tv Washington Journal CSPAN November 24, 2016 7:00am-10:01am EST
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president-elect trump on the new administration's plans for taxes job creation and the economy. we talked to robert wiseman president of public citizen about the a position to the deregulation proposals. ♪ host: officials planning the inauguration for donald trump said the will accept funds from wealthy donors. they hope to raise $7,500 the transient team also adding they are expecting as much as 3 million people for that event. journal onashington this thanksgiving day, south carolina governor nikki haley in michigan education activist added to the trunk
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transition team. perhaps those topics will be part of your thanksgiving day discussion. and, the results of the election, will you talk politics on this day? especially with those people who voted for another candidate? we want to see how you plan to handle the political discussion. this is how you let us know. democrats at (202) 748-8000, republicans at (202) 748-8001 and independents at (202) 748-8002. if you plan to talk politics on this day and you want to post your thoughts on twitter and facebook, you can do so. twitter @cspanwj. on facebook as well. you want to welcome me to the washington journal on this day first of those lines will be available to you if you want to call and let us know about your political the scotians especially if you plan on engaging on those people who
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voted for another candidate. you can post on our facebook page for that discussion. several pieces today in the paper. let's take a look at the topics of the thanksgiving table discussions. in the this morning washington post, avoid thanksgiving armageddon, he writes. the electoral college argument dies down i would acknowledge that a great many of our fellow americans are hurting, the economy looks different in the old industrial area is flattened by technological change. that democrats and liberals did not do a good job of addressing the estrangement of white working-class voters and it is not hard to understand how many of these felt that every suffering group of americans had been lifted up i liberals except for them, adding that i take they the liberals
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inclined to condemn those uneducated voters who cast ballots against their interests for a con man. that is the thoughts of that writer. others writing on this topic. about yourknow thanksgiving discussions on this day. especially if you plan to talk politics with the people who voted for another candidate. if you want to give us a call, (202) 748-8000 hour line for democrats. (202) 748-8001 four republicans. for independents, (202) 748-8002 . a couple of appointments yesterday by donald trump. particularly of note south carolina governor nikki haley being asked to serve as the united nations ambassador. a couple of profiles about her this morning, this is the washington post. hadovernor, governor haley
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delegations on international trips to drum up jobs for south carolina. on one trip to europe or costly efforts drew criticism at home for not delivering new business despite the expense. more than two and dozen others in her delegation 100 $27,000 in expenses for hotels and dining at fancy restaurants. aso, there is a story taking look at some of our positions -- taken overns she is the years. this is the new york times, saying that her stance on public the pew issues included in israeli-palestinian conflict, refugees, and reproductive rights offer a window into how she might carry out her role. she signed legislation known as "boycott divest sanction." she has expressed concern about security checks in place for
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refugees resettling in her state. she's not among those who sued the obama administration to block resettlement. she describes herself as pro-life and supports legislation to restrict abortion rights. raises questions they would impose bans on groups overseas. that is a little bit about nikki haley this morning. maybe that is part of your discussion on this thanksgiving day. hillu turned to the newspaper, a recent piece by jud y kirk on how to keep the political peace this thanksgiving post up she joins us on the phone, happy thanksgiving. guest: good morning, happy thanksgiving to you. host: could you tell me how these can about? is talking about
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politics. everybody is talking about the result of this election. you wanted to reach out to a therapist to see what the word was for them. were they getting a lot of questions? of folks are a lot concerned about thanksgiving and what they will talk about at the table, and how they will handle these political discussions that will inevitably play out at the thanksgiving table. host: some of the thoughts that take away from that, i will just give you the bullet points. opne tothe things you write is get in touch with other people's point of view. she got in touch with american family therapist. it is hard to do which is to take a walk in someone else's shoes and cigarette where they're coming from. what makes sense in the context of their life. you don't have to agree with it. accept it, start from there. get: the other point to
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out, timeouts aren't just for kids. guest: my toddler is not the only one that would be a timeout tonight. everyone needs to take a timeout . if you're measuring your mood on a barometer of a scale of one to 10 don't let yourself get above r therapistt ou recommends. bring yourself back down and get yourself in check. for ahe baby out stroll, anythigng that gets you out of the chaos of thanksgiving. her advice,tehger qvc.isn't to sell your try product. this because your barber is
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robbed,ow clionton was it doesn't mean you have to argue your political point. it is the age old saying, let's agree to disagree. host: the therapist said maybe the hardest thing to pull off this upward in the fight altogether. guest: you can't avoid world war as a family or a group of friends at the start of the meal that you're just not going to talk politics. it is rare everyone has this time together as family. maybe politics shouldn't be a part of the discussion. she recommends that the an agreement between everyone. not a mandate as soon as you sit down the table. you want to focus on the gobble, not the squabble.
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pieceyou can read her online at thank you so much, and happy thanksgiving again. guest: thank you. engageow do you plan to in these discussions on politics this thanksgiving? democrats at (202) 748-8000, republicans at (202) 748-8001 and independents at (202) 748-8002. we start with caroline, winston-salem, north carolina, democrats line. thank you for calling. caller: happy thanksgiving. our conversation won't be negative today because our family voted democrat. onesa baby boomer, the are mostly
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millennials. you will talk to them about how to prepare for this new administration. we have to prepare them. the same trickle-down economics that started with the ronald reagan, and with the older bush life is going to change. the things you grew up knowing and loving, especially being accepting of all diversity of life, they are used to that now. they will be prepared, stronger, mentally and spiritually because when reagan was in charge, i think the poor got poorer, the middle class jobs got gone. prepare yourself, because if trump does like the republicans did the last time, the middle class got hurt. to prepare themselves
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for trickle-down economics if it happens again. host: ok, thank you. let's go to candy in iowa, independent line. caller: good morning. we've already had world war iii over the phone, that way we can have that ahead of the meal. we have a little bit of everybody. arguing over christmas decorations and plastic versus natural trees. willho burned what, we argue over the simple things. if things get too heated, "have some stuffing" is our code word. host: you already had this discussion before hand? so would you sit down you should be able to talk about the other things? caller: we all voted.
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we will have everybody. we already decided, we all know how we all voted. the election is over. ke we have at li time machine. so, we concentrate on being thankful for what we do have. runningd, and hot water, a roof above our head, we can argue about christmas lighting. but you from jeff from virginia, the republican line. good morning. caller: first, i am a republican. however, i am a californian. i graduated from uc berkeley, i proudly voted for ronald reagan, i proudly voted for obama, i voted for hillary this time. least of thee worst choices. i think trump is going to be a disaster. we don't regulate what goes on
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atthe discussion here thanksgiving. my stepdaughter will be coming down, my wife i think as a democrat but, we all agree that trump is going to be a disaster. people didn't examine his record enough. host: you means if it comes up during the discussion and it gets heated, you let it run its course? -- my: yeah, but i think wife is against trump, so is my stepdaughter. my nephew, the eldest, is a senior at american university, i think we're all of it like mine. host: lets you from chicago, illinois, where bill is, democrat line. aller: hello, i have been democrat all my life. but i couldn't vote for hillary.
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deleting the e-m ails. that is a crime. we are suffering from this failed policy that the oligarchy wins.t care which side strongerrchy remains because they do not go to jail. host: do you expect to have these discussions today at thanksgiving? caller: yes, there will be some. host: how do they usually go? every: oh, well, in direction. i am -- host: would you call those discussions civil, heated? caller: they will be both.
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some will want to be civil, others not. [laughter] am glad hillary lost and i am sad trump won. if it had been the other way, i would have felt the same. let's hear from brian who is in illinois, independent line. good morning. caller: good morning. to talk politics with family members? likef the first things i to ask them is who are their representatives in congress, in the house and the senate. peoplel find 80% of the have no idea. most people don't even know who their congressman is. then, i make the point that is the problem.
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they don't understand their government. congress is a coequal branch to the president. the president is not the king. they need to learn that. the most important person they relate to the federal government through as the representative. the person who congress who represents them. that is who they need to complain to. the next point, the media. owlike to point out ho and corrupt media television is for some c-span is a shining example, i love c-span, you hear everything. but the corporate media, their selection of stories in the way they edit the stories and present the stories is horrible. an agenda, and a narrative. it is to push people's buttons. it is to make money.
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it does not serve the public. host: next up is natasha, republican line. caller: good morning. happy thanksgiving to everyone in the listening audience. but this gentleman prior to me said is absolutely, 100% true. about a week ago we talked about the president-elect trump. he always wanted to say he was going to be the president of all the people. we are going to start a campaign a postcard to him asking if he wanted to be president of everyone, that he garland to the supreme court. because his party did a great injustice to the american populace by holding back president obama's nomination. and, mitch mcconnell heart to be
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ashamed of himself because our government was not designed to be run the way he ran the senate. host: thank you for telling us that, what about you political discussions today? willie talk about that campaign or issues regarding the election? caller: yes, surprisingly, yes we will. people thathe 12 will be there, 3 of them didn't vote for president. of the others, voted for hillary.; there you go. host: gotcha. from virginia, harvey is next on our line for independents, go ahead. caller: i am having thanksgiving dinner with my granddaughter in
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roanoke, virginia. i will not introduce a discussion about politics. it will betroduced one of my top subjects, politics and religion. i will enter the discussion. for most, i look forward to hasiving the nation that its patrioticto duty, its christian duty, to get out and vote. theke the increase in silent majority's participation. i hope god is trying to help this nation heal itself. the people are the ones who are to blame for the situation we're in. they are the only ones who can heal this nation. host: the people you will be
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with today, do you think they all voted for the same person? caller: probably voted for mixed, some favored one, some the other. i, myself, favored hillary theuse the smile, forgiveness and heritability she has first is -- versus bombing them. i voted for hillary. she did win bridging it. after the outcome of the election with these three states in question, could change things around if it progresses in that direction. you wouldn'td introduce political discussion but would engage in it. why not introduce it? caller: well, it is a family gathering.
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needs, that isur food, clothing, and shelter, which many do not have in this nation, the foremost nation in the world. hihad an organization called cup, i would love to answer questions of political and spiritual on your show. i think i could be of great help to many people who are in turmoil concerning their stand ing at being a citizen of this nation. host: that is harvey in virginia. some comments this morning about talking politics this thanksgiving with the result of the election. democrats at (202) 748-8000, republicans at (202) 748-8001 and independents at (202) 748-8002.
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politico talked about what the references are as the result of this election. noting that hillary clinton's lead in the popular vote surpassing 2 million. a series of long shot bids to reconsider the results popped up yesterday. hillary clinton's camp and leading democrats have been entirely silent on these efforts including a potential request for a recount in michigan, wisconsin, and pennsylvania sponsored by jill stein further the underscore the unlikelihood of movement on that front, left-leaning activists were nonetheless temporarily cheered after new york magazine reported on tuesday that the clinton campaign chairman john podesta spoke with a group of electoral lawyers and computer scientists about the possibility that
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results may have been altered in those states. the former secretary of state garnered 64 million votes compared to the president-elect's 62 million plus according to a count. that is politico. the new york times also having a similar story this morning adding the comment from a person who studies electoral -- electronic voting results and their security. that person is been on this program, add in the comment where with this year's deviation from pre-election polls the results of a cyber attack? the university of michigan and as saying probably not the more likely that the polls were systematically wrong. the only way to answer the question to be to examine the paper ballots. those topics are up for discussion here as far as the result our disk -- concerned.
