tv Washington Journal Viewer Calls CSPAN July 25, 2017 9:33am-10:01am EDT
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acted and the congress acted to make social into the olvent future. hands this ringing of bout social security and insolvent can be solved immediately by lifting the cap. afterwards sunday night 9 eastern on c-span 2's book t.v. unfoldsn, where history daily. a 1979, c-span was created as public service by america's cable television companies and by your t to you today cable or satellite provider. >> "washington journal" continues.
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we'llfrom now until 10:00 be talking to you about your message to senate. debate on to proceed to on the healthcare legislation. in the senate today, we'll see senator john mccain of arizona, his first ime back on capitol hill since announcing that he had been diagnosed with brain cancer. night his tweet last saying that i look forward to returning to the senate tomorrow o continue work on the healthcare reform and defense bill and russian sanctions. senator john mccain last night. here is headline in today's "u.s.a. today." mccain gives obamacare a boost, ailing senators is returning for we'll look for him on capitol hill today. we're asking for your message to comes to when it healthcare. the phone lines are yours, 202-748-8000. republicans, 202-748-8001. .ndependents, 202-748-8002 rick up first, maryland, line
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democrats. rick, go ahead. caller: yes, good morning. my question is, the people who for donald trump, would they vote for him if they knew andould take their medicare their healthcare away from them? and he would act like he's now?g also, john mccain is voting to healthcare also, you guys make him sound like a hero. veteran and i like john mccain, but you all need treating him quit ike he's all that because he's taking people's healthcare away. you need to ask the question when people call in, do ou want your healthcare taken away from you, that is my comment. host: line for republicans, blacksburg, south carolina. go ahead. caller: yes. host: go ahead, you're on the
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air. caller: okay, the republicans to take the healthcare away from the poor people or hatever they are saying, but they need to vote yes on this healthcare bill today. thank you. lead story in today's "wall street journal," trump on health vote coming from the president's statements yesterday on quoting the president saying every republican running for office promised immediately this disastrous law. senate republicans have not done obamacare in ending nightmare. that vote, one of the first teps in the senate, motion to proceed to debate happening today. republicans will be looking for votes, that they will -- can votes, they have 52 members of the senate, 52 now, if senate right they lose two votes they get to
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50, they control the white will the vice president come to break any tie and of course that would be vice pence expected to agree with the president and to agree with republican leadership here. getting your thoughts, your comments and your message to senate on healthcare. biffngreenwell springs, line for republicans. ahead.go caller: yes, i want to let you know that i'm against repealing obamacare. s a republican, i definitely don't support this care where they are going to eliminate of medicaid and get rid of employer mandate. allow companies to not rovide health insurance for workers, if they get rid of that. plus a lot of poor people will allowed to get insurance, as well f. there is going to be would like to get the same health insurance as the
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congressmen get. now that would be a serious iscussion that i'm definitely open to. host: biff, as we talked about n the last segment, members of congress buy their plans through the affordable care act exchange, use the dc that was the rule put in for members of congress and their we just talked with david hawkings from role call -- roll call. it ryan care, why do you call it ryan care? that : that was the term would eliminate medicaid and get rid of employer mandate. i didn't say i'm against getting id of the individual mandate because that -- some people an't afford to get the health insurance. employer mandate right now is companies to pret health insurance for them.
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employer t rid of mandate, companies slowly, but offering health insurance to workers and we can't do down that road. you're saying that congressmen offered to get exchange. through an one thing that i am open for is medicare for all american citizens. so if you want to do that, let's that discussion, but don't talk about getting rid of expansion.ndate or host: who is a republican that you look to as leader on this agree with?ou caller: well, i thought there was -- that is the thing, i am the new republican party to. trump was going it looks like trump has pulled a fast one on us. used , there was forest that we backed trump on, which was stop these stupid trade agreements, reduce amount of
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people coming into the country, the stupid war and public investment of infrastructure, roads owned by companies. trump appeared to him orking class that put in the white house and he's back in the regular republicans. i cannot give you a republican is actually backing the agenda that trump campaigned on. asking me who is the guy that is going to back us? know.'t host: biff, in louisiana. fter, tennessee, line for independents, go ahead. caller: yes, please vote no on bill, any of e these nightmare bills they have with.up all provide medicare for in this century. take ld be the thing to away the insurance from people
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before r had insurance because of -- politicians, my one, being born with a birth defect. for all or edicare , x the affordable care act don't vote on nightmare scenarios coming forward, thank very much. host: the man leading effort in enate to get votes to proceed senate health care bill. yesterday. >> on whether or not to begin the debate at all, whether to the debate. i believe my mandate from the to vote kentucky is yes and i intend to do so. many colleagues feel the for and have waited years this moment to finally arrive.
