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tv   Public Affairs Events  CSPAN  December 2, 2016 3:00am-4:24am EST

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and we commend the swift and courageous action of law enforcement in that perilous moments. but let us be clear, thanks to days, weu, in just 50 will have a president who supports the men and women in ,aw enforcement at every level we'll have a president who will suspend immigration from all countries and territories compromised by terror ats, and we will have commander-in-chief who will hunt down and destroy isis at its source.
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[cheers and applause] [chanting "usa"] ,ov. pence: and thanks to[chantu we are going to have a president who will make the american economy great again. [cheers and applause] gov. pence: we will repeal obamacare and replace it with american solutions. we are going to cut taxes, rollback regulation, have trade deals to american workers first and get this economy moving for every american. [cheers and applause] and thanks to you, right next door in my home state , today, in indianapolis, because of the bold leadership and vision of
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president elect donald trump, a company that announced in february, they were closing their doors and moving to mexico , announced that now, more than 1100 good, playing jobs will stay right here in america -- jobs will stay right here in america and the president-elect made it happen. make no mistake about it. carrier chose to stay in indiana because america chose to make donald trump the next president of the united states. [cheers and applause] gov. pence: and thanks to you, thanks to you, we are going to enforce the laws of this country for the citizens of this country . we are going to build a wall and end illegal immigration once and for all. [cheers and applause]
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[chanting "build the wall"] gov. pence: oh, we will. thanks to to you, you, we'll have a president who will appoint justices to the supreme court of the united states who will of old our second amendment and all the god-given liberties enshrined in our constitution national will ourld -- will uphold all of god-given liberties enshrined in our constitution. i want to say to you from my heart as a fellow american, thank you for getting america a new president. thank you for giving america a new president whose strength, whose vision, whose leadership will make america great again
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faster than you could possibly imagine. [cheers and applause] so let me say to my friends from here in ohio, kentucky, indiana, all of those looking on. it is my high honor and distinct privilege to introduce to you the president elect of the united states of america, donald trump. american, to be an where at least i know i'm free. ♪ i will gladly stand up, next to you ♪ and depend her till today ♪ there ain't no doubt i love this land ♪ god bless the u.s.a. ♪
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i'm proud to be an american ♪ where at least i know i'm free ♪ and i won't forget the men who died ♪ who gave that life to me ♪ and i gladly stand up ♪ next to you ♪ and defend her till today ♪ mr. trump: thank you, thank you. [cheers and applause] mr. trump: thank you, everybody. wow, thank you. so, i did not know this -- i love you, too. look at this place. [cheers and applause] so i did not know what came with this position and i did not know that they closed down the roads around the
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stadium for an hour and a half. we have to work out a new deal with our secret service, but we love them, right? thank you. thank you, everybody, for being so patient. thank you. you are going to be happy. we are all going to be happy. for onee fo today main reason, to say thank you to ohio. [cheers and applause] mr. trump: thank you. we won this state by almost 10 points, which they say is totally unheard of, in fact, it is the beginning. they say, you have to win ohio. you must win ohio. you heard it over and over and over. and we started off sort of even and then we were one up and to
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up. we did not -- to bring up. -- two up. we did not have much help from the top levels but it turned out it did not matter. we had help with the people, and that is what really did matter. [cheers and applause] gov. pence: so i kept -- mr. trump: so i kept hearing, you must win ohio. you cannot win the presidency without ohio we were about even, right, at the beginning? and then point by point by point, and then we had a couple but with ohio,, it just kept getting better and better. and better and better. and the and result is incredible. i love you, ohio. this is a great place. great people. so many friends. thank you. thank you. [cheers and applause] gov. pence: mr. trump: history called and the people of this great state answered and you are going to be very happy.
