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tv   Public Affairs Events  CSPAN  December 18, 2016 1:00am-2:01am EST

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coming the glenn college to inspire the next generation of engaged citizens. a friend who works for john 30 years ago in his senate office told me that john glenn took such joy in helping others and was so proud of his staff even , when you left, you were still family. john glenn was the only ohioan ever to be elected four times to the u.s. senate. he was a workhorse, never a show horse. he labored over the details of nonproliferation and environmental cleanup of nuclear disposal sites. john was content to spend his time on achieving lasting results that would leave the world better than he had found it. he helped create the independent watchdogs we know as inspectors general. to keep the government he believed in accountable to the people it served. he had the foresight to found the great lakes task force, which continues to play such an
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important role to protect the health of our great lake. the night before the anniversary colonel glenn's space launch, we had a dinner in german village with annie and john and glenn and david and carol. as the evening wound down, we headed to the door together. the valet pulled up in front of the restaurant with his cadillac. the 91-year-old astronaut jumped and the driver seat, annie in the front seat and the kids in the back. some things just and never change. you know how they were in love, annie and john. i spoke with annie in april when i called them on their 70th wedding anniversary. she told me we wanted to get , married in high school, but our parents wouldn't let us because they said it would never
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last. [laughter] >> and how they love to david and lynn. john had a way of making everyone around him feel important, from the teenage eagle scouts to the farmers in the field. he lived his life by matthew 25, where jesus admonished his followers. whenever you did it, for any of my people, no matter how unimportant they seemed, you did it for me. john glenn, a great man. john glenn, such a good man. he is still handy that way, annie. four years ago, john and annie entered the hotel suite we had
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reserved for election night and were immediately swarmed with admirers. i had never known them to be anything but gracious with strangers. i have been the recipient of a steady stream of stories about john and annie. every one of those stories have a happy ending. in 2012, our grandson was with us. he had spent most of the day rehearsing a question he wanted to ask to john. i introduced him. and i told john that clayton had something on his mind. immediately tall, lanky john , leaned in so he could talk face-to-face with our little boy. what is your question, john said. clayton didn't hesitate, how do astronaut to go to the bathroom in space? [laughter]
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smiled, well now, that is an interesting question, isn't it? clayton nodded and those of us in earshot gathered around for 'stronaut john glenn two-minute tutorial on the machinations of urination in space. himrwards, clayton thanked and shook his hand and started making the rounds to share his newfound expertise. i hugged john and thank him for treating clayton with such respect. he said, why wouldn't i. children have sincere questions and they deserve sincere answers. clayton is eight years old now and we recently visited him. the first thing he said to me was, i'm sorry you lost your friend, grandma. he was my friend too. last week, we heard from lynn
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that our beloved friend was a dying. lynn, we will never forget the kindness you showed us by asking us to send you a text messages that you could read to your father. thank you for that. i was in boston. i had just landed. in my message, i reminded john of that conversation he had with our grandson and i told him i had lost count of the number of times i had shared that story as an illustration of what we gained when we engaged with civility. if american icon john glenn could take the time to treat a child with such respect, then surely we could find ways to talk to one another. -- to listen to one another. one of my most enduring memories mentor, as a friend and involves his two-pronged sense of empathy and timing.
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him and annie set behind me in one of sharon's campaign events in 2012. when his opponent called him a liar, john immediately touched my shoulder to keep me in my eight. he whispered, me too, but not now. john was a man of his time who kept up with the times. nevermore obvious to me that when he encouraged me to keep fighting and sharing my opinion. i once a joke to that i had clinical wife training and i had flunked it. john grabbed my hand. he said listen to me, he said in , a stern voice, you are who you are and that is why we love you. annie squeezed my hand and said, never stop speaking your mind. i will never forget how he turned and looked at annie. he said, listen to my annie, i always do.