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we are interested in hearing on how you plan to talk politics thanksgiving. barbara, democrat line, hi there. caller: happy thanksgiving. it is going to be discussed this morning at dinner. there are three of us who have kind of, we are going to give donald trump the benefit of the doubt. that would be my sister, me, and one of my daughters. i feel that listening to the news he has changed quite a few views, which i was very happy to hear. one was climate change. was saying he does sort of believe in that. there were two other things he
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said that may be happy. he is not going to bother hillary, but will be for a loan. tonow that is not going make his party happy. there is one more that he changed his mind on, i can think of it at the moment. of that, i was really really hard on him, because it didn't like him -- i didn't like him. but i changed. i to do is going to see what he is going to do. it all.tired of my sister is the first one to set that give him a chance. , three thingsht he said that he was going to -- it was going to -- host: do you ever worry that these discussions will upset the
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holiday overall? caller: we are not too much of an argumentative group. my he thinks he knows it all. he will have a few things he will say, and we might go at it a little bit. the rest of us are tired of it. andink it will be very calm peaceful. i and the matriarch of the family now. host: you call the shots. caller: i call the shots. i will just say this his dinner i don't want to talk about it anymore. is going toway it be. host: thank you, barbara, happy thanksgiving. carrie from king george, virginia come republican line --
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virginia, republican line. caller: we have a small but republican family. you trump, bernie, and hillary voters. to all thention details and discuss it just about every day. enough, i think we're all in agreement that while we thought hillary had become corrupted the last 10 years we now see that trump is a his conflictll of of interests and what he is not willing to do is for a separating himself from his business. worried your last colors are too many people feel which is that they're just done with it. attention want to pay anymore. that is really dangerous. people need to pay attention. there is a lot happening every single day. we won't argue about it. the more we talk the more we agree about basic things.
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thank you, happy thanksgiving. next, he is in rockford, michigan, independent line. caller: good morning, happy thanksgiving to everyone. comment, after the election i have heard so many of my family members and other people that are really really upset. -- i have cutam down on watching the national news, especially anderson cooper and also chris matthews. news stationblic are the two main news -- you know. i have been listening to a lot
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nerves, that soothes my you know? that gentleman that said about people should get involved, call your congresspeople, get invo lved with some progressive groups. that is the way to do it. host: ed, you do a lot of things, from your description to keep you calm about these topics. are you planning on people that don't share your views on politics? case, do youe concern yourself with talking or arguing a bit with them about these topics? aller: just recently, i had conversation at the restaurant with a stockbroker, a retired stockbroker.
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it got kind of heated. it just doesn't pay. get involved, call your congresspeople, keep informed about the issues. watch c-span, and public tv. ,ost: angie from florida republican line, thank you for calling. caller: good morning happy thanksgiving. republican. i really, really think that thanksgiving is the time to give thanks for everything that we have. one of the things is, we a president. i think we should just move on. the people that are doing riots, after they throw tantrum we still love president trump. nothing is going to change. this is the way america runs.
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united with our family during thanksgiving and give thanks for everything. for this country, for our health, for everything we got. having those tantrums is not going to change our system. we should move on and put the page -- flip the page and just enjoy everything we have and give the president a chance. maybe he is going to be a wonderful president. he has new ideas. i have, and our family, i am a hard-core republican. i have been since i was 18 years old, and i am almost 60. but, my son is a democrat. he used to be an independent then he switched. my daughter was a democrat and now she is a republican. she did not like hillary. she said she would not vote for a woman that was lying, although she is a feminist.
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want to do have a president that was a female. but the gender doesn't justify someone that you don't trust. what i will advise my kids and the liberty tove speak a little bit about politics, but let's not make it the entire dinner. there are so many other things we have to give thanks. move on, this is the president we're going to have. we have to give him a chance for thank you so much and have a beautiful thanksgiving. host: paul from pittsburgh, lineylvania, republican talking politics at thanksgiving how do you plan on engaging in it? caller: yes, good morning and happy thanksgiving. amily that had fmail
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seven children. we all gathered around the tables on the dining room. after dinner my father would ask something to express ereour gratitude or what we w thankful for. that is a great memory that i have. my father, i remember him telling me that two subjects to avoid war politics and religion. i always took that. i think that is a wise things to say. i have an older sister who lives in san diego. diehard supporter of hillary clinton, and so was her husband. i've not had one word to say about the result of this election to my sister since it was decided. the reason for that is i think sometimes it just become self-serving. torub -- we want to rub
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somebody's nose in it. there are so many wonderful things to be thankful for in this country and have conversations about family. just talk about family, what a beautiful subject. maryland, democrat line, go ahead. hi everyone come happy thanksgiving. my family, we thought that theary probably won election. without the might of been some shenanigans regarding the polls and the actual so-called result. them with the revelation that there might be a contesting of the election because of hacking, probably by the russians to get aump in, we will have spirited conversation today about the hope that thewe will e democracy ring with hillary and
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all of her supporters. theally, checkign oung out result, this is similar to what bush did to gore, but this time todon't have scalia there overturn everything. i think that basically the russians were involved just like they were in the wikileaks scandal. we are excited, we will talk about it and eat some great food. if there is a petition out that we are gung ho to sign. we will continue on these calls taking a look at how you plan to talk politics this thanksgiving. but even amongst our audience, maybe some stresses and concerns over the result of the election. maybe even more now the political staffers on capitol hill and all areas of the federal government.
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joining us on the phone to talk about how she is advising them to this time and helping them calm their nerves is rita jet edgette from novos consulting post up can you tell us how you do that? guest: thank you so much and happy thanksgiving to all of our callers and to you as well. what i do is i am a certified executive coach. i'm working with political leaders, operatives at the highest level to visualize their goals and develop critical pathways to achieve them. the approach i take in increasingly given willy arbeit now in time postelection is using accessible evidence-based practices that blend political intelligence and mindfulness and leadership effectiveness into strategies that will optimize performance and reduce stress in the meantime. practically, what do you
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do is first teaching them techniques and skills to help them through this time? guest: it varies from one-on-one allagement to what we c instructional classroom style engagements. it is introducing different practices based on a specific goal they might have. from leading through change and when i say accessible practices i really mean accessible. these are exercises that can be applied by anyone at anytime, anywhere. they range from focused breathing exercises to the other vary practical excercises that optimize their skills and let them lead effectively. host: on the topic from those of
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you advising on capitol hill what specifically are they saying about the result of this election? guest: i think, no matter where you sit on the political spectrum, the outcome was a surprise for many. i heard some of these listeners reference this as well. many of the polls and projections thought that would be a clinton administration. really end, it is gathering things together to shift from a place of campaigning to governance, realigning strategic objectives. we are still in the process of making sense of the outcome. dealing with really intense levels of stress, sadness, fear, and realigning themselves in the critical paths forward to operate optimally in the present reality. host: as far as -- for those of you sitting down on this willsgiving day and who perhaps engage in these
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conversations, what advice would you give them today? guest: a lot of what has been said is really apropos. never underestimate the value of gratitude. that is what a number of our callers have expressed. they are not -- traditional but also based in sound evidence. what happens when we express appreciation, that comes from a meaningful place. when we share gratitude for things we accomplish together like a good deeds that have been done. it releases a hormone in our brain called oxytocin. this is also called the feel-good hormone that is released for me have authentic connections with others. that arecial creatures built to connect. that is a surefire way. in other thing i notice that might sound a little hokey, just breathing. that is one of the favorite
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exercises that leaders really like is this one exercise called the political leader mindful minute. for 60 seconds and count your breath on the exhale each time. the timer sound to count how many breaths you have taken. if you feel yourself revving up, shifting into a state of andctivity, just pause count your breath. neutralize our nervous system and get us back into a place where we can operate at our best. edgette on this thanksgiving day, on the advice she gives to staffers who may be stressed out, thank you for your time. guest: thank you. host: deborah, thank you for hold the gun, mesa, arizona tell us about your strategy for today and talking politics. i will be a guest at a
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family that i don't know. i only know the host. i don't think it is a good idea to jump into anything too edgy or controversial. if the conversation does take a trump-clinton direct my strategy is to change the subject and get a political but to discuss the idea -- we have all the people who vote and they affect the election but are not effected so much but the future. how about we talk about 16-17-year-olds being allowed to vote so they're more invested in what is going to happen to them? host: livingston, new jersey, dan that is next -- diana is next. caller: i take an opposite view. even though i am sad depressed and angry at my anger into constructive uses. active, signing
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petitions in joining groups in mobilizing that way. today is going to be very hard. i meeting with family members who have definitely opposite views. they voted not in their best interest. i am sorry if i come across someone is says things that are blatantly false i have to corrected the record. i think that is a big thing in this election, the fake news and the rumors and the gossip that was spread around. people in their bubbles with th e social media. the media is doing a terrible job informing the people. they are into sensationalism and ratings especially with mr. trump. that was a problem with the whole election. they didn't give the voters the issues. not scared, becaysuse it is just mr. trump. he is a pragmatist. but they have the house, the senate, and our and a position
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to a point supreme court which is very important to our lives when it comes to labor issues and -- trump also appoints the that affect, things workers every day on safety issues and environmental issues. mym scared, when it comes to husband's pension. there is a law from the givelicans that further them reasons to tear down people's benefits. i don't hear the words and middle class, what happened to that? fight, and tre to y to be cordial, but we need elevated conversation not the comment on social media. that goes into negativity. , listento point out why
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to people's interests and what are these people doing to help us. host: ok, now fort lauderdale, florida, independent line. mavis from florida, hello? let's go to betty in illinois, democrat line. caller: good morning and happy thanksgiving. don't have that problem in my family. all of us are democrats. great some grandsons and grandchildren that turned 18 this year. they were able to vote. my daughters and my son made sure that they got out and voted. we won't have that problem. everybody in my family is democrat. them interested in politics for one is other people that have the meeting and all sign, thatil hitler
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really disturbed me. don't know. i am afraid of shot myself -- i am afraid of trump myself. sochanges his mind about many things. i am 77 years old. i and the matriarch of my family. anyway, have a good thanksgiving, and thanks for letting me call. host: roberto will be the last caller on this topic on the independent line. caller: good morning. i want to say happy thanksgiving to you and everyone else. spanish-speaking. i am a latino american. i am independent but i voted for mr. trump despite whatever they .aid
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wrong, i'm sorry for the democratic lady and her family. but there are other reasons. latinos are family oriented. like a mantandard, and a woman kind of marriage. we love everybody. say -- in't like to don't know who would create those roles. we don'tlike wars, like governments doing what mr. clinton did in honduras or venezuela. host: when you talk today thanksgiving would you be with people of differing political viewpoints, what is the discussion going to be like? caller: is going to be very tough. let me tell you something, i am
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and protestut against this take thing and so forth. i would say yes, we need to go oouut and protest. the democratic establishment and the republican establishment they undermined mr. sanders. i would've voted for mr. bernie sanders. he called for the political revolution for the first time. host: ok, only because we're running out of time on the segment but it wanted to thank you for the calls, and all of you who called on this topic. we will talk about the president-elect's economic policy with stephen moore, he will join us next for that discussion.
