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tv   Washington Journal 11202017  CSPAN  November 20, 2017 6:59am-10:04am EST

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adam alter talks about his book "irresistible: the rise of addictive technology and the business of keeping us hooked." is -- on if you get you are creating something, you know what the dangers are. you want to make sure others who you love and hold the air will not be affected by them. communicators" tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern on c-span 2. >> this morning, adam green, cochair of the progressive change campaign outlines his agenda for this 2018 campaign. then, daniel griswold from the mercatus center compares u.s. immigration policy to employment-based immigration policies in australia and canada. later, charles jeszeck from the government accountability office
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discusses a new report on americans saving for retirement. as always, we will take your calls, and you can join the conversation on facebook and twitter as well. "washington journal" is next. ♪ host: it is the "washington journal" for november 20. retiring arizona senator jeff flake was caught on camera saying the republican party was "toast" if it became the party of donald trump and roy moore. the president reacted to senator flake on twitter. we are interested in the reaction from you. we will show you more of what senator flake said he we want to get your thoughts on his sentiments and if you agree or disagree. (202) 748-8000 for democrats. (202) 748-8001 for republicans. independents, (202) 748-8002.
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you can post on twitter @cspanwj . on our40 comments facebook page already. if you want to make your comments known there, is where you turn. abc news picked up the story of senator flake, caught on camera on a hot mic, by a local news affiliate station. the abc news story goes that the senator wasn't speaking at a tax reform event friday night when he was caught bashing the president in a conversation with his friend, the mesa mayor. about roy moore, running for the vacant senate seat in alabama. also talked about the president as well. what happens to the gop if it becomes the party of these gentlemen. here is a bit of that news report of jeff flake talking about the gop. [video clip] >> just seconds after senator jeff flake had finished a town hall on tax reform, he is still on an open mic, chatting it up
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with republican ally jon giles, mesa mayor. >> become the party of donald trump and roy moore, we are toast. >> you are the guy -- how -- >> just then, another man points to the senator's lapel mic. the realization washes over jeff flake's face. host: that was local news reporting about jeff flake and the statement he made about the republican party, saying it was "toast host: if it followed roy moore and donald trump. we want to get your thoughts on it. (202) 748-8000 for democrats. (202) 748-8001 for republicans. independents, (202) 748-8002. if you want to make thoughts on twitter known, do so on our twitter feed, @cspanwj.
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the "american thinker" on its website, a conservative site, talked about senator flake's statement. disaster,ty of trump, woe is me -- what on earth does he mean about the party of trump? it is one of the nonsensical statements from the never trump crowd in a bid to redo history, because what is he really doing -- saying? that the gop should get rid of its president and let democrats rule instead? votes of trump voters are illegitimate, as it would clinton seems to now be saying? i am not sure what he is really saying when he's says "party of trump"? the party is the party, with all of its interlocking parts. comments,t to offer democrats, republicans, and independents, make your thoughts
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known. we will start with willie in an apple's, maryland. go ahead -- and apple us -- an napolis, maryland. caller: i agree. when you have a party with two people who have allegedly messed with little girls, that is a problem. a moral problem. i do not think how the republicans could condone actions by putting those people up. saying yes,omment jeff flake, the gop rhinos are doomed. twitter is available there. comments, giving saying that senator jeff -- and he describes him as "jeff flaky" -- was caught. then, the president adding mike, saying that things about your favorite president. he will be a no on tax cuts,
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because his political career anyway is toast. again, jennifer -- again, senator flake giving his the gop, saying it is toast if it follows donald trump and roy moore. from mississippi, good morning. caller: good morning. senator flake told the truth. facts --lternative they make up their own truth and their own fax. host: on twitter, and dyson says senator flake wants to only offer two options. also including senators mccain, collins, and murkowski. saying i support any conservative who supports -- who works to preserve my freedom, keep government small, and operate within the framework of the constitution and, you know, is saying -- sane. here is mullins from west palm
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beach, florida. caller: i was not a trump support from the beginning, but now that i see this guy doing so much for this country. -- i thinkf toast jeff should be toast, not drop. host: you are saying what jeff flake is saying is correct? caller: not correct. he is toast. host: you are saying jeff flake is toast. why do you think that? caller: mr. trump is working so hard for this country. and these guys in the senate and the house of representatives -- host: do you saying there is a contest in the republican party of those like jeff flake and how he thinks and those who support trump, like you? caller: i do not understand. sorry. host: let's go to john in texas, republican line. caller: i just wanted to say
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that the people like jeff flake are really the problem in this country. it is the flakes, collins, mccains. i speak with some historical knowledge. i worked for reagan back in washington. i can tell you that the problem with the flakes and the collins, and the mccains and the rest of these light democrat types is they refused to defend traditional america, they thated to defend the idea america is based on individual rights. we are not global citizens. not open borders, one centralized government. what is happening now is the swap, as of wrong calls it -- really, it is the enormous amount of money going in that is pushing the ideas of one world governance. centralized control of everything. it is the flakes that are the
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problem. and it is the media, i would say, that is behind a lot of this concept and offense of a government that no longer is accountable to the people. and that people are going to be supreme. the most incredible, and that has been had in the last six months is that mitch mcconnell would, if roy moore wins, who, by the way, has done nothing that is proven. all of the accusations against him have been essentially debunked because of -- produce the yearbook. the most incredible thing that has been done is that mitch mcconnell has actually said that of thed deny the will alabama people to choose their representative. that is the judge injury. host: that is john in texas. calling on our republican line, offering common on senator flake's statement.
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you can as well. evan inn kentucky, -- kentucky, independent line. caller: americans need to quit paying tribute to both the democratic and republican parties and start voting for individuals based on their own merits. i think the republican party do have a moral problem. so does the democratic party. host: so you agree with senator flake, then? caller: well, i actually did not catch senator flake's comments in their entirety. but from what you heard, what you think of what he said? caller: well, i voted for donald trump. i agree with some of the things he says. but obviously, there is a lot of things he says that are very troubling.
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coverage we are getting now, it is really hard to say what, exactly, he is doing. host: so when senator flake says when the party aligns with trump and roy moore, it is toast -- do you agree, directly or indirectly? well, i think with the accusations that have been made against both of those gentlemen, moralhere will be a revolt against the republican party if they do endorse roy moore. host: (202) 748-8000 for democrats. (202) 748-8001 for republicans. independents, you can call (202) 748-8002. also comment on twitter. jim rose on twitter saying i agree the republican party is toast because of donald trump. he is happy that it. he will be toast anyway in november of 2018.
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let's go to alabama, where patrick is. caller: thanks for taking my call. i do not agree with jeff flake. i think he is elitist and smug. one thing donald trump has done is bring these types of people out of the woodwork. the economy is good now. it is getting better. there is no reason we cannot get even better than that. the only thing holding us back are the people taking all of the big-money and lobbyist money to do their bidding. i think with trump and his twitter, he can keep it up. i think roy moore will get elected, because we do not want mitch mcconnell telling us who to elect either. host: i was going to ask you about what you think about senator flake bringing up roy moore specifically in this conversation. caller: he is looking for anything. has an elitist, smug, looked down his nose type attitude.
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he is where he stands. i think he is a very confused individual. i know for sure he does not care about a capitalist economy or the economy doing better. none of that makes a difference to him. it is all about what is in his mind, which i cannot get out -- figure out. be -- dot: being an alabama, what you think about roy moore and the allegations against him? caller: i think their biggest mistake on the democratic side and the elite republican side, which i think are both against roy moore, is they brought this out right before the election. i am sure there is some truth to some of the lies. but it is too soon before the election for anybody to sort it out. i believe he is going to get elected, especially if mitch mcconnell keeps putting his two cents in. host: so even without
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information coming out as soon as it did, you plan to vote for him still? caller: yeah. host: how do others react when you announce that? caller: everybody around me is saying we will just quote -- most folks are saying maybe it is true, maybe it is not, but it is to his business -- too suspicious it is this close to the election. he had big issues of the past, with his own supreme court, and all this came out at that time. it is just too suspicious. there is probably some truth to it, but too close to the election. keeps mitch mcconnell putting his two cents worth in, because he will do more to elect roy moore than anybody else. host: again, senator flake, on camera saying that, in his words, they gop was "toast" if the party follows donald trump and roy moore. on our independent line from
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florida, this is frederick. hello. caller: hello. i would like to know why we do not all just make the tea party the independent party. so we will have a choice between three parties. because it is gaining the most momentum. i just do not know why the tea party people cannot just make it the independent party and let us vote on it. thinking about senator flake statements? caller: they are terrible. i am all for trump, but i think the tea party could take us into the future the way we want to be taken into the future. may be gained of democrats. a revolution. host: what do you think about the current state of the republican party, especially when it comes to the public -- the campaign of roy moore for senate? roy mooredo not want for senator or any other rhinos or any of these soft
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republicans. twittervin denver on says interesting how -- i am assuming he is referring to senator flake -- interesting how honest republican politicians become once they have nothing to lose. on twitter, @cspanwj. and facebook and the phone for you. arletta, line for democrats. caller: hello. i have a problem with the people in the united states and even time torump, wasting --n this mr. flake host: you're going to have to turn down your tv -- caller: career. problemse guy, we had
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with him years ago with the 10th commandment scenario and using taxpayers' money to place a monument in front of a government building. i don't think he needs to represent the people of alabama, nor the people of the united states. i think that we need to think about the people in puerto rico, the people that need help -- host: so back to jeff flake, why do you think donald trump ruin his career? .aller: because of what he said if anybody says anything negative about trump and they are in office, trump will divide them. he knows that. and his career is over. arletta, who is from alabama.
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the phone lines are available to you, also with twitter and facebook. callers, if you could turn down your television -- it takes the conversation go much more smoothly when you do that. so thank you for that in advance. this is from "the atlantic." severalce was written days ago, but it does deal with roy moore. roy moore is as republicans with the familiar dilemma, saying trump and moore are both outsiders, widely disliked by party leadership before their runs. despite the backing of trump and mitch mcconnell, moore defeated luther strange, the interim senator. moore had earned the disdain of republicans for his outlandish statements and broadsides against mcconnell. he has twice been removed as chief justice of the alabama supreme court after defying federal courts. there is one difference. trump reveled in his playboy
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reputation before the sexual assault tape, while moore painted himself as a religious warrior and a defender of traditional sexual morality. we go next to rich, jacksonville, florida, our line for democrats. caller: i wanted to make a statement. one of the rings that scares me about donald trump is i inc. he reminds me a lot of adolf hitler in -- i think he reminded me a lot of adolf hitler. presidential -- he does not appear to me at all. he talks negative about everybody. it reminds me of adolf hitler. , to senator flake statement, give us your thoughts on that. caller: senator flake -- like i said, adolf hitler. if you does not agree with him, all of a sudden, he has to insult the man.
