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tv   Washington Journal 10102017  CSPAN  October 10, 2017 7:00am-10:02am EDT

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and senior fellow with the heritage foundation will talk about outreach and republican-leading foreign policy efforts host: epa administrator scott pruitt will start the process of rolling back the clean power asn, and obama era action, action an obama era working to limit climate change. for our next hour, we are looking for women to give us their opinion on the trump administration's action that rolled back health insurance's requirement to provide birth control.
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nowoyees -- employers can opt out of providing birth-control coverage in insurance by citing a moral or religious reason. in the central time zone -- . it is 202-748-8000 for the mountain and pacific time it is 202-748-8001 -- 202-748-8002. eastern time, 202-748-8001. the move back could add to abn unintended consequence, women may start getting more abortions. on friday, the trump administration rolled back a key obamacare requirement for most
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employers to provide free birth control as part of health insurance coverage. opt out aslowed to long as they provide a sincerely or religious entities from providing an otherwise mandated item to which they object on religious or moral beliefs. it leaves in place preventive services coverage guidelines where no religious or moral objection exists. 25 million people were already exempt under this due to a plan existing prior to the obamacare statute. that provideograms
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free or subsidized contraceptive coverage to low income women will stay in place. we will learn more about this that provide free or subsidized contraceptive decision from the trump administration, but, women only, we want to hear your thoughts in this first hour about the administration's ruling on birth control. for the2-748-8001 mountain and pacific time zone. 202-748-8000 for the central time zone. the attorney general jeff sessions sending out a memo on some of the legal background regarding the decision-making. free exercisethe of religion allows for the exemption of action relating to one's religious beliefs. the shot -- the sessions memo also said that the free exercise clause protects not just persons but persons collectively including religious
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organizations, schools, private associations, and even businesses. again, that is from the station -- a statement from jeff sessions, the attorney general. we want to hear from women this hour. this is joy from bethany, oklahoma. you are first up. what do you think of this decision? caller: thank you for c-span. i think this is a terrible decision. i do not think insurance companies should deter this. more to cover pregnancies then birth-control -- than birth control. rule whereis a broad they do not even have able to -- do not even have to have a religious conviction. it can just be something where canpresident of the company
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say that he is just against abortion. i think they should be for birth control. host: even if they protest under religious or moral grounds? caller: i am not sure about that. i want to make one more comment. i have been watching washington journal a lot, and i just want to say that you are fair and balanced. i have heard a lot of republicans say that you are leaning left and i disagree with that. host: thank you. i appreciate that. ruth in california, you are next. caller: good morning. good family planning is much more more cost-effective than unwanted and that if the
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religious excuse needs to be , then it is discrimination against women. it overlooks the responsibility that men have. that includes pregnancy coverage as well. is retroactive -- not retroactive, what am i trying to say -- it is going backwards. the rest of the globe is trying to promote family planning in order to improve poverty.
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the other elements of it is giving a corporation the privileges of an individual somehow. you are giving a corporation the same civil rights as a person to say that they do not want to do something on the basis of say religious exemption best -- of say a religious belief. host: that was ruth this morning. this action has already garnered some reaction from the states. the wall street journal reported that washington state will sue the president over this decision. general bobey
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ferguson announced the latest lawsuit on monday, just three days after the rules were issued. rollolicies rule back -- mandate, and-era violates the first amendment, burden of there's the religions to which they do not belong. it also violates equal protection requirements under the fifth amendment, because it applies to women and not also to so to men.ller: -- al women is notar on over. republicans will do everything they can to keep women from exercising their rights over their own body. this is my body. no one is allowed to tell me what i can or cannot do with my body.
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this is also a free country. they want people to respect the flag and patriotism and not go down on one knee because people are apparently protesting freedom, but that is not true at all. we are free to make these decisions on our own. we are not a christian nation. we are a nation of all religion, all faiths, all ideas. i'm just tired of this. exception or moral religious exception clause, it does not apply to businesses you think? caller: i do not think this is about is this is an morality. i think this is -- is about businesses and morality. i think this is about women. host: our next caller on the line. go ahead. caller: my comment is that i waited until i was 30 years old before having a child.
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by then, i finished my nurse's training, and i did not have problems taking care of a child by myself. thank you very much. host: on facebook, some comments this morning. you can continue to call in on the phone lines. 202-748-8000 for the eastern and central time zones. for the mountain and the civic time zones. on facebook, several comments this morning. lisa saying, for the "surely pen play with her -- pay for their own. what is with liberals and their double standards constantly?" , "this is not about women. they are just tried to take away reproductive rights. it is as simple as that."
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vivian in tennessee, you are next. caller: good morning. i am definitely for this law. i do not think taxpayers ought to pay for a woman's right to do anything with their body. if she wants to use birth control, she can pay for it herself. i do not think i have to pay -- i should have to pay for it with my taxes. is thatat about is this decide to make this -- about businesses in this decision -- who make this decision who are not inherently religious in nature? caller: businesses should be allowed to do this as well. what right did they have to say that i have to pay for this for someone else. it is ridiculous. we are going down a slippery slope. host: what do you mean? caller: i mean the government is
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paying for everything. i think that is wrong. it is not the government, it is that taxpayer paying for it. the tax payer is paying for everything the government does, and i think that is wrong. what ever happened to accountability? we are going down the tubes. that is my comment. host: planned parenthood putting down the reaction. -- anyy that this is player -- any employer could decide that their employees no longer have health insurance coverage for birth control. we are talking about a fundamental right -- to be able to decide when you want to have shoulder and -- want to have
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children. next caller. caller: i do not think this should be a political argument at all. while many women are saying it is their body and the right to do with it what they want, that is true but not on my dime. decision notking a to have a child, then that is fine. do not ask me to have to pay for your decision. i do not have to understand why so many people feel that their feeling about it issue takes precedence over mine . if i do not believe in certain things and they do, then that is fine, but we should be able to go our separate way and not one of us having to pay for the other. i do not think an argument like this belongs in the political arena. i think this is a highly personal issue, and that is
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where it should be resolved. i do not think people have the right to ask taxpayers to pay for a decision which will being. another human in herndon,ia -- in herndon, virginia thomas we will hear next from susan. -- virginia, we will hear next from susan. caller: for all -- in herndon, s patriarchy and it is most poisonous. no organization ever has the right to tell a woman what she can do medically and with her body ever. the same goes for men. i do not care if a man takes viagra or whatever drug he wants to take, but a corporation has no business in a woman's health
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care. as far as religion, every religion in this country has a right to exist in and of itself, but not to permeate my life or the life of my fellow women. this has to stop. by the way, mr. trump, you are not my president. what about the businesses which may apply -- and she is gone. we go next to arlene in michigan. caller: good morning. my comment is this, i do not think some of these people are thinking this through. it is a lot easier to pay for in birth control than having to pay for child care costs over 18 years. i am not thinking how anyone could think that paying for
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birth control pills is not a great expense when five dollars a month is not a lot. there is a war on women in this country, and it has to stop. week, andars old next every time i turn around there is somebody having something to do with maligning, molesting, beating, kidnapping a woman. we are not a dispensable commodity in this country, and then have to stand up and stop treating us like we are. -- and men have to stand up and stop treating us like we are. we take care of what we have to take care of. our take is 75% of what a man's is, and we are still expected to do what a man does. discrimination is still forced on us, and this has to stop. enis country has to unite wom and stop this complete attack on
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us. ast: the white house making decision to roll back a birth control mandate put in place under obamacare. we are asking women to comment on it. 202-748-8000 for the eastern and central time zone. mountain001 for the and pacific time zone. the decision allows businesses to withhold birth-control coverage for religious or moral reasons. the details are on the health andhuman services website, the justice department website includes a legal memo with some of the reasoning behind the decision. we also have some reaction from congress members.
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host: you can call us on the phone lines, comment on facebook, or you can post on our twitter. again, for the mountain -- for the central and eastern time zone, 202-748-8000. for the mountain and pacific time zone, 202-748-8001. michelle is next. good morning. caller: for the callers who are saying they do not want have to -- do not want to have to pay for women who are not planning properly, then they should go to these clinics and talk to these women who for many of them it was not a choice. i do not think this is a responsible role back. -- roll back.
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comment -- four question would be, will this roll back include not covering viagra or other erectile dysfunction medicine? host: you highlighted the clinic services. are they not capable of accommodating these needs if businesses decide not to do that? i do not necessarily think that clinics are not capable of it, but i think it is more the ideology of what people have mentioned earlier on the show that women are not planning properly. my point is that they should go and see what type of women are having difficulty with this issue. a is not just necessarily planning or a choice issue. sometimes, it is something else that has caused an unwanted pregnancy.
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the whole idea of rolling back anything at this point is counterproductive. we should be moving forward. we keep saying we have come so far with women's rights and freedoms, but we keep putting these rollbacks in place. it is rather frustrating. very disappointing. host: kathleen in jacksonville, north carolina. go ahead. caller: yes, what i would like to say is -- really, if you are working and they are taking money out of your wages to pay for your insurance, then you are already covering whatever you are going to go to dr. for. for. the doctor if you do not cover these services, then you will have children coming into the world to families that cannot afford to feed them. how for. many laws are in place to make men cover child support?
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some are working less hours so they do not have to pay child support. birth control should be a woman's choice. we are talking about the christian point of view about this -- if this is going to take place, then it should be a choice. onres should close down sunday, if not, then we should p ay them double. womanagain, if you are a and want to give a comment on this decision, please keep calling. if you are still on the lines, then stay on for just a little longer. four the eastern and central time zones. 202-748-8001 for the mountain and pacific time zones. , one thingnews today that might affect clean energy is the rollback of power plants. joining us now is robin.
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good morning. guest: good morning. thank you for having me. host: scott pruitt hinted on this act today. can you tell us what happened exactly? guest: yesterday, scott pruitt went to kentucky alongside mitch mcconnell, and he announced that he would be signing a proposed repeal of obama administration's clean power plan. surprise.t a the truck administration said they would do this from day one. earlier this year, donald trump signed an executive order mandating that the epa take a look at this rule. today, they are going to officially sign the proposal to rule.he ombama-era landmarknd of obama's climate change rule. emissions byback
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2030. today, we will see the signing of the draft rollback rule. host: will it automatically get rollback? >> no, this will kick off a long process. this will start a comment period with people on both sides writing in whether or not they want the plan to stay in place or wanted repealed entirely. epa isle, the trump considering whether or not to replace the rule at all. ame in the industry want replacement rule while some conservatives want nothing put in place. so, the trump epa will consider what to do with this rule and how to replace it. the epa said that the war on control -- war on coal was over. what else have we heard from that industry?
