tv Washington Journal CSPAN August 20, 2017 9:37am-10:01am EDT
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cargo, and heads out to rendezvous what may be the battle for japan, but it does not get an escort, there's no destroyer escort. not enough people were missing, it was sunk with the submarine and 900 guys go into the water and the story is nobody is looking for them and what happens is they drown, die of eatydration, sharks them. it is a horrible story. "washington journal" continues. host: we are returning to your calls about whether he speech should be protected at the first amendment. richard is calling from missouri on a democratic line. caller: good morning. is a dangeroush
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thing because somebody who uses it, somebody could hit them in the face. you have to watch what you say. right to say anything you want, but somebody has the right to take offense. i am 80 yearsl, and when obama got elected, these bigots stormed the tea party and that is what did the have worse days from the 1960's. host: the "new york times" created a map showing where these confederate monuments are
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located and where they are coming down across the united states. it says the places in life is where there has been a proposal to remove the monument and the red indicates where they have argued and remove. they have been removed in places like baltimore, durham, orlando, san diego, los angeles, and there are plans to remove them in places from seattle to dallas, boston, where those protests to place yesterday. tom is calling from wisconsin on their independent line. do you think that hate speech is protected by the first amendment? but we it should be, should have enough adults in our thatry to know what to say offends other people in that violence is not the answer. my condolences go out to the
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counterprotesters. gladnot believe and i am these monuments are coming down. the other thing is i am not surprised there is so much hate still. i see it every day. i am gay. i am harassed daily. there is plenty of hate. it is a sad shame other countries are seeing these people's attitude and the way they act. it is sickening. thank you for having me on. host: more from "the washington post" about protests we saw .appening yesterday words from some of the people who went to the valley says -- one rally attendee -- went to the rally -- one says one valley attendee, arally young man wearing a red "make america great again" had and gop t-shirt said he came even though
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he knew it might be attended by white supremacist groups, whose views he said he does not agree with. would not associate myself with the kkk or any white supremacist. i do not stand with them at all, , who is from las vegas. erica is calling from oregon, estate that had protests yesterday, what do you think? i think that while hate speech is not something that we aslly want around, so far actual laws, if it is not protected by the first amendment, hate speech is way too nebulous term. declaren to -- you can about anything hate speech. i have seen things normal
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grievances, with political establishments, categorized as hate speech based on people not agreeing with the opinion. host: ok, michael is calling in from augusta, georgia, on the republican mind. what do you think? caller: i pretty much have the same view as the last night. hate speech would be viewed as who is listening to it and what they think. myself, i condemn violence across the nation but as far as the speech part, you have what i consider hate speech a lot on the left wing news markets and rhetoric out of hollywood, so are we going to ban all those from anybody being able to hear them? up to, i consider it the individual but nobody should
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have the right to beat up somebody so their own view can be heard and nobody else's. host: there is some footage of the protests that took base in boston yesterday. we can see any tweet, you can see the counterprotesters, about tens of thousands surrounding the area where there were the protest taking place of a dozen or so people in that area in the whoer of boston police, escorted the people out when that rally was cut short in boston, massachusetts, yesterday. from sanory bernardino, california, on a democratic line. caller: good morning. speech and bio speech needs to be protected because if it is not offensive,
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no protection is necessary. can i say something about berkeley? berkeley campus was the birthplace of the free speech movement and now it is being blocked their from viewpoints that they find offensive. i think that is wrong. i think a person with offensive viewpoints needs to be heard and maybe ridicule but they should have the right to be heard. host: thanks for your call. calling in from wake forest, north carolina, on our independent line. what do you think about free speech protection for hate speech? caller: i do not believe in it and i want to thank c-span for great topics. is exactly what we was basedr as what it on is we are all equal and we have the opportunity and there are people who spoke against us
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in the constitution, and they , but we havereason to look at what causes this hate speech. it is fear and people are afraid, whether further job, job, security, and [no audio] i kind of and blaming the politicians because i do not know if you remember, but in the 1960's, every democrat walked through harlem and said this is terrible. every candidate and that the was ever done. it was the same thing with the coal miners and other people who technology has left them behind. and wecutting education
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look, i know it is going to be hard to you, and it will take some time for you to so we haveter skills problems with talk that is basically hot air and we use fear to drive the people certain way and we do not educate the people the way they need to. thank you for c-span. host: ethan is calling in from texas on the republican mind. what do you think? caller: i think hate speech should be protected by the first amendment because who dictates what hate speech is? if the government says what hate speech would be, then they can just stop anybody that has a
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different opinion from the government. some more reaction dena milbankpaper, writes about some of the president's aides who remained more silent to his liking after the president's comments about charlottesville. he writes -- with gary cohen, steve mnuchin, and jared kushner did last week, or rather what they did not do, is a shonda. it is yiddish for shame, a disgrace, the three men, the most prominent jews in president coulds administration, have spoken out to say that those who march with neo-nazis are not "very fine people," as their boss claims. the treasury secretary, that you could -- the chief economic advisor were standing with trump
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when he said it. they said nothing. jeffrey is calling in from our independent line in mississippi. what do you think? jeffrey, are you on the line? caller: i am. host: can you turn down your tv and tell us what you think or what do you think hate speech should be protected? i do not think hate speech is protected at all. i think you should be able to say what you wish as long as it doesn't threaten any national security or the livelihood of any person in the country, so i do not -- i think it should be allowed. we should have a chance to voice out opinions, opposition for whatever it may be in this country. theyse back to i do think
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are pushing a lot of people. for example, you cannot help do anything to crude for different groups outside of this country. for example, with the confederate flag issue, people say, our government is not standing for us, so we will display the north korean flag or isis flag and drive around with that on our vehicles or in our yards, what stops that? it goes back to donald trump is a recruiting tool for a lot of paint. host: on that -- a lot of hate. this on that point, where speech should be allowed, what it somebody does flight and isis flag, is that protected under the first amendment? caller: it should be in my opinion. the confederates committed treason and terrorized a lot of minority people in this country, so what would be the difference?