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it is not about what the man says her why he says it, it is about attack his character. that is what adolf hitler did. host: off twitter, senator flake will run third in 2020, split the republican vote, and it will be the democrats to lose. you can make those type of productions as well on twitter and on our facebook. bob, trenton, new jersey, independent line. caller: good morning. people with these hidden or comments, my goodness -- with these hitler comments, my goodness. flake is the flake. his poll numbers are so bad, that is why he is not running. another thing about moore -- -- fromemember washington? he got taped with prostitutes. now, they are thinking of putting a statue in his name. is it aboutt
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senator flake's comments that are wrong or in the current -- or incorrect or does not deserve merit? caller: about flake? host: about what he said. what about his statement do you think is correct or incorrect? caller: trump was the one elected president. the people want this. they want a man with a backbone, who has a pair. flake -- and these rhinos, they get along to go along. nothing gets done. this country is stagnant. flake tyingnator this to roy moore, what do you think about that? caller: pathetic. just go back in history, look at marion barry. they do not care about this. how do you know if it is true or not? how do you know if a woman saying this -- there is no way to compare. it is his word against hers. do women always win?
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women always win, why is that? host: bob, trenton, new jersey. on the ground in alabama, a report saying opportunity has knocked on the door of the democratic operation with the lights out. there is little existing if a shelter for routine campaign activity like phone banks or canvassing. democrats are keeping pains to keep the race at arms length, thinking their presence could help, rather -- could hurt, rather than help, mr. jones. there are no beloved statewide officeholders or popular figures to rally the troops. saying others here, like state representative anthony daniels, blame democrats for treating alabama like "flyover" country. "doug jones should be up by 20
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points. until the democratic party nationally start looking at the south and focusing on rebuilding the south, they are going to see a bloodbath in place is a may feel are competitive, like right now." keith. caller: i agree with flake. he is correct. the republican party is becoming a party that only rich, white males feel home in. they are considering to lop off a good section of the electorate. their reputation is becoming that of racist, xina folks, sexist. their political policy is deeply sexist and misogynistic. the denial of a woman's right to own her reproductive health is mr. john -- misogynistic. that is something lost in this
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issue about al franken and moore. pedophile. me that surprising to the republicans, when they start talking about women, they let loose with all kinds of sexist comments, saying that, for instance, talking about " and all thispe kind of thing. that is not surprising. host: here is twitter, saying will like trump and moore assure the republican party and the united states at the same time. -- from sparta, tennessee, republican line. george is up. caller: hi. i believe these people calling in our complete morons.
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mi the only one who remembers, back in the day, that bernie sanders says he fantasizes about raping women? also, hillary clinton destroyed by bills of women raped clinton. that is their heroes. disgustin. host: so you do not think -- he hung up. arkansas, democrats line. tim, hello. caller: how are you doing? host: i am well. caller: i voted for trump. he could stand in the middle of an intersection and she's somebody, and people will still vote for him. i will vote for him again. asking people about senator flake's comments. do you agree or disagree? caller: the democrats are doing nothing but of shops and -- obst ruction right now. we need change, and we are not
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getting it because of democrats. host: so senator flake is not right when it comes to the gop being toast? caller: i do not. host: why is that? caller: i think the majority of america is fed up with the way things have been going the last 40 years. i for sure am. put: robert on twitter -- i lake in the same category as senator mccain. it is the me, myself, and i club. of you on twitter and facebook and on the phones. the president sending out a elephants,e topic of on sunday, calling elephant hunting a "horror show," strongly to just think he will trading of block
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-- hy carcasses the president moved on friday to but imports on hold sunday. he said on twitter he would announce a final decision this week. that she's adjusted he does not buy the argument advanced by those in his interior department that the imports support endangered african elephants. he went on to say the big game trophy decision will be announced next week. and that this horror show, in any way, helps conservation of elephants or any of animal. john is next, bowling green, kentucky, republican line. thanks for calling. caller: i just started voting again. i voted for trump. if these so-called politicians in new york around the world
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would stop cutting him down and letting this man tried to help the country -- try to help the country. that think they know better than they know themselves -- i do not think any of them know what they are doing. host: what do you think about what janet -- about what senator flake said? caller: i think he is a joke. host: why? he is, because he thinks i guess, like hillary clinton. everything has to be his way. from junction city, kansas, independent line. kate, good morning. caller: thank you. good morning. i commenting on senator flake -- i am commenting on senator
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flake. he and mccain and mcconnell are part of the problem with washington, d.c. have forgotten that they are citizen representatives, and they have formed an elite circle up there. like my senator. back and he speaks, and a few ask him a serious question, he will say, well, maybe we need to do a better job of educating people. now, this is crazy. i am asking a question concerning the lives of people in this country. the decisions they make do not just affect me in kansas or somebody in kentucky or somebody in arizona. they affect every citizen in this country.
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and they have totally forgotten it. all they have done so far, that i can tell -- and i have been watching them on c-span for a long time -- is they are more interested in what they can do for each other than what they can do for the people of this nation. and i am not talking republican. i am talking about all people. all parties are guilty of the same situation. host: ok. that is kate in kansas. off of twitter, this is jack lynn, adding the sentence, "i am enjoying the gop infighting." (202) 748-8000 for democrats. (202) 748-8001 for republicans. independents, (202) 748-8002. for our next half hour, we will
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continue on with thoughts from senator flake, saying on an open mic aired in arizona, saying the republican party was toast if it follows donald trump and roy moore. we have heard people talk and, about this in the first half hour. you can do this until 8:00. a couple of other things to show you. this other tweet from the president -- the los angeles times has up the story. it is about the ucla basketball were arrested in china for shoplifting charges. this is from love our ball -- lavar ball. at the time, he was asked about it in an interview on cnn. themhe president getting released. he said, who? what was he over there for? don't tell me nothing.
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everybody wants to make it seem like he helped me out. the president saying now that the three basketball players are out of china, saved from jail, lavar ball, the father of liangelo, is an accepting of what it for his son and that shoplifting is no big deal. i should have left them in jail. bob is next, republican in kentucky. caller: thank you, bob. bob on bob. [laughter] sorry. it is early in the morning. as far as flake, i consider him part of the swamp. he will do anything to try to bring trump down. trump is the only class we have here. they all have money, but they all work. to me -- host: you're saying there is no merit to what jeff flake says,
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then? caller: flake has no merit at all. i have nothing for that guy, but i do for trump. i do not know if you have seen his granddaughter -- host: go ahead. caller: i do not know if you have seen his granddaughter on tv. i watch on fox and friends. she was singing to the chinese premier in mandarin. she is only six years old. i have never seen class like the trumps. i think he is a patriot. host: let's hear from susan, florida, democrats line. caller: hi. it's odd. about a week ago, i was thinking about ruling the country by mayhem and madness and helter-skelter. who justt's his name
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died. charles manson. just wake up this morning and i doubt he has died. that is the way i think of mr. trump. what he is doing. he is willing us by madness and mayhem. he has converted all of these normal people into zealots. up arounda cult going him. he cannot do anything wrong. he cannot say anything too crazy or advantage. he cannot insult enough people. he can't do anything. and now he wants to raise our taxes. it is not a tax cut in it is a gift to his friends and his family and himself. all of these people are, like, hypnotized. host: so you're saying you agree with jeff flake about party? focus your thoughts on what jeff flake said. caller: the party is on the way
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exactly whatoast, jeff flake said. host: that is susan in florida. she mentioned charles manson, of died yesterday at the age 83. the "los angeles times" saying that charles manson was evolution -- unlikely figure to evolve into the personification of evil. his followers bore little resemblance to the start typical image of hardin killers. in the summer of 1969, manson masterminded a string of bizarre murders in los angeles that horrified and fascinated the nation. again, charles mansion dead yesterday at the age of 83.
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waterbury, connecticut, republican line. this is angela. caller: i just wanted to say i think flake is a lake. the one thing i envy about the democratic party, unfortunately, would have to be the way they stick together when they are in trouble. look at this roy moore thing versus the democrat in trouble, al franken. they are all like, he should not quit. and he has evidence against him. he admits it. the other guy just has accusations -- host: so you're saying the republican party should stick together at this time? caller: not exactly at this time, but this is their problem, sometimes, overall. the democrats seem to always hide together, willing to and do anything for each other, where the republicans will kind from each
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-- waver from each other. host: what bothers you about jeff flake's comments? caller: he is on his way out anywhere. he wons her trump because her -- trump hert him. host: ray from north carolina. caller: the last caller has eight if you read the book "extortion," it would explain to you what flake is about. he is toast, because in his own estate, he only has 14% approval rating because he attacked trump. so he will take all of the money he raised for his campaign reelection, he will not spend it because he will lose. he will bail out and do whatever he can to hurt the republican party. he knows he will only been in there for a little over a year,
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and he knows he will not for anything -- he and mitch mcconnell, they will change the way they do this forer they extort money campaign contributions, then write off in to the sunset. host: what about senator flake's statements about donald trump and roy moore and the republican party -- what is wrong with that? to roy there is no truth moore, except for these women. of these people on a polygraph. if they do not take it, do not take their statements. they do it in this cia. this kind of statement does not mean a thing. it is his opinion, his opinion alone. period. host: the white house'sm mark schorr. abc news had him on as a guest.
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asked by george stephanopoulos trump reported roy moore. here's a bit of that conversation. [video clip] >> i think the president has spoken on this. the white house has spoken on this. at this point, he has been a public figure in alabama for decades. the people in alabama will make the decision, not the president, not the leader of the senate, not congress. host: and -- >> and the president will work with him if he is elected? >> the president works with all members of congress. that is his role. >> and he is comfortable with roy moore being in the united states senate? >> the president has concerns, if these allegations prove true, that anybody of that nature serving in the united states senate. you have heard his concerns about allegations that, from teenage girls. we have said on other networks and other stations the reality
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that we think those are the most offensive, and there is a special place in hell for people who are child molesters. having said that, we also believe these allegations are arising 38 years after the date. date him a we are accountable he has done that. philadelphia, is.ocrat line, this is av caller: i feel as though our nation has been raped. literally raped. rapists are in power. literallyy has been raped and taken out of our hands. from washington, d.c., republican line. caller: i wanted to piggyback off the comment from kate at
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7:30. neither party cares about their constituents. that is my opinion. host: so jeff flake. what do you think about what he said, since that is what we are asking? isler: jeff flake's, basically reversed psychology. he is trying to buy votes. host: he is not running for election -- reelection. he is leaving congress. caller: but he is trying to buy favor, pretty much just to add on to this firestorm going on with the other gentleman's situation. no party is for the actual constituents. that is the problem. the common man needs to step up and run. host: from sandy beach on twitter, i am giddy over the success of removing flake and bob corker, lisa murkowski, mitch mcconnell, rob portman, pat toomey, and john cornyn.
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the keystone pipeline coming back in the news after the reported spill last week. this sets up a decision that is thected on the future of keystone pipeline, saying that transcanada oil pipeline rupturing in a remote corner of south dakota in jack's an unexpected amount of suspense over thedecision keystone xl pipeline monday. the independent five-member public service commission has been under pressure from the nebraska state legislature and labor unions to approve the pipeline while environmental groups and prairie populist have vowed to appeal. the commissioners' decision remains the -- one of the last hurdles for the keystone xl pipeline, which has become central to the battle over climate change and was a campaign promise for trump. --
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emotionala deep and tie to the land and a responsibility they must protect it. but the public service commission has also come under pressure from the state legislature. georgia, on our independent line. good morning. caller: how are you? you give out so much information. like that article about the keystone pipeline. people said and predicted that this type of incident would happen. that is awesome that you brought that information. for the past few days, people have been calling, saying you guys leading republican or democrat. the truth is you guys are trying your best to shoot it down the middle. how much do i love c-span?
