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tv   Washington Journal Penny Thompson  CSPAN  December 4, 2017 5:37pm-6:01pm EST

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while we wait for the house to come in, a fiscal condition of the children's health insurance program. funding for chip expired on september 30. which reports to coss, holds public me et, develops reports and a nasis on wide variety of issues and topics of medicaid nfines and the children's health insurance programs. government, by the how much sway does the government have over what you do nd the reports you provide on the program?
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guest: we're completely independent, we have a staff of researchers and analysts who sift through information for us, to public meetings, present information, we have six public meetings per year, we have 17 by the oners appointed comptroller general, from a wide variety of different backgrounds bring expertise and commentary and advice to the commission. host: the children's health insurance program, give us a and what f what it is it does? guest: enacted in 1997, been reauthorized several times since enactment. there are about nine million in the program. it covers, focuses on coverage the name higher cally covers income children that weren't previously covered under
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medicaid. so it's about $15 billion rogram, like medicaid, the federal government kick necessary money, states kick in money and that is how coverage children.d to host: what happens when the federal government stops kick nothing money to the program? guest: the program expired at the end of september. the option of carrying over money they had reviously received, but not extended to continue providing coverage to the children that provide coverage to today. they also had access, once those spent, to -- what is called redistribution fund. come in and pull off some money from a national pool to keep going. states have done that already, they have already een through their carry-over funding, asked for and received redistribution funding. macpa c has been producing
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report to estimate when states exhaust all ly federal funding for the chip program. we have a couple of states, and minnesota, that are ithin days, if not already, exhausting their funding. we have another six states that in exhaust their funding january. states exhaust funding during this fiscal year and most by the middle of this fiscal year. and so according to the report, as you heard our guest just say, arizona, minnesota, states already days within, there are other states, to the rt when you go website at, you can analysis there. you suggested this, shops don't don't closeuplets or they end up doing so? guest: they are in danger. impacts y of different on both states and the families hose children are enrolled in
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the program. it depends on what the states with the programs in the past and how they structured them. some children will continue to states could choose to move children to the medicaid rogram, that means they'll receive less federal money, there is a budget hit for the states, but many are probably prepared for at the moment. ome individuals will have to move into say the individual marketplaces to find coverage theireir families and for children, that of course, will have different impacts on family pocketry terms of out of expense and benefits they receive. host: children's health insurance program, our topic for this "your money," if you want to go our guest questions, do so regional lines this morning, eastern and central, 202-748-8000. mountain and pacific time zones, 202-748-8001. recipient, youip or your family receives money help under this program,
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.ive us a call at 202-748-8002 we'll take the calls momentarily. as far as the services are concerned, what type of services do those under chip get versus could go?lse they guest: chip has a commercial-like benefit package, it is more a matter of because the program is focused pediatric , the benefit in particular is very robust, so there might be some between the benefit packages and the individual we also project one million children will go uninsured if chip funding is not continued. families won't find affordable healthcare they have been used o under chip available under the exchanges. host: the only option they have a state provider or something else? is right.t host: when it comes to then imeliness of what you are doing, what do you expect as far
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as congress is concerned, if concern were to pass legislation this weekend and funding, are states automatically out of the residual s there effect of having deadline past so far? guest: there is a little bit of effect, the real problem will come if we don't or some way zation of addressing the funding month.alls this i think macpac made a recommendation to congress in year to f this reauthorize the program. i think at that time, i would told you that there was a take hit congress would action in the summer to avoid the situation we are now seeing. would sees thought we the action taken before the program expires in september and then we got to see action before we start seeing actual short falls. what is going to happen, a have not yet es
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done the kind of things you would expect a state to do when going to shut down a program, they have been expecting the funding to come through. normally if a state was going to shut down a program, you will notices, make change necessary call center and make ork on necessary budgets. happened.not states have been working on ontingency plans, anticipate thanksgiving possibility and working up plans for what they would do. they have been trying to hold off, they don't want to execute plans if the funding will become available. host: have you ever seen instance where the program is passed this deadline? first no, this is the time we've encountered this. we had a small delay at one in the program's
