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tv   Public Affairs Events  CSPAN  December 29, 2016 6:00pm-8:01pm EST

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century of transportation and that will be exciting because we are so far behind the rest of the world. that is something that is not white done that needs to be first decided to run for office. why? representative mica: i had a teacher that made government and public service, alive, and since then i have been a political junkie. i was very successful in business which allowed me to serve without any obligations, and i just relied on public services as a vocation. so it has been no only an avocation, but an opportunity to serve.
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again, i have loved every minute of it and it is an incredible honor. i probably would not have run beyond this term, but again, there is a time and place for everything. now i can probably going to step into the private sector. one project i have not finished is taking the federal trade commission building across the street from the west wing of the national gallery, and i am a history buff. the national gallery is an incredible treasure. we have not had an addition in generations. across the street is the only building that can accommodate that. the federal trade commission holding, which is across the street was built in the 1930's. so we wanted to add that. we will have a tunnel under the street. great plans to do that.
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move the federal trade commission to the north end of the department of commerce. there is a million and a half square feet down there being redone and enough space to add to commerce the federal trade commission, so you have them all together with a nice view of the white house, and the bureaucrats can sit there, but millions of people can come and we will have a world-class national gallery to compete with the louvre, the prado, any galleries in the world. and we should. this is the nation's capital. we should be proud of it. we have a collection that is awesome, but a lot of it really is not shown. that is my undone thing, and i will be spending a lot of time on that next year making sure that gets done. >> sounds like you're not leaving washington, d.c., then. what will you be doing? representative mica: i will come back to get things done. i will be working with rusty
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powell. the national gallery, david rubenstein is the chairman. i would like to complement their work. we have plans now to try to move the ftc there. the national gallery will raise the money to renovate the building. the taxpayers will probably save $250 million. >> what will you be doing -- do you have a formal role?
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representative mica: there may be some opportunities in the private sector. also priorities, like giving the americans the 21st century of transportation fixed, transportation rail, air traffic control. assist thetry to trump administration, assist where i am allowed by members of congress to move forward. >> our viewers know you -- representative mica: been on many times, callers from all over the country. some of them are wonderful, and some we hope there's not a full moon. >> they have also seen you in hearings and you were fond of props. tell us why.
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representative mica: in these hearing rooms you can chatter and talk and people do not pay much attention, but when we had secret service here and we were listening to the testimony and they were talking about bullets hitting the white house and not knowing about it for two or three days, i said to the staff, if i could blow up a copy of the adt sign, and they brought it out and i held it up and that went viral. people could identify with that. here's the white house and the security system does not detect bullets hitting the window. if i have a cracked window at my house, the alarm goes off. we have a very sophisticated system. the public can relate to you. for comey, when comey came
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before us -- when director call me came before us, i had -- when all the way through his questioning, but the timeframe, and that raised a lot questions in people's mind that they could see it graphically. it was a graphic or a prop that helped the interns having been part of helping me develop that. those are some of the things that, you know, you highlight. i remember holding up -- it was not a real marijuana cigarette, but when they were looking at legalizing marijuana, and how,
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if you held up one marijuana joint, you could let people know you could have 22 of those according to what the congress proposed in that area. so it graphically portrays some of what we're trying to get across. i tried to do it reasonably, but the other thing, my family comes from an area where people have a good sense of humor. you always try to keep your sense of humor. >> what is that area? representative mica: i am part italian, part of slovakia, the part of the slovak republic used to be the austrian-hungarian empire. they say the people are wise but also have a sense of humor and that fits me perfectly. >> what will you miss about congress? representative mica: i will not miss the fundraising. i won't miss the late nights. i won't not miss the press, they are sometimes very tough.
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i do not know. some of the relationships will still carry on. your friends will still be your friends. i don't know. i walked to the capitol every day and i saw the sun setting. i said back to my family, i said the mica career sunset is just beautiful. but i will stay not too far from the capitol, so i will see it. again, i have no regrets. not a moment of regret. so i maintain property in the district, that i will see. again, i have no regrets. not a moment of regret. there are some things i wish i could've done even more for my district and the country, but again, you only have one lifetime and one 24 term of service. >> who will you miss? who were some of your friends on capitol hill? representative mica: some of the florida delegates. one i served in the legislature
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with. here we are going out together. i got hit by redistricting. a lot of people, we're just pals with. virginia foxx is a wonderful lady. she will be the chair of education and labor. robert and his wife. there are wonderful, wonderful people. if americans could see the folks who represent us, they would be so proud. but there's also a few people who do not meet expectations. they get sometimes all of the play -- it is about the same percentage, but you walk down the aisle and remember. i am still in awe, 24 years later, at the people they send
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here. it is a remarkable system. it is painful and the media now today, with the instant media, it is all out there and it is out there immediately so people should not get frustrated. the founding fathers had to be divinely inspired to put that system together that would work in for over 200 years and with all of the changes we have had with technology and life and all of the things that have changed, the darn thing still works very well. >> tell us one of your favorite stories that you were fond of telling constituents, something that perhaps happened in these halls of congress over the years. representative mica: something that happened, i do not know. there are so many. every day has been chock-full of adventure. the day i took some people on the floor showing where you file a bill. the clerk was still there. we had just closed the session. i had been here 24 years. and i said, the older folks
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remember when you put the bill in the hopper. i was showing them the hopper at end of the clerk's table at a bottom of the tiers of the podium in the front. the clerk was still there and she said, mr. mica, i stay here for 15 minutes after, and i have never given a thought that the clerk would leave immediately. so i learned something just the past week or so. so every day is a learning experience. it takes years. i am not in favor of term limits. i think the republican did a good thing in determining -- in chairman.t the i had my six years. i have had five leadership positions.
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newt gingrich made me the chairman of civil service first. the first republican in 40 years. i got to do neat things. i put life insurance up for a bid for the first time in 40 years. this is an irony. i started the long-term care program. i was looking at the private sector and what was available there. here are 2 million federal employees and retirees who did not have a long-term. i actually started the long-term care program for federal employees, which i am told is the largest in the world now. and so here i am, john mica, about to retire, up making a decision on whether to sign up for the program. it is a good program for public employees and was available on the private sector. what i did for veterans' preference, i'm very proud of expanding that and tricare. there are a lot of things you can do. i was at a meeting with the
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president of columbia. i helped with columbia with the then-speaker and others. and that saved a nation and took a nation who was being slaughtered by drugs and narcoterrorism. i will never forget going to medellin. i was banned to go, and when i was chair of the committee and i saw what had changed. a reporter asked me what did i see different and i was so choked up with the motion i could not respond, to go to medellin where they were killing each other, death and destruction, and who have helped turn that around, that was awesome. so in each role, aviation, changing out the safety system, where we made dramatic changes. we passed two faa bills. i think democrats tried 20 times
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on the second one and they could not do it, and we were able to do it. it took a couple weeks but we got it done and we passed good legislation. >> is that why you stayed 24 years? representative mica: i never meant to stay this long. i did not think i would be elected. i was in the republican party and i went to someone's office and try to record him to run for congress, and he said, no, i am running for legislature. but now he is in congress ironically. but i am leaving, so there is a lot of irony to life and politics. you never know how it will turn out. >> and what you plan to do next personally? what is on your agenda?
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representative mica: my wife has booked a cruise, so on january 1 we will go on a little cruise. we will enjoy ourselves. i will come up to the inauguration. i got in a lot of trouble for supporting mr. trump early on. of course the hotel, which i thought was a big benefit, they try to wrap that around me is giving him some special opportunity, which actually the obama administration awarded it. i just kept hammering it to get it off the taxpayer money-losing world, and they did a fabulous job on it, so i have no regrets there, but we will be up and watch. can you imagine i am leaving and they have the house, the senate, and the white house because i have had to struggle with that deck of cards being dealt to me, when asked but we got a lot done
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and you can work with people. you know, my brother dan was a democratic member of congress. and my other brother was in the white house for the first time tonight. he was a democratic aide to lawton childs. so i have a bipartisan family. if i can put up with them, i can put up with this. some of my best friends are democrats. as i am leaving, some of them have come up to me and they have have been very gracious words for me which means lot. >> congressman john mica, thank you for your time. representative mica: great to have served for 24 years in the best institution you can imagine. c-span, a look back at some of the public figures who died this year, reagan, gwency ifill. here are a few members of
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member james baker, then in an interview with the first lady. >> the cold war that president reagan did so much to and brought them together. in 1950, the name nancy davis appeared on a list of communist sympathizers. with the hollywood blacklist or's know that this was a different person and not the young actress? she took her problem to her union boss, the president of the screen actors guild, ronald reagan. they met at a hollywood restaurant. the dinner would be grief, they agree. each had an early casting call. , neither had an early casting call. the early casting call was the standard hollywood excuse to put a quick end to unpleasant dinners.
