tv Washington Journal CSPAN December 29, 2016 7:00am-10:01am EST
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center for american progress and tribune reporter julian aguilar on how immigration ♪olicy affects border states. host: good morning. it's thursday, december 29, 2016. the headline on today's "washington journal" focus on the war of words between john kerry and the israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, over who's to blame for the dwindling prospects of a two state middle east peace deal. couldary kerry, in what be his last major address before leaving office, accuse the prime minister and other israeli officials of sabotaging peace to haltby refusing
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settlement building in palestinian territories. the prime minister shot back, calling the secretaries speech biased against israel and renewing the claim to the united states was behind a recent un security council resolution condemning the settlements. officials tonight. today we are taking your calls and asking for your views on u.s. israeli relations. republican host: you can also reach us on social media. host: more about secretary kerry's major speech yesterday in "usa today." "defending the controversial decision defending israeli settlements, saying that the obama administration wants to
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push a two state solution for .eace with the palestinians he says -- at whatt's take a look secretary of state carry had to say yesterday at the state department. [video clip] kerry: literally hundreds of conversations with prime minister netanyahu, i have made clear that continued settlement activity would only increase pressure on international response. we have all known for some time that the palestinians were intent on moving forward in the u.n. with the settlements
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resolution and i advised the that minister repeatedly further settlement activity only invited you and action. yet the settlement activity just increased. unprecedented legislation to legalize settler outposts that the prime minister himself reportedly warned could expose israel to action at the security council and even international prosecution before deciding to support it. in the end we could not in good conscience protects the most extreme elements of the settler movement as it tries to destroy the two state solution. could not good conscience turn a blind eye to palestinian actions the fanned hatred and violence. it is not in u.s. interests to help anyone on either side create a unitary state. they may not be able to stop them, but we cannot he expected
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to defend them. it is certainly not the role of any country to vote against its own policies. that is why we decided not to block the u.n. resolution that makes it clear that both sides have to take steps to save the two state solution father is still time. this decisione lightly. the obama administration has always defended israel against any effort at the u.n. and any and ofnternational forum our highest or one-sided resolution that seeks to undermine its legitimacy or security. that has not changed. it didn't change with this for. but remember, it's important to note that every knighted states administration, republican and democratic, as opposed settlements is contrary to the prospects for peace. host: more from "usa today,"
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with prime minister netanyahu's reaction. as lashed out at his speech almost as unbalanced as the anti-israel resolution passed at the u.n. last week -- host: thomas is calling from flushing, new york area good morning, thomas. caller: good morning. how are you? host: i am good. what are your thoughts about yesterday's speech from secretary kerry and the reaction from prime minister then yahoo!? caller: -- prime minister netanyahu? it's really aggravating these countries to the point where they could lash out. these middle eastern countries, they express with power. i kind of fear a war against the robot. this is coming to a time and we
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are very technologically advanced and we could possibly see a war against the robots. it could be as fictional as the one on battle star galactica or it could be something on do is turned into a weapon. it's that simple, folks. host: joe is calling in. what are your thoughts? of all, i'm a republican, i voted for trump, but i think that obama is right and i'm disappointed with trump not standing up for america first on this issue. one of the most important things, during the election trump was asked multiple times, accused of being a racist and a supremacist, so he's asked multiple times about support from david to, who came to fame for defending the right to live segregated and not have the federal government force integration. trump said that he disavowed that. but then later, here we see this
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issue here, which is basically about civil rights. host: are you there? i am.: jewish housing in the west bank, trump is now defending that. how can you disavowed david duke and yet support widespread jewish only or whites only housing in the west bank or anywhere? it doesn't pass muster with their own constitution. host: let's take a look at what secretary trump tweeted. host: prime minister netanyahu responded to that tweet saying
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-- we have randy calling in from collegeville, west virginia, on the independent line. good morning, randy. caller: yes, ma'am, good morning. i'd like to say that what kerry done was wrong. they are our greatest ally. israel has always had that land. there was never of palestine. there was always israel. when the roman general sacked israel and killed hundreds of thousands of jews by crucifying called it they palestine. there was never a palestine. it's always been israel. i wanted folks to know that. that was wrong that they done that. thank you. more on the speech from the financial times."
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"mr. kerry said that the west bank was being broken up -- host: sammy is coming in from north carolina on the democratic line. good morning, sammy. caller: just to go along with what they are saying about the swiss cheese, i saw a map yesterday and in the map, i thought that the settlements from israel, on the map isaiah places on they had the map, in the interior part of and thee and all, roads that the the -- the that the people from israel could use, it was like
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apartheid. you will never have any piece with a big landgrab like that existing. what let's take a look at part of the prime minister's response to secretary carries speech was yesterday. [video clip] netanyahu: the speech was almost as unbalanced as the anti-israel resolution at the u.n. last week. in a speech extensively about peace, secretary kerry paid lip to the unrelenting campaign of terrorism that has been waged by the palestinians against the jewish state for nearly a century. what he did was spend most of the speech blaming israel for the lack of peace. by condemning a policy of enabling jews to live in their historic homeland in their
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eternal capital, jerusalem. bombings,f suicide thousands, tens of thousands of rockets. millions of israelis in bomb shelters are not throwaway lines in a speech. they are the realities of the people of israel that they have had to endure because of these policies. policies that at the time one the thunderous applause of the world. i don't seek applause. i seek the security peace, and prosperity, and the future of the jewish state. the jewish people have sought their place in the sun for 3000 years. swayed by about to be mistake and policies that have caused great, great damage. need to be not lectured about the importance of peace by foreign leaders.
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israel's hand has been extended in peace to its neighbors from day one, from attorney first day . we pray for peace. we have worked for it every day since then. families of israeli have made the ultimate sacrifice to defend our country and advance peace. the independent line calling from fort lauderdale, florida. hi, joan. caller: good morning, good morning, actually from jacksonville. ,'m very disappointed in myself what this government has done and how we have the love fight is three -- israel. especially with this speech yesterday. i would just ask april that if you don't know anything about what's really going on and only through the news media, please just take a look at the map of the middle east and see how small israel is. and yet john kerry is asking for israel to divide their land with
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all of the other arab lands around? they are so much bigger. the other thing is, i agree with the other caller, the palestinians really didn't have a land. there wasn't a country called palestine. i know was called palestine, but the palestinians that were there came from other countries, coming to israel mainly to work. when they took over in 49, there was not much there except desert. they have built it up and have and otherstinians neighboring arabs to work with them. to the people,y have an open mind and try to look independently at the fact 's. the facts are that israel is building houses and we -- you know, america is condemning them for building while they are not condemning them for killing all the people that they have been killing.
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own people. i appreciate your time. thank you very much. appreciate c-span, too. is calling from terre haute, indiana. what are your thoughts, omar? iller: for the most part supported what john kerry said. my only criticism would be that everything he said he has known for years and years and years and all he had to say about what he said was because of prime minister netanyahu's attack. look, it's time for the american people to realize that israel was only interested in three things. in taking all the land they can take from the palestinians, interested in getting as much money as they can get from the united states. most recently 30 alien dollars. and they are interested in dragging the united states into a war against iran. the last comment would be -- this is almost a warning. president truman said this way back in the 1950's.
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jesus christ couldn't satisfy the jews and he was on earth. how in the world can john kerry, the united nations, or anyone else satisfy those people. thank you. host: some reaction to the speech was secretary kerry yesterday. action from lawmakers in "the new york times." denouncing the obama administration's -- host:
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beware of entangling alliances. more entangling alliance than the one we have at israel. we condemn the russians for annexing crimea, which was always russia, but when the israelis talk about annexing palestinian lands, we say nothing. that's all i have to say. thank you. sylvia is calling from kentucky. what are your thoughts? i think that the israeli leader has been disrespectful of obama through his administrations. the republicans have encouraged it. they have not tried to help obama in any way that they could. they have fought him all the way. he is lucky to have brought us is now,back to what it because we didn't have any republican help.
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trump thinks that he won? by a long shot, he didn't. how many more million people voted for her than him? you think she's helping the economy? well, a lot of us democrats are getting everything we want right .ow, before he gets in and he's going to pay bills with no demand. so, take that and put it in your pipe. the: ok, some reaction to speech from secretary kerry. the commentary column in "the washington times," by suzanne field, saying that it was the unkindest cut of all, saying that if israel were a nation in human form, like uncle sam or marianne, the symbol for france, long, bloody knives would be protruding from back and breast.
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it's shocking. even here in america, if you ask someone if he's of muslim dissent or from iraq, any of these places, you ask them -- israel and fix palestine? they will tell you to your face .hat all jews have to die and that is the only solution in the middle east. and it is extremely sad. that's why we have to help them. are surrounded by people that want them dead. they teach their children in schools that jews need to be eradicated from the earth. israel has, time after time, given concessions to the palestinians. as try to work with them. has tried to put forth agreements so that they can share the land. time after time they are told -- no, the only solution is for you to go. all right, some other
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headlines today from "the washington post." "syria declaring see if i -- vladimir putin announces the cease-fire was negotiated with russia and as ay and would act derringer. the truth will be followed by peace talks between the government and the opposition." that is a developing story this morning as we continue our discussion about secretary kerry's speech on middle east peace. mavis is calling in on the independent line. your thoughts? i support mr. kerry in all that he said yesterday. realize that we are the united states of america, not the united states of israel. mean, he wants war. he wants america to go to it. not israelis.
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he's very disrespectful. i mean, when you think about the leaders of palestine asking permission to leave their country, the got to go to checkpoints to go to work. he would not tolerate that here in america. that mr. netanyahu is very disrespectful. he's not a nice person. host: all right, an editorial today from "the new york times." and the two israel state solution, over the past week differences between israel and the united states have a scolding into diplomatic confrontation between these closest of allies. reflecting not only -- not any change in american policy, but a dangerousas -- evolution in israeli policy under the government of prime from an netanyahu, away acceptance of a negotiated two thee resolution regarding
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israeli conflict with the palestinians. the dispute also arises from a mental practice of mr. netanyahu of making his government them were nakedly partisan player in american politics than any foreign government in memory save russia. it's hard to see how either move by this israeli government serves the israeli long-term interest." in on thecalling democratic line. good morning, janice. caller: good morning. host: what are your thoughts, today? caller: this was secretary kerry us finest hour. the two state solution is democratic and fair. this would also be a friendly gesture to all arabs of the middle east, leading to peace. the only other choice for america would be to get out of the middle east entirely. thank you. and he is calling from
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iowa on the independent line. what are your thoughts? caller: i agree that we need to back off and had israel and palestine exchange phone numbers. .et them exchange words we should not -- it's like -- you are in the middle of a marital fight, but jim, he ticked me off. he said that israel should have no roads, even natural? in that on steroids second part? it really got me going. reparations? not just from israel, but from us to the palestinians. when the jewsit set up camp in the 60's before i was born. it was a few trailers and a wooden fence. they had no idea, no permission, nothing to do with it. we didn't take it. we shouldn't have to repair it.
