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tv   Washington Journal Viewer Calls  CSPAN  March 19, 2017 9:42am-10:01am EDT

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for our currents military to understand how did this come off ? how do you land enemies, about 10,000 troops on an enemy beach and captured 45 position? host: wilmington, north carolina, our spot this week. part of the local content vehicles. check out all our coverage online at tour's during this weekend's book tv and american history tv, every weekend, 48 hours of history on that c-span network. how should the u.s. deal with north korea? you will get the calls in the moment. the story from bbc, that country conducting an engine test. north korean leader declaring the test [indiscernible] for their rocket industry. he said the engine would help north korea achieved world-class satellite capability and the development comes as secretary
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was ine tillerson, who china, after personally overseeing the test, mr. kim said the world will witness soon "the great significance of this epic making victory we achieved today." let's go to joe, west virginia. welcome. caller: hello? u.s. needs to deal with north korea through china. north korea has no economy, no jobs, they create nothing. use, even that they though they are starving the people to death and developing this muscle program and this nuclear program comes from china. basedinese economy is almost solely on exports to the united states. only thing we have to do is what donald trump said during the campaign. let's put a tariff instead of
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50%, let's tell china we will change that tariff to 10% if they address the north korean situation. china was protecting his half-brother in funding his living style and providing protection for him and north korea reached out and killed him with an agent. north korea with nuclear weapons -- it is no threat to the united states i don't think because of our ability to intersect those missiles or take care of applying defensive mechanisms, y are a threat to china and south korea. south korea also has a great trade deal with america. if we ship them to south korea, we pay 18%. ifhey ship a kia or honda here, they pay 2%.
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the key to north korea is making paid terrorists on american products if they don't take care of kim jong un. on to richardove burr missouri, democrat line. good morning. just wondering, it takes a lot of petrol to do that stuff the north koreans do. we are getting our gas from someplace. another thing, to give atomic bomb to the united states, i mean shipping containers coming to this country every day all over the united states. today check everyone to make sure there isn't a bomb on one of them? host: timothy from north carolina. good morning. yes, good morning. thank you for taking my call. please, let me talk. .ou guys always cut me off
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i would be glad to answer your question if you would hang on and not cut me off. ok, then. areou look at america, we creating this problem ourselves. it started with saddam hussein. he led us come in, do inspections, inspect palaces and everything. what did we do? we killed the guy. we did the same thing with good aussie -- we did the same thing by getting rid of nuclear weapons. full-blooded, but i do want them to get nuclear weapons. if you look at our actions in the past, you cannot blame them because of what we have done. , theseerica needs to do nuclear weapons are out of hand. i understand that russia wants to negotiate and they're willing to negotiate a path to where we get rid of all nuclear weapons
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and be able to inspect each other. host: that will be part of the conversation that will take place with secretary of state tillerson in beijing and later in seoul, south korea. he was in tokyo on friday and asked about north korea. [video clip] secretary of state tillerson: let me be very clear, the policy of strategic complacence has ended trade we are exploring security, diplomatic and economic measures. i'll options are on the table. north korea must understand that a secure,ath to economically prosperous future is to abandon their development of nuclear weapons, ballistic missiles and other weapons of mass distraction. recall on other regional powers and all nations to join us in demanding the north korean government choose a better path in a different future for its people.
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united states is committed to supporting the defense of our allies and we will continue to develop a comprehensive set of capabilities to counter the north korean missiles threat. that is why the republic of korea and united states decided to take a defensive measure of two point the defense system. -- deploying a defense missiles system. north korea is retaliation against south korea is an appropriate and troubling. we ask china to refrain from such actions. instead, we urge china to address the threat that makes that necessary. that being escalating threat from north korea. host: that is the antimissile deployments in south korea by u.s. troops. here is the headline in "the military action against north korea in option. tokyo the first of three stops, friday in tokyo, and beijing and seoul, south korea.
