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tv   U.S.- Australia Relations  CSPAN  June 5, 2017 3:34pm-4:20pm EDT

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>> we'll have this discussion archived in c-span's video library. just type climate change in the search bar at the top of the homepage. check our schedule updates for rebroadcasts on the c-span networks. "the washington post" reporting between jamesoday madis, secretary of state rex tillerson and their australian counterparts. say despite the u.s. decision to withdraw from key trade and environmental relationshipe between their countries will re main strong. when the secretary of state was he'll do to address pockets of doubt about american "that'snism, he said why we're here." you can read more washingtonpost
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.com. after their meetings, they held a briefing with reporters on the thes climate agreement, fight against isis, north carolina's nuclear missile program, and reaction to news arabia, egypt, bahrain and the uae were cutting diplomatic ties with qatar. afternoon. on behalf of the ministers for , i would like to say how delighted we have been to host u.s. secretary of state rex till tillerson and u.s. secretary of defense for our annual meeting, australia-u.s. consultation .eld here in sydney this is a very important opportunity for australia and shareited states to perspectives and insights and discuss strategies and ideas in
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ways in we can continue to toperate and work together promote peace and stability and security in our region and globally. we are the strongest of friends and allies. we have a shared military going back 100 years. closely ase work as two nations can operate. anderms of promoting peace stability and security. just days after the shocking terrorist attacks in .ondon we stand resolute in our fight terrorism and to fight the poisonous ideology that gives rise to brutal attacks so often on innocent civilians. issue ofsed the counterterrorism activities that we've seen strains of islamic terrorism in our regions ongoing conflict in
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the southern philippines. matter of deep concern. region,discussed our southeast asia, our relationship .ith countries in our region we discussed challenges on the peninsula, in particular, the destructive behavior of in its nuclear and missile weapons testing and what can do together and with other nations to curve its and the risk that regionally buty globally. we discussed regional cooperation in areas of merry time disputes, notably the south .hina sea and we urge all nations to resolve their disputes peace in accordance with the international rules by its order. we had a very productive
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pacific andn the how we can work more closely together in the pacific, our neighborhood, our part of the .orld in discussing operations and further,and strategies we focused on joint efforts in syria,stan, in iraq, and where we are determined to re store peace and stability to and rid theast world of the terrorist scourge presented and is evolving. we took the opportunity to of issueswhole range with the united states and australia having similar views. fact, we are like minded in our world views and we share values, interests, priorities, .nd outlooks and it has been reaffirmed once more of the strength of the bi lateral relationship between australia and the united states. and i also hadn
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the opportunity to discuss bi lateral issuesen on trade and other areas where australia, u.s. interests coincide. so all in all it was a very productive, useful, important between counterparts, between friends. and we look forward to returning forhe united states in 2018 the next meeting. in the meantime, we will work with our counterparts. rex and jim have become good friends. met on a number of occasions now. and maurice and i are looking forward to deepening and ing this already extraordinary partnership. i'll ask secretary tillerson to say a few words. >> thank you, julie. everyone.noon, let me begin, of course, by bishopg foreign minister , defense minister paine for their hospitality for host session. minister bishop was one of my first counterparts that i met toh when she traveled
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washington and that began a very , very productive dialogue has continued certainly up through today. secretary mattis and i look forward to having dinner this the prime we're know we're going to have a very fruitful exchange in that .ession as well we had very productive meetings today as foreign minister bishop described to you. a broad range of top ics that are important to obviously clear that our longstanding friendship with australia will continue to re strong. freedom,d values,: democracy, a rules-based order; that have been formed in the sacrifice that we pastmade together over the century, through two world wars shouldernuing to stand to shoulder in upholding these values of freedom, democracy,
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order, evident today in our joint efforts in this against terrorism. today we also speak with one voice in calling for north korea to abandon its illegal nuclear .eapons program china and other regional partners should also step up efforts to help solve this security situation which threatens not just that region but really presents a threat to entire world. the u.s. and australia also re affirmed our commitment to of navigation and other lawful uses of the seas to flow of lawfuld commerce in a rules-based order. china's artificial island construction and their mill -- militarization in inter national waters. a significant economic and trading power. and we decide -- desire a