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get again with the democrats with -- let's borrow money to hand theway and then american public the bill. why in the world is everyone think that we can buy now and pay later? we are in debt, we are broke. stop borrowing money to give it away. if they need it, let them go barlett. have a call here from akron, ohio, in -- on the independent line. what are your thoughts? hoping thats just the entire jewish population of america now realizes that the , andrats, president obama john kerry are all a bunch of anti-semites. it's easy to see because they were the starters of the kkk and several other hate groups. and this is no different.
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dan is calling in from independents, oregon. good morning. would say thati i agree with terry. second, the israeli people took theypalestine the same way got the land originally, they killed and they everybody, man, woman, and child , animals, left no stone upon another. that's what they are trying to do again. as far as taxes go, just want to bring that up, i'm going in the first of the year and switching my w-4 to independent because i don't want to pay federal taxes, like the president. thank you very much. according to "the new york times," the two state solution is nearing the end of its shelf life, saying that in the middle of the harsh exchanges was an increasing sense that the two state solution to the
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palestinian israeli conflict favored by much of the world no longer seems plausible, at least for now. + host: and tony is calling in from rochester, michigan. good morning, tony. caller: good morning. i just want to mention that i agree with kerry. i mean, two states is the only way. allthe people saying that
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of the arabs there want to kill israelis, there is 1%, maybe, who say that, but you guys also got to understand the fact that if you check how many people from the airplane bombings and stuff, you can see why the hatred is there. they both got to understand that the only way to have peace there , they got to understand and accept the fact that they can i have two states. also, the israelis they do this with $8 billion from the united states. i mean, give me a break. if they are not going to keep the palestinians wanting to kill them, living in fear, how are they going to get the money? what is it used for, then? host: -- host: jackson is
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calling in from wichita, kansas. good morning, jackson. himer: god told moses, put on a mountain, said does look, far as you can see. the land will be yours. syria, iran, jordan. all the land. and then it shrunk down to the land of canaan. israel was named after jacob. israel is jacob. , the land ofel israel, to the jews. the palestinians would not have any of that land. god would take it from them. and he said that those who bless israel are blessed. those who curse israel are cursed. mr. obama and his crew, they had better duck. thanks a lot. have a great day. we action tost:
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the speech from secretary kerry, " reports that mahmoud abbas responded by calling on israel to freeze housing construction in order to restart .egotiations "the minute they agree to cease all activities around east jerusalem and agreed to implement the signed agreement based on mutual reciprocity, the palestinian leadership stands ready to resume -- resume permanent status edwards, calling from washington, d.c.. what do you think about this, edward? i teach the prophecy. the obama administration has to israel.ndest giving them more than all the other presidents in the past.
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israel, it wasf the invitation from the republican congress, but they have gotten more help from barack obama and john correct -- john kerry was correct. the israelis had the most modern defense system under the aid of the artillery. read your bibles, please, republicans. they go from the sea of galilee all the way to the dead sea in the jordan river, which goes wrong along the west bank. the only possible solution for peace in israel is the arrangement between the palestine's and the israelis, the agreed arrangement. that was bill clinton who opened it up. this is the owner of the peace in the region. look at the map right now. you can see easily what's going on here.
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the state of israel is between syria and jordan. it really goes down from the sea with 5000 people to the sea of galilee. people, theble, answer is already there. in the hope for the solution, israel is outnumbered 100 times more than the people surrounding it. this is the hope to have peace in the region. thank you very much. calling in from georgia on the independent line. your thoughts, david? caller: please let me finish, don't hang up on me, i know you have a habit of doing that. up until 1947, when the zionists set up israel, islam took care of the jews. . mean, whoever was there
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first of all, those jews that are there are europeans. they are fake jews. they are not the same jews, where black people, dark skinned people. we have all been told bunch of lies. there is a book out right now called the general son. wars,d fought the six-day they established what was there now. he became a champion of the palestinians. he has now taken of his father's calling doing the same thing. this is on youtube if you want to find it. he talked about all the lies that were told and how the propaganda was set to set this thing up. they called in strikes in things , saying that the arabs were doing this and that, but they didn't do that, they didn't do any of that. , it's a land a lie grab over there.
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day's all it has been since one. headlines today from "the new york times," president-elect donald trump has plans to bring jobs to the u.s., reporting that the president-elect took credit on wednesday for decision by sprint at 5000 jobs in the united states as he tried to deliver on his promise to force corporate america to focus on job creation at home rather than abroad. saying that he was just called by the people at sprint and they would be bringing 5000 jobs back to the united states.
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host: kathryn is calling in from springfield, massachusetts on the democratic line. what do you think about u.s. israeli democratic relations? those arerst of all, not the true israelites. they didn't come from a sham. they came from sunday gomer and ask not. they don't have but one drop of lot of abraham in them. people are the true israelites. we are always the ones who had true war. they are phonies and they know it. if you read the chapter, they tell you. the bible calls them the garden of satan. they have no right to any of that land. not the arabs or anybody else because he never made no covenant with nobody. he only made the covenant of the hebrews that came out of egypt.
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our ancestors, they're the only ones that came out of there in a slave ship. and we were sold. we are the true israelites according to the king james bible. now, i didn't write that bible. all you've got to do is go read genesis, the 11th chapters, it tells you where it all started. besides, if they was the true israelites than abraham and moses and all of them people would be walking around over there. saying that he was going to bring them to put in the land. government had no right to go over there and put them there. carol is calling in from st. louis on the independent line. lady,: i agree with that they are fake jews. it is a synagogue of satan. i'm a veteran and a taxpayer and i'm sick of sending my money to
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israel, the original terrorists. they terrorize their way through there, they got that land. they been killing palestinians ever since. host: some of the other headlines today report that president obama's guantanamo policy is coming to an end with the last real settlement plan, saying that the obama administration has informed congress of its plan to resettle as many as 19 detainees held at guantanamo bay, cuba, in a final sprint to pare down the inmate population at the military prisons. even if the transfers occur before january 20 as planned, about 40 inmates will remain at the facility, a lasting reminder of president obama's failure to deliver on his inauguration day andise to close the prison an illustration of the difficulty of following through on one of his central national security goals.
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host: jeff calling from lexington, oklahoma. what are your thoughts between the u.s. and israel? jeff: thank you, c-span. in 1967, just after andsix-day war, they took made israel give palestine -- palestinians some land. after that? after that there have been four times that israel has given up 70%, 80% of the land to the palestinians? for peace? it.they reneged on
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they did it again in gaza. took all of their people out and what became of gaza? thank you very much. and is calling in from woodstock, illinois. hello, and. speechesi found the between the yahoo! and carried to be enlightening for what they did and didn't say. kerry is thatjohn on the oslo accords, did he say that israel breached those accords by continuing to build settlements? and if that's the case, you know, words do mean something. netanyahu, i think that it was remarkable for what he didn't say. he was offended at the position that kerry took, but he didn't
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deny breaching the accord's. he didn't mention any of those things. , you't know that we can know, tell them how to negotiate their problems, but there is one thing i do agree with, this has gone on for far too long and they are going to have to sit down and work this out themselves. thank you for taking my call. host: other headlines as well. from "the washington times," c-span unveils president-elect trump's first presidential portrait. goldman undertones and a certain formalr, the very first oil portrait was made public on wednesday by c-span, the first portrait created since he was elected, joining 44 other presidential portraits showing off the american president like portrait exhibit that has been
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touring the united states for .he past 17 years the trump portrait is the latest addition to the only complete collection of american presidential oil portraits produced by one artist, north carolina painter and sculptor, chad they can, who is a painter of noted works, like the ronald reagan statue at reagan national airport and the official portrait of mother teresa. you can see the portrait and read more about the exhibit on our homepage, from newportling news, virginia. what are your thoughts about the relationship between israel and the united dates? thank you for taking my call. i think we are further alienating israel by not agreeing with secretary kerry's position and the obama administration's position. that in ordernk
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for this to be established in israel it definitely has to be a two-party state. this is not about -- this really is about white guilt. it's what the aryan race has committed against the jewish people and as her direct result of that they are trying to arrive at justice by destroying the palestinian people. ok, sam is calling in from goose creek. sam: good morning. happy holiday, everyone, first. a couple of things real quick. i believe that the settlements are land grab. ally, but they are just one of many allies. they are not the top of the ally list, right? also, the fellow from ohio that called and said you are an anti-semi, we have heard this anyoned dance anytime
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disagrees with tel aviv and it's old and tired. also, for everyone the claims that israel is our best ally? i suggest you read about the uss again. and then tell me good day. everett is calling in from los angeles on the independent line. good morning, everett. >> how are you doing? good morning, happy new year coming up? -- coming up. my take on the united states and israel situation is this, that land over there doesn't belong to the arabs were the jews. read the book by chancellor williams, the construction of the black civilization and you will really see what is going on over there. the name of the book, again, destruction of black civilization by chancellor williams. at arielle sharon,
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coming from kiev, ukraine, the rest of them, they took that land. the land over there belongs to the black man. called theook destruction of black civilization. page, "thes opinion wall street journal" took a critical view of the speech from secretary kerry yesterday, calling it a rage against israel. in the speech he reportedly went out of his way to personalize his differences with the current israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, claiming that he leads the most right wing in israeli history. but israelis also remember that mr. netanyahu ordered a settlement freeze that also brought peace no closer. the west knows that jewish settlements are not the main obstacle to peace. if they were, gaza would be on
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its way to becoming the costa rica of the mediterranean. the obstacle is the palestinian rejection of the israeli right to exist as a jewish state under any borders. host: patricia is calling in from houston, texas. your thoughts, patricia? patricia: i agree with secretary kerry and i am so glad that somebody finally stood up for , because benjamin netanyahu is not the president of the united states, but you couldn't tell that by republicans always -- if you say anything about israel and benjamin netanyahu? presidentall over obama. anything he says. president obama just up to the
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fee that they give them from $30 billion to $38 million. now the republicans are right now in the house piling up bills so donald trump consigned them downat they can take medicare, medicaid, social security, food stamps, and these are american people that they are taking money from, giving and they ilion dollars would rather have benjamin n yahoo! is the president instead of barack obama. they hate him so much. that secretary kerry stood up and said what he said. he was exactly right. thank you. other headlines from "the wall street journal," the gop is pushing a rule change after statements from the house floor, saying that making audio or
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video recordings on the house floor is about to carry a financial price, a consequence that jew rebukes from republicans for violating the chamber's customs and standards. host: that action is after the -- houseby house cap democrats over gun control, carried on streaming services that were also carried here on c-span. carrie is calling in from bel air, maryland. i can't understand how
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the majority is so for this palestinian state. israel, that's their land. the palestinians are the terrorists. they are the ones who are knifing and killing the israelis every chance they get, trying to crawl through the ground to get to these people. i have never seen anything like it. a woman said have benjamin yahoo! disrespected obama? administration has disrespected benjamin netanyahu from the very beginning. obama from the very beginning immediately was not going to do anything like that. i can't either not agree with carried saying that the palestinians are the terrorists and i feel like benjamin netanyahu is the utmost in. he is a very smart man. look at how they work so diligently to keep their people safe. land. sliver of
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they are surrounded by huge hostels. huge amounts of land. every single one of those people are against them. the palestinians don't want peace, they want israel wiped off the map area that's my comment. greg, what are your thoughts today? me say again, i'm 37 years watching c-span, always appreciated the show and of the kind of objectivity that you , withrom your colleagues the media showing bias. i agree not only with present -- with president obama but the entire united states. going back to george h.w. bush, president carter, president george w. bush, president clinton, and president obama in terms of trying to set a two state solution for this particular area. particular area has always created problems for the united states. particularly because of the -- i
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think, bias that the majority of the people in the united states have shown towards the palestinians. my question would be -- what would the israelis suggest that we do or that they do with the palestinians? there was an effort to try to an olive -- annihilate them in 1933. should we just push them off the land that they share? the palestinians and the israelis? at that time it was said that god made that land for all those people in those areas. in this country we have been subjected to -- and i would like the propaganda, ever since the country was given -- since the land was given after world war ii to the israelis. bias to moveeen a the palestinian people off the land that they were already on when the migration came, to come in to get the land.
