tv Public Affairs Events CSPAN November 11, 2016 8:00pm-9:01pm EST
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power, that is it. >> we introduced you to c-span, for five years and our cities tour we have explored literary and historic sites. at can watch more [indiscernible] -- arlingtonton journal national cemetery, iraq and afghanistan war veterans. ambassadorestinian talks about ending the conflict with israel. the new york post reporting the clintons are making plans to pass their political dynasty to
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the next generation i having chelsea clinton run for congress in new york's 17th the district when the incumbent decides to retire. the 79 euros congresswoman his district includes the clintons home has not announced her retirement and declined to comment on the story. some news on president-elect with, went on an interview wall street journal, said he would modify his campaign promise to repeal obama care and keep some of its more popular provisions, including the ban on discrimination for pre-existing conditions, and letting children stay on their parents health insurance plan until the age of 26. the trumped transition team has already announced governor chris christie has been replaced by vice president-elect mike pence as head of the transition. this comes after the conviction of two of christie's former associates,-
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rise for the arrival of the official party. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the commander general of the united states military district of washington. [applause] >> mr. patrick j hallinan. director, army cemetery program. [applause] >> mr. robert swan. legion of american veterans. [applause] and the honorable robert a mcdonald, secretary of veterans affairs. [applause] ♪
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>> ladies and gentlemen, the president of the united states. ♪ [applause] >> ladies and gentlemen, please remain standing for the procession of our nation's colors and those of our veterans services organizations. as we march on the colors, the united states navy band will play the national emblem march. please place her hand over your heart or render a hand salute. [playing "national emblem march"]
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>> let us pray, almighty and eternal god, who gives us the freedoms we enjoy in this great nation. come visit us in this most sacred garden of where many of our veterans have gathered and many of our veterans and nation's heroes rest. our hearts with thankfulness for our veterans who answered the call to defend the honor and just causes of our nation. we thank you for their patriotism, their devotion to liberty and justice, human dignity and rights, compassion and self giving. we thank you for their diversity and unity and mission. let all who would beget war reach out in compassion to those who must remember, made the nightmare of all wars cease so healing can take place.
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may each american find a reason to love, not hate, and strength to build than to destroy. renew our sense of unity, hope, and faith through times of testing and difficulties. god give us the joyous spirit of celebration of our nation's veterans and their families. bless us now with your presence. in the name of our god, who challenges us to care. amen. >> i would like to invite mr. robert swan, national commander of the polish legion of the veterans to lead us in our pledge of allegiance. >> i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with
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liberty and justice for all. >> please be seated. it is my distinct pleasure to introduce the members of the veterans day national committee. order formed by president in 1954 to plan this observance in honor of america's veterans and to support veterans day observances throughout the nation. please hold your applause until i have introduced these special guests. if you are able, please stand when your name is called. robert swan, national commander of the polish leader of -- tomas stevens. .orean veterans angel.
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catholic war veterans of the usa. david chief executive officer. -prisoners of war. john rowan, president vietnam veterans of america. kovac paralyzed veterans of america. brian duffy, commander in chief, veterans of foreign wars of the united states. harold chapman, national commander. dale stamper, national president, blinded veterans association. richard gore senior, national commandant. marine corps league. donald larson, national president, fleet reserve association. richard rinaldo, national commander.
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leader of valor, united states of america. smith, director military chaplains association. donald youngblood, national commander, army and navy union of the usa. john, executive director noncommissioned officers , association. douglas bolt, national vice commander, the american legion. mr. david riley, national commander, disabled american veterans. mike plummer, director of uniformed services. clay junior, commander in chief, military order of the world wars. john adams, national president. the retired enlisted association.
