tv Washington Journal CSPAN December 9, 2016 7:00am-10:01am EST
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this week the house and senate have legislation that directs leaves of dollars to medical research ranging from cancer to mental health. we will be joined by sydney p lupkin. >> godspeed, john glenn. ♪ the man who was on board that mercury rocket back in 1962 is this morning being called an american hero, a pioneer, a public servant. the nation is mourning the death of john glenn with flags at half staff in his honor at the u.s. capitol and around the country. and marine corps pilot, the first american to orbit the earth, a u.s. senate -- u.s. senator and an american hero. we begin with your comments,
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calls and reflections on the life and legacy of senator, astronaut john glenn. you can share your comments on our twitter page or join us on facebook. .ood friday morning to you the senate is in session trying to wrap up a cr to keep the government and operation through the end of april. the house did its part with a debate over how scared and if over how health care -- an american hero, a combat pilot fighter who made history by rocketing into the future as the pioneer of space travel. the story this morning from his hometown newspaper in columbus, ohio.
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here from "universal news," which is called a space triumph back in 1952. -- which was called a space triumph back in 1952. >> five hours before he is to make a strident into history, his smiley face belies -- the weather over cape canaveral is better and there is an air of optimism as the kernel walks to the elevator during his familiar portable air conditioner. he prepares to go to the 11th act as clocks point to 6:00 a.m. eastern standard time. the skies are beginning to lighten and a cool north wind rustles across the cape. ♪ >> the kernel's date with destiny comes 10 months after flight russians claim a
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and after year after alan shepard glazed a trail for the u.s. this is the climax of three years of training. the eyes of the world turn to cape canaveral. -- theted states white-hot glare of public debate. in the capsule, he will be strapped to a contoured couch. the mercury will be tilted so the astronaut will ride backwards. with he has cover causes a slight delay when a defective bolt is discovered. then millions are moved to silent prayer. ♪ host: if you are old enough to remember, you remember the historic mission of the john
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looking at the life and legacy of john glenn. we want to hear from you. we go to paul in wisconsin. caller: good morning. i have to say, god bless john glenn and his family. wasn't he the first person to orbit the earth? host: he was, indeed. caller: he was a fantastic, brave american. that the end it all of the nasa programs and maybe donald trump will bring it back. was a brave hero. he was a brave hero in my book. -- that hethat he is
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passed away. everybody gets old. he was pretty old. god bless him and his family. much.paul, thank you very become -- the "columbus dispatch" posting a lot of interviews. john glenn reflecting on what it was like to see what we have here on earth and from a very unique vantage point in space. >> here on earth when you look at a sunset, you see those colors so vividly and they are very impressive. you don't see the whole spectrum , you see the reds, oranges and yellows. up there for a little while, just doing that few seconds, you see all of the spectrum right across the whole spectrum, all the different colors have the luminosity that you can only see on earth. >> you sound like a poet, not a
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pilot. host: the full interview available on the "columbus dispatch" site. another comment from my bloomberg makes this point. john glenn the first american to orbit the earth that can 1962. john f. kennedy called him an american hero. mike, welcome to the conversation. caller: thanks for having me. i grew up. i was born in 1956. the space program was a woven part of our childhood, so the mercury probe -- not quite old enough to remember sputnik but old enough to remember the early days of mercury and gemini and
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apollo. all of the launches were watched in our school. i went is cap -- i went to catholic school plus i am also from ohio. the affinity with john glenn there. the one comment about patriotism. this was a source of national pride. yes, you can overlay that with a little bit of cynicism about competing with the russians or the soviets. that was always there. it was an incredible source of national pride to watch these guys crawl into these capsules and do all of this over that whole decade. all of this was going on behind the scenes of what was also on the front pages at that time, civil rights, vietnam, woodstock, the section drugs thing. what stood the test of time in -- what really defined the 60's
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were these guys who went to work every day with their short sleeve starts -- short sleeve shirts and they put us on the moon. it really was phenomenal. it would be nice if we could do something like that again today with mars. i don't get all theory with a lot of these people -- all theory with a lot of these people. host: david says, it might be time to reread the right stuff. the headline from the west and post. -- from the washington post. in the "columbus dispatch" after his historical mission, john glenn telling an audience how much he longed to return to space right away only to learn years after leaving the space program that president john f. kennedy fearing the worst sequel
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he had barred him from other flights to spare the country of a potential loss of a national hero. he admitted he was jealous when a fellow ohio when became the first to set foot on the moon. he ran for the senate in 1970 losing to howard metzenbaum and came back four years later easily winning the election serving a total of 24 years. he was on the senate floor during one of the iconic moments for this network, when c-span2 was launched in the senate. here's john glenn on the floor of the senate during the early days of cameras inside the senate. >> mr. president, the first day of television in the united states senate. i voted for that because i think the people of this country do have a right to know. mr. president, this includes a lot of things that the people of
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the country deserve to have a right to know about the united , but i do have some reservations as to whether this will change the way the senate operates. in recent weeks, we have had a lot of device in the senate. we have had committee meetings about what the camera angles will be and how to best keep your head up and look at those cameras. we have had meetings about how to hold it might so you don't make some noise like that, rubbing against my clothing. we should not even hold the mic because it is liable to make a noise. those of us with thinning hair lines or little hair on the head have been advised you do not lean over like this into the camera. [laughter] >> that will give a poor impression. mr. president, i will not say that tv in the senate is want to
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change anything, but i wish to note we have had advice on how to do this and how to make certain we cut that shine on the head. if necessary, how to do the eyeshadow and the whole thing so that those of us unfortunate enough to have the bags under the eyes may look a little bit better. mr. president, personally, i plan to do nothing different. after we have that done, we may to perhaps be certain that everything is done properly for the camera here. we have even had advice that we do not do as i did today and come in with a plain old white shirt and a summertime. heaven for bid. i don't know whether my colleagues feel this would be a
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better decorum for the senate. -- senatorenate stafford nottingham no but perhaps the people of ohio would be glad to make a judgment on what basis -- what they want to see me attired in in the senate. president, these are just a few of our concerns here that i am sure none of us will do anything differently in the senate of the united states now that we are on television. 1986.june 2, the senate chamber where he served for 24 years. the flag at half staff to pay tribute to john glenn who represented ohio from 1974 and was reelected on three occasions . today's front page of the "washington post." we go to john in oregon. looking at the life and legacy
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of the former senator. good morning. caller: i want to thank you so much for opening your program with this. a sad day. we all have to do this once we are born. this today is inevitable. livedo grateful to have during this time. throughout his entire career from his first flight to today. he is so a compost. -- he is so accomplished. it is sad to see the last -- one of the last remaining true heroes along with neil armstrong and a handful of others that are so sadly unrecognized throughout their lifetime. yet it takes a day like today to truly understand just how great these people are, and a time where we as a people choose to
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celebrate the buffoonish, the trulysh and ignore the .umble and inspiring , wepeople we should emulate just cast aside until days like today. . do wish annie the best i want to thank her for sharing her husband with us through these years. again, so grateful to have lived and watched this man accomplish all the things he did. thank you, c-span, for this opportunity. host: married 73 years. the "boston post" -- the "washington post" -- let me go to jody.
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senator glenn making fun at his own expense what it was like to have cameras. now a part of standard procedures. it back in 1986, it was a brand-new concept to have cameras in the senate. there were cameras in the house back in 1979. ray, welcome to the program. caller: thank you for taking my call. my thoughts are with the glenn family today. i would like to say how we -- either people throughout the" all too john kline -- john glenn and the other original astronaut, true american heroes. get choked upy but he was a childhood hero of mine. , theseith neil armstrong
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are original astronaut's. it is one thing to send a rover to mars and watch it and think great engineering. that was something. country. united the we just don't have that anymore. people like john glenn, truly american hero. host: some of the photographs from inside the post including john f. kennedy back in 1962 looking at the mercury capsule. it is now on display here in washington, dc, at the air and space museum. other photographs including his own bid for the presidency back in 1984. we go to jack from sherman, texas.
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caller: thank you for having me. i wanted to make a comment that i had a brush with something that was very unusual. i was a detective on the sherman police department that day when he made his third time around the globe. i pulled over to the curve and picked up a sack off the floor board and wrote a poem. titled, "john glenn." i sent a copy to nasa and to the president of the united states. i never thought i would hear from them. i got a letter from shorty powers who was in charge of the national group -- the nasa crew and president kennedy. it was in our local paper. connect felt a special with john glenn. he has always been my personal hero. host: you remember what the poem
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said? got a pretty i good memory. it starts out, "on february 20 on the year of 1962, a rocket left canaveral and bolted toward the blue. inside a tiny capsule, and astronaut delay hoping against all feeling that this might be his day. the rest of it i cannot remember in wrote. i would have to be reading it. i just quoted to jog my memory. host: that is pretty good. i want to ask someone else earlier for those of us not old enough to remember that moment, everything that we had been reading basically said the country halted. everyone was looking at cbs and nbc and watching the coverage of this moment. caller: you know why? there was something that had not
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been discussed. i have been waiting for someone .o say something there was nothing said about the fact that his heatshield was coming loose. that was the reason they stopped it with three orbits. on for thehim going whole day. then he said the chance of burning up on his reentry. that is another thing that made him a special human being. he certainly put his life on the line when that heatshield went bad. hope he has already got his wings from the man upstairs. he deserves to be there. host: jack, thanks for your call.
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thank you for sharing your verse for more than 50 years ago. john glenn on board the space shuttle in the late 1990's. this is a story this morning, front page of the "wall street journal." from go to dorothy jonas pine bluff, arkansas. good morning. caller: thank you. i was very fortunate to have taught school and retired in 1970's.ti in the early i had a chance to see john glenn speak in columbus. i just valued his character and his outlook on life. what he stood for. i thought he was a very good hero for all young people growing up at that time. i am really proud that we have someone that we can celebrate with character, because our country is seriously suffering
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now with character problems and i hope we can improve and bring back some of this kind of legacy. host: thanks for the call. this is from another viewer. ron is joining us from california. caller: good morning. nice to see you and thanks for take the call it a listen, i was blessed enough to be born at a time when the sputnik was a big deal. i was blessed that i work for north american aviation in 1962. i was there at the tate -- at the same time john glenn was taking off. this was a very ideal. i wanted up -- i wanted up lucky enough to be stationed at kennedy.
