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tv   Washington Journal Viewer Calls  CSPAN  June 12, 2017 9:34am-10:04am EDT

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>> c-span, where history unfolds daily. 1979, c-span was created as a public service by america's companies and n is brought to you today by your cable or satellite provider. > "washington journal" continues. host: again, we'll do about 25 minutes of open phones to round monday edition of the "washington journal." the house and senate are back in session today, the house will take up veteran's issues for a and the k of the week senate will take up iran sanctions late this afternoon, is y this evening, there talk of sanctions move regarding russia, we may hear in the a move to get rid arms deal the president signed a couple weeks
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back. we have richard on the line rotunda west, florida, on the republican line. mind?rd, what is on your caller: good morning. thank you for taking my call. host: you bet. i love c-span. last night i watched the town it was ting and i think lakeville, wisconsin, with epresentative -- host: george stentenbrenner. the people at that meeting pinned his ears to the wall with the questions they had. the answers he gave, he had gaveling, pounding the table and counting down how many imes he was going to allow people to just answer back to him. the mood of ell by the crowd, i mean, this was a meeting, that the republicans trouble.ig
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you got 17 months until the next 2019, i think personally the way the handling s are everything in the scandals and huberous of this president and i'm a republican, i think going to cut are the legs right out from underneath him. ask you, richard, to change course as a republican, what are the main needs to do toty pollss fare better in the right now? caller: what they need to do and it two previous guests hit right on the nose, if they had started with infrastructure, wanted, jobs, jobs, jobs, they would have the democrats and republicans, they have worked something out. instead, they go and cut the healthcare out from everybody, which looks like, the republican looks like if me
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ou ever watched that movie scrooge, charles dickens, likestmas carol," it looks scrooge plan. then we'd be and able to add more tax cuts to the wealthy. wrong, it's evil, they don't work together and it will around and bite them on their bottom. host: all right, richard, thank you for calling. frank from king george, virginia. independent caller. hey, frank. hello. i want to thank you for having this show. big issue to me is the election is over with. and we should be working on the the next aded toward electi
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replay the t do not past elections as sour grapes, s what i'm saying, time and time again. before thedvised way election. we hope you're going to accept results when you lose in november. democrats d out the have never accepted the results the republicans are not either, and i , and they need to sit back ay what is agenda for the next two years and four years and work on that. stop rehashing the election, is another result in the picture. case ofit's the biggest sour grapes i've seen in
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politics and especially in the last 100 years. host: thank you for calling, frank. we'll get other voices and other new necessary case you haven't heard. trump and their son barron, have moved into the white house. this is a photo in politico this morning. they arrived back from -- or to the white house yesterday. write melania trump and barron trump officially moved into the white house sunday, reuniting the first family full time in washington five months fter the president's inauguration. the first family officially moved into the white house, came trump, ter from melania who posted a picture of the washington monument from inside the hite house, along with message, looking forward to memories we'll make in our new house. been planned for early spring, wound up happening earlier than expected. official told politico melania and barron on june ld move in 14th, barron trump, the 11 year
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ld stayed mostly out of the spotlight since the start of his father's political career and going to be attending a rivate school in maryland starting in the fall. that is in politico. jane calling from new york now. good morning. good morning. have k comment is they been fighting this travel ban ssue in the courts now for about four months. the original ban was to give improvedays in order to vetting and people coming in the country, but what have they done in 90 day necessary they should be done regardless of whether or in effect another quick item. we keep hearing words calling cowardly and so -- calling him cowardly. cowards in this country right now are republicans that ave accepted childish behavior of this president because he has
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the pen to sign their bills. thank you. host: thank you for calling. berea, is calling from kentucky, good morning, william. calling about m -- e-mail saturday from the nform he proposal to take away the -- veterans who are disabled, once they can get i think thatty and is totally wrong. i'm a republican, i voted for the but you don't do veterans, i got right beside me copy of the bill of rights, religion and all that stuff, and about research and seizures. veterans are the one that paid for everybody's freedom to businesses and if it wasn't for us, there would be no would be t government-controlled businesses and stuff and for the veterans, would be none of that, i
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want to let people know they up for the d veterans because if it wasn't the battle of lexington and concord. it is not good to do veterans like that. have a good day and thank you. host: thank you for calling. veteran issues on the house later this week, starting tomorrow, including the affairs t of veteran accountability and whistleblow r marco act, coming from rubio. starting today for the week, ony will be in all five days c-span and senate returns 4 p.m. today. lian from indianapolis, on the line. go ahead, please. i'm sorry from east hampton, connecticut, right? caller: no, actually eileen, east hampton, connecticut. host: i had it wrong on the screen. please., caller: i'm calling about an
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addictionpic, opiate and options for that. ere in connecticut, we have medical cannabis and i'm a cannabis the medical program, my issue is not with opiate addiction, but they are with chronic pain. i think if not only the government, but i just think healthcare community medical accepting of cannabis as treatment for chronic pain and honestly help opiate addiction, i think hat would be helpful for like everybody in the nation, not just here in connecticut, and that is wehing about as patients now have been on program for a while and we have an awful lot of information think would be useful and honestly, we -- there aren't a us to be able r
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to talk to medical providers and state legislators about what some of the benefits and some of too, of the s, programs are so i think that hose are options that could be considered, along with a lot of opiate tions for the addiction, but i don't think i honestly don't think that law go andment is the way to just locking people up, i do not to go.hat that's the way thank you very much. host: thank you. we spent the first hour of the opioid, talking about this headline in "washington post" got our attention. opioid epidemic is rates for all h americans. this "washington post" piece moved over the weekend, if you more about that. there are other headlines, this one in the journal and courier lafayette, indiana, reporting on a new jersey story about to pullsking drug maker a pinkiller.