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that is the part of john glenn that we must not lose in all these tribute. he loved his wife. he loved his annie and he never tired of letting everyone know. one afternoon, we visited their apartment with actor martin sheen, who was in ohio to campaign for sharon. excited to meet and marching was excited to meet astronaut john glenn. when it was time to leave for a fundraising event, john held out his elbow for annie. annie had different plans. annie, martin says, grinning and that inefficient way of his, may i escort you? annie looped her arm around his and smiled at john. we will see you when you get there. [laughter] >> john turns to me in mock horror and said, digital see
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that she just , dumped me. he walked to the end of the hallway, fuming like a boyfriend. the last time we spent time with the john and annie was in their apartment in columbus. as soon as i sat down, john pointed to where i was seated and said to annie she is sitting , where hillary sat. until that moment, neither us or any member of the media knew that hillary had stopped by to visit. talkede than an hour, we about the presidential race and the future of our country. we also swapped stories about our children and grandchildren. john was a bit slower, but only in the movement. his mind was as sharp as ever. as we prepared to leave, he made clear to us that he knew time was running out. you can only replace the parts so long, he said, putting a hand
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on each of our shoulders, eventually you need a new chassis. we were quiet on that elevator ride back to the lobby. each of us taking in what john was telling us. once again, our friend was answering the question as honestly as he could. one last time, john glenn was leading the way. annie, i'm here as your friend and as a fellow political wife. how you and i have laughed over the years at that silly definition of who we are. we did not marry politics. we married the men we love. you once told me that john was oo, but for reasons far more personal than the public could ever knew. john knew, annie. once, over dinner, in a room packed with his admirers, i mentioned to john how inspiring your marriage is to me.
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he leaned in and with the said. i am who i am because of annie. we love you, annie. >> a little over 75 years ago, annie caster was set to give her senior organ recital at mesquite college. on the way there, 20-year-old john glenn was listening to his car radio and learned of the bombing of pearl harbor.
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after the concert, the two of them sat together and talk to -- talked. he told her about the attack and his plans to enlist. on december 7, 1941, the pieces of their life came together and they mapped out their future. one of the pieces of the music that she played that day was by it became a very important piece of music for her and her soon-to-be husband. "to be will now sing still my soul" a him set to the tune of singlandia. [piano playing]
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[piano playing] [choir singing]
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>> someone goes up to jesus and asks him, what is the most important thing? what matters the most? and jesus answers, love of god
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with everything you do and love your neighbor in the same way. throughout his life, john glenn never lost sight of what mattered the most. god and hed served loved and served his neighbors. for him, that category of the neighbor got bigger and bigger until he saw the whole human family as his neighbor. that perspective, that way of adding the world is very biblical. if you listen to the deep rhythms of the bible, you cannot miss god's overriding concern for the public good. for creating a just and merciful old society. for protecting the welfare of those most vulnerable. god has a special fondness of those willing to promote the common good.
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people who are willing to roll up their sleeves, digital hard, messy work of helping our communities work better. of creating just laws in society. this is complicated, hard work and i am not sure there is a higher or harder calling. throughout his adult life, senator glenn shared his yes to work towards that common good as a pilot, astronaut and senator . in his work in creating john glenn school. to his legacy is not limited his students enrolled in the school. his legacy is available to all of us. , whone who traveled far soared so high, he never left
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the rest of us behind. he always took us with him. asked mrs.s week, i glenn about her husband's fate -- faith. she answered quote, we didn't but it wasit much, strong. are of a generation that rarely spoke about their faith. they're listed -- they lifted. faith got in john glenn at a young age and it took root. he had a deep, lifelong connection to god and to the church. and that connection shaped the trajectory of his life giving , him of the courage to dare greatly and the wisdom to live humbly. he knew, in life and in death,
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he belonged to god. senator glenn did something that is rarely done. i'm not talking about any of the accomplishments that have been mentioned today. the rare thing he did was he lived a life that fully and completely reflected his deepest values. his priorities were in his bloodstream. his values embedded in the synapses of his brain. that is why the philippians passage the family chose for today is so appropriate. -- his lifebodies embodies those words.