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industry -- coal industry has really wanted to see this happen. they really want to see a repeal with nothing new put in place. bob murray murray -- coal, who his a supporter and friend of trump, is very happy to see this in place. basically, they will be looking at energy efficiency standards, and the obama administration rule look at the entire sector for emissions reductions as a country as a whole. the trump administration is saying you are doing that incorrectly, and you should look at pacific -- specific plant emissions which would be much more lenient on the industry. robin, talk about
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potentially what lawsuits could come from this decision. guest: as soon as prewitt made the -- pruitt, maybe an announcement yesterday, several attorney general's from various state said they will sue when this rule is finalized. that includes new york, california, massachusetts. whatever is finalized from the trump administration will undoubtedly receive lawsuits when it goes final which will likely be some time next year. host: is there any role for congress to give some input on a replacement rule? do they have any role in this process? guest: they could. it is possible. some are pushing for congress to rewrite the clean air act to make it clear what the epa should do if anything. this the polarization of issue and the state of congress
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right now, it is unlikely we will see anything on that front. about then talking reversal of the clean power plan. thank you for your time. guest: thank you. host: our guest on the phone just mentioned robert murray. thank you for your time. guest:he was part of a show we dedicated to the topic of coal mining. you can find that video on our c-span video library to hear his thoughts on the clean power plan, coal mining, and more. that is available to you on the c-span video library. again, the trump administration rolling back a plan put in place under obamacare which mandated businesses to offer birth-control coverage in their health insurance. they allowed for companies to reject that mandate on moral or
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religious grounds. eastern and for the central time zones. mountain001 for the and pacific time zones. alreadyral government provided contraception too many. the new rules do not eliminate the obamacare contraceptive mandate which is what limited government conservatives should prefer, but a rather create exemptions for those who have than surly held religious or moral objections to opt out. in american business owner must then have a serious there -- have a sincerely held religious or moral objection to the mandate. our next caller. go ahead. caller: good morning. i want to talk about the hypocrisy of all this. employers do not like how people
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decide to spend their health care dollars, but the paychecks -- may have no say over what you spend your money on. it could began pulling or some other vice. there was a lady in florida who says she does not think we should be able to spend the money on things she objects to, but that is part of hypocrisy with religious freedoms. someone who has a religious belief should not be able to have say over what another person who may not have those -- beliefses spe may spend their dollars on. host: next caller from st.
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louis, missouri. go ahead. caller: i turned on the tv and saw the subject matter. the first thing i noticed was that there were several older course, whose agreement with this position was, from my perspective, unfortunate. i believe in universal health care. i believe that over 325 million resources, limited and it is necessary to provide some level of birth control and reproductive education. you just had a story about how obama-era reversing
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mandate -- i mean, even this decision with earth control, the president is trying to reverse everything from the obama-era. it is just of seen. host: the proposal allows companies religious or moral exemptions to opt out. caller: i believe in universal health care. i believe our nation is too large, the population is at a point where we have to reconsider what our obligations are to each other. we are not a person unto whereves to the extent
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our neighbors' lives do not affect us. , buts never been that way for someone to think that we have gotten to a point where we can just go to work, go home, and the needs of our neighbor do not affect us and we do not have -- howattention to it our neighbor lives their lives, the suffering our neighbors goes through will ultimately, on to us if we do not take care -- s if ultimately come onto u we do not take care of each other. that one argument saying the decision was made over religious freedom, but contraception has more to do than just provincial. -- just birth-control.
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basic medical care should not be subject to the whims of any employer or american. javier becerra has already filed a lawsuit against the trump administration's decision. ann is up next. caller: good morning. i am one of those people who supports trump on this. i am one of those people against abortion. my tax dollars should not be paying for them. it is my right to not pay for them. , ifar as basic contraception do not have a major issue for that. i do not have that as a mandate in my heart, but you take away my rights and feelings on the situation when it comes to killing unborn children.
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i do not think my taxes should have to pay for that. i know many people my age, 60 years old, who are on my side. host: when it comes to this decision, do you think it too broadly applies to any business allowed to make this decision on religious or moral grounds? i support people like the hobby lobby people. i think they have a right. s as well.their belief having a government mandate to support these things is wrong. , if it was the other way around, people get very upset about the other side of it, but you do not hear as much from the pro-life groups and from us who believe that life begins at conception. int: let's hear from deb
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houston, texas. caller: good morning. i would like to address the woman who just called. i would like to tell her it is about patriarchy and classism. that wealled pro-life do not hear from, they like to romance the fetus in someone else's belly. i notice that the fertility embryos, if grow she cannot afford to store them, then they will be tossed out to medical waste or have to be frozen for more money. as far as i am concerned, republicans are going to run around putting religious into birth-control -- putting religion into birth-control, because birth-control can be
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used for other medical reasons like hormones and acne. i do not like my tax dollars going to gambling, but i do not get a choice. the tax dollars go in, they are distributed come and they are allocated. distributed, and then they are allocated. would find that religion says that the kill people and stand up if he does this. the cannabis people who are tired of opioids and want to have cannabis, then they can have cannabis churches. everybody can just have a church. everything i want and what the other lady wants, we can each have our churches and we will see what happens. this is about patriarchy and classism. put out a ryan
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statement saying that this is a landmark day for religious freedom. the trump administration has developed a common sense rule to avoid a needless fight. protectionsce installed will ensure that people and organizations can completely without their religious and moral beliefs. patty, good morning. caller: good morning. thank you for c-span and for addressing this issue. i am a retired nurse, a mother, and a grandmother. as so many women alluded to, birth-control is used for other issues. i would not have conceived had it not been for the birth-control matter. i am thankful and grateful that my husband's insurance covered those procedures. no embryos were eliminated, and i was able to conceive.
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it is used to regulate young girls getting into their then stroll cycles. menstral cycles. thank you for covering this topic. women who are anti-abortion should help the young moms and babies. planned parenthood does many other things other than just "abortions." vicky in kentucky, go ahead. caller: i have been listening to the program, and i support the president's decision. i believe it is every individuals right to conduct choose, buts they their freedoms end at the end of my pocketbook. obamail the
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administration, there was birth-control available through other private agencies and clinics. i do not know of anyone who that ever get access to if needed, and that is not what this law is about. this law is about private employers choosing if they want to include this as a coverage. you can call it classism or anything that you like, but the reality of this is that religious freedoms were eroded under the obama administration and the government overstretched its reach. this is focused on catholic employers come a other protestant -- catholic employers, other protestant employers, or even muslim
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employers who do not want to include this mandate because it is against their moral compass. i see no problem with this. it has nothing to do with "abortion" per se. it does have to do with women's rights, and you have the right to conduct your sexual life anyway you want to. when it comes down to me paying for it, that is where i have the problem. i think a whole lot of other people do, too. this is not going to take away sues ormen's health is 90% of the country. this will only affect a small margin of employers. i think it is a political hot on the bandwagon -- political hop on the bandwagon issue that are abundant in the country right now. host: that was vicky in kentucky. the president putting out a tweet this morning talking about
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the congressional role, saying, "since congress cannot get its act together, i will use the power of control to get great health care to people fast." that is possibly alluding to his proposal to get help care coverage -- health care insurance coverage sold over state lines. dianne feinstein announcing yesterday that she will try for a sixth term in office. her decision to seek a sixth as democrats are with a movement that might make her a leader out of step with her time. the dynamic is particularly true in california where older leaders such as ms. feinstein, governor jerry brown, and nancy
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pelosi has been in power for more than a generation. party leaders are debating how to respond to president trump after hillary clinton's feet last year. in feinstein is viewed washington as someone who is partisan.d not overly next to topeka, kansas mary. go ahead. caller: yes, i was calling about what president trump is doing. i agree with him. going to court to argue about the birth-control mandate. this will not affect most women. small groupfect a of people, and it will allow other religious groups not
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getting bullied into violating their conscience. it bothered me that the obama administration and so many in the media thought it was ok to bully people who do not have the same beliefs as the secular government that we have. they were getting bullied into violating their conscience, and they had to go to court to be harassed by our federal government. it was really bothersome to me. if we cannot have freedom of religion, a group of nuns were attacked by the federal government, then how can i say i have religious freedom when the government is beating up on a group of nuns. think it is too broad of a standard or should it just apply to some of the groups you have mentioned? caller: i do not know about
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other grids, but i know the obama administration was a big bully. it really irritated me. they talk about why people voted for trump, and i voted for him because i did not like the bullies on the left. they were a big group of bullies who wanted to tell other people what they should do. they bullied a number of people. believe thati do certain groups of people should not be told why the government what to do, and hobby lobby was one of those groups. the government should not be telling people how to practice their religious beliefs. this is part of the problem when the government got involved with the health care law. they got involved with everybody's lives. host: let's hear from diane in ellicott city, maryland. caller: i have a couple points.
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the first is that i do not think it is right that everyone -- anyone should be dictating whether or not birth control is going to be covered or not. i know a few people have mentioned that people use birth control for other reasons other than the actual act of birth control. also, there are a lot of women who should not be getting pregnant for medical reasons. that can be very detrimental to their health. if you start taking away birth-control and say they live in states where abortion is not an issue, then this could be a life or death situation for certain groups of women. also, if we are going to be talking about putting religious believes into dictating what services are going to be covered or not covered, then where do we stop? what if we have organizations run by jehovah witnesses who do
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not believe in like transfusions -- in blood transfusions? if they say they do not believe in this for religious reasons, are they going to be allowed to not have to cover that? i know that there are certain services when it comes to western health care that they do not really believe in. where are we going to draw the line when we start allowing certain groups to dictate what types of health care they are going to cover, and what they are not. we have divided up the lines differently this morning to allow women to call in. they are divided up into time zones. 202-748-8000 for the eastern and central time zone. for the mountain in pacific time zones, 202-748-8001.
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fema chief spoke about the tolls that the hurricanes have taken on the country. about 85% of the agency's manpower has been deployed. fema is continuing its mission to support state emergency preparedness. he said that fema is not a first responder. we are not designed to be first responders. we are designed to support response and recovery operations. state and their governors are technically cast with nanjing disaster response recovery and helping us set unified disaster objectives. locals also have a major role in executing the plans. mr. long said that he expects fema will be engaged in relief efforts in texas, lord, and puerto rico for years to come -- texas, florida, and puerto rico for years to come. our next caller. ahead.
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caller: thank you for taking my call. i think what donald trump is doing now is wrong. ,hen i was growing up people were having a kid or nine kids. now, exxon mobil would have the right to tell you -- i work for you every day. i should have the right, if i want birth-control through my health care coverage, to have that. i think there is something wrong with that. in my hypocritical? -- am hypocritical? it is just like the congressman urgingast week who was his mistress or girlfriend to get an abortion, while he is on the record as being against an abortion. urging there is no sense in trying to shut your eyes to this. thank you for taking my call. host: diana from wisconsin.
