tv Animal Rights National Conference CSPAN November 25, 2016 12:23pm-2:25pm EST
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these are who we have now. good job, guys. christmas begins. the holiday starts. our last one. we are excited about it. congratulations to our award winners here. thank you, guys. our work here is done. are you guys ready? >> that was easy. >> the easiest parts. happy holidays. we will see you around.
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announcer: the christmas tree will be debt ridden on the next week and put on display in the white house's blue room. -- the christmas tree will be decorated and the next week and put on display in the white house's blue room. announcer: rescuing animals and switching school and hospital and prison cafeteria to meatless menus. the founder of peta and the head of other activist groups participated.
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ken: when i joined the team in the beginning i recall talking to my bosses, paul schapiro and christie, who works for them? i cannot believe it, it is an honor. and coming from corporate america, what was i supposed to accomplish? they say, we want you to save a lot of animals and we want you to do that by helping institutions like universities take animal meat off of the plate and so, they said also to do it as big as you could go. and so, i said my territories are like the united states? and they said, yeah, started there. [laughter] ken: in november 2014, and one of my first project, i was contacted by a student. for those that know about arizona state university, it is the largest university in the united states. they have 75,000 students with seven dining halls and four campuses. and what the students wanted to do was like what we did in texas.
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about 30 days after we started the dialogue, we met with the food service director, and he said, it is a good idea. he was not completely sold, but he thought it would work. in january 2015, they opened a concept called daily routes, it was so popular that spring of the same year they decided to put it on all four campuses and all the dining halls and it continues to be the number one was popular concept on campus. [applause] ken: that same year, 2015, another huge thing happened. we had the great honor of running into the executive chef from harvard university. we met him at a conference that we did and it was exciting because he came to us and said, i want some type of training. how do we do this?
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nobody is really doing this. can you help us? i said, sure. we have a two day training program and when do you want to do it? he said, january. we went back to the office and i asked everybody, can i do this? of course, they said yes. it was a great success. it has become one of our most successful concepts for our campaign. last year, we worked with over 20 universities around the u.s., not only universities but also with hospitals, k-12, and other institutional food service operations training chefs.
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the training has become one of our most impactful programs. since the first training, we have trained so many universities we cannot keep up with it. as a matter of fact, over the next three months we have 14 culinary programs in place. and this is exciting news, we will be doing our first training at a military base in the united states. [applause] ken: so i am expecting to hear something in the news from the senators in iowa. [laughter] ken: by the end of the year, we will have shown over 700 chefs around the nation how to make plants taste great and to take animals off of the plate. [applause] ken: and our team, which has grown, there are 30 amazing people who have ranged from various backgrounds. we have a registered nurse, two registered dietitians -- [applause]
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ken: and the chef, chef wanda, who helped open up the dining hall in north texas. she is our chef. she is awesome. we are in the process of hiring another chef and other people with a passion for saving animals, as all of you do. and in addition to universities, we are working with k-12 school districts, the government and more. for those that watch politico, this is big news, politico recently said the humane society of the united hates -- states is hitting the meat industry where it hurts, getting institutions to cut the meat they are serving and it is working. [applause] ken: and none of this would be possible without all of you. together, we are making the world a better place, one plate at a time. [applause]
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>> ken, ladies and gentlemen. [applause] martin: good evening. my name is martin rho and i will be your moderator this evening. this part of the planner is entitled, effective strategies for farmed animals. or the end of factory farming. before we get to that, the great people that will be speaking tonight. i have a message about a lost silver macbook. it was possibly left in the laguna room. please contact me after the planner.
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and i will leave that information at the information desk. if you find a lost, silver macbook. to the person that lost the silver back, it is right here. [laughter] martin: so this evening is a distinguished panel, that not only represents they xy chromosome but they know much about the issue. each person will speak for 15 minutes. without more ado, i will introduce the first speaker. paul schapiro -- [applause] martin: one of the founders of -- the more you clap, the less he can tell you.
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he is currently the vice president of farm animal protection. among his many other commitments, he wrote the introduction to running, eating, thinking, a vegan anthology. and without more ado, here is paul shapiro. [applause] paul: thank you. give it up for ken. wasn't he amazing? thank you very much to all of you for coming out. i know that so many of you sacrificed so much for the animal movement. animal movement. many of you donate time to the animal movement. many of you donate money. there are two people in the audience tonight that have even donated their genetic material to the animal movement, give it up for my parents. [applause] paul: ok! right here. my father, you said it was a fun time?
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>> it was a pleasure. paul: well, okay. it was a pleasure. interesting, my mother did not say anything. [laughter] paul: alright. there goes the first 60 seconds of the talk. ok. more seriously, the last year has seen some amazing transformations. some huge points in our movement's efforts to change the human-animal relationship. whether it was the killing of harambe the gorilla in the cincinnati zoo after he appeared to be helping to try to protect a boy that had fallen into his enclosure and the massive outrage that poured throughout the world because of his senseless killing.
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or the slaughter of cecil the lion, putting a hideous practice into the spotlight, the trophy hunters that go around the world to slaughter exotic wild animals. we saw the outrage that ensued because of that killing. or the animal movement's victory after 145 years of exploitation of elephants, the ringling brothers announcing that they are getting rid of the elephants. [applause] paul: these are tremendous flashpoints in our movement's progress toward a more humane society. yet, if anybody were to objectively assess the last year and think about what type of year it was for animals, you need to concede that it really was the year of the chicken. [applause] paul: perhaps even more specifically, the year of the
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battery caged chickens, with more progress in the last year for these birds than perhaps in decades combined. from litigation campaigns and legislation campaigns to invest -- to advance their interests. in massachusetts, because of a grassroots effort of hundreds and hundreds of activists across the state, gathering signatures to put a measure on the ballot to make history for these animals, we are looking at real progress. one person that led that movement, rachel. give it up for rachel. [applause] paul: rachel after a long day of signature gathering in massachusetts, and i am proud to say that because of rachel and other people's efforts to put it on the ballot, the industry did not like it that much. so what did they do? they did not want voters to vote
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on it, because they thought they would go with the animals and not them. they sued the state of massachusetts, tried to get us off of the ballot. two days ago, the massachusetts supreme court voted unanimously in our favor against the egg corporations. they will get a chance to make interest -- to make history this november. [applause] paul: this string of losses led politico to write that the repeated egg -- in the courts and public ishares how effective the entire animal movement has been in pushing the agenda. when we look at all of this, it makes it clear that this movement is an ascendant movement. as an important as it is to reduce suffering for animals, every person knows that is not enough to reduce the suffering.