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say right now, what are we going to do, we are going to make america great again. you watch. [cheers and applause] mr. trump: he went out and pounded the pavement, organized your fellow citizens, and propelled a grass roots movement a victory a grass roots movement the likes of which the world has , never seen before. this is what they say. mr. trump: today on one of the networks. when was that? 1838? somebody said that was great but nothing like what happened here. more importantly right heard
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might say what happened in indiana we will do that all over the country. [cheers and applause] mr. trump: carrier. thank you. now, the real work begins. i am going to discuss our action plan to make america great again. we are going to discuss. [cheers and applause] although we did have a lot of fun fighting hillary, didn't we? right? [chanting "lock her up"] [cheers and applause] mr. trump: and by the way, the people are continuing to pour in. let them come in. we can wait. we can wait a half hour, one hour, but i don't think we're
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going to do that. right? let them pour in. let us blame them for being late, right? toas in indianapolis announce that we are saving the fromat the carrier plant going to mexico. 1100 jobs. [cheers and applause] asking alland i'm companies to keep their jobs in america and we will work to make america a better environment for workers and businesses and we will crack on all foreign trade abuses that undermine your ability and your company wash ability compete. those days are over -- company's ability to compete. those days are over. we have so many problems to fix in our country but i know that if we set aside our differences, and we do have differences, we are a very divided nation, but
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we are not going to be divided for long. i have always brought people together. i know you find that hard to believe. [laughter] this groupalthough probably doesn't find it hard to believe, but we are going to bring our country together, all of our country. we are going to find common ground and we will get the job done properly. we will get it done properly. [cheers and applause] mr. trump: and so importantly, america will start winning again, big-league. we are going to win again. we must enlist the effort of all americans. for too long, washington has tried to us in boxes. they separate us by race, by age, by income, by geography, by place of birth. we spend too much time focusing on what divides us. now is the time to embrace the
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one thing that truly unites us. you know what that is? america. america. america. [cheers and applause] because when america is unified, nothing is beyond our reach. i mean that. you are going to see. you are going to see. we are going to have a country that was never so great. you watch. in so many different ways. you've your a lot of talk about how we are becoming a globalized relationships people value in this country are local, family, city, state, country. they are local. we will compete in the world, we want to compete in the world, but we are going to compete in the world where it is a two-way road and not a one-way road. the advantages are going to come back to our country and they
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have not for many, many years. there is no global answer, no global currency, no certificate of global citizenship. we pledge allegiance to one flag and that flag is the american flag. [cheers and applause] [chanting "usa"] mr. trump: from now on, it is going to be america first, ok? america first. we are going to put ourselves first. we seek peace and harmony with the nations of the world, but that means recognizing the right
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of every country, including our own, to look after its citizens. we would put other countries first, we had people running our country that truly did not know what the hellwe would put other, ok? did not know what they were doing. we are going to defend the american worker. look what has happened right here. about the american worker. they it was the american worker who truly built our country. we are not going to forget, believe me. about the american one of the reasons we are so divided today is because our government has failed to protect the interests of the american workers and their families, for us to seeeasy ourselves as distinct groups and not unified as a whole.
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we are not unified. we are going to be. washington's politicians have appealing to competing interests, they have forgotten how to appeal to the combining theest, skills and talents of our people in a common cause. we have unbelievable talent, but that is all about to change. our goal is to strengthen the bonds of trust between citizens to restore our sense of membership in a shared national community. global is a wonderful. but right now, we want to focus on our national community. never again will anyone's interests come before the interests of the american people. it is not going to happen again. [cheers and applause] and over the last two weeks, since our victory, i have spoken to many foreign leaders, and i will tell you, they have
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such respect for us. they all tell me how this was amazing. they all tell me how they sat in their magnificent rooms. different countries throughout the world, these are the leaders, the prime ministers, them, howent, all of they sat in different rooms, watching in wonderment hearing , how people came to vote that had not voted in 20 years or people came to vote that had not noted before, and they had trump shirts on and make america great on, and they- hats thought it was amazing. [cheers and applause] mr. trump: and honestly, one of them told me, i truly respect the united states again because of what happened. [cheering and applause] mr. trump: we are going to seek a truly inclusive society where
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we support each other and love each other and look out for each other and that means people coming into our country have to be people that have the potential to love us. not hate us. [cheers and applause] mr. trump: [cheers and applause] we condemn bigotry and prejudice in all of its forms. we denounce all of the hatred and we forcefully reject of linkage of exclusion and separation. we are going to come together. we have to. it is better. where everyture american child is fully included in the american dream. we are going to have our own american dream and we are going to bring back the american dream . the problems that plague our inner cities or that afflict poor, rural communities, and we have those rural communities,
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some of them are poor. we are going to help those people. we are going to rebuild those communities. they can be fixed and together, we are going to fix them. we are going to fix them. we have spent as of this week, according to the latest count, we have spent $6 trillion in the middle east. and the middle east today is far worse than it has ever been. [booing] mr. trump: you will see changes very quickly. [cheers and applause] mr. trump: you will see it. a shrinking workforce and flat wages are not the new normal. and we are not even talking about flat. we are talking about wages where some of you in this audience hard-working incredible , americans were making more years ago that you are making today, and today, you are
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older and working harder, and in many cases, you have two jobs, and some of that is because of obamacare, and by the way, we are repealing and replacing obamacare. [cheers and applause] we can reverse the stagnation and usher in a period of two opportunity and growth. endless gridlock is not a way of life any longer. we don't have to accept that. government can be responsive and we can become proud again of how washington works. and i have spoken to democrats and i said to them, look, we can't go on with this gridlock. it has gone on for so many years. it has gone on for so many years. they can't get together. we are going to get together and i believe they want to get together. you know why, because it's time and the people are angry. they are angry, and they are going to get together. we are going to make joint decisions.