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whatever it true, honorable, and just. whatever is pleasing and commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. keep on doing the things that you have learned and heard and seen in john glenn. and the god of peace will be with you. the tradition i represent, the tradition in which john glenn was baptized and so shaped his life, makes the claim that today, at this very moment he is , all right. he is not lost, but he is found. at this very moment, he is whole, complete, well. he is now cradled in the arms of love. god is holding him tight and god will never let him go.
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today we give thanks to god for the life and witness of john glenn. let us pray. oh god, our strength and our redeemer. giver of life and conquerer of death, we open our hearts to you. we give thanks for your servant john glenn and for his life among us. we give thanks for all the way he shared his life with the world and stole our heart. we celebrate his sense of wonder and how he met challenges with quiet joy. today, we give thanks for his deep commitment to his family and we remember his faithfulness to you. god of boundless compassion, be with all who are mourning.
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we pray for his cherished life, for his beloved children and family. be with all who are missing him this a day. let us know that nothing, including death, can separate us from your love. give us such faith that by day and night, in all times and in all places, we may, without trust those who are due to us to your never failing love in this life and the life to come. amen. our prayer continues as as the choir sings the lord's prayer. [choir sings lord's prayer]
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>> high flight. i have slipped the surly bonds and dance to the skies on laughter silvered wings. i have enjoyed to the tumbling mirth of some split clouds and done a hundred things you have not dreamed of. weild and swung high in the sunlit silence. ngvering their -- hoveri there, i have chased the wind along and put my eager craft through halls of air.
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i have topped the windswept heights with easy grace where flew. n lark or eagle sanctity ofthe ande, put out my hand, touched the face of god. let us pray. into your hands merciful savior, , we commend to your hands your servant john. and knowledge, we pray, a sheet of your fold, a lamb of your flock. receive him into the arms of your mercy into the blessed rest , of everlasting peace and the -- company of the
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same's and the like. amen. may the lord bless you and keep you, may the lord be gracious to you and to look upon you with favor and grant you peace. amen. now please rise as we render military honors and remain in place until the program is complete. plays] [horns playing taps]
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name ♪on your ♪ oh, god glory ♪e see ♪ ♪
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♪ let there be peace on earth begin with me ♪ ♪ let there be peace on earth ♪ the peace that was meant to be ♪ with god as our father ♪ ♪ brothers all are we let me walk with pie brother ♪ ♪ in permanentfect harmony ♪ let peace begin with me ♪ let this be the moment now ♪ with every step i take vow ♪this be my solemn
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♪ to take each moment each moment ♪ ♪ with peace eternally peace on earth ♪ let it begin with me ♪ ♪ let there be peace on earth let it begin with me ♪ let it begin with me ♪
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>> former new york congressman benjamin gilman has died. he was a decorated world war ii veteran serving in the army air corps. first elected to the house in he chaired the international 1973, relations committee in the 1990s. over his 30-year career representing multiple congressional districts in new york, he served under seven presidents. here's a look at his final remarks on the house floor in 2002. gilman: as the house finishes its work for this year and the 107th congress draws to a close it's with deep regret , that due to my involuntary retirement as a result of redistricting, i will not be returning to washington in january for the opening of the next congress. i came to washington 30 years ago and had the honor an
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privilege to represent our hudson valley region of new york. it afforded me an opportunity to witness and participate in a great number of significant events in our history. from watergate and the vietnamese war to the fall of the berlin wall. the end of the cold war in the 1980's and 90's, to presidential -- two presidential impeachments, the gulf war, and most recently, the world trade center attacks and our war on terrorism. i'm particularly proud to have been part of reorganizing our state department, helping to free some political prisoners in mozambique in cuba, the soviet union, and other nations fighting the war against drugs, , accounting for our mias and pows, working to limit world hunger extraditing criminals in , foreign lands and establishing , an international scholarships program. in looking back it's been
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especially gratifying to see how much along with many of my colleagues and staffs, how much we've accomplished in promoting peace in northern ireland and in afghanistan and india and pakistan, sri lanka and the middle east and knowing that after i leave here that my colleagues' good work with continue in those directions. knowing that our work is not done i look ahead with optimism , for opportunities which may arise for me to be able to contribute contribute to make a difference. i thank my staff, many of whom have been with me for more than a decade for that you are , dedication and their hard works. they have been invaluable to us through our years of service and i wish them all success and i hope my colleagues will look out for them when they are seeking new positions. it's hoped that somehow we've motivated our young people that an average on person from any small town with enough
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determination and perseverance can become a leader, a congressman, have an opportunity to make a difference in our world and i've always held the position of congressman in the highest regard and try to serve our constituents and our neighbors with the dignity that's befitting this office. when i announced my candidacy for the house of representatives back in 1972, it was beyond my wildest imagination that i would still be here after those many years working on behalf of our constituents. i thank my colleagues on both sides of the aisle for your warm friendship and your brotherhood. it's been a privilege to serve alongside all of you. and it is with heavy hearts that georgia and i have to say goodbye to this great body at the end of this session. god bless you all and i thank you for your kind words.
