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tv   [untitled]    April 7, 2017 8:31pm-8:54pm EDT

8:31 pm
op ogowi t bino rmsated unats epg at pce esmyr i l'si dond roa hto tet d s h yr feotn tt eryimyotr tsd s wt ppedft th. th ton f t oe do. wohls. uimel in t lg ts wi n lt. tt ybwe cldetlday ohiin n ttl. vi css a trees t gdea odobf lp. ias 1ye-o a ty ehaa anju w anwh iupposetoo en g aotewh t
8:32 pm
noceamtoy hsei ul o ry, d't nt t ty i uloetn e ry t aay tea wiazes e eshangd apveonnghi pele juyk ia re idfoexplcoorio wh meonhe akmoon. narsndanerwhar pelef lote tha beerea,heento tsl tpfo t oer am eris rl on bef iluonhaisow qutiedndasee ur. th iarme ilws me
8:33 pm
cae d'ho mmol mps ovannel'sbu i oweotli kpi t mo omo gh aute lea: iavth icoon thospe ay aumt , coecveet wthouis al yr xizeouowomin wa e co ima ws. riin c iusad o th pntxaly aute. n e imalste st, sdi sw
8:34 pm
at derjues opeor - dirsjuesutrfm it es itjueso t k es tyelere ss ifouavanllhi jy coar t aivse jy,he vee rya recuteutme juyk le ate re lkg ouieweamtohe cclioha pele wh cta aun o meniha ahes teor the.meng pp
8:35 pm
>> cp's "shgt jona" veve dh wsndolysss at pau. mi usard mning, itanssiad es poern e rsjo rert apl ais aresson, wha t ecuve reorf e adca nwone omheenr rm
8:36 pm
ecumisde. wlre brg epte n beuron url" on tuayni. cuio white house press secretary sean spicer, w itrg thherede iflid theendhecara iengitrerts dius t u. sss sia iss ou15ines he chl: thheatnaseri rpe, ientoav a adtat. pellwean ghewi t olt as i llryo t ckve he, w wa tprida tt b
8:37 pm
onhe psin's ti. otr s en l o inre i td ene n keueio. esentonyr, d ee esonree meneweilwa y ugit esyn ou100 t moin tntas inrm throu t crsof hiday iengbo t aconinyr. athati, aedhe tm r dion iorti a upte a ty -hendis am deled rpoe. onueayig, erwaa stct cmieeeengn e tuio - eliny tis rerent ain. onueayig, erwaa puesee tteou wreptns rerent a r. rtrorng
8:38 pm
prcilseengasonct toefe.wa fthuinc ou 30 nea nvedhe t psint ied oio. asd esonofan reesd rtr foatn. thsd w me.nv aut:3nhudain utlodathpridt relyonne t sury te aaraifoe o a otrsy cuidcoerce . teth aapoxaty 00threde, e crarof stean oer meerof t niol cuty ametn sere rm wn he wrehewe pedn thheesofheeaby cuid tecfenc e esenga t oto vehe. 70,9e
8:39 pm
mawkislewe lncd. ng- 0 stn. alithe tge 80,ifatn foigearsnd th psintaldpga. vel ngssnale anben llg meorgn crarta, crarof fee,atnaecit sendths rels inlv imangomofho eal ts vemedensmis d ngssnaleer :3 fstmp ban t gun tpridt iord prid cnahettks we ourng th suaonntyotoenire
8:40 pm
ba dn t sur rm heas bef bthseety steseety dencend otrs e crarofefseasn sereooaselashe aianf inchfs vel mbsercoen i thsiatn shgt,.c thpridtaspdedn e feivesndasolth thbaleame se wodaker hrsut itl sus reosiv yeabt acroth wodomni a colearsndas inrm tt w frl rae r e cionanaconth pridt ok th iprtyucheec lk- tk-ck e tyeahacoind uth psihi moin wexprtr da. rert: [dierbl wathne o?
8:41 pm
at h? ic: hisotoi-seety tegrh s xtov vy inth awa cijuifd d optialo e tis fe we ke itenatrg gn tsyad e rl rert: h ds isitit thamicfit ren li? crarsper tnkis tis reerr de tiewo erwaa vy poan naon sury stn e gi. eris he mataan mptohi rert:inscnie] pridt d enrent the tis. ulyo b me eaonhe reptns seety ic: : c tk outh
8:42 pm
preswi t teeptns d atheecmeatns re seety ic'm t in toetntspifs. atou tegphotti furectn dwa toetnt t looft mas asfi. aybo sref dicta mcst aheesofhe tiitte, e ce t pd, arswonstend ntuetoskueio a opon thas aerev pce whh e esenwa gen qutis,iv aitna opon w tseptns unl uime cionas deesrd. rget hart: tnkouai
8:43 pm
thprtnfmepridt ft. ttccat crarsper ihi aer e nn ccledi bie thimctadma. i' he cck t ect mene thimct ourd aarnd 30asnit stn te. thpridt iordrede s w ohiwaba t hiteory arrs erthext mene isvethg d det di thti h w iord,e foed psinti. rert:scnie] rta aonrn seet: tt r re: [erbl puinha cte, t brdeesgehaif
8:44 pm
n'hesrado o h re wwi he wl y ic:he a adrlrod aut l tashawe diusd d wl y g so fthso iivua stf tk ou scics i lie atheredesa lt nighwasothg atctn d enak, at woiwh h hped wl bef i n'thk er w a aes i s t est r e nvsaon rert: ndceib] t neeng w nyerthpridt rsal iold thugutheross seety ic: fo. th fe y cnthe iniaonn esy.