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m&a's part -- and the nice part? our victory was so great we have the house, we have the senate and we have the presidency. ,[cheers and applause] mr. trump: but we want to get them on board also. people are constantly telling me and telling you to reduce our expectations. those people are fools. they are fools, but this campaign proved that the old rules no longer apply, that anything we want for our country is now possible, anything. [cheers and applause] mr. trump: right? now is not the time to downsize our dreams but to set our sights higher than ever before for our country. [cheers and applause] now is the time to
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push for real profound change that restores the full promise of america for all of its people and those people are great , people. i got to know them, believe me, over the last 18 months. and what we have created is a movement, and it's a beautiful thing. if you take a look here, the roads are all gridlocked, all gridlocked, all locked down, all secured up, and people pour in. it's an amazing thing. now is the time to unlock the potential of millions of americans left on the sidelines. their talents and use, their dreams unrealized, -- unused, their dreams unrealized and their aspirations totally forgotten. these are people of great talent. this is the moment. this is our chance. this is our window for action. this is the hour when the great deed can be done and our highest hopes can come true.
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we are going to do it, folks. we are going to do it. [cheers and applause] we are going to do it. "usa"]ng >> we love you, donald! mr. trump: thank you. i love you too. some guy. look at this guy. and i do love him. he is a rough looking cookie though, i will tell you. [laughter] mr. trump: we love him. we have a lot of love, believe me. there's going to be a lot of love in our country. driven by these goals, i am working to assemble a detailed action plan for america. my plan begins with a bold structural reform to create millions of new jobs and rapidly expand our economic growth.
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and you see what's happening with taxes. you see what's happening with regulations which are totally , out of control. by now we punish companies for , doing business in america. they are actually punished. that's why they are leaving and by the way i have to say we are going to reduce taxes for the middle class. in particular, but for our country, we are going to reduce the regulations. but if a company wants to still leave the state of ohio or pennsylvania or how about north carolina? how well did we do in north carolina? [cheers and applause] mr. trump: right? remember when they said, he cannot win north carolina. so we had just won ohio, and we had just won florida. breaking news, donald trump's won florida.
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they said "whoa," and we won it big. [cheers and applause] mr. trump: but then the people back there, the extremely dishonest press -- [booing] mr. trump: right? [booing] mr. trump: very dishonest people. [booing] mr. trump: how about -- how about when a major anchor who hosted a debate started crying when she realized that we won? [laughter] mr. trump: how about that? [cheers and applause] don't tell me, this is untrue. and do you know what she doesn't understand? things are going to be much better now.
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she doesn't understand. [cheers and applause] mr. trump: i mean, think of it. we won in a landslide. that was a landslide, and we did not have the press. the press was brutal. [booing] mr. trump: you know what? [booing] mr. trump: hey, in the great state of ohio, we do not have the upper echelon of politician either, did we? but i will say this, i will say this. and it was very nice. your governor john kasich called me after the election and was very nice. [booing] mr. trump: he said "congratulations, that was amazing."
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he couldn't believe how much we we won ohio and the election by. remember, you cannot get to 270 with the dishonest press. there is no road. folks, how many times did we hear this? "there is no path to 270." [laughter] mr. trump: there is no path. [laughter] [cheers and applause] mr. trump: there is no path. [cheers and applause] there are is no path for donald trump. texas is in play, remember that one? [laughter] now as rep. pocan:, i'm supposed to win texas -- now as a republican, i'm supposed to win texas, when georgia, the
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great state of utah. i love those states. remember when they said donald trump is going to lose to some guy i never heard of? who is that guy? he is going to lose to this guy ! but the people of utah were amazing and we trounced them. [cheers and applause] mr. trump: and by the way hillary came in second and that , guy came in third. i'm still trying to figure out, i'm still trying to figure out, i wondered what the hell was he trying to prove? i wondered what the hell he was trying to prove. i guess he wanted us to lose the supreme court. that's the only thing he was going to get. think of it. they said, two or three weeks before the election. my friends told me just the opposite. they said georgia is in play. texas is in play. like, we are even and then we won in a landslide.
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,most states. "what happened?" they go, "for weeks, texas is in play." "whatand then you turn on the , television two minutes later, "donald trump has won texas." these are very, very dishonest people. [booing] mr. trump: i love this stuff. should i go on with this just a little bit longer? [cheers and applause] mr. trump: i love it. how about, it's like 12:00 in the evening and pennsylvania, i am leading by a lot, and we couldn't get off 98%. they didn't want to call it. we are leading by so much that it is impossible.