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go ahead. caller: thank you for taking my call. i think it is ludicrous what they are doing. i am 70 years old, and i do not think this should be a democrat, independent, or republican making a decision on this. attention,ere paying they would see how many doctors and health organizations have tried to explain that this is not just about having babies. that is number 1 -- having babies. that is number one. number two, this is a woman's right. if she does not want to have a baby so that her employer will not lay her off, then that is her choice. have killede who their kids, because they were just not the type of people who should have had kids. i live in wisconsin, and the
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governor here, ryan, and all of those guys, they have turned our state around 1000%. allowingfar as business owners to make this decision, what is wrong with someone objecting on moral grounds? caller: because, if they have hired a woman because she is smart enough to do whatever job you are hiring her for, then they should not tell her that she has to get pregnant so that she can then be laid off. that is what they are doing. they have no business being in her bedroom. noter two, why is the man involved here? it takes two people to have a baby. if a woman gets pregnant because she is forced to because the government is telling her that, i do not understand what is happening.
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there are so many things that this congress could be dealing with other than getting into a woman's business or a couple's business. decision ifle's they want to have a family or not. host: the newspapers going back and forth detailing what is going on between president trump and bob corker. steve bannon appearing on fox news. he was the president's former chief strategist, and he is calling on corker to resign after disparaging remarks made about the president's decision to leave. this is steve bannon. >> senator corker is an absolute disgrace. fornn today, he called senator corker to resign. governor of tennessee to
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replace him with a real conservative. orbob corker has any honor decency, then he should resign immediately. -- he got out, because he saw what happened in alabama. he is going to get crushed in the primaries. if he does not have the guts to get back into the race, then he should resign. in newext is patty jersey. caller: good morning. thank you for your services. you do a wonderful job. host: thank you. what is your statement for comment? caller: my statement or comment is this, since president trump has been in office, we have spent more time arguing and less time doing anything. i think he is a president of dissension. and -- by dfw yesterday,
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he is putting all of these issues out there, and it is like he has a little list of everything that obama did. host: what about the issue of earth control -- birth-control? caller: if it is a church organization, then that is fine, but i do not think companies should decide. i do not think it should exclude companies. or religiousoral exception for a owner of a company to make this decision? caller: absolutely. it is just ridiculous. it is a loophole that he has put out there. it is just one more thing. it is ridiculous. there has been so much dissension over little things. when he talks about something, he does not ever really talk about an issue or put out a plan.
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he just repeat the same things he said during campaigning. man whost a rude, nasty really has no qualifications to be president. host: that was hattie in new jersey. do not forget about the -- that was patty in new jersey. do not forget about the new debate comingr's up. you can catch that coverage on c-span. we also have the virginia governor debate. story spoke about the role that fema is playing in disaster recovery. washington post highlights what is going on with homeland security noting that there is no current head for that department. the acting secretary has been in the position, but she does not have a background in emergency management. praise forned mostly
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her stewardship during a difficult stretch. she is not a candidate for the administrator position. influence over the president, according to administration officials, is said to favor a candidate with management experience in counterterrorism or the military. some in the administration are eager to see an immigration hardliner in the role. josey is up next in pennsylvania. hello. caller: good morning. i have a comment about this insurance they want to take away from women, which is what this is good that are taking away coverage -- what this is. they are taking away coverage from women. will it not also take away erectile dysfunction medication?
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they want those things to stay on. also, people who do not believe in abortion, that is fine. i do not believe in abortion, but they do not want you having birth-control either. this is going to result in a lot of people having 80's. will the government step up -- having babies. will the government then step up to take care of these babies? i have a dollar -- a daughter in law who suffers from medical cancer, ando breast this birth-control helps her with that. it is not just for birth control. it is not. these men need to stop doing these things. i do not want to have to pay for erectile dysfunction medication either. host: from raleigh, north carolina, here is linda. caller: hello. i totally do not believe in a group of all men deciding the
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future of birth control for a few women. how was this right? how is this legal? we need to get men out of their and get more women -- out of women in get more government to get rid of this old, white patriarchy. it is just wrong. host: christine in new york. caller: hello. i have no problem with these people as far as their arguments with what they want to do with their bodies. that is fine. just do not expect us to pay for it. you can get all the birth-control you want come a just hate for your self. -- you want, just pay for it yourself. -- shehristine, do you is gone. 202-748-8000 for the eastern and central time zones. 202-748-8001 for the mountain
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and pacific time zones. you can continue to call in for the next few minutes if you want voice your opinion about the trump rollback of an obama era mandate for employer-provided health insurance to cover birth control. health andto the human services department website to find out more details about the rollback, and you can also go to the justice department website to read a legal memo with some of the reasoning the highness. catherine is on the line. go ahead. caller: hello. i am a big bible reader, and there is nothing in the bible that talks about birth control. it talks about marriage. the new testament says that marriage is honorable and the mongndefiled, but the hore mongers, godore
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will judge. he is taking a late birth-control to hurt women. biblical aboutg birth control. nothing. the bible does not cover earth control. -- birth control. now, we are overpopulated. for a non-christian to try and force christian rules upon an individual, there is nothing biblical, nothing that a christian can have foundation on which says that birth-control is good, add, or indifferent. it is not covered in the bible. host: one more caller. karen in indiana. caller: yes, i have been listening to these ladies
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calling it saying that the government is making them have babies and all this nonsense. it is on the market if anybody wants birth-control. they can take $10 a month to pay for birth control. it is not necessary for the government to have to pay for it. host: you are ok with the trump whenistration's decision it comes to any business being able to apply this moral objection? caller: i see no problem with it. they should leave religion out of it, and maybe just not cover it at all. it is not that pricey to get birth control pills. host: sharon will be the last caller on this topic. i appreciate everyone who called in airing this hour. we will move on to other topics now. the trump administration releasing principles that they would like to see in order to allow dacawe will move on to ots now.
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recipient to stay in the united states. brian bennett will join us next to talk about that. will talk about gun violence in considered a public health issue. later on, a conversation with dr. david hemingway. that is coming up on "washington journal." ♪ it is a radio station that cover some 6 million people. an automobile commute.
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>> listen to the washington journal live each morning and get beginning at 7:00 a.m. eastern. the recap on washington today week days. c-span radio app 20 years, when you hear this unfold daily. host: good morning.
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page document released. immigration principles and policies. us why the trump administration put out the document and what you hope it adds to the document about dreamers? it goes back to an president trump said he was ending the daca program. it hundred thousand young people brought here illegally, work permits, when president trump ended that, he wanted congress to act. in marchn to expire that is the deadline basically set for congress. president trump said i will lay out some principles i want to see in legislation to protect lease group of people. that is the deadline basically set for congress. like you said, seven pages long.
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it is a wish list of actions for changing immigration policy. host: it is a big ask. guest: it is. it touches on most every aspect of immigration policy from building a border wall to increasing deportation. host: some of the things out, the houseid minority leader and the senate what was saidr, at the meeting and what ended up in the final document and do they match. guest: chuck schumer said they came to an agreement with president trump, and they would push through a law like the dream act. trump said he would not insist on building a border wall.
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the border wall is the first item on the list. nancy pelosi and chuck schumer said it would be a nonstarter. host: we will talk about some of the details of proposals from the white house and what it does for dreamers overall. if you want to ask a question for brian bennett, -- besides the funding for the wall, some of the other elements in the proposal for the white house include reducing immigration backlog and would ensure a swift return and would
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hire 10,000 more officers with federal immigration law. can you talk about how those play into it? the big picture is if we're going to sign off and permanently legalize it hundred thousand people, we want to put in strict controls to make sure we don't get into a position later where we have a large influx of immigrants coming into the country illegally. laidan eye to that, they these things out. they say build a physical structure. laid these things out. they create a torrent.
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put in more officers on the fear into the immigrant community so fewer people are willing to come in the future illegally. there are a number of other these are cities like los , we are here to force law.ration so this law. proposal we should cut down federal grants to cities that don't cooperate fully with federal immigration.
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it requires employers to -- a database when they hire someone. the other thing they want is to end with changing immigration systems so that people who are allowed to come in to come into the country illegally cannot then sponsor relatives later on. host: again, brian bennett joining us from "the los angeles times" on dreamers and daca recipients. --
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john starts us off this morning in florida, republican line. obama created this problem where he took my grandkids and great grandkids' dream away from them. i do not want anyone to negotiate my kids rights. i do not want to negotiate my kids rights. they need it right along with their parents. they took our american citizen i did not want an illegal
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alien -- in a foxhole. host: we will let our guest respond. .uest: a lot of frustration this is something they say is a major motivation for them, and in their view, they think it would raise wages. some economists differ on that. there are different opinions that look at the economy and say actually having this influx of workers has allowed businesses to grow. there are some people who feel jobs wouldw skilled not be taken by american workers, necessarily. this is something the trump administration has an pushing hard on. they believed by cracking down
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on immigration, they can raise wages and address concerns the caller brought up. when it comes to recipients, these are people who, it hundred thousand people who are brought here to the country as minors, as kids, many of them do not speak the language of the country and do not know their home country and feel like it would be incredibly alienating and isolating. caller: let me tell you where i sit before i to you or i stand, as one of my favorite talk show hosts likes to say. the grandson of a legal immigrant roughly a hundred years ago, eastern europe, we all know the history. basically, they had to be medically cleared, there was not a welfare state at the time.
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you were pretty much on your own. you had to have a job, community, family support to launch yourself at the time. the american taxpayer was not on the hook. i grew up in a diverse , europeans, juice, russians, and so on and so forth. everyone wanted to be an american. fast-forward another 30 or so years. what was promised and never delivered why the democrats was border security, immigration, restrictions to grant amnesty of the time. again, there were provisions enhanced border security and immigration law and
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customs. bush.orward to george i think a law was passed white -- in regards to funding and building the border wall appeared never happened. host: what would he like our guest to a dress? well, that this is and linus let's stop with the immigrants and adjusted with illegal immigration. over the last 30 years, a lot of conservatives feel like we have laid this out before. there has been a proposal on the table to legalize a large population of people and it did not come with additional the table to legalize a large population of people and it did -- donald trump has said he is
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sympathetic to this population through no far -- no-fly -- no fault of his own. to couple the proposal and protect them with really strict in the -- enforcing. host: they are a legislative vehicle that closely matches that and what are the chances of that happening? this reads like a massive copperheads of immigration reform package. it is very unlikely all of these principles were put into one bill. there.r of proposals out our would reshape immigration system, which currently favors -- it turns the merit-based system based on
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skills and needs. there will be a debate about funding the government. it is possible access for dreamers and border security spending would be a way to gather votes. host: there is a line about the merit-based point system for immigration. this and is about it a change for green cards? a total change for how the u.s. immigration system has worked for the past five decades. oftus favoring relatives
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people who already arrived here, it would basically create a is somewhat the government sees at the current -- as the current use of the economy and rewards green cards based on that. people who like it .2 canada and australia. raise themselves up by their bootstraps. it is a debate the country will have to have if the merit-based system gets traction. who covers bennett the white house for "the los angeles times."
