tv Washington Journal CSPAN November 17, 2016 7:00am-9:01am EST
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and later, democratic congresswoman marcy kaptur of ohio talks about her state's role and >> we believe we need major reform of the democratic party. ♪ senator bernie sanders last night speaks out in washington: on democrats to pave a new path forward. many in the party are doing new leadership needed to send a new message, many of whom supported president obama's election but earlier this month voted for democrats -- voted for donald trump. do you agree, is a new direction needed for the party back of -- for the party?
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here is what the new york democrat had to say yesterday. >> a silver lining in the deep clouds of the selection isn't that on many economic issues, president-elect trump and his campaign was closer to us than to republican leadership which always seem to wind up in the corner of special interests. toas republicans return their majorities next year and get set to take over the white house, democrats are beginning to determine our way forward.
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we'll take it issue by issue, case-by-case, but i can tell the american people this, we are ready to stand shoulder to shoulder with republicans, working with soon to be president trump on issues where we agree. we will go toe to toe against the president-elect whenever our values or the progress we have made is under assault. host: on areas that the democrats say they can agree with president trump. promote rational democrats struggling for a path are constructing an agenda to align with many proposals of resident elect donald trump that put him at odds with his own party, on if perception spending, child tax credit and dismantling trade agreements. democrats are looking for ways to work with mr. trump.
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senator schumer elected wednesday. the new democratic minority leader has spoken to mr. trump several times. democrats plan to announce popular initiatives they think mr. trump might like. democrats, do you agree with this decision by democrats to try and move mr. trump and move forward? good morning to you. caller: good morning. a better question would be how many votes does a person need before they can overcome the electoral college? this is the second time in the 20 years that i have voted in my vote did not count. i heard this morning that hillary clinton has 2 million more votes than donald trump. that tells me that the system is flawed. i am probably not going to participate in it again. host: i heard your point and
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many democrats are saying. what about the party itself and its appeal to voters? they knew the electoral college existed. they knew what they had to do and had a strategy to win. the rules were. what can the party do to win both the popular vote and the electoral college. -- electoral college? caller: they have to compromise values and become racists and misogynists. i would say stick to your guns and continue the good work. we cannot become the enemy. violate our principles. many people who voted for mr. obama also turned and voted for mr. trump could look at this map. these are the former obama strongholds that filled of the
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elections for mr. trump. the blue wall appeared in minnesota and wisconsin. look at those counties that --ed for obama and now the and now they voted for mr. trump . what is your reaction? caller: mr. trump lied to his constituents. now he is turning around doing an about-face, saying we can keep parts of obamacare. -- we are noto going to deport all of the immigrants. walking around the country lying to people. host: you sound like the democrats don't need to change it all. let's go to dave in new york. caller: i think the democrats need to change. yesterday was good that senator whichs and his movement
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became dormant after the , his solution is to build a movement to fight back, to cooperate with trump, to call him to task for the promises he made that the caller before is correct are not going to be filled. he is an oligarch. he is the oligarch president. that is what happened to us. thesey it is because democratic establishments that have let us down. it is too tied to big-money. working-class finally rebelled. a demagogue. a dangerous man. a racist, anti-semi has come --ng and really distorted really destroyed it. our politics -- we need a big
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fight back. senator sanders as far as i understand would like to really activate. president obama tried in 2008 to build a movement but was not able to do that. now we need a movement to confront trump, to call him to task and to work with them when possible. dave, bernie sanders was in washington last night. we showed you a little of that speech. he is going to sit down this morning at the cushion science monitor, one of their -- at the christian science monitor, one of their -- you can go to for schedule of when that will air. let's listen to what the democratic candidate for president had to say last night. he outlined an agenda for democrats going forward. will get your thoughts on the other side. >> i think mr. trump -- and this
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speaks to what i believe we need major reforms of the democratic party. [applause] >> what mr. trump said and talked about his something that the pundits here in washington -- and the corporate media has very little understanding about, and that is what he understood to be true, and it is true, is despite the fact that today we are far better off economically after eight years of obama than we were when bush left office, that is true. there is another reality. that is all across this country, there are millions and millions of decent, good people who are frightened about the world that they are living in.
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there are mothers out there, single moms was young couples who are making 30,000 dollars a year, mom and dad are working. they need childcare and orldcare costs 10,000 $15,000. how do you afford $15,000 for childcare when you're making $40,000 a year? there are workers in my state who see an explosion in technology. they see the very wealthiest people in this country become phenomenally richer. they see large corporations enjoying record-breaking profits , and yet they are working not at one job, they are working it to jobs. they are working at three jobs. there are people all over this country who are 55, 60 years of age. they have worked their entire life and now they are going to
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be retiring soon, and you know what? half of those older workers do not have a nickel in the bank for retirement. there are young people who went $30,000 in debt, debt, in order to go to college, but when they leave school, they find the only jobs they can get our jobs which pay them $12, $40 --hour, not enough to repay $14 an hour, not enough to repay their debt. that is the reality for millions of people in this country. that is the reality of a middle-class which has been in decline for the last 40 years. that is the reality of 43 million fellow americans who today are living in poverty, something we do not talk about at all.
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poverty.ire we are living in a nation which has a grotesque level of income and wealth and equality -- wealth inequality in which the top 1% owns almost as much wealth as the bottom 90%. that is the reality that mr. trump perceived to be true. he said i hear you're hurting and understand you are worried about the future for your kids. i alone can do something about it, and people voted for him. host: senator bernie sanders laying out what he says is a reality for many americans, and why the democratic party needs to pave a new path forward. do you agree? were talking to democrats only. what direction should that be? the washington post notes this --
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dennis in columbus, ohio. good morning to you. caller: my name is kenny. host: do you agree with what you just heard from senator sanders? [crowd noise] absent -- senator sanders? .aller: absolutely we are going to have to build a bridge with mr. trump. becausegot to watch him him and don king and mike tyson went over to china and had that fight. you, if the new york times is right and democrats want to work with
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trump on infrastructure spending, paid maternity leave and dismantling trade agreements, you think democrats -- that would be a good move? caller: no i don't. i think if we think not only , the republicans that voted for donald trump, if they think that he is going to do anything to help people of color , people of any other country in this world, they are mistaken. he is only trying to get in there to line his pockets. he is trying to put all of his family members in his cabinet. what kind of president is that? this man is a clown. he is a jack s of the year. host: st. paul minnesota. welcome to the conversation. caller: i think that them appointing chuck schumer as the
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new leader is garbage. movenk it was a calculated by those establishment democrats to remain in power, when they ought to be handing it over to bernie sanders. they need a larger role. bernie sanders and elizabeth warren. and other progressives need to be at the forefront if they want to hold on to the democratic party. i voted green because i could not vote for clinton. i wasn't going to vote for trump. now i am try to figure out if i have any faith left in the party to fight for the next four years. it is very frustrating. i am at my inns which with this. i don't think they realize it i'm 36 years old. i don't think they realize, the people that have been allowing them to hold onto power are older than me.