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nobody talks -- about the terrorist organization that was fighting the british to take land to become a palestinian state. you have some very good historians to give you some history on this question. with all due respect to the other people who have called and just denigrated the palestinian people, to talk about how hateful in destructive they are in killing israelis, you haven't talked about the degree of casualties that the israelis have suffered. one final thing before you cut me off. when they call again to talk tax thatut the kind of the israeli puts on the liberty ships, it was a known attack of the judge killed. 34 sailors still out there. israel has enjoyed carte blanche propaganda with the united states and it's too bad, i think, and with president trump coming in and benjamin netanyahu
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looking for some very serious warlike problems coming up if this thing doesn't go through. thank you very much. other headlines today, president-elect trump taking ,ues from jfk for his speech privately telling several visitors that his winter retreat -- at his winter retreat that he is writing the first draft of his inauguration speech and is looking to residents reagan and kennedy for inspiration, according to three people familiar with the conversation. host: evelyn is calling in from
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detroit on the democratic line. good morning, evelyn. caller: how you doing? host: good, good, your thoughts? >> what we want to say is that 2017 is going to be casey's world. if we don't start wake up and loving each other like a whole world, we going to see a whole from jc.ssent the wind, the storms, the earthquake. he's going to take this country back. take the whole world back. as a people we don't have no respect for the elders or the little children, shooting them, killing them, stomping them. we had all better wake up and join hands together. the whole world needs to come together under one man, and that is jc. daddy, the mommy, the grand money, the whole family. listen to what the children's crusade is talking about.
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then guns, take them guns away, then bombs away. they for killing people. if you don't love your neighbor, something is wrong with you. from losie is calling angeles on the independent mind. your thoughts today, eddie? >> this is starting just like america started. europeans taking the land of people under the guise of religion. go into the bible. revelations 2:9 and 3:9, the word is spoken, those are fake jews, practicing in the synagogue of satan. that's in the bible. have a happy new year. priscilla is calling in from west hills, california. good morning, priscilla.
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caller: good morning, how are you. host: i'm good. what are your thoughts this morning on u.s. israeli risk -- relations? caller: my heart is breaking hearing all the people calling in. sounds like a lot of them are blacks who are calling. i hear anti-semitism. i hear people quoting the bible, the king james bible. i read it. different read is from what they are quoting. and i'm so sad. that is israel's land. in fact, it is more than what they are sitting on right now. they have given up so much land to the palestinians. they always say that they want them annihilated. it's awful. i can't imagine what we would feel right here if mexico and canada were doing to us what all
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of those people surrounding israel are doing to them, every single day, you know? we have problems with isis and with the people and what they did to the twin towers. that happens to israel every single day. they have to build bunkers just to try and live and survive. theso saddened to hear majority of the people calling in here this morning that are so anti-israel and agreeing with carrie and with obama. it breaks my heart. i'm a black person and i know what god said. if you curse israel, you will be cursed. if you bless israel, you will be blessed. the people need to come back. i don't know where they get this, these people being phony. it breaks my heart. it hurts today.
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sasha is calling in from clifton. while your thoughts, josh? >> thank you for taking my call. i have two main complaints. one, previous callers, as they have discussed, no one seems to be really talking about it, religion and its role in the discussion. fighting over a city that people deem holy. with that in mind, my second point is, since the u.n. created israel, why not have the u.n. get involved in the -- in the and force a two state solution? make jerusalem and independent city? by itself? historically it has been that way before. takeot just have the u.n. control, solve it for everybody, since they can't seem to take
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care of it themselves. thank you. david is calling in -- host: david is calling from west virginia. where your thoughts this warning, david? are you there? caller: yes. host: what are your thoughts, today? mute your television and listen through your phone, david. caller: yes, i'm here. host: ok, go ahead. caller: i just want to say that this administration has not only turned its back on israel, it has turned its back on god. you know, like the lady said earlier, if this nation wants to be blessed, then we need to pick up the king james version of the bible and read it. it says that the nations the bless israel shall be blessed. wherewant to get back to trump says we need to be, then i
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think he's going in the right direction. bless israel, we shall be blessed. he's doing the right thing. god bless him. thank you. coming up, wet, will talk to to experts about what changes might be coming to immigration policy with the incoming trump administration. jessica vaughan and tom javits --jessica vaughan and tom jawetz . later on, we will have a guest and weing the border will take a closer look at how immigration is impacting border states. we will be right back. ♪ >> the c-span video library is an easy way to search and view c-span programs and to help is
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dr. robert browning, the executive director of the c-span archives. >> the main site is look on the front page. on the left side are all of the and the presidential evidence of that day, political campaign events. right underneath that on the left side is a link that says recent events. they appear in the order they were on the network. you can search for a person's 117,000ery person, people have pages that contain all of their video. on that page is a link, a search box, you put in a word. let's say you want sheila jackson lee, and then you put in -- let's say they talked about climate change. tomorrow, members of the congressional black caucus will receive the signatures and statements demanding that this body supports president obama's
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clean power plan. >> if you want ted poe speaking on the house floor talking about iraq, put in those words, and that will get you to particular small pieces, almost like paragraphs, were they made the remarks. >> the soldiers were part of the second armored or gated combat team of the first cavalry division. american soldiers were voluntary that's more to protect the united states. >> across the time we have a link where we have all of our video clips. you can find the clips that people make that are available for others to look for. >> who leaves first, obama or assad? >> i certainly hope it is assa d. but i don't think so. what a bizarre decision by
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the president of mexico to invite donald trump down there. ,> then on the far left side there are breakdowns, like you would find on any other shopping website, you can say i want to see a particular person's name, a particular senate committee, for a policy. the left side is valuable for narrowing down. >> on the c-span video library at joining us now from boston is jessica vaughan, she is the director of policy studies at the center for immigration studies. here in washington is tom jawetz , vice president for immigration at the center for american progress. they are here to discuss how the trump administration and congress will approach not only illegal immigration but also
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legal immigration in the united states and the changes that may happen. thank you both for joining us today. let's start with you, tom. how would you describe the trump administration's current approach from what has been said so far on both legal and illegal ?mmigration tom tom: honestly, we don't know right now. there is concern from statements that have been made on the campaign between president-elect trump and candidate trump. has been ans immigration hardliner, not only on the issue of how you deal with immigration but also legal immigration as well. there is some concern about what impact that will have not just on the millions of authorized immigrants in the country today, many millions of citizens and residents who live in those
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households, and also the legal immigration programs in our country and the families, businesses, schools, institutions that rely upon them. host: time magazine reprinted some of his comments about immigration. i will read them and then we will go to you, jessica, to get some reaction. president-elect trump said, i'm going to build the wall. stronggoing to have borders but we will also have people coming across the border because we need workers.
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can we gauge from what we have heard from president-elect trump so far? jessica: it is clear the emphasis first will be securing the border. in particular, putting up a wall, additional barriers to make the border more secure. my think there will also be a restoration of more enforcement in the interior of the country and a return to more traditional types of immigration enforcement including worksite enforcement. you read,ments that he is reaffirming this idea that most americans agree, immigration is a great thing for our country, but the question is, in what numbers, and have it can be done in a way that does not cause problems for americans. i think we will see more balance in an approach that tries to
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avoid the negative effects of mass immigration and uncontrolled immigration that we have had for the last few years. host: we are talking with jessica vaughan from the center for american studies. jawetz, from the center for american progress, about immigration policy, both legal and illegal immigration under the incoming trump administration. we also have a line for illegal immigrants, if you are in the country illegally. tom, in terms of what the focus will be, of people here in the country illegally, we know the president-elect wants to focus on border security, but he has to deal with the roughly 11
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million people here illegally. what can we expect realistically he can do about that? tom: the first decision he will need to make is what he will do with the 740,000 young people who have come forward in the last two years under the daca initiative, provided information to the government, received work authorization, people who came to the country years ago as children, many of them only know the u.s. as their home. they have already received this protection. works, once you get this protection, it last for a period of two years of essentially. people will be coming up for renewal of that policy very early on into the administration. has been-elect trump unclear about how he intends to handle the situation. you are beginning to see now a lot of bipartisan support in
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congress, strong statements by lindsey graham, in particular, others as well, saying the worst thing we could do is for the u.s. government, after offering this policy and incentive people to provide this information, to pull the rug out from under them and, in the worst case scenario, use that information to pursue them. are the options available to donald trump, and what might he do with the dreamers? jessica: this is a problem that was created by president obama. he did not have the authority to provide work permits to these people. only congress can do that. the solution rests with congress. i would expect president-elect trump to rescind the improper executive action that president obama issued on not just the dreamers but many other aspects
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of immigration policy, because they were improper and unconstitutional, and did not solve this problem. i would expect him to turn to congress to solve it. i don't think congress will be ready to do that until some robust immigration enforcement is in place so that we do not continue to have illegal immigrants coming here, giving them a reason to try to get here before legalization. i would expect to see some kind of an attempt to work this out in congress that might involve an offset in legal immigration numbers. in other words, if congress is going to provide green cards to the dreamers, then there should be some kind of offset, or elimination of other immigration categories that have come off, outlived their usefulness, like the visa lottery or the category
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of siblings of u.s. citizens, in order to mitigate the impact of giving the green cards to these dreamers and help to modernize our immigration system. post" ine washington an editorial had this to say about president trump. his most recent stance suggest dreamersould depart what do you think about that assessment of the potential plan by the president-elect? again, very unclear.
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the things that come out of his mouth, or his two thumbs on twitter, it is pretty impossible to know what he is saying. you will see one message on his twitter feed and then you will see another one literally contradicting it on our later. so i don't know what to expect. onhave seen a renewed focus targeting immigrants in the country who have more serious criminal convictions under this administration. led to increased consequence for people entering the country without authorization, both in terms of imposing formal removal orders against them and also criminal prosecutions. a high level of enforcement from this administration compared to the past administration. i don't think this administration cut any credit for it. what you heard from jessica vaughan earlier, this idea that you would prevent people today
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from bringing siblings into the country so they can be reunified , that is somehow offsetting green cards to people who are already in the country, does not make any sense, unless your goal is to reduce immigration into the country. that is a stated goal from the center of immigration studies, but that is not something that makes sense logically and is not in the economic interest of this country. host: carl is calling in from chicago on the democratic line. you are on with jessica vaughan and tom jawetz. republicans, i don't know for how many years, have been using immigration as a wedge issue. the most significant thing you could do to control immigration is at the employment level. they don't want to do that because they do not want to offend the business communities.
