tv Washington Journal CSPAN November 12, 2016 7:00am-10:01am EST
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the chicago-kent college of law on presidential pardons. we will talk to washington post reporter catherine ho about donald trump's ties to the lobbying industry. ♪ host: good morning to you, it is saturday, november 12. president-elect donald trump has taken mike pence to lead the transition team, the future vice president taking over the role from chris christie. donald trump told the wall street journal he is open to keeping parts of the affordable care act in place, signaling a potential compromise on one of his key campaign pledges. we will get to these headlights and more this morning but first our question for you will be -- do you think the traditional media has lost its influence?
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the coverage of the presidential election has been highly controversial. you can call in with your thoughts on how the media has done. democrats your number is 202-748-8000. republicans, 202-748-8001. --202-748-8002. share your thoughts on social media. we are on facebook at many news outlets were consistently wrong in the prediction of who would win the presidential election and that erode american state and the mainstream media, a poll done in september before the election, americans trust in mass media sinks to a is the headline for this poll. 1997, 53% of americans said they had a great deal or fair amount of trust in the mass media.
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that number is down to 32% of americans who have either a great deal of faith or a fair amount of faith in the mess media. that is in 2016. andwitter, the founder president of the media research center and also publisher of news busters and cns put out this statement -- he said -- this is why the pundits got it wrong, they believe the media and their spin, not just on the coronation of hillary clinton but on america's repudiation of donald trump. he saw the trouble voters as the clinton campaign saw them, a basket of deplorables, the program hillary press treated donald trump's followers with contempt while the left-wing media was giving comfort to hillary clinton covering up her sandals when they could and spinning them in her favor when they couldn't. newspaper, the tv
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columnist joe concha wrote an article that said the trumpet victory spells the end of traditional media influence. the most stunning night and political history, if it taught us anything about traditional media's coverage of the election which spans 600 days, it is this, it does not have the influence it thinks it does, and dismissing public sentiment when it comes to the entire premise s outsidertrump' campaign, the media proves it is not what it used to be in the eyes of the public. the numbers are horrified, the media approval rating is 19% according to nbc news and the wall street journal. americans with high confidence in the media is just 6% and a suffolk university usa today poll question, who do you think the media including major newspapers and tv stations would like to see elected president, hillary clinton or donald trump,
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75.9% of the people said the media believes that they believe the media wanted clinton to be the president while just 7.9% said donald trump cleared the new york times's media columnist wrote this in an article about the role of the media -- he said the problem that surfaced on tuesday night was much bigger than pulling, clear that something was fundamentally broken in journalism that was unable to keep up with the antiestablishment mood that is turning the world upside down. politics is not just about numbers. capture the human condition that is the blood of american politics and not the sole function of political reporting to tell you who will win or lose, the horse race as too often overshadowed everything else. and notably, it colors other reporting as well. to you this morning -- do you think the traditional media has lost his influence?
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our first color comes from on the, texas, dee democratic line, good morning. caller: good morning. i believe it is a human error because when i was watching it and everything, i also recorded it to make sure i was seeing the right thing. on some of the swing states, it was human error because when anchors like wolf on cnn, when was tooe saying it close to win, they show clinton ahead of florida, north carolina, and virginia. they went back and forth and then they said, why they had not called them for her? they let it sit there for a good hour. as soon as it went to mr. trump, they called it, i think it was human error when they should have called it they did not call it. mr. brian williams did the same
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thing on nbc. and when he said it, they gave it to mr. trump and he said it was just only five electoral votes so we are not going to worry about it. they should have corrected it. error,more of a human when they should have called it they did not call it. post, ialled washington called new york times, i am in houston and i got on the phone and call these places and found out that i was not the only one who was making these complaints because new york times told me that they had over i do not know how many people have called in with the same complaint. what will you do about it? , has one quick question this election cycle changed the , changed whichv newspapers or publications you read or change the way you consume media?
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caller: it changed a lot because i do not trust what they say or do anymore. for me, looking at it with my naturalize and hearing it with my years, if you can make a human error like this, it makes me think whatever you put in the paper, i do not believe it anymore. host: let's turn to pennsylvania, michael is on the republican line. what do you think? caller: good morning, thank you for c-span and the question because it is a huge question. i have always thought that the media has been very slanted toward a liberal agenda but i have never seen it so badly as this election. they were so much in the tank for hillary clinton and so opposed to donald trump. if you look at some of these riots going on now, i think it is the fault of the media and
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they have not changed one thing, they are still talking about the same thing as if this election were stolen, as if the american people did not speak loudly against this president's agenda. and against this popularity of this president. they talked about the president and his popularity and how popular he is, that is as flawed as these polls were. host: that is michael from pennsylvania. our question -- has traditional media lost it implements? -- implements? -- influence? article wewrote the read a few minutes ago. good morning. guest: good morning and thank you for having me. host: why do you believe the media lost its influence, was a human error or something more fundamental going on? fundamental, it:
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love numbers and when it comes to the media i have more to play with a crispy people are doing polls and analyzing it and that gives me a lot to play with. here are three numbers, all you need to know as why i have come to the conclusion that traditional media has a fraction of the influence it once did, 57, that represents the number of major newspapers that endorsed hillary clinton including many in michigan, pennsylvania, florida. donald trump got two newspaper endorsements. endorsements 57 get hillary clinton, a concession speech. people stop listening to the traditional media a long time ago because they do not trust the messenger. host: why is that? because they feel the media is not reflecting their values or beliefs and their reality they are seeing in their communities and neighborhoods? guest: that is a great question, the way you phrased that.
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we look at from voters come in the rust belt states -- trump states,any rust belt hillary clinton called some deplorables and that was a big turning point, you can demonize the opponent as much as you want, what's you go after voters, that is a problem. media perspective, much of the media is in washington and new york, the national , they seem toafar simply dismiss trump voters the way mrs. clinton did. they did not go into those states on a national level and speak to the folks and really find out where the pain points are, your wages are down, you cannot find a job you like or you cannot find one at all. they did not get the pain. when the election results came across, everybody acted so surprised. there was one person that stands out, mark halperin, the
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bloomberg andn msnbc often and does a documentary called the circus where he follows the candidates and speaks to the voters as much as well and he was optimistic about trump and ridiculed for it but he said there is something going on that it do not think you are getting as far as the anger in this country and the anxiety. i see donald trump having a much thanr chance of winning most people do and he was right because he got into the trenches for most other folks said that in new york and washington and took shots at trump's supporters and dismiss them. has traditional media lost its influence? we have seen a donald trump use twitter in a new way to engage his followers and his supporters. have there been alternative types of media that have become more influential than the traditional media in this campaign and election cycle? guest: absolutely, the
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unfiltered variety and that primarily is twitter which donald trump used often to my for happy time, i cannot believe you just wrote that. -- half the time come i cannot believe he just wrote that you there is an authenticity to that, you can fact check claims he made but he always came across as an everyday guide even though he is a billionaire. hasink that social media risen during this election as a way for candidates to go directly to the voters and avoid having to go through the press. donald trump did not hold a press conference and to well over 100 days leading up to the election. at one point, mrs. clinton went from before the primaries until after she was nominated before she david press conference. -- before she gave a press conference. their ownates have megaphone and do not need to go through the media. host: that is joe concha, the media writer for the hill newspaper, thank you for being here.
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guest: thank you for having me. host: spring texas, independent line, alan. i do think that traditional media is perhaps losing some influence. i do not agree that they have lost the influence. , ithis most recent election think the traditional media played a large role in getting mr. trump elected. that may not have been their intention but they gave him the coverage and the exposure required, and the free access to media that was required for him to get elected. they put him out there and presented him to the people. the people did not necessarily vote the way they asked him to. the majority of the people did
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but he did win the electoral college. you can see the beauty influence in the way that completely shut out any alternative ideas. the democratic and republican our -- have a duopoly on almost a monopoly on our political system, they shut out in the other candidates, candidates on the ballot who are on sufficient balance to win the presidential election. shut them outy from the presidential debates and go along with the presidential commission. which is the democratic party and the republican party in their own rules that they played by. you can see how the media had a tremendous influence in completely shutting out any alternative ideas to what the two parties were presenting to the people. the ideas were very limited and progressived of any thinking of any kind.
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the thinking that is required to move this country and progress this country forward. had tremendous- influence and completely shut out the other parties. host: new york, democratic line, good morning. caller: hello? host: you are on the air. caller: i agree with what the last person said about the media , it gave a lot of airtime, the liberal media to donald trump because the media is too consumed with entertainment now. the media is so important to our political process. especially because we have a country now of less critical think -- i think the education system is created -- has created less critical thinking and so the media is very important to our political process, even from the time of the founding. i am thinking of the pamphlets
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circulated by the different fathers, benjamin franklin, etc. the point is that i think this is a good time for the media to take a critical look at itself. because it is too consumed with entertaining. dave from armstrong creek, wisconsin, independent line. go ahead. caller: i agree with both of the last dollars. what i would call the corporate media had a lot to do with what went on. it is commercially driven. that they werebs doing it for the ratings and the donald trump was maybe not good for the country but he was great for the ratings. host: where do you go to get your information? caller: i do watch a lot of c-span. i watch "washington journal" in the morning.
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, freeh independent media speech tv, link tv. i get good stuff from them. the immediate wanted to make this into a horse race because they would put their thumb on the scale one way and if things went the other way, they would bring it back. they managed to do that. it was a close election. out berniey shut sanders until it was too late when they could not do it anymore. they almost had to start putting him on. there were times when the camera was fixed on the podium that donald trump was not on yet for minutes at a time. of -- i have lost a lot of faith in what i see. host: that is great in wisconsin. during a discussion this week on
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the immediate impact on the election, a democratic media consultant discussed whether donald trump has changed how mediate will be used in future elections. >> each cycle there is a moment when people take lessons, the right or wrong lessons, and test them out the next time around and i think it will be less likely that people who are following thethat donald trump model of campaigning will be successful for them or healthy for them even. -- what may change is how the press covers the president, right, and how the press covers the administration for the next years and whether donald trump as president will tweet and go around traditional mediums up talking to the media as president. i think it is unlikely that people will say, i want to run and i will follow be trump model. adweekere is a piece in
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that was written by a firm called social bakers, showing how donald trump content was shared on twitter. sorry,facebook -- i am is confident that she is content was shared dramatically more than hillary clinton's content, hillary clinton is the blue line and donald trump is the redline and much more than hillary romney's, andmitt president obama's contin was shared in 2012. donald trump has used social media in a new way during his campaign and during the election. now even since winning the election, he has taken to twitter. in the washington post, donald trump's first week as president elect from bitter to respectful. one of his first tweets
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following the election said, just had a very open and successful presidential election , not professional protesters inside it by the media are protesting, very unfair! love thehe tweeted, fact that small groups of protesters last night have passion for our great country, we will all come together and be proud. i run from cleveland, tennessee, fromlican line -- byron cleveland, tennessee, republican line. as the media lost its influence? caller: yes it has come all the yes, all the mediate were talking about educated media wereh the talking about educated voters and they dismissed everyone who was college educated and that bothered me. one of our local newspapers wrote an article in the business
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section that should have been on the front page of the newspaper. you have to read between the lines. i use facebook quite a bit. that is where i get my news. i read between the lines and understand exactly what they are saying. me dismissed a large portion of the voters. up, queenstown, maryland, democratic line. go ahead. caller: good morning. host: good morning. go ahead with your thoughts, has traditional media lost its influence? caller: absolutely, i am 26 and do not understand what traditional media is, the way we consume media is much more dynamic. i believe the democratic national party needs to do a better job of branding itself through us. in the same way private businesses do, what comes to
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mind is businesses like apple who does a great job of branding themselves to our demographic. i think the party needs to do a better job of doing that. the electoral college is responsible for electing a representative to explain to us why they decided to vote for the person they did in such a favorable majority. i do not think there is prejudice behind their vote because an electoral college obviously voted for barack obama twice. they are responsible to explaining to us why they chose who they chose went it is contrary to the popular vote. up, john from chicago, illinois, republican line. good morning. caller, theyast tried to explain the electoral
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fact, how itis the works is a fact. you can have it explained to you but it will still, be same way. that hillary clinton and her deplorables elected trump. i am not talking about the deplorables she was talking about because that is me. i am talking about the people out there writing now. -- rioting now. hard-working americans who are getting the shaft, with a high school education only, because that color stuff, you have to consider who is teaching them, liberal professors. that is the way they go.