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i love it. your mind,not read but i will take your word for it. what you think about jeff flake? caller: i have to agree with jeff flake. the republicans will be toast the next upcoming election. probably 2022 or 2024. i say that because the people who believe in donald trump and trust donald trump full heartedly, they have not felt the pain that will calm. now for roy moore. i do not know his history. a callerllegations -- called in a few days ago and said they are similar to bill cosby. court,ll cosby went to and public opinion was taken off the table and the fox were brought to the table, the truth is they could not get a conviction. as for mr. trump and the people who vote like mr. trump, for those people -- trump is not a racist. all right?
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trump has been a new york heeral for 40 years before got into this political campaign in which he became the president. job for former treasury secretary -- jacob lew. that is reported in the "wall street journal," saying that he is joining a midmarket private equity firm, adding his name to a long list of public officials entering the private sector. he will become a partner at lindsay goldberg, according to firm executives. the company has about $50 billion in capital and specializes in investing and family and found a run this is. the move marks a return to finances for mr. lew, who worked for two years at citigroup. his purposes are at the treasury ,epartment, timothy geithner
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became the private equity firm president after he left the government. from new jersey, democrat line, next up, sue. caller: good morning. can you hear me? guest: -- host: i can. caller: i was thinking about mr. trump's reaction to the father of those three boys, or one of the boys. i do not know if i can make a remark about that? host: you can, but what do you think about jeff flake's statements first? caller: i think he is one of the intellectuals, one of the few intellectuals, and in that party. i think he is very honest. and he is very proper. host: so you think what he says
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about the future of the republican party is right. why is that? caller: because he has been watching this crazy messed from day one, coming down the escalator and talking crazy. and he has not stopped. host: and your statement about the ucla players? caller: i think that trump takes everything to his advantage. and he likes to let the world know that he is better than everyone. and he is never going to stop and show some kind of humility. and be honest with himself. say i do not know a lot of things, but i can try my best to do something for the people. but do you think you can ever do that? he is too busy fighting with anyone and everyone, putting down anyone who was making a remark against him.
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sue in new jersey, giving thoughts on jeff flake, even though he commented on the ucla players. this is james off of twitter. jeff flake should have said the republican party is toast, period. one of the people on the sunday shows talking about the larger issues of sexual harassment, particularly when it comes to the world of politics with senator bernie sanders. he was on cnn, taking questions on it, looking at how franken and others. [video clip] >> i had a question about this new environment we are in. a lot of people are re-examining past allegations against people like clarence thomas or bill clinton. kierstin gillibrand said bill clinton should have resigned after it came out he had an inappropriate sexual relationship with a white house intern. you agree with senator
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gillibrand? >> i do not agree that, at this moment, our goal is to look back 20 or 30 years. our goal is to go forward. our goal is to understand we have a real crisis within the political world come within the or print world, within the media world, where women are being harassed every single day. our job is to change that culture. harassment on the job. right now, we are seeing this situation in washington and states all over the country. a major effort to take away a woman's right to control her own body. major struggles to take away women's reproductive rights. on there making $.80 dollar compared to men. treated asto be equal citizens, have to be comfortable at work, and have to be first-class citizens in this country, which is now not the case. >> think al franken should resign? >> i think that is a decision
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for al franken and people of the state of minnesota. is aderstanding is that al very popular senator. people in minnesota he is doing a good job. his political future will rest of the people of minnesota. host: next up, mary lou in new jersey. independent line. caller: good morning. thank you for c-span. great as always. i want to make a comment about jeff flake and then about roy moore. i think something people are forgetting, regarding jeff flake -- jeff flake has been very angry at donald trump for quite some time, because donald trump has been working toward solving the problem of illegal immigration. if you recall, jeff flake was one of the gang of eight trying to come up with a comprehensive immigration reform plan, along with john mccain, marco, and lindsey graham. regarding roy moore, i agree
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with many of your callers. this man has not been proven to be guilty. in my lifetime, the biggest political rapist i have known has been bill clinton. and no one ever talks about bill lynton and what happened with him. roy moore should be given a chance. then, i have russian for everyone out there listening. whatis man is innocent, happens, then, to these women have accused him and assured a career -- destroyed a career? host: if you go to --clearpolitics' wesbite, website, they have combined thes to take a look at average, recent polling showing about doug jones and roy moore, with the fox 10 strategy research for has more -- moore up six.
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taking all of that together, doug jones now with 0.2 advantage poll wise. those are daily tracking features that, if you go to the real layer politics website, you can see. you can see how those polls have progressed he is from georgia, democrat line. caller: yes. i would like to make a comment about the tax deal -- host: before you do, let's start with jeff flake and his recent statements, particularly with the gop being toast if a follow roy moore and donald trump. caller: all of them will be toast. roy. roy -- trump, host: why do you think they will be toast? think about what they do
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with the environment and the world. host: ok. what is your comment about the tax bill? caller: i say the minutemen needs to rise, if they pass the tax bill. host: ok. again, keep comments, by and large, to what we are addressing today as far as senator flake's comments. independent line, david, new jersey. caller: good morning. two things. when it comes to moore, it all comes down to a simple thing. they said to one of the accusers, who has a signature in s peoplebook -- moore' are saying send that to an independent verifier to see if , etc. real ink how calm the accuser does not do that? if it is true, put it on the
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line. light of roy moore, jeff flake saying the gop is toast if they align themselves with roy moore and donald trump. caller: i think he is wrong. these people are sticking their neck out, saying to one of the sign yourhat moore yearbook, fine, let's go to an independent verifier, show them the actual book you showed to the press conference, let's see the date of the ink, let's see if it is sure. host: so you do not think the future of the republican parties in question, then? ore's denying it. if it is true, that is the end of moore's campaign -- host: and it does not have long-term impact on the republican party? oore's telling the truth. if that signature is not true,
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if that is not the signature of moorefrom 40 years ago, is telling the truth. host: the "new york post post quote offering another story of a resignation because of sexual harassment. resignedocratic aide thursday after he was accused of sexually harassing women in the office. the representative said she would accept the resignation of her chief of staff, accused of making inappropriate comments and having physical contact with women. should evermployee be made to feel intimidated, harassed, or otherwise discriminated against their state of work. every employee should feel free to express their concerns with the expectation that their concerns will be quickly and readily addressed and resolved
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to i have accepted duron marshall's decision to resign from his position. in michigan, your next. caller: really, what i would like to say is i have been watching this crab -- crap for a year. all we hear from democrats is "obstruction, obstruction." some republicans, flake included -- host: what do you think of flake's comments? caller: it is bogus. host: why so? caller: there are a lot of people who support donald trump. these do not really -- this people do not really medically they only matter because we both cannot get anything done because of them. there is no merit or truth about the future of the republican party and if it
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connects with donald trump and roy moore? lumping donald trump with roy moore, which he did not even really support him. he supported the other man, strange or -- nominated, really, what is he supposed to do? up to the with it is people of alabama to decide if they want to accept that or not. as far as i am concerned, with do not know if i believe it or do not believe it. i am not sure what to think about it i know once somebody's accused of something like that, ofseems like the zillions people, out of the woodwork with similar stories about him. was 40 years that ago. as far as i know, i have not heard anybody, recently, within
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the 40 years, really. host: that is christine in michigan, calling on this idea of senator flake's statement, caught on a hot mike in arizona over the weekend. we will take a few more calls before the end of this segment. you have probably seen this picture of the current treasury secretary holding this page of bills, his wife alongside him. that picture went viral, as people say. steve mnuchin said he did not realize the photo of him and his wife holding a sheet of newly printed dollar bills, would go public, much less viral, even though it was taken during a media photo op. it was taken on wednesday. managing ands with his -- i did not realize the pictures were going on the internet and
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viral. people have the right to do that. people can express what they want. there is the picture of the reaction from steve mnuchin. amy is next. she is in north carolina, democrat line. caller: good morning. i agree with jeff flake. the reason is because, if you line yourself with roy moore or donald trump, the republican party will divide and fall. you have two parties in the republican party. one party is all about trump. the other is a party of republicans. i believe it will fall. i do agree with jeff flake. host: steve from south carolina, independent line. caller: good morning. justee with the lady spoke. i think everybody is in a little bit of trouble in the republican party if they align themselves with trump.
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.oore, i cannot say yet host: so when senator flake goes as far as saying toast, do you agree with that? toast, no. far as but the leader of the free world admitted to doing it fine. so we can say that is true. we know that is true. that he has no problem with it. got elected, it is not a problem for him. he will not say it, but it is not a problem for him. to me is, when we had bush 16 years ago, you know, everybody loved him. well, the republicans absolutely loved him. host: george h.w. bush? caller: correct. they thought he was the answer to all of the questions. it seems like when we came into office, we had a little surplus. two he left office, we had
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wars and a huge deficit. and they have gone through the roof with the next president, which i thought we would get relief, but we did not. host: the the topic of drilling, the proponents of oil and gas drilling, the area rich of natural resources, congress may be on the verge of handing permission to deliver on an old republican mantra, drill baby drill. it will allow oil and glass -- gas exploration in the coastal plain added to the tax cut package expected to be put before a vote before the end of the year. drilling has been a priority in the gop now controls the senate, the house, and the presidency,
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drilling advocates are the first thing have been in decades to achieving their goal. dorothy from arkansas, independent line. caller: i think they are toast because if trump doesn't go down with obstruction of justice in the balkan party he is quite a take them down anyway. isin the republican party he taking them down anyway. dorothy with the last call on this topic. the first of several guests onning us, adam green, democrats, saying what they are looking at at the 2018 election. that conversation coming up next. griswold on his report looking how immigrants been afraid the u.s. economy. onse and more coming up
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washington journal after this. >> we recently stopped in austin, texas asking folks what is the most important issue in their state? >> in texas the most important thing, i was hoping texas would get rid of burdensome occupational regulation. >> tax reform. we have an outdated tax system. we need to get that changed. once one of the most important issues, possibly the most inortant issue facing texans
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washington is transparency in government. i don't think there can be and i don'tat, think our leaders could do enough to be more transparent in terms of their own activities and behavior but the records that are used in government. they need to see the light of day. the citizens of texas deserve to know what is going on in washington. >> educational choice. every parent has a right to direct their kids education. hopefully we get a bill passed in the next section -- session. >> c-span, where history unfolds daily. 1979, c-span was created as a public service by america's cable television companies.