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having said that, i was there onn everybody got burned up cap 34. it was a scary time. at the end of the john glenn was a tough old marine. he did everything that you had to do to be a true american hero from the start. i was blessed enough to work at and 1967.n 1966 these guys when they do the movie, "the right stuff, go -- -- if youf, call watch apollo 13 for example, you saw how the people who were behind the scenes that backed up .ohn glenn
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it was a combined effort of real people doing real stuff. in apollo 13, the guys there while the ground were better than what they showed in the movie. we -- these guys did the most honorable thing in the whole world to be around the whole space program at that time. john glenn, rest in peace. he will be an icon for all time. it is an honor to have had been around that program and known as people. host: thanks for the call. from that c-span video library, there's a lot on john glenn, including a speech he gave. we should earlier. you can check it out. just type in "john glenn." another tweet from another viewer.
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more with john glenn in a moment . a note about the senate which is in session today. live coverage on c-span2. lawmakers try to head out of town need to work out a resolution a spending package that will keep the government in operation through april. $1.07 trillionbe budget cap. toward water if the structure. also a provision that would allow retired general mad dog madison to become the defense secretary. whichrrent funding expires at midnight, they could pass a short-term measure that could allow the senate to finish up business tomorrow. the house passed its own cr resolution. that took place yesterday. dave from arizona. good morning. atler: a sad day, but i work
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mcdonnell douglas in st. louis where they built the capsules .or the gemini-mercury programs it is interesting to see that on tv. they have been bought out by boeing. it has been a sad day. i grew up in the 1960's and remember this. that is it. host: thank you for the call. caller: may he rest in peace. host: i did not mean to cut you off. caller: i was an engineer at aerospace for 10 years, so anyway -- saturday. may he rest in peace. host: let me go back to the "new york times" story. a sense of what this country was going through, what was happening.
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back to your calls. lance is joining us from new york. good morning. caller: good morning. how are you doing? , do respect and honor to his family. listen, i was watching yesterday on c-span. so much stations out there, you don't know what to watch. i knew john glenn passed away. he was my favorite. i was watching when he was in the national museum, and he brought something to my attention. in 1957, i was seven years old and he was talking about sputnik. that." "i remember
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i didn't know what it was. i thought it was a new song on the radio. my parents explained it. as i was listening to this democracy man. he was like a donald trump talking about democracy and how to be somebody, and you cannot forget the constitution. there was so much he talked about. wife, his beautiful annie. years.hey married 73 she is in her 90's. this in the west and post. -- in the washington post. she was at his bedside when he passed away yesterday at the age
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of 95. there will be services and columbus, ohio. his internment at the arlington national cemetery. back in 1998, as he wrapped up for terms in the u.s. senate, he went back home to columbus, ohio. in the c-span video library, this moment. on occasion i've gone over to the national archives building with different groups. you walk up and do some of those documents on display, the declaration of independence, the revere them and we so much, we honor those piece of paper so much that they are put behind all approved glass, they are put into a special glass environment -- gas environment that prevents them from deteriorating. they put them down in a vault at night. it slides down on an automatic machine. they bring it up in the morning. he goes down into a vault.
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we revere those documents there so much that they are nearly to being wholly to us. constitution take -- of that addictive cover protective cover and wadded up and throw it away. it would not make any difference at all except for one thing, you need people to take the ideas andessed on that document put them into work for our country. make sure that our country stays within the confines of that constitution. the greatest document from the governance that is ever been invented anywhere in the world. yet it means nothing unless you have the people willing to take the ideas off of that paper and do something with them. that to me is what politics is
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all about. politics is the personal system for that constitution. with all the faults we have within politics, if we get to the point where our young people are not can -- are not interested in community service or others. it is only a me generation. we get away from the community of effort, the community feeling and feeling of being willing to help others. if we get away from that too much, we would have lost something which to me is at the heart of this nation. host: from ohio is a john glenn reflecting on his own career back in 1998 after retiring, 24 years in the senate. julie is joining us. caller: good morning. to the fellows in california and arizona, they may have known my dad, jerry glasson.
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we were at edwards back in 1958. my dad worked with all the guys, the whole nine yards come all the way from edwards in the end force -- in the air force. i met all of the fellows when i was a tiny kid. i was 14. starting with the ex 15 gram. the fellows from california and arizona may know my dad. they did great work getting my -- getting everyone to the moon. host: thank you. john kasich said yesterday --
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that is this morning from the "clovis dispatch." next is david. caller: hi. how are you? i had a photography class, and my my photography -- he was a german from the knotty deal. -- nazi deal. he was a good teacher. he wanted us to take a picture .f sputnik with a box camera . took a picture of it he took a picture of it and we compared them the next day. my picture was better than his. night, ittnik in the was about 11:00. the russians were the first ones to get that in their.
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this day it should be to the outgoing democratic leader and we covered it from the kennedy caucus room and among the speakers, former senator and secretary of state, hillary clinton who also talked about the passing of john glenn. >> as we celebrate a great leader and great senator and american, i want to pause for a ofent and mark the passing one of our great americans as well. senator john glenn, a friend to many of us and a genuine american hero passed away today. i know the tributes will be flowing. i am sure the congressional record will be filled with pages
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of appreciation and recognition of this extraordinary americans life. host: hillary clinton and her appearance and washington, dc, yesterday to pay tribute to harry reid but also pay tribute to john glenn served in the senate from 1974 to 1975 until he retired in 1998. this tweet from sandy. from greenwood, colorado, tony. caller: thank you for taking my call. i was born in 1960. my father, we lived in cape canaveral. he was involved in all of these shots, these spaces shots. i remember the last of the three astronaut in 1967 on the launchpad. those were friends of my father.
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the note that i thought people would find interesting. there's symmetry between what happened yesterday and what happened on december 7. all of these men, the greatest generation. the guys that were fighting world war ii, even if they were sneaking in at an early age. the guys that want to war and then they would go into the space industry. it is one in the same group. we are heralding both in the same week. i find that historically interesting. host: do you think we have lost that era? caller: we have not. i say that because i have other family members. my own father who went on to after theile silos space shots.
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laws who went in to work on the viking mission, the galileo telescope. programs are still going on. these people are still unbelievable -- unbelievably capable engineers. my father only had a seventh grade education. they succeeded and the engineers that have made our program great. they are also the same greatest generation. there were something about the generation that separated them from us. i am not my father. those of us that have followed, we are not our parents. there was something different about the generation from our generation. something broke down. maybe -- we think we are entitled. maybe we were spoiled.
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we have things that they did not. most of these people grew up poor. i assume john glenn grew up poor during the depression. it is interesting. they grew up in the depression, they fought world war ii and then they became leaders of our aerospace industry. i find that link interesting. host: you are right. many of us grew up with fathers with that same greatest generation attitude. a couple of other stories from "the washington times." from "the new york times."
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we covered it live here on c-span networks. carroll is joining us. your thoughts? caller: hello. in to let them know he did a report on john glenn when he was younger. he says there was so much he had to be careful about because he did so many great things. me being a child of the 60's, i wanted to remember very vividly [indiscernible] stationed. he was regular air force. he was stationed over in southeast asia. news what was good our country was doing with the space program. i remember many times sitting in
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front of the tv or staying up all night just to watch this. see what an incredible thing they were doing. host: thank you for the call. jeff greenfield reflecting on the career of john glenn. hero and political passion retail, a problem that proved fatal for john glenn. he campaigned as a centrist. he broken within the cumbre -- a number of key democratic inches groups including jewish americans who do not like his vote to sell aircraft to saudi arabia. liberals do not like the fact he voted for reagan's first tax cut plan. two pundits, those votes might add up to centrism., from bill is joining us from atlanta. welcome to the program. caller: thank you for having me
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on. you had a caller talking about sputnik. our whole generation was having that phenomenon. we had flash gordon. our vision was full of these thoughts of going into space. now it is happening for real. it is hard to express the transformation it did to our thinking to see the event on the backdrop of having aspirations to do those very things. it was a very exciting time. host: bill, thank you for that time. jodi is a grain with you, it's just jodi is agreeing with you saying -- we go to thomas from fairfax, virginia. caller: i will like to comment that in grade school, we took
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time and watched john glenn on tv. that same desk we sat and watched john glenn was also the kneeling undered in case there was a soviet attack at the time. just find that interesting and wanted to make a point. host: thank you for the call. the story getting headlines from around the world. england, "the guardian" william is joining us from pennsylvania. good morning.
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william, good morning. go ahead please. caller: i am from pennsylvania. good guy. hello. host: thank you for the call. we will go on for kelly. good morning. caller: things for taking my call. some people out there who claim we did not land on the moon and their argument is no one or nobody can make it past the radiation build -- radiation field. that is why nobody has ever landed. i like to hear somebody sometime come in and comment on that. there is a lot of youtube videos and show that report
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things that we did not land on the moon. it was filmed in hollywood. host: do you believe that? --ler: i have seen evidence the first lyrics to the red "hile pepper song, "california is that the moon landing was filmed in a basement. host: are you going to take it from a song that didn't happen? caller: there is a youtube video of a light falling on and astronauts head as he was coming down the steps. host: we will limit their debts we will leave it there. you have the last word. propped up as an infant to watch john glenn walk on the moon. i don't remember it. host: he didn't walk on the moon. he was the first american to walk test to orbit the earth. caller: i feel like a dope.
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my mistake. it kind of brought me to tears. he spoke of how great the people are and what the people do to make this country great. there does not seem to be incentive anymore to be great. at 47 -- ist of -- am the last two have had high school civics, the schooling seems to have changed. i was moved to tears by john glenn, because he spoke of a great place to be. i can remember that. i don't think a lot of the young people have that to look forward to. there is nothing for them. to say, i wasike glad to have somebody like that in my world. i hope that people can rise back up to be great.
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this new president speaks of being great again, it depends on us. i hope that we can be once great again. it starts with the people. host: tom, thanks to you and all of you for adding your voice is as we reflect on the life of john glenn. mineral services plans are announced, any public ceremony will be covered on the c-span networks. we did learn there will be service likely at the ohio state diversity campus. -- ohio state university campus. state in then rotunda at the capital. the senate is in session today and we will have live coverage on c-span2 looking at what will happen with the cr to keep the government in operation. the house doing its business yesterday, sending it on to the u.s. senate. we are going to take a break. when we come back, michelle malkin here at the table.