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when they talk about securing the border, that is a big lie. we are never going to have a border that will satisfy what they call secure. secure in their terms -- the only place in the one where we had that kind of security that they suggest they want is a place called north korea where you have the dmz zone, land mines, barb wire fences, soldiers waiting to shoot people. the republicans have had every opportunity to do reform, and when they had the opportunity, they never stepped up to do it. president obama tried to get them to do reform. for the lady to say what he did he asked for reform and they refused to act. host: let's give jessica vaughan a chance to respond. jessica: there are some truth to what the caller said. it is true immigration security is not just about border security.
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at least 40% of the people who are here in the country illegally came here on a visa and overstayed past their time on that visa. that is a big problem. them to doentive for that is because they can get a job in this country. certainly, focusing on illegal hiring is going to have to be a part of the trump administration's immigration enforcement plan if we are going to control illegal immigration. that is why most people come here illegally. one of the biggest roadblocks in achieving immigration control has been the house republican alignedip that has been with the interests of employers who take advantage of the cheap labor that illegal immigration offers them. that will have to be dealt with. immigration has never been an issue that falls neatly into
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republican and democrat ideology . but i do think the majority of republicans in the house of representatives, in the u.s. senate are going to want to do more enforcement and address the problem of illegal employment ,hrough things like e-verify addressing problems in false documents, stolen social security numbers, things like that. i very much hope that will be a part of enforcement that we see restored under the trump administration. the obama administration, there were high deportation levels, according to the chart, we can see, there was inip in 2005, but a high 2012. ,ver 400,000 deportations primarily people convicted of a crime. we saw the percentage remain mostly the same of criminals
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versus noncriminal immigration violations. high levels of deportation nonetheless. do you expect, tom, that the trump administration will try to keep up or increase the levels we have seen? tom: all appearances suggest that we expect the numbers to increase. having said that, i think they will come up against a natural barriers that will make it more difficult to do that. one of the reasons why this administration has gone removal , one,s up has been focusing on people apprehended crossing the border, and, two, ,mong those convicted of crimes engaging in a number of programs to get more information during the cooking process -- booking process the time of arrest. this next administration will
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certainly ramp up those but what routes, jessica is alluding to is maybe an increase in workforce enforcement raids, home rates. that say policies certain sensitive locations like churches, hospitals, where you generally do not do enforcement actions, because you don't want to does incentivize -- this where they people must go, for example, parents dropping off their kids at school there they are citizens and have the right to go there. this administration could begin to break down those barriers. up.e is a big hurdle coming we are far exceeding our detention capacity. under this administration, while immigrations customs enforcement is housing 34,000 people on any given day, for the last couple of months, it has been at around
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45,000. a large percentage of those are people requesting protection from persecution, requesting asylum. that will be an area where this next administration will see what it will do with that. we could see a huge boon to the private prison industry. host: jessica, what do you think about the deportation numbers and what could happen in the next administration? jessica: there is only one place to go and it is up. going to be very easy for the trump administration to increase deportations of all kinds, particularly deportation of criminal aliens. they will end the catch and release policies and the start using more accelerated forms of due process where appropriate. they will start going after people who have been deported before. this is one thing the obama administration stopped doing in
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2014 largely. they nullified all those prior deportation orders, and that means people come back after they are deported. you see these stories of people deported multiple times and everyone wonders why they are here. i think there will be a crackdown on cases like that. i think we will see a crackdown on sanctuary jurisdictions also. eyes possiblyut making arrests in the community. i don't think ice will start hauling people out of churches, first-graders out of school, or anything like that, but the problem is when the sanctuary jurisdictions are allowed to have these policies that ., they have no choice but to arrest people in their homes. prefer that they make the arrests in jail, which is safer for everybody. that is something that needs to
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be addressed early in the administration, i'm sure. caller on our public in, arkansas. good morning. -- republican line, arkansas. i had my car stolen in the 70's by illegal immigrants. i asked the officer, i would run for attorney general for the state of california and we would hang all the car thieves. haveughed at me and said i 600 cars stolen, i cannot even do that paperwork on the crimes the illegals do. host: reaction to the issue on crime from people here illegally? thatthis is an issue president-elect trump brought a lot of attention to. focusing on some of the facts here would be helpful.
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of all the studies that have been done on this issue, they show there is no causal link between unauthorized status and criminality. as the unauthorized population has increased, violent crimes around the country have decreased. border cities are among the safest cities in the entire country. when you look at how likely it is that an unauthorized immigrant will be imprisoned compared to a native born american, their rates of criminality and imprisonment are far lower. any crime is a problem, certainly. i know jessica has about a lot of work -- done a lot of work focusing on victims of serious crimes from unauthorized immigrants. those are serious and we should look at policy reforms that could be made in those cases. but we cannot choose a bogeyman without focusing on the fax more broadly. you can build the wall, you can bring legal immigration down to
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to have are still going violent crime, we will still have serious problems. we need to take a more holistic view informed by the facts rather than bogeyman approaches. host: jessica vaughan? jessica: research shows immigrants, illegal immigrants less likely or to commit a crime. we know that there are certain types of crimes associated with illegal immigration, human smuggling, drug trafficking, kidnapping, identity theft, gang activity, and so on. the question is not our immigrants more likely to commit crime, that is not important. the question is what we do with that small fraction of the noncitizen population that has committed crimes. the answer has to be that they should be a priority for
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close these that we cracks that criminal aliens are able to pull through because of sanctuary policies and other problems in our systems, and make sure they are not released. the obama administration released 80,000 criminal aliens with convictions over two and a half years. that has to stop. many of these individuals went on to commit additional crimes. these could have been prevented if we would have removed them efficiently. thatis one area of focus has to be there for the trump administration. jessica and i agree on a lot of this. this administration has been top on removing people convicted of crimes. but i will say a number of those released from custody after having been convicted or charged percentage-- a large of those individuals were released from custody because an
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immigration judge set a bond for them and they posted bond. that is not unusual, that is how we handle things in the criminal justice system all the time. these are people that they could not hold because they posted their bond. jessica: we should not have been in a drawnout court process to begin with. a lot of them could have been removed in a much more accelerated form of due process, in a way that avoids long ,etentions, which is not only you know, not a great experience for the aliens going through that, but also costly for the taxpayer, slows the whole system down. there are lots of policy measures that can be put in place to make the system work better for everybody. the topic tohange border security, something that president-elect has talked a lot about. let's take a look at what a border patrol chief, mark morgan , said at a recent hearing about the fencing that is there now and what else may be needed.
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>> fencing works. a better wall works, and it will also help relieve the personnel issues. actid pass the secure fence . i don't think we have built the type of fencing that will work. miles,t suggesting 1700 but we need better fencing in more areas. i wanted a quick comment on that. yes, sir, i agree. i can give you a quick example. i visited a san diego sector, a stretch where there are a few miles where there are primary fence and secondary pedestrian fence. not only did that work to stem the flow elsewhere but by doing so, the chief told me, he was able to take 100 agents and put them elsewhere because it did not require that level of deployment. another sector where they told me that, at one point, the free
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market across on the u.s. side had all but dried up, an area where they put fencing up and the flow have stopped. now was a thriving shopping center once again. so it works on multiple levels, not just on the flow and our ability to do our job, but other aspects. so do we need more fencing? yes. does it work? yes. do we need it everywhere? no. is it the sole answer? no. it is part of a multilayered strategy. i was saying tongue in cheek, the fence is great, but if we don't have access, it is not as good. host: jessica vaughan, your thoughts on what is needed for border security, does it require the wall that donald trump has been talking about? agree with the chief. anybody who says the fence does not work has not seen the fence.
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it is working very well in southern california, el paso, a number of other areas. it works where it can be patrolled, but it is not the only answer. i think we will see some infrastructure, barriers that look more like a wall. that is appropriate in certain parts of the border. one of the real things that has been lacking is the policy to back it up. it does no good to have all of this fencing if people think, if they could just get by the border patrol, that they will be fine living in the united states illegally. or if they're able to walk up to border patrol agent's, turn themselves in, and find they are a lot to stay here and get a work permit for years, gaining our immigration court system. so we have to have the policies to back up the infrastructure. places where are fencing needs to be improved or
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enhanced, that is an area where i want to hear more about what border patrol agent's are seeing. i will not dispute that. san diego certainly has an intense system of fencing in place. my jessica was saying at the end is the crux of the matter. they, we really do not see level of people coming across the border that we saw historically, trying to evade border patrol, coming across in large numbers. we are now, and have for the last five years, have been at or near 40-year lows in apprehensions of unauthorized immigrants, which is the best proxy we have of crossings. primary concern are people coming to border patrol agent's, essentially coming into the country. when you are referring to is a credible fear process. in 1996, we instituted this ability to quickly remove people
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who were apprehended along the border. the one safeguard put into the process at that time, presented was ak smith of texas, credible fear process. the purpose was to make sure that we do not return people without any process to their home country to face persecution or torture abroad. that is the one safeguard we have in place. the people we are seeing coming to the border right now turning themselves in requesting protection, largely coming from free countries in central america experiencing extremely dislocation,ce, that is really what we are looking at in terms of the current border security challenge. from kenny is calling dodge city, kansas. democrat line. caller: thank you. i am 49, and i work in a body repair am a semi truck
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technician. i have been in manufacturing in my past. i have worked with hispanics side-by-side for many years. you know what? i think we need to do a little history lesson from the past until now. all of this is not by chance but by design. they are trying to get an influx of people because the business people, we don't know them, they say they cannot find enough young people to come in and do work. that is a lot of it. when it comes to the business owners, that is one thing the law would stop. the business owner does not want government telling them who they can and cannot hire. it is true. i am a white man. i understand the criminal part.
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don't worry about that, the criminal people -- that will take care of that. i am talking about people that want to work. i understand that. all of us white people moved up because we want our $60,000 a year job after we graduate from college. what i'm saying is, we need those twentysomethings to do our $40,000 a year jobs. host: let's give jessica a chance to respond. jessica: when we allow employers to bypass u.s. workers and legal immigrants in favor of illegal wayigrants, who can get a with paying less, that is a drain on our economy. or is no such thing as cheap labor. i'm is one area where actually in favor of a role for government, telling employers, you cannot hire whoever you
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want. you have to hire workers who are authorized to be in this country. is notnomy right now producing enough jobs, even for the people who are here now. we have historically high unappointed rate for young people in this country, approaching 25%. that is because of many reasons, but one reason is because employers have access to illegal immigrant workers, and that is denied opportunity for americans and illegal immigrants, and also has a wage depressing effect on especially those americans and illegal immigrants who have not had the benefit of a college education and are already at the margins of our society. the caller makes a number of great point. it is absolutely correct, businesses, historically, have wanted to have the ability to hire whoever they want.