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if i lost every other vote, and they refuse to call and then at 3:00, i will never forget. i watched that particular person and we won wisconsin and we won michigan and we won pennsylvania, right? [cheers and applause] mr. trump: and that person is doing the math and that person was saying for months that there is no way that donald trump can break the blue wall, right? [cheers and applause] we didn't break it, we shattered that sucker. shattered. shattered it. man, that poor wall is busted up. so i will never forget it though because it felt so good. you know more so because they , kept saying there is no path. and all this nonsense, so i go out and see the people like this
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say, "how are we going to lose?" but what happened, so they say "we win wisconsin." donald trump, 38 years or so, donald trump has won michigan and they are looking at the map and saying, "oh wow, there is no way that hillary clinton can become president." donald trump is president of the united states. oh. amazing. it's amazing. it's really amazing. and one of the announcers, one of the announcers, i will have to tell you from espn, now they cover football and boxing and everything, right? and he went out and he said, "i have got to tell you, that event meaning the
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election results, "was better than any fight, any baseball game, any football game." [cheers and applause] mr. trump: he said "that was the most exciting event i have ever seen," and it was politics. then you look at the nfl. now it's just not recovering but their ratings were so far down and you know what the reason was? because this business is tougher than the nfl. it's crazy. the people liked it. their ratings were down 20% to 21% and it was because of us. so, we had a lot of fun. the bottom line is we won. we won. we won. we won big. [cheers and applause] mr. trump: whether it's producing steel, building cars or curing disease, we want the , next generation of innovation and production to happen right here in america and right here in ohio.
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right? mr. trump: first on taxes. we are going to massively lower taxes, and make america the best , toe in the world to hire invest, to create, and to expand. regulations we are going to , eliminate every single regulation that undermines the ability of our workers and our companies to compete with companies from foreign lands. we are going to do it. [cheers and applause] mr. trump: we have the greatest competitors on earth and by the way, i have put on some of the greatest business people in the world. one of the networks said, he put on a billionaire. at commerce. that's because this guy knows how to make money, folks.
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[laughter] he knows how to make money. i'd like to put on a guy that has failed all his life but we don't want that, do we? >> no! mr. trump: i have been honest. i said i'm going to be putting on the greatest killers you have ever seen. we need that. it's time. it's time. it's time. [cheers and applause] we have a great, great cabinet. i will tell you. wait until you see what we have next week. are we doing a good job with our cabinet and our people? [cheers and applause] mr. trump: and i don't want to tell you, i don't want to tell you this because i want to save the suspense for next week. so i will not tell you.
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i refuse to tell you and don't let it outside of this room. do you promise? raise your hand. promise. [cheers and applause] mr. trump: so i will not tell you that one of our great, great generals -- [cheers and applause] mr. trump: don't let it outside, right? and of course the press is very honest, they will never let this go. even though it is all live, they have about seven stations live. we are going to appoint mad dog mattis as our secretary of defense. [cheers and applause] mr. trump: but we are not announcing it until monday so don't tell anybody. [laughter] mr. trump: mad dog. he is great. he is great.
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i asked one of the generals, i love the generals. and i won't use his name but he probably would come forward. but i said to him, "you are a good general." "yes sir, i am." i said, "so how do you compare to general mattis? how do you compare to mad dog?" "sir, he is better than i am." [laughter] mr. trump: i loved it, they love him. we will be announcing him on monday of next week. keep it inside the room, but that's what we have and he is our best. they say he is the closest thing to general george patton that we have, and it's about time, about time. [cheers and applause] mr. trump: ok. i gave up a little secret.
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[chanting "usa"] mr. trump: my people over there are probably saying you weren't supposed to do that, mr. trump. on energy, we will pursue energy independence and cancel the job-killing restrictions from oil, natural gas, and clean coal, and we are going to put the miners of ohio back to work. [cheers and applause] mr. trump: on infrastructure we , will build new roads, tunnels, bridges, railways, airports, schools, and hospitals, including major projects in the inner cities. there is such potential in the inner city. we are not using our potential. remember when i would make the speeches, i would say, "what the hell have you got to lose?" the african-american community was so great to me in this election.
