour to go. her loyalty and compassion to people -- that is just something so remarkable. finally, i'm proud of hillary
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because she loves this country. [applause] tim kaine: nobody had to wonder about hillary clinton, whether she would accept an outcome of an election. nobody had to ask that question. nobody had to doubt it. she knows our country for what it is. she knows the system that we worts andn its blemishes she is deeply in love with it. she accepted it and battled again for the dreams she has held fast to. and that love of country is something i think is obvious to everyone. i want to thank hillary clinton for asking ann and i to join this wild ride. about a week before she asked if i would be her running mate and i went to westchester and we sat
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down with hillary and bill and chelsea and mark and charlotte and aidan for about three hours of conversation to try to determine whether we would be the right people to be on the ticket. when we got in the car to head back to the airport after the three-hour discussion i said to ann, i don't know if we are going to be on the ticket or not we are going to remember that three hours for the rest of our life. now we will remember 105 days that we had with this fantastic couple of public servants. i will just say this. hillary and i know well the wisdom and words of william faulkner. butid they killed us, they ain't whooped us yet. [applause] tim kaine: because we know that the work remains.
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we know that the dreams of empowering families and children remain. and in that important work that we have to do as a nation, it is so comforting even at a tough time to know that hillary clinton is somebody until her very last breath is going to be battling for the values that make this nation great and that we care so deeply about. please join me in welcoming secretary hillary rodham clinton. [applause] ms. clinton: thank you.
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[applause] all.linton: thank you you. thank you all very much. [applause] thank you.: thank you. thank you so much. [applause] ms. clinton: very rowdy group. thank you, my friends. thank you. thank you. thank you so very much for being here. and i love you all, too. last night i congratulated donald trump and offered to work with him on behalf of our country. i hope that he will be a
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successful president for all americans. this is not the outcome we wanted or we worked so hard for. and i'm sorry that we did not for the valueson we share and the vision we hold for our country. [applause] but i feel pride and gratitude for this wonderful campaign that we built together. creative, diverse, unruly, energized campaign. of represent the best america and being your candidate has been one of the greatest honors of my life. [applause] ms. clinton: i know how disappointed you feel, because i feel it, too.
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and so do tens of millions of americans who invested their hopes and dreams in this effort. this is painful. and it will be for a long time. but i want you to remember this. our campaign was never about one person or even one election. it was about the country we love and about building an america that is hopeful, inclusive, and bighearted. our nation ishat more deeply divided than we thought. i still believe in america and i always will. if you do that we must accept this result and then look to the future. donald trump is going to be our president. we owe him an open mind and the chance to lead. our constitutional democracy enshrines the peaceful transfer of power.
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and we don't just respect that. we cherish it. it also enshrines other things. the rule of law. the principle that we are all equal in rights and dignity. freedom of worship and expression. we respect and cherish these values, too. and we must defend them. [applause] ms. clinton: and let me add, our constitutional democracy demands our participation. not just every four years that all the time. do what we can to keep advancing the causes and values we all hold dear. making our economy work for everyone not just those at the top. protecting our country and protecting our planet.
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all theking down barriers that hold any american back from achieving their dreams. we spent a year and a half bringing together millions of people from every corner of our country to say with one voice that we believe that the american dream is big enough for everyone. for people of all races and religions. for men and women. for immigrants. and people with disabilities. for everyone. [applause] ms. clinton: so now our responsibility as citizens is to keep doing our part. to build that better, stronger, fairer america that we seek.