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we have to get at the root of the problem. there are thousands pecking at the branches of evil for every one that is striking at the rate. it is not to reduce the suffering, we want to prevent them from going onto the factory farms in the first place. [applause] paul: how do we do that? we need to help the people move, move from an animal-based diet. [laughter] paul: to a plants based diet. there are a lot of ways to do this. the primary focus has been on persuading individuals to change their diets. how do we do it? you could be like one hero of mine, who passed out one million booklets. [applause] paul: if my arms looked like his, i would be wearing a tank
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top giving this speech. probably the only person in the room that has bigger arms than john, david carter. he will be giving a talk tomorrow. [applause] paul: john's message focused on passing out brochures, david gives speeches. and where people do pay per view, where people pay to see footage -- it is important that we change hearts and minds and diet when it comes to individuals. at the same time, it is important not to just change individuals, but also to change institutions. just like what ken was talking about, we can get huge gains for animals in the institutional space, schools, cafeterias, the military and even prisons where they are serving meat and we can work with them to slash the
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amount of meat they are using. the person pioneering this and has been for years, giving a talk tomorrow, christie middleton. [applause] paul: and let me give you one example of how this can work. if years ago, she met with the los angeles school district. they served 700,000 meals every single school day. and kristi helped persuade them to adopt meatless monday. now everything the monday it is vegetarian, from k-12, 700,000 people. imagine how many speeches you would have to give to equal that amount of meat reduction. it is vast. this is where the meat industry is so afraid of. she and her team are also working with the largest food service companies, where they have implemented a meatless
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monday campaign in hospitals to improve the health of the planet by reducing meat consumption. now they say they are expanding into 2000 corporate client sites. or aramark, which wanted to go to meatless monday, tuesday, wednesday and thursday. the food giant, the compass group, 10,000 cafeterias in the united states. just once a week. compass group has not worked with another company to switch all of their cookies, all of their mayonnaise, dressings, all of their pancakes, also vegan -- all to vegan. millions of eggs removed from the market because of one institutional policy.
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how many people do we need to persuade to eat fewer eggs in order to get that kind of demand reduction? that is the power of institutional policies and that is what we at the movement can do when we effectively and strategically organized together. and in san diego, the board of education voted to make the schools entirely meatless on mondays. in detroit, christie middleton worked to get meatless mondays, now they are entirely me free -- meat free two days a week. and ken mentioned politico. they noted that animal advocates are zeroing in on persuading institutions to cut the amount of meat they serve and it is working. [applause] paul: ag news noted that the anti-meat crusade is taking a toll on the beef industry. this is the type of work that the meat industry is afraid of because they know we can eliminate demand and huge swaths, in addition to the
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individual outreach work as well. this is part of a trend going on in the country. the meat industry magazine, entitled meat grata, talking about luring investors and general mills, the food conglomerate that put millions of dollars recently into a company that is heavily invested in. and asked, why is general mills interested in investing millions into it, the vice president said, if you look at the trends, half of the population is trying to avoid meat. [applause] paul: for years, the animal protection movement has been on the right side of the debate about factory farming and we find ourselves now on the right side, and on the winning side, time and time again. so, this is why nasdaq is advising investors, how meat can impact the portfolios.
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nasdaq wrote meat is declining. think about holding long positions in me industry stocks or security. [applause] paul: all of this is indicative of the facts that our society is moving forward. we are moving toward a better day. we are moving toward a day in which our relationship with our fellow creatures is one that one not be based on violence or domination, but rather it will be based on compassion and respect. when people think about harambe and it helps them to recognize that these animals are individuals, that those animals have families, it is our job to help the mechanized that this is not just celebrity animals like cecil, that have families. all have families. all animals want to live and be
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free from suffering, just like you and i do as well. all animals, whether they are companion dogs with families, or prairie dogs who have families. and yes, chickens have families. these animals have lives that matter to them. and where do we get off treating them like they exist as commodities for us to exploit how we want to? we need to recognize that the animals are here with us, not simply for us. and we are recognizing whether with brown bears or with polar bears or with cows, these animals have the same spark of life that we have. from polar birds, to those in our barn yards, they may come in different shapes and sizes, or different fur or feathers, but all of them, they have the same
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consciousness that we have and they want to avoid suffering and exploitation that we ruthlessly put onto them. and the other animals of the planet are other nations unto us. for too long, we have been waging a war on these nations, an unprovoked and unconscionable war raging on them. and just in the same way that copernicus and galileo showed us that we are not the center of the physical universe, it is time for us to recognize that we are not the center of the moral universe either. this war goes on. it goes on on the land, the water, the savanna and inside factory farms. i believe our movement is making history and bringing us to a day when we will end the war, we will be the peacemakers between the species and finally have a more peaceful relationship with
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the animals with whom we share the planet. and i know it is difficult to imagine that type of world, but it might have seemed impossible to believe that somebody could go to jail for 30 years and come out and become president of a nation, but that is what nelson mandela did. it seems impossible until it is done. [applause] paul: a decade ago, they would have told you that getting rid of battery cages was an possible, now it is inevitable. it was never impossible, it was made it impossible -- it was made possible because in a month activists -- animal activist became effective. if being right were enough, we would've won. animals do not need us to be
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right. it is easy to pound your chest and talk about right or wrong. in most cases, animals do not need us to be right, they need us to be effective. there is the deal. we are making history for animals. the fact is, 150 years ago people would have said, people did say it was impossible to imagine a world without slavery. that was a legitimate debate 150 years ago. 100 years ago, legitimate debate was saying half of you would not be able to vote. 50 years ago, legitimate debate was that black and white could share the same fountain. and 20 years ago, -- you would be a social pariah in any part of the country. and yet today, what might be possible tomorrow for animals, what might people say that is impossible today is a legitimate debate that we can achieve in
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15-20 years when people are looking back at the way in which we so commonly waged a war with animals. and people are saying, it was inevitable. but you know it is not inevitable, it will only come if each and every one of us works together to make it happen. thank you very much. [applause] martin: incredible. thank you very much. our next speaker, who is making his way to the front is michael webermann. the executive director of farm,
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where he oversees a vegan approach to eliminating the number of animals raised and killed for food. he is also a main organizer of the conference. give it up for michael. michael: thank you. thank you so much for the introduction, martin. sorry you are seeing me one more time on the stage. it looks like paul is not the only one with genetic humans in the room. i believe my mother is in the room, is that correct? [applause] i assure you she is here, i texted her to confirm it. i am so glad to be here with paul, talking about the best ways that we can advocate for farmed animals. and like paul said, we cannot do
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it with only individual outreach, we do need institutional approaches. but i want to talk about the importance of building a generation of compassionate leaders. we cannot leave this to just to corporate change, we also need people making a difference. and why am -- are the slides going backwards. this one works oppositely. ok. the farms mission is to create a world where animals are no longer killed for food through a public education campaign. and we do this work the way we do it for two reasons, one, is the numbers. the vast seriousness of the situation. over 100 billion animals are killed for food globally every single year across the world. it is a number so large that we cannot wrapper heads around it. another way to think about it, it is big, the time -- by the time the panel is done, over 10 million animals will have been killed for food across the world.