8:45 pm
rert: t rorr s id 'gog olihe tis,utemrsf e ll nto bug io e ocs. w hae est epg s si ono secrarsper wusil sathkeemal inrm othecio i lie o ti i tan,th he ard ha tse cveat surydverthvi psintchf sff th henn nsnt ntt thones leer unrsndoudere deta wt gng o b i inthe e cveatnsatil bheaiy ad tms o pseinan aio poerthe e pos at erare coer ang diduatheusan we iold t cmil apsttk sia
8:46 pm
ats e te oth a c y tl autha wh a y lki a seety ic: t aio th wwe car agnsth aadege, wl t y reha. i owecta tleonot la nhtitreecto ruia wh spt t aa oraonth l tm kw beuse e thpeti the,d athe w nounatnitmoow omniti wh sc. he-abt er y tk outh evutn o lt h [iisrnle orbo-ndceib] n u lko valy abt wt s ti w ath benng,owevve h we got fm enig p b
8:47 pm
oi?pnt ao tety ic: tnk rerktht den e searn elaedrey thince lesthchdr anbaesild. chics veeeseby sainheas thpridt s ryak b th tnks u ntne coecy,hiwa 7ho evutn reies dptnsnd rinent thugadtial qstnsr esen me e meo fil cion t cee srenth isn :3 t, ben ki aers qus,etngddiol s d aen, d oponavlae a. epci athbenng
8:48 pm
erheaie? mod a fndhevetittoee h rht exemyrac i infrheeto,t ryisrbgndrac d tim rert: t t he e ns th hthe tmsf lirytrgt crarsperefe g toarthaners ate d vy dibate pce ainthnaon sury o vepptnsanyo mano tseptnssuly ariterangollhe yo 0. w aevf seme, rtr g,ueio t pridt d. tite, teda o
8:49 pm
fime, desi w me. i wldotantougstha the y nsofmmia desi. ats y ialth te. -- ievveov te. itas sieofueio a fuhein d hprt t ag? ety ic: cotohahe ss bef le-hee wey eaimeshawe avlae oin inepars d teviothveon heorld cldee seety ic:bsuty. oethprid lie at aau ndso - aad edtoea por? crarsper ihi t pridt' aio we ry
8:50 pm
eaabt e nds- in nds tnkthreme sulat einumgr tabey e reen tyado t e emaleans i inth sulbe mim stda tououthwod. ta, ats erwe d thk eameagwa se lt gh o ttas ho n oy o leerinhicotrbu ndheor. herede wne dungheamigio agnsthss rd su iwod r i. isepssncneabt atapni, othfa tt sian er on fm he cntes
8:51 pm
ueranth t u teapopaty,ndn st cas, erisidprd ai fm ou t gber e ese's tis. s n setng 'coerd ouanor seet: t tm st heecta odens chf sffnaon seridvernojuit --atna sury vir s pneotus wh ngss b deninte, d neraedhe civect lsonheamig trl,e prseaeseo rkitruiao fe i thilelyetusct crarsper d'age thha he ban reendeat i a al aeehayoshldot s urwneoe. thk ia m ve ofum den c e ouofvebo a io't th gs ndn-nd thlsauenngur
8:52 pm
cutyntes er [dierbl wh feiisrsnd ghndinnie]st crarspherede coins mtiit eseni, wl ntue thho. usaaith moineaacof grsindugst iwa plreheheca atck seetic: tnk jt oc vy ea tk ofowheredeiv a thacone d. atrey chpes r itlf hath ia ea acggssn? crarsper tnkhi isesnsorumitia puos tt s enra poer[iisrnle crarsperenon
8:53 pm
llava adt ttowe si ilha fth iorti thuguthe ayn ucwi ts, wt goufos ctiintoav -y,olio. a hina eavit d nto keweonud th. anyove mh. tiern,reurseetary evmnhiancoer seety lb rs bef rts llinthmein thredempndhise esenin r-la th tkeabt.s retis a mits hehr lde h pridt umanpridt opatnhi magg ffens seonutl spt.


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