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Jim Mattis
  Sen. Mc Cain Meeting with Secretary Mattis on Niger  CSPAN  October 20, 2017 8:49pm-8:55pm EDT

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states and russia. >> thank you. thank you and good luck. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2017] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] armed services chair john mccain and defense secretary james mattis poke briefly to reporters on capitol hill following their meeting about a recent attack on u.s. troops in niger.i >> what can you tell us about the meeting? the secretary: and i have had a series of to work we have had together. we discussed various issues.
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a pleasure to spend time with him and worked with him in these difficult times. saying thebeen administration had been holding out about the details. mccain: i felt we were not getting sufficient information and we are clearing that up now. as much what? on what? [indiscernible] senator mccain -- >> we can do better at communication. we can always improve on communication. senator mccain: could i just add, the relationship we have, that goes back 20 years. it is one of respect and
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appreciation and honoring his service. try to improve communication. >> what would you like to see going forward? senator mccain: change in what? we are discussing that. we are committed to improving it. depends on whether we get the witnesses are not. >> who would you want to come as a witness? head of thein: the cyber force. there was a place for him at the hearing yesterday. [indiscernible] i have the technology
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to make that happen. >> you say the president ordered that particular action? senator mccain: i do not discuss things.nds of let me close by saying the secretary and i have had a 20 year relationship. we have had our problems, but i am proud to work with him and of the work he is doing. we will continue these regular meetings so we can work together in these difficult and challenging times. i am proud to know him. thank you very much. thank you very much. thank you. >> would you say it is a matter of hours or days or months until we get a full timeline and accounting of what happened? >> i don't was say that. >> c-span recently sat down with hillary clinton to discuss her book, what happened. she spoke about her recent speech --a recent speech by
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former president george w. bush on the state of politics. ms. clinton: she talked about the -- he talked about the cruelty in american politics. ms. clinton: i thought it was an important speech. i appreciated him delivering it. he talked about how white supremacy is an absolute blasphemy to the american creed. he talked about the importance of listening to each other and working with each other. i did not always agree with president bush, as i think any democrat sitting across from you would say, but i never doubt his workedism and doubted he really hard all day. he went to bed worried, woke up concerned about what he would do. i was in the oval office with him, two days after 9/11 as a senator from new york. i understood a lot of what he
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was having to face. out andiate him coming thoughtfuluple -- critique of where american politics is that because we are on the wrong path. >> watch the entire interview 11day at 2:15 p.m., and :05 p.m. >> white house secretary sarah sanders answered several general johnut kelly's remarks at the white house press briefing. this is 20 minutes.