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and i know you will. i am so grateful to stand with all of you. i want to thank tim kaine and ann holton for being our partners on this journey. [applause] it has been a joy getting to know them better and it gives me great hope and willrt to know that tim remain on the frontlines of our democracy representing virginia in the senate. [applause] ms. clinton: to barack and michelle obama, our country owes you an enormous debt of gratitude. [applause]
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ms. clinton: we thank you for your graceful, determined leadership that has meant so and to so many americans people across the world. chelsea.ll and mark, charlotte, aidan, our brothers and our entire family. my love for you means more than i can ever express. you crisscrossed this country on our behalf and lifted me up when i needed it most. even 4-month-old aidan who traveled with his mom. to thealways be grateful creative, talented, dedicated men and women at our headquarters in brooklyn and across our country. [applause]
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ms. clinton: you toward your poured your hearts into this campaign. for some of you, you are veterans. thatt each of you to know you are the best campaign anybody could have ever expected or wanted. [applause] ms. clinton: and to the millions communityers, leaders, activists and union organizers who knocked on doors, talked to neighbors, posted on facebook, even in secret private facebook. [applause] ms. clinton: i want everybody
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coming out from behind that and make sure your voices are heard going forward. [applause] ms. clinton: to everyone who sent in contributions as small as five dollars and kept us going, thank you. thank you from all of us. and to the young people in particular, i hope you will hear this. said, spent my entire adult life fighting for what i believe in. i have had successes and i have had setbacks. sometimes really painful ones. many of you are at the beginning of your professional, public and political careers. you will have successes and setbacks, too. this loss hurts. but please, never stop believing that fighting for what's right
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is worth it. [applause] ms. clinton: it is. it is worth it. we need you to keep up these fights now and for the rest of your lives. and to all the women, and whocially the young women, put their faith in this campaign and in me, i want you to know that nothing has made me prouder than to be your champion. [applause]
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ms. clinton: now -- i know, i know we have still not shattered that highest and hardest glass ceiling. but someday, someone will, and hopefully sooner than we might think right now. [applause] ms. clinton: and to all the little girls who are watching this, never doubt that you are valuable and powerful and deserving of every chance and opportunity in the world to pursue and achieve your own dreams. [applause] -- clinton: finally
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[applause] ms. clinton: finally, i am so grateful for our country and for all it has given to me. i count my blessings every single day that i am an american. and i still believe as deeply as i ever have that if we stand together and work together with respect for our differences, strengthening our convictions, and love for this nation, our best days are still ahead of us. [applause] ms. clinton: because, you know, i believe we are stronger together. and we will go forward together. [applause] ms. clinton: and you should never ever regret fighting for
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that. you know, scripture tells us, let us not grow weary in doing good for in due season, we shall reap if we do not lose heart. so my friends, let us have faith in each other. let us not grow weary. let us not lose heart. for there are more seasons to come and there is more work to do. i am incredibly honored and grateful to have had this chance to represent all of you in this consequential election. may god bless you and may god bless the united states of america. [applause]
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>> from new york, former
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secretary of state, first lady hillary clinton.ry clint losing to donald trump by a margin of 279 electoral votes to 228. as she was speaking, alaska was called by the associated press, garnering three more electoral votes for donald trump. hillary clinton ahead in the popular vote by almost 200,000. staying live to bring you reaction throughout the day to the victory by donald trump. we are here in the rose garden of the white house waiting to who from president obama, will be joined by vice president joe biden as well. , our coverage this afternoon includes -- our coverage this afternoon includes reaction from
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conservative leaders on what they would like to see in the next congress and beyond. we also expect tomorrow at the white house that president obama will be meeting donald trump. s inviteddent ha donald trump to be at the white house and he is expected there. just a reminder, we will also try to bring you the victory speech from donald trump. the race was called in the wee hours of the morning. you can also find all of our coverage from overnight and the last few days at we continue to wait live for president obama here on c-span.
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>> you may have heard that, the
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press aide telling reporters it will be about two minutes. president obama will be speaking to reporters after donald trump's victory last night. our coverage today included speaker paul ryan. we will show that to you again. at this hour a briefing is underway at the republican national committee. republican congressional campaign committee speaking to reporters. first, president obama and vice president joe biden.
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mr. obama: good afternoon, everybody. before votes were tallied, i shot a video that some of you may have seen in which i said to the american people, regardless of which side you are on in the election, regardless of whether your candidate won or lost, the sun would come up in the morning. and that is one bit of prognosticating that actually came true. the sun is up.