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we will talk about the election of donald and own comments about his candidacy. and later polly baca. a group of electors talking elector in the election of donald trump. you are watching and listening to c-span and "boston journal." -- and "washington journal." we will be right back. ♪ >> all day saturday, american history tv on c-span3 is featuring programs about this week's 75th anniversary of the japanese attacks on pearl harbor . beginning at 8:00 a.m. eastern, christopher carter reads from
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logs describing events on ships that were under attack. follow by the barrel -- the burial at arlington national cemetery. his remains were identified 75 years after the attack. at 9:00, tour april harbor attack site on the island of oh wahoo. at 9:30, franklin d. roosevelt speech to congress asking for a declaration of war followed by the pearl harbor 75th anniversary ceremony at pearl harbor. from 11:00 to 1 p.m., we are taking your calls in tweets live. -- author of pacific was pacific crucible. at new, where -- at noon, where
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live with all travelers. -- with paul travers. then at 1:00, the pearl harbor 75th anniversary ceremony from the memorial and washington, dc, with remarks from john mccain. saturday on american history tv on c-span3. >> c-span, where history unfolds daily. created as aan was public service i america's cable television company and brought to you today by your cable or satellite provider. >> washington journal continues. host: syndicated columnist and television host, michelle malkin. good morning. guest: thanks for having me. new -- at is this
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guest: i think the time has come for an entity like this. i've had a split -- a foot in old and new media. and investigative anw which is -- it is really engine that has motivated me for so long. most people know me from yelling at people on the other side of the lyrical i'll put 13 years -- side of the political aisle. i did that for 13 years. i worked for two major metropolitan newspapers. i had the freedom in my columns to do much more of news breaking that you don't get to do in a three or four minute exit on cable news. i've got four episodes.
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this is where i have been because i stepped back from the limelight. into some of the same topics i covered over the course of my syndicated news column career and my books. incredible first two parts -- first two-part series on a former police officer who was convicted a year ago this weekend. december 10 is the anniversary of the announcement of his verdict. it made fleeting national news because he broke down into tears when the verdict was announced. who covered the news coverage assumed he was guilty and he was crying because he got caught. i feel that any mail from a family friend of his that urged me to take a deeper look. with the show, i was able to do that. i travel to oakland city.
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-- to oklahoma city. conclusion to the that it was a massive miscarriage of justice that took place. -- of the swamp here because it is a government program that is been turned into a global reward program for political cronies, essentially using a green card program to benefit large real estate interests and people that ties to the highest level of government. this is a program that has been that harry reid was involved in, as well as a number of republicans. host: people can keep track of all of your work. let me go back to a piece you do
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for we pulled an excerpt from your teal. -- from heater teal. he said this was the most important speech of the 2016 election. agree with everything donald trump has said and done. i don't think the millions of other people voted for him do either. nobody thinks his comments about women were acceptable. i agree they were clearly offensive and inappropriate. i don't think the voters pulled the lever and noted to endorse the candidate's flaws. it is not a lack of judgment that leads americans to vote for trump. we are voting for trump because we judge the leadership of our country to have failed. this judgment has been hard to
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accept for some of the countries most fortunate socially prominent people. it has been hard to accept for silicon valley where many people have learned to keep quiet, if they dissent from the coastal bubble. voices have sent a message they did not intend to tolerate the views of one half of the country. this intolerance has taken on some bizarre forms, the advocate. a magazine that praise me as a gay innovator, even published an article saying that as of now i am "not a gay man." because i don't agree with their politics. behind the buzzword of diversity cannot be made more clear. if you don't conform, then you don't count as diverse, no matter what your personal background. investor,con valley
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peter teal. why was this the most important speech of 2016? guest: he so eloquently threw down the gauntlet on decades of extremist identity politics. not only was he able to distill for submitting independent truck voters why they chose trump over the rest of the massive field for president, but he also took a very brave stand, at -- as he did at the republican national convention when he gave his landmark's reach, rejecting the boxes. if only more of those coastal bubble elites in the mainstream taken less than an hour of their time to listen to what peter said at the national 's club, perhaps they would not have been so shellshocked when
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the results of the elections came in. smearinghis reflexive of trump voters, their intentions, what their ideology is, how they feel about minorities in america. this is an out of the closet gay man in a progressive, liberal silicon valley, basically throwing off the ideological shackles of conformist orthodox democrat politics. host: you have had your own exchanges with donald trump. this is from 2013. ." andled you and "dummy he says you were born stupid. guest: well, we all are. i fell into the trap of being -- these perceiving throw off tweets as more than
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what they were. boy, was i raging mad. i was wanting people several years a cancer, and i didn't see the big picture and that was my mistake. i think a lot of my friends in the sort of proclaimed obstinate did not seeump camp it either. host: why were so many so wrong? guest: well, with regard to donald trump's percent on twitter, i think mistaking that ,edia persona for the real man a businessman who has been in the public eye and in the corporate world for some -- what? 30 years, 40 years now question ?
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i think there was too much of a knee-jerk response to the celebrity as opposed to the man who became a political maverick. course, because immigration enforcement and national sovereignty have been so important to me since i started my career, certainly covering the issue in los angeles, writing my first book "invasion," which presaged i think the same for the for systemice need enforcement and idea are preservation rests on making sure we have a system of as donald trump calls it "extreme vetting/" that is what persuaded -- vetting." that is what persuaded me it was worth the gamble. jeff sessions, something i never imagined would be possible, yes, place cautious but
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optimistic presence in the administration. host: "time" magazine person of the year is donald trump. here is the cover. the editor-in-chief the euroyear 2016 was donald trump's rise and 2017 will be the year of his rules. what will that look like? what would the trump white house and governing style look like? like we have seen so far? guest: i think so. i think the transition has been orderly and efficient, contrary to the chicken little analysis from the never trumpers in the washington press corps. very of it has been satisfactory to the core base of trump supporters. picknk jeff sessions
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signals to people that he is serious about the sovereignty agenda. i think a large part of it put him in office. on the other hand, this is the haswho over the years wavered on certain issues and also i think has only been recently introduced to some of the policy issues that are important to people. --hough give you a specific i will give you a specific example. the nomination education is the voss,of richard thde about the couple involved in republican politics for a long time in michigan. donald trump has said to grass-roots parents that he would "end common core," yet betsy devos, all she was active in education policy and was on the wrong side of that in michigan, not merely voicing words of support for the common
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core regime, but backing it with their money, so of course, like supporters of comic or who have changed their mind, she says she is against it but will have to prove to parents that it is more than the convenience. host: if you want to read one of the most recent articles by michelle malkin, looking back at the election, but also, the eight years of the obama presidency, this get to your calls and comments with our guest michelle malkin, her work available online at the host: go ahead. caller: i really hope that trump can do a good job based on his manipulate and then
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all the other things that he does. i do not trust a person that can't admit their mistakes. appeared of capitalist republican white male , and i hope -- he is the itomy of capitalist republican white males come and hope you steps picking on people . i do think he has the character disorder of some type and the hope it doesn't play that way. we have come too far in country to give it all up to him. like martin luther king said, all the blacks ever the wanted was jobs, jobs, jobs. that is what people want. it gives them identity, self-esteem. you know, all this other stuff, we all went jobs and we all want
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this country to get back working . to not forget it was the businessman that opened up china and build general electric. host: thank you. guest: jobs, jobs, jobs. i think in substance and in message and style donald trump periodd this transition to signal that the fact that it is a priority for him, and as much as free-market conservatives, as i have counted myself for a long time, might be somewhat troubled by the intervention in the carrier deal, it is another significant historical milestone i think because for as long as i have in the lasttics quarter century, the idea of a
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president-elect forging a deal jobs of ank and file -- i knowing plant it has been characterized as chronic capitalism, but there's no political crony involved. even given the caveats of course that carrier has a lot of military contracts that were at stake, there was an instinct here on donald trump's part to save american jobs. you could talk about how many jobs he said, but this is a story of an american company, and i did the chapter on carrier in my history book from last year and i think it is worth reminding people that the american manufacturing sector is alive and well in this country, and the caller mentioned black
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jobsrs and their need for and some sort of stuff fulfillment -- self-fulfillment. they are saying the jobs of carrier belonged to people of all backgrounds and ideologies and i think it is significant. minor story but getting headlines. this is from "the washington donald trump will maintain a financial stake in "the apprentice," and will be the executive producer. it returns to nbc on gender second as outsourcing ago, the new host, -- as arnold schwarzenegger, the host, takes over. guest: i want to talk about the celebrity played in thetting donald trump political stratosphere. i think he used his celebrity in
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a strategically. there is a paradox because all of the biggest celebrities in the world cannot save hillary clinton. i think there was a rejection of hollywood elites who presumed to tell their viewers and fans how they should think, who she they they should vote for, and to quote my friend laura ingram, there was certainly a referendum on that overreach and entertainment, and as she always except, these people should just shut up and sing. host: issue the new white house press secretary? guest: we will have to see. i saw her yesterday and have known her a long time. i told her that it would be pay-per-view popcorn feeling. we watch it here on c-span. i would love to see her. i think she would be the most qualified person to handle the
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white house press corps. but these are really momentous decisions to make. think weuman beings, i think of our public figures as so acceptable to the public and that it would be such an easy thing to sort up reorient your entire life. she is a wonderful mother and she has incredible businesses that she runs, as well. but i would love it. [laughter] host: john joins us from wisconsin, also on the democrat line for michelle malkin. good morning. thank you for waiting period caller: yes. -- thank you for waiting. caller: yes, i had one thing to say about donald trump. a lot of people that voted for him do not understand that it takes a lot -- a long time to learn government. government is a business, just like a regular business, and it
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takes a long time to learn it. there is a lot of things that donald trump doesn't know, and i could tell by the people he is putting in their that they have credentials, but they don't have any background as far as government business is concerned. umm, well, i agree that government is a business, but has assembled a very experienced team. i think the tricky part of it is to recruit people who have that experience who are in, but not of, washington, and to try and avoid this landmine, almost the cognitive dissonance of trying to drain the swamp that needing people who have been in the swamp a long time to navigate the murky waters. host: we will go from chet, republican line, also in wisconsin. caller: michelle, your parents must be so proud. i would like to prove there was
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a quick pro-quote with the clinton foundation. of thetake an audit donations of the hundreds and thousands of dollars and the millions of dollars going into the clinton foundation before the election and then do it after the election, also, wouldn't you love to see the list of cancellation of clinton speeches after the election? guest: [laughter] that sounds like a job for a good investigative reporter, sounds like the next " michelle malkin investigates" episode. host: let's go to the independent mind from arizona. good morning. gwendolen, hewitt this estimate -- you with us? caller: thank you for taking my call. host: go ahead. caller: i think donald trump is going to do a fairly good job. when he was campaigning, he