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as if i want to fly the north korean flag, i say, you know what? north korea is right on their policies. nobody is saying that. they want to say seamen is fake news but they report things that they just fired a missile, so now they want to believe what is convenient for them. the president is not leading. he is doing these things -- helping the agenda and i see what president obama meant and others meant when they say he is a recruitment tool for them. host: ok, they call from georgia -- a call from georgia on a independent line. do you think kate speech should begin in the same detection as other speech? -- hate speech should be given the same protection as of their
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speech? caller: yes because how do you object to find that word? who is going to make the definition? slope, whatever you want to call it, but it is not going to end well for the united states if we do that. i would like to add that while i am in favor of the first amendment, this whole conversation -- i am a little upset we are being hijacked by the left to some extent. these people are anti-first amendment or they would not do what they do, and i am upset that the left is abrogating their traditional support for the first amendment once they get to a point or a subject emotionsat stirs their . it is not good. i hope they will continue to
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protect these groups. i will support their decision to not support groups that use weapons and they will have to do that for the left and right, i suppose. thank you. host: some other headlines in "the hill," it points out ivanka trump praised the counter brought -- counterprotesters in boston. it says -- evocative trump forrester praise -- ivanka trump voiced her praise for counterprotesters in boston. she tweeted it was beautiful to see thousands of people across the usa come together today to peacefully denounce bigotry, racism and anti-semitism. we must continue to come together, united as americans. that was in a tweet, two tweets yesterday.
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she and her husband had come under scrutiny for not speaking after the president made his comments at the charlottesville. leon is calling from mobile, alabama, on a democratic line. what do you think? go ahead. caller: i have a comment i want to make. on the history channel last night, i encourage people to watch a show called declassified, it shows about the white supremacists called the order in the 1980's, and they used a book to model and do their actions to overthrow the government. if you watch the episode, you will see how close they got in seriously trying to overthrow the government. these quite supremacist today -- these white supremacist today do not care about those statues, they are trying to start a rebellion in the country. host: do you think, therefore, they should not get first
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amendment protection for their speech? caller: they should, but they need to have you cannot carry weapons, you cannot carry any kind of hear for -- gear for fighting. there are consequences. all free amendment speech should be protected, but most people agree that these statues -- most of the black people i know do not worry about these statues, but it is important for people to know they are using them as a rallying point to start a rebellion. it is to make this country not a democratic country. , one of theexas states where these monuments are proposed to come down or have already come down, tony, is free speech the protector of all speech? caller: i believe there is an inversion of power taking place. it is ironic.
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we are all in agreement that free speech is free speech and we do not have the right to hurt anybody. but the irony is if you really look at how this has been broken into politics instead of truth and right and wrong, the politics are inverted. the american civil war, which is the original argument of the monument, was -- not one republican was in the confederacy. the confederate states were primarily democrat because they were the slavery states. the republican party was not created until 1858 as an abolitionist party and that was in response to the democrat president from one of the carolina states, who was a congressman, went into the sentence -- senate office of
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charles sumner and nearly beat the man to death because he had said something bad about slavery. spiralinging violence upwards again over arguments that are wrong, and my point of view as an american is when i look at things like osama bin laden in my lifetime and i americanse number of , you know which side i am taking. i think those statues should come down. the other thing is because the ku klux klan that keeps coming up all the time and seems to be lining up in politics again, where i'm hearing democrats say is,bad the clan is -- klan and the republicans ought to be changing their way on that because the democratic party
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established the ku klux klan as a paramilitary organization in the reconstruction years. when we hear about these 2000 lynchings taking place, some 300 of them were whites -- i am quoting from memory, i and old current need help -- these guys lynched largely because they had a different political view. host: on the republican line, what are your thoughts, bob? caller: good morning. i would like america to be reminded that hate comes in every color. i grew up with the black panthers carrying guns in our area, hollering threats to white people. hate should be protected by the first amendment like the gentleman said, as long as there are no guns or violence, and it creates havoc in north carolina.
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i saw it, i pushed -- they pushed him. i hate nazi's and. -- nazis and my grandparents grew up in that. we need to protect our rights. hate speech is one of them. if you do not like it, turn your back but do not cause violence. host: calling from washington, d.c., democratic line. good morning. caller: three quick points. first to the guy who just said about the black panther party was a hate group, they had quite presented within their ranks. second, when we talk about free speech, we should not get hung up in the matters, you know, for example, [indiscernible] in some respects, the supreme court has spoken on this. free speech does not have -- is
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not free of limitations. we point i want to make is keep hearing people talk about free speech but it is the same quotes politically who stopped us from having free speech from the public airways. say free speech when it is denied to residents of the other states when it comes to using the public airways. host: that will be the last word today. tomorrow on "washington journal," we will be looking at the solar eclipse. we will be live from goddard space flight center as we talk with scientists and the members of congress about the solar eclipse. be sure to catch that beginning
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