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riotingorables are right now, those are the ones who elected donald trump because the rest of us all, this is not the way to go. host: a few headlines this inning, this is a story politico, donald trump shakes up the power structure, it says that donald trump has made his first key decision as president-elect, sidelining governor chris christie, preparing the transition team in favor of mike pence. the first and of an internal power dynamic in the nation administration, donald trump have largely ignored his transition efforts ahead of the election out of a combination of superstition and the unlike when this of his ascent, his advisers say that now that a trumpet administration is a reality -- trump administration is a reality
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the wall street journal scored the first interview with president-elect trop and have this headline, a shift in obamacare. president-elect donald trump said he would consider leaving in place certain parts of the affordable care act, an indication of possible compromise after a campaign in which he pledged to overturn the law. mr. trump said one priority was moving quickly on president barack obama's signature health saidative which mr. trump become so unworkable and expensive that he cannot use it. mr. trump said he favors keeping the prohibition against insurers denying based on pre-existing condition and parents to allow years of additional coverage on their insurance policies.
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, he very much other urgent priorities during his first few weeks will be deregulating financial institutions to allow banks to lend again and securing the border against drugs and illegal immigrants. jobs fore would create nationwide infrastructure projects and approved international trade deals. he said he would preserve american jobs by potentially imposing tariffs on products of u.s. companies that relocate overseas thereby reducing their efforts to move abroad. our question is, has traditional media lost its influence? akron, ohio, james, independent line. media hasthink the been manipulating for quite sometimes. we do not get news. people want to hear what is happening when they turn on the now is sohe media
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caught up in ratings, that used to not be caught up in ratings. rush limbaugh and things like that, they compete with these people, we do not want to know about that, we do want -- we want to know what happened. by giving their opinion, that is not news. the republican party is so much smarter than the democratic party. , youg the election time thought that every republican was against donald trump and they were not going to vote for him. in the meantime, they got the so-called liberals to think, i will make a protest vote just like the republicans. in the end, all the republicans voted for trump and the liberals made a protest vote. now, these guys who voted for a third-party and did not vote at becausey are rioting they did not vote the way they
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felt they should have voted. host: you are from ohio and calling on the independent line, which way did you tilt and where did you find information that you felt was helpful in making your decision on tuesday?> caller: i listened to free speech, i listened to fox, i listen to cnn, msnbc, and i flipped the stations. i listen to everybody and i try to read between the lines because i know different people are so opinionated. that it is bad. with c-span, you do not get that that much, you get a few things by certain people there who cut off people a little early i think sometimes because they are not giving the same view that they feel should be given. c-span.t that bad on
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on the other places, they come off. host: that is james from ohio. houston texas, democratic line. good morning. caller: hello? host: you are on the air. caller: i want to make a comment. i think all of the newscasts did great. the reason why is because hillary did win the popular vote. i do not think it is right for with theome up electoral college, i think the popular vote should have one. i feel that donald trump with the money he had come he said he was going to sue philadelphia florida,vote and in those states flipped around so quick.
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the media is doing fine because the popular vote was what death was with hillary. -- the popular vote was with hillary. the media is doing great. host: let's move on to norman from fresno, ohio, republican line, what do you say this morning? caller: i am doing great. the news media, what my problem with them is that it did not matter what channel you flipped two, fox news, except for bill o'reilly, everyone of them was saying donald trump cannot win, this was all summer, there is no way he can win. they had a preconceived notion, he was unconventional, he cannot win. the more they did that come of the people i hung around with, the more we were going to vote for donald trump. that is the way we saw it. esther from michigan on
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the independent line. good morning. caller: i am here. host: go ahead with your thoughts. caller: the traditional media as far as their influence is concerned, it depends, if you look at the number of people who voted, there were almost 50% of the voting public did not vote. -- traditional news media like the "washington post" and "new york times" do not have the number of people who subscribe to those newspapers. therefore, you have the millennials and the young people , they get the news from all over. other people who cannot afford news,ey look at fox listen to fox news, and if you talk about the educated public
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what you have is a public who is not civic educated. they are civic in a way, civic ignorant, they do not understand college isectoral what is going to determine what a president is. it does not have anything to do really with the popular vote. you can lose the popular vote and win the electoral college. and you are president. host: we hear you. let's turn to twitter for comments. one person writes, the media lost his credibility when it printed opinion instead of truth , they have tried to control our thoughts and feelings. another person writes, i thought they were supposed to report the tos, i guess i was wrong another person said, traditional media has been gone since 2001,
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the media fired investigative journalist to hire political pundits and bloggers. ,ore headlines in other news this story in the new york times, isis is massacring most will civilians as troops advance . the story says islamic state militants have killed scores of civilians in the city of mo sul, sometimes using children as executioners and chemical agents. says that the battle for mosul with tens of thousands of security force members bearing down on the second largest city in iraq is almost one month old. the fighting move quickly at the beginning because the first objective was to clear dozens of outlying villages. they were largely uninhabited by civilians allowing government forces to act without regard for killing civilians. since the iraq
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counterterrorism forces punched into the city itself from the east, fighting has slowed and they go house to house and brutal urban fighting where there are still large numbers of civilians. over the past week, the largest number of civilians have fled the fighting with over 48,000 people displaced as a friday according to the world health organization and the united nations. meanwhile, in the wall street journal, a story about flint, michigan, a judge orders went to deliver bottled water. more than a year after michigan officials began undressing led drinking water in flat, -- flint, it is order to deliver bottled water to residents because they face an immediate danger from lead contamination. on thursday, this injunction require the delivery of four cases of water per resident each week to roughly 30,000 households in flint effective immediately. we are taking your phone calls this morning on the question --
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pass traditional media lost its influence? wisconsin, sandra, the democratic line. good morning. caller: thank you and good morning to you. host: good morning. caller: i think traditional their, i guess, main connection to the people. in our house, we have republican, my husband, and democrat and we have been switching back and forth to the different media to try to get -- figure out what was going on. on facebook, even if though i try to stay out of who i was choosing for president, i got a lot of anti-hillary on my facebook. daughterprised at my who was also going for donald trump. at thanksgiving, it will be tight this year. [laughter] host: with your husband's
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supporting donald trump and you calling on the democratic line, how did election night go? caller: i say that till 12:30 and he woke me up at 2:30 and said trump won. i was not surprised because with donald trump, he hit the social, twitter, facebook more. to me, if you were going by facebook and all the things going on today, i am just learning so much about twitter and things like that now. i think with the kids, my daughter is 34, we have children from 34 to 12 years old and my youngest, she hated donald trump and my oldest loved him. it will be a different kind of thanksgiving and christmas. back in the 1980's when we bought the donald trump game after he claimed bankruptcy and for eight years we used that game and regifted it for 10 years and thought it was a joke.
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i am a just as he who gives of this year. host: good luck during the holiday season. bob from illinois on the republican line. good morning. caller: good morning, c-span is the only one fair and balanced, everyone else, cnn, msnbc, google, facebook, they are all in the tank for the democrats. we are lucky we have a voice at all but c-span is the absolute greatest. wikileaksiams, the showed all the media types going to dinners at john podesta's house and wolf blitzer, given questions togiving hillary before the debate, --ald trump is very lucky host: marianne from ohio, marysville, independent line.
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good morning to you. caller: good morning and thank you for taking my call. if the people are not extremely , and do their own research and stay informed and use discernment, they are best to stay away from the mainstream media because they are mine vendors. nrm -- brnfors -- -- benders. we were told it was illegal to get information about beliefs and we had to get our information from him. -- information about wiki leaks and we had to get our information from him. the twisting and the lies and the misquoting was astonishing. two days ago, donald trump told cohortshe and his media
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are the political intelligentsia. think about that, people. yesterday, i read an article by garrison keillor and twice in that article he called himself an elitist liberal. elitist. that means they are better than we are. host: we hear your thoughts. a quick mention of an editorial in the "new york post." the media is the biggest loser of this campaign, of the many scandals, do not neglect the outing of media figures not only is biased but underhanded and lazy. the latest leaks show report from several major outlets concluding with the clinton campaign team following the policy and in particular donna brazile, in advance of two debates with bernie sanders, she
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has not explained how and why she had access to the questions. dorothy from florida, democratic line. good morning. caller: yes, donald trump as the -- already influenced media, the fbi interfered with the election and turned it around. said he had things up his sleeve that would turn the election around. it has not been mentioned by the media. host: that is dorothy in florida. stockton, california, rob is up early and calling on the republican line. good morning. caller: hello? host: good morning. caller: i have some comments. everybody is trying to put the blame somewhere else. i do believe the media -- when the results were coming in, every normal television news
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station commentary were trying to figure out how hillary could win come if she does this, how she can win, if she runs the whole map she can win. it seems like a was slanted to see hillary clinton one the predictions they were pre-given. that was the biggest thing i noticed. is also of early calling from eastern washington on the independent line. go ahead. caller: good morning, washington journal. host: good morning, brian. everybody has terms for the media and one that sticks with me for the last election has been mainstream corporate media. recentlyas pointed out how, for example, msnbc had more live camera footage of an empty podium with an empty microphone waiting for donald trump to
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speak versus actual speaking time by the bernie sanders candidate. it goes to show how msnbc was completely controlling the viewers reception of the election. we look at an empty podium microphone more than we listened to other candidates ideas and puzzles. -- proposals. host: that is brian from washington. anthony from lebanon, pennsylvania is on the democratic line. anthony, go ahead. caller: good morning, how are you today? host: good. caller: i am a veteran. i did not vote for donald trump but i hope he does what he says he will do for the veterans. first,ar, on may the
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assaulteds sexually at the v.a. hospital that ago two. -- that i go to. host: i hope you get help, steve, republican line. , what igood morning find funny about this question, where was it after 2008? a person elected who had no experience, who was two years in the senate and the media just could not get over themselves talking about how great this candidate is going to be. today, because a republican won the election and they think the media did everything they could to prevent it, there is no difference. this time, they tried everything to stop donald trump. we need to grow up and take the results.
