tv Washington Journal CSPAN November 19, 2016 7:00am-10:01am EST
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you can join the conversation on facebook and twitter. "washington journal" is next. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2016] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] ♪ today is saturday, november 19. donald trump has named three top national security officials to his team, alabama senator jeff sessions nominated for attorney general, mike pompeo, for cia director, and michael flynn for national security advisor. trump university's recent $25 million settlement in a lawsuit alleging it defrauded its students. high school students have walked out of the classroom to protect the election of donald trump. that is where we start the --
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discussion this morning, should the be consequences for students missing school or are they exercising their freedom of speech? phone lines for you this morning, if you are a student, call us at 202-748-8000. parents, 202-748-8001. if you are a teacher or administrator, call us at 202-748-8002. all others, call 202-748-8003. you can also send your thoughts on social media, using twitter or you can leave us a message at host of these walkout at high schools have been peaceful. some reports of violence in a few cases. here is an overview of the protest from "usa today" -- students and multiple high schools, most too young to vote stage walkouts on wednesday in protest of the president-elect.
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chanting "let's dump donald , people broke into song at roosevelt high school and chanted in spanish at hoover high school and 20 students walked out of valley high in west des moines, iowa. they allowed the students protest and get participants unexcused absences. a story in "education week" by madeline will that says in a handful of schools including berkeley, california, phoenix, des moines, iowa, students and in some cases teachers stage walkouts in protest of the win andan nominee's physical outbursts and confrontation as emotions ran high. teachers must ease the divisions in the classrooms and sued the fierce of their students of color while giving all students space to process their feelings about the elections outcome. joining us to talk about her
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story in education week is madeline will, assistant editor at a catch -- education week. good morning. guest: thank you for having me. host: how widespread are these protests and the number of students? guest: i only saw student walkouts in major cities across the country. phoenix, omaha, des moines, iowa, seattle, miami, denver, washington, d.c. thousands of students have walked out of class in -- since the protest started the day after the election. in some cases, it will be a handful of students and in some cases it is students from multiple schools across the districts or cities. host: these are protest of people unhappy with donald trump's election, are you seeing demonstrations of those cheering his victory?
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dost: a couple of students support donald trump joined the protest to have their voices heard. host: you mention of emotions have been running high at schools. half these protests largely been peaceful and have they been reported incidences of violence? guest: for the most part, the protests have been peaceful. there has been a couple of isolated instances of violence. , a suburbery county of washington, d.c., a 15-year-old students who wore a make america great again hat was beaten by students when a political argument turned violent during the walkout. administrators are concerned about student safety and warning students that they cannot guarantee their safety if they leave class. host: we have seen protest from adults across the country, is there something unique about
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these students protesting, or a special way we should think about them because they may be too young to vote and they may be doing this during school time? guest: i think the students are too young to vote. chanceel this is their to have their voices heard, they want to tell donald trump they are watching and listening and that they care. as teachers have taught students throughout the election, there involvedways to be than just voting and protest is one way. host: how are schools and administrators dealing with this? you mentioned a district in iowa gave students unexcused absences , is that the case for schools across the country? i think most schools giving students unexcused absences if they leave class. host: what about teachers, how
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should they approach talking with students about this in the classroom? guest: teachers are trying to heal some of these divisions that trickle down into the classroom. teachers have to get students from both sides of the political an ability to and talk about their feelings and process emotions in a constructive way. i know a lot of teachers are using this as an opportunity to educate their students about the foundations of democracy. , lot of students are scared teachers are talking about checks and balances and the limits of presidential power. ,ost: that is madeline will assistant editor at "education week teacher." thank you for joining us. our topic this morning is your view of student walkout in protest of donald trump's election. we turn to our first caller,
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chris from maryland. chris is a parent. did i get the name of your tell correct?- town caller: i live in only, maryland. i watch this event happened on the news the first time you as soon as the first school protest started, i felt and still feel like and after it was listed yesterday firsthand, the --ority of the students now most of them, not all, have no idea what is going on. what i witness yesterday was the majority of them were there to be entertained by the event and they were not interested in what was really going on, they were
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not protesting about donald trump, they were having fun with the police following them, jumping around making noise. in front of my work is where they began to protest and they stopped -- they stood in the road for five minutes, 10 minutes and stop traffic. they said nothing and sat there in the crowd. they mumbled things but i heard nothing about donald trump or clinton or the protest. there were a few of the kids who have sides. -- who had signs. there were 50 of the kids and my work is next to a high school. told me that a few of his friends and students decided that they were going to leave and they left. there was 50 of them trying to rally up more kids to come with them. they only got 50.
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but itnt back to school is my opinion that the majority of them were just using this as an opportunity to get away from school. host: you said that your son participated, did you support that? did he ask for permission? host: -- caller: he did not participate. i would have supported him had he been as involved as i was and his mother was in the election. to me, personally, most of these kids are only hearing either from their parents or from other students or from people around them. tidbits of information of what is really going on, whether a good piece of information or a bad piece of information, they are not getting the full story here that makes me feel as if
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they do not know what is going on and they really want to do -- aprotesting and away way to get out of school and get on the news. they had new shoppers yesterday. -- news choppers yesterday. callingeve from florida on the line for all others. what do you think? caller: i think it is great and support the young people. it is great that finally there is a generation that has re-embraced the concept of solidarity. it seems like ever since ronald reagan, solidarity has been considered taboo. it seems like, in the last 35 years, we have had our rights eroded as employees and
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consumers. as far as consumer finance and health care. -- we have sat and watched legislation that gets passed that hurts us as consumers. finally, there is a generation that says, solidarity is not a bad thing. host: next up is steve from lexington park, maryland, calling on the line for teachers. how have you addressed this in the classroom? i taught public school for 31 years and retired and am a professor at a university for the past 20 years. i was a student during the vietnam war, so i know what the protests -- i have had that experience. i believe it is a great learning experience for the students.
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of their constitutional rights. years, some of the students will be voting for the first time. i think they have every right to -- i think they have every right. other citizens when they protest they take off from work. the students are taking off from school. i know some teachers at schools where they -- the school administrators are supervising the children all they protest. usually it is done on school grounds. i encourage it as a good learning experience as long as they keep it nonviolent. ministersou think the -- administrators should provide students excused absences during that time? caller: they are missing class but i am going on the premise
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that it is a learning experience , therefore it is part of the school curriculum. especially in civics class. they learn this is a part of their constitutional rights. host: a related comment from twitter, 1960 student walkouts, marches, demonstrations, help stop the vietnam war, maybe these will limit the damage donald trump could cause. dorothy is apparent in baltimore, maryland, what do you think -- is a parent in baltimore, maryland, what do you think? caller: two of my children participated in the protests here and they knew why they were protesting. people keep saying they do not but you see the signs said you know why they are protesting and if you watch the crowds you see they are all racist, white, black, hispanics, what have you. -- twoe stating that
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young children now, they are not separatist like we are, they live together and they are friends, they like each other. in a president that has just been elected, this is what they have seen and this is what donald trump show them, no doubt about it, he showed them a tie for president that they have never seen talking the way he does. so the children are not liking that because he is always have presidents since i have been spoke and talker the way -- they find that horrendous. they do know why they are marching. they are not marking the election, they are marching against a person who is representing their country which they do not want to have a country that he has projected. they want to be together as they are and they do. i am proud of them, as long as it is nonviolent. student,'s hear from a
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from clinton, maryland, good morning. caller: can you knew me -- can you hear me? host: we can hear you. and we haveudy law civil law and common law and criminal law. ok? this complaint against donald trump was a criminal complaint. you cannot settle a criminal complaint by paying off the person. it has to be settled in the courts. this campaign against donald trump was supposed to be settled in court, not through him paying off someone. how he got away with that, i do not know, i would like to know
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how you can pay off a criminal complaint and not have to go to court. to settle this criminal complaint. i wish somebody would tell me. host: we will get to that story in a little bit but first we want to show you some footage of montgomery county public school superintendent jack smith who commented on the recent walkouts and student protest. supports everyone's right to respect the good represent themselves, they represent valid concerns ourrding the security of students outside of our schools and one students are threatened or injured as part of a protest, it raises serious safety issues that require us to rethink the situation. our goal is to keep our students safe after a double supervision and engaged in the learning process. it is for this reason that i am asking and expecting all andents to remain in school
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participate in their daily educational program as intended. if students do not comply with these expectations, they may be subjected to the regular disciplinary actions that align with what infraction is involved. hatet to address the related vandalism on school property, these are deeply disturbing incidences, vandalism is illegal, this type of horrible vandalism is illegal, a violation of mcps policy and simply wrong. host: we are taking your calls this morning to hear your view of high school students walking out of the classroom to protest donald trump at his election as president. let's turn to maryland, cheryl and that sharon is a teacher -- sharon is a teacher. good morning. caller: good morning, c-span,
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thank you for taking my call. a caller earlier talked about the solidarity of students. these students are learning in their government classes exactly the separation of powers. they are understanding the federalism. they are understanding and learning and they have a lot of questions. as they over the last year or two, have been watching donald trump and hillary clinton. they are angry and this is what they say, they say that hillary clinton had won the popular vote by over one million votes. a lot of republican saying theyrats did not come out, say the democrats and republicans and independents came out and voted over one million votes for hillary clinton. they are listening to donald trump and how he incites
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bigotry. thisgo to school with diversity in our schools today. they go to school with hispanics and asians and muslims. they are all friends. they are also telling me because they're learning that in the state of maryland they can register to vote at the age of 16. they have to wait until 18. that is about 2, 3 years for them. they have a legitimate cause. they see what is going on and will not stand back and do nothing and say nothing. host: are you currently teaching in a classroom? caller: yes, i teach in a classroom. host: how have you address this with your students? caller: i am asking them to take this lesson seriously.
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i am asking them to look at the separation of powers. i am asking them to take a further look and learn and understand about federalism. each other's opinions and feelings about how they are feeling about living in america today. fear ofildren are in the type of society that america can become. they do not want to live in a fearful society. host: here are a few comments from twitter. one person writes, it is despicable for students to walk out, but many want an excuse to get out of school and do very little in school anyway. another person says high school student too young to vote should be in class being taught how our system works. , manyr person tweets
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teachers are liberal and should not discuss religion or politics in classes, i never did, was not my place and wrong. jan is calling, good morning. caller: good morning. thank you for taking my call. host: what is rethought of the student walkouts -- what is your thoughts of the student walkouts? caller: i am glad we are doing this -- they are doing this, isut how the constitution being butchered and democratic votes stolen which they did in 2000 and they did it in 2016 and bragged about doing it. host: do you think that schools should give students time? should they excuse the absence if they're walking out to protest the election? caller: i think that should be done on their own time and not in school because they are in
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there to learn and will not pick up much if they are on the streets and we have that outside influence of the devil trying to store up -- stir up destruction. they need to be in school to learn and after school if they want to do something on the weekend, i am behind them. host: next up is jim from oxford, maine, calling on the line for parents. think we send the children to school to learn. if the teachers want to express their companions in the school room, do they get paid while there children are out there? they are tying up traffic, hurting business, if i had eight children in college and was paying tuition come and found out he went to the street to protest, they would not be in college anymore on my dollar. washington, another
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parent, what do you think? caller: i think the students should be in class. and the teachers are promoting this. promoting their own agenda. on people that do not have idea what they're doing. i do not understand why it is ok for illegal immigrants to be in this country. why are hispanics out on the streets, because they are illegal? the same thing with the blacks, while they protesting, because they are all muslim? host: robert from washington, we give you. diane from arkansas, you are a parent. would you let your child participate? caller: i would not want him to.