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so it is critical we do all the work we need to do to fight for farm animals -- to fight for farm animals. and we also need to change young people on the issue, because if they are the future and we cannot just have people eating less meat and not knowing why, not knowing how, or that it was just stuck -- snuck into the food system. it is critical and it helps animals now, but if we're going to build a world in which animals are not raised for food, we need to have a generation behind us that believes animals are part of the inner circle. and so -- [applause] michael: so what i am going to do is just give a few simple tools for how we can create what i want to call lightbulb moments for people, the moments that it
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makes sense. sustainfor me, my lightbulb -- and how we can sustain. for me, my lightbulb moment came when i was 14 years old. and i was in my french class, freshman year of high school. we learned how to say the name of farm animals in french. we learned how to say the noises they make in french. then we learned how to say there their cuts of meat in french. for me, i had never really thought about the fact that the meat i was eating was euphemisms for body. i went vegetarian overnight. i was already involved in antiwar activism. it was easy for me to get into advocacy. in the 15 years i have been doing this, i have come across a few things that i think, even if we are not going to be full-time advocates, a few simple things that will make our work more effective, make it easier for us and others not to eat animals.
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one of them is to find people where they are rather than creating them where you want them to be. find bored people. if people have something better to do than talk to us, they might stop for a second. they might stop for a quick second. it is all intimate now. but really, it is going to go in one ear and out the other. if you find people in a classroom where you are going to be more interesting than the teacher they are seeing everyday, you are going to be a lot more effective at having them engage with you. have them listen to what you are telling them. we have seen this time and time again. we get hundreds of thousands of pledges from people when we make a captive audience of them. a second little tool, this might
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seem totally intuitive. for some of us, it will be totally the opposite. evidence shows it is true -- the focus on the animals rather than the other issues related to this. when we think about the issues that make people move towards a vegetarian or vegan diet, the reason we should eat fewer or no animals, the ones that come up are the environment, animals, and the health of other humans. when you look at younger people, when you look at the one that is likely to get them to actually pledge, it is the animals almost every single time. not only does that get the initial conversation more meaningful and deep, but evidence shows that people who go vegan for animals stay that way for longer.
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a third simple tool that is talked about a lot at this conference but might as well be said in a room of 600 rather than 60 here or there is to know how to make the right ask. there is a debate about to what degree we should be using baby steps. the reality is we do not have to pick. when you make the right ask, you can be honest about what you want in your long-term goals of people while making it easy for them to take the baby steps it will take to feel comfortable moving towards a fully vegan diet. even when we use these tools, a big issue that comes up, an issue that has not gotten enough attention in our movement, is the fact that a lot of people that stopped eating animals return to eating animals. a lot of them. if you asked me five years ago how many people i thought who
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tried a vegetarian or vegan diet went back to eating animals -- my guess -- [dog barking] [laughter] michael: is that dog a vegetarian? i would have guessed that probably one out of 2 people who tried a vegan diet left it. obviously, that is not ideal, but it is not the end of the world. research started coming out around that time. unfortunately, it started to look more like it was three out of four people who tried a vegetarian or vegan diet went back to eating animal products. a few organizations, including mine, mercy for animals, the humane research council, started saying, we need to look at this more deeply. we need to really see how vast this issue is.
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so there was a large study released last year that was funded by a number of organizations in the animal rights movement. what they found was worse than i probably would have imagined. they found that, in the u.s., 2% 2% are current vegetarians, 10% are former vegetarians. for every six people who try a vegetarian or vegan diet, only one sticks with it. five out of six are going back on their commitment to a vegetarian or vegan diet. this is not meaningless. this is real. we have often said at these conferences, this wonderful statistic -- right now in the u.s., 400 million fewer animals are being slaughtered every year because of the fantastic work this movement is doing. you can clap before we get to the "but." [applause] michael: imagine if every one of those people who tried a vegetarian or vegan diet kept
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with it. rather than 400 million fewer animals, it could be a billion. it could be 2-plus billion. we could be talking so many fewer animals every year if we find a way to make going vegetarian or vegan easier, which is a lot of the institutional work people are doing. we at farm have seen a lot of these tools in action actually work. on our 10 billion lives program, what we do is we find bored people waiting in line at rock concerts, college campuses, where watching our video is more interesting than the things they could be doing. we offer to pay them a dollar to watch a four-minute video on animal farming. when we showcase this information, their first reaction is shock and horror.
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they did not want to believe their diets are contributing to what their diets are continuing to. -- are contributing to. that is the first reaction. we found that by holding them for four minutes, what begins as shock turns into more of a persuasion reaction. they initially recoil. when we did not pay them, they would recoil and walk away. when we started paying them to recoil, they engage. afterwards, it is easy to talk with them about these steps. it is easy at that point to say, do you want to make a pledge to move towards this? right now, 250,000 people have made this pledge. [applause] michael: on one of the years, we did a one year later follow-up survey.
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we had a group that did not see the video that was asking people, would you like to take a survey? we gave an incentive. we also had a group, did you see the video on the truck? what we found is that 60% of the people that watched the video maintained their pledge to move towards a vegan diet. [applause] michael: what we also found is that, in the group that did not see our video, some of them had become ex-vegetarians. in the group that watched the video, not a single person became an ex-vegetarian. [applause] there is not one in the group. michael: when these people make these pledges, it is possible to get them to keep these pledges. by sending them weekly recipes, they were 30% more likely to maintain their pledge. by getting more of that "why" information, reminding them why it is important, that was another way we actually help
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them keep their pledge. i think my favorite thing that we learned in this process of what we call sustained vegan advocacy, my favorite thing that has come out of it is one theme that comes up in the animal rights movement. an idea of pragmatism versus purity. where is my words? it was supposed to say pragmatism versus purity. pretend it says pragmatism versus purity. i am going to go to the previous slide. one thing with the sustained vegan advocacy approach is we do not need to choose whether to be right with our message or our data. the fact is that it is an approach we have found a way to be completely honest about our goals.
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yes we want you to go completely , vegan, but we are willing to support you along the way. we are using evidence-based approaches to not just be right, but be effective without having to compromise the message that you can be both right and right at the same time. [applause] michael: while i have been obsessed the last few years with learning how to be more right, make our programs more effective, at the same time, i think we all get locked in our ways. we find something we feel is working. it is easy for us to become engrained in that. what this slide was going to transition into was the best ted talk i have seen in the last three years. there goes. pragmatism versus purity.
