tv Public Affairs Events CSPAN December 9, 2016 10:00am-1:01pm EST
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that is what we want here on c-span. i don't know if you can get that anywhere else. caller: i do appreciate your work at c-span. i do not respect c-span putting michelle malkin on their because you might as you will have the trump crooks on in two or years after he gets impeached. host: would you like to see as a guest on the program if you could book someone on the program? it would not make any difference. you could book donald trump. you could book the guy for the msa. from is a host of people one spectrum to the other from bernie sanders to donald or any of donald trump's guys. the government does not believe in the gnome wage. that does notent
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believe in the minimum wage. i was a teamster for 20 years. we had to fight to get our wages raised. everyonewages went up, else's went up to. they are people like this, this guy that owns the party that is now going to be in the trump administration. jr. or believe in carl's parties. i will never eat there ever again. it host: robert, we need to book you on the program. caller: any day you want me, just pick a time, spot, and you have my phone number, give me a call. host: robert, thank you. i appreciate your point of view and all the points of view.
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that is what makes this program unique and different and we appreciate it. open phones, tell us what is on your mind. we will go to richard and sycamore, georgia. one more time for richard. we will go to liana in michigan. good morning. you're on the air. caller: i am on the air? ok. every time somebody calls and and asks about the drug companies and why they get to advertise on tv, who allowed it, they never answer, they never push the people to even say, you know, what was on their mind? and i would like to know, what -- wouldn't it lower the cost of prescription drugs if they did not advertise them on tv? know why, but like to it is allowed?
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host: thank you for the call and the tweet from big guns saying, c-span, you think -- at can send us a tweet c-spanwj. let's go to anthony in new york. good morning. caller: i will try to keep it short and sweet on a couple of subjects. , thenk most people mechanical politics, how it works, now what you are taught, ,ut the background of politics deals that are made and stuff, what you are taught in school does not happen that way. --litician when when a politician is basically full of bull crap.
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when he is not going to answer the question, the first rule in politicians -- in politics is deny, deflect, and change the subject. the way you can tell is denial, and/or blame, or change the subject. it does not take much to -- to discoverre where these people are coming from. pay attention to the words they use. when you are saying american, you are talking about north american, south american, or central american persons. you are talking about three different continents. host: tom lewis has this one for robert for earlier callers saying, thank you, robert, it is good to hear rational truth
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being spoken by someone other than the host. the event will include the mayor of chicago and a british member of parliament. sitting down to discuss among the other issues, the election on november 8 and the brexit referendum in great britain. what does it all mean? joe from north carolina. good morning. welcome to the program. caller: good morning. i have two things i would like to talk about. we have a system in our country to select nominees to be president and another offices. trunk, although he had some every democrat going against him, trying to change the rules, he won it fair and square. now they are trying to change it again. administration past eight years underneath obama -- why did not towhy did they not change it popular votes?
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they are crying over spilled milk. this country is soft. we are becoming a third world country by our north american free trade act. have, they arewe growing and we are declining as far as gross national product or otherwise. host: thank you. another tweet saying him a suitable comparables -- companies -- the event at brookings is about to get underway looking at the results of the 2016 election and the brexit vote in great britain. thank you for joining us. hope you have a great weekend. >> he was formally chief of staff to president obama and occupied a high-ranking position in congress. so a national leader, in other words, who is local.
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tristan is a labor member of prominent -- parliament. his books on the trying cities are must-reads. he is a local list that is gone localist-- he is a that is gone national. for those in the audience, there are index cards on your chair. when you want to ask a question, please write your name and the question on the index card. for those who are watching via webcast, please use the hashtag orev and send your comments via twitter. the u.k. decision to leave the european union and election of donald trump exposed a deep, geographic divide in our two countries. in the u.k., london, the u.k.'s economic engine chose to remain
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in the e.u. while a white slot a secondary -- while a wide swath of secondary cities chose to leave. in the united states, hillary clinton carried less than 500 counties, but those counties represent 64% of economic output of this country. there are 3000 counties, if anyone wants to take a test. there are clear conclusions to draw here. globalization has not just fueled income inequality, but has fueled spatial inequality. our two countries and throughout the world, major cities have become the engines of national economies in the centers of trouble -- global trade and investment. but growth has not been shared widely both within these places and across the nation's. and thenomic balance
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free movement of labor and capital represented and offended our national politics. we'll talk about three things today. first, how deep or real is a spatial divide and how to begin to overcome it? second, what are the consequences of brexit and trump for major cities, given the fact that national governments, this is hard for me to say, as you know, do play an important roll asrole on issues as diverse infrastructure, health care, trade, so forth and someone. and finally, how can cities began to take greater ownership and responsibility for their future? -- cities have enormous public wealth driven by the economic position in the world. tristan, you are our guest and you have come across the middle pound -- middle pond, and you have a much better accent.
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what the hell happened with the brexit vote? >> thank you for having me here. i do think we can extrapolate interesting correlations between what happened with the brexit vote what happened with the trump vote when it comes to this andde between metropolitans more metropolitan areas. for those of us in the center left, this is a challenging issue because what the brexit vote did was really calcify some of these tensions within the progressive coalition between those areas, which are feeling left behind by globalization, and those areas prospering by globalization. we are seeing a political split, which is moving from traditional left/right axis to a cosmopolitan split. the labour party in the u.k. the represents both these kinds of areas and we are seeing real tensions on how it manages that
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coalition. just throw out a few things when it comes to the nature of the brexit vote in terms of geography of this divide. what we know is that those areas with lower incomes, with lower levels of educational attainment, with traditionally higher levels of manufacturing, but today, high levels of manual occupation, which are particularly at risk of automation and job losses as a result of globalization, those areas voted to the the european union. one area to drop out to focus on which brings together this question of income and culture, it would be education. and that was at levels of educational qualification, was the real divide in terms of where the votes fell. when we did see was this great divide between metropolitan --as -- bristol, london
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voted to stay in europe, and rural, economic areas voted to leave. comes more complicated in a u.k. context because scotland voted tuesday in europe. northern island voted to stay in europe. and by quiet market, england, voted to leave. it seems to me the outcome is to think about culturally, how we bring these metropolitan rural areas together more, to think about how we challenge inequality, and how the nature -- and how the nature of inequality has been disputed. but also as a historian, and never lose fact -- site of the fact that going back to rome, the contempt for urban, cosmopolitan elite, and rural, virtue versus --has always been there. this could be another turn of the cycle. >> are the two of us immoral?
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[laughter] >> going back to rome. >> lets when the italians. >> give us your take on our election. and if what tristan says, what applies is complicating the system? >> it is similar data. i think the biggest place to bring people together because it is a place for the divide occurs is on education. and educational opportunities. if you want to create, not just for similarity or, but for unification purposes, so people don't going to comfort zones. education if of the economic and cultural kind of this point -- cultural nexus point. democrat, in 1992, bill clinton ran middle-class first.
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when you look at when we won versus when we lost, the takeaways clearly about something that is more robust and inclusive versus something that is social. when you look at the campaign, the criticism of trump coming-out of the democrats and hillary was one on character and socially inclusive. it was on character and temperament, etc. we should go back to what has worked. strong me is a very economic with a strong socially-inclusive message, but not one at the expense of another. at the end of the day, well, both candidates had certain person negatives people saw. ok, that negates that. every election, if you look
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at clinton, was a response to bush. bush was a response to clinton. obama was a response to bush. and trump is a response to obama. that is the history. at a certain point, it is more fundamental, and there are other factors that drive this, but when you look at developed and i would say one other thing. a lot of this is focus on economics. it were talking about this before. do not underestimate that this is actually a rejection of failed politics as much as failed economics.
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the political system in england was not addressing people's and securities in the same way they are saying another elections. a reaction, it was to a political system not dealing with fundamental economics. outside of president bush's first term when he republican majorities. the political system is not responded. they took a hammer to the political system. it was not working. where you have broken policies that addressing concerns, the concerns are driving this, but it is also the inability of what drove their reaction was inability of the government to be reactive to the concerns. that is what has happened. they don't think england was standing up to the e.u. you go through the elections and you see what it is happening --you see what is happening.
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addressing for economic issues. the foundation's economic, but they hammer was very focused on breaking up and moving the political system. into a place that would address these core insecurities. >> i want to focus on that. excellentfrankly to -- two excellent observations that have not made into mainstream discourse. i want to focus on geography for one second and begin to move into policy and politics. if you read the american media and you take this urban, rural rifts -- urban, rural, --the fact of the matter in the
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u.s. is half the people who live in rural america live in metropolitan areas. when you drive the downtown of chicago, you get to these rural counties of people are committing back in. i apologize from an american perspective, you could drive through england in three or four hours. [laughter] it was all to say the politics of proximity that you can go from the court manchester, or the core of sheffield, or the core of liverpool, and you are quick.rea pretty damn we are talking about urban cores, older suburbs, suburbs built and the 1970's and 1980's then as interdependent economies
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and not far from each other. so, how has this divide become so large? u.k. situation, there are two distinct differences. the first is the spectre of london, which is this great, sort of death star within the u.k., sucking in all of the talent and the money and the level of resistance and opposition to london-centric views in the notion that london takes more of its fair share public spending and infrastructure the holden to the city of london. so you make with london and notion of finance and the effects of the financial crash of the city of london. and the hostility to brussels in europe was a sense of hostility to london and the meaning of london. the second difference with the u.s. is, here you have, as it
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were, your verbal, postal zones. and the u.k., the coastal areas were the areas that voted strongly to leave europe as well. you have a great deal of poverty. you have far too many communities feeling left behind. coastal zones in the u.k. also felt strongly that they were being left behind by the kind of economic progress alongside those more obvious rural, smaller town areas. for the labour party, again what brexit did was exacerbate this sense of disconnection from those smaller market towns and more provincial areas. them ford been losing some time. and this accelerated the process. i do think yet if he is
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important, but the spatial element is slightly different. element is slightly different. >> two things i would say is before we go into rural/urban, there is suburban. that is very politically promising because of suburban vote moves up towards a progression of -- a progressive vision. armoire -- rural and urban are more diametrically opposed. the promising real estate for democrats is a suburban area. cross upon allies -- urban-suburban, and now it is urban-rural.
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you go around chicago, look, we have an aging u.s. senator. to me, i look at this and i say, where do we win and where do we lose? you find more unifying pieces on a whole host of issues. the social policies of inclusion are not a damaging piece with a suburban-urban coalition. if anything, that is a huge opportunity to drive a wedge between suburban and rule.
