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tv   Virginia Gubernatorial Debate  CSPAN  October 9, 2017 9:00pm-10:00pm EDT

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sexual orientation or gender identity in regards to housing. i am wondering from any of the candidates whether -- what the position is. >> voices from the states on c-span. >> the third and final debate between the candidates were virginia governor. northam. and ralph they face off at the university of virginia. >> good evening, and welcome to
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beautiful wife, virginia -- wyse , virginia. posted by the university of virginia college of wise and the southwestern virginia technology council. the evening anchor. -- questions ofsking the candidates and i will be keeping track of time. we will work to cover as much ground as possible the candidates and in-depth opportunity to discuss issues affecting southwest virginia and the commonwealth. we have made every possible effort to ensure the fairness of these questions and the exchange central to our democracy. the drivers re-of review and an effort to advance the public interest.
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the questionnaire will ask each candidate a question in the by a previously determined coin cost. candidates will have a rebuttal time which will be counted down on the wa -- the floor. time hascandidate's expired, i will ask him to yield the floor. candidates should speak during the designated time and refrained from interrupting each other. let us begin. [applause] let us welcome our other candidate, x gillespie -- ed gillespie. cheering out of
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your system because i will ask the audience not to apply or make any noise until the end of the debate. let the candidates speak for themselves. two-minute opening remarks from each candidate. mr. northam, you are up first. you have two minutes. >> good evening. it is great to be at the university of virginia. thank you for hosting this and thank you for being our moderators. it is great to be back in rural virginia. after -- i was named am the product of public schools. militaryd virginia institute. i served for eight years and the united states army taking care of wounded soldiers. building aery hard new virginia economy and bringing in over 215,000 new jobs to virginia.
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our unemployment rate has gone from 5.4% to 3.8%. inelieve in investing virginians. when we do there is no other state that can be us. my opponents as a d.c. lobbyist. he believes in giving tax cuts to the wealthy, which will put a toll on our budget. i have a plan to resuscitate ruled virginia. it is time to get the paddles rurald stop -- and bring virginia back to life. i want to make sure our children have access to a world-class education system so they can be trained for 21st century jobs. i want to make sure we build ecosystems that can support startups and small businesses. i want to bring amtrak out to rule virginia and the southwest. i want to make sure we talk about expanding the university of virginia rate here, bringing in more graduate courses so we
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more to rule virginia. families should not be one medical illness away from demise. where you live should not access -- should not affect if you have access to health care. i look forward to bringing my ideas to the next level. thank you so much. two minutes. forhank you to uva wise hosting. it is great to be back at this college. want to talk about the choices before us tonight. the choices cannot be more clear. the fact is cap our economic growth has been stopped for years now. our growth rate last year was 0.6%, making us 39 out of 50 states.
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for six straight years, our economic growth rate has been below the gdp rate. now we are liking it. ging.g when it comes to wages and economic growth, virginia should be first in the country. we can be with the right policies. those are not the policies we have in place. we hit the bottom 10 states and economic growth. i know my policies will make life better for all virginians and will make sure the next generation can be better than the generation that can be us. -- that came before us. my father came to this country as a child because my grandfather found work in america. i was able to work my way through college. i was the first generation on either side of my family and was able to become counselor to the u.s. president.
