tv Washington Journal Viewer Calls CSPAN May 18, 2017 9:34am-10:01am EDT
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demolishing all due proce and esptn of innocee r cud people, 99% of them are not an accident. this comes om extre me ti in some cas, but also enormously ued ahead by t obama ministration. sdanightrwards bk v. >> c-span,he hto fos day. c-span s eated as a puic service by america's companies and brought toouoday by you provider.atellite >>wainonournal" coinues. st dond umsaying yeery that pitian more unirly
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d ve that comment during a guard academy. we wt yourthgh on whether yo agreerisree or want to comment on that. 20748-8000 f democra. publics, 202-748-8001. inpendents, 202-748-8002 willmcmings y," is mning ithat paper riting about five politicia treatemore fairl than donald trump starting with abraham republican prident has trumpeafor two reon the states begano susd linln took offi. al baldwin impresonf trump lattering, aacr o dn't like lincolnook blegs furer and p a in his hd. hn. kennedyaymany critics thghte was unfit he was aatholic. ultures at ake, wely knn for hisoo"per of in" later yog communist
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angered by ca li st e ili rle, go on to talk ou many otrs including barack obam list, too.e yo thoughts are welcodor this lt ur of bere the end of theshow. y in kilge, texas, republican line. hi, yoar fst. caerahi believe tmp has beasd. he hasaid has been questioned by the media and another thing, too, american fim and a f he ple in on the en screwing ts , ey wanted.gethath corrupt republicans and demoatthought the fix was in ix didt happen cae christis got in d vod ump in, it wasn' or democrs, it was christia vedim i hi've enryg to fix coupt cr i whiton, d.c. rememberas i can hostdavid, next frodenver,
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emocrats line. caller: dro, goomornin host: morning. completelyisagree wi president ums statemen anything, he's been given some defen. srts showing signs duri thcaaign. he wasnf to rv myhoht at ts mesbout three ste in chigannd pennsylvania and grave mistake i lea setng w how is president was wouldosrecentxample dclosing cfidential ussians thathe we gave from the israelis a you think they uld do th thainrmation, pedro? ve itohe syrns so the judgnt, thacof
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iretion, the la of thghulness, the liberation, pedro, i ms esident oba everyday o: jn nt, victoa, tes, independentin hithe. call: hi, how are youhis moin are good.i'mlayou how has the press treed the president? 's diculous. ght withhe democtic party, disinformingndsiorming thamic pele. we wanted thipresident. de everhing, ce murder th guy themlves. it'sridiculous. is the firsteapridt we'vha sce w a k. sin irsteapresident j.k. is is absurd an we're infuriatedi he. an educed i'm man and i feel badly that ha kinds of in about wt go og wh the
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ameran prs. -i remeer these eop i t past, what is going onows st bunch of evimedog evil. host: janice from iependence, go ouri, reblanine, ahead. ller: goodorning, dro. wksgomber aoue you asked for examples of the leaning against a one of ththgs i don't tnk was w tt enever they talk abt, for example egal ie,heare never called iegsndhe democrsndhere,hich talkingin the sam a all epublicans disliking immigrants to workhep and afidthem thother thing- the hen it comes to esident's statement about his
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treatment -- caller: i'm a suorr o wdlin love with y m, wn'anhere nr rschoice. th i self-serving, he needs on get off that, the mia will and me it some ridiculous thing. c-sn ed dthink is picking up onor gossipnd u' jt srtg to follow the mainstream pre a iis bause sing to me ve been follong-sn nc yoca on the air what i'm host: roge, mneta,erry, on the you're republican le. go ahead. caller: good rng. pnt is thi problem i the presstopped iormational media and became adcates for tir ide ofiew, whicher they picked. i thinthat is really sadnd where the prlem is there are no mewssts,
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it is a jt opinion ctn, edorls watch e eveni news, roadcaste are rolling their eyes, isg and lowering their voices like watinjuniorigh goipir i think that y,s trump fairly? byome anu othmea, absolutely. y fox, youould say t other de i do thinkhis, i don't thi mecapublic should able watch somneedia -- te what yous haen. i don'ne theyelling or need to know what the newscasters or s tnks, jt telle at is happeni. sk rying toet spu onverythg. thank yoveuc n nnota.y brought up foxew former ailesassed ay oth mning. scific indication how i happen. therwas a statentelse
