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tv   Prime Ministers Questions 12062017  CSPAN  December 11, 2017 12:00am-12:46am EST

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internet providers to get to the commuter -- the consumer of faster quality of service. and thirdly, it preempts or prohibits the state from per hit protecting consumers and protecting competition with the rules.r >> they are very powerful, the sherman act, the clayton act and the federal trade commission act. they are all other states protections as well, what they do not do is prevent state attorney general's from suing internet service providers. announcer: watch "the communicators" monday night at eight p.m. eastern on c-span two. >> during question time on wednesday, british prime minister theresa may took
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questions about president trump's decision to recognize jerusalem as israel's capital, the status of brexit negotiations and funding for cancer research. this is 45 minutes. >> order! questions for the prime minister, ruth george! here, here! question number one. >> the prime minister! here, here. >> mr. speaker, i wish -- i am sure the whole house would wish to join me in offering condolences to the families, friends and colleagues of the police constable who was killed while on motorcycle duty yesterday and to the family and friends of the passenger in the car involved in the collision.
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i am told the house will wish to join me in offering condolences to the family and friends of the former member of this house, jim hood, who was a state for nearly 30 years. i shall have further such meetings later today. ruth george. >> thank you. after two months of funding for three and four-year-olds, she said she cannot make it work. she is having to sell her home to pay for staff redundancy. over 1000 nurseries have already closed and 58% say they cannot continue. if nurseries close,. terrance cannot work. please prime minister, meet with me and other nursery owners to discuss these problems. prime minister: i can say to the honorable lady that i have indeed met with some nursery owners looking at this issue and they have given a clear message. there are parts of the country where local authorities are operating their systems very
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efficiently and very well, and there are parts of a country where that is not happening. of course what underpins this is , the decision taken by this government to improve the childcare offer for parents so they have a better opportunity and ensure their children get the childcare they need. and ensure their children get the childcare they need. protesting] will the prime minister give a quick update on brexit negotiations? don't you agree that post-brexit it is absolutely critical we have training in the construction sector, and now is not the time for the construction issue training board to be proposing to close their site in west norfork, and risk 600 jobs in a rural area? will she discuss this and will she help me in my campaign? [hear! hear!] miss my what can i say to my : honorable friends, he is a great champion of his constituency, he has been a great supporter of the citb.
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i am very happy to support his campaign, i am wishing held that shyam wishing him well and am happy to meet with him. we can indeed build those houses and build the country want to see. what we are doing in the brexit negotiations in is ensuring that we can actually build the country that we want to see and the principles we are working to is protect what is currently being discussed. there is a report on the progress of the negotiations on which basis the european commission will decide whether sufficient progress has been made and we can move on to the next stage of talks. it is those future talks which ensure cross-border trade and maintaining constitutional integrity of the united kingdom. well leaving the european union, the single market and the customs union -- [protesting] we've will do -- we will do -- but we will do what is right in the interests of the whole of
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the united kingdom! and nothing is agreed until everything is agreed. hear! hear!] ! remy corbyn >> thank you, mr. speaker. jeremy corbyn i join the prime : minister in condolences for the police officer and passenger who lost their lives yesterday. i also join the prime minister in paying tribute to the late jimmy hood. he was a good friend of all of us and a great fighter for the coal industry and the mine workers union during the strike and after that during his time here. we thank jimmy for his work for the labor movement. [hear! hear!] speaker inyn mr. , july the international trade secretary said exit negotiations would be the easiest in human history. [laughter] does the prime minister still agree with that assessment? [laughter] prime minister i am pleased to : report to the honorable gentlemen, as i said negotiations are in , in progress.