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brought to you by your cable or satellite provider. >> washington journal continues. host: adam green is joining us, the cofounder of the progressive change committee. remind viewers of your committee. changethe progressive wempaign committee, claim the elizabeth worn wing -- warren wing. we work with them to move new ideas into the mainstream like expanding social security, medicare for all. host: did you have initial thoughts from the recent elections in virginia and new jersey? does that give you a sense of 2018? guest: it seems like the democrats have the wind at their
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the 2018ng into elections. we have been focusing on the candidates themselves. progressive change campaign the -- committee members donated small donations for virginia and new jersey candidates. authenticlled to see people who were not political hacks, who were good people inspire people to come out., she had a huge she had a health care issue at her family. she ran on the issue of medicaid expansion. she defeated a longtime republican incumbent. in 2018.ore of that host: on a newspaper out of britain, it takes a look at 2018. talking about a potential of a wave of victories. do you see that? guest: we see the potential.
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potential is the key word. progressives won't just ride the wave but help increase and cause the wave to begin with. ofocrats have a track record taking defeat from the jaws of victory. we have good and inspiring people whose personal story is part of their message running on kitchen table issues, that they will win i. working without republicans, we hope you would have inspiring candidates. host: does that depend on organizations like yours? how do they factor into making that happen? voters.pends on the ,rganizations like ours move on
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color of change will work hard to get inspiring people the nomination. record and0% track those people went to flip red seeds blew. -- red seatsy blue. then there are people who want to be corporate democrats or act like republicans. we hope that our party chooses genuinely inspiring people. ask him you want to questions about 2018, the role -- if you want to send us tweets, make your thoughts known that way, you can
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do that at c-span wj. article in the wall street journal, this is a photo of the house minority whip of a saying that he spent time friday on those trips to the district the party must carry. this is part of a state signal saying we have a lot in common about voters in maryland but they may see it in a different perspective. they may not think you were talking about what they are thinking about but you really are. guest: i think it is great if leaders go across the country and listen to voters. they will find one thing, voters want inspiring candidates who are willing to challenge power. our definition of a big tent is not that everybody is saying the same thing but rather we have lots of people from many facets
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of life echoing core democratic values. in some places with high populations, maybe people want to challenge big drug companies. solar jobss with available to challenge big oil companies. maybe nevada, you want people who will child -- challenge wall street. we hope that is what he is hearing. that would result in the ability to put a finger on the scale in some places. he would support the actual populist candidates who would do democrats proud. to retain seats, democratic leaders say candidates should talk about bread-and-butter economic issues and less about social issues. guest: i would not put it like
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that, but kitchen table issues include some of those issues. what do people think about around the dinner table at night? issues. is economic but will my kid be able to be saved? will my daughter be able to be saved? will she have a tie me over her own body? it depends on which amenities you are engaging. it is inherently important for democrats to be on the record on all of these issues. there should be no democratic who should not say they support the black lives matter movement and decreasing police brutality. what they make central in their campaign can be up to local areas. democrats should be on the record. host: is that a litmus test? in not all cases but in some cases. if you are not willing to
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support an issue like women's of tommy over her own body you are not a democrat. i would say being willing to fight structural racism and being willing to changing power, tot should be core democratic issues. it would be smart for every to regret to support some version of medicare for all because what better brand is there in politics and medicare? even tea party protesters were saying get your hands off of my medicare. their core point was they love their medicare and democrat should be supporting that. host: let's go to calls. from the democrats line, we will hear from tim. go ahead. tim? hello?
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guest: the silent majority. host: we will try one more time. i do not think he is there. 2018, whereoking at do you see pockets of the united states that might latch onto the message you are trying to have? guest: we see potential in many places. thehink about it as finding right messengers to deliver these messages in their area. we endorse our first house candidates. mimi walters, her district was won by hillary clinton. a very active primary. we were proud to endorse katie porter. rren'ss elizabeth wa
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student and appointed by kamala harris to be the top consumer watchdog for the state of california which she is now. she is running on issues that stand republican, democratic support. republican voters don't want their homes taken away by big banks. katie porter is the type of person that you win republican support the right way, not by pretending to be a republican. going to be some races that are increasingly competitive. we were proud to endorse and d cam -- andy kim. he is a former obama administration diplomat raising good money for one of the most viable candidates in that district for a long time. and randy rice running against paul ryan.
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we were proud to be supporting che.iron stash -- sta who is part of the message. now saying this guy, paul ryan wants take a will your health care. i will fight for workers. >> first call. republican line. go ahead. >> good morning. i would like to say this about progressive politics. when he progressives in, which we did, we put a progressive mayor, you get more government intrusion, higher taxes, you get more regulations, you get more of everything the clinton's support. will go backwards. you won't progress. you will digress. i don't think progressives have a good agenda for the american
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economy or the american way of life because they are not the ones -- i see that you have more abortions also. government supplied abortions. takingntee you will be more god out of schools and public places. host: ok. we will let him respond. guest: where was barred from again? which town has a progressive mayor that you are from? we're not going to agree on this. 10,her it is you or progressives, a core value is they want to fight for a little guy. masquerade as progressives that are actually in the pocket of big corporations. there is a divide in the democratic party now trying to push the democratic party to be values line with its own on these corporate issues so taxes are not going up.
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big corporations are paying their fair share. it amazes me how many tax giveaways are given to corporations in localities in the nominal, in the suppose it attempt to create jobs. meanwhile pay zero taxes while you pay more. we have privatization of our roads and parking meters. rahm emanuel sold off the rights to parking meters in chicago. they jack up the price of parking and ticketing. we can't have that. when he somebody was going to fight for the little guy. biggesti think the problem we have in america today is term limits. on here we have just had an election one year ago and you are already talking about elections again.
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i can't understand this at all. why are you talking elections when we have just elected our president one year ago? this is totally ridiculous. we need term limits here. get the old guys out of their and get new flesh in there. let's not be talking about reelecting people when we have only had elections one year ago. it is ridiculous. guest: we are talking about elections was because there was an important election in new jersey and virginia. that was indicative of a trend. good people opting to run for office in numbers we have never seen before and voters coming out to say we want change. if part of your point is we need to get the old guard out, we also have an election less than one year away in 2018. every member of congress and a third of the senate will be on the ballot including your home
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state of tennessee where bob corker just retired. we hope to pick up that seat but in general have a wave of not just in the kratz but great progressive fighters advocating for people like you. out awill you beep thing candidate for dianne feinstein's race? guest: we are still looking at that one. it would not be -- [inaudible] she takes some good votes. she does not represent the future of california. host: why is that? guest: her saying is we need to give president trump more time president, being one of the top democrats in the senate on the gun safety issue, being asked what laws could have been in place that would've prevented these tragedies and not willing to name those laws
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was weird. it sent a signal that she is too inside the beltway right now. somebody who is actually out there willing to talk about an assault weapons ban, banning high-capacity clips, it should be wrote an easy and authentic and california is daunting because it is expensive to run a race there. it is hard to do a field program there compared to a smaller state but it is cool that we have people like cap and daily own -- kevin running against her. it would not be on her behalf if we did. host: from san antonio, texas. liker: mr. green, i feel using the term progressive hurts the democrats because i think a lot of people relate that to
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socialism. my comment that i really wanted to make are about medicare. if they would make medicare 55,lable for anybody over if they are still working, give if theiroption of company provides health care, let them keep that and let that be their choice, or they can buy for $200 a month or whatever would seem applicable. that would take the big burden off of the insurance companies and make the rates low were for other people. i am big on education. i feel like that doesn't get pushed enough. in texas we have a big problem with education.
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our kids graduate from high school and don't qualify once they get in college. they have to take refresher courses. i will leave it there. thank you. guest: i agree with both of your initial points. wedded to the label of progressive. if they what to call themselves a democrat or a populist who that is fine with us. the ideas are what matters. i constantly notice in various polls only 20, 30 5% will call themselves liberal or progressive. less than a majority will call themselves democrats. will supportty ideas that are progressive like expanding social security benefits. point well taken on the label. let me say this about medicare. every single
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successful delegate candidate in the idea ofk about expanding medicaid. it is a harbinger of things to come in 2018. there is an idea in the ether that medicare for all and single-payer are not synonymous. single-payer it is one version of expanding medicare to all people. everybody will have medicare. bernie sanders said that is the long-term vision in his mind. he calls it medicare for all. our organization has been working closely with senators on the hill to put another version of medicare for all on the table , and medicare option for all. any individual or employer who wants to can voluntarily get insurance through medicare as opposed to a for-profit insurer.
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plusis one of the 70% issues. let's have more issues in the marketplace. they should not be intimidated by the fact that medicare has low word costs or the popularity of medicare is higher than ever. that will be one version of medicare for all. our advice to democrats will be support some version of medicare for all because this is political gold back home that will impact the lives of people at home. host: this is adam green. good morning c-span. thank you. a couple questions. caller,one, the last i'm wondering about the evolution of the term progressive use in politics. why is it no longer cool to be called liberal? what i've seen the progressive
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movement is stifling if you don't agree with everything they say. my second question is why is george soros so involved with liberal causes? he's a big funder for many people including yourself i am guessing. what is his involvement? guest: a few interesting questions. the first question i get every time i'm on this show. is -- theesponse actual history of the word progressive. i'm a carbon copy of that. you were actually asking the word liberal which i can answer more. 80's was an attempt in the to do arise -- to demonize the world liberal. i think there was an attempt to switch language a little bit. i'm not sure it makes that big a deal for voters.
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most people don't care about the labels. they care about the issues and we are comfortable with that. to be continued on that front. george soros? a big funder? no. he is somebody who's family was impacted by the holocaust. he escaped these authoritarian cultures and has seen what a non-open society looks like. his self-described life mission is open society, allowing regular people to have a voice, not having authoritarian regimes. they tend to fun stuff that are in line with that. whether it is making sure there is not police brutality of people can walk around openly and not fear for their lives, or making sure we have people in office that will allow regular
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,eople to live their own lives i think that is where he is coming from. you can always email his people and see if they get back to you. host: for your organization have any impact on doug jones? through small dollar donations we have chipped in $40,000 to doug jones. my guess is others organically and through groups will be putting money into that race. doug jones has made he wants to -- made it clear he wants to run his own race. we respect that. that will be in interesting one to watch. are there pockets around the country -- doug jones is not somebody who is trying to act like a republican. he has his own local alabama brand of justice. hate crimes back
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in the day that were important. he stood up for justice and will bring a law and order message to people of alabama that likely will come to d.c. and not vote to give away the farm to rich people. he will not vote to lower the tax rates. he is a good example of somebody with a local version of national values. 4 your thoughts -- host: your thoughts about senator al franken? last week was very tough for a lot of people. they care a lot about movements the core now, and at it is about the abuse of power. what unites people is a willingness to challenge power.
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in this case against women and that list. differentiatesit between roy moore. as a district attorney, they use that power in a horror for -- horrible way, using the power to copy visible of the high school and have been pulled out of class to get on the phone where he asks for a date. if there are more things that come out with al franken, that would change a lot of opinions.
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i don't think he is going to resign but we will see what happens. caller: good morning. independentyself an . i wanted to go back to term limits. the only way we are going to think about it is we need -- like here in virginia, the wonderful election with so many different people running, it wasn't the same people. i think if we were running different people against the establishment that have been there for 20-30 years, that is the way we get term limits. if you keep voting for the , weus quo over and over will not change anything. guest: i think your core point is correct. i am not sure your solution is the top priority.