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to fox newfrom his wife, repteth mni t bto the c affilie,hey take ia of ooking athe idea pridents andhe trement keerris this, it isard to mease unfairness criticism weansssosli presidents often fe and hav t w t f esens aim. anewjohnson,idy reviled peached, law used to impeach him was rule innstituonal. ov inherit t great falyi a w bledort. iy carter ricedor efrg om long gas lin tjoging and shownheooafr one te. h. w. bh lle mocked fo seemi to be imessed caerarket checut s son geoe s deriv as idiot a back obama
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w his citizenship challenged. emocrats y, ne >> hi. this, tnkhe president trumsa he media hpe hi geto e esen in th fit place. wee at a pointow he's usg e dia to furer his message ernally and i thinthats ngerous bau th, ca, l of us whether it is democrat reblican we have the duty to theruth a t mor an' doingt,e isp to that ciono ruth. st: frt ge of all street url"oo athe stk maetespecially after sterday. stksin on washington tuoil. the writer saying concern tuesday's report james comeyad writt in a memmrtrp asked him t off t iesgaon of foer advisor micha flynn
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insts test relions e ocking mr. tru's agenda, infrastruur spendi and deregulation, accordintotraders. hero page, the i grhic that highlhts t volatility oth rket, also the stame this year acrdg to writers, it's bn vatile since 196 1.%.osed down asq down.5t e yesrd. walter ipetersburg, virginia, indendent line. caller: yeahi nt to ma a comment. ho: u' on go ahd. caller: on what theyer lkg out, i might ba p minut behind on c-sn herebuthey were talki ouhe stock mketropping yesterday. st: that was a story, we're
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talkinabout the preside's comes to hen it w he'sreed, he sayso politicireedorse omo unfairly. caller: that is my pointi'm sayinghe nonsense the democrs d press are putting oubacally if you're a democrat and y're unfairly. ll: at is listeni t this stuff and wt cing s.,the pike, a bunch of osg ur oue 1(k) everyday when you listen this press put out nonsense. let'swalter'statement. go tpat,newpt news, democra line. like he's alway thinking o hself. 8an he is e president. heoe'tnowe have a couny re m so sk d tedfim
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pitl. we talk about, he ha a mental probleanay. i inheeeds a doctorad imutyantrghn if nobodel can. an you. talks aboutoday" rrests -- immigration arrest under um ainistration. allen gomez sayg om janua april 29th, ice arrested 10,845 people. vlations werehe only rkon their co, 4242 pple le the reed durg ama'sinal of all the pele arrestedy icehiye. a cmil ror and the preside obama's nal arresteby peop ice had a criminal record. llegoz wteabt that further onhe pag o "u.a.
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today. this morning, 'lleane in teresa, new york, indendt line call: yes,oomornin the s adjust a few hat said that e asngton urnal" is arng to flow thmastam tt said thame. nled it it reay sad to s this happenin i've watched this show for my ars and you'veee youtay ent and hope that way. thwhe issue, no e kw s ilty or iocent , les itnd s what investigate and then give thne on. itllhepeculation ia of me. hillary clto lt e bau ty dn't run eie nders, whoeoe lod, thedidn't like hillary,
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they didt ree wi hillary, sti vote for democrat i didt te fo hlary, e wasn't liab. she sn trustworth tha you very much. host: eastport michigan, this is joe,i. ll:i. vy quick and succinct with my staten whon' attbu ectly said this to whoai thi but shave found thene and it me. and it d thenemy me thank you. ho: ato y mean by that, conte of the esent's statentbo h eaen joisone. ne fm charles, garrett, diana, asking about e presidt'stemtbout his treatment,e ido pitia unfairlyr re
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charles, wt do you think? caer: peonlyyou know, a whilegoa l of pridts from our past that unfaly, but erl for the trump i vot for n nald trump, regardless wt nydy els ssr we all have a righto tend voted. on that note there as a man of ol te to ea itryg,im to qu outing and quit bickengnd ll aching ouhoyowas trte its time to grow up and a man. caraboutheemocrats or replin parties per se, aorof o have gornnt and that is wha wee t. we dealith it every year, election we ect presents a sfoh. e bottom le, pernay n'perspeiv an bei from where i'm at in bama, we were taught ys ll be boys, men wl be m,
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be a ma qt pouting and bly aching, be therede, ut done, ,ethe job you know, get it do. tht yi, especiallyo these guys are tough, our mitary guys a branch a tough as nas. predent h nbusine gog tre crying, whoa w watrtenfr, i insulted. t er it, co t ner ran i know r presiden when you are on the caaign trail,t is different than president, gseal. its meorond ump t albeme the presint or shuup ved for him did, no big de there. but it is time to shut up and b nd be the president an get t j done, ll t cotiti, get this cr nd do the j.
