tv Washington This Week CSPAN June 24, 2017 2:35pm-2:50pm EDT
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marks from both off and on the senate floor this past thursday as senate republican leaders announced their discussion draft of their version of health care law replacement bill. mitch mcconnell, the senate majority leader, on the floor talking about debates and voting on that bill, and the amendment process next week in the u.s. senate. numberrd response from a of democrats, democratic leaders, including chuck schumer , and we just saw a rand paul, one of several republicans who, so far, is on record as being against the bill in its current form. we would like to hear from you. what do you think of this measure that is coming before the senate this coming weekend go our numbers are on your screen. democrats, and independence and all others.
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@cspan or leave a comment on our facebook page. this discussion draft by the republicans was laid out in by the key bullet points associated press this past week. here is what the bill essentially does. in brief. it ends the affordable care act mandates and most of the taxes. if faith is not the medicaid expansion over three years, ending in 2024. limits medicaid spending with per capita caps, or block grants for states that choose them. the spending growth rate would become stricter in 2025. states could buy for waivers for many of the insurance regulations, though not protections were people with pre-existing conditions and coverage for young adults. cap -- or affordable tax affordable health care -- a portal care act tax credit would be kept in place unlike the tax bill -- house bill, but their
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value would be reduced under the senate plan. funds for the aca's cost-sharing subsidies through 2019, but then repeals them. let's go to your calls. first up is stacy in bowling green, kentucky on the democrat line. hi, stacy. doing? hi, how are you >> good. caller: i would like to talk about my personal. for obamacare save my life. i would have been able -- unable to get the necessary colonoscopy i needed and the cancer polyp removed, and i'm grateful for that. i'm adjective -- an adjunct fact of the -- faculty of the department of kentucky university, and i do not have health care because i'm try to get my feet in there and get a better way of life. i'm try to get my phd. i have necessary medicine i have to take right now. when they alter the medicaid, it will put me in a dangerous, precarious situation. i cannot imagine how people
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across this country who have careh care and good health can let the rest of the people that do not have the ability to have health care fall by the wayside. mcconnell, of mitch the standards he has taken on this, because when he was young, he had to depend on public assistance for his afflictions. how does that socialism work for him? and why can't it work for the rest of us. i think this that should be a bipartisan effort. schumere that what mr. offered, he extended in all of branch to be able to work on this -- an olive branch to be able to work on this. there are things in this bill that are good things, and they have a foundation that they could work together and do what they have been voted into do. that is to serve the american public and do the right thing and give us a choice.
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>> thanks, stacy. we will go to david, on the republican line in mercedes, texas. caller: hi, sir. how are you all doing? >> good. what are your thoughts for the senate this week? caller: i might have a statement and a question at the same time. if thosedering republicans -- why do they call it a yes and then in -- when it comes before the conference, they could to get out? that is my question. i do believe that -- i'm a , and they have had seven years to work on this and have not done anything. i am aching that hopefully this up forr chance to make those years they did not do anything, and i am hoping that this will be done during the summer. we cannot wait another year. there are a lot of people suffering out there. calling, david. they mention the five republicans that have gone on record so far that are against the bill in its current form.
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they are rand paul, who we saw the comments from a few moments lee, roncruz, mike johnson, and dean heller of number although another of republicans have indicated some concerns about the bill. these are the five that are on the record at the moment saying they cannot vote for it in its current form. no democrats are on record as being in favor of the bill at this point. all democrats are expected to vote against it. let's go next to lorraine in anderson, indiana on the independent line. . change --y did they what i'm trying to say is why just work on the insurance part of it, where the prescription , stopf this bill upsetting senior citizens, and i do not know8 if democrats will vote for this bill as well as no republicans.
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this is the bill that cannot pass, because it is not good for our country. i'm asking the people to let us work together. let the democrats and the independents, let everybody have an input on this bill. i do not care who gets the credit for it, but let everybody work on this bill together. this could make our country stronger. i have three small children and this insurance today, some doctors i can see, but i cannot even take my daughter to a doctor because she does not have the insurance that would cover her for her skin issues. i do not understand why so many care about do not each other anymore. yes, obamacare -- anything you produce can be better. but unity, when things start working together, that is when it will get better. that -- he islize
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a deaf person and i do not understand this white house. >> let's get another republican point of the that point of view. caller: all i want to say is you know, if we need to start working together, we need to improve what our government is doing. in other words, aside from the perceive, that we can if this is the health care and it does work the way they design it, let's see some saving faith in our leaders. [indiscernible] ander: let's work together let them do what they need to do , because when i see some people, they are trying with this to balance the economy. if they are doing something wrong, it is on their conscience.