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they are getting older. the voting block in which i belong to is larger. so they need to be thinking about us. host: how old are you? caller: i am 35. host: you want to see younger leadership. does that include nancy pelosi? until 2002.had that is how long she held the position. it is time for her to go. partyy claim to love the the way they do, they will step aside. it has taken flight and it is time for it to launch its wings and fly. host: let me just update you on what is going to happen. democrats plan to meet behind closed doors to talk about their leadership. they were supposed to be voting today, but some democrats
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insisted that the vote be delayed until they can come together and decide who should be the next leader of their party. nancy pelosi saying she does have enough commitment to stay on as minority leader. who do you think should replace her? caller: bernie sanders, elizabeth warren. anybody on the progressive wing that has been there long enough, i think that is the direction that they need to be moving in. by keeping the same people in place, you are sending a message to the constituents that you don't care. you are going to continue on just like you have. the thing that is amazing to me is that these people know whether it was the russians or whoever it was, those dnc leaks were damming to the credit party. i have yet to hear anybody
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address them. we are going to sweep that under the rug? we are going to continue on like we have been? it is time for a shakeup. ist: politico reports this that joe crowley is being urged by house democrats to challenge nancy pelosi for minority leader , but he has not made any decision to do that. if he formally ran against her, it would be able to her in face serious dissension in democrat ranks. policy is not faced any look at paul kane's writing and it was supposed. he says this --
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let's move on to dave in florida. democrats only. good morning. caller: i think that they should leave nancy pelosi a loan. everybody was really happy with her when she ran roughshod and pushed through the affordable care act. i think if the actions that she took was a man doing it, there would be a lot less discussion about her, because she is so good at the job. she is aggressive. a lot of people don't like her, but the election is over. get over it.
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i think basically they need to step back and just watch what the republicans do. i'm confident they will shoot themselves in the foot. if most democrats don't like what happened when reagan was in office, i think they got some bad things going to be happening to them right now. host: let me move on to carroll. good morning. caller: good morning. see no major leader at this time. i think president obama, he was really great. i have issues with the popular vote and i feel like we have been robbed to elections with gore and now with hillary clinton. also the supreme court seat has been stolen. that is the way i feel because it has been locked down. it is between the house, they
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block editing down. -- they block everything down. i feel like we will never see another democrat or independent in the white house because i feel like it has all been fixed. millennial. he is a it took me everything to get them out to vote. he is so mad. he is like, mom, the millennials do not want to vote because it is rigged. vote,t is not part of the they don't want to vote anymore. point -- i have been voting since 1980, and i don't want to vote anymore. host: has it always been democrat since 1980? caller: yes, most of the time i have lost. between clinton and president obama. i just feel like my whole adult
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life, i was 20 years old in 1980. i have watched my paycheck walked down. i'm 56. people my age group, we are just not succeeding. where on the tail end of baby boomers. the millennials feel like they are not going to see anything. they are mad at the older people . they feel like they are taking care of them but the older people are not taking care of the millennials. host: when you say up there, are you talking about washington? caller: that is what i mean, washington. there is no diversity in trump. they are all white men. there is no diversity to represent our country. host: you say your paycheck has gone down. can you tell much desk he tells how much? what.: i tell you when i started working as an
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in 1978, i wasck making six dollars an hour. then i started working on the powerhouse in 1983, i was making $13 an hour. point,watched since that it has gone down. the wages have not gone up. host: are you still making about the same? close to it? caller: when you travel, it is not as much. being a woman, i do not get paid as much. they don't pay me the equal amount as they do a man. it has always been that way. not right. i have to go out and do 110%. it is still not enough. i am just frustrated with the whole misogynistic attitude, the bigotry. i did not realize it was this bad. i thought things were getting better.
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when dr. martens the king died i was eight years old. please kids, pay attention, they take it in but they might not understand it until they get older. these children are watching and they are going to remember this. host: to your point about the , you mayourt vacancy be interested in watching today. , theederalist society legal eagles have landed. a lawyer group, conservatives will assemble with much of their mind and the next 72 hours. ted cruz ing about ben sasse. representative
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we are going to cover a couple of them this morning. we are covering tonight, justice clarence thomas will be speaking around 9:00 p.m. eastern time. you can watch that on c-span or listen on your c-span radio at. texas, good morning. go ahead with your thoughts. i have been waiting to comment on this about the bernie sanders-- iwatch bernie and i am pretty angry with him. i watched him take his voters up to the top of the mountain all the way to the top and fighting
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clinton and eating her bloody through this convention and fighting for a platform which means nothing right now. he pushed his people over the cliff to the point of no return. our hearts were broken. they couldn't go to clinton because she was an evil, terrible person. -- it sickens me because that was the first problem that went wrong. he wasn't a democrat. he wasn't loyal to the democrats. [indiscernible] there were millions of people voting at the time, but a lot of things went wrong. i don't think democrats need to be changing all that much. donald trump was phenomenal. was -- bernie sanders
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heard from hillary clinton the first time since she gave the concession speech last week. she was in to receive award from the national children's defense fund. here is what she had to say. >> i will admit coming here tonight was not the easiest thing for me. there have been a few times when all i wanted to do is curl up with a good book or our dogs and never leave the house again. but, if there is anyone who knows how to pick yourself up and get back on your feet and get to work, it is marion. [applause] >> she has been doing it all her life, and she has been helping the rest of us do it too. host: if you want to watch the entire speech, you can go to our website and watch it there.
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tim in ohio. good morning to you. what is the name of your town? caller: thank you for taking my call. think we need to get rid of these old people and washington, dc, that are pay for play. i heard several callers say nancy pelosi raised so much money for the democrats. yup, stuff the pockets so they can keep going up there. you have old republicans they need to get the heck out. they have old ideas. they cannot see the future. this tim ryan guide, i've not heard a lot of about them. we need some younger people up to take andew ideas reach out to the people that voted for donald trump. we did not reach out to the people that voted for donald trump.