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when i opened the door, she wrote later, i knew he was the man i wanted to marry. do you think that ronald reagan could have been elected president without nancy reagan? >> oh. oh, my. i think i may have helped a little, maybe. a little. i hope so. more of nancy reagan's ateral tonight at c-span 8:00 eastern. we will also look at the lives of antonin scalia a, gwen and others. follow the transition of government on c-span as donald trump selects his cabinet and
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the republicans and democrats prepare for the next congress. he will take you to key events without interruption. what's live on c-span, on demand at, or listen on our free c-span radio at. -- app. >> with donald trump putting his cabinet together, coverage of all conversation -- confirmation harry's on tv, the c-span radio live as, they happen. the nominee to be attorney .eneral is jeff sessions his confirmation hearing is scheduled for january 10 and 11. he goes before the senate judiciary committee. and as he said, that hearing will be live on the c-span television networks, c-span radio app, and online at isjoining us now from boston
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the director of policy studies for the center for immigration studies. and also in washington is the vice president for immigration at the center for american progress. they are here to discuss how the trump administration and congress will approach not only illegal immigration but also legal immigration in the united states and the changes that may happen. thank you both for joining us today. >> thanks so much. class thank you. host: let's start with you, tom. how would you describe the trump administration's current approach from what has been said so far on both legal and illegal immigration? guest: honestly, we don't know right now. there is concern from statements that have been made throughout the campaign between
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president-elect trump and candidate trump. jeff sessions has been an immigration hardliner, not only on the issue of how you deal with immigration, but also legal immigration as well. there is some concern about what impact that will have not just on the millions of authorized immigrants in the country today, many millions of citizens and residents who live in those households, but also the legal immigration programs in our country and the families, businesses, schools, institutions that rely upon them. host: "time" magazine reprinted some of trump's comments about immigration. i will read them and then we will go to you, jessica, to get some reaction. president-elect trump said, i'm going to build the wall. we are going to have strong borders, but we will also have people coming across the border because we need workers. we have to be able to have people come into our country all of that is good for
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us. it is good for them, but it is good for all of us. have very strong borders. we are not going to have illegals coming in, but we are going to have people come hang in, and we are have people coming in base to a certain extent on merit. i want favors for our children also. we are going to work something out that is going to make people happy and proud, but that is a very tough situation. jessica, what can we gauge from what we have heard from president-elect trump so far? guest: it is clear the emphasis first will be securing security at the border. in particular, putting up a wall, additional barriers to make the border more secure. but i think there will also be a restoration of more enforcement in the interior of the country and a return to more traditional types of immigration enforcement including worksite enforcement. in his comments that you read,
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he is reaffirming this idea that most americans agree that immigration is a great thing for our country, but the question is, in what numbers, and how it can be done in a way that does not cause problems for americans. i think we will see more balance in an approach that tries to avoid the negative effects of mass immigration and uncontrolled immigration that we have had for the last few years. host: we are talking with jessica vaughan from the center for american studies. also, tom jawetz, from the center for american progress, about immigration policy, both legal and illegal immigration under the incoming trump administration.
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guest: we also have a line for illegal immigrants, if you are in the country illegally. guest: tom, in terms of what the focus will be, of people here in the country illegally, we know the president-elect wants to focus on border security, but he has to deal with the roughly 11 million people here illegally. what can we expect realistically he can do about that? tom: the first decision he will have to make is what he will do with the 740,000 young people who have come forward in the last four years under the daca initiative, provided information to the government, received work authorization, people who came to the country years ago as children, many of them only know the u.s. as their home. they have already received this protection. the way daca works, once you get
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this protection, it lasts for a period of two years of essentially. so people will be coming up for renewal of that policy very early on into the administration. and president-elect trump has been unclear about how he intends to handle the situation. you are beginning to see now a lot of bipartisan support in congress, strong statements by lindsey graham, in particular, others as well, saying the worst thing we could do would be for the u.s. government, after offering this policy and incentive people to provide this information, to pull the rug out from under them and, in the worst case scenario, use that information to pursue them for removal. host: what are the options available to donald trump, and what might he do with the dreamers? guest: this is a problem
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that was created by president obama. he did not have the authority to provide work permits to these people. only congress can do that. the solution rests with congress. i would expect president-elect trump to rescind the improper executive action that president obama issued on not just the dreamers, but many other aspects of immigration policy, because they were improper and unconstitutional and did not solve this problem. i would expect him to turn to congress to solve it. i don't think congress will be ready to do that until some robust immigration enforcement is in place so that we do not continue to have illegal immigrants coming here, giving them a reason to try to get here before legalization. i would expect to see some kind of an attempt to work this out in congress that might involve
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an offset in legal immigration numbers. in other words, if congress is going to provide green cards to the dreamers, then there should be some kind of offset, or elimination of other immigration categories that have frankly, outlived their usefulness, like the visa lottery or the category of siblings of u.s. citizens, in order to mitigate the impact of giving the green cards to these dreamers and help to modernize our immigration system. host: "the washington post" in an editorial had this to say about president trump. his most recent stance suggest that he would the deportation of uncodumented dreamers -- guest: what do you think about
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that assessment of the potential plan by the president-elect? tom: again, very unclear. the things that come out of his mouth, or his two thumbs on twitter, it is pretty impossible to know what he is saying. you will see one message on his twitter feed and then you will see another one literally contradicting it on our later. so i don't know what to expect. we have seen a renewed focus on targeting immigrants in the country who have more serious criminal convictions under this administration. that led to increased consequence for people entering the country without authorization, both in terms of imposing formal removal orders against them and also criminal
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prosecutions. a high level of enforcement from this administration compared to the past administration. i don't think this administration got any credit for it. what you heard from jessica vaughan earlier, this idea that you would prevent people today from bringing siblings into the country so they can be reunified that is somehow offsetting green cards to people who are already in the country, does not make any sense, unless your goal is to reduce immigration into the country. that is a stated goal from the center of immigration studies, but that is not something that makes sense logically and is not in the economic interests of this country. host: carl is calling in from >> carl is calling in. carl, you are on. >> thank you very much. i'd like to say this.
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the republicans -- i don't know how many years now. maybe 15, 20. immigration using as a wedge issue. they really don't want to do anything. the most significant thing that could do to control immigration is at the employment and they don't want to do that. the do not want to offend business community. when they talk about, oh, securing the border, that's just a big lie. we never gonna have a border that's gonna satisfy what they secure. securing, in their terms, only in the world where we have thatkind of security they're suggesting they want is a place called north korea where got barbed wire fences, soldiers waiting to shoot people. if they get through, well, we're going to send them to the work camps. they had every, opportunity to do reform and when they had the opportunity, it. never stepped up to do
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barack obama tried to get them to do reform. for the lady to say, well, what was illegal, he asked them, reform, they refused to act. >> okay. carl, let's give jessica vaughan a chance to respond to you. >> well, there's some truth to the caller says. i mean, it's true that justration security is not about border security, since at aret 40% of the people who here in the country illegally came here on a visa and overstayed, past their time, on that visa. that's a big problem. big incentive for them to be able to do that is because thiscan get a job in country. so certainly focusing on illegal be ag is going to have to part of the training cam trump n ifigration enforcement plan, it were going to control illegal immigration, because that's why most people come here illegally. and i would agree, one of the biggest roadblocks in achieving
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immigration control has been the republican leadership that has been aligned with the of employers who take laborage of the cheap that illegal immigration offers them. that's going to have to be dealt with. never been ans issue that falls neatly into democratn and ideology. but i do think that the majority the house ofs in representatives and in the u.s. doate are going to want to more enforcement and address the problem of illegal employment through things like e-verify and through addressing problems in documents and stolen social security numbers and things like that. that's going to be a part of enforcement that we see restored under the trump administration. >> so in the obama administration, there were high
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levels.ion we can see, according to this chart here, the number of removals. was a dip in 2005. 2012. a high in there were over 400,000 peopletions, primarily who had been convicted of a crime. percentage remain mostly the same of criminals versus noncriminal immigration violations. but high levels of deportation nonetheless. the trumpect that administration would try to keep up or even increase the levels in the lasteen eight years? >> i think from all, you know, il appearances at least, think we could expect the increase. removals to having said that, i think they're going to come up against natural barriers. they're going to make it more difficult for them to do that eventually. for instance, one of the reasons why this administration has gotten removal numbers up has been to, one, focus on imposing who areorders on people
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apprehended, crossing the border. and two, among those who are convicted of crimes, has engaged of programs begun in the last administration to get more information during the process of state local law enforcement at the time of arrest. this administration will certainly, i think, ramp up each of those different routes. what jessica is alluding to is an expectation increase in see an workforce raids, home raids. there are policies in this administration that say there certain sensitive locations like churches, like hospitals, where you, generally speaking, not do enforcement actions because you don't want to people from going to places where they must go, to prevent parents from dropping children at school. those children are american citizens. they have a right to go to there. and this administration could well begin to break down some of those barriers.