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history, but did not have anything like these kinds of effects, where we had so many states pulling down, sing carry-over money and reddistribution funding. program, impact of the you provide information, do you hear back? guest: we do. have always heard strong support for the program, it is one of the reasons why the recommended a reauthorization of the program felt it had s, we proven itself successful. it was better for families than alternatives, it had significantly reduced the number -- helped significantly number of uninsured children in the country. a state-run program. states had fair amount of flexibility under the program to way they wanted to shape it. we felt all those things were and while there
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was some conversation in the commission about -- well, maybe broadly about children's coverage and how medicaid and chip and private employer basedand coverage work together, the commission felt like the first do is do no to harm and the program has contributed to the success we've children's health, let's make sure that is there efore we start thinking about how to address and improve more comprehensively what children's overage looks like in this country. host: children's health insurance program, our topic. mountain and or pacific time zones. hen chip recipients, 202-748-8002. 202-748-8000 for eastern and zones.l time jean in alabama, you are first macpac.nny thompson of go ahead, you are on. go : gene from alabama, ahead. caller: yes, i would like to many programs the
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expected to support for children? have three meals a day at computers, give them there are numerous, numerous funded by at are taxpayers for children. is the answer? we can't be responsible for child that is born in this country. had 10 article, a lady children, couldn't afford i had to wonder, when did she decide she couldn't afford diaper? it after the tenth child or the ninth child or the fifth child? okay. we'll let our guest respond. guest: the children's health states e program allows to decide on a variety of for their arameters program n. b
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100,000 peoplee, are covered through the program. gain, states can make lots of decisions about how they want to invest their dollars and the ederal government provides support for that. host: from california, we'll phil, goletta, california, phil, go ahead. caller: hi. was just wondering what capabilities the state think this program? or many states say they don't have the available funds to do so? there any talk about the rats introducing children's health insurance program in the debt ceiling debate? think there is a lot of conversation about where and how this chip reauthorization could place or some kind of emergency funding that could be issues are other addressed through the congress? i think for states, the according to es
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their current situations. as we started talking through states about to preparations for the potential funding, we asked if they were planning, if they had budgeted for that. we have a number of states whose are not in so states made different ecisions and placed different bets on whether reauthorization would happen and what the level would be. funding number of states, if you find resources there would be hallenge with just having the legislative session expire and back to the legislature authorize the necessary funds to continue coverage for this population? host: senator orrin hatch gave comment about chip. going to do chip, no question, it has to be done the right way. having on chip is trouble, we don't have money anymore and just to add more and more pending and more and
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spending, look at the rest of the bill for more and more spending. that o you think about response? guest: again, senator hatch has been a long-time proponent of chip, he was an original co-sponsor of the legislation, at g with senator kennedy, that time. so, i wasn't surprised to see funding the program and i also wasn't express d to see him concern about where the funding coming from, that was not macpac ng that the commission pined on in terms of chip g source for reauthorization. it was my understanding that in somethat was a big part of delay in discussion and debate about where the money would come the host: when he says, we're going to do it in the right way, does concerns aboutny its future or changes to it or does that suggest anything to you? well, the commission made a series of recommendations about the contours of the maintain asically to
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the current status quo, but we robust discussion in committee meetings about level of federal investment and requirements on states, so it would not surprise me and does not concern me that the congress conversations along lines.same host: next call is rob from michigan. you are on, go ahead. good : i have a comment, morning, mrs. thompson. i think the federal government needs to get out of state's 100%, we'd be much better off. thank you. guest: there is always tension in federal-state programs around the state ands of how the federal government provides support and financial and so forth. so, you know, there's some people look at that as healthy and a useful kind of tension for the country and ther people think it would be better to just allow the states to go their own ways or for the take up overnment to
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some responsibilities directly. host: by and large states operate without a federal system? guest: that's correct. correct. substantial amount of federal money moving to states activities f these to provide health insurance for low income population. olklore affordable care act allows children up to certain age to be part of that, does who give recourse to those might be left out if they lose chip money? guest: the children that are funded, but in medicaid programs, will continue to receive coverage through medicaid, at least through the end of 2019. under some of the provisions, affordable care act, if we look at 9 million children that here by chip, over 5 million of those are in continue nd they'll coverage, but the states will have to come up with additional to support their coverage. host: next call is barbara, she from red oak valley,