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[protesting] jeers] prime minister: what my honorable friend has been focusing on is trade negotiations for the future. and indeed because we are , already members of the european union, when we leave, we will not be at the same basis as let's sayip canada was in the negotiations of their trade agreement. we have to get the deal best for the entire united kingdom. what we need to do to be able to do that is to move on to phase two. [hear! hear!] jeremy corbyn: mr. speaker the , prime minister can always look behind her self. [applause] succeeded in convincing many people. yesterday, one tory donor told
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the papers "yesterday proved beyond a doubt that the prime minister is not only week, but , but it is not onlyweak is her incompetence that is hobbling the united kingdom," he wasn't kind about the risk of her front bench either, describing them as a bunch of jellyfish masquerading as a cabinet. [applause] mr. speaker this is truly a , coalition of chaos. at the start of the week it all seemed to be going so well. the prime minister had scheduled a lunch with jean-claude juncker , followed by a press conference. and then it triumphantly returned to the house to present her deal. speaker: order! let me make it clear for the umpteenth time. order. i know what is going on. i can look after these matters. no one in this chamber is going [laughter] no one in this chamber is going to be shouted down. it will not happen.
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if people think they can sit where i cannot see them and make a raucous noise, they are very foolish. jeers] i know where they are in what they're up to and it isn't going to work. [yelling] end of subject. jeremy corbyn. mr. corbyn: thank you, mr. speaker. on her way back to britain, someone forgot to share the details of the irish border deal with the dup. surely, mr. speaker, there are one and a half billion reasons the prime minister should not do that. [laughter] prime minister: i think it is a little difficult to detect the question. as president juncker said on monday, there are still a couple of things we are negotiating. [laughter]
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[jeers] he is confident we will be able to achieve sufficient progress, but if he wants to wonder about plans for negotiation, perhaps he should look at his own front bench! [protest] prime minister the shadow : chancellor used to say staying in the single market was not respecting the referendum. now he says it is on the table. the shadow of brexit -- used to the trade secretary used to say that staying in the customs union was deeply unattractive. now he says it is not off the table. now we know from the shadow chancellor what they're approach really is, it is not having a plan at all. asked what the labour party plan was, the shadow chancellor said -- well, that is difficult for us. [laughter] as we all know the only thing is planning party for is a run on the pound! [hear! hear!]
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speaker, the: mr. prime minister was unable to support the brexit secretary when the deal was supposed to be done in october, but still had not been done by december. the leader of the dup told irish television she only got sight of the deal on monday morning, five weeks after she first asked for it. two months after the original deadline for the phase of talks, and among the shambles, is the prime minister now able to end the confusion and clearly outline what the government's position is now with regard to the irish border? [laughter] prime minister: i am certainly happy to outline the position i have taken on the irish border with northern ireland. it is exactly the same position lancasterk in the house speech, the flowers speech, that we have taken consistently in the negotiations, which is that we
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nol ensure that there was had hard border between republic of ireland and northern ireland. we will do that while we respect the constitutional integrity of the united kingdom. and while we respect the internal market and protect the internal market of the united kingdom. those neighbor members who , that is the whole point of the second phase of the negotiations. [protest] [jeers] because we will deliver this, we aim to deliver this as part of our overall trade deal between the united kingdom and the european union. and we can only talk about this phase two. into we have a plan, he has not! [hear! hear!] phase two. we have a plan, he hasmr. speak
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mr. korman 18 months after the : referendum, the prime minister is unable to answer the question. and on monday -- and on monday -- on as she thought she was monday, coming here to make a statement, it was vetoed by the leader of the dup. the tail really is wagging the dog hear! [hear! hear!] mr. speaker the brexit secretary , told the bbc program in june, " in my job, i don't think out loud and i do not make guesses. i try and make decisions. you make those based on data. the data has been gathered. we have 50, nearly 60 analyses done." this house voted to see those analyses. but today, the brexit secretary told the select committee they actually do not exist. [laughter] can the prime minister put us out of our misery? do they exist, or don't they? have they done the work, or haven't they? surely, that is one question she can answer after 18 months.