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sorry to talk about politics that way. there is more commonality on infrastructure investment and training and universities and quality of life issues that should be a natural dialogue. they're good policies. with an opportunity to get one plus one. >> we're getting to the policy mix here. forward, andmove this is a reflection on united states, we are going from hard gridlock over the past six years. a lot of stuff happened in 2009 and 2010. since then, there have been bits and pieces of legislation at the federal level and we are moving withother first 100 days an agenda that can move through congress. the question is and you were just with the president-elect on
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wednesday, but where those areas where, at this point, we do really need to stand ground? because there is a fundamental difference of opinion, and a different demographic to some extent between our major cities. you delivered a letter to the president-elect from the mayors of the major cities around this issue. where we those areas really do need to have a fundamental fight? and were of those potential there is possibility for collaboration? i thought i was stuck with the mayor and take it over to the english consonant. tinent. glish >> i deliver the letter because chicago has a great deal of daca
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students. whose parents brought them here and it been checked out from every which way, gave the government name, address, phone number, etc., and they are going to college. these are kids who are literally, in my view, honoring their parents' sacrifice and struggle to come in and embracing the american dream, and i say that as a grandson of someone who came to the city of chicago in 1918, my grandfather, and chicago with a sanctuary city. his grandson is the mayor of the city. that is a powerful statement of why people come to the united states. these are good kids. i don't believe the government should be asking you for information and then doing a bait and switch and using that information against you.
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also believe that there are more cities will become sanctuary cities. it is happening in illinois. it is not just big cities. you will see cities realizing how important it is for their economy, housing, to be protective of people who have come. an urbans is not just center phenomenon. on the other hand i believe, you look at chicago's economy, given our aviation system, public s, weportation system, nexu are the only city were all real lines run through -- in the city were all rail lines run through. presentation is a fundamental job creator and economic growth going forward.
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that investment in transportation is a job creator and an economic engine. there are ways to maximize accounts to do that. for our own policy goals come in chicago, we have a thing called a chicago star scholarship. if you get a three point out in public high school in chicago, we may community college free. it is open to everyone the growth of your family's status. years ofare free to community college -- they play no -- 3.0 and you are two years of free committee college. that can be a place of cooperation.
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if you look at his political base, he will see the community college as an economic tool not just for jobs, but for career building and is a tool for talent building. on immigration, i within say on -- on immigration, i -- if youon taxes want to do stuff on earned income tax credit, you want to do certain things as democrats believe, but if this will be another giveaway, you will have a fight. it is that politics. the collegey on issue for a minute. it is really important for people in the audience. on remakinge done your college system using the
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german, apprenticeship model as an inspiration is nothing short of transformative, and what is interesting is that the republican governor of tennessee basically has the same approach and the two of you have begun to work together. in some respects, we are talking about there may be common ground between the number of republican governors in a number of big-city mayors and medium and smaller cities on these practical issues. delusional, really practical? >> not in america, but in washington it is. -- inicago, we took chicago, we took our best job industries -- health care, professionaln, services, hospitality come advancement fetching, i.t., social services -- each school has a focus. example, this
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month i will be opening at o'hare and cutting the ribbon on the first stage the largest the silly at a gateway airport. -- runwaysmedies were a big deal getting it. it tipped the balance for us because now they have a guarantee of people coming out with cdls and truck driving. people are looking for certainty in the workforce. indiana,ds moved from mr. vice president, and a ,istribution center to chicago -- twoestone the road moved wholehe road, foods to the chicago southside. plus all these highways.
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talent, training, transportation. that is how you create, in my view, inclusive economic success so more people feel like today's economy is working with them rather than against them. the governor in tennessee came up with his own model. grade isensure -- 12 no longer the end point four public responsibility. everyone is going minimum of 14th grade. >> does this play in britain? >> yes. first of all, the importance of having decent vocational pathways is so significant. the problem in britain is the centralization of the policymaking and was minister is only beginning. you should have a chicago curriculum or a london curriculum.
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what is more challenging in terms of the brexit vote and policymaking is immigration. and immigration was the runaway policyn terms of public for the brexit vote because of a membership to the membership -- because of our membership into the european union and the number of migrants who could come to the u.k. across the european union. for those towns feeling under pressure economically, who economicd longer-term decline with high levels of migration, taking back control of the language of migration policy was the element that spurred them to vote. and yet, cities like liverpool or manchester or cambridge or oxford or london, want to succeed, and they need to be open to global talent. there is a real challenge that if you want to attract talent,
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you got to be open, yet the vote was partly about pulling the drawbridge up to a certain extent. talent noty seeing coming to the u.k. seeing talent going elsewhere in the world because they don't have certainty about immigration the future. show, -- your [laughter] this is what happens when you have a middle child. [laughter] to me, in my view whether it is vocational or four-year, etc., education should be, well it is -- that should be both birmingham, manchester, england, unified capacity given, i think there are some resentment that arele from around the world getting ahead of your educational institutions in london that are not opened people in england. and driving education in
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should be the opportunity were people feel hopeful about tomorrow. were they don't feel like tomorrow is coming at their expense and other people are gaining. >> that is exactly right. education levels of education's arbiter of the vote, but also the public policy solution. but we need to come and you had the same conversation and the u.s., we have to completely we gear educational system to deal with the long-term of underachievement. we still have an old-fashioned model of industrial education, which is just not up to speed with what the modern world demands. that, theing part of political frustration and what of the public solutions to the
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challenge, playing itself out. education to be front and center of the solution. >> i want to state with you for a second. england any night kingdom is one of the most centralized nations in the oecd. we tend to talk about england as north korea with elections in terms of -- [laughter] >> it is becoming a one-party state. >> in terms of the party that a centralized in whitehall. and among a very few number of people actually. when tony blair was prime minister, you would go to white hall, and you would say, my lord, much power is invested in 2, 3, or four people? what is beginning to happen however, is the rise of localism, and the rise of national government beginning to do see deals and agreements with manchester and great manchester.
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some of your colleagues in the labour party are now running to do the mayor of greater manchester and other cities. what is happening the two? -- what is happening there. ? we are seeing this very interesting political shift, which is always been the case in the u.s. and on european contin ent of national politicians step --stepping down because finally, guess what, there is political power to do something and it attracts the talent. when we are seeing is much greater fiscal economy given to --regetns that is attracting -- given to city regents that is attracting talent. down the barriers
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surrounding this. you are putting health and spending together and skills training and transport training on the table. as a result of which, you saw labor leaders of local authorities do deals with conservative government ministers about how to manage this. from a two things -- progressive standpoint, as it were, the traditional fabian redistributing aggressively from the center, i think we have now realized this is only going to get you so far. in other european countries where you have much greater , yous of evolution challenge inequality much more effectively. the mayor of manchester knows what he or she needs to poverty and poor
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education attainment. and this idea that you cannot trust them, or it has to be run from the center is decaying. where i think the challenge and the interesting challenge for those in the u.s. is it will be great and the united states to see those community deals and allocation of federal funding to match authorities. what we did in the u.k. was carveout a lot of the county and administration, your state governors. do you go around the governor's head? >[laughter] --i would go off of this and just --you are right that we are devolved. the politics are reacting to the national government being totally
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dysfunctional. government, or people who run for office and for the public, it is the most intimate and immediate form of government people feel they can control. it does affect their lives more than what they think disneyland in the potomacs is doing. --i did not want to insult disneyland. in my view, look, i talked to you about what i did with community colleges. i make kindergarten universal full-day for every child in chicago. it had an immediate impact. also have a large increase in time. kids k-12e time for
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at a time to the day and year. the end result, our eighth graders lead the nation. one of three school districts where math and reading for fourth and eighth graders went up and our graduation rates have grown. policy andact a political system that is responsive to people. --we've had the largest drop in poverty. you can make and do things in a policy. the me tell you what you cannot do. we have gone on our summer jobs from 14,500 kids to 31,000 kids.
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we have grown by 400%. the federal government has come down to fewer than funding 1000 kids. it costs us more to apply for the granting amount of kids we employ. it is nuts. second --same thing on afterschool. we doubled the amount and the federal government has walked away. now we are doing universal mentoring and i have no federal money. local -- we can do things. i cannot do it without a federal government. mckenna for the federal government to become a headwind to economic issues. theuld love nothing more chicago star scholarship to a federal partner. i would love nothing more to have a federal partner in getting kids activities after school and activities during the
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summer. but they are not there. i love the city. i love being a mayor. it is the best of i have ever had in public life. in makes your engines and the role and economy harder not easier. >> folks, began to prepare questions. takehey christian will them and we will begin to respond to some of them. point to keep on this because it strikes me that you are talking about a new partnership with the national wherement, but at a time you if it's at a bunch of new tools using federal resources that frankly, no one in this town is even aware of. you we built a riverfront. you're doing the stuff of the airport.
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yorkie about a big transit move off of programs. there is another program around rail. 29.9% of the policy crowd -- 99.9% of the policy credit never heard of the stuff. >> i did not know about this as a chief of staff. program --here is a building out, your of o'hare, long-distance parking and car rental facilities. it is a $1.2 billion project. the federal government gave us $120 million and i move the rates of on car rentals and long-term parking to be paid back. we got $1.2 billion of economic activity.