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california. hi, penny. guest: hi. morning, thank you for taking my call. i want to clarify something. hen you started talking, you mentioned the children that were n this program were from wealthy families? why are arify that and we taxpayer dollars going toward is ahy families when there big problem with the poor receiving o are healthcare insurance through obamacare? much, thatnk you very is certainly not the case. they are higher income than under medicaid, but that does not make them wealthy families. are covered hat under the chip program live in households with family income of 200% of federal poverty level and lower. ost: aside from financial requirements, what other
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requirements are necessary for those under the program? limit? the age other factor? caller: there are children are age 19 and the way in which the states operate programs, they have different many times eligibility younger children versus older children and handle them differently in their little there is a difference among the states as to how they handle say newborns versus how they handle younger children and older children. medical, dentalt included, other services included? a medical immediate and dental service included. michigan, brian in ichigan, brian from catskill, hello. caller: good morning. thank you, mrs. thompson. notice the reason minnesota is going bankrupt, high degree of reasons and arizona, the hey are going bankrupt, high
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degree of immigrants. system is being drained by refugees, that is why states are letting the plans go. programs that n they collect from and that none of them are americans, that is system is being drained. you guys are beating around the anything mentioning about that. thank you very much. host: penny thompson, truth to that? limitations on what states can do in terms of noncitizens, so mostly in medicaid and chip, there is a five-year bar to immigrants receiving services. there are some exceptions to refugees are one exception, as are veterans and their families or individuals victims of sexual trafficking. hear from tennessee, we'll next from rachel. rachel, you are on. hey there.
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you know, omment on, when the certain members of to ress talk about we want spend more and more and more, as far as social programs. have no problem a trillion a year in to nse, instead of going health care and education, we bombs ton of money on terrorizingthat are several countries across the globe. if you look at also the profit pharmaceutical companies, the profit of the defense that get our tax 13% tax break pay putting back into the u.s. society. hear any politicians and that on that fact
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is, you can tell everything bout country and society with how they treat the least among us. richest country in the world, we have 50 million eep nel poverty, i find it disgraceful. host: thank you. caller: thank you, rachel for that. the commission, we don't have the hard work trying to balance a lot of these different kinds of priorities, but we certainly felt strongly that the reauthorizedt to be having proven itself to be successful in achieving its goal. we have a viewer who asks how the chip program treats adoptive children? guest: that's a good question. areink most foster children covered under medicaid, i'm not sure about chip. melanie, in waldarf, aryland, good morning, you're
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next. caller: good morning, thanks for taking my call. needs mother to a special child. how is this going to impact me families that have these situations with special very children that have rare conditions and rely on medicaid? melanie, cans what, you give an example? caller: sure. my daughter is under the rem program, which is part of medicaid. nd if you're talking about funding will be cut, how will situations be impacted? will you also be looking at the all be on or will it hether funding is available or not? can you explain that? guest: i wasn't sure if you were saying your child is covered or medicaid. the first, just to be clear on this point, reauthorization talking about is for the children's health insurance program, which goes under in different s states.
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it can sometimes be difficult to your child or not is affected by this or not. again, omething that, states have some options about ow they move children who are affected into different coverage arrangements. hey could decide to bring some children who are not already inside a medicaid program into medicaid program. and they will certainly be families around all of their different options, any ding helping to manage care transitions that are necessary with the plans that well.pacted, as host: how many states decide to operate chip apart from medicaid? have combinations, some of the children usually the lowest income of the range and younger "washington journal" live every day at 7:00 a.m. eastern. coming up, the house voting tonight on going to conference
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with the u.s. senate. live coverage of the house now on c-span. the speaker pro tempore: the house will be in order. the chair lays before the house a communication from the speaker. the clerk: the speaker's rooms, washington, d.c. december 4, 2017. i hereby appoint the honorable bradley byrne to act as speaker pro tempore on this day. signed, paul d. ryan, speaker of the house of representatives. the speaker pro tempore: the prayer will be offered by our chaplain, father conroy. chaplain conroy: let us pray. god of wisdom, we give you thanks for giving us another day. the great comprom


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