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[hear! hear!] prime minister may can i make a : gentle suggestion to the opposition? he asked me a question on the northern irish border. i answered the question. he then stood up and said i had not answered the question. perhaps he should listen to the answers. [hear! hear!] . the house requested as i understand it 58 sectoral impact assessments. there are no 58 impact assessments. ofre was over 800 pages sectoral analysis which has been published and made available to the select committee and it has been made available for members of this house see it. we are very clear that we will not give a running commentary on a negotiations. [laughter] what we will do is work for what
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this country once. we will ensure we leave the european union in march 2019. we will leave the internal market, we will leave the customs union at the same time and we will ensure that there is no hard border between northern ireland and the republic of ireland. mr. speaker jeremy corbyn! mr. speaker this really , is a shambles. all they have done is offer a heavily redacted, abbreviated version, that is not been widely shared. the brexit secretary said in september, mr. speaker, that a 50 billion pound divorce payment was complete nonsense. he rejected any payment and said that eu could go whistle, that was the foreign ministry. can the prime minister put before the house a fully itemized account of that could
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independently audited by the budget security on any proposed payment? prime minister we have not agreed -- we're at the point of progressing to the next stage. nothing is agreed until everything is agreed. it won't be agreed until we have the whole of the deal agreed. i have to say to the right, honorable gentleman, he asked me questions about hard borders. half the labor market once the -- once to stay in the single party and the other half once to leave. speaker: corbyn! jeremy corbyn 18 months since : the referendum, no answers to the question. today they have not yet concluded phase one, no answers du be questions, and the appears to be ruling the roost and telling her what to do. whether it is brexit, the national health service, health
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care, our rail services, rising child poverty, or universal credits, growing pension property, this government is unable to solve important issues facing this country coming been[hear! hear!] in fact, it is making them worse. the economy is slowing, more people in poverty, brexit negotiations in a shambles. this government is clearly not fit for the future. [hear! hear!] if they can't negotiate a good deal, wouldn't it be better if they just got out of the way? [applause] prime minister can i say to the : right, honorable gentleman, week in and week out he comes to this house making promises he knows he cannot deliver. and they keep doing it. at the election he told students they could write off their student debt. and then he said i did not commit to write off the debt. then what are the labour party
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doing? they are putting around leaflets saying they will cancel existing student debt. applause] prime minister it is time the : right and honorable gentleman apologize for the misleading pamphlet! mr. speaker order. : order. closed question, mr. michael fabricant. question five. [jeers] prime minister i am pleased to : say employment has risen by 198,000 in the west midlands since the 2008 elections. the chancellor confirmed that people living in the west midlands will benefit from the deals and a 250 million pounds allocation... >> mr. speaker, the devolution deal, the budget and now the establishment of the national factory, are in the center in
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the west midlands, but so whole -- puts the whole region at the very heart of european autonomous drive and electric drive cars. so, will my right honorable friend commit to continue to , support this important industry? and will she make an important promise to me? !] ooo >> will she get rid of that gas guzzler jaguar of hers at number 10 downing street, and get a modern jaguar, and electric one, from the west midlands? because we are the party of the future, not the old dinosaurs opposite. [applause] prime minister perhaps i could : give some -- perhaps i could -- perhaps i could just let my honorable friend know that
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sadly, the jaguar at number 10 downing street is not mine. [laughter] but my humble friend is absolutely right that west midlands is that the heart of this important industry. we are investing 31 million pounds for the development of testing infrastructure and testing autonomous vehicles. and we will also build on the west midlands expertise in self driving cars, an initial 5g. and i certainly look forward to seeing this technology developing further. [jeers] >> thank you, mr. speaker. can i take remarks about the late jimmy hood and pass on condolences. i am sure the house will want to join me in welcoming billy from one of the chennai 6. mr. speaker the deal done with , the dup to keep the prime minister in office gave the dup a veto over brexit. it is embarrassing it was
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being briefed on monday morning that the prime minister had a deal, only to take it off the table after a call with the dup. is that a prime minister who is in office but not in power? [jeers] prime minister: what we are doing is working for the whole of the united kingdom. particular circumstances in northern ireland because it is the one part of the united kingdom that shares a land border with a country that will be remaining in the european union. but as we look ahead during the negotiation, as the honorable gentleman will know, we are consulting and talking. with all parts of the united kingdom the welsh government and , scottish government. we want to ensure that we get the right deal for the united ,ingdom, a deal that i set out we will be leaving the european union the customs market, the , single market, but get a good trade deal for the future. >> young blackbird! the clock is ticking and we need
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>> mr. speakerthe clock is ticking and we need a deal that , keeps us in the single market and customs union. otherwise you will devastate our economy and cost jobs. will the prime minister recognize that such a deal will dissolve the irish order question and protect jobs in the united kingdom? anything less will be a failure of leadership. [hear! hear!] prime minister: i have to say to the honorable gentleman that he continues to bark up the wrong tree. leaving the european union means we believe the single market and the customs union. we will take back and ensure that we could do trade deals around the rest of the world. and that will be important for to important in reference jobs, in ensuring jobs in this country. we will get a good deal on trade in securities. this is not just about trade. for our future relationship, i set out in my floor and speech the deep and special partnership we want to continue to have for with the european union that is , about a trade deal, but ensures prosperity for the rest of the united kingdom.