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u.s. regulators, narcotic in the epidemic off the mark sxet data showing people ontinue to abuse it, it is journal ana er, in the courier. also in the journal news in of drug treatment skyrockets, they talk about the opioid crisis putting a financial pinch on families and medicaid, that is in the journal news. this head let line in the nel.ville news tent pioid on trial, big drug companies facing lawsuits now from various states, including ohio and talk about mississippi well, the attorney general making an argument opioid drug makers. are big pharmaceutical companies opioid e for the epidemic? some think so. knoxville, tennessee. debbie from indianapolis, go
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ahead, please. wanted to talk this morning about all of the administration has put this entire country into. i -- no matter your political if theto understand that american people could give an the t answer to some of issues and allow these things to be investigated and put to rest i think that all of america would feel more so, i administration has the best interest of the american people at heart. creating chaos. host: michael in schenectady, ew york, on the republican line. hi there. caller: thank you for taking my call. the gentleman from kentucky and all veterans, thank you, thank you, thank you. point, there has been obstruction in almost all everyoneation, why did miss the report on government
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bstruction of justice released june 7 by committee on fast and furious? shows not t report only obstruction of justice, but corruption within the system. 1720 firearms were transferred to mexico, order some firearms were used to kill exican government officials, one was used to kill an american citizen and has been totally by the mainstream media and c-span, i was wondering why. for raising the point. washington times headline, illegal immigration up along the outhwest border, they write, steven dining writing illegal immigration across the border in the south appears to have jumped 27% in may, according to omeland security. steven dining this would be breaking a three-month streak of declines nder president trump and suggesting the slump in migrants has bottomed out. patrol tom and border who oversees much of this
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acknowledge increase in but attribute it to uptick in the washington times. "new york times" uptick in the washington times. "new york times" talks about the referendum in puerto rico, 23% ricans vote in referendums, 97% for statehood with schools and island under authority of oversight board in new york city half million torto ricans voted on sunday become the america's 51st state in a flawed election, most voters sat out. nearly all precincts reporting, ballots cast were in favor of statehood. ritic indicated statehood supporters turn out at the polls. refer independent boycot of the election rigged in favor of statehood. the "new york times" and other papers. rayford from germantown, maryland. morning.
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caller: yes, good morning. i have three points to make quickly. host: okay. i want to thank the trump campaign for exposing to world, the nd the true heart, mind, spirit and face of conservative movement. you will, 80% of who elicals, the people claim to be christians, they voted for a man to be the resident of the united states, the number one male role model in america, man who says, he can to women he doesn't know and grab them by their genitals. had to pay est he $25 million to settle a fraud lying, stealing people's money. and a first lady who is the role model to every little girl in america who made her living for years as a nude model. can you imagine if michelle model for een a nude one day, much less several
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years? point one. oint two, the start of the second administration, any of this evidence you have against forth ad been brought against president obama, he already would have been voted you have ice and people all over the country trying to put him in jail. majority andublican the house republican majority in the senate, with the same would have been impeached and convicted in the any republican in the senate or house who says that is not true, i challenge them to on t.v. and take a lie detector test to that point. point is this, years nt obama for eight tried to get infrastructure built that would have fixed up docks, airports and so on, and these conservatives, these good people they would much rather
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than president obama, create jobs for their people. and one final thing, i guarantee you, if things get hot for will a, firemp, he mueller and b, declare war on north korea. host: comment from rayford in maryland. in new york, bob calling on democrats line. hi, bob. my er: thanks for taking call and thank you to c-span. i'm confused with much of the talking points that aren't being refuted by the leaking his notes to press. i'm a little confused. it ake it sound, terming illegal leaking. no classified documents were leaked, it was his notes to be published and made public to the
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appreciate.h we i'm confused democrats aren't refuting that there is nothing wrong. is how new system made, most reporters get information rom subjects and get it into the news stories. i'm confused. emocrats got to do a better job. host: all right, bob, thanks for calling back. trump, pages of politico, the president gets -- chief of staff until july 4 to clean up the white house. threatened to oust the chief of staff, but many are skeptical he will follow through. the president set deadline july shake up that could reince priebus as chief of staff. to let t deadlines only them pass without pulling the trigger. scrutiny ent is under the russian
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investigation, intensifying pressure on his white house team. that story in politico starting this morning. the russian calling from myrtle beach, south carolina. caller: how are you today? well. doing thank you for calling. caller: oh, god, i have several concerns. first of all, i want to say, they better check before they with this mess because president donald j. trump is not any constitutional laws. okay. laws.better check the none of those have been broken. as far as i'm concerned, i comey speak and they were not doing anything but the thing that shocks me, most of the senators enforcement, n law have been attorneys and prosecutors and they know the law, they must not be familiar the constitutional law ecause he has not broken any laws. okay. ow in terms of the memo, how could you try a man based on a