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they were so great to me. [cheers and applause] mr. trump: amazing. i couldn't believe it. i started off at a low number and every week boom, boom, boom , and i got it up to a number that's higher than all of the republican candidates for years and it was great. , the hispanic community, i did great with the hispanic community. great. higher than people that were supposed to have done well. i felt it. and is this really a big surprise? we did great with women. can you believe that? [cheers and applause] mr. trump: great with women. [cheers and applause] a couple of goals came in -- [cheers and applause] a couple of polls
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came in in the early states and they said "we don't believe it. he is doing well with women." every time i went out, i saw this beautiful pink signs, women for trump. i knew we were going to do well. we did great with women. we did great with everybody. we will deepen our harvest. new lanes of commerce across the nation. we have harbors that ships can 't even go into. people have two simple rules. [cheers and applause] [chanting "donald trump"] they don't know that hillary lost a couple of weeks ago. they forgot. [cheers and applause] mr. trump: where do these people
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come from? oh, well. [laughter] mr. trump: they are taking her back home to mom. [laughter] mr. trump: no it's true, it's , true. they don't realize it. they don't know. you know a lot of the people , that protested, we said did you vote? "no, i did not vote." they don't vote. they never vote. do you agree with my stance that if people burn the american flag, there should be consequences, right? [cheers and applause] mr. trump: i'm sorry. i think so. [chanting "usa"] mr. trump: we will have two
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simple rules when it comes to this massive rebuilding effort. buy american and hire american. we can do it ourselves. and that will be our new mantra. on trade, the history of the nation teaches us that the strength of a country and its data and manufacturing sector is trade and manufacturing sector is vital to both its economic prosperity and national security. because we don't do that. our borders are weak, our trade is terrible. you are going to see a turn that is so big, and it's going to happen so fast, and we started today in indiana. believe me, that's just the beginning. that is only the beginning. [cheers and applause] mr. trump: our trade deficit now is nearly $800 billion a year. it's a chronic drag on growth,
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and a destroyer. it destroys the wealth of our country and jobs, and jobs. ohio has lost one third of its manufacturing jobs since nafta and you know the nice part? , now, i don't have to say "signed by bill clinton and approved by hillary." who cares? all i can tell you is that nafta is a disaster. what difference does it make? we will fix nafta, or we will terminate it and start all over. [cheers and applause] mr. trump: america has lost 70,000 factories, hard to believe. i always say that's a typo. 70,000 factories since china joined the world trade organization. think of it. in the year 2000, america had nearly 20 million manufacturing jobs in the rust belt.
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today, we have only 12.3 million manufacturing jobs left in the rust belt. we are going to bring them back. we are going to bring them back. [cheers and applause] mr. trump: we are going to bring them back. the rust belt has been hammered and one of the reasons i won, it's one of the reasons i won. ohio is an example. it's down from 1.2 million manufacturing jobs in the year 2000 to only 690,000 jobs today. it's not going to happen anymore, folks. or take michigan, they are down from 900,000 manufacturing jobs in the year 2000 to only 600,000 manufacturing jobs. i see these numbers, and it's sad, but what isn't sad because
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this is all about hope, but it is real hope because we are going to turn it around so fast. and we don't want ford leaving and going to mexico to build its small cars. we don't want it. we are going to turn it all around. we are living through the in thest job left history of the world. i've been saying it for months. it used to be the cars were made in flint, right? and you couldn't drink the water in mexico. today, the cars are made in mexico and you can't drink the water in flint, michigan. you know that, right? [booing] mr. trump: what a difference. but we are turning that around. what a terrible thing that was. gross incompetence on so many levels. the era of economic surrender is over. we are going to fight for every
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last american job. it's time to remove the rust from the rest out and usher in a new industrial revolution. we are going to do it. [cheers and applause] mr. trump: on health care reform, we will repeal and replace obamacare. we have no choice. we have no choice. and we will finally fix health care for america's incredible veterans. veterans, we love our veterans. where are the veteran's? raise your hand. who is a veteran? [cheers and applause] mr. trump: we have got a lot of veterans. our veterans have not been treated properly, and i want to thank our veterans, and i want to thank our military, and i want to thank our police forces because the number of votes i got was staggering, staggering. [cheers and applause] mr. trump: for whatever reason,
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people in uniform like trump. i don't know, i've never figured -- i have to figure that out. these are great people. we are going to take care of our veterans, and we are working right now on somebody to run the veterans administration who will be terrific, believe me, terrific, and i will be watching, too. i will be watching. on child care i am asking , congress to pass legislation to support the american family and make affordable childcare accessible to all. it is so important. our agenda will fight to increase pay and opportunities for women in the workforce. support women entrepreneurs. who is a woman entrepreneur here? who are the women? a lot of them. i hate to tell you, men, generally speaking they are better than you are. [cheers and applause] [booing] mr. trump: if i said it the
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other way around, i would be in big trouble. don't you agree? we are going to make sure that no one is penalized for the decision to have a family. right now, they are penalized. on crime, the murder rate has experienced its largest increase in 45 years in our country. think of that. we are going to support the incredible men and women of law enforcement. they are incredible people. [cheers and applause] my administration will marshall federal resources to bring this crime wave to an end. most in 45 years. we believe all americans have the right to live in safety and peace. we will never back down in fighting to deliver that security to every community in our land and to our inner cities that have been forsaken.
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[cheers and applause] we take care of our inner cities and the people in our inner cities. on defense, we will begin a major national effort to rebuild our badly depleted military. [cheers and applause] mr. trump: have no choice. we have no choice. it is look at this world, a tinderbox, and we have no choice. we want a strong military and we don't want to have to use it. ideally, we don't have to use it, although we will destroy isis. [cheers and applause] mr. trump: at the same time, we will pursue a new foreign-policy and finally learn from the mistakes of the past. we will stop looking to topple regimes and overthrow governments, folks.
