tv Washington Journal CSPAN May 16, 2017 7:00am-8:01am EDT
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the affordable care act. and at 9:00 a.m., discussion on ♪ morning.d it is tuesday, may 16, 2017. we begin on reports that president trump disclosed sensitive intelligence during a white house meeting with the russian foreign minister last week. the "washington post" first reported the story yesterday afternoon. officials deny that the president shared any sources. we want to hear what you think. phone lines are open. you can also catch up with us on social media.
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a very good tuesday morning to you. you can start calling in now on this story. two different headlines from two different news organizations. the daily news which has been critical of president trump. leaker of the free world is the headline. former newsannon's organization, breitbart. here is the story from the "washington post." the story that broke this -- the organization that broke the story yesterday.
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as we said, a quick response from the white house. the white house official that were not to give that response, h.r. mcmaster. >> that is nothing the president takes more serious than the security of the american people. the story that came out is false. the president and foreign minister reviewed a range of threats including civil aviation. at no time were intelligence sources or methods discussed.
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the president did not disclose any military operation that were not already a locally known. two other senior officials were present remember the meeting the same way. i was in the room, it did not happen. host: h.r. mcmaster noting no sources or methods discussed. as several news organizations pointed out, the intelligence is .hat concerned those officials the concern is the knowledge about the information about the islamic state could allow the russians to figure out the details of the sources and those methods. we are getting your response this morning. one of the things to note about this as the story developed, the paper pointing out that president trump's disclosure does not pick -- does not appear
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to be illegal. he has the power to declassify almost anything. duluth, minnesota, democrat. caller: thanks for taking my call. i think that something should be done about trump. he is either grossly incompetent and doesn't know what he is doing or he is colluding with the russians. it is getting to the point where it is going to harm national security and our relationship with our -- with other nations. something needs to be done. i understand that the ideal that people had that were voting for him, but he is not the person that people voted for. he is a con man. host: when he said that something needs to be done, who is that's what is to be done and who should do it? caller: i think he needs to be
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impeached. with all of the evidence with all of the people he has surrounded himself with who have relationships with russia, it is starting to become obvious that something is wrong. people were what voting for when they voted for him. i like the idea of not having big campaign donors and stuff, but he is not what the people voted for. host: letter to john in tampa, florida. caller: what was the information that was leaked and why was it leaked? that is the fact that this is probably strategic military information intelligence for russia to use to attack islamic state. there is nothing wrong with the president giving an ally militaryon that is
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intelligence and nation -- in nature to fight an enemy. that information would also probably help protect russia against isis hacks. this is an example of the news media giving partial truths to the american public, not telling the whole story. benefit a tiny sliver of the population that is politically very powerful and financially very wealthy, extremely influential and ask against their interest. hillary was a prostitute of these bad actors. host: you asked about what the information was. in his meeting with sergey lavrov --
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my comment is this president is becoming more unhinged as time goes by. he's got all of the surrogates covering up what he is doing. i really think he needs to be impeached. he's got no business being in office. host: frank, rochester, new york. caller: i am concerned on how people believe these so-called sources that are in the newspaper. considering that we already have a presentation done at the white house by one of the individuals that were right in the office and in the building where the russians were, and he said it never happened. who are these official sources? c-spanl question is, is c-span or is it msnbc? host: we want to hear your
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thoughts this morning. lewis is an colorado springs. republican. caller: good morning come c-span. elementwith that last that we need to find out where the leaks are coming from. that is the problem. the washington post is the same paper that was trying to bring down trump during his campaign and up until today. they ought to find a way somehow to get these reporters to see who these people are that are leaking. it might be former intel guys that were in the obama administration or somebody in that cabinet who is still left over. every day, the washington post and new york times, it seems like it is something different every day. you don't hear the good stories that china is going to start buying from the u.s.
