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tv   [untitled]    April 28, 2017 5:03pm-5:40pm EDT

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>> a live look at the u.s. capitol on this friday afternoon where the house and senate were in session for one reason, to stepped the government government spending authority for one week. current spending was due to run out at midnight. negotiations continue on a longer more comprehensive spending package likely to see debate next week. we'll bring you updates. environmental activists will hold a rally here in washington and across the country, a coalition of environmental groups, labor unions, students and inding enous groups. and from the grounds of the
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washington monument. president trump marks his first 100 days in office with a rally. and president trump won't be at the correspondents' dinner this year. this year's entertainer is senior correspondent for "the daily show" in a statement jeff mason said the whca takes note of his announcement on twitter that he does not plan to attend the dinner which has been and will continue to be a celebration of the first amendment and the important role played by an independent news media in a healthy republic. 9:9:9:9:9: eastern here on c-sp. >> c-span's "washington journal" live every day with news and policy issues. coming up saturday morning, u.s. news and world report managing
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editor will talk about president trump's first 100 days in office. then in our spotlight in magazine segment, editor-in-chief will discuss her recent piece examining key drivers of key health care costs. watch "washington journal" live on saturday morning at 7:00 eastern. squoin the discussion. >> this weekend on american history tv on c-span 3, saturday night at 8:00 eastern on lectures in history go, a professor on victorian culture in the last half of the 19th century. these are the values they are promoting, restrain yourself. be modest, don't brag and make yourself the center of attention and work hard. >> at 10:00 on "real america"
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1984 film soviet active measures" about the measures to use forgery, bribery and the spreading of fake news to further their cold war agenda. [indiscernible] almost each time there will be forgery there. sunday at 6:30 p.m. eastern, historians talk about their roles as expert witnesses for court cases. >> as i see it, history is sort of an add-on or contact to which judges and lawyers turn to to the extent that it's useful in a particular case. >> at 8:00 on the presidency, presidential historians on the most influential first ladies. >> dolly madison who really shaped informal politics in
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washington. she really understood that at social gatherings, you could get men to agree to what the president wanted to do or get to warring factions together over ice cream. for our complete schedule, go to >> president trump spoke at the national rifle association's annual meeting in atlanta.
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♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] crowd chanting u.s.a.] president trump: thank you, chris, for that kind introduction and for your tremendous work on behalf of our second amendment. thank you very much. [cheers and applause] president trump: i want to also his wayne lapierre in fight for freedom. wayne, thank you very much. [cheers and applause] president trump: i would also like to congratulate karen handle for her incredible fight in georgia's 6th. the election takes place on june
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20 and by the way, on primaries, let's not have 11 republicans running for the same position. [laughter] president trump: it's too nerve shattering. she's totally for the n.r.a. and she's totally for the second amendment, so get out and vote. you know, she is running against someone who is going to raise your taxes to the sky, destroy your health care and he's for open borders, lots of crime and he's not even able to vote in the district that he is running in. other than that, i think he is doing a fantastic job, right. so get out and vote for karen. he has become a friend because there is nobody that does it more than lee greenwood.
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wow! [cheers and applause] president trump: he is the perfect description of the renewed spirit sweeping across our country and it is really indeed sweeping across our country. lee, i know i speak for everyone in this arena when we say we are all very proud indeed to be an american. thank you very much, lee. cheers and applause] president trump: no one was more we d to be an american, and membering on gatherings your former five-term president, the -- charlotteon helps ton heston. [cheers and applause] president trump: he was out there when people didn't want to be fighting. he was out there for a long
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time. he was a great guy. and truly wonderful to be back in atlanta and back with my friends at the n.r.a. you are my friends, believe me. [applause] president trump: perhaps some of you remember the last time we were all together. remember that? we had a big crowd then, too, so we knew something was happening. but it was in the middle of the historic political year and middle of a truly historic election. what fun that was. november 8th. wasn't that a great evening. do you remember that evening? [cheers and applause] president trump: remember those saying, we have breaking news, donald trump has won the state of michigan. michigan, how did that happen? donald trump has won the state of wisconsin, whoa!