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remember, $6 trillion in the middle east. $6 trillion. our goal is stability, not chaos , because we want to rebuild our country. it's time. it's time. [applause] mr. trump: we will partner with any nation that is willing to join us in the efforts to defeat isis and radical islamic terrorism. ok, we have to do the term. we have to say the term. [applause] mr. trump: in our dealings with other countries, we will seek shared interests wherever possible and pursue a new era of peace, understanding, and goodwill. on immigration, we will restore the sovereignty of the united states. we will restore the sovereignty. [cheers and applause] mr. trump: we will finally end illegal immigration.
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[cheers and applause] mr. trump: we will construct a great wall at the border. [cheers and applause] dismantle the criminal cartel, and liberate our communities from the epidemic of gang violence and drugs pouring into our nation. [cheers and applause] mr. trump: we will ask congress to reform our visa and immigration programs to protect jobs and wages from american protect jobs and wages for american workers. i love american workers. i love these people. do you know what i call american workers? the forgotten men and women of our nation, and those men and women came out to vote. nobody ever thought that was going to happen. [cheers and applause] mr. trump: they came out by the
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millions. these are great, great people. they keep our nation secure from terrorism and extremists. we will suspend immigration from regions where it cannot be safely processed. we have regions of the world people are pouring in. , i don't have to say who is letting them anymore. i just have to say they are pouring into our country. we don't need san bernardino. we don't need another orlando. we don't need another world trade center. we don't need paris. look at paris, you look at nice. you look all over the world look , what is happening to germany. we don't need that, folks. we have enough problems, believe me. your state has just experienced a violent atrocity at the great ohio state university. and that is a great place. that further demonstrates the
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security threats that are created, and these are just threats that are stupidly created by our very politicians, stupid, very politicians, refugee programs. we offer our thoughts and empathy'snd deepest to the victims, and our hearts go out to the entire community of ohio state. what a great place. great place. [applause] mr. trump: we are with you and we will stand with you every single step of the way. the job of the president is to keep america safe, and that will always be my highest priority. [cheers and applause] mr. trump: we will do everything in our power to keep the scourge of terrorism out of our country. we are going to keep it out of our country.
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just so you understand people , are pouring in from regions of the middle east. we have no idea who they are, where they come from, what they are thinking, and we are going to stop that dead cold. [cheers and applause] mr. trump: and you just take a look at what just happened in your state. take a good look and really think about it. ethics reform will be a crucial part of our 100 day plan as well. we are going to drain the swamp of corruption in washington. [cheers and applause] mr. trump: drain the swamp. [chanting "drain the swamp"] mr. trump: thank you.
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i will oppose a five-year ban on executive branch officials becoming lobbyists and a lifetime ban on officials becoming lobbyists for foreign government. [cheers and applause] mr. trump: change is not going to be easy. i am going to be unified with -- i am going to need you to fight as hard for these proposals as you fought for this great campaign of hours. we are going to need our government and this movement to be more engaged and more vigilant than ever before, to help us accomplish of the reforms to overcome decades of stalemate and gridlock. we are going to get it done. now that you have put me in this position, even if you don't help me one bit i'm going to get it , done, believe me. don't worry about it. [cheers and applause] it would be easier if you help, but that's all right.
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don't worry i will get it done. , importantly, we are all going to have open arms, and we are going to invite everyone from all political persuasions to join our movement to help us achieve our goals for this country. great schools, safe neighborhoods, a thriving economy, and a government that answers only to the people, our people. [cheers and applause] mr. trump: we are going to have to dig deep, and i know you and i and all of the people working with us are up to the task. there are a lot of people working with us. every single day, you will be the agents of change, change for our country, but good change, great change. americans must ignore the pessimists and embrace the
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optimism that has always been the central ingredient of the american character. we are the nation that won two world wars, the dug out the panama canal, that put a man on the moon and satellites all over space, but somewhere along the way, we started thinking small. i am asking you to dream big again and bold and daring things for your country will happen once again. i am asking you to join me in this next chapter of this unbelievable and unprecedented movement. as we work toward prosperity at home, peace abroad, and new frontiers in science, technology and space, i am asking you -- is that right? yeah. [laughter] mr. trump: i am asking -- i love this. he is a believer.
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you are a believer, right? [cheers and applause] mr. trump: he is a believer. i am asking you to believe in america once again. we have many challenges, but this is truly an exciting time to be alive. there has been no time like it. the script is not yet written. >> that's right! mr. trump: we do not know what the next page will read. well, i will tell you, it is going to be a great page. but for the first time in a long time, what we do know is that the pages will be authored by each one of you. [cheers and applause] mr. trump: each one of you. americans will be the captain of their own destiny once again. you know i talk about our great , movement, and you are the movement.
