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tv   Washington This Week  CSPAN  December 3, 2016 6:19pm-6:31pm EST

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and also talking about innovative programs that are happening around the country. many are happening because of and struggle in the streets that are forcing those changes. of thatyou to be aware in terms of the participation you bring today. give a big round of applause to and being for coming patient. vendors who have come. one of the most beautiful african-american marketplaces you can see. we want to continue to raise that flag and also get a t-shirt as well. what i'm going to ask is that we all stand.
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and i want to ask us to do seven harambe's, which means let's pull together. the other thing, we can debate all these issues. is absolutely right, there should be more people in the streets. we shouldn't be begging people to be in the streets. when i hurt, you hurt, we are all together. we shouldn't be begging and pleading with people. we are going to have to become ungovernable. we are going to have to do what martin luther king said, redistributing some pain. thepart of that is using $1.2 trillion in our hands as a
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way of using a tool. let's all pull together seven times. haram bae. haram bae haram bae. haram bae. haram bae. haram bae. bae. >> follow the transition of government.
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the republicans and democrats prepare for the next congress. we will take you to key events as they happen without interruption. watch live on c-span, watch on-demand or listen on our free c-span radio app. coming up next, it is this week's addresses from president obama and congressional republicans. 's edition of the communicators, featuring paul ohm. and a look at domestic security in the age of isis. first president obama followed by wyoming senator john -- president obama: on the first day of my administration i tomised to restore science its rightful place. i told you we would unleash american innovation and technology to tackle the health challenges of our time.
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over the last eight years we have delivered on that promise in many ways, both big and small. making health care more affordable for all americans. bestve a chance to put our minds to work in a big-time and big way. there is a way we can help people seek treatment for opioid addiction. it is called the 21st century cures act. to save opportunity lives and it opportunity we can't miss. this bill would do a lot of good things at once. it will make real investments this year to combat the heroine prescription drug epidemic that is plaguing so many of our communities. take more lives every year than traffic accidents. havepioid overdoses
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quadrupled since 1999. under obama care, health plans have to include coverage for treatment. but there is more we need to do. thise been calling for investment so hundreds of thousands of americans can get the treatment they need. i'm glad the congress is finally getting it done. the second thing the cure act does is make significant investment. i set a goal of making america the country that ends cancer once and for all. i put the vice president in charge of mission control. this bill will allow us to invest in promising new --rapies and ways to protect joe has done an incredible job. this bill is a chance for congress to do his part two. we will be giving researchers the resources they need to identify, treat, and prevent all kinds of brain disorders.
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alzheimer's, epilepsy, traumatic brain injury. wealso supports an effort started to bring doctors together to develop treatments and health care that can one day be tailored specifically for you. that could lead to some big breakthroughs. bipartisant includes dental health reforms. we are making sure the fda incorporates patient voices, your voices into the decision they make as they develop drug -- they'll of drugs. that is what the act is all about. this week the house passed it overwhelmingly and in bipartisan fashion. senate will vote in the next few days. i will cited as soon as it reaches my desk. like a lot of people i've lost people i loved deeply to cancer. i hear every day from americans
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whose loved ones are suffering from addiction. i believe we should seize every chance we have to find cures as soon as possible. thanks, everybody, and have a great weekend. >> hello, i'm the united states senator for wyoming. cities, towns and big families have spent the last seven years struggling under the health care law known as obama care. last month americans demanded accountability and voted for change. are tired of living under a costly and complicated health care law that broke one promise after another. poll, eight out of every 10 americans favored changing the health care law significantly or replacing it altogether. the election gives all of us the opportunity to take back control of our health care.
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americans can look for to getting the care they need from the doctor they choose at a lower cost. that means a health insurance that meets your family's needs. health care lets patients and doctors decide what is desperate families health. and health insurance you can afford. no amount of taxpayer bailout is going to make obamacare work. it needs to be replaced and repealed. repeal is only the first step. it clears the path for a replacement that works better than what we have now. the mandate that people must by government approved insurance must be eliminated. more than 20 obamacare taxes would be repealed. people have the faith inflexibility to make their own decisions about health care. americans would be able to use
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health savings accounts for the care that they believe is best for themselves and their itilies, and it is that would be easier to buy insurance across state lines. with pre-existing conditions will be protected. my wife is a breast cancer survivor. so i understand how critical it is that people with pre-existing conditions not lose their insurance. a doctor who also served as a wyoming state legislature, i know one size does not fit all. better at much knowing what works best for their people. the's why they will get power to run their own medicaid programs. over the years since obamacare was passed, we heard from people every day how the law has hurt them personally. listening, and we are keeping our promise.
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family isne in your sick, you should only have to worry about their health, not health insurance. many democrats in congress have already shown they will refuse to help us find that way. to defend obama care, no matter what it costs to you. i hope they reconsider and work with us for better health care for all americans. to do everything we can't reverse the damage done by obamacare and do it as smoothly as possible. it won't be easy and it is going to take some time. but step by step we are going to andpatients back in charge make sure that having health insurance actually means something this time. thanks for listening. announcer: c-span, where history unfolds daily. in 1979 c-span was created as a
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public service by america's cable television companies and is brought to you by your cable satellite provider. >> university professor paul ohm is keeping up with technology. is difficult to keep up with technology. we have different areas of the constitutional law, statutory law. shiftsand of the day the , the changes, the different has we communicate, it begun to infuse lawyers in the legal system and judges in disruptive and profound ways. ist: is because technology changing so quickly or is it because law is not changing?


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