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bill, go ahead. caller: thank you for c-span. dober one, all trump had to is reverse obama's dream act. just reverse it, not kick it down the road to congress. both parties, the establishment, they want all of these people coming in. it is like the grapes of wrath. him one they paid dollar an hour and then they brought more in, $.50 an hour, a quarter of an hour. and i want to throw one thing and for the veterans. we feel left out. everyone else is being helped by us. i do know know why a soldier only gets $10,000 a year when he gets killed on the battlefield. his family loves them as much as a victim or something.
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guest: president trump could have just ended daca outright. he had the power to end it on one day and not set up a timeline. is, as of a week ago, they stopped receiving applications for renewals for the two-year work permit. on marchin to expire 5. two years after that, all of the existing 800,000 work permits will expire and the program will send -- entirely here that is a fact, that is what is happening and what has been set in motion by donald trump. the program is coming to an end. congress to fix it but congress does not have to
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act and it is entirely possible they will not get the act together before march. start receive this will losing their jobs. the president calling out democrats saying the problem with agreeing to a policy on immigration is democrats don't want secure borders. they don't care about safety for the usa . the democratsre would take issue with that characterization. they look at some security put such as building a wall across the entire southern border and they say our money could be better spent. that, cartels are savvy and they will find a way to get around a wall. that, cartels are savvy and they will find a way to get around a wall. there is a larger question, deporting them. right now, there is about 5000 deportation officers in the
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country. the trump administration was that be 15,000. people who live in small communities have a large immigration population. some people want to see immigrants who are here illegally deported. recognize large corporations would close shops to cater to those communities. businesses would have a hard time finding workers in some areas. host: nancy pelosi and chuck schumer putting out a statement. they said we told the president at our meeting that we were open to reasonable border security and it goes on to talk about what they were looking for. part, theyr their were saying we're open to compromise on this. democrats are the open to spending more on border security and i think the red
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line for them will be reshaping the immigration system. it would be a tough pill for them to swallow. i think the democrats would have a hard time increasing interior enforcement because of what that will do around the country. hear from mary, south carolina, republican line. is mary and i am all for the daca children being allowed to stay in the country simply because of the fact that they were raised here and they do not know any other life. how can you send them back to el salvador or mexico and expect them to survive when they have been made -- but at the same time, i would deport their parents and not turn a hair. i'm tired of people to come -- coming into the country and telling us what we have to do.
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when my people came here, they came here in 1749. they had to learn to be americans and we are americans now. we do not want to have to pay for all these people to bring and we have to raise them and pay for housing inetimes and their food their medical care. no wonder infrastructure has gone to hell. my family did not come here that way. they made a life here. that is all i have to say. thank you. guest: this question of migration is something donald trump has said he tweeted out a few weeks ago. itthere was a deal on daca,
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couldn't include chain migration, which would basically mean if there were a law that passed that ended the rivals program forreated a dreamers, that somehow trump would insist the law include a provision that once those people became u.s. citizens, they would not be able to sponsor their relatives to come into the country legally. we will have to see how that lays out. daniel in west virginia, democrat line. caller: the problem i have is why are they including legal whenration in the package immigrantshe legal who come here are very high skilled and contributed immensely to the u.s. economy and also create jobs. why would they include legal immigration when we have an aging population.
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who will pay for social security if the rate at which the american population is aging if we don't have legal immigrants who will come and who are young and starting businesses and also contributing at a high level to the economy? why are they including legal immigration when two of the president's lives are immigrants themselves? saying legal immigrants should not be able to sponsor family members. can you tell me which one of millennials family members would keep away from the united states -- host: ok thanks. guest: this is interesting about trump pushing back on the proposal. it not only tackles concerns about immigrants coming into the country illegally but it also new proposal for restricting illegal immigration. forould eliminate the need
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the lottery which has allowed 500,000 people from africa in the last few decades, and it was open up theorder to green card lottery to more people around the country and give people even if they did not come from western europe, didn't have a college degree, more people opportunities, start a small business and make a life for themselves here. changeng that would be a in the american approach to immigration. the bigger picture the trump administration talks about, the u.s. currently admits about one million people a year illegally in the country with green cards.
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they would like to see the numbers go down. there is a concern that trump administration officials were concerned about them been snapping able to assimilate into the u.s. there is a long-standing tradition and a debate the country needs to have is what are the priorities as a country? host: the president is trying to gain support for what he wants in these principles. how does that ultimately impact the kind of support they will get for what they want to see legislatively? >> picking fights with people in your own party is not going to generate more support. one thing trump does is he pushes back really hard when he is pushed. senator corker is in line with
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that. he tries to lay out a strong position and does not like it when people in his own party push back on that. we will have to see. he did play a round of golf with lindsey graham yesterday. senator graham has been a critic of immigration decisions and we will have to see if that bore any fruit or if he is able to make a deal on that. they discussed immigration in addition to north korea and iran . we do not know what came out of the talks. host: illinois, independent line, henrietta, go ahead. caller: i am not against immigration but legal immigration. here of all, people come and they have been hit 15 and 20 years and they don't speak our language. -- do not, they are
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not in social security. you go to the social security why in america do you have to speak spanish? you go over to mexico or guatemala, you have to learn their language. these people don't care about america. they do not even try to learn the language. i have seen them. they have been here 25 years, still no english. and you don't need a border wall. this is a long-standing debate in the united states, what are we as a country? there have been people in the united states who have rejected immigrants in the past. there were laws past 100 years of to try and stop it wave chinese immigrants coming in and providing cheap labor to build railways. backlash against italian
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and irish immigrants of the past. the question the country faces now is are we in a totally different era or is this similar to pass moments when there was\ feeling aw immigrants fear that they would not immigrate. and then finding their children did assimilate into the country. it is a debate we will have to have over the next several months about the character of the country. louisiana, democrat line. caller: thank you. who is "these people"? about children, human beings, people's lives. that is what you're talking about. we about some people who come here and dona how to speak english.
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louisiana, they speak pure french, no english. are they american citizens? yes they are. if someone speaks another language, they are not an american citizen? these people? they have got a label? we have got to come together as a country and as human beings. we have got to come together as , represent.d out inas any legislator, absolute support of the president and who is he looking to to gain or rally support? there are members of congress particularly in the house who fully support the things the president has put out. i have not checked that i am sure the chairman of the house judiciary committee is in favor of these puzzles. the question is what could actually get past.
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there is a group of lawmakers in .he house paul ryan has tasked i do not think they're looking at everything in this single page document. same goes for efforts in the senate. they will decide what they want as a priority. sidee on the restriction of the debate feel like they would like more on the -- on what the priority is. like ok, please just tell us what the top things you want and we will get you to sign it. there will be discussions to narrow that and come up with key items. host: one more call on the republican line. go ahead. took away from sanctuary , speaking a different
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makes us what language one people? they cannot operate with a whole bunch of languages. six here and six there and we are not one people. we need to either build a wall .r do that and do the job stop the immigrants coming in here. in the 1950's, my father-in-law .as a cotton farmer all of them back then decided how many workers they need and they would contact the governor -- government official and they auld go to mexico and pick up number of workers and take care of them. when the cotton was picked, that really worked good back then. all of these big vegetable farms could do that and get all of the
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workers they need. we could do that with specialized people we need. they need to learn english and assimilate into our society. thank you. have we heard from the business community, specifically obligations toward businesses? have you see in the business community react? guest: the community does not want a lot of mandates. the federal immigration database , they feel like that would interfere with the hiring process and make it more difficult to quickly hire people. there have been people who said there were concerns about false positives that my kick someone out even if they are in the country. concerns.
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that immigration hardliners think is important, to crack down on employers hiring people illegally and hold employers to account so you stop the jobs magnet. what happens next and where are we on a final timeline seeing legislation? we are not close to seeing a final legislation. there are a number of different proposals. a few things that could be a vehicle for this. given how packed the legislative , and there is also an effort to pass tax reform, no kicking --lose to picking which bill would be the finalizingorward and the terms of the deal.
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i suspect we should watch closely. nancy pelosi and chuck schumer, what direction they decide to go in, if they feel they can broker a deal directly with donald nancytrump, if they felt they hd laid out last month. but right now we do not see a clear path forward for a finger -- single bill. the more likely scenario is something gets pushed into a funding bill in early december. not want tohey do be to a government shutdown. brian bennett reports on the white house at "the los angeles times." thank you for your time. coming up, we will meet the director of the harvard injury control research center. dr. hemingway. we will discuss a deadly mass shooting in las vegas and how
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gun violence should be considered a public health issue. later in the program, you will meet the heritage foundation's david hemenway -- bruce klingner. later on in the program. we are live in nashville, tennessee, for their next stop on the tour. the will be our guests on bus join us thursday for the the entire "washington journal" at 7:00 a.m. eastern on c-span. station, veryio and itutomobile commute will extend our brand and give people a chance to listen to it. it is that simple.
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c-span radio, market 20 years of public programming in the nation's capital. listen live each morning. here to recap political events weekdays at 5:00 p.m. eastern, and get the latest from congress, the administration, and important events from across the nation. c-span radios available in washington on 91 -- fm. byher website, or downloading the c-span radio app. 20 years, where you hear history unfold daily. "washington journal" continues. host: from harvard university, joining us, david hemenway talking about gun violence in the research he has done on it. good morning.