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haveimes they do not choice, they have done it before they realize. early-80's, old enough to remember in the 1960's when they were protesting at berkeley. i talked to students and most of them did not care. they were just out there having fun at lunchtime. they did not take off school been. they were shaking their fists. they had no idea what was going on. if people would stop and think, what if hillary had one and the republicans were out there protesting now? in -- called in in two months ago -- a fellow he was asked what his job was, it was something about the job and he says i am getting $5,000 per week from black lives matter and nobody
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questioned him about that. i do not think the school paid butare being these others that are protesting definitely are. i think george soros should be looked into, his media at all of this concept because he is .ehind this, i guarantee you i host: a few more headlines. bee, democratic representative clinched a third term on friday after a bruising challenge from a republican scotch -- sheriff, who conceded the race after sacramento county reported nearly 20,000 more votes have been tallied and he increased his lead to 6008
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votes, 51.2% host: new york announces a settlement in the trump university case, the president-elect donald trump has agreed to pay $25 million to settle three lawsuits against is now defunct trump university according to the new york attorney general. the new york attorney general called it "a stunning reversal by donald trump who has pledged not to settle. his office for swindling innocent americans out of millions of dollars through a scheme known as from university. -- trump university. he fought us every step of the way and refuse to settle for modest amounts of compensation for the victims of his phony university.
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today, that all changes to the trump organization said it was happy to have resettlement. pleased to announce the complete resolution of all litigation involving trump university. while we have no doubt it would have prevailed at trial based on the merits of this case, the resolution of these matters allow president-elect trump to devote his full attention to the important issues facing our great nation. meanwhile, the new york times has a story about the donald to fillnew selections in national security posts, donald trump's hard-line selections on friday serve notice that he intends not only to reverse 80 years of liberal domestic policies -- eight years of liberal domestic policies -- moving quickly to realize his campaign's promise of a nation that relentlessly enforces immigration and drug laws, using muslims with deep suspicions
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host: adam smith talked about some of the people donald trump is considering for key national security positions. >> quite a few names for secretary of defense thrown out there, any you would find acceptable for suggest a shift in that worldview? >> i do not think so and it is hard to know what to believe in terms of names on out there. certainly senator cotton would not be good with regard to the worldview. i will have to wait and see but the way it is shaping up is pretty frightening. >> let me unpack some of the realities, campaign rhetoric versus governing. even senator cotton who started
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to sound a little bit more like a centrist in saying that he defended nato and the rational use of nuclear weapons. he did not so -- sound so blustery as a campaign or somebody like general flynn, a three-star general, an operator with lots of combat experience. the reality of turning your back on nato and working with vladimir putin, what would have to happen for the united states to turn his back on nato? across the middle east and africa, the intricacies that are so much deeper than the campaign bluster of being able to say you might turn away from nato? >> i do not think these people know how it would work. that is scary. i worked with general flynn. i worked in counterterrorism and was close with general mcchrystal and his staff when he was at so-called and in
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afghanistan. -- socom and in afghanistan. there are aspects of what they but the broader issue is ideological. we have to work with moderate muslims. people like ben and ann flynn -- and flynne bannon would laugh at that, there --hing, well yes there is host: we are trying to understand your view of the student walkout occurring across the country. john is a parent in sterling, virginia, what do you think? caller: thank you for taking my call. here a longwho came time ago, you heard the last caller, this hatred that this guy will say that the people who
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go out there and him astray are black lives and muslims, this is the language donald trump taught those people, they think that donald trump because he is president can say everything they want. one of the parents is maybe illegal and they worry about that when they go to school and come back home, mom is not there or debt is not there. this is not the country that we built years ago and the reality is that we have seen donald trump, the person he just picked justice department, he wants to go after the immigrants anywhere they can, go after the muslims, this is the reality. those children have the right to go out and demonstrate. furthermore, the language that , hid behind the phone, they are angry, today is
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2016 and this great nation is multicultural and we should respect each other regardless who goes to the white house. i do not understand the people calling with this kind of hate. i am a muslim, i have two daughters who go to school. every day they asked me, if someone pulls my face job, what b, what will my hija i do if this person calls my name does calls me names, i do not want to see these things happen in this country. host: what do you tell your daughters when they are scared? caller: i tell them we are a country of law, no matter who goes to the white house, the great nation in which we are living, we are a country of laws and if anyone violates your rights, they will pay the price. i will not be intimidated by that idiot who thinks he loves
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this country more than the -- more than me. i pay taxes and follow the rules and tell my children to respect, if you need respect, you should give respect, donald trump, what he did to this election is show the american people, if you call the people names, safe whatever you want to say and you are a white person, you can get away. -- safe whatever you want to say and you are a white person, you can get away. host: curtis in missouri, a parent, how do you feel about the protests? caller: when i was in school, i was a senior in high school, they did a senior skip day. they explained before the skip day that if they did this, they would be properly punished, they would be equipped with a paddle and expelled or they would fail.
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these children were like 18. i was 18 when i joined the army. learn responsibility and when you are in the army if you make mistakes and do things, you will get punished. host: what about the argument that they skip day is one thing but this is an exercise of first amendment rights? theyr: it does not matter, are supposed to be at school and follow the rules and if they break the rules, and they are explaining what the rules are. i have looked on the internet, in different countries they get out of control and go killing everybody and setting fire to everything and people are dying. police killthe those people's for setting fires to stuff. they do this in africa, i watched it on youtube. sheridan,mbus, ohio,
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what is your thoughts on these high school student walkouts? caller: thank you for taking my call and for starting c-span. the first and second amendments -- they have the right to protest, when i was 11 and my washer was 15 and fdr against wendell wilkie, we were old enough to know that we said we rose with roosevelt why will with wilkie. i am a korean war veteran. brian would do something on the blatant racism that is in this country. ,ix years before the civil war the michigan legislature passed any peace forbid
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officer from helping slavers going north to get their slaves back. that was 1855. i wish brian lamb would do something on the blatant racism, i want to quote oliver wendell holmes, former justice of the united states, he was also a civil war veteran. he said, the might of the big it is like the people of the i, the more light you shine on it, the smaller it gets. host: that is sheridan from columbus, ohio. one person writes, amazing to see the disrespect for future voters. another person says the student riots are ridiculous, they need to be in class, donald trump was elected, it is time to accept this and move on. washington, administrators, evan, go ahead.
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caller: first of all, i disagree with curtis. the students have every right to do what they believe in. host: are you currently working inside a school? caller: i work with a collegiate school. host: do you think the students should receive excused absences if they miss a test, assignments, etc.? if they are protesting this election? caller: absolutely, you have students coming in -- host: jim from king george, virginia, calling on the line for all others. what is your thoughts on the high school protests? caller: these protests were not organized the day after the election. they were organized before the election. they were organized to cheer on the next president who was going to be hillary clinton.
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all of the sudden, the day after the election, they are faced with the biggest, you know, upset probably in american history. o trumpy went out to bo on orders from their superiors, whoever they may be. i do not believe that you should have covered this, or if you are covering it honestly, you are going to express what really happened. host: you think that is true for the demonstrations among adults and in the high schools as well? caller: i am talking about the school protests. i think the kids were taking a the adults i believe are being led by george soros. donald, next, a parent,
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calling from san antonio, texas. donald, good morning to you. caller: good morning. that i do not understand why would you let people calling in and giving false information. if you are going to let them put that information out, ask them where they get it, it is about the students walking out. everyone on this planet, students, young people, old people, if they want to protest, they have a right to do that and we should not have people calling in spewing things about george soros. ask them where are you getting this information. this is what facebook is fighting against. once you put this out there, you can walk on the street, when i go to mcdonald's i will hear
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somebody said, where did you hear this from? c-span. host: we hear you donald. a few more minutes to get your phone calls and viewpoints from the newspaper, washington post columnist writes -- donald trump is going to be our president and saying #, president is the same thing as saying #not my my countryn or not or not my america, it is our america, all of us. hillary clinton won the popular vote, yes, a shameful 43% of you stayed at home. she writes, the same constitution that gives the protesters right to peaceful assembly created the electoral college and gave donald trump the white house, this is what democracy looks like. in the hill newspaper, a story about bill de blasio encouraging americans to keep protesting , sayingrump's victory
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in a radio interview, "we have to recognize that all over this country the more destruction that is caused peacefully, the more it will change the trajectory of things, we need to hold donald trump accountable for anything that he does that encourages hate and division, the more extreme he is, the more people fight back anymore it takes away from his power. " vicki is on the line, good morning. caller: i believe the children and do know what they're protesting about, the majority, you see the signs, protesting racism, sexism, and separation. they do know what they are doing . these are the children, the teenagers, they are not afraid not to look at each other by the color of our skin. barack obama had to go through it. with the racism.
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i do believe that the partyicans who ran this on a racism and there are a lot of people afraid. host: that is vicki from texas. miami, florida, the line for parents, alicia. caller: i think it is ok if they protest in the right way. it is difficult for the teachers to teach now when you have children crying in class because we are down here in florida, we have a lot of mexican migrants in these children are scared, their parents have been working the fields for many years so i think it is ok if they protest but protest in the right way. host: ma fromt buffalo, new york, calling on the line for parentst. there is a
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misunderstanding for the youthful mind now. , from the inception, has been about revolution and beginning, thehe 1800s, 1900, 19 60's, 1970's, 25, 30 years from now, these children will be memorialized and remembered for what they are doing. game, everyof the generation have had to go through the same exact things they're going through now and because of the lack of understanding of the mentality that they have, most of the people calling are stuck in their own pocket of the world and what they think and not trying to throw that at the youth out there now. i give more power to everybody that is out there trying to revolutionize some type of difference without the violence or anything like that because we need that, we always need that in america come if not, we turn into a country of people who are constantly being told what to do and doing it.