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won. let's move on, the media just credits themselves for the last 10 years i. host: the last caller, jacksonville, florida, democrat line, janice. caller: thank you for c-span, you have not lost your effectiveness. i was struck by a comment david brooks, a conservative journalist during the early hours of the election, david brooks said that the press was wrong not to call out donald trump on things that never should have been expressed and that many of these things should have disqualified him from running but that no one did this. --hink that was absolutely for the media not to do what david brooks, conservative and so forth, passionately came out,
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he kept his credibility with me. i was stunned. it was just unbelievable. alvin toffler, a brilliant writer from years ago, wrote the third wave, he wrote future shock and said that the educated in america or anywhere, you needed not just reading, writing, arithmetic, you needed media literacy. we have a first amendment and most people do not have any idea what is involved, i do not care if they are college-educated, they just want to be entertained. host: we will have to leave it there because we are out of time for this morning. we will talkt, about how international markets are reacting to the donald trump presidency and what impact his trade policies will have an later on we talk about the dean of the chicago kent college of law and the author of a book
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"presidential powers" and he will discuss the parting process. the veterans day ceremonies at all international ceremony, president obama noted how veterans day often fought a hard-fought -- often followed a hard-fought presidential campaign and call for unity. exercise inama: free speech of self-government you fought for. it often lays bare disagreements across our nation. but the american instinct has never been to find isolation and opposite corners, it is to find strength in our common creed. towards unity. and our great diversity. the same as strength and unity, even when it is hard. , as wee election is over search for ways to come together, reconnect with one
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another, with the principles that are more enduring than transitory politics, some of her best examples are the men and women we salute on veterans day. americans, of young our 9/11 generation whose first responders ran into smoldering towers then ran to a recruiting center to sign up to serve. the example of a military that meets the remission, one united team, all looking out for one another, all getting each other's backs. the example of the single most diverse institution in our soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, coast guard who represent every corner of our country. every shade of humanity. immigrant and nativeborn.
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jews, and muslim, nonbeliever all forged in the common service. it is the example of our veterans. patriots. who, when they take off their fatigues, put back on the camouflage of everyday life in america and become our business partners and bosses, teachers, responders, city councilmember's, community , all stillle models serving this country we love with the same sense of duty and valor. journal"ngton continues. host: joined by chad bown, a senior fellow at the peterson institute for international economics and was an economist with the council of economic
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advisers at the white house. thank you for joining us. are here to talk about the donald trump trade policy, he said he would rip up free trade agreements, what do we know about his stance on trade? guest: during the election, it was clear he was not a huge proponent of trade or the existing trade agreements that the u.s. is a party to. majorncludes nafta, the trade agreement between the united states, mexico, and canada, he is proposed renegotiation of nafta. what that means we are not sure, there are provisions for which a president can pull the country out of nafta. whether in reality once he gets into office and 60 do so, or -- and seeks to do so for change it just a little bit is unclear. we are still waiting for specifics. it is clear he is not fond of the current trade agreements the u.s. is a part of. host: how dramatic of a move
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would it be if he did decide to pull out of nafta? guest: pulling out of trade agreements is quite unheard of. at least for the united states. we saw a lot -- a little bit of this early this year with the vote in the u.k. but for the united states that is not typically how we have sought to change our trading relationship with other countries. the obama administration, when he came into office in 2009, he has somewhat concerned with nafta and decided to take a different approach which was to negotiate a new trade agreement, this transpacific partnership to deal with some of the same concerns that mr. trump has brought up. host: donald trump has also called out china as a country that he is concerned about. what has he said about china and what might he do as president? guest: what he has said is that they manipulate their currency and he has threatened to impose
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tariffs upwards of 45%. terrorists are eight additional tax on imported products that come in. to impose thes new tax across the board on products coming in from china. they concerned with doing that is that we do have a trade agreement with 163 other the wto, of the world, china is a part of that and by doing that unilaterally, would be violating our commitments, legal commitments to our trading partners under that deal and china would be authorized and probably would retaliate and strike back and probably do the same thing against the united states which would mean u.s. companies and exporters that make goods and agricultural products, and send those to china would suffer as a retaliatory response. host: you can join in our conversation with chad bown from the peterson institute for
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international economics. democrats, 202-748-8000. republicans, 202-748-8001. .ndependents, 202-748-8002 send us your thoughts on social media. donald trump has said he wants to change america's stance on trade, why has this issue resonated so much during this election cycle? guest: the data are not all in but what is showing is a large share of president-elect trump's supporters were people that had been either suffering or disaffected economically or very concerned about their own economic future. there is a lot of economic uncertainty.
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are the jobs they're currently working in going to be there in the future? many have lost their jobs over the last 10, 20, 30 years while some have lost their jobs and unable to find adequate employment. he tapped into that concern among the electorate that has not been able to benefit from the new economy in the 21st century. some of the job loss, uncertainty, dislocation, is due to globalization, due to trade, import from countries like mexico and china. not all of it. the vast proportion of it is not due to trade necessarily but other forces like computerization, automation, the plants and manufacturing facilities that still make a tremendous amount of output in -- and goods, automobiles, steel in the united states, they do so today but with many fewer workers than they did 10, 20, 30 years ago.
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the workers they employ have a much different skill set in those best been those employed in those jobs. folksped into the disaffected by all the changes in the u.s. economy during this time. host: this is a copy of donald trump's contract with the american voter put out by his hepaign which details things would do on his first day in office. the first day of his first term in office, he said that he would announce his intentions to renegotiate nafta, or withdraw from the deal under an article. withdraw from the transpacific partnership and direct the secretary of the treasury to label china a currency manipulator and direct the secretary of commerce and the u.s. trade representative to identify all trading of bruce's -- trade abuses that unfairly impact american workers and in the abuses immediately. trump have the power
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to do these things on his first day or within the first 100 days he is in office? guest: for the most part he does. there is significant discretion given to the present over foreign policy and trade policy to take these actions. nafta, there is a clause that says the united states or any countries in nafta can withdraw provided they provide six months notice to the other countries. the president is supposed to seek out congressional consultation but this is ultimately something that he can do unilaterally. the decisions about currency minute relation, working with treasury -- currency manipulation, working with treasury, working with e-commerce department and the u.s. trade representative's to pursue activity against china, he has the authority to do, a lot is actually already being done under the obama administration and the bush administration before it.
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many cases at the wto have been filed against china and a number -- an area of u.s. trade laws companies can resort to to ask for import restrictions of being opposed to china if they feel they are desperate there importing has been adversely affecting. used andhese have been he is in getting he will continue on that path. caroline from mississippi is our first caller with chad bown, independent line, go ahead. caller: i wanted to comment on mr. bown's initial statement. it was slanted in a slightly negative manner rather than a unilateral manner. trying to be fair. because he hasw not been specific what mr. trump is intending to do.
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my interpretation of what i heard him say is that he would look at the current trade agreements and where he felt they were unfair to the united states he would work on those. bown and other people seem to take the attitude that he will take a piece of paper and terror that and i do not feel that is the way. in addition, if i am not hasaken, china currently additional taxes or tariffs or goods comingon our into our country which he failed to mention. host: chad bown? guest: an excellent point, unclear what these steps he will take with respect to nafta. you could say that, if we think is mostis from what concerning to the electorate, a big part of the electric behind his presidential win, those are
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the disaffected workers, especially in a number of the midwestern states, ohio, indiana , pennsylvania, wisconsin. one thing you might do with nafta is to ask mexico and other countries to actually try to improve their labor standards. you might say, one of the reasons the u.s. workers are disadvantaged a little bit is because they have to work under -- companies have to employ them under conditions that makes endorsements of, our workers have the ability to unionize and bargain collectively. subject to minimum wage laws and companies that employ them have to abide by occupational safety and health standards in relations. you might say that is something we could renegotiate with mexico, ask them to adopt similar laws to protect their workers. he could do that. that was one of the provisions
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in the tpp agreement that he would not be interested in pursuing a single. sure he has gone into depth about the tpp agreement or what was in that they may like. that is something they may look at. host: mike from west virginia, democratic line, go ahead with your question or comment. caller: good morning, love c-span, thank you for mr. brown this morning. i have a comment and then a question. my comment, given that there has been bipartisan dissatisfaction among the manufacturing class for the last 30 years. i go back to ross perot and his popularity with the -- running with the vast sucking sound of american jobs going overseas. you have that trend and the
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political class. starting with bill clinton. he was a huge promoter of nafta, promoting it. republicans come through with their think tanks and tell us that we are better off with trading. would like to hear mr. brown the economists give us some figures on how in the data on how dependent -- give us some figures on how dependent we are on traded considering how well -- on trade considering how well we are off. demand dueore trade to domestic conditions. what percentage of our economy in terms of total gdp is dependent upon foreign trade? how much room to be have on the domestic side to put the
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manufacturing class back to work? host: that is mike from west virginia. one comment from twitter, what are some good we export to china? china goods we export to out of the united states -- there are a wide range. we export a huge amount of agricultural products. i think our biggest export to china is soybeans. that we got into with china, we could expect agricultural products and farmers to suffer. the specific question about how reliant the u.s. is compared to china on international trade, it is certainly true that the united states is a much acre economy in terms -- is a much bigger economy in terms of the
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wide array that we do. we are less reliant on international trade then china. however, we are reliant on trade that is hard to capture on numbers alone. i think a good example -- one of the reasons why the overs overstate how reliant china is on trade, if you pick the iphone, the united states imports iphones that are ubiquitous now from china. that would come into the united states as a trade statistic as a $500 import from china. however, most of the value of the iphone is not being made in china. the semiconductors are being made in japan, korea, taiwan. ,he research and development the marketing, all of that is the united states' effort. a big chunk of that value does come back into the united
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states, but it is not captured in our trade the two sticks. it is hard to measure just how reliant the united states and china are dependent upon international trade. if it were to disappear, both sides would be severely adversely affected by it. guest: to follow up on the caller's point, i think that is some of the frustration we are seeing. why are the semiconductors not being made in the u.s.? could they be made in the u.s. under different policies? guest: some perhaps good. some semiconductors are made in the united states. primarily allowing economic market to determine what is that is made where. that unitedsystem states has advocated for since the 1940's. it is certainly the case that not all countries are doing as good of a job as living up to the rules of that system.