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there a lot of good news it is just not getting reported. i think they need to find out who these leakers are, because very few people in that room that were not them. that is my take. i hope you have a good day. host: baltimore, maryland. democrats. caller: i understand that many of the republican voters don't want to believe the worst itsible scenario here, but could be a one in a million chance that there may simply be a russian agent occupying the white house right now. at the very least, there is someone there who is simply owned by vladimir putin. i know they don't want to consider that possibility, but at some point, you can't just string along all of these
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coincidences and just say that is all they are, just coincidences. i don't buy that. i think there is much more to this than people are willing to consider. it goes far deeper than people are willing to consider host:. just consider. -- consider. host: joy is up next. caller: i think this whole thing is absurd. i understand why mcmasters came a yesterday and said the story is false. he turned on his heels and went back into the white house. why do people keep hanging their hats on these ignorant stories? every time -- he is starting to do things. every time he does something that is noteworthy, that is good and decent, you people turn on
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him like barracudas. what in the world is your problem? in the independent journal review, a wrapup of various reactions first broke by the washington post. rex tillerson comments included in that wrap up. the secretary of state saying -- getting your response to the story. it was on the front pages of most major newspapers today. richard, michigan. good morning. caller: i am on the air? host: yes sir. caller: i cannot get over how
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all these people want to make a big deal over and over again and there is never any proof. how can they hang somebody without having proof? they keep coming in their after trump. i didn't vote for the guy but he is the president. let's get on with it and quit creating problems that are not there. i don't understand how these people can be this way. no proof whatsoever. host: who is creating the problems? .aller: the news people the people who come out and say they have all of these problems with what he is doing, but they don't put any proof on the table . .he newspapers, television all they are doing is creating havoc. they don't like russia and i don't see a problem with russia. russia is over there try to do something.
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the united states, all they are doing is creating problems. host: one of the colors said it was the leakers that were the problems. do you think it is leaks from people in the administration? misinformation. if they had some information that they could prove, if they could show it, manning had proof . nobody would even look at his proof. there is all kind of things there -- how can you believe anything that you hear out of the newspaper or anyplace anymore? host: here is what the president had to say about it 10 minutes ago setting out to tweets. out two
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two tweets from the president so far this morning. kathleen is waiting in jacksonville, north carolina. democrats. caller: what i have to say is i never seen a lost twisted around so much for this man and our president in office. does anyone realize he is representing america? people are watching this. our kids are watching this and we are teaching them this is what you can do and become a president. what happened to being respected? these things this man is doing is wrong. he wouldn't let american people in their to reported. he doesn't even respect america. host: let's go to nathaniel waiting in baltimore. caller: good morning come c-span.
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that i wanted to say everything that trump is doing is part of a plan, strategic plan. i would caution the listeners and folks out there that just because you don't understand the plan doesn't mean the plan is wrong. i believe that -- in the year that we live where everyone hates america, that trump is thatow forming an opinion there is a group out there that is worse than america and that is the russians. focusing on that attention on the russians itself and not the relationship it has with america, that is a part of a good plan. let russia be the enemy for wants to everyone. let's move forward as a country. if you guys don't understand the plan, we are not the president. and see how mindful
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this plays out. is a matter of trust, nathaniel? how does this administration build that trust? should they be doing something more to build that trust? caller: i think it is going to be hard to build trust because there.the -- that is out most interpretation is misinterpretation, and that sometimes when you get this information, you just may be looking at it in the wrong light. ,f we were all the president and we were privy to all the things he is privy to, we may see things a little differently. .eople need to step back that is why i like c-span so much. step back and take a look at all the facts and the value facts and evidence over feelings and opinions. host: some comment from twitter
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it is kind of braggadocio, where was the chief of staff to say, let's think this through. we are going to blow up our source material to get personal cachet. he needs a chief that can do the dam job. russia is hardly our problem. north korea is on the march. they are our real problem. in the grand scheme of things, this is small potatoes. the big problem is president trump needs a chief of staff that can push back and help him think these things through. if he wants to build personal cachet with the russians, he's got to do it in a facile manner with somebody who is beside him and can say, no. host: do you think rights previous can do the job?
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priebus can do the job? caller: he is a great human being but he is not a good chief of staff. out the door you go. not good enough for the job. host: is there anybody else inside the white house staff that you would send out the door as well? there've been reports of a potential shakeup be considered at the white house. caller: i think a chief of staff can help on 70 levels, .specially the communication i don't think sean spicer is the problem. i think it stems from having a chief of staff that can push i would put my- men aren't -- andrew card would make it better chief of staff. you need somebody who can say no to the men. help them to think this thing
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through. yet to be up there at 6:00 in the morning. host: did you vote for donald trump. caller: no i did not and i am not an apologist. i just want what is best. host: here is more reporting from that washington post story. next.l's line for democrats. caller: good morning, john. the problem is the foundation
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started wrong. donald trump never ran for office. he became president and he doesn't know any of the protocol of being president. secondly, even though he is president, he is not presidential. he is out of control. every day it is something else. the bigger picture is is that the republicans in the senate and congress and even his supporters refuse to call him on all of the total inconsistencies that has been going on. the bigger problem [indiscernible] that is the reason why everybody is against donald trump. donald trump is donald trump's biggest problem. host: don't you think -- he said the problem is he never ran for office?