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herschel gober, national commander, military order of the purple heart. dana adkins, national president, military officers association of america. the associated members of the committee are located in the boxes to my left. i would like to ask the president and national commanders that comprise our associate membership to stand and be recognized. ladies and edelman, please recognize our veterans national leadership with your applause. [applause] >> it is now my pleasure to introduce our veteran organization host for 2016. polish legion of american veterans, usa. the polish legion of american veterans, usa is honored to
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serve as the host organization for the 2016 veterans day national observance at arlington national cemetery. it was founded after the end of world war i, holding its first official convention in 1921. today, they celebrate over 95 years of providing assistance to veterans and their families. chartered by congress, it represents over 3 million veteran americans of polish descent who have served in all wars and conflicts of the united states since its inception. with a knowledgeable and trained service officers as well as representation in washington, d.c. they continue to provide , assistance to veterans and their families with posts and chapters around the country. veteran and ladies auxiliary volunteers donate endless of
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hours service and help in v.a. medical centers, providing aid and support to hospitalized heroes. they also have scholarships available at the national as well as state-level departments, providing financial aid to qualified students. they are represented today by their national commander. well as state-level departments, ladies and gentlemen please , welcome mr. robert swan. [applause] mr. swan: thank you. welcome, mr. president, mr. secretary, veterans, friends, all of you gathered here today. it is a great honor i am able to speak to you on this special day. it marks the 95th anniversary of the polish legion of american veterans. after years of lobbying, the polish legion of american veterans congress unanimously proclaim -- an
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honorary united states citizen on november 6, president obama 111-94, whichlaw proclaimed him the seventh in history to receive this posthumous honor. we would like to recognize the contribution of all men and women that was provided while they were on active duty. and there continuing volunteering, which ups many veterans in need at the v.a. hospitals and homes and even individual families in need. the values and principles gained in the military offers many a pathway to success. as a veteran family, or friend of a veteran, we know what they go through well serving and we know how hard it was when our service members return home. we are uniquely interested in
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helping in many ways. v.a. hospitals and homes are always in need of support. either monetarily or through comfort item donations. organizations that are -- membership in the organizations that are declining, i am pleased to see younger veterans are still joining or creating newer, more specific organizations, where specific organizations, where they are able to continue to help our nation's veterans. now, may we salute our military service members and their families that made that ultimate sacrifice. thank you for the honor of speaking to you today. [applause] >> ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the honorable ronald mcdonald, secretary of veterans affairs. [applause]
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>> mr. president, fellow veterans, honored guests. spielberg'sscene of "saving private ryan," he kneels in front of captain miller's grave. captain miller gave his life in combat to save private ryan's. ryan says to miller and all veterans, i have tried to live my life the best i could. i hope that, at least in your eyes i have earned what all of , you have done for me. i am a veteran. when i come to arlington, i imagine myself saying that to every veteran resting here. i hope that, in your eyes, i have earned what all of you have done for me.
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we would all do well to kneel at any one of these markers and repeat ryan's words. we would all do well to turn to a veteran and ask, am i earning this? seven years ago today, right here in arlington president , obama made a sacred vow to veterans. america will not let you down, he said. we will take care of our own. then, he fulfilled that vow. president obama and congress provided the largest single year a. budget increase in over three decades, his very first year. [applause] >> under his leadership, the v.a. budget has nearly doubled. it their doors to nearly half a million veterans who had lost their eligibility in 2003 and supported three
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presumptive conditions for veterans exposed to agent orange. today, even though there are 2 million fewer veterans than in 2009, there are nearly 1.2 million more veterans receiving some type of v.a. care and services. [applause] 1.2 million more veterans are enrolled for v.a. health care. 1.3 million more receive disability compensation. half a million more veterans have v.a. home loans. we have seen a 76% increase in veterans receiving educational benefits. we have cut veteran homelessness and half since 2010. veteran unemployment has dropped. [applause]
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>> veteran unemployment has dropped by over half in the last five years. unemployment for post-9/11 veterans has dropped by 70%. america will not let you down, the president said. we will take care of our own. he stood by that commitment year after year after year. and for good reason. america met sergeant first class cory remsburg when president obama introduced him during the 2014 state of the union address. the president met corey 4.5 years earlier in france. corey was one of the elite rangers who parachuted into commemorate the d-day landings. then, he returned to afghanistan for his 10th tour. the president next saw corey in
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a hospital bed in bethesda naval. he had been grievously wounded by a 50 pound roadside bomb. corey could not speak. he could barely move. but, he gave the president a thumbs up. three years later, when the president and i traveled to phoenix, president obama quietly took a detour. he needed to see corey. corey had made miraculous progress in the tampa v.a. unit. this time, with help, corey stood, saluted, and said what you would expect. rangers lead the way, sir. corey is the apparently of that epitome of that rare
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sense of a combination of qualities that characterizes the best among us. a dogged sense of duty, indomitable courage, plain, american grit. president obama admires that in corey. he admires it in all american veterans. it is why he loves them. ladies and gentlemen, honored guest, the commander-in-chief and the 44th president of the united states, barack obama. [applause] [cheers] pres. obama: thank you. thank you so much. thank you. thank you very much. thank you so much. thank you. thank you very much. please.
