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tv   Washington Journal Viewer Calls  CSPAN  May 28, 2017 9:31am-10:01am EDT

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". during our conversation, we will take your calls, tweets and facebook questions on his literary career. watch in-depth with matt ta ibbi, sunday, june 4. >> "washington journal" continues. host: we went to hear your thoughts on the president's first overseas trip. he returned to washington last night after nine days abroad, stops including saudi arabia, brussels, israel and italy. democrats, (202)-748-8000. republicans, (202)-748-8001. others,ents and all (202)-748-8002. melania trump get enough marine one late last night, and returning to the quarters of the white house.
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president tomorrow will be at arlington national cemetery to lay a wreath at the tomb of the unknowns. we will cover that live on c-span. let's go to scott in arlington, virginia. go ahead, republican line. caller: i mainly wanted to comment and say what a great first step it is to break in the action from all of the drama that we have been going through and get out on the international stage and me to it coalitions across all kinds of religions and to tryhe world to level the stage been back to our domestic policies with the president. host: let's hear from chicago. al is on the democrat line. good morning. caller: i think donald trump is an embarrassment. composesof the way he himself, he makes statements that are really crazy.
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he is just really an embarrassment as far as i'm concerned. he was not presidential at all. stands out to you best not presidential in this overseas trip, in his behavior? caller: i think if you was going to blast nato, he should have done that behind closed doors. the way that he came across -- he alienates more people than he brings into the fuld, so i think -- he is more alienates people then unites people. i think down the road, that is going to come back to haunt him. host: writing about the president's trip, the new york times at the headline -- trump 27 withholds endorsement of paris climate accord -- g7 withholds endorsement of paris climate accord. they said it was not one trip, but two trips with different themes. script and his delivering to speeches, they set
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a clear course for his approach to the middle east. his rapture, welcome to both countries, suggest the united states can make a new start with allies who had grown restless during the obama administration. host: in virginia, diane on the independent line, hello. you are on the air, go ahead. weler: i want to know why cannot do something about him running his mouth. outrageous he is
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alienating all of our allies. we have people who are honest, decent and moral and intelligent , who could do a much better job advising him. he will not listen to those people. president is back at the white house and on his twitter account, saying -- it is my opinion that many of the leaks coming out of the white house are fabricated lies made up by the fake news media. kevin is in fort lauderdale, on the republican line. onler: i just wanted to say this first trip, i think yes has been a tremendous job. it is probably the first best trip i have ever witnessed from a president and rex tillerson said that even as polished as he is in his experience of foreign leaders, he said he cannot get over how well trump works when
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he walks into a room, so that this might thought. host: in arkansas, jerry, hello on a democrat line. caller: hello. host: good morning. caller: good morning. host: how do you think president trump did on his first overseas trip? caller: some of the things was sort of embarrassing. host: go ahead. caller: well, when he pushed that prime mister out of the way so he could take a picture, and when i would like america to whoever is involved with russia, please, get them only from russia. thata is no friend of ours it -- no friend of ours. host: certainly the russian on russianon interference in the presidential
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election very much on the mind of the administration. the headline this morning in "the washington post" -- trump may retool his staff, plans discussed on questions on possible russian ties well. they write, they are sticking to maintain the escalating russian crisis and are considering a retooling of his senior staff and the creation of a war room within the white house, according to several aides and outside trump allies. this is the washington post writing --
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host: here is petty honor -- eddy. what do you think? caller: good morning. host: good morning. tip is a great failure. i believe his authoritarian is coming out not in only foreign affairs but in america. the way he goes into saudi arabia talking about terrorism when he is terrorizing the poor here in america with his new idget plan and tax cuts, and find it disappointing he is dividing the world as he is dividing the country. putin's agenda. i do not understand why people of america are finding it hard to see what this is about. it is about helping the rich. andsupporting the elite forgiving working people.