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there will always be a need for revolution and change and i think they are doing the right thing. host: our last caller for this segment will be michelle, upper marlborough, maryland, parent line. you have the last word. caller: thank you, c-span. i am a parent of three college-age students and i voted i will not say who i voted for but as a parent of three college-age students i am glad the students are protesting because my children are able to see that this country, there is a resistance to this bigotry that is out there. everyone tocourage see the movie, the 13th amendment. you can see what is happening in this country, it is all showed in the movie. host: that is michelle from maryland. that is all the time we have for this question.
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coming up next, timothy cama will join us to talk about the top federal regulations potentially on the chopping block in the truck administration and later the author and founder of the west wing report will talk about the challenges facing president-elect donald trump at super pac's to take office in just a few weeks. first, we learned that mike pompeo is donald trump's choice to lead the cia. the congressman appeared on this program earlier this year to discuss work on the intelligence committee and select benghazi committee. >> a great american who has kept young americans say for a long time. as for this issue, we asked hard questions about general petraeus of what he was doing and what is agency was doing. there were facilities related to his organization in benghazi that night but the ambassador was at the state department
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facility. embassy inat the tripoli, at the mission facility in benghazi proper that night. they had inadequate security. the question is how and what should we have done differently. e-mailsthe issue of the come and whether they would have been a risk if they would have been on account, we have not been able to secure all the information we needed and have asked the traitor edward snowden to steal that information come he should be brought back from russia and given due process. the proper outcome would be he would be given a death sentence for having put friends of mine and yours who served in the military today at enormous risk because of the information stolen released to foreign powers. i cannot let that go without saying, i sure you that that information was a lot more secure in the hands of the secure system that the government has spent hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars setting up, rather than on a private server in the home
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of hillary clinton. it is not a close call, a reason we have it set up that way, the transfer of information from a secure system to a nonsecure totem is almost impossible do with that great intention, someone has to intend to bring it out of the secure system, no connectivity between those two systems. someone chose to take them from one place, the place is classified information originated and was created, transferred it to secretary clinton's private server and the fbi is try to figure out how that happened. journal"ngton continues. host: our guest is a staff writer for the hill newspaper, timothy cama, talking bout the top regulations the trump administrations could undo. thank you for joining us. guest: thank you for having us -- me. host: explain what donald trump said about regulation at the
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campaign trail. he was he was -- guest: strongly against the obama administration's regulation, president obama had a lot of regulations throughout his time that were a failure for congress to act. a lot of them work just priorities he had from his time on the campaign trail. trump had a lot of specific regulations he did not like that he wanted to repeal. for example, regulations in the dodd frank financial rules -- act, environmental regulations, specifically mentioned that they were on the chopping block. and general, he took the same tactic a lot of republicans for decades have said, that regulations kill jobs and rig elections for businesses, things of that nature. and specifically obama's
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regulations he had problems with your he was very strongly against regulations on the campaign trail. a big difference between him and hillary clinton, hillary clinton wanted to continue a lot of the priorities president obama had throughout her time on the campaign trail. here -- host: here are some of regulations that donald trump could potentially undo as compiled by you and your most recent article. the clean power plant, clean water rule, ozone rule, fracking rule, dodd frank, the financial advisor will come over time role, contractor blacklisting rule, mandatory arbitration been, rules on payday loans, net neutrality, menus and expanded tobacco rules. doubt it is ad i comprehensive one of everything he might decide to change.
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how much power does donald trump have to roll back some of these regulations? guest: a lot of them are already final and through the regulatory process. in order to do that it would be in a president from power, he would have to go through the thatatory process and traditionally takes one year and sometimes more. it is subject to a cost-benefit analysis, various research about alternatives and that can be related -- can be litigated once it's finalized and in the courts decide if it is proper. that is where a lot of these rules will be overturned. if mr. trump sticks to his promises from the campaign trail. a lot of them could be legislated. congress is in republican hands for both chambers now and it
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will be in the next congress. that is something republicans may want to do themselves. it would be easier and faster for them to do. another option mr. trump will have is, if any of these regulations were made final in the last 60 legislative days of this year, about the middle of easilyen congress could relatively passive resolution to overturn them under a law called the congressional review act. that does not require the 60 votes in the senate and most legislation does, it only requires 51 votes, that would be a lot easier because the senate will only have 52 republicans and it will be harder to get to the 64 traditional legislation. 60 four traditional legislation. you can join in the conversation on donald trump's
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plan for deregulation. democrats, call 202-748-8000. republicans, the line is 202-748-8001. -- independence, 202-748-8002. thehowed a list of some of top regulations that could be impacted by a donald trump presidency. what are his priorities? we had a list of 14, does he have them ranked in some way? guest: a lot were within his 100 day plan -- the main plan he laid out was in his speech, in gettysburg, a couple of weeks before the end of the campaign season. those are essentially the most costly rules. the financial rules from. frank
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-- from. frank, the clean power plan on carbon emissions, on power plants, those are within those 100 day plan. some of these could even be on the first day that mr. trump take some sort of action to undo these. a lot of them are final already. that would just be starting the regulatory process of undoing them. we very well might see in the first day or first week, action on a lot of these. this was a priority for mr. trump on the campaign trail. i get the feeling he really wants to act on this quickly. the most expensive roles, the once he talked about would be among the first ones to get some sort of action to repeal. on that topic, it of the rules are under litigation now.
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the courts are considering whether to overturn them now. another option mr. trump has that he could go to the courts and say, i do not want to defend this anymore. the department of justice could say that to the courts. they do not have to drop the case necessarily. that could have a big impact on those cases. if the federal government made the rules, they will not defend them anymore. host: why is it so important to dollar trump to roll back regulations? what is the impact? guest: a lot have high costs. they are up for interpretation depending on who is calculating these costs. business groups in particular go on the higher end of these, there was a report out earlier this week from a business group that the obama administration i
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believe had $42 billion of regulations that mr. trump could roll back. that is the main thing. on the campaign trail, a lot of times mr. trump tried to connect these regulations from inside the beltway directly to the pains voters are feeling. on the environmental regulations, he would go to cold countryand tell -- coal and tell people regulations are why you're hurting. that is true with labor related regulations that he and other republicans are trying to connect directly to voters. this is making things more expensive. this is impacting your bottom line. that was a big theme throughout the campaign trail, he wants to make life easier and put more money in the pocketbooks of these average everyday americans. host: let's hear from the
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callers. logan, west virginia, democratic line, scotty, you are on the year with timothy cama of "the hill." caller: i am a democrat who voted for donald trump because that rules and regulations president obama has instated in our country has put a choke hold on this country so badly that it has caused so many jobs and so many people's livelihood that it is unreal. is our virginia, coal main source of income and coal-related business. with the epa choking down these rules, we had clean coal technology and it was just starting up, coal turned into gasoline, all kinds of stuff, then obama changed all the epa rules and it made everything a
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ghost town. a lot of families lost their homes, cars, livelihoods, that is just the coal industry. these other rules and regulations, like where they changed just one word, like for water in strains, he changed it to where he had control, the government had control of all the waterways. in the streams, then they put regulations on all them. host: timothy cama? guest: environmental regulations are a big priority for mr. trump. the clean power plan is one of the biggest ones the caller was talking about. host: explain what it does? guest: it puts limits on the carbon dioxide emissions from power plants.
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cut in the a 32% power sector's carbon emissions by 2030, pretty aggressive. that is expected to hit the coal industry hard. shut down some plants. of coal plants have been shut down in the last few years because of regulation and because of -- mostly because of competition from natural gas. that is one of the targets for donald trump when he gets into office, another one of the regulations that is in litigation now. and the washington, d.c. circuit court of appeals. if they do not rule between january 20, donald trump my say he will not defend it anymore and that would have some sort of impact on it. was talking about the waters of the united states rule, another one that is on hold. it is pending litigation. epa is where the
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asserting its authority over small waterways such as streams, ponds, wetlands, things of that nature's. republicans say it is a federal power grab that affects waterways private. that is a prime one that donald trump talked about on the campaign trail. aat is something that will be potential priority within the first 100 days to take some sort of action to start rolling that back and eventually roll it back completely. or something congress wants to deal with and could also repeal through those means. host: frank from reading, pennsylvania, what do you think? caller: thank you for taking my call. they talk about ecology and stuff, one thing you have to do is make cars get 55 miles per gallon. that was 50 years ago.
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i work with a guy who worked in a garage in 1989, he bought a catlike and drove around for two weeks -- cadillac and drove around for two weeks and said my gauge does not work, he was getting 55 miles per can you imagine getting 55 miles a gallon? guest: president obama was very aggressive on vehicle rules for efficiency. target prettyles aggressive, 54 miles per gallon eventually within the vehicle fleet. carmakers are opposed to that right now. the auto alliance, the main lobbying group for car daysacturers, a couple of after the election there wrote an open letter to mr. trump
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asking him to roll back those efficiency regulations. they say that adds a lot of cost to the cars, that they have to pass on to consumers. this could be another place where mr. trump could say this will help consumers to roll back potentiallyion, and roll back these cost increases for vehicles. president obama was aggressive with efficiency rules for heavy-duty trucks, 18 wheelers. his most recent rule on track efficiency was finalized this year. that is one of the rules that mr. trump -- congress could use a congressional review act to easily and quickly repeal if it wanted to. if it doesn't have quite as much opposition of some of the other regulations, such as the financial or labor ones, but that very well could be something where mr. trump could make a case that this will save americans money.
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it will save companies money that can be passed on to them. gwendolyn from macon, georgia on the republican line. go ahead. caller: thank you for taking my call. i am concerned about the payday loan information that you have. i know one time it was really bad here in georgia and i don't thatwhat has happened caused it to get to go away, but people don't need -- anybody needing to get a payday loan really can't afford it. i'm wondering if the gentleman is talking about possibly procedures being put in place and will reopen that. abuse of theble very poor. and hisresident obama
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federal agencies target a lot of financial abuses of consumers throughout the presidency. the payday lending industry was targeted. something verys costly to consumers that wasn't necessary. area thatobably an mr. trump might try to go after as well because again, this is something that congressional republicans had opposed from the get-go. the entire dodd frank reform regulation. mr. trump might try to do something there. dodd-frank's rule, congress has been talking for a while about repealing the entire law during --. paydayght help of the
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industry and bring back some of the industry that had been shut down. host: from bloomberg news, wants toansition team dismantle the dot-frank act. big banks got bigger well community institutions have disappeared at a rate of one per day. the taxpayers remain on the hook. servicescial implementation team will be working to dismantle the dot-frank act and replace it with new policies to encourage economic -- economic growth. dolly from apple valley, california on the democratic line. caller: good morning. matter,lling on another thisimothy is explaining morning.
