tv [untitled] May 18, 2017 3:46pm-3:57pm EDT
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weonor the sacrifices made by our poli a tir families. acted on a house new round of sanctionsorhe syrian regimen order tout ofesources f aadegime. al thisee the house approv landmark feder.e. reform listi torent wasteless speing. will hurd has taken the lead on this, trngo bringur gornntnton a of computer, and thiis aigove foard in gettingaste out o governnt ase ea the ways d mean commite is holng major hearing today xaning pro-grth tax reforms. pro-grth means just that. grth of wages, growth ofob growth oopportunity and grth of our enomy. sohis week, the ecation and work forccoite anouy proved bartisan legislio to pre care andecic education. thill make it easier to
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connect peopleith the skill they need to getood-pang inemd js. i' g tteouwherev i go, w iwisconsin st we, we had a reasklsap between the skis ople need get gd jobsnd the good johat arout thereeing fed. this is sothg he to addres i' verplsed th the ucation and worforce commite is moving foaron this lislati. late todayarmed services committee chairn macthornbry ac unveil e thirdn-- thnbry will unveil the third installment h wdevelop weons syste. this is an essentl part of our efrts to ruild our mility for e stentury. ahd emial day, the veterans affai cmiee approved 1 bills, clin bipais legislationo fix the v.a.'s brokenppeals pres this is a obm at we' beenorngn cklingor yes andnderecreta shki t v.a. is taking re stridetoetur veteran beer care, srtin a
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more peaf nd over in theene,ur llgues continue to dcu thpa fwa on keing our prise trepeal and replace obamacare. and ltl yesteayhe president sneth 14th congressional review act soluti tst psint obama'as regaty onslaught he didasye. up until ts arcoread ccsfly repealed just o regulaonnder ts w. now, just isear alrdy we've ne it 14 times. matterf months. he chortoo nd washinonulref overac andveegatn t iss big promiseepase worko ottobs and to grow our economy. i knowt's a ng list, it no means complet ery day here, ware woin to advance our agendand to ades the pblems that americs face in their eryy lives. esons? r. speaker,arlier this weekenorcconnell sai we could with a littlle
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dra from the white hsen a t of things, saying it could undercut ohaer your assessment? eaker ryan: it aays ni to have less drama. the point i trying toake, peop ithe cotry need t know tt are busy at work trying to solve eiproblems. so i rlize that tre aot in the med these day that doe't seize ucongre that doesn't sps om doing ourob twork oneoe' problem. on of e reasons i jt ad u e stf just wha wve do this week on csi t skills g, seamlining i. to get wasteut of govement, me e ptagon re efficient,et tax reform vi,hese a thingth reallyfft ople i tir day les wee rking ts. so just thinit's very poanth pple know that we can walk and ch g athe sa time and sure, drama isot helpful in gti tngdone t 're stl gti tngs ne at's t importantoint. a numberf congressiona aders metitdeputyttorney gerat e pil las
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nit. reou at th mti a at's your understandin about wh d.o.j. took this step? spear ani was ath meeting. dot mment on such meetg thatre classifie as i said before, ielieve tt the ofsial at th jti departmenteetoo the js independently, objectivelyan thoughly and i believe the special counsel, which isobt mueller w, hel them do that. do you think it interfes with the congressional vestigatio speaker anitoe't, actually. we are going t keethe veigions gnger as havelways saidi thin e telligenceommittees e the rit ace to do at. this is annfmationnvolving ruia involving another country interferg th our leches so the intellence coittee in my oni ith bestlaceorhat. es biptisan,icameral vestigations, hse inllen commiee, senate inlligence committee, are going toontinue the investigations. >> youidt mentn oversigh do you think oveight wl ntue and anhe followup on that
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oversighthaman jason chaffetz told peoplhe'll prably bleavinarnd je 30. eshat present a conic speaker ryan: i have notpoken to jon about that. he has not told meha i've not ske within the chairman about that. >> since hs av dyo think should st aside? speaker an will find out om cirman chaffetz what he is dng or isn't doing. i'no gng to mment on sothing in the media i' ratr ar from m myself what his plans are the ovsight committ me domentequest that'she oveightomtt's reonbility, thas athe do. it aropria that themake esdocument reques. as i sd, eecll wh response to inllence, tt's where ihi t intelligence coittee shod do tirobs. oioly you've be vy osov the years with vice esent pence and you tke aboutrying to contue tmove this agendan he's hereft working on these isss re but nserg the ml strom
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we've dealtith withru a russ t lasfew days,he have been some members w he id we mht be bettit cerede pce. what's yr ke oth? speaker ryan'mot goi t give crenc to th. i'm not going to comment on at there's not any pointn min a commten that. >> ds e potment o a special cose do u in giveou some brthg om now lst to rk on this agenda? speaker anlike iaid, the potment of thspecial council, tnk helpsssure pele and theusce departnthat they're going t dthr bsndendently d thorghly which ishat we caed forlllo. so ihink it s rfectl appropriate to do that inhe meantime, wreoi t ke dng ourob wee gngo kp r russian veigations gng wh r intelligce committs and look at just described. ergy and -- not comge and -- t ergy and cmerce, but education a wk force commtee, closi the skill
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ga e me services commite streamlini the w w procure wems -- weaps. let's get workinon tax rorm. let's fix people's obms. l r mmte are still dointh. i kw that people are csud with theewofhe d b w are here wking opeople's oblemsve day and we have all these dferent committees at doifferent jobs. and our job is to make sure that we sll make progress for the american pple and we are doing that. >> thas what youeeing keabt. speaker ryan: doouant to k aboutaxeform? go ahead. >> mr. speerthank u. gaing ta reform, there's soolks whi i cou slip beyond thisear. eaker ryan: ion tnk that's thease. ougo and feel confidenwe can mt this goal icand year 27 r tax refor i think we're making go progress. does bomrg have a t ror question? i do.
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tc mcconnell saihe thinks e ospect for border adjustme pt t pn are bleainhe satand he said it should be revenue ntr. what are the alternatis being discussed anis tre a way that the ausencan have antion to make it more patae or se kind ofaxd justme? speak en- eaker ryan: you can saalof the above to what yojust said. what i wou s, as an old t writer, you have tweigh teatives off one anoer. it is obvious you cannd should ve somkind of adjustmentnd phase in perd you'reoi to have a boer adjtmt. i think border adjusenis a smart watoo, makes the tax code theost internationally compitive oany version we're oking at a ihi it remos all tax incenvefoa fi t move overse. you're t gointoo that you ha toook athe alternatives to th.
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the's upseedsndowsides toltnaves. that t pcess we're gng thugh right now. we'r gnghrough theross of lki a what'thbest way trerm the t ce d wer taras for businesses antoakthe amecan tax stem iernationally competite? ght n, iliterally o the worst tax sysms in the dustrialized wd. wld. we are losing companie we ve nctive thatasically tell comni, tsrce your manufacturing. why are we inthat? bie, ts is, agai we'r workingen this. fixing ppls obms tt why ta roriso critil and i do believe tt there are very serious and legitimate concnso y version of tax reform and wha t accommodate the as weovto new taxes. >> mr. saker, two qstions llowinp raches question, can u ouald abthe russian investigio can u talk about where the quti omr. trump's retishitmr.omeynd potentialbsucon
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