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the president-elect told supporters he was interested in reducing the amount of federal regulations that are made by the government. but what happens when that occurs? citizens will be along to share his concerns as we continue on this thanksgiving day. it was yesterday in the rose garden where the president engaged in his last time the pardoning of thanksgiving turkey. the whiteradition of house. in this last presentation the president took the time to tell several jokes in the process. here's a bit from yesterday. [video clip] are also a time when people can we chat to those in need a helping hand. i believe we are judged by how we care for the poor and the vulnerable, the sick and the elderly. the immigrant, the refugee, everybody who is trying to get a second chance. i believe in order to truly live up to those ideals we have to continually fight discrimination in all of its forms and always show the world that
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america is a generous and giving country. we should have something to eat on thanksgiving, except the turkeys. later today, [laughter] later today, the obama family will participate in our traditional thanksgiving service project. when somebody at your table tell to you have been hogging all the side dishes and can't have any more, i hope you respond to the creed that sums up the spirit of the hungry people -- "yes, we cran." [laughter] >> that was good. you don't think that is funny? i know there are some bad ones in here. but this is the last time i'm doing this. we are not leaving any room for leftovers. [laughter] [applause] >> how am i doing? good?
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say one last thing before i spare these turkeys lives. on the specs giving on to express my sincere gratitude to the american people for the trust you've placed in the over these last eight years and the incredible kindness you have shunned my family. on behalf of michelle, my mother-in-law, and our girls, we want to thank you so very, very much. now, from the rose garden, tater and tot will go to the new home at virginia tech, which is admittedly a bit hokey. [laughter] >> they will get to live out their actual lives at a new facility called gobbler's rest, and veterinarians will care for them. so let's get on with the pardoning because everybody knows that thanksgiving traffic can put people in a fowl mood. [laughter] >> happy thanksgiving,
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everybody. [applause] >> all right. i am signing, documents for tater also. pardon you from the thanksgiving table. a wonderful have time at gobbler's rest. oft: if you want to see more the comments from president obama and his last act of a turkey can go to our website at joining us now is stephen moore, economist, author, advisor to president elect donald trump. guest: good morning come happy thanksgiving. thank you for having me. host: thank you for coming by. the story on the hill newspaper
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it went viral last line. it beingd about reagan's party. you're seeing a shift in that. guest: this was supposed to be off the record a meeting that ahead with the house republicans about a week ago. we were talking about the incoming president. i made this point which a think age true, when i came of politically ronald reagan was elected president. the republicans had became reagan's party and the conservative party. the point i was making was that ath trump's election it is new republican party. if the shift to demographically. the republicaned party into more of a working-class party any populist party on issues like trade and immigration. in some ways i think that is a
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good thing. i think the republican party should be the party of the working class. it might make some people like myself some frustration on -- donald trump wants to spend more money on infrastructure. i don't know if i agree with him on that. i am more of a free trade guy. skepticism about that. i think we can bridge that gap. it is a prized some members of congress. i've always considered myself a reagan republican. but it is a new party. to the point i made was having been on the campaign trail for the last three or four months and got to places like pennsylvania, and rockford, illinois, and in the work, new jersey, amazing places that haven't felt the economic recovery the way that places like washington, d.c. or wall street or silicon valley have. it did to shift my opinion. these are people that have been
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left behind. i think policy needs to be oriented towards bringing the recovery to all parts of the country. host: what was the reaction from house republicans? guest: they were surprised and taken aback. i used to work for the house majority leader. i've known many of these members for years. i think some of them were surprised. this is worseg but that it is the political reality. donald trump -- if you look at how donald trump won, and those states like michigan and ohio it was a coalition of rural voters, and economically -- many manufacturing and union workers who feel that washington has not been listening to them. mostays thought one of the powerful statements that donald trump made in the whole campaign was when he said at the convention that all these people out there who feel like washington isn't listening to you. or not attentive to your
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economic worries i will be your voice. i thought that was a powerful statement. i think, frankly, the democrats used to represent these workers. i think they no longer really do. host: what does it mean for house republicans going forward? what does it mean for you advising the president? guest: it means that we are go ing to reopen some of these trade deals. 95-96 yto help pass nafta. i think in a lot of ways it has worked, but in some it has not. to reopen the to make sure it is in the interest of american workers is probably a smart thing. the same thing with the asian trade deal which will now be renegotiated. donald trump says he is not an isolationist but we have to make sure that trade is fair and free.
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i guess i agree with that. host: is the tpp dead? will be think it renegotiated. i personally would like to see a trade deal with these asian countries. i also think that, one thing i like about donald trump is that -- what is his best-selling book ? "the art of the deal," he does know how to negotiate. taking a tougher stance with some of these countries, especially china, saying google open our markets to you toterday open your markets us. the trade deficit in and of itself is not a problem. but, we produce amazing amount of technology. a lot of incredible manufacturing products. a lot of these countries don't open up their markets to us. it should be a quid pro quo. maybe getting tougher with them will force them to open up the market increased more jobs. us,t: stephen moore with
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discussing the economic proposals and the president planned to take your questions on it as well. democrats at (202) 748-8000, republicans at (202) 748-8001 and independents at (202) 748-8002. if you want to tweet your questions or comments you can do so @cspanwj. builtdo the donald trump his economic plan on this idea of growth, more growth and we have seen before. is that a reasonable approach? guest: pedro, look, i think you -- if you have, the reason he won this election is because of the economic anxiety. having traveled to so many of the state in seeing pockets of the country that just haven't felt the recovery, we need to get growth. we have been growing at the last year at 1.5%, that is anemic.
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weakest been the recovery we've had since the great depression. i've been on record saying if we put in place donald trump's program which includes tax reduction, we will get government spending under control. you will get the regulations of the back of the business. produce american energy, we have more oil and gas and coal than any other country. we talked about this energy issue and they wrote a book about this. we used to be the number one energy producer in the world. i believe we can get to 4% growth in five years. that is a big deal. that is like adding another texas to the u.s. economy. you can't stop these problems whether it is poverty, the budget deficit, the problems with our ailing schools and infrastructure until you get economic growth.
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i think it will be donald trump's highest priority. we can't help the rest of the world until we have helped our own workers. host: we still with charles and no, virginia on the republican line. caller: hello, good morning, after over a year without a job i started my new job on october 31. i don't give credit to that to mr. trump, be that as it may. i am definitely a free trade guy. as the nobel prize-winning trade friedman said, free and the more unfair the better. if china wants to manipulate their currency down and subsidized their export so we get lower prices, that is great. i am all for it. they send us goods, cameras,
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clocks, we send them greenbacks. every dollar we send overseas comes back to this country. free trade builds jobs. automation create jobs. my brother-in-law is a robot specialist and i am a telik medications engineer. low prices and free trade. we are a pacific rim country and we can have the kind of economy that china has if we follow their motto. guest: well said. i knew milton friedman. i used to have dinner with him in san francisco quite a bit in the years before he died and he was the greatest economist of the 20th century without question. he taught us that free enterprise is the greatest anti-power. when i used to have dinner, it is so find this gentleman mentioned it, i remember before
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he died, i asked, what are the --ee things that if you were three things that you would increase economic growth. he said, school choice. give every child where they can go to school. number 2 -- free trade. just as his gentleman said. it they joke, if you and i -- pedro, if you and i have a volatile exchange, -- trade makes people better off. he said cut government spending. you have to have the political constituency. sandersthat with bernie on the left and donald trump on the right. we need to renegotiate some of the trade deals so that americans believe it will not cost them. someone will naturally lose their jobs.
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i believe in creative disruption. if a robot comes along that can do something better than a human, then do it. but it has to represent the interest of american workers. we need to do something that will make the country richer, but provide the kind of jobs that people say are disappearing. host: dave on the line. guest: trump wants to spend $1 trillion on infrastructure and increase military spending. but the new education secretary, she must at $20 billion for school vouchers. my question is, what are you going to do one a recession hits? we are due for one. what are your plans for that? guest: great question, sir. i am worried about recession. this has been a weak recovery.
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you have to give barack obama credit. we have not had a recession for the eight years. recovery has run out of gas. this is about the time you would see the economy spotter a little bit. some times on the horizon with the increased costs and the fact that consumers have pulled back on their spending. there has been a trump rally in the stock market, which is interesting. on this gentleman's point, we do believe a tax cut is fully important. with the highest business taxes in the world, which is true. most folks know that our business taxes are higher than china,e in india, germany, and ireland. we are losing our jobs to countries with lower taxes. we want to move to the lowest tax center in the world.
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we believe companies will move back, and hopefully put factories back in places like pennsylvania, ohio, and michigan. on the school voucher thing, it will be a big issue. he wants to take $20 billion out of the department of education. instead of giving it to the teachers unions and school administrators, we want that money to go to parents, so they can choose the best schools for their children. we have and washington d.c. a small voucher program that helps 5000 kids almost all-black, and some hispanic. those parents love the program. what our plan will be is that if you have a child with a feeling school, instead of giving money to the feeling school district, we are going to give it to the parents and let them go to a catholic school. i went to catholic schools growing up.
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my knuckles still have the bruises from the rulers. jewish schools, you can go to montessori schools, any school you want to. that will really improve education and that will be important. did you have the choice of education secretaries? guest: i was happily surprised. with donaldworked trump is on the tax plan and on the energy policy. host: but you knew betsy devos? and alone -- but you knew betsy devos? guest: i did. democrat's live from new york. ralph, you are on. caller: good morning. i'm from upstate new york. iwant to ask even more,
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understand -- i want to ask even more, i understand your economic policy. what i don't understand is why do you always try to -- the american worker. right to work laws restrict --why do you always have to hurt the worker in the process? we all want businesses to work. i thank you for your time. u2, sir. you too, sir. i believe in higher wages. i want to see prosperity spread throughout the country like in the 1980's. the last 15 years for the american worker has been lost.
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one of the reasons donald trump won is it has been 15 years since the average american middle-class worker has had a pay raise. people are poor today than they were 15 years ago. i want to bring factories back to the u.s. so there are more jobs for union workers weather in new york or any region of the country. on the right to work, this is important. i am a strong advocate of right to work. statesve in the united the right of association and workers should have the right to associate with the unit they want to. workers have the right to collective bartering. it should not be legal in this country for a union to force workers into that union. if you don't want to associate with that union, you should not
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be forced to. and it is simply a truism. the unions have spread false information, but jobs in the u.s. are being created and right to work states, not forced union states. if you look at the auto industry , where the auto jobs being produced in america over the last 25 years? not in michigan, ohio, indiana, although michigan and indiana became right to work states, they moved to tennessee, alabama, florida, texas. why? because those are right to work states. i was interesting, south carolina recently. a few years ago, we had a few debates about boeing moving the plant to washington. if you fly to the airport in charleston, the biggest plant you have ever seen. it is for city blacks why -- it is four city blocks wide with thousands of workers.