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you can finde online at the website, you talk about the public health approach to gun violence. can you give an argument as to why you see it as a public health issue? it does not need much of an argument that on an average day in the united states, over 300 people are shot and about 100 people died. , andcosts to the community exposure to violence is a major issue causing other public health issues. it is an enormous public health problem in the united states. you want to treat it that way, what is the appropriate way to treat it and how would you go about that? the approaches about harmer duction p we will have a lot of guns for a long time. how can we figure out how to live with guns right now? we are often dying with our guns. the public health approaches about ringing everyone together
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play,eryone has a role to trying to get everyone to play the role. the first step is to really recognize we have a societal problem play and to ask manufacs what they can do about it, what can the gun retailers do and what can the gun owners do, what can the faith community do, look at the foundations do, what could academic, and to get people together and make a difference. it is about prevention rather than blame. when you see the nra and some legislators open to the idea of topping it -- talking about these additions to certain do you thinkes, that is a good first step? it needs to be many steps. public health working with the gun community to reduce suicide
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without having any legislation or a lot of things can be done to reduce suicide. increased.uicide and 26 increased 18% hundred more gun deaths in 2016 than in 2014. as far as data is concerned, and ista do you rely on there enough data when it comes to gun violence? we try to rely on objective data. the national violent death reporting system, incredibly good but only in 41 states. statistics from the centers for disease control. our own surveys to understand why gun owners own sell theirften they guns and why they get rid of why they own guns, how
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often guns are stolen from them in what circumstances and so forth. there are many areas where we should have much uttered data and we don't. i mentioned the national violent death reporting system only being in 40 some states. each year in all 50 states. there is a lot of data we do not collect. the center for disease control has a wonderful system, a surveillance system which asked hundreds of thousands of people every year about health issues, and they used to have a question , is there a gun in your home and how is it stored? 12 years ago, those questions were eliminated. the data collected about gun , and states have a lot andata about gun licensing it is virtually impossible for researchers to get that end of data, which would be helpful to
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understand. host: you can join us on the phone line spirit we divided them differently today -- data, itn it comes to was in june of this year, it is in part one of the reasons it could be limited it is at the behest of the gun lobby, which would -- limits the collection of data. can you expand the idea? that is true or not only could the collection of data but fund for research. the national institutes of health disease control that is y could the collection of data but provide -- understander
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in terms of traffic for tallies virtually nobut money at all to try to understand what is going on in terms of firearm deaths. i wrote a book a couple of years ago called while you were sleeping, success stories in violence prevention. 64 documented successes about how the world has been made in all of those areas, the data were really important and the research were really important to understand what the problem was, what to do about the problem, and whether or not the interventions were working. harvardll us about the control research center. guest: we used to be funded by the centers for disease control. for harvard control research center. motor injurious, opioid poisonings, and a lot of our work has been about violence and particularly gun violence in recent years. silver spring maryland, go
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ahead, you are on. with the gun issue, i think it is better to contact gunmakers, projectile taser technology. i know it will be a little there, but those guns can be outlawed similar to narcotics. we could use the tranquilizer personal for protection. you do not need to kill somebody to defend yourself. that and able to do outlying, prison
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time or something like that, may in about a 10 year or 20 year time, reduce this. guest: in almost all of the successes and violence prevention, it has come not by changing human behavior much. people make mistakes and behave inappropriately. you try and do something about that but the most cost effective ways to approach the problem is typically by changing the product and the environment. it makes sense. nice if gun manufacturers spend more time figuring out how to make products which were not so deadly in a lot of circumstances, with guns that could not be stolen, which were more effective at self-defense,
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moreight now, they spend time making guns more concealable and more lethal. there are a lot of examples. we have had great success reducing crashes not really because drivers are much better. it is because cars are so much safer. we have airbags and seatbelts and so forth. out threeit turned vehicles -- we have four wheels but not nearly as bad as the three wheels. a lot of people's lives have been saved. your suggestion makes some sense. darlene, a gun owner in nevada. caller: how are you gentlemen? i was just curious, the remark
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you just made, considering that over 240,000 people died per year for medical mistakes, should we ban doctors? i do not think the policy is to ban guns. it has not been to 10 cars. public health policies have not been to ban swimming pools, which a lot of people to drown -- will drown in. not stairs, which a lot of people fall down. it is to figure out how to live with these things. too many errors and we spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to reduce the likelihood of physicians making errors. the way to do that is to not necessarily say you are a bad doctor and made a mistake, a bad nurse, made a mistake. wherey to figure out ways you make it incredibly difficult to make mistakes and incredibly difficult to behave inappropriately and when anybody
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does, virtually nothing that happens. we have done that in terms of medical mistakes. there are success stories reducing medical error. people in public health and medicine have spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to reduce the problem. when it comes to gun violence, what things would you like to see put in place? guest: there are so many things. the gun problem in the united states in terms of public health, there are gun accidents and gun suicides and gun homicides, gang violence, mass shootings, violence in terms of intimidation and's of worth. different policies are for different things. manufacturers could do a whole lot to reduce those problems. but make sure they never off.acture guns, they go
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500 people per year in the united states intentionally pyramid be 10 times the number wounded. findsproblem is a child his dad'semi automatic pistol, takes out a magazine, he has all the bullets in the magazine and thinks the gun is unloaded and he plays with the gun and pulls the trigger and maybe shoots his best friend. and thelame the kid parents or we can solve the problem easily by making sure all guns, when you take out the magazine, whether or not there is a bullet in the chamber, the gun will not fire. a lot of things manufacturers sure when youke shoot a bullet, the bullet will be traceable not only for the make model of a gun but the exact gun, would be very helpful. it would be incredibly helpful if manufacturers spend more time and energy trying to make guns which, when they are stolen, cannot be used.
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estimate 300,000 to 500,000 guns a year are stolen in the united states. the guns get into the wrong guns and if they made which could only be used by the authorized user, it greatly helps. ast: would you go as far eliminating the amount of guns to purchase? guest: we should certainly look at issues at the retail level. we know some retailers do a good purchasers, everyone do an excellent job. i live in massachusetts. i would like to see a national one gun per month law. how criminals in massachusetts
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get their laws is not for massachusetts. strong gun laws but guns are traffic from other states. i think that would really help states like massachusetts and new york. one gun per month. thingsre a series of that can be done. want to see changing social norms which do not require any legislation at all. let's hear from iowa, this is jack. possess mechanisms to control gun usage in homes better. that is the best free enterprise position. hard drives -- need insurance pier 1 is wrong with gun owners needing insurance? toinsurance shouldthat is the n fight bad drugs, you lose the right to own those types of weapons. insurance companies, the types
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of weapons that can be allowed the huntingguns in area like iowa, they can focus on what and that are actually not recreational but are intended to kill people. i think changing insurance situations in the united states might help. i do not think there is a question about that here at we have to realize that all of the guns in the united states, all of the guns used inappropriately, were once bought by someone who could pass a background check. they get into clearly wrong hands, it would be nice to figure out a way to prevent that. one way is to try to give more incentive to the gun owner to that they are not sold
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to criminals, and not easily stolen and into the underground market. one way might be through insurance. ohio, victims of gun violence, tom, you're next. caller: my family was a victim of gun violence. my son was involved with a murder suicide. he had a psychiatric episode. a hunting rifle shotgun, killed his girlfriend and took his own life. how do we prevent those kinds of things? one thing we know for sure, so much scientific evidence, a gun in the home is an incredible risk factor for suicide.
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one thing we are working with gun owners is, and also with the medical community is to make issues, andone has sometimes it is just passing issues like getting a divorce and your parking crazy, but to try and figure out a way that everyone knows, just as friends do not let friends drive drunk, friends should help friends get guns out of the house when bad things might happen. most of these episodes are passed after a while. you get a new girlfriend or whatever it is. it is important for everyone in society to recognize a gun in the home could really increase the risk of suicide for children in the home and spouses in the home. if there is anything we can do to try to get guns out of the house during this, i would argue if you are a physician treating
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a family where a child is having real problems for the moment, and you create a suicide prevention plan, getting gun out that isouse for a while something we really know. if you want to explain why -- low rates of suicide, it turns out it is not explained why differences in mental health, not explained by differences in suicide attempts. it is basically explained by guns in the home and the fact oft, where there are a lot households with guns, the gun suicide rate is so much higher than in states where there are fewer households with guns. guns isility rates for close to 90%. the normal thing, take
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1000 drugs, it is about 2-3%. from texas, richard, go ahead. yes.r: you keep referring to this gun violence. i would like to know how you think an inanimate object can be violent. is gun violence because a gun is being used to people are violent and when they used guns, it makes the violence much more lethal. the reason it can be called gun violence is the same way it can become a car crashes. cars are inanimate objects that tend to move. guns are inanimate objects that have a projectile that comes out and kills people. what we're trying to do is figure out how to reduce the problem. the best and most of cost effective way is to do things as a mentioned about the environment and the weapon, the
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toduct, as well as trying change human behavior. one thing we know for example is compared to the other high income countries, the united states is an average country in terms of gun violence. laws, we havey higher rates of gun deaths and gun wounding's that any of these other countries. homicide rates are much higher in suicide rates are much higher. our gun accident rate is much higher. all of those things you are proposing other things he would like to see. what is a tug-of-war between what would you like to see put in an infringing on the second amendment? guest: we first have to recognize the second amendment, the individual interpretation, it is only about nine years old. before that, it was always
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referred to by the militia. the second amendment refers to the right to have a handgun in the home or none of my suggestions have anything to do with saying you no longer have the right to keep a handgun in the home. some has to do with, you may want to think twice about having a handgun in the home or you may want to get rid of the handgun in the home for a certain time. say they should take away handguns in the home. host: in maryland online for others. i own a shotgun and my parents and in-laws have guns. nobody has committed suicide in our family. i keep hearing you say you do not want to blame anybody but you keep going back to the manufacturer. i have to call bs on that. youthe research you get, include suicide.
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someone will kill themselves,, they will kill themselves regardless of guns or whatever. the other part you have not included is gun violence on the street. is the ratio, violence on the street versus the amount of guns on their homes. my parents have four guns and my in-laws have about six guns. ofif you look at the ratio murder from crime in the city's, from drugs and gangs, versus violence at the home, what is the ratio of that? curious. i agree with the other guy. it is not the gun. it is the people. guest: one is about the suicide. you are entirely wrong about suicide.
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overwhelming.s people go through bad patches if the gun is in the home, it increases a risk of suicide threefold. numbers of people, maybe only 30,000 out of 300 million people a year commit suicide i think 30 plus thousand is a lot of people. instead of having a 1% chance of someone in yourpeople a home cog suicide, you have a 3% chance. it is still not very large, so most people with guns, nothing bad will happen. most people who break the speed limit go 80 miles an hour tomorrow, nothing bad will happen but it increases your risk. it increases your risk substantially. of guny, in terms violence in the city, what we really want to see, yes, there is more total violence in the city's in the united states then in suburban and rural areas or no question. but we would like to see is the violence not turning to death.