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productive relationship but we cannot allow china to use its buy its wayer to out of other problems whether it's militariesing islands or failing to put appropriate pressure on north korea. that with acognize role as a growing economic and trading power comes security well.sibilities as australia and the u.s. will work democracy, support the rule of law, and respect for human rights. defending thedes rules-based order in which the uponpacific region depends we are certainly grateful for australia's commitment to defeat isis in iraq and syria , wherever else they may show their face. and certainly their face is appearing in the region. countering violent extremism, arms on down propaganda line remains a shared goal for both the united states and
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australia. we reaffirm the strong state of defense security intelligence cooperation under our alliance as well as the strength of our bilateral withity relationships japan and our commitment to tri-lateralat cooperation. i'll leave it to secretary mattis to tell you more about these discussions. share with australia a keen interest in ensuring our advance policies prosperity at home as well as a broad. australia and companies employ almost 100,000 americans and american companies in australia employ about 335,000 australians good trade policies mean good people. both of our on behalf of the united states, i'm grateful to the government and the people of australia for our delegation and for a spirit of cooperation that's benefited both of our nations has for decades. .nd will continue in the future
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as foreign minister bishop said, we look forward to continuing our staffses among while we make our way to next year's meeting in washington, d.c. again, thank you. i'll turn it to secretary paine. rex,ank you very much, julie, jim, ladies and gentlemen thanking their. excellencieseir -- in hosting this meeting here beautiful government house in sydney. i'd like to also join minister in thanking both jim and rex for an excellent day of here.sions jim and i, in fact, have been out all weekend, at shangri-la, singapore, where we key regional counterparts in excellent if i might say, for some of the discussions we had here today about our in the indo pacific.
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what today's meeting again under scored is the strength of our unique relationship. as my colleagues have indicated, we covered a very wide range of including north korea, the middle east, and other strategic global importance through to the practical aspects of how the united states, as defense partners, particular ly can work together achieve our done in goals both globally and in the region. in particular, we have re joint commitment to the fourth posture, initiatives in northern tangible, as a contribution to the stability, the security, and the prosperity indo-pacific region. we look forward to continuing to work together on the development those initiatives and, indeed , to engaging with a region regional neighbors in that context. both the shangri-la dialogue which the secretary and i attended over the weekend and today, countering the
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threat of violent extremism is of ourch at the front minds. the attacks that have occurred aroundnt day and weeks the world are further reminders, as if that were needed, of the new reality in which we live. during today's meeting we strengthened our resolve to harm. those who wish us we are both committed to defend ing and preventing the around the world including in the indo-pacific region. means addressing the prospects of returning foreign fighters. if that happens. and also in the australian context, whole of government with broaderal counterterrorism issues. has said,ry tillerson we have reaffirmed our condemnation of north korea's on provocations which pose a great threat to both global and regional security. we are committed to working very
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closely together, together and with our regional partners, to impose greater costs on the regime for that destabilizing behavior. this meeting has been a great opportunity to build upon our already close-working u.s.ionship with the new administration. we have met in other inter national locations, in the united states, and i really want mattisk both secretary and secretary tillerson for traveling to sydney to join us here today. to continuingd productive discussions. >> secretary mattis? >> thank you. gentlemen, as you've already heard, we stand here before you representing the possible military alliance. is one that has stood together through thick and thin and through generations. i would just say that australia has also proven to be a friend that tells us what we necessarily, not what we want to hear. and it was heartening today to
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we, again, share an appreciation of this security andation both reinonally worldwide -- regionally and worldwide. the danger that we have faced many, many years has built a sense of respect between our forces. remind you that after 9/11, when thousands of innocent murdered in america, including australians, it was the australians that were first desert of in the afghanistan and those -- in those uncertain days after 9/11. remain grateful for australia's alliance with us. inay we still stand together that fight. and certainly our subpoenas -- sympathies, our respects marawhe people of london, i, philippines, kabul, theanistan, ok row, egypt, list goes on. and we stand together. we do not allow ourselves to be at all.ted australia, as always, punching above its weight in defense 6
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values and freedom. and these are values and freedom s that we continue tend -- we intend to pass on to the intact.eration and we are committed again today to assessing how we are going to so. together to do i would add that your 2016 paper, we have re viewed it in washington and it's a model for other nations with today'sps security challenges. i'm confident it's a blueprint for keeping the australian forces on top of their game. we believe that our australian american partnership is a foundationion for stability and peace not only in this region but more broadly. and we are going to ensure our forces that our diplomats voices are always back skillful, ethical, and fierce force of arms. thank you very much. we look forward to your question s.