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we told the coal miners that you are out of a job. we are going to shut down the coal plants. guess what? you cannot put windmills anywhere in the world to supply coal -- -- supply the supply the electric the coal produces. you are going to put the people out of the work? you are for the children, the middle class? down and west virginia, you talk to the people down there. year.t lost $4000 they lost a bunch of teachers. they lost their dental care, optical care to cut the make all of these cuts in order to keep the schools open, because -- can be the leader of the party that recognizes what you are saying? and appeal and when the boat from the middle-class americans ote from thehe v
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middle-class americans. caller: i did not understand exactly everything you said. host: who can be the next leader? caller: tim ryan from ohio. could challenge nancy pelosi for the minority leader spot. you would like to see him do that? --ler: tim ryan ought to be are to take nancy pelosi's place. harry reid and schumer, then people ought to retire. they don't understand where the people are. host: harry reid is retiring. he announced that a while ago. his replacement is the first latina to the senate. he is retiring and will not be a part of the democratic leadership anymore. speaking of leadership, vice
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president-elect mike pence will .e traveling to capitol hill he is expected at 8:00 a.m. to arrive where he will be meeting with house republican leaders as well as leaders -- democratic leadership. will bring you coverage of that. -- we will bring you coverage of that. president obama is on his last trip abroad as president. yesterday he was touring the acropolis in athens. from there he moved to greece -- before he moved on to greece, he delivered a speech about mobilization. .- about mobilization he moved on to greece where he is expected today to do a joint news conference with angela merkel, the leader of germany. the two of them will be pushing trade. the president tells europeans "dark or forces".
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you can go to our website to watch that. let's go on to elizabeth in farmington, michigan. caller: thanks for the conversation today. i always did a little nervous when i am on the air. i have enjoyed the remarks so far. as far as who can be the new leader of the democratic party, i think anyone who is willing to look honestly at what the democratic party did to lose this election. that involved the push to have hillary be the nominee, even after crowds and crowds and months and months of somebody who wasn't even popular or known about by a lot of people were drawing this german is crowds making it obvious that he was the candidate that would be up to turn this country around. we were not allowed him in the general election. i believe that only 20% of
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trump's voters would have voted for bernie sanders. hillaryld not vote for for a variety of reasons. what we're left with is a party that until they are willing to face honestly what they did, and yes, it was debbie wasserman schultz. it doesn't matter who did it, it was done. until we face that, we are not going to be a viable party. maybe a new party we need because of the global warming and the trouble we are having with the storms and problems with flooding. we need a planetary party. we need a party that is for the planet. this is where we live. this is the only planet where most of us can live off of. we need to honor it. we are not going to get that from the republicans. host: who should run in 2020 for the democrats? caller: that is a hard one.
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if elizabeth warren is interested, she should. there may be somebody who comes we would find as truthful and honest as bernie sanders had been. in 2020. person to run in the meantime, i agree with the callers who say that we need fresh ideas and blood. both republicans and democrats. the wall street journal's annual ceo council meeting in washington. here is what elizabeth warren had to say about why democrats lost. >> i think donald trump made the promise to shake things up. argumentump made the over and over again that the democrats were too close to wall street and big business. that was the core of his
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economic argument. too many insiders were calling the shots. that too many multinational corporations were running the trade deals. that too many people who had already made a big were using the tools of government to work for themselves and not to work for anyone else. i think donald trump -- i want to be clear, i think hillary clinton ran a very much the same argument. donald trump made it aggressively. clintonemember, hillary got more americans to vote for her. the point is you cannot miss this about the election. , it was tuned in driving, whether they drove it effectively or less effectively, it was driving the message that washington needs to work for the little guy. that washington needs to work for the families that have been
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left behind. that washington doesn't need work for those at the top. this is so important going forward, because it raises this question about what does the economic agenda look like? host: does the democratic party need a new direction to express that economic agenda? where asking democrats only -- we are asking democrats only.
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donna in california, what do you think? caller: thank you for taking my call. say.e a few things to i have been listening as i was waiting. a few calls ago, a lady from florida, very negative attitude said that millennials don't care, they don't vote. my son is a millennial. he is educated and he was -- he did vote. he donated to hillary. he volunteered some time. he and his fiancee.
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say these broad, all millennials don't care, won't vote. it is not true. as far as who should lead the democratic party, i believe that it should be somebody that has the time, maybe not somebody who is in office right now. we cannot afford to have anybody splitting their time. i would suggest howard dean. he is capable enough. expresseda has interest in the democratic national leadership. d in new york. caller: good morning. i did not realize i would be coming on next. withrms of going forward the democratic party, i think we do need a new direction. i was bernie sanders supporter
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in the primary. people thatremind bernie only lost the primaries by 200 delegates. you don't count the superdelegates. he was over 1800 elegant's. i think hillary had over 2000. i think bernie sanders really should be the person who should be leading the democratic party forward. i urge all democrats to go back to their root, and by roots, i mean fdr. that is part of bernie's message. going forward, the message is everything. bernie has the right message. he is right on -- i would say 100% of the issues, if you listen to what he has to say. ,ost: our viewers can do that
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if they missed last night's speech. the christian science monitor, he will be sitting down for breakfast answering questions. regina in jamaica, new york. caller: hello, i am glad i got a chance to talk. -- that voter from minnesota who felt we need younger leadership. the main democrat is they have no moral backbone. what ever they put forth they cannot inspire anybody because they don't know what they believe in. -- because abortion is important to me. anybody who is against abortion is not welcome in the democratic party. what do they stand for? a lot of them said they were voted for chump because they cared about who was going to be in the supreme court. they want people who don't support abortion. host: you may be interested in
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full, trumpelow the has a long way to go to reverse roe be weighed. -- roe versus wade. what it does, it tends to do so incrementally which could mean states to impose or sections without reading the right totally. states like north dakota and social desk and south dakota have abortion bans. 20 others including california, florida and new york are likely to preserve abortion rights. let's hear from jim in new york. go ahead. caller: hi. my comment is that i think the democratic party -- i have not voted for a democratic since bill clinton because he knew how
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to meet people's needs. who understoodat people. his wife would've been the same. i think obama has been a disgrace. he took a nobel peace prize and has done nothing but have wars. hillary should of one. he should affect people out there voting for her instead of taking eloquent speeches in doing nothing for her. millennials -- anything that happens to them in terms of their rights from trump, they deserve. i am no longer going to be a democrat. i'm going to do nothing. host: some quick headlines for you about the transition efforts by the new trump administration. trump tower morphed into the epicenter
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one last call from a democrat. john in flushing, new york. does the party need a new direction? caller: good morning, everyone. i would like to start off by saying i agree with the previous caller that indicated that the democrats need a new direction. also that the leader of the democratic party needs to be oreone who isn't connected isn't employed in another position. he or she needs to be somebody who is dedicated to the work of setting the course for the democratic party. i was a bernie sanders supporter . i am african-american and a vietnam veteran. i didn't care for the tact of the democratic party continue support for the wars in the middle east and supporting setting an agenda that says they are going to make a mark is he
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available for anybody. they had such a high cost of life. i supported donald trump. i voted for him because i saw him speaking differently about these wars and our foreign-policy agenda. i saw hillary clinton picking up where obama left off. it seems to me that obama it up where the bushes left off at. host: i am going to have to leave your comments there. he voted for donald trump in the general election. a quick cap a note for you -- a quick campaign note for you. the last election is not over in some states and races.
