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tv   CPAC - Farage  CSPAN  February 25, 2017 5:35am-5:55am EST

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but if you try sometimes, well you just might find you get what you need ♪ ♪ fromncer: cpac also heard nigel farage, who drew comparisons between the u.s. presidential election and the u.k.'s brexit movement. this is 20 minutes.
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i was born in west london into a muslim family and i am now proud .o say that i am a conservative man, and id english phile.obust americafil sometimes when people meet me they say that is a muslim name ad they ask it by make
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pilgrimage. i say i make a pilgrimage every year to the gaylord national convention center to be among people like you, the people who have made such a massive difference. you have changed the world, ladies and gentlemen. a lot of the world still needs changing. i was in sweden last week. you heard a lot about sweden in the past few days. extraordinary. i want to talk to the back of the room for a minute, the media at the back of the room. [booing] >> you can do better than that. these nostockholm, and go zones. if you want more about that, if you go down to the regulatory
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stand, i have a book coming out on it. i was in these zones and i came back and we were talking about sweden and donald trump is talking about sweden and i was in paris and brussels, too and you guys at the back just don't get it. you don't go there and see what is going on. get your heads out of your rears. [applause] i am sorry, they are not all like that. i am here to introduce a man who really changed my life in a very significant way, who changed my country in a very significant way and i would argue, changed the world in a significant way. last year, we had brexit. [applause] last year we had brexit and
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brexit was spearheaded by a man who loves this country, who wants and end to uncontrolled mass migration, who wants our secure borders and wants us to be a proud sovereign nation again. [applause] i used to work for that man. he is a member of the european , he traveled up the dell the country sometimes speaking to rooms -- up and down the country sometimes speaking to rooms of three or four people just to have his message heard. he has been a mentor to me and a friend to so many of us and he has also been really a father figure to so many of us. he survived cancer, he survived a car crash. he survived a plane crash, he survived bbc, cnn, the
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establishment, european parliament. [applause] he is also a very demanding man. he is a man who when i worked for him, would be just like president trump, call at the most inopportune time possibly -- yes, nigel, i am nearly done. gentlemen,ladies and nigel farage, my good friend. please welcome him to the stage. [applause] nigel: thank you. thank you very much. thank you. it., we did
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we did it. thank you. honored to be here today. i am delighted and thrilled that me, anvited me -- foreigner in your country. it is a funny thing, since november the eighth and the election of donald j. trump, every time i come to the -- to america, i am feeling a little bit more american. i have to tell you. [applause] come, when the generations that follow us study the history's of this period, there is one year that will stand out -- there is one year they will know and that year is the year of 2016. -- 2016, we witnessed
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the beginning of a global political revolution and it is one that is not going to stop. it is one that is going to roll out across the rest of the free world. i have been fighting against britain's membership in the year -- you -- european union for 25 years. have endured abuse, been deplorabe portable -- le, you have only had a few months of being abused, i have had 20 years of it. i always believed we should govern our own country. i always believe we should be free to reach out and make our own deals with our real friends funny,world and it is
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our real friends in the world speak english, have common law, and stand by us in times of crisis. for all those years, i thought i ofht become the patron state lost causes and then the referendum came along and we were told by far sections of the media that we couldn't do it. we were told by many of the pollsters we couldn't do it. we were told by many of the commentators -- any of this ring familiar? we were told by the commentators we couldn't do it and they lined up -- all the big businesses and all the big banks and the big politics -- not just from britain, but across the world. we even had a visit from the 44th president of the united states.