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that you think that is one of the reasons people liked him? did he run on that outsider status? caller: he was an outsider but he was an insider -- he has a track record. he is 70 years old. it is not like people don't know that donald trump was the guy that flip-flopped on every everything -- on every thing, filed bankruptcy more times than anybody is still he is been married three times with children from three different wives. him being an outsider, they are giving him a pass. as far as the jumble and calling it speaking about the good things he is doing, the trade-off was we are going to start accepting their cooked chicken from china which their standards are a lot lower. host: let's go to mike in ohio. republican. caller: our country needs to
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move forward. nothing,would've said he would work with our allies. the democrats, you have a great sense of values. [indiscernible] where were you at the? with national security. host: go ahead mike. caller: give them into chance to do -- ok? let him be the president. we did the last guy. host: david conway, massachusetts. independent. .aller: good morning i agree with the caller from new jersey when he said, donald trump just doesn't act presidential. ,cmasters came out last night
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he did not deny the story in the post. he just a knife that classified material -- he just denied that classified material were talked about. that is not what the post story said. it said that he shared information he wasn't supposed to. you can see that from the calls to the cia and homeland security. this is a problem. trump is inhat mr. the pocket of the russians. we had no media allowed in except for russian media during that meeting. that is dangerous. point made by the the post story and the new york times story, that president trump discussed the contents of the intelligence, not the sources and methods used to collect it. the knowledge of information about the islamic state plot could allow russians to figure
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out the details, the sources and methods. from thethe reporting times, the post and others. a few comments from our twitter feed. taking your calls this morning for the first hour of our program on the story they cannot yesterday afternoon, first reported by the washington post. we will show you some of those headlines including this one from "usa today." the banner headline today --
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alberta is up next, savannah, georgia. good morning. caller: good morning. the reason i am calling is thatse we have a president is a professional liar. then we have the news people that tell us what is going on. then we've got the people that keep saying, it is not true. understand why people don't wake up, open their eyes and realize that this president need to step down and the vice president need to take over. instead, everybody is just lying behind him. i really want the people in the christian community, these
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pastors and stuff to stand up and start talking, because a liar -- if you like, you will steal. he is just being terrible. that is not saying i don't like the man. it is saying what he really is. nobody wants to admit a professional liar. thank you. host: kyle is up next in centreville, virginia. caller: thanks for taking my call, can you hear me ok? host: yes sir. caller: i wanted to touch on these articles. i first heard about this yesterday. i saw in the new york times. said that it was citing the washington post but cannot confirm with the post had written. i decided to check the post article and the only cited sources were anonymous.
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these sources -- i can understand try to keep the sources safe, but when you release something this big in this important, there needs to be some backing. if you cannot release the name, you need to do some investigative journalism to try and find more evidence. issue withbiggest this. people are latching onto this idea donald trump is some sort of russian agent. any bit of evidence that comes out, they are going to try and latch on. host: just one thing on the new york times reporting on this, they did independently report this citing, a former american government official on monday. in their lead graph of their story that is on the front
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page. tj, paterson, new jersey. i am not a donald trump supporter, i did not vote for him in the past election. i would have to agree with the other color. that's the other caller. this is a tactic used by elements in the united states wantedent, elements that to be in the united states government. people who invested in the hillary clinton campaign and lost and could have had positions in the government. though i don't support donald aump, it is clear there is slew of information or disinformation that is coming out through many newspaper outlets with no sources of the
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information. anonymous claims about his collusion with the russians, yet what the collusion is they still not -- they still cannot tell us . russia is fighting a war against terrorist elements in syria. most people need to research this before claiming that they are colluding with them. we have to give them certain information if our air forces operating in the same war zone that their air force is operating in, otherwise if a crash happens or an accidental missile fired, we can be in world war iii in seconds. we need anonymous sources if they are going to tell us if there's collusion. we need to hear with the collusion is, otherwise this should not be believed if it wouldn't even be -- if it
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wouldn't even stand the ire of a courtroom. you cannot even provide this evidence in the courtroom. host: one person who did go on their record was h.r. mcmaster. here is what he had to say in his short press briefing. >> there is nothing that the president takes more seriously than the security of the american people. the story that came out tonight is false. the president and foreign minister reviewed a range of common threats for our two countries including civil aviation. at no time were intelligence sources or methods discussed. the president did not disclose any military operations that were not already publicly known. two other senior officials that were present including the secretary of state remember the meeting the same way and said so. dawn record accounts should
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r cendrendg eyre neoue. nd we tthac thon nedoue eyav isenngt. wh kd arusty is yoarloinathev d adg is tngs iis re. ifa ns. thpelefmecareoi toavtoige isutnd he loofeoe etdi tbeeweoe, enllhe a a aun o fts o te tmp a ty wa ithcoerti aut umwi ipeh h- th eaem sty'sex ll:erisyakn lkg fen w a tmp ppte. idoldeit thruia tanleio wod uin? host bie trere
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host: she brought up our program last week when we went on site in ohio to a coloang- aoaoangit ifouantohe tt o onne-sn.g. yocasechor lt tsd, y 9 so oth rorngro yeery se heeg cas ate veee tcngso othcot sehathe-dgan i thnitasiritou o apalanhein ccu he i hriesrd o threde'trelan c-anovedhabrdct ven-sn tharme w hd eale y wt g oin. yocagondisn tt ti crt ce.