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talked about one whose priorities was to change infrastructure for the ghettos -- obama was in office for eight years and he did nothing, especially for the people in his hometown in chicago. . think he has a dream extremist to make america great again, and i think he is going to follow through with some of the things he has said. people are coming over from india, and they are getting and the blackels, community is living in the ghettos, like living in world war ii. that is crazy. people are living on food stamps , they have to decide whether or not they want to sell drugs that they just to live. it is awful. i think he will do a good job. host: thank you. i think it is significant that in the last days of the
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campaign, while hillary was chilling, donald trump was in detroit. pace -- the fake news, false narrative from so much of that liberal progressive media that donald trump was this racists who did not care about minorities, and the fact is that his message was a universal one that appealed to any american, whatever their color, who has aspirations, and who believes and still believes in social mobility in america, and eight years of hope and change enriched a lot of people at the expense of so many of the constituencies that the democrat party always pays lip service to, so there are so many pathologies in the inner cities that have been run for decades by democrats, who have enriched
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themselves at the expense of their own constituencies, and that covers every aspect of their lives from the economy, to the schools, and certainly to law enforcement. another i think very significant thatubstantive gesture donald trump has taken that signal that the new sheriff was in town was his reaching out to their widows and families of law enforcement officers in the transition period, who have been killed. the war on cops over the last aght years has leveled devastating death toll that has not gotten nearly as much attention in the press as it should. host: we welcome our radio audience on c-span radio. our guest is michelle malkin, a multidimensional journalist, author, a syndicated columnist, and also now within your television series on tv. but we ask about senator harry
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reid, officially stepping down, we covered his farewell ceremony yesterday. this morning, he has written an op-ed for "the new york times," "farewell, their senate." he said ending his time was the right thing to do and will be replaced by senator chuck schumer, democrat from new york. the houston chronicle you do, nancy pelosi, listen to it -- listen to it nancy pelosi said. [video clip] nancy pelosi: i worked fo with harry reid for more than a decade. to observe harry is to observe a master at work. his commitment to his values and his respect also, for his colleagues. harry had many occasion to evaluate the leadership and courage of our colleagues. in all of my years, more than 10 working with harry, he always spoke in the most glowing, respectful and understandingly
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about all of the senators. and republican senators, as well. very respectful with everyone's point of view. the constituents that were represented never, never anything but the finest word. guest: [laughter] umm, that is fake news right there. alert ofhat any half the beltway swamp, harry reid has conducted himself in a manner that might most politely be called brass knuckles and certainly, the victims of his rhetoric and his actions over .he years can attest to that i think this says as much about nancy pelosi as it does about harry reid, and this very stubborn and amazing and surreal
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attempt to rewrite the history in front of our noses. tom cotton, the senator from arkansas, correctly described harry reid's political behavior "cancerous." i wish there had been a rebuttal to that elegy. let'sthat we talk -- ask you about the news, the outgoing senate democratic leader said this -- [video clip] >> let me mention one threat that should concern all americans, democrats, republicans, and independence alike, especially those who serve in our congress. and falseews propaganda that has flooded social media over the past year is now clear that the so-called fake news can have real-world consequences. this is not about politics or
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partisanship. lives are at risk. lives of ordinary people just trying to go about their days to do their jobs contribute to the communities. it is a danger that must be addressed and addressed quickly. bipartisan legislation is making its way through congress to boost the government's response to foreign propaganda. silicon valley is starting to grapple with the challenge and drug fake news. threats of fake news. it is imperative that the leaders of the private and public sectors step up to protect our democracy and innocent lives. host: hillary clinton yesterday in washington, d.c. does she have a point? guest: i wish she would spare us all the sanctimony. i'll get to that they can news in the moment, but this is a woman who is now warning about the risk to american lives of fakery, and she ran the state department that gave us a fake,
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phony pretext about benghazi, blaming a video on it, when it was clear in all that machinations of the behind-the-scenes that they all for what the real reason the benghazi attack was, so let's talk about this fake news. we have been hearing about it thousands of times a day. it is a tactic. i can tell you, as somebody who has operated as an independent purveyor of journalism, somebody who was at the vanguard of the conservative blogosphere, that this kind of strategy of marginalizing people outside of the traditional media elite has a purpose, and that purpose is to prevent new competitors in that marketplace, so with a broad brush, everybody who is not attached to one of the dinosaur networks, or who does
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not have some store-bought like certification from a top ivy league school, and then everybody gets associated with the rogue operators out there who are spreading truly fake news. journalism is not rocket science. it is not brain surgery. anybody can do it. of course, that is a threat to people who are trying to control narratives. vetcourse, we should b every single news -- vet every single news source, but the solution is not to ban or limit the number of voices out there. it is always has been my opinion that the answer to bad, fake, phony or unreliable speeches more and better speech, and that is what i involved with cr tv. and errorsigh-tech
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and bipartisan beltway crack weasels are screwing america's best and brightest workers -- how did you come up with this title? guest: [laughter] sort of like a trademark of mine. if you have one shot to sell a book to someone coming have to let them know what it is about and tell them the bottom line area host: what is -- line. wst: what is a crack result? --weasel? guest: someone sent to washington with one agenda and s on his or her back and betrays the people who put them in place, and that is what happened with the h1b program, stated as something that would help the american economy, and at the same time, protect american workers. this issue -- i think it was well-timed in the book came out -- became there a prominent with
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the firing of disney workers in southern california and many workers who worked at tax programs and in the i.t. forcedy, who were being their foreign replacements as a condition of receiving their severance pay. whatnk that indignity is sort of motivated and new awareness of a program that has been in place since 1990. donald trump in his transition video last week reiterated his pledge to do something about needs to i think he remind his labor secretary of that commitment. the, kevin from tom's or independent line. caller: thank you, c-span.
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michelle, i have watched it for many years and the last number of years, nbc, abc, cbs has not put you on and i wanted to know sulk about that, and since you brought up fake news, i do not understand how these three stations don't realize their credibility is being lost with half of the country and the other half don't care because they're just putting out what they like to hear. years, havethe last appeared in many media outlets, but like i said, i have been busy. [laughter] i live in colorado. i moved to a from the beltway swamp about 10 years ago now, and i have loved living outside of the coastal bubble that peter
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was talking about, but i have been continuing to produce books. i did two last year, as well as my newspaper column, which is marking more than two decades in existence now. over the last several months, i have been wrapped up with" investigates -- "michelle malkin investigates." it is probably one of the most golden opportunities i have had in my career. want to check out her latest investigative crt websitev. on sr bonnie? caller: i used to do construction, went through bankruptcy, and everybody down the chain got left. genius.led him a it does not take a genius to file bankruptcy. to be honest, he has never paid
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an honest day's wage when it comes to construction. my second point is he wants to charge tariffs on everybody to bring their products back. not one trump product with his label or his dollar is made in the u.s. my third point is what really is -- they showed him on tv at his hotel in florida. they were all from india. he made the remark that 95% of them were on obamacare and then somebody called it and said, no, no, they are not. which is right? wage becausea fair the says, they have to sign a nondisclosure -- on the visas, they have to sign a nondisclosure and can't work
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for anyone but him. host: thank you. guest: a lot of good points. i would say that when you are in business as long as donald trump husband, you are going to have many successes and you are going to have failures. track record, no doubt about it. i have also been critical of the use of eminent domain in atlantic city. i grew up in south jersey. and the use of eminent domain to build his empire and casino district there. it is not been unblemished record for sure. there have been concerns among many watchdogs on the foreign employment visa programs of donald trump's use of them and some sort of vacillating statements he has made about them. i think that is why this labor secretary domination is
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troubling to some of his most ardent defenders on immigration policy. to grad in go international falls, minnesota. republican line. how cold is it? caller: not bad. it is normal. it is cold, but it is ok. host: what is normal? i was at a funeral here about a week ago and the lady asked me what was it like 60 years ago because she was telling me that it was warmer than it was today 60 years ago and it is warmer than normal right now, but we can't change that. host: go ahead with your question or comment. caller: we are talking about the state news. that is really interesting. i just keep listening and and i shaket this
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my head. they want to keep blaming the russians. russians did not write hillary's emails, she did. she was the one that didn't want to hand them over and said she handed them all over. that was a complete lie. that is fake news. panelist there, michelle, i think the world of her, i really do. i think that she does know, but she is in with the wolves again on c-span because i think c-span has turned into nothing more than cnn or msnbc. host: why do you say that, brad? caller: because it is always slanted and you always ask questions from people like myself that i know that you disagree with me wholeheartedly. host: i just asked what the temperature was today, just curious. guest: [laughter] caller: you know exactly, you are diverting. you are a democrat. i really just was asking
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what the temperature was in international falls, minnesota. thank you for the call. are you still on the line? brad? i appreciate his opinion. i think it is good for all of us to get feedback. i would say -- and i'm not just saying this because i am sitting with you, steve, i tell this to people all the time. when i have to go out on media tours and the sand from a mountaintop in colorado, the thing that always look most forward to is this time and space. c-span's history is a proud one of doing justice to the first amendment and the privilege we have as information providers. i don't know what your politics are. [laughter] after all of these years. i think probably that because there has been so much bias in
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cable news programming and the thatnse of objectivity listeners and viewers were not accustomed to great questions and straight, unfiltered that is of news happening on capitol hill, that theyautomatically assume must be biased. this is a horrible thing that people feel that the people that are on their cameras have contempt for them. that is something that there ought to be much more introspection about an elite media circles, and instead, they are trickling down on the same ways of delivering their narratives and they have for the past 30 years. i want to say that he has a point about, for example, the dinosaur networks -- which are all broadcasting hillary's comments and condemning things like [indiscernible]
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does anybody remember robertgate? that was dan rather, who faked texas international five documents, and it was the little citizen bloggers and journalists, who are not credentialed, the ones who brought them down. or the exploding trucks on nbc or in the last election cycle when cnn had to admit, and i remember jake tapper saying it was "journalistically terrifying or horrifying that there was someone within the organization that was leaking questions taylor clinton." host: he called it malpractice. guest: he did. host: one more call. we love having you on, either here or colorado. i will not ask what the temperature is. just go ahead with your question or comment. good morning. caller: good morning. can you hear me question mark host: we sure -- me? host: read sure can. caller: one will donald trump stand behind his numbers?