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we do have major problems with china in terms of their active involvement as a government in moaning certain sectors. the subsidies they give to certain industries. concerns over not enforcing intellectual property rights of effectively. the question is how do we address it. we go into an all-out trade war in which there would be substantial dislocation and a huge mess in getting towards a solution. or, do we try to work through a system of rules in that kind of approach? guest: -- host: mark from massachusetts on the independents line. caller: good morning. brown, as far as donald trump's trade policy, i am confused.
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one of his statements is that he wants to end nafta which i think is completely ridiculous, because canada is our number one trading partner and mexico is our number three trading partner. think we could learn from the --xit referendum manufacturers are always talking -- are already talking about leaving for france. it just does not make any sense. also, donald trump relies heavily on union support. is capitalist it or -- you cannot have it both ways. guest: i think it is a good point on nafta. the difficulties in understanding the complexity of nafta is -- suppose we stopped to think about mexico or canada
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as a foreign country, and we just thought about the north as an entityon without trade borders. with the nafta agreement allows our auto industry to do, for example, is to be more competitive. mexico is a huge export market for u.s. goods and services. we are importing a number of final automobiles in mexico that ago,to be, 30 years entirely produced in the united states. a tremendous amount of the parts and components for that vehicle are u.s. materials. visual -- byreat which i brought it today -- in the wall street journal that shows what parts and components of automobiles across the nafta supply chain look like. how takes something simple like a front seat of your car -- that final seat, the parts travel
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back and forth between the united states and mexico multiple times. the headrest, the fabric, the nuts and bolts, all of those pieces that ultimately form the one piece has to be combined with hundreds and hundreds of parts and components to make a final car. that we haveow is taken the old way of making an automobile which used to be done -- it wasmple plant costly to do, and we split up the production process among the united states and countries, as well. host: harriet on the republican line. good morning. caller: good morning. i would like to thank president for bobbing and weaving around our economy that i believe nafta has destroyed. i do not believe that you can just stop nafta, because we do
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not make anything. what we going to have? we are going to have to do it fairly and turn it around. office,ma first came to he was giving people unemployment for two years. debt is wonder that our at $20 trillion now. we used to have the largest buying power of the globe. that is gone. that was harriet from maryland. also this week, c-span newsmakers interviewed congressman of indiana. he talks about the relationship with paul ryan and incoming president donald trump. >> ryan and donald trump sparred a lot during the campaign. it was a lot of speculation that donald trump would try to unseat
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paul ryan or pressure members to vote against him. have you seen them mend their relationship at all? >> we are in the midst of our leadership elections. i'm running for the republican policy chair. i was encouraged by the meetings that speaker ryan and president-elect trump had this week. clearly, he is going to have a voice in what our team looks like even forward. initial indicators seem to be that he is very comfortable with our existing leadership team. i see some wisdom in that. given all the other moving parts and challenges we have to deal i think there is wisdom in taking the team that we have, uniting that team, and then moving forward. will donaldportant trump relationship be with when he decides to start in fomenting teases of his trade policy -- starts implementing pieces of his trade
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policy? guest: it will be incredibly important. implement thing the pieces of his trade policy relies on a president that is willing to work with congress, his cabinet, and a lot of underlying expertise that is required to actually negotiate and understand the nitty-gritty details of these legal agreements. both the legal complexity and the economic complexity. they are not unilateral initiatives. we are going to be renegotiating with very sophisticated partners on the other side. if you talk about mexico or china, they have considerable expertise in understanding these deals. tosident trump is what have rely on that on our side, as well. host: we saw that as a result of a fractious relationship with , a democrat ines
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the senate told trade leaders that the transpacific partnership with key asian allies will not be ratified by congress. can you explain to us what the transpacific partnership is? guest: the transpacific partnership, ttp, was president obama's signature trade policy initiative. in many respects, it was his attempt to renegotiate nafta. it includes canada and mexico which we already have a free trade agreement with nafta. and then six or seven other countries across the asian and hispanic regions. and also some developing countries in asia such as vietnam. it was a new deal, a new trade agreement, in the sense that it added some new rules as i mentioned previously.
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there were attempts to improve labor standard conditions in already existing u.s. trade agreements like nafta, making tradenforceable through agreements. it also touched on new areas of issues that of appeared in the last 20 years with the internet. trying to make sure that our inter--- that are areas of frontier economic deponent -- development such as facebook or google, the issues associated with e-commerce and data privacy, writing rules for the trade agreements for the first time. that is what the ttp agreement tried to do. host: let's hear from debbie in gainesville, florida. debbie, good morning. caller: thank you for taking my call. i've been calling in for decades. answersave someone that
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the phone who is interrogating you. it is hard to keep focus when they are interrogating you about what your comments are going to be. but that said, i will try to remember what i called them. i think most people understand the automation, but there are still some many people that have lost their jobs. there are unintended, hidden costs that a lot of people do not think about with all the cargo ships having to come over and the 18 wheelers busting up our freeways. also, there is the quality of the products. my aunt has a toaster that she has used for 15 years, and i have to replace mine almost every month. we are talking about slave labor . we have heard reports of people giving out windows in china out of the apple factories and there are the in our mental problems. i think it is time to bring more jobs back home -- the environmental problems. i think it is time to bring jobs back home to take care of the
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people in our country. thank you. excellent raise an point. on the automation issue, one of proposals thatd have been put out there by president-elect trump to renegotiate these trade agreements are attempting to bring back manufacturing to the united states that was either removed or will be started for the first time. the problem with that approach is the difficulty in recognizing that the jobs that were there in manufacturing 10 or 20 years ago will not be there when i come back. one callers -- one of the callers earlier said that we do not make anything united states anymore. that is untrue. we have more manufacturing
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output in the night system we ever had before. the difference is that we use many fewer people to actually make those staying cart -- those same cars for electronics that we did before. we now rely on computers and technology. if we do not need people, the same type of labor force, what do we do? what are the jobs of the future? those are the key questions that will face president elect trump. my fear is that ripping up our existing trade agreements is not a solution. some -- the: john from georgia on independents line. good morning. caller: good morning. a couple of points here. we talk about soybeans going to
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china, you talk about all the electronic technology, you talk about all the computers running things, you talk about jobs not being here -- well, it is laws and regulations and automation that took those jobs away. so why in the world would you negate jobs because of people? our people are the most important asset we have in this country. not the automation or the other stuff. our people did these jobs 50 ago, before0 years automation ever came about. i guess my point is that we have too many rules and regulations, and too many people that are
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thinking about making that almighty dollar for themselves. they move things offshore to other countries for cheap labor. why can we not feet and put our own people to work and quit worrying about the rest of this damn world because of this new world order crap going on? guest: i am completely on board. i think one of the big frustrations we face is this concern and uncertainty that we face with automation. on the one hand, it provides great things for us. -- we can now make things more cheaply than we ever could before. it gives us access to goods and services that we never could have access to before. buy things, purchase services, take care of ourselves and our families, better health care, more time for leisure,
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better spent leisure than we ever could before. the problem is that not everyone is getting to enjoy the benefits. not everyone is getting to enjoy the benefits of automation or globalization. the question is how do we address that. how do we help people that have not been able to take advantage of the new economy? those are key questions that are facing the next president and the president after that, as well. aboute seen stories technological innovations that are not too far down the line. driverless cars for delivery -- or delivery trucks or buses or transportation. these are all jobs that exist today but could disappear. we need to think about caring for that. if we are someone currently in that type of job, then think about how you prepare yourself for the future. what kind of skills do you need
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to take control of the economy in the future? bill, north -- spartan bill, north carolina is spartanburg, south carolina is an area of manufacturing. tweet from it -- there. our next call now. caller: at the end of the cold war, russia started sending its energy -- coal, natural gas, oil -- to europe. when the ukraine situation came up come up they tried to blackmail europe to go along -- came up, they tried to blackmail europe to go along with russia attacking ukraine five
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threatening to stop shipments -- by threatening to stop shipments of energy to europe. what is the unit cost of energy that goes from russia by your -- or railcar into europe versus what the unit cost is now, sending energy the ,nited states by ship to europe and in the future, if we expanded our energy production in this country with a pipeline or clean coal, what are the unit costs now? russia versus our ship sending energy to europe -- and what could this be in the future if we expand our energy production? guest: those are excellent questions.
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i have no idea to be honest with the unit costs are. i can tell you that you have pointed to an exact problem -- what happens when a have market powers over other countries in terms of certain, critical products like energy? you mentioned europe's reliance on russia in particular for natural gas. ,hen prices went up for that they filled a little held hostage by that. it affected some of their geopolitical decisions, as well. i'll countries want to be a little more diversified with their energy choices, and they want to be more self-reliant. a lot of strategies that european countries have taken have been in response to concern about climate in limit change. hange. climate c many european countries have been at the forefront of singer technologies through wind --
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cleaner technologies through wind or solar products. that is a way that they have tried to break this had her of being dependent on other pattern of-- this being dependent on other countries. host: is the united states the only country that is rethinking the way it approaches international trade? what are we seeing elsewhere? no, i think this election we just had in the united states is part of a bigger trend that much of the across industrialized and high income world. in june, we saw the united kingdom had a referendum. they had a vote that went out to the public on whether they should lead the european union. ae united kingdom has been part of the european union since
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1973. what that meant for them is that it would not only be a free trade agreement as far as importing and exporting goods or services to france or other european countries free of charge, but it also had the three movement -- the free movement of people, of labor, of money. they have come to realize that they do not know what is next for them. they do not yet know what they want outside of the european union. ,hey want increased sovereignty but what that means they are not quite sure. we are seeing similar populist increases in other european countries, as well. there are upcoming elections in one party is stronger than it ever has been historically.
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so, what is going through the united states right now -- struggling with the forces of automation and globalization, we now want things like clean energy. another -- ating number of industrialized countries across the world. host: edward from louisiana on the credit line. edward, -- on the democratic line. edward, good morning. ma'am, please do not cut me off. i was stationed in the military in 1973 at fort polk, louisiana. i was pulling overnight duty with the national guard. into talking one night, and he told me what was going to .appen in this country the manufacturing jobs were
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going to go overseas. "if you have kids, get them into the service industry, because that is an industry that is going to grow in this country." also, recently within the past , you have aars thate economist on c-span looked into the lens of the camera and told the american "we are losing manufacturing jobs mainly because they are going overseas because of cheap labor." we were told that those jobs would not come back. our government has known about the loss of jobs and why they are being moved overseas since the 70's.