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jessica make some good points as well for the need for government to come in and regulate the process through which we have a workforce that is able to do the work the country needs to get done, in order for everyone to benefit economically. the big question after that is what do you do next? this idea that the response to that would be enforcement only, imposing e-verify, work authorization, seeing how things magnet -- up the jobs that is a policy option we could pursue, but at the end of the day, all that we do is kill the economy and send jobs overseas. what we should do, i think, is look at what the country and what the economy and job market can sustain, and then ensure we have a legal immigration flow that can fit that. we do not want to put together policies that will be counter to the actual pressures of the market that are at play.
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at the end of the day, if you are looking at what an immigration reform package would look like, it is not a mystery. we had one in 2006 that passed the senate but not the house, another in 2013. these would combine effective for security, work authorization, and today we could be 10 years into a mandatory e-verify system. reform tolso involve our immigration system so that those same workers you are firm to would have the ability to get higher wages, fight for their labor protections so that not only will they and their coworkers not face the kind of exploitation or for conditions that flow from being able to unable to advocate for your rights. the rising tide will lift all sales. largelywhat economists fun when they look at the impact of immigrants on the u.s. economy, u.s. workers. host: the pew research center
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says the u.s. civilian workforce included 8 million unauthorized immigrants in 2014, accounting for 5% of those working or were .nemployed and looking for work susan is calling in on the independent line from walton, new york. good morning. i am calling in because i have an idea that may help stop illegal immigration. you have people you say are working illegally who have to use a social security number to be hired. they are using somebody else's social security number. the money that they earn on that number should go back to the person who it belongs to, and then the people coming in with think about coming in before they get here. i don't know if you agree with that idea but it seems the only way to pay back the people who had their identity stolen.
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i don't think as a practical matter you could attach salary payments to the person who owns the social security number. maybe this is what you are referring to, but i don't know. when an individual is using somebody else's security -- social security number and there is a mismatch between the name and the number, because of that and him, those funds going into a suspense file. the payroll taxes that are deducted from the person's paycheck and that going to the federal government and remain there in a suspense file until either the mismatch can be cleared up, or in perpetuity. workers wholions of are contributing to our social security system who don't have any prospect of benefiting from the system at the end of the day. i don't know if that is what you are referring to, that is the current situation, one of the major ways that the trust fund
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maine's solvent. host: jessica vaughan, your reaction? jessica: this is a useful conversation to have because it illustrates the federal government has the names and addresses of employers millions of illegal workers and could take action against them based on the fact that there are people out there working with either fake or usually stolen social security numbers. some of those funds could also be used for restitution for the people that have had their identity compromised by illegal workers. this, i think, is a really good way for the federal government to go after the problem of illegal employment and find especially those employers that have a business model of employing hundreds of illegal workers instead of hiring americans and illegal workers --
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legal workers. that would be a great place to start with enforcement. identify these mismatches and send notices to employers and tell them they cannot keep hiring these workers, that people should no longer be able to use a stolen social security number. the federal government does not even tell the real owner of that number it's been compromised. this causes lots of problems for people. you hear stories of people trying to join the military and were not allowed to because of problems on their social security number caused by an illegal worker, children who have not been able to access social services because somebody is working on their social security number, giving them income they don't have. we really need to clean this up for the benefit of the entire social security system and tax system.
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it will take what eight in between these government -- cooperation between these government agencies. one of the benefits of a legalization program, the daca initiative -- you now have 47,000 young people who are working with authorization. realizing their potential. they are not only contribute into their families but their communities more broadly. absolutely, the current situation is unsustainable and is not in the best interest of the country, the immigrants themselves, or american workers. we are right now not living in the best situation. the question is what is the best policy approach to maximize the gains we are currently getting from immigrants in the country today who are working and paying into the system, doing jobs that we need to be done.
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as the previous caller noted, he can then take the next level job, the supervisory job. that is the way that immigrants plug into our economy. the question is how we properly manage that situation. host: let's move onto to the topic of sanctuary cities. with the incoming trumpet ministration, some have vowed to offer sexuality to illegal immigrants. chicago mayor rahm emanuel met with donald trump recently. take a look at what he said after the meeting. >> i deliver to the president-elect and his chief of staff a letter signed by 14 mayors put together from across the country about our daca students. they were working hard toward the american dream. all of us fundamentally believe that these are students, some want to join the armed forces, they gave their name and address of where they are, they are
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trying to achieve the american dream. no fault of their own, their parents came here. they are summing that we should hold up and embrace. i presented the letter from all parts of the country, and we are clear, as mayors, these are dreamers who are seeking the american dream, and we should embrace them, rather than doing a bit and switch. i also spoke strongly about what it means to be a sanctuary city where we support the people who are here, like my grandfather who came to the city of chicago .s a 13-year-old 100 years ago chicago was a sanctuary city for my grandfather. his grandson today is the mayor of the city, which is a testament to the values and ideals of being america. host: the center for immigration a map showingowed where there are sexuality cities, counties offering some level of protection for immigrants.
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jessica, what do you think about mayor emanuel's comments? jessica: the problem with his approach, under the constitution, individual cities don't get to make policy and decide who stays in the country. we have a federal immigration system. what their policies are actually doing is obstructing legitimate enforcement of immigration laws. that cannot be tolerated. if they are going to have policies that are contrary to federal law and abstract federal law, then there will be consequences like funding cut off, litigation over their abstract of policies. the problem with a sanctuary policy is that they do not helpingtheir goal of establish trust between immigrant communities and the police. they only make things worse by
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freeing criminal aliens and protecting them from deportation , who then go want to cause harm in the same communities. host: i want to give tom a chance to jump in. tom: when it comes to deciding what is the best way to police local jurisdictions to get trust from communities to ensure public safety, which is the primary mission of local law enforcement, local officials. i trust local officials and i will not second guess what the chiefs association or what police chiefs have said around the country have said is the best way to ensure they get the trust and corporation of their communities. host: landry is calling from texas. caller: good morning, thank you for taking my call. my question is, should there be a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants? yes, absolutely.
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we very strongly support the idea that, if done correctly, it is important for authorized immigrants in the country today to earn a path to citizenship. what that would look like in legislation passed by the senate , by a super majority of senators in 2013, individual that have been here for a period of time can come forward, apply, pass background checks, meet a number of criteria, receive provisional ability to remain. then over time, once they continue to demonstrate meeting the criteria, have the opportunity to get a green card. that is all we are talking about. no one has proposed amnesty where individuals become citizens like this, or even green card holders like that. the idea of a path to citizenship is at the heart of immigration reform packages that have been considered over a decade in congress involving this long process where
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individuals can get a green card , that through the normal operation of the law, would allow them to naturalize and then become u.s. citizens. jessica: the problem with these prior approaches is that they always did the amnesty or legalization program first with promises of enforcement coming later. i don't think we should even be talking about big legalization programs until we are able to control illegal immigration and make sure any illegal aliens who are legalized through this kind of a program are not replaced by new illegal immigrants. illegal have to control immigration. if there is a program, it should include citizenship, but we are not close to being able to do something like that yet. rob is calling from
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stockton, california. republican line. caller: good morning. if you could give me a few think the immigration system could be fixed so easily, so easily. i think you better put your seatbelts on because you have a businessman who will start running the country. he knows how to get things done. he knows how to do things methodically, quickly, efficiently, and economically. number one, the liberals are nuts. they think the more people you flow into this country and it will make it better, it hasn't. it has made it worse. first of all, the more spanish that comes across the border puts more african americans out of work. it puts more african americans in southern california, chicago, back east come out of work. that is a fact. two, there is nothing wrong with the program they had years ago, and they can go back with that.
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it is simple, already figured out how to do. number three, this gentleman who says it is no big problem, follow the illegals in our country not causing problems. they fill our schools, we pay taxes, our kids cannot go to junior colleges because they are filled with illegals. host: that is a lot to unpack. let's give tom jawetz a chance to respond. really know where to begin, but economists have found -- they have done through you on the literature on this. immigrants brought the in this country have a small but positive impact on american workers and the economy broadly, throughout the last few decades. they did find -- the caller think -- tohis, i the extent there are possibly some negative impacts, there are some small negative impact that may be found around immigrants, americans without a college degree. something, that is also
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a shooting percentage of the population. by and large, when immigrants come into the country, have a compliment tree impact, not a competitive impact on american workers. they take jobs that americans are not working. they slot into positions that may require more limited english proficiency, so that american workers who work alongside them can work in jobs that require more fluency or supervisory roles. host: i want to give jessica vaughan a chance to chime in. like any other policy come immigration policy has winners and losers. the winners of our current immigration policy are the immigrants themselves and their employers, who can increase their profits by paying less for wages. andlosers are the americans legal immigrants who have to compete with them for jobs or who see their wages depressed because of jobs, and taxpayers
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who end up having to pay more for the social services and other programs that new immigrant workers need because, for the most part, the immigrants we are bringing into this country are not as well equipped to become self-sufficient. that is a drain on the economy. that the all things study found, the national indemy of sciences, found the study. that is why we need to enforce immigration laws to avoid those kinds of problems. is calling in from maryland. republican line. caller: good morning. i would just like to say that i would like all of the illegal immigrants deported. we can no longer afford a society to pay for people who do not belong here. our national debt is ridiculous. a lot of it is welfare. as far as somebody living the american dream, why don't you let our young kids live the american dream? most of us cannot afford college
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educations for our kids. that is it. thank you. host: how feasible is it to deport all illegal immigrants? jessica: i suppose the government could do it if it really tried but i don't think it's necessary. but we found is it does not take much of an uptick in enforcement to make prospective illegal immigrants reevaluate the cost benefits of coming here. when illegal immigrants cannot get a job, cannot get a drivers license, cannot collect benefits, cannot live here as if they are here legally, then fewer of them are going to come to begin with. those who are living here illegally are going to go home on their own. at some point in the future, we may want to talk about a legalization program for people who have been here a long time, but that would have to be offset by cuts in legal immigration.
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you don't have to go door by door to roundup every illegal immigrant to start controlling illegal immigration and bring the population down. it can be done with a small uptick in enforcement. we did a study of few months ago about what the economic impact would be for removing the unauthorized workers in our economy. the impact would be a hit to the gdp of $4.7 trillion over 10 years. the economy cannot afford to remove 7 million productive members of our workforce from the country. that is something the country cannot afford to do. presidentjawetz, vice at the center for american progress, jessica vaughan, president of policy studies at the center of immigration studies, thank you for joining us. coming up, we will talk to julian aguilar, who covers the border for the texas tribune.