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think the other bid hurdle at but we are not only we're far exceeding our detention capacity at the present time. this administration, right now, while immigration and enforcement has about 34,000 people in custody on any the last, it has for couple of months been at 42,000 people in custody on any given day. a large percentage of those are people requesting asylum. that's going to be an area where this next administration is going to see what it's going to do with that. see it be a huge boon to the private prison industry. >> jessica vaughan, what do you deportationthe numbers and what could happen in the next administration? gowell, there's nowhere to but up, that's for sure. the statistics that you're talking about refer to just one deportation, which is removals. most severe consequences. i think it's going to be very easy for the trump administration to increase
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deportations of all kinds, particularly deportations of aliens, because they're going to end the catch and release policies and they're more to start using accelerated forms of due process where it's appropriate. and they're gonna start going after people who have been deported before. this is one thing the obama stopped doing in 2014, largely. they just nullified all those deportation orders and that means people come back after they're deported or, you know, you see these stories of people who have been deported multiple times. everybody wonders why they're here. i think there is going to be a like that.n cases and i think we're going to see a crackdown on sanctuary jurisdictions also. talked about i.c.e. possibly having to make arrests out into community. i don't think i.c.e. is going to start hauling people out of graders out ofst school or anything like that. that whenoblem is
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sanctuary jurisdictions are allowed to have these policies i.c.e. hasct i.c.e., no choice but to arrest people out on the streets or in their homes. would much rather have i.c.e. be able to arrest criminal aliens in the jails. it's safer for everybody. and that's something that needs to be addressed. pretty mucho happen early in the administration, i'm sure. >> okay. ike is calling in on our republican line. good morning, ike. >> good morning. you for taking my call. >> go ahead. you're on, with jessica vaughan and tom jawetz. >> yes. 70's any car stolen in the by illegal immigrants. runked the officer, i would for attorney general of the wouldof california and we hang all the car thieves. he laughed and said, i've got stolen. i can't even do the paperwork on the crimes illegals do.
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>> okay. tom, what's your reaction to the committed byes people who are here illegally? >> yes. i thinkis an area where president-elect trump, when he was campaigning, made -- brought to this attention issue. i think, just to try to bring down the temperature and focus be helpful. would all the studies that have been done on this issue demonstrate causal links no whatsoever between unauthorized and criminality. as the unauthorized population decreased, violent crimes have decreased, border cities, el paso in particular are among safest in the entire country. when you look at how likely it unauthorized immigrant will be in prison, their rates are far lower. so any crime is a problem certainly. and i know jessica has done a lot of work focusing on victims
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serious violent crimes by unauthorized immigrants. those are serious cases. i think we could look at them and decide whether there are reforms that could be appropriate. there are -- i've got news for you. you can build that wall. bring illegal immigration down to zero. we're still gonna have violent country.this we're still gonna have serious problems. i think we need to take a more holistic view that's more byormed by the facts than boogeyman approaches. >> what's your reaction to tom jawetz? bureau, the census research showed that immigrants, even illegal immigrants are less likely tor commit crimes than anyone else. what we do know is that there of crime thatpes are associated with illegal immigration. like human smuggling, drug trafficking, kidnappings,
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identity theft, gang activity and so on. the question is not, are immigrants more or less likely to commit crime? i don't think that's important at all. do we doion is, what with that small fraction of the population that has committed crimes? and the answer has to be that for should be a priority deportation. and that we close these cracks aliens are able to fall through because of sanctuary policies and other our system, and make sure that they are not released. the obama administration released 86,000 criminal aliens with convictions over a period two and a half years. that's got to stop. many of these individuals went on to commit additional crimes. these are needless crimes that could have been prevented if we efficiently and that's one area of focus that for the trumpe administration. >> all right. can i respond on that point?
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on a lotessica agree of this. this administration's focus has been for people who have been convicted of crimes, particularly serious, to focus on their removal. but i will say that a number of been people who have released from custody, after having been convicted of a crime or after being charged of a mean, a large percentage of those individuals were released from custody because an immigration judge set a bopped for them and they posted their bond. that's not unusual. we handle things in our criminal justice system all the time. these are individuals that i.c.e. could not continue to theirecause they posted theory bonds. >> they shouldn't have been in court process to begin with. not only --ons is not a great experience for the aliens who are going through it's also costly for the taxpayer and slows the whole
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down. there are lots of policy measures that can be put in place to make the system work better for everybody. >> okay. let's change the topic to border security. something that the president-elect has talked a lot about. and let's take a look at what a chief, markl morgan, said at a recent hearing about the fencing that's there and what else might be needed. let's take a look. >> fencing works. better wall works. it also will help relieve the personnel issues too. so we did pass the secure fence act. think we built the type of fencing that's actually going to work. milest suggesting 1700 but i think we need better fencing in more areas. i just want a quick comment on that. >> yes, sir. i agree. i can give you a quick example the top of my head, when i went and visited a san diego area along the stretch. they actually have a prior fence and secondary pedestrian fence.
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not only did that work to stem elsewhere, but by doing so, the chief told me at that able to he was actually take 100 agents and put them elsewhere, because it didn't deploymentt level of there. go to another sector where they actually told me that at one point, the free market across on drieds. side had all but up. and the area where they put fencing up, the flow had all but stopped. now it was a thriving shopping center once again. levels,rks on multiple not just on the flow and our ability to do our job but it aspects.other so, yes, do we need more fencing? yes. does it work? yes. do we need it everywhere? no. sole answer? no. it's part of an overall multi-layered strategy. i was kind of tongue in cheek. defense is great. accesswe don't have
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roads to get to the fence, it's not as good. >> jessica vaughan, what do you comments andhose your thoughts on what is needed for border security? thatit require the wall president-elect donald trump has been talking about? >> well, i agree with chief comments. the fence works. anybody who says the fence doesn't work hasn't seen the fence. and it's working very well in southern california, el paso and of other areas. it works where it can be patrolled. the only answer. i think we will see some infrastructure or barriers that look more like a wall. inhink that is appropriate certain parts of the border. but, you know, one of the real been lacking is the policies to back it up. to have all of this fencing if people think just get byy could the border patrol, that they're going to be fine living in the or if states illegally,
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they're able to walk up to border agents, turn themselves in, and find that they're allowed to stay here and get a work permit for years, you know, gaming our immigration court system. so we have to have the policies to back up the infrastructure. >> tom jawetz? >> i mean, if there are places where the wall, the fencing, fencing needs to be improved or enhanced, that's an area where i think i want to more what border patrol agents are seeing on the line. dispute i think san diego certainly has an intense system of fencing in place. what jessica was saying is really sort of the crux of the matter, which is not see atally do all the level of people coming across the border in the ways we are tryingcally, who to evade border patrol and who are crossing in large numbers. a decrease. we are now, and have been for or last five years, been at near 40-year lows in unauthorized apprehensions of
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is the best wech have of unauthorized crossings. the specific policy change or jessica is pointing to of people coming to border essentially being able to come into the country, what you're referring to is a called -- thing called credible fear. implemented extradited removal, to remove apprehended along the border. placee safeguard put into credible fearas a process. the purpose was to make sure we not return people without any process to their home country to abroad.ture the people that we're seeing who in,turning themselves requesting protection, who are largely coming from three americas in spral that -- central america that are severencing extremely
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violence and dislocation and reallyre as well, that's what we're looking at in terms of the current border security challenge. on oury is calling democratic line, from dodge city, kansas. >> thank you. yeah. i was gonna make a comment. i'm 49. at a body -- i work shop. i'm a semi struck repair technician. i work and i've been in manufacturing for nine years, in my early 20's. i work with hispanics for many years. what?u know i think we need to do a little the pastesson from until now that all this is not chance but by design, because they're trying to get an influx of people because the business people -- we don't know them, the owners. find enough young workers to come in and do work. and i think that's a lot of it.