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but our leaders, we need to have faith that our leaders are trying to do the best they can. let us approve the health care, let us approve the benefits that they try to put together, and let's work together that way. nobody says rachel look in this, democrats this, anything else -- republicans this, democrats this, anything else. this is about everyone of us. theext, galveston, texas on democrats line. what do you think? caller: i think that it is a disgrace -- starting at the top, the white house with trump -- he can ask them to bring this bill down and they can all work together and get us a civil bill that helps all people, rich, poor, and other people. it would do me just fine. we need to work together. that is all i have to say.
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work together. >> thanks, evelyn. couple of tweets from viewers. -- look, the aca failed. we were paying $14,400 the year, just got notice that we are canceled. blue cross blue shield point out of individual market. it failed. meanwhile, a california girl says -- talking about speaker ryan -- is to murder thousands by ripping the array -- ripping away health care instead of fixing the aca. dawn, the republican color. hi, don. -- dawn. caller: i used to work in the -- as afield is a pet paramedic. before the aca, people got medical care, -- i'm a little nervous. i apologize. but there was a law that was passed that you get help whether
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you can pay or not. i saw abuse after abuse after abuse, and people still got their care. they did not have to pay back then, ok? i agree with the callers that say ryan's bill is no good. ashamed of rand paul, though, because he is a doctor and he knows better. he should know -- the whole problem is the insurance companies. they were the problems from years ago. i'm sorry, it is hard for me to talk. >> it is all right. be a surgeryd to scheduler, and we would get documents that showed insurance companies paying and playing all sorts of tricks were they not pay -- do not pay the surgeon or pay a smaller amount. we have a coward with the aca, the insurance companies. they are the ones ripping us off, ok?
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that is why rand paul should know better. hall ryan was wrong with what he did, but i am also upset with the democrats because they say that trump did not want to work with the people. trump does want all parties working together. he does not want just one party against the other, ok? or one party doing the bill. he wants everybody to have their input. thanks for calling, we appreciate that. let's get a few more points of view. next, and when on the democrat line. -- edwin on the democrat line. caller: the current bill that is being put together will be dead on arrival. what representative schumer said when i was watching your program this afternoon, they need to get both democrats and republicans in one room and craft a bill that is beneficial across the board. iss bill in the current form
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a tax break for the rich. warren buffett -- he will be able to get over a $600 million tax break because of this bill. it is possible to get the democrats and republicans to work together in one room, as you say, and ban something out? caller: of course it is. listen, as a born and raised new yorker, i believe that representative schumer hit it on the head. get a room, get everybody together, and craft out a bill that is fair and reasonable. ok? that is what needs to happen. we do not want to rush this thing and have mr. president either be ashamed of signing it or signing a bill that is all ut and zero' inp democrats. that is not the way our democracy has been put together. >> grant and humble, texas. republican caller. caller: this is going to be the
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best -- they are going to eventually get the votes. i'm very confident about that. trump will make amendments. it will get through. entitlement reform, we are $20 trillion in debt, if we do not start doing entitlement reform, the country is dead. i get a kick out of democrats talking about spend, spend, spend. there is no money to spend. we have to get economy reform or the country will collapse, and then whose fault will it be? it will be the overspending liberals. >> barbara in san jose on the line for democrats. i find it extraordinary as a democrat that i would agree with senator rand paul. he has said basically that it is the process he to rather than the substance of the bill. one day for every 20 pages of the bill.
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there has not been time to discuss this, debate this, or get input from anybody. i think senator rand paul has a very good point. it is going much too fast for something as monumental as this, and represents, what, 16% of our economy? he is right. i agree with rand paul, and as a democrat, i find that extraordinary. >> thanks, barbara. the senate plans to take up the bill with amendments ahead of that, starting this week. we will have live coverage, of course, gavel-to-gavel of the u.s. senate as they debate and vote on the health care law replacement. , or coverage on you can listen on the free c-span radio app. that is coming your way in the u.s. senate this week. thursday, senate appropriations subcommittee heard from the national
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