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>> [question inaudible]
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>> president trump, when he came into office, wanted an accelerated campaign against the enemy. this is an enemy against all civilization. a reason there are 66 nations that have joined the besides the arab league , the european union, nato.ol and and in this campaign where before we were shoving them from another and they're falling back, we now take the time to invest the town and make certain the foreign fighters cannot escape to return to paris australia, to wherever they came from and bring their message of hatred and their skills back to those places and attack innocent
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people. but i would also add that in the midst of all of this we have of our rulesne bit of engagement. we have relented not one bit in to do everything try to possible to protect the innocent on the battlefield. because the battlefield, the way to fight iss chosen also a humanitarian field from our point of view. it is the isis that forces innocent people to stay where they choose to fortify. our intent is to do everything possible to keep them alive, protect them. but at the same time we're going to have to take it down where attacks you've seen going on around the the world that you all have reported on will continue. not the end state. the end state is where we work together for a reconciliation for what the diplomats will have enemy has clearly the got to be taken out by military are powerfulhey
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enough to cause these attacks on others. and letan't sit idly by them hold it i think that answer s your question. >> the australian government has clear that any australian citizen that supports way terrorist organizations such as isis or -- al qaeda or any of their franchises is break australian law. and if they seek to travel to conflict zones in the middle syria, thenq, and not only are they breaking australian laws, they're putting their own lives at risk as well adding to the misery and suffering of the people of iraq and syria. we have coalition forces support ing, advising, assisting security forces and others fightey are essentially ing against the coalition if they continue to support terrorism. should they survive and seek to return to australia, they will be monitored, tracked, and
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subjected to the australian laws .hould they return to australia i'll ask senator payne to add to that. payne: thank you very much. and thank you for the question. we absolutely support the the international coalition led by the united states is taking. our absolute preference is as far as possible to ensure that those who have left their countries to fight in the name of isis in the middle east are to return to those countries and perpetrate any of areas.trocities in those so as far as possible, if we can ensure that, that is our preference. preparedwe have to be to deal with the eventuality returning foreign fighters, if that arises. we would be negligent if we did attention to that, as the foreign minister has said law andaustralia under preparation that we have made during recent months in fact the last year.