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in virginia we had fresh blood being put into political office. the face of a legislature in virginia will be dramatically changed from old white men to a diverse younger set of people and that will be game changing. that was not term limits. there were people there for a million years defeated by challengers. what we need are good challengers who are authentic messengers to step up and run for office and for voters to do the right thing. i understand the temptation to worry about term limits. i'm a little agnostic. is wayn finance reform more important than tar and limits. if you have a term limited senator, what will their incentive be if they know they will be out of power in a few years? to suck up as much as possible to corporate lobbyists who have the ability to fund them for the
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rest of their life. i would marry campaign-finance reform and ethics reform so we have this back-and-forth. we need to sever that tie so people in these buildings are actively working for the people and not worrying about corporate cash for the next election. host: the democrats line. albert. caller: adam, thank you for all you do and all your organization does. could you touch on the 50-60 red seats that hillary got across focusedtry, or have you on them? how far have you come on technology inc. is republicans? against they republicans? guest: these are very well with it questions. we and many others are looking
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at those seeds. katie porter is one of our first endorsements in one of those races. our mission will be to have as many good candidates being the standardbearer going into the andral election, authentic inspiring people who can bring people up to the polls. though, we will look at race is considered second-tier in third tier in the past, we now have a fighting chance to contest. because the political establishment has not been paying attention to these districts there are these great people building momentum in the last year prime to be the nominee. -- andyned and the cam kim.
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so, ultimately we need to win 24 seats. can have a bigger wave than that. host: one more call. democrats line. caller: thank you. two things. taxes. thate are for the needs help the people. by the way, the taxes you are talking about cutting are not the corporate taxes. cut.rate taxes need to be taxes for the people, not so much. where --ower said, be be aware of the military industrial complex. host: i hope every republican puts a bumper sticker for their cars saying the republican message, corporate taxes need to be cut, taxes for the people not
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so much. this is an example of what winking americans pretending there is tax reform but republicans are trying to cut awayare and take wel health care. i would ask anybody who is getting a busy signal to make a second call today. call your member of congress and ask them to please do not vote for this horrible tax bill. thank you for allowing this conversation to take place. host: a year until next year's elections. what is the best way to keep momentum? anybody who wants to be part of it, go to our website
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it is important candidate speak out about these issues. there are reporters back on the want to cover these stories that want to be part of the fight. that is important to represent the grassroots and consider theselves part of grassroots. host: adam green, thank you for your time. guest: thank you. host: coming out, we will hear from dan griswold who will talk about a new report on how in benefit the u.s. economy. money segment. washington journal continues next.
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>> tonight on the communicators, the book irresistible, the rise of addictive technology and the business of keeping us who -- helped -- hooked. that is the sense you get. never get high on your own supply. if you are creating something you want to make sure people you love and hold dear are not going to be affected by that. >> i was recently with one prime minister in europe.
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over to speak at a conference and he wanted to see me. i thought it was a courtesy call. i thought it was going to last 10 minutes. we were on the same side of a congress table and he stood up he took the president of montenegro aside and stuck his chest out. all i could think of was el duce. that is what people are thinking. that is what people are thinking. violating norms of personal creates more fear than this president has enunciated.
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>> c-span, where history fold unfolds daily. >> washington journal continues. host: we are joined by daniel griswold, the codirector of the program on the american economy and globalization. report talk about a new looking at the immigration system in the united states. report, youyour write when it comes to immigration, it increases the number of people in the labor force and increasing anductivity, native immigrant alike. can you expand on that? guest: america needs immigrants to grow and prosper. president trump wants to raise our growth rate to 3%. immigration reform has to be
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part of that. immigration grows the economy and a couple of ways. we get more workers. workforce growth is the lowest it has been since the great depression. to u.s. bornricans parents, that number is going to drop over the next 20 years. we need immigrants to grow our labor force. immigrants raise productivity. immigrants are not like us. they are overrepresented on the skills spectrum. my report emphasizes high skilled immigration. they raise overall productivity starting companies, filing patents. 17% of the workforce are immigrants. one third of the phd's in the workforce.
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they file one third of the patents, important u.s. companies, high-tech startups. we need immigrants to grow. host: when it goes to the visas thehose people should be priority. guest: we put too much emphasis on family reunification. >> we will talk more about the details. it is those high skilled workers .hat become the focus it the administration is more closely scrutinizing those applications setting back one in four applications in august. guest: that might be taking us in the wrong direction. the h-1b program, it is a probationary program. high school immigrants can't come here.
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then it is called a dual intent of visa. legal permanent residency. visas that can transition into permanent residency here and citizenship. this will give the united states and average. host: what is the current number allowed? guest: we have an absurdly low cap of 65,000 a year. there's an extra 20,000 for other categories. that is too low. our long-term permanent employment visas, 14% of overall visas. in canada and australia they give the 61% based on employment. if we want to be more like australia, we need to open ourselves to a lot more high skilled foreign-born workers who can come here temporarily and
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that transition to permanent status with a green card. our guest with us, taking . look at high skilled workers, you mentioned canada and australia. for high skilled workers that come into those countries, how does it affect those native born? is, theye evidence complement u.s. workers. they make us more productive. justanadian government enacted a bill called the grow canada's future bill and that will increase immigration to canada. as above what we allow rate of their population. if you look at immigration as a in foranada allows
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immigrants -- more immigrants, nine times as many. alston really is 10 times as many. they find the results are overwhelmingly positive. ,here was a study last year incomes measured in per capita gdp goes up 2% in the long run. more immigrants of the high variety mean higher incomes, more opportunities for nativeborn americans. host: how does that compare? on skill depends level. we have a competitive labor market and an important reform is to make it easier for h-1b workers. that requires employers to be more competitive in offering
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salaries. that worker will go to another firm. that is the best job protection americans have. the evidences immigrants do not undercut wages of the vast majority of americans. host: where'd you draw that from? guest: there are a lot of studies. david card. research is overwhelmingly positive on the overall impact of immigration on the united states. there is a certain group of american workers, immigration can reduce your wages one or 2%. the best thing you should do their is get your ged. you get a 37% pay increase right there. host: the first is from tampa, florida. you are on with daniel griswold. go ahead. caller: thank you. the u.s. allows one million legal immigrants into the country every year for a long
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time. when you consider nafta and the other trade deals afterwords that have no representation from labor and only business owner representation, and the off shoring of jobs, you have seen in the news, a million legal immigrants knew every year. the u.s. does not produce over one million net good paying jobs every year, which is why you have seen real wages for u.s. citizens continuously drop, and will continue to drop while productivity continues to go up. the wealthy get very wealthy and the typical u.s. citizen with a median level of education, their real income continues to go down over time as of the effects of
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nafta and all of this immigration. thet: you put a lot on table there. i disagree with a lot of it. for the large majority of americans they do not compete head-to-head with immigrants. if real wages have gone down it is not because of immigration. but we can argue but the data. one million immigrants to this country? we are a nation of 303 5 million people. that is a share of our population. the unemployment rate, the poverty rate, if you look at the share of immigrants per thousand it is on the lower end of what it has been. per thousands population. the go to canada or australia it is higher. 8-9 immigrants in those countries. they are prospering westbury -- western democracies that are
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doing fine with higher rates of immigration and we have. i am not talking but opening the floodgates but let's raise immigration by 30%. that is only 1/10 of a percent increase in our population rate. it's the lowest it has been since the great depression. we need immigrants to grow and prosper. let's enact intelligent migration reform. ralph, independent line. caller: i have a masters in economics. there -- this guy is making up stuff as he goes along. i can do a study that says the sky is purple all day long. a large pharmacy recently fired h-1beople and brought in be these people. walt disney fight -- fired folks and brought in people on the hb
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one visa. telling me it doesn't have friends who got fired but he was allowed to stay on for six months to train the hb one visa -- h-1b these of people. -- visa people. i can't investigate your examples. those are not typical examples of the impact of immigration on this country. has a largely positive effect on the u.s. economy. it is driving our high-tech sector. ask --ilicon valley and half of the i.t. founders are .oreign-born creating patterns we need these people.
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high percentage of and their country. 28 of the population is foreign-born. in canada it is 20%. i think that is good and i think there is room to grow. there is plenty of work to go about in this country. the center for immigration studies takes argue with the idea of how it impacts workers in the u.s.. only 62% of young nativeborn americans without a college degree were working. 70 percentes include of those young workers that had a job. less educated work less than they used to. you are talking high skilled
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labor. what about those who do not have those degrees? disagree with the steve. he is blaming immigration for a problem that has other causes. looking at the phenomenon of decreasing labor force participation, it's people going on disability and lots of other things. it is not a lack of opportunity in the job market. low skilled americans are getting it from all sides. it is the technological changes disadvantaged low skill workers. the answer isn't to raise walls, it is to encourage americans to stay in school. we don't all have to have bachelors degrees. diploma origh school make all the difference. he mentioned daca recipients. how much of them fall into the
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high-tech labor camp? i think the daca kids, they are a sure bet for our country. most have not known any other country but the united states. they are totally assimilated. .any have college degrees there is a lot of them working for high-tech companies. just the immigrants we need for our country to grow. we are facing a demographic challenge in this country. our workforce is going to start reclining. chinaok at japan, russia, , facing shrinking workforces. who is going to pay the social security and other retirement costs of the baby boomers retiring every day?
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it is not just going to be nativeborn children. we are it is to have to cut benefits of listeners going on social security or raise taxes of their children. more immigration is the answer. host: from our democrats line. caller: hello. i would like to say my son recently graduated from engineering school in ohio and cannot find a job. engineers in the notice states are foreign-born. isould like to know how many good for him? 50%? 60%? engineering starting wage has gone down by 20,000 a year. for the starting wage. it has gone down because 31% foreign-born engineers that
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employers say they can hire for 50,000 a year. guest: thank you. my son is graduating with an engineering degree next may. i don't think he has a problem. i question your figures. engineering is one of the best paying jobs. feedbacks gotten this my they want to higher you. the incentives are there for american kids to go to engineering school but we do not have enough nativeborn americans going into the high skilled positions. thosewill bump up in fields but they won't be able to hire workers. those jobs will go offshore. if they can't hire technical workers they need to create will moveere they
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their operations overseas where they can hire workers they need. i would rather the united states worken to come here to alongside my son and your son and others to create a brighter future for america. host: gary, you are next. caller: i have one question. how much with all of the cost to, what is the the american citizen? how much do they cost the american citizen every year? i don't expect me -- you to give me a dollar figure. the heritage foundation. guest: that is a good question. what is the impact on the fiscal
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state. taxes, benefits. the national academy of sciences had a study they published last year that found low skilled immigrants consume more in government benefits than they pay in taxes. that is no picks a prize. if you look at higher skilled immigrants, a 25 euros immigrant who comes here with a college degree. they will pay more at all levels in taxes. a $500,000 more in taxes than they consume and services. you lead in another 300,000 high skilled immigrants as i propose that is like paying off $150 billion of federal debt when they come in. paying off another hundred $50, , they are great.