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fewer doing what i wanted you to do, explain a little bit more in right on.t virginia pennsylvania, right on. i am a democrat but i voted for donald trump. i am glad. regulations, the payday loan, the young lady who just hung up. people need extra cash. once a month or every other month. that the car loan payday $2500,can go and get
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cash loaned and then they pay -- that isnd they the responsibility of the small business owners those payday loans. -- banks, i looked into this the banking industry that want to to cross that. they were losing money. i think the government needs to stay out of what the americans -- i am needed extra $150 to pay for a part for my car. others, i hopehe that donald trump follows through and crushes a lot of these policies. host: that's dolly from california. the payday loan regulations like a lot of these regulations, republicans and
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business as dress and banking and such -- and banking and such feel there are enough regulations already and this is something that the market can decide. as the caller said, there are situations where people need them, mr. trump and to his colleagues and his allies, this is a prime place to say it was probably ok before these regulations and to roll back what happened there and get this back to the american people. and to the industry itself. of of republican -- on the floor. the fact is these are not accidents. midnight rules are in fact a liberally held to the end of an administration. that is the reason they are called the tight rules. today said that, the bill
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, 5982, is not in fact about midnight rules. we already have legislation to take care of that. what we do not have is an effective weight to do it when we are dealing with perhaps 100, 120, 100 50, if not checked, perhaps more in times to come midnight rules from an outgoing administration. we are talking today about the balance of power, about whether congress should be efficient and effective in its ability to consider legislation. in this case, legislation done by the other branch, a branch not constitutionally allowed to do legislation, let's remember regulations are in fact a loan to the executive branch to clarify legislation done by this body. if we believe that they do not fairly and appropriately interpret our legislation in the
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rule-making, if we believe they exceeded the authority or the meaning of the legislation, whether past just a few days ago or a few years ago or in fact a century ago, we have an obligation to bring up and consider and respond. to timothye talking kammer from the hill newspaper. tell us more about these midnight regulations. guest: midnight regulations, that is the term that people use that anyations administration does at the end of the president the in the last couple of months. the house passed the bill early this week, which was after the regulations making it very easy to repealss next year all of these regulations that they want to. there was only the house that passed it, the senate is not likely to take it up and
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president obama is not likely to sign it. this is something that the republicans have been talking about for a while now, ever since they knew that president obama would be out of office soon. president obama is continuing his regulatory push. they say he is speeding it up. he is getting out these regulations that he promised for a while. earlier this week the bureau of land management, which manages a rule land at west made limiting methane emissions from natural gas drilling on national land. that was a climate change thing and a matter of preserving the resources that belong to the taxpayer, since this methane belongs to taxpayers. that is something that pretty quickly that congressional republicans said that they want to repeal that as soon as donald trump gets in office.
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it would fall under this midnight regulations definition that the house used in its legislation. if a bill were to become law, that is something congress could easily undo a lot of these last few regulations. georgia on the republican line. good morning to you. caller: please the company off. essentially, regulations are done by the president and only the president and they can be undone by the new president. if you don't like the way the constitution is written, start a revolution. that's all i have to say, go and people in west virginia voted against hillary clinton because of all these regulations. the country voted against you
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people. on the coast. bill, from georgia. let's bring in one more caller. colorado, an independent line. interesting, i just had a survey called less night regarding some of these environmental issues. a young woman called and told me. i am also a registered democrat that voted for donald trump. one thing that your guest said earlier, he said if you go back 60 legislative days and the next thing you doubt, 60 legislative days goes into may. half a year these people are only working 60 days or it i hope president trump being a feetessman holds congress to the fire and says, you are not going to get your full day if you don't work five days a
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week. i think that would help out a lot of the issues that we are talking about here in getting things done much faster. thank you. congressman, was talking about on the clip a few minutes ago, congress is responsible for legislating under the constitution. they let the executive branch legislative in some instances. that's how you get to that litigation and two court cases challenging to say congress did not quite allow that. cannot literally tell congress how long they have to work or when they can or cannot take vacations but they very well might feel that perhaps his last election the feelings of voters should push
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them to be in session more, to work more often and get more done and get more specific instructions to the best regulators about what to do and what not to do. many --esident obama issued many executive actions and orders as well. what would it take for donald trump to overturn some of theirs? guest: donald trump with a stroke of a pen could undo those. under anyregulations particular law in just interpreting laws or instructing or something like that. for example, president obama has given a lot of instructions and restrictions to federal contractors, for example, on discriminating against gay and lesbian people, for example, or many other restrictions for
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federal contractors. those are the sorts of things -- if held trump wanted to repeal those he could do it with the stroke of a pen. it is within the president power to undo those. host: arkansas is calling next on the republican line. that's the, go ahead. complaint isggest on global warming. i resent -- i see my fellow americans and all of the struggling so hard. we are being forced to pay for global warming which i believe is propaganda. if you look at the melting ice ages, it appears to me that this warming is part of earth cycle. there was a man around to melt the ice. andlieve this is propaganda they are stuffing it down our throats along with everything else. itsy from arkansas.
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can you talk about some of these regulations, the environmental ones that are on the chopping lock the ozone or fracking world? guest: some of these are mentionedo mr. trump on the campaign trail that he targeted to undo. monoxide fromn are emissionsthey that cause climate change. they are part of a -- an aggressive agenda from president obama to fight climate change. federal power over small waterways, the ozone regulation is not something that mr. trump mentioned all that often. this is something that republicans, the fossil fuel
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industry feel they want overturn ed. probably mr. trump will want to take some sort of action on this , maybe not a full-scale repeal. they can point to various respiratory illnesses like asthma attacks. that is oneups say of the most expensive regulations that the federal government has ever written. this is the sort of thing that would fit in with mr. trump's message of trying to appeal regulations and make life easier for americans. he might feel like i'm doing or weakening that to help. the fracking rule is something from the bureau of land management. that sets sanders on hydraulic tocturing which is a process
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recover oil and natural gas. that was recently overturned by a federal district court in wyoming. the obama administration appeal that to a circuit court. litigation right now so mr. trump, once he gets into office, his department of justice could drop that appeal. that is one of the strategies mr. trump could use. minus simple. i want people to understand that when you let business people do things that they want to do, often it is not good for you.
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any kind of water near you, if you can go there and drink the water safely then i will go 40 regulation. but it's not. it is foolish to walk around here and let them do what they want. regulations are good. businessmen are wonderful at times but way too often they do not concern themselves with the things that concern all of us. business interests, republicans, even the most ardent anti-regulation forces in the country, they do feel there is a place for regulation, there is a place for example, preserving the environment, clean air and water. mr. trump said he does feel strongly about these things. and he will when he feels in office, preserve clean air and
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water. but there is a place for obamation, president through his eight years thought that there wasn't enough on this, which is lined he was so aggressive in a lot of these stasis -- spaces to regulate. he took care in his regulations to take into account the concerns of the business community, to try to make these things that can work with. plant heclean power listened to power utilities and try to make this into something that sort of works with the way that businesses is already working with the power industry. shifting generation from a coal-far -- fire power plant. their argument is this is already working under the way the business is currently conducted. therefore, it is something that
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is relatively easy to comply with. host: we spoke about some of the financial regulations that might be undone. sec, maryoman of the jo white was on capitol hill this week and she urged congress not to dismantle.-frank. >> i think the reforms that are complex -- contained are important to strengthening our protection of investors. we are stronger and more resilient than we were before the various reforms in the dodd-frank act. i would not want to see those rescinded or repeal. host: what do you make of her remarks? she has been involved with a lot of these regulations and writing some of these regulations. wantss something that she to preserve. she mentioned the folder --
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volker rule. that is a high target, of congressional republicans when it comes to the regulations under the doctrine act that they want to undo. trump says dodd --nk really hurts a lot of well making big banks larger. he feels that whole act probably needs to be repealed. that's what republicans want to do. they might try to preserve some parts of it. a lot of those regulations they don't like and a lot they want to repeal or repeal the entire dodd frank law. robert from delray beach
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florida. calling as an independent. good morning. caller: good morning. i am an independent. president -- for secretary of state hillary clinton. i just feel that regulations have been used by those on the right -- not necessarily the far right. -- i have aian libertarian streak. particularly the financial , i am that were mentioned socially liberal. florida -- ground zero. i don't believe he was the first president to do this. there is something called the mexico city policy.
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i am concerned that he will have maybe three appointments and will shift even more to the right which includes the issue -- let me say one last thing. people generally come of our right of the spectrum, they just don't like government and regulation. there was a governor in -- mario that government is important. regulations are important. think about water, i know it is a general point, but i am a not a knee-jerk -- a reactionary against regulation. i have my opinions.
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i was thinking about what the gentleman just said about various in -- banking issues i am thinking to myself, mr. trump , he is saying one thing to one group and one to another. if you really think he will do that it depends on -- whose ox is being gored. guest: a lot of these regulations were in area that president obama did not feel were properly regulated before. example, the environment, clean water. almost anybody who is president -- they say they want some balance with these regulations. nobody wants to completely deregulate everything or socialize everything. these disagreements are about
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where the balance is. even president trump, he will not be against all regulations, he wants to protect workers, .lean air and water, consumers that may drive some regulations that he wants to keep from president obama or wants to write new regulations if he feels it will help americans in some way. from west chesterfield, new hampshire, on the democratic line. good morning. caller: good morning c-span and good morning to your guest. i would like to tell you what i think i can expect from donald trump presidency. what benefits donald trump. if it tends to benefit someone else along the way, fantastic. he will start by repealing the
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tax, that will benefit his family by about a billion dollars. you will move on to eminent land howeverve the he sees fit. indian reservations that have the gravesites that they want to put pipeline through, i think they can forget about their burial grounds at that point. donald trump will move on to -- tax. that can deny that man-made pollution is not affecting our atmosphere can't pump thousands -- tons and tons of garbage into our atmosphere and expect it will not have-- host: that was run. -- ron. of the areas that donald trump my want to take some action in the presidency,
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he might need congress to weigh in if he wanted to make any , or if to eminent domain he wanted to do something really big on abortion rights, then that would be areas where congress would have to weigh in. president obama had so many regulations throughout his eight years and he was aggressive with that, when he felt that congress wasn't acting properly those are all areas of the weakness of his legacy where president trump could relatively take aor maybe it will little while and have to go through regulations, could repeal those or roll those back in their entirety or partially. used a lot ofrump rhetoric on the campaign trail. has he given us any signals about how he might perform as
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president when it comes to deregulation? some of the transition material he has put out on his website gives some details about some regulations he wants to repeal. he probably will release some hee detailed plans about -- has a couple of options for a lot of these regulations or enforcement or something along those lines that he might get a little bit more specific about what he is going to do. host: katie from grant pass, oregon on the independent line. you know that big
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-- he is going to do away with net neutrality? host: net neutrality in the final few seconds here. guest: there is some action the fcc took late in the obama presidency. that is something republicans feel very strongly about. they do not think there was a problem with this with the way the businesses were handling data traffic and things of that nature. mr. trump talked about this very little on the campaign trail. this is one of those areas where
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congressional republicans are going to try to take some action there. the fcc is a commission. mr. trump's direct control over it is limited. he can still put pressure, still to try totments direct it the way that he wants to and potentially to repeal what the fcc has done on that. is a reportercama for "the hill" newspaper. coming up next, we will talk to here to talk about the challenges facing president-elect trump as he prepares to take office in just a few weeks. .nd later on, richard painter we will talk about conflict of interest issues facing president-elect trump as he built his white house staff and cabinet. his victim we learned that michael flynn will serve as president-elect donald trump's national security advisor.