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all the force of australian law to deal with those people. importantly, however, one of the that we have also discuss ed today is the challenge faces for other countries in our region. for indonesia, for malaysia, for the philippines, and so on. of thathe context discussion, we have indicated to our counterparts, both and over the weekend at shangri-la, that we in theirort them efforts to address the prospect well.urning fighters as popularthe world's most .uslim nation to our north its president and cabinet approach tomodern in islamic terms, in our neighborhood, similarly malaysia similarly the muslim communities in other countries in our region. we need to be able to engage
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them in a constructive way and make sure that where possible we assist and provide enable them to .hallenge it, too >> secretary tillerson, the have spent years to address the climate. [inaudible] you're here asking australians to make specific and concrete sacrifices where your priorities in iraq, syria, .fghanistan what have you brought to ensure australians do not interpret first in the america the selfish, america the borish, or america the go it alone? for the australians, mr. trump yelled at the prime minister in their first conversation, push add side a prime minister at the nato
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a twitteraunched attack at germany, he just insulted the mayor of london attack on that city. do these tactics cause your to improve the relationship with the u.s. or do the president's words and behavior not matter? secretary tillerson: are you sure you don't have more? ok. the fact that the trump add mornings has examined agreements by there entered into prior administration but never taken to the american people or our own congress to get an assessment of their view of those agreements does not define the trading relationships andeen the united states australia nor other relationship s on issues that are importance -- climate change, certainly national security issues, as you have today.xpressed we have very strong trading relationships with australia today. think if you look at the total of foreign direct investment by australia,states in
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as well as our actual trade, we are the largest trading partner withose two measures australia. my expectation is that's not going to change. we look forward to continued strengthening of owes relationships on trade -- those relationships on trade with australia, already an important trading partner. i think the president's decision to exit the climate accord, was his judgment that that agreement did not serve the american people well, did not future economic interest either. but i think the president his desire to re-examine, enter into others perhapsh a new construct of an agreement indicates his recognition that andissue is still important that he wants to stay engaged on the issue. he's not walking away from it. away fromy walking what he felt was an agreement that did not serve the american people well. ouragain, i think in relationship with australia we will continue to have shared thesests in addressing daunting challenges that face us all. that, i think is how we see
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the relationship going forward. many otherre so areas of such strong mutual interest and cooperation that no doubt that we will continue to address the two issues that you raise in a very way.rative minister bishop: i should point out that australia has its own views on our priorities, our interests. as it happens, they align so often with those of the united states. we have a similar world view. values, shared interests. but australia always takes our interests into account when we, for example, respond to the terrorist threat is so evident in iraq and syria. we take our own interests into we're dealing with regional threats and risks like korea.avior of north we see north korea as a threat to our region as much as we see a threat globally.
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and we certainly are absolutely the united states in supporting the rules-based order. our own mindp about when australia should act, australia should be involved in defense and security operations. as it happens, the united states similar view share s. in relations to twitter, i that it has a maximum of 140 characters. we deal with the president, with his cabinet, and with the u.s. administration on what they they achieve, what their strategies are, and how we together in close and to uphold thatn international rules-based order and to bring peace, stability, to our part of the united states has guaranteed and assured for the last 70 years. in relation to the paris
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agreement, australia took a decision in august 2015 that we inld put forward targets accordance with the paris agreement that were economicallyly and sound for australia. believe,ontinue to, i meet our targets under the paris agreement, but, again, it was a cabinet inken by our the interests of our economy and .ur citizens i believe that through meeting our targets, environmentally and economically sustainable measures, we will be on the path to ensuring affordable, reliable , lower emissions energy trailian people -- australian people. but we certainly appreciate the united states' innovation and ingenuity that allows us embrace the technologies and the innovative approaches that the united states brings to the area of environmental and energy policy.
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explain or reconcile to australian audiences [inaudible] your business here today in view of alliances and ?elationships was an premise -- an impression [inaudible] throughchange or even statements made by the nato gathering. tillerson, do you acknowledge that there are top pockets oft -- doubt about u.s. consistency and what do you do to address them? and secretary mattis, do you [inaudible].