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i know everybody had a long night. i did as well. i had a chance to talk to president-elect trump last night. about 3:30 in the morning i think it was to congratulate him on winning the election. him toa chance to invite come to the white house tomorrow to talk about making sure there is a successful transition between our presidencies. secret that the president-elect and i have some pretty significant differences. remember, eight years ago president bush and i had some pretty significant differences. couldesident bush's team not have been more professional or more gracious in making sure we had a smooth transition so that we could hit the ground running. thing you realize quickly in this job is that the presidency and the vice presidency is bigger than any of us. team toe instructed my follow the example that president bush's team set eight
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years ago and work as hard as we can to make sure this is a successful transition for the president-elect. because we are now all rooting for his success in uniting and leading the country. the peaceful transition of power is one of the hallmarks of our democracy. and over the next few months we are going to show that to the world. i also had a chance last night to speak with secretary clinton. i just had a chance to hear her remarks. i could not be prouder of her. she has lived an extraordinary life of public service. great first lady. she was an outstanding senator for the state of new york. and she could not have been a better secretary of state i'm proud of her. a lot of americans look up to her. her candidacy and nomination was
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historic and sends a message to our daughters all across the country that they can achieve at the highest levels of politics and i'm absolutely confident that she and president clinton will continue to do great work for people here in the united states and all around the world. now, everybody is said when their side loses election. , we have to after remember that we are actually all on one team. this is an intramural scrimmage. where not democrats first, we are not republicans first. we are americans first. we're patriots first. we all want what's best for this country. that's what i heard in mr. trump's remarks last night. that's what i heard when i spoke to him directly. and i was heartened by that. that's what the country needs.
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a sense of unity. a sense of inclusion. institutions,our our way of life, rule of law, and respect for each other. i hope that he maintains that spirit throughout this transition. that's howinly hope his presidency has a chance to begin. i also told my team today to keep their heads up. work thate remarkable they have done day in and day out, often without a lot of fanfare, often without a lot of attention, work in agencies, work in of secure areas of policy that make government run better and make it more responsive and make it more
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efficient and make it more service friendly so that is actually helping more people. that remarkable work has left the next president with a than thebetter country one that existed eight years ago. so win or lose in this election, that was always our mission from day one. and everyone on my team should be extraordinarily proud of everything that they have done. and so should all of the americans i have had a chance to meet all across this country who do the hard work of building on that progress every single day. teachers in schools. doctors in er clinics. small businesses putting their all into starting something up. making sure they are treating their employees well. all of the important work that is done by moms and dads and
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families and congregations in every state. the work of perfecting this union. so this was a long and hard fought campaign. a lot of our fellow americans are exultant today. a lot of americans are less so. but that's the nature of campaigns. that's the nature of democracy. it is hard. and sometimes contentious and noisy. it's not always inspiring. but to the young people who got into politics for the first time and may be disappointed by the results, i just want you to know , you have to stay encouraged. don't get cynical. don't ever think you can't make a difference. secretary clinton said this
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morning, fighting for what is right is worth it. sometimes you lose an argument. sometimes you lose an election. that this country has taken has never been a straight line. and sometimes we move in ways that some people think is forward and others think is moving back. and that's ok. i've lost elections before. joe hasn't. [laughter] mr. obama: but, you know. mr. biden: you beat me badly. mr. obama: that's the way politics works sometimes. we try really hard to persuade people that we are right. and then people vote.
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lose we learn from our mistakes. we do some reflection. we like our wounds. -- we lick our winds. we brush ourselves off. we get back in the arena. we try even harder next time. we go forward with the presumption of good faith in our fellow citizens. because that presumption of good faith is a essential to a vibrant and functioning democracy. that's how this country has moved forward for 240 years. it's how we pushed boundaries and promoted freedom around the world. that's how we have expanded the rights of our founding to reach all of our citizens. it's how we have come this far. and that's why i'm confident that this incredible journey that we are on as americans will go on.