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no one has looked into the lens of the camera and told the what was going to happen. and now here we are. we are almost at that point jobs continue to leave this country, and no one will tell the american people why. host: that was edward. here is a comment on twitter. that is a good question. i do not know the details of that. the was a trade adjustment for workersrogram that were displaced or lost their job because of trade agreements like nafta. in nafta, there is a retraining component that says you can have extending unemployment insurance
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if you are willing to go through retraining. that is there to assist you in trying to find a new job. i think that is a very useful and important approach. i think the point that we are increasingly realizing is that those are the kind of programs that we need for our workers in the united states regardless of the reason why you lose your job whether it is because of a job regardless of the reason why you lose your job. whether it is because of automation or some other reason, theou lose your job this -- reason does not matter. you just need the training to help you move into the next job. that is where we have fallen short in the united states in the federal government providing the right types of programs that are helpful to workers especially. host: martha from texas on the
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independents line. caller: i would like to say that i agree with the callers. the last man was fabulous. the first lady that spoke about about "rip up." commentators keep saying radical things when he just said examined. you is he was going to going to throw out the criminals. commentators are not saying it properly. the lady that spoke about that was so right. was -- when ig read about some of these trade agreements, we are restricting ourselves sometimes to third
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world rules. we are not a third world country. we have to renegotiate where we understand we are not putting ourselves under undue antrictions, because we made agreement that acts like we are a third world country. host: martha from texas. here is the language from donald's contract with the american voter. he says that he will announce his intention to renegotiate nafta or withdraw from the deal. from the peterson institute for international comics -- economics. guest: we are waiting to find out what that means. we have not found out a lot of clarity about what his priorities are in we negotiating the deal. right now, a trade agreement is a sickly -- is basically an
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elimination of taxes on goods to travel between countries free of charge. that is what a basic trade agreement is. if he wants to negotiate that, what does he mean by that? the last administration went to renegotiate nafta, they said that they wanted countries like mexico to have higher labor standards and minimum wage laws. the ability for their workers to bargain collectively in the united states. that is what they negotiated for. agreement that donald trump said he is not interested in pursuing, those provisions were in there. so we are waiting to find out what donald trump has in mind when he says renegotiating nafta. host: tony from colorado on the democratic line. tony, go ahead. caller: glad to get on.
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obviously, donald trump hanginged on the lowest fruit which was nationalism and protection alyssum -- and protectionalism. trying to seal off the borders as far as trades. i think he's getting it taste of that he is getting a taste of reality after meeting with president obama and -- i think he is getting a taste of reality after meeting with president obama and our country's leaders. can you describe to the american people how deep the recession if we cut down our exports? secondly, what role does ttp ?lay as an alternative
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does it help us in terms of foreign policy and keeping militarism out of it? hope the question made sense. guest: thank you. ray questions. on the second one, -- great questions. in the second one, i think the rest of the world will pursue their own trade agreements. countries agreed on a trade agreement, it ultimately shuts out american workers because they are now disadvantaged in that market. if china forms new agreements with all ttp countries that united states does not have a new agreement with, that is a disadvantage for u.s. companies in that region trying to export their goods and services. brown romney the peterson institute for international economics.
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thank you for joining us. guest: thank you. it was my pleasure. krent,oming up is harold dean of the chicago-kent school of college. you will talk with us about presidential powers. later, we will talk about how donald trump's victory could mean big business for lobbyists. as you know, donald trump met with president obama earlier this week. smith was was recently given to incoming cabinet secretaries. -- some advice was recently given to incoming cabinet secretaries. lead and driveto strong management, they do not have to execute on a day-to-day basis. they may have a chief administrative officer there. there are multiple ways the you can address that. you may have very strong heads of your different agencies.
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thatperience has been everyment skills -- single management skill i have learned in my life i have had to use in this job. in addition to developing policy skills and other skills that i did not have, because these departments are huge. they are tens of thousands of people. in some distant -- in some instances, they are even larger than that. the other thing is -- i would say to someone running from the republican private sector coming into run a department, you want to dive into your budget before you start or the minute that you arrive. your budget becomes pure policy. it becomes your ability to affect serious policy change.
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you need budget approval and fox ability. with -- and budget flexibility. with congressional oversight becoming more and more detailed, that means that you need high in buy-in to the -- types of things that you want to do. if you do not have it, it becomes very difficult to affect the programs and policies that you want to. there is some flexibility, that there is not as much as you think. the budget becomes your policy. "> "washington journal continues. --t: our next guest is krent nt, dean of the chicago-kent college of law. he is joining us live from chicago this morning. guest: good to be here. host: in this section, we are
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talking about the use of presidential pardons. during the campaign cycle, we heard a lot of questions about hillary clinton's use of a private e-mail server and the of that.-- legality tot can president obama due forestall future inquiries into her e-mail server? he has the constitutional authority to pardon hillary clinton before charges can even be filed or investigations are inducted. many of us remember the pardon of president nixon five gerald ford. as controversial as it was -- by gerald ford. as controversial as it was, there is still contrary -- constitutional authority that rests with president obama.
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how do presidential pardons work? is this something that presidents have unilateral authority to issue? guest: it is understood that the president can commute sentences, grant pardons or amnesty, all of these powers are in the constitution. they are collected in this ofion of clemency authority the president. the last couple of presidents have created an office of the pardon attorney in the white house to study and recommend whether or not to grant a pardon or not. bill clinton famously bypassed that office by issuing his famous last-minute pardons before leaving office. mechanism procedural where people can file and request pardons. they are studied by the office of the pardon attorney and then recommended to the president. like hillary clinton
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would go directly to the president for his consideration. host: four are off -- for our audience listening on the radio, here is some information on financial pardons. they are in expression of the presence legal forget that -- the president's authority of legal forgiveness. it does not signify innocence. a person is not eligible to apply for a pardon until a minimum of five years have elapsed. we are speaking with harold krent from the chicago-kent college of law. if you would like to call in, democrats you can call in on 202-748-8000. republicans 202-748-8001. .ndependents on 202-748-8002 you can also send us your thoughts on social media the a , -- on social media
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through twitter, governmentalf our structures can be traced back to our forebears in europe. the crown would use pardons in various ways. it was used as a way to raise money sometimes. you would be pardoned if you contributed to the crown. sometimes, it was used to help colonize australia. there are various functions in the use of the power, the idea was that it is the most august our of the president. it could wave away the taint of any kind of criminal conviction. that was associated with the crown and some kind of supreme authority for the country. there are different types of authority that you see in
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religions, but we trace it back to the crown. host: are there certain types of thate or controversies typically, up from hardening in modern-day -- that typically come up from pardoning in modern-day? guest: typically, president obama has been using pardoning authority to commute the sentences of those convicted for , such ast sentences drug offenses. he is used a great deal of his authority to commute those sentences. he has used a full pardon authority much more gingerly. he is actually fallen behind many of his red assessors in that way. -- of his predecessors in that way. so, it can be used to remove the taint of a prior conviction. george washington used to to get
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amnesty to the other side, just like the pardon of jefferson davis, as well. sometimes their used as said that the art and that the, too. used as aa lot of -- empathy,ympathy or too. used typically for minimizing sentences. host: let's hear from our first caller now. katie from new york on the independents line. caller: good morning. thank you for taking my call. i was calling about the prior segment come up but i do have a remark about this. with all since it -- the prior segment, but i do have a remark about this. with all sincerity, being a part white demographic of
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female, college educated individuals, i would like a pardon from my countrymen and women that might automatically proceed now, because things are so tremendous. people now automatically -- the racial divisions that may be know -- i would like to who they are? my brothers and sisters of all persuasions and religions, perhaps they are automatically presumed that there are so many of us against them? host: let's hear from lydia now on the democratic line. caller: good morning. you mentioned pardoning hillary clinton? guest: that is a question going around. caller: i thought you had to be indicted, convicted of a crime
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and sent to prison before being pardoned. lydia, that is a very good point. guest: the office of the pardon attorney has set of guidelines for a commutation of sentences that president obama has engaged in for those convicted of a nonviolent the money. there is no requirement under the constitution that anyone be indicted or investigated. gerald ford's pardon of richard nixon is a great example of that. even though president obama has not proceeded in that fashion, there is no constitutional requirement they have to do so. that is why in edward snowden or hillary clinton pardon is on the table. that an important point is a pardon has to be specific. in other words, does it have to encompass the potential for a
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certain crime or legal action? or is it just a blanket clearance for the rest the person's life? guest: an important distinction is that it cannot be forward looking. you cannot be pardoned for terminal conduct that has -- for criminal conduct a has yet to take place. retrospect, the president does half to specify to individual -- have specify what the individual is being pardoned four. -- for. so, anything arising out of the e-mail server, or anything arising out of edward snowden's leaking of materials -- you have to have a series of events to cardin -- to cover the pardon power. randy on the republican
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line. go ahead. crimes,richard nixon's if you would have been charged beenonvicted, would have against the private sector -- against the dnc for the break in. if hillary clinton would be charged and convicted, it would be against the state. is there any difference? guest: richard nixon was investigated, or at least thought to be investigated, for the obstruction of justice. that is a crime against the state in the same way that hillary clinton could be theoretically charged in the obstruction of concealing classified information. either way, it would be in the same authority -- the same category. host: we are talking with harold chicago-kentf the college of law. is there a difference between
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clemency and a pardon? guest: there is. clemency is part of a group of actions that the president could take that includes a pardon or commutation. commutation means lowering the sentence. so, the charge of a felony or misdemeanor would still be attached. some of such as the inability to hold a job or public office wednesday. a pardon wipes out a complete offense. it is as if the individual was never charged. no restrictions would be attached. host: ken from rhode island on the independents line. caller: thank you for taking my call. , can a pardon be granted for someone that has committed murder? guest: absolutely.
