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tv   QA with Benjamin Ginsberg  CSPAN  January 23, 2017 12:46pm-1:48pm EST

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have a politue we snis t tbe alisti weon te wha p and teoncu b thunedtas mefoes >>t'myuto emeca
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peopleo port tt nu ste tis ainnid stateshi ithhies as a t gf veod reir mtord t liryors t ute stes ttactnsnd rey. wdiotreat d n adweon or anhi ee foosge r silytad,he ino ubsaamusinowas aps ms stctn. uerheefm sk,f u keoudooryoca epoudoor you le urriteeah suncpl, u n ep yo pn,erd. brn:t a rlltan omoubo. njini coizthe en. i wa tug ldo hnn'nose w gti loers skebuth i mymanaon
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the e ceenrends setnghaisarfo erantoembe and tt tt policis'or he diert rpe anhe doo u m wh wta, ehae foatn. weig ehae otn. weeehaasherdary us ofanage. to pitian, wdsre weon th a t wpo o licawarfar a potianchoosehe wds eiids th vw wa caurg d ercisi por. soords a oenesneto peua uofomhi tt ithpotian inre. noi uld pot ews e stect esidenal electionbeusi ought waan remarkae ersen
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allik. heree d piticians prett nakey psug wer. erwas a pretenset is in they wouldayr do whatever seemedsel w per ifhat turned outoto ef, ey would shiftnd y someinel. f emp, secretar inton famolyasgated na tmporsserti that he mhtotcct e sus of t ectn. th was when she thout e wagoing win. itood fferent wh hwas intoin ose who vi this ection jectively rather tn rough eir paisan lensesa licsorhaitas, the ruleorow a t weapon esthree deos you swe usowreideos psidents
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liing cae w convenit to dso. th wpo oma stctn,obody out eyerthe. nobo ithe whe us out theyerthere,utt d emike a odhi t sa the "keep urocr dethe fordab ce act"- body thghthat w te,utt seed gd intoay so you know,e vellno pele like that. peleft at thhes of ornitis are like that they can changdictn e op oaatndhough n emrrs. --mbrassment. th is why i am ayn. am a cicecsehiis what he seed, ani inifoureot a cynic u e o si ten in. i coend toveryon b mo cic. welways e t pss, n'be too cynicale n't beynal o me cynil than rerts?
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thk in detoivinhe potical rl y he to unrsndhat policnsre abt. aie aen they id at ciz had t unrsndowo lende rud. , our country when teh ilen about pits, oy acth h to be rule we fell th y -- tellhem yoshould vot doouju tyanwh n, te don't llhemuchbo wt le d d t aenians ft order toe good ciz, u d auay derstand the arts of polits ifnly torotect yourself. ihink tt is aotf met tirie th weren't cic but ty eeast. brn: a l odenionof
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u line are tt u e al a libtarian. tt ueand hoofn u findibtarians in the acem wld benjam: ats very inreinquti. i aibtarian on me su. thguthat writethe wipea ticle out me cided walirtia s theri am. i am aibtarian on many su, t tthe -- becae fe, arag i
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rus atakusor dirs th d't. brian: why is ito rdo ire someone in the vement? njincil rvice res ma i vtuly impsible. they makito mbso,
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tas lg. bria w iitet up this y? benjamin: to proctiv servantshonvted th rus. brian: why are they different from the utestes? beamin: u haveo nil awer that quti. th wteheul to protec thsees theyri dfent rules f . mo agencs,heyon al t tirpele beust's too cumbersome. eyrafeth. u ve civil servants that u tranerd ou a nay windp several fis eryoha t jes at yourafeedn thr,ndhedot mh ri t day. brian:haarthpotics o mo cil servants? benjaminmo a ler democrs. ti f emple tt er has been a lot ocoentary about e trump cin and suabet. the number of op w were drawn from the milaran fr business rather tn om vement. threason for that is plain
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ansile vernment ancs are ll erwhelmingly ler and mocrat, d if you wt afupith republicans, y tthmita, or you go touses u n't reuion thepp vels othe government ian: y g io the ed inerwi lanagha i asme- dot owhe averagperson wouldave ev heard it before. i will jt readomofhi ba tyo yota aut the adniraverocedu a of 19. yotalk autheffe foatn fairs. e ified gutory agda beam: wi tl you something, these will rgs th we need tkn. the e in pplshould tghasart of civi. ese arcric tthwa were governe e mistti procere t t bleoregaty agci.
