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tv   [untitled]    April 3, 2017 6:50am-7:01am EDT

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america's rise to dominance in the middle east." michael doran. thank you. >> thank you. it was very fun. transcripts or to give us your comments about this at [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. . sit] announcer: if you liked this michael doran, here are others you might enjoy.
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our 2012 interview with evan looks at the tactics and dent eisenhower used also corda, discussing military and political career. also, simon win chester talks bout an experience from eisenhower's young adult life that led him to propose the interstate highway system as president. you can find those interviews online at >> all month, we're featuring student cam in c-span's documentary. year, students told us the most urgent issue for the new president and congress. prize high school winner is a 12th grader from royal oaks, michigan. mary is a student at royal oak
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high school. he believes criminal yesterday and mandatory minimum sentencing is an urgent issue in her "incarceration nation." take a look. >> we have the highest in the world.rate and above russia and cuba kazakhstan, and our prison ballooned seven fold over the past 30, 40 years only gonepulation has up 30%. why is that? an ex-offender. incarcerated.ears >> i spent 10 years for stealing a pair of tennis shoes. fraud is what they called it. >> it's kind of like a haul. go back to ant to prison again in my life. time ved for 14 days at a three times. they didn't feed me for 14 days times.
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it is a consequence, in significant ways, of what has drugs, toed the war on widespread t was a erceived fear of the impact of narcotics, and this war on drugs was in many ways racialized. the laws were targeted frankly low-level street dealers from the african-american community in cities. >> professor michelle alexander "the new jim called crow" and suggested that the incarcerated, e particularly african-americans, to so high that it seemed suggest that some kind of unfair in rimination was going on our criminal justice system. in this minorities
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country are still racial minorities. their percentage of representation in the general society and compare that with percentage of their representation in the prison population, it's always substantially higher. of a judge, oint you're always trying to apply the law. our hat's our job and responsibility. we can't just change the law, not follow the simply because of a particular occurs. udy that now, that doesn't mean that we can't consider the need to sentences that are fair. >> mandatory minimum sentencing when congress passed the put a t of 1951 which mandatory sentence on a first-time candidate's offense. the reform act was passed in 1984, which was continued to
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increase the sentencing. call y had what you mandatory minimum sentences. and that means a sentence that ust be a certain amount of incarceration time. > the increasing use of statutes with mandatory minimums has contributed to the number of prison. n >> they never provided the resources or the service. were more interested in locking up and throwing away he key than they have in running an efficient justice system. going to getd he's tough on crime. so if he does that, there's oing to be a complete reversal from next year or two ecreasing the number of people incarcerated in the united states. we had 2.1 million people under some type of justice sanction. you take away the judge's
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bility to make those kinds of decisions, then what you do is you have a one size fits all doesn't t that really fit everyone at all. >> for the sentencing judge not able to really synthesize that i think is frankly an injustice. up 5% of the kes world's population but 25% of the world's prison population. people living an on prisons and on college campuses. ow that we've identified mass incarceration as a problem, what is the solution? legislation sed that was going to really look at minimums, but that legislation has kind of died on the floor. i think that would have been a start. >> one of the things which we're advocating is something called parole. e
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parole is the idea has been a person entenced, that it is presumed when they become eligible for parole, that they are eligible for parole and that, you know, only thing that would keep some behaviord is while they were incarcerated or some other factors, which are xtreme, which make it clear that they should remain behind bars. a i didn't know how to use cell phone. my first cell phone i got in 004 when i came home from prison. you know, email. there was a lot of things for people who have been in prison for a long time. bring those things reach,, and be like an in encourage individuals who want to get their high school diplomas, want to get their degrees, want to
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stay out of trouble. ut we must as a society determine when the punishment must stop. boards, we're really to come home. we should accept them home and open up the door and give them opportunity to succeed. inmates out taking of town to community college at 11:00 at night and bringing them 4:00 that night. teaching like welding, teaching them like ng trades, stuff that. they eliminated these programs. programs that would help people to help people when they left prison to get jobs, and the just eliminated them all. want to break the cycle of going back to prison, you have to give them something while in prison. you have an opportunity to educate them. hey have no other choice in here, but to do these things.
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take advantage of it. use it. >> watch all of the prize-winning documentaries in his year's student cam competition. >> here on c-span this morning, "washington journal" is next. at noon, the house gavels speeches with legislative business at 2:00. on the agenda is a bill ondemning north korea's development of multiple intercontinental ballistic missiles. coming up on today's "washington journal", o livia golden with for law and social policy discusses president budget cuts to social programs. hen jessica vaughn from the center of education studies looks at efforts to withhold so-called sanctuary
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cities. nd later, eric catz, senior correspondent for government executives examines the size of the workforce and potential cuts under president trump. morning. it's monday, april 3, 2017. the senate judiciary committee morning meet this about three hours from now on voting to advance the supreme nomination of judge neil gorsuch to the senate. today's "washington journal." following news last night that son-in-law jared kushner was in iraq, after being the office of efficiency, and took a formal senior position to her father as advisor. we want


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