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the question is, what forms of relating to [inaudible] do you seek from australia? secretary tillerson: first, in terms of those concerns, that's here.'re that's why we traveled to the region. that's why we engaged with our counterparts. two direct engagements -- iny with members of washington, d.c. we're going to be very active in the east asia conference, also in a peck. the president's -- apec. president already intends to participate. we travel to the region to meet our counterparts and to talk about all of the issues that are important to them and them concerns they may have about where the administration is positioned to whether it be security issues or economic and trade issues. and we have had very good dialogue in all of those contacts. that we aree fact
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here demonstrates that that is certainly not this view orration's intention to somehow put at arm length the other important allies and partners in the world secretary mattis: as far as your leadership from australia, i would put it in traditional australian terms. it's adherence to international law, that normal leadership by australia has demonstrated over really since modern nation. a it's sort of thing where people work together to solve problems, where we sit down and define problems and then look at what rules of road and then we abide by them. it's a matter of finding common cause and then finding a way to address everyone's interests in mannert productive possible. and australia has proven its ability to do this, to be a
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hope for people in the , i would add to be a contributor to security in the region to stability in the the solomon islands effort a few years ago to all -- other hue tanaryian humanitarian operations they've been engaged in. leaderstly a matter of ship by example would be the short answer to your question. >> [question inaudible]
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secretary tillerson: let me just the lateief comment on
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-breaking news that you just referred to in terms of diplomat betweenions those country and qatar. i think, as i understand it from sinceittle bit i've read the actions were taken, i think witnessing is a grow ing list of some irritants in the region that have been time and some obviously they have now bubbled up to a level that countries decided they needed to take action in an effort to have .hose difference as dressed -- differences addressed. we certainly encourage the to sit down together and address these differences. and if there's any role that we can play in terms of helping address those, we think it is important that the gcc remain -- remain unified. i do not expect that this will impact, ifgnificant any impact at all, on the unif unified, fight against terrorism in the region or globally. all of those parties you mention
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have been quite unified in the fight against terrorism, in the fight dense expressed that most recently in the yet -- summit. afghanistan policy which is still under development and review, so there is no conclusion, and i will leave it to secretary mattis to answer more directly what the military are for this year to stabilize afghanistan, i think clearly, though, what we do understand is we can never allow afghanistan to become a platform for terrorism to operate from. afghanistantment to is to ensure that it never formes a safe haven terrorists to launch attacks against the civilized world or against any other part of the world or their neighbors. so this is really a question of how do the end state and we reach that end state. and that's part of the policy re view that is still under
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don't want too i go further than i would say than thinking currently in the administration is but other than to say we are committed to afghanistan does not become that platform from which terrorist activities can be launched. let me turn it to secretary mattis to respond. secretary mattis: in regards to implications for the counter isis fight, i am confident there will be no out of this coming diplomatic situation at all. based on thet commitment that each of these nation that you just referred to made to this fight. as the situation vis-a-vis iran, i believe iran's speak louder than anyone 's words and they are to insight the inter national community in that block them into the various destabilizing efforts they are undertaking
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from syria, where today,emains in power because of iran's actions, to yemen where they have been an unhelpful way to a war that is marooning leaving of people and them vulnerable to starvation violenceh problems and so i think it's iran's actions loudly.l speak most and the diplomatic situation, it will probably take some time. i don't know how long. but it will be resolved. goes, as afghanistan secretary tillerson said, the policy is under review but at time we're up against an enemy that knows that they .annot win at the ballot box we have to sometimes remind ourselves of that reality. use bombs,they because ballots would ensure they never had a role to play. and based upon that foundation that they cannot win the support
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affection, the of the people, we will stand by them. it's been a long, hard fight. australia has been in this one from the very beginning. and the fight goes on. is we're notm line going to surrender civilization to people who cannot win at the box.t thank you. minister bishop: very currently australia has 270 personnel both embedded in the afghanssion and at the officer academy. that is from our perspective, of our longestn contribution to any military australia's so we regard it as a significant one. paynt to acknowledge and tribute to the australian men and women who are in afghanistan with no matter what
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their task is, what a very complex security environment, as evidenced again in the last few days. they continue a contribution of proud.e are very ofterms of the enhancement that contribution of 30 personnel, as you indicated, general accord with the request we received from supported by the united states. we are very comfortable with that. we make the second largest non-nato contribution to in afghanistan and we are in the top 10 financial afghanistan,to through the afghan national trust fund. a strong indication of australia's preparedness to ongoinged in what is an international fight against againstextremists and terrorists. i agree completely with jim. so they't win a ballot
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use weapons to try to fight their way out. that's not something we are ever to see take hold in afghanistan again. as secretary tillerson also said can never allow it to be a platform for terrorism as it was in the past. we will continue to make that contribution. that's why we made the announcement we made last week. as the united states and nato support mission developed their approach, we will engage in those discussions as we always will make our own view s known, play our part, and ay further decisions are matter for consideration at that time. >> [question inaudible] secretary tillerson: i reserve my answer until the policy re view is completed. it needs to be thought of in that context.