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in other words, when will you stand behind what he really is doing and not based on what we think he is doing because apparently, a lot of his numbers are gigantically enormous, and when you find investigation journalism that the numbers are not true? host: marcia, thank you. guest: i'm not sure which numbers she is talking about. i'm just going to speculate that it is either save the job creation numbers in the carrier deal with the idea that there were a large number of people who cast votes that were illegal in this election cycle, the of that kindmping of information that, it must not be true, i think serves the political and ideological agenda
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. when the fact is that you have even got academics who don't have any special political interest who have been pointing to that problem to reflexively say there's no election fraud in this country is as much fake news as anything else. host: a look ahead to january or february when donald trump makes his nomination or supreme court, what will the battle look like in washington? guest: bloody. [laughter] i think it will make for those of us with long memories, the battle over others look like kindergarten. i think everyone has a [indiscernible] her workhelle malkin, available online and twitter at and your news venture at crtv. -- theysider website? can check it out at what website? guest: crtv and i have four
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episodes now. host: thank you so much. polly baca will be joining us from colorado, from hamilton electors. by the way, we will have live coverage of the electoral in a number of key capitals. later, from kaiser health news, we will talk about legislation passed by congress, the winners and losers of this legislation. "washington journal" continues on friday, december 9. we are back in a moment. ♪ >> every weekend, book tv brings a 48 hours of nonfiction books and authors. here are some of our programs
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this weekend. saturday at 7:45 p.m. eastern, journalist courtney martin explores the question of what the term better off means to americans today in her book "and you better off: reinventing the american dream." >> doesn't matter how much money is in your bank account. you could fly to the cayman islands and that there, but if you care about america, it doesn't matter what your bank account is paid you are vulnerable to this government and the mccubbins, like every other person in every other socioeconomic bracket. i think wealth. in two the gain of binary out of suffering. >> fox news anchor megyn kelly talks about her latest book "settled for more," which recounts her life and career as a journalist >> it is inoperative -- as a journalist. >> it is an opportunity to --ome stronger and take this if i had no adversity in my life and had parents who get me in
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the bubble for 45 years, how do think it would have handled the past year? >> sunday on "afterwards," harvard business school professor looks at white-collar crime in his book "why they do it: inside the mind of the white-collar criminal." he is interviewed by the former director of the enforcement division at the securities and exchange commission. >> why do i never need to worry about them, but many of them, without pay much remorse stealing a couple hundred for my account? that is the fundamental difference in terms of these crimes. you can actually do devastating things and not have that gut ,eeling of doing something harm even a socialized person. for the to complete schedule. >> "washington journal" continues. host: joining us from denver colorado, polly baca, a member
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of the electoral college, former legislature in colorado. you made an interesting point you have went on at, been involved in campaigns dating back how many years? since 1960.ars host: how has the processed changed? guest: dramatically. --as a college intern when during the 1960 presidential campaign for john kennedy. as you know, that was quite a controversl campaign and very close with the election of kennedy and johnson. a lot of folks truly believe that was the result of texas and chicago or illinois. those votes came in in favor of that ticket, but it was a close campaign. since then, we have had tough times and good times. this campaign was particularly
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nerve-racking. i might say that it is the first years involved in politics, that i have ever about the outcome of the election and i fear for and that and country is what i do it i do, on the real concern for the united states of america and our democracy. you are a member of what is called the hamilton electors. what is that? guest: yes, the hamilton electors are the electors are coming together to say, let's fulfill a constitutional obligation to deliberate and select the best person for president of the united states. alexander hamilton in federalist papers growth that -- wrote that -- well, actually
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established the our tour college, of making sure we did not have a demagogue or someone unqualified to lead our nation. he was fake concerned about foreign influence over anyone about- very concerned foreign influence over and when we elect as president. we are working to ensure that mr. trump does not become president because he is exactly the kind of person that alexander hamilton would be so concerned about when he authored the electoral college. host: let me share two different sentiments, this is about. first, a calm and "the washington post," capping property rights -- bottom line, the founding fathers did not truly trust democracy, fearing ruled that created a republic. they were worried that a pure democracy could result in the election of a demagogue (ahe
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m), or a charismatic artifact (ahem), thus, the electoral as a brakingreated system that would, if necessary comes in the country from an individual such as trump great guest: i agree with that. says secretary williams this agreement you are doing is not the will of the people. here is the statement he made -- make no mistake, this is not some noble effort to fight some unjust or unconstitutional law. rather, this is an area in attempt by two collectors to elevate their personal desires over the entire will of the people of colorado. in doing so, they see to violate colorado's law and their own pledges. guest: mr. williams, i'm rather amused by his comments because he obviously does not understand
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what we are doing, nor has he obviously read the constitution, nor does he understand the electoral college. we are actually coming together right now. we have filed a suit against colorado law that dictates that we cannot [indiscernible] states,e laws in 2829 similar laws, that would present an elector from following their constitutional right to vote who theyscience and believe would be the best person for president of the united states. my colleagues and i, along with a number of supporters, have filed this suit to overturn that at, and it is really aimed -- if we're going to have another electoral college, it can't to fulfill its constitutional responsibility of allowing the electors and act in
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a way that alexander hamilton intended. it was the vision of our founders, the framers of our , and i have been electoral college? it doesn't make sense, so let's move forward and allowed the electors to vote their the type ofnd be elected that alexander hamilton and prevent a demagogue from becoming president of the united states. host: some suggesting the votes should go to john kasich. -- "i am not aet candidate for president and ask the electors to not vote for me when they gather later this month. our country had an election, donald trump won. our country is divided, there ,re raw emotions on both sides
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but as well meaning as it is, it will only serve to further divide our nation when unity is what we need. the election is over and now it is time for all of us to come together as americans. come -- as americans." election is not over until we both on december the 19th. honestly, donald trump is not been elected. if you look at the national popular vote, hillary clinton won by 2.5 million votes, so it is not over yet. that is why we have to really good note our responsibility to be the kind of electors that mr. and the envisioned, framers of our constitution envisioned. we have a moral obligation to really live up to that challenge in 2016. it is the first time in my life that i have seen this as a real challenge to our democracy and country. that is why we are doing what we are doing.
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quite honestly, i would love to the republican electors vote for the person who won the most -- you won the most votes, but i suspect that will not happen. our next ticket would be responsible republican person who would step forward and be a candidate and perhaps a democrat. the real way to unify our country is to select the and democratic vice president. in my opinion, that would be the kind of ticket that would bring us together. there are a variety of names floating out there, and remember our first president was a reluctant person, too. he had to be convinced to come forward and the president of the united states. someonetill hoping that of that caliber of governor
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or senator ron -- senator mccain governor romney, so many possibilities of people who would be qualified to be president that we could all be proud of. should that happen, i would love to see a democratic vice president of the stature of senator kaine or someone else. we have a lot of possibilities. this is why the electoral college was established, to come look at these options and select a team that would be a good leader, provide good leadership for our country, not someone who was already challenging the first amendment for the past year, who does not believe in the freedom of speech or the freedom of the press or opportunity to peacefully assemble. who doesn't believe he should
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abide by a constitution and free himself of all possible foreign or insolence. our constitution specifically says that a president cannot accept any benefits from any foreign country, and that would include his family because they also are part of who he is. we really are concerned that the person who might become remember, he is not president-elect at this point until we built on december 19, in my opinion, he is a threat to our country and democracy, and i fear in having his finger on the nuclear button. have ancerns me, so i moral obligation to stand up. host: some background on our guest, polly baca, joining us from denver, colorado. she is a democrat, hamilton member of theer
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colorado senate, and a veteran of the johnson, carter and clinton administrations and the being the state capital of denver for the electoral college votes on monday, december 19. let's go to eric from white plains, maryland, independent line. good morning. caller: good morning. what i amed by hearing this nice lady say about our democracy. there is one way to change the constitution. it is called amendment. right now, the candidate [indiscernible] to switch, you can go to the u.s. government and have it changed. host: thank you for the call. that: first, i do believe if americans and our citizens do not agree with the manner in
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which the electoral college is structured and want to operate, then they do have the opportunity to change the constitution. right now, we are fulfilling ,hat the constitution requires what the constitution specifically says that the electoral college at to be a deliberative body, a body of electors who would come together at their state capitals on the first monday after the second wednesday of december and cast their vote for the united states, without having any sort sorestriction on that vote, we are fulfilling our constitutional obligation. should people not agree with that, maybe they ought to think about changing the constitution or amending the constitution, as the last caller said. by now, we have to live up to what the constitution requires
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at this moment in time. in the 19thtimes century, and four presidents when without the popular vote for it john quincy adams losing by 44,000 votes, rutherford b. hayes lost to samuel tilden, the dispute of 1876. he went on to become president. benjamin harrison losing by more than 95,000 pounds to grover cleveland and he became president in 1888, only to have grover cleveland comeback four years later. most recently, george w. bush losing by more than half a million votes to al gore with that infamous ruling in december 2000. george w. bush was the president, having won the state afforded by a few hundred votes, and in 2016, hillary clinton with 2.5 million more popular votes but with donald trump with the electoral majority. walter, good morning. caller: thank you for taking
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my call. your guest is an denial. it is amazing when she sits there and speaks about the constitution when for eight years, president obama had the pen and to executive orders like obamacare. as far as denying that the president -- they are all worried. there was the happiest time of my life as a 60-year-old man to watch donald trump wayne and the the left's head explode with hyperbole's of people cause world war iii, he is not this, not that, and they're all in the streets riding and protesting. now we have to go with the popular vote. it is amazing how much energy this lady is wasting our time talking about things that will never happen. i refer back to when rush limbaugh said he hoped president obama fails and the left went nuts, and this lady is even
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denying he is the president. i think sometimes people should get out of there bubbles, colleges and universities and go to the middle of the country with bald caps and pickup trucks and look at factories then arresting and people unemployed and get a sense of the american poll's of the people, and that dovetails into president obama and other night saying, well, a lot of the southern whites are racist. it is the same old thing. their policies do not work and they try to use hyperbole's, racism,blah, blah, well, guess what? trump won. deal with it. guest: may i speak? can i go ahead, steve? host: go ahead. guest: i thank the gentleman for calling in and i honor his perspective. let me give you my background. my father was first a farm worker and then factory worker. my first job was working for the labor movement.
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i worked for two separate labor movements or labor unions. first, the international brotherhood of paper mill workers and then the brother railway andtherhood i come from a working family. two children as a single mother, as a working woman. i have a few more years than the gentleman who called, so i have had a bit more experience working throughout my life. i have never made a lot of money, but i have always had enough, and i really do honor and respect working families. i have worked on my life for working families as a state legislator and as a working mother myself, so i honor that perspective and i get out in the country. at my age, i still do that.
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family. my family is out in the country and around the country, so i honor that perspective, and i certainly believe that i am asking -- acting in their best interest with what i am doing proposesse mr. trump an increase in the minimum wage. he has said american workers get paid too much. my goodness. never had toas work for a living in the manner to work.of us have had he is a billionaire and cannot possibly understand what it means to get up at 5:00 in the morning and drive to a plant and look at that plant. early in the up morning and when i was young, care of chickens and rabbits in the garden. i understand what it feels like
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to not get paid what you ought to be paid. my first job was out in the farms, working for a farmer. i got paid $.65 an hour, but i was glad to get the money. later, i worked as a car hop and then soda jerk, so i have had jobs throughout my life that have required -- that have been similar to the jobs that the gentleman spoke of. again, i have always been part of the working class and i support working families great i have supported legislation that all my life for the people i care about, which the working workers of our country, and that is another reason i did not support mr. trump because of his assaults on the working families
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by saying that american workers make too much, and by producing his products in foreign countries. my goodness. why doesn't he blame some of those products that he produces home and allow american workers to produce the things he has in foreign countries? i honor and respect the gentleman that just called. will be in baca denver, colorado, also a former state legislator and member of the hamilton electors. a reminder that we will have live coverage of the letourneau college boat as it unfolds on monday, december 19. coverage on c-span networks -- coverage of the electoral college vote as it unfolds on monday, december 19 on c-span networks. from maryland, good morning. caller: i just want to say that you did not have to defend yourself against anything there.