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c-span covered an event where the lieutenant general talked -- the general was asked what role the national security council should play when combating isis. [video clip] >> the national secure to council consists of the president, vice president, secretary of state and secretary of defense. the staff is bloated. lovee young people come i to take good care and counsel and mentor and help grow young people, but the national security staff right now is so and it's inexperienced very clear and it is too big. with that size of an organization that sits around the decision-making body called the national security council, right around the president, when it is so big and lax and agility
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come everybody has their own thing they want to get into the president or vice president or secretary of state were secretary of defense, we end up piece mailing ourselves. g ourselves.mealin there was some work done by the committee doesl really good work and it is so true -- it is too big. it is too young and inexperienced. that down to a place where we can have the agility, flexibility, , the types of strategic thinking and advising that a president needs to be able to make decisions. our interagency process, i'm
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sick of that word. or phrase. the interagency process. i'm sick of it. it does not work. we will take it into the interagency process that's got help us -- god help us. on the battlefield, i would tell people the lack, do what you need to do. -- go act. do what you need to do. i will provide the top cover or whatever it is you are going to do because we cannot operate in a world that is moving at the speed of light today with a national security staff structure that we have around what michael just described as the most powerful country in the planet. we just can't have it because we -- thatave an agility is a real problem today. >> "washington journal" continues. host: our guest now is paul
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brandus, the founder for west wing report. he's also the author of "under this roof." thank you for being here this money cou morning. let's talk about the most recent picks donald trump has made to stab his cabinet, meaning several people for national security positions that's what are those names tell us about how he might approach the presidency? guest: they reflect what he talked about during the campaign , michael flynn and jeff sessions, these are all regarded as the outliers relative to the republican establishment. they are pretty far right figures in some cases. mike pompeo has been in the
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house for six years. some of the things he has talked ,bout, he thinks edward snowden the nsa turncoat, if you want to use that word, who fled to russia after revealing secrets about eavesdropping, he thinks he should be executed. he thinks the torture techniques that have been banned by the geneva conventions should be allowed and used by the u.s. he thinks guantanamo should stay open. these are the figures we are talking about. michael flynn, the former director of the cia, a mixed picture, he had a good record in the field in iraq and afghanistan tearing down terror networks. as a manager, his marks appear to be a bit more questionable.
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, he tends to out fly off the cup with his twitter comments. when some people say, look, this is the guy who will be making the final recommendation to the president on issues of national security, do you want someone who has shown a tendency to be a bit rash with his comments? nevertheless, these are the folks the president-elect has chosen. host: there's been some any questions around candidate trump versus president trump. will the to be one in the same or will there be a difference? what do these names show? president-elect talks about doing these far right things, cracking down on immigration, securing the borders, perhaps discriminating against muslims -- there's talks
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muslimossibly having visitors from countries that have been branded as terror ,tates or havens of terrorists having to register before coming here, things like that. these are the things that he talks about during the campaign and based on these early names that he has chosen, i think we have to assume these are the policies they will in fact pursue. you couldcurious if talk about the potential learning curve for donald trump. you wrote a column recently in "marketwatch" that starts like this -- when you're a five-star general liked dwight d. eisenhower, you give in order and people jump --
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what lessons of governing will donald trump have to learn here? guest: it's very interesting -- trump's supporters seem to think and he seems to think he can just come into the white house and wave a magic wand and all these things that he's talked about are going to happen. the chief executive officer, the ceo of your own privately owned company, which he is, you have enormous latitude to do literally whatever you want. you can hire and fire anybody you want. presidents cannot do that. that the understand president is really only head of one third of the federal government. there's this pesky thing right across the street called the legislature and the supreme court is right across from that.
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we have these things called checks and balances. ceo of your own privately held company, not a publicly owned company that is responsible for meeting or satisfying wall street analysts and so forth, privately held ceo , enormous power to do whatever you want. when he comes into the white house, he will be constrained by these checks and balances and i think you may find it quite -- the story i wrote about truman predicting difficulties for eisenhower, at least eisenhower was very quick learner and it took them several months to figure out how to work within the system. all presidents have learning curves. even president obama said i'm still learning after eight years. there's nothing that prepares you for this job. there could be some difficulties because he's making
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this enormous transition from the private sector. host: there have been a lot of reports about turmoil within donald trump's transition team. can you give us historical perspective on how far along his transition team is compared to past presidents? guest: i would not worry too much about that. people seem to forget these stories about disarray -- i'm not sure what they mean by that. at this point in 2008 after barack obama was elected, he did not really name any of his cabinet officials until december 1. he named hillary clinton secretary of state and robert as secretary of eric holder as attorney general and so forth. not until december 1. this is the 19th of november. at this point, obama had just named rahm emanuel to be his chief of staff.
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trump is there. securitynational adviser, obama did not name his national security advisor until early december. when they say disarray, i think it's just media talk. when you compare the calendar to what past presidents have done, i think he is on track. host: democrats, your number is 202-748-8000. republicans, 202-748-8001. independents, 202-748-8002. .ou can also send us a tweet let's hear from virginia beach, virginia. betty is calling on the democratic line. go ahead with your question or comment. caller: good morning. say, i'mnt to heartbroken about the election. -- extremely heartbroken
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abouttremely heartbroken the election, about the transition team. we are getting just what he campaigned on. i'm jewish, i'm not that religious at all, really. all in all, he's got that bannon, he's a white emetic,list, anti-so -- general flynn said ,slam was not really a religion it was ideology, something to that effect. i think he's a little on the
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bigoted side, too. jeff sessions, i never liked. i heard about him being rejected judge.s ago for the other guy who will be in charge of the cia -- some people seem to think highly of him. about blacksments -- i am so heartbroken about the selection. -- this election. guest: you're not a fan. host: your thoughts? guest: it's a very divided country. the lady's sentiments reflect cap the country. some of the names we've talked about like pompeo and jeff sessions and michael flynn, critics have plenty of ammo to fire at these guys based on
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their backgrounds, their comments and tweets. lady's comment is well taken. i have a feeling you will get a call in a minute from someone who has a very different point of view. host: boston, massachusetts. mark is calling on the independent line. isler: my biggest concern the media coverage has not changed -- leading up to the election, the campaign, 99% of the media was just doing everything they can to label trump a racist and homophobic. it did not work. they are not changing their tune at all with the transition. all these people are racist homophobes. if this continues on and on -- if you look at it, that is not the case.
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he said bannon is not an anti-semite. people have to look at -- same thing with flynn. flynn challenged the administration on his support for the rebels -- he did not go along with arming the rebels. , i want tobrandus ask you about donald trump's relationship with the press, which has been highly adversarial. what can we expect to see going forward? a rather posh to restaurant in midtown the other night. he snuck out of the trump tower six blocksthout --
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from where he lives and works. the press corps is very upset about that. for people who attacked the me guessing they are a bunch of they don't have to go with the president all the time, i understand those sentiments. public opinion of the media is at a record low. there is good reason for that. we saw during the campaign, to the gentleman's comment a couple minutes ago, media comments y're smug and arrogant, there is some kernel they have no reason to travel with the president-elect, he is entitled to his privacy, i understand that, but nevertheless, when you are the president or the president-elect, you have gone overnight from being a private figure two an extreme the public figure.
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during times of emergency or crisis, which can pop up at any , it's important for the american public to know where the president is, what the president is doing. the best example of that is on september 11, 2001 when the press pool was whittled down toause they were in a hurry get out of florida that they, they traveled all over the place with president bush that day. the press secretary said even on 9/11, we understood the importance, it is a national emergency, people want to know where the president is, what he is up to. i think it's very important that the press pool travels with the president. not because the press is entitled to be with the president at all times -- the american people need to know where their elected officials are. donald trump networks for the american people. they have a right to know where
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he is and what he is up to. -- donald trump now works for the american people. host: debbie from flint, michigan on the democratic line. caller: good morning. regulations are meant to protect the american people. my position is corporations have taken over this country. when we elect a ceo as president. donald trump needs to be very careful -- these pixies made are very dangerous. -- these picks he's made are very dangerous. for flynn to say during all muslims is rational -- that one statement should have disqualified him. i'm a huge hillary fan. i feel horrible, but he does not when you look -- at 60 million voted for him, 60 million voted for her, i have a hard time finding 43% do not program. -- did not vote for him. host: the donald trump have a
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mandate -- it does donald trump have a mandate? guest: in 2008, barack obama beat mitt romney by 9.5 million votes. the margin was 9.5 million votes. the republican said that is not a mandate. absolutely not. and yet now much trump did not even win the popular vote and they say he has a mandate -- it depends on what side of the fence you are on here. --you lose the popular vote he's the best person in american history who will become president while losing the popular vote -- the fifth person in american history. i hardly think that is a mandate. on generalarlier flynn and his anti-muslim rhetoric, when he was going in
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and out of trump tower the last couple of days, you notice the police presence outside and in the lobby, i wonder if he's aware of the new york police department having 900 muslim police officers on the new york police force who are there to protect him. i wonder if he's aware of that. it's difficult to make a blanket about onetion religion as he seems to have done. 900 muslim cops in new york's police department. host: you've compared donald trump to andrew jackson and ronald reagan. what are the similarities there? guest: i'm not sure we have enough time to talk about that. really theson was first president who was not a founding father. john quincy adams the son of a founding father.
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populistckson was this from tennessee, he was a man of the people. that's why they call him a populist. he came to town with just this wrecking ball mentality that you hear trump talking about. washington was a swamp, it was built on a swap -- it is literally a swamp. when trump talks about draining the swamp, one, i say good luck with that. of, it reminds me in a way what jackson was tried to do -- he was an outsider, a rabble-rouser. they loved andrew jackson. jackson was actually a military hero. he had quite a public record before he got into politics.
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nevertheless, the populist comparison is it. i'm trying to remember why i compared him to reagan -- reagan, in a way, he painted himself as something as an outsider. i never really bought that because -- the comparison with reagan is that people think he ,as unqualified, he was rash irrational, a dangerous guy who all get us into wars -- this fear mongering talk we hear about trump, i would point out that reagan was actually a two-term governor of the biggest and most complex state in the country. which actually represented more executive experience than the prior 15 presidents who had also been governors. reagan was enormously experienced when he came to washington. trump has a different kind of experience in the private sector.