9:42 am last, it i urge every colleague to join me. now, i know many have ideas how improve healthcare, some ideas have real potential, applying temporary andaids or quadrupling down on medicare will not move us forward, have a chance to offer those ideas. the only way we'll have an ideas -- y to offer open amendment process that, eans voting to kickoff robust debate where senators from all parties can represent the views constituents. madam president, it means voting to proceed. and that will occur tomorrow. host: that was yesterday. happening today. motion to proceed vote expected in the place today senate, before that happens,
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want to hear from your message healthcare. republicans, pruitt. democrats, 202-748-8001. independents, 202-748-8002. we'll hear from you until the expected s in today, to gavel in at 10 a.m. mary, wayne, north carolina, line for democrats, go ahead. mary, are you with us? go ahead. caller: hello, yes, i am. comment, t is your s r caller: if the vote goes through today, when the republicans go happen to what will peep they'll voted for trump? all the benefits are taken away that is my comment. thank you, we love you, c-span. line for , republicans, go ahead. doctors don't -- accept it.
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then you call these doctors and they won't accept it, they you, well, i'm full, vino room for patients. send you 30 something clinic like ttle and that's all you get. is not doing nothing for people, if you stop and look at it. and earl, have you tried to reach out to your member of about this?senate we lost earl. line for in oregon, independents, nathan, go ahead. you for eah, hi, thank c-span. one of the things that has been mind is that talking about healthcare. republicans have proposal which really have no idea what is really in it and the president as said that obamacare is a
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disaster and i'm sitting here thinking, can the president come group, speak to the nation and say exactly what the do that n bill will will make it better for the american peep nel comparison to obamacare has done. i have not heard anyone that in any way other than a general broad terms. you, c-span. host: nathan, a lot of questions about what will be debated, what be in the final version of the bill. journal breaks down what the debate will run around on the e is opened up senate bill. here are likely some of the big debate will he involve. of course, the affordable care plans, the, insurance medicaid wrap-around, the senate cut would significantly medicare montow states and phase
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funding dable care act that let 31 states to appease senators, states with large medicaid medicaid -- some people who lose edicaid, affordable care act taxes likely to be debated. and consumer subsidies, as well, down of some issues that will likely be coming up if this motion proceed to debate happens. we'll see that vote later today. millersville, line to democrat. what is your message to senate vote?e that caller: yes, my question is two things. i have two comments. all these congress people that are willing to cut benefits they e elderly and such, will be in that situation at some point soon. they must have family and that are affected by these cuts, so i can't not mored why they are
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willing to preponder these people. federal employee, instead of having these obamacare or and this newre act trump plan, why can't we open the federal healthcare plan? the doctors are already set up to handle things, the systems place, they could broaden percentageshange the for certain groups, but open the plan that is already set up and that works. what kind of plan are you forced into? have as options do you a federal employee when it comes healthcare? caller: i don't know, i've been blue cross for 25 years, there are 30 or 40 ifferent plans to pick from, hmo's, all different kinds of don't know why they can't just open that system. in place. doctors and insurance companies
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know how it works, there is no backing out because they are not getting paid or that kind of thing. i just don't understand why they that host: ron is in engleside, illinois, line for republicans. go ahead. caller: yes, i think they really to open debate. onestly, everybody is medicaid g about getting cut, medicaid is not offering as much as everybody claims it is. mean, doctors get paid $.39 to know, lar, yet, you it's -- i just say vote yes, get repealed and replaced. thank you. the: the editorial board of "wall street journal" advocating for a vote today. some senators want to talk forever about healthcare, vote.time for a larger stakes in obamacare act
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republicans can be -- show they can pass major reform they blew it ss, last time they controlled both pennsylvania, avenue, wasted six month necessary this to show with nothing bis division and discord, failure is all the more emarkable given certain den ion cycle, one gop healerthat, is 16 months away f. reform cans can't medicaid when they are this strong in elected position, when will they ever. about modernizing medicare or social security before a debt crisis. editorial rom the board of the "wall street journal" today. ary is in gray, maine, independence, an independent, go ahead, carrie. you, c-span, iank learn more from watching you news, my on any
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complaint, i'm 57 years old and health at to have insurance, if you get a job. job, you n't have a can't get -- people don't want people 55 to 65, so it is almost impossible to find a job. been on both ends of the and have medicaid employer health insurance. ow i'm totally stopped iscriminating against old people and hire people, educated educated -- no one wants higher, health insurance will be five times more for an employee, so can legally discriminate against what i don't understand. host: thanks for the call. sharuke, line for democrats, good morning. name is sharushgs ke, i have a question.