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and i am looking forward to doing everything that i can to make sure the next president is successful in that. i have said before, i think of this job as being a relay runner. you take the baton. you run your best race. and hopefully by the time you handed off -- hand it off, you are a little further ahead. you have made a little progress. and i can say that we have done that. and i want to make sure that handoff is well executed. because ultimately we are all on the same team. all right. thank you very much, everybody. [applause] >> president obama offering words of congratulations to donald trump on his wing, last
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-- on his win, last night. live coverage on c-span, the day after a historic election, donald trump becoming the orifice president of the united states and we will show you his victory speech in just a moment from the wee hours of last night in new york. for coverage coming your way, we are covering the republican national committee meeting, the briefing going on. we will show that to you in a bit. speaker ryan has also talked to reporters in wisconsin. we will show that, hillary clinton out a short while in new york speaking to her supporters and we will show that to you as well. we want to run down where things stand in terms of the -- here is the tally of the electoral college of votes. donald trump was 279 electoral college votes -- with 279 electoral college votes and
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helena clinton with 228. it is still close in michigan, although donald trump is likely to win that. in new hampshire, also very close, though this one could go to hillary clinton. she has 48% of the vote. in the overall count, the popular vote, hillary clinton is ahead in the popular vote. million 580 -- 59,580,000, donald trump having 59,300,000. online atllow that the race was called early in the morning by the associated press and truly thereafter, donald trump tweeted this, such an
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important and beautiful evening. the political impact of this, politico saying donald trump has ended bush and clinton dynasties, pushing them both off the national stage for the first time in decades. [chanting usa] >> ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the vice president elect of the united states, mike pence. [cheering]
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mr. pence: this is a historic night. the american people have spoken, and the american people have elected their new champion.
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america has elected a new president, and it is almost hard for me to express the honor that i and my family feel, that we will have the privilege to serve as your vice president of the united states of america. i come to this moment deeply humbled, grateful to god for his grace. family, my my wonderful wife, our son and his daughter far away,
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and our daughter, charlotte. i could not be here without them. i am deeply grateful to the american people are placing their confidence in this team, and giving us this opportunity to serve. i am mostly grateful to our president-elect, whose leadership and vision will make america great again. let me say, it is my high honor and distinct privilege to introduce to you the president-elect of the united states of america, donald trump. [cheering]
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mr. trump: thank you. thank you very much. sorry to keep you waiting, complicated business. thank you very much. i have just received a call from secretary clinton. [cheering] she congratulated us on our victory and i congratulated her and her family on a very hard fought campaign. she fought very hard.
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hillary has worked very long and of time, a long period and we owe her a debt of gratitude for her service to our country. i mean that, sincerely. now it is time for america to bind the wounds of division. we have to get together. to all republicans, and democrats and independents across this nation, i say it is time for us to come together as one united people. it is time. pledge to every citizen of our land, that i will be president for all americans, and this is so important to me.
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to those who have chosen not to support me in the past, of works -- of which there were a few people, i am reaching out to you for your guidance and help so that we can work together and unified our great country -- and unify our great country. as i have said from the beginning, ours was not a campaign, but rather an incredible and great movement, made up of millions of hard-working men and women who love their country and want a better, brighter future for themselves and their families. it is a movement comprised of americans of all races, religions, backgrounds and beliefs, who want and expect our government to serve the people, and serve the people it will.
