tv [untitled] June 10, 2017 2:43pm-3:06pm EDT
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investigation. here are the numbers on your screen. this headline, the russia what comes next. it goes on to say that former fbi director james comey has appeared before a senate whitetee and accusing the house of lying about his firing and raised questions about obstruction of justice. the answer is a lot. housenate and intelligence committees will continue to sift through intelligence materials and interview witnesses. special counselor robert mueller's team will conduct an
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investigation that likely will produce many leaked tidbits or updates. let's go to michael in towson, maryland. the -- all of the provisions that we have legally anybody andally for everyone. it has nothing to do with orublican-democrat, prisoner. this transcends everybody. everybody has the responsibility to protect all interests of everybody in the country. the russians have absolutely no interest in protecting us. if so, why would we share anything at all with them?
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host: thank you for calling. let's go to a caller in saxton next. caller: my opinion is if they find out there was something with russia in this election, i think they ought to impeach him before he ruins the whole country. host: do you think the president obstructed justice? caller: yes. host: how so? caller: with his wealth, he has so much power. now he is trying to get into medicare, taking money out of that. the poor people are going to get poorer and the rich will get richer. host: thank you. now to jane and lake wales, florida. you are on the air. caller: i just reviewed my what's again on c-span, this little horse and pony show they
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put on, it is amazing to me that supposedly intelligent men seem to think that the "washington post" is the last and absolute truth. i can't believe it, these people want to say that this is the truth, why are you not answering this. host: where do you get your news, jane? caller: i get it from my lot of channels on tv. host: good enough. thank you for watching c-span as one of them. jim, on the line for independence. caller: i think the whole thing has gotten way to weekly partisan. i would like to see the independent counsel do his job, and all of these senators and congressmen go back and do their job. there is so much going on in the world, they need to focus on doing what they have to do to make this country stable, let the independent counsel do his job.
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if trump is guilty of something, find, prosecute him weird if clinton is guilty of anything, her. prosecute let them get back to work. host: james comey testified for this in committee we solve rep up a few minutes ago, the senate intelligence committee, that committee coming on thursday and we are going to re-air that for c-span, 10:30n a.m. eastern time. now, a clip from the opening statements by former fbi director jim comey during that hearing. appointed: when i was fbi director in 2013, i understood i was serving at the pleasure of the president. even though i was serving a 10
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term,term -- a 10 year a i understood i could be fired at a president for no reason at all. may nine when i learned i had been fired, for that reason i made it we came home as a , but then then explanations confused me and increasingly concerned me. they confused me, because the president and i had had multiple conversations about my job both before and after he took office. he repeatedly told me i was doing a great job and he hoped i would stay. i repeatedly told him that i did intend to stay and serve out the remaining years of my term. he told me he talked to a lot of people about me including our current attorney general, and have learned i was doing a great job, and i was extremely well-liked by the fbi workforce.
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so, it confused me when i saw on television president saying that he actually fired me because of the russia investigation, and learned again from the media that he was telling privately other parties that my firing had relieved great pressure on the russia investigation. i was also confused by the initial excavation offered publicly, that i was fired for decisions i made during the previous election year. to meidn't make a sense for different reasons including the time and all the water under the bridge since the decisions had to be made. although the law requires no reason at all to fire the fbi administration then chose to defame me and more importantly the fbi by saying the organization was in disarray, that it was for led, those were
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live, plain and simple. host: former fbi director james comey and testimony on thursday before the senate intelligence committee. and this tweet from the president yesterday, " despite some any false statements and live, total and complete vindication. leaker!"tommy is a lot of questions to the intelligence chiefs and deputy attorney general and fbi director on the russia investigation. ones comey's testimony thursday, and your calls now, manny into row, florida on the republican line. caller: hi, thanks. there are two things here. one is comey and it's about
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weigh, i used to live in that area. i spent a lot of time outside the united states, and i can tell you it is very important to find out everything about the russian interference, because it didn't start this year or last year, it started way back. it is very important, not just as a republican or democrat, it is important we get to the bottom of this, and just leave the guy alone. let donald trump do his thing. whoever the president is, they should respect the presidency. host: don't forget you can tweet us. we will look for your comments on twitter. next, ricky is on the line for democrats. caller: thank you for answering my call. i am retired military, so i
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listened to a lot of what is going on. sincemey has been there 2013. i don't know him. i haven't followed him, but it came up last year during the election. the president did give him a pat on the back for that, but now .oming up, it's against him he is against him. would give his income tax situation going on, he chased a obama about his birthr -- birth rights. should mr. comey interact with his replacement, because he knows what is going on, on the inside. i listened on thursday and listened to the re-air today to the special board. i mean, something has to be done . and i think the one that should
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be in there, call should have an inside on it, because the president did say he did good in the beginning when he interacted with the situation with hillary clinton. with a buddy system as they call it, he is a leaker, and this, and that hearing politics seems like it's becoming a joke. we have a businessman doing this, next work going to have a rap artist running for president. that was a comment that was made. backed to get politicians into politics, let everybody else's day as a businessman, and do it the way -- the reagan situation went, it went ok. -- the bush administration you know, i am democratic, but we are supposed to support the
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military on it, so i just say thecomey get back in investigation, at least assist them. i think he got a raw deal adding fired while he's making a speech to fbi agents. host: jodey joins us from naples, florida, on the independent line. i have been through i think three presidents, in a row, and i have never in my life seen anything like this in my country. the division that has been created, i feel like this he does haveif russian ties, it is just the division in our country. he is making our country and absolute laughingstock across the world. has been -- i have never