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say he is some sort of neophyte, i don't buy that, either. host: barbara in texas on the independent line. good morning to you. caller: thank you for taking my call. in his pick of his cabinet, he is doing what he thinks best. when you compare to what obama put in his cabinet, i don't think the democrats have anything to say about it because of the radical people that obama is otheris with all the mess -- if trump wants to put these people in, he has that right. the news media is going crazy.
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in the newsve faith media because they are so biased on everything that anybody does. give the man a chance. i hope he brings america back to show the democrats that it can be done. when you say -- i appreciate your point -- when you say the news media is theletely biased, you know e-mail story about hillary clinton and her servers and all that? you are certainly aware of that story, right? you know who first broke the story of that? it was the liberal "new york times" which everyone seems to hate. they are the ones that broke the story of the e-mail service. what do you think about that? there are plenty of other how does that support your view that the media is always out to get trump and
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is always in favor of hillary given one glaring example i just gave you? how do you reconcile that? that one example when you get 90% against -- guest: i could give you plenty examples if we had the time -- i think you're inventing your 90%. caller: i watch msnbc more than fox news. i hear this day in and day out. trump has the responsibility of putting people around him that he thinks will help him do his job. guest: i totally agree. caller: you get all this criticism of all these people -- even if jeff sessions was radical as the left would call ago, the man with his experience, they don't give him credit -- and be he's grown in his views.
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that's maybe he's grown in his views. host: next caller will be, from akron, ohio calling on the democratic line. akron, caller: you mentioned draining the swamp. when mr. trump mentioned that, i was going to look for red flags. the first one i saw in the people of ohio know this name -- kenneth blackwell. anyone out of the state of ohio who doesn't know who j kenneth blackwell is that he was the attorney general under the only sitting governor i know of convicted of a felony while sitting in office. hundreds of thousands of teachers lost their pension due to investment in the rare coin
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collection -- i start with j kenneth blackwell. he's scum and the people of ohio know it. he is more familiar with mr. blackwell than probably the rest of us. trump talks about draining the swamp -- no question there are a lot of things here that need cleaning up. one thing trump intends to do with this ban on lobbyists he brought aim, bunch of lobbyists and initially to help with some of these transition issues and when mike pence took over the transition team, these lobbyists were given the boot. that, at least according to some people who might know more about this than
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us, seem to think it will be hard for him to attract the right kind of talent to come and work for him when people know they will be banned from going lobbying -- i'm not sure i agree with that view. there are a lot of counted, dedicated people who understand the value of public service. he will find enough good people to work for him. host: historian politico with more information on that -- three lobbyists have left president-elect trump's team after they imposed a new ethics policy that would require them to drop all their clients --
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let's turn to henderson, nevada. lee is calling on the republican line. what the independent i hear my news on all the local channels and all the large channels and right after they were elected, i heard four of these seven -- what can we do to stop this when trump comes in? i really get upset with these people protesting. part of it is hillary saying "keep the fight on."
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these are college students that haven't done nothing but read books. there's a picture of people. -- mixture of people. host: linda from kentucky on the independent line. good morning. caller: good morning. how are you doing? thank you for your time. thisin concern with all of -- i know i'm scared and there's a lot of other people scared. the biggest concern we all need to look at is going to be the climate change issue. it is a proven fact and we know we are four degrees away from our tipping point. regardless of the personal issues people may have with everything, it's not going to matter. the instability that will be created with just a natural disasters because of the climate
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change, the world instability, the insecurity of our national security -- he's been talking to theis appointments epa, which is really scary. , what's yourandus thought? guest: on climate change? we all know trump calls it a hoax. the data suggests otherwise. i know that when the president and the president-elect met a week and half ago, they talked about that. the president urged him to not pull out of this paris treaty. it's hard to pull out of the treaty because of the legal framework around that. what trump could do as president is simply choose not to enforce the mechanism of it. the fact is, there have been
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whoes of corporate leaders have urged the president-elect to get on board with this. the data is overwhelming. scientistsjority of seem to think the evidence is incontrovertible. there are some people who will never buy that. some90% of people say thing a stroke my tend to go with a 97%. that's when 97% of people say something is true, i tend to go with the 97%. aheadcountries will move with or without us. community seesss in norman's opportunity in turn to mitigate climate change and adapt to it. int's enormous opportunity trying to mitigate climate change. he will find himself swimming
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against the tide of this data and what business consensus is, the pentagon and its recent review calling climate change in national security issue. on and on. i think you will have a lot of opposition to overcome, despite this campaign talk about it being a hoax. in his victory speech after the election, donald trump talked about the need for unity to heal and move forward. i want to read some tweets that he just sent out -- he put out a second week that tweet that said --
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aw unusual is it for president-elect to put out statements like this? what does it say about the call for unity? guest: i saw that video of the parentser the show when and his detail were leaving and the cast said, hang on, a second. we really appreciate you coming to see our show and we urge you to heed the messages in the show and work for all of us and work for inclusion. i have not heard what reaction pence had, but there's the reaction from the president. we have heard in these phone calls here that there is an enormous amount of anxiety, nervousness, fear, pick your adjective about trump. on the other side, some of those
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points are legitimate -- q1 won, he has every right to pick the people he thinks will deliver his objectives. the comments in the theater and the phone calls today, not surprised -- host: here are the numbers to dial. democrats, 202-748-8000. republicans, 202-748-8001. .ndependents, 202-748-8002 we are also reading your tweets. in's hear from barbara suffolk, virginia on the republican line. good morning to you. caller: good morning. i believe that president trump is going to be a terrific president. he is bound to be a whole lot better than what we've had for
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the last eight years. regulations are concerned and his transition team, i think they are doing a wonderful job. they are picking people they believe will do what is right. the gentleman that called earlier about climate change, i believe there is climate change, but i don't believe it is caused by anything that humans are doing. it is just a normal thing that happens through the centuries. -- i is one other thing wish that c-span or somebody would get the word out -- i keep won thehow clinton popular vote. she did not. vote, she lost by 14,000 votes.
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the one million or so fraudulent votes that were cast for her in philadelphia. believe he needs a chance ,nd i believe that the people to stop their show in the middle of the show to denigrate vice pence waselect irresponsible. as far as we can tell, michigan has yet to be called. about --e other thing i'm not sure where the lady is , but there facts were not one million fraudulent votes cast in philadelphia,
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unless the lady from virginia has evidence about pennsylvania fraud that she would care to put forward. i'm not sure where people get these things -- there are still a lot of votes in california that have not been counted and when all is said and done, i think the data is going to show that clinton actually will win the popular vote by about 80% margin. -- a 2% margin. heard some of these, this new trend about fake news circulating that this lady saying one million fraudulent votes -- that is really quite ridiculous and we have to call things like that out. clinton won the popular vote and that's all there is to it.
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college,the electoral but won the popular vote. host: eduardo on the democratic line. caller: hello. i know he's mentioning some good trump for his cabinet -- hasn't paid taxes in 15 years. businesses all over the world. host: eduardo from new york. guest: the issue of how he's ,oing to conduct his business
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how his businesses are going to be run while he is separating from them is a really uncharted waters here. he says he will place his businesses in a blind trust, which is what you do. in a blind trust to be administered by his children -- not so blind when you do that. the way to do it and the way it's always been done is you place your holdings in a blind trust to be managed by an independent trustee, not your sons and daughters. that is a huge ethical violation and just a trouble waiting to happen. trustn't have a blind when your own sons and daughters are running it. simply does not work that way. previouswe know how presidents may have handled
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similar situations? have other presidents also used blind trusts? did,: what president obama he made his money from things like book deals and speaking -- his money, when you look at his tax returns, which he has released, there are things like the municipal bonds and treasury bonds and things like that. he is not managing them. they are run by an independent trustee. , prior to trump, the wealthiest president we've ever had, that's what he did. they did a pretty good job of separating his holdings from the unchartedwe are in
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waters with trump because his holdings are so vast and they are geographically dispersed. there are countries all over the world in which they do business and his kids will be traveling all over the world doing business deals because that's what they do. fitis all of that going to with his diplomatic efforts and foreign policy missions and military efforts? host: connie from fort myers, florida is our next caller. the morning. -- republican line. good morning. trump is going to surround himself with people to uphold the laws of the land. my biggest issue is immigration. as a legal, italian immigrant, we waited in line, earned the right to be here, we learned to speak english.
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i see it very strongly, that's exactly what needs to be done. i'm sick of people calling him a bigot, that he hates immigrants and so on -- he wants to get the illegals out of here and get in line like they should. host: final color for the segment that caller for the segment. ryan from california on the democratic line. caller for the segment. ryan from california on the democratic line. caller: good morning. hello? i'm betting on trump's ego that he will be a great president. host: paul brandus, your final thoughts.
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if nothing else this election has shown, the media vastly underestimated him -- he beat expectations by a country mile. he took down the bush dynasty, took down the clinton dynasty, far more experienced political rivals and poor people laughing saying there's no way this guy will never be president, look at him now. chance,titled to have a he has every right t a point whoever he wants to work with them. int whoever he wants to work with him. we have to give him a chance and hope for the best. host: paul brandus, thank you for joining us this money. coming up next, we will talk to richard painter.
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we will discuss conflict of interest issues facing donald trump as he unveils his white house staff and cabinet. the president-elect will nominate alabama republican senator jeff sessions to service as attorney general. earlier this year, senator sessions question the questionedch -- loretta lynch. [video clip] >> this is a huge thing. these things destroy lives. not just overdose deaths -- people unable to function and work anymore. families are destroyed. people destroy their whole careers. young people destroy their ability to have a financially secure future. they commit crimes based on these addictions and uses. the dea administrator noted that 120 people die a day of heroin
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overdose in the united states. you indicate that law enforcement plays a key role, cdc noted that law enforcement must intensify its efforts to reduce the availability of heroin, fentanyl and other illegal opioids. would you agree with that? >> certainly that is an important goal and it is a goal of ours. >> law enforcement must continue to have the tools it needs to attack criminal groups who is a locate drug addiction -- facilitate drug addiction. >> certainly those criminal groups are a major target of hours. -- of ours. users60,000 new heroine every year -- we continue our efforts from an enforcement
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perspective and a prevention .erspective >> are you aware of the fact that your own executive office that operates under your direction at the end of 2015 found that the six-month average of drug prosecutions by the u.s. department of justice was down 21%. compared to five years ago. aware that the six-month average was nearly 32% lower at the end of 2015 than five years ago? >> the number does not surprise me. we have moved through a process of focusing less on the low level individual offenders toward targeting the trafficker networks you've noted. have -- >> i've heard that argument.