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all the other countries have violent cities and violent people and they do not have nearly the number of homicides we do because they don't allow easy access to any type of guns to anybody. so it is very easy for people, we don't have -- want guns in the united states to get them, we would like to change it to make it harder for people to get them. every other citizens of every other developed country look at
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s and cannot understand why we allow this killing to continue and continue and continue. call, james in california. go ahead. morning, everybody and good morning professor hemenway. i'm calling because i'm in san bernardino, california. to ask a quick question, while calling out that caller, it of your was interesting how he curtailed majority of mass shootings are done by caucasian and try to -- to be african american. how do you think, two questions, how do you think economic disparity play intoes crime and violence and secondly, what demographic of the silent, angry white male who be the predominant one
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shootings.mass i looked at the statistic, it is race and so d on forth. can you speak on that? thank you for your time. yeah, so this is a lot of evidence that disparities play role in violence and we really need to try to do about improving the situation in the united states even educational possible attainment. to do lots of things to reduce racism in the united open opportunities for everyone and on and on. y expertise is in the area of gun violence, and so i tend to gun than on the changing society, but there is do.s of things we can one hallmark about gun violence successes in, the that we find in prevention are
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ften changing the product and we know that this is possible, united that in the states, when you look at urban rural versus urban and states versus rural states, the states with the strongest laws fewest guns have much less of a problem than the states with many guns and weak gun laws. e also see that internationally, so we know it's easy to change, much harder to change society, make it more fair and a just society tis crucial, we always want to do that, but if we want to have a really immediate impact, do something about highly lethal weapons. the united face in states is, you know, we face a big problem with mass shootings again, the reason is is
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because we compared to the other countries make it ncredibly easy for people who have problems and even if we don't recognize they have it easy for make everyone to get ahold of the weapons redibly lethal and so not surprisingly, every once in a while, too often, we terrible events and people throw up their hands and the answer is, let's look at other developed country, look at france, italy, look at sweden, t's look at look at israel, let's look at let's look at australia, they all do better than we do. host: you say that, it was back 2015 in france the shooting, shooting it ss involved ak-47, can you look at hose countrys and make the comparison? guest: yes, you can. nobody says that you pass a lot, things and eliminate the problem.
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all ags don't eliminate traffic deaths, but they reduce them, that is what laws would what changes would do, reduce the problem. there is nothing saying anything e do will eliminate the problem. no laws as far as i know always problem. the host: david hemenway with harvard control research center, the organization where he does research and he's director of organization. thank you for your time, sir. guest: sure. thank you. in the final p egment, heritage foundation join us.ngner will we'll find out about his request how he responded when "washington journal" continues.
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>> it's a radio station in the nation's capital, covers six people, this is a eavily traveled city and will extend our brand and give people involved in the process a chance it.isten to that is how it happened, that simple. > c-span radio, marking 20 years of public affairs programming from the nation's capital. listen to "washington journal" each morning, beginning 7 a.m. eastern, hear recaps of the political events on washington today, weekdays 5 p.m. eastern and get the latest congress, the administration and important nation.rom across the c-span radio is available in fm, on our on 90.1 website, or by downloading the free c-span radio app. c-span radio, 20 years, where you hear history unfold daily.
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c-span, where history unfolds daily. was created as a public service by america's television companies and is brought to you today by your provider.atellite >> "washington journal" continues. ost: right now bruce klingner with heritage foundation, the north asia senior research ellow, also served as former c.i.a. division chief for korea 1996 to 2001. good morning to you. there are stories in the papers recently in the last couple of about interest by russia to learn more about trump's korea.onship with what is your role in that? guest: those conferences have going on for sometime. north korean officials will meet academics and it is a chance to exchange views, ideas
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n policy and what it can and should be and then i think recently, as many people in are unsure of what the president's north korea olicy is and also our allies have been a bit confused and are would in and north korea be give particularly the signals that perhaps doing military strike. out to aea is reaching number of people to get a sense f what we think the parameters of north korea policy and the trump administration is. host: you got such an invitation? i have been contacted, i was in meetings in june, wrote an op ed about it. there was no flexibility, they were not interested in i have n negotiations about dunuclearization at all. they want to be a nuclear state and why should they do so? uest: that meeting along with other meetings, including a recent meeting in switzerland, north korea has been very self-confident, even cocky, given the success they have had
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tests and many, many missile tests. that re very adamant denuclearization is off the table. nothing could be offered to abandon that arsenal. they told us, accept as a state and we're ready to talk about a peace treaty or fight. back in june with officials, was there a second invitation to meet then? recent contact. host: you accepted or not? uest: i decided not to go to pyongyang, given since september 1, there has been a ban on u.s. there, except for exceptional visa, usually mediaed for humanitarian, or government sources. i think also you have to think what happened k to the american citizen detained nd perhaps tortured and eventually died as soon as he was returned to the u.s. ost: the meetings, what are the exchanges?ve
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guest: they can vary, given the mood at the time between the two countries, also the specific involved.that are so, you can have a free and ideas, xchange of certainly both sides and there are also often participation by countries, south korea, japan, china. cordial, but ink emphatic in our views. ost: what is preparation like or for those who exchange in the dialogue, what kind of things do they pring to the table? guest: they are well versed in recent tements, participate in the switzerland talks, mention they were upon lmost had memorized the president's tweets about north korea. so they often are very well times, i've t other ound very -- not only we disagree about history, but at unknowing be seemingly of certain events. host: our guest with us to talk
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north ssues concerning korea. if you want to ask questions about the conversations, not issue of norther korea, 202-748-8000 for republica republican -- democrats. 202-748-8001 for republicans. for independents. tweet us or post on the facebook the president sending out tweets recently talking about north "one thing will work," and statements and other ways we talked about the calm before the storm. how do you interpret that? guest: we don't know. again, as people who follow this for a living in washington, we're unconcern, imagine the in seoul and other areas. there have been comments uggesting preventative attack, we might do a military attack,
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even if we didn't feel north to attack us, to keep them from crossing the threshold of having a capability have already. since then, they have seemed to have toned down remarks and seem to be more in context of a reactive attack if north korea but the irst, president's recent tweets seem to go back to that suggesting a military strike. host: one other recent tweet from the president saying the administrations have been talking to north korea for 25 years, agreements made money sive amounts of paid and he goes on to say hasn't worked, agreements violated, making fools of u.s. negotiators. sorry, only one thing will work. do you think leading up to the last line, does he have a point? does.: yes, he we've had four agreement where is they promised never to build failed. weapons, those four subsequent agreements they promised to give up the weapons promised to never build and those failed.
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four, ty, three party, party, six party talks were unsuccessful. korea have tried to reach out, those all failed to korean behavior -- hoping for. host: is diplomacy the best way typerd and to come to some of terms with north korea? guest: as they have said, they won't give up the nuclear weapons, i would add under present circumstances. e do need to use a comprehensive, integrated strategy, using all the instruments of national power, pressure. so if we want to get them back to the negotiating table in a to fullyl way, we need enforce u.s. law. misperception and iscalculations and mischaracterizations of sanctions on north korea. president obama said it is the most heavily sanctioned and cut wrong.ion on earth, he's the u.s. is sanctioned other
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nations more firmly than north korea. it was only last year we had finally cumulatively sanctioned korean entities as sudan and zimbabwe. host: first call from nashville, tennessee. richard, you are on, go ahead. caller: good morning. my question is, and i have a quick comment. borders of k at the north korea, china, russia, you are your three big players, u.s., china and russia, everyone has special interest. if we went into a war, i'm oncerned american people don't realize what that entails. is groundlogy war, it troops, it will take that. i remember growing up as a to talk about d if the red chinese ever marched on america, we are in trouble. from different nations, whether the u.s., whether president trump or it ia or whatever, look at like this, it's a five-car stud
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poker game. has their interest, some are bluffing, some got the just trying tore hold on and see if they can get a better deal, a new car. got to look at, it's a poker game we're playing here. host: richard, thank you. yes, as secretary of defense mattis and chairman of joint chiefs have been saying, a war on the peninsula would be horrendous. when i was in government, we did war games and table-top always s, the alliance won, with hundreds of thousands of casualties, and that was knew they had nuclear weapons. the pentagon is estimating 20,000 deaths everyday in a conflict with north korea f. we on north tary strike korea, even if we do a limited mobile taking out one missile launcher, we don't know it won't escalate. talking to commanding general when north korea sank i asked ean vessel and
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how we would respond, he said, response, ctical constrained in duration and geographical location, we have all in, pared to go meaning all-out war. o there's maybe north korea doesn't respond to a limited attack or maybe they start -- seoul or could get very mess sons and have 28, 500 daughter necessary uniform, 40,000 in japan and hundreds of of civilians in those countries. host: joel in north carolina. thank i have two questions. first, how can an economy the north korea, support its nuclear program? two, where did the personnel program come from? guest: that's a very good question. puzzled ve often been how a little country like north
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korea could possibly either out how to make nuclear weapons and icbm's and a other missiles. it is what they put their priority on. they devote probably 25% of entire budget toward the military and another percentage agileation of statues throughout the country and big leadership.s of the and have sort of scrimped saved and devoted resources, not oward helping their own citizens, who are malnourish, they have m starve, been put it on military program, weapons.arly nuclear the program is largely components they get from outside of north korea, but not something as some people them china or russia gave nuclear weapons. they have worked on it themselves because they don't their allies, russia and china, they feel they need
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to be self-sufficient. host: money and personnel aren't coming from those countries for the program? a lot is coming from counterfeitingy, of currency, illegal drug production and smuggling, the of est source methamphetamine in japan is the north korean government, they in a number olved of criminal activity, money laundering, misusing the u.s. system.l host: pat is next, keyport, new jersey, republican line. why can't we ir, use missile crisis as parallel, an idea for what to do? cuba dged not to invade and in return they withdrew cuba.les from why can't we pledge -- international community pledge invade north korea as long as north korea understands line, step out of they're done? thank you. guest: the cuban missile crisis
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this year ted a lot as applied to north korea. there are different lessons from missile crisis. many see the tough side, we were with the eyeball soviet union and the other guy blinked. as toughness of j.f.k. the caller pointed out, there we secret agreements secretly agreed not to invade cuba, which many don't know, to pull out our own nuclear weapons out of turkey and other areas the soviet union on. on pledging not to invade north that., we've done we've had really a long list of tatements and affirmations, both oral and written, to north nonaggression ain promises not to attack them unless they attacked our allies those had no impact, they were parts of negotiations or eparate discussions with the north and they didn't deter north korea from developing the
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weapons. mattis fense secretary yesterday at an event at association of army talked about several things, including north and gave his thoughts on the current status on what is going on between the two countries. here is what he had to say, i want your response to it. about korea, it is on our minds, you know there reason i recommended the book we all pull it out and read it one more time. is es and gentlemen, it ight now a diplomatically lead economic sanctioned effort to off thisrn north korea path. now what does the future hold? i can say, so one thing the u.s. army can do and you have got to be ready to ensure that we have military options that our president can employ if needed. currently are in a diplomatically led effort and
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times have you seen the u.n. security council vote in a row, to wice impose stronger sanctions on orth korea and remember, the security council has countries ike france and russia, chien athe united states, you know who is on there. and all voted unanimously on this. the international community has u.s. armyat means the must stand ready. and so, if you're ready, that is your duty at this point in time. host: statements? guest: i think secretary mattis, very firmly, very resolutely, but also he is not preventative attack. e's sort of really echoing traditional u.s. policy, in ther forum, he said, if you
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attack us, we will be firm in response and uses strong language. it is in context of reactive. he is emphasizing that this u.s attack us, led, is diplomatically the state department is taking the lead for now, we're trying pressure of sanctions and targeting financial measures on we're rnational basis, trying to do that. he's telling the military, as is their duty, you always have to if called upon. but i take his comments more as policy, whereas others in the administration, including the president have signalling more preventative attack. texas, did on, democrat's line, joseph, good morning. caller: good morning, thank you, sir. -- option -- option, right before that, big country, he
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-- [indiscernible] -- kim jong-un and bring the table to -- nobel prize arena nuclear arm and oth -- from themselves and he can get wise to take care of his people or not. host: thanks. guest: i think the door should be open for diplomacy and i distinguish between diplomacy, where our diplomats meet with and should ats engage with north korea. six-party talks or other, where north korea said abide by basic nuclearizing north korea. north korea has kept the door
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closed the new york channel, where because we don't have embassies in each capital, we interact officially at the u.n. missions new york city. north korea closed new york channel last july after we cited kim jong-un for human rights violations and reopened it this the return of the u.s. citizen. demill tarized zone, north korea does not pick up the empty their line or mailbox for messages. korean u.s. and south military officers on the border line yelling, please, we want a meeting, please pick up the phone. they don't there is a military reas that tween cot north korea doesn't answer. we've tried diplomacy, we've negotiations, they have not been successful, yes, we be trying to engage with north korea before we go into a
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military situation. host: we've learned to live with countries being nuclear powers, can we come to that way korea?nking on north guest: perhaps its is wored smithing, there is a talk about acknowledging them, i don't think we can formally acknowledge or accept them. you can't pretend they don't have nuclear weapons, i might acknowledge them but assess they have nuclear weapons f. we acknowledge them, agreement, n an freeze for freeze, it runs the risk of undermining nonproliveration treaty, runs ounter to nonproliferation policy for decades, it sends bad iran and other countries and would also cause concern by our allies that would see it as willing to accept a threat to them as long as we try prevent it from a threat to the american homeland n. my they sions with allies, said it could have a very negative impact.