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he will be taking a closer look at immigration flows and security measures along the u.s.-mexico border. stay tuned. >> new year's night on q&a -- people were starving, van buren was having these fancy parties in the white house. it was part of this image making where harrison was the candidate for the poor people, and here was this rich man in washington sneering at the poor people. harrison had thousands of acres and an estate, and he was actually a very wealthy man, but he was portrayed as the champion of the poor. women came to the parades, waved handkerchiefs, some gave speeches, some wrote pamphlets. it was shocking. they were criticized by the democrats who said that these women should be homemaking
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putting. >> ronald schaper, author of the book. sunday night at 8:00 eastern on q&a. sunday, in-depth will feature an in-depth discussion about the presidency of barack obama. our panel includes a paul ryan and author of the presidency in black and white. princeton university professor eddie clout, author of "democracy in black." and associate editor of the washington post, david marinus. watch live from 3:00 to noon eastern-- new to 3:00
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on booktv on c-span2. joining us from austin, texas is julian aguilar. covering theter border for the texas tribune. he is here to talk a little bit about immigration policy and how it affects border states like texas. thank you for joining us today. guest: thank you for having me. what are some of the biggest optical is that the incoming trop administration faces when it comes to border security? guest: number one will be trying to convince members of congress that represent texas to build 1002order wall across hundred 50 miles of the texas-mexico border. it is by far the largest border with mexico than any of the border states. my colleague, not more than two weeks ago, polled every member
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of the texas delegation. not one member who responded was in favor of a brick-and-mortar fence. combination of a wall in some parts, a fence in other parts, ariel surveillance, a virtual wall, cameras and technology. that will probably be the biggest hurdle. secondly is what to do with the so-called dreamers, the young, undocumented immigrants who came here to pursue a college education. even the president-elect a few weeks back in his interview with time magazine said that they will find a solution that democrats will be happy with. number three is trying to pass mandatory e-verify for private businesses. even at the state level in texas, it is a very conservative , red state, a lot of rhetoric about illegal immigration, but even the state legislature has not required employers to use e-verify. that will be something that you could see back and forth on.
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it will not be as easy as just saying you will do it and waving a magic wand. what have local officials there been doing in preparation for the incoming trump administration? guest: a flurry of activity from lawmakers meeting with the trump administration. obviously, rick perry has been selected as the secretary of energy. our lieutenant governor dan patrick was the chair of his texas campaign. there has been a lot of activity. no doubt there is a lot of excitement going into this legislative session that begins in two weeks about what a trump administration means for the border. republicans say they have been ignore the last eight years, traveled over by the obama administration who refuses to secure the border. host: you write about the fact that border crossings have seen an increase after having a in 2015, a spike in
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2016. you write, overall, the number of apprehensions increased by ine than 77,500 two 408.870 2016 compared to the prior years ,333.1 the 2016 figures represent the second time in three years that central americans outnumbered mexicans trying to cross the southern border illegally. the trend continues a pattern that began in 2014 when tens of thousands of central americans from el salvador, guatemala, and honduras began fleeing violence and poverty and began arriving at the texas-mexico border. tell us more about the current situation and who is crossing the border. guest: a very important point that you bring up. the number of central americans thesing, it sort of pads
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number of unauthorized migration. has beenrom mexico even or negative in the last two years. their economy is somewhat better than it was years back. in some places, the violence that we saw in northern states is down. but the central americans that are increasing the overall crossing statistics, they keep coming. listening to the previous segment, speaking about jobs, crime, that is a valid concern, but a lot of folks on the border, democrats will say that these folks are coming from central america. they are mainly children traveling alone, mothers with young children fleeing violence. , continued, honduras to be two of the most violent countries in the americas. that will not stop soon. about thene issue unauthorized immigrants, the people coming here in secular cities, e-verify, and then there is this other component of exodus from central america.
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the politics of those areas do not include in the near future anything that solves the social problems driving the influx. sector ofande valley the u.s. border patrol continues to be ground zero for this influx. two years ago, the state of texas allocated $800 million in border security and were largely secured -- criticized by saying you are militarizing the border to get women and children who are not trying to evade law enforcement. on the other side, you have people saying there is a lot of to take care of these folks, they are released with a promise they will appear before an immigration judge, and they disappear. that is a good point as well because sometimes they abscond and blend in, and years later, nobody knows were they are. we are talking to julian aguilar from "the texas tribune" and covers the border and immigration.
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we have special lines for this segment. now we have manny from cambridge, massachusetts. caller: good morning. cambridge isecause the first city going back to 1985. mostly due to the language of the years used towards undocumented immigrants. a couple of things i wanted to point out. there is a huge difference between calling them criminal, illegal aliens and undocumented. this is a civil crime, not criminalized violence. people that are anti-century city -- sanctuary city need to realize undocumented immigrants are often witnesse or
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victims of crimes. they are less likely to report them if they believe it will be supported -- deported. this helps in cities like cambridge being sanctuary cities. host: you write a little bit about the sanctuary city and the debates taking place in texas. he said the issue with sensory cities, a term that refers to a local government does -- that does not inforce federal policy. governor greg abbott continue to fight he started with the dallas county sheriff. he accused bell this a create -- aldez of creating century city in dallas. valdez said her words were taken
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out of context. + talk about this intersection of the issue of century city's and border communities. guest: i think it's important to note that sanctuary cities have two definitions. in 2011, when there was a bill debated in austin it was local cops being able to ask immigration status of anybody that was detained or arrested. the question was, what does detainment mean? that can cause a lot of concern, even a month moderate republicans that syndicate lead to racial profiling. that has become county sheriff immigrantsturn over in their jails to immigration and customs enforcement. across-the-board people would say that is not the way to go. what happened in the dallas county case, she said she would work with us on a case-by-case basis. the governor and several republicans were upset about that because they assumed she
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would not turn over people that have been convicted or charged with crimes. actually we did a story through an open records request with customs enforcement. 2014 tonking from september of 2015, during that time span taxes have fewer than 1%-- texas had fewer than not honored. they are doing a pretty good job of cooperating with customs enforcement. they say ice does not pick them up or changes its mind whether such a medication. that is why people point their finger the federal government. isn it comes to jails, texas good at working with ice and local venous abilities -- municipalities about policing. sheriff's all testify against these policies because they say it will erode the public trust as the previous caller said.
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they will be reluctant to report clients or -- crimes or work with law enforcement. host: judy from maryland, you are on with julian aguilar. caller: i just want to point out the conversation focuses on these are undocumented persons. that there is is criminal conduct in the employers employing people and evading taxes. there are reports from the office of the inspector general of the office of social security that annually reports this issue. they sent these no match letters. guestior speaker's -- the mentioned the no match letters and fund. that is an employer who knows the law.
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immigration reform and act saysns control employers are supposed to to verify. to hire not supposed undocumented people. -- what happened to my local neighbor was he hired a person, got that letter that said it was no match and he said i'm not getting rid of this guy. i spent six weeks training him. if he doesn't pay the social security tax that he owes as the employer, he pays the employee in cash so the employee does not which is 50%ntage of the income that does not go into this -- 15% of the income that does not going to the social security fund. neither are paying income tax on
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the benefits gained from employing this employee. host: let's let julian aguilar respond about this issue of employment. guest: i think the caller brings up an excellent point. as far as what i have seen in texas, i am interviewed employers that told me, i accept these documents and i know they are probably fake. if ice does not run the numbers and a cow's back and they say this person is not legit, they fire that person and that person turns around and goes and gets employment with somebody else on a cash basis only. there are two ways normally the higher. the first is you not only take false papers and fire that person in the very off-chance ice tells you they don't match. the second way is to call them an independent contractor as opposed to an employee. that puts all the responsibility
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on the employer to pay his or her own taxes. ie employer can then say didn't have to check the status because he's a contractor in that is up to him or her. they skirt the system by not paying taxes on these folks. again, at the state level -- i can't speak about the rest of the country, but at least in texas the business lobby, the construction lobby, the service lobby testifies against these bills because it will ultimately hurt their bottom dollar. host: krista from florida, and illegal immigrant. you are on with julian aguilar. guest: caller: hello. legal immigrant because my family came from cuba. shore, the to minute you are on dry land you are a citizen. i wanted to speak to the illegal immigrant because my husband was an illegal immigrant.
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together we have brought 11 people from central and south veryca because of the unfortunate policies of the united states and certain presidents. people have a lot of misconceptions. number one, the agriculture industry could not exist without illegal immigrants. it is a known fact that they will work and other americans will not take these jobs. we need them for our economy and we need spanish speakers of all kinds. i know how hard it is to bring people because my husband, when he got here he became an entrepreneur. he had a very big company. he employed people and $25 an hour full-time in jersey.
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he did very well. a lot of spanish speakers that come here have family. we want to bring our families. and we can't because of the way the policies are working. host: but give julian aguilar a chance to respond. guest: they come here legally and do it the right way. the problem is the system is so backlogged and the visas are so limited there is rarely a way to do it legally. if you claim asylum, you are still going three years of immigration court and maneuvering. visa, the to get a , they resentisa limit within a week or two after the policy starts over again. those are cap. -- capped. we need reform on several levels. i think what people are also saying is you want to bring your family and keep them together, a
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windy you cut the cord and say we will let this bunch and but no more. she brought up an interesting point about cuban policy. that is something we have seen in texas as well. after the obama administration begin speaking with the castro regime, we saw an influx of people traveling to mexico. or asnot as popular dynamic as the overall immigration policies as a whole, but that's another subset that will be interesting to watch as far as people from cuba. host: we are talking with julian aguilar. he covers politics and border affairs from the texas-mexico border for the texas tribune. one of the things you wrote recently talks about the two way force -- porous border issue. you wrote about guns going from the u.s. into mexico more than 73,000 from 2009 at 2014, as
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well as the two way contraband stream. you write in one story the steady demand for people and illegal products nourishes a giant international smuggling ecosystem. until policymakers reduce american demand for latin american supply, experts say the 2000 mile you a site in mexico border will remain porous." tell us more about that. guest: that is another issue, the southbound traffic of cash, weapons and the united states' desire for illegal narcotics and various other contraband coming north. compared to what country -- the country and the state of texas spent on treatment versus incarceration and security, the gap is so wide. they cringe when people write the stories.
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they say mexico is only turning over the weapons will be traced active united states to make united states look bad. that is a fair point. the mexican government is not known for being the most honest, but they can't skirt the fat it -- fact in texas we have liberal gun laws in some people want to start by closing the gun show loophole which would require background checks. the gun folks lobby say they do everything by the book. it is the people that turn around and sell them it legally that are the problem. it is a two-way street when it comes to what people are coming here. becauseeople come north jobs are readily available and you can argue americans would or would not do these jobs. the fact of the matter remains these jobs are available as soon as you come to the states. secondly, if lawmakers will say there is a threat of violence,
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some people say you should consider the fact the violence is due in part to the weapons that are fueling it down here. host: we're speaking with julian aguilar about four issues. california.y, good morning, nancy. caller: hi. earlier,n on everything that came out of his mouth was untrue and propaganda. supportedhey have around 400 -- 2.5 million come in every year. california is the worst state. we lose thousands and thousands of jobs every day because illegal hispanics have no respect for our laws as far as speaking english.
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they are too lazy to learn how to speak english. 75% of them are on welfare in california. thatorld bank has stated mexico's economy would collapse without the remittance sent back to mexico, which in 2015 was over $30 billion. they absolutely do not make one positive contribution. give -- let's let julian aguilar respond. guest: i don't cover california but on two issues, with respect to learning english, she is right. there are some folks that speak spanish and they don't want to learn english or they don't have to because for that reason they don't have to. there are plenty of people that speak spanish because their employers speak spanish. on the flipside there are a lot of folks when they go to school
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or a get ahead the first thing they want to do is speaking wish. there -- speak english. their immigrants from central and south america and all over the world that no learning english is something the need to do they want to excel. with respect to the mexican economy, mexicans working here do provide a great source of income for those folks. i don't know the economy would collapse of mexico, but it would be dealt a tremendous blow. that is a fair point. at the state level there is legislation to stop remittances with taxes so high that it's a burden for the folks. that is another issue that cash flowing down south, whether it is for cartels or families that smuggle down there. gain, to many of the callers' points, it won't stop of the people can keep getting jobs. host: we are speaking with julian aguilar of the texas
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tribune about border issues when it comes to immigration. people who live in border states, you can call (202) 748-8000. those who are illegal immigrants, living in the country illegally, (202) 748-8001. and all others can call (202) 748-8002. al is on the line from charleston, rhode island. good morning. am -- on one of your points as far as the spanish mexicans or south americans here, they don't want to report crimes because they will be exposed for being a legal. that is a red herring, and absolute red herring. if you look at the papers, and they want tell you, i mean crime statistics. 97% of crimes committed in the major cities of this country are from the black and brown people. 97%. you talk about our border patrol.