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we are always focusing on hire people. that's why the numbers are down. people.r i do not believe that. attorney general holder has abandoned the equitable sharing of drug proceeds with local law enforcement which is degenerating the cooperation needed to attack these gangs. proposing reductions in -- reduced crack cocaine penalties in the calibrated the prison population is declining at a rapid rate 5000 down last year. the budget is being reduced as a result of substantial decline in population. at the same time that drug use is surging and deaths are occurring. in my opinion, it is going to get worse. >> "washington journal"
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continues. host: next guest is richard painter, a professor of corporate law at the university of minnesota law school. he was the former associate counsel to the president under george w. bush's administration. he was there from 2005-2007. he joins us from minneapolis. for taking the time to talk with this one. guest: thank you for inviting me. by having youart explain what your role was in the bush white house. guest: i was the chief ethics lawyer. the role is to advise the president and the president's staff and the white house and all the nominees for executive with respect to the ethics rules, including financial conflict of interest and the divestiture of financial holdings they have so they can do their jobs consistent with the ethic rules in the
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government. staffsed the president's on a wide range of issues with respect to political activity. the protection of classified information and receipt of gifts. it wide range of ethics rules that are important as people carry out their jobs in the white house. host: what are some of the major appointments you handled during your time there? what did you advised some of these folks to do to make sure there were no conflict of interest? guest: quite a few cabinet appointments, including secretary gates and secretary paulson. and then also other major appointments such as ben bernanke e at the federal reserve. a number of these people have financial holdings that need to be sold in order to take those jobs. paulson would be a good example.
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he was the chairman of goldman sachs. he had hundreds amount of dollars in goldman sachs stock. he had to sell that. that was a fairly complex transaction given the amount of stock that had to be sold. that needed to be done before he took office. a whole range of people i would discuss these issues with, some people were not willing to sell their securities in order to take a government job and i had to advise the white house counsel and the president to pick some of the else. host: donald trump could be the wealthiest person ever to sit in the white house. what would you say he should do in order to ensure that there are no conference of interest? he talks about a blind trust. is that working out for him so far? guest: the problem is that the conflict of interest laws that
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apply to everybody else do not apply to the president. the criminal conflict of interest would prohibit every other person in the executive branch from participating in any matter that has an impact on their financial well-being. require selling a lot of these assets in order to take a job as secretary of state. the president and vice president are exempt from the statute. that gives him some broad latitude under the law to do what he wants. is, first, there are serious appearances of impropriety in a president has financial covenants of interest. the previous presidents have all done everything that could -- they could to eliminate conflicts of interest. i don't know of any president who has engaged in any policymaking in the white house
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that would violate the criminal conflict of interest statute, even though the statute does not apply to them. needs to decide whether he's going to do this like every other president and like everybody who is working for him in the executive branch who has to obey this law or whether he wants to go his own way and keep this business empire. which is going to pose substantial conference of interest. that are some legal issues could come up if he chooses to keep it. i want to ask you about one part of his business empire, trump university. it was just announced yesterday that donald trump has settled a lawsuit against him that was brought by the attorney general eric schneiderman. a settlement for $25 million. just as money, donald trump tweeted this -- just this morning, donald trump tweeted
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this -- he then added -- tell us about some of the challenges that an open case might have presented for the president-elect going forward. --ler: we all know about guest: we all know about the challenges of an open case for a sitting president. jones andrsus paula what came out of that litigation with the president required to give deposition testimony and the rest of it. that is not compatible with the duties of the president. the president can be sued in his personal capacity. if mr. trump as president
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trump chooses to hold onto this business empire, the lawyers will see an opportunity at every juncture to file suit against different parts of mr. trump's business empire. some might be legitimate and others might be frivolous. against a sitting president, there will be people cheering on , that will be an enormous risk to the president. it will become litigation magnet. that is unfortunate. the jones versus clinton stance -- i don't think he will be able to avoid getting dragged into that type of litigation if he falls onto his business empire of his president. president. is host: here are the numbers to dial. for democrats.
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republicans, 202-748-8001. independents, 202-748-8002. you can also send us a tweet. we will take our first caller from los angeles, california. brenda is on the democratic line. good morning. go ahead, brenda. caller: good morning. calling -- i do not want to disrespect mr. trump, but i want to tell you how i feel about him. he should have done his homework he has allan because of his business and family -- i go to the person himself. i wrote him a letter to tell him how i felt about him.
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the only thing i wish for him is that his hair. and turns gray or white -- falls gray or white and that every part of government will give him grief like the senate did with president obama. let's hear from rafael in florida on the republican line. caller: how are you doing? trump is a little more difficult -- it's not like he owns stocks -- everything is under his name. hotels, properties, country clubs and all of that. i work in a country club. you cannot put them in a blind trust. .ost: let's ask richard painter can he put all of that in a blind trust? guest: you don't put the property into the blind trust. publicld do an initial
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offering and put it into my company and have a public offering for cash. people do this with family businesses and high-tech companies. you can go public. public offerings are done all the time in the united states. they create a great deal of profit for the people who own the business. you take the cash and put it in a blind trust. is worth what he says it's worth, he will come out of an ipo with a couple billion dollars. that is enough money for him and a bit for his kids as well. they can put that in a blind trust or mutual funds in treasury securities and so forth. finished in the white house, the family can get back into the real estate business or whatever they choose to do with the money. it is not that complicated. there are plenty of investment bankers and lawyers in new york
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city who can help them do it. if he wants to do it. wants to do it. that is critically important if he wants to succeed in the presidency. host: richard painter, as far as we know, is that the approach he is taking to establish the blind trust? , but there is no a lot of confusion because we were told that his children would be running the business empire, yet his children seem to theery interested in government side. it is unclear what will happen, and i'm hoping he is going to rethink this issue with respect to his business empire, and think seriously about an initial public offering, a leverage buyout or some other way to convert these holdings to cash, and then put the cash in a blind trust while he is president. there is hope he will do the right thing. the "wall street journal" called on him to do this.
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a broad range of opinion among republicans and democrats that if this administration is going to succeed coming you do not need people taking potshots at president trump every other day over this business empire. another problem is the risk as far as government money getting in there, because that would be a violation. host: i was going to ask you about that. ---- re al guest: any gift from a foreign government or a bank by a foreign government, such as the bank of china, which is lendin a very fast amount of money, all of these relationships with foreign governments or companies controlled by foreign governments will have to be unwound, or we could get ourselves in serious allegations where the president of the united states has taken payments from foreign governments in
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.iolation of the clause in the government since the beginning, because they did not want taking money from the british crown. the punishment is impeachment, and we do not want to go that route. that is a very good reason to divest a business empire. host: let's hear from the next caller, rick, in springfield, illinois. mr. trump, during his candidacy, basically said that he was going to hand over his business interests to his children, and that would be something that would be far enough away from his own
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oversight that that would be acceptable. and i do not see it that way. host: richard painter? guest: that would not satisfy the conflict of interest rules or for any other person in the executive branch. you could set that up in a blind trust and set that up in a blind trust. an official who did that, then had an impact on the investments in the blind trust, would commit a criminal offense. the only way would be if that did not or -- statute apply to be president or vice president. it is not a workable blind trust when your children are running the business. arrangement,this he would not be selling the assets. so he would know what the assets
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rp or you cannot take the trump tower and put in a blind trust and pretend you do not know that you own it. that is why the initial public or leveraged buyout has some way to convert these buyouts to cash, a couple of billion dollars that he could put in a real blind trust. that's the way to go. host: you mentioned the children potentially having a role in managing this so-called blind trust. it looks like the children could have a role in the white house as well. the "wall street journal" reporting that donald trump's son-in-law could get a key position. richard painter, can you talk nepotism neste nested to roles? guest: a number of years after john f. kennedy appointed his brother, the anti-nepotism statute that clearly applies to
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the president, says right there in the statute that it applies to the president, and it someone in the federal government appointing a relative, including a son-in-law or a sibling, to a government position in an agency or department over which the appointed person has control. clearly prohibits an appointment by the president anywhere in the executive branch of his son-in-law. there is some debate about whether that applies to the white house itself. i think it does. counsellieve the legal at the justice department has opined that it does. but there is some room to include family members in the
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special commissions, task force, and other boards, and the theedents for that is in district of columbia circuit case that came after hillary clinton was appointed to the to restructure the in thecare industry early 1990's, and the district of columbia circuit said that was consistent with the anti-nepotism statute. it was not a full-time , and it was on a presidential task force. i think clearly, jared kushner or any other relative that participates in that capacity, and those positions can be quite powerful. hillary clinton had quite a bit of power, probably too much power in 1993, 1990 four with respect to the health care proposals. there were members of congress who resented that pure that is another point -- a rich of political pushback here if too much power is given to relatives
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of the president who were not themselves elected. but there is a lot you can do, without running afoul of the anti-nepotism statute. sticks with task force, boards, in that area rather than going for a formal white house appointments, for example, assistant to the president, there you would get yourself into a very problematic area with the antenna but to some statute. host: richard painter, let me ask you this briefly. the ethics office he worked for in the white house, is that an independent agency, or alre the folks who work there appointed by the president? guest:. appointed by the president the -- guest: appointed by the president. the lawyers, the counsel to the officent, the counsel's who have commissions are appointed by the president.
