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tv   Enough is Enough  CSPAN  April 19, 2017 12:02pm-12:12pm EDT

12:02 pm
20 plus years since the demise of the soviet union, they were not in a position to assert that. capability --the all these years is the capability to do that. >> our country is more than just numbers. healthy economy also helps us to take care of the most viable. my mother relied on medicare to help her before she died on cancer. pam and i would also like that for heret to be there grandchildren. >> seymour from the hearings
12:03 pm
tonight as we proposed all sums cabinet tonight. studentcam. stand this year, students taught us the most urgent issues for president and congress. our high school winter is a 12 greater from royal oak michigan. jared clark is a student. call --mented on, kudo pharmaceutical press gathering is titled enough is enough. >> you don't have to talk to to catch ng enough >> roughly four people today
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will die if they don't get the epinephrine. of you have a drug that has been on the market for 100 years, cost roughly one dollar, but the price of this has gone from $99 for one to more than $600 for two in a very short amount of time. do you ever feel guilty or pains of guilt making such a large sum of money? >> i have to take a prescription to the mother and watch her cry and call them members in order to get money to pay for the medication. >> enough is enough.
12:05 pm
the greed of the pharmaceutical industry is killing americans in making them much sicker than they otherwise would have been. >> in 2016,, cynical companies attack for price gouging current one of these is epipen.he maker of the >> epipen is for allergicatening reactions for it they have gone from $200 for a two pack two $600 42 pack in the. of about 5-6 years. >> we have been buying epipen for decades. we used to spend a couple hundred dollars to outfit the whole department and now we are spending $300 apiece so every year we are spending thousands upon thousands just for at the pens. designed a special
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--dy where we could train other counties want to model our system and create their own cities to mitigate costs. >> someone that doesn't have the money, they are you going to use an old one. people say they will not carry it. the risk is inversely record. didn't have the epipen, i would've been dead. >> in 2016, a student at one of oak high school insurance or first severe allergic reaction. it was junior prom. >> i could've lost my life. it was so bad.
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>> million came to where the administrators were sitting and she had allergy issues. headache at the dance so i took an ibuprofen and about little pain ina my eyes started. >> we told her we were going to contact 911 and get medical assistance. >> my eyes started swelling. >> at that time we could see visibly that it was getting worse. >> i cannot see. my eyes were completely shut. >> we waited for ms to arrive, it was obviously becoming more severe and she was starting to comment that it was difficult to breathe and difficult to --
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i was taken to the hospital. >> her situation was critical. >> it is clear that at the pens are a life-saving drug. with the epipen, the price increase is not match the increase in demand. it is purely doubting. like reading a different route and limiting -- by creating a that will stop it. epipen is not the only case leucine of large pharmaceutical price gouging. -- e fraley
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>> what do you say to that sick, pregnant woman who i have a sunnis dare print -- who needs dare print >> -- types of issues come and go. after epipen, there will be a price gouging issue with another drug. think it could be narcan. it became necessary for just about every police agency to carry and people now have it in their home, prices are skyrocketing. >> we are a capitalist society and i believe in that. at the same time that, health-care costs have skyrocketed.
12:10 pm
do americans cannot afford the prescription drugs they need, the top three pharmaceutical companies may 40 $5 billion in profits -- made $43 billion in profits last year. the time has come to say loudly and clearly enough is enough. the greed of the pharmaceutical companies is killing americans and making many of them much sicker. the committee for economic development has their spring conference policy going on today.
12:11 pm
we will resume today for a discussion on the first hundred days. while we wait for that to start, to capitol hill staffers talk about grassroots activism and the trump administration. to get people up -- two peoplelly joining us, the founders. thanks for joining us. the group's goal? we put out in the goal of the google dock was to


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