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memo, if he thought those were be official legal documents that those notes were mportant, comey should have turned those notes in to his working. while he was i don't buy the fact he was afraid. 56-57 year old man be afraid? e said he was a seasoned worker, professional with experience. uh-huh, you can't do that type highest policehe officer in the united states and you are afraid, not with all the cases that comey messed up in the past on. of things one a lot o mess up a lot of important cases. for example, messed up the case where the young man killed the ine people at that church, he messed up a lot of drug cases. i mean, it was a lot of to be fired, him he was not competent enough to do the job. i think that the democrats are
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, basing it ontism personality, who they like the they betterey think have sufficient evidence before this mess and th quit playing around with taxpayers' dollars, because that are doing. president trump is trying to ush legislation and we are paying them to govern, not to lay around with president donald j. trump. host: thank you for calling. to cut you off, want to get another call or two in. georgia race, the democrat, according to the polls here, this published in times, has 7 n percentage point lead over the republican, covering georgia seat. this election comes up in a couple weeks. seven-point edge. polls.look forward "washington post" talks about
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$40 million pouring into this georgia, one of the lead items today. they say $40 million going in. the seven-point lead, atlanta journal constitution poll. six, osest contest in the reflect changing demographics of this fast-growing area, which barely won over hillary clinton. what is driving things is national property battle between ener gied democratic forces and g.o.p. mobilized by fear of what in next year's mid-term battle for control of congress. is the place to go take a look at the sixth district debate that we took in last week. and ran on riday night, perhaps will air again today. dot-org. joanne , thank you for waiting. caller: thank you. i would like to make three quick comments first. comey statedaring,
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that donald trump blatantly lied the f.b.i. wasat in disarray and that some of the employees were very upset with him and that he had gotten fired. one of is weekend, on the news stations, they had a works in the who f.b.i. and he said the f.b.i. is in disarray and that many of the f.b.i. were the very upset with comey and it is new start.ave a comey said it was a lie, but the actual people working in the a lie.said it was not secondly, i'd like to state, has written a book and she's been giving speechs and she said she lost election because the russians and she was a woman ell, i'm a woman and did she bother to ask any of us for endents why we voted trump and not her?
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i've had this discussion with and nobody has said that the russian influence or made the as a woman difference. hey voted because of her integrity and her honesty and felt she didn't have any and against any of us were obama's policies. thirdly, on the media, i'm kind a media junkie and political junkie. news watching all of the channels. some am so disappointed in of the channels. i have stopped watching them and fact, there are some journalists, they really aren't journalists anymore for what they are practicing and teaching young people. slander ld be sued for and liable. some of the stuff that comes bad, but t, i feel there is a couple channels i just can't watch f. they think people in thishe
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country aren't just keeping we can see through this, we can see through what saying, we have common sense. ost: joanne, thanks to everybody who called in this morning. leave you with this photo and eries from orlando and washington, d.c. the orlando sentinel has this story today. having aen a year now, ceremony in orlando, since the shooting that killed 49 people. a year later, the healing continues. is of vacationer from virginia showing her randdaughter the memorial in front of the pulse nightclub. visitors and tourists continue to visit the site to pay orlando in the sentinel. was a march yesterday remembering all 49 angels, they
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call them, of pulse. thousands of people came from across the country in the district yesterday, waved ainbow pride flags, walked beneath posters that read "remember pulse," the mood of this march organized as to protect the gay community. celabratory, as other times somber, remembering of the worst y mass shooting in the u.s., at the nightclub, pulse, 49 dead a year ago today. can see the various pictures from there yesterday. survivor ofded with the shooting standing on stage in front of the capitol to rallied in crowd who front of the white house chanting "love, not hate, makes great," one write-up in the local section of the "washington post" today. part in for taking this program, monday edition of the "washington journal," we'll eastern tomorrow for another program. in the meantime, enjoy the rest back here , see you tomorrow.
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bills.he agenda, several -- continuesng the on iran'sng sanctions missile development. on c-span the, steve mnuchin on me departments
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2018 budget. that will be live at 4:00 p.m. eastern on c-span three. coming up on c-span2, james madison and joseph dunford testify, looking into the pentagon's budget request. c-span, were history unfolds daily. traded as apan was public service by america's cable companies. george's six district has been represented by republicans since
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newt gingrich won the seat. it is a close race between john also off and karen handel. the two debated last week. to george's welcome six congressional debate. i'm dennis o'hare, the host of morning edition parade early voting is already underway in the sixth district and election days june 20. the six congressional district partses alanna and covers of cop, fulton, and full counties. the winner of the runoffs will succeed


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