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back the balance of my time. [applause] >> c-span's "washington journal" live every day with issues and policy issues that impact you. sunday morning, news media alliance president david chevron on what the media industry could look like under the trump administration. he talked about how the media can stop the spread of fake news. hisor jd vance discusses elegy." itilly details the struggles of america's white working-class through the author's own story of growing up in a poor rust belt town. washington post corresponded eric whittington takes a look at russia's cyber hacking efforts. c-span's "washington journal,"
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a.m. sunday morning. join the discussion. >> now, republican officials and clinical reporters discuss the digital advertising strategies of the 2016 campaign. posted by google, it is two hours and 40 minutes. >> okay, i'm going to kick this off from the good looking republicans that are in the house, the senate and hold the administration.
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i mean, come on. i'm going to kick us off with a video because most of you heard me say over and over again, and most of you taught me to say it over and over again, this the year of the video. tell a story. nobody taught candidates better how to tell a story than someone who is going to be our first guest today. is brad perskell. so i'm going to kick it off with a two-minute closing video, both candidates did two-minute videos to close the campaign three or four days before the campaign. i urge you to go and watch hillary's. this is a lot of hillary face to camera, sharp contrast. this the closing argument the trump campaign made to voters. i lived all my life to say this. gavin, roll tape. >> our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the american people. the establishment has trillions of dollars at stake in this election. for those who control the levers
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of power in washington and for the global special interest, they partner with these people that don't have your good in mind. the political establishment that is trying to stop us is the same group responsible for our disastrous trade deals, massive illegal immigration and economic and foreign policies that have bled our country dry. the political establishment has brought about the destruction of our factories and our jobs as they flee to mexico, china, and other countries all around the world. it's a global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth and put that money into the pockets of a handful of large corporations and political entities. the only thing that can stop
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this corrupt machine is you. the only force strong enough to save our country is us. the only people brave enough to vote out this corrupt establishment is you the , american people. i'm doing this for the people and for the movement, and we will take back this country for you, and we will make america great again. i'm donald trump and i approve this message. lee: that video -- that video became the sixth fastest trending video on youtube the two days before the campaign organically. it told a story. it motivated people and it motivated voters.