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i raise the rates. are $14 billion in tippia. we did a riverwalk. hotels, office buildings, tremendous economic activity with zero local dollars. i raised the rates. a little more and paying back the riverwalk project. the 95th street station on the south side. raililt up a new bus and facility. those are examples. my view is there are $14 billion in it. but i have given you a 10 times multiple. at $30 billion and you get $300 billion multiple. and allow private money to
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,nvest in a garage at o'hare but it is junior to the public money. if things go south, the public gets paid first. the private money is junior, but you would get more leverage by multiple attempts. they are he voted for it. would we have done, we are doing all new rail cars and buses in the city. street station, the riverwalk, the airport --i have given you the entire length of the city. those are examples of how to use -- it is a real infrastructure bank, and it exists. it just needs to be grown. there is $30 billion. no one can get their hands on it
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because it is so tight. if you another multiple allow credit analysis. a more to be-like outlook -- a more tippia-like outlook. jobs ining middle class building for carpenters, ,lectricians, laborers pipefitters, and you can expand beyond the actual dollar. those are the obvious economic opportunities in a new infrastructure world. >> something we are talking about is the art of the deal. [laughter] but in some respects, both the political deal, and the knowledge of what it takes to
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have value in the city, public investment, public leadership, capital,sion, private backed by a smart, national government. >> the tragedy in the uk's one of the partners historically was very much european union. [laughter] so the rebuilding of many of our post industrial centers, and one of our partners that we were very good at leveraging and bringing in private support, one of the key, financial support systems for our universities was european union. all of these elements that helped economic growth in urban areas, we have now cut off. >> one observation. i can make some claims about whether trump's policies will help the very people who voted. i would argue, no, from clean air -- we are sitting here assumptionhere the
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is where people voted against her self interests -- people vote against their self interests. there is a lot of emotion running through people's lives right now. happened, it what is not a self-interested vote, but there is a lot of emotional relationships. i don't think most in a negative way. we had to understand where people are and how they are living their lives. you are exactly right. and the referendum campaign, those of us who argued for to remain, we spelled out the financial costs and spelled and very graphic term, this will hit every family by 400 pounds a year by the european union, and they said, "via." "yeah."said,
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>> there are great questions here. i want to raise an issue, which is climate. .his is from paul talk about the sustainable initiative you lost a few years ago, whether that is now under threat? and then talk about but is the impact -- what is the impact of , andt on co2 emissions what has been fits and starts of a climate policy in europe? on climate change, and it is certainly been policymaking, we are reaching a tipping point in renewables involving smart cities. some of the public transport infrastructure and some of the
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smart housebuilding programs, again, a lot of that will support from the european union and they were progressive partners and a lot of that policymaking. is kind of, i don't think it will have a huge impact because it is in the culture of british politics and the culture of urban leadership, and i think our universities remain pretty cutting-edge. i disconnect from a conference in mexico -- i just came back from a competent mexico on global climate change. in 2012, chicago was the only city left that had coal operating plants. i told the ceo, i really think you should check these down. if you don't, natural gas well. advice, --ou, i slid
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unsolicited advice, they ended up shutting it down. second, we always talk about nuclear coal-gas renewables. is other fifth energy source doing retrofits. we now have 54 million square feet in the city of chicago in major buildings under retrofit, which is one of the biggest emitters. and we have resources into the buildings and private -- millennials, which is one of the theyng economic engines, want to go to a building that is environmentally positive and an affirmative way. we had been driving that more in residential.
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very difficult unlike an office building, we can move faster. it is in our self-interest. this is a classic case where the federal government, if they pull out of these agreements, i don't see the city reversing what it is going to do. it is a government working against the economic engine rather than with it. we have more universities than any other city in united states except boston. the amount of work going on, the intellectual work, that will lead to companies. believe it, just take your driver of economic activity. with the university of chicago, university of illinois, northwestern, the two national -- we are crazy to walk away when we can see the r&d capacity that comes with this letter on the spinoffs that will emerge. >> great response.
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thatheme of the questions a comfort forward. this is the worst handwriting i have ever seen in my life. [laughter] this is a nightmare. i am talking to your parents tonight. it will take a question from twitter-sphere. a this is a question from research fellow. were brexit and trump indications more than it was -- were brexit and trump indications that it was more than a dream? [laughter] >> it has to be fought for two. -- and has to be fought for. we were talking earlier in terms of the politics and united demographyking that was destiny when it came to the future of the democrats, or the nature of urban life would necessarily push politics and a
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majoritarian, cosmopolitan way. have theset when you populist moment that we are u.s., and britain, in the european continent -- what you also tend to have in the aftermath are great progressive moments. some of the anger after a while runs itself out. that there is frustration that those who promised so much and failed to deliver. that is a kind of exciting pivot point for progresses to step in and of the political leadership in the policy solutions to say, this is how we can work our way out of this. i remain optimistic, but i do also think that there needs to be a richer appreciation and understanding of the urges and frustrations behind some of these votes, and dismissing the
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as simply racism are not understanding what your best interests were, is a dead-end for politics on the left. butou know, i don't know the person who wrote that thinks the "metropolitan dream" is. but that aside, i would just say , in chicago, we have 140 languages spoken in our public schools. fifth-largest city in mexico in chicago. it is a fact. in poland, with the largest city outside of warsaw of polish. that is polish-americans, but polish. bigger than krakow. that is a tremendous strength. believe in ai
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culturally-inclusive nature. amy and i teach our children about the differences that should be something you look to, learn from, etc. as aieve that when chicago civil union and now the marriage, i have now a state and a city supporting what amy and i are trying to teach our children from a value perspective. that is very important. if we teach our kids that people come from all walks of life, and they should not be shunned upon, but embraced, and be a city that embraces gay marriage, and there is no longer gay marriage or straight marriage, and we had a value system that reinforces a very important value system they we're trying to tourniquets, that -- system that we are it is to teach our kids,
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only more diverse not less. back to what that means for those who voted for trump, we from thoselose sight who come from metropolitan areas -- their lives, their children's lives, are just as valuable as lives from other kids from other communities. one is not secured to the other. -- one is not superior to the other. we should be inclusive if we are really going to be inclusive. >> tough question. both of you talk a lot about education. we're going through technological phase were automation is a reality. there was a piece on npr yesterday. they interviewed an uber driver.
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uber has already been disruptive of the taxi industry. worriedver says, i am about going to economists vehicle with uber on the forefront because in for five years, i'm out of a job. how do we think about education and skills in the face of robotics, and the face of the shift into automation? are you technological optimists, pessimists, somewhere in between? how do we adjust? there is always this tension the growth of technology and the degree to which technology is going to create new jobs. history teaches you that. the step change is such that the kind of growth we are going to see simply not going to provide those levels of employment that we have seen in the past.
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then you get to a conversation around universal basic income and a conversation that upsident obama brought recently, the kind of wealth creation and distribution of wealth, what will happen to that. in that i think cities will be leaders because this is where it is going to take place first. but i think, i would say as a progressive, both insensitive globalization and technology -- both in the sense of globalization and technological -- technology, choices can be made in decisions taken. in london, when it comes to we are in aer, period of flux because three drivers have taken them to court uber, we are employees of and require holiday pay and sickness pay. the first judgment has gone in their favor.
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is that technological resistance against the future or labor standing up to capital in an era where wages have been driven down? is this a different way of thinking about technology and progress and growth, and where as progressives we should stand on the side of that? what i would say is i think we are going to see incredible challenges to levels of employment. i am not wholly pessimistic that new areas of work will not come into being, but i also think politicians have to make decisions around this. this is part of the problem with globalization. we have all said, it is unfortunate those are left behind but you cannot -- you can make political decisions that affect how well is distributed. >> look, it is a fact.
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the question is, are we going to make more winners or losers? i think through education we can create more winners. i do not want to do this just to tout the city, but you cannot stop technology and the revolution of technology. you have to put in place policies where people see technology as friend rather than flow. -- foe. , what we have is done in additional hours on math and science in our elementary, like 2018 we are on schedule, you cannot graduate without taking a course in computer code writing. he will do a community -- we will do a community college -- can you through education create a platform, and equalizer where technology and
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the changes coming, people look at it as more that they have the capacity to adapt to it, not only adapt to make it work for them. right now, people feel obviously that they and their children, more importantly, are losing out on that race. we could actually make more winners and were qualifying winners by adapting again. we keep coming back, whether it is politics, cultural, economics, education is the nexis of division and where we think we can bring things together. those are things we are doing. i continue to believe that technology is an opportunity, but we should not dismiss right now the threat people feel from it. >> i think within that and a policy level, and i think the u.s. is better than the u.k., we have got to get our universities which have had such a global
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outlook, and done incredibly successfully, the level of disengagement and disinterest is remarkable. he can have universities with the most terrible systems around them. the traditional academic response, it is all very difficult. >> i am going to champion in chicago. our universities are incredibly invested in the success of the city. i cannot say enough. i meet with each of the presidents. they all have a relationship with a specific high school. illinois technology is with von steuben. invested, you go through every one of them, have a high school. it is part of their education.
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i do not know what is going on in england, but i will tell you, we are the number one city. i would take two corporations out and give me another university. they are unbelievable economic agents and great neighbors in the city of chicago. we would not be the city we are at every level without them. not just from an academic, we want to study urban america, integrated needs walking around. integrated into the lifeblood of the cities and the neighborhoods, and their cultural engines, their economic engines. they are anchors in our neighborhood. i cannot say enough good things about our universities, even though i'm about to hit them up to do more. >> the american way. there is a series of questions about the juxtaposition of on and and, fake news,
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campaign where a large portion was conducted without any reference or substantiation of fact. science and innovation. ,hen we think about our economy and you need to educate us about britain, so much of the u.s. economy is basically driven by constant flows of advanced research and development into universities and the research gets commercialized and there is products. all of that calm -- conversation about robotics stem from the fact that this is a country that has continuously invested in innovation. >> can i just say one thing? would my good colleague from england go first? this is a classic, to me, way of the difference between the
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how theon, -- between washington-new york beltway looks at things and how they are. he say this is fake news. the rest of the world thinks the mainstream news is fake and the ones they are looking at israel. it is like -- israel. it is -- is real. it is like two ships passing in the dark. the whole conversation is in polar opposite worlds. that is one observation. go ahead and answer the rest of the question. i feel a lot better now. [laughter] has fake news become an issue in britain? >> the places of transmission for news, particularly in the and-- the cultural political implications of the smartphone revolution, and i
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think actually in terms of urban culture it is really dramatic because what we have seen, and i know you have been under pressure as well, is the stripping out of local news and local newspapers, and how that , how thatspace which removes a space for political conversation and debate. we have seen massive amalgamations and job losses. certainly with the last, i would say five years, the degree to which facebook can point out advertising has eaten the heart out of the economics of local news productions. the u.k. state broadcast, the bbc, more powerful because it is the one kind of trusted brand, as well as the guardian.
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[laughter] which remains a very powerful, but i was saying earlier my community, during the lead up to the referendum i asked kids and i high school about the referendum, european union, david cameron. a vague idea of what was going on. i asked who the republican nominee for the american president was and all their hands went up. i said what do you know about donald trump? .e is going to build a wall he got money from his father to start a business, and they produce this extraordinary list of information from facebook. i actually think that the editorial decisions, mark zuckerberg and all those are thinking about, are in honestly important how they begin to manage that and think about themselves.