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they can't control anything anymore. i have been to mexico three times. every time i went the travel agency said, whatever you do, don't lose your papers or your passport. they will keep you in jail and you will be there for 30 or 40 days before you can get free. we don't have those kind of laws. it is not illegal immigrants that are the problem. we have laws. if i drive down the street and don't have my seatbelt on, i can get a ticket. that is a law. yet we have people coming to this country illegally and it is draining the system. that taxpayers can't afford the amount of people in school that are not supposed to be here. people on welfare. people have kids in this country we have to support. it is a never ending thing. they just can't go on like this. host: let's let julian aguilar respond. go-ahead. guest: having traveled through mexico and central america often, i will agree.
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you want to keep your documents close to your chest because those countries operate differently down there. far as theay, but as crime statistics whether it is a red herring are not, this is what law enforcement testifies to the state-based hearings with respect to community policing. whether that is a line they are saying session after session, or it is true, that is up to the border communities and the lawmakers to decide. i can't speak to the statistics because i don't cover crime policy up there. reportedlso to what is and classified as a border crime. colleagues here at the television studio they did an in-depth report about the prospects of border crime. they can be something as minor as a traffic violation or drug possession from selling that occurs hundreds of miles inland.
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crime stats do not always tell the whole story because people in committees have agendas and don't tell the whole story. host: one issue the president-elect has brought up is screening. increasing screening, extreme vetting. it was focused on many ways coming from other countries. describe validity vetting -- describe a little bit the vetter details of how president-elect trump could alter that as it stands. guest: step one would be to stock up on the agents charged with the screening. whether the initial screening at cvp, it includes the border patrol and the agents at the ports who are tremendously understaffed. to put into perspective, just before the christmas recess republicans and democrats from texas celebrated the fact they got a bill to the president's desk that would allow the private industry and local governments to pitch in and help
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cvp staff up at the port. it is surreal, the fact they are asking the private sector for more agents of the border. not only does it facilitate trade to have more staff, that helps with initial screening. ishink that is an area that -- the core backlog i mentioned earlier, they say ok, report to so-and-so at this time. even if a person follows instructions, it takes so long. registries expert in and muslim migration or people fling other countries, but generally speaking once you get to the border they are so understaffed and there are 70 levels you can get lost through. i think a lot of people both on the left and right would agree we do not necessarily more border agents, but more staffing at the point of entry to do this intake and facilitate legal trade. host: clyde from san antonio,
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texas. good morning. caller: good morning. it pains me to no end to listen to your previous guest and others calling in that blame people for the problems that , reallylectively europeans and africans have created. language barriers. people who were here originally who are here still did not create the spanish. they did not create english. if there is any such thing as an illegal alien, it would be the european who now chooses to call him or herself a white. you have to remember this is humanity we are talking about. the europeans came here
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essentially for the very same reasons, because of wrong way columbus and others who followed him to escape european oppression. that is essentially the problem we have now. you can choose to accept the science associated with anthropology or not. host: less with julian aguilar respond. a deepquite delves into reaching sociological issue, that he is not alone in the sentiments. there are folks here that agree and say unless you are native american you are in illegal immigrant because it's been going on for hundreds of years. taxes was a part of mexico -- texas was a part of mexico, but mexico lost the war. he brings up an interesting issue. he is not alone in the sentiments about english only,
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or what or who is an immigrant and historical patterns of trade in migration over century's. -- centuries. host: those living in border states can call (202) 748-8000. those who are living in the country illegally, (202) 748-8001. and all others (202) 748-8002. moment aboutfor a an issue we hit on briefly earlier about who exactly is making up the influx of people coming over the borders. according to an associated press report, it's not letting up. customs and border protection commissioner said wednesday after touring a temporary holding facility in the rio grande valley, the influx of the number of apprehensions along the southwestern border can be
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close to 2000 a day with most people turning themselves in. talk a little bit about this surge that continues to go on. after 2014 there was a spike in the amount of what the government calls unaccompanied minors and family units. say you have 50,000 family units. , is at least two or could be many more, of the united states government did toton 2015 to -- try in 2015 help mexico defeat the immigration problem at their border. try toer countries create social reforms and criminal justice policies that would stop. but compared to a be spent to 80 countries in the middle east -- aid countries in the middle
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buckett is a drop in the and it will not go a long way. some people say we should not have to spend that money. it is their country, let them fix it. that people consider it their problem. or military rule in other countries or the overall violence, is not going to stop. i think people on the left and right are frustrated. rightly so, because the surge keeps coming. temporaryking these holding station -- ice is making these temporary holding stations. this goes to the problem of emigration judge backlogs and the fact we have different policies when it comes to immigrants from mexico who try to enter without authorization. you have to go before a judge. process. be given a
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the same thing happens from mexico. you can be sent back immediately. there was a call to uniform for everyone from latin america and it failed to years ago. this is separate from the issue. this is a humanitarian crisis from what the president says. it will continue for the near future if not beyond. host: shelton, washington. good morning, ted. caller: good morning. how are you? host: you are on with julian aguilar. caller: what we start talking sanctuary cities and illegal are in the there farming industry places where you have to import labor. the whole issue of this labor has been they have driven down wages. i lived in las vegas and build houses. that brought them in. cannot even swing a hammer.
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in a few days we started seeing our pay go down. they got rid of the union and the pay went down from about $32 an hour down to $14. they could get illegals to do it for eight dollars. illegals were running companies and the employers are the one bringing the men. don't tell me they are coming illegally. they are actually bringing them in to drive down wages. they brought them in the early days in the chicken industry to break the union's. that is where they started bringing in illegal aliens. it has nothing to do with the farm stuff in california, which i lived through. it all started off as margaret farm laborers. some well -- migrant farm laborers. maybe we need nato to come up and said -- set of free areas and south america.
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it is cheaper to take them back and make free cities down there instead of bringing them up here in feeding them and keeping them going. guest: as far as the driving down wages, that is a common argument made in texas as well. you get an undocumented worker from mexico and you pay them eight dollars or nine dollars, one dollar is 20 pesos at the current exchange. even though it is lower than what people are used to being paid here. he brings up a common argument. if you're paying everybody less, on average you get paid less as well. in houston there is a settlement -- gentleman who always testifies against these misclassification loopholes in the construction industry. he says if i do everything right and my competitor's skirt the system and knowingly hire these people, they get the bids for
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the contracts because they can offer them at a lower rate. it brings up a good point because if they pay people less than what their competitors are paying them, you will probably be able to the job for less. it does have a compounding effect. it also opens the door to a lot of expectations for these workers. dozens of cases are pending right now in texas where folks are accusing the employer of not paying them what they said they would pay them, taking their wages from them. a lot of people say the system exists for the employers to report these folks. they are here without authorization. it is a double-edged sword for the caller has appointed people do accuse employers and only hired cheap, undocumented labor to run down wages for everybody sells. host: go ahead. caller: good morning, how are you doing? host: go ahead, sees that. -- susette.
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caller: there has been a lot of twist the knife comments made about illegal immigrants or whatever. whatever you want to call them. but they are people to begin with. my thing is this. instead of getting mad at the worker, shouldn't you be getting mad at the government and beginning mad at the corporations who enlists and will encourage these people to come over and they paid in cheaper? i hate it when people say americans will not work. we will not work for a certain wage or something like that. these jobs go to these immigrants because we will not work. you can't work at a low wage. you have to work at a livable wage. work --rporations, they look for cheap labor and they will hire those people. host: we will give julian
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aguilar a chance to respond. guest: a lot of folks say their anger is not directed at the worker. it is the person offering the job that should be punished. that goes back to the e-verify or screenings. a lot of these employers know it will affect their bottom line. host: julian aguilar, reporter from the texas tribune, 97 for joining us today. guest: thank you for having me. host: next, we are taking your calls. have you think the united states should deal with illegal immigration. republicans can call (202) 748-8001. democrats, (202) 748-8000. independents, (202) 748-8002. we also have a line for illegal immigrants. you can call (202) 748-8003. we will be right back. ♪
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>> join us on tuesday for live coverage of the opening day of the new congress. watch the official swearing-in of the new and reelected members of the house and senate, and the election of the speaker of the house. our live coverage of the day -- day's events are on c-span,, or you can listen to it on the free c-span radio app. ♪ >> the presidential inauguration of donald trump is friday, january 20. c-span will have live coverage of all the day's event and ceremonies. watch live on c-span at, and listen live on the free c-span radio app.
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>> c-span, where history unfolds daily. in 1979, c-span was created as a public service by america's cable-television companies, and is brought to you today by your cable or satellite provider. washington journal continues. host: we continue to take your calls on the issue of immigration. what should the u.s. do to deal with illegal immigration? in the washington post there is an editorial about the issue, focusing on screening. what works and wasn't. " no one is certain how president-elect donald trump will stiffen restrictions on immigrants and visitors to the united states. what he means by extreme vetter. there is little doubt he will
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try to tighten screening for those applying from muslim countries. what is clear is that a beast of federal law and technology have at i -- have added substantial layers of scrutiny in recent years. americans deserve to know those entering the country have been screened carefully, but it will be difficult for mr. trump to fashion an even more muscular inspection and monitoring regiment without subjecting visitors and immigrants to our religious profiling.." we are asking your views. sophia is telling in from maryland on our democratic line. good morning, sophia. caller: how are you doing? host: what you think united states needs the city to address the issue of illegal immigration? caller: i was born and raised in el paso, texas. i am half mexican.
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that even though my mother did immigrate legally, i feel that the path to citizenship and getting a green card is too difficult. i think solving the problem is as simple as making it easier to become a citizen. i think it would add millions of people to our tax base, and it would solve problems such as what we're being discussed in the previous segment about employers underpaying illegal workers and it would just make a huge difference. it seems so simple to me. if you're not a felon, why not be a citizen? host: exactly what would you like to see change about the immigration system? where do you think the problem is that makes it too difficult? caller: i think the biggest problem is that lawmakers are not taking into account the fact that people coming here illegally are coming here now
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because they are dying now. they need money now. they need to save their families now. for the't wait one year weighting process and the vetting process, the exams and all that stuff. i honestly feel if they would just say, if you have been here and have not committed any crimes except for the crime of coming here, which is stupid, i think you should be allowed to be a citizen. we can say ok, you can pay taxes. ok, you can be a citizen. if he committed an actual crime here, are real crime, not a speeding crime or a stupid crime, than actual criminal offense, that ok, i understand not allowing them in. we have to draw the line somewhere. i honestly think trying to kick everybody out is never going to work. it is not going to happen. in trying to imprison them is not going to work either. host: mark from el paso, texas.