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me, when it comes to onebusiness owners, that's thing where the law will stop, because business owners do not want government telling them who they can and cannot hire. okay? true.'s i'm a white man. and so i understand the criminal part. i don't worry about that. the criminal people, that's care -- they're gonna take of that. i'm talking about people that wants to work. and i understand that. and all of us white people are want our because we 50,000 to 60,000 a year job after we graduate from college. now.s our thinking and so what i'm saying is we need them 20-somethings to do our 20,000 to 40,000 a year jobs. >> okay. jessicaet's give vaughan a chance to respond to you. go ahead. >> well, the problem is that we allow employers to and legal. workers
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immigrants in favor of illegal immigrants that they can get paying less, that is a drain on our economy. there's no such thing as cheap labor. it's not right. is one area where i'm actually in favor of a role for government, telling you can't hire whoever you want. you have to hire workers who are authorized to be in this country, because our economy right now is not producing enough jobs, even for the people who are here now. we've got historically high unemployment rates for young in this country. approaching 25%. that is because of many reasons, but one reason is have access tors illegal immigrant workers. that is denied opportunity for americans and legal immigrants. a wage depressing effect on especially those
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immigrantsnd legal who have not had the benefit of a college education and are the margins of our society. >> tom jawetz? >> i think the caller makes a number of great points. it's correct, i think, businesses have wanted to make sure they have the ability to hire whomever they want, to hire them.want jessica makes good points as well, about the need for government to come in and help process, through which we essentially have a theforce that is able to do work that the country needs to get done in order for everyone's benefit economically. next question, though, the big question after that, what do you do next? right? this idea that the response to that would be an enforcement imposing electronic verification system, work sort ofation, and just drying up the magnet, jobs magnet, that is a policy option we could construe. at the end of the day, all that the economy and
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send jobs overseas. what we want to do, should do, is take a look at what the and what the economy and what the job market essentially can sustain and then try and sure we have a legal immigration flow that can fit that. we don't want to try and, i think, put together policies that are going to work counter to to actual pressures of the that are in play. so at the end of the day, if you're looking at what an package wouldform look like, it's not a mystery. we had one at 2006 that passed senate, didn't pass the house. these are packages that would border effective security. they would combine work authorization. and we would have today, right years into mandatory nationwide e-verify system had been enactedeform in 2006. but it would also involved a immigrationr legal system so that those very same workers you're referring to, i think, would have the ability to work -- would be able to get forer wages, able to fight
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their labor protections, so they would not face the kinds of ex being-- exploitations of unable to advocate for your rights. economists i think largely find when they look at the impact of immigrants broadly economy, on u.s. workers. >> one fact from the research center on the workforce. the u.s. civilian workforce included eight million 2014,orized immigrants in accounting for 5% of those who were working or were unemployed looking for work. from our call independent line. good morning, susan. morning. i'm calling because i have an idea that might help stop illegal immigration. you have people you say are working illegally, who have to security number to be hired. they are using somebody else's social security number.
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the money that they earn on that theer should go back to person who it belongs to, and wouldhe people coming in think about coming in before they get here. i don't know if you agree with it seems the only way to pay back the people who have had their identities stolen. >> tom jawetz? >> so i mean, i don't think as a you couldmatters somehow attach actual salary who ownsto the person the number. maybe this is what you're referring to. i don't know. what happens in situations in which an individual is using else's social security and there's a mismatch between the name and the number, which is a fairly common occurrence in situation, is that because of that mismatch, those funds no-matching into a file. so the payroll taxes that are thentially deducted from person's paycheck end up going to the federal government and suspense there in a
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file until either the mismatch can be cleared up or just in perpetuity. so you have millions of workers contributing to our social not havesystem who do any prospect of benefiting from that system at the end of the day. i don't know if that's what referring to but that is the current situation. it's one of the major ways in theh social security and trust fund remain solvent. >> jessica vaughan, your reaction? this is a really useful discussion to have, because it illustrates that the federal government has the names and addresses of employers of millions of illegal workers. they could take action against them based on the fact people out there working with either fake or stolen -- usually stolen nowadays -- social security numbers. but some of those funds could restitution for the people who have had their identity compromised by illegal workers.
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so, you know, this, i think, is way for thed federal government to go after the problem of illegal find especially those employers that have a business model of employing hundreds of illegal workers instead of hiring americans and legal workers. and so i think that would be a work place to start with site enforcement, to resume what the federal government used to to identify is these mismatches and send notices to employers and tell can't keep hiring these workers and that people able to usenger be a stolen social security number. the federal government doesn't the real owner of that social security number that it's been compromised. problems forots of people. you hear stories all the time of people who tried to join the and weren't allowed to because of problems on their number caused by
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an illegal worker, of children accesse not been able to social services because somebody is working on their social security number and giving them they really don't have that's illegal. so we really need to clean this of our entireefit social security system and tax system. it's gonna take cooperation between these government agencies. somebody's gotta knock some heads together to make that happen. >> i just want to throw out benefitsd one of the to a legalization program like was contemplated in 2006, have, foru now instance, over 740,000 young people who have social security numbers, working with authorization. they're helping to realize their potential. and they're not only themselves and their families but to their communities more broadly. the current think situation is unsustainable and is not in the best interest of the country or the best interest
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the immigrants themselves, in the best interests of the american worker. we're not right now living in situation. the question is, what is the right policy approach to, you know, essentially maximize the that we can get, that we are currently getting from immigrants in the country today working, pay nothing the system, and who are doing jobs that we need to be done? the previous caller noted, he can then take the next-level job, the management job, supervisory role. that's sort of the way in which often plug into our economy. and the question becomes, how do we properly manage that situation? >> let's move on to the topic of sanctuary cities, with the trump administration. some have vowed to continue to sanctuary tofer illegal immigrants in their cities. metago mayor rahm emanuel with donald trump at trump tower recently. let's take a look at what he meeting.r the >> i delivered to the president-elect and his senior by 14r, a letter signed
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mayors that put together from about our country dockets. that they were working hard towards the american dream. fundamentally believe that those are students, those want to joinle who the armed forces. they gave their name, address, phone number where they are. to achieve the american dream. no fault of their own, their parents came here. they are something we should hold up and embrace. with a letterm signed by all 14 mayors, different cities from all parts arehe country, that we clear as mayors that these are dreamers who are seeking the american dream and we should embrace them rather than do a bait and switch. about spoke out strongly what it means to be a sanctuary city where we support and secure the people that are here like my grandfather, who came to the city of chicago as a 13-year-old 100 years ago. sanctuary city for
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my grandfather. his grandson today is the mayor of this city, which is a testament to the strength of the values and ideals of being in america. >> and the center for immigration studies has made a map showing where there are cities, counties and states offering some level of protection for immigrants. jessica vaughan, what do you think about mayor emanuel's comments? problem with mayor emanuel's approach is that under our constitution, individual cities don't get to make immigration policy and decide who gets to stay in the country. not the way it works. we have a federal immigration their policiest actually are doing is obstructing legitimate enforcement of immigration laws. and that can't be tolerated. going to have policies that are contrary to federal law and that actually law, thenederal they're going to be subject to consequences like having some of cut off,eral funding
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potentially facing litigation policies. obstructive and, you know, the problem with the sanctuary policy is that their goal ofieve betweenestablish trust immigrant communities >> when it comes to let is the best way to police local jurisdictions and get trust and communities, which is a primary mission of local law enforcement and officials, i trust local officials and local law enforcement.i will not second-guess what the major city cheese association are police chief chiefs in many jurisdiction on the country
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decided the best way for them to ensure they get the trust and cooperation of their communities. landry calling from the democratic line. >> good morning. thank you for taking my call. my question is, should there be a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants? straight up. host: ok. >> yes. we very strongly support the idea that done correctly, it is important for the country today to earn a opportunity path to citizenship. what that would look like in legislation passed by the senate, and a super majority of senators in 2013, that individuals who have been here for some time can come forward, apply, past background checks, meet a number of criteria, can receive provisional authority to remain here, and over time if
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they continue to demonstrate meeting the criteria, had the opportunity to get a green card. that's what we talked about. no one has ever proposed amnesty of some sort where individuals become citizens or green card holders like that. the idea of a path to citizenship has been at the heart of immigration reform packages we have been considering for well over a decade, and in congress involved a long process where individuals can get a green card that would allow them to, if they choose, naturalize as a u.s. citizen. kimberly: jessica, what do you think? the problem is they always did the amnesty or legalization first with promises of enforcement to come later. i don't think we should even be talking about a big legalization program until we are able to control illegal immigration and make sure that any illegal aliens who are legalized through
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this program are not going to be replaced by new illegal immigrants. first, we have to control illegal immigration, then we can talk about it. program, ita legal should include citizenship, but i don't think we are even close to being able to do something like that yet. is coming from stockton, california on the republican line. good morning. if you could give me a few minutes. immigration problem can be fixed so easy. i think you ship your seatbelts on, because i think you have a businessman who will start running the country. he knows how to get things done. he knows how to do things methodically, quickly, efficiently, and economically. number one, the liberals are nuts. they think the more people you let flow into the country will make it at her. made it worse.