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it is in a sense, uber cannot think of itself as a web platform and facebook cannot think of itself as social networking. >> i take the train to work twice a week. i read four papers. looking up and grandpa is the only guy reading the paper. i remember the mckinley read it .- mckinley presidency i said now i read on my ipad so i do not look like a nerd, but everybody is on their smartphone and they are going to information. as i said, i read for papers a day and have dinner with my kids , and they know stuff like, where was i? i did not see that. they say, dad, you are stupid. it is an amazing amount of what they surf across. you are saying it is hollowing
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out and there this race between an alternative, and i think we are at such an early stage to even guess at what this means, it would be exactly that, a guess. it has radically changed who is the gatekeeper, which i think makes mainstream media very nervous. said,also, as you facebook is more than a platform , they are making editorial comments in the name of not making editorial comments, and that will not hold. >> how many people are tweeting in the audience today? a smattering. it is interesting to go around the united states and to other countries. there are some places that have become a social media culture across all generations, across all walks of life, and there is other places that are still waking up and reading whatever is left of the local paper. it is quite interesting to see
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how this plays out in place. usually advanced on this. i suppose the flip side element that we have not discussed in terms of social media and ,nternet provision is then driving so much of that traffic is obviously the online retail, and what that is doing to our mainstream, the two are not unconnected. >> you gave a talk earlier this year on a topic, or idea you called radical localism. i thought it would be interesting if you could describe that to an american audience. obviously, it occurs within a very centralized state where you are beginning to loosen up the reins, and you look to a place like germany and see the benefits of distribution and evolution. to what extent you think that
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idea plays out in our republic? >> i think it does. you are more advanced because of federalism and the culture within the u.k. britain still sits in the shadow of the second world war and the aptly administration, the extraordinary centralization and naturalization of so much in those areas. myself, as a background, i was always struck by the degree to urbanbritain had this system of self-governing cities, and how we allow that to be lost. part of what i was arguing in terms of radical localism is been talking about, the fiscal economy and the ability to raise finances locally. the ability to make decisions about the government spending on
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local priorities, the ability to attract the kind of political talent which is only going to come with fiscal and civic autonomy, and then the ability to become in a sense traders. innovators and entrepreneurs. the great p p or. of british cities in the 19th century was when they were -- the great period of british cities and the 19th century was when they were -- in retail and development. this is an exciting moment because all of the work you have done about the opportunity surrounding policy, and we have great world cities in the u.k., but we have a political system and structure which i think is holding them back. look, this gets to the climate change question as well. i do not see the mayors that
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went to mexico city and paris. walking away from their agreement. they see it is in their economic self-interest. i signed an agreement, a gateway agreement, the only city in the united states. i cannot wait for a major trade agreement in the area, or whatever, so we are moving. ism also aware there limitations of what chicago and beijing and shanghai or mexico city can do on their own. we cannot have world peace breakout, etc.. in march the mayor of paris and i have agreed to have a conference in chicago on cities and their waterways. what we are doing with lake michigan as well as on our river . he has done incredible things on the seine. cities can do things in
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collaboration, learn from each other, and not to study it, implement it. but there is limitations on forces like globalization, technology. there are limitations of what you can do without a federal partner. we cannot push back certain forces that are bigger, but we can do certain things where we can put a flag down and we are not moving. it is in our self interest. they are to the values of who we are and identify with, regardless of the national government we will be clear with what we think we can do. , if theu know city federal government reverses course on the minimum wage i do not see a city rolling back with a are doing on the minimum wage. there are great opportunities, but do not underestimate there are limitations as to how far you can take this where the
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federal government decides to work against you. you cannot really on your own fight the current. >> a few last questions. , wee start with the mayor have begun to examine the need for urban reform in the face of -- then the website we climbed wecoined the phase -- phrase do not need reform. >> so when we look at a group of cities in the united states, and we have not taken a hard look at chicago, what we see is the proliferation going back 100 years ago. it would be interesting to see the british analog to this. 100 years ago in the progressive era, what we began to do was take power away from political machines, and we began to take a lot of power and put it into
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authorities, school districts, housing authorities, redevelopment authorities after the war, water sewer authority, on and on. when you go into a lot of our cities, most people think you are in control, but actually, and you may actually be in control of these different authorities, but each one has grown up as a most a specialized culture to protect from political interference. in certain cities like the york, the port authority for example -- like new york, the port authority for example, as we saw with bridge gate interference continues. we thought we might need a 21st century reset of this fractionalization of power within cities, and frankly within metropolitan areas. does that ring true? show that i did
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not swear. i may have an influence on you lately that i did not. of us it wase two going to be this silent competition. my gut says -- >> you can win that race. says, and this will affect how british cities evolve , there is a curse of specialization that we have experienced in the united states , compartmentalize decisions. at the end of the day no one is in charge. we have to begin to rethink how we govern our cities. in more radical ways, building on your radical localism. context,k in the u.k. we are in this moment of pushing levelsown to city region
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with exciting consequences, but you have got to have transparency and accountability around the process. actually, i look to the united states particularly in terms of education policy, schools commissioners, the level of openness that the new york schools commissioner has to have about opening or closing a school, and the decision surrounding that is really refreshing from a u.k. perspective, where these decisions are not made by civil servants in westminster about where funding can and cannot be allocated. i think we have sort of lost, i think you are absolutely right, we have lost some of those. there was an organization that used to run london which had no democratic accountability. we had the metropolitan board of works, and we strip a lot of that out, but i think there is more residual elements of those
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in the u.s. said,hink about what you so let me try to take -- chicago has a strong mayor system. , philly, new york. in l.a. the supervisor system is obviously stronger, and what you have influence on. there is no doubt, i am from what government makes sense, and we are doing it in education. ,he mayor of chicago kindergarten through 12th and community colleges, so that is not true every city, we are trying to go from a kindergarten to 12th to a pre-k to college model. you need to have somebody who is willing to have responsibility and accountability to drive that
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effort. i give you this kind of thinking a new. what is smart cities? it is not just data collection. it is about that reform effort to try to make government a more responsive, integral part of people's lives in a responsible way. we were building a high school break behind the stockyards in chicago, mainly hispanic community. facilityincredible that has been open for four years. constructed, the neighborhood came to me and said we have not had a neighborhood library, hours burned down. i swim in the morning and one day i was swimming and said, we will put a neighborhood library in the public high school. what do you mean? libraries are here and schools are here. i do not have a different capital fund.
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the library went from the third floor to the first four. for theance neighborhood, and one entrance for high school students. we now have a library in a public high school, which i think had social benefits for multiple generations together in the same place. we are now embarking in three to four neighborhoods of building veterans and senior housing with a library on the first floor. collapsing, housing used to be over here,libraries schools over here, and using capital dollars in a more efficient way they social impact , i cannot think of anything better than the kids on the north side at western avenue in a senior or veterans housing, and downstairs is a neighborhood library that serves all that neighborhood. you will have people of multiple generations interacting on a public space. and from an inclusive policy.
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to me, that is how you kind of --hink the way government and the truth is, why are office spaces -- mcdonald's we just broke ground, left its corporate campus in oak brook. is now building a google like platform where everybody has open space. they are bringing different divisions into a collaborative model. that is exactly what we should be doing at a city level, which is how to figure out how to from the 606, they are from humble park to bucktown, they all share one linear park three mouse together, and a tremendous success. it has brought people who would never be in the same vicinity in one space.
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housing, library. public schools, library. collaborating is where the best companies are going now. physically we should be doing the same as city government. >> that was really, really interesting. a, you got an f on the handwriting. >> i will try not to curse and public. >> my words were never taken down and stripped from the public record. i got out just in time. >> last question -- building on saidhing that tristam because if we do go back in our history, your history, we see the rise of populism and xenophobia and a whole bunch of ugliness at times, followed by periods of progressivism. your response initially, or your
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comment was that there is a reaction to in action at times, or there is a reaction to pulling things back. ,he question is for our cities large, medium, and small, is whether they can -- and by cities i also mean urban counties and some parts of the united states it would be the home in trouble us, even the you m --etropol. lewis: can ouris, what kinds of actions anthey need to take in incredibly polarized moment to show a more inclusive future to a very broad segment of our citizens? >> i think that is a very powerful question. rahm said, there are red lines on some of these issues about the politics that cities
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embody a run education and immigration, and values issues. those will be fought for. there is also this leadership moment about what the cities can do in an era where national politics is mistrusted, when washington is not trusted. so the response to what we are seeing certainly in the united states, and some of the language we are seeing in the u.k., much of that will come from civic leaders. i think it will also come from our great institutions in urban areas. i think what i would say when we think about this relationship, we have had a very strong language around global citizen world cities, chicago, melbourne , and it has been rewarding for their cities. but we also need those cities to talk to their hinterlands and provinces to which they are connected. that means the universities, our
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great cultural institutions, exams, calories. we see in the u.k. -- cultural institutions, museums. we see in the u.k. a great stripping out. me that there is political leadership but part of that is civic leaders talking to the other great institution in urban areas which have such , social, andural financial capital embedded in them relative to the other parts of the country which are feeling left behind by globalization. some of that richness of globalization, some of that advantage that has come to urban areas is then spread more effectively, not just by political leaders but cultural and economic leaders, i think we have a pathway forward.
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>> a lot of this conversation was urban-suburban-rural. what has happened and what has been the reaction. i gave some example of what we are trying to do in chicago around transportation, training, or education. notoal -- and we talk about having a xena phobic moment -- as a mayor, and i do not want to speak to other mayors -- speak for other mayors, is to make chicago, when you see you have this incredible natural thety of the lake with incredible man-made beauty of our skyline, which represents the strength, optimism, vibrancy and vitality. , and chicagomayor
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is a global city in the heartland of america. it is the most american of american cities and it is quintessential. if you are a child from the back of the yards or from englewood roseland orrk or humble park, if you walk out of your home, out of your school, out of your place of worship and you look at this incredible city and his energy and this optimism, this strength, if you think that city and you are in the same city, nothing is going to stop chicago. for a child out of woodlawn, looks at this and thinks that city has nothing to do with them or their future. we will never be what we can be. reactions,lk about my first and primary task is, i think chicago is rated consistently as one of the top
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10 most economically competitive cities in the world. we talk about this urban dynamism. can i create a city where that in part of the city but every part? can a child regardless of where they go to school, see the future of that city and ration -- embracing their future? if we can bridge that divide, we can do anything. me -- and then i do ,elieve cities have the primary but need help, resources and tools to bridge that divide for one future. then we are all that stronger because there is metropolitan areas in the united states that drive the culture of the united states economy. >> i just want to end where we began.