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i want to make sure that kind of upward mobility is available to future generations of virginians in my policies will do that. to ourciate his service country, but his policies will take us in the wrong direction. electric billsd and fewer jobs is not where we need to go in virginia. we need to unleash economic growth, and my policies will benefit all virginians. >> thank you. it is now time to ask the first question. here are the rules. you will have 90 seconds to answer the question. 90 seconds to respond and then you will have 60 seconds to respond. the first question. here are the rules. k-12 schools are in crisis mode. with few job opportunities and more families moving out to the
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area. the schools in the region are make do. having to but would you do in the short run to aid these struggling districts and in the long term, what would you do to reduce the disparity between global -- schools? urban >> thank you for that question and you just said what is happening whether it be in the eastern shore of the southwest greenwood people leave these communities, there are fewer children and less funding for public schools. we need to make sure we understand there is power in every child and that every child should be able to reach the american dream. the way we do that -- and we have made great progress. virginia -- the first thing is to bring jobs into rule virginia ural virginia. when you do this, that helps the economy and certainly helps with the public schools. we have a plan right here in wise to expand the university of
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virginia wise and bring higher-level talent into this area. talents attracts talent. with that will come they opportunity -- welcome the opportunity for research. one of the first places to start moke we are under paying right here in the commonwealth of virginia. about $7,500 less than the national average. we're going to recruit you also retain teachers, we have to make sure you put our money where our mouth is and make sure k-12 public education is a top priority. at the high school level, we have brian moore -- we have brought in more technical allowng and make sure we our children to think creatively. k-12 is important. in a new area, there are two things you ask about. schools and health care. these will be top priorities of mike in the next four years. >> thank you.
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you have 90 seconds. >> we need to adjust the population of crime, that is obviously affecting the schools. 10 came up with the 10-10- plan to help address this. we have overcrowding and we have schools where we have population to climb. we need to attract teachers to -- hard-to-staff schools. we need student loan forgiveness for the teachers. through 12- my kate budget -- my k-12 education plan does that. the of the reasons we have decline is because of the economic numbers i was talking about. increase jobs in southwest virginia by doing what the lieutenant governor wants to do, impose an obama style plan on virginia. the administration in washington dc has repealed the plan and
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that lieutenant governor wants to impose one. will -- that will result in layoffs miners and factory workers. have already shed too many good manufacturing jobs in the commonwealth. it hits the poorest of virginians the hardest. they get hit hardest by hire electric bills. this is a clear choice. we will have a clean power imposedcarbon emissions on virginia. that will drive up prices for our electric bills or i will oppose it. hire electric bills or low ones, a clearer choice. >> the question was about k-12 education. i appreciate you saying you will compensate our teachers, but yo is at thec plan expense of the working class and puts a will of $1.4 billion in our budget. i do not know how you will pay
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our teachers more at the same time. one of the things that is important to me as a parent and a child the religious is early childhood education. we have worked very -- as a child neurologist is early childhood education. we opened up to pre-k education. there is a tremendous learning potential to our children before they ever get to kindergarten. if one family has the need to send their family to pre-k and another one dozens, that is what starts the gap between the haves and have-nots. --ave always been right be ready and interested in funding k-12 education, and pre-k. earlier, mentioned earlier today president donald trump's administration announced plans to roll back the clean
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power plants. clear division between you and your opponent is how you view renewables. have you seen this in terms of subsidies, directly or indirectly through the tax system? >> let me point out the lieutenant governor is wrong in terms of the tax plan. it is a tax cut for all virginians and it would not cut a dime. we will still increase running by $2 million based on the projections for revenue. if the revenue doesn't come in, we face in the tax-cut at a slower rate. education,ct transportation, and public safety. he does not oppose the tax cuts for the rich, he opposes them because they are text that's. -- tax cuts. >> stay on point. >> i needed to respond. i am for all of the above. but i support the pipelines. i know we can implement them in
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an environmentally sensitive manner. protecting the private property rights, as well. i know we can do the pump storage technology and hydro pump storage technology that would be good for southwest virginia. i support the reinstatement of the coal tax credit. it was unfortunate that the tax cut was eliminated for political purposes that i think were wrong. we also need to do more in terms of fostering renewables. my plan for energy would do all of those things, but i am not looking to drive more miners out of work and to drive electric bills up. that is a clear choice. lowerlectric bills or electric bills. i be one choice on november 7. his policies will dry up the price in virginia. >> i have had a lot of discussion with coal miners, and coal is important to the economy
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in southwest virginia. i understand that. the demand for steam-related coal are not what they used to be. are veryds for others good. i would do whatever i can to support the coal industry in southwest virginia. at the same time, we have a you saidortunity -- all of the above, and we made great progress with renewable energy, wind and solar. about earlierlked tonight is bringing more talent to the university of virginia wise right here. graduate school level teachers, students, and with this comes the ability to have research and developments. with that comes grant opportunities and business opportunities. we have a great opportunity to really push forward with renewable energy to use solar, addition to call and hydroelectricity, which we use in the southwest, in addition to
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nuclear power. it is all of the above, but we have a great chance to move forward with renewable energy. it is a win-win. if we can bring people to southwest and study the -- to study that, the production of energy, that will bring us to a cleaner environment. last week, the united states worlde court heard arguments involving the constitutionality of partisan gerrymandering. this stems from wisconsin, where a lower court claimed the -- map drawings were unconstitutional. we propose an independent third party approach to redistricting? >> this is something that is very important to me.i served in the senate for six years .