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and has been in the past. caller: all right. ok. host: any follow-up? caller: that was my only question. democraticis, on the -- next is tom on the democratic line. caller: yes, recently the president pardoned a large number of people. could the new president verse that -- reverse that? no, but a interesting question arises with the use of conditional pardons which present obama has used with the weapon dealers in iran that we saw as part of the exchange a couple of months ago. the question is what happens when the condition is not met. in that case, the condition was that the visual not see
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restitution against government or try to profit by writing a story or biography about what happened with the weapons deals. the subsequent president than is charged with trying to figure out if the condition has been met. so, if it is a conditional pardon, there is a question of if a subsequent president can undo some of the content of a conditional pardon. if it is a commutation or a --don, it cannot be done cannot be undone. host: we are talking with harold krent of the chicago-kent college of law. it was a story in medical. it says that before donald trump raises his right hand to take has toice in january, he take the witness stand in his own defense for alleged fraud in
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the trump university real estate seminar program. is it possible that once donald trump takes office that he could pardon himself? there are big questions about that. academics have disagreed over whether the pardon can apply to oneself. it came up with president clinton was recently. guess would be that the president cannot use the pardon power on himself, but we have never quite seen in our history. it has been contested. there has been a somewhat sporadic history of stopping the negation when someone comes into office. -- stopping litigation when someone comes into office. president kennedy got into office and had a car accident, but they postpone the litigation for that as they did not want him to be distracted
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when he came into office. so, in that sense, the court has most recently held that civil litigation can proceed against a president even other will be a sapping of the presidents energies. it is a risk that the supreme court has allowed to take place. i think that is questionable, but i do not think pardon power would or should be used. host: next is rob from st. petersburg, florida on the republican line. rob, go ahead. caller: good morning. really enjoyed the show. i was just curious as to what gives fortlook this incoming political people, and
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people that are going to be leaders of our country in the future. what kind of message this sends to them when we just cordially crimes committed by political people that we have elected into office and hold at a very high position are allowed to get away with these things." that everyone should be held accountable -- i think that is a large issue with our political state of union -- state of the union at this point. i will listen to your response off-line. thank you. guest: i think that is a terrific question. the political price of a pardon is unclear. my guess is that there is no way of knowing if hillary clinton would want a pardon. that theresuggestion is something she should be parted for, and she has
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steadfastly maintained her innocence. it is not clear if the trump ministration would investigate might not want a pardon from president obama. that could be wrong, but that is one possibility. really, it is for the reasons that you suggest. we want to credibility from our political leaders, but that is not to suggest or is not a wise time for the use of a pardon. you could use it to pull a country together, such as what president ford tried to do in hardening richard -- pardoning richard nixon. however, i think there is something troubling there is a precedent that if you are a president you get a free pass. that is what i think it is important for presidents to remember not to get pardons to
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anyone it simply because they are just a politician. krent, does a person that is being pardoned need to request one? or can the president pardon someone without asking for one or wanting one? guest: in terms of the way the office is set up, someone has to request one, but that is not binding on the office of the president. it is possible that obama could give a pardon even if hillary clinton has not saw one. i do not think -- sought one. i do not think you would do that politically, it is unclear. there is a conditional pardon such as -- we will pardon you if you choose to leave the country, we will pardon you if you choose not to write a book on your escapade. those are the kind of things
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they need to be agreed to by the offender, but a blanket pardon is within the power of the president to grant. so, we could have a spectacle of the president pardoning hillary clinton without her even asking for it. we like would not even know if she asked for it. host: here is white house press secretary john -- josh earnest speaking about the possibility of president obama pardoning hillary clinton. offeredresident has clemency to a substantial number of americans who were previously serving time in federal prisons. did not talk in advance about his plans to offer clemency to any of those individuals. it is because we do not talk ,bout the presidents thinking especially with respect to any specific cases, that may apply
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to pardons or commutations. what i would direct your is theon to though president's observation that he made in rose garden about the that president-elect trump displayed in his remarks last night. that tone is consistent with long-standing traditions of our democracy. the president expressed hope that that kind of tone would continue. because we have a long tradition in this country -- people in power not using the criminal justice system to exact political --
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political revenge. we have gone to great lengths to insulate our criminal justice system from partisan politics. has served our country well for more than two centuries. the president is hopeful that that will continue. host: we are speaking with harold krent, dean of the chicago-kent college of law. he is joining us now from chicago. let's hear from a color now on the democratic line from new york, new york. caller: i can interested in director comey. another is talk of the #against him. him.tch act against i personally would like to see him tried for treason, but i do not think that is possible. but, i believe it would be political if the hatch act was
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used. i would like to see him tried for treason. i think he interfered and tried -- and influenced our election. it is unreal to me. politically, i cannot imagine a donald trump administration trying to investigate director comey. if a democrat had taken over, i do not think there would have been a criminal investigation. i think he would have resigned beenen were forced -- or forced to resign. it is notw is that appropriate for criminal punishment, but it will certainly not happen under a trump ministration. san: next a caller from the diego, california area on the independents line. caller: good morning. i have a question -- a
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confusion. there is something i have to tell, a story. host: you are on the air. though ahead. caller: regardless of whatever happened, hillary clinton, if something, why from the to -- ig did she have did not vote for her. is, she has served the country. -- first ofis, why can you describe something about the electoral college? has -- had the
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public vote. so, if people are voting, what is that all about? host: what is your question? caller: my question is about director comey. he is doing his job. we have so many problems. director comey did his job, and it is over. right now, donald trump is president and we have to stand behind him. i do not think it will be ok. look at what is happening in the entire country. have thered krent, been legal challenges to the residence authority -- president's authority to issue pardons in the past? in the case ofs gerald ford's pardon of richard nixon.
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most believe, and i agree, that the judiciary has no role in terms of assessing the wisdom of a pardon. they might be a will to ss or determine whether a condition should be revoked or not, because the individual pardoned -- violated whatever terms that the i do want to comment on one of -- therer's comments is a distinction between an official doing a job, perhaps negligently, and having a crime committed is an important one. it is not clear that just because people disagree with director comey that people disagree with how president clinton handled the e-mail and classified information. that is an important distinction that people should keep in mind as well. host: our next caller is adrian
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from silverdale, washington on the democratic line. go ahead. there? are you caller: i cannot hear you. host: you are on the air and we can hear you. go right ahead. , isn't i want to know collusion with russia, a foreign government, isn't that treason? is there a statute of limitations on that? -- expecting,ing ok, everybody knows he's not fit for office, so why doesn't someone do something? harold krent? guest: i have no idea what actually happened with trump and his relationship with putin and others. did he solicit a crime? did he conspire for crime?
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i would like to think he did not. i have no personal knowledge of whether he did or not. obviously, you are not immune from criminal prosecution as a president. unlikely to happen, but impeachment is always a possibility. if something did arise that would have a smoking gun or show that donald trump solicited a crime in terms of packing, for instance, we probably would go first impeachment avenue as opposed to criminal prosecution. we simply don't know -- i don't know that any of this is more than smoke. on inof allegations going a nasty campaign, it is not clear that there was criminal laws violated by either side. host: mary from texas is now on the republican line. good morning to you. guest: good morning, sir.
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-- caller: good morning, sir. can tell usg if you if there's anything in the administration's plans for the guantanamo detainees. many of us are interested in justice for danny pearl. that crime was documented, videotaped. mohammed took responsibility for it. he should be brought to justice. guest: i think that many in the administration would agree with you. at's actuale wh role was in the execution. they base this political problem of the difficulty of trying those still remaining in guantanamo in the u.s. courts. president obama tried that, he was rebuffed by members of his own party and congress. it would be expensive, complicated.
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i think it should be done, if at all possible. i don't know what the trump administration and rudy giuliani would do. whether they would just continue to keep individuals in guantanamo or try to bring them into a domestic court of justice here in the u.s. both administrations would agree with you that no one is going to get a free pass here. these individuals are serious terrorists. i would favor the domestic court resolution of their cases. we will see what happens. host: harold krent, the washington examiner recently --lished a story committe come clinton did not follow the proper procedures when pardoning
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rich in the final days of his presidency. how significant are these new documents that were released in this case? guest: they are significant to the extent that they showed that the pardon process is a political one. this was a last-minute pardon that president clinton issued for a friend, bypassed the channels within the white house and indeed violated another principle mother should be no come and see for individuals who are fugitives from justice. for individuals who are fugitives from justice. in issuinglated that the pardon to marc rich. some of us remember that president clinton pardoned his own half-brother.
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this was the last stage of power and president clinton wanted to use it for friends and individuals we believed deserved did soheir merits and he by passing both justice department policies and internal justice department committees. under the constitution, he had that right. i don't think there's any kind of criminal problems that arose with respect to the issuance of pardons. the only time there has been has been in governors using the clemency power, when people buy pardons. that would be a crime. if the governor seeks money for a pardon, the governor should be tried as well. we have never had a width of that at the presidential level -- a whif of that at the presidential level. host: carolyn on the independent line. caller: i have a clear question. there are over 200 deans of law
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schools across the country i believe. -- why legal minds didn't any of the deans speak up when donald trump was doing his bogus birther lie? amendment, obama's white maternal mother, grandmother and great-grandmother were american citizens. it was a total, bogus thing. the legal gurus need to inform the american public. why was there never any attempt to inform the american public of why this was such a bogus lie?
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guest: you raise a fair point. i'm not sure the 200 u.s. law deans are listened to as a group. we don't act as a group and there is not constitutional scholars amongst us anyway -- there was a lot of serious commentary that suggested that furtherrump and others comments were crazy. there was a lot of articulation of those points earlier. i don't think there was silence in terms of responding to the birther claims that all. -- at all. there was ridiculed and a lot of papers. -- there was ridicule in a lot of papers.
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you raise an important issue with respect to the idea that someone can be a u.s. citizen just because they are born on our territory. that has been a tradition, it could be changed in the future. that is nothing related to what president obama -- the charges against president obama. suggestion and we need to work more closely together in the future. host: catherine from mobile, alabama. republican lan line. guest: i'm very upset, i've been crying for days because i'm a female first. i'm over 60, i was raised in the south in the 1950's and 1960's and i know what misogyny means. i'm very worried for our country and our girls. how can someone disparage a 53%, have ation of
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sexual predator elected as president -- my question is about mitch mcconnell, so i will get to that. when president obama was being sworn in, mitch mcconnell had a group meet and decided that they were going to undo our president and anything he wanted to do. they blocked and they obstructed -- that is the first point i have. i don't understand why that wasn't considered treason with the plot against a president who has just been elected. thing, mitch mcconnell has stolen a seat from this president on the supreme court. i carry a constitution in my pocket. that i waso tell me going to be taken out for speaking out for other people all my life and women's rights.
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mitch mcconnell has stolen a supreme court seat from this president and refused to bring it up and no one in the news talked about this, either. that theto me right-wing has already taken over our country and nobody understands what happened in germany. they elected hitler's. -- they elected hitler. i am very scared, sir. host: we are speaking with harold krent, the dean of the chicago-kent college of law. this is related to the point the caller raised, what is the extent of the president's powers? we heard donald make some sweeping promises on the campaign trail, to repeal the affordable care act, to withdraw , renegotiate trade agreements -- could he rewrite the powers of the presidency? guest: president obama is understood to try to use the power of the presidency quite
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aggressively. and did in several respects. he was criticized by republicans -- we will see the irony of a republican president using power -- he willhis aims be issuing executive orders to shape the government the way he wants it. it could mean more aggressive in terms of deportation. of tryinge in terms to minimize enforcement of consumer protection issues. unders a lot of leeway the constitution for the president to change the nation, push the nation in directions that he or she wants. president obama was no stranger to that kind of presidential power. trump will try to carry that mental and try to accomplish the policies he prefers. what those are, we will have to see. he is checked by congress.
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byre is a duet played we had a very extra breast congress that tried to very aggressive congress that tried to block president obama. that will probably happen under president trump as well. president trump may want certain things and congress will say no or try to prevent other kinds of trade-offs to force or pressure president trump to abandon certain types of tasks or goals. that will play out in the political process. president obama did strike for an aggressive presidency, so trump is sure to follow. host: next up, keith from war and, massachusetts -- war
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ren, massachusetts. caller: i guess if president obama pardons hillary clinton, had she committed crimes while in the state department that he was complacent in -- does that follow to the president, also? is he covering himself through this? guest: i doubt it. the idea of a private e-mail server is so far removed from the president's attention that there is a clear separation. i can't imagine any kind of benefit the president would have gotten from the use of a private e-mail server. at worst, it is negligence. if it were a crime, i don't think it is one that can be attributed to the president.