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that guy was just too much. you should not be attacking the guest just because of the political party. i am calling on the independent line. ijust wanted to ask -- understand what you are doing and it is part of the constitution, but to you think that since trump -- i mean, the way it worked out is he did get elected, but don't you think that the infringement process will take care of things if you really screws the country up? host: thank you. confidence i do have in our democracy, and i have confidence in the members of congress to hold the line against mr. trump, but i think -- this is my personal responsibility, to speak up because i am an electorate and i do have the constitutional obligation to speak up. cannot not meet my
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responsibility at this point at this moment in time. if the hamilton electors, myself, my colleagues are not encourageverse or to 270 electors to vote for an i wouldive candidate, like your audience to know that there is another option, and that is it no candidate is 270 electoral votes, then the vote goes to the house of representatives. the house of representatives would then elect the president and the senate with elected vice president. i might suggest that we have to use all avenues. we cannot just stand by. at this moment in history, i have a specific responsibility to speak up and to stand up, and
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the shocked if i need to. i have not had to so far, but to fulfill my responsibility as an elector. my constitutional responsibility and moral obligation to try and stop this person. ,es, should he become president and that is a possibility, i will acknowledge that, then that is going to be up to the house of representatives and the senate to hold the line on him. if he does not abide by the constitution and that allows foreign countries to influences decisions because investments, i fear he will use our country to make money because he seems to think the only important thing in the world is to make money and he
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only honors people have made billions of dollars. and that is not what america is about. we are about our ordinary citizens. as an ordinary citizen i feel my responsibility right now to speak up. by two way, i do that even though i will be criticized. i have to accept that criticism and in some ways i am used by it. but you know, that is just the way i see the world in see my responsibilities. host: a lot of people want to ask you questions. the electoral college votes, there are 538 electors. the president needs to hundred 70. the majority needed.
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mary from pennsylvania, democrat mind. -- line. thank you. first, that guy who talked about a bubble -- i wish that everybody who talked about the bubble, the bubble, would get out of their own dam bubble. second, this man, trump, is absolutely a danger to this country. if he becomes president, i hope he gets impeached on the very first day because he is not the regular people. he only cares about his business, business, business. that is unethical and he is not going to divest from his businesses and that is just plain wrong. thank you. host: more of a comment than a let's go to patricia. good morning.
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caller: good morning and thank you. you is based on long experience in politics with many campaigns, internships, etc. my question is and then i have another question to follow-up, you have a lawson currently -- a lawsuit currently against the state of colorado regarding your role as an elector, what your interpretation is and what the law interpretation is. for many years you been a politics and you are certainly aware of this law pertaining to yourself. why is it that you are now bringing this lawsuit against the state of colorado in have never done so before for fear of having to vote against your conscience? my follow-up is, will you regret
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law ifrturning of that it should proceed the way the democratic senators are currently regretting their filibuster? host: thank you, patricia. myst: first of all, i think overriding responsibility is to act in way that is consistent with the united states constitution. i have not said yet how i am going to vote on december 19. bring this suit about my personal vote. the suit is about pursuing the state of colorado to overturn a law that hopefully will be challenged in other states as well. but we need to overturn laws that are in conflict with the united states constitutions. i am concerned about states and elect doors -- electors who also
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need to vote their conscience and if you vote in a way that would be responsible for our country. so we are filing the suit on --alf of of all elect doors who feelin any state prevented from voting or conscience. i have been an elector before and i've always had the opportunity to vote my conscience. i feel strongly in this election that i need to stand up for all electors so that everyone has that opportunity. i might also mention that we were elected to be electors. realize folks do not that. i had to run to be an elector at the convention in my state and i was elected at the state level. each congressional district elects one elector and each
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state elects to electors at their specific party convention. the democrats and republicans in each state and whichever state, whoever wins that diggers state whichever party wins that particular state, that slate of electors then has the opportunity to vote for president of the united states. the constitution says we ought to vote our conscience and vote for the person we believe is the most qualified to be president. i am hopeful we can pull together 270 like-minded who feel confident about supporting a confident -- candidate who is going to unify our country. haveull together so we can
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a responsible leadership and that is why we filed a suit to help all electors. from sebring, florida. republican line. good morning. caller: good morning. i would like to say this lady is just getting her 15 minutes of fame and it is like she has sour grapes. sour grapes. that is about it. trump one and that is the point. donald trump one the middle america vote. we just had a vote on the east coast and west coast. tot is basically all i got say. host: john, thank you. we go to carol joining us from liberty, new york on the democratic line. go ahead, carol. caller: hello. i would like to thank you for and bravery, honesty,
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following our constitution. this man is a tremendous threat to our national security. host: two points of different types. your response? my family has lived here, came from mexico in 1600. i had my 15 minutes of fame. i was elected to the colorado women's hall of fame so i have famous by any means or need my 15 minutes. i have already had an and do not need any more. [chuckles] guest: i am amused by some of the republicans who discount my motives and my concerns for our country. am -- actually, i guest: i am concerned about
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anyone who would not be concerned for our country right now. we are in grave danger. i am worried that this person, mr. trump, could do great harm to our country. and by our actions and who he has appointed and by his attacks on the first amendment. he does not believe in freedom of the press and freedom of speech or the right to assemble. i am really concerned about his assault on the first amendment. i lived in the soviet union as a guest of the american council of young political leaders in the 1970's or 1980's, i made two trips. the two freedoms that distinguished us from the russians and dictatorships are first the freedom of the press and the right to assemble and demonstrate peacefully. so, i am concerned that this person is a danger to our
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country. host: linda from tennessee, independent. electors isamilton our guest. good morning. caller: no wonder a bunch of the democrats has changed to republicans because of this woman right here wanting to spout her mouth. end of she keeps it up, there will be more democrats and keep it up. i hope more does it too. host: response? guest: i cannot hear her very well but i might remind folks about the talk americans in about citizens and about voters, we need to remind them that secretary clinton one more votes than any candidate for resident ever wanted in the
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country.f our she won by more popular votes, more americans voted for evertary clinton then have voted for any person running for president of the united states. and yet she is going to not be our president. that is a travesty. on the other hand, we are given a process that if we do not like process, we need to remake our constitution. but as long as we have this let's use it the way our founders intended it to be used. i really invite all of these elect doors to examine their own conscience and look at the needs of our country and vote for someone who is responsible. who will not abuse our laws. who will abide by the
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constitution and who does not believe they are above the law. should this person become president, should mr. trump become president, then he must divest himself of all of the business interest and his family, he cannot be a president isthe united states that influenced by other countries in order to make personal benefits thatake personal money and is my concern, one of my many concerns. that he is going to use our country for his own personal benefit and the personal benefit of his family and that is already beginning to show that is what he is doing. so i have genuine fears. and really, encourage -- republican
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electors to join the hamilton electors. if you are interested, you can email i believe that it is our email adjustment you can look up on the web. i encourage our electors to not vote for mr. trump. host: donald trump winning 20 states, hillary clinton 30 states. hillary clinton with 232 electoral votes, donald trump with 306 winning key states including pennsylvania, michigan, and wisconsin. again, 270 electoral votes needed to become presidents. rock hill south carolina, good morning. ahead with your question. caller: wanted to say in f -- misso ms. bok
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she is correct. clinton won colorado. so the voters in that state were voting for mrs. clinton but also voting for her electors. so when they cast their electoral votes on december 19, they cast them for clinton. voteou know, the popular doesn't agree with that. the founders were specifically against that but if we the people read the constitution and understand it, what you say is correct. host: thank you. polly baca? yet said who not i'm going to vote for december 19 and i am holding not because although i personally believe that hillary clinton obviously won this election in and would be an amazing president, i am my colleaguesing
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electoral college and should the republican electors come together and offer an anernative candidate for alternative to mr. trump, then i could be willing to support him -- them in voting for a republican who would be an alternative to mr. trump. there should be a republican as we has electors could elect as president of the united states rather than mr. trump. last call from charleston, north carolina. republican line. caller: nice to be a democrat and i'm going to tell you why. first of all, hillary clinton went on national tv and said she lied. then our troops got tilden benghazi because of her error, ok? that is not the only thing. every time somebody had something on hillary.
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on july 11, someone had email had hillary. he got shot twice in the back. no one wants to bring that up. he had emails. the fbi said they had another guy. one of hillary states that was going to testify against her. head. a bullet in his you want to know why people didn't vote for her? she is a liar and more. who wants her back in the white house with her husband bill who had sex with everybody everyplace or whoever it was, monica lewinsky in the white house. host: let's get a response. polly baca? guest: i feel sorry for the gentleman who just called. i really do feel sorry for them because he unfortunately is being misled by fake news. the media is that being used in a way that is not legitimate. we were in a vacuum when i was growing up. you had -- you know, our
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-- we ought to say that only the facts should be broadcast and unfortunately so many people have been impacted by fake news. they believe these stories. my goodness, i even somehow got a couple of them on my email that i get regularly and i am stunned at what they say about secretary clinton that is totally false. have falsehoods out there about is. ask anybody that has been in public life. there are lots of untruths that are published about us or that are on the internet. you really cannot believe everything on the internet i am really surprised at those who informationof false
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that is being propagated and i worry about that and i really feel sorry for the gentleman who called who has fallen for that kind of fake news. that is a shame. it is too bad. host: we will conclude on that note. polly baca will be with the electoral college and is a so-called hamilton elector. thank you for being with us. we appreciate your time and perspective. guest: thank you. host: turning our attention to a massive bill that will affect our companies, the fda, medical research. a discovery called the 21st century cures. .idney lipkin will join us she is with kaiser health news. we'll talk about what this will mean to you. washington journal is continuing on this friday morning, december 9. we will be back in a minute, state with us.