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first of all, the more spanish that come across the border puts more african americans out of work than anything. it puts more african-americans in southern california, chicago, back east, out of work. that's a fact. , there's nothing wrong with the becerra program that had years ago. it is simple, it would be simple to fix. number three, this gentleman who says it's no big problem, all the illegals in our country has not caused problems. they fill our schools, we pay taxes, and our kids cannot go to junior colleges because they are filled with illegals. kimberly: ok, that's a lot to unpack. let's give tom a chance to expect. mr. jawetz: i don't know quite where to start. economists who have looked into doing a thorough review of the literature on this, that immigrants broadly have a small but positive impact on american workers and the economy roughly.
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over the last few decades. and the color alluded to, there are possibly negative impacts. small negative impacts that may be found among recently arrived immigrants, or americans without a college degree. that is also a shrinking population.bythe and large, when they come to the country, they have a complementary impact, not a competitive impact on american workers. they take jobs that american workers are not doing. may go into positions that require limited english proficiency, so that american workers alongside them can take him jobs that require more fluency or supervisory roles. kimberly: i want to give jessica vaughan a chance to chime in. like any other
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policy, immigration policy has winners and losers. the winners of our current immigration policy are the immigrants themselves, and their employers, who can increase their profits by paying less for wages. the losers are the americans and legal immigrants who have to orpete with them for jobs, see their wages depressed because of jobs, and taxpayers you end up having to pay more for social services and other immigranthat new workers need, because for the most part, the immigrants we're ringing into this country are not as well equipped to become self-sufficient. we need to enforce our immigration laws to avoid those kinds of problems. calling from maryland on the republican line.
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>> i would like to say that i would like all the emigrant -- illegal immigrants deported. we could no longer afford a society to pay for people to be here that don't belong here. our national debt is ridiculous and a lot of it is welfare. and as far as living the american dream, why don't you let our own kids live the american dream? most of us can't afford college educations for our kids. that's it. kimberly: jessica, how feasible is it to deport all illegal immigrants? ms. vaughan: i suppose the government could do it if it really tried, but i don't think it's necessary. but we found through experience is that it doesn't take much of an uptick in enforcement to make prospective illegal immigrants reevaluate the cost benefits of coming here. when illegal immigrants can't get a job, can't get a drivers license, can't collect benefits, and can live. as if they are here illegally --
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and can't live here as if they e legally, they will not continue to live here and those living here will go home. we might want to talk about a legalization program for people who have been here a long time, but that would have to be offset by cuts in legal immigration. don't have to go door-to-door to round up every illegal immigrant to start controlling illegal immigration and ringing the population down. it can be done with a small uptick in enforcement. kimberly: tom, you got the last word. mr. jawetz: we did a study on number of months ago about what the economic impact would be, movement removing -- removing 7 million workers. of trillions a hit of dollars. when it is a question of what we can afford to do, the economy cannot afford to move 7 million productive members of the workforce from the country. we cannot afford to do that.
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wetz and: tom ja jessica vaughan, thank you both for joining us today for this discussion. ♪ >> the presidential inauguration of donald trump is friday, january 20th. c-span will have live coverage of all the days events and ceremonies. watch live on c-span and, and listen live on the three c-span radio app. >> c-span, where history unfolds daily. in 1970 nine, c-span was created as a public service by america's
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cable public television service. it is brought to you today by your cable or satellite provider. >> joining us from austin, texas julian aguilar, talking about immigration policy and how it affects border states. thank you for joining us. >> good morning. kimberly: given your perspective as a reporter in a border state, what are some of the biggest obstacles the incoming trump administration faces when it comes to border security? security? guest: number one will be trying to convince members of congress that represent texas to build 1002order wall across hundred 50 miles of the texas-mexico border. it is by far the largest border with mexico than any of the border states. my colleague, not more than two
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weeks ago, polled every member of the texas delegation. not one member who responded was in favor of a brick-and-mortar fence. combination of a wall in some parts, a fence in other parts, ariel surveillance, a virtual wall, cameras and technology. that will probably be the biggest hurdle. secondly is what to do with the so-called dreamers, the young, undocumented immigrants who came here to pursue a college education. even the president-elect a few weeks back in his interview with time magazine said that they will find a solution that democrats will be happy with. number three is trying to pass mandatory e-verify for private businesses. even at the state level in texas, it is a very conservative , red state, a lot of rhetoric about illegal immigration, but even the state legislature has not required employers to use e-verify.
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that will be something that you could see back and forth on. it will not be as easy as just saying you will do it and waving a magic wand. what have local officials there been doing in preparation for the incoming trump administration? guest: a flurry of activity from lawmakers meeting with the trump administration. obviously, rick perry has been selected as the secretary of energy. our lieutenant governor dan patrick was the chair of his texas campaign. there has been a lot of activity. no doubt there is a lot of excitement going into this legislative session that begins in two weeks about what a trump administration means for the border. republicans say they have been ignore the last eight years, traveled over by the obama administration who refuses to secure the border. host: you write about the fact that border crossings have seen an increase after having a
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in 2015, a spike in 2016. you write, overall, the number of apprehensions increased by ine than 77,500 two 408.870 2016 compared to the prior years ,333.1 the 2016 figures represent the second time in three years that central americans outnumbered mexicans trying to cross the southern border illegally. the trend continues a pattern that began in 2014 when tens of thousands of central americans from el salvador, guatemala, and honduras began fleeing violence and poverty and began arriving at the texas-mexico border. tell us more about the current situation and who is crossing the border. guest: a very important point that you bring up. the number of central americans
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thesing, it sort of pads number of unauthorized migration. has beenrom mexico even or negative in the last two years. their economy is somewhat better than it was years back. in some places, the violence that we saw in northern states is down. but the central americans that are increasing the overall crossing statistics, they keep coming. listening to the previous segment, speaking about jobs, crime, that is a valid concern, but a lot of folks on the border, democrats will say that these folks are coming from central america. they are mainly children traveling alone, mothers with young children fleeing violence. , continued, honduras to be two of the most violent countries in the americas. that will not stop soon. about thene issue unauthorized immigrants, the people coming here in secular cities, e-verify, and then there
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is this other component of exodus from central america. the politics of those areas do not include in the near future anything that solves the social problems driving the influx. sector ofande valley the u.s. border patrol continues to be ground zero for this influx. two years ago, the state of texas allocated $800 million in border security and were largely secured -- criticized by saying you are militarizing the border to get women and children who are not trying to evade law enforcement. on the other side, you have people saying there is a lot of to take care of these folks, they are released with a promise they will appear before an immigration judge, and they disappear. that is a good point as well because sometimes they abscond and blend in, and years later, nobody knows were they are. we are talking to julian aguilar from "the texas tribune" and covers the border and
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immigration. we have special lines for this segment. now we have manny from cambridge, massachusetts. caller: good morning. cambridge isecause the first city going back to 1985. mostly due to the language of the years used towards undocumented immigrants. a couple of things i wanted to point out. there is a huge difference between calling them criminal, illegal aliens and undocumented. this is a civil crime, not criminalized violence. people that are anti-century city -- sanctuary city need to
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realize undocumented immigrants are often witnesse or victims of crimes. they are less likely to report them if they believe it will be supported -- deported. this helps in cities like cambridge being sanctuary cities. host: you write a little bit about the sanctuary city and the debates taking place in texas. he said the issue with sensory cities, a term that refers to a local government does -- that does not inforce federal policy. governor greg abbott continue to fight he started with the dallas county sheriff. he accused bell this a create -- aldez of creating century city in dallas.