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he represents the kremlin, and , the evidence is right in the works. host: we are seeing video from int week's visit saudi arabia. we are getting your thoughts this morning, looking at other news, as well. bases this morning's oregonian in portland, their headline -- good samaritans mourned, praised. it has left portland shaken. -- they wrote -- the horrific scene was in less than 10 minutes in-between stops at the start of a long holiday weekend. a known extremist terrorized a girl anding his job --
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her friends. and aspiring poets in recent college graduate try to call him down. police say jeremy christian cut all three men in the neck, leaving two dead and another injured. the rampage unlike anything the city has seen, stunned leaders and left friends and strangers mourning the loss of two lives, applauding the selfless acts appear as an condemning the waitress -- the racist betrayal that preceded the violence -- racist vitriol that preceded the violence. tom on the independent line, you're about? -- your thoughts? caller: thanks for all of the men that gave up their lives for this country. on the president's trip, i think he did the right thing by calling out the people [indiscernible] nato, they -- for
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only pay 1.2 in germany. country, ie richest think, in the world. i have one more thing, if you want to work for eight dollars an hour, keep voting democratic because that is where this started. bill tothey signed a outsource our jobs, and that is why we are in this situation. a jobe never going to get that pays $20 an hour in a factory because they are gone. thank's for my comments. have a good day. host: thanks, tom. president trump just got back last night to washington. we would love to hear what you have a say. some of the reaction in germany from a magazine, find it online, as well, this is a writer who says -- donald trump has
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transformed united states into a laughingstock, and he is a danger to the white house and he must be removed before things get worse. tony, in newia, castle, republican line. i missed that one. tony in new castle, there you go. caller: good morning. criticizing nato , i think that was very appropriate. one of the hardest things to do was trying to collect money from people who did not want to pay for it. people who pay the most or easily pay would be the ones -- the ones that word. he is more of a state talker and i like that. people who are
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being political, and political correctness has been overblown. that is one of my comments. host: elizabeth next in phoenix city, alabama, democrat line. him, but i think as as to respect people patriot. he just does not come across well. i just do not get it. he gets up there, he is smug, he is not presidential idolatry and -- presidential at all. i hate to call him that, but he is white trash. host: did you say white trash? caller: yes, i did. there is a certain way you respect people, you treat people a certain way. you treat people what you want to be treated heard you do and
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to others as you would have them do unto you. host: ok, that is elizabeth from alabama. m hampton, connecticut, sherry on independent line to the reaction of the president's trip. caller: as an independent, i was impressed with what he said to the arab country when he got in front of 20 or 30 of those countries and told them that it was their responsibility to make sure that there were surgeons was not being taken over -- they're insurgents were not being taken over by these terrorists. i thought -- i listened to his home entire speech because i wanted to hear what he had to what the liberal media has to say what he said. number two, when he got in front of those other countries, the
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jew 20, and said it was their responsibility to pay their fair share -- the g 20 and said it was their responsibility to pay their fair share, i thought it was their responsibility. they expect the american people and our soldiers to help them, so why shouldn't they pay their fair share? i was impressed with history. i do not exactly like everything that president trump does and says, but i do support him and some of the things he does. when he does well, the mainstream media needs to give him the opportunity to say he did well. not only dwell on every negative thing. that is what they dwell on, or what melania trump war. -- melania trump wore. it is ridiculous. we need to focus on what we need to do in our country and not everything negative about the country. respect the office if you do not do anything else. host: the president commented on this during the trip.
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this morning in "the new york times," -- islamic state claims responsibility for the attack on coptic christians in egypt. i will look at another attack that has happened in afghanistan, a car bomb killed 12 at a bazaar, targeting an elite afghan militia force that has worked closely with the cia killed at least a dozen people on saturday in the eastern part of the country. mcallen, texas, republican line. what do you think of the trip? caller: how are you doing over there? host: thank you, sal. caller: i want to say that the president is doing the best that he can, and all presidents do. going back to george washington and eight lincoln. -- andnd abraham lincoln abraham lincoln. host: mute your set there.
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caller: that is what it is. that onent to say thing that he said one time that and country is in a mess all of a sudden, i see a lot of people [indiscernible] this country has been in a mess me, i do not get a medal and people do not see what i do. i go to hospitals, i help alcoholic and drug at x. i -- drug addicts. i go to jails, prisons to try to help people who have problems with alcohol, and once in a someone says thank you for helping me. i tried to do all the dirty work and i do not get no medals. i am trying to help people in this country. in texas. is sal
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the president returning late last from his nine-day trip. he spoke to military personnel in italy, reflecting on his meetings with the g7. here's some of what he had to say. [video clip] president trump: was here in sicily to attend important summit meetings, the meeting of the g7. it was a tremendously productive meeting, where we have great aunts with other countries. -- great bonds with other countries. we have concluded a truly historic week for our country. our travels took us to some of the holy sites in the three opera comic religions, and -- in the three religions, and a gathering of america's oldest and newest friends. totraveled the world strengthen long-standing alliance, and to form a new partnership of our nation, devoted to the task of
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eradicating their terrorism that plagues our planet. host: president trump late yesterday in italy, back last night in washington. you can see all of that speech at lexington, kentucky, jenny on the democrat line. make sure that you viewed your television. go ahead with your comments. there, it went over was a shame he is over there for all of his rich friends. host: i am going to let you go. you are feeding back on us. make sure you mute your set when you call. claudia onhusetts, independent line. caller: hello. he may have started out ok. i think he has got a interior motives in saudi arabia. i am concerned about him leaving the paris accord. we are supposed to be the instead,e nation, and
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he seems to be taking us backwards in health care, education, innovative approaches. i really do question his motives as president. thank you. host: claudia, on the issue of the paris climate agreement, the new york times in their print edition, u.s. withholding their endorsement on climates, saying the president and did his first foreign trip much as he began it, at odds with allies and under a cloud of questions. agreement, the associated press has a piece published late last night reporting that the president has ,rivately told multiple people including epa administrator, that he plans to leave the paris agreement on climate change, according to the sources with direct knowledge.