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>> just politely observed that the front bench exchanges have absorbed a disproportionately determined that i am to accommodate backbenchers who are waiting to ask their questions. mr. alex chalk. [hear! hear!] speaker the bottleneck , continues to create terrible accidents in gloucester. there is a vital consultation stage of the shortlisted improvement proposal will begin shortly. does the prime minister agree that by committing hundreds of millions of pounds to this crucial project, this government is backing the gloucestershire economy? [hear! hear!] myme minister: i know honorable friend, we have been working tirelessly on in this issue the concerns and and we understand the concerns and frustration for drivers in his constituency and elsewhere have about the vital, strategic road. not just for that town but for the wider region as well i am happy to assure him we have a development of a roundabout
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which was announced in the 2014. consultation will begin shortly so we can develop the right solution to tackle this pinch point and continue support, which as he says, goes to the whole of the gloucestershire economy. >> the prime minister has been unable to provide us with a single, plausible brexit scenario to meet her deadline, and be acceptable for her cabinet, for ireland and for the du p. isn't it time for her to drop her red lines? [hear! hear!] prime minister she is completely : wrong. this government has published a number of documents which is out -- which set out the various options that can be taken forward in relation to the trade relationship for the future to address the question of the customs a relationship, the relationship between customs and the issue of the northern ireland border.
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we have already published those proposals. those details are not part of the negotiations at this very moment they will become part of , the negotiations when we move on to phase two. mr. speaker [calls the name] moment they will become part of >> thank you mr. speaker. when the british people voted to leave the european superstate, they voted to end the free movement of people, they voted to stop sending billions of billions of pounds to the e.u. every year, and voted to make our laws in our own country judged by our own judges. [hear! hear!] >> prime minister, are we on course still to deliver that? if we have a problem, would it help if i came to brussels with you? [laughter] prime minister: well, i say to my honorable friend i am always , happy to spend time in his company. i hope his petition on chicken farms, the other evening -- the answer is yes, we are on course
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to deliver what the people of this country voted for when they voted to leave the european union. mr. speaker: [calling name] will the prime minister support new transfer nine rail links, namely high-speed, but also their restoration of a link, which as well as providing a economic boost to the towns has the additional merit of starting in the chief constituent? [laughter] prime minister: what can i say to the honorable gentleman? we are of course been supporting this. we were waiting for specific proposals to be brought forward. and of course, we will look at those proposals seriously. mr. speaker mike penning. : i am sure the whole house is >> mr. speakeri am sure the whole house is aware that 40 , years ago today, this house came together and voted for the new charity which has transformed the lives of disabled people and their families. with the prime minister agree charity that was
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started should begin in forward and be given a golden opportunity for disabled people to get into the workplace and enjoy everything else in this country? [hear! hear!] prime minister i am grateful to for marking the 40th anniversary and i am very happy to join you in marking that. i look forward to becoming a senior patron. they do excellent work, the disabled. enabling them to become more active. there are more people with a disability card today than there were in 2010. but can i also wish my right honorable friend well? as i understand, he will be going to the palace tomorrow to receive his knighthood. [hear! hear!] >> thank you, mr. speaker. in light of the news today of the attempted terrorist attack, cannot assure her of our writers for her and for the government and think about the security forces for their sterling efforts?