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you got thousands of jobs in south carolina. those workers are very well-paid. i do believe in right to work. if you want to join the union, sir, you have the right to do so, but if i don't want to join, i have the right to do so. host: donald trump talked about reviving union -- manufacturing jobs. guest: she is the one that stuck the knife in the back of the coal industry with her regulations. we are not point to stop climate change by shutting down american energy. there was an article in the "wall street journal" that did not get a lot of publicity. china has hundreds of new coal
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plants and increase their coal capacity. how in the world are we reducing greenhouse gases by shutting down our energy? all we are doing and shipping the energy production to places like china. india will be producing huge amounts of coal as well. when i was on the campaign trail, i wanted to -- i lived in virginia. if you look at the sounds, they had been decimated by gina mccarthy's regulations. that being said, we will overturn this clean car -- clean power plants built that is put hundreds of coal miners out of work. what do coal compete with? natural gas. not took as prices have fallen very dramatically. i'm a free-market guy. natural gas is cheaper than coal
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, then you will use more natural gas and coal. we have to have a dual capacity. we need natural gas and natural gas is a great gas because it is cleanburning. it, weroduce more of will have the lowest price electricity in the world, and i will bring jobs back to america. host: from the louisiana,, michael, you're next. caller: mr. more, as advisor to mr. trump, the issue that is the under the noses federal reserve office and the way they do policy, it is not in the control of the united states government and the rockefellers. what do you plan to do about the federal reserve and their way of doing business, sir? guest: great question. it is amazing how many times i get asked this question. that there'stand
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something strange about our monetary policy. --we put tooe in much power into the hands of a few people on monetary policy. who is the most powerful person in washington? the president? head of supreme court? you can make the case that it is janet yellen, the fed president. she was appointed and has a lot of power. we should take power away from the fed. rules-based monetary policy. you take discretion away from janet yellen and have the situation -- by the way, the fed's role, they should be primarily focused on keeping inflation under control and having a stable dollar. that is what you want in your currency. the month the dollars in our pocket to be worth today what
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they will be your some now. rise, wety prices automatically adjust on monetary policy. one of the things that has destabilized our economy over the last eight years is qe1, qe2, with a fetish out of money into the economy and there is no evidence that really worked. did that provide the jobs americans want? i don't see it. host: the uc janet yellen staying in the trump administration? guest: here is the advice i would give. i think she has one or two more years on her term. know ifay, how do we the president has the authority to fire janet yellen? i would not fire her. when her term is up, i would put someone else in that position. someone who gets monetary policy. that would be a fantastic thing for the country. host: from pennsylvania,
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independent line, melissa, you are next. caller: good morning. i have a question. i know a lot of people who are expecting a pay raise because they are on base for salaries for early retirement. employers will race at wage. a judge has put a stay on that and i am wondering what donald trump's stance is? agree that the primary focus is to make a profit. if you get businesses more money, will they pass that at -- will they pass it out or keep it? that is her primary goal. , youly, something you said mentioned the company's move to right to work states.
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again, it is not about generosity, it is about wages being lower. guest: i would rather have companies moving to places like tennessee in south carolina than mexico city and beijing. is we are in a competitive world and a lot of these companies do not move to write work states because they want to pay lower salaries. they don't want the unicef tremendous control over their businesses -- it is because they don't want the union to have tremendous control over their businesses. look what has happened in the auto industry. look at how government pensions are out of control. we need to reduce cost. i am pro-business and pro-worker and donald trump would say the same thing. to have healthy jobs is a truism. you need healthy businesses. this woman asked, will the
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businesses hire more workers if they had more money? they certainly cannot hire more workers if they have less money. topanies need profit reinvest in the business to purchase more equipment, hire more workers, and pay them more. if we businesses that pay less taxes, they can hire more workers and give them raises. i want the american worker to be the highest-paid worker in the world. how do we do that? we make america competitive again, reduce taxes, get rid of regulations. let me give you an example -- there was a study done by the national association of manufacturers. what they calculated is every manufacturing job in united states, the regulatory cost per job is about $18,000. wow! that is a lot. if you move your business out of state, you reduce your cost.
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that money does not go to the worker. it is just lost. if we can get rid of some of that regulatory burden and it does not cost $18,000 for regulations, that is more money the company can pay the worker. host: stephen moore joining us, economic advisor to donald trump, talking about his economic proposals for jobs and taxes. 202-748-8000 for democrats. 202-748-8001 for republicans. 202-748-8002 for independence. charles is on the line. go ahead. caller: i want to ask a question for stephen mooreco talking about al. coal.king about it is a dangerous job. i'm 65 years old. coal companies do not care about human life. do you want to going to the
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mines? host: talking about the conditions that coal workers face in protecting their interests. guest: most of the cole mining unions have endorsed trump. barack obama and his administration helped to destroy the union jobs. the gentleman is right. that is a really tough job to be coal minor. truckers,king about the industry, so many jobs. why do want to -- why do we want to shut down our coal industry and have the jobs go to china? i don't understand that. we have the cleanest power in the world. emissions are way down from
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where they were 40 years ago. we have the cleanest coal in the world. we should be producing american coal. we should be exporting it, too. coal.udi arabia of we have so much coal, why would not want to use it? host: joe from colorado, go ahead. caller: i have three things i would like to ask stephen moore. foremost, if you truly are a republican conservative, then why do you keep playing groundhog day? caller, what do you mean by that? caller: well, it is very simple. the economy has been in distress for 15 years. the bottom line is very simply republican, a
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warning mormon republican. my grandfather -- i look at the republicans today in the have gone sideways because you are sitting up there speaking once, want, want. the country does not need wants. we need to get back on track, we really need. we need to put for plans that work. about putre speaking us in a recession the last time. why would you want to do groundhog day? we need a radical departure from what we have done. i want to grow the economy and get the regulations done. i want to put america first. i want to put coal miners back in jobs and reduce our tax burden to be can be competitive with other countries in the world.
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global economy, and we have to start taking competitiveness seriously, or we will see a continued erosion of our job base. out unless we start taking our competitive situation seriously through great trade deals. we want american workers to get a pay raise. i don't see that as groundhog day. wasillary clinton put it actually groundhog day, doing more of the same. incidentally, when i talked to trump voters across the country, ory did not like obama's george -- obama's or bush's policies either. host: where is donald trump as far as his tax policy? what does he propose?
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guest: we want to jump out of the gate with this. i worked for reagan in the late 1980's. he composed his tax bill right out of the gate and by august of 1981, 8 months after he became president, he signed that bill into law and it was the greatest piece of legislature ever. we want to get that done even faster, like in six months. you want to cut business tax rates. without healthy businesses, you don't have jobs. for individuals, we want to simplify the system. people complain about how complicated our taxes are. plan, americans would not have to itemize their to duction. it would be much easier. we will lower tax rates to bring back the boom. i worked with who on the campaign. he has a radio show.
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he wrote a book called "jfk and the reagan revolution." he showed the two presidents in the past that could taxes the most were john f. kennedy and ronald reagan. we can do that again. analyzed.plan is then the taxest benefits of cuts would go to the highest income households. how do you factor that in? don't agree with that analysis. they don't fully understand the plan. is 40.hest tax rate we want to bring it down to 33. the lower rate football as well -- 25, 15, and 12. anybody who works in pays income taxes, you are going to get a
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tax cut under donald trump's plan. the high income people, we cut the race, but they high income people will lose their deductions. a by we want it to be a fairer system. if you and i make the same income, we should make the same tax. under the current system, we don't because you could be getting loopholes and i don't. host: the lack of revenue that comes in -- guest: we think we can get a lot more economic growth. the best way to reduce our deficit and reduce our debt is get the american economy moving again. for every percentage point in growth, we reduce the national debt by $2 trillion over 10 years. that is a big deal. host: bluefield, west virginia. danny is on with our guest stephen moore. caller: good morning.
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coal country. coals the heart of the wars. we have the biggest rail yard in the country for moving coal. let me make a two-part statement and this is important to caps off to the president. was -- just issue you how serious this is, i was at a farmer's market in bluefield, virginia, right across the line, and there was a couple that was 60 years old, lovely, american couple selling produce from their garden. and we started talking about the issues with coal, and they feel like they are being betrayed by the leaders in washington and new york. tos is a common feeling as why trump got elected and i'm supporting donald trump in revising trade.
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let me make this clear -- they told me they had some registered guns, but they had more than 50 guns hidden in the hills and they are ready for the revolution. and they said that the second amendment is not there for hunting squirrels, it is there to overthrow a government no longer serving the people. this is how serious this is. guest: i obviously do not condone people having guns to fight their government, but people in those areas --they feel betrayed. you know what their attitude is? , thef these rich liberals millionaires and billionaires who gave hillary clinton money, they say we care about climate change. much aboute so climate change, they are willing to put so many of us out of our jobs. they feel it is very unfair they should have to bear the brunt of these policies that have shut
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down our coal industry. some of these leftist clubs were boasting that they put all of the coal miners out of their jobs. there 10 million americans that work in the oil and gas industry. byre is a sense of betrayal the people in those communities, and donald trump engaged them. that is the reason he did so well. host: from new jersey, republican line, christopher. you are on. go ahead. caller: thank you for taking my call. you, mr. more for being a guest. i originally was a bernie sanders reporter and voted republican for the first time in my life. guest: i did know that there were people who did that. [laughter] sorry to cut you off. caller: that is fine.
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i felt like he was speaking to me because of his populist message when he mentioned the forgotten man and woman. i worked for the postal service and i am concerned about the future because for the last fiscal year, they lost $5.6 billion due to congressional mandates, it is been forced to fund retirement health funds. concerned of what the future is for the postal service? ago,i came in a few years wages were lower by seven dollars or eight dollars an hour. they created a to tear system with employees. two-tierreated a system. taken aere was a story
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look at donald trump's plan for taking care of employees over all. at the trumpole administration will play to reduce the amount of people in government? guest: i am not entirely familiar with his plan. to downsize the government. washington is too big. he said he wanted to drain the swamp, which were was music to people's years. think thatople washington is sloppy and unresponsive. where we are sitting, we are cross the street from the capital, but three of the five wealthiest counties in america or in and around washington d.c. wait a minute. all we produce his lawyers, lobbyists, politicians, and rules. but we are getting rich off the rest of the country, and that is the attitude i saw. anythingn does not do
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them and they are getting rich and we are getting poorer. we want to drain the swamp and make washington much more responsive to people around the country, and we want to downsize the bureaucracy. bureaucracy is way too big here. we want to do that through attrition. when someone retires from their job, we don't have to fill that position. there are thousands and thousands of people working in israeli torii agencies. you don't even know what they do -- there are thousands and thousands people working in these regulatory agencies. we don't even know what they do. we want to downsize the government. one other thing is i did work for the government at one time. i don't want the civil service system. we want a government that rewards people for really good a planut if you have outperforming -- but if you have an employee outperforming, you can't fire them.
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same thing with the schools. tenure is a crazy system. if you have a bad teacher, they should not be teaching. get rid of bad teachers and reward good teachers. host: new hampshire, sarah, independent line. go ahead, sarah. caller: good morning and thank you for taking this call. unions like to say that help people negotiate pay. it is democracy in the workforce. without that, we have slave wages. we have no benefits. 30-20 hour a week government has to support people with food stamps. i hear a lot of lip service going on here. independent-moderate
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constitutionalist, ok? the reason that donald trump got in, people are sick and tired of the entrenched, corporate takeover of the united states government. but can they are looking for an alternative, an outsider. now we have as his right hand alt-rightt- racist. host: thanks, caller. guest: a couple of things. i certainly believe that american people should join unions, and people should ve a right not to join unions. that is a principle that most americans agree with and that is why i am a right to work, guy. people should have individual
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rights as well. i think this woman is talking about steve bannon. he is going to be one of the advisors to president trump. i know steve bannon a bit and he is an amazingly bright guy. he is not a racist. he believes in america first. don't believe what you read in the newspapers. let's see how steve bannon does. i think the guy is brilliant and will help donald trump rebuild the american economy. i think what donald trump ran against was this incestuous relationship between big government, big labor, and big business. we want to have small businesses flourish and government less intrusive in our lives. host: you said that he is not a racist. what convinces you of that? that we wantlicies
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to put in place are policies that will benefit blacks, asians. let's talk about donald trump. he has gone into the inner cities and said i will help rebuild the city's. he took on liberalism. ,e said to inner-city residents the democrats have run the city's in the ground and there are no jobs here and no economic development. the schools stink, the schools are unsafe and i will bring titeiy back into these c -- i will bring sanity back into the cities. 3000from chicago we had shootings. we cannot continue that way. is not racist to say we are want to bring that to an end. host: you are on the stephen
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moore. go ahead. caller: good morning and happy thanksgiving, everyone! i noticed that stephen moore brought up coal quite a few times and i recently walked the documentary where they showed aerial views from drones of the glaciers. in the glaciers are covered with a blanket of black. --y know that that blank they noted that black is suc .- that black is soot and i saw a rivers running out the size of the glaciers. i used to walk the beach in years ago, and at high tide, you could still walk the beach. today, you cannot walk the beach and high tide at wells beach because the ocean is already risen.