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so i'll let brad, i won't steal his thunder and i'll let him tell you how he came up with that ad. let's dive into 2016 beyond the presidential. so everybody has heard us say this over and over again this year. voters spent more time online in 2016 and were more influenced online by what they read and saw online about candidates than ever before. we are finally at the point where voters are spending more of their time online, and have been persuaded more often by something they saw online, by a friend, neighbor, advertisement. and this might actually lead to us in politics catching up to the corporate america. in 2016, corporate america is going to spend more money on digital online advertising than tv. politics tends to be 10 years behind corporate america. our party doesn't have ten years to wait, catch up. let me tell you, the good news is we did a great job in 2016
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because of many of you. this graph is going to blow the minds of ddscc. on average, gop candidates spend earlier and spent more on google products. i would make the assumption on other online products as well. but nobody ran a better race online than rob portman. and nobody opened up a wider lead against their opponent sooner on the gop side than rob portman. i'll let you make the correlation. one of the top lessons from 2016 we all learned and i hope we carry to the next cycle. go big, go big online, don't go small. and go really big. gop campaigns with google products spent three times the amount their democrat opponents spent with google on products. i'd like to credit that to a great sales team. but i honestly think it's because people that were running great senate campaigns heard from word -- everybody heard about word's mandate.
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but they believed in the products and they saw the results. what's really striking is that gop candidates outspent their democrat counterparts between april and july -- this is not the traditional time where people spend money. it is not post labor day. april through july they outspent their democrat opponents 20 to one online with google products. that opens up a huge lead. this wasn't only on the candidate side. we saw it on the super pacs. gop super pacs spent four to one on google products. some campaigns like a presidential campaign went even bigger. one of the things we learned from the trump campaign, do not make assumptions about voters. you may find voters where you least suspect to do so. so where most presidential campaigns and this one concentrated their money in nine or 10 states. they also didn't forget that there are a lot of other americans out there that need to
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be motivated to vote. the trump for president campaign was the first gop candidate to ever buy a youtube masthead. previously it was just obama. not only did the trump for president campaign buy one masthead, they bought two. they bought the one after the first debate where we see a huge surge of online traffic and they bought one election day. the hillary campaign bought one. so when you think you've got big, go even bigger. lesson two, go early. a lot of you saw this search graph. i had a gop campaign manager tell me the other day that he decided how and when to drop opposition research on their opponent using this graph. because as you know, if you drip, drip, drip opposition research and news, guess where voters are seeing that. on google.
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he made sure every time someone googled someone's name, there was not a flattering story. he made sure did he it early. 50% of the interest in elections, candidates, the gop race, the race for president, the race for senate happens by july. next time your campaign manager tells you, we really want to hold our money until after labor day, they are being very foolish. best thing about going early is you can define yourself as a candidate. what you should be doing is defining your opponent. two senate campaigns that defined their opponent early and never stopped defining their opponent was the todd young for senate campaign and the rob portman campaign. i mean, you can even see here that the opponents don't even have search ads up to counter the attack ads that were being run against them. i'm proud to say in every gop
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senate campaign, either the candidate or the nrsc were up to search ads for the opponent and the candidate. they defined themselves and their opponents. they didn't let anyone define them. the other really interesting thing about going early is that it really allows you to hopefully save money in the end and pull away. the green graph is the amount of money and when portman for senate spent on google products. the gray line is the average senate campaign, that's democratic and republican. look closely, when portman's spending spiked, which as you can see is april, may, june, that's when he started to pull away from his opponent. does anyone remember how many points portman pulled away from his opponent on election day? over 20 points. start early and start big. start often. lesson three, go big, go early, go often. we get asked all the time, what's the right frequency i should have with an ad?
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corporate america tends to go seven or eight times for the frequency. we saw with most campaigns on the political side that they were going about three or four times. three times generally showed a two times greater favorability shift and a four times greater intent to vote. it was greater when it was a true view ad. when somebody opted in to watch it. if your content is good enough for the voter to watch your content, you can win that voter online. we found senate races were particularly open to voters to look at advertising. again, i think part of it is because presidential candidates are so well defined by the media. senate and house candidates have to get out there and define themselves, which is another reason why to go early. 2016 lessons we learned, thanks to all of you who ran gop campaigns, go big, go early, go often. and then you will go home to your constituents and be hopefully re-elected again and again and again.
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so thank you all for a really interesting race where we all learned a lot. now i want to turn it over to natalie andrews from the wall street journal and brad. what? everyone come fill the seats. i could not figure out what that hand gesture was. natalie, brad, come on up. [applause] natalie: thanks for coming. all right. i'm glad we're here to talk about the last 18 months or so. brad: 624 days. natalie: 624 days and counting for you.