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whether u ree orno ge a cl, 2-7-80 r moats. puics, 202-748-8001. dendents, 202-748-8002. the president tinti during thghts onk i givg the coastua commenceme, here is some of the other thing ay.has to prident tmpi wt to te is oornity to gi you some advic heourse youli, you will fd that things are noalysair. you willin that things happen esve tt you do no anthatre n aay put ed, butou have to your head downnd fight, ght, gh ner, ever, er ve up. thingsilwork out jtin
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bn at e y ve ead lel mia.y by e o politia in histo and i sathith great assurity, reatedorse or mo unfairly. u can't letheget youdo. l t cti and e nay sayers get ithwa of yo dream i gus tt is why, tnkou ishye adversity mas u stng, down ve in, d'tack annever stop doing whou know is rit. wth dngve ev, everamea. rigeo yr ght, the me opposition th
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face.ill ho: sten nada, le.s call: hi, yeah thanks for ki my ca. s good ce too i think he protes much e,llhrough his campan etty much knew whawa goi happebere anybodylse. premonitions of ou owhehe once it happened, he w cricaoft. him it was posite r native, he was criticalf it. jt let the runstigation go forwd and itcourse if he hasn't donenyin h nyinto worabou
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host: psidentat othis eptsoroon beforee a trioverseas, there is a 3:45 nference planned th aernoon, appearalgse bi sidennt ocom talking about th meengith that presidt,robably tang questionon l ofther t last few da. look for tha 35. find out more informaonbout on wi t wte house and what is going on with the house and nate. again, today sats are set rei a csedoor briefing frothdety attorney gener athe justice mattersonrng russ. all d a l me iortion at hool choice bei ariit in propod esenal budget wh icomes to ucation. "whiton post" po this moing. reid nhawa or docen reid by the ashington post," the trump plannedout
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10issilon fm federal ducio itiives according to documentsecved by t post. seekso pa chaer scoland vouerfoprat d liou schoolsnd additialilliono push schools todopt chce-fridly policy. under admintrion budgetw lge eentu in-12 education, spia w asion and title roam fundoelp po cldren remainnchanged cpad ferafundinlevel fis half fiscal 2017. schoo willy eceive leslls,chool nst use title i mon before stbung it dtrict. isconsin, in dendt line. caller: h i cling about thmedia. iily the telisn,ut inudes nspaperan eeths d rll many people get their advice entertainment people and i
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ackgroundwhat eir is in politics. however, i do a l late night wrirsav portstcken sense ofumor rllyunnecessarynd yte televion such as whoopi gdberg sh, about is lics andhais nothe job. eertainb ito pits into ng enrtnmt d there are so hded ple that are toward the seandhey will follow tm because theyolics in or dress.eyct, look justo nse to it. nowounowhyhe sensible peoe fm wiscoin voted for trump. calr ntione gane wehowed u this les time mazine
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cover ais's work rgg a kmlin tetr and as youook at tha we'll go tthe next cl from charlest, westvirgia bill,emrats le. hi morng: good it's great to talk to you. listened toandierent elatio and onne, a and any time th media stas poinsothing tt the republics d trumon like, they claim it's a t fau. t you loo at trump's corrupt looat theact hillary won 3 mli more votes did. calk ery in step hs keand i loofor hito g imore troub wn overseas. that's all. host: the "wall street journal" toward irananctions
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are taking place, this over missile program. lee, jay solomon saying the sanctions target seven ndividuals and entities, including defense officials and china-based network, ballistic missile program. goes on to say trump administration official says the stepped of iran part of up campaign to highlight iran and activities across the middle this week the r u.s. sanctioned members of syria hassad's family and accused yria -- iran is among the biggest supporters of the syrian regime providing soldiers and mr. hassad.nd boling green n kentucky. the r: i'm disappointed in president, he's compromised integrity, time for republicans speakerch mcconnell and
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paul ryan to step up to lead the prosecution and independent commission. 'm also not sure it is a good idea to your point on syrian olicy to be arming the kurds due to the fact turkey is one of isis ghest places for recruits and i think that compromises american integrity as well. host: did the president's statement about his treatment, think? you caller: i think it is time for him to get over himself and to the focus back on the people and build his team leadership at is also house and it time for senators like mitch mcconnell to take a stand and political games. host: that is matt call nothing the republican line n. case you want to see the president's, to there are other things you can find there, as well. the house of representatives
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in to conduct its business for the day. and then don't forget on the side, there is going to be the briefing on capitol hill, deputysenate side by the attorney general rod rosenstein, activities in the house, as fact the the president set to give a press conference 3:45 this afternoon colombian president santos of that country. the just about to go to house of representatives, they're going in now, we take you to them. the speaker pro tempore: the house will be in order. the chair lays before the house a communication from the speaker. the clerk: the speaker's room, washington, d.c., may 18, 2017. i hereby appoint the honorable roger w. marshall to act as speaker pro tempore on this day. signed, paul
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