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seen anything like this. . follow politics i watch you every day. whether or not he has ties to russia, we can get to the bottom of. we should do that right away. if not, let him do his work, although, i don't think that the people who support him -- his interests are in their favor. i do not think they are going to realize that until they lose their health care, and till everything is turned on them. this is not what they signed up for and not what they wanted. thanks for calling, jodi., a survey, president trump has a credibility problem when it comes to the ongoing investigation into russian interference in last year's
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election. it shows more than 70% of those reached by the poll have some or no trust about what the president says about the array of probes in russian interference. 50% said they had no trust at all in the president's statements on the issues. rent is on the republican line. what are your thoughts? are a -- ofink they hockey. debate, barack obama laughed at mitt romney when romney tied to tell him this was going to happen. ok. the only crimes in my opinion that have been committed, were committed by the obama administration up to and
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including him. he is a criminal. country.hings to our he tried to destroy it from the inside and is still trying to destroy it from the inside. and the whole democrat already is in on it. in my opinion, trump has done nothing wrong. nothing. host: all right. caller: he will be, if they leave him alone, the greatest president this country has ever known. the lady before me brought up ronald reagan, he was accosted the same way that donald trump is. he was called a traitor, accused of colluding with russia. they investigated the man for six out of eight years he was in office. how much money have we wasted on these investigations? back to work, fix our country, let the independent counsel do its job, but do it
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fast. stop wasting my money. this is my money they are wasting. host: thank you. president trump has not had a lot of comments about the investigation this week, although he did hold a press conference yesterday, he joined a press conference with the president of romania and did respond to questions regarding the commie testimony, the comey testimony. we'll show you a short portion of that event now. comey'sack to james testimony. you suggested he told untruths. you said you hoped the flynn investigation he could let -- pres. trump: i didn't say that. >> so he lied about that? pres. trump: i didn't say that. would be nothing wrong if i did say it, but i did not say
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that. >> and did you ask for a pledge of loyalty? pres. trump: no, i did not. >> would you be willing to say so under oath? pres. trump: 100%. i didn't ask the man -- i want you to pledge allegiance. who would ask a man to pledge allegiance under oath. no, i didn't say that, and i didn't say the other. >> so if roger mueller wanted to talk to you -- pres. trump: i would be happy to tell him the same thing i just told you. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, >> and you seem to be telling us -- >> are there tapes, sir? pres. trump: you are going to be very disappointed when you hear the answer, don't worry. host: the article from "the washington post" about the
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possibility of tapes, the house panel demands any tapes from they demanded friday that the president turn over with and two weeks any tapes he made of conversations with fbi director james comey after the president refused to answer whether those tapes exist. just one day before james comey testified about notes and memos pt to document conversations with the president that made him uncomfortable, he slipped them to a friend, as an intermediary. the house intelligence committee also sent a second letter to comey asking him to turn over his memos. they gave until june 23 to turn over those memos and tapes. that's good mike -- no, i lost
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mike teared let's go to lawrence in jamaica, new york. caller: how are you? host: good. caller: i just want to be clear, because what had happened, there are a lot of people -- and i lies --nd the political the obama bashers, obama came to term at the worst period of time in the history of america. with him just to being able to keep us afloat -- this is what we heard from our friend bernie off, we heard america as a whole is being dumb downed as far as the information we get. you can plainly see the lines are drawn. republicans are trying to get as much of their agenda through
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while this man is an office. he has been a complete horror since he got into office. lawsuit $43 trillion against the u.s. government, the federal reserve, all the major banks and bank services, beyond the mortgage -- bernard made off -- security. if you want to know anything, follow the money. and if you follow the money, you follow it right to the clearinghouse. seeou do your homework, you and all capital name that it is attached to routing numbers and accounts both here and abroad. i have had this conversation with doj, and all walks of government, and they all do the same thing.
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a turn you around and try to run you from one alphabet organization to another. host: thank you for that, lawrence. we will get one last call here. we have time for mark and spiro bush, new york on the democrat's line. caller: yes, sir. i cannot say anything better lawrence from jamaica, queens just said. that me and should be running for president. everything he said was to my line of thinking. i am concerned about vladimir putin and the russians, big-time. it has to be dealt with by trust them.o not i never trusted russia since john kennedy was assassinated. i don't want to get into that, but the fellow that just spoke before me was terrific. host: thank you for the call,
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mark. thank you to all of our colors. more on the russia investigation as we hear on "washington journal" tomorrow morning as we vskyhans von spako on the james comey testimony. then we will have michael to matzke and gerald fierstein from the italy used institute -- middle east institute. also, as i mentioned, the james comey testimony before the senate intelligence committee, the entire hearing that took place on thursday, we will 10:35 on sunday at eastern time. and jeff sessions will be appearing on capitol hill this week for hearings related to his budget for the justice
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department, but we can probably expect some questions about the russia investigation. appropriations subcommittee hearing is live tuesday morning at 10:00 eastern time. and the house appropriations subcommittee is live tuesday at 2:00 p.m. eastern time. you can watch live on or listen to the c-span radio app you can get free from apple or google play. impact thatat the climate change is having on national security and military operations. this event from the environmental energy study institute includes several retired military professionals sharing with a learned. it is just over 1.5 hours. [inaudible conversations]
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