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prime minister can you give us a , sure meant nothing creates a barrier economically or constitutionally, or regulatory between northern ireland and the rest of the united kingdom? prime minister: can i say please to the honorable gentleman, can i say to him that the simple answer to his question is, yes. he will know, as other members of this house will, that there are already areas where there are specific arrangements between northern ireland and the republic of ireland. but we want to ensure that there was no hard border. we're also working to respect the constitutional integrity of the united kingdom and protect the internal market of the united kingdom. i think we share those aims. mr. speaker: douglas ross! ross the prime minister will be : aware of scottish report issued yesterday, that up to one
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million consumers pay 30% more to parcels delivered in the rest of the country. in my constituency this is a huge issue. the ridiculous prices for them to be delivered to our area. in some cases companies refuse to deliver at all can you tell me what the u.k. government can do to ensure we write this wrong once and for all? prime minister: my honorable friend is right to raise this issue and speak up for his constituents in this way. i'm sure he knows we provide the united postal service five days a week at a uniform price. but there are commercial issues at play outside this service. but i'm sure the business secretary would be happy to meet with him and discuss the issue. the recognition by donald trump of jerusalem as the capital of israel will do grave damage to the prospects for a just and lasting peace settlement between israelis and palestinians which
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has been british and american indeed foreign policy for decades. was she consulted about this announcement, and if so, what did she say? and will she here and now unequivocally and clearly, , condemn it? [hear! hear!] prime minister i say to the : right and honorable gentlemen, i am intending to speak to president trump about this matter. our position has not changed. he says it has been a long-standing one and a clear one that the state of jerusalem should be determined in a negotiated settlement between israelis and palestinians and jerusalem should ultimately form a shared capital between the israeli and palestinian state as we continue to support the two state solution. we recognize the importance of jerusalem and our position on
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the matter has not changed. today, astrazeneca and many other companies and charities are investing in british science genetics. does my honorable friend agree that this investment in science and research underpins not only jobs but also a revolution and medical treatment which will save lives and give hope to many patients? [hear! hear!] prime minister i absolutely : degree with my honorable friend. what she highlighted is a very important sector for the united kingdom. i welcome the investment that she has referred to, which is why this is one of the sectors given importance in the being industrial strategy that my business secretary has published, because it is exactly an area where we see benefits here in the u.k. for investment, jobs in the u.k., but also as she said for improving , treatments available to patients and improving their lives. mr. speaker: dr. alan whitehead?
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>> when the prime minister rings president trump up to express our concern about his moves concerning jerusalem and the u.s. embassy, will she also be ... informing president trump that we will be proceeding to recognize the state of palestine as a central part of keeping the two-state process underway? [hear! hear!] prime minister we want to see a : negotiated settlement between the israelis and palestinians. we believe that should be based on a two state solution. that there should be a a viable palestinian state, but also a secure and safe israel. that should be a matter of negotiation -- four negotiation between the two already's. >> mr. speaker the whole house , will support what the prime minister said last week in the middle east on her visit about the unfolding humanitarian catastrophe in yemen. will she continue to provide the maximum amount of pressure to lift both the humanitarian and
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commercial blockade, and use britain's good auspices at the united nations to secure a resumption of some sort of political peace process which is inclusive and does not have any preconditions? prime minister my friend has : raised a very important issue and i'm sure everyone across this house is concerned about the humanitarian crisis we have the spiraling in yemen and lingering threat of famine there. i did indeed raise my concerns when visiting saudi arabia last week. i made it clear that the u.k.'s view is that we not only want to see the border open for humanitarian vessels, aid to be able to get in but it should be , commercial vessels as well, it is absolutely crucial and important. he references the need for peace talks that is our top priority. , the best way to have a long-term solution and bring long-term stability is to have a political solution and we will continue to support efforts of