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i think these are the two right people. stamas an accident where tri said, i want to come over to the united states. this is a sanctuary think tank. and then the mayor basically called and said it is time to have egg smart conversation about the election. i think these were the two best people to have this conversation. thank you very much. please work on your handwriting. [applause] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit]
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live programming with a discussion on how the international community can combat child trafficking. this comes from the center for strategic and international studies and is due to get underway at 1:00 p.m. eastern live on c-span. later, it is more from resident elect donald trump's thank you tour. he is traveling to grand rapids michigan -- grand rapids, michigan, and is having a rally at 7:00. tonight it is an oral argument on whether police have it -- have the right to search a car. you can watch that on c-span2. a live look at the capital where the house finished business for the 114th congress yesterday. the senate is in session as they try to wrap up loose ends before going out for the winter break. one of those is the continuing
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resolution, a temporary spending measure to fund the federal government and related agencies. the new bill provides funding through april 28. at issue are provisions related to health care for coal miners. once that live on c-span2. ,ther news out of the capital house speaker paul ryan travel to trump tower for a meeting with president-elect donald trump. here are some of his comments following that. ryan: a very exciting meeting. we had a great meeting to talk about a transition. we are very excited about getting to work and hitting the ground running to get this country back on track. thanks. >> all day saturday, american history tv on c-span3 is featuring programs about this week's 75th anniversary of the japanese attacks on pearl harbor. national archives' christopher
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carter reads from navy debt logs describing events from ships that were under attack, followed by the pearl harbor braille of burial of john- lindsay. his remains were recently identified. at 9:00, tour the attack site on the island of a wahoo with hu withmartinez -- oa daniel martinez. the pearl harbor 75th anniversary ceremony at pearl harbor cohosted by the national park service and u.s. navy. from 11:00 to 1:00 p.m. we are taking your calls and tweets live. discussing the pacific war from the attack on pearl harbor through the u.s. victory over the japanese for the battle
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of midway. .e are live with paul travers giving a behind the scenes account of the japanese attack from his more than 200 interviews with pearl harbor veterans. at 1:00, the 75th anniversary cemetery from the world war ii memorial in washington, d.c., with remarks by john mccain. saturday on c-span3. now, it is a discussion on the role of the electoral college in presidential elections. journal, this is about 45 minutes. host: joining us from denver, colorado, is poly baraka. you have been involved in campaigns dating back how many years? since 1960.ars,
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host: how has the process changed? guest: dramatically. i was a college intern during the 1960 presidential campaign for john kennedy. as you know, that was quite a controversial campaign, and very close with the election of kennedy and johnson. a lot of folks truly believe that was the result of texas and chicago, or illinois. those votes came in, in favor of that ticket, but it was a very close campaign. since then, we have had tough times and good times. this campaign was particularly nerve-racking, and i might say that it is the first time in my life, over 50 years of being involved in politics, that i have ever been really concerned about the outcome of this
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election. truly i fear for my nation, for my country. that is why i am doing what i'm doing, out of real concern for the united states of america, and for our democracy. democrat you are a member of what is called the hamilton electorate. what is that? guest: the hamilton electorate are people who are the electorate coming together to say, let's fulfill our constitutional obligation to deliberate and select the best person for president of the united states. --xander hamilton wrote that actually established the electoral college as a means of making sure that we did not have a demagogue, or someone who was totally unqualified to lead our nation. he actually was very concerned also about foreign influence
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over anyone we might elect as president. we are here working to assure that mr. trump does not become president because he is exactly the kind of person that alexander hamilton was so concerned about when he authored the electoral college. host: let me share with you two different sentiments, first from her column on the washington post kathleen parker writes the following -- the founding fathers did not fully trust democracy. feeling bob -- fearing mob rule they worried that a peer democracy could result in the election of a demagogue or a charismatic autocrat. thus the electoral college was created as a braking system that would if necessary save the country from an individual suggest trump. i guess you agree. guest: exactly, i definitely
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agree. we has hamilton electorate's agree with that sentiment. host: let me ask you about the colorado secretary of state wayne williams. he says what you are doing is not the will of the people. "make noement he made, mistake, this is not some noble effort to fight some unjust or unconstitutional law. this is an arrogant attempt by two faithless electors to elevate their personal desires over the entire will of the people of colorado. and in doing so they too -- they seek to violate colorado law and there on pledges." host: he obviously does not -- guest: he obviously does not understand what we are doing nor does he understand the electoral college. we are coming together right now. we have filed a suit against the colorado law that states that we
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could not vote our conscience. there are laws in about 28 or 29 states, similar laws, that would prevent an elector from following their constitutional right to vote their conscience and support whomever they believe would be the best person for president of the united states. i, alongleagues and with a great number of supporters, have filed the suit to overturn that law. if we arely aimed at, going to have an electoral college than it ought to fulfill its constitutional responsibility of allowing the electors to behave and act in the way that alexander hamilton intended. it was division of our founders, the framers of our constitution. if we cannot behave in that way as electors throughout this
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country, then why have an electoral college? it does not make sense. so let's move forward and allow the electors to vote their conscience, and be the type of elector that alexander hamilton envisioned, and prevent a demagogue from becoming president of the united states. some suggesting the vote should go to governor john kasich. this is his tweet -- "i am not a candidate for president and ask that directors not vote for me when they gather later this month. our country had an election and donald trump one. there are certainly raw emotions on both sides stemming from the election but this approach as well-meaning as it is, will only serve to further divide our nation when unity is what we need. and we need is over to come together as americans." governor kasich.
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the election is not over until december 19 when we vote, and donald trump has not been elected. hillary clinton won by two and a half million votes so it is not over yet. that is why we have to really fulfill our responsibility to be the kind of elect doors that mr. hamilton -- electors that mr. hamilton envisioned. and that the framers of our constitution envisioned. we have a moral obligation to live up to that challenge in 2016. it is the first time in my life that i have seen this as a real challenge to our democracy and country. that is why we are doing what we are doing. quite honestly, i would love to electors8 republican vote for the person who won the most votes, had the national popular vote, but i suspect that is not going to happen.
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ticket would be irresponsible republican person who would step forward and be our candidate, and perhaps a democrat. a real way to unify our country is to select a republican president and a democratic vice president. in my opinion, that would be the kind of ticket that would bring us all together. there are a variety of names floating out there, and her member that general washington, our first president, was a reluctant person as well. convinced to come forward and be the president of the united states. we are still hoping that someone of the caliber of governor ,asich or governor huntsman senator mccain, governor romney, there are so many possibilities of people who are, who would be qualified to be president that we could all be proud of.
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of course, should that happen, i would love to see a democratic vice president of the stature of senator mccain or someone else. we have got a lot of possibilities, and this is why the electoral college was established. to come together and to look at these options and to select a team that would be a good leader , provide good leadership for our country, not someone who is already challenging the first , who does not believe in the freedom of speech or the freedom of the press or the opportunity to peacefully assemble, who does not believe that he should abide by our constitution, and free himself of all possible foreign investments or foreign influence. our constitution specifically says that a president cannot accept any benefits from any
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foreign country, and that would include his family because they also are part of who he is. and so we really are concerned that the person who might become president -- and remember, he is not president elect until we vote on december 19 -- he would be, in my opinion, he is a threat to our country and our democracy. i fear him having his finger on the nuclear button. that concerns me. i have a moral obligation to stand up. host: some background on our guest joining us from denver, colorado. she is a hammock 10 -- hamilton elector, a member of the colorado house and senate. she is also a member of the johnson, carter, and clinton atinistrations and will be the vote on december 19.
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let's get to eric from the independent line. byler: i am just baffled what i am hearing this nice lady say. there is one way to change the constitution in america. it is called amendment. right now the constitution says that the candidate who has the most electoral votes wins the presidency. if you want to switch to the popular vote you can go to u.s. congress and have it changed. host: thank you very much for the call. guest: and first, i do believe that if americans and our citizens do not agree with the manner in which the electoral college is structured and ought to operate, then they do have the opportunity to change the constitution. right now we are fulfilling what the constitution requires.
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the constitution specifically says that the electoral college ought to be a deliberative body, a body of elect doors who will -- electors who will come together on the first monday after the second wednesday of december and cast their vote for president of the united states without having any sort of restriction on that vote. we are fulfilling our constitutional obligation. should people out there not agree with that, then maybe they ought to think about changing the constitution or amending the constitution. up right now we have to live to what the constitution requires at this moment in time. host: three times in the 19th century and the start of the 20's -- 20th century, three presidents winning without the popular vote. john quincy adams losing by
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44,000 votes to andrew jackson. losing to samuel tilden. benjamin harrison became president in 1888 to have grover cleveland comeback later. george w. bush losing by half a million votes to al gore but in that infamous ruling in december of 2000, george w. bush is certified as the president having won the state of florida. in 2016, hillary clinton has two and-a-half more -- two-and-a-half million more popular votes but donald trump has the electoral college votes. your guest is in denial, and it is not a river in egypt. it is amazing when she speaks about the constitution when for eight years president obama did
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executive orders such as obamacare. as far as denying that the ,resident, they are all worried it was the happiest time of my life as a 60-year-old man to watch donald trump when and the left's head explode with these hyper belize of, he is going to -- hyperbole's of he is going to cause world war iii. the popular vote, now we have to go with the popular vote. it is amazing how much energy this lady is wasting our time, talking about things that are never going to happen. i refer back to when rush limbaugh said he hoped president obama fails and the left went knots. hear this lady is even denying he is the president. i think sometimes people should get out of their bubble and college and university, and go to the middle of the country and look at factories that are rusted out, and people that are
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unemployed, and get a sense of the american pulse of the people. that even dovetails into president obama the other night speaking, saying a lot of the southern whites are racist. it is just the same old thing. their policies do not work and they try to use hyperbole and racism. trump up, lady, deal with it. -- guest: may i speak? host: absolutely. guest: i think the gentleman for calling in and i honor his perspective. my father was first a farm worker and then a factory worker. my first job was working for the labor movement. i worked for two separate basement movements -- or labor unions -- two separate labor unions. i am very supportive of working
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families. i come from a working family. two children as a single mother, as a working woman. i have a few more years on the gentleman that called. i am a little bit older than he has so i've had a bit more experience working throughout my life. i have never made a lot of money, but i have always had enough. respect do honor and working families, and i have worked all my life for working families as a state legislator and as a working mother myself. perspective, and i get out in the country. at my age, i still do that because i have family. my family is out in the country and around the country. , and i that perspective certainly believe that i am acting in their best interest
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with what i am doing now, because mr. trump opposes an increase in the minimum wage. he has said that american workers get paid too much. my goodness. he has never, ever had to work for a living in the manner that every dish that any of us have -- that any of us have. he is a billionaire and cannot possibly understand what it means to get up at 5:00 in the morning and drive to a plant and work at the plant. for me, i got up early in the morning and when i was young had to take care of chickens and rabbits and the garden. so i understand what it feels like to not get paid what you ought to be paid. my first job was out in the farms weeding onions, working for a farmer.