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but earlier in the evening, remember florida, north carolina, south carolina, pennsylvania, all the way up, we ran up the east coast. and you know, the republicans have a tremendous disadvantage in the electoral college, you know that. tremendous disadvantage and to run the whole east coast and then you go with iowa, ohio and all of the different states, it was a great evening, one that a lot of people will never forget. a lot of people. [applause] president trump: not going to forget that evening. and remember they said, there is no path to 270. for months i was hearing that. you know, they are trying to suppress the vote and people are saying i like trump and he loves the second amendment and loves the n.r.a., but let's go to the movies because we can't win because they are trying to
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suppress the vote. i heard 100 times, there is no route, there is no route to 270. nd we ended up with 306. and they were right, 306, not 270. [applause] president trump: big sports fan said that was the most single event they ever seen and that ncludes super bowls and boxing matches and it meant a lot. only one candidate in the general election came to speak to you and that candidate is now the president of the united ates standing before you again. cheers and applause] president trump: i have a feeling that in the next election, you will be swamped
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with candidates but you won't be wasting your time. you will have plenty of those democrats coming over, no, sir, no thank you, no ma'am, it may ohontas and remember that. [booing] president trump: you came through for me and i'm going to ome through for you. i was proud to receive the endorsement and i'm proud to be the first sitting president to address the n.r.a. leadership forum since our wonderful ronald reagan in 1983. [cheers and applause] president trump: and i want to thank each and every one of you.
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not only for your help electing true friends of the second amendment, but for everything you do to defend our flag and our freedom. th your activism, you help safeguard the freedoms of our soldiers who have bled and died for us on the battlefields. and i know we have many veterans in the audience today, and we want to give them a big, big beautiful round of applause. cheers and applause] president trump: and like i promised, we are doing a really op job already, 99 days, but
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already with the veterans administration. people are seeing a big difference. we are working really hard at the v.a. and you are going to see it and already seeing it. and it's my honor. i have been telling you we are going to do it and we are doing it. thank you. [cheers and applause] president trump: the n.r.a. protects in our capitals and legislative houses the freedoms that our service members have n for us on those incredible battlefields and has been a tough fight against those who would go so far as to ban private gun ownership entirely. but i am here to deliver you good news. and i can tell you that wayne and chris have been fighting ith me long and hard to make sure that we were with you
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today, not somebody else with an empty podium because believe me, the podium would have been empty. they fought long and hard and i think you folks cannot think them hard enough. they were with us right from the beginning. [applause] president trump: we have news that you have been waiting for for a long time. the eight year assault on your second amendment freedoms has come to a crashing end. cheers and applause] president trump: you have a true friend and champion in the white house. no longer will federal agencies e coming after law-abiding gun owners. [cheers and applause] president trump: no longer will the government be trying to undermine your rights and your
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freedoms as americans. instead, we will work with you by your side. we will work with the n.r.a. to promote responsible gun ownership to protect our wonderful hunters and their access to the very beautiful outdoors. you met my son. i can tell you both sons, they love the outdoors. frankly, i think they love the outdoors more than they love 5th avenue, but that's ok. and we want to assure you the sacred right of self-defense for all of our citizens. [applause] president trump: when i spoke to this forum last year, our nation was still mourning the loss of a giant, a great defender of the constitution, justice antonin scalia.
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[applause] president trump: i promised that if elected, i would nominate a justice who would be faithful and loyal to the constitution. i even went one step further and publicly presented a list of 20 judges from which i would make my selection. and that's exactly what we did. and by the way, i want to thank really, heritage and i want to thank also all of the people that worked -- where is leo. is leo around here? he's got to be here. where is he? he has been so good. and also from heritage, jim demint, it's been amazing. those people have been fantastic. [applause] president trump: they have been real friends.