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cordova, l from tennessee. caller: yes, i first off want to comment.ick how do you negotiate with a despate that murders his family and other people around him in the most brutal way. sane individual, they are shooting rockets over the heads of our allies, it's to take a stand. i'm so glad we have a president and military leaders like we do, we are not going to there being frozen to death like my neighbor did, anymore. if he keepos acting up, north korea is going to be no more and is what hame, but that is going to happen. uest: all right, well, history shows we have negotiated with brutal, terrible dictators, we treaties with l the soviet union and the warsaw one of was a member of the negotiating delegations. we
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union, trust the soviet but saw it in national interest treaty. arms control an agreement with soviet union during world war ii and common enemy against adolf hitler. i disagree kim jong-un is crazy, that is something we have heard and heard it applied to his studies in ve done government and out of government, so he's both the and son and indeed the grandfather. we're all brutal, terrible dictators, but they weren't crazy. many are advocating preventative saying even though we can live with nuclear russia and hina, we can't live with nuclear north korea, he is crazy, he may wake up and push the button. not crazy, therefore, you oac -- attack him, he wouldn't respond because he knows the u.s., a logical response, a logical disconnect,
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attack because he is crazy, but wouldn't suffer sane, uences, he'd have a rationale response. on the military option, it may come to that. particularly if north korea attacks us or our allies fwe intelligence, we think they are about to attack us, particularly with nuclear i'm ns cht the thing concerned about more than a crazy kim jong-un starting an danger of efk population and miscalculation. a tactical situation could escalate to strategic confrontation, you know, almost in the blink of an eye. as you have n, south korea, north korea, u.s., in close tary proximity, thing consist happen, one can misperceive the actions and as everyone is leaning forward, all three may ries have said, we based on rhaps incorrect information. look, the more you test and brag
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weapons, we may need to lean forward and preemt, biggest concern, misk redal population across the line. an article in a kim jong-un ut the family. guest: kim jong-un is the power gain s sister certainly nothing stature and power, but we shouldn't look back on kim had his uncle, the brother-in-law of the previous executed for a number of erceived crimes, including having too much power or seen as alternate power base. seen as a challenger, real or perceived to the leader, is often removed. mean, perhaps the second most powerful man in north korea is dangerous job, that is what his uncle was before he was
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executed. democrat's line, joe in michigan, hi. caller: good morning. is, is china ion willing to go to war with the actions tates over the of north korea? and a second thing, i think we intelligence on north korea's assets than anybody will ever know. if this thing happens, if war does happen, it is going to be quickly. there won't be a big invasion of any ground troops in south korea, it will be over like the iraq war. saddam hussein had the third biggest standing army in the world, it last the four days, we intelligence than north korea or the president stupid be making those statements that he makes. there's a reason he's making those statements. ur military knows more about north korea, we will probably be his to preemt the launch of missiles, how many missile doeses he have, can he hit every
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city in the united states? we can annihilate north korea if three hour fist we want to. host: joe, thanks. guest: i was in the intelligence as develop 0 years division chief for north korea, called north korea the hardest of the hard targets. i had shifted to north korea from working the soviet union, retrospect was an open called hardest book union.ed to soviet that is not to say we know nothing about it, but it is a intelligence problem. you know, we know a fair amount or a lot about their military, conventional he forces, the number of nuclear weapons is far less certain, you think they have perhaps which so scud missiles can range all of south kore a. missiles we listic think are nuclear capable, can range south korea and japan and missiles that can range the key bases in guam and continuing to
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icbm's. they just tested an h bomb 10 powerful as the hiroshima bomb. as i said, we did war games, it horrendous casualties, so ow that they have mobile missile launchers, it is harder to target those n. war, anything is possible, maybe it is quick and dry war and everyone is over orow quickly it is e could see it as secretary mattis and joseph dunford said, it will be unlike anyone has seen, brutal. very high-risk game if we're trying to push military be overthinking it will easy. host: from staten island, hello.can line, ryan, caller: yes, hello, my feeling
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is north korea will keep on nuclear weapons. i listen to a c.i.a. analyst and basically that they are going to try to blackmail us reuniifiying the north with kim jong-un motive to unify with the south, basically. they want to keep on building we want to el protect seowl, instead of san francisco. i believe that. so it is just a game like the other guy was saying before. is only way he will attack with emp, that is why i see him attacking us. guest: sumi is an old friend, i met in june and ed.wrote an op north korea has been trying to blackmail us, whether through negotiations, they promise to limit or give up parts of the nuclear program in for economic benefit or security benefit or now when
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the say they won't give up nuclear weapons, they are still fnot ng for, you know deno denuclearization talks, it is way to achieve long tanding objective of removing forces from the peninsula, extended remove the deterrence or nuclear guarantee, peace would be using treaty talks to try to achieve objectives that would minimize u.s. presence there, the u.s. security of allies and usually also the defense of our in asia. host: one more call, randy in iowa. morning, pedro, bruce. i have a couple of comments and pick up on one if you would like, bruce. you were doing analysis, north nomic analysis of korea, america spends almost 60%
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military and fallsbly so much more that through the cracks that we can't cover it. i t i want to say is that have very little faith in the to act foundation responsibly over the course of years. and in 2000, when george bush ame a poster child for the heritage foundation, came into office, one of the first things disengage from talks disengage korea and ith the palestinian-israel talks. so he has let the heritage foundation and their philosophy the party of heritage foundation has left this to on 30 years and -- ost: okay, let our guest respond. guest: well, i can just speak section ortheast asia
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of the heritage foundation, it is what i work. e have been advocating, as i mention before, comprehensive, integrated strategy using instruments of national power to reach out to north korea dip mro mattically and enforcing u.s. and u.n. resolutions, pulling punches on enforcing blind eye to north korean and chinese and other misusing that have been the u.s. financial system and breaking u.s. laws and then i've advocated against a preventative attack tis we should reckless, respond to any north korean ttack on ourselves or our allies, not jump into a military option prematurely. on the is at least northeast asia side what the heritage foundation has been recommending. bruce klingner, formerly of the c.i.a., deputy division hief for korea, what are you paying attention to as far as
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north korea is concerned, what you looking at next? guest: expecting another nuclear weapon test. today, ple predict october 10, would be time when north korea might test the next icbm flying over japan into the pacific. said, north korea always does things on holidays, except when they don't. holiday and it already passed over in asia. they're going to do another icbm test. the foreign minister said they considering nuclear air burst in the air, h-bomb in the acific, that would be provocative, but even icbm test u.n. and ack to increase pressure on north and look figure signals from the as to with we will do a military strike. host: thank you for your time today. of theones until the end program. 202-748-8001 for republicans. for democrats, 202-748-8000. and independents, 202-748-8002.
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you can post on twitter and facebook, too. we'll take those when we come back. nashville, , live in tennessee, for the next stop on the c-span bus 50 capitals tour. former governor phil bretisan ill be the guest during the "washington journal," starting 9:30 a.m. eastern discussing top facing olicy issues tennessee and join us thursday for the entire "washington a.m. l," starting 7 eastern on c-span. >> radio station in the nation's capital, covers six million people. a very heavily it mobile commute city and will extend brand and give people a chance to listen to it. is how it happened, it was that simple. > c-span radio, marking 20 years of public affairs programming from the nation's capital. listen to "washington journal"
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beginning 7 ning, a.m. eastern, hear recaps of the political events on washington today weekdays 5 p.m. eastern. and get the latest from the administration and important events from across the ation, c-span radio is available in washington on 90.1 website, or by downloading the free c-span radio app. radio, 20 years, where daily.r history unfold host: post on twitter or lines fornd the phone republicans, 202-748-8001 for democrats. 202-748-8000 for republicans. 202-748-8002.ts,
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host: here is mapping of the potentially t are in danger of being damaged and sacramento bee this morning devastated, 10 killed structured as wind-driven fire storms in santa ablaze ousands of acres and 14 fires across the state. taylor is our first call this phones.on open monterey, california, republican line, go ahead. taylor in california, you there? oh, i guess that is host: yes. caller: i wanted to say that 've been watching the coverage of the fires here and there is destroyed and one
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happened.ant thing couple, 199 years old, elebrated their 70th anniversary perished in the fire. moran county, we have ash coming out of the sky, tiny debris.f host: do you know off hand the resources that the state may in order to fight the fires or if those are being exhausted effort continues? caller: there is hundreds of firefighters up there, they have come from moran county, where i areas,d other surrounding there are many firefighters there. there.d cross is they're running some free smart or down om up here, here. so, the water situation is one pretty serious.