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>> thank you, ladies and gentlemen. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2017] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] >> tonight on "the communicatore future of the cable industry and including view, ership, broadband, and regulations. american cable association president and ceo matthew polka. the cable guz business isn't what it used to be because of the high costs, the increasing costs of not only programming, sports programmingion, broadcast programming through re aansmission consent and as business it is failing. it is very, very difficult for a cable operator in many cases to even break even on the cable side of the business, which is why broadband is so important,
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giving consumers more of a choice that we can't give them on cable through the broadband pipe. >> and tom larsen, senior vice president of government and mediacomlations for communications corporation. tom: the company that are taking risk, borrowing the money to build the networks, are being criticized, made out to be villains whereas the companies making all the cash off the internet are being lauded for their wonderful innovation. saying that these are bad companies in the sense that they haven't done amazingly innovative things. they make aing that ton of money off the internet. and for them to go scott free with no regulation suggests to thehat maybe that's not right approach. maybe we should look at who is the money and why are they able to take so much out of the system. and it's because they're selling your information. "the communicators" tonight, 8:00 eastern, on c-span2. >> the senate returned earlier
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from its memorial day recess with members consider ing a resolution 50thmorating the anniversary of the reunification of jerusalem. fornal vote is scheduled 5:30 this afternoon. you can watch the senate live on c-span2. and the house returns tomorrow with legislative work set to begin at 2:00 p.m. eastern. week, work on a bill that would repeal the dodd-frank financial regulations law. house here onthe c-span. and today president trump declined to assert executive privilege regarding former f.b.i. director james comey's testimony before the senate committee.e on thursday the former director is set to testify on the into russian influence in last year's election. you can find live coverage on c-span3 at 10:00 a.m. eastern followed by your calls and comments on social media or watch the hearing streaming live on line at or listen using the c-span radio app. it oncase you missed
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c-span, veterans affairs secretary on the state of the v. a. >> 20 veterans a day are dying by suicide. that should be unacceptable to all of us. this is a national public health crisis and it requires solutions that not only v.a. will work on but all government and other the private in sector, nonprofit organizations. >> fordham university law on corruption in the u.s. government. >> it's a splitting community. the incredible class split we have in this country. can gok twain whom you to for almost anything writes "the this in his novel guilded age." it's a few different languages happened inn that the late 19th century where elites start to say, hey, this really corrupt; this is just the way we do things. and everybody else says, you walks like a duck, talks like a duck, it's a duck. >> bridge u.s.a. found founder
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talks about free speech and censorship on college campuses. tax on it a de facto free speech. i kind of agree with him. agree they are being placed in a very tricky position where they can't invite the speakers that they want to speak because there will be violence. and to greg's point, i think give into threats, you know, when you give into threats of violence, university into threats, you're basically allowing the violent agitators to be successful even before they land one punch. i think that's a very dangerous precedent to set when you're a speaker fromt speaking just because of the threats of violence. clinton talks about the 2016 presidential .lection and her upcoming book hillary clinton: you may think you know what happened and you may be right to a certain extent based on what you've perceived process it. but i'm going to tell you how i and whatd what i felt
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i thought. because you cannot make up what happened. >> c-span programs are available, on our homepage and by searching the video library. >> earlier today president trump plan toout his privatize the u.s. air traffic control system. by transportation secretary elaine chao and house transportation committee chair bill shuster of pennsylvania. this is half an hour. >> ladies and gentlemen, former .ecretary of transportation [applause]


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