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you are here illegally. what should the u.s. due to deal with illegal immigration? caller: there are a number of factors. governance onevel issues such as economic inequality in latin america. there is pressures from the u.s. that have caused inequality in latin america, either intentionally or unintentionally. to helpcan do something create jobs and latin american countries, provide a safer insecure environment for people to work in our countries. the other thing is when people -- people pay illegal coyotes to come across, i paid $3000 back in the day.
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i would rather just pay the u.s. government to give me some kind of legal status to work here. maybe status for whatever that is, five years. since i am illegal i cannot cross back into my country. host: what country did you come from? caller: mexico. i have been here 12 years. host: have you tried different avenues to seek legal immigration? caller: i have talked to an attorney. there is no program for my status. there is programs for other statuses, but i would gladly pay the u.s. government to have some type of legal status. most people want to be here the newly. most people want to pay taxes. most latin americans believe in america, that's why they come here. they believe in the american
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dream of providing for their family and having a future and help. -- hope. the real issue is an illegal immigrants coming here to do bad things. the real issue is the strategic implemented byre multinational corporations, the u.s. government in and around latin america. calling -- ken is calling on the independent line. all, we need to on the country's latin america so they can make their countries -- are they competing with the lower income construction workers, and not as black and whites too.
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the country without borders is not a country without all. they want a better country, but so do americans. i don't have no hard feelings, but they try to do something at home to keep the corruption down. they could be prosperous there. -america is p not growing like that anymore. a couple of months ago lady said over 600,000 people come to the country legally. over 500,000 company illegally. that is the size of a small city. something's got to give. host: in today's usa today there is a column by thomas snow, and immigration judge that talks a little bit about what the incess is like for judges deportation cases from a
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first-person point of view. he writes, "the example of someone seeking asylum. one of her most acting challenges is credibility -- vexing challenges is credibility. about what he fears and why. sometimes there is a much sick of one other than the person's own testimony. this is not a decision we want to get wrong. i have probably had fooled and granted asylum to some who did not deserve it. i hope and pray i do not deny asylum to someone who did." julio from riverdale, maryland. you are in the country illegally. what do you think the united states needs city to deal with illegal immigration? caller: good morning. yeah, i have been here for 30 years. i come into the united states, run away from the political problem in el salvador. told appened is i was
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long time ago i was never going to come into this country because i have three jobs, my own business, and i work for a company. the inner -- owner was a north american guy. i have no better life over there but i had a good life. when i come into this country somebody gave me advice, and this is what we need to do with everybody. the haze and be good. respect the law and respect the system. that is something i put into my heart and mind. this country gave me the , becausety to be alive i had to run away because they wanted to kill me. we had civilian war. they don't respect nobody. facebook that two weeks
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people go from here to el salvador. host: let me ask you this -- caller: they started showing up. they got from this country back home to el salvador. they starts speaking badly. i say what is going on? this country, they can do whatever they want over there and they can do whatever they want here. this is something we have to democratuse, you know, is something good for the world. telling peoplebe respect the law. host: jim from melrose,
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massachusetts. caller:. yes. i will speak about the illegals. basically a lot of people have made some good points, r.pecially mr. auila be pointed out the illegals from central america have a process which is legal. you can immigrants can be tossed out immediately. another point is the illegal immigrants are often hired to pick up crops. that is a good thing, they get paid for that. the people who hire them may risk breaking the law. another lady made the point that these are people in need to eat. on the fence, i really have no opinion because i think a fence can be circumvented.
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the lady who made the point that these are human beings, earns a cheer. can you hear me ok? host: go ahead. caller: i more or less summed up my comments. the you will need to answer any of your questions? host: we appreciate you calling with your comments. a little bit more from the comment from judge snow, the immigration attorney in usa today. he talks a little bit about deportation process. "some of those the government is trying to deport her detained. decisions by immigration judges on whether to grant them bond has significant consequences of their own. a detained person might have only weeks, not months or years to prepare the case. he can be held several hours away from his lawyer, assuming he is fortunate enough to have one. no immigration judge wants to conclude someone is neither a danger nor a flight risk, great
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release, and then be proved wrong. immigration judges make these decisions alone. many are made following distraught or shame-filled testimony covering unimaginable accident humanity. we make them several times a day, day after day, year after year." chuck from cincinnati of the independent line. caller: good morning. think it is for c-span. i appreciate you guys very much. being ant is that united states citizen is more than just a prize in a crackerjack box. that is why we need to embrace legal immigration because those folks understand and want to be an american citizen. immigration, ial
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have seen those folks are not interested in being an american. they just need a place to drop where they can get -- it is like enemies in a park kind of atmosphere. messageto send a clearly all around the world that america will not tolerate illegal immigration, and a big, gigantic wall will send that message all around the world. don't come here illegally because you will not be -- you will be sent back. i am sorry if that sounds harsh but the survival of our country is at stake. household is in dire straits right now. we just can't afford to take on people that we can't take care
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of. host: ok. bob from somerset, new jersey. caller: good morning. my major concern with immigration is the way employers handle them. they get the opportunities to get these people coming to this country that are desperate to make a better life for themselves. they take full advantage of that. even the lawyers that are helping them get their green cards are just stripping them of any money they earn. i have had a few spanish people work for me. let me tell you, there is no harder working people because they know what it means to strive to get ahead. a lot of the american people, the young people going to call us today, they don't realize the opportunity they have here. they don't have to work like these people do. i had a few of the work for me. lawyers are charging them $9,000 to $10,000 to help them become legal. any immigration lawyer knows
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g theseey are rapin people of any money to do half. they are taking advantage of them and the system is too complicated. they can't do it on their own said they have to rely on these lawyers. the lawyers are raping them before they have a chance to get stable in this country. something has to be done to make the process easier, and something has to be done really treat these people with dignity and respect because they are hard-working people. you can't take that away from them. the younger kids in this country going to college don't realize what it is to struggle. their parents give them everything. that is the only comment i have to make. gifted treat them like humans, give them a fair chance. there are a lot of them coming here for better opportunity in the are hard-working. york.delifno from new you are in a legal immigrant.
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caller: mining is -- mining is delfino. a name for mexico. should the u.s. due to deal with the illegal immigration issue? caller: i have mixed feelings. i think the fact is immigration is a problem. we although that. -- we all know that. now yet to find a solution. my point of view, the solution will be if you have all these people and mass deportation is not doable, what you do with them? they are hard-working people who pay -- sending all their money to the country. all the money is going back to their country. the money is not staying here. if you give them a social security number and make them
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pay a fine, you can't just stop immigration. from people coming into this country legally or illegally. immigration is the basis for this country. there is just no way you will stop it. you have to fix the immigration system. that will be the solution. i understand it is like giving them a price for coming here illegally, including myself. in reality it's only going to help the economy. host: ok. some facts about illegal immigration from the pew research center. the number of unauthorized immigrants has stabilized in recent years after decades of rapid growth. and shows from 1990 there was a rapid growth in illegal immigrants from 3.5 million all the way up to more than 12 million sometime before 2010,
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when the drop off begin to happen. now it is stabilizing at around 11 million according to research at the pew research center. charles from fort lauderdale, florida on the democratic line. with you think the u.s. should do about illegal immigration? all i am a first of disabled veteran. and i have seen different things happen. i have seen hispanic -- all nations, all races over there. nowoncern about now is that the way things are handled is one person says about the employee. they hire these immigrants and they know what these people are doing. places't we just build
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over in their country and let them deal over there instead of trying to come over here? we have people over here that are hungry, starving. we need jobs to take care of our families. why can't we take care of america first and then take care of them later? i know the are good people, but we have to look out for the american first. that is what i am saying. on illegalore facts immigration in the united states from the pew research center. mexicans make up 52% of all unauthorized immigrants in 2014. their numbers have been declining in recent years. there were 5.8 million mexican unauthorized immigrants living in the u.s. that year, down from 6.4 million in 2009 according to the latest pew research center estimates.
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. for asking your view on illegal immigration republicans, (202) 748-8001. democrats, (202) 748-8000. independents,, (202) 748-8002. those in the country illegally, (202) 748-8003. florida onng from the independent line. good morning, joe. caller: good morning. i really like your show. the problem was the callers. they have fallen into the trap ofusing the media vocabulary calling illegal aliens undocumented. anybody that steps over the border is a felon, just like they get that shot kate was a five-time -- was it five times he came over?
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it people with you some research , means and there are more than mexicans -- the wife and i have several mexican friends that we are close to and we hate to see them go. host: what do you think the solution is? what should america do? caller: well, when they catch these felons send them back. tied the hands of the border guards, telling them not to interfere with the people .oming over
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that they can't touch these folks coming over the border. untie theirwill hands. i know he will untie their hands. host: sarah from ashton, maryland on the democratic line. caller: how are you? host: go ahead. caller: i think there is so much misinformation about this issue. pay $12immigrants billion in taxes. that is a lot of money. these people are not is coming up here looking for a free ride. these are people from places really getting hit, literally, with bombs. we do need to reform the process to make them legal, but i know firsthand from friends of mine and others adopted ross s --
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have gone through the process is extreme difficult. there is not a lot of funding or help. we really do need to open our arms and let these people in and help someces of the process so they become legal in part of our country. they can continue to conservative our economy. host: with you say to concerned about security issues when it comes to letting people into the country even though we understand humanitarian crisis world?in the it is also important to keep america secure. caller: it is absolutely important, but there are ways you can reform the process. i don't think it is a black or white issue. i think it might require more work to make the process one that is welcoming and does address security concerns. host: we have william calling from emporia, virginia.
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caller: how are you today? host: what your thoughts about what america should do for immigration? caller: my thoughts are all these illegals, they come in here like this from countries fear giving foreign aid to. we should cut the foreign aid. they use it on the people that come here illegally. i believe, and this is just my opinion, that when they start doing it the governments of those countries are going to do something to try to keep the people there. i was in the military. i went to a lot of countries. the poorest people i saw, i never saw them getting aid the u.s. sends over to these countries. believe they need to cut the aid. i don't care if it's el salvador or whatever. cap the aid to the people that -- cap behavior giving to those
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the 80 were cut giving to those countries and apply to the people living here illegally. host: 10 back end tomorrow at 7:00 a.m. in the meantime have a good day. ♪ [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2016] lago.look at mira president-elect has been staying that his florida home since before christmas. news from palm beach this morning.
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president-elect considers a plan that would allow military vitamins to opt out of the veterans administration health-care system. instead, the government would pay for veterans to seek private doctors they choose. "the new york times" reports that president-elect met with private hospital systems at his for the estate yesterday to discuss it. "wall street journal" reports veterans groups that opposed the plan, believing it would be a first step toward privatization and would reduce the quality of veterans health care over the long term. ♪ [applause] [trumpet] >> the presidential inauguration of donald trump is friday, generally 20th. c-span will have blood coverage of the day events and ceremonies. watch live on c-span and, msn live on the free c-span radio
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