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guest: it is amazing. the amount of emissions, pollution and united states from power plants and factories has 90%.reduced 80%, we have cleaned up our air. think about the air quality in cities like los angeles and pittsburgh and industrial cleveland today versus 100 years ago? we have the cleanest air ever. on topk about the soot of some of those glaciers. the countries doing all the polluting our countries like china and india. have you ever been to mexico city? you can't breathe the air there. we have done a great job cleaning up our air in our water as well. we need to as we continue to get richer. we need to continue to make growth and environmental quality
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a high priority. we can do both. thank you so much for having me on thanksgiving. to all the viewers, i really appreciate the c-span does. i love the fact you provide both sides of the story. moore, economist arthur and advisor to donald trump. have you been offered a job at administration? guest: i have not. me to do trump asked something, you do not say no to the president. i want to help donald trump with his economic plan, tax plan, energy plan, and i want to get on my horse and ride off into the sunset. [laughter] host: secretary of treasury may be? no matter what, this is going to be an exciting time in washington. host: stephen moore, thank you for your time. coming up, we will be joined by
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public citizen's robert weissman talking about a trump administration if it follows up on his promise about regulations in washington. first, president-elect donald trump took to the internet to offer a message on this thanksgiving day. here's part of that message. mr. trump: we are very blessed to call this nation are home and that is what america is. it is our home. for ourere we care loved ones, without for our neighbors, and live out our dreams. on this prayer in thanksgiving, we began to heal our divisions and move forward as one country, strengthened by shared purpose and very, very, resolved. declaring this national holiday, president lincoln called upon americans to speak with one voice and one heart. it is just what we have to do. we just finished a long and bruising political campaign. emotions are raw and tensions
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don't heal overnight. it does not go quickly unfortunately. , thee have before us chance now to make history together, to bring real change to washington, real safety to our cities, and real prosperity to archimedes, including our inner cities. it is so important to me and so important to our country. but to succeed, we must enlist the effort of our entire nation. this historic political campaign what now begins a great national campaign to rebuild our country, and to the full promise of americans for all of our people. i am asking you to join me in this effort. it is time to restore the bonds of trust between citizens because when america is unified, there is nothing beyond our reach, and i mean absolutely nothing. let us give thanks for all that we have, and let us boldly face the exciting new frontiers that lie ahead.
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thank you, god bless you, and god bless america. >> washington journal continues. host: joining us is the president of the group public citizen, robert weissman on this thanksgiving day. good morning. guest: thank you for having me. host: what is group public citizen? guest: we are a consumer advocacy and public interest advocacy organization focused on concerns about too much corporate power and the influence of corporations over policymaking in control of our economy. host: one of the things you have dealt with in regards to president-elect trump and the incoming administration is reflected in the washington times. many say the headline -- if it happens to president-elect plan to repeal some of the policies put in by the current president, barack obama. what is the reaction? guest: the worry that candidate trump has done a lot of talking
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about a lot of regulations and injury to the economy, but he is not talking about civic regulations. when you look at specific regulations, everything the obama administration and the bush administration did before made sense. made sense to advance the objective of regulations. the obama administration issued a rule that would increase the number of employees entitled to overtime pay. a judge just put a temporary injunction on that rule. it will fall to the trump administration to make a decision, do we maintain that rule or roll it back? rolling it back means 5 million people will be denied some kind of pay raise. it is as simple as that. the message of candidate trump to improving middle class standards, would be to maintain that rule.
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we are going to see. the challenge for president trump will be the sort of rhetorical commitment and ideological objection to regulation overrun the principles he said he was running on and the core of his campaign and commitment to americans. just heard her previous guest, stephen moore, talk about the clean power act and regulations put in place under that and how it affects jobs on the energy worker level. would you think that will be repealed? what about the argument that those regulations affects jobs in those in that sector? guest: it is a near certainty they will undo the clean power plan. in terms of the jobs issues stephen moore was talking about, coal use in the u.s. has to climb significantly. it has nothing to do with environmental regulations. it has to do with economic forces.
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coal is being replaced by natural gas. placed by obama will save consumers in every state of the nation. coal-producing safe i kentucky and virginia. families would have more money in their pockets because they would spend less on energy. removing the clean power plan will not just the damage to the planet's environment, but to the pocketbooks of americans. host: when it comes to the overall amount of regulations, the washington times says -- could you put that into context and what it means for this administration? guest: this is something the zealots are against.
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the number of pages that are produced. regulations are longer now than they used to be. that is because agencies have to publish longer regulations, or they will be challenged in court by corporations who will say you deny give us enough justification. so the number of rules is actually not increasing. the number of rules under the obama administration has declined. the number of large-scale significant economic rules has picked up a little bit, but each of those are justified if you look at them case-by-case. host: robert weissman with a group public citizen's joining us to talk about regulations and what might happen to some of those in the top administration once he takes office. if you want to as her guest questions, it is 202-748-8000 for democrats. 202-748-8001 for republicans.
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for202-748-8002 independents. you highlighted the overtime rule and the clean power act. if there is certain part of the government that will be most affected by rolling back regulations by the trump administration? guest: it is hard to say. he focused on some areas. sometalk a lot about environmental issues and the dodd frank rule preventing every current of the financial crash. act in that area, we will see a direct conflict between the broad assertion of the harm done by regulation, and the reality to that economic crash caused by deregulation hurts people trump appealed to. that will be another area to look at. but we are seeing some statements across the board about trying to reduce the actual number of regulations without regard to the content of that regulation. if they do that, it is going to
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affect everything, not just the environmental field regulation of banks, but the day-to-day operations of the government because most regulations are not the things people are talking about. withs -- it has to do social security checks and benefits to the ba -- the v.a.. all of these are regulations. as the actual active rolling back regulation itself, can the president do that by himself? that will be more complicated question. there are recently adopted regulations by the obama administration in the last six months. could be repealed through a sped up process through congress called the congressional review act republicans say they aim to
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do that. executive action that the bysident took could be done donald trump acting as executive. falll regulations don't under those two categories will require a new regulation. the active deregulating is a former regulation. eric, pensacola, florida, independent line. you are on with robert weissman of public citizen. good morning. go ahead. caller: good morning. i only heard a little bit of what you are talking about. i was listening to you say that you have some legitimate concerns about crony businesses. those it has too much influence on government. but you're not talking with the
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politicians taking the bride's. bribes.g the the business can take your children from your sin the country to war. a business only has so much power. the link you are missing -- i get the feeling you are saying we need regulations to be -- but what you are missing is anti-excessive regulation is not me know regulations. we are not seeing no clean air clean water -- we're not saying no clean air or clean water. what do you tell someone like me who says we are not anti-any regulations, just anti-excessive ones. host: we will let our guest dancer. think your approach is
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the right one, which is to say, we are not talking about regulation in general, but specific regulation. let's have a discussion about the water bowl. let's evaluate that on the merits. if we are looking at the overtime rule, let's look at it and evaluate it on its merits. for the incoming administration, let's focus on the specific rules, and more discussion on is it a good idea or bad idea? idea they seem to have for how to manage -- is toy policy is to cut two for every new one adapted. that is an across-the-board thing. makingpoint you are about the role that government can impose on people's writes, we don't disagree about that.
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you're absolutely correct in focusing on the power of the thernment itself, but corruption between the corporate sector and elected politicians. the main transmission is a finance -- campaign finance system that makes politicians owe too much to large donors and feel responsible to their constituents and the american people. that is the kind of thing where we have 2 -- host: republican line. caller: happy thanksgiving, gentlemen. i would like to comment, the coal-burning power plants in the country are the cleanest in the world. we have catalytic converters and afterburners. wyoming, epa and gina mccarthy are so concerned about, is the small that comes up from
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colorado over the rocky mountains. that is about all i have. have a good day. guest: thank you. issues with the facts of coal pollution as we have historically understood it. not understanding the historical gains and health effects of coal burning. but the focus is on carbon emissions, that are not doing enough to capture and threatened catastrophic climate change the potential impacts that are too horrific to consider. it is important to understand the reason coa usage has declinedl not because of environmental regulation, but because coal has been economically displace by the use of renewables. host: cincinnati, ohio. nita, go ahead.
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caller: i have a question and a comic. -- in the question and a comment. thinking,g here listening toately, my friend from arizona, the state of michigan has gone to or cano block emissions, you with solutions in flint, michigan. the people in detroit, michigan for drinking the cleanest water and the world until some dr. said they were lying. jfk cutt the tax cut, the deficit in 1961. thank you, caller. guest: i think you are talking about the water quality crisis
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in flint. it really shows how government can fail. noticularly when it does take care of core governmental duties and relying on outside enterprises and private organizations to run government. needso shows we actually appropriate rules to ensure things like rainwater, clean air, and a consequences when we do not have those rules in place is absolutely terrible. in flint withon the poisoning of children in that city is unconscionable and completely preventable. that is why we need rules to stop those kinds of things from occurring. host: we have someone on twitter that says just get ready for more bp oil spill's, poison medications. is that your opinion under the incoming administration? guest: there is reason to worry, we will have to see how the
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rhetoric transformers into reality -- of the rhetoric transfers into reality. when the recognition of why we have recognition in the first place in the benefits we have achieved. the bp oil disaster was the problem of too little regulation. their financial crash was a problem of too little regulation, deregulation, and failed enforcement. or gm ignition failure people were killed as a result, that is a problem of failed galatian. look at the food poisoning outbreaks we have had time after time, a problem of too little regulation. we have 50,000 people killed by using an unsafe drug, that was an regulatory problem. we have a lot to be buried about if they carry -- we have a lot to be worried about. the pagespoke about
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of regulation. here is another line from a story from the washington times -- what about this idea of regulations and what it cost the average american on a day-to-day basis? guest: that figure of cost the modified the average person. most of the cost is imposed on business. the cost estimates are high because they rely on business estimates. back, cost estimates are way inflated. that said, but the story elements is regulatory opponents is to not look at cost, but the benefits. the same estimates find the
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benefits are between two and 14 times greater than the cost. done by anis is agency inside the white house. --theirossed estimates cost estimates are too high. they have a problem putting a dollar value on human life. cost-benefit, costs are dwarfed by genetic benefits -- by dramatic benefits. host: we are joined by robert weissman of public citizens. joe inear from pennsylvania. independent line. hello. caller: good morning, pedro. i am just curious, have you ever operated a business that had to contend those regulations?