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it just took six clicks. the best ted talk i have seen in the last few years is why the scout mindset is crucial to good judgment. this woman used a metaphor, which is not my preferred metaphor -- in the army, soldiers are told their job is to win. scouts, their job is to learn what is true whether the general wants to hear it or not. if there is another team that is going to ambush you, you need to know that information. the scout mindset is the idea that we should take pride in being wrong. when we are wrong, it is an opportunity to be more right than we were before. it is funny, but it is also true, right? every time we are wrong, that is an opportunity for growth. when of the best things farm has been doing the last five years is being proud of being wrong, fixing it every single time we
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get the chance. [applause] michael: i am going to close on a note -- one of the things i think we have learned the most with sustained vegan advocacy is that one of the things we have been the most wrong about is this notion that if slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian. it is not true. we have this idea that if we just show people what is on the inside of these farms, they will automatically do the right thing and become vegetarians or vegans. it is not true. it is hurting animals to believe that. it is hurting animals to believe that all we have to do is show someone that information one time and hope they will do the right thing. if that was true, we would have billions of vegetarians already. if we want to bring about a
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better world for these animals, we have to learn how to be right and right at the same time. thank you very much. [applause] martin: you can remove the red wall of death. i just wanted to let you know there are lots of seats over here if you want to find a seat. you really want to find a seat for our next speaker, bruce friedrich. [applause] martin: formerly of people for the ethical treatment of animals. now the director of the good food institute and founder of new trust capital, focused on
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replacing animal products with farmed or culture-based alternatives. he is the co-author of the animal activist handbooks, also published by lantern books. [applause] bruce: thank you. where is my clicker? sweet. so, did you all hear that bill gates bought the seattle times this morning? he buys it every morning. [laughter] bruce: kevin looks disgusted.
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my favorite joke. it is really such an honor to be at this conference again this year and to look out and see all of you. it is a packed room of people who care about animals, and nothing could warm my heart more. it is a pleasure to be here chatting with you about using market and food technology to eliminate farm animal exploitation. [applause] bruce: specifically, i am going to talk a little bit about what we are upto at the good food institute. for those of you who have your mercy for animals magazine, there is a spread about the good food institute. we are our own separate 501(c)3 organization, but we are the brainchild and launched by mercy
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for animals. [applause] bruce: have you had the ben and jerry's vegan flavors yet? [applause] when you went and got the vegan flavors, how many of you bought them because you figured they would taste delicious? [applause] bruce: you were rewarded. how many of you looked at the price and considered the price and decided whether you are going to buy the ben and je4rry's vegan flavors? pretty much everybody. one of the foundational observations of the good food institute is that pretty much everybody, when they are determining what it is they are going to eat, they take price into account and they take taste into account.
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there has been about a gazillion surveys to determine why people make the food choices they do. pretty much 100% of those surveys came to the conclusion that the primary factors people incorporate into their food decisions, the primary factors are taste and cost. health is a little further down. obviously, if the food is not convenient, it is not going to be there. the good food institute is focused on making alternatives to animal products as delicious as convenient, and as inexpensive as possible. [applause] bruce: the second foundational observation of gfi is based on -- five years ago, these companies were formed. beyond meat, hampton creek, and
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impossible foods. the goal of beyond meat, hampton creek, and impossible foods is to compete with animal-based food on the principle deciding factors for 100% of the public. basically, they are creating the product that has become the default. they create the products that people want to buy. these three companies have raised more than $400 million. they are valued, combined, at over $2 billion. all of that money is spent on competing with animal agriculture. they are not trying to get you to go out and buy impossible burgers.
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they are trying to get people who would otherwise be eating meat to consume these products. they are doing animal rights work using market and food technology. bill gates pointed out in an essay he wrote called "the future of food," we have only employed 8% of the world's plant proteins as meat alternatives. it is an area that is ripe for innovation and growth. [applause] bruce: the ceo of pinnacle foods, a multibillion-dollar food conglomerate, bought gardin. when they bought it they said, , plant-based meats are in the beginning of a macro trend, similar to how soy and almond milk changed the plant-based milk category. this is pinnacle, which brings you hungry man and potted meat. [laughter] plant-based milks are $2 billion
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out of a $24 billion industry, roughly 9%. plant based meat, $500 million on an almost $200 billion meat industry. what he is saying -- i was trying to go backward. okay. all right. this is going to -- oh, good. i'm going backwards. how exciting. i am conquering technology. what he is saying is that we can -- what both of these guys are saying -- is that we are going to be closing that gap. simply reaching dairy parity takes us from .25% up to 10%.
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that's what the graph looks like. eric schmidt was speaking at a global conference six weeks ago and was asked to reflect on innovations he thought would improve life on earth by a factor of at least tenfold. he picked six things. five are what you would expect the ceo of alphabet, the parent company of google, to be talking about. 3-d printers, driverless cars, watches that tell your doctor that you are sick before you know you are sick. the first innovation he talked about was revolutionizing the meat industry. [applause] he talked about plant-based meat. for its efficiency so chicken is the most efficient mate and yet it takes nine calories in a chicken to get one calorie out. you are wasting eight calories. he talked about climate change chicken, the least polluting is still and, going from the
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% percent more and going from the current $500 million of to dairy parity would save more than one billion land and sea animals a year. they predict that we would get up to to one third of plant-based meat. by the year 2054 and i think we can do better than that. getting up to what they predicted, it would save more than 3 billion sea animals every single year. in terms of revenue and creating the market, we go from no market to a $20 billion market by 2054.
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the good food institute is focusing on technologies and markets to speed this transition and we are promoting plant-based meat. this is the chicken strips that cause bill gates, he said that he was tasting the future of food. this is a meatball created by memphis meets. -- meat. clean meat, the first clean meat company in the united states. a lot of it call it -- a lot of them call it lab-grown. it is not really grown. everything starts in a food lab.
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once it is commercialized, this is what it would look like. this is your neighborhood meat brewery. [laughter] there will be big and small meat breweries. this is what it will look like. it will be produced in a factory, like other foods. i am convinced that consumers will be given two options and one of them is not requiring animal slaughter. people eat meat despite how it is produced, not because of how it is produced. when you give less greenhouse gases, does not have bacteria, no animal slaughter, and they are passing laws to prevent people from finding out how this is made.
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on the other side, you have meat produced with transparency, cleaner, safer, less greenhouse gases. i am convinced people make this switch. [applause] this is why we call this "clean meat." i don't know how well you can see this but whether it is organic or factory-farmed, the bacteria and the antibiotic residue is the same, it is a lot. according to the centers for disease control in atlanta thousands of people die every , year from contaminated meat. more than 100000 and up in the hospital. tens of millions get sick. this is why we call it "clean." it is clean. it is the same thing as the
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"unclean" meat, but safer and better. we are fostering innovation, doing outreach to biologists, entrepreneurs, plant biologists, and going to people who do the most forward-thinking work. maybe they are doing tissue engineering or plant biology. or, maybe they are doing drought resistance. maybe they are trying to come up with the next best t-shirt. we educate them on how good they can do for themselves by moving into the food space and we do start up support with a couple of senior scientists and a policy director. we have a team of advisers that
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help startups in this space. we have corporate engagement without reach to chain grocery stores and food service operators to make the plant-based options promoted more effectively and we try to educate institutions, involving outreaches to foundations or other entities that report to care about global health or climate change. sustainability, that question of how we feed 9 billion people by 2050. we educate them on the concepts and take the ethical question off the table by making the sustainable choice the default choice. you make the "clean meat" alternative equally tasty and convenient.