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valdez said her words were taken out of context. + talk about this intersection of the issue of century city's and border communities. guest: i think it's important to note that sanctuary cities have two definitions. in 2011, when there was a bill debated in austin it was local cops being able to ask immigration status of anybody that was detained or arrested. the question was, what does detainment mean? that can cause a lot of concern, even a month moderate republicans that syndicate lead to racial profiling. that has become county sheriff immigrantsturn over in their jails to immigration and customs enforcement. across-the-board people would say that is not the way to go. what happened in the dallas county case, she said she would work with us on a case-by-case basis. the governor and several
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republicans were upset about that because they assumed she would not turn over people that have been convicted or charged with crimes. actually we did a story through an open records request with customs enforcement. 2014 tonking from september of 2015, during that time span taxes have fewer than 1%-- texas had fewer than not honored. they are doing a pretty good job of cooperating with customs enforcement. they say ice does not pick them up or changes its mind whether such a medication. that is why people point their finger the federal government. isn it comes to jails, texas good at working with ice and local venous abilities -- municipalities about policing. sheriff's all testify
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against these policies because they say it will erode the public trust as the previous caller said. they will be reluctant to report clients or -- crimes or work with law enforcement. host: judy from maryland, you are on with julian aguilar. caller: i just want to point out the conversation focuses on these are undocumented persons. that there is is criminal conduct in the employers employing people and evading taxes. there are reports from the office of the inspector general of the office of social security that annually reports this issue. they sent these no match letters. guestior speaker's -- the mentioned the no match letters and fund. that is an employer who knows
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the law. immigration reform and act saysns control employers are supposed to to verify. to hire not supposed undocumented people. -- what happened to my local neighbor was he hired a person, got that letter that said it was no match and he said i'm not getting rid of this guy. i spent six weeks training him. if he doesn't pay the social security tax that he owes as the employer, he pays the employee in cash so the employee does not which is 50%ntage of the income that does not go into this -- 15% of the income that does not going to the
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social security fund. neither are paying income tax on the benefits gained from employing this employee. host: let's let julian aguilar respond about this issue of employment. guest: i think the caller brings up an excellent point. as far as what i have seen in texas, i am interviewed employers that told me, i accept these documents and i know they are probably fake. if ice does not run the numbers and a cow's back and they say this person is not legit, they fire that person and that person turns around and goes and gets employment with somebody else on a cash basis only. there are two ways normally the higher. the first is you not only take false papers and fire that person in the very off-chance ice tells you they don't match. the second way is to call them an independent contractor as opposed to an employee.
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that puts all the responsibility on the employer to pay his or her own taxes. ie employer can then say didn't have to check the status because he's a contractor in that is up to him or her. they skirt the system by not paying taxes on these folks. again, at the state level -- i can't speak about the rest of the country, but at least in texas the business lobby, the construction lobby, the service lobby testifies against these bills because it will ultimately hurt their bottom dollar. host: krista from florida, and illegal immigrant. you are on with julian aguilar. guest: caller: hello. legal immigrant because my family came from cuba. shore, the to minute you are on dry land you are a citizen. i wanted to speak to the illegal
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immigrant because my husband was an illegal immigrant. together we have brought 11 people from central and south veryca because of the unfortunate policies of the united states and certain presidents. people have a lot of misconceptions. number one, the agriculture industry could not exist without illegal immigrants. it is a known fact that they will work and other americans will not take these jobs. we need them for our economy and we need spanish speakers of all kinds. i know how hard it is to bring people because my husband, when he got here he became an entrepreneur. he had a very big company. he employed people and $25 an
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hour full-time in jersey. he did very well. a lot of spanish speakers that come here have family. we want to bring our families. and we can't because of the way the policies are working. host: but give julian aguilar a chance to respond. guest: they come here legally and do it the right way. the problem is the system is so backlogged and the visas are so limited there is rarely a way to do it legally. if you claim asylum, you are still going three years of immigration court and maneuvering. visa, the to get a , they resentisa limit within a week or two after the policy starts over again. those are cap. -- capped. we need reform on several levels. i think what people are also
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saying is you want to bring your family and keep them together, a windy you cut the cord and say we will let this bunch and but no more. she brought up an interesting point about cuban policy. that is something we have seen in texas as well. after the obama administration begin speaking with the castro regime, we saw an influx of people traveling to mexico. or asnot as popular dynamic as the overall immigration policies as a whole, but that's another subset that will be interesting to watch as far as people from cuba. host: we are talking with julian aguilar. he covers politics and border affairs from the texas-mexico border for the texas tribune. one of the things you wrote recently talks about the two way force -- porous border issue. you wrote about guns going from the u.s. into mexico more than
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73,000 from 2009 at 2014, as well as the two way contraband stream. you write in one story the steady demand for people and illegal products nourishes a giant international smuggling ecosystem. until policymakers reduce american demand for latin american supply, experts say the 2000 mile you a site in mexico border will remain porous." tell us more about that. guest: that is another issue, the southbound traffic of cash, weapons and the united states' desire for illegal narcotics and various other contraband coming north. compared to what country -- the country and the state of texas spent on treatment versus incarceration and security, the gap is so wide. they cringe when
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people write the stories. they say mexico is only turning over the weapons will be traced active united states to make united states look bad. that is a fair point. the mexican government is not known for being the most honest, but they can't skirt the fat it -- fact in texas we have liberal gun laws in some people want to start by closing the gun show loophole which would require background checks. the gun folks lobby say they do everything by the book. it is the people that turn around and sell them it legally that are the problem. it is a two-way street when it comes to what people are coming here. becauseeople come north jobs are readily available and you can argue americans would or would not do these jobs. the fact of the matter remains these jobs are available as soon as you come to the states.
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secondly, if lawmakers will say there is a threat of violence, some people say you should consider the fact the violence is due in part to the weapons that are fueling it down here. host: we're speaking with julian aguilar about four issues. california.y, good morning, nancy. caller: hi. earlier,n on everything that came out of his mouth was untrue and propaganda. supportedhey have around 400 -- 2.5 million come in every year. california is the worst state. we lose thousands and thousands of jobs every day because illegal hispanics have no respect for our laws as far as
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speaking english. they are too lazy to learn how to speak english. 75% of them are on welfare in california. thatorld bank has stated mexico's economy would collapse without the remittance sent back to mexico, which in 2015 was over $30 billion. they absolutely do not make one positive contribution. give -- let's let julian aguilar respond. guest: i don't cover california but on two issues, with respect to learning english, she is right. there are some folks that speak spanish and they don't want to learn english or they don't have to because for that reason they don't have to. there are plenty of people that speak spanish because their
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employers speak spanish. on the flipside there are a lot of folks when they go to school or a get ahead the first thing they want to do is speaking wish. there -- speak english. their immigrants from central and south america and all over the world that no learning english is something the need to do they want to excel. with respect to the mexican economy, mexicans working here do provide a great source of income for those folks. i don't know the economy would collapse of mexico, but it would be dealt a tremendous blow. that is a fair point. at the state level there is legislation to stop remittances with taxes so high that it's a burden for the folks. that is another issue that cash flowing down south, whether it is for cartels or families that smuggle down there. gain, to many of the callers' points, it won't stop of the
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people can keep getting jobs. host: we are speaking with julian aguilar of the texas tribune about border issues when it comes to immigration. people who live in border states, you can call (202) 748-8000. those who are illegal immigrants, living in the country illegally, (202) 748-8001. and all others can call (202) 748-8002. al is on the line from charleston, rhode island. good morning. am -- on one of your points as far as the spanish mexicans or south americans here, they don't want to report crimes because they will be exposed for being a legal. that is a red herring, and absolute red herring. if you look at the papers, and they want tell you, i mean crime statistics. 97% of crimes committed in the major cities of this country are from the black and brown people.