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they are having some people have to boil water before they use it. so, i was thinking it would be up if people brought water there. host: laura is next, in democrat's line. caller: hi. i really want to comment about speaker.ous we talked about nuclear weapons weapons, but hel weaponsmention chemical exposure of the killing of the half brother. revealed by several experts that there are substantial stores of chemical weapons in north korea and should those be unleashed, it devastating to all populations. of the e president
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united states sending another kashg corker.ob et bob corker up by recording his conversation, made to sound like a fool and that is what i'm is on the h, that president's twitter feed and his account. california, independent line, bill, hello. caller: hi. the previous guest, i think we have to think outside resolve this with korea, no simple answer. i have one suggestion, that to basically s bring our resources together, resources and carpet bomb the entire north korea with by etballs that are signed dennis rodman. host: joe is next, republican hi., caller: hi, my name is joe and in las vegas, if we ad enough guns down on the
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dance floor, they would have muchthat guy before he did damage. do in the kill people. host: hear from another caller n the republican line, jeff is next. hello. caller: yes. question is why is the united states the only one that adversary the major here? why doesn't russia help us, the russians would be the most logical country to situation, why isn't vladamir putin more involved? ost: why do you think he's not involved? caller: well, because all we hear about is how the united deal with this leader in north korea. proper me with the arrangement between russia and the united states, we could have to china that they
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do more to stop this guy. not only that, we don't hear france from england or or any of the other countries advocating anything. news t hear it on the ever. host: that is jeff in california on open phones. it's 202-748-8001 for republicans. 202-748-8000 for democrats. and independents, 202-748-8002. herald, lead story taking a look at hurricane preparedness, this is the story. florida was poorly prepared for according to an audit. the whole story is not available on the front page, it says from tallahassee, long before florida deadly hurricane auditors sent out a warning, the state was not disaster.or a annual audit completed in 2016 y it is inspector general detailed lengthy list of eficiencies needed to respond to hurricane, food and water
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distribution center in orlando were inadequate. ontracts had expired and agreements many trucking companies signed to distribute supplies had lapsed. more of that on the miami herald website. robert, kentucky, republican line. e.p.a. where the administrator said he would sign power back of the clean plan, were you there for that? i ler: i've been calling in, was grateful in kentucky and to hazard, me kentucky. when barack obama took office, the coal industry was booming makes electricity cheaper, everybody across the united states to help their buy christmas toys and what-not, we can get clean coal help the whole united states pedro, thank god he was in kentucky and thank god letting me make this call.
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host: robert, are you in the coal industry? are you involved in coal at all? caller: i have worked underground coal miner. host: is that something you still do or work in the industry? layoff, there was a big you know what i'm saying, hopefully it will come back, jobs were lost to that. host: staten island, new york, to frank, independent line. caller: yes. kim jong-un is playing us against ourselves. we're going to eventually have o make a decision, protect the the united oul, or states. he is forcing our president to make that decision and obviously it's going to be the one -- going to be a disastrous decision. you.k host: from the "new york times" this morning out of san google.o, news from
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when it comes to election ads using uted online saying accounts believe to be connected o the russian government, agents purchased search ads and ads, tional display according to a person familiar with the company, not allowed to pacifically. google found accounts through research and information provided by other technology companies. google found spraet $53,000 with materials purchased from russian addresses is ith russian currency, it not clear if those connected to the russian government or that purchased by been russian citizens, according to the person, that is available to you in the "new york times" this morning. from texas, republican line, go ahead. i was just , wondering with all the talk of hearration reform, i don't people talking about doing something about the 14th have like because you
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a mom, she's pregnant with her four kids, they sneak over here. as soon as she has that baby, she like gets that baby on welfare and welfare covers everybody in her household, all the children and her. talk about how they are requiring people to can't get benefits, you require an illegal to work because legally they can't work the united states. host: so what would you like th n done with the 14 amendment? caller: yes. host: what would you like to see done with it? way of thinking s if that woman has a baby, if she's illegal, that child is illegal. they need to get them held up to their own back country. host: the topic of election hacking. for an c of interest organization known as atlantic council here in washington, d.c. a working group that plans to announce it is procedures ist of
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that state officials must do such as implementing digital data lls around election and making sure there is paper allot to allow for auditing of election tallies. it has given itself 60-day deadline to produce the ballots. they will monitor activities, if officials have one gripe, we have to concede to them, it is a nation is e f. attempting to influence the lectoral process, it is the federal government's job to pay for the -- cyber security at the of homeland nt security helping organize the coalition. baldwin place, new york, independent line, david. go ahead. morning, pedro. of calling in favor president trump recertifying the nuclear deal with iran. sensational rhetoric and as imperfect as this nuclear him and his em to
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policy makers, it's the best exhaustivelys been negotiated between p plus one, including the u.s. leadership iran, and if he's really perhaps interested in turning down another country, north korea, he would be far off to divert his attention after recertifying deal on north korea of perhaps bringing them to the having something, another nuclear deal with north korea, at least half as good as nuclear deal with iran is. host: the "washington post" a story this morning about those in tehran as they for der what might happen the future of the deal. his is the associated press saying as the u.s. president donald trump threatens nuclear tehran ose living in feel an accord they have yet to benefit from may be doomed skepticism about
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america. the president is set to deliver on the 2015 agreement, referring it to congress and targeting new sanctions iranian reets of the capital on monday, the associated press spoke to people the deal, nearly all had concerns, benefits from the 2015 accord have yet to despite the government signing billion dollar deal, inflation remains stay job opportunities low. alexus in california, independent line. sarabella, california. caller: correct, good morning. how you doing? host: fine, thank you. where is sarabella within the state? caller: central valley. host: got you, go ahead. just want to wish everybody good luck and i just turns to the only
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person that can change what is going on, that is god. don't have to believe what i say, but he's back and he's everybody, dge everybody obviously, we all did wrong and we can't blame nobody fingers when everything happened because we allowed it to. guys the best ou and god bless you all. host: craig in oklahoma, calling on open phones. craig, good morning. caller: good morning, sir. program, appreciate your work that you do there. on the comments, one 14th amendment that was brought up earlier, if people read the understand it, they would realize the 14th being misused and all that needs to be done is clarification by the legislative body. the 14th amendment was to actually help the children of that were freed and make them full citizens, it was borders andd to open
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make everyone born here, someone citizen t legally a into a citizen, that is not what it was for, if you read the intent.l that would clarify that and stop the anchor baby thing immediately in its tracks there a lot of misconception about the constitution. one is floating around that bad because they counted black people as three-fourths of a person during war era. well, that is a misconception, hat was actually the country trying to stop slavery because what happens, when you count in your state, they were actually trying to lessen the power, because if you have less people, you can have less representatives. to help black g people and end slavery when they passed the laws about three-fourths of a person, i believe it was three-fourths, just to point that out, people a correct understanding of the constitution. as far as the are an thing, news sources
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trying to blend the fact that another country is trying to get or thed or push one side other in an election, that happens every year, but that not equal donald trump, you now, colluding and paying them to do it or asking them to do it. that happens every year. makes sense,es, it we're the greatest in the world, they want to push to get someone who will help them. that happens every year, but that doesn't make trump a host: "washington post" looks at atest e-mails when it comes to meetings between donald trump jr. and a russian lawyer. note s a report that the was written by the russian lawyer and sent to a music helped arrange the session, offering evidence backing the lawyer's claim she with trump to discuss a law die the kremlin it sanction on al wealthy russian as punishment or human rights abuses, the
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events that the lawyer has asserted in media interviews since the "new york times" first disclosed the trump tower meeting in july. at the time she was prepared to estify before the committee about the law act and the e-mail conclusive evidence why trump jr. accepted the agreed to his father accept the nomination for president. that theld over e-mail meeting with top prosecutor in incriminating d evidence about hillary clinton that the russian lawyer would convey. you say, i love it," according to donald trump, jr. al, in washington state. was r: good morning, i calling on the anchor baby thing, the comment about four i found out about three years go, i'm 83 now, that my dad, who i always knew to be born in an francisco, california, was
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actually born in quebec. australian.n i guess i'm a 1934 anchor baby. up spending 30 years in active military service before etiring as a command master petty officer. i wonder if we're not losing a heck of a good resource out over the other? have never, ever seen an immigrant to this country who did not get involved in gangs, a good citizen, a good neighbor. i've had them come to my help needed it, i've seen them go to help other people. i've seen them be generous, even to be ey had nothing generous with. doing? know, what are we the other is not going to hurt s, the other has always contributed to our society and i think america is heck of a lot heck, even after we
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became a notion when we protested. e have comments in there, telling the king to back up from restricting immigration. indiana, hi. caller: yes, i wanted to say the president and the -- are youlluded and still there? host: go ahead, you are on. caller: okay. everything about and i i'm concerned think people need to wake up and going ention to what is on in our country right now. destroy our g to government, they're in there russians haven't
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stopped. i was on google a long time ago, on, and i looked look up linton to something good, just to look and see what is going on. bunch of stuff that was really horrible, that they were saying about her. just don't, i don't get on there, i try to pay attention to news that i believe has been, properly andcessed i think that is what they need to do. host: okay. call.take one more rodney in virginia. caller: yes, good morning. call. for taking my i just want to make a comment about the tax reform, cutting taxes. with all the national disasters and hurricanes and fires and on, i just going don't understand how we can afford to cut taxes. to be some needs modifications done at the top, i just feel that the companies and
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corporations are getting too many tax breaks without upplying jobs and all, but i just don't understand, we're financing the military and other hings like that, how we can afford to cut taxes at this time. i am on a limited income at this and i just feel like it is my part to pay my taxes. nd i just wish they would rethink >> to come veterans discuss u.s.
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military strategy in afghanistan this morning. by the coverage starts at 10:30 a.m. eastern. that is also available online at u.s. house is back today well that it is in recess until monday. the house will consider the supplement request for hurricane relief efforts. it will include flood insurance and wildfires. a vote on going to negotiations with the senate on defense programs. the house will gaveling at noon for ages. we will have live coverage here on c-span. >> thursday, we are live in nashville for the next stop on
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the capital's tort. the governor will be our guest on the bus during washington journal we discussed the top public policy issues. entire thursday or the washington journal starting at 7:00 on c-span. >> the l.a. times talk about what the white house wants from congress in exchange for allowing dreamers to stay in the u.s.. this is about half an hour. page document released. immigration principles and policies. us why the trump administration put out the document and what you hope it adds to the document about drea


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