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call points out an issue when you are pardoning friends -- president clinton pardoned the cia director in an analogous situation for the improper storage of classified information on a home computer. he was culpable of that and president clinton extended a pardon to him. i don't think president clinton was complicit in that. when you are pardoning confidants, there is a line to be drawn -- i don't think it is close here. ways, a trump presidency would welcome a pardon for president clinton because it would put him off the hook. caller, dj from texas on the independent line. caller: hello? host: hello. go ahead.
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caller: yes, i would like to comment about the presidential pardons and the fact that i don't agree that one man or one person, whether it is a man or woman or whatever, democrat or republican or independent, they should not have that much authority to pardon just anybody they choose. it should be a selective thing based on each state governor or district attorney. into the congress and the senate, they make recommendations and finalize and approve the supreme court -- if they are going to wars --ardon to all be none of our dead soldiers ever got a pardon. veteransrdon to some who have survived because the ones that are dead don't get them. host: dj from texas.
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harold krent, your final thoughts. guest: president can only pardon violations of federal law. the can pardon violations of state law. pardongovernors violations of state law. to say anybody in the country can be absorbed of prior sins is an incredible power that presidents should take certainly and i think to take seriously. power can be used for good and for bad. we will have to see what happens in this last couple of weeks or months of the president's administration. he will use it aggressively to commute sentences of people he thinks have been in jail for too long. there may be some surprises. , the that is harold krent dean of the chicago-kent college of law in chicago. thank you for joining us. coming up next, catherine ho
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will be here to talk about donald trump's victory on tuesday night and mother that -- on tuesday night and whether that means anything for lobbyists. ♪ >> every weekend, book tv brings you 48 hours of nonfiction books and authors. eastern, george examines the historical impact of immigration on the u.s. economy in his book "we wanted workers." he is interviewed by a edward alden. >> when immigrants come in, they do all kinds of things in this country.
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watch live on c-span, watch on-demand at and our free c-span radio app. >> "washington journal" continues. host: our guest now is catherine ho, a political reporter at "the washington post." she is here to talk about the lobbying industry. thank you for joining us. ur most recent story has this headline -- guest: anytime there is a big changeover in washington, there's a lot of activity on k street. you will see companies start to it is a bigts -- surprise for most washington insiders. you will see a lot of lobby these next several weeks as trump puts together his transition team and cabinet members. k street is an arm of corporate america and he has corporate
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america very nervous. the markets tanked. they will be turning to their washington consults to tell them , ok, what do we need to watch come january, what are the big policy areas we think trump will move on and how do we get a seat at the table to make her we get our position heard in that room? host: what areas are using companies or outside interests beefing up their washington staff? guest: a lot of people are interested in tax reform right now. health care is another one. mr. trump has said he wants to roll back the portable care act. he has softened on that stanza little bit. people are expecting smaller fixes or changes to the affordable care act. -- he has softened on that stance a little bit. host: donald trump said he wanted to "drain the swamp."
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guest: he meant he wanted to keep special interests outside of washington. that meant lobbyists, that meant -- washington advisor types we have seen him change on that stanza little bit as well. bit as stance a little well. has hired a number of lobbyists for his transition team. surprisedeople were to see that because he had campaigned so hard against washington interests. host: do you have any sense of how many lobbyists there are in washington? guest: tens of thousands of lobbyists. probably close to a billion dollars spent on lobbying across the board. host: if you want to join our conversation with catherine ho, democrats, your line is 202-748-8000.
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repuanrepublicans, your line is 202-748-8001. independents, the number is 202-748-8002. you can also tweet us. catherine ho i also want to ask you about the definition of a lobbyist. what is a lobbyist? are there different kinds and how do we know who they are? guest: someone who spends more than 20% of their time lobbying congress or federal agencies. that definition we have heard a lot of people fudge that line. there are a lot of folks who lobby but don't register as lobbyists. is something that happened a lot under the obama administration because he was so strict about lobbyists working in the white house. we have seen a lot of lobbying go underground because of that. host: what are they called instead? guest: consultants, political
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advisers, partners at law firms. we see the consultant label a lot. host: nancy from pennsylvania is our first color. she is calling on the independent line. -- is our first caller. orler: i think lobbyists political advisers, whatever you want to call them, were effective in keeping information about trump's claims of business losses out of the news. they kept politicians in theress from talking about real reasons they were not supporting trump. he has effectively used publicts to keep the from knowing that we were actually getting somebody through the election process who may have belonged in jail for some of the things going on. trumpghtens me to think
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university and his income tax will be shoved aside during his presidency. guest: he did have a lot of political advisers working on his campaign. we did see a lot of the news about trump university and some former controversies -- they did come to light. throughout the campaign. see nowwill start to that he has more lobbyist working on his transition team is we will start to see those lobbyists form his policies. we have seen an energy lobbyist heading up his energy team. that will be one more way that we see political advisers influence the way he will be implementing policy. host: a story in "the new york times" this morning. lobbyists getting key jobs after being graded on the trail. --overrated on the trail
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, hise lobbying side campaign team did not have a -- he has hadlicy to staff very quickly. what he is finding is something president obama found as well despite vowing to keep out lobbyists -- when you're putting together policy, a lot of people that are the biggest experts in those areas are actually lobbyists. they are professional policymakers, they know how things move in federal agencies and often times, they can be very helpful in those areas. keith in michigan on the democratic line. caller: hello. thank you for c-span. the banking lobbyists are already sitting down with congress to deregulate the banks again.
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we know what happened 16 years ago when we had an illegitimate president that did not represent the u.s. and an illegitimate congress that was gerrymandered run this country into the ground. they are licking their chops. they have an opportunity to do it all over again. are we always going to face this where we just go back and forth? moneyed interests and lobbyists run the country. host: one more caller. gregory from pennsylvania on the republican line. what do you think? caller: very good, thank you. i would like to comport the objective of lobbying, generally. which is to obtain an indulgence. the total air and nature of our rogue scholars, don't you think
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a 50% tax on inversions and a 50% tax on repatriations would be a step in the proper direction? because crime does pay, and it is time that we enforce payment for crime. thank you, very much. host: catherine ho. guest: two the first caller's point, i think it's interesting the matter which party is in power in washington, it seems win, no lobbyist s matter what. she mentioned changes to banking regulations, that is something that has already been talked about with dodd frank and possible changes to dodd frank have been mentioned. where going to be an area lobbyists for the financial services industry are going to be very involved in writing or rewriting. host: you mentioned earlier president obama's pledge to keep
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lobbyists out and into the revolving door. -- end the revolving door. politico wrote a story about how obama failed to shut the revolving door. loopholes weakened his pledge. what happened in president obama's administration? guest: they ended up issuing a number of waivers to allow the lobbyists who he said he would keep out. i think the reason for that is he realized that by putting this blanket prohibition on lobbyists, he was shutting out a lot of people from working in his administration that he later realized could be hopeful in some way. why do i administration's lean onneed to lobbyists to make policy? guest: obama really wasn't a washington insider. he was liked from is, an outsider and really didn't have
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as much of a network on capitol hill, for example, and federal agencies that someone like hillary clinton or george bush might have. and so they bring in lobbyists to kind of fill out an operation that they didn't have until he came to washington. missouriry from calling on the independent line. larry, go ahead. caller: i'm just fed up with lobbyists and the entire theory of modern governance. go progress to the constitution, the federal government should do only that which it is explicitly told to do in the amended constitution. that would take care of the lobbyists. the federal government should be , andd in washington, d.c. washington, d.c. would be a sleepy, backwater southern town.
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that is what it should be. i apologize for the way i sound, i get nervous. host: that's all right, that's larry from, missouri. here is gail from st. louis, missouri on the democratic line. good morning, c-span. i have a question and a huge concern about donald trump's children, grown children being a part of his transition team and being part of the blind trust for his business. and how many of those connections are going to cross over, with regard to lobbyists for connections they already have? it's a huge concern and no one is talking about it. thank you. guest: gail, thank you. you raised a great question that i know certainly a lot of reporters are trying to figure out right now, which is donald trump really has unprecedented ties to the business world in a way to the president -- we have not seen a previous president have.
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there are a lot of questions over how he is going to transfer those assets. you brought up his children. that's one question i think we are still try to figure out. we are going to see, i think, it very unusual transition of power when it comes to donald trump and his business interests. host: catherine ho, what are the rules governing lobbying in washington? are there ways or laws that try to maintain that separation between lobbyists and members of congress or the executive officials who they are trying to influence? guest: yes, there are a number of pretty strict ethics rules that lobbyists have to hereto, especially when they are coming off capitol hill. for example, if you are a member of the senate, you cannot lobby other senators for two years. if you are a member of the house and you leave and join the lobby firm, it is one year.
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if you are a senior staffer of the administration, it's either one year or two years. there are rules in place. i think one way you can skirt those rules a little bit is to say you work in a firm and you're not directly lobbying the numbers or their staffers. -- senate members or their staffers. you can advise the client or have a number of your firm sit in on the meeting and you can share your intel about what you know about members or staffers. you yourself are not directly lobbying, but you can still share some really valuable information that you have. host: is there a definition of what the active lobbying is? is it sharing intelligence? is it having to go up to the hill? what kind of actions absolutely -- actually make up lobbying? contact, a phone call or text.
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anytime you're are doing direct communication, that is considered lobbying. host: chris from palm harbor, florida, on the republican line. go ahead. caller: how are you? host: good. caller: i'm actually pretty upset. the first comment that the "washington post," made was that the stock market tanks, which is a complete lie. the stock market went up after the election. "washington post," and "new york times," are the biggest for theda papers democrats. don't believe them, they live. guest: we did see the markets recover the day after, but the night of the election, we did see the global stock markets take a hit when donald trump's numbers were stronger than any of the polls predicted. host: sharon from michigan is on the republican line. go ahead. sharon from the
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upper peninsula. i want to say to the lobbyists that hillary clinton won the national vote. donald trump won the electoral vote. donald trump promised in his speech that every 30 days, he was going to reduce our national debt by trillions of dollars. when he takes office, january 20, i would like to see the outcome june 20. of all his promises that he did. i'm glad that our country is going to be run like a corporation instead of by the politicians. country should run as a corporate entity. host: that is sharon from michigan. we are talking with catherine ho, a blood reporter from the "washington post," who covers the lobbying industry. call (202) 748-8000.