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the un's special envoy and play a leading role in diplomatic efforts to ensure a political solution can be reached. mr. speaker at them brown? >> mr. speaker there was a deal , [indiscernible] there was a cut to scotland's budget. values, look at the there has been a $2.5 billion -- 2.5 billion pound cut to the scottish budget, and a hundred 40 million pound cut to -- [indiscernible] cost scotlandese 265 million pounds. [laughter] [jeers] premised are it is time that : when he stood up, he actually looked at the facts. if my scottish conservative colleagues --[jeers] budget,d looked in the
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he might obviously have noticed that i am happy to see that as a result of this budget, 2 billion pounds extra will come to scotland to me bank mr. speaker annemarie travalian. :>> thank you, mr. speaker. they set out to reform the school curriculum. does the prime minister agree with me that yesterday's reading results are a vindication of our reforms and our amazing teachers check our efforts which allow our children to perform at a global level? prime minister: i think her because she has raised a very important issue and i am happy , to agree on this. the u.k.'s revolution in phonics has dramatically improved school standards. fit payuld like to particular tribute to my friend the minister of school
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, standards, who has worked tirelessly to this end. in his time here in his house, but also pay tribute to the hard work of teachers up and down the country. we have adjusted the figures. in 2012, 50 8% of six-year-olds were reading at good level. this year, it has risen to 81%. we are indeed building a briton , fit for the future. [applause] >> the prime minister wrote an open letter saying you citizens -- eu citizens living in the u.k. would be allowed to stay. but this week, my constituent was told that she would have to wait until brexit was done and take their chances. can the prime minister tell us are the e.u. , citizens living here just pawns in the president negotiations or will you change , the operating systems to ensure they can stay? [hear! hear!] prime minister the position on
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: e.u. citizens is the position of the united kingdom. the government, as i suggest, to the honorable lady, if she has not complained -- that she sends that information to the immigration office? prime minister john barron? the all party group on cancer >> yesterdaythe all party group on cancer held its annual , britain against cancer conference, the largest in the u.k., tommunity in the lunch our report on the cancer strategy. many good things were happening. but there was one issue causing real concern to frontline services. that is the delay in the release of the transformation funding to those frontline services, courtesy of an additional requirement applied to the funding after the bidding process closed. having discussed it with the secretary of state, who is a jolly chap, could the prime minister meet with me to discuss this further?
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[laughter] prime minister: thank you. can i say to my honorable friend of course it is an important , issue. we have as he said, seen some great progress being made, providing the highest cancer care for all patients. survival records are now at a record high. around 7000 more people are surviving cancer, compared to three years ago. after the successful nhs treatment. of course we want to do more in relation to this issue he has , raised a specific point. i understand the department of health are adopting a phased approach to investment. as a matter of national cancer program does it do that, and i would be happy to meet my honorable friend and discuss this. speaker: [calling name] >> thank you, mr. speaker. contrary to her previous answer, only the prime minister's government could remove barriers to universal credit in scotland, england and wales and northern ireland. will she answer this question again this time? will she end accrual requirement -- the cruel requirement for people across the u.k. who do not want to know they are
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dying, the self certify on universal credit? [hear! hear!] prime minister: can i say to the honorable gentleman, this is an issue that i would ask the secretary of state, work and pensions to look at. we are working on how universal credit is rolled out and how that is dealt with in relation to individuals. but i am sure that he will understand that there are particular things that apply to people and particular circumstances which can only the job centers are aware of the particular circumstances. i will make sure that they are aware of it. mr. speaker jacob reese. : before my honorable friend >>before my honorable friend next goes to brussels, i fear on -- will she apply a new coat of lines?o her red because i fear on monday, they are beginning to look a little pink? [laughter]
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prime minister i can happily say : to my honorable friend, the principles on which this government is negotiating was set out in the lancaster house, set out in the florence speech, and those principles remain. prime minister: calling name] >> this morning, the metropolitan police service talked about violent crime, including the scorch of scooter-assisted crying. -- scooter-assisted crime. robberies up 30% in london, police service in london faces a 400 million pound, that will drive police numbers down in the lowest in 20 years and lost 198 police officers. does the prime minister still think we have the police resources we need? [hear! hear!] i would say to the honorable lady we have not , reduce the metropolitan police budget, we are protecting the police budget. i repeat as i said before, there is more money for each london or -- and more officers for each