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wh ruloragci write rus and gutis,nd thtes the aintrativ ocurac ty have to blishefohais called- fonoticend comnty. eyavtoe blhean eyave toolit commts d iss e sis fo leki ithe uned at, and leki ith sifor ougornce dsea iscolow a bl bemes a w rough ngss buth d'tea h the ruler guti i prulted thugh th buaucrac wchs importt. u ntnethofcef inrmatioanrelary sement, ra th ia ryve iornt fi. in t white hse office of nament and bge o.b cae is thrghira th pridents attpt tshe e
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gulato and re min gen. raevwsgencies an issues rulorprpt to the agenes tellinghewh t pridt nt ai ts part h w e veedhasten dot ar eyea icivicsf w billeces a l. whathe learnbout tt on too. 's how ius tece w. eyon lrnhe basics w a americansrectll govern. if you wantonoth, es rms i ntneshldote a seet anyre. e a,dmisative ocedurac oira. brn:haishe97 peork rectn t njamin: beam:? th's piecefeglaon e mes rtf funn sml busissasomaing that ty re required toil outomany fmsso cones
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sa, , wl ve papeorrectn t so they will n he fl t nyor. l tmo perrks u ghimin bt wasnder e peor redti act that oiraasreated blanyoha execuve de2291,enaled pridti overshtf en reakg. beam: deexute de 1229 a ainthis i sothg peop shoulkn, wh axeti oer a t the goverent is exute de, eciv meraum esenoba ide ul t issuasany asrede bu, ite hwres meraum ts the mehing. exute de121 s isedurg e ag admistrati. aninhat order,ean id
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that henfoar rules and gutions promulgad t reaucry uld have to be nto ra forevw. en clionaminhedd one st further and said om noonirwill sd oposal t ancs,hich we want th tdo nooi is the pridt' to f ctrling t burecry, vy impoan pridti tl. buitoenogi t pridt any kindf absolute coro tocquil sd,esib atom eeror. heaid, h powers fecis,utts reach is lite the sa coulde idf e pridt d e recry. wh a predent wantso meing, bgo they e ing too it. t eyo 1,000 oer thgs tt e esen don'akanno o
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ia wt pa d t cil service refo a o 78ave onhi gornnt benjam: enlarge the nuer of bearatic ofcis o re subje t presidti aointme. nbeistill sll when trumpaminthere s lot of h my appointments he uld make. buthnuers mayb40 o vaous sorts. i think it sulbeor i inthat ianleiois toffect the recry, pridtshod ae appot more top officia. i don't agree withndw jackson. heaithat any arin ul donyobn veme, think ats intoar. ere are more americansha uld carry t e peop's wi as expressed in an electi.
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think the mb ofera officials appointebyhe esent should be crease blyian - brn:o presint trump said, come into theva fice, bring your bkit you,ut you were given a f nutes to tell h wt b waryf,hawod u y? njini would tell him tt ratn the bureaucracy, that bearac encies march along theiow trajecri. th mch according to thr owdrummers. if arede ierrewi emanth regar ias inteercea esenan his apines intfe, they wi rl th the pchnd trto resume e cour tt eyavsefothemsees ceheuruccy is ead,t vy rd to chan i vy rdo take
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control of i th ia terriblexamplend pele wilbead at for inthis, atao zedg cid was gngo ta thchesbuauac a here hwas thablu rer, d launched cuur voti t uooth bureaucracy. igone and ty e ill the. is ve dfilt aicto anyrede i to try to pot dividuals who unrsnd the agey t n'like wt is doing. change agent ath say. antrump has donehi veral of the indivua h haapinted re enemiesf e en. ats stt. thagenci entllwe th dn. brian:he ia listf some 15dmisate enes under e admistrati
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predesct th a n a uerha act. what is diert out th agcyhan thdertntf ate? njin: thdertnt of ate, t deparent of dens tseremptant agci, t eyon engage inulakg idfr tealousekein rus. eyon issue rules tt afctound me. wheasathdertntf ucio t vio fer soal agencie t iue lethat he e fect o law on your kn. oyo a m for exame,veno, e weheme ty ve
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jurisdicti or vel pieces of federaleslation wheheise les and relaon r ame,oaadnier somethg ll t min mammalpreconctwhich you and have neverea of burently, mee was sent torin r violatina aa relaonnd tt t at pribedarsmt mine anal at didhipeono? r a wha wching at and wstd the whale. ia hwe to prisonor at njinheid rame of a ri mammal yothk thiss crazy, right? bria aorngo e ud