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working together, we will begin the urgent task of rebuilding our nation, and renewing the american dream. i have spent my entire life in business, looking at the untapped potential in projects and people all over the world. that is now what i want to do for our country. potential. i have gotten to know our country so well, tremendous potential, it will be a beautiful thing. every single american will have the opportunity to realize his or her fullest potential. the forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer. we are going to fix our inner
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and rebuild our highways, bridges, tunnels, airports, schools. we will rebuild our infrastructure. it will become second to none, and we will put millions of our people to work as we rebuild it. also finally take care of our veterans. they have been so loyal and we have gotten to know some many over this 18 month journey. the time i have spent with them during this campaign has been among my greatest honors. we will embark upon a project of national growth and renewal. i will harness the creative talents of our people, and we will call upon the best and brightest to leverage their
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tremendous talent for the benefit of all. it will happen. great economic plan. we will double our growth and have the strongest economy anywhere in the world. at the same time, we will get along with all other nations willing to get along with us. we will have great relationships. we expect to have great relationships. no dream is too big, no challenge to great. -- too great. america will no longer settle for anything less than the best. we must reclaim our country's destiny and dream big and bold and daring. we have to do that. we are going to dream of things and beautifuly, things and successful things,
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once again. i want to tell the world community that while we will always put america's interests first, we will deal fairly with everyone. all people and all other nations. we will seek common ground, not hostility. partnership, not conflict. i would like to take this moment to thank some of the people who really helped me with this, what they are calling very historic. first i want to thank my parents, who i know are looking down on me, right now. great people. i have learned so much from them. they were wonderful in every regard. , also want to thank my sisters who are here, with us tonight.
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they are here, someplace. they are very shy. my brother, robert, my great friend. where is he? they should all be on this stage, but that's ok. also, my late brother, fred. a fantastic family. i was very lucky. millennia -- to melania, and and eric andka baron, i love you and i thank you and especially
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for putting up with all of those hours. this was tough. this political stuff is nasty and it is tough. i want to thank my family. thank you all. you have all given me such incredible support, and i will tell you that we have a large group of people. they kept saying we have a small staff, look at all of these people we have. rudy and steve and david. we have got tremendously talented people up here and it has been very special. i want to give a special thanks
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to our former mayor, rudy giuliani. unbelievable. he traveled with us, and he went through meetings. where is he? governor chris christie. thank you, chris. the first man, first major he is highly respected in washington, because he is as smart as you get, senator jeff sessions. a great man. another great man, very tough
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competitor, he was not easy. another great man who has been a friend to me, but i got to know him as a competitor, because he was one of the folks that was negotiating to go against those democrats, dr. ben carson. then?is -- where is ben? mike huckabee is here, someplace. thank you very much. flynn -- general mike flynn. general kellogg. we have over 200 generals and
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admirals that have endorsed our campaign. it is really an honor. 22 congressional medal of honor recipients. a very special person who believed me and i read reports that i was not getting along with him. i never had a bad second with him. he is an unbelievable star. how did you possibly guess? he is a superstar, but i said they cannot call you a superstar unless we win. you can't be called a superstar like secretariat. second,tariat came in it would not have that big beautiful bronze bust at the track at belmont. he is really a star. he is the hardest working guy.
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get over here. it's about time you did this. come here and say something. ladies and gentlemen, the next president of the united states, donald trump. it has been an honor. mr. trump: our partnership with the rnc was so important to the success of what we have done. i also have to say i have gotten to know some incredible people, the secret service people. they are tough, and they are smart and they are sharp.
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i don't want to mess around with them. when i want to wave to a big group of people and they rip me down and put me back in the seat. they are fantastic people, so i want to thank them. law enforcement in new york city, they are here tonight. spectacular people. sometimes underappreciated, but we appreciate them. it has been what they call a historic event. to be really historic, we have to do a great job. i promise you that i will not let you down. we will do a great job. much forward to being your president, and
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hopefully at the end of two years or three years or four years or maybe even eight years, you will say so many of you worked so hard for us and you will say that it was something that you were really very proud and i can only say that while the campaign is over, our work on this movement is now really just beginning. we are going to get to work immediately to the american people -- for the american people. we will be doing a job that hopefully you will be so proud , again, it isent my honor. it is an amazing evening, an amazing new year, and i love this country. thank you very much.
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[cheering and applause] [chanting usa]
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