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those are the four program areas and you can find out more about the good food institute online. i encourage people to check out our resources. i cannot read what each of these sections are. i can do it this way. there are academic opportunities. academic papers job , opportunities, startup opportunities, in any event, lots of stuff. in the resources section of the website. sign up for the e-mail updates and become our friends on facebook and twitter. the last thing that i want to do is flashback to the turn of the last century. around 1900, in new york city, there were 175,000 horses producing 50,000 tons of many
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-- of manure every month. in 1908, the first urban planning conference was about the manure. it didn't last two days. american cities were drowning in horsemen newer. fliesere plagued by congestion and traffic , accidents. the question was, what are we going to do about the horse manure? they couldn't figure it out. they went home and desperation. henry ford introduces the model 1908, t. by 1912, there were more cars than horses. i am convinced that, through food technology and markets we can take the ethical question off of the table for consumers
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and make the default choice the animal-friendly choice. we will get to a time in the future where raising animals for food, which is incredibly inefficient, causes global warming, and requires the killing of animals who are no different from our dogs and cats, when the idea of raising animals for food is as absurd as all of us hopping on horses to go back to where we are from. obviously, we would not do that. we are being as smart as we can to make that day in reality. thank you. [applause]
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>> give it up for all three of them. thank you very much. [applause] i believe that concludes this first part and thank you. [applause] >> good evening. i am the executive director of the equal justice alliance and i am a corporate technology attorney in media. it is an honor to introduce kevin jonas. he was at the animal rights conference in 2005 and i met him
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when i was defending him in a suit against huntington life sciences in connection with a campaign. i met him in prison. he had been convicted under the animal enterprise protection act in 2006. how many of you are familiar with this? [scattering of applause] [applause] >> about half of you. a number of you are not. you will become familiar with it. with everything he was dealing with, when he asked me, when he was in prison, he asked if
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anyone was showing me around. he was thinking about my comfort, not his own. that broke my heart. as the executive director of the equal justice alliance, our mission is to repeal this act. [applause] it's the animal enterprise terrorism act. we have been making strides. we have come out repeatedly to repeal the act and we are trying to work with the american bar association on this. the act has made the penalties far worse.
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the animal enterprise terrorism act focuses on anyone who protests like graffiti. it makes the protest organizers liable for that activity. i just heard a, "what?" right, under the law,iate present has her -- predecessor law there are 6 , who were convicted for just that, organizing protests and using the internet. it was a case of six individuals and a website. they put together one of the most successful boycotts on the internet against one of the largest animal killing companies in the world. [applause] they brought it to the brink of
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bankruptcy, even to the point where they were able to prevent the relisting of the parent company on the new york stock exchange. [applause] they were very successful. they were all convicted of animal enterprise terrorism and served 1-6 years in federal prison, with kevin receiving the highest sentence. they were imprisoned under a terrorism designation. as ryan schapiro said, the fbi is using this as a laboratory to target americans in the law is -- the law is broadly-worded. and it can apply to anyone.
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the one who received the second longest sentence encapsulated the best. it applies generally to kevin and all others in the case who were convicted. i was three weeks away from taking the law school admission test in 2004 when i was arrested and charged with domestic terrorism. i had not hurt anyone or vandalized a property. the indictment did not allege that he had done a crime, other than have a website that reported activity of a notorious animal testing laboratory. you see that they are imprisoning law students now. that is not the only case. i had a law student was also indicted. kevin jonas, despite all of this, has come out and re-created himself and his life. it has been 11 years since he
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was last here and we are happy to have him back. [applause] >> just a little bit more. [applause] kevin jonas is a vice president of the freedom project that is a national research and advocacy organization and he has championed legislation in states that mandates the adoption of laboratory animals.
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prior to his work with legal freedom project he was the , president of "stop huntington cruelty usa." an anti-vivisection campaign that bankrupted the world's biggest research organization earning him the induction, in 2007, to the animal-rights hall of fame. please welcome kevin jonas. [applause] kevin: thank you. thank you. wow it is good to be back. ,[applause] 15 years ago, my friend took a chance on me, as a young activist leading an aggressive anti-vivisection campaign. he gave me the responsibility of
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speaking about the people who participate in civil this obedience. -- civil disobedience and direct action to save lives. that night i spoke for 10 minutes and try to give full throated support to those who have the kurds to do that which -- the courage to do that which i do not. i spoke about -- not about anger or destruction, but the sensitivity, the courage, and the heart that it takes to be the kind of person who can get inside of a laboratory facility and pick up a dog covered in her own filth from a steel cage and spirit her away through a gap field -- damp field, feeling her
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soft breath on your neck. that very description has been cited against me in every one of the 27 lawsuits and our appeal. it was also one of the proudest moments of my life. [applause] i stood up in front of friends and colleagues with honesty and conviction and spoke truth to power, without being scared, being concerned about the consequences. yes, with that said, there have been consequences. let's address the elephant in
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the room. the proverbial elephant in the room, not this guy. yes, the campaign got us in trouble, got is arrested, got me deported, got us federal charges, and, i had a six year prison sentence and i did four years. but -- it was boring. that is not what i came here to speak to you about tonight. i never speak about it. i am not ashamed. not at all. i'm not traumatized by it. i am not made of porcelain and i will not crack, revisiting that experience. it is a distraction and it is meant to scare all of you.
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i already lost five years of my life to a corrupt and political prosecution and i'm not going to waste more time on it, trying to impress or enthrall you with stories of prison intrigue and survival. they are boring. that chapter, that is mine and mine alone. i survived it with the help of family, friends, with aaron, with humility, with fights in prison, and i do not offer it for public consumption. my life is not a reality show. why should i talk about the dark, depressing, the dangerous? it pales in comparison to the real reasons, the issues, the
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real horrors that bring everyone of us here tonight. i'm not going to try to pretend or imagine that, simply because we sat in a prison cubicle for a few years, that we know what it is like to be a victim in a factory farm, a laboratory, a cement tank in sea world, i don't. none of us do. what the animals endure is beyond my worst nightmares. torture, despair, stress, heartbreak. you have had enough of this today. that's the reason we are all here. five years ago, when i got out of prison and i was on probation, i started a journey of recovery.