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97%. you talk about our border patrol. they can't control anything anymore. i have been to mexico three times. every time i went the travel agency said, whatever you do, don't lose your papers or your passport. they will keep you in jail and you will be there for 30 or 40 days before you can get free. we don't have those kind of laws. it is not illegal immigrants that are the problem. we have laws. if i drive down the street and don't have my seatbelt on, i can get a ticket. that is a law. yet we have people coming to this country illegally and it is draining the system. that taxpayers can't afford the amount of people in school that are not supposed to be here. people on welfare. people have kids in this country we have to support. it is a never ending thing. they just can't go on like this. host: let's let julian aguilar respond. go-ahead. guest: having traveled through
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mexico and central america often, i will agree. you want to keep your documents close to your chest because those countries operate differently down there. far as theay, but as crime statistics whether it is a red herring are not, this is what law enforcement testifies to the state-based hearings with respect to community policing. whether that is a line they are saying session after session, or it is true, that is up to the border communities and the lawmakers to decide. i can't speak to the statistics because i don't cover crime policy up there. reportedlso to what is and classified as a border crime. colleagues here at the television studio they did an in-depth report about the prospects of border crime. they can be something as minor as a traffic violation or drug
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possession from selling that occurs hundreds of miles inland. crime stats do not always tell the whole story because people in committees have agendas and don't tell the whole story. host: one issue the president-elect has brought up is screening. increasing screening, extreme vetting. it was focused on many ways coming from other countries. describe validity vetting -- describe a little bit the vetter details of how president-elect trump could alter that as it stands. guest: step one would be to stock up on the agents charged with the screening. whether the initial screening at cvp, it includes the border patrol and the agents at the ports who are tremendously understaffed. to put into perspective, just before the christmas recess republicans and democrats from texas celebrated the fact they got a bill to the president's
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desk that would allow the private industry and local governments to pitch in and help cvp staff up at the port. it is surreal, the fact they are asking the private sector for more agents of the border. not only does it facilitate trade to have more staff, that helps with initial screening. ishink that is an area that -- the core backlog i mentioned earlier, they say ok, report to so-and-so at this time. even if a person follows instructions, it takes so long. registries expert in and muslim migration or people fling other countries, but generally speaking once you get to the border they are so understaffed and there are 70 levels you can get lost through. i think a lot of people both on the left and right would agree we do not necessarily more border agents, but more staffing
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at the point of entry to do this intake and facilitate legal trade. host: clyde from san antonio, texas. good morning. caller: good morning. it pains me to no end to listen to your previous guest and others calling in that blame people for the problems that , reallylectively europeans and africans have created. language barriers. people who were here originally who are here still did not create the spanish. they did not create english. if there is any such thing as an illegal alien, it would be the european who now chooses to call him or herself a white. you have to remember this is humanity we are talking about.
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the europeans came here essentially for the very same reasons, because of wrong way columbus and others who followed him to escape european oppression. that is essentially the problem we have now. you can choose to accept the science associated with anthropology or not. host: less with julian aguilar respond. a deepquite delves into reaching sociological issue, that he is not alone in the sentiments. there are folks here that agree and say unless you are native american you are in illegal immigrant because it's been going on for hundreds of years. taxes was a part of mexico -- texas was a part of mexico, but mexico lost the war. he brings up an interesting issue.
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he is not alone in the sentiments about english only, or what or who is an immigrant and historical patterns of trade in migration over century's. -- centuries. host: those living in border states can call (202) 748-8000. those who are living in the country illegally, (202) 748-8001. and all others (202) 748-8002. moment aboutfor a an issue we hit on briefly earlier about who exactly is making up the influx of people coming over the borders. according to an associated press report, it's not letting up. customs and border protection commissioner said wednesday after touring a temporary holding facility in the rio grande valley, the influx of the number of apprehensions along
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the southwestern border can be close to 2000 a day with most people turning themselves in. talk a little bit about this surge that continues to go on. after 2014 there was a spike in the amount of what the government calls unaccompanied minors and family units. say you have 50,000 family units. , is at least two or could be many more, of the united states government did toton 2015 to -- try in 2015 help mexico defeat the immigration problem at their border. try toer countries create social reforms and criminal justice policies that would stop. but compared to a be spent to 80 countries in the middle east --
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aid countries in the middle buckett is a drop in the and it will not go a long way. some people say we should not have to spend that money. it is their country, let them fix it. that people consider it their problem. or military rule in other countries or the overall violence, is not going to stop. i think people on the left and right are frustrated. rightly so, because the surge keeps coming. temporaryking these holding station -- ice is making these temporary holding stations. this goes to the problem of emigration judge backlogs and the fact we have different policies when it comes to immigrants from mexico who try to enter without authorization. you have to go before a judge.
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process. be given a the same thing happens from mexico. you can be sent back immediately. there was a call to uniform for everyone from latin america and it failed to years ago. this is separate from the issue. this is a humanitarian crisis from what the president says. it will continue for the near future if not beyond. host: shelton, washington. good morning, ted. caller: good morning. how are you? host: you are on with julian aguilar. caller: what we start talking sanctuary cities and illegal are in the there farming industry places where you have to import labor. the whole issue of this labor has been they have driven down wages. i lived in las vegas and build
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houses. that brought them in. cannot even swing a hammer. in a few days we started seeing our pay go down. they got rid of the union and the pay went down from about $32 an hour down to $14. they could get illegals to do it for eight dollars. illegals were running companies and the employers are the one bringing the men. don't tell me they are coming illegally. they are actually bringing them in to drive down wages. they brought them in the early days in the chicken industry to break the union's. that is where they started bringing in illegal aliens. it has nothing to do with the farm stuff in california, which i lived through. it all started off as margaret farm laborers. some well -- migrant farm laborers. maybe we need nato to come up and said -- set of free areas
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and south america. it is cheaper to take them back and make free cities down there instead of bringing them up here in feeding them and keeping them going. guest: as far as the driving down wages, that is a common argument made in texas as well. you get an undocumented worker from mexico and you pay them eight dollars or nine dollars, one dollar is 20 pesos at the current exchange. even though it is lower than what people are used to being paid here. he brings up a common argument. if you're paying everybody less, on average you get paid less as well. in houston there is a settlement -- gentleman who always testifies against these misclassification loopholes in the construction industry. he says if i do everything right and my competitor's skirt the
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system and knowingly hire these people, they get the bids for the contracts because they can offer them at a lower rate. it brings up a good point because if they pay people less than what their competitors are paying them, you will probably be able to the job for less. it does have a compounding effect. it also opens the door to a lot of expectations for these workers. dozens of cases are pending right now in texas where folks are accusing the employer of not paying them what they said they would pay them, taking their wages from them. a lot of people say the system exists for the employers to report these folks. they are here without authorization. it is a double-edged sword for the caller has appointed people do accuse employers and only hired cheap, undocumented labor to run down wages for everybody sells. host: go ahead. caller: good morning, how are you doing? host: go ahead, sees that.