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republicans, call (202) 748-8001 . independents, call (202) 748-8002. we are reading your tweets, you can send them to us. @cspanwj is the handle. , you mentioned to the donald trump's victory was a surprise one. the polls and the media had not predicted it. what about the lobbying industry? had they been making moves that didn't pan out? guest: the lobbying industry was just as surprised as the rest of us that he won. every time before there is a big presidential election, lobby firms will kind of draft up two possible scenarios. win or aa clinton trump win. this year, because the polls so strongly indicated that ms. clinton was ahead, i think a lot of firms focused on plan a and shelved plan b, and now they are
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trying to scramble and figure out who is the person on the trump team who is doing the transition that we need to make a call to, or who are the clinton people who are going to be making the calls on trumps policy team? how we get ourselves and from that person? such ahat do you have switchover in terms of party power? not just the white house, but also the house and senate as well? how much does this change plans for these big lobbying firms? guest: it changes things a lot. toy are going to be looking hire off capitol hill. we saw some senate republicans who were expected to possibly lose their elections in fact get reelected. actually maybe less turnover from capitol hill for that reason. did agree, we see a lot of senior staffers in senate and leave those jobs
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and take jobs at lobby firms or law firms. same with this administration. we will see a lot of turnover with obama folks leaving federal agencies. not all of them will join lobby firms, but many of them will. host: here are a few comments from twitter. once as people complain about lobbyists unless the group's lobbying for something they like. another person writes please talk about the influences of foreign lobbying. guest: that is a great point. we don't hear as much about foreign lobbying as we do about corporate lobbying, but it is alive and well and thriving. we saw some of that information come to light in the wikileaks many of theause advisors and lobbyists were contributing to hillary clinton's campaign. their firms represent a lot of foreigncompanies, -- countries. that raises questions if they are going to be involved in secretary of state matters, what kind of line has to be drawn in the sand so there is any conflict of interest. host: andrea is calling on the
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independent line. andrea, good morning. caller: hi, i have a question. i'm a little worried about farmers who are not giving into the pipeline, or just small farmers who have no interest in selling. like a possible land grab. if china, tomorrow, were suddenly to not buy soybeans, it might lead a lot of people bankrupt. are there lobbying groups to protect them? it seems possible given the history that viable american business is really excessive. there are a lot of small farmers that a lot of foreign investors would like. i'm just seeing the possible arelts of any action and there lobbyists protecting projection -- production?
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guest: the agriculture industry is well represented in washington. there are a number of trade representations for agricultural groups. i'm not sure about your specific concern about those farmers, but i can certainly say that there are many agriculture related lobbyists here in washington advocating on various interests for farmers and, of course, corporations that make crops and food. host: andy from savannah, new york. other public in line. go ahead. caller: i am from pontiac lake, pennsylvania. host: sorry about that. caller: that's fine. i have a question about trumps lobbyists that he is using for these districts. run,remember, during his he said that he would not take ,obby money for his campaign
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because then he wouldn't be beholden to them. now, it'sgest that different, because he's using thingsts in some of his that he is going to try to get through is a little bit different and misleading. do not think so? because he specifically said that he wouldn't take lobby money. guest: that is a good point. he did, on the campaign trail, have a very strong anti-washington, anti-lobbyist rhetoric. you are right in that he is pivoting from that right now and well-being -- welcoming lobbyists on to his team. it does represent a change from what he said on the campaign trail. host: catherine ho, you wrote a story recently about the growing use of social media by lobbyists. -- social media is
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going faster than traditional lobby is a way to entrance -- influence lobbying. guest: we have seen a lot of gridlock in congress, especially. additional lobbying has been geared towards congress. -- traditional lobbying has been geared towards congress. longer thane on some people expected, lobbyists are trying to turn to other mediums, other ways to influence not just lawmakers, but voters lawmakers' dist we see lobbying campaigns come up with their own hashtags. there was a lot of lobbying around tpp, and a lot of it was digital and social media advocacy. host: are there preferred avenues of social media that they use? is it twitter, facebook, new things like snapchat? guest: all of the above. i think twitter and facebook are probably still the dominant
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ones, because they are most widely used. we are starting to see some snapchat campaigns pop-up, which is interesting. host: are there certain interests that lender themselves to social media lobbying? guest: they are issues that normal people, so to speak, really care about. understandsd of internet access, that is something that got a lot of pickup on social media. color is john from north carolina on the independent line. go ahead. caller: people are screaming beingthese lobbyists brought in, but they are also the subject matter experts. is ayou have someone who subject matter expert, they're going to know where the money is best. it's usually not into the government. thrust to have the best representation, we do need to working onst people a policy, be it for or against
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it. they have both sides working. it is hilarious to see the democrats. they said they were going to drain the swamp when nancy pelosi took over, when barack obama took over, but they brought in lobbyists as well. saying oh,f people they have lobbyists coming in to this administration without administration. it's because those other people who know the issue best -- those are the people who know those issues best. host: that's john from north carolina. -- doesa related tweet your guests to think that lobbying is a positive thing for the people of united states? guest: that is a great question. is not always a positive thing for the people of united states. tends toobbying represent the companies that
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have resources to have the most lobbyists. we see the system a bit lopsided in that way. lobby, for example, is very powerful in financial services. we see all the big industry sectors are the best represent my lobbyists because they have the resources. host: to the other point, many of the people who go into lobbying may be people with the most expertise. is there an argument he made that governments should rely on those people with expertise? guest: there is an argument there. lobbyists have gotten this bad branding, whether it's fair or not -- we don't take a position. thataller is right lobbyists are often the most well-informed and knowledgeable and savvy about certain policy areas. many of them have been working in the area their entire professional life. they know how to get things
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passed, how to get things blocked, how to write legislation. it's a worldly are very familiar with. there's an argument to be made that you are the best subject matter expert, you should be allowed to work in that area. host: john from oregon is calling on the democratic line. go ahead. caller: good morning, catherine. thank you for appearing on c-span, and hello america, from the north oregon coast. two questions in a quick observation. catherine, is there any requirement, in terms of the president having a trust regarding his business interests? and if there are, if you have people in charge of that trust interacting daily with the president, how is that of lying to trust? -- a blind trust? is there any requirement
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that a president of united states releases income tax returns? my quick observation is that looking over the potential nominees of president-elect donald trump for the cabinet or any -- not don't see one -- representative of public interest or consumer organization. thank you. guest: thank you for your questions. it is not a requirement, technically, for presidential candidate to release their tax return. however, there is a very long tradition of them doing so. donald trump has been the only candidate in recent memory who hasn't done that. host: here is more information for the caller around the transfer of business interests. here's an article from reuters on cnbc's website -- the trump
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host: just a little more information on the trump trust for our viewers. we are speaking with catherine ho, a political reporter at the "washington post." one person writes lobbyist as consultant is one thing, lobbyist who is paying a politician for votes on their behalf is something else. -- another person writes lobbying is not the problem, its donors who get special privileges because of the money they give. there is a difference between lobbyists and political donors. -- host: there's a difference between lobbyists and political donors. does that line get blurred? guest: there's a technical definition of lobbyist, and you can be influential in numbers of ways. being a big donors one of those ways. host: alex on the republican line. go ahead. caller: good morning, and thank you, catherine. good morning.
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there is a terrible misunderstanding about the political process in washington. the word lobbying doesn't necessarily mean anything nefarious or dishonest, is just a political process that has been with us from the days of the republic. these fellows are facilitators who understand the democratic maze they have to navigate on behalf of the client. politician, it's up to his sense of honesty and standards where the system has a flaw. that is nothing here includes or eliminates the idea or legislate in any form the restriction of those who want to be middle man on behalf of a cause, nonprofit or corporate client, to reach a legislator who is so busy with so many things he has to do. these fellows are simple facilitators. naturally, one has to right of benefit, and the benefit is perhaps a fee or a wage or a
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commission, whatever it is. but the system in washington is so darkened to us because we are not teaching our youngsters from elementary school right through high school how our system of government works. and that is the problem. they don't know the constitution, they don't know the dynamics of the process. they don't know anything, that's why you have them out there now, tearing up the streets because mr. trump was elected. this is absolutely insane. thank you. host: alex from florida. catherine ho. guest: thanks, alex. i think you're right in that there is nothing inherently nefarious about lobbying for your position or your interests with lawmakers. i think that is something that certainly a lot of lobbyists will say when they are put under the spotlight in an election like this. host: here's a map that appeared
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in i believe "the washingtonian," that showed how the lobbying industry has changed. about the center of this -- k street being the center of the lobbying industry. you have big lobbying firms on massachusetts avenue and other large organizations on constitution, on m street. was there a nucleus of lobbying firms around k street? and how has that changed over the years? guest: there was, back in the day. that is changing a lot now is the city is changing. you have seen a lot of firms move east into neighborhoods that 10, 20 years ago, they probably weren't in. we use case three loosely. it refers to the lobbying industry, but is not limited to k street itself. jim from tucson, arizona
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on the republican line. good morning. caller: good morning. thanks for taking my call. when did thes lobbyists force the banks into lending money to people who cannot afford it and were not able to pay back those loans? nefarious -- lobbyists are not nefarious or inherently good or bad, but if they are so smart in subject matter, why didn't they see what was going to happen years down the road which cause the real estate bubble? guest: thanks for your call. you raise a really interesting point. a lot of times, the policies are lobbyists and others pushing, we are not sure whether long-term consequences are. so yes, you definitely raise a fair point with the lending
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practices and i think that is something, unfortunately, we often do not know with the long-term consequences of certain policies will be, and a lot of times are unexpected. wrote a story recently about a top schumer aide leaving to go to a lobbying job in a law firm. a top aide to senator chuck latest staffer to land a k street job. guest: i think we will see more now that the dust has settled on the election. it's a great example, because schumer is one of the folks in congress whose staff is well -- well respected and knowledgeable and their
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attractive hires for lobby firms. atlanta,ert from georgia on the democratic line. caller: good morning. i think a lot of the caller's are missing the point completely. the issue is not that we have lobbyists, we are not going to able to shut that down. their first amendment issues and rights to address the government to address your grievances. the issue is whether or not our politicians effectively, conscientiously, and fairly consider all sides. if only exxon mobil's lobbyists are led into the room and not folks from the environmental lobbyist groups, that's a problem. we need all points of view to be ,ully and effectively thoroughly, and hopefully, objectively considered by our political parties of all stripes. host: that was robert from atlanta, georgia. catherine ho, your final thoughts. guest: i think it's a very
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exciting time to be working in the lobbying industry right now. there's a lot going on, a lot of uncertainty other people, -- and upheaval, which brings business. host: catherine ho, from the "washington post," thank you. that is it for us today on "washington journal." we are talking about tomorrow the progressive and conservative response to the 2016 elections. we talked to david corn and us, connell, as well as david roth kopf about the international reaction to the 2016 elections. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2016] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] ♪
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next, conservative leaders discussed the impact of the 2016 presidential election. after that, discussion on the future of the progressive movement following the election. then, charlie cook offers his analysis of the election results. conservative leaders from various groups offered election analysis wednesday, voicing support for president-elect discussingp and priorities for the new and administration and congress. this is just over an hour.
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mr. viguerie: good afternoon and welcome. my name is richard viguerie, the chairman of thank you for coming. we have a strong lineup today of major national conservative leaders to help you understand and explain yesterday's historic election results. each person will speak were a couple of minutes and then we will take questions. most will be available afterwards for one-on-one interviews and i think most of us also have statements. yesterday's election results was an american revolution. i was there for the goldwater presidential campaign in 1964 with launched the conservative movement. i was there for ronald reagan's 1980 landslide victory. there was a great conservative victory but not a rejection of america's ruling class. yesterday's election results were the opening battle of an american political revolution
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