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this time i did that with my , beagle. junior. he had just been rescued from an animal testing laboratory. ironically, he had spent four years and seven months in a laboratory prison. he was a scared, confused, frightened, and fragile survivor of real abuse. his body had the marks. he had scars where incisions were made. notches in his ears that were missing. a psyche that learned that the outstretched human hand means pain, violence. through junior, i watched him cautiously jump onto our bed, his bed, for the first time. [laughter]
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he decided that he was going to try again with us. he snuggled up to me and he has, every night since. through junior, i learned what survival looks like and what it means to be resilient. i have been licking my own imagined wounds to my ego. i was having a pity party. in reflection of junior's survival gave me perspective and i found inspiration. if he was not going to be defeated by animal testing, why would i? with junior at my side, i found my voice and my purpose and i joined the team that saved his life, the beagle freedom project. [applause]
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we are a small charity with big ambitions. we are called the little organization that could. there are literally 10 of us. our mission is to rescue any and all animals and to tell stories of survivals to remind the public that these are no different than the animals we share our homes with. they are just like our own. with the four years i have worked with this organization, we have saved 650 lives from laboratories. [applause] they are mostly beagles. beagles are the breed of choice because they make great companions, they are docile, people-pleasing, forgiving. we have taken cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, goats, ponies,
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goldfish. each survivor is a reminder and each paw is a motivation to go cruelty-free and begin. -- and vegan. these survivors, like my junior, like my raymond, my subsequent rescue they have more in the , power of their tails than my words. across 36 states and eight countries in the last four years we have 650 animals preaching , and testifying about their personal and real experience with animal testing. everybody wants to know their stories. everybody wants to see the tattoos.
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the rescues draw media power and attention. this last year, our charity was awarded with an award for the first time. it was the first time in history that public records requests were crowd sourced. we had 1000 people requesting records of 1000 individual animals stuck in laboratories. [applause] the response was phenomenal. it was media saturation and a plethora of lawsuits poured in from across the country. from across the country, just this last week, we sued the university of illinois.
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for the fact that they are killing beagle puppies simply if they are afraid if you try to put them into a restraint slang. -- sling. this is building a new movement with new activists that we are taking to the state capital in every part of the country. this is my baby, the beagle freedom bill. this is a piece of legislation that, at the very least mandates that, all healthy dogs and cats, if they survive, must be offered up to public adoption through a rescue organization. [applause] of course, every laboratory and animal testing industry group has come out against this, attacking the messenger.
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i'm a good target and i have a record. they would rather kill the dogs. they use this talking line in front of the senate. they are losing. our bill has been passed in california, nevada, minnesota, connecticut, and i am flying to new york to send this to the governor's desk for his signature. [applause] we are literally creating new rights for these animals, new chances at life, and new opportunities and mediums to engage the public and the legislators about issues they can get on board with. for a 10-person charity, we keep ourselves dizzy.
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-- busy. we have a smart phone app. you can scan a barcode of any product and it will tell you if that product is tested on animals. you can socially share that. [applause] it is called "cruelty cutter." it is available on itunes and android. for free. [laughter] we are 10 people. we are not a big group. we scrounge, save, and budgeted. we are giving away 200 $50,000 -- $250,000 to researchers who are pioneering -- $250,000 to researchers who are pioneering. what i am really proud of is all
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-- [applause] what i am really proud of is all of this happening while i was still on probation. i just got off last year. that's why you haven't seen me. i am 100% free. watch what the next few years bring. [applause] like my junior, i am not going to be defeated or made permanently afraid because of my past. 15 years ago, when i stood before you and i gave you this speech, free of fear, without regard of consequences, i do this again. i know what the consequences are. i survived them. so can you. nobody should be afraid. [applause] please, please, trust me. this is not about bragging.
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this is not about bravado. most people who know me know that i am not special. i do not possess a reserve of cunning or bravery. i'm not the smartest person in this room. i am not the strongest. looking at all of you, i know i'm not the most attractive. [laughter] like all of you, i have anguish. i watched my mother cry because i am in trouble and i'm going to jail because i am till thing at -- tilting at the windmills of social change. i'm not special. i'm not. if i can stare down the barrel of a federal prison sentence and stand up here and speak loud and proud, i know that everyone in this room can. [applause]
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my message is this, you cannot let the fear of unknown consequences become a prison of inactivity. i say this and it is my mo. this is not called an easy. it is called a struggle. we are advocating for the greatest change" role, -- in cultural, political, and social history. there are going to be consequences. a price will have to be paid. it is no different for us then for those who demanded voting rights, equal pay, the right to -- not to be bound in slavery, the right to simply exist. the activists went to jail, they got sued, they got called names.
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some of them were beaten. some of them were killed. we are naive to believe that this can be done without any cost or sacrifice. is there less urgency for us? is this why we think we can have our cake and eat it? we go to vegan meet ups and we like things on facebook to assuage our guilt. not good enough. [applause] not good enough. listen i'm not trying to , sensationalize or fetishize it, jail is not fun. don't go. getting sued socks. -- sucks. if you are audacious, brave, you can survive trouble.
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trust me, you can survive it because it is trivial to what we are advocating against. 20 years ago, when peta sends an undercover investigator into huntington, during the investigation, a worker was designing an experiment to cut off the legs of 37 beagles. 10 years ago while lauren and i , were trying to shut down the laboratory, they had moved on to using cats in grisly experiments. last year, the third edition of the handbook on toxicology identified the acceptable ways of killing laboratory victims. carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, cervical dislocation, leading
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-- bleeding them to death, decapitation. of course. bearing silent witness is no longer an option. it has never been for me. stopping the abuse or not happen just because you write us a check. you cannot pay others to do the activism for us. thank you. [applause] everyone here has a voice. you have a heart. you have hands. you have the truth on the side -- on your side and you need to set the bar high. do not settle. do not be satisfied. there is not a humane vivisection. no cement tank will ever be good enough for any whale.
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[applause] simply by being here tonight, by being vegan, by embracing the animal-rights ethic, we are in a state of resistance and the stakes are high. it's not just the billions of lives on the line and it is our humanity and our existence on this planet, which requires drastic, audacious, innovative, and compassionate ideas from everybody here. i caution you, i urge you, and i
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know we are running over on time, but i have been gone 10 years. [laughter] [applause] i will close out. when you leave here tonight and you go back to wherever you came from, remember these speeches, what you learned, and, more importantly, remember how you felt. feel a close to your heart. -- feel that close to your heart. that righteous indignation, that anger, you are going to need it. activism does not play out like it does in the movie. on the picket lines, it will not be in slow motion, there will not be a musical score. when you are going to a damp field, when you are wiring up a camera through a lapel, when you are up all night writing a legal
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brief to shut down a facility, or on a picket line with a bullhorn, remember these feelings. in the moment, it is different. it is going to be you alone. that tickle of fear. but that is how we win. we rise to the occasion. we need to speak at our truth to power without respect or regard for the consequences. thank you or having me here. [applause]
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host: thank you very much, kevin. now, to introduce the final speaker of the night, bruce. [applause] >> so, our next speaker recently received the second peter -- pete up price for strategies -- peter singer prize. the first to receive it was peter himself. it's for strategies to reduce the suffering of animals. [laughter] professor singer reflected on newkirkction of ingrid
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who was the second recipient. that [ingrid was absolutely the right person to receive this award because her focus has always been, for the past 40 years, constantly and resolutely been on reducing the suffering of animals and in that cause she has been truly a great strategist. peter continued, i first met ingrid when i spent some time in washington, d.c., in 1979 at eight vegetarian thanksgiving dinner. people for the ethical treatment of animals did not yet exist but she and alex told me they had plans to start and organization that would be based on ideas similar to those i presented in my book "animal liberation." little did i imagine this plan would be the start of the largest animal rights organization in the world.