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i think i got paid $.65 an hour, but i was glad to get the money. later on i worked as a car hop and a soda jerk, so i have had jobs throughout my life that have required, that have been similar to the jobs and the work that the gentleman spoke of. and again, i am from a working family. i have always been part of the working class, and i support working families. i have supported legislation that all my life, for the people i care about which are the workers of our country. and that is another reason that i did not support mr. trump, because of his assault on the working families by saying that american workers make too much, and by producing his product in foreign countries. my goodness. why doesn't he bring some of those products that he produces
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home, and allow american workers to produce his ties and produce the other things that he has in foreign countries? i honor and respect the gentleman that just called. guest: a democratic elector -- ,ost: a democratic elector former state legislator, and a member of the hamilton electors. we will have live coverage of the vote as it unfolds on monday, december 19. our coverage will get underway at 11:00 eastern time. jeff is joining us in gaithersburg, maryland. caller: good morning. i just want to say, you did not have to defend yourself against anything. that guy was just too much. they should not be attacking the guest just because of their political party. if you can't tell, i'm calling on the independent line.
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i understand what you are doing. i understand it is part of the constitution, but don't you workedince the way it out, he did get elected, don't you think the impeachment process will take care of things if he really screws the country up? host: thank you. we will get a response. guest: yes, i do have confidence in our democracy and members of congress to hold the line against mr. trump. but i think this is my personal responsibility because i am an elect or in a desk elector and i do have the constitutional -- elector and i do have the constitutional duty to speak up. not meet my responsibility at this moment in time. if the hamilton electors, myself and my colleagues, are not able to reverse or to encourage 270
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electors to vote for an i wouldive candidate, like your audience to know that there is another option. that is, if no candidate gets 270 electoral votes than the vote goes to the house of representatives. the house of representatives would then elected the president and the senate would elected vice president. i might suggest that we have to use all avenues. we cannot just stand by. history, imoment in have got a specific responsibility to speak up and to stand up and shout if i need to. i have not had to so far. but to fulfill my responsibilities as an elector, my constitutional responsibilities, and by moral
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obligation to try to stop this person. president, he become and that is a possibility, i will acknowledge that, that is going to be up to the house of representatives and senate to hold the line on him. and if he does not abide by the constitution if he does not abide by the constitution and behave in a way that allows foreign countries to influence his decisions because owes them or has investments -- i fear that he will use our country to make money, to think the only important thing in the world is to make money and dealing honors people who have -- and he only honors people who have made billions of dollars. that is not what america is about. we are about people who are ordinary citizens, and does an -- and as an ordinary citizen i , feel a responsibility or my
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responsibility right now is to speak up. i do that even though i get criticized. i have to accept that criticism and in some cases i'm abused for it. the way i see the world and i see my responsibility. many people want to weigh in. the electoral college photo, there are 538 electoral, the president needs to hundred 70, the majority required to elect the next president and it's divided by the states. constitution, the number of the members of congress plus the two senators for each of the states. mary, democrats line, thank you for being patient. two things and don't cut me off.
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second, this man, trump, is absolutely a danger to this country. if he becomes president, i hope he gets impeached on the very first day because he is not the regular people. he only cares about his business, business, business. that is unethical and he is not going to divest from his businesses and that is just plain wrong. thank you. host: more of a comment than a let's go to patricia. good morning. caller: good morning and thank you. you is based on long experience in politics with many campaigns,
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internships, etc. my question is and then i have another question to follow-up, you have a lawson currently -- a lawsuit currently against the state of colorado regarding your role as an elector, what your interpretation is and what the law interpretation is. for many years you been a politics and you are certainly aware of this law pertaining to yourself. why is it that you are now bringing this lawsuit against the state of colorado in have never done so before for fear of having to vote against your conscience? my follow-up is, will you regret law ifrturning of that it should proceed the way the democratic senators are currently regretting their filibuster?
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host: thank you, patricia. myst: first of all, i think overriding responsibility is to act in way that is consistent with the united states constitution. i have not said yet how i am going to vote on december 19. bring this suit about my personal vote. the suit is about pursuing the state of colorado to overturn a law that hopefully will be challenged in other states as well. but we need to overturn laws that are in conflict with the united states constitutions. i am concerned about states and elect doors -- electors who also need to vote their conscience and if you vote in a way that would be responsible for our country. so we are filing the suit on --alf of of all elect doors
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who feelin any state prevented from voting or conscience. i have been an elector before and i've always had the opportunity to vote my conscience. i feel strongly in this election that i need to stand up for all electors so that everyone has that opportunity. i might also mention that we were elected to be electors. realize folks do not that. i had to run to be an elector at the convention in my state and i was elected at the state level. each congressional district elects one elector and each state elects to electors at their specific party convention. the democrats and republicans in each state and whichever state,
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whoever wins that diggers state whichever party wins that particular state, that slate of electors then has the opportunity to vote for president of the united states. the constitution says we ought to vote our conscience and vote for the person we believe is the most qualified to be president. i am hopeful we can pull together 270 like-minded who feel confident about supporting a confident -- candidate who is going to unify our country. haveull together so we can a responsible leadership and that is why we filed a suit to help all electors. from sebring, florida. republican line. good morning.
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caller: good morning. i would like to say this lady is just getting her 15 minutes of fame and it is like she has sour grapes. sour grapes. that is about it. trump one and that is the point. donald trump one the middle america vote. we just had a vote on the east coast and west coast. tot is basically all i got say. host: john, thank you. we go to carol joining us from liberty, new york on the democratic line. go ahead, carol. caller: hello. i would like to thank you for and bravery, honesty, following our constitution. this man is a tremendous threat to our national security. host: two points of different types. your response?
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my family has lived here, came from mexico in 1600. i had my 15 minutes of fame. i was elected to the colorado women's hall of fame so i have famous by any means or need my 15 minutes. i have already had an and do not need any more. [chuckles] guest: i am amused by some of the republicans who discount my motives and my concerns for our country. am -- actually, i guest: i am concerned about anyone who would not be concerned for our country right now. we are in grave danger. i am worried that this person, mr. trump, could do great harm to our country. and by our actions and who he has appointed and by his attacks
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on the first amendment. he does not believe in freedom of the press and freedom of speech or the right to assemble. i am really concerned about his assault on the first amendment. i lived in the soviet union as a guest of the american council of young political leaders in the 1970's or 1980's, i made two trips. the two freedoms that distinguished us from the russians and dictatorships are first the freedom of the press and the right to assemble and demonstrate peacefully. so, i am concerned that this person is a danger to our country. host: linda from tennessee, independent. electors isamilton our guest. good morning.
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caller: no wonder a bunch of the democrats has changed to republicans because of this woman right here wanting to spout her mouth. end of she keeps it up, there will be more democrats and keep it up. i hope more does it too. host: response? guest: i cannot hear her very well but i might remind folks about the talk americans in about citizens and about voters, we need to remind them that secretary clinton one more votes than any candidate for resident ever wanted in the country.f our she won by more popular votes, more americans voted for evertary clinton then have
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voted for any person running for president of the united states. and yet she is going to not be our president. that is a travesty. on the other hand, we are given a process that if we do not like process, we need to remake our constitution. but as long as we have this let's use it the way our founders intended it to be used. i really invite all of these elect doors to examine their own conscience and look at the needs of our country and vote for someone who is responsible. who will not abuse our laws. who will abide by the constitution and who does not believe they are above the law. should this person become president, should mr. trump become president, then he must divest himself of all of the
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business interest and his family, he cannot be a president isthe united states that influenced by other countries in order to make personal benefits thatake personal money and is my concern, one of my many concerns. that he is going to use our country for his own personal benefit and the personal benefit of his family and that is already beginning to show that is what he is doing. so i have genuine fears. and really, encourage -- republican electors to join the hamilton electors. if you are interested, you can email
12:13 pm i believe that it is our email adjustment you can look up on the web. i encourage our electors to not vote for mr. trump. host: donald trump winning 20 states, hillary clinton 30 states. hillary clinton with 232 electoral votes, donald trump with 306 winning key states including pennsylvania, michigan, and wisconsin. again, 270 electoral votes needed to become presidents. rock hill south carolina, good morning. ahead with your question. caller: wanted to say in f -- misso ms. bok she is correct. clinton won colorado. so the voters in that state were voting for mrs. clinton but also voting for her electors.
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so when they cast their electoral votes on december 19, they cast them for clinton. voteou know, the popular doesn't agree with that. the founders were specifically against that but if we the people read the constitution and understand it, what you say is correct. host: thank you. polly baca? yet said who not i'm going to vote for december 19 and i am holding not because although i personally believe that hillary clinton obviously won this election in and would be an amazing president, i am my colleaguesing electoral college and should the republican electors come together and offer an anernative candidate for
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alternative to mr. trump, then i could be willing to support him -- them in voting for a republican who would be an alternative to mr. trump. there should be a republican as we has electors could elect as president of the united states rather than mr. trump. last call from charleston, north carolina. republican line. caller: nice to be a democrat and i'm going to tell you why. first of all, hillary clinton went on national tv and said she lied. then our troops got tilden benghazi because of her error, ok? that is not the only thing. every time somebody had something on hillary. on july 11, someone had email had hillary. he got shot twice in the back. no one wants to bring that up. he had emails. the fbi said they had another
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guy. one of hillary states that was going to testify against her. head. a bullet in his you want to know why people didn't vote for her? she is a liar and more. who wants her back in the white house with her husband bill who had sex with everybody everyplace or whoever it was, monica lewinsky in the white house. host: let's get a response. polly baca? guest: i feel sorry for the gentleman who just called. i really do feel sorry for them because he unfortunately is being misled by fake news. the media is that being used in a way that is not legitimate. we were in a vacuum when i was growing up. you had -- you know, our -- we ought to say that only the facts should be broadcast and unfortunately so many people have been impacted by fake news.
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they believe these stories. my goodness, i even somehow got a couple of them on my email that i get regularly and i am stunned at what they say about secretary clinton that is totally false. have falsehoods out there about is. ask anybody that has been in public life. there are lots of untruths that are published about us or that are on the internet. you really cannot believe everything on the internet i am really surprised at those who informationof false that is being propagated and i worry about that and i really feel sorry for the gentleman who called who has fallen for that kind of fake news. that is a shame.