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much medicaid how -- be cut and what would depend on finally gets voted on. there will be a lot of .endments to this process some estimates over $800 billion a decade in one of the versions of the plans, we the final plan will look like, can't give an lot of swer, a amendments in this process and certainly some would impact medicaid. texas, in pipe creek, republican. go ahead. caller: yes, i would like to let my two senators in congress know, mr. cruz, mr. cornyn and i do not want apa, i'm sorry, a.c.a. repealed. underpinnings of the a.c.a. ignificant things to help all mericans, understand their
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health insurance, understand what healthcare is available to improved the ng situation. i'm tired of the seven-year history. started in 2014, as far as the private market is concerned. grateful to the kaiser family foundation and other sites. kaiser family foundation is, you can trace what is going on and analyze it and at the county ht level within your state. becausegrateful to them an educated voter is an important voter. thank you. looking for your tweets this morning as we have this conversation. sheperedson, the g.o.p. does not have a healthcare bill for the l and tax cuts rich, the rest of us, nothing. place rural ction
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hospitals in jeopardy and if closed, nearby air force base close, as well. kevin in daytona beach, florida, is your message to the senate before the vote today? called before ve and told them, to fix from care, take it away congress. but what i really called about the medicare, if you took my on social ay, i'm security disability and without medicare, i would be in much i'm in right an now. i don't -- okay, the other point had was they are talking about that democrats coming back to debate this. he democrats have been ask iin, saying, let us in, let us in, let us in for all this time. everything that comes
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through congress, as far as i make it they don't through the cbo. so, you know, yeah, it's fine go ahead and work together to fix whatever the ems there are with a.c.a. overhaul, eans total as long as everybody has a to have insurance, you know. matches t almost socialism, but the young have to pay. and by the way, as far as we're about the young have to pay, i started working in '71 13% of my pay going into the government where they probably should have put it n an interest bearing account and it never dyou know, my 90 90 grand, that's it, it has been taken out and used for other things and remember the n't
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p medicare. mrut i got a cola this year, $5, $5.i got medicare increase, host: let me ask you, your point working together. do you think they can do that in the amendment process that we'll couple days if the motion to proceed goes forward? r do you think they need to just start all over and work together from the beginning? to er: i think they need start over, i really do. i think they do. hey are throwing out, i'm just going by what the media tells out hey are throwing or whatever, ls whatever you call them and saying, let's take a look, no, over.eed to start petersburg, in st. line for democrats, go ahead. caller: i think the healthcare by congress was so
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bad that congress exempted law.selves from the whatever law they passed, they if ld be subjected to it, they repeal and not replace, should not be allowed to return employee health plan which is what they ultimately want. retirement nd benefits are supposed to be for career employees, not short-term physicians, you eliminate benefits they may not to 40 years.r 20 host: sandy, to be clear, what we talked earlier with david of roll call, once again, members of congress were their healthcare through affordable care act exchange, the dc exchange is they and their staff go for their healthcare plans. a variety lect from of plans that are offered on the exchange, but that is the rule the affordable care act went into place. rob in pennsylvania, republican, ahead. retired, 67 i'm
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years old. i've always had health into it., always paid vinot used as much as i paid in, is not what i'm calling about. what i'm calling about is if want congress to get bill, then they must accept whatever they pass, congress will also be subjected to that same legislation. they should not have something separate, but rather equal. that is how our constitution was et up, not separation, but equality. host: okay. justin, quaker town, ennsylvania, line for independents, what is your message to the senate ahead of this vote? doing today?ow you host: doing well. caller: i believe that each off n that has been taken healthcare and that sort of
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like assaultically with intent to do harm, you are someone's ability to heal. every account where someone in healthcare, s lost should be charge assault with intent to do harm. host: okay. ryan, line for democrats, ryan is in maine, good morning. morning, can you guys hear me? host: yes, ryan, go ahead. makes no sense to me is that obamacare prevents companies from discriminating against people because of pre-existing conditions. i've read the bill they are attempting to repeal today or it does not say that they have to accept people because of pre-existing conditions, so insurance companies could discriminate against people. myself am a two-time pediatric pran tumor survivor, months of chemo, without
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obamacare, the visits would be unrealistic affordable f. this is passed and obamacare months , every three when i have an mri, that will be $14,000 for my family, that is unrealistic. this bill is disastrous to not only me, but seniors, other pre-existing conditions and anybody who currently has healthcare coverage. are you?n, how old caller: i'm 13. ost: how much have you been paying attention to the debate the past couple months? been : i've really watching everything politics since beginning of 2016, i like a the election hawk. when it ended, i started watching what the senate was for , trump's nominee cabinet, everything. host: and as you're watching who do you talk to about it? is this something cutalk to your about? caller: no, that makes it hard, peers aren't interested in this. talk to, you know, mom
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and that's about it. she doesn't really like politics much, it is really just me. host: thanks for talking to us this morning. ryan, our last caller on "washington journal" today. in now.e is coming we take you there live for gavel to gavel coverage, we'll see you here tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. eastern, 4 a.m. pacific, have a great tuesday. the speaker pro tempore: the house will be in order. the chair lays before the house a communication from the speaker. the clerk: the speaker's room, washington, d.c., july 25, 2017. i hereby appoint the honorable mike johnson to act as speaker pro tempore on this day. signed, paul d. ryan, speaker of the house of representatives. the speaker pro tempore: thank you. pursuant to the order of the house of january 3, 2017, the chair will now recognize members from lists submitted by the majority and minority leaders for morning hour debate. the chair will alternate recognition between the parties. all timell
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