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still very much involved in the campaign. tell me about your first role with the trump organization and walk us up to here. what were you doing then? how did you get involved? brad: way back? natalie: let's go way back. i think you started in 2011? brad: 2010. natalie: 2010. give us the very condensed version. give us the very condensed version. but you are now -- your title is digital director. it's a pretty expanded role from what a digital director was in 2012. brad: yes. in 2010, i was hired -- actually, a phone call happened before that. i was hired to be -- to make a real estate website. it was basic. however, i knew it was probably a good step to get inside with the trump organization and trump family being from san antonio, texas. we don't have a lot of trumps in san antonio. it was a good opportunity. i got a contract making a website. i knew that i had to have a competitive price to compete in the new york market, since i had
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only been to new york once in my life. that's how i first started. over a six year period of time, five-year period of time, i got more and more contracts with the trump family. i became kind of -- throughout the organization knowing the family and different things going on, so when the campaign came, i got an initial contract. it was basic. $1500 for a splash page for the exploratory committee. at the end, we know now about $93 million my company was paid. natalie: calling you a political outsider wouldn't be an understatement. brad: i never worked on a political campaign before this one. natalie: now $93 million later, what would you sum up as some of your biggest things you brought into politics? brad: that's a big summary. i think you have to understand the entire process of the campaign. if you look at the campaign, it was stuck in three major stages.
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if you follow the media, that was tied along with two major firings or let goes or people leaving. version 1.0, which i pretty much called the day he came down the escalator to pretty much the republican convention. that's version 1.0 of the campaign. that role, my role is probably the smallest. not minuscule, but it wasn't as large as in 3.0. you take the 2.0, the campaign from the republican convention right before the republican convention to i believe somewhere in august -- august 22, i think, is the date. then that's where 3.0 started. then you have 3.0, which is i call the general campaign where we became a media engine. go to the first version of the campaign, my role was more of a consultant. i ran most of the entire primary digital and advertising from the
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laptop in my living room. i had no -- they didn't want to pay for my staff at that point. we had no budget. most of the major vendors -- twitter, google, facebook -- didn't know i existed. i got random phone calls in the night. are you the guy doing the digital stuff for trump? as it became obvious he was in this. i built most of all -- i didn't have any data scientists. i didn't have the great people i had later in the campaign. i had to do pretty much home-based marketing efforts to try to maximize our effort across social media platforms. now one thing i learned in politics, the 1.0 version is a more ideological different competition than version 3.0. the needs were different. i think as you see as we progress on to 2.0, i would actually say my role is the least in 2.0 around the convention. the rnc started to step up. you have coa operations. you have people that have a big implementation what's going to
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be done. at this point, we're just -- 2.0 turned into fund-raising, less into media operations and persuasion. 3.0 turned into kind of the -- what i would consider the closest to what have i done for 20 years, a media conquest of trying to bring home the vote. you have to understand the three things to ask the right question. natalie: you had a candidate who famously talked a lot about how he didn't need data early on. brad: he didn't need it in 1.0. natalie: things like that. was it you that was doing any of the convincing to say, we do need to bring on data? we do need data in this campaign? what turned that tide? brad: if you ask mr. trump today, he would still say he could win it. i think that there was other people within -- kushner who is ivanka's husband and mr.
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trump said -- he didn't rule it out. he just said make me believe. i think that's something he now does. the 1.0 was different. i think at that point, what mr. trump's message during media and those things, it was an important role as 1% here and there to win certain states. it wasn't the overarching thing driving the campaign in version 1. in version 2, the significant thing, digital operation brought the turn key digital fundraising in a few days. that partnership came with the relationship with the rnc, individuals out here who made me look really smart. the people from the rnc stepped in to help us build this fundraising opportunity. we ended up raising over $260 million online. i think that was an important step of that.


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