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linda from texas, democrat line. good morning. caller: i think that tillerson and from need to keep in mind there dealing with a teenager -- and trump need to keep in mind there dealing with teenager as the leader of the country. and the people at their blind devotion to him have about three cans short of a sixpack in terms of following whatever he wants to do. they need to be a little bit more diplomatic and a little less on the war channel. berry, he was 90 years old and some of his paraphernalia on display at the museum of african american history and washington, d.c. this is the headline from the sunday "l.a. times." steve in missouri, democrat line. the morning. caller: good morning. thanks for letting me take my call. i would like to comment on korea
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. the last time, he cut me off on my last sentence. i will be more quick. on korea, we have to do a knockout punch. i am a democrat and i don't agree with trump on very much but there is a time for war and a time for peace. we can do it. we don't have to use nuclear weapons. we have to send about 1000 -- i and and rain -- so we send about 1000 missiles over there -- i am a and we have to send about 1000 missiles over there. host: we have a lot of u.s. troops in south korea. caller: i was stationed over there. wenow about that, too, but can carpet bombed their take kim's and we can out with their
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missiles. there is no choice and boycott china, too. the last thing you cut me off with, you might remember, i was going to say when sentence that the holy ghost was with them on the day of the pentecost, and the wind was whipping and god spoke to me in 1976. thank you for leing meell my story. misery.eve from let me show at the what jeffrey lewis has written for foreign policy magazine, available online. north korea's military exercises leave little doubt that they plan to use large numbers of nuclear weapons against u.s. forces throughout japan and south korea to blunt an invasion. in fact, the word that official north korean statements use is "repel." have korean defectors
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claimed that the country's leaders hoped that by inflicting mass casualties and destruction in the early days of a conflict, they can force the united states and south korea to recoil from their invasion. whatever restraint can or trump might show, and let's be honest, our expectations here are not high, each will face enormous pressure to start the attack last his opponent beacons of the punch." from england, thank you for listening in on the bbc parliament channel. go ahead. caller: hi, from england. there is nothing you can really do with that leader rather than take them out -- other than take them out. i would like to know, who do you think will replace him? this guy is not of sound mind. no matter what you do, he will not listen. thank you. joining us you for from great britain. we will go to washington, d.c.,
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that morning. how should the u.s. deal with north korea? caller: good morning. thank you for taking my call. host: sure. caller: i think it is interesting that we are operating in the pacific theater on the pre-cold war domino area. i think we have to accept the political, as well as military disintegration of north korea. that being said, we have to appease china to the extent that we must make that inevitability not a threat to china as far as the homeland. i know that china has very specific concerns about a missal defense system recently deployed to south korea and we just need to make china believe that there is no imminent threat to their homeland. i think they and we know that north korea, as it exists, is
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not sustainable. host: thank you. the chinese leader will be in the u.s. next month visiting president trump at mar-a-lago. the washington post headline -- they tested the rocket up historic significance in the post as details in terms of what happened, well missiles were not new, the tactic was. to outsmartdesigned the terminal high altitude antimissile battery that the u.s. is the point to south korea, which would have difficulty shooting down for targets at once. developed engine was by the north academy of the national defense science. missal experts are waiting for higher resolution photos from the state media, looking for clues about the technology. the engine appeared smaller than april of last year and the color of the flames will provide clues about the type of deal used. .t's good to abe
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good morning. how should the u.s. deal with north korea? caller: i want to say there is a precedent for staying in power if you got rid of your nuclear weapons, and that was qaddafi. saddam hussein we invaded he could you refuse to get rid of them but qaddafi did get rid of them and stayed in power until the arab spring's, so you should hold up an example of somebody that got a benefit out of taking out weapons of mass distraction. that's it. host: thank you. this editorial, waking up to the north korea nuclear nightmare, from the chicago tribuebsite d reads --
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the: that editorial from chicago tribune website. good morning, where are you calling from? caller: good morning. koreaalling because north is a challenge and a half for us. history has shown in the time we get involved with a military adventure, we are in a quandary that does not resolve itself, and that is part of the reason we have not seen anyone take that route. host: how do we resolve it, caller? caller: i would suggest diplomacy and we invest in our ability to manage our economy and work with china and learn how we can help them to feed their people, feed them not only resources for information.
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it is democracy that has worked for us, and we have to continue that effort. unfortunately, north korea is a beehive. any tell me go there to attempt -- any time we go there to attempt encouragement, we experience the challenge we cannot manage. we have learned that north korea has the capability now with solid rocket fuel and payload capacity. host: thank you. the headline from the atlanta journal-constitution -- the trump voter may seek suspects in the gop plan. the house is expected to vote under appeal replacement part of the affordable care act. we will have coverage of the four votes on this network. last call, washington, d.c.. terry, good morning. caller: good morning.
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yes, i think that what needs to happen is everyone needs to go to their corners. match.ike a boxing sometimes, a bell has to ring. i think this country needs to ring the bell for itself and it needs to say, ok, people are bleeding in syria, afghanistan, and lots of bombs have been found with u.s. signatures on it. i think we need to go to our corners, stop for a minute and negotiate. we do not need anybody here. host: thank you for your calls, comments and tweets. a busy week in washington this week. some of the hearings tomorrow morning on c-span2 at 11:00 eastern time, confirmation hearing for neil gorsuch. justice antonin
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scalia, who died february of last year. the opening statements are tomorrow. questioning begins on tuesday. on the other side at 10:00 , james time on c-span3 comey will testify before the house intelligence committee. those will be the two topics tomorrow morning as we focus in our 8:00 hour on the russia hiking hearing and allegations that president in our 8:00 o'clock hour on the ussia hacking hearing and also allegations that president obama tapped into president trump's lines at trump tower. "washington journal" is every morning at 7:00 a.m. eastern time. o'clock for those of you on the west coast. thank you for joining us on this sunday. news makers is next. have a great week ahead.
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a group of about three dozen law makers who support open and to talk aboutment the debate ove


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