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131aj, nellhang a lily impt $0 lln me,ules and regulatio adopted by the federal ageies beee00an20,mpe 0 lln n costsn e eranubc. hodoounoth? beam: i didn'to the udy. ia h wldnydy kw that? beam: onis t t look ath impactf the rulen the behavi othose feed by it. that sei ink itas ru govning cpote bevi. wh dcoorio do to llow ts le? one of the tngth do iso staff up the bki iusy,ne of e reass albas ve saead bau under saan-oeythquti of afng youeed, the coti services, legal
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seices that u neeto comply with thcts so sutaial that oy g nk can afrdt. thats co of regulation or, you have to e e kind of fuel rather th ath. enroental regutis imse costs. thpeleho study these rules esma cts. th a studied by prat comtsndy the congssnabuetffe, anbyhehite hse office magenanbuet anaonnsus figure emges. e stf regulation is ve high. just reny,n e context of tking abouthyhe.s stanacturing jobs the stece,netudy suggteth about one million bsere lost because of regulatorcos. atece a faor in coorio sfting jobs eras brn:ouri tt perhs
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the public mhtea w some nil washingt observers of the partment of education say with aloeso churill seldomn e course ohun evtsas soite en accomplished bsoan njinth was a lite bit of srk on my pt. there e megenciein waington, that being onef emthat most people who le ts wn don tnkhey doucofnythin theyo veryite r pers. some ancs are extremely ha-wki, qstn, but therarotrsi would sa edation,ney, commerce. --ickerry, meerhe three heand lina, oserthe three,he the outputsn that grea iss lol ejice, n one itkns athey do er brn:hawod u y to medy whos eply iold in whiton, y he absote no id what u' taing about? njaminthey tell tt l e me.
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brian: who ds? njin people o rkn wainon wainonffials. they s, u veo ideaow hardworking we'r yohave no idea howucwe do fothpele of e ited at. u veo eaowucwe value the views ofmeca, to whi i say, i do he ea, anyodon't reha amerans thk. brn: hadnydyver do a sueyike you bor beam: no, iss t first ti ts has been ne and wee ino makeur questionnaire d sults aibl ople can look at what d, d pelly people canov onrothe. ian: why did 800 ps ople reon njininheolng business, when y dtephone llg, most people don't wt to rpo. theyon wt to wte their ti. vw tt t case
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thsuey, first of all, am into be snar again, a lot ppldot ve mucto do. this w aamement. co, op who work shgt are se-iortant not li pfeor war self-iorntto thdeedevand
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letruc is tithal plgoasismentraf aerqur rtll iyo book suggtis e politia llo aterheha t do to g ect. benjinth ifosu. ia w not t adminirave ageiethat sithe on a6 ar avege ey areorngfff e w d t off of whether ty t elected. beam: erisomething
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od abo pitia worki to g elected, becae you are workintoetlectedyou veo y metttion t wh voters thk, eveifll u nto is manipulate em. yostl veo pay attention tohe r federal burecrieare sulated from a tt. theyon know what peoe inanth don'tare wh pele thi. agai mbehedoo re th the avera arin. brn:hat's not ercivil sean beam: , t erne. we a n tki aut individuals. we are talng abo t agegate. on the aggregateth don't thk americankn vy ch andot al ce,ndha wt keth dfent omy ct olaer. if i perceivthat my door doesn't ca aut me,ndha
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am, t usqand >> the u.s. houseetnsn just under5 nutes. gali back in for leslive business. toy ey'll nsider1 bill my dli wh e f.c. a tecmucations su. one t ecuverds gn bpresidt trump tay wod limi federal fundi f oron orss. th other wou fez hirin deral hiring and pay increase except for the u.s liryanwithdrawhe.s fr t tnscic trad panershi which t presen has saiis harmful to amecawoers an manufaurg. .rump tayls welmed leerfromeveral of e
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country's rgt corpations to the whi hse this morning. prisg cutax and recet least 75% o veme rulionsha hierheir binses. e presenal threaned tompose border taon coans that move productn ouofhe cony. re the president followed by tesnse from bins leaders. > goomoin everybody. presentrp:itown, ase. ming back i wanted to sit nexto m.


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