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>> c-span studentcam documentary contest, this year we're asking students to tell us, what is the most important issue for the new congress and president address in 2017. joining me is ashley, she one in 2016 with her studentcam documentary. tell us about it. >> we produced a documentary where we covered orange county, california. homelessd to do it on veterans. they are now living on the streets, not having anyone to care for them and it is not ok. we decided we're going to talk
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about this issue. we decided to make a documentary about it. i encourage all seniors in high school, juniors in high school and middle-schoolers to use this form to speak their boys. raise their voice. say that your generation deserves to be heard in the government and there is a better work out these issues. this is it. really look into your community and see what is affecting those around you because those are the ones you love. those are the ones you see the most. you are around them every day are things you see happen every day on the street, that is probably where you should start. he a part of this documentary because you want to be a voice for your community.
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tips andyou for your advice. if you want more information on our student documentary webcam contest, or to our website, announcer: washington journal into and use. sydneye want to welcome lupkin. at let me put on the screen some of the numbers. we will go through that one bite one. this is a massive people of legislation that totals six point $3 billion in funding. close to $5 billion in what is being called the cancer moonshot project. another one billion to fight the opioid crisis and $500 million for the fda. breakdown these numbers. guest: sure. a largean see, this is
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bill. 996 pages. and dollars for the national institute of health which is our biomedical research part of the government. that is divided mostly into vice cancernt joe biden's moonshot initiative but will go toward cancer research as well as medicine initiative which is there is onech and more in the nih. brain initiative. braint is again, in research. looking into things like the question of alzheimer's disease. that is a lot of research money. the only thing to point out what that is it is subject to appropriation so it is not guaranteed to that is why lots
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of groups that supported a because that research will ultimately go to schools and universities and hospitals that are doing that research to ultimately find cures. the 500 million for the fda is going to help it sort of do all of the other things it needs to do as part of the bill because the other big thing here is that it makes the approval requirements i would say more flexible for drugs and devices because antibiotics. antibiotics can be smaller and have fewer patients. there are other requirements that sort of say if you have an approved drug and you want to get an additional views for that drug approved, instead of the standard phase one, phase two, phase three clinical trials you can use something called real-world evidence which is anecdotal evidence,
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observational studies and i'm sure we can get into that later but basically that -- this is going to be a lot on the fda. and that fiber in dollars is going to help. some critics say it might not be enough. but it should help. -- that $5 million. host: your work available at k hn.og. bag of it is a grab goodies. explain. guest: the medical device industry, the pharmaceutical industry, for them the more flexible standard save them money. so if you do not have to do these phase one, phase two, phase three clinical trials which are very expensive you can save some money. so on there and, things can get approved faster.
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theoretically, cheaper. forent groups have lobbied this bill. groups thate are are within certain disease communities. what the bill does is it sort of gives them more clout. they are going to be more involved in the drug development and approval assess so that is a big reason they like it and they also like the idea of more inxible standards resulting -- because if you are sick you want to get the medicine as soon as possible. again, critics they would if they are not safe? hat a faster means less safe? mental health, so there is a big part of this bill that is mental health. so, a lot of that is going to go towards the opioid epidemic. there is $1 billion over two
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years that will go toward fighting in that. that is mostly going to go facilities but also research so that is a good thing. there have been three bills that have been sort of wrapped into this. one of the things that does is it increases mental health parity which means that if you have a mental illness versus something like diabetes it should not be any harder for you to get care than anything else. so that is one thing. the money already goes toward states where they could now under this bill use it for mental health services which keeps the mentally ill out of jail because they are not getting treatment in jail so that is another big winner. host: our guest has worked for page today.d med bostona graduate of
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university and a correspondent for kaiser health news. our lines are open. the numbers are on the screen. if you want at c-span wj. send us a message on facebook page. now, preventative medicine. why is preventative visits and -- medicine a loser in this legislation? guest: mandatory funding set up under the health care act for things like immunization, preventative medicine which is exactly what what you think it is. if we can study how to pre-vented -- prevented, then the cost will be lower down the line. under this bill, $300 billion will be taken away from that fund.
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host: the fda also a loser in consumer safety. it could be considered a loser because a lot of the burden of this will will sort of be on them and if unsafe approvals are approved through these sort of new passages, the level probably fall on the fda. but one thing they do get is more hiring power. they have had a lot of vacancies they have been trying to fell over the years, 700. , reported in another story those are not people of left the fda. mostly it is because over the years bills and initiatives have created the need for more jobs. and they have said they had a hard time filling them in part because they cannot afford as much money as the industry so what this does is it gives them greater hiring power. they can hire at higher salaries without prior approval.
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it makes the degree requirements more flexible for certain position so that will help them out. host: we're talking about the bill passed in the house and senate and on to the president for his signature. would it be for you, the pharmaceutical industry common health care industry overall. colors and viewers with questions. sarah from lauderdale, florida, republican line. good morning. caller: i was wishing someone like you would be on. the problem with the fda is the small companies that go to the cures, that have incredible biotechnology, are for years byging them. they make it almost impossible to get approval and i wanted to ask you. this one, delete pharmaceuticals that has a way to keep people who have to take the painkillers. you know, that are addictive.
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so they cannot inhale them, crush them, they cannot do anything to them. they kill the pain but do not give a high or anything like that. this company is being held up because they said they need to know about swallowing with applesauce and all this stuff. the other companies that have do pills do not have to this. the fda is partial to big pharma because they pay part of their salary. look at theas to small companies who have a lot to offer to create jobs, to have cures, to do so many things. they are just put off year after year after year. even though their biotechnology is excellent and could help the health of this nation. host: thank you for the call. guest: i think, first volley have to say i'm not familiar
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with the company or the drug but i think that there are programs within the fda that do help some of these companies that make it, you know, i mean, that make it easier for them to get through -- what is the best way to answer this -- but, basically -- part oft me take one it. does the fda favor the larger companies over smaller companies? a good question. i'm not sure. host: does the obamacare debate that we will see in house and the senate know any of this? guest: that is a good question. it is a separate bill. i do not know if it is going to affect drug approval. once something is approved under medicare it has to be covered.
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so, if something is approved that is not effective or not safe in it has to be covered, it could cost the health care system a lot of money and obviously we do not want something unsafe approved. i'm am not sure exactly how it is going to play out in the debate. host: william is next. democrats line. caller: good morning. for the mentally ill. i am bipolar. you have bills that cover illnesses with medication but we have other problems. the cousin of where we are, people harass us, do things, and there is this society other than what we do for our bills that will help us. to know to our own we have homeless. some of us might not be able to
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do that. and the old folks. i am 65 now. one of the most horrible groups in the america. we have to pay copayments on our medicine. the number of pills in medicine we take is increasing in the amount of money we have to live off is decreasing. what are you going to do about that? i used to be concerned about black cops. now i am concerned about a white cop shooting me in the back. answer might question. guest: the mental health part of this bill is one of the i think basic mental health bills that have passed and recent memory and i have not begun to sort of list out all of the things in it. aere is a lot in it including 10% of the mental health block grants the go to each state have go to things like early
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intervention for psychosis patients which there is all the scientific evidence to shove a few surround someone who is having the first episode of psychosis with, you know, a note-take on their classroom. extra time on tests. different kinds of special education, they do so much better. so this bill is very evidence-based trying to find ways to help people with mental illnesses. i mentioned earlier the grants they go toward, you mentioned police officers, the money that goes toward law enforcement and now be used for mental health services as well which hopefully will keep people with mental illnesses out of jail because as we know, they are not getting treatment while they are incarcerated. host: amerco be, arizona. good morning. caller: first of all, i love you and him a huge fan.
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of my questions, will this go toward medical marijuana at all? and will this bill still be here when souchong takes office? will: i am not sure if it go toward medical marijuana research. host: is the funding locked in? could it change under a new administration? guest: so, the nih funding which is mostly research funding, that part is not locked in. that is subject to appropriations which means every year when the new budget is approved, the appropriations bill, this has to get reauthorized so all of the subsequent years of the 10 years, the $4.8 billion over 10 years, every year that has to get reapproved which means it might not be. it is not guaranteed. host: democrats line, good morning what is your question. weekr: bernie sanders last
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had a hearing in the senate to bargain with medicare, the drug companies, you know. and other things with this bill and mr. trump said he was just doing what mr. trump said he was going to do. he got up anti-stop this. he stop this. during the election we found out his family, all of them are lobbyists and they get big money. i don't know how much money they theyut it looks like should investigate some of this payola they get for the senator being their father and family making a good money off of it. he came out with seven main dollars they said he had so i think an investigation needs to be done into these drug companies bribing these people. host: thank you for this call.
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guest: thank you. as part of my story on this i have dug into lobbying. lobbying is legal. the disclosure surveying so one of the things about them as you have to let the number of lobbyists or the names of the .obbyists on the bill listed and the amount of money overall and a list of issues you are lobbying on. it is hard to say exactly how much money, in fact you cannot say from the disclosures how much money is going toward each bill so in our story we can say how many lobbyists are registered on a bill and which clients they are representing but we cannot give an exact dollar value because that is not in the way our government collects lobbying records right now. host: every morning this program radio inlive on c-span our guest is sydney lupkin, you can follow her on twitter at
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slupkin. arizona, good morning. caller: i was learning, as a physician i experienced a recent deaths iniate teenage our community and my impression is -- i'm going to date myself -- the vietnam war we saw similar epidemic and i am considering the veterans i have also witnessed addicted to opium as a result of exposure in afghanistan. is thisdering, infecting our community? secondly, december 2004 it was proved that over 200,000 pharmaceutical-related deaths of occurred. i think that was a preamble of ata and other health strategies at that time to disclose their
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liability and i am wondering, what is the current pharmaceutical-related deaths in terms of percentage. my perception is it has increased tremendously and pharmaceutical-reese -- pharmaceutical-related deaths have become a large component of our risk as americans. host: thank you for the call. guest: i first need to confess i am not an opiate epidemic expert, however i do know that the cdc actually did come out with numbers for opioid-related deaths yesterday. i believe they went up -- i think i read 15% and half of that was prescription and half of that was heroin. so to answer your question about whether they are bringing it back, from past not reason,
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typically this is coming from prescription drug use and then because heroin is so much cheaper, patients are going and buying it on the street because they are already addicted. host: from the washington post, these related deaths have now surpassed homicide deaths in the united states. so they are focusing in great detail on this. how big of a problem is it? guest: i think you just answered that question. if they are surpassing, site deaths, it is a big problem. host: patricia, panama city, florida. good morning, democrats line. caller: good morning. preventive is for medicine. does that include mammograms comic-con oscar, this kind of tests? guest: preventive medicine does in general include that. will be cuts in the fund affect mammography's?