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guest: i run an organization that is a business. we have to comply with these rules here in washington d.c. where we are based. i will tell you what, we to buildings here. one of them, we work on the third floor. on the second floor is a restaurant. the restaurant just had a fire. our folks are not working because the building is closed. that is a serious problem. no one got hurt, so we are ok. the fire safety rules are designed to prevent what happened from happening. we way fewer fires in be used to because local fire safety rules. those are the kinds of regulations local business has to deal with on a day-to-day basis. sometimes they are an annoyance, but there are real reasons for
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it is experienced by my office just recently showed. republican line. caller: good morning and happy thanksgiving. we are in massachusetts. we are a high regulations state. those on the left never want to study their theories. growth on our economy in the last eight years. there is a reason why the stock market has gone up in the last week because investors feel it is going to be more favorable for businesses. you talked about cost. you never talk about the cost of jobs. you never talk about what would have been. how many businesses would have been started? i had two small businesses for 30 years. not start those
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businesses 30 years ago, i would not be in business today. i can actually sell my businesses and moved to a low , andtate like florida semi-retire, and it would be seven people out of work. i am in a small nickel and dime business, but i can just imagine what larger and medium-size businesses have to go through. host: thanks, caller. if you look at the historical record and what is happened from regulation and what happens we don't have adequate regulation, look at the financial crash. that was a result of wall street spending in the previous decade to roll back any restraint on their activities. streethighfliers on wall engaging in -- when it crashed, we suffered through the worst economic downturn and 70 years
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of american history. $14 trillion in wealth. in output as a result of the great recession which was caused by obligatory failure. we have a bill important .xperiment if you look at the deregulatory period of the bush , we were stronger and the obama years. job creation was stronger. stock market went up even more in the obama years. host: jacksonville, florida. this is fran. caller: hu.
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i'm calling about the consumer finance detection bureau and it being in trouble now. it is obvious now and how the republicans are trying to bureau'sthe protection goal, and their effectiveness. they are the ones that they got many millions of dollars return to the taxpayer, trying to keep the financial companies and check for the people. -- companies in check for the people. i don't think democrats or republicans would object to that. one other thing is safety regulations. francine the construction in china somewhere in the building collapse.
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weissman know, ey are, you thinking, well, i guess we don't have to do that. know any consumer who would object to getting 50 miles their car. guest: you make a lot of important points on consumer bureau, cfpb, the gency elizabeth warren helped create, it was an issue as part d-frank legislation. billion, consumers $10 since it was founded a few years ago. the republicans made suggestions to eliminate it, that is not going to happen, emocrats in the senate won't
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permit that, but there is a real will be t the agency far less effective, proven to be in its short existence. also looking at high likelihood that the trump in nistration, republicans congress, block some important agency was trying to limit. lenders, ed to limit that is likely to be rolled back. they are looking to prohibit companies, banks and credit card companies from putting term necessary contracts can't adjust, that deny the ability to join together in us off, if they rip that would have saved dramatic amounts of money and it is will go now that rule into effect. there is reason to be worried. host: you mentioned this issue the auto industry, it is worth pointing out. -- l one of the guest: one of the, significant
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fuel efficiency in our cars, the auto industry was going rom bankruptcy and out of business by the intervention of the obama administration, agreed to significant increase necessary uel efficiency, but with obama going out and trump going in, they're now saying, that is a let's not be lt, required to do that, we'll have to see whether the trump willing to on is listen to them f. they do, it ill be at enormous cost to consumers because more fuel efficient cars save us a ton in gas bills. bob, who live necessary california, on our independent line. morning es, sir, good and happy thanksgiving. my concern is that when government put a lot of out that seemed not to be a follow-up as to whether to need the changes to take place and i think there is a need for regulations, but has nearly taken over our entire society and i think that systems are not
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teaching people to think ritically, nor to think clearly. president obama looked like he tried to follow the path of roosevelt for infrastructure, we have training problems. serious i don't think the people understand this and those who was jobs to come back, it corporation that sent jobs overseas for cheap labor in the first place. veterans are left behind. our social security, if it asn't for that, many senior citizens in the united states of merica, would have been dedicated and productive citizens, would be living on the treets because things do change. i think we have to remember that thernment is for, of and by people. when i was growing up, democrats and republicans worked together to do what was best for the country based upon the needs.y of the people's i think we need to think of that and someone need to emphasize thinking d to start
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about what we need to do to ecome a real democratic society. host: bob, thank you very much. guest: i think some of the about, you're talking bob, are important, they are important because they cut across the divide. a great thing with c-span, democrat, republican, independent caller line. what you said bridges across that and the ideas the government is supposed to be for the people. you know, some of the callers saying, the government is by business and there is too much crony capitalism. i agree with that. that e to deal with problem. we also should simultaneously keep in mind what the government to be, the agent of all of us. well.xpressed that really host: richard, up next, from on ouri, democrats line, with robert weissman, a public citizen. weissman, this may be off schedule, i watched the program last night and they ointed out now that the
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republicans have 51% or 51 they rs, you know, that have been trying to do something with medicare for a long time, now they can do what they want it, they have complete control over the white house, congress. the so another thing, this may be a bit off schedule a bit, but we to have millions of buffalo n this country and without any regulation, we now have just a few. putthe power plants used to out so much pollution, it ruined the lakes up north. regulations and it's kind of helped. , caller, i y apologize for that. we will see,icare, you know, it is the case that ryan, plainly aul wants to privatize and down size medicare. differing p has said
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things about what he wants to do with medicare, sometimes protect g he wants to it, sometimes echoing the themes from the speaker. democrats lieve the in the senate, so long as there is a filibuster, will permit of medicare f. it moves forward, we're going to have a big fight and i think it fight we should all join. medicare is a program enormously and itnt to this country has kept millions of seniors out otherwise who wouldn't be able to afford healthcare costs. it is one of the real treasures country, that we -- one other. take care of each look, put in your time, you're a we can do the least for you collectively as america is make sure you're guaranteed healthcare coverage, something we have to make sure we defend and improve and expand. host: "washington post" highlights a line from the trump administration healthcare
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says, reform the food and drug administration to ut greater focus on the need for innovative medical products. what does that mean when it regulation sible changes there? guest: that is really interesting line in the -- from of the transition team. if you compare that to the arallel position that the campaign, the trump campaign had, there has been a big difference. ran saying he e wanted to do something about dug worried and he was about excessive price and the drug companies have obligation to the public. for the on the website campaign. then you do the compare and website, the transition now echos terms used by the big talk about try to deregulating safety standards at food and drug administration. it shows why it matters who is in charge, what kind of in the office. it is extremely likely that provision was written by a prior
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pharmaceutical executive, former lobbyist for the industry, with the transition, but no longer is. it is up for grabs where the administration will go on drug drug priceing and drug safety issues, but this change, what the candidate said what the transition is say suggest worrisome. republican line. caller: yes, sir, good morning. happy thanksgiving. about deregulation, i believe bill clinton deregulated getting liberal idea, trying to get people that couldn't afford a house, a caused a housing bubble, that caused that. he a and the stock market, had nothing to do with the stock market, that was the fed lowering rate and people put loans and invested in the stock market. the epa overregulates businesses the point it drives them out of business, we look over things and then they nder regulate when you want
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regulation for mortgage companies, so i think that trump a good idea in the medical industry, i'm sure we can look at that. to bring ng years drugs to the public, which i with research, we can tell it is safer now. they are dragging their feet on that. think trump will bring a new awakening to america, energy, regulates, clean coal now, that destroyed hillary, one reason she lost. so we need to move forward, $150,000 king over doesn't feel the effects of cost. re or energy host: caller, let me stop you, putting a lot out there for the consider. go ahead, mr. weissman. guest: a lot of points. the clean power plan, as i mentioned earlier, the clean power plan will reduce energy costs because it would lead us to use less
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electricity. we'd actually save money if we go forward with the clean power clean d eliminate the power plan will mean household up.umer bills will go just take one point you were saying, in the area of drug know, the f.d.a., the food and drug administration eview process is really expedited now, there are not delays of any consequence at the drugs especially for that show signs of being innovative and important. they are have worries letting too many unsafe drugs on o the market and standards are being reduced. we have history here to look at, when we didn't have the f.d.a. the f.d.a. operating poorly, you know, we had snake oil. products ot of unsafe being sold and one thing that kindstually prevented all of injuries and deaths that we've seen in other countries, f.d.a. operating rigorously, a lot to worry about decline at andards
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the f.d.a. host: california, democrats there.oanne, hi caller: yes, thank you, c-span, for taking my call. holidays to mr. weissman and others. my question is, you was a ears ago, there time as a nurse, we were equired to dump all of these drugs that were not being used into the r that went water system and through regulations now we have black lot of other things that protect us. i'm grateful for the regulations we have here in california and other states and one other ask, you know, to when a man says that he's going o take care of our country and do all the things that is right, asotally accept donald trump my president, but where is his taxes? how can you get my house in order, when i can't see if your house is in order. i'll hangup and i hope you have
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holiday. guest: that is an interesting disposal of the unused pharmaceuticals and absolutely right. sort of weird problem rising, which is that our rinking water was being polluted in a significant way by pharmaceuticals. one was acting out of malice, but it was a collective problem. regulation to fix the problem, we see the water supply cleaned out. , disposal of donald , pretty ax statement important link to regulation, about don't know still donald trump is the scope of his business empire. to we know enough about it know that he personally, through he trump organization, has direct interest in all kinds of regulatory policy. are the bankruptcy laws
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going to be, what worker health and safety standards are going of workers to ts unionize, he is involved in a dispute in las vegas over this. people to join together to sue corporate trump ers like university. we really need to know more about what is in the trump portfolio, but we also need the president-elect to that business of so that his ongoing conflicts of range of n this wide regulatory issue system broken apart. hoffman, call from north carolina, ben, independent line. caller: hello, happy all.sgiving to you i got two, a question and a comment. name public s, the citizen, okay, it is not a business, it is an advocacy group. who finances public citizen? is this man aware that 250 major corporations
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this country every year and the f the taxes regulations put upon them? when the 250 companies go, how people do you think lose their jobs? try to answer ll both questions. on the second, i'm not aware of leaving the united states in large scale because of tax and regulatory issues. i am very aware of companies ofrating out on mass because failed trade policy that encourages them to work in we've beenuntrys and a big campaigner of public citizen, against trade deals transpacific partnership or nafta that encourage that kind we're outsourceing and pleased that the trump administration, i think will really new direction on trade policy. in terms of how public citizen funded, we have 400,000 members and supporters, a lot of
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donations, we have couple thousand people who make donations over $100, who help us out. we get several million in foundations and get lot of money to pay for publications that we sell. our annual budget is around $15 million a year. robert weissman with public citizen. as far as incoming dministration, what is your organization's role, what do you see yourself as, in terms of the topic of regulation? we're worried, worried about the issue of mr. trump's and conflicts gs that may emerge f. we're really worried they will carry forward anti-regulatory agenda they talked about. without looking at actual cases, the president-elect himself looks at these cases, i think we may have a much better outcome and if he relyos advisors aren't looking at impact on actual people. ahead.s our big challenge