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the federalist people, are they here? they really helped us out. i kept my promise. and now with your help, our brand new justice and he is ally something very special, neil gorsuch sits on the bench of the united states supreme court. [cheers and applause] president trump: for the first time in the modern political era, we have confirmed a new justice in the first 100 days. [applause] president trump: the last time that happened was 136 years ago in 1881. now we won't get any credit for this, but don't worry about it. the credit is in the audience. the credit is in the audience. all of those people. they won't give us credit, but
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it's been a long time. and we're very honored. we have also taken action to stand up for america's sportsmen. on the very last full day in office, the previous administration issued an 11th hour rule to restrict the use of lead ammunition on certain federal lands. have you heard about that folks? i'm shocked to hear that. you have heard about that. on his first day as secretary of zinke rior, ryan eliminated the previous dministration's ban. [cheers and applause] president trump: ryan's going to be great. we have also moved very quickly to restore something gun owners care about very, very much, it's called the rule of law.
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[cheers and applause] president trump: we have made clear that our administration will always stand with the ncredible men and women of law enforcement. [applause] president trump: countless members of law enforcement are also members of the n.r.a. because our police know that we -- know that are responsible gun ownership saves limbs and the right of self-defense is essential to public safety. do we all agree with that? [applause] president trump: our police and sheriffs also know that when you ban guns, only the criminals will be armed. for too long washington has gone
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after law-abiding gun owners making it easy for gang members nd criminals, ms-13. it's not pleasant for them anymore, folks. that's a bad group. [cheers and applause] president trump: not pleasant for ms-13. get them the hell outta here. get them the hell out. we are protecting the freedoms of law abiding americans and we are going after the criminal gangs and cartels that prey on our innocent citizens. and we are really going after hem. as members of the n.r.a. know well, some of the most important decisions a president can make are appointments. and i have appointed people who believe in law, order and
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justice. cheers and applause] a man who has fought crime supporting the police and defending the second amendment. for the first time in a long time, you have a pro-second amendment tough on crime attorney general and his name is jeff sessions. cheers and applause] attorney general session is putting our priorities into action. he is going after the drug dealers who are peddling their poison all over our streets and destroying our youth. he is going after the gang
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members who threaten our children. and he is enforcing our immigration laws in all 50 states. and you know what? it's about time. [cheers and applause] president trump: heading up the effort to secure america's borders is a great military general, a man of action, homeland security director john kelly. [applause] president trump: secretary kelly, who used to be general kelly, is following through on my pledge to protect the borders, remove criminal aliens and stop the drugs from pouring into our country. we have already seen, listen to this -- it's never happened before -- people can't even believe it -- and by the way, we
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will build the wall. don't even think about it. don't even think about it. [cheers and applause] president trump: you know, they are trying to use this number against us because we have done so unbelievely at the borders and tried to use it against us, but you need that wall to stop the human trafficking, to stop the drugs, to stop the wrong people. but you need the wall. listen to this, we have already seen a 73% decrease, never happened before, in illegal immigration on the southern border since my election, 73%. cheers and applause] >> build it. president trump: you see what they are doing?
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we need the wall. >> build the wall! president trump: don't even think about it. don't even think about it. don't even think about it. we need the wall. i said to general kelly, how important is it? he said very important, he said the final element, we need a wall. and wall in certain areas where you have massive physical structures that you don't need and we have big rivers, but we need a wall and we're going to get that wall. >> build it. behind you. [cheers and applause] president trump: they know our border is no longer open to illegal immigration and if they try to break in, you will be caught and you will be returned to your home. you're not staying any longer. and if you keep coming back illegally after deportation, you will be arrested, prosecuted and
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will be put behind bars. otherwise, it will never end. cheers and applause] president trump: let's also remember that immigration security is national security. we have seen the attacks from san to boston to bernardino. hundreds of individuals from other countries have been charged with terrorism-related offenses in the united states. we spend billions and billions of dollars on security all over the world, but then we allow radical islamic terrorists to enter right through our front door. that's not going to happen anymore. cheers and applause] president trump: it's time to get tough.