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it is too bad. host: we will conclude on that note. polly baca will be with the electoral college and is a so-called hamilton elector. thank you for being with us. we appreciate your time and perspective. guest: thank you. host: turning our attention to a massive bill that will affect our companies, the fda, medical research. a discovery called the 21st century cures. .idney lipkin will join us she is with kaiser health news. we'll talk about what today frompan later our live coverage of events happening in washington, d c and around the country. we will hear from people trying to prevent child trafficking and what the international community and do in that scheduled to
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start in about 40 minutes live on c-span. today, a rally with president-elect donald trump on his usa thank you to work as he makes a stop in grand rapids, michigan. that will start at 7:00 p.m. and we will take you there live. an oral argument in the seventh circuit court as to whether police have the right to search it dark because it is parked illegally. randyse is usa versus johnson he can watch that tonight at 8:00 eastern on c-span two. it's a cool day in washington, d.c. at the u.s. capitol. the house finished business yesterday and the senate is in today wrapping a business before the winter break and putting funding the government past midnight tonight. the senate is working on a continuing resolution passed by the house yesterday that would extend government funding through the end of april next year. one of the sticking point is provisions related to health care for call minors. you can watch the debate in the senate light -- live on c-span2 and the president has elected
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cathy mcmorris rodgers will be is picked to lead the department of the interior. any trump administration evers to open federal lands and waters to oil development. you can watch the house when they gavel back in on c-span. every weekend, book tv brings you 48 our's of nonfiction books andauthors. pierce some of our programs this weekend -- saturday at 7:45 p.m. eastern, the question of the term better off means to americans today. it doesn't matter how much money is in your bank account. you can fly to the cayman islands and live there theoretically but if you care about america it doesn't matter what your bank account is. you're vulnerable to this government like every other person in every other socioeconomic bracket. wealth fools us into thinking we can buy our way out of suffering.
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9:00 p.m. eastern, fox news anchor megyn kelly talks about her latest book. it recounts her life and career as a journalist. >> adversity was not fun to go through but is an opportunity to grow and become stronger. if i had had no adversity in my life and i had parents who had kept me in a protective bubble for 45 years, how do you think i would have handled it? p.m., theat 9:00 harvard business school professor looks at white-collar crime in his book. by robertrviewed at the former director securities and exchange commission. many without remorse would steal a couple of hundred from my account.
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think that's the fundamental difference in terms of crimes that you can do some pretty bad things and not have that gut feeling. of doing something harmful. go to book for the complete weekend schedule. all day saturday, american history tv on c-span3 features programs about this week's 75th anniversary of the japanese attack on pearl harbor. beginning at 8:00 p.m. eastern, christopher carter reads u.s. navy decalogue describing events on ship that were under attack that day followed by the pearl of john hualty burial linsley at arlington national ceremony, one of the 400 29 casualties aboard the uss oklahoma after his remains were identified. -- pearl harbor sites.
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at 9:30 p.m., president franken d roosevelt's 1941 speech to congress asking for a declaration of war followed by the pearl harbor 75th anniversary ceremony at pearl harbor cohosted by the national park service and the u.s. navy. from 11-1 p.m., we take your calls and tweets live. we will discuss the pacific war from the attack on pearl harbor through the u.s. victory over the japanese at the battle of midway. at noon eastern, paul travers will talk about his oral history of pearl harbor, giving apus signs -- a behind-the-scenes account of the attack with 200 interviews. at 1:00 p.m., the 75th anniversary ceremony from the national world war ii memorial in washington with keynote remarks by senator john mccain. that's saturday on american history tv on c-span3. next, a discussion about the
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guest: as well as daniel from behind bars and his family. i have come to the conclusion e miscarriage of justice took place and we have which i for sale racket think is endemic and emblematic of the swamp. it's a government program that will turn into a reward program. it's for political cronies using a green card program to benefit
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large real estate interests and people who have ties to the highest level of government. this is a program that has been reidto schemes that harry was involved in as well as a number of republicans as well. -- keepople can creep michelleyour work at >> i don't agree with everything donald trump has said and done i don't think millions of other people do either. his comments about women were acceptable. i agree they were clearly offensive and inappropriate.
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think the voters pulled the lever in order to endorse a candidate's flaws. judgment thatk of leads americans to vote for donald trump. we are voting for donald trump because we judge the leadership of our country that has failed. has been hard to accept for some of the countries most fortunate, socially prominent people. it certainly has been hard to accept for silicon valley. learned to keep quiet. arger voices have sent message that they do not intend to tolerate the views of one half of the country. ons intolerance has taken some bizarre forms. the advocate, magazine which once praised me as a gay innovator, even publish an
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article saying that as of now, i " not a gay man" because i don agree with their politics. conform, you don't count as diverse a matter what your personal background. host: the silicon valley investor behind paypal. why was the most -- why was this most important speech of 2016 question mark guest: he eloquently threw down the gauntlet on decades of extremist identity politics. not only was he able to distill for so many independent donald trump voters why they chose donald trump over the rest of the massive field for resident but he also took a very brave stance.
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as he did at the republican national convention when he gave his landmark speech. he said if only more of the coastal bubble elites in the tuned in toedia had c-span and take than an hour of heir time to listen to what said at the national press club, perhaps they would not have been so shellshocked. you can tell how they feel about minorities in america and this is an out of the closet gay man in a progressive, liberal silicon valley, basically throwing off the ideological shackles of conformist, orthodox democratic politics. host: yet you have had your own
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exchanges with donald trump. this is from 2013. he called you a dummy and said you were born stupid. guest: we all are. trap ofell into the --ng baited and perceiving his throw off tweets as more than what they were. i was raging mad about it. i was warning people several years ago that donald trump was essentially a cancer and i did not see the big picture and that was my mistake. i think a lot of my friends in the sort of proclaimed obstinate and never trump camp did not see it either. host: why were so many so wrong? guest: well, with regard to donald trump's percent on
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-- persona on twitter, i think mistaking that media persona for the real man, a businessman who has been in the public eye and in the corporate world for some -- what? 30 years, 40 years now? i think there was too much of a knee-jerk response to the celebrity as opposed to the man who became a political maverick. for me, of course, because immigration enforcement and national sovereignty have been so important to me since i started my career, certainly covering the issue in los angeles, writing my first book "invasion," which presaged i think the same for the -- the themes of this election cycle the need for systemic , enforcement and idea are preservation rests on making sure we have a system of as donald trump calls it "extreme
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vetting" that is what persuaded me it was worth the gamble. with an attorney general nominee like jeff sessions, something i never imagined would be possible, yes, i have to place cautious but optimistic presence in the administration. host: "time" magazine person of the year is donald trump. here is the cover. the the editor-in-chief says the year 2016 was the euro donald -- of the year of donald trump's rise and 2017 will be the year of his rules. what will that look like? what would the trump white house and governing style look like? like we have seen so far? guest: i think so. i think the transition has been orderly and efficient, contrary to the chicken little analysis
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from the never trumpers in the washington press corps. a lot of it has been very satisfactory to the core base of trump supporters. i think jeff sessions pick signals to people that he is serious about the sovereignty agenda. gnty agenda. i think a large part of it put him in office. on the other hand, this is the man who over the i think a large part of it put him in office. on the other hand, this is the man who over the years has wavered on certain issues and also i think has only been recently introduced to some of the policy issues that are important to people. i will give you a specific example. the nomination education is the wife of richard devoss, about the couple involved in republican politics for a long
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time in michigan. donald trump has said to grass-roots parents that he would "end common core," yet betsy devos, all she was active in education policy and was on the wrong side of that in michigan, not merely voicing words of support for the common core regime, but backing it with their money, so of course, like many supporters of comic or who -- like many erstwhile supporters of common core who have changed their mind, she says she is against it but will have to prove to parents that it is more than the convenience. host: if you want to read one of the most recent articles by michelle malkin, looking back at the election, but also, the eight years of the obama presidency, this get to your calls and comments with our guest michelle malkin, her work available online at the
12:36 pm host: go ahead. from youngstown ohio, democrats line. caller: i really hope that trump can do a good job based on his ability to manipulate and then all the other things that he does. i do not trust a person that can't admit their mistakes. he is the epitome of capitalist republican white male, and i hope he stops picking on people. i do think he has the character disorder of some type and the -- and i hope it doesn't play
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that way. we have come too far in country to give it all up to him. like martin luther king said, all the blacks ever the wanted was jobs, jobs, jobs. that is what people want. it gives them identity, self-esteem. you know, all this other stuff, we all went jobs and we all want this country to get back working. to not forget it was the businessman that opened up china and build general electric. host: thank you. guest: jobs, jobs, jobs. i think in substance and in message and style donald trump has used this transition period to signal that the fact that it is a priority for him, and as much as free-market conservatives, as i have counted myself for a long time, might be
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somewhat troubled by the intervention in the carrier deal, it is another significant historical milestone i think because for as long as i have covered politics in the last quarter century, the idea of a president-elect forging a deal to save rank and file jobs of a manufacturing plant -- i know it has been characterized as crony capitalism, but there's no political crony involved. even given the caveats of course that carrier has a lot of military contracts that were at stake, there was an instinct here on donald trump's part to save american jobs. you could talk about how many jobs he said, but this is a
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story of an american company, and i did the chapter on carrier in my history book from last year and i think it is worth reminding people that the american manufacturing sector is alive and well in this country, and the caller mentioned black workers and their need for jobs and some sort of stuff fulfillment -- self-fulfillment. they are saying the jobs of carrier belonged to people of all backgrounds and ideologies and i think it is significant. host: this is a minor story but getting headlines. this is from "the washington post," donald trump will maintain a financial stake in "the apprentice," and will be the executive producer. it returns to nbc on gender -- on second as outsourcing ago,
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january as arnold schwarzenegger, the host, takes over. guest: i want to talk about the role being a celebrity played into putting donald trump in the political stratosphere. i think he used his celebrity in a strategically. -- in a strategic way. there is a paradox because all of the biggest celebrities in the world cannot save hillary clinton. i think there was a rejection of hollywood elites who presumed to tell their viewers and fans how they should think, who they should vote for, and to quote my friend laura ingram, there was certainly a referendum on that overreach and entertainment, and as she always except, these people should just shut up and
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sing. host: is she the new white house press secretary? guest: we will have to see. i saw her yesterday and have known her a long time. i told her that it would be pay-per-view popcorn feeling. -- a viewing. we watch it here on c-span. i would love to see her. i think she would be the most qualified person to handle the white house press corps. but these are really momentous decisions to make. just as human beings, i think we think of our public figures as so acceptable to the public and that it would be such an easy thing to sort up reorient your entire life. she is a wonderful mother and she has incredible businesses that she runs, as well. but i would love it. [laughter] host: john joins us from wisconsin, also on the democrat line for michelle malkin. good morning. thank you for waiting period
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caller: yes. i had one thing to say about donald trump. a lot of people that voted for him do not understand that it takes a lot -- a long time to learn government. government is a business, just like a regular business, and it takes a long time to learn it. there is a lot of things that donald trump doesn't know, and i could tell by the people he is putting in their that they have credentials, but they don't have any background as far as government business is concerned. guest: umm, well, i agree that government is a business, but donald trump has assembled a very experienced team. i think the tricky part of it is to recruit people who have that experience who are in, but not of, washington, and to try and avoid this landmine, almost the cognitive dissonance of trying
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to drain the swamp that needing people who have been in the swamp a long time to navigate the murky waters. host: we will go from chet, republican line, also in wisconsin. caller: michelle, your parents must be so proud. i would like to prove there was a quid pro quo with the clinton foundation. if you take an audit of the donations of the hundreds and thousands of dollars and the millions of dollars going into the clinton foundation before the election and then do it after the election, also, wouldn't you love to see the list of cancellation of clinton speeches after the election? guest: [laughter] that sounds like a job for a good investigative reporter, sounds like the next " michelle malkin investigates" episode. host: let's go to the independent mind from arizona.