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host: immigrant with less than a education. guest: yes. low skilled may be an emphasis on temporary immigrations they can come here in their prime go home.ears and then a lot of low skilled immigrants have done that. high school immigrants malaise have more green cards to live here permanently and be a productive part of our society. if you want to find out more, there is a link that provides a link to the report that promotes growth. our guest talks about that from florida, susan, go ahead. really question some of this research. demand.s is supply and
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when you bring in more high skilled workers from other countries that is going to decrease the pay for these individuals just like engineering. and ita sunday graduated took seven months to find a job. he ended up with a company from belgium. ok.t: thank you. i believe in supply and demand. is thing with immigration immigrants are not like us. they tend to complement american workers. having to engineers instead of one is at a disadvantage. there is synergy. when people work together, their ideas being created. more immigrants attract more investment. you will see more companies able
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to grow and then employee engineers. demand applies. there are other factors here. as immigrants get woven into the doric of our society we can this together. labor, itortation of is about lowering wages to enhance profits. guest: no, it is not. i question the premise real wages are lower than they were 20 or 30 years ago. i don't think that is true when you factor in improvements in our living standards. if wages haven't been growing the problem is in other areas. embarrassments an that needs to be reformed.
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system that isn not serving america's best interest. all of these are on our agenda. let's focus on those areas. immigration, not less. host: jerry in baltimore. >> thank you for taking my call. i don't know who this suppose it expert is here. . am no trump supporter but there was an apple commercial years ago and it said this is an apple. they are going to be people telling you this is a banana. they shout itloud is still an apple. that is what this guy is doing. i am a tech worker we to work for ibm. --ot laid off in thousand 2000. guess who replaced me?
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a contract indian company. they put 12 in a room. they got paid, the contractor got paid less than the combined salary of half of the people there. you are wrong. i don't know who is paying you. i can't investigate the particulars of your case. thatas gone through issues have to do with changing markets are i.t. hardware and all that. laidof people have been off by ibm and it has had nothing to do with immigration. if companies like ibm and the companies being founded today, the googles and others being founded today need immigrants to grow and prosper.
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this isn't a zero sum game. they filed patents. they enable u.s. companies to expand. countries,other canada, all sure all your and others are expanding opportunities to come in. they know that is allowing their nativeborn residents to prosper. are their direct comparisons as far as population is concerned? guest: we are a bigger country and lead in bigger immigrants. if you look at it as a share of their population.
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i see pluralist anglo-saxon countries doing reasonably well. >> i think the levels of education in the three countries are fairly comparable. i think they are leading in high skilled immigrants in an employment situation similar to ours. we probably have an advantage. absorb highe easily skilled immigrants to the united states. on c-span guest talking about guaranteed income robots of automation,
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replacing people and you hear musk, that came out with the electric truck and i suppose autonomous, won't need a truck river and he called for guaranteed income and bill gates robots that taxing and they are talking having enough jobs for people and have to have guaranteed income. that mesh with what you're saying about we need more country for jobs where as they are saying it is ot going to be enough jobs for people? host: caller, thank you. guest: ray, fascinating subjecting, we could spend a ole show talking about
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automation. robots can create new opportunities. there was a lot of hand reading the early '60s about how jobs tion would eliminate we actually have unemployment rate as low as it was then. robots will take jobs. i don't think immigrants take our jobs. don't think imports take our jobs. these things make our economy americans more productive. hold y, ray, is not to back change, but to prepare urselves and our children to embrace the exciting opportunity being created in our economy today, that means improving k-12 education, so kids come out of more literate than they are today emphasizing the subjects in college and encouraging even more american those eople to go into
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fields, men and women. that's the answer. host: daniel griswold, mercatus center at george mason co-director on american economy and globalization. the report, his latest research online, if you want to read it yourself at daniel thank you. up next, charles jeszeck, a new from the government accountability taking a look at how americans are doing saving retirement, that conversation is coming up next on "washington journal." >> the traveling n bus is across the country. we stopped in austin, texas,
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important t the most issue in their state. >> in texas, the most important thing to me, i was hoping texas get rid of unnecessary and burdensome regulations. i believe the most important issue is tax reform, we have an utdated tax system and we need to get that changed so every american can have the best opportunities possible. of the most e important issues possibly the facing ortant issue texans in washington is transparency and government. be n't think there can enough of it and i don't think leaders could ever do enough to be more transparent in erms of not only their own activities and behavior, but i records o the kinds of that are used in government, need to see the light of day and texas deserve to know what is going on in washington. most important issue for the state of texas is educational choice.
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to y parent has a right direct their kid's education and hopefully get a bill passed next session. >> more from the state on c-span. "the ight on communicators," adam alter talks "irresistible: the rise of addictive technology and the business of keeping us hooke hooked". >> what they say is we know the technology. they don't say things like we've built in special mechanisms that people, ned to hook therefore we don't want our kids hooked, but that is the sense you get. on your own h supply. if you are creating something, you know the dangers and want to other people are who you love and who you hold dear affected by them. >> watch communicators 8 eastern on c-span 2. >> "washington journal" continues. host: it is time for weekly "your money segment," this week
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we look at new report on how saving s are doing in for retirement. from the government accountability office, the erson behind this report, charles jeszeck, joins us now, the team director for education and income security team. good morning. guest: good morning, pedro. government s accountability office? guest: nonpartisan investigative we of the u.s. congress, work for committees of congress, er pelosi, y lead itch mcconnell and chuck schumer. not part of the administration, respond to information from congressional committees, as as legislative mandates, a piece of legislation will ask us to look at a particular issue. if i understand it correctly, we get requests, the the organization that asks for latest report looking at retirement from the united states. guest: yes, correct. controller general has the on ority to initiate work his own for issues he feels are
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such national importance that it to let the congress significance. host: the report, cover the retirement system, reevaluation needed to promote better retirement security. before we go into details, how are we doing as a country saving retirement? fweekt well, overall, for a lot f people in this country, retirement prospects don't look so great. hree major pillars for contributing to retirement, social security, employer pension and private save sxgs is facing real fiscal challenges and fiscal stress. for example, social security, one would be able to play three 2035, rs of benefits by occupational or private pension. about half private sector workers don't have access to any sort of retirement savings plan nd for those who do, increasingly 401(k) type plans income, morerement
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responsibility on individuals. or private savings, with the increase in debt over time, it did come down from the health carencreased cost, most income growth going workers, it's me increasingly difficult for many working people to save for retirement. host: to get in on the conversation, do so with our guest. choose working adult saving for retirement, have questions, 02-748-8000 is the number to call. maybe you are retired already and drawing on retirement 202-748-8001. you can also tweet us at c-span wj. defined ber of contribution plans, 401(k) lans, according to your report 015 -- type of the plans, what does the number suggest to you? guest: there are a lot of plans, by because you are covered a plan didn't mean you are contributing to retirement, a offer times your employer
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a plan, you have to contribute, many employers will provide but only if you contribute yourself. workers, even of if covered by a plan, doesn't ean they have savings in that plan when they retire. host: we hear all the time, that people money, why aren't taking advantage of it? guest: good question. a lot of times people may not be aware or they may have so many other income constraints, may wantoan, mortgage, a family. again, most income growth over to last 20 years has gone highest 20% of workers, most other workers, lower income haven't seen that kind of income growth and of course rising health care cost are a well.m, as host: those are number of plans out there, talking about people who actually contribute them. tell us a little bit about the amount of those things, is there generic or average amount that is in these type of plans and how does the number up to the amount you need
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when you retire? guest: one thing we found was 29% of all workers, in fact, have either traditional defined benefit plan or retirement savings at all. plans,ple who are in the the average amount of savings is at, ding on what you look between 50 and 100,000. that, t to retirement, that may seem like a large amount of money in a lump sum, remainder ey to last of retirement years, it is really a challenge, not all that money. people are living longer today, today, you have the average life span you are are a woman, you over 88 years of age. longer, are living they need more money to make it last throughout all the retirement.ears of host: those are the numbers on the screen. harles jeszeck from the
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government accountability office to talk about the latest report retirement k at savings., if you want to go to and read for yourself. we'll take calls. michelle from minnesota, you are with our guest. you are a working american. go ahead. caller: yes, i'm a working american, been working since 16 years old. recommendation is to start saving as early as possible. paying to start yourself the 10%. money ople wait to save after -- host: you are breaking up a little bit. caller: oh, okay. sorry. my comment is people have to pay hemselves first and start saving as soon as possible. a lot of people say they don't save, but they wait until all the bills are don't have money to say. the key is paying yourself 10% you hen pay your bills and live within your means and still
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save. i started saving when i was in early 20s. i started putting 10% away. 20% away and i put and frankly i'm just a regular i'm approaching $8 or in my 0 in my savings investment, you can do it, just paying yourself over many, many years. host: got you, caller. thank you. guest: congratulations, that is you have been able to do that and are committed to that, that certainly will help in your retirement. you know, for a lot of people, you are right, putting money in irst, making it priority is something that is really important that people should do. for here are people, example, who lose their jobs during the great recession, a people lost their jobs, some of them had to take money to of retirement accounts basically avoid losing their homes. you can have a health shock, get again, take the money out
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is just sometimes it really hard choices people have to face. you are right, basically today they want to have secure retirement, have to start saving at an ing rigorously early age. host: what is formula, how much sheld you be save something started there, how much should you save at that point? sooner, the better. certainly i think that is helpful. one thing to keep in mind, there is still some sort of old rules for example, ion, many pension plans, even 401(k) ype plans will not allow workers under age 21 to participate in the plan. that is something that is from the early days of erisa. erisa is? guest: federal law governing pensions in the united states. host: thank you. guest: the younger workers, even if they want to save, sometimes not have the opportunity to save in their
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employer's pension plan because excluded.been host: from retired worker in florida, brenda, you are next, go ahead. yes, i retired at the age of around 52. later onrt disease and had breast cancer, i filed for disability, got it after working 35 years. the key was working 35 years. to start putting in an ira, where i worked, from the time i did work. i retired, i started etting social security, medicare and drawing on my ira 59 and a half. the key to retiring is to get stay out of debt and spend your money wisely -- there is one more sell a home if you later in life, say you have a
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second home or something, put money into a certificate, where you are at least earning 2.5%, on $100,000 that is $2500 times five year is almost $12,000. host: caller, thank you, good there. guest: yes, i would say, very good advice, to the extent you able to do that. you have overcome serious challenges, i applaud you for that. things that definitely people can do that, save money if they can sort of doing vantage of smartly things around their -- selling a home and so on, which raises about financial literacy. people often don't know the what the best choice, financial choice, financial action for them to take. that is something as a nation we have to do work on, as well. plans, pecially 401(k)
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you have options and funds you can draw. how much education does a fund to provide and how much -- where else can you go as far as that?ing more about guest: absolutely. 01(k)'s put a lot of responsibility on employees. they have to figure out how to contribute. better, they also have to take into account other things going on in their lives. contributing, you figure out where to invest the are you w much risk comfortable with, what kind of options, what about fee? options cost more than others, so this is all of a problem. to , if you are able maneuver all this and get to retirement and you have a good money, you have to figure out how do you make that your last for remainder of retirement, how do you spend it down? purchase annuity with part of all of it, strategically draw that money down, take that money sxout invest it? are all things someone has
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to figure out. any employers will provide information to -- they'll bring information provide to participants, to workers to help them with this. many people, they don't, and really what they hould do is get financial advice from a reputable firm. host: we have a viewer on our should be d, mandatory you contribute 401(k) % get something of the company matching. the first part, should be mandatory? some other countries already have that, for example, nest program, th there is -- they are making it andatory for employees to put money into basically a 401(k) type account. making lem with things -- well, many people have concerned about making things or universal because one, they may have other inancial need, a sick child, they may have something they
