Scott Pruitt
CPAC 2017 Scott Pruitt CSPAN February 26, 2017 2:41am-3:07am EST
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otprttits stie wlo or theassera t ancisei sk timcturouryn yse vecod ve agedig yrsgo bsavbe iacd,he auory atasngn h assumption and its relation of power. they have taken advantage of that. i think it is justified. and people look at the epa like they do the irs. i want to change that and change that consistent with the principles we talked about. >> there are a few things you may or may not know about, but you have your hands full. scott pruitt: i do know that. >> the epa grants $4 billion per year. $84,000 to the university of michigan to study -- you will love this -- the effectiveness -- the effectiveness of using
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churches to promote environmental causes. $1.5 million went to the university of colorado to study pollution caused by residential cooking in africa. that is an important use of your tax dollars. and last but not least, a unitarian church received an environmental justice grant, so you are a baseball guy, right? i have had to use some of my -- i have had to study that. you are just a guy from oklahoma, ricky metal. you're probably a huge fan of him. he was third on the home run list, but your favorite baseball player, all-time hit record
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holder. here is my question. when it comes to cutting all of the regulation, are you going to be more like the guy with lots of hits and undo it a bit of a time, or are you going to go for those home runs? scott pruitt: it is good to do both, right? i think it is both. there are some regulations that need to be rolled back in a very aggressive way, and next week you may be hearing about some of those. [applause] scott pruitt: we know what those are. we know that the previous administration, they took the clean water act and made puddles and dry creek bed the subject of the jurisdiction of washington dc. that is going to change. the future is not what it used to be.
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[applause] i think there will be some big steps taken to address some of those regulations, and some singles and doubles as well. >> you walked in that day with a lot of people wondering if they would have jobs. the number one thing people want to ask you is how much we cannot -- can be cut from the epa budget? people are suggesting we take it down to 90%. -- down by 90%. scott pruitt: i think in the near term, the most important thing we can focus upon at the epa is getting it all right. making sure the regulations that are posted and adopted by the agency are consistent with the rule of law and congressional mandates, and rollback those who are inconsistent from the previous administration. that is the work in the near term. long-term, asking the questions
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on how that agency partners with the state and how it affects the budget and structures is something we will work on diligently. >> the issue of climate change. you can clap for this. [applause] >> i can't see what my time is, me when i need to shut up. the issue of climate change is brought up over and over again. you have been grilled on this mercilessly. scott pruitt: i don't recommend that process to anyone on my confirmation hearing. >> one thing i love to quote, you said "if it is possible to minimize the rises of climate change, it is also the same exact duration should go for if people are under were
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overestimated the problems of climate change." you also said the climate is changing and human activity contributes to that in some manner. what is that manner? scott pruitt: we don't know. that is the difficulty with this issue. to measure with precision that impact is something that is difficult to do. but let's not forget something. the tools in the toolbox, the last several years has been focused on whether the climate is changing and humans are contributing to it and the scientific review of that. but there are a lot of other questions that are not being asked. if it is happening, what can we do about it? agencies can't make it up, they cannot just say we will go forward irrespective of what congress has spoken. remember, administrative agencies like eva, they are an executive ranch. they exist -- epa, they exist to enforce the law.
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if congress has not spoken, the executive branch cannot move forward. it is about rule of law and making sure that agencies across federal government are empowered to do the things that they need to do. [applause] >> they always want to cheer at -- cheer for you. president trump has his 100-day plan. what is yours? mr. pruitt: if you ask business owners what has been their impediment to grow their business, it is regulatory uncertainty. it is making it up as they go. agencies acting in a way that the statute says one thing but we are going to do the opposite. that cannot continue. we have to send a message across the country that we are going to provide certainty by living within the framework congress has passed.
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we are going to see regulations rolled back that aren't consistent with that. clean power plants, the methane rule, we have plenty to say grace over. gina: exactly, i love that. you described what it was like to walk in that first day and have people, whatever. you were controversial. i said to you -- this is a homecoming year. it seems like here's is been here forever, we'll love him there but this love is flipping others on their head for other audiences. so tell me what you shared with me about your optimism of the people you have to work with. scott: from day one, sharing as a person. how i believe is a leader, whether you are leading the epa or a business, you have to listen and learn and then make decisions.