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i was on the election committee. my opponent is actually the architect of gerrymandering throughout this country. we have two contrasting approaches. when i ran for virginia senate iran against an eight-year incumbent. there were 100 delegate races that here. at of 140 races, there were only 17 competitive ones. that is not a democracy. that means we as a people should be choosing our representatives rather than politicians choosing their voters. that is the way the system is now. it is called gerrymandering and it needs to stop. i have told anybody willing to listen -- and i hope you're listening tonight -- i will not sign a map in 2021. we draw our lives every 10 years. i will not sign a map unless it is drawn fairly and i do support
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a nonpartisan commission. it is time the people choose their representatives rather than politicians choosing their voters. that is not what democracy is about. after we do redistricting, the next step will be reform -- finance reform. we need to start with bipartisan redistricting. >> you have 90 seconds to respond. let me address the question i am open to nonpartisan redistricting, but i would like to see instances where it has worked. the maps to not look or whole lot different from those where they have partisan redistricting. i am open to ideas in this regard. i have not seen an instance of this, with the exception of iowa. when it comes to this, i am not ,he one who has gone $500,000
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half $1 million in super pac's money from an organization dedicated to winning control of the governor and ship here so they can control gerrymandering. that would be my opponent who got that $500,000 from a super pack setup for that purpose. enact avoted to district line for my state sent that made it safer for me to be able to run for reelection. my opponent is the one who voted for that in our general assembly. i.t. role a lot of great talk, but it sounds to me like a lot lot oftics -- i hear a great talk, but it sounds to me like a lot of politics. -- redistricting in virginia and having voted for a redistricting map when he was in the general assembly. >> thank you very much.
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you have 60 seconds. sixth district, which i represented in the six years of my senate, started on the a littlehore and had bit of virginia beach and wrapped around the other side of chesapeake bay. i used to tell people if you want to look up the definition of gerrymandering look at the sixth district. it is not right and we need to make a change. other things to mention about voting rights, there are a lot of inequities. on the election committee for six years in the virginia senate. every time we tried to make it less cumbersome for people to vote, our friends on the other side of the aisle made it more difficult. photo id, which was designed to stop fraud, even if there is no evidence in fraud -- of the frog in voting. all of these things we tried to do to make it easier -- of fraud
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in voting. the way to make democracy strong is for all of us to have access to the ballot box. >> our fourth question pertains to southwest virginia. been declared an epidemic in southwest virginia. >> it has been dubbed the epicenter of the opioid epidemic. the epidemic was declared a public health emergency. what policies will you advocate t opioid abuse -- hault opioid abuse, and what would you opioidelp those with problems? >> when i served this campaign, i does about this a lot and
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would point out that every day through virginians died from opioids. then i would have to say four died on average every day. i was talking to a mother in scott county whose 25-year-old son was dealing with addiction. and all-too-familiar story. they had to change the locks on the door. she was relieved when he was arrested because she thought it might save his life. addiction recovery and mental theth plans to help address crisis. it is a detailed, specific policy proposal. starts with the idea that these are sick people who need to get well and we need to get them into treatment. we have to put a greater focus on prevention and make sure we are not just treating addiction and we are getting to children before the drugs get to them. unfortunately -- drugs get to them.
