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tv   Enough is Enough  CSPAN  June 3, 2017 3:47pm-3:56pm EDT

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this says the world energy system is at a crossroads. current global trends in energy supply and consumption are patently unsustainable. environmentally, economically, or socially. ship.rgy is like a big when you navigate those ships down the mississippi river, when you start to turn, you have to turn before you are in the turn. you are looking well before you are in the turn, and energy is the same way. the only challenge we face right now is we are already in the turn. >> fossil fuels are not renewable resources, and continuous use is unsustainable. with the rising global demand, volatile price, and environmental and health concerns, we have no choice but to transition to alternative sources of energy. we might as well start now. >> to watch all of the prize-winning documentaries in this years studentcam competition, visit
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>> jerrod clark is a student at royal oaks high school. his documentary on pharmaceutical price gouging is itled "enough is enough." take a look. >> you don't have to talk to somebody very long to figure out that they have to have this. it's not optional. >> an allergic reaction could lead to anything from a hospital stay up to death. >> roughly four people a day will die if they do not get the proper dosage of epinephrine. guys, a lota lot of of people with spouses or children. >> you have a drug that has been on the market are 100 years, cost roughly a dollar, but the price of this has gone from roughly $99 for one to more than $600 for two in a very short
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amount of time. >> do you ever feel guilty making such a large sum of money? >> i have to sit there and take a prescription to a mother whose child is suffering from anaphylactic shock and watch her have to call family members in order to get the money to pay for this medication. >> for people a day will die. >> and watch her cry. >> $600. >> to you ever feel guilty that the >> it's not optional. >> enough is enough. the greed of the pharmaceutical industry is killing americans and making many of them much sicker than they otherwise would have been. >> pharmaceutical companies were for supposedly price gouging. one of these is mylan, the maker of the epipen. epipen is an automatic injector of epinephrine. >> epipen is for
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life-threatening emergency responses. >> really bad allergic reaction. >> they have gone from $200 for a two pack two $600 for a two pack in five or six years. >> we have been buying at the pins for decades, everson's they came out. we used to spend a couple hundred dollars to outfit the whole department. and suddenly, we are spending $350 each. every year, we are spending thousands upon thousands of dollars just for at the pins -- for epipens. they designed a special study will we could train our basic emt's how to give epinephrine the old-fashioned way, intramuscular injection as opposed to the easy epipen. other counties want to model our system and create their own a significante cost. >> somebody that does not have the money, they are going to use
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an old one. they are not going to have the ability to have one it someone needs that product. >> maybe they decide they're not going to carry it because the risk is not worth the reward. >> in 2016, a student of royal oak high school experienced her first severe allergic reaction. it was her junior year prom enter not to have life-threatening consequences. >> i could have lost my life. it was so bad. one of the administrators was holding my hand. megan came to where the administrators were sitting and indicated she had been having some recent allergy issues that she had not had before. >> i took an ibuprofen, and , a littleour after pain in my eyes started. >> at that time, we told her we
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were going to contact probably 911 and try to get some medical assistance. >> i was out in the hallway, and my eye started swelling. >> at that time, we could see visibly that it was getting worse. >> i could not see. my eyes were completely shut. >> we weeded -- we waited for emf to arrive. her situation was worsening quite quickly. the swelling was becoming more and more severe and she was starting to comment that it was beginning to be more difficult to breathe, and she was beginning to cough. >> the ambulance arrived. i was taken to the hospital. >> her situation was critical. are ais clear -- epipens life-saving drug, and the prices continue to rise above sustainable levels -- >> the price increase is not
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matching the actual increase in demand. it is clearly gouging. be dealtn issue will with with the free market, by creating a different route. when someone has a struggle hold on a life-saving drug, it is a different story. >> epipen is not the only example we have seen in the last year. a pharmaceutical ceo of the company that produces a drug invoked fifth amendment rights on each and every question during this hearing. >> what do you say to that 50-year-old pregnant woman who might have aids and needs the medication to stay alive? >> on advice of counsel, i invoke my fifth amendment rights and respectfully declined to answer the question. >> as we have seen, these kinds of issues come and go. after everything, there will be a price gouging issue with
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another drug. some think it could be not can. >> narcan basically turns off the narcotic inside your body. the classic video when they give the guy the drug and he wakes right up. it became really necessary for just about every emf and now police agency to carry, and a people can have them in their home, suddenly, prices skyrocketed. >> we are a capitalistic society, and i believe in that. at the same time, health care costs have skyrocketed to where somebody has to put a cap on them somehow. >> real americans cannot afford the prescription drugs they need. the top three pharmaceutical companies made a combined $45 billion in profits last year. the american people should not have to go without the medication they need because congress does not have the courage to stand up to one of the most powerful lobbying operations here on capitol hill, and that is the pharmaceutical industry. the time has come to say very
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loudly and clearly that enough is enough. the greed of the pharmaceutical industry is killing americans. to watch all of the prize-winning documentaries in this year's studentcam competition, visit matthew gannon is a student at gonzales college high school. he believes homelessness is an urgent issue in his documentary itled "invisible." take a look. ♪


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