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not sure of. host: do think the government approach to health care does with preventive medicine? guest: that is a good question. mandatory funding, when it was passed to do that, i mean that was largely applauded, right? i think cutting it in a way has seen some criticism. about 30% of what they were guaranteed to have now they do not have it anymore. host: daniel, corpus christi, texas. democrat line. color: wondering -- caller: wondering about the use of the internet. generally, there is a lot of smart people, older retired people that have good thinking ability and nap used to perhaps participate in a chat room discussion on a convergent
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directed discussion on how to approach a particular problem in cancer? "the emperor book --: in and it is very readable in clear and very possible i think for people to participate in a chat room discussion to bear down on these problems. host: sure. let's get a response. thank you. guest: i think that being engaged as a citizen and the problems you see in the world and being able to use the internet to have those conversations is great as long as you are -- when you are bringing in the same thing you are reading your really checking resources and spreading good information. host, me get your reaction to what senator elizabeth warren -- one of the way, she was one of the handful voting against this
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major piece of legislation. she said, compromises putting together common sense are puzzles put forth by dick groat, republicans, and most of the american people and passing them into law. extortion is holding those exact same proposals and was everyone agrees to special favors for campaign donors and evil ways for the richest drug companies in the world. guest: yes, she is one of the senators who have opposed this. i think i read something else he said where she referred to the nih funding which is a big reason so many groups supported this legislation. she called that a fig leaf because it is not enough to sort for what i amoff assuming her constituents are concerned about, which is the possibility of unsafe approvals under the changes to the fda approval process.
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from west palm beach, florida. good morning. caller: good morning. i am concerned with being hooked up with the traditional and not exploring oriental medicine. , ginseng.e i mean, there are somebody different areas that you help yourself and you do not have these horrible reactions to medication. i just wonder if part of the research would include that. host: thank you dorothy. guest: i am not sure if part of sureesearch -- i am not exactly how the funding specifically will be used other than the sort of the cancer genetics and brain research buckets that we sort of already talked about. but surely there are -- i mean if you were to go to -- if you med, it is very
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veryce hyman -- it is science-heavy but that is where you can find out if everyone -- anyone has ever studied these things and certainly you will probably find that there have been studies on some of them. host: we will pull it up right now as we hear from jason. myrtle beach. good morning. independent line. good morning. host: this is the website right here. on medicaid and medicare and him permanently disabled. if you are on medicaid and medicare you qualify for this cri, which helps for prescription drugs. a you have to be 65-years-old. and i am 35-years-old and i am
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wondering why that is because it is -- i am not going to change and i cannot afford to pay the payments with the amount of money i get in because i was injured at the age of 19. host: jason, thank you for the call. guest: i know you could be on medicaid if you are under 65 and if you are over 65 you qualify for medicare. i apologize, i am not really sure of the best way to answer your question. host: let me conclude going back to our earlier point about what this means for cancer research. the bulk of this money will go nih. is the research underway now, is this the continuation or will it mark the start of a new round of research? guest: there's already so much research going on all the time. see there are dozens of
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studies coming out every day. so i think this is a continuation of things. it is not going to be things that are brand-new phase one, this is something that does not qualify if it has been studied ever before, so -- i think it will be a continuation. by,: thank you for stopping sydney left can. thank you for being with us. at the top of the hour we will take you to an event at the brookings institution looking at brexit in two different perspectives including the mayor of chicago rahm emanuel. phonee come back, our lines are open. weighing in on the news of the days. the next 15-20 minutes. numbers on the screen. we are back in one moment.
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you look at a project, you look to see if your objectives -- partisan politics aside, morality aside, what happens after the party is over? what are the human and financial costs on both sides? announcer: brian gruber discusses his latest book, "war: ." after party it chronicles his travel experiences through countries involved in u.s. conflicts. >> of course, we all come with some kind of bias but i went to these places with an open mind trying not so much to understand what partisan point of you might be or be validated by to look at
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what the mission of accomplished and what were the costs on both ends. announcer: sunday night at 8:00 eastern on c-span's "q&a." with a special webpage at to help you follow the supreme court. go to and select supreme court near the right hand top of the page. you will see the most recent arguments. click on the "view all" link to see oral arguments. you can find recent appearances by many of the supreme court justices or watch justices in their own words including one-on-one interviews with justices kagan, justice thomas, and justice ginsburg. there is a list of all current justices with links to quickly see all of their appearances on c-span as well as many other supreme court videos available on demand.
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follow the supreme court at journal continues. host: we have about 15-20 minutes depending on the live event coming up at the top of -- hour at the brooklyn brookings institution. it is open phones on this friday morning. a quick look at headlines from the washington times. senator reid urging to temper the use of the filibuster saying backing president obama was a dream job as he steps down at the end of his year. the farewell ceremony us on our website at another headline from the wall street journal, cabinet picks by donald trump signaling a business shift. below that, godspeed john glenn. america loses a space-age icon. and from the washington post, the first american to orbit the earth. glenn whog of john
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died yesterday at the age of 95. let's hear from mark in maine. what is on your mind? to guysi was listening talking about the opioid addiction. people dying from it. the opiates killing the people, it's the people killing themselves. they are doing way too much. it is their own fault. high.g too host: thank you. heroin deaths passing gun homicides for the first time. joining us from the democrats lines from maryland. caller: i wanted to mention something about one of your speakers, think she was talking about the are to be and she suggested celebrities should not and thated in politics she mentioned something about how they should just shut up and sing. i wanted to remind people that quote is from a letter that was sent to the lead singer of the
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dixie chicks who threatened to kill her unless she shut up and saying. i think it is indicative of the meanness of the right, the meanness of the trump administration and i think people should and about that and to get for what it is. host: harry reid in his fees for the new york times saying and doing the filibuster on most nominations was the right thing to do. in line,comparable georgia. good morning. caller: i would like to bring the issue to the front that we use federal money to do abortions. i am a republican i guess that speaks for itself. we could use the federal money to help these people continue. to help the least of these is to help most of us because that is what the bible says to do. for the call. senator reid concludes in his
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new york time piece on the u.s. senate the following, he says when it across pick their fights next year they could do so knowing win or lose they will be debating in a senate that is more open and more transparent if democrats stand for what they believe and they will find that trusting the courage of their convictions while out of power will and power them to accomplish great things when the pendulum swings back as it always does. by the way, live coverage of the senate debate today is the --ate continues its work on to keep the senate it work through april. it could be in session tomorrow as well. of that is the case, live coverage on c-span two. houston, texas. democrats find. good morning. caller: i wanted to talk to this morning about the medicare and medicaid assistance out there. i believe they want to cut those programs and with donald trump i don't see him having any stopgap
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for him cutting everything. host: thank you. lincoln next from bridgeport, connecticut. what is on your mind this writer morning? caller: good morning. thank you for c-span. as i am calling from connecticut i would like to comment very briefly upon president-elect trump's recent nomination. as a connecticut native and -- thea mcmahon, former coo of wrestling foundation, essentially what i wanted to discuss had been the idea that the mcmahon's have been trying to purchase essentially a senate race here in connecticut twice over the past 8-10 years or so and they failed twice in connecticut simply because connecticut people of every clinical stripe know precisely who the mcmahon's are and how they operate and they are not
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trusted in this state to hold any power or political office. host: thank you. frontpage of usa today, american hero, combat fighter, marine corp. veteran, ashen not coming u.s. senator, presidential candidate and from the columbus dispatch, reflecting on what the earth looks like on the ground in from space. john glenn. you look at the sunrise or sunset, you see those colors so vividly and they are very impressive but you do not see the whole spectrum. the red, orange, and yellow. you see all of these spectrum red cross that holds spectrum. all of the different colors of the same vivid luminosity and appreciation to the human eye that you can only see on earth. >> you sound like a poet, not a
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pilot. host: john glenn, who died yesterday at the age of 95. this is from the front page of the new york times. an american hero and a space-age. making history in february 1962. the first american to orbit the earth. he did so three times. and the french and seven, that mercury rocket is on display washington, d.c., and as with all of the smithsonian museums -- free and open to the public. let's go to new york. good morning. you are on the year. caller: good morning. i just wanted to make a comment. since the election of donald are thehese democrats gift that keeps on giving. i have never felt so good in my whole life. this is the best for smith and i am to be 69 on christmas day. best christmas. these guys are the funniest
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people i have ever seen, these crybaby democrats. that is all i've got to say. city new jersey democrats line. good morning. caller: thank you for c-span and i think god for the work you are doing and i think -- thank the u.s. senate for working out the medical bill because this is crucial. we need to open the cooperation in order to lay down more rehabilitation centers and a way for people to come forth in this epidemic. i just want to say. thank you. thank you for your work at c-span, this is a lessing and everyone should join in in this new revolution. ast: one of our viewers with tweet.
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is theket on display mercury capsule. tennessee, good morning. what is on your mind? i realize you do not control c-span, you just work there. but i have watched c-span ever since you have been on cable television. i do not understand why c-span michelle on c-span areuse most people that watching any type of news that actually reads a newspaper that has factual information and it realizes that she is not a serious person. she is a paid shill for the koch hashers and anyone else who a dollar. why do c-span do that and who controls the guests that come on?
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host: as i said before so 11 on this program, where completely transparent and more so because people like you can weigh in and share your comments. why not any of the guests i would say on a given morning? we are on the air at 300 65 days out of the year and the goal is to really put all of the respective's out there in for you to have a chance of a conversation. and the case of michelle, 45 minutes with all of our guests, a fair amount of time for you to weigh in and if you disagree or do not approve that is fine. that is what we are all about. the goal is to share with you very different points of view from every perspective. left, right, middle. michelle has been a guest in the past and we will have her on in the future. it is our decision to invite these people here and it is our hope that people like you colin and say if you like it, don't
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like it. that is what this network is all about. caller: so it is about lunatics you can put on anytime you want, right? host: i wouldn't call her a lunatic, why do you say that question mark caller: you can look at the body of for work and find out where she has been fired and see which institute is paying her bills and this sort of thing. i understand array, center. i am in the independent. i don't care about trump getting elected. it ain't can make note difference. the bottom line is, that lady, some of the views she holds his ridiculous. and she knows it. she just goes out there and says whatever the corporate shills tell her to say. host: i totally respect your point of view but isn't it great that you can call in and totally disagree with you we have on the program and do so in a way -- in a very simple and interesting way -- you come from a different perspective which we welcome. that is what we want here on
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c-span. i don't know if you can get that anywhere else. caller: i do appreciate your work at c-span. i do not respect c-span putting michelle malkin on their because you might as you will have the trump crooks on in two or years after he gets impeached. host: would you like to see as a guest on the program if you could book someone on the program? it would not make any difference. you could book donald trump. you could book the guy for the msa. from is a host of people one spectrum to the other from bernie sanders to donald or any of donald trump's guys. the government does not believe in the gnome wage. -- the
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