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host: mr. weissman, thank you. happy thanksgiving. guest: thanks for having me, have a great thanksgiving yourself. minutes, he final 45 discussions today around the thanksgiving table. ill they turn to politics and how are the discussions going with the results of the election? et us know, democrats, 202-748-8000. republicans, 202-748-8001. independents, 202-748-8002. may not be one of unity, depending on the household you find yourself at. obama in his t last thanksgiving address talking about the idea of ishing people a happy thanksgiving, a topic of unifying the nation, here is president obama. obama: hi, everybody the obama family, grandma, milea, sasha, bo and sonny, wish you happy thanksgiving. day with friends and family, turk and he touchdowns, we'll give thanks
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other and for all that god has given us. and we'll truly binds us as americans. that has never been more important. emergedntry, we've just from a noisy, passionate and campaign divisive season. afterall, elections are often here we emphasize what sets us apart. we face off in a contest of us versus them. candidate we e support, instead of some ideals we share. in a few short weeks later, thanksgiving reminds us that no matter our differences, we're one people, part of something bigger than ourselves. that move unities forward together. we are neighbors. e look out for one another, especially those among us with the least. simply americans. that is why through the fog of lincoln sawresident what mattered most, the unalienable truths for which so
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gave their lives and which made possible a new birth of precisely when the fate of the union hung in the balance, he boldly day of ed a thanksgiving, when the nation's ifts should be solemnly, reverently and gratefully acknowledged as with one heart one voice by the whole american people. give thankstinue to for blessings and to all who ensure they would be our inheritance. we remember the determined patriots who landed at the edge of the world in search of freedom. we give thanks to the brave men and women who defend that freedom in every corner of the we honor all people, from the first americans to our who continue to shape our nation's story, enrich give meaning to our founding values, values we must never take for granted. in america, we are bound, not by one race or religion, but rather
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adherence to a common belief, that all of us are created equal. and worship and speak and love as we please. hat the gift of democracy is ours and ours alone to nurture protect. never doubt that is what makes we come ans, not where from or what we look like or our which we ideals to pledge allegiance, our capacity as old up to the creed our founding. out of many, we are one. to ong as we continue welcome the contributions of all people, as long as we stand up each other, speak out for what is right and stay true to not just when it is easy, but when it is hard, no one can ever take away our liberty. our best days will always be ahead and we will keep building of our where all children know the promise of america. everybody.sgiving,
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>> "washington journal" continues. you plan to talk politics this thanksgiving, today and with people who may differently than you did in this election? if that is the case, tell us how you think that conversation will go and what strategy you will employ as you meet later on today. us know. 202-748-8000 for democrats. republicans.for 202-748-8002 for independents. on the local t.v. station put other topics you can talk about, that is whatics if you are going to do, including football, television programs, the idea ofand also shared memories. thanksgiving can be a rare opportunity to really catch up family or old friends you haven't seen in a while, instead f debating the here and now, turn the clock back to fond old memories, give everyone a chance to tell their favorite story else at the table. you may try to employ that, olitics may be what you end up
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talking about today. if you are, let us know how that will go. the numbers are on the screen. first from walter, baltimore, maryland, independent line. walter, good morning. good morning, c-span. good morning, america. holiday. and i want to visit with you. , i'm a redskins fan, stopped me from saying grace, i with "please god, anybody, but dallas," that is to be a bigger fight than who won the presidential the idea but again, that this game, i'm just hoping, stressful, i won't be watching it, i'll be checking the scores. far as the y as president-elect is concerned, him, ast guest, thank public citizen, for their continued outlook on the results because the idea that we turned this over to a jerk is one
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thing. but the jerk, who is not shown undercover actual investments, i hope that we get all e them because then those happy go lucky, white, privileged people who think he not dangerous, they're in after or a halloween january 20. i thank you, c-span, and please, let's pray for peace and that he won't start another term. we enter his host: iris up next, michigan, independent line. there. caller: iris from michigan. hello. jesse is in michigan. democrats line. jesse, good morning. caller: okay. morning. good morning, pedro. host: will politics be on the as food this afternoon? caller: yes, politics will be on with me.
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host: how do the discussions go? you be eat withing people who disagree with you politically? no.ler: liberal ople are very a family that don't let politics interfere with our lives. we put politics aside, politics oesn't interfere with our lives. the day is thanksgiving and we and i to be together don't let politics influence me on the last use lection we had, i didn't like it, but i'm going to try to go a happy and have thanksgivi thanksgiving. wish everyone a happy thanksgiving. jesse in michigan. there is a story, several tories looking at this idea of
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intelligence briefing that the president-elect is hearing. writing thatmiller since the election of donald trump turned away all of them, of these briefings, reminding people the daily brief classified document is known and designed to provide summary of key security insight from and all usa intelligence agencies, cobra as update on programs being run overseas by the c.i.a. delivered each morning by intelligence analysts for expertise for the prestigeuous job. the story talks about how the president-elects have handled the briefing, saying fter his election in 2008, president obama took part, not only in the regular intel scheduled deep diveos key subjects, including covert uclear program, c.i.a. operation, president bush's briefing was delayed the 5th because of the
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florida election, but he, whose as c.i.a. ed director, goes back as far as he got firstsaying post-race briefing, that was it was 10 th, 1992, days after the election and he received daily intelligence almost every working day of the rest of the transition time in little rock. political about discussions this thanksgiving n. new york, here is rob. ahead. caller: happy thanksgiving. thank you to c-span. thanks. going to have a neutral going e dinner, but i'm to bring up two things. to bring up pat choat, resident-elect trump should run, not walk to bring pat choate, you may remember him days as discuss
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possible as ustr, u.s. trade choate, wrote , the book on trade and he's the an that should, if he doesn't bring choate into the discussion, then i don't know ow serious he is on trade or someone like choate. the other thing we'll discuss, i that hillary miscalculated and bernie sanders primaries, g in the he should have been the vice presidential pick and he should in as her rought partner and she would have won the election. and nk in minnesota wisconsin, 20 or 22 counties bernie sanders won in the in the s over hillary general election trump won and i she had chosen bernie sanders, we would have a very different picture going on in terms of who our president would be. host: rob, around your table peopleternoon, are these
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primarily of the same political view as you? no, we have mixed bag everyone is pretty civilized. menyackal fox ny ews people that just glued to fox news and spilling out the hate. we have a reasonable bunch of sides and i'm really hoping for mr. trump to each across the aisle and make the proper decision to bring the country forward and not divide us. perkins, y from oklahoma, republican line. good morning. morning.good happy thanksgiving, america. it is a good day for americans elected.ld trump got you know, i don't think we'll discuss politics around my table the democratic side, they will start crying if we do, is all they seem to do, cry
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about everything. they want to talk about spewing hate, i've seen more hate from the democratic side than the side so -- host: you'll have democrat necessary your family and at the this afternoon? caller: oh, yeah, democrats, independents, you know. of those things, will it inevitably come up and can't avoid or you know it is going to happen and let it happen? happen. it will probably it won't be too much of a fuss, they will just start crying and hanky.e them a host: ted from idaho, democrats morning.d, good caller: morning. i was going to say i think receive all should of the presidential briefings ecause that is very important, but the main thing i was going to say, i think donald trump one-term president. i don't think a president going gainst the grain will help us
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going forward in the united states. host: so again, this idea of our family table this afternoon, what you expect might happen when it comes to discussion, whether you might be surrounded by those ho agree, maybe not, 202-748-8000 for democrats. 202-748-8001 for republicans. 202-748-8002 for independents. give us a call on that. a local news station in washington, d.c. had the this unity to talk about topic with the former house donald, newt gingrich, a trump supporter talking about the idea of talking politics at the holidays. of that ome conversation. your there any subject in family you avoid? >> politics? >> no. newt gingrich, how can you not talk about politic? >> my sister and i have strong graument, we don't talk politics. he's passionate.
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> happy thanksgiving, mr. speaker. host: let's hear from steven, wisconsin, republican line. steven, tell us what you expect conversation wise this afternoon. thanksgiving. thank you for taking my call. i'm hopeful the majority of their will concentrate on family and friends and little less emphasis on the government, think that we all should do. is ar as what i want to say we need to be thankful for what to our democracy as americans and i think if we spent more time in our local helping in the issues that are important to us, to her resources, school work programs, any type of think on, selflessly, i we'd be a better country and a stronger country. the state newspaper out of south carolina takes a look at haley, asked by
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president-elect donald trump to ottom un ambassador, but what happens to henry mcmaster? this is subheading this morning. colleagues call mcmaster consensus builder saying he's in early become governor next year, if that happens, it would bring different style as state's top elected leader. veteran of south carolina politics since the early 1980s, general known for friendly, easygoing demeanor hat likely would help in dealing with state legislature on highly charged issues such as bill.oads that is the state newspaper out of south carolina. also the other head view, take a look at other newspaper rite-ups when it comes to nomination of the un ambassador. governor haley will be nspiration, this is post courier and also the standard, praise, dline, xcitement on haley un
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ambassador nomination. juan, on the independent line. caller: yes, hello. hello, you are on. caller: yes, thank you. topic, yes, all definitely discussion of the election and the politics and probably discussion mainly of looking at medicare and the obamacare. one, i think that one failure we should have actually incorporated the medicare. into one of the i guess one of the omplaints about the reason why we want to do away with obamacare, there weren't enough people applying for it. actually, when you think about it, that would be true, if you medicare, extended to or ne, opposed to those 65 above or those disabled, that have wider base of support financial support for medicare. i believe n reason
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that we have such a problem mosticted medicare is that of the physicians are in whatnot, they take reduced pay from what they normally take from the insurance means they d that are not in favor of it because would ink profit margin be cut. host: susan from florence, massachusetts, republican time. talking politics this thanksgiving? caller: i will try to keep it really cool. republican where i'm going today, they are all progressive liberal democrats in mass, so i think -- host: and you accepted the anyway?on caller: it's family. host: so when you say keep it do you, what is strategy for you in making that happen? caller: people i have been talking to in the last few tears and ted with fear, and you know, donald trump things that uple
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have, i think -- democratic fears like, you know, not necessarily getting out of the agreement and i just try and counter softly. you know, i just, it has been really intense, people are frightened.eople are host: do you expect it to take a large course of the conversation? movell be part and we will to other topics? how do you think that might go? people i think after have had a few beers, we will slip into it. host: kathy in cleveland, ohio, democrats line. there. kaekt good morning, pedro, thank you for taking my call. and thanksgiving to you there work f thanksgiving holiday so diligently, we really, those who love c-span really appreciate you putting in this time. you. for the thanksgiving dinner, we and to be calm and cool
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collected and as little as possible discourse, to the last caller's point, after a few beers, sometimes things get unfortunately, so as my husband put it, we're there to gobble, not squabble, that will be our plan. will not hesitate to try to tone down or possibly dispute anything that somebody might say disparaging, discriminatory or incorrect. not want to be considered compliceit with something like that. mix of people where you are going as far as political stance? have a full mixed bag of democrats, republicans and independents. refuse to voteho at all. nd so they're having voter remorse or i should say nonvoter remorse. be a whole gamut
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quite ag population and few folks who are very strong in their opinion, so it will be holiday to see how it plays out. host: kathy, thanks a lot. james from twitter saying amazingly enough, my wife might e the only trump voter in the house this afternoon. the kids and i all voted third party. ohio, rom canton, democrats line. hi, kelly. happy good morning, thanksgiving. host: thanks, go ahead. comment.just a i agree with the last caller, it very interesting thanksgiving holiday. we're all gathering and, i don't know, i hope the election come up too much. host: you don't sound too confident in that, though. well, i think everybody is like kind of watching too starting to we're