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ave lost their job, other people just philosophically are into d to putting money being forced to putting money in. of eneral, there is a lot support, when we did these xpert panels, there was a lot of support for making retirement a o mandatory or universal action. ost: let's hear from retired person in west virginia, mike, go ahead, you're on. 1963, : yes, i graduate i'm 72. 65 and iup until i was thought i was going to be okay did.etire, and i and i lost biggest part of my made a lot of er money, but invested in it and my some in, i lost in during the 2007 and 2008 bush dministration when the stock market dropped from 14 to 7, i
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lost half. didn't know what to do, i panicked and took out what i had left trying to survive on it and i'm 72 and working again. i don't -- is it the stock your 401(k)?ines if it is good, you do good, if it is not, you don't? like me, made a bad did, maybe i be i didn't, i made that money and put some on my house. work, making small wages and i'll be there the rest of my life. depending on stock market for benefits or gains over the years? talk about the risk there. i think that illustrates one of the challenges with a 401(k) plan. into ularly once you get the retirement phase or what xperts call decume population phase of your financial life. what do you do with that money? you leave it in the market, you know, you really some financial advice
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from someone to help you. other options, you could take annuity, now a lot of some people don't like, because you are put nothing a lot of money and returns don't look really good. hand, it is guaranteed income strength remainder of your life or take gies one can do to out strategically certain amount of money each month. is the case where you need advice, you need assistance from either somebody who reputable person from the outside or employer.your host: from our line with those orking adults, paul -- sorry, raul in laredo, texas. hi. caller: good morning. to suggest maybe because social security maintaining -- once you pay up quarters, that's it, you
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can earn up to a million. change it andt to if you make a million dollars, ontinue contributing to quarters regardless of the amount of quarters you may go over it, which is fine. has ther question is, why social security decided if you for school district and you did not contribute to social security, which i did for a bit of time, you are not llowed to get -- you are short changed, you will not get all your borders, you have paid them out. i want to find out why that happened. host: thanks, caller. a great question, caller. part, social security is facing serious financial challenges, by 2035, it will 75% of promised benefits to people. congress and the administration to have to act before
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then to shore up the financial social security. increasing the taxable wage base, what you are suggesting, one option and a number of people in congress support proposals, that is one way to get money into more social security and bolster finances down the road. the other issue about what you referring to as government windfall fset and the elimination provision, these are somebody who re was not paying into the social of rity system for most their career, but then tries to get social security benefit like spousal benefit or spousal in fit, will see reduction that benefit and basically it is o correct for the fact one, they didn't pay into the system as long as for as many years as also to take but
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correct -- of the benefits. that is why some of that goes on, it's a very complicated to , but basically done restore equity between people in 96% of security system, the workforce and those who were not. host: one line from the report this, in 2014, 34% of ouseholds, age 65 or older, received 90% of their income from social security in addition democratic shift associated with age of baby boom generation and expectancy have strained social security's finance. on t of people depending this program. guest: absolutely. social security accounts for 33% income received by people age 65 and over. host: so it should be ideally of not only social security, but what you save for yourself nd other meetings to save for retirement. guest: the three-legged stool, pension, private savings, your savings and social security.
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host: a lot of questions about the future of pensions and their does this report traesz those as far as pension security for the plans depending stock mark etz and other things and if people grant them have the ability to make sure are sustainable? guest: we talked about 401(k) aans already, there are still lot of traditional pensions around the country. many of these right now are also facing serious financial stress. in particular, they are what multi employer plans, plans created by collective agreement, have lots of employers paying in. of plans, for a variety reasons, changes in industry, work force and so on, do not to pay full y benefits. and some of them, for example, 2024 are some pensions by or 2025, will be completely insoei solvent, result nothing retirees seeing ut the country reductions in their pensions and
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so this is going to be a real problem. again,ss is looking at it they try to address it a few years ago, they are looking again right now. is a serious issue and addressed t will get in the next few years. host: let's go to mike in tennessee, hi. caller: yes. i work for about 10 years for a cookville. for about 10 years, i deposited of my income that i earned there, earned there, for 10 years into a 401(k). and i had to get rid of every penny of it in a spin down in -- you know -- insurance.
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and this obama care stuff, you know know, back then i wouldn't have money.rid of that host: okay, caller, thanks. facing ne big challenge many retirees, older americans and oday with medicare healthcare shops, certainly for retirees under age 65, you know, serious illness even if you in the exchanges and have insurance, can be significant income, this certainly is a challenge that facing and the sleeper is long-term care. people get onger, into the high 80s and 90s, the long-term care hear retirement, you know, somehow, some situation, where you are continue to get services
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n your home or moving into a retiree home, there is only oing to be more demand for this, very expensive and this is the challenge we are facing. host: gao makes several recommendations when it comes to retirement savings programs, niversal access to retirement savings is one of them. one of the ones you list, number options for rove spin down phase of retirement. why is that important? as the gentleman said earlier, when you get, even if figure out if you are able to invest wisely problems some market and you saved a bunch of money, you now retired, what do you to your money? have a couple hundred thousand authorize or more, what do you do? sure it lasts for remainder of your life? it is not obvious, most provide any sort of annuity option, don't provide say gram where you could take a -- get a monthly check
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out of your money and make it a amount to make sure it lasts until remainder of your l. sum. simply give you a lump a lot of people, it can be very existing o pay off debt or to go on a long vacation, give money to th children, children don't realize may look like a lot of money, it in fact has to many ou for probably people another 20 or 30 years. hen you think that way, it is not as much, the challenge is who are u help people retired and get this money, how do you help them make sure it of their remainder life. late in life they are not poverty.up be nothing host: here is bill in chicago. go ahead. any pension ty,
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plan in any land, whether it is or public pension. never -- urity should 5% fee.ecurity income 10 month or less or 10% of total amount per month. must be repaid -- never can be given. okay, thanks. caller: yeah, i think that there used to be an option where i one could pay back social ecurity benefits later, you could start -- social security at age 65 and then pay the money back at age 70 and wind up getting higher benefit, but they few years ago, a congress, no longer are able to that regard.em in host: does the report address 401(k)s associated with and how much they should be
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charged and how you pay attention to those? guest: we do mention importance of fees. fees can be tremendous drag on over career, compounding 30 years, higher lower n result in much account balances. regulationsthere are if you have a 401(k), plan ponsors have to provide information on the fees associated with each of the nvestment options if your plan offers. they also collect information providers on which are the most expensive, relative ost of different options and they can choose to minimize, offer you platform or portfolio options that are in fact low fee. here is -- there is some protection there for 401(k) plans. it's moreet to ira's, on retail market and less really more fees,
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disclosure, pretty much, you get perspective from somebody, from service provider and somewhere perspective, they tell you fees, you have to do research on your own. cover know you don't capitol hill per se, but anything over the tax bill that affect retirees, when it comes to retirement savings? they were talking about reducing the contribution limits plans.(k) the contribution limit is their 18,000 for workers under age 50, goes up to $24,000 for people people over age 50. they were talking about lowering limits and then allowing contributions above be e that limit that would what they -- which would be post-tax dollars. they call rothification.
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you put pretax dollars in. individual retirement account, for example, you put post tax dollars in, out, it is not t taxed. they were going to make changes there. that proposal rs has been dropped. there aren't any really going on in hings the tax bill regarding retirement at this time. missouri, s city, working adult, lisa, you are on with charles jeszeck. question is my this. why is it that when you go ahead apply for social security, they catch your -- cut earnings off and you have to go ahead and you have to try earnings make up the they cut off because you can't making that and social security amount higher. now, but iking right drew social security, they talk bout year cut off now, you
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can't keep contributing to ocial security to keep your wages high enough to get extra on your social security check in the future. to know why isn't congress doing something about that? poor people ot of like me out here trying to work just ying to stay alive because we're 66 and may not have any income put away or like and why isn't social security or congress addressing people like me? host: okay, caller, thank you. guest: well, right now, i know a re have been in the past lot of proposals to reform social security and try to -- people talked about increasing minimum benefit, people talk about increasing work, gao, 've done on looking at proposals to help vulnerable eived by populations throughout the united states, low income people and women and other groups. so there are -- there is thinking on that. congress, at this
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time right now the congress is focusing on tax reform. how is social security calculated as far as how much you get back or how much you get? guest: minimum amount to be eligible for social security quarters that you have paid social security taxes on, years, then when they do calculate social benefits, they look at your highest 35 years of earnings and they calculate off formula, here is calculate your average monthly and then they adjust it or inflation, i mean, it is somewhat of a complicated formula, but that is basically he way it comes out and once you receive your benefit, it's djusted each year according to increases in the cost of living. ost: 2%, they got 2% raise, cola raise. guest: yes. one thing to keep in mind, you benefit, the longer
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you're able to wait to claim, so, for example if you were get $1000 monthly benefit at age 62, if you wait 70, the longest that you can wait, you would get $1750 a month. it is really quite a significant increase. of course, many people aren't able to wait. know, they have strenuous jobs or maybe worked in jobs, got n or other laid off and no prospect for them to get back. people can wait, they will get a significant benefits.n host: one more call, richard in missouri, hi there. caller: hi. turned ing, i'm -- just 80. .uest: congratulations caller: i have -- carpenter all pretty good uilt pension out of the deal. i paid into the pension fund, pension, ow i got my
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they didn't give it to me, i paid into it. and my wife, she's the person have the union job, too. the cost ent pension, of social security, we don't buy own ars and i built my house and my father said nobody $35,000 house, but i got one. pretty good life, social security and medicare took care of us and i hope the generations look forward to something like that, too. caller.ank you, caller: i want to say, you're really lucky. ncreasingly today, those pensions, traditional pensions are disappearing, lots of no longer offer them, even in the union world, some under funded, so one of the challenges for younger people is they have to try o build a pension essentially,
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build retirement savings account through 401(k) plan, much different challenge. just as a -- to give anecdote, my father was a police officer new york city, retired and ba -- for chase majority manhattan bank. checks in got two the mail and social security and could survive. retirement.fortable he really would -- it would have been difficult for him, he had a tree, would have been difficult to navigate the money, orld and save up so he was really lucky. increasingly for our children, and more have to take the responsibility of retirement savings on their own. called the is nation's retirement system, available through the government office, the website if you want to find the report. about.s jeszeck talking thank you for your time. guest: thank you. ost: open phones until 10:00,
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202-748-8000 for democrats. 202-748-8001 for republicans. independents, 202-748-8002. we'll be right back. >> the c-span bus is traveling across the country on 50 capitals tour. in austin, texas, asking about the most important issue necessary their state. the most important thing to meet, i was hoping texas would get rid of burden som y and occupational regulations. >> i believe the most important have an tax reform, we outdated taxes and need to get that changed so every american best opportunities possible. >> i think one of the most issues, possibly the most important issue, facing exans in washington is transparency and government, i don't think there can be enough and i don't think that our
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leaders could ever to enough to transparent in terms of not only their own activities nd behavior, but i think also the kinds of records that are need to see nment, the light of day and citizens of texas deserve to know what is in washington. >> the most important issue for the state of texas is choice, every parent has a right to direct their kid's education and hopefully passed next session. >> voices from the states on c-span. >> "washington journal" continues. your screenmbers on will help you navigate what to call on open phones. twitter at c-span wj. the conversation continues throughout the show,, orange county register looking at death manson this morning
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with picture on the front page section the commentary with david white, the column is aying charlie manson, helter-skelter fame, death couldn't come soon enough for a doesn't deserve to be called by his last name. charliedollars gave old a ee cots, if it wasn't for staff with flukey stuff with the death penalty, the serial killer have been gone a long time ago. one sentiment from the death of morning.anson this comment on that or other things you heard during this set of open phones. until 10:00.e let's start with oscar, oscar in virginia, good morning, go ahead. caller: good morning, everyone. comment on the question the lady asked mr. earlier.eszeck hat age 62 social security
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-- the reason she was getting hassled, people earn a full-time wage when below age 66 in social retirees. that is why that tax debate on senate floor, question the r, item number six on floor when they were talking -- congress is hedging a lot of us will be age 66 by time.