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i wanted to send a message, there are various important things the epa does that cross t we do for this country. we have over 1300 superfund sites across the country. those are sides put on the national party list, like the one in portland oregon that have -- the communities have had water issues with respect to the hanover nuclear facility for decades. the epa has not cleaned it up. there is important work to protect and provide leadership in the space. what's happened is the previous of menstruation was so focused on climate change and on co2 that some of the priorities are left behind. up thoseean communities. we come as republicans, don't have anything to be apologetic about when it -- with respect to the environment. we always believed that you can grow jobs, grown economy while being a good steward of the economy -- of the environment. that's what we are tasked to do.
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[applause] most what is the interesting facts that many of you know is that, when he was attorney in oklahoma, you sued the pa 14 times -- the epa 14 times. scott: deservedly. gina: do you have questions about that with the people you are working with now? scott: it came up in the confirmation hearings a few times. [laughter] oklahoma,he state of texas, was raising our any other state in the country sue the pa? one, because the epa was working inconsistent with the statutes. we are going to displace that. we are going to force ourselves upon the state. this is something you said it of this morning. but let me tell you a stat. president bush won. -- president bush one, clinton, plan2 issued a federal
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forced upon the states five times. in three administrations. this last administration, president obama, did it 56 times in eight years. was it -- what does that say to you? that the previous administration saw the states as a mere vessel of federal well, did not respect congress, did not respect the statute, did not respect the law appeared when you do that, what happens? you get sued. we not only sued, we won. we stopped to the clean power plan. guess what that means now. is leadingent, who with greater decisiveness, whose exposing great action, saying we are going to fix that. and him so thankful that i got that kind of leader the white house so we can have the epa fix all those things now and we should celebrate that. [applause] gina: so exciting. done andis said and
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this journey has come to an end for you come in terms of this job, what do you want it to look like? what do you want that legacy to be? factors thatot of will play into that and some of it may be fluid. visualize what your accomplishment will look like, what do you want set about you? scott: what you just heard as far as the younger generation and millennials, they brought an argument and a narrative this is we cannot be pro-energy and proenvironment. and we can. we can as a nation. we always have been. [applause] that, when we have a mutually exclusive kind of approach, that if you are prone environment, you are anti-energy, what that we put on jerseys. we've been used to serving political ends. we as a nation are better than that. we do it better than anybody in the world as far as growing economy and being a good steward of the environment. i hope, whenever the day comes
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that i leave the epa, that the people in this country recognize we have accomplished that, that we are better than china, better than india, better than nations across the globe because we do both. we grow jobs, see jobs in west virginia and ohio and pennsylvania, and take care of the water and our air and the future for our children. that is what i believe needs to happen. [applause] gina: you make such a great point. a lot of this is messaging. your greatest battle is a marketing nature in some ways. getting popular opinion to match up with a policy and regulations that you want to change, that is messaging. so how can the people here at cpac help you take that message to their peers, their work environment come other schools as they go back out in the real world after the save space of cpac? [laughter]
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scott: another key term or keyword for me as trust. there is distrust right now that exists between the states and washington, d.c., as it relates to the epa and the environment. we need to do it we can to restore trust. we are going to dedicate resources to go out across the country, spending time invest virginia and ohio and their governors and their respective departments and send a message. --'s join our an armed to do arm in arm to do what we need for the environment. and understand that you come in those states, delete in clean air and clean water. i believe that at the end of eight years, we will have better air quality, better water quality, because it will be invested in what? a partnership. a partnership that exists constitutionally and legally and i hope in messaging as well. jenna -- gina: and measurable. so we have a lot to look forward to you.
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scott: it ain't what it used to be. [laughter] gina: congratulations. thank you so much. [applause] ♪ i think a lot of these kids look at these huge ideas -- twitter, uber, airbnb -- and they seem conversationally almost like a seinfeld and fed -- seinfeld episode. if only we had this. it was so much harder. >> tonight on q&a, wall street journal staffer alexander wolf looks at the world of startups in silicon valley and the young people who have ventured there with hopes of becoming the next big success story in her book "valley of the gods." >> it felt like the rush of hollywood actresses to
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