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andrtunately, in this day age it means to get to the fourth graders. when someone reaches out their hands and says i am an addict and need recovery, we need to have the commonwealth of virginia there to take their hands and get them into a program. fore are many paths recovery. i have a specific plan to address this. this cannot become a partisan issue. this is something that everyone must come together in the commonwealth of virginia, to save families and i have made it a priority. >> you have 90 seconds. question.ou for the as you might imagine as a pediatrician, i take care of these problems. it is a crisis that we have. we lost over 1100 virginians to opioid overdose this past year. i have been around the state talking to medical schools, students, residents, talking
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about new ways to treat chronic and acute pain. the mindset has to change. i also work with law enforcement. individualstoo many addicted to opioids were in jails. blanket we have a prescription this year for an arcane, which is also called naloxone. is the only medicine out there that will reduce -- erse the deadly side effects of opioids. if you know someone who has an addiction, you can go to the pharmacy and ask for narcan and they will give it to them with asked.tions being which is the $30 million into our budget for mental health care. tore are consequences limited resources. it will take resources to go after this challenge. billion in puts $1.4
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the hole for our budget and you cannot have it both ways. there are options for this -- for this election. i think a child neurologist is former qualified to deal with the opioid crisis that adc lobbyist. >> we have got to crack down on dealers, we need to get everybody to the table, but at the same time we need to understand we will not rest our way out of this epidemic. i sat in the jails with addicts in recovery. our shares are running recovery centers. is one of the reason we need to support our sheriffs. it is one of the reasons why was disappointed when they canceled the meeting with the sheriffs association to talk about issues just like this. that meeting was canceled because of politics, because i am proud to say a majority of
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sheriffs across the commonwealth , 65%, have endorsed my candidacy. but the virginian sheriffs association does not endorse. they are an advocate for the needs of sheriffs and deputies across the commonwealth. when the meeting was canceled rather than talking about what we needed to do, they need to address this epidemic and the mental health challenges they face, i couldn't believe it and i would never do something like that as our governor. that? i respond to >> no, not really. i do not mean to be rude but we have to move along. >> both you and your opponent supported broadband across the state. efforts? you find -- fund efforts? >> great questions. one of my pet abuse at the top of my priority list will be to bring broadband to all areas of
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virginia. we were to not only help new businesses grow in virginia but also to attract new businesses to virginia. you cannot start or grow a business in 2017 if you do not have access to broadband and sell coverage. -- cell coverage. the challenge of air is given to the last model. it is very it-, especially in virginia. it is very expensive, especially in virginia. it will be people at the table who are both in the private and public sector. we will work together to make sure there are no gaps in the commonwealth of virginia with broadband. our children were working on a
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computer at school, when they go home as an assignment at night and they do not have access to broadband, their hands are tied. if we put our money where our mouth is, we need to make sure every child has the same opportunity across virginia and they have access, as well as businesses have access, to broadband. and thef all internet world flows through virginia and yet we have 900,000 virginians who do not have access to-eight internet. might -- high speed internet. my plan would cut that in half by having war than 450,000 virginians get access to broadband. begin work with the tobacco commission -- we could work with the tobacco commission to have some funding for high-speed internet access. a multimillion dollar bonding fund which we would make available to have a public-private partnership. somebody is taking a ditch to
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lay a pipe or something. let us make sure we get broadband put in there in a cost-effective manner. the commonwealth itself has a number of structures that can be utilized to help defray the cost of deploying broadband. i've written a detailed, specific policy like i have on 18 other policies. my southwest virginia policy will be my recent one. i encourage people to go to my website and see my detailed specific policies to get more than 450,000 virginians licked ed up to high-speed internet. broadband is absolutely essential. workforce development also is absolutely essential. i would like to talk briefly about the jobs of the 21st century. they are much different from when i was growing up.