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turn the corner with this, trying to figure out how it will thing, this isn't going to end the world. my family, i was raised a grow up in a part of the country that strangely nough, we should all be democrats, but during the election, it was really interesting because where i middle income people. trump-pence o many signs here. it was interesting. voted for e people obama last time around. these the majority of people voted for president obama last time around, it was flip.esting to see the i think it really is all to do with the trade situation and the ially here in industrial midwest. were so many jobs one time and there is not any longer, eople feel it more, pocketbook issues here than really anything else, so yes, it is depressing, a bernie sanders
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supporter, myself. but i did vote for secretary so it was disappointing outcome, but i saw remember what news station it was on, it said, ou know, the signs that say drill, baby, drill. there is one that says, build, maybe donald trump will do an infrastructure package and make the country great again. knows. host: that is kelly talking about her thanksgiving plan when is it comes to conversations politics. betsy in the news this morning because of her selection as education secretary by the president-elect, if you go to chalk beat dot com, it has a section, it is education website, it talks her influence, particularly when it comes to oversight, a lot being talked vouchers, saying she and her husband played a chartergetting michigan law possessed in 1993 and working to protect charters from
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additional regulation. lawmakers are considering measure to add oversight for necessary ool etroit, members of the devos family poured money of average oversight was , not included in final regulation, the devos influence the charter school sector is least regulated in the country, roughly 80% of charters in michigan run by private companies, far more than any other state and state done little to ensure charter schools are effectively serving students concerns from the federal authorities, it quotes secretary education john king telling the website in michigan out about michigan saying "there are a lot of schools doing poorly authorizers do not seem to be taking necessary orion to improve performance close underperforming charters," the chalk beat
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website. by y devos has been asked president-elect trump to become the education secretary. line, ohn, republican john, go ahead, you are on. caller: thanks, pedro. and thanksgiving to you everyone at c-span, as well. definitely going to talk about on thanksgiving today. funny thing, i'm from ennsylvania, a big state that changed, went to trump versus the democrats in the last election. our conversation in family started this morning, believe it each , at 5 a.m., texting other and wishing each other happy thanksgiving and hey, see dinner few hours for and so on and so forth. the politics began immediately text this morning. it was funny talking about the future. i definitely think we'll talk about it and the mix is like what people are saying this pedro, our family has hard-core democrats and some conservatives and you
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get a mix of everything when we meet. going to come is up, because it did at like 5 a.m. one other thing i want to tell funny on it was election day. i actually had been at a poll in of pennsylvania. , i was d never seen there seven hours handing out people and watching vote, i had never seen so many people come from 7 a.m. to 3 in a constant flow of people, elderly people, you know, men, women, 18 year old first voters, seen r, i had never anything like that. so something really different happened this time. everybody knows in a sense, it is different. it, i re we'll talk about really do, i'm sure it will happen today. host: john in pennsylvania. saying when it comes to the topic of political the gameion today, no,
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boggle and bananas will be layed, even scrabble, but no politics. valerie up next, grass valley, california, republican line. you are on. caller: hi. we will have a wonderful thanksgiving. mix of everybody, green party, we have democrats, republicans. there used to be a political day voted, election day, it seems like now it never stops being election. constantly, i mean, we're already talking about 2020 on, guys let's enjoy life a little besides politics. that i will respect everyone's opinion and i expect them to respect mine. some sort of ground rules that happen in your family when you have these kind of discussions? caller: well, one of the things, we don't hurt anybody's feelings. f you don't agree with me, fine, you don't get to say anything rude or pick at people because you don't agree with
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them. everybody's opinion is respected. host: that is valerie in california, the "new york times" highlight somes plans associated the inauguration day by trump administration. officials there are planning inauguration, mr. trump would solicit corporate $1 million and allow money to be transferred from political action committee case basis, the committee not reached decision n where to cap gifts from individuals, if at all, all told opes to raise 65 million to 75 million to fund parade balls and surrounding ties swear nothing as president, according to several people involved in planning. fundraising total if materializes would surpass the team lion mr. obama's raised for 2013 inauguration and raisedion record that it for first inauguration in 2009. t adds this story about
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turnout, what the trump team is expecting when it comes to saying that mr. trump said it is expecting two to to flood ion people washington for the ceremony, a crowd that could surpass the 8 estimated on hand for mr. obama's first inauguration, which was a record. >> caller: electricians, teamsters, passage of om ibus passage and the pbgc and why democrats and republicans let the union, private unions didn't ease up on the erisa education. is a nuance conversation for a thanksgiving day. aller: well, we're all union people. we're worried about our tensions
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and because democrats and it, now we'ressed forced. host: as far, if you are all people, did you vote for the same person? did.r: yes, actually, we we would be surprised, we all one, the teamster girl. host: who did she vote for, donald trump? hillary. host: you voted for trump? being union people? caller: yes, we did. and -- caller: it is surprising, i was working at the convention center show and i the auto was blown away how many union trump. voted for host: how is -- because you're alling on the line for democrats, how is it you came about for donald trump? caller: how? going to ease up on the regulations n. construction, regulation what we can and can't do. bring back y he'll jobs and work.
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ight now, you'd be out of work and no unemployment after six months. in : that is michelle california. i don't know exactly when this ook place, house speaker paul ryan was asked a series of question which is he posted on talking about the topic of thanksgiving and what he does during that time. is in q&a style. ere it is from paul ryan house speaker. deer hunting. deer tenderloins. turkey? >> my sister-in-law and i have a fry, she i deep roasts. we have a cook-off and the doesy makes a decision who the best job. >> who win? >> mixed every year. i would like to think i win all lately., but i haven't >> who -- >> i carve the turkey. thankful for my family.
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i am thankful for the people who us, the men and women in uniform. i'm also thankful for the giving us ople for their trust and this opportunity with unified republican overnment to fix our country's pressing problems. thanksgiving. host: keith is up next, keith tennessee, annah, republican line. caller: yeah. host: you're on. thank you for taking my call. happy thanksgiving. nobody gets offended. have a six-year-old granddaughter that lives in north carolina. she called me before the election and told me i better vote for hillary, i better vote for trump. she's only six years old. host: uh-huh. caller: they start young talking politics. they are very smart, these kids now days. a lot of ee things
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adults can't see, believe it or not. they're very, very smart. i'm thankful for that and i'm hankful that we got the right man in for president. and i told everyone from the get-go he would be. and everybody e is happy, everybody be thankful that. we are die-hard republicans down here in tennessee. went to trump in this county. melinda.'s hear from altuna, pennsylvania. independent line. are you?da, how caller: good. host: i'm well. go ahead. we won't be talking much thanksgiving, my kids are all i'll red about, so probably be here by myself, but the president obama, they never even call him newscasters f the
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they always just said obama, i that.ed now give them a chance. i think him and michelle are fine people. think they are doing the same thing to elect president will not give him a fair shake. this media stuff, i'm not c-span, i'm talking the being paid by special try to people, they brainwash everybody and america fooled anymore. the politician world, nobody of the government, if i want on be president today, i idea what to do or little kidshy these are going to the dentist, they ave medicaid and they are getting tax on baby teeth. my mom never went to a dentist,
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never went to a doctor. people living in the country they are never sick. the further away from a doctor the healthier you are. host: frank in hollywood, frank, good morning. caller: good morning. you know, this whole election was about jobs. look in the want ads, here used to be four or five pages, now you are lucky there is half a page. this year we're going to give to god that donald trump, , is in charge of the country. we should all give him a chance table, we'll be chanting, four more years, that trump. we feel about mr. host: the "new york times" this morning, a section specifically and issues with new york, but already, according story, economic results from the incoming president-elect, especially issues regarding
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immigration and deportation, she city, portion rk of the economy is driven by immigrants is starting to feel mr. trump's election. resident necessary latino on dents have cut back spending. 47% of the city's workforce is toe of immigrants, according center for urban future, nonpartisan group that studies finish, those most worried are undocumented immigrants, who mr. deport, 574,000 citizen residents are pay $793 ed and million in state and local study according to a commissioned by the city council speaker, a democrat, about 10% the city's workers are unauthorized, according to the figures.ates census although an accurate count is hard to determine. ian, from oceanside, new york, line for republicans, thatng about conversations will take place around the thanksgiving table and if they
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will deal with politics. are on., you caller: happy thanksgiving to everybody at the "washington ournal" and just to say when taxes come down on businesses, i'm a business owner, they can hire, they can n give more wages, hourly wage to somebody. that will he things happen, maybe they'll need to save some profit because i know and they vil term haven't been able to put together too much. border city over here, so much sanctuary and i've illegal in my life. it affects me, i lose a lot of work, stinely and shore, this is about security and all the union orkers, god bless you for voting for trump, he doesn't want amnesty given and the union right to the new people that just got comprehensive reform. ian, as far as discussions oday, how much will be about politics? is a big-time lawyer
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and a few people in our family and went to hofstra different, you got the other side, you know, it will be, i down, the emperature snowflakes won't melt and then safety pin next to the kid's table. i set up liberal table, they are the kids. melt and you know, not safety pin, baby bottle for them be aink out of it, it will great day. host: robert, tampa, florida, line.ats you are on. caller: happy thanksgiving. you.: thank caller: i want to say, first, wrong line, sorry, i'm a republican, usually picks wentresident, i think they the other way this time. are on. ahead, you caller: this election was more
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bout a lot more about the economy. t is about political correctness and hillary wanted crazy, i axes, just we lost jobs overseas, hopefully not too late to get hopefully not entrenched in so much regulation that donald trump and the a team can help us out. but, that is about all i want to say. host: gulf shores, alabama, independent line. cario, hi, good morning. caller: yes, cario armstrong. how you doing? cario, go ahead. caller: we will be talking about olitics at the table, diverse palette of opinions that are epresented, but i voted for trump, i knew he was the best option for the country. 'm not rude or mean to family members, i let them know the
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ones that voted for hillary, have the mandate now. so that is pretty much the way it is. to like place necessary my town and i wear my shirt that says "trump is my a lot of " and i get support. i think the media called it wrong. correct in calling the media and scolding them about not feeling the pull for the people.n the american people showed the media they were totally sold out hillary clinton, not c-span. you know, not you guys, but news, all these other mainstream media outlets called wrong. host: one more call. frank, mchenry, illinois, republican line. frank, you are on. caller: happy thanksgiving to you. i believe if hillary clinton not step in and stop the problem going on with people and the electoral vote, she's going to show the kind of is and why she lost
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the entire center of the country. more call onry one top of that. jake, washington, d.c., democrats line. what are you going to talk about today? does it involve politic? caller: yes, i'm going to talk vote. one voice, one how do we have one voice and one people, when don't make a difference over the top of the electoral college vote. i mean, how does our basic right soon?pear so we have guarantee right for voice, one of one vote. electoral vote elected president people's voice d didn't make a difference. host: jake, washington, d.c. last call. for tomorrow's program, by the way, we're going to hear from mccoy, "obama health law, what it says and how to overturn t," former lieutenant governor of new york. she is a republican talking about, trump supporter, talking aboutert, the future of the affordable
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care act. shriber, will be along tomorrow, as well, to talk about president-elect environmental it may do for issues like the clean power act, we discussed today. bennett, of los angeles times, covering national security and immigration issues about president-elect trump's plan for deportation. tomorrow.aking place on this thanksgiving day, there are a lot more people behind the who put this program, it together each and everyday. our twitter to off feed, small collection of people ho workday in and day out to bring this program, even on a holiday like today. even as we show you on twitter, can see them in action, so to speak nour control room. at them, itre, wave is okay. again, these are the fine people together is program for you on this holiday. great group to work with. to be with that is it for our program
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