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acngikvethg at mefr t ns aie he enepdi oth ne a oou les juecsehicryans iofceevyby ntto arurnggastheew stecsee t tre lkg atra tk. autceriis it srecy th iwhthe rubca ke cli i he ppti th m. eyo't rehahe d eyantoeewhe lkin we ife eponoi wt i in hisoi tsewh ruias intoo meca tylrdyanngo i ritow ho: l'goo ntn ut buinonernt od mni. caer gd rng,ir i nt t s, tmp
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alabama, the line for democrats. good morning. time,: yes, time after trump has undermined his own presidency. he is the only man i have ever the city to walk down fifth avenue and murder an and people was still stand behind him. he would not lose support. this man has a mental disease. he is a bully. that is what i feel about him. call inmbo, our last this segment. if you want to continue to talk but this topic. computers and wanted to 50 countries continue to be affected by the wannacry virus.
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we will be joined by catherine lotrionte a just catherine lotrionte -- catherine lotrionte. all coming up this morning on the washington journal. ♪ >>atdaonoo tv, live all-day coverage of the gaithersburg maryland book festival starting at 10:00 a.m. eastern .ot the cleaver family 10:35, melvin goodman, the author of a whistleblower at the cia. at 12:15 p.m.ger discussing her book, the imagined years of war, the
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untold story of dogma. eastern, fred shirley on reagan rising, the decisive years, 1976 to 1980. sidney blumenthal, the author of wrestling with his angels, the political life of abraham lincoln. 3:15, sally mc freeman on the jersey brothers, a missing naval offir in e pacic and his family's qut to bringim hom . watcour live a-day covage starng satday at 10: a.m. eaern on-span ts book t ♪ >> c-span where history unfolds daily. in 1979, c-span was created as a public service by america's cable television company.
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it is brought to you today by your cable or satellite provider. ♪ >>asngn url cties ho: cheneoton jns owa rm cns ith gegeasngnoa- or wusouel rsbrg utope o whhidewa aacs d w dere is. esy steweptit s er0000omte he en iecd ts nt sowhe. iffti or nt t 50ifre cntes itsidprd. d'kn h mh rtr igog prd its ki aangef dtid at s t inuptebyhe delor. w no att s loeruprt -th i
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wiow x nd noth ino ceab a t a rll coeqnc fha inhias iwaa tc th he enututs seripde f tseeoe o reti unginwsp enhoh w uuprt abt moh a. eyutt tn mch fothe op w we n awe tt d tpde, eyavsuer t nsueeshe ts raomres eecve hoinhoag da f se italnfstcte d seic. st eenal sinpap wwi detoufis, urocen. hodoe acwhisehd ? caweige t erth paenwod g est n sea t w atayntrosssorng
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asyra wreheon isoi. stemni tbatrk d plnitin gut: iisnle ne n th rl lls. erisayndhe veme h aorngn th aic ror fm letis athe we es nthor. wioujuintoonusns the e he ws to -g a t wds iel th wm se, oswhpu thwo io e wd,nd lod tprage ou th wld erarfonss d atan bseri eer tt llelte t sryf o s bn e sts ts rtul ce. wh wbeevis tt a igal deledhe ce anth ce s ol. itashendidlshohe us tt,hain tt
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