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i am the messenger. i'm just really the messenger. although i have been a pretty , good messenger. let's face it, right? i have been a pretty good messenger. [cheers and applause] mr. trump: so once again, i want to thank ohio, i want to thank the great people of ohio. it's an incredible place, an incredible state. there has been nothing like it. and remember this, it was when they called the landslide that we had in ohio that these extremely dishonest people started saying, "something is happening very big tonight." "something is happening very big." [booing] mr. trump: and i have been saying it to you for many months but i will say it one last time , tonight. we are going to come together
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and make america great again. [cheers and applause] mr. trump: thank you very much. thank you, ohio. thank you. >> ♪ ♪
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["you can't always get what you want ♪ you can't always get what you want. you can't always get what you want with a 't always get
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you want. but if you try sometimes you might find you get what you need >> former white house staffers and presidential transition teams will discuss how the incoming first family prepares to move into the white house and how incoming presidents govern through their first 100 ays.
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>> russian president vladmir putin says he wants to work with the incoming white house administration. he also spoke about key domes stigs issues like the need to strengthen the economy and educational system. his annual state address from russia, came from st. george hall in the kremlin. ♪ [applause] >> thank you. please be seated. 6
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colleagues, today we will talk about our objectives in the economy, social programs, foreign policies. this time we will talk more about the economy and social issues as well as our internal policies. we have to address these matters in a difficult situation but we have been there before and the people of russia demonstrated that they are willing to deal with such challenges to defend our national interests. the sovereignty and independence of our country. and this is what i would like to see. i said this earlier publicly but i would like to reiterate people have rallied. our people rallied around the patriotic values. and not just because they like
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verything. there are difficulties. there are problems. but we understand where they come from and we feel confidence that we will be able to overcome them. we are ready to work for the benefit of russia. we genuinely care about russia. this is what we have rallied around and people expect that equal opportunities will be provided for everybody. people will be able to fulfill themselves, implement their entrepreneurial undertakings. they expect us to respect their freedom, their rights, and so on. this is a universal principle, -- we strongly defended defend it. we have been quite successful at this.
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sbrassly. but we should also guarantee the same rights inside our country for every individual and for entire societies in general. any kind of discrimination is perceived very strongly by our people. this is what makes our culture so special. we reject any kind of selfishness whoever it comes from. our people are responsible, highly ethical. we care about public interests. we are ready to listen to others and respect their opinions. we have seen this during the electoral campaign we had this year. as you know, we have returned to a mixed modal for electing the state duma. this was first proposed in the state of the nation address in 2012 and it was supported by the nation. a direct democracy.
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competition. electoral competition. this is the policy we want to pursue, and we will definitely continue with that. the state duma has increased its role as a representative body and ant whole the reputation of legislative assemblies has been strengthened. we should continue this work and this applies to all the political forces represented in the parliament. of course the united rashe party has special responsibility here. this party has a constitutional majority in the duma. this is the strong foundation for the government in the parliament and we should work together to make sure that all the commitments, all the promises we have made are fulfilled and implemented. people made their choice during the election. they chose a path for our country to pursue. they demonstrated that we live
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n a just society immune to populism and demagogue gri. people appreciate mutual support and unity. of course we are not talking about adopting some kind of false unity imposed on people. we've seen this before in our history and we are not going to go back to those times. but this does not mean that you can use nice words and talk about freedom and use this as n excuse for offending other ople's feelings, elitist sentiments. if you think you're more advanced, smarter than others, well if you're so smart you should respect other people. of course, i think it is unacceptable to respond to this
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aggressively as well, especially if it involves .andalism we'll talk about the responsibility that different members have before society. but i would like to understand, in culture, in arts, in media, whenever -- when we argue about economic issues, everybody is entitled to presenting their opinions. when we talk about unity, when we talk about solidarity, we talk about a natural solidarity of people for the benefit of russia and its development. do you think we can achieve strategic goals if we are divided? if instead of a working parliament we just have a place where people argue forever and
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ever without end without any rogress? world and the most developed countries have a growing number of internal conflicts in addition to the european countries we have had a number
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of those over the decades we will mark the anniversary of the revolution in 2017 everybody should take in honest look at the history espectfully. he said all those ears of suffering. . . this is what alexander launten wrote about in his words. he said, we know the hard task that our country has taken. we know all those years of suffering. but still, this is part of our history.
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i'm confident that most of our people feel the same way. and we need the lessons of history for reconciliation to strengthen our republic harmony, which we have achieved today. anger, not keep this this dissatisfaction from the past and bring it in to our life today. we shouldn't take advantage of tragedy to receive some selfish goals today. let's remember that weare one nation, and we have the ame russia, all of us. colleagues, the purpose of all of our policies is to preserve people to increase our human wealth so russia's
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ourefforts are focused on supporting the traditional values, family, demographic programs, improving arts and ulture, science. i'd like to say a few words about the current situation, what we have achieved. of course, we have seen an increase in population in 2013. even demographers how this birth coefficient. it was 1.7 and russia, higher than in most european countries. in portugal they had 1.3. in czech republic 1.5. this is the data from 2013. in 2015 russia's coefficient will be even higher, 1.78. we will continue our social transformation and.