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a senior politics reporter is joining us on the phone. simone pathe a, were talking with the michigan contest. what is taking so long to call the state of michigan? this is the last outstanding state to be called at the presidential level. we have a lot of ballots that still leave be counted. it is a really long and arduous process it we have a bipartisan group, county canvassers who will go through each of those 83 counties to certify the results. they have until november 22. up forlectoral votes grabs here in michigan so it is not enough to swing the direction of the electoral college. host: what about the north carolina governor's race? how far is it between the incumbent and challenger? guest: it is pretty close. this is one of the most closely
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contested races in the country. you have attorney general roy cooper leading. he has declared victory but pat mccoury has refused to concede. counting absentee and provisional ballots. the governor has contested some of the results in a few counties . he is alleging there might've been voter fraud. last night,y as of his campaign has filed election protests and 11 more counties alleging potential voter fraud. . host: could this go to court? guest: it could. host: there are a couple of house races in california that could be called. guest: the 49th district, people might know because it is held by a group looking member who is one of the wealthiest members of
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congress for two years in a row. former chair of the house oversight committee who has been well.0 clinton as he had a chalice this year from doug applegate and that race is really close. has 48.9% of the vote at this point. isis so close even applegate attending orientation for new freshman them credit members just encase -- freshman democratic members just in case. -- it sounds like darrell issa is winning. a lot of these district and states, you have a reluctance call the race for sure the margin is narrow enough.
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because either side can request a recount. the thresholds are different by state. by district, you have to have fewer than 2000 votes. it just depends on where you are and what the board of elections says. if there is a possibility of a recount, there is going to be delayed and certifying each result. host: what is going on in california's seven district? district held a by democrat who is leading by 5000 vote or 2%. he was challenged by scott jones. they got into a bit of hot water, his father pleaded guilty to illegal contributions to his sons campaign. what has made this race close is he has a lot of agates of his own. he faced allegations of making unwanted sexual advances toward a colleague. this is a close race that is yet
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to be called. is in washington for orientation is to case he wins. what is going on with louisiana? let's talk about the bucket primary and what that means for about the blanket primary and what that means for control of the senate. guest: right, louisiana is one of these weird states where they have essentially a jumbled primary we have a host of candidates running for the top two positions. the runoff will be on december 10. in the senate race we have the republican state treasurer who garnered the most votes. he got 25% on election day. the democrat got about 18%. they will face off in the top two december 10.
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whoever wins will become the next senator to balance the power. tokennedy one is he expected , it would shift to 52-48 to the republicans. pathe, thank you. if you want to follow these races, the governor's race and what is happening in michigan, go to our website. we still have the results up from election night and what is happening and you can look and break it down to see what is happening in the state of michigan and also california. you can continue to follow along on coming up, to members of congress will be joining us with their reactions to president-elect trump. thomas massie joins his next later on, marcy kaptur of ohio.
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newly elected members of congress were in town. they are going through the freshman orientation process. c-span caught up with it few of them just caught up with a few of them. -- >> ballot dimming of florida's 10th congressional district and -- how doesando that job. you? >> i served as a 27 year law enforcement officer and served as chief of police. i have dealt with people in just about every facet. i have seen the results of good government. i have seen the results of bad government. i am excited about this opportunity to serve them in this very special way. >> what are your priorities? what did you campaign on echo >> -- campaign on?
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>> our security is a top priority. it is the foundation on which the american dream that we love to talk about is founded upon. relations,unity criminal justice reforms. making sure we keep guns out of the hands of people who should not have them. it has to do with people who are mentally ill, criminal, domestic abuse and terrorists. taking care of education. it is the key to success. and make sure that every child regardless of their zip code has access to quality education. rejecting the men and women who protect us, our veterans -- protecting the men and women who protect us, our veterans. >> on the gun issue, how do you think the orlando shooting has impacted the debate on guns? >> when i was appointed chief, crime was at an all time high.
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also the reduction of removing crime guns from our street was my second priority. we looked at a lot of the homicides that occurred, most of them were committed with firearms. the pulse shooting that occurred should have the title of being the place where the deadliest mass shooting to place is unbelievable. i really believe it has provided an opportunity just like all of the other mass shootings for both sides to come together and let's get to work on this issue. so we can better protect those we represent. >> are you feeling that from a new fellow colleagues? is their momentum? >> i believe this is been a tough conversation because i believe it has been hijacked by our second amendment rights. i am a gun owner. my father was a hunter. i get that. it has nothing to do with second amendment rights. even though this has been a tough conversation, we have seen
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some movement on both sides after the pulse shooting. we need to work hard to keep that momentum up. >> police-community relations is another issue you want to make a priority. what advice would you give to this new administration about dealing with that issue? that thes no doubt overwhelming majority of the men and women who serve and protect do it well. they would risk their lives for strangers. they do it every day. have we had some issues any to be addressed? of course. as we continue to have the brightest men and women to do the job, mature they have the best training and equipment to do the job. as we talk about training, let's introduce sensitivity training. make it mandatory so that every man and woman regardless of where they police will be better equipped to police more diverse communities.
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>> heavy thought about what committees you want to serve on? >> that is a work in progress. protection, the safety of our nation is a top concern. as well as, making sure that we keep america moving. in orlando, we have 66 million people who visit central florida every year. me --ion is a concern to transportation is a concern to me. >> thank you so much for your time. >> washington journal continues. host: we are back with thomas massie, a republican from kentucky. thank you for being here. guest: let's start with this washington post poll. voters expect big changes but also they want compromise is. trump hasay donald carte blanche to pursue his agenda. would you call that a mandate?
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that is less than what president obama had. guest: i think he has a mandate on a few broad topics. he got over 300 electoral votes. he won big in a lot of states that republicans have not one in a long time. i think he has a mandate for a few things and not everything. platformcomplex of his was he would build a wall. i expect he better start building a wall. then also the repeal of obamacare, just to do something there. then on trade, he expressed opposition to dpp -- tpp. those are the brought things american people agreed with and help him to win the states. host: he has talked about every
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structure spending. guest: i am a big fan of that. host: paid maternity leave, tax reform, add the are you ok in the short term with things that would drive up dad? guest: i came here to drive the debt down, ok? what i say is, you know, he will not balance the budget overnight, and frankly, that is congress's job to balance the budget. but question in my mind, now that republicans have all three lovers -- house, senate, and -- republicans have -- house,levers senate, and white house, we should be -- we might increase spending. i am worried about that.