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to my dying day, i will be grateful that president obama -- intervenedntry in the referendum and told the united kingdom's people, told america's greatest friend and ally in the world and told us that if we voted to get our independence, we would go to the back of the line and the british people -- [booing] the british people were so disgusted that it put us up 2% in the polls. [applause] so i should always be grateful -- the great day came, by 3:00 ine 2016 and
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the morning, it was clear that after a period of just after four decades, it was politically had given away our and dependents, democracy, sovereignty, the ability to make our own laws, the ability to choose our own friends, the ability to make the right trade deals with the right countries and they had also given away control of our borders and by 3:00 in the morning of june 24, it was clear the nightmare had come to an end and we had voted to get our country back. [applause] i can't tell you how thrilled it -- i felt.t through the brave british people did it
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and the last opinion poll says that now 68% of the british people want us to get on with brexit. [applause] and then a funny thing happened. i went to the republican convention in cleveland and i realized that amongst the republican activists and the large chunk of the american people, there was something approaching brexit mania and i got the opportunity through my friends in mississippi, the governor of mississippi, i got my opportunity -- what i stand on a platform with donald j. trump and what i tell that audience that what we had done you, too,was what could do here in america? audience, don't
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listen to the pollsters, don't listen to the media, don't listen to the commentators, they are trying to break your will. they are trying to make you stay at home, don't listen to any of them. we got our country back on june 23 and you can get yours back, too, on november 8. [applause] you know what? of that ied and proud did that i came to america many times in that campaign to give donald trump support. i am proud to be part of that campaign -- i really am. [applause] -- what i aming seeing 36 days in to a trump presidency. i am seeing something quite
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remarkable. imc in an elected leader who is trying to put in place the platform on which he was elected. how about that? [applause] because we have had years, haven't we? of people making promises and getting into power and not even attempting to put in place of the things on which they have been elected. that trump -- who we saw this morning and was and he superb? [applause] trump is doing by trying to put in place that ticket on which he was elected is restoring faith in the democratic process and good for him. good for him. [applause] , 2016 was the year the nationstate democracy made a comeback against the globalists of those who wish to destroy everything we have ever been.
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[applause] of course, trump, amazing personality that he is, cannot have done it on his own. he had good people behind him. he had people like steve bannon, elian conway, and many others -- conway, and many others. he also had every single one of you and this event is your celebration. well done to all of you. night of junehe 23 was, great though the night of november the eighth, my favorite part of 2016 wasn't so much the victories. my favorite part of that evening of november the eighth was watching the faces of the cnn presenters. [applause]
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you know what? they haven't given up, have they? they are in deep denial. they would like to wind the clock back to 2015 to pretend that none of this had ever happened, but just as brexit becomes more popular by the day, president trump will become more popular in america by the day. [applause] up and some of their biggest cheerleaders -- i am thinking of tony blair in particular. [booing] so he is popular here, too? i think of people like tony blair who says that 2016 was
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just a blip. just an outpouring of anger from very poorly educated, stupid, virtually unwashed people. [booinb] he islair is wrong -- wrong because what happened in 2016 is not that end of this great global revolution. what happened in 2016 is the beginning of a great, global revolution. [cheers and applause] rollout across the rest of the west. we've got some very exciting elections coming up in the letter -- in the and the
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netherlands,n the in france, in germany, possibly in italy. i did not yet know whether the results in 2017 will be as dramatic as the results in 2016, but what i do know is even if linehallenges don't get a in this year, they will shift the center of gravity of the entire debate. what is happening across europe is people are rejecting this pra national government. they are rejecting the idea of being governed by a bunch of unelected old men in brussels. [applause] although i am very grateful to these unelected old men because i have had some real sport with
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them in the european parliament over the last couple of years. and they are rejecting the absolute madness and idiocy of did 18 monthsrkel ago when she opened up her doors withe've got to be clear us against anybody based on religion -- we are not against anybody based on religion -- we are not against anybody, but we are for ourselves, for our country, for our community, for making our people safe. that is what we are for. forre for our country and our people and we are winning. applause]d thank you.
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♪ announcer: watch c-span as president donald trump delivers his first address to a joint session of congress. president trump: this congress is going to be the busiest congress we have had in decades. announcer: following the speech, the democratic response given by steven beshear and your reaction, along with comments from members of congress. live tuesday at 9:00 p.m. eastern. >> with congress in recess, several lawmakers are holding town halls in their home states. chuck grassley took questions on friday from constituents on a number of issues, including health care, immigration, and


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