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that peta would make thousands of people aware that animals were not ours to wear, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other ways and it would transform the animal protection in the united states and other areas as well as to ingrid's attention has always been on the urgency of stopping the vast amount of suffering we inflict on animals. welcoming the best friend in a mills and their friends could conceive of in this world. and their friends could conceive of in this world. ingrid. [applause]. >> thank you. he is so long-winded.
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thank you very much, bruce. and thank you all for being here. it is absolutely wonderful to see such a pact room. tremendous. i have to make it snappy so let's get on with it. victory first. since one year ago, our movement has won many fantastic victories and the only reason we have is because people care and they work on them. ringling brothers took all of the elephants off the road. [applause] see world stop breeding all of the orc us. -- sea world stopped breeding all of the orcas. [applause] the head grow world for market collapsed. the angora for market carafes.
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cruelty to animals was made a panel -- a felony. michael hackenberg or, the owner of the tiger and the lives of pi, caught whipping a tiger up to 19 times is now facing charges of animal cruelty in canada. [applause] and his view is closing down. -- his zoo is closing down. in other news, the -- that his been there for 190 years just the no tory is pony carousel in the end of that's been there for 120 night years just closed. [applause] and this weekend, the mad mayor fernanmayor of san said he was opposed to the running of the roles [applause] . [applause] after showing retail footage of
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sheep being punched in the face, suppliers of stores like balenciaga and stores like patagonia suspended all purchases of wool. we convinced pottery barn, crate & barrel to promote synthetic , down saving millions of ducks and geese. and world market and pier 1 no longer sell any down. [applause] when we took on watchable -- un watchable footage of dogs being clubbed to death for leather and proofed it was being sold in this country, some stores stop selling the leather gloves and
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some stores agreed not to buy any leather at all anymore. [applause] we persuaded 130 international banks and corporations to stop using cruel glue traps, saving millions of rats and mice, who in my opinion are the dearest little angels in the world. [applause] tesla now offers its models x and s with a vegan leather and ferrari robbery now offers synthetic leather as an upgrade for its new convertible. [applause] we got uber to drop its .eather requirement when my car imploded, which was not a terrorist act -- [laughter] i bought an all-vegan smart car.
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there it is. [applause] 4,500, but it is a mercedes. if anyone tells you the president of peta drives a mercy mercedes, they are telling you the truth. it that reminds people that animals count and changes the entire marketplace. are we happy about these victories? [cheers and applause] then consider this chilling thought -- if we only spend our time and our money fighting factory farming to the exclusion of all else, none of the victories i have mentioned would have happened. yet this conference and elsewhere you will hear people asking us to only concentrate on
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factory farming work. great apes would not be coming out of the laboratories now if jane goodall had not spent her years out in the forest convincing us that great apes were just other human beings with another name, if she had spent her entire career handing out vegan leaflets. she taught us chimpanzees share more dna with us than anthony bourdain. i am all for handing out vegetarian leaflets. i do it myself. i encourage other people to do so. but we have to face that there is more work that needs to be done than fighting factory farming. i want to talk about who animals are. ailing batsfood to elit
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and all these wonderful things other wonderful things that define who animals are. but i have to talk instead about "only work on factory farming" business. we are a vegan food movement. of course we are. but we are much more than that. we are an animal rights movement. [cheers and applause] we are not going to wait until everybody eats veggie burgers before we help other animals. that is like in the 1960's when white people were told they should not go down to the south to register black voters until all white people were taking that were taking care of -- all white people were taken care of, or when we are told, you should not work on animal rights until all human rights are resolved. that is rubbish. [applause] the animal rights movement goal is to get people to recognize
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that just as animals are not hamburgers, they are also not handbags. they are not test tubes with whiskers. they are not cheap burglar alarms. they are not props for photo ops. they are not tests. sts.e they are individuals and we must protect all of them. even the animals we are not that familiar with. like that. [laughter] if we had only worked on factory farming, pigs would still be slammed into walls in car crash tests. there would be no fake snake. no vegan fleece. no alternatives to killing a mouse to see if you are pregnant. but there are, and why? because our movement major those things changed. because we are against
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speciesism, combo we know that means we are against cruelty to cows, pigs, chickens. yes, but we are also against cruelty to dogs and cats and rabbits and monkeys and rats and the rest of them. [cheers and applause] now, the reason i am talking about that is that some people who work on factory farm issues, and they are good people and i love many of them and they do great work, they are using these things called evaluation groups to promote this idea that it is only effective to do factory farming work and to me that is like republican redistricting. it is a lot of hooey. [laughter] [applause] they say the suffering is a question of math. i love math and their numbers do not add up. they say since a chicken lives for about 42 days, instead of saving one dog who is suffering for one year, you should save
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nine chickens and forget the dog. well imagine that dog because i work with dogs all the time. i can't. imagine him chained in a patch of his own waste for one year. these are real dogs we have helped, shivering through the winter night. [dog barking] yes, you're with me. [applause] shivering through every winter night, scorching in the summer without shame. --sday, his eyes didn't eyes bitten raw by the flies drawn to his waist. these are real dogs. like this. look at his collar. eating into his neck. is it the same as nine chickens on a factory farm for 42 days? who knows? animals are not numbers. they are individuals. [applause]
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vivisectors reduces animals to numbers. we don't. our movement is against all of the ugly things done to any animal. animal rights people do not celebrate responsible dog breeders, humane meat, organic wool, or sustainable fishing. we do not want to sustain cruelty, we want to end it it. [applause] i love that cartoon. one issue does not a movement make. our strong, diverse movement reaches into all of the dark corners of abuse and full sleeve -- and pulls the victims out. we are changing the world not only so children can eat veggie hot dogs but so they do not grow up thinking their parents take them to the circus so it must be acceptable to dominate animals. that is why we have closed down five roadside zoos and circuses
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in the last year and with your help we will close them all down eventually. [applause] some say the only thing that counts is saving the most lives. but all social justice movements have a far larger goal. we want to stop people from denying basic rights to others simply because they are others. and take gateway issues. someone appalled that cecil the lion was shot by a dental tourist and think they only care about that, they visit our website and bingo, they learn about all of the other issues and they would have never sought them out because they were not interested. it happens all the time. it is true. someone heard about an abandoned crate,ut in a
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covered in plastic, left on the road. pete offered a reward. there was a demonstration outside the courthouse. people who cared only about the dogs came to the demo, got the whole animal rights banana. [applause] and here is tyrone matthew. i am hugely a big fan. a little bit of his ad about dogs in hot cars. bless his heart. he is apologizing that he had to get out of the car. people who like dogs visited the
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website to see that video. when they were there, they saw every other video we have on the website. things they had never set out to see. the man who did this commercial because he loves dogs, went vegan after he did it. [cheers and applause] we opened a pop-up in asia. a shop where customers who opened exotic bags saw this. this video went viral. over 15 million people watched it online. if you only worked on factory farming, tough luck for all of the reptiles who were killed by
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having a hose pushed down their throat and their whole bodies expanded with water. false choices are just silly. you know the thing, if you can save only one which would you save, the man or the dog? the cartoon, ber -- the breathed iserkeley really wonderful. he said, well it depends. is the man osama bin laden and the dog lassie? [laughter] nothing is that cut and dried. should we stop working to save nosy, whose gig at the fair we just got canceled this week? [applause] should we let lolita rot in her cement tank? helping them has enormous impact for them, but a lot of impact for animals going into the future and is a milestone for all animals. true story, a lab assistant in new york, he knew a monkey named clayton.