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i'm not voting to increase spending. i expect the debt to go up some. we don't have 60 votes in the senate and cannot ballot the theet -- cannot balance budget on the first a, but will the rate of increases go up or down? . hope it goes down we cannot blow it. this is the opportunity the american public has given us and we need to take it seriously. moments away from governor of -- vice governor president-elect mike pence getting ready to talk to you and see activity. what do you want to hear from him? what would you say to him? guest: i was glad when trump
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named him as his running mate. trump came and spoke to us before the election on capitol hill. so did mike pence. mike pence really connected to congress when he spoke to us. ,e knows the challenges we face and those the parliament jury -- and knows the parliamentary things and so on. i would like to him say that congress is a coequal branch of the government and that donald trump looks forward to working with us. here is the other thing -- just because our party is in the white house does not mean that we have to quit asserting our constitutional authority for things like whether or not engage in military conflicts. the power of the purse, tax
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reform, tax reform comes down to congress and comes down to the house of representatives. the origination clause in the constitution says that we are the only body, house of representatives, that can raise revenue for the government. host: you have been aligned with senator rand paul. this is the washington times this morning that senator paul willing to join democrats to avoid any hawkish picks of the senator elect. title, and does sound in keeping with his and my. position. we are for defense, but are not for intervening with every conflict overseas. we are not everyone's policeman. the thing refreshing about donald trump, there was really
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one other candidate that says we are not responsible for paying 's or asia'surope defense, and we should not be involved in a war with russia. that was senator paul's platform, and donald trump got a lot of senator paul's voters. i was campaigning for senator paul in the presidential race. he got a lot of voters by taking that tact, which is a very populous tact. it is only here and washington d.c. that the drums of war are being beaten continuously. in middle america, we want to make america great again, right? we have a hard time seeing bombing other places where we seem to have no vested, american interest, will benefit us. is helpingator paul
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to bolster president-elect trump and his promise to beinterventi. senator paul has the same concerns i do. yourself withd what we would call neoconservatives, that is a sort of policy you're going to get. host: what are some names you are hearing that are considered neoconservative? guest: certainly john bolton. and that title that you read is in the abstract, but specifically, senator paul opposes john bolton's nomination. republicans --wo because there is a two-seat majority in the senate, if they , ie to oppose sort of a would not call it hawkish, i would say something that is predisposed to go to war if two
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republicans would take that tact, they could probably stop the nomination. let's get the calls. hi, rita. caller: good morning. recommendations for the politicians and office now. and that is for a foundation of our nation was built on the 10 commandments. they should bring those back. even the churches are free to teach about them. curriculum in sap schools. it is labeling us as student and bringing them down. babies froming the crib to classroom and learn about societal values. host: congressman? to of hernderstood
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three or four points there and sympathize with them and find it interesting today in the house of representatives, we are going to open with a prayer. if you try to do that in the school, the teacher or principal would get into a lot of trouble, but we're going to do that in the house of representatives with all the new freshmen being sworn in, and they will swear in on a bible most likely, and that is a public institution over there. you know, i think those principles that these -- those principles that this country was founded on a very good principles. rita is right. it is up to the parents to instill those principles in their children. even if they do go to school early, when they come home, that is your opportunity as a parent to instill those values. host: myra's next in indianapolis. go ahead.
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caller: ok, the reason i am calling is he once to make this great for all america. people need to wake up. this is real. he is not worried about blacks, whites, or mexican's, or the poor, white trash. people need to wake up. this israel. that is why -- this is real. that is why all of the protests are going on. host: ok. i think we heard your point about people being concerned because of the comments donald trump made on the campaign trail. people believe he is a racist, etc. should he be responsible for bringing this country together? dissuadingng -- and the fears people have? guest: it is the president's responsibility to lead by example.
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fromld like to hear more president obama to talk about more things when people ride and destroy things. here is something that i know i'm being in business. i started a company and donald trump has had many companies. you do not survive long as a ceo or a manager if you don't treat everyone equally and fairly. i think if you look at the thousands of people he has employed, i don't think you will find evidence of racism or bias because it is bad for business frankly. that is why if you go back and look at all the thousands, tens of thousands of people he has employed, he has treated them concern forithout the coloring of their skin -- for the color of their skin. host: jeff, a republican.
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go ahead with your question or comment. caller:would you guys intend too about that? guest: there is good news on summer --there is good news on that front. justin is a colleague concerned about the invasion of privacy and serves in the house for michigan. we have something called the liberty caucus, not to be confused with the freedom caucus. we focus on issues like privacy, the fourth amendment, and we mention senator paul earlier, he has taken many stands in the senate and has done filibusters to protect us. the good news i want to share with you is this summer, they tried to expand the patriot act. the reason you did not hear about it is because they tried to slip into by us in congress. it came up for a vote. they were going to change the wording in the patriot act. says your banks can report your information to the governor -- government if
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they suspect terrorism or money laundering. they were going to take those words out input in any specified crime. colleague got to the floor, demanded a recorded vote, and so the recorded vote had to happen that day. the bill failed on a recorded vote. i did not see that in the news anywhere, but that is an example of stuff that happens behind-the-scenes. you have to be on your toes bills byhey can slip on a voice vote, but any member of congress can demand a recorded vote. we call it the 500 yard dash. the constitution says congress has to have a quorum to conduct business.
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there will be a lot of business conducted today without a quorum. it only takes one member to know the absence of a quorum and demand a recorded vote. florida,ig's next in independent. caller: good morning. trump'sling regarding son and long to be a part of special meetings. there are pretty straightforward goals about nepotism in this country. where does this republican stand on this issue about his son and law the part of the struggle? hillary was an when billal part clinton was in there. she had an office.
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literally -- was came up with the first version of obamacare, if you will. i think donald is looking for people he can trust. --you trust his son and law son-in-law. i don't think his son-in-law is looking for a paycheck. that is what i would be concerned about if it was done to enhance somebody's bank account. conflicts of interest are a problem if they are not disclosed and kept behind the scenes. as long as there is public disclosure, you can familiar rate those concerns somewhat. host: debbie is in florida, a debbie. you are on the air with the congressman. caller: yes. i would like to say that i keep how they aree news
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stumped as to why trump won. i am speaking for myself, but i am a democrat. i am a liberal all the way except for one thing. ronald reagan in the mid-1980's from when you sign amnesty -- for illegal aliens to stay here, our comprehensive immigration reform -- i have heard that. every administration, comprehensive administration -- comprehensive immigration reform. i would have voted for hillary. said, i am going to address illegal aliens. and i just flipped and i voted republican all down the ticket to help him.
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that is why. stop scratching your heads as to why some of us have jumped out arena and ofatic golfer donald trump aaron guest: ok, debbie. and your vote was consequential and florida. in kentucky, we saw the same thing. a lot of democrats voted for donald trump. in fact, there are more registered democrats in kentucky than the art republicans. that their party has abandoned them and we saw that with the working class in kentucky. hillary clinton was not appealing to the working class whereas donald trump was. votedof democrats republican straight ticket.