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good morning. gwendolyn, are you with us? caller: thank you for taking my call. host: go ahead. caller: i think donald trump is going to do a fairly good job. when he was campaigning, he talked about one whose priorities was to change infrastructure for the ghettos and is the one -- obama was in -- and i thought that was excellent. obama was in office for eight years and he did nothing, especially for the people in his hometown in chicago. i think he has a dream. his dream is to make america great again, and i think he is going to follow through with some of the things he has said. people are coming over from india, and they are getting grants for hotels, and the black community is living in the ghettos, like living in world war ii. that is crazy.
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people are living on food stamps, they have to decide whether or not they want to sell drugs that they just to live. it is awful. i think he will do a good job. host: thank you. guest: i think it is significant that in the last days of the campaign, while hillary was chilling, donald trump was in detroit. this flies in the face of a false narrative from so much of that liberal progressive media that donald trump was this unrepentant racists who did not care about minorities, and the fact is that his message was a universal one that appealed to any american, whatever their color, who has aspirations, and who believes and still believes in social mobility in america, and eight years of hope and change enriched a lot of people
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at the expense of so many of the constituencies that the democrat party always pays lip service to, so there are so many pathologies in the inner cities that have been run for decades by democrats, who have enriched themselves at the expense of their own constituencies, and that covers every aspect of their lives from the economy, to the schools, and certainly to law enforcement. another i think very significant and substantive gesture that donald trump has taken that signal that the new sheriff was in town was his reaching out to their widows and families of law enforcement officers in the transition period, who have been killed. the war on cops over the last eight years has leveled a devastating death toll that has
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not gotten nearly as much attention in the press as it should. host: we welcome our radio audience on c-span radio. our guest is michelle malkin, a multidimensional journalist, author, a syndicated columnist, and also now within your television series on tv. but we ask about senator harry reid, officially stepping down, we covered his farewell ceremony yesterday. this morning, he has written an op-ed for "the new york times," "farewell, their senate." -- fair senate. he said ending his time was the right thing to do and will be replaced by senator chuck schumer, democrat from new york. among those paying tribute, the house democratic leader nancy pelosi, listen to what she said. [video clip] nancy pelosi: i worked with harry reid for more than a decade. to observe harry is to observe a master at work. his commitment to his values and
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his respect also, for his colleagues. harry had many occasion to evaluate the leadership and courage of our colleagues. in all of my years, more than 10 working with harry, he always spoke in the most glowing, respectful and understandingly about all of the senators. and republican senators, as well. very respectful with everyone's point of view. the constituents that were represented never, never anything but the finest word. guest: [laughter] umm, that is fake news right there. i think that any half alert of -- denizen of the beltway swamp, harry reid has conducted himself in a manner that might most politely be called brass
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knuckles and certainly, the victims of his rhetoric and his actions over the years can attest to that. i think this says as much about nancy pelosi as it does about harry reid, and this very stubborn and amazing and surreal attempt to rewrite the history in front of our noses. tom cotton, the senator from arkansas, correctly described harry reid's political behavior as "cancerous." i wish there had been a rebuttal to that elegy. host: let me ask you about fake news the outgoing senate and democratic leader said this -- [video clip] >> let me mention one threat that should concern all americans, democrats, republicans, and independence alike, especially those who
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serve in our congress. the fake news and false propaganda that has flooded social media over the past year is now clear that the so-called fake news can have real-world consequences. this is not about politics or partisanship. lives are at risk. lives of ordinary people just trying to go about their days to do their jobs contribute to the communities. it is a danger that must be addressed and addressed quickly. bipartisan legislation is making its way through congress to boost the government's response to foreign propaganda. and silicon valley is starting to grapple with the challenge and threat of fake news. it is imperative that the leaders of the private and public sectors step up to protect our democracy and innocent lives.
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host: hillary clinton yesterday in washington, d.c. does she have a point? guest: i wish she would spare us all the sanctimony. i'll get to that they can news in the moment, but this is a woman who is now warning about the risk to american lives of fakery, and she ran the state department that gave us a fake, phony pretext about benghazi, blaming a video on it, when it was clear in all that machinations of the behind-the-scenes that they all knew what the real reason for the benghazi attack was, so let's talk about this fake news. we have been hearing about it thousands of times a day. it is a tactic. i can tell you, as somebody who has operated as an independent purveyor of journalism, somebody who was at the vanguard of the conservative blogosphere, that this kind of strategy of marginalizing people outside of
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the traditional media elite has a purpose, and that purpose is to prevent new competitors in that marketplace, so with a broad brush, everybody who is not attached to one of the dinosaur networks, or who does not have some store-bought like certification from a top ivy league school, and then everybody gets associated with the rogue operators out there who are spreading truly fake news. journalism is not rocket science. it is not brain surgery. anybody can do it. of course, that is a threat to people who are trying to control narratives. of course, we should bvet every
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single news -- vet every single news source, but the solution is not to ban or limit the number of voices out there. it is always has been my opinion that the answer to bad, fake, phony or unreliable speeches more and better speech, and that is what i involved with cr tv. host: how high-tech and errors and bipartisan beltway crack -- how high-tech billionaires and beltway crack weasels are screwing america's best and brightest workers -- how did you come up with this title? guest: [laughter] sort of like a trademark of mine. if you have one shot to sell a book to someone coming have to let them know what it is about and tell them the bottom line host: what is a crack result? w --weasel? guest: someone sent to washington with one agenda and then grows moss on his or her
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back and betrays the people who put them in place, and that is what happened with the h1b program, stated as something that would help the american economy, and at the same time, protect american workers. this issue -- i think it was well-timed in the book came out -- became there a prominent with the firing of disney workers in southern california and many workers who worked at tax programs and in the i.t. -- at tech programs and in the i.t. industry, who were being forced to explain their foreign replacements as a condition of receiving their severance pay.
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i think that indignity is what sort of motivated and new awareness of a program that has been in place since 1990. donald trump in his transition video last week reiterated his pledge to do something about that, and i think he needs to remind his labor secretary of that commitment. host: kevin from toms river, new jersey independent line. , caller: thank you, c-span. michelle, i have watched it for many years and the last number of years, nbc, abc, cbs has not put you on and i wanted to know how you sulk about that, and -- how you felt about that and since you brought up fake news, i do not understand how these three stations don't realize their credibility is being lost with half of the country and the other half don't care because they're just putting out what they like to hear.
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guest: over the last years, have appeared in many media outlets, but like i said, i have been busy. [laughter] i live in colorado. i moved to a from the beltway -- away from the beltway swamp about 10 years ago now, and i have loved living outside of the coastal bubble that peter teal was talking about, but i have been continuing to produce books. i did two last year, as well as my newspaper column, which is marking more than two decades in existence now. over the last several months, i have been wrapped up with" "michelle malkin investigates." it is probably one of the most golden opportunities i have had in my career. host: if you want to check out her latest investigative
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documentaries, on crt websitev. bonnie? caller: i used to do construction, went through bankruptcy, and everybody down the chain got left. -- god bless. they called him a genius. it does not take a genius to file bankruptcy. to be honest, he has never paid an honest day's wage when it comes to construction. my second point is he wants to charge tariffs on everybody to bring their products back. not one trump product with his label or his dollar is made in the u.s. my third point is what really is -- they showed him on tv at his hotel in florida. they were all from india. he made the remark that 95% of them were on obamacare and then somebody called it and said, no, no, they are not.
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which is right? is he paying a fair wage because if they come on the says, they have to sign a nondisclosure -- on the visas, they have to sign a nondisclosure and can't work for anyone but him. host: thank you. guest: a lot of good points. i would say that when you are in business as long as donald trump husband, you are going to have -- has been you are going to have many successes and you are going to have failures. he has a mixed track record, no doubt about it. i have also been critical of the use of eminent domain in atlantic city. i grew up in south jersey. and the use of eminent domain to build his empire and casino district there. it is not been unblemished record for sure.
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there have been concerns among many watchdogs on the foreign employment visa programs of donald trump's use of them and some sort of vacillating statements he has made about them. i think that is why this labor nomination is troubling to some of his most ardent defenders on immigration policy. host: let's go to grad in -- brad in international falls, minnesota. republican line. how cold is it? caller: not bad. it is normal. it is cold, but it is ok. host: what is normal? caller: well, i was at a funeral here about a week ago and the lady asked me what was it like 60 years ago because she was telling me that it was warmer than it was today 60 years ago and it is warmer than normal
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right now, but we can't change that. host: go ahead with your question or comment. caller: we are talking about the state news. that is really interesting. that is really interesting. i keep listening and hearing about this. i shake my head, they want to keep blaming the russians. hillary'sd not write emails. she did. she was the one that did not want to hand them over. that was a complete lie. that is fake news. michelle, i mayor think the world of her, i really do. does now, but she is in what the moles on c-span. c-span has turned into nothing more than cnn or msnbc. host:
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