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tv   Energy Secretary Swearing-in Ceremony  CSPAN  March 3, 2017 1:41am-1:51am EST

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administration's relationship with the media. but first, former texas governor rick perry was sworn in as energy secretary and dr. ben carson was sworn in as the secretary of housing and urban development secretary. they were confirmed by the senate earlier in the day. >> ladies and gentlemen, the vice president of the united states. [applause] vice president pence: thank you all very much. i am told that the second day of march is an important day in the history of the state of texas. i will leave you to ask texans why that is the case. but today on this second day of march and on behalf of the president of the united states it is my great privilege to administer the oath of office to the great texan. the 14th secretary of energy will be governor rick perry. [applause]
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pence: especially grateful to be joined today by his wonderful wife anita, who has been at his side in so many ways as he has served the people of this state and this nation and now joins him as they serve all the people of the united states at the department of energy. anita, we are honored to have you with us. [applause] vice president pence: also grateful to be joined by so many other friends and colleagues. but most notably, the senator from texas, senator ted cruz. thank you for joining us. [applause] vice president pence: governor perry, few americans have as long and distinguished a record of leadership and public service as you. it stretches back more than four decades, despite your youthful appearance. after a five year stint in the air force and a tour of duty on your family farm, the good people of texas elected you to
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the state house, where you served as a representative for six years. as agriculture commissioner for eight years. and then as lieutenant governor for the state of texas for only two before you became the 47th governor of the lone star state. as governor of texas, you served with extraordinary accomplishment and distinction for an amazing 14 years. you worked day in and day out to improve your state and the lives of the millions of americans who called it home and under your leadership, texas became one of the most prosperous states in the history. [applause] vice president pence: under your leadership, texas became synonymous with the booming economy, but you also oversaw an energy evolution that benefited not only texas, but the united states of america as a whole. let me say from one former governor to another how grateful i am that you are willing to
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respond to the call of president trump and bring your extraordinary character and abilities to the task of leading the department of energy for the united states. president trump called you to this role to serve as the 14 th secretary of energy because of who you are, because of what you have done and, because of what both of us and the people who know you will do to lead the department of energy to even greater heights. [applause] vice president pence: safeguarding america's nuclear arsenal, promoting energy production and independence for the 21st century. the president and i have absolute confidence in senior leadership and in your ability to get the job done. rick, thank you for stepping up again to serve your country at such a time as this. on behalf of president trump, it is my great privilege to a to you the oath of office. step two you're right and that
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right, placeur your left hand on the bible and read your right hand and repeat after me. rick perry: i do richard perry do solemnly swear that i will support the constitution of the united states. against all enemies foreign and domestic. that i will bear true faith and allegiance to the same. that i take this obligation freely. without mental reservations. or purposeful evasion. and that i will faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which i'm about to enter. so help me god. [applause]
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vice president pence: ladies and gentlemen, the 14th secretary of energy for the united states of america, rick perry. [applause] rick perry: mr. vice president, thank you. one of my great privileges in life was to be a governor, to serve the state of texas, and
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during that period of time, i had the opportunity to get to know you. as a matter of fact, recruit you to run for the governorship of your home state. and as i saw donald trump choose you to be his running mate, it became even more clear to me this individual, donald trump's judgment, and his character in putting an individual like you as his running mate. and i think the people of this country now agree with me and that. they have seen you report during the course of not just the campaign, but now as the vice president, of sharing with the people of this country the extraordinary vision that donald that we as a team have. and senator cruz, i want to say to you, thank you for being
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here. being in this room today and seeing this group of former rivals, who are now on the same team, making america great again gives me great joy. [applause] rick perry: as i look at this audience, every one of you have played a role in my standing up here today. and there was a point in time when anita and i did not think we were ever going to be here. but we are here. but nobody is more important in that process than this woman who is standing with me. [applause] rick perry: not a greater friend, not a greater sounding board, not a greater love of my life than my wife. and this is about our country.
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and we collectively understand that the opportunity that we have been given, this may be once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, mr. vice president, to truly put america on a course that will deliver for future generations extraordinary opportunities. i will suggest to you, just as then president-elect donald trump looked across his desk and said, perry, here is what i want you to do. i want you to do for american energy what you did for texas. and i said, i've got it, mr. president. [applause] rick perry: and that is exactly what we intend to do. american energy can lead a revolution economically in this
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country like we have never seen before. i'm proud to be on this team, working with men and women that i have extraordinary confidence in and that i hope that americans understand that our greatest days truly are in front of us. god bless you and thank you for coming. [applause] [simultaneous discussion] it is my great privilege to administer the oath of office today to the 17th secretary of housing and urban development secr


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