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it's time we finally got smart. put s, it's also time to america first. cheers and applause] [crowd chanting u.s.a.] president trump: and i see all of those beautiful red and white hats, but we will never forget our favorite slogan of them all, again. rica great [cheers and applause] president trump: keeping our communities safe and protecting our freedoms also requires the cooperation of our state leaders. we have some incredible pro-second amendment governors here at the n.r.a. conference, including governor scott of florida -- where is governor
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scott? where is he? great guy. doing a great job. governor bryant of mississippi. what a wonderful place. governor bryant is here. thank you. governor deal of georgia. [cheers and applause] president trump: and we are also joined by two people that -- well, one i loved right from the beginning, the other one i liked, didn't like and now really like, senator david perdue. he was from the ping and senator cruz, like, dislike, like. where are they? [applause] president trump: good guys. good guys. each of these leaders knows that public officials must serve under the constitution, not
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above it. we all took an oath to present vemb, protect and defend the constitution of the united states and that means defending the second amendment. [cheers and applause] president trump: so let me make a simple promise to every one of the freedom-loving americans in the audience today. as your president, i will never ever infringe on the rights of the people to keep and bear arms. never, ever. cheers and applause] president trump: freedom is not a gift from government, freedom is a gift from god. [cheers and applause] president trump: it was this conviction that stirred the heart of a great american
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patriot. , 242 years april ago, it was the day that paul receive veer spread his alarm saying the british are coming, the british are coming. you heard that, right? the british are coming. now we have other people trying to come, but believe me, they aren't going to be successful, that, i can tell you. nothing changes, righte folks? they are not going to be success ful. next came the shot heard around the world and then a rag-tag my of god-fearing farmers, shopkeepers, merchants, that stood up to the most powerful army at that time on earth, the most powerful army on earth.
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but we sometimes forget what inspired those everyday farmers and workers in that great war for independence. many years after the war, young men asked captain prescott, aged 91, why he fought along side his neighbors at concord, was it the stamp act or tea tax or work of philosophy. no the old veteran replied. then why, he was asked. young man, the captain said, what we meant in going for those red coats was this. we always have governed ourselves and we always meant to overn ourselves. [cheers and applause] president trump: captain preston's words are a reminder of what this organization and my
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administration are all about, the right of a sovereign people to govern their own affairs and govern them properly. cheers and applause] president trump: we don't want any longer to be ruled ruled by the bureaucrats in washington or any other country, for that matter. in america, we are ruled by our citizens. we are ruled by each and every one of you, but we can't be complacent. these are dangerous times. these are horrible times for certain obvious reasons. but we're going to make them great times again. every day we're up against those who would take away our freedoms, restrict our liberties and even those who want to abolish the second amendment.
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we must be vigilant. and i know you are all up to the task. since the first generation of americans stood strong at concord, each generation to follow has answered the call to defend freedom in their time. that is why we are here today, to defend freedom for our children, to defend the liberty of all americans, and to defend the right of a free and sovereign people to keep and bear arms. i greatly appreciated your support on november 8 in what will hopefully be one of the most important and positive elections for the united states of all time. and to the n.r.a., i can proudly say, i will never ever let you down. thank you. god bless you. god bless our constitution. and god bless america.
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thank you very much. cheers and applause]
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>> we will have live coverage at 3:00 eastern here on c-span and watch live at or isten on the c-span radio app. president trump will have a rally in harrisburg, pennsylvania. we'll have that on c-span as well. line coverage of this year's white house correspondents' dinner. and the announcement of several journalism awards. president trump will not be attending, making him the first president to skip the annual event since ronald reagan in 1981 who was recovering after having been shot.
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live coverage at 9:30 eastern. cnn's jake tapper and nbc katy tur on the state of the news media. they talk about covering president trump, the importance of accurate news reporting and impact of social media. the panelists are recipients of he 2017 walter cron kite award in political television. this is just over an hour. >> good afternoon. ood afternoon. hello. there are some people for whom good afternoon is a cue and others if you can


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