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thank you. thank you. thank you. secretary mcdonald, distinguished guests, most of all, our extraordinary veterans and your families. the last time i stood on these hallowed grounds on memorial day, our country came to together to honor those who had fought and died for us. -- for our flag. a few days before, our nation observed armed forces day. honoring all who are serving under that flag at this moment. today, on veterans day, we honor those who honored our country with its highest form of service. you, who once wore the uniform of our army, air force, marines,
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navy, or coast guard. we owe you our thanks. we owe you our respect and we owe you our freedom. we come together to express our profound gratitude for the sacrifices and contributions you and your family made on the battlefield, at home, and at outposts around the world. america's gratitude towards our veterans is always grounded in something greater than what you did on duty. it is an appreciation of the example that you continue to set after your service has ended. your example as citizens. veterans day often follows a
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hard-fought political campaign. an exercise in free speech and self-government you fought for. it often lays bare disagreements across our nation. the american instinct has never been to find isolation in opposite corners. it is to find a strength in our common creed. to forge unity from our great diversity. to sustain that strength and unity, even when it is hard. and when the election is over, as we search for ways to come together, to reconnect with one another, with the principles that are more enduring and transitory politics, some of our best examples are the men and women we salute on veterans day. it is the example of young americans, our 9/11 generation,
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whose first responders went into smoldering towers, then ran to a recruiting center and signed up to serve. the example of a military that meets every mission, unites teams, all looking out for one another, all getting each other's backs. it is the example of the single most diverse institution in our country. soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, coast guardsmen who represent every corner of our country, every shade of humanity. immigrant and nativeborn. christian, muslim, jew, and nonbeliever alike. all forged in the common service. that is the example of our veterans. patriots, who when they take off their fatigues, put back on the camouflage of everyday life in
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america and become our business partners and bosses, teachers, coaches, first responders, city councilmembers, community leaders, role models, all still serving this country we love with the same sense of duty and with valor. a few years ago, a middle school from missouri entered an essay contest about why veterans are special. this is what he wrote. when i think of a veteran, i think of men or women who will be the first to help an elderly lady across the street. i also think of someone who will defend everyone, regardless of their race, age, gender, hair color, or other discriminations. after eight years in office, i
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particularly appreciate that he included haircolor. [laughter] pres. obama: but that middle schooler is right. our veterans are still the first to help, still the first to serve. they are women like the retired , military policewoman from buffalo who founded an american veterans post and is building a safe place for homeless female veterans with children. [applause] they are men like the two veterans from tennessee, one in his 50's, one in his 60's, who wrote me to say they would happily suit up and ship out if we needed them. we might be a little old, they wrote, but we will be proud to go and do what we were taught to do. whenever the world makes you cynical, whenever you seek true
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humility and selflessness, look to a veteran. look to someone alike first lieutenant irving lerner. he was born in chicago to wish immigrants during world war i. he served as a bombardier in the air corps, flying dozens of missions towards the end of world war ii. when he returned home, he did what a lot of veterans do. he put his medals away and kept humble about his service, started living a quiet life. one fall day, walking on sheffield avenue on chicago's north side, a stranger stopped him and said thank you for your service, and handed him a ticket to see the cubs play in the world series. [applause] it is a good thing irving took that ticket.
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because it would be a while until his next chance. [laughter] pres. obama: irving worked hard, managing warehouses for his brother-in-law's tire company. he got married 28 sargent in the woman's air corps, no less. he raised four children, the oldest of whom is celebrating her 71st birthday today. on a june morning many years ago, another one of his daughters, carol, called the check in. her mother answered but was in a rush. we can't talk, she said, your father is being honored and we are late. carol asked, honored for what. the answer came, for his heroism in the skies above normandy exactly 50 years earlier. you see, his children never knew their father flew over the french beachheads. he never mentioned it.
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now, when a call to check in, the children always say, thank you for saving the world. irving, sharp as ever at 100 years young always replies, well, i had a little help. whenever the world makes you cynical, whenever you doubt the courage and goodness and selflessness is possible, stop and look to a veteran. they do not always go around telling stories of their heroism. andt is up to us to ask listen and tell those stories for them. and to live the values for which they were prepared to give theirs. it is up to us to make sure they always get the care they need. when i announced my candidacy for this office almost a decade ago, i recommitted this generation to that work. we have increased funding by
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more than 85%. we have cut veteran homelessness almost in half. today more veterans have access , to health care and fewer are unemployed. we help the disabled veterans afford a preset experience -- afford prosthetics. [applause] pres. obama: we help disabled veterans, we are delivering more mental health care services because we know not all wounds of war are visible. together, we began this. together, we must continue to keep that sacred trust with our veterans and honor their good work with our own, knowing that our mission is never done. it is still a tragedy that 20 veterans a day take their own lives. we have to get them the help they need. we have to keep solving problems like long wait times at the v.a. we have to keep cutting the disability claims backlog.