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it was a reasonable thing to do if your principles don't line up with one party, to vote for another party, regardless of your registration. what happened in kentucky because of the democrats that voted republican was the state house changed from democrat-controlled. the democrats controlled the 53-47.ouse is 64-37 in kentucky with republican supermajority. the democrat party used to be strong in kentucky, but my constituents, whether they are republican or democrat, feel abandoned by the democrats in washington d.c. coal,oes on the issues of guns, or i think it was rita
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that said earlier, religion. in illinois.e republican. comments have a few for thomas. you guys in the republican congress are in a tough spot because of all of your diversity actually. you have to be careful not to because thewith tom democrats -- words with trump because of the democrats. careful have to be because you are the diverse party. the democrats are the diverse party, but i hate to say it, it is only skin deep. hispanicf 34 years is and african-american, and she voted for trump, and i did not.
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there was one guy who came out strongly against the iranian deal that obama's administration came up with. you don't hear from him anymore. they silenced him kind of. you have to be careful in the words you use. people who are predisposed to war. guest: at first i thought he was talking about don't go after trump's picks over political correctness because i have seen that. what i have been telling people who are upset with some of trump's nominees for political correctness reasons, i said political correctness was on the ballot on november 8 to some degree, and it lost. you cannot say that donald trump was politically correct.
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that was one of the enduring things about him to some of the middle class. host: you don't have concerns about steve bannon being part of the old right -- being part of the alt-rihgt and the message that that sends. guest: i don't have concerns with steve bannon. radio,hear him on tarp he sounds like a very logical thinker. i was glad when he joined trump's campaign. that is the example i was referring to. that political correctness was on the ballot and political correctness. lost do not expect political correctness for four years. got up point before he the line at the end was more specifically about john bolton
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are some of the nominations. concern withs john bolton is not that we oppose donald trump, is what we witnessed in washington d.c. is good people come here, and people get elected on a platform, and then if they surround themselves with people who do not support that platform, then they end up doing things that they did not campaign on. what we see with john bolton for example, here is a guy's past statements, and i'm not talking about political correctness, i am talking about his ideology, it is very different from the ideology we've seen donald trump express. or looking up for donald trump and the people who invested their trust in him on their
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platform. host: you said about the leadership on capitol hill for house republicans because of paul ryan and before that, speaker john boehner. they have caused a constitutional crisis. what do you mean by that? guest: in many regards the have caused a constitutional crisis. is because we won the election, that does not mean it has gone away. they are wallpapering all of the inside the house of representatives. and is ok, but eventually, these issues need to be addressed. let me give you an example of a constitutional crisis -- we have or had a declaration of war the authorization of the use of military force since 2002 and 2003. we have gone was 15 years without congress weighing in on the issue of whether or not to
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engage our military and various things around the world. have themany conflicts president engaged us in? jones, who is a congressman from north carolina, very good on constitution, he has sent multiple letters and requests publicly to speaker boehner and now to paul ryan, let us have a debate on this issue of whether to engage our military? win or lose? we are for less intervention overseas. but the debate needs to be had because the constitution only authorizes congress. it does not authorize the executive branch to engage our forces overseas militarily. that is an important thing that --important thing our founding fathers put in. jefferson said the executive branch is the most prone to want to go to war. an example of a
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constitutional crisis, but one that might appeal to more people is the fact that we are not exercising our power of the purse. the way funding for the federal government has worked for the last decade, maybe two decades is the speaker of the house rolls down here to pennsylvania avenue and asked the president what he wants? thing he rolls back over to congress and tells 434 other members, hey, this is what we got and this is what you are going to vote on and we will not debate it, and you have two days to read it, and it is called an on the bus. omnibus. is called an stop paulnot try to ryan from becoming speaker? guest: john boehner was approved
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unanimously, too, and nine months later, he was gone. the election that happened a day before yesterday is a showboat and behind closed doors. by the way, if you wanted to oppose the speaker in that election, you 24 hours to campaign. could you imagine if it republican in the house of representatives six months ago started a spirited campaign against the speaker of the house? everybody would be mad at that person because they would say you're going to cost us the election and there will be all of this division annual cost us the majority in the senate. that person would be persona non grata in the party. speaker,nt to run for you have to start the first day after begin back after the election and surprise, surprise, the election happens 24 hours later. i am not a member of the freedom caucus, but the freedom caucus
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was for delaying the speaker election. the democrats decided to do that, by the way. electionto delay the for the speaker so there could be a chance to have the debate and not wallpaper over the differences and pretend that they got all the votes in the room. host: how many votes did he lose jacada loan -- how many those did he lose? guest: i left the room. host: how many left the room? guest: i am not at liberty to say. there are a few bus that left the room and did not vote. there needs to be a real election for speaker. you cannot have this 24 hour showboat. that is what happened the day before yesterday. host: all right. sonja in harrisburg, virginia. democrat. caller: yes. i am so thankful to have a chance to speak with representative -- with a
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representative from kentucky. thank you, sonja. caller: all right, all right, all right. thank you. i want to talk about toyota. toyota came here. it was great. they gave good jobs, good benefits. and now, they are making record-breaking profits. i mean, record-breaking profits. in the meantime, they are cutting benefits for their employees. they are not hiring full-time employees anymore. they are going through the kelly work services for temporary hires. tose people have an option finally get on board.
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yearshey can wait 10 more to get up to that benefit. this comes back down to, well now, the city of georgetown is hurting for tax revenues that would have came from these. host: i am going to jump in because our time is short and the houses gaveling early at 9:00 a.m. i think you gather what she is talking about. guest: thank you for calling sonja, from kentucky. toyota has been a boom for kentucky and they make the toyota camry in georgetown, kentucky. i have a lot of people in my district who work for toyota. i would just say to the extent that we can washington d.c. have done anything to cause the concerns that sonja has, hopefully we can undo those
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things so that toyota is incentivized in a different way. they have been a great employer to kentucky. i would love to move them into my congressional district. they in providing a tax base their in georgetown. maybe not as much of sonja would like, but it has been instrumental in rebuilding parks and schools and more transportation and infrastructure in georgetown. we have a lot more restaurants their photo, too. host: thank you so much. guest: thanks, greta. looking forward to seeing mike pence on the hill today. host: coming up, we will talk with democratic congresswoman marcy kaptur in ohio and get her reaction of donald trump winning the presidency.