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we want our social program to be closer for people to be more modern and just. we should use skilled personnel and social programs. that's why we are using conditions to specialist and we see growing number of applications for medical schools, teaching academies in 2015. applications for teachers was seven points eight times the number of positions vailable. just recently, the number of applications for uition free spots in medical
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colleges. i wish them the best of luck. i remember how wediscussed high-tech medical aid projects develop a network of perinatal centers around the country. we had none just recently. now we have 94, and now our doctors are able to ave newborns in the most complicated basis. justrecently mortality indicators were 6.5, whereas the european region of the w.h.o. had 6.6 so we were better. after 10 months n 2016 we achieved 5.9. in the last 10 years, we increased the amount of high-tech medical
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help provided 15 times over. not just in bigger cities. also in some remote areas people can get help. when we launched this program we had only 60,000 people in russia received this kind of help. in 2016, the number has grown 60,000 to y from 900,000 next year. wewill provide a substantial higher number. this will make even more available. on the whole we should see, frankly. we still have problems in our health care sector. we have a lot of problems come especially at the initial phase. and we should focus on this developing area. quite often people have to wait list. time on waiting
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our doctors areoverburdened and it's hard to get in a plan with the proper doctor. quite often clinics have modern equipment but medical staff does not have the skills to use them. since we organized retraining for doctors, where doctors will be ble to use their education
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certificates to choose where they want to get the skills and knowledge. we will provide additional computers for doctors. we will schedule doctors from filling out paperwork giving them more time to work with patients directly. we've increased efficiency. we will have the internet and all the hospitals, so doctors even in remote towns and villages will be able to use remote health care, technology. i would like to ask the minister of communications to takenote. the minister has told us that this is realistic. so the entire country will now know about this and they will make sure that this really does happen. since russia is such a large country. we also need an and/or ambulance service. next year the program will cover 34 provinces and will be funded
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from the federal budget. we are talking specifically siberia, the arctic and the far east. and as our deputies now, this as actually your initiative in 2017. we will allocate -- will be uprooted from the second reading, 3.3 billion rubles which will be part of the throughout our vast country, colleagues,children should be able to live in modern, comfortable schools so we will continue our program for renovation of schools. our schools should not be without proper facilities. we should
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offer retraining programs for our teachers. you know that we launched a program opening new spaces in schools. it was for he period 2016-2025, as we all know this is something that regional governments are primarily responsible for, but we made a decision to support the regions with this plan and we plan to create 187,000 new openings in schools. and what arents and teachers care about the most is a content, the curriculum. because school education has two primary objectives. this is what the
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outcome addition talked about, to provide knowledge and to bring up foster, encouragement. when he spoke about ethics he said this is extremely important for society, and, of ourse, it's important to preserve the quality of our ducation, and we already see communication of this happening in schools. but it's not just enough to increase the number f classes with special projects. the cinema industry, television, the problem must be interesting to young people that will get them interested in history, culture. we should do our part to have children think freely and independently and work on the on so that in the future this will be strong
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foundation for their future life. and schools have many nteresting experiments, both in our country and abroad. of course, you have to be careful with experimenting. it is important to raise our children to be researchers. the number of technology groups for children will increase within the next few years dramatically. this is something that companies, research centers should participate in. our children should have the kind of clear understanding that they all have equal opportunities that russia needs their knowledge, their skills, and there will be interesting jobs for them in russian
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companies. we know about the serious center for talented children. and i think we need more centers like this for regional government to consider using such centers for supporting the talented, gifted young people. >> translator: at the same time, i'd like to mention something. at the same time out the foundation of the entire foundation, we should have this principle that every child is talented. every child is gifted. they are all capable of succeeding in education, sports. it's up to us to help them fulfill their talents. this is the key to russia >> translator:
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colleagues, i give young generation as a strong foundation for the future of russia in 21st century, which is going to be difficult ... our young generation will be competitive and will be important in forming the agenda. many participate in programs today, help take care of the sick, help older people, participate in educational programs, arts programs, environmental programs. in particular, we see people joining all sorts of charitable activities. we see this in social media, people raising money to help sick children, and people re spond genuinely to such requests. from the bottom of their hearts. sometimes i am impressed,
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surprised how people who are not very wealthy respond so quickly to such requests. they listen to their heart and respond. should etive center support these volunteer centers and not governmental organizations. people who participate in projects like this for this kind of atmosphere, this kind of envirmente that russia needs very much. this is the kind of potential we need today. we need to develop movements. we need to provide aid to ngo's. we've made all the decisions necessarily. ngos that have proper experience will have access to providing social services funded from the budget


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