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-- susette. caller: there has been a lot of twist the knife comments made about illegal immigrants or whatever. whatever you want to call them. but they are people to begin with. my thing is this. instead of getting mad at the worker, shouldn't you be getting mad at the government and beginning mad at the corporations who enlists and will encourage these people to come over and they paid in cheaper? i hate it when people say americans will not work. we will not work for a certain wage or something like that. these jobs go to these immigrants because we will not work. you can't work at a low wage. you have to work at a livable wage. work --rporations, they
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look for cheap labor and they will hire those people. host: we will give julian aguilar a chance to respond. guest: a lot of folks say their anger is not directed at the worker. it is the person offering the job that should be punished. that goes back to the e-verify or screenings. a lot of these employers know it will affect their bottom line. host: julian aguilar, reporter from the texas
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50 -- in 1950, the layout -- name nancy appeared on a list of communist sympathizers. with the hollywood a-list is no list?as a she took the problem to her boss, the president of the screen actors guild, ronald reagan. they met at a hollywood restaurant. the dinner would be brief, they agreed, because each had an early casting call. in fact, neither had an early casting call. [laughter] an early casting call with the standard hollywood excuse to put a quick face to unpleasant -- finish to unpleasant dinners. but when i opened the doors, she
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wrote later, i knew he was the man i wanted to marry. >> do you think that ronald reagan could have been elected president without nancy reagan? [laughter] my.h [laughter] think i may have helped a little, maybe. [applause] >> more of nancy reagan's funeral tonight on c-span at 8 p.m. eastern. we also look at the lives of superior court justice antonin scalia,n a -- journalist gwen eiffel, and a federal judge. the c-span video library is an easy way to search and view c-span programs and to help is
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demanding this body fully support president obama's clean power plan. ted poe speaking about iraq and you put in the words, and it will get to particular small pieces, almost like paragraphs, where they made remarks. >> the soldiers were members of the third battalion 16th field army regiment, 2nd armored brigade combat team of the 3st -- the first cavalry division. these american soldiers or were volunteers that swore to protect the united states. >> across the top we have a link that says all our video, our clips. you can find all the clips that people make are available for other people to look for. >> who leaves first, obama or assad? >> i certainly hope it's assad. >> yeah, i do, but i don't think so. >> there's another tab that says mentions, and mentions are quotes that are valuable. >> what a bizarre decision by
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the president of mexico to invite donald trump down there. >> and then on the far left side, there are breakdowns much like you would find on any other shopping web site. you could say, i want to see a particular person's name, i want to see a particular senate committee or a tag for a policy. to the left side, it's very valuable >> for narrowing down. search, click, and play on the c-span video library on virginia's fifth district. tell us about your background. -- >> representative elect tom garrett, republican representing virginia's fifth district. tell us about your background. >> i grew up in rural central virginia and paid for college using the military rotc scholarship and served for about six years in the army and then went to graduate school, and spent time following graduate school as a prosecutor and then
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had the opportunity to serve as my local elected prosecutor and then ultimately in the virginia senate. here we are. got two wonderful daughters and a great wife and just blessed to have the opportunity to serve. >> how many years in the virginia senate? >> five. >> what would you say you accomplished? >> it's funny, and i think it's here, that we came in as a sort of physical belt-tightening, sort of spending funds that are appropriate for each level of government but we left and if i had to tag a leg as, i'd say k-12 reform and having to stand up in some areas where perhaps doctoral conservatives might not have, and serve a decent libertarian bent to repeal the crimes against nature line virginia where the state told them what they could and couldn't do in their bedrooms. i felt that was ridiculous. i guess with the reform things, sometimes you tell people, sometimes you, that passion and sometimes your passion finds you.
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that is something we identified and thought shortcomings in the , system, we have wonderful public schools in virginia but shouldn't compare them to the other 49 states. we should compare them to the world. it's great in the nation is fifth best in -- the nation's great, but not where you want to be. you identify the problems as they present themselves and figure out a good way to tackle them within the appropriate role of government in whatever level you're working at. >> why did you decide to run for a house seat? >> ultimately the odds of being born in the united states are one in 26, plus or minus. the odds of being born in the united states to a two-parent household with some discipline and encouragement, i've been very, very, very lucky. as a prosecutor, i am often times standing across the dias usually from a young man no different from me but had different influences early in life, so i feel like from whom much is given or to whom much given, much is expected sort of if i feel like i'm holding
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strong opinions, and i'm right on issues, i can do something to influence the issues and hand over the mantle to the quality of opportunity to the young people moving forward i probably would be remiss not for try. so there it is, and you're perpetually humbled in the fifth district of virginia because jefferson lived there, there's the father of the declaration , and madison was the first congressman. there's the constitution. john marshall retired there, patrick henry, barbara johns started the movement in prince edward county in 1952. so great appreciation for the wonderful work done by people like that who preceded those who wanted to perpetuate that for the future. >> where did you grow up and what were your influencers? >> i grew up in louisa county in thea, which is seventh district. i love history. i studied history in college. my father, the decisions he made, my mom was diagnosed early on in my life with what was thought to be terminal cancer, before the internet. my father would stay awake
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dialing phone number after fun of her. hopkins,clinic, johns no one would take her. my dad doggedly pursued finding a place to treat my mother and she just celebrated her 73rd birthday. ironically, we lost my dad a few years back. but that sort of determination and persistence, and when you decide something is right that , the right thing to do is x, y, off z, then dam the torpedoes and full speed ahead in doing it. my first cousin, ironically, i think turned it -- it down baseball scholarships to go into the marine corps. people who have those opportunities, and chose to delay those to serve something bigger than themselves. when i served in the military, looking around at the women and men who i served with, and anyone who served you had brian , mast on earlier, i agree something in their lives that is bigger than them and
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worth sacrificing for. to be around women and men like that, and when you are having a bad day, you think everything is in perspective, it's not so bad. those are the things who shaped who i am, and who i want to be. i tell my children, it's not only you are, it is who you want to be. you're not who you want to be yet but if you are, you're probably ready to go. so if you identify who you want to be and take steps to be that person, you should be able to look in the mirror and be happy. >> any piece of advice that stands out to you from your dad over the years that you sort of carry with you? >> this may be not politically correct, but no, it's not that i inherited it from my father, i have no admiration or tolerance for somebody who quits. if what you're doing is right and doing it for the right reasons and you get knocked down, so what? the successful woman or man is the one who has gotten up one more time than they've been knocked down and my dad was persistent and dogged and tenacious and those are the sorts of things, if you think of dr. martin luther king and what
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he went through and the people whose names we don't know went through, you just keep coming back. and legislatively in the statehouse of virginia, we did that with some bills where i knew what was going to happen but we moved the ball further each time around and that's a good character trait. reporter: what will you be dogged about here in washington? rep. garrett jr.: we ran on a student security sort of proposal that would allow young people with student loan debt to choose to defer to receive social security benefits to exchange forgiveness of student loan debt and would make our social security promise to our seniors solvent for perpetuity and allow young people if they chose to and only if they chose to, to help erase some of that student loan debt. look it's a winner all around , because you've taken an entire generation out of the producing class, you don't start a small business if you've got student loan debt and you don't buy a car or get married to paraphrase
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mrs. clinton, you don't move out of mom's basement and don't mean it in a pejorative sense and that innovative thinking, i'm looking forward to have the opportunity to fight people across party lines. because it doesn't make anybody do anything, right? you choose to enter the program. it doesn't change the benefits my mother receives, which you don't break that promise you made yesterday, you change maybe the setup for tomorrow but that sort of thing, to know when it's over with we made a mark and moved the needle. nobody's going to remember me but they'll remember what we did while we were here and that's what matters. reporter: we appreciate your time. rep. garrett jr.: great to meet you. tuesday for live coverage of the opening day of the new congress. what the swearing in of the new and reelected members of the house and the senate and the election of the speaker of the house. our all-day coverage of the
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events begin at 7:00 a.m. eastern on c-span and or you can listen to it on the free c-span radio app. >> the white house has announced a few sanctions against russia following cyber attacks intended to interfere with the u.s. election. they expel 35 russian intelligence operatives and shudder to russian compound in maryland and new york used for intelligence purposes. according to an article in the hill. a tweet about retaliation for the sanctions. we will continue to follow this story on c-span. as 2016 draws to a close, we take a look back at important figures who passed this year. we will show you special programming from the careers of nancy reagan, gwen i


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