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like i'm 59 n. six years, i'll be 60. mean, 70 or so. 65 or 66, so by then i'll be to retire. that is what congress is trying the tax dging with rule -- host: got your point, oscar. san antonio, texas, independent line on this open phone. hi. hey, good day to you. i had to call. tried calling many times, first time i was ready to get in. i was calling because what is -- here is not tax and money in e, tax on years to come to their offspring. like, i mean, that is the way it was -- from world war i, all the up, just a few d people. have like 11 million dollars deductible on thing and then, they want
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completely.with it my second thing is, i educated daughters and i'm retired guy, and they're oing to do away with my interest deduction on the made to the i universi university, they turn it over to a finance company, of course, me and is what gives hat -- i'm retired and i still paid last year 4200 in taxes, so texas here, everything in so -- ax is 9%, host: okay. highlights the current situation going on with zimbabwe
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a the leader. there was a deadline set by mr. step 's party for him to down. the embattled leaders were surprised declaring on t.v. as president, in his party said it backs impeach begin proceedings could by tuesday, when parliament meet necessary a draft motion seen by blamed the party president for unprecedented economic tailspin. republicans poured on to the streets in recent days and his on power weakened since ednesday, over who should succeed him. from ronald in maryland, line.ndent caller: yes, i'm calling because in this discussion, the disparity of economic racism is not been brought to the forefront, not because anderson laid that out clearly in his best-selling book "black labor, does wealth," this program
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of blafolk 400 years working in this country. on has a direct impact today's african american position in this country. going to address those issues, talking about his, all the retirement with double taxation that everybody kids, i'm if you raise 66 years old, you raise kids in boomer,and you obey the you end up raising your kid and retired to take care of parents and you talk about retirement, what retirement? when you o retirement have to work at the lowest scale ha e income level and i several degrees, that has of ing to do with the price tea in china. if you are not going to address structural economic race disparity in this country, topic?it a
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host: thank you. china topic on the "wall street policy and toward lilength wi and others, the trump administration china policyiew of rejecting the longstanding practice of concession from market on trade and access tochlt mr. trump and his yielded few proach substantive benefits and allow that put american businesses at a disadvantage. ne white house official refers to the pattern as beijing's rope-a-dope strategy. sanctions against china, with the goal of challenging chinese trade practices. white house is trying to invest in a personal relationship to mr. trump and chinese president to absorb the shock of the coming trade explains mr. trump's unorthodox blend of on trade and mr. xi
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in beijing. host: from north carolina, next john, republican line. caller: yes. this is john. 69 and i'm az -- retired. i was taking 28% of my income into my 401(k). now i'm drawing lesser on skusecurity because i took it out before tax. do : why did you have to that? caller: you can take it out after or before. if you take it out before tax, then on your statement it will making 28% lesser, so when they figure money, social drawing lesser. $100,000, but on my statement you wasn't drawing, $70,000.
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sandusky, jack.r good morning, go ahead. caller: hello. yeah, i'm a retired federal engineer.ilroad social plied for security and they told me that i it because i was a federal employee, this is five ago. now i'm hearing on your 70 is a about age better time to apply for it. want to know what i should do here. go to social security sxofs or what? host: our guest is gone. so i don't know if he could have answered that question for you. what do you think -- will you can reapply you then, is that the idea? caller: yeah.
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don't want to waste my time. f -- i'm disabled and hard to get around, i want to, you know, more income.get host: i don't know if this will, social security administration website. haz may have answered concerning those questions there. i think that is right,, me if i'm wrong. from california, republican ahead.leslie, go i'm sorry, that is ed, in california. go ahead. this is ed, calling about the meet the press. years en watching for 50 and always enjoyed it, but they chuck todd on there, this chuck todd show, yesterday he enjoyed it for the first time in a year. just wish it would go back to used to be. host: by the way, if you listen to c-span radio in washington,
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metro area and sirius xm, e broadcast all the sunday shows, take the commercials out, obviously, they give you the opportunity to follow-up on what the shows, the news that was made. if you want to go to our website more for information, more information about our radio channels, radio also learn about and of course what you see here on television, depending where watch and how you watch it. available at "new york times," the story about germany's government. of berlin, ssa, out merkel's attempt to form a new german government hours ed on sunday after of negotiations citing irreconcilable defenses and of what out question happens next. the story goes on to say friday reaching ne for agreement among free democrats, nd christian social union,
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which forms conservative block with the christian democrats. outset, the parties differed widely on policies and tense after intense meetings among negotiators and party leaders over the weekend to produce breakthroughs. the head of the free democrats reporters his party were quitting talks, it is better not to govern than govern insincerely, he said. alifornia is next, leslie, republican line. caller: hello. host: hi. leslie. i'm 70 cannot work i because i'm disabled. i paid taxes on my social in spite of that and i don't mind paying taxes, but i would quit messing around, i never know if i'm oing to get my social security
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payment, they might pull it. host: there have been times in he past when you didn't get social security payment? caller: they changed my payment a didn't tell me and for while, just my checking account because i used to get my payment on the fourth wednesday of every month and it to the third of every month, but i don't know its, because i had moved and got lost in the cracks somewhere. so i didn't know it and i would money and there would be no money because they weren't deposited until the of the month, but always before on the fourth. when i tried to spend my money n payday, i couldn't do it because it wasn't there in my account. leslie, in california. we'll hear next from pennsylvania, bill in wanesboro, pennsylvania, democrat's line.
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hello. i want to make a couple comments that the tax reform plan is being talked about and congressman some right now. or one thing, a lot of the people who support this say this is going to bring jobs back to companies are going to come pouring over here really think that one thing they don't point out is these companies didn't leave country because of taxes, pay left so that they could eally super minimum wages to foreign workers, so this tax plan is not going to bring people back. this tax plan, it's not just a we're going to get more money. the main people who are going to the most wealthy people. this tax plan is going to hurt students who have
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loans, people who have huge that l problems and includes a lot of people in this country. that's all. week of s is the thanksgiving, as part of the president's duty every year, he those turkeys at the white house. a story on the hill, not only that, but where they stay in the meantime saying white house turkeys have officially washington, d.c. for pardoning ceremony set to take place tomorrow. news on se announced snapchat and instagram. the stay at intercontinental hotel, rooms cost between $200 and $3500 per night, a picture of the that hotel. the national turkey federation will foot the bill for the lodgeings, as it has in the past, according to white house. time birds have stayed in the room. hotel ave stayed in the
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where they are prepped at the white house in past years. in new mexico, independent line. yes, my name is richard, i was just calling to, need to, to say that we do something, my mother is 74 dad's ld and she gets my social security because he was mom ng more than what my was getting on hers. he gets a little benefits, but it keeps her below poverty level. brother and two sisters literally have to get her edication out and paying for her utility bills sometimes. knocking now, i'm not anybody, you know, my mom's years r, who is two younger than she is, just came from mexico legally, you know, everything right, but yet they are getting food stamps medicaid, the whole
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nine yards, yet my mother is get any kind of help. ou know, it feels -- trying to get more government assistance, they cut down her social if rity and i can't see why my dad worked his entire life putting in, yet they penalize if she tries to do better for herself or tries to get help. ou know, i'm just saying our government has to do something. mom, fouriece, single kids, works, i mean, i'm proud works, a kid has medical issue, can't get help, either. doesn't qualify for food stamps, son.are for her her second son is legally deaf she ut hearing aids, but doesn't qualify to get hearing aids. we get people here legally, you know, they get everything and to me -- host: okay, okay.
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there.eave it the new york times this morning election that ended up in first fae male mayor in new orleans. cantrel, became the first woman elected mayor of new oneans in a run-off election saturday. cantrellwill succeed landrum. he city is celebrating next year, almost 300 years, my friends in new orleans, we're told a king history, cheering crowd in a victory speech, the story goes on to say cantrell will face a host one is ring problems, crime, rape and other crimes and the agency that oversees system and storm drainage, problems came to the floor during serious flash
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flooding in august. janice, in kansas, republican line. janice. this is we have a great nation here a lot of different races. some are not coexisting good. don't our congress get together and work with the president to make this better, and the news media be held liable for putting half stories out that don't tell you the whole deal of what is going on. either keep your mouth shut or tell the truth. host: that is the end of this program. another comes your way 7:00 tomorrow morning. have a good day. ♪
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>> tonight, madeleine albright and condoleezza rice talk about freedom and security. >> we have to recognize we are dealing with a president of a country who is a kgb agent and they know how to do propaganda. they are using information in a way to undermine democracy. they want to undermine democracies in europe, and i believe they have figured out
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how to make our life complicated and every single way through in various methods aspects. we are an open society and they are using our openness. how do we deal with that without closing down? , because we are being attacked in a new way, through a new system. >> they are joined by nikki by the georgested w. bush institute. that is tonight. the c-span versus traveling across the country on our 50 capitals to her. we are asking folks what's the most important issues in their state? >> i was hoping texas would get rid of unnecessary occupational
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regulations. >> the most important issue is tax reform. we need to get that changed so every american can have the best opportunities possible. >> one of the most important issues, possibly most important issue facing texans, transparency in government. i don't think there can be enough, and i don't think our leaders could ever do enough to be more transparent in terms of their own activities and the used in government. they need to see the light of day. the citizens of texas deserve to know what's going on. what's the most important issue is educational choice. hopefully we get a bill passed in the next session.


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