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here is more from our effort to catch up with newly elected members of congress for their freshman orientation. with congressman john faso who won the swing seat. what is it like representing a swing seat, one will be? targeted again? is a different for you? guest: your approach is different if you are in a one-party district. i have said all along, and this really fit my political beliefs, that not all the wisdom resides on the republican democratic side. there are points that each group brings. i am frustrated of washington's inability to get things done. msnbc and left is on the right is on fox. we are all americans and we have
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serious problems we need to solve and there is no one solution. i bring my own philosophy. i am more of a limited government person. in order to get things done, we have to work together and work across partisan lines. i am hopeful we can do that. i want to see us grow this economy. that is the biggest issue we face. we have to get more economic growth. that would respond to the economic anxiety people feel. they want to stop talking past each other. as you arer solution getting to know each other during orientation? other andto know each we have a willingness to work across party lines. there are a lot of issues where you will have a democrat or republican position, but on tax reform, corporate tax reform -- makes no sense for our corporations doing business
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abroad. i think most democrats and republicans would agree that double taxation is not an incentive to bring those dollars home. we want those dollars home to be invested here. there is a lot of variance on the corporate tax side. we know obamacare is falling apart under its own weight. we have to come to a consensus on what happens next. washe 19th district contest watched nationally. bernie sanders got involved in your race. what should be a lesson for party leaders as they are reflecting what happened a week ago? >> the lesson in my district is that the most important thing is local. i responded and i talked about issues that were local-oriented. some examples? >> just in terms of job growth. we have a large part of our
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district in the catskills. the bluestone mining industry is be regulated to death by new york city by the environmental protection. we could encourage a vital industry in our area. i focused on local issues in the different areas whether it was lyme disease, bluestone mining, hospital reimbursement rates in the district. and people want a representative to come down here and work on the national issues, but someone that is responsive to local issues. there was a real contrast in our campaigns in that regard. >> you started in local government in the 1970's. >> no, i started in the state legislature in the 1980's. >> what you bring from state government to the federal government? what lessons -- >> night every problem is a federal problem -- not every problem is a federal problem with a federal solution.
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the state was attracted to the federal money in the obama administration. they wasted $800 million along the way. educations like k-12 is a state and local issue, not a federal issue. >> thank you so much for your time. >> washington journal continues. host: back at our table this morning, congresswoman marcy kaptur, of ohio. they voted for donald trump? if you look at what happened in places like , we, michigan, wisconsin are a part of the industrial heartland that has experienced deep economic transformation for the last 30 years.
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washington refuses to hear our message. coast, you are not the south, we do not have big defense spaces where the government has a major footprint. the region i represent is not a capital city. over thebeen tough last three decades because of the outsourcing of our jobs. our workers have been forced to train the replacement workers. for example, mexico, as their jobs are shipped down there. you can go to mexico and see the jobs that used to be in ohio. this happened year after year after year. the average income post nafta -- post china, post korea $7,000 less. less income in our region. in the rural areas of ohio,
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smaller towns have experienced deep job loss. 15 years ago, hundreds of good jobs. where have they gone? mexico. people experienced this directly. it was not theoretically some policy lost in washington, but their lives have been transformed in ohio. district is my announcing 150 layouts. industry, steel office workers have been pink this keepscause -- happening. we have to make a real way in the market. washington did not hear our message. host: let's talk democrats go.
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clinton did when to -- hillary clinton did win your district. not -- why didn't democrats connect with working-class, blue-collar workers? guest: because of the economy. the economic message was not clear. on the trade issue, i am sorry to say, the words that were felled in our region were short of what they should've been. and people's economic insecurities were not directly addressed. social security, the fact that people have had not: us -- people have not had colas. host: you will have to expect what that is. guest: cost of medicine, cost of or. bills -- cost of doct
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bills have gone up. the cost of gasoline has gone down would test help to cushion people's expendable income. , like theagreements transpacific partnership, trying -- it areiate nafta part of the country, those are red-hot issues. .ernie sanders addressed those although he did not carry ohio because he did not have the staff, ohio is a complicated state. you have to cover many regions in ohio. he brought those issues up, but they were not carried over in the same way. when hillary clinton came to ohio, she did not talk about the infrastructure bill. what happened? why did she not talk about what that would mean for our ports, highways? i represent a region were half a million people did not have water.
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there was nothing stated about that. don't they know who we are in the great lakes region? if you look at ohio, especially western pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, even minnesota was home, in the trump elect but if clinton and her administration does not know who you are, should you not have someone to represent you in leadership? needs tos nancy pelosi step down? guest: our party needs to have a presence in our leadership. you realize that the coast has an enormous party in both parties. madeurrent speaker has fundraising a large part of what he does. folks who succeed do that.
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but when you think of the money system that needs to be reformed , when you look at the democratic leadership, the great lakes industrial heartland is omitted. kindly promoted me to her steering committee as the one voice from the industrial midwest. it is not like having one of the country are part of the is a fire for country. if you look at the republican former speaker boehner was from ohio in the current speaker is from wisconsin. please pay attention, democratic party, and look at what is happening. i hope they -- i hope that the future care is coming from our party. ryan.that could be tim in favor of letter
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nancy pelosi. it guest: i would have to reconsider if someone from our region was to run. i don't come from a kind of region where we have lots of billionaires. we don't have hollywood of the new york financial centers. it is much harder from our region. has notman ryan hat in theput his ring. host: let's get to elbert in chicago. caller: good morning, ladies. please don't cut me off. i have been trying to get this off since the campaign "this election never should've been about change as far as democrats are concerned. it should have been about
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protecting and improving upon the achievements made by the obama administration. in 2010, democrats stayed home to teach obama a lesson. how did that lesson workout in flint, michigan? they did the same thing in 2014 and lost the house and senate. only thing protecting the obama asievements was his veto pin far as funding. same thing with the health care law. in this election, the obama coalition -- instead of handing , they gavery clinton it away to donald trump. host: let's get a response from the congresswoman. guest: i think that the president worked very hard in this election to help secretary clinton. i went to several rallies in my own state. and i think that the difference
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obamamany places, the economic improvement, and there have been improvements in ohio. especially the refinancing of the auto industry. but that economic growth did not read all regions. as i mentioned, the pockets of unemployment and of people being pink slipped, and the cost of living versus what you are earning, makes people feel very economically insecure. in the selection, the secretary needed to be much more forceful about how her platform would directly impact the lives of people there. region, that message was not as clear. donald trump talked about trade in almost every speech he gave. i will be very anxious to work with the president-elect if he intends to fulfill those promises.
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we have not had a balance trade account in this country for almost a quarter century, almost three decades, and that has come at a heavy price in regions i represent. i gave greta and map of ohio and the counties that carried for president-elect trump. if you look at that, you will see places like appalachia where the energy injury -- where the energy industry tanked out without a placement jobs in the kind of attention that should be given to regions like that. steel, we'ree dub going to have meetings for two theirbefore we talk about -- washington is operating slowly. needs toratic message be much more crisp.
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pence voted down against auto refinancing. jim is watching. go ahead. caller: thank you for taking my call. know why you to democrats won't get behind the selected president, and give him some support? let's get together in this country. quit dividing it -- dividing it. that: on the trade issue he talk about, i welcome that opportunity. i wrote a long memo that we will submit to the trump administration for consideration on the economy, trade issue,
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patent issue, infrastructure bill. i hope the new president comes forward initially because he is a builder, a developer. understand the physical challenges of our water systems, our antiquated energy grid, our communities that need to have water systems, port improvements. becomes from the city of robert moses, a power broker in new york, and did so many things to develop the economic prowess of that state of new york. a tradition of building, and i am hoping that will be the first bill he comes forward with. i hope the trade appointees will help heal the trade gap that has cost millions and millions of jobs in this country. i am one of those members. he seems like a very collegial gentleman.