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of the typexample i find the that anti-nepotism statue would apply to. host: john from phoenix, arizona is the next caller on the democratic line. caller: good morning. for an in peace met before inauguration. host: mr. painter? guest: should i comment on that? i do not think that is the route to go. i was very upset with donald trump when he said he would not accept the results of the election. but i do not think we need to jump the gun here, and we need to give them a chance to run this government in a responsible manner. i do think the divestiture of his portfolio, real estate
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holdings, is absolutely critical. but we also need to look at his appointment in the white house. we cannot have, if people sympathize with white supremacists, sitting there in the white house, advising the president. several of senators, the republican senators, ought to make it very clear to president trump there are certain basic standards of decency in this country, and a standard behavior that have to be complied with, or they are just not going to do business with him. if we do not make that point clear to begin with, we are going to get ourselves into a lot of trouble, and then we could end up with an impeachment scenario, and that is not what we want to go up your we want to set the ground rules from the beginning so we can have a successful administration. host: kathy is on the independent line. good morning. caller: hello? host: hello, you are on the air. i just wish that
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everybody would come together. you know, he is our president. he is going to be our president they wanthey say peace, but they do not show that they want peace. it is really a sad situation. i was people would come together and quit fighting. i wish president obama would announce this, and he won't do it, and i don't understand why. host: all right, that is kathy. let's hear from john from illinois on the republican line. john, good morning to you. caller:. good morning morning. good as far as he or comments about the haters and we need to be careful, i think we are seeing the democrats and the supporters in these marches -- they are the real haters. let me tell you what the real
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conflict of interest is. when hillary clinton did with secretary of state and enriching their family is going to be the case of the future as far as a using conflict of interest of her office. is know, donald trump already plenty rich. to think that he -- we are worrying about his conflict of interests, that he may further enrich himself, this man's message was that he wants to make this country better again. host: all right, that is john in illinois. guest: may i respond to that? host: yes. here is some perspective on twitter. richard painter, go ahead? guest: i will not spend my time
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worrying about the clinton issues at this point your clinton is in the past. she did lose the election. andll not argue about why so forth. we will have a trump administration. not hillary clinton. we will not talk about hillary clinton every some an issue comes up with respect to president trump. the problem of hate in america is a serious one. president bush made it very clear after 9/11 that we were not at war against islam, and that islam is a religion of peace, and those people who believe and who continue to say that the islamic faith is a threat to the united states are perpetrating hate, and those people do not belong anywhere near the white house. .e do not know them mr. trump never associated with those people when he was in new york, before he started getting
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involved in politics. he needed to appeal to the far wine wing in order to this election. now he is going to be president, and we are going to get those people out of the white house, and they are not going to influence this administration, or it is going to be a failure. do you think it's possible, then, mr. painter, that any of these nominees that he put forward, you mentioned some of the nominees or his future nominees for national security positions, that they may not get confirmation. guest: some of these positions do not require senate confirmation. again, there is a lot of rhetoric leading up to this campaign that was hateful rhetoric. it is also very damaging to our national security, for example, to denigrate muslims.
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we do not need a billion people in the world hating the united andes because a few racists bigots in the united states choose to hate them. there is a very small percentage of muslims who face extremism, and we can deal with that just as we deal with the ku klux klan and other christians who embrace extremism. but we need responsible people in government who will focus on where the problems are and solve the problems. enough with the hateful rhetoric. enough of the divisiveness. he has a job to do. host: all right, michael from illinois is our next caller. he is on the independent line. caller: i have a couple of quick points. we sit out here, and we are starving. in my small town of 5000 people, es that five compani have closed. that is about 300 jobs, which is a pretty big hit. all you people in the government cohan group, the
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the giuliani group, you are all lobbying, and then you have the democrats and republicans, they will vote -- to see nancy pelosi run off a broker, made a quarter of a million dollars, and reporters ask her about it, and she said that is how it is done, that is business as usual. timedy in office, by the you leave, you are all multimillionaires because you make deals with people in the business community. of majore ceo's corporations us in his you leave office. all you people. that is why we elected trump. host: that is michael from illinois. richard painter? guest: this is exactly why we have a serious problem in the united states. i used to live in central illinois, and i saw the economic devastation in many cities there as companies moved out and jobs
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disappeared. that is true in ohio, pennsylvania, and many places all over the united states. people are angry, and they are rightfully angry. we need to create wealthy and jobs for middle-class america, not just an opportunity for the superrich, but for everybody across our country, and there is a love of anger over this. people voted for mr. trump. now it is his job to solve that problem. but that is a challenge to create more well paying jobs, to bring economic growth to the is goingates, and he to need to accomplish that in order to be a success. but none of it is going to be accomplished by wallowing in racism, hate, and getting ourselves sidetracked on other things. the economic role is our number one priority come and we need to bring it back to middle america,
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or we will continue to have a great deal of divisiveness in this country. , i want tord painter address the story and politico. donald trump's transition team, at least three lobbyists have left donald trump's presidential transition operation after the team required a new ethics policy that would have required them to drop all of their clients. it is being run by new jersey governor chris christie. they were caught off guard wednesday by this new policy. what do you think about this requirement that members of the transition team drop their clients? what do you think'it says about trumps effort to -- what do you think it says about trump's effort to drain the swamp going forward? guest: i like that. the problem is you do not have a lot of people who are registered lobbyists who are engaging in lobbying. so this is part of the swamp,
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but it is only the registered lobbyists. a lot more swamp needs to be trained to support that effort appeared a lot more needs to be done here it also, when we drain ae swap, need to not get into situation where there is a lot of backfill in the trump empire or elsewhere. we need a government that is responsible to the people. that is going to be president trump's challenge going forward. host: robert from north carolina is on the republican line. good morning, go ahead. yes, i have listened to your program a little while ago, and yes, hillary won the popular vote by 2%, but our founding men,rs were very brilliant and they showed that the country would be controlled by three or four states with the highest population, so they broke it
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down into the electoral college, which would take that strength away from those cities. the gentleman who is doing the entering did not explain that to that lady or to anybody else that is listening to your program. it is very important that they know and they are not getting the in history, i don't think, anymore. had 90 years old, and i very good high school training, and i went to college after the second world war. i was on the g.i. bill, so i went to the university of florida. , but ofd a lot there course, that's still was not explained in my civics class. i just have been studying myself. now, one more thing -- this last gentleman does not seem to be
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more democratic than he is republican, and i should think that the people on here should be explaining both sides. i think mr. trump is a very rich man, and i would have to think very thoroughly of how i'm going to put my wealth into other people's hands. host: ok, that is robert from north carolina. richard painter? guest: i think we can always have the debate about the electoral college, but i would not put too much into that. if the rules had been different, we would have the focus on the popular vote, mr. trump would have campaign and spent a lot more money in places like new york and california. you have a lot of voters in those states who share a lot of the same concerns as the voters in ohio and pennsylvania that went for mr. trump. of thechange the rules
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game, people play the game differently, and i do not know what the outcome would be. vs. same with the bush gore election where we have the same type of situation. the rules are what they are, and mr. trump won the election. he is going to be the president. the focus now is on making sure he is a good president. when he to marginalize the and focus on doing the job to restore the american economy, protecting our national security, and doing what the president is supposed to for all the american people. and i hope that he is going to think seriously about how important this job is and do it the right way. host: we have been talking a little but about the role that donald trump's children might play in the white house. i would like to get your thoughts on this story. trumpthe trump -- ivanka
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sits in on meeting with japanese prime minister p or her inclusion comes as donald trump hisides assurances that empire will be walled off. was it appropriate for ivanka trump to sit on that informal meeting? guest: it depends him what role the trunk children are going to have. i think they can have a very valuable role as advisors, and they could serve on task forces, and hillary clinton had an exceptional amount of power in the clinton administration on a presidential task force. that can be very valuable, and quite friendly, i think the trump family members are a lot thanstable and intelligent a of the far right extremists
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who are trying to ample trait a trump white house. that could be a very helpful role. but they cannot do that and run trump businesses. if that is the plan, then president-elect trump nice to make it clear who will run the business. that is my proposal. now, where all those lines considering that no trust has been created as of yet, was it appropriate for her to sit in on a meeting of the nature? guest: i think it is inappropriate not to sell the assets. i do not think the plan is going to work to have the children run it. perhaps he is moving away from it. i do not think it will work whether she sits in on meetings with the japanese prime minister or not. we will have a serious problem over the next four years if present trump hold on to the trump business empire and has it run by his children.
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so any decision that moves away from that i think is a good one, and maybe that is a hopeful sign. host: all right, charles and rockwell, north carolina. democratic line. charles, what do you have to say? caller: hello? i am a 69-year-old vietnam vet, howi was just wondering greed has run the greatest nation in the world, and mr. trump, i mean, nothing against him personally, but how can a man that has never done anything , anderica, never pay taxes has sued in so many people and beat people out of money that , and bring inim 1800 illegal immigrants to work on his hotel to keep from paying union fees become president? host: all right, that a strauss from north carolina. let's get to another caller.
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frank is on the independent line. go ahead, frank. caller: how are you all doing today? host: we are good. gentlemen, thewo and the oneinois from north carolina that just came off, speaking about two different things, we have got taxation without representation here. it seems like to me be more money have, the more leeway you get, and now they are trying to do a thing with the state taxes. not only that, there is a conflict of interest here. everyone has to admit there is a conflict of interest. why is this it decided about what in the world has happened with this man's taxes? as an independent, i do not understand. host: that is frank from west virginia. richard painter, your thoughts? guest: every other presidents, every other candidate has
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released their taxes. donald trump should release is tax returns. if he has taken advantage of loopholes to not pay taxes, then simply saying so, and let's talk about those tax holes appeared let's close them because we need to have a tax system that is fair where everybody is paying their fair share of taxes. i am all for lowering taxes, particularly on the middle class, but we do not need to tax code that extracts money from working americans while letting the superrich not pay taxes. tax holes he has been using, then fine, let's talk about it, but let's the upfront and disclose the tax return. heo not know to what extent used so-called illegal immigrants. these are people who come to the united states, yes, without the proper paperwork, but americans have been hiring them and in their homes for decades. and then we're going to turn around and say because you can hear the wrong way, we are going to throw you out of a country?
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that makes no sense. it is un-american. the fetal came over on the mayflower, they left england illegally, they came here to the united states without asking permission from anybody here, and i think we are quite glad there was not a no amnesty policy here. immigration has been part of our history since 1620, 396 years, and people come over here all different ways. we do need to solve the immigration problem, but not doing mass deportations and denigrating people who live and work here in america. american businesses, perhaps including mr. trump's for many years. an from alabama is our next caller. joan, what do you have to say this morning? caller: i want to ask the gentleman why he avoided answering the question about
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hillary clinton and her foundation. but that is not the reason i was calling. i was calling because he keeps -- trump'sut the people. have you ever seen anything like the hate that george soros and the democratic party is spewing out there with george soros' thugs out on the streets? the first thing trump should do is exile that man out of this country. host: all right, that is joan. guest: i will respond to that. first, i will not talk about hillary clinton because she lost the election. she had one thing the election, we would be dealing with the clinton conflict of interest, and we can have a lifelong discussion about that. but trump wondering the election, and we will focus on making sure he has a successful president appeared i do not think president-elect trump
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really hates anybody do i do not believe it. but there are people who do. there are people who want to hate muslims. those people do not belong in our government. as the founding fathers made very clear, there is freedom of religion in the united states. in the same people who hate mexicans or african-americans, they are out. when you to find out who they are and get an out of the government. that is a job for republicans, and i am a republican, and that is a job for democrats and independents, and that is mr. trump's job. when he is president trump, we will not tolerate hate in america. host: mr. painter is a law professor at the university of minnesota. he was also a lawyer under president george w. bush. thanks so much for talking with us this morning. guest: thank you very much. host: that does it for our show today here you can stay tuned for us tomorrow morning. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2016] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its
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caption content and accuracy. visit] host: we also discuss u.s. transatlantic relationships with dr. francis burwell of the atlantic council. we will see back here tomorrow morning. ♪ >> on c-span this morning we hear from two people familiar with the truck presidential transition process. former new york city mayor rudy conway. and kellyanne then senator bernie sanders talks about
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