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london or than anywhere else in the country. it is up for the mayor of london to decide how our budget is spent. she also raised the important issue of scooter or moped crime. i am pleased to say that my right honorable friend, the home secretary held the roundtable , with others in the home office to look at how this could be better addressed. calling next name] >> the industrial strategy identifies the world will need 60% more food by 2050. as we leave the e.u., will the prime minister commit to supporting our farmers? [hear! hear!] prime minister: i am very happy to commit to supporting our farmers. markets for british food are growing around the world. we want to see them grow further. leaving the e.u. means we will have an opportunity to design a cultural -- a new approach to agricultural policy. to grow more, sell more and world-classof their products. what we will be doing is ensure
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we have an agricultural policy that meets the needs of the united kingdom. [mr. speaker calling name] >> thank you, mr. speaker. this week, motor manufacturers announced a year on year drop in car sales of over 11%. they blame confusion caused by the government's incoherent policy on clean air and diesel, budget measures, and uncertainty caused by brexit. this industry is vital for both the national economy and jobs. what is the government going to do to turn this around? prime minister: i would say to the honorable gentleman, if he id listened to the answers gave to mr. litchfield earlier he would've heard how we are , supporting the automotive industry, crucially supporting the future of the automotive industry. we recognize its importance for the west midlands and the united and him as well.
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we are very clear in our industrial strategy that we will be supporting the jobs and prosperity for the future. [mr. speaker calling name] >> thank you, mr. speaker. my friend confirms she is aware of the strong enthusiasm for free trade deals in the u.k. with countries like canada, japan, the united states and australia and even for all participation in the trans-pacific partnership. but none of these opportunities will come our way if we remain shackled to e.u. regulations after we have left the e.u. [hear! hear!] prime minister i am very happy : to say to my honorable friend that i do recognize the enthusiasm around the rest of the world for us to do trade deals with other countries. i am happy to say that in australia we recently discussed these opportunities. when i go around the world i also hear the same message from a whole variety of countries that want to do trade deals with us in the future.
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we went to ensure we get a good trade deal with the european union and the freedom to negotiate these trade deals around the world. [hear! hear!] [mr. speaker calling name] >> thank you, mr. speaker. on monday evening during the opening speeches of the e.u. bill, the bench showed its true colors. they revealed the imperial british government's intentions spelled out in red, white and blue. what the prime minister care to the committee -- it is a power grab, and what a wonderful power grab it is too. >> or will she admit the scramble to repatriate power from brussels provides a grubby excuse to deny our democratic rights in wales? [jeers] >> prime minister i think the honorable lady knows full well that what my honorable friend was saying, what we will be doing when we leave the european union is grabbing power back from brussels to the united kingdom and that is exactly right.
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[hear! hear!] expectlowing that, we do to see a significant increase in the decision-making power of the administration as a result of that. and that is absolutely right. they are saying they want to see powers in brussels we take a , different view. we want those powers to be here in the united kingdom. { speaker calling name] >> thank you, mr. speaker. today, shortlisted cities are making their final pitch in the campaign to be named the u.k. city of culture in 2021. will the prime minister join me in wishing every success in their bid to become the next capital culture for britain? [hear! hear!] [jeers] >> i would be very happy to visit that city on a number of occasions, and my honorable friends is a champion for stoke-on-trent. but i have been asked about a number of other cities from the
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united kingdom. i'm sure all of those have extremely good taste to be recognized in his way. >> thank you. mr. speaker: order let me bang announcer: you have been watching the prime minister's questions from the british house of commons. live ont -- watch it wednesdays at 7 a.m. eastern, or sundays at 9 p.m. right here on c-span. you can also go to to find more videos of the prime minister's questions. there was a, hearing on sexual harassment in the workplace and that attitudes and behaviors that lead to harassment and sexism in the culture. conservative member maria miller chaired the hearing.


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