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i hope that he gets to know members of congress on full-size of the aisle. host: let's go to pennsylvania, kingston, pennsylvania, high, dan. caller: thank you, greta. it is very nice to speak with marcy here. marcy andke to ask every republican that was elected a democrat elected to work with mr. trump to help him build the infrastructure. you just stated a little bit ago, there are so many things beside highways. water systems and everything like that that need to be worked on. that would put so many people, working poor, and lower, middle class to work and bring taxes in to help the economy. there is nothing but an upside. host: let me ask you, congresswoman. if an upper infrastructure included a provision -- if an
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infrastructure bill included to build a wall, would you say yes? guest: let's see how that wall is defined. if it is a virtual wall, drones, let's see what it looks like. i hope he does not do that. separate comes up in a bill. i hope he can do that. right now, the country wants unity. we have been through this two-year campaign season and they are tired of it. justice so tourt meyer said we cannot go forward for any american -- we cannot afford any american president to fail. host: if the viewers want to watch what the justice said, you can go to beatrice in georgia.
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democrat. go ahead. callinga lot of people in saying to get donald trump a chance are the same ones who did not give obama a chance. they still don't think he is american. but the democrats did not do a good enough job at stressing the points like in michigan and ohio, and donald trump is one of the people who are short more jobs than anyone -- who offshore d more jobs than anyone. i don't think that point was stressed enough. the water problem in detroit, republicans are holding up funds to fix this water. the water is still contaminated. beatrice's point,
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hillary clinton the talk about these issues. why did it not resonate? guest: because we have gone through a transformation -- hillary and i are the same age -- and because of the pace of communication today, and the use of different forms of media, when you come up with a slogan and you are used to sound bites and you have worked in the media by president-elect trump has, you are able to phrase things in a way better short messages, and you make your point. hillary is highly educated, very experienced in terms of policy, and very thoughtful, a brilliant expound,nd tends to and somehow, and i have this challenge myself, trying to get it down to five months a little words. it is difficult.
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i think that in terms of communication, we have to work harder at that as a party. host: gainesville, texas. jim is a republican. .aller: yes in the rust belt, manufacturing is very important. you know co2, whether it is generated here or ohio, or china care, it, it does not will go up into the atmosphere. i think you would agree that in the united states, when we producecoal--- we produce coal-burning fossil fuels, we do it much cleaner than other places. lost inuring jobs are many ways, but some of the ways they are lost, corporate inversion.
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it is not strictly one thing or another. i think it has to do with regulations and the taxes. where people can agree that we need to find a way to protect our environment. even burning also fuels, if we do it here, we are doing it much more cleanly than elsewhere were some of these other manufacturing jobs are going. regulation seems to be a very important topic. extremes on one ideology or the other, we really fail to produce what we want. thank you. guest: thank you for calling in. it is complicated. i serve on the energy committee on appropriations and i believe environmental standards should be in our trade agreement. that is one of their flaws. if you have a company in ohio
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and they throw people out of work and moved to mexico, guess what? tradewinds carry fumes up into the atmosphere and when the rain comes down in the great lakes,. we have evidence of that. we are on one planet and we have to take care of it. i think environmental provisions must be a part of any trade agreement. this has been resisted by those who have the power. i want to say a word about co2. we're thinking creatively about how to use co2. if it is coming off of a fuel plant, we have companies investing in northern ohio. they are taking the co2, filtering it, and putting it into green houses where we are growing vegetables. we have a lot of fresh water. there are two companies making major investments in northern
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ohio. we could feed the country with thousands of greenhouses with ourg the co2 from automotive plants. we have to think creatively about how we use this power of science to help invent a new energy age and a new agricultural age. where is medina, ohio? guest: that is central ohio. linda is calling from threre. caller: it is beautiful here in ohio. it is finally starting to turn into fall. ay for fresh water my main concern at this point is trump overwhelmingly took this area.
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i was appalled. my county in medina's pre-democratic and i am surrounded by them. we have to pick some candidates for the other officers like governor -- the other offices, like governor. josh mandel, who is disgraceful as far as i am concerned. hear of democrats running for statewide offices, and that comes up in two years. i am hoping maybe you would consider running because last , who was ed fitzgerald so poorly vetted, it was embarrassing. host: what you think, congresswoman? guest: maybe i could put you on a committee. [laughter] thank you for calling. we have to think about our statewide elections. ohio is a great state.
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i am prejudiced, but we have the most beautiful state seal in the whole country. if you look at every state seal, we have a beautiful state, and a powerful state, and estate known for invention. here in washington, we just take the status of edison and installed that statue in statuary hall. a gentleman who had over 1000 patents. it is incredible to think about. votinge first electronic machine, he was so far ahead of his time. manyresent some magnificent companies that have invented the future, like for solar. ohio, have louder voices for the nature of our economy and the assets. thank you so much for putting up the ohio seal. i think that is beautiful.
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the statewide offices are important in ohio and i thank you very much for the suggestion, and i will think about it. one voice talking about the ohio is senator brown. he says -- brian and michigan, independent. hi, brian. guest: where in michigan? caller: great lakes huron. guest: beautiful area. caller: i work as a merchant maritime mariner.
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we were appalled -- and it is still going on with salt water ships. i know you know the subject matter, but we have not solved anything. they are ruining the great lakes. this is obviously a money issue because the saltwater ships only account for a small percentage of the commerce on the great lakes. the dominant factor of the great lakes are the lake ships that never leave the great lakes. in any foreignng matter. we have most of the surface water beyond belief. it is really want because -- it is runi host: i want the congresswoman to explain. guest: i am the democrat on the
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task force. i understand the challenges to the legs and we are working very hard right now. one of our biggest issues is the potential invasion of the international cartel that will change our ecosystem. we are creating barriers to entry. trying to find genetic answers to keep them from coming up the mississippi river into our region. seriousreal environmental challenge. to not passed laws commit to dump that water into the great lakes. i respect your service to our country. -- when donaldse trump is sworn in, i hope he will modernize the same lord seaway as the entity to do that.
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we will really turn our great lakes seaway system into the fourth seacoast of this country. i will be fighting very hard for that. host: the house is about to gavel in. democrat causes meeting behind closed doors. talk about leadership. what message do you think should be delivered? guest: to make the leadership , and also regionally to recognize the economic realities of different regions of this country and address those. host: and if they don't? we have to give them a bit of time to do that, but they need to restructure the composition of the leadership.
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