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publicly, trump's position is he hasn't made up his mind and when asked about the white house about these private comments, hope hicks said "i think his tweet was clear. he will make a decision this week." matters, going out of paris is the biggest thing trump could do. screens his tweet on the that says -- i will make my final decision on the paris accord next week. james in virginia, on the republican line, good morning. caller: good morning. [indiscernible] host: you are breaking up a little bit on us. i will let you go. in new york, kay on the democrat
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line. caller: yes, sir. i did watch trump go to saudi arabia and it kind of turned my stomach the way he was talking. in this country, when he talks qaeda,sis and so on, al he calls them extreme terrorists , so on, and in saudi arabia, he called them losers. just to let you know about me, i do not care what religion you are, what color you are, we are all god's children. i am talking about trump. when he was in saudi arabia and talking all that, i thought to myself, he ought to grab himself because he is the president. when he stands in front of these muslims that in our country he wanted to and non-muslims from ouro ban all muslims from country and talking the way he
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me, ilking, no, i just to did not like that and when he went to israel, and talking about i did not say israel, talking about the leak, he'd be what someone told another country told him in confidence, he leaked, and i do not to israel, i do not to israel. and then with all those nato people, there is a time and place for everything, sir. he did not have to bring that up the way he did and what he did. that was arrogant to me. people and heshed pushes himself all the way up and fixes his jacket. he looked like a child! host: a couple of different reactions to the president's trip. on twitter, let's look at what
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people are saying, this one is saying -- trump kissed up to saudi arabia, in of the country that produced most of the 9/11 hijackers. russiansaying -- the hacked the dnc and released to wikileaks, why help president donald trump? another saying -- the mainstream media is so focused on reporting anything negative. the russians could be the leakers getting msm to run in circles. trumpcare tweeting -- depression help to make term president and we didn't get hillary, wise that a bad thing? on the republican line, go ahead. caller: i wanted to talk about the european trip. they have gone and asking them to pay their fair share and a was good to have a president go over and say it. thataudi arabia, i think
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was a good thing and i'm hearing a lot of feedback from that. one thing i wanted to school do on, you let someone caller president white trash. that.not appreciate you never cut her off or anything. obamacare, buto i will not do that. you should school them and -- you should scold them. host: i appreciate you pointing that out. on the arkansas line, go ahead. i am a senior citizen of 85 years. i have been around this place since world war ii. i was 10 years old then. trump did a wonderful job. countries,he other
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but he did let them know how he stood. their fair share, i think he did a good job on that because it is the way it should be. russia and hillary businessman is the politician. figured out what it took to get them a tour of votes. he found out -- to get electoral votes. hillary clinton took celebrities with her and did nothing but badmouthing trump and [indiscernible] i think he has done a good job in getting trump in.
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i agree with the man before us, there is entirely too much badmouthing our president, which if he lets his people over here talk like that, then they think he is weak, and as far as [indiscernible] host: from new york city, or here on our democrat line -- we hear from our democrat line. caller: good morning, it is ethel, -- it is ethel, he is asking european countries to pay more. why has he not told us what the us to? he has shamed all of us with his behavior and he is a fool and he is with the other person said, so i am really ashamed of him and i wish somebody would push, he him out of office because
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is prompting him with all the stupid things he does. host: that will all about do it for us on this sunday morning. on tomorrow's washington journal at 7:00 p.m. eastern, also, we will be joined by don caldwell on veterans issues and the trump administration. we will be talking about fundraising for congressional races and stephen rothstein, the executive director of the jonathan entity library foundation. tomorrow marks the 100th anniversary of john kennedy's bursts and we will have done as part of the program tomorrow morning on "washington journal." thanks for being with us. we will see tomorrow morning at 7:00. ♪ [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2017]
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>> here on c-span, newsmakers is next with patrick lakey of vermont. former cia director john brennan testifies before the house intelligence committee is part of the ongoing investigation into russian influence during the 2016 presidential election and possible ties to the trump campaign. later, white house budget director mick mulvaney outlines the presidents 2018 budget request. >> >> c-span's guest on "newsmakers " is senator patrick leahy. one-timeember from chairman a senate judiciary committee and the dean of the senate which means he is the longest-serving in this summit in the fifth longest-serving senator in u.s. history, thank you for being with us. senator leahy: thank you very much. >> let me introduce our reporters, the chief
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andressional correspondent the congressional reporter for the los angeles times and chicago tribune. thanks her being here. as we start this thursday afternoon, we have just heard the trump travel ban has had another downturn in the federal court. i'm wondering what your reaction is to this and is this headed for the supreme court? senator leahy: the ninth circuit already knocked it down. this next one is a more liberal circuit and knocked it down. there is not a split in the circuits so you don't have an automatic, it will not automatically go to the supreme court. question the administration has asked itself -- do they really want this to go to the supreme court?


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