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we have to resist any effort to outsource and privatize the health care we owe america's veterans. [applause] pres. obama: on veterans day, we acknowledge humbly that we could never serve them quite the same way they served us. but we can try. we can practice kindness, pay it forward, we can volunteer, we can serve. we can respect one another. we can always get each other's backs. that is what veterans day asks us to think about. the person you pass as you walk down the street might not be wearing our nation's uniform today. but consider for a moment, that a year, a decade, or a generation ago, he or she might have been one of our fellow citizens who was willing to lay down their life for strangers like us. we can show how much we love our
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>> every weekend, book tv gives you 48 hours of nonfiction books and authors. here is what is coming up this weekend. saturday night at 10:00 eastern, harvard university economist examines the historical impact of immigration on the u.s. we wantedn his book " workers," unraveling the immigration narrative. in theyimmigrants come do all sorts of things to the economy. reduce the wages -- that
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wage reduction in itself creates gains. somebody lower wages somebody else's higher profit. >> sunday at 7:00 eastern, neil neil de grayson -- sse tyson and others talk about their book "welcome to the universe." >> we calculate how you may go about finding exit planets that would be of particular interest --us, and what would it would you be after? whether it can harbor life. >> go online for the complete we can schedule. >> we're asking students to participate in this year's studentcam competition, what is
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our most urgent present -- issue for our new president and congress to address in 2017? it is open to all middle school and high school students. they can work alone or in a group of up to three to produce a five to seven minute documentary on the issue selected. is $5,000, toe the student or team with the best overall entry. $100,000 in cash prizes will be awarded between 150 students and 53 teachers. is january deadline 20, 2017. that is an operation for more information, go to our website, veterans about their wartime experiences and the transition to civilian life. we also spoke to journalist suzanne gordon about veteran health care needs.
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>> the vietnam veterans memorial in washington, d.c.. on this veterans day, many people visiting that memorial not only remember friends and family who served in wartime and honor their commitment, but also walking around washington, d.c. as well. here in our studios in washington, we have the honor of talking to two veterans of wars in iraq and afghanistan to learn about what it is like to be a soldier, not only during a period active service but as they transition to civilian life. joined by ashley nicolas who served in afghanistan from 2012-2013. also brennan mullaney, an iraq veteran from 2006 to 2007 and both of you, happy veterans day. 2009. thank you for joining us. what do you think is the perception of soldier and active life by most people and what is the reality? brennan: everything we think
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about veterans is depicted by what we see in the media or movies. oftentimes, that depiction is not exactly the truth. i know from my time in active service which i valued very much, i did a couple of tours to iraq and some of the things did -- i did look like that, but probably 80%-90% did not look like that. a lot of hanging around with my guys and our hurry up and wait mantra. there is a lot of training that --s into being your skills bringing your skills and expertise to the battlefield, and it does not look sexy. it is grinding it out and improving day after day. spending time with your team and getting to know each other and practicing your craft. pedro: what did you do in afghanistan? brennan: i was at calvary scout. i spent my time in fort hood, texas. i was lamenting with ashley when she asked me what i did. i was assigned to be in front of
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the main elements looking for the enemies scouting, and that is not what happened. asymmetricin an environment on the ground doing similar jobs, working with the iraqi security forces. working on governance and economic development projects. building a rapport with the local nationals. pedro: ashley nicolas, same question, what is the perception, what is the reality? ashley: brennan is right. most of the day today is not flashy it is the hard work of , leadership and building trust and relationships and building teams, which is not the flashy stuff you see in movies. taking care of soldiers, especially leaders, they spend a lot of time doing. the reality is it does not stop when we leave active-duty service. for me, a lot of my work was the hard work behind the scenes as an intelligence officer and make sure our teams and soldiers were informed and prepared to be successful in the battlefield.
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that is not what you see. brennan: it is a great point. there is an incredible cast of individuals, their collective efforts makes it work. you see whether it is the special operators, the navy seals, the army rangers, you see those very elite units. but the reality, there is a host of people behind them that are doing their jobs and must do it effectively for the entire team to be successful. pedro: both of you talk about teamwork. you talk about teamwork that is already established once you get to the front lines. is that the case? or is more needed to cement that? ashley: i think in the military you are fortunate because you start with a common mindset of values. you have a baseline. there is a level of community and camaraderie that gets built
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that does not start from the beginning and it does not happen by magic. it happens through long days in cold weather and long nights and being miserable that shared , misery is magic for teamwork. brennan: definitely. the experiences that forged that camaraderie and units and get stronger whether training experiences, difficult decisions, situations, i am sorry. or the point you are deployed. your may be in a combat environment and heightens those experiences and strengthen those bond. pedro: our guests joining us to tell their service and give you the viewer a sense of what a military person does, day to day. you can ask them questions. we divided the lines for veterans. we are joined by ashley nicolas
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who served in afghanistan and brennan mullaney who served in iraq. i am sure that it is not a nine to five job. tell us what your day was like in service, how to start and most days is long. it starts in the dark in a formation where you will work out and do some sort of physical fitness, prepare you for the long days ahead. and from there, it is job depended. what is your main task? some of my days were spent preparing intelligence for units from our home state. some were spent in the field prepare for deployment ourselves. some days were spent expect -- inspected vocals and taking care of soldiers. beauties of military service. it is never boring. guest 1: there is definitely that task and the things you have to accompli
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