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this is not clayton, a different monkey, but the same thing. the assistant went away. 8 years later he returned to the lab and there was clayton and it suddenly struck this man that in all the years he had been gone, clayton had sat in the same spot. he wrote this -- clayton had a pink face. dark eyes. sandy fur. a 2-inch titanium rod screwed into the top of his skull. clayton was born in a breeding center. he grew up in a metal box and spent his adolescence with a hole in his head and a coil through his eye. he wrote, in 10 or 15 years of life, clayton suffered multiple surgeries and infections into endless hours of restraint in a plastic chair. he said, i moved across the country, became a journalist, i married, went on vacations. or clayton, nothing ever
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changed. every day or two he was carted off to a room and held in place by a post that still protrudes from his skull. let's not ignore people like clayton, for they are people and they need us to liberate them. [applause] statistics are deceptive. somebody said, people may go to the zoo once again or to the zoo -- the circus once a year or the zoo three or four times in their lives, but every time someone chooses to eat vegan, they are saving 200 animals a gear. it is not how often people go to the circus or zoo. it is about the animals who are stuck in the circus or zoo year after year, going insane, turning in circles, trying to cope. whether we go or not. our job is only to get them out. the same evaluators say, $1000 saves 2.5 dogs or cats plus
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-- vs. saving 11,000 food animals. so ignore cows disagree. -- so ignore the dogs and cats. these cows disagree. [laughter] now, i will grant you it is more spaying ando neuter that replacement. for example, this dog meat a home right now. so if you have got one, let me know. this did not take me anytime to say and i'm still a vegan. but the figures don't add up. on peter's fleet of mobile clinics, one tiny area, we have sterilized 130,000 dogs and cats. [applause] just imagine if only half of
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those animals had a litter and it was a small litter and only half had a litter and that was it. no more offspring. we have saved over 13 million lives from being born with nowhere to go and that is a real statistic. [applause] theoretically, we can save some 200 animals a year if we do not eat them but really it is not as industry calls up pork and beef and says, hey guys just got another vegan. cut production by 200 animals. but we definitely save that 130,000 dogs and cats and prevent that enormous 3 million lives from being born. and if you think that the most vital thing is to save the lives of animals used for food, you have to support the campaign to end the use of animals for
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clothing because all of those animals' bodies become food. the food industry depends upon down pillow sales, woolly sweater sales, leather shoe sales, to bolster profits. and every time we strike a blow against the skin industry, the meat and the the dairy industry takes a massive hit. [applause] the alligators and the ostriches that are used to make into hermes bags are eaten. not here, there. most racehorses end up as hamburger meat. onlydn't get to this point talking about factory farming, as worthy as that is. as wonderful as that is, it is
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not the only thing. it has been a long, hard road. in 1980, unless you took your own bottle to a co-op in berkeley, you can only buy one shampoo that was not tested on animals. the brand was hard to find. it was imported and expensive. fur was not an issue then, it was a status symbol. there was no cgi to replace wild animals in movies and no one questioned scientists. now we have replacements for everything, from vegan ballet slippers to training modules that bleed. we have saved millions of animals from experiments and closed labs like this one. and we bought all of the animals out. [applause] over 2000 companies no longer
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pour products into animals' eyes into down into their stomachs. so to be told to ignore the suffering of animals in labs makes me angry. [laughter] and finally, some people are embarrassed by controversial campaigns and i ask them to look back. people say the lunch counter protests were impolite and they would set civil rights movement back. here is act up. here we are together fighting aids tests on animals long ago. act up was fantastic. they stopped traffic. they dressed outrageously to say it is what is inside that counts. all that counts. they empowered people to be bold. their motto was "never be silent." which is our motto now. their motto was "silence is death," which should be our motto. failingjames cromwell
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to be silent. >> [indiscernible] >> love the james. [applause] we stopped those experiments on cats because we made people uncomfortable. i bless direct action everywhere and groups like that for what they do. [applause] because all they do is tell people the honest to god truth. [applause] if we never challenge people, if we just tell them what they already know, then will we ever get to rights?
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what we need is edgy tactics that create the buzz so that our movement is seen and heard. allowing people to remain in their comfort zones allows us to remain in ours. but social movements are not about comfort. they are about struggle and that is what we have to do. struggle for animal rights. [applause] we all here have far more than we need. i am not a big consumer. you can see i am not a fashionable dresser. i am no monk. if i buy shoes or i go to a dinner or movie or on vacation, i charge myself an animal tax. it is easy, it feels good, it does good, and i recommended. it is as easy as pie. any of us could've been born a
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mouse on a glue trap, or child in a slum, or a dog. one of the we saw there. ones we're lucky we were not. so catch this -- i just learned that anyone that makes $34,000 a year is among the richest 1%. you hear that? the 1%. all you have to do, given the world's population and poverty is make $34,000 and you are in the world's richest 1%. so, if we buy a few lattes, let's give the cost of another latte to the animals. for any campaign we care about. if you put gas in your car, add one dollar to the animals. if you inherit money, get taxes back, a raise, or a bonus, consider paying the animal tax. we will still be mighty rich. so to summarize --
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[applause] i am no fundraiser. they kicked me out of the fundraising meetings. i just spend it. to summarize, please, let's not hug those who still keep or in tiny cages but don't breed them now. to me it is like that man in philadelphia who kept those women in the basement and raped them. what if he stopped raping those women but still kept them in cages? would he be ok then? let's bust the myth that the sustainable anything, let's say going vegan means wearing vegan. using cruelty-free products, not
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giving to help charities that test on animals. not being photographed with apparent on our shoulders. rot on ourpar shoulders. not swimming with dolphins. objecting to all animal objectification. showing the videos to everyone. howr shutting up about worthy these animals are. actively working to stop the abuse of all animals. in labs, circuses, backyards, pet shops, hit in the face with clippers, caught in glue traps, apart, trapped, and one torn apart. let's be loud, let's be strong, let's be persuasive, let's be determined, let's be unstoppable and let's be uncomfortable. next year, more victories. because animal rights will happen if we try and we try hard. so please do everything you can possibly think of to do all the time.
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