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science, technology, engineering, arts, math, and health care. things like biotechnology, areas we are promoting right here in rural virginia. one of the ways how i was doing this is the g3 program. get skills, get a job, get back. a lot of people in virginia to go to community college for two years without debt, with the understanding that once they become certified they will get back a year of public service. this will allow individuals from across the commonwealth and this lountry to come to rura virginia and star in work and it visits raise your in virginia. >> southwest virginia faces an aging workforce and a brain drain of young people working in the area. what policies will you propose to help rule areas reinvent themselves to keep millennials in southwest virginia and what would you encourage -- due to
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encourage young folks to work in the commonwealth? >> this is something i do care about. as lieutenant governor, he serves on the virginia panel, the organization responsible for identifying the things we need to do to get rule virginia growing. he did not attend a single one of those meetings. he did not show up. does you my plan is to make sure we doubled the enrollment. graduate cyber security programs that we have here at at uva wise. and we increase the budget take the budget to a $40 million, $30 million basis. that will be an engine for economic growth in the commonwealth of southwest
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virginia. i mentioned technology which is very important, the cold tax credit. him.allowing us to have -- hemp.e had oneake is the number outdoor recreation destination. the natural beauty. more put-instant and our rivers in and streams. that would help with good paying jobs as well. fulle mailboxes have been and the airways for, but i would remind you mr. gillespie i for ourr eight years
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country. i showed up for our country. i served in the virginia senate for eight years. is your lieutenant governor, i did not miss one second of being on the podium. i have shown up for virginia, i have been proud to do so. doing that, been you have been a k-street lobbyist. the only time you show up as when you get paid. let's stay on point. when it comes to jobs in rural virginia, we have jobs that are $80,000, $90,000 jobs. white color, blue-collar jobs. now we refer to them as new color jobs. collar jobs. uva wise but also the
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opportunity to go to two years of junior college without incurring any debt with the agreement that without any certification they will come back to an area like wise and give back. >> seventh question. up for my the firm i loved more than a decade ago, i was effective on i will belf and effective on behalf of the people of the commonwealth of virgin you. we are talking about a job you have now. you have clients. imo one of them. one of the -- i a.m. them. we need broadband access. you did not attend at a single
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meeting. you also did not serve to make sure virginia's are safe in their homes and businesses. you did not serve in one meeting of the security panel. we have the economic partnership, essential means by which we try to distinguish economic partnerships. you missed 67% of that. maybe it is just as well because you are for higher taxes, i am for lower taxes. i am for higher wages, you are for lower wages. i will work hard to get policies and acted. is now time for our seventh question. >> governor bob mcdonald and acted increase funding for bridges. in spite of this, the quality of the infrastructure is still lower than average. yet the tax rate is the 38
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lowest in the u.s. while increasing taxes and used to be taboo, considering gas prices are still low, and now are the time. i would like to remind everyone i am a small business on hampstead road. if we cannot get to our office, our patients cannot get to our office, then we cannot take of health care on hampton road. transportation is vitally important not only in metropolitan areas but also in rural virginia. new source had any of revenue for transportation 1986.rginia since we got farther and farther behind the car. we will not keeping up with our bridges.
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because of governor mcdonald's bipartisan plan he put on the table and 2013, we now have revenue coming into the commonwealth. a lot of the projects are because of the 2013 transportation plan. one of the things that happened during that plan is a regional tax in northern region you and hampton road. there was no floor put on that thinking the cost of a gallon of gas would go higher. there is a lot of revenue. we need to take that back to richmond and have it a remedy for that. >> we need to maximize every transportation dollar. we need to work with the federal government. i will be able to work with secretary elaine chao and the congress and the administration to get the call filled the expressway done.
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81, 73, to dredge the chennai and our port which we need to do and to make sure we're also addressing things like our national security work with the administration. when it comes to our transportation dollars, we need to have a lockbox. every dollar for transportation needs to be spent on transportation. i support that. the lieutenant governor does not. do not believe we need to have higher cost. the higher the cost, the fewer projects. i don't leave it mandatory minimum wage, that drives up the cost. we will get more mileage out of our dollar on transportation because i will not impose higher cost projects. the one they cost the fewer you get in transportation has to be
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a priority for us here in the commonwealth of virginia. >> for our eighth question, you both get 60 seconds but no rebuttal, ok? asked to i get a response? get aeciate it -- >> do i response to that? >> yes, you do. ask one of the things we did in 2014, we went act and created what is called smart scale. one of the things we did in 2014, we went back and created what is called smart scale so we can support the call industry, etc. we need to take care of our roads and bridges in rural as well. as far as the transportation plan of 2013, i was proud to support that it in a bipartisan way. or that.nt attacked me
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he said he would not repeal it but then he was talking to some colleagues of his and budget a said, if you support it i will support. that is not what we need. we need someone who is steady at the wheel, not someone who puts their finger in the air every time to see which way the wind is blowing. bemr. gillespie, should you elected, which one spending program will you propose to eliminate or dramatically reduce and which one would you expand, and and why? gillespie: i think we can identify a lot of savings in our budget. what that is an opportunity is this. because of demographics we face a retirement club. theave 100,000 workers in workforce who are dedicated employees but 20,000-25,000 will
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retire. we do not have to replace all of those jobs. consolidation, automation, we can streamline. we can do that through attrition if we take advantage of that opportunity and i want. i would not replace more than 1000 of those full-time positions, get the savings, take 50% to increase salaries for existing workers and recruit new workers so we have a workforce that meets our needs as part of my transformation of our works policy. lt. gov. northam: one of the things the governor did was bring in an outside group to see what was working well and what was not. it made government one efficient and it also save the commonwealth of virginia a lot of money. as far as a program as i went to
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look at, i need to have a discussion with state police and other people. one of my pet peeves are inspections on other people. first threehe anyone buys a car, a sticker will be put on in and they won't have to have it inspected for three years. as far as programs to expand, there is tremendous learning potential in children before kindergarten so through a private-public relationship i will make sure all of the children of denis commonwealth of virginia have access to pre-k education. candidate now can ask the other a question and the other will have 60 seconds to answer, that the other will have 60 seconds to respond. >> the meeting the governor canceled with the virginia sheriffs, was disappointed. they are nonpartisan, on the front lines of trying to predict the safety of our commonwealth.
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i am proud to be endorsed by a majority of our sheriffs that they should not be published as an organization trying to stand up for the deputies and make sure with proper compensation. --y are on the front lloyds lines of many of the problems of we talked about tonight. i would like to ask you tonight if you would join me and having governor mcauliffe, i will urge them but you can obviously get him to do it, to reschedule that meeting before november 7 and listen to those sheriffs and see what they are looking for in their annual meeting they have scheduled an annual basis to talk about budget. would you do that? lt. gov. northam: dime glad you asked that. i was going to answer that earlier. i had nothing to do with the cancellation of that meeting and i want to let people know i grew up on the eastern shore. my brother is an attorney. my father and grandfather, both
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judges. i have tremendous respect for law enforcement. i have great relationships with our ships, deputies, state police, local law enforcement. in 2007, and you might not know this because you were in washington lobbying, but i won the award for the legislator of the year for the virginia sheriffs department. i was part of that and that was because there are 140 legislators. i won the award in 2011. i have always been supportive of our sheriffs and deputies. i will continue to to be. as i said a couple times tonight, the 1.4 billion dollar hole in our budget is not a good way to support local law enforcement, and our virginia police. mr. gillespie: for the past more than a decade i've had a business and old alexandria. you're talking
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about one than a decade ago but you just make clear law enforcement is not a priority for the. you will not urgently governor. i will do it right now, governor mcauliffe, please reschedule that meeting. find out what they need for the opioid and heroin epidemic. that is one of the priorities for me and that is why am proud to have the majority of police supporting me as well as a neville and order and the fraternal order of police. to have their and doors meant. i wish they governor would not engage in politics when it comes to people on the front lines of keeping us safe in our communities every day. >> mr. northam, your question. northam: had a question in our first debate. i think we agreed the less in theded identities commonwealth of virginia, the better.
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i put in a budget amendment of federal money that would not come out of state money, that would help with contraceptives for women of low income across the commonwealth of her junior. it was defeated each year i introduce it. when you i asked you the question last time you said you needed time to review the question. they are either inserted under the skin or placed in the cervix. one of the most efficient ways of contraceptive for women so they can choose when and of to start a family. would you choose that budget amendment to help women across the state of virginia? gillespie: i do not oppose access to long-term contraceptive at all. i think oral contraceptives should be more commonly available to women across the
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commonwealth. you know better than me that the american college of obstetricians and gynecologists recommended we can have over-the-counter for oral contraceptives, no prescription. in my mind, they should be the hide the counter with sudafed and the kind of thing but i think increasing access to true hunter systems is a smart thing is a true contraceptives smart thing. that would make them more affordable if they were not prescription. lt. gov. northam: the question was not oral contraceptives. the question was long-term. supportespie: i do not abortion ban i am not against contraceptives, even long-acting. lt. gov. northam: so you would support? lsp: i would support. lt. gov. northam: i've got to
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hit her that because one of the things it is important as we reach out to talk to businesses. being in close up. there are things like defunding land parenthood, things like bees the legislation that discriminate against lgbt q community and immigrants. i can assureham: you businesses are watching virginia. virginia needs to move forward. we cannot look in the rearview mirror. -- i amd you will be in glad you will be backing long-term contraception spore women and virginia. >> a cities, we have to clear some things up. we do not have them -- sanctuary cities. we need to clear some things up.
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in states that have implemented and allowed their cities to become sanctuary cities, they have not become safer. you have made the point, we do not have them i made the point we won't if i am governor because i would sign the legislation you voted against to ban them. you bragged about bad in the democratic primary and said the only reason you don't supported as because we do not have them. northam: if you should win on november 7 and you sent -- >> if you should win on november ford you were sent a bill sanctuary cities, would you sign that? >> thank you for that question. as we agreed during the first debate, we do not have sanctuary cities in the commonwealth of virginia so it is a solution looking for a problem.
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it wasack, i thought kind of a amusing when the bill came up on the floor of the senate it was nothing more than a clinical play. i did cast the deciding vote. right after that, one of the senators switched his vote. it was defeated. five minutes later a statement or new came out. it almost seems like there were some political games going on. i made it clear i support local law enforcement. i do not support sanctuary cities. let me finish. cities.t have sanctuary i support local law enforcement jobs. their i support pay increases for sheriffs deputies and state police. i have always done everything i can to make sure our communities in the commonwealth of virginia are safe. this legislation, a political
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ally, are doing nothing was than promoting bigotry and hate word commonwealth. i do not support sanctuary cities. we do not have sanctuary cities. mr. gillespie: but you refuse to not support them. i was just talking today to a descent, aispanic faith leader, and he said, you know being anti-ms 13 is not anti-immigrant. it is our communities most vulnerable to their violence. you know, it is not the young women who are being forced into human trafficking situations, neighborhoods like yours and mine, in neighborhoods like the gentleman i was talking to today. i would be one that says a city
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or county cannot establish themselves as a sanctuary city because we need to operate when someone is here illegally whether they are and ms-13 and member or not. they should be deported. not people brought here by parents. not dreamers. they should not be, as this faith leader shared with me and i agreed with, we cannot allow for the establishment of sanctuary cities and you would not even say you would be of them after the fact and i think that is a concern. >> we had planned to give you one other question but i want to know your closing statements because we're running out of time. bags can ask a question? i will be very quick. i appreciate that. with a tremendous tragedies with gun violence, mr. gillespie. we at the shooting at virginia tech. we had the shooting in las vegas. we lost 58 lives.
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question forle you. as you know, i do support and promote, i am an advocate for responsible gun ownership. do you support universal background checks in the commonwealth of her junior? mr. gillespie: as you know, we do have them. in 2016 week passed a resolution that allows for background checks at gun dealerships. that is being implemented. i think it is helpful. i look to see it implemented even more thoroughly. senator dianne feinstein, the foremost champion of gun control there is no law that could have prevented what happened in las vegas. i suspect like a lot of other virginia's aunt americans, i had never heard of pop stocks and -- -- of bump stocks
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until that unfortunate incident. it should be banned if it is designed to turn a nonautomatic weapon into an automatic weapon. let's be clear, and terms of your desire to limit second amendment rights in the commonwealth of virginia, as a gun ownership has risen in america, the incidence where the rates of violent murders has declined as gun ownership has risen. >> you are each going to have one minute for your final statement. thank you toham: the university of virginia wise. you have run an excellent debate tonight. ed, to live for running. i wish you and your lovely wife the best as we come down the
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home stretch. i would ask you, look at resumes. what have people done before to public service? i took care of sick children and their families. served in the virginia senate as lieutenant governor and i look forward to serving in the next four years. we're in this together making sure we have access to health care. making sure our children have access to word class health care. day in in the greatest the greatest country in this world. i encourage all of you to vote on the election day. i would be privileged to have your vote on november 7. thank you for watching. thank you for being with his. have a great weekend, god bless all of you. mr. gillespie: thank you for making time for this debate. best --ou and p.m. the i wish you and pam the best,
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too. those who moved out of virginia took a four-year college degree with them. this is just not a problem in a probleminia, it is across the state of virginia. my plan will result in 53,000 good paying jobs across the commonwealth. a 25% increase over current projections. we need jobs and opportunities. i have the plans, i have the sense of urgency and i will not fail. i hope i am given that opportunity. i will be a governor for all virginia send my policies will benefits all virginia is. i ask for your vote so i can serve the people of virginia. i will be an honest, ethical, faith of all servant -- faithful servant leader. >> thank you gentleman.
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thank you to the audience. i have paul johnson. novemberrget to vote 7. thank you for joining us here at .he university of virginia wise announcer: c-span's washington journal, live every day with news and policy issues that impact you. coming up morning, brian bennett on the pirating the white house seeks from congress in exchange for allowing dreamers to remain in the u.s. then, dr. david hemingway discusses the deadly mass shooting in las vegas and how gun violence should be considered a national health issue. then the deputy chief or korea talks about north korea outreach to him and other republican-leading foreign policy experts in an effort to gain insight into president trump's thinking about north korea.
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he sure to watch at some :00 a.m. eastern tuesday morning. join the discussion. announcer: the candidates to replace chris christie. at 7:00 p.m.e live eastern on cspan2. security conference in las vegas included a voter citizensillage where were encouraged to explore insecurities in voting machines. the winning team completed the tax and minutes. watch live starting at noon eastern on cspan2. >> c-span, where history unfolds daily. in 1979, c-span was created as a public service by america's cable television companies and
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is brought to today by your cable or satellite provider. >> next, democratic legislators from around the country talk about efforts to counter racism will stop this is part of the annual state exchange conference in washington. it is about 90 minutes. >> let's get ready for this next panel which i am excited about. first, i want to introduce our next speaker. my good friend. almostknown bonita for 20 years now. for every step of her career, fighting at the